REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

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Page 1: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum


Page 2: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Reaching New Heights 2

Letter from the President 4

Letter from the Foundation Chair 5

Evolving Undergraduate Education 6

Generations of Impact 10

Taking Initiative 14

Building on Success 18

A Responsive University 22

Financial Report 26

Foundation Report 30

Honor Roll of Donors 34

Administration 76

University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum delivered the spring undergraduate Commencement address. They urged the graduates of the class of 2018 to follow their dreams and passions and closed their remarks with a beautiful rendition of “Georgia on My Mind.”


Page 3: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

2 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report Reaching New Heights 3

NEW HEIGHTSREACHINGIn the summer of 2013, the University of Georgia cast a bold vision for the future, a vision to reach new heights of excellence across every facet of its mission. Five years later, with dedicated faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends leading the way, that vision is becoming a reality.

Today, our outstanding students are completing their degrees and securing employment at unprecedented rates. The talented faculty who teach them are pushing the boundaries of knowledge, creating new technologies, and making discoveries to help people at home and around the world. The University’s positive impact is expanding all across Georgia. New partnerships with communities and organizations continue to form, and existing ones grow even stronger. Loyal alumni and friends are supporting the mission of the University at a level unimaginable five years ago, enabling new projects, initiatives, and programs to take flight.

Never before has this University experienced a period of such tremendous success and achievement, and—as the pages of this report illustrate—this path of profound transformation and impact is only just beginning. It is a special time at a special place, and the future of our University has never looked brighter.





























$374M $410M $4








$0FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18



FY13FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18














Page 4: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

The conclusion of the 2018 Fiscal Year marks another exceptional year in the storied history of the University of Georgia—the birthplace of public higher education in America. It also marks the end of my fifth year serving as UGA’s President. With unprecedented support from our alumni and friends, UGA has reached new heights of excellence across all areas of our mission. Before taking this role, I never thought it would be possible to accomplish as much as we have together in such a short period of time.

Over the past five years, fundraising has skyrocketed. Annual donations have increased 106 percent to $242 million—indicating an expanded culture of giving at this institution. Our gener ous donors have established 523 scholarships for students to attend UGA, transforming lives for generations to come. Alumni and friends also have created 62 endowed faculty positions to recruit and retain lead-ing scholars and scientists.

The University’s academic metrics are soaring as well. Applications for undergraduate admissions have increased by 30 percent over the past five years, and each class of incoming students has sur-passed its predecessor in terms of academic qualifications. And, more importantly, our students are excelling in the classroom as measures of student success continue to reach record levels.

UGA also has launched several major hiring initiatives to magnify the impact of our vital teaching, research, and service missions. The University’s total research and development expenditures are up nearly 30 percent over the past five years—at $453 million in FY18—and our economic impact on the state is now estimated at $5.7 billion.

The physical footprint of this University has transformed over the past five years. In fact, since I took office, 1.7 million square feet of facilities space has been constructed or renovated to enhance the academic mission. UGA has built a new Science Learning Center, Business Learning Commu-nity, a residential facility in Washington, DC, and an Indoor Athletic Facility, among other critical facilities projects.

These and many other achievements were reached because—united and determined—our stu-dents, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends worked together to help UGA expand the boundaries of what is possible. And, we are not done yet. As you will see in the pages that follow, the University has launched a number of new initiatives to expand scholarship support for our students, further enhance our learning environment, and solve grand challenges for our state, nation, and world.

As we continue our important work, I remain deeply grateful to the entire UGA family for its sup-port and dedication to advancing our beloved University. I am honored to serve as this great institu-tion’s President, and I am excited about all that we will accomplish together in the years ahead.

For more than 80 years, the UGA Foundation has been serving the University of Georgia. The last five years, during which I’ve had the honor of serving on the UGA Foundation board in a leadership role, have been among the most exciting years in its long history. Success metrics continue to trend upward, thanks, in part, to the UGA Foundation, its trustees, and its generous donors, all of whom are committed to the University of Georgia.

This year, the board has focused on implementing its newly adopted strategic plan, and I’d like to thank our vice chair, John Crawford, for leading this effort. Under his leadership, we have successfully restructured our board to best leverage the talents of our trustees and fulfill the foundation’s mission.

The UGA Foundation Board of Trustees is among the most loyal of UGA advocates. All of the board’s members contribute financially to support UGA Foundation priorities. Notably, more than half of the trustees have established a Georgia Commitment Scholarship. Most of them also give even more of themselves, including much of their precious time. They have hosted events, met with donors, spoken to classrooms, and written notes, all in the name of enriching the quality of education at the University of Georgia.

I’m thrilled to welcome a new class of trustees. These individuals are passionate about the University and its students, and I know they are also ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work. I’m confident that their dedication and involvement will make us even better and help us to reach even more students.

Working alongside President Morehead is a great privilege. Like him, we want to see this University and its students succeed. We support the initiatives and programs that he has set forth, and we share his vision for continuing to propel this University forward. I am exhilarated about the year ahead, as I know we’re only just beginning.

Letters 54 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report





Page 5: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Evolving Undergraduate Education 76 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report


Once reserved for business and high-tech fields, the data revolution has expanded to all sectors of human endeavor. Data literacy is no longer optional for success in our democracy

and our economy: It is imperative. For that reason, the University is developing a proposal to ensure data literacy is a cornerstone of undergraduate education by fall 2019.

The world awaiting today’s college graduates is changing rapidly. It is becoming more data and information driven, propelled by an endless groundswell of new technologies. Its challenges are growing in number, scale, and complexity, demanding new partnerships and approaches that span academic disciplines and skill sets. To prepare UGA students to be successful in this evolving world, the University must evolve along with it, and—thanks to the President’s Task Force on Student Learning and Success—it is.

In February 2017, President Morehead charged the task force with identifying opportunities to strengthen the rigorous educational experiences of our students, inside and outside the classroom. Ten months later, after intensive study, the group delivered its response: a series of strategic recommendations to align undergraduate education more closely with the changing realities of

the world around us. The University community quickly endorsed these recommendations and began mobilizing to implement them.

Recommendations of the Task Force on Student Learning and Success included:

• Elevate writing and data literacy across the curriculum

• Transform classrooms and courses to expand active learning

• Enhance support for first-year students, transfer students, and students from rural areas

• Engage students more deeply in the grand challenges of our time

• Promote team-based learning to foster collaboration and problem-solving skills

• Build a faculty mentoring program around best practices in teaching and learning

Vice President for Instruction Rahul Shrivastav and Vice President for Student Affairs Victor Wilson co-chaired the President’s Task Force on Student Learning and Success. The task force’s recommendations, which were presented in December 2017, are now guiding the continued evolution of UGA’s world-class learning environment.

Rahul ShrivastavVice President for


Victor WilsonVice President for

Student Affairs

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Evolving Undergraduate Education 98 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Following the recomendations of the task force, the University launched the All Georgia Program, a cohort-based initiative for students from rural areas of the state. It combines financial and academic resources with mentorship and leadership opportunities to provide a tailored network of support.

The All Georgia Program is one of many steps the institution is taking to ensure that every student at UGA—regardless of background—is set up to be successful in the classroom and in life after graduation.

A growing body of research points to the effectiveness of active learning techniques in the classroom. These techniques effectively engage students in their education and have been shown to deepen understanding and improve academic performance. UGA is renovating classrooms and revamping courses to expand active learning across campus.

Vice President for Public Service and Outreach Jennifer Frum is chairing a presidential working group focused on deepening undergraduate student learning and engagement around the grand challenges of our time. Frum is ideally positioned to lead this effort as head of UGA’s outreach, engagement, and economic development efforts across Georgia.

Jennifer FrumVice President for Public Service and Outreach


2017-18 RANKINGS

#1 Public Flagship University for AFRICAN AMERICAN PHDs

Page 7: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Generations of Impact 1110 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

OF IMPACTScholarships can transform the lives of students—and their families—for generations to come. It was this powerful idea that launched the Georgia Commitment Scholarship Program in January 2017, with a focus on removing financial barriers for students from low-income backgrounds.

Through the program, the University of Georgia Foundation matches—dollar for dollar—gifts to establish endowed need-based scholarships to double their impact. In FY18, donors established 145 scholarships, bringing the total to 260. Because these scholarships are endowed, they will provide grants every year, in perpetuity, to academically qualified students with unmet financial need. Countless lives and futures will be changed forever by these scholarships.

During the 2017-18 academic year, there were 92 Georgia Commitment Scholarship recipients on campus, including Mitzi Samano Leano, Savonte Wilson, and Cameron Falk, whose stories are featured here. This cohort of students is the first of many that will be impacted by this incredible program.

As a senior in high school, Mitzi Samano Leano (above) had almost everything figured out. With a commitment to service, she knew she wanted a career in dietetics—one where she could help expectant mothers find evidence-based nutritional advice. She also knew UGA was the best place for her to pursue her professional aspirations. The obstacle to Mitzi fulfilling her dream—and becoming a first-generation college student along the way—was fitting college into her family’s budget.

The Ernesto and Jamie Perez Scholarship removed that roadblock. For Ernie Perez, a 1989 Terry College graduate, attending UGA was a transformational experience that resulted in much more than a degree: He left the University with a never-give-up mentality and a strong desire to help others. These characteristics have shaped his life and career, and through the Georgia Commitment Scholarship Program, he has found a way to give Mitzi and future scholars like her the same opportunity he had for a life-changing experience at the University of Georgia.

“Ernie” R. Perez (BBA ’89) and his wife, Jamie, pictured here with their children, were among the first to establish an endowed scholarship through the Georgia Commitment Scholarship Program.

Donors established 260 Georgia Commitment Scholarships by the end of FY18. The goal is to reach 400 by the end of FY20.







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12 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report Generations of Impact 13

When Savonte Wilson learned he was accepted to his dream college, the University of Georgia, he wanted to celebrate—but then reality dampened his spirits. Even with a handful of scholarships, he could not find a way to bridge the financial gap to attend UGA without taking out considerable loans, and his family was hesitant about him assuming debt.

Eventually, Savonte learned he would be the first recipient of the Beth and Barry Storey Family Scholarship. Needless to say, this scholarship was a life-changer. Barry Storey, a proud graduate of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, has lived a life guided by two important principles: working hard and giving back to the places that matter. It is only fitting that he chose to establish a Georgia Commitment Scholarship at his alma mater to help ensure that hardworking and talented students like Savonte can receive a world-class education at one of the nation’s top public research universities.

Cameron Falk always aspired to be a Georgia Bulldog, but finances stood in his way. A world of opportunities opened up to Cameron when he received the Childs Family Scholarship. Now he is determined to seize every opportunity available to him at the University. His academic pursuits in finance, international business, and Spanish have only been part of his UGA experience. Since arriving on campus in August 2017, Cameron has networked with alumni, completed internship opportunities, and studied abroad in Argentina. The Georgia Commitment Scholarship Program has helped Cameron meet like-minded students and grow quickly accustomed to college life. This fall, he is a resident assistant at Russell Hall. As the inaugural recipient of the Childs Family Scholarship, which was established by Jim Childs (BBA ’90) and Natalie Childs (BBA ’90), Cameron had the memorable opportunity to meet one of his donors. Jim Childs is a UGA Foundation Trustee and a longtime supporter of the University of Georgia. He and Natalie established this scholarship to pave the way for students who aspire to be the business leaders of the future.

Jim Childs (BBA ’90), pictured above with Cameron, is a UGA Foundation Trustee and a longtime supporter of the University.

Barry (BSA ’82), a UGA Foundation Trustee, and Beth Storey are loyal UGA supporters and established their Georgia Commitment Scholarship in 2017.

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14 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report Taking Initiative 15

M. Stephen Trent (center), the UGA Foundation Distinguished Professor of Infectious Diseases, recently received a five-year, $3.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to

optimize vaccine development and administration. Trent was one of five faculty members who were recruited to UGA through the Extraordinary Research Faculty Hiring Initiative.

Faculty are the lifeblood of the University of Georgia. They teach and inspire our outstanding students, preparing them for success after graduation. They conduct research and scholarship to expand human understanding and improve our quality of life. They also apply their expertise in communities throughout Georgia and around the world to build leadership capacity, foster economic development, and address pressing challenges.

The capacity of the University to make a positive difference is tied directly to the strength of its faculty. That is why, over the past five years, UGA has launched a number of major hiring initiatives to recruit more leading scholars and scientists to campus. These initiatives are elevating the University’s capabilities to fulfill its vital missions of teaching, research, and service.





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Taking Initiative 1716 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Esther van der KnaapProfessor of Horticulture

Art EdisonGRA Eminent Scholarin NMR Spectroscopy

Karen NorrisGRA Eminent Scholar in Immunology and

Translational Biomedical Research

WenZhan Song, the Georgia Power Mickey A. Brown Professor of Engineering, was recruited to UGA through the Informatics Hiring Initiative. Song’s research focuses in part on cyber-physical systems, also known as “the internet of things,” which are smart systems that link the physical world with the virtual world of information processing through sensor technology.












Pamela Whitten became President of Kennesaw State University on July 16, having previously served as UGA’s Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost since 2014. Whitten played a key role in advancing several major University initiatives. Libby V. Morris, director of UGA’s Institute of Higher Education and Zell Miller Distinguished Professor of Higher Education, is currently serving as Interim Provost while a national search is being conducted to find the next permanent Provost.

Pamela Whitten Libby V. Morris

Interdisciplinary Hiring Initiative

Targeted faculty members who conduct research across traditional academic disciplines, where many of the world’s most complex problems now reside. Faculty hired through this initiative are working in areas such as mobile health computing technology, poultry health and production, and biological imaging and brain mapping.

Georgia Research AllianceEminent Scholars

Since 2015, the University has recruited six Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholars, bringing the total to 18. These highly accomplished scientists have two goals: 1) to conduct research that address-es the grand challenges facing the world and 2) to do so while fostering science- and technology-based economic development.

Investing in the Sciences

Aimed at faculty with funded research portfolios in science disciplines. Scientists recruited through this initiative are conducting research aligned with UGA’s three Great Commitments: healthier people, a more secure future, and stronger communities.

Investing in the Student Experience I

Focused on faculty members in academic disciplines that are seeing dramatic growth in student demand at UGA, such as engineering, computer science, finance, and biology. This initiative also included hiring additional academic advisors to support undergraduate students pursuing degrees in these high-demand areas.

Investing in the Student Experience II and Investing in the Research Enterprise II

Implemented to expand the impact of the 2017 presidential hiring initiatives.

Investing in the Research Enterprise I

Provided additional start-up funding to attract outstanding faculty members to the University to establish their research programs and contribute to the institution’s growing research enterprise.

Extraordinary Research Faculty Hiring Initiative

Recruited world-class scientists to establish and expand their research programs at UGA. Faculty hired through this initiative are seeking new treatments for deadly infectious diseases, developing tools to diagnose and combat cancer, and developing methods to improve the yield and quality of fruit and vegetable crops.

Small Class Sizes Initiative

Hired more than 50 new faculty members to reduce class sizes in a number of majors. More than 300 new course sections were created through this initiative, the majority with fewer than 20 seats, to promote more personalized instruction and mentorship.

Informatics Hiring Initiative

Expanded instruction and research in the rapidly growing field of informatics. Faculty hired through this initiative are using big data to address challenges ranging from the spread of infectious diseases to securing our nation’s energy grids.

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18 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report Building on Success 19

Construction of Phase I and II of the Business Learning Community was made possible by $49 million in state funds and $49 million in private donations, reflecting the great partnership among the state, the University, and its loyal alumni and friends.

A world-class institution requires world-class facilities. This year, the University advanced a number of critical capital projects to enhance the learning environment, enable cutting-edge research, serve the needs of Georgians, and help UGA’s athletic teams compete at a championship level.

Last September, UGA dedicated Phase II of the Business Learning Community, including three buildings that honor major donors with strong ties to the Terry College: Amos Hall, Benson Hall, and Moore-Rooker Hall. With two large auditoriums, eight classrooms, a capital markets lab, a music business lab, an undergraduate commons, and other features, Phase II—the project’s largest phase—was designed to promote teaching and learning at the highest levels and to ensure graduates of the Terry College are prepared to succeed in the global economy.

The University also broke ground on Phase III of the Business Learning Community, funded by a $42 million public-private partnership. This final phase—with learning spaces designed to promote collaboration among faculty and students—will be composed of two buildings, including Sanford and Barbara Orkin Hall.





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20 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report Building on Success 21

A new home for the Center for Molecular Medicine (above) was dedicated in fall 2017. This $25 million state-of-the-art facility, supported by $17 million in state funds, is allowing the center to expand its work to create new diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive agents for life-threatening diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.

The newly rededicated Agricultural Research Building (above) on the Tifton campus—formerly the Animal and Dairy Science Building—was upgraded with new technology and laboratory space, as well as improved office space and common areas. The renovations, which enable critical agricultural research to support Georgia’s No. 1 industry, were made possible by $5 million in state support.

A project to build a 100,000 square-foot Interdisciplinary STEM Research Building is advancing with over $39 million in support from the state. The building, to be located near other STEM facilities on South Campus, will optimize collaborative interactions and innovations in chemistry, engineering, and related STEM fields for students and faculty.

UGA will be renovating the Boyd Graduate Studies Research Building to provide cutting-edge engineering research facilities for faculty and graduate students. Concurrently, the Driftmier Engineering Center will undergo renovation and expansion to enhance undergraduate instructional lab spaces.

UGA opened turfgrass research and education facilities in Grif-fin, Tifton, and Athens to provide state-of-the-art labs, greenhouses, classrooms, and offices. These new facilities were funded by $11.5 million in state support.

The state invested $5 million to renovate Clark Howell Hall, which houses the Career Center, the Dis-ability Resource Center, and Univer-sity Testing Services. Collectively, these units support more than 27,500 students and visitors per year.

Russell Hall, a first-year residence hall, was renovated to enhance living and common spaces. It reopened to students in August.

2018 FACILITIES PROJECTS(Left) The William Porter Payne and Porter Otis Payne Indoor Athletic Facility was officially named in April to honor former UGA football greats Billy Payne and his father, the late Porter Payne. The naming is the result of gifts totaling more than $10 million secured from friends of the Payne family. Billy Payne and his wife, Martha, are pictured.

(Below) The West End Improvements Project provides a new home locker room for the football team, space to host prospective student-athletes, enhancements to restroom and concession areas, and a new scoreboard and upper plaza. The $63 million project—funded largely by alumni and friends—debuted for the 2018 season.

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22 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report A Responsive University 23

As a land- and sea-grant institution, the University of Georgia continues to evolve to help find solutions to the most pressing challenges of our time. UGA’s response to the growing threat to cybersecurity is a case in point.

Data and new forms of technology have made a transformative impact on the ways that individuals act, businesses operate, and governments serve citizens. While big data and new technology have enhanced access to information, they also have opened the door to a new challenge: cybercrime.

The rising, and increasingly costly, threat of cybercrime is vexing businesses and communities around the world, including in Georgia. Malicious cyber activity costs the U.S. economy between $50-$100 billion a year, according to government estimates.





UGA’s cybersecurity initiatives span its teaching, research, and service missions, helping businesses and communities across Georgia protect against the devastating economic effects of cyberattacks.

The University is also greatly expanding its capacity in informatics, leveraging big data to tackle grand challenges ranging from infectious diseases to food security and economic development.


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24 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

The University of Georgia has recognized these significant challenges in cybersecurity and is applying a multifaceted approach to safeguard critical data and infrastructure in Georgia.

For some time, the UGA Small Business Development Center and the Carl Vinson Institute of Government have been offering technical assistance to Georgia stakeholders regarding cybersecurity. In fall 2017, UGA launched the CyberArch program to connect business and civic leaders with faculty from Public Service and Outreach, the UGA Institute for Cybersecurity and Privacy, and the broader Georgia Informatics Institutes for Research and Education at UGA.

This initiative, which is being piloted in Hart and Spalding counties, provides a collaborative and intensive program that addresses community-identified needs to promote security and economic vitality.

In addition, UGA’s Institute for Cybersecurity and Privacy is advancing interdisciplinary research with implications for economic vitality and national security. Faculty members in this institute are conducting research funded by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Air Force, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, and several corporations.

A Responsive University 25

The University also offers a graduate certificate program in cybersecurity to equip graduate students with cutting-edge cybersecurity and privacy concepts and to contribute to the formation of well-trained cyber defense practitioners and researchers. An undergraduate certificate program in informatics is now available as well. By earning this certificate, undergraduate students can differentiate themselves to employers and gain perspective on an increasingly digital society driven by supply and demand for data.

In January, UGA launched a Presidential Task Force to develop a long-term strategic vision for an innovation district to serve as a hub for innovation, commercialization, and entrepreneurship. Co-chaired by Vice President for Government Relations Griff Doyle and Vice President for Research David Lee, the task force delivered its final report to President Morehead on July 1, and plans now are moving forward to establish an innovation district at UGA.


Sonia HirtCollege of Environment and Design

Kelly M. SmithCollege of Pharmacy

Denise A. SpanglerCollege of Education

Kristen Miller, a UGA Public Service and Outreach professional, is coordinating CyberArch efforts in Spalding County. UGA faculty are engaging with civic and business leaders to better understand issues related to cybersecurity at the local level so the University can help Georgia communities safeguard against cybercrime.

Anna Strickland, a UGA Public Service and Outreach professional, meets with community leaders at Hartwell City Hall to discuss issues related to cybersecurity. Hart County is one of the communities piloting the CyberArch program, which uses UGA expertise to tackle community issues related to cybersecurity.





Griff DoyleVice President for Government Relations

David LeeVice President for Research

The University is preparing the next generation of leaders to address cybersecurity challenges and opportunities by providing students with critical skills related to digital literacy, data management, and information processing.

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From the State of Georgia

for Resident Instruction

for Forestry Research

for Forestry Cooperative Extension

for Skidaway Institute of Oceanography

for Agricultural Experiment Station

for Cooperative Extension Service

for Marine Extension Service

for Marine Institute

for Veterinary Medical Experiment Station

for Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital

for Veterinary Medicine Agriculture Research

From Federal Appropriations

for Agricultural Experiment Station

for Cooperative Extension Service

From Student Tuition and Fees

for Resident Instruction

for Student Activities

From Sales, Services, and Miscellaneous Sources

of Teaching and Service Departments

of Forestry Research

of Forestry Cooperative Extension

of Skidaway Institute of Oceanography

of Agricultural Experiment Station

of Cooperative Extension Service

of Marine Extension Service

of Marine Institute

of Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital

of Athens & Tifton Veterinary Laboratories

of Student Activities

From Gifts, Grants, and Research Contracts

(State, Federal, and Private)**

From Auxiliary Enterprises

From Endowment


26 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report







































































Financial Report 27


*Less than 0.1%**Includes Student Aid

This schedule excludes amounts for Plant Funds.

Source: Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration


(Above) The 77th Annual Peabody Awards Ceremony took place on May 19 in New York City. The Peabody Awards, founded in 1940 at the University of Georgia, honor the most powerful, enlightening, and invigorating stories in television, radio, and digital media.

(Left) Carol Burnett received the first Peabody Career Achievement Award presented by Mercedes-Benz. The honor is reserved for individuals whose work in broadcast media has left an indelible mark on the field. Burnett is known as one of the all-time greats of television comedy. Peabody first recognized Burnett in 1962 with a Personal Award.

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BUDGETARY FUNCTIONInstruction Research Resident Instruction Gwinnett Campus Griffin Campus AU/UGA Medical Partnership Forestry Research Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Agricultural Experiment Station Marine Extension Service Marine Institute Veterinary Medical Experiment Station Athens & Tifton Veterinary Laboratories Veterinary Medicine Agriculture Research Public Service Resident Instruction Gwinnett Campus Griffin Campus Forestry Cooperative Extension Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Cooperative Extension Service Marine Extension Service Athens & Tifton Veterinary Laboratories Academic Support Resident Instruction Gwinnett Campus Griffin Campus AU/UGA Medical Partnership Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Agricultural Experiment Station Veterinary Medical Teaching HospitalStudent Services Resident Instruction Gwinnett Campus Griffin Campus Student Activities Institutional Support Resident Instruction Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Physical Plant Resident Instruction Gwinnett Campus Griffin Campus AU/UGA Medical Partnership Forestry Research Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Agricultural Experiment Station Cooperative Extension Service Marine Extension Service Marine Institute Scholarships and Fellowships Resident Instruction Forestry Research Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Agricultural Experiment Station Cooperative Extension Service Marine Extension Service Auxiliary Enterprises


28 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report


























% TOTAL19.6%24.8%18.7%





















Financial Report 29


In 2018, UGA’s women’s and men’s track and field teams each won their first national championship in program history. The men’s team (above) captured its national championship in June at the NCAA Outdoor Championships in Eugene, Oregon. The team title for the men came three months after the women (below) won the top prize at the 2018 NCAA Indoor Championships in College Station, Texas. The women’s and men’s track and field teams are coached by Petros Kyprianou, who was named 2018 National Women’s Indoor Coach of the Year.

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30 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report


Foundation Report 31



FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18












INVESTING IN THE FUTURE OF UGAAn endowment is an investment in the future of the University of Georgia and a way for a donor to leave a permanent legacy. When an endowment is established with a new donation, the gift is invested with two goals in mind: to provide spendable income for the donor’s specified purpose and to grow the principal faster than inflation. Any investment return over allowed spending is channeled back into the fund to increase growth.

Asset Class June 30 Allocation Asset Characteristics

Publicly Traded EquitiesFixed IncomePrivate EquityHedge FundsReal Assets


Capital appreciation, global diversification, highly liquidCapital preservation and income, highly liquidHigh return potential, illiquidModerate return potential with reduced volatilityInflation hedge and income generation



Returns greater than 1-year have been annualized.

*The Foundation’s fiscal year ended June 30. Investment returns are preliminary, with some investment managers not yet reporting as of the date of publication.

3-year 5-year 10-year0%




8.7% 7.4%6.5% 5.2%


The University of Georgia Foundation supports scholarships, endowed chairs and professorships, and other programs that rely on private funds to enrich the quality of education at the University of Georgia. With $1.3 billion in assets, more than $1 billion of which is endowed, the foundation provides an average of more than $65 million annually to UGA to advance its mission of teaching, research, and public service.

The UGA Foundation’s Board of Trustees oversees the foundation’s work. Trustees lead and promote fundraising activities, accept and steward donor funds, and manage the foundation’s financial assets for the long-term benefit and enhancement of the University. Trustees also offer broad advice, consultation, and support to University leadership.

This year, the foundation provided more support than ever before in its 81-year history, thanks to multiple years of record-setting fundraising as well as an above-benchmark investment return. The foundation also continued matching gifts to endowed scholarships through the Georgia Commitment Scholarship Program, which has established 260 new need-based scholarships since January 2017.

Rebecca Caravati

Chief Financial Officer

Caravati accounts for the foundation’s more than $225 million annual budget. The majority of this budget is managed and spent in accordance with donors’ intent, and the Board of Trustees directs spending associated with discretionary accounts.

Kelly Kerner

Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations and Executive Director of the UGA Foundation

Kerner joined the University of Georgia in June 2014 and remains focused on building a culture of philanthropy. Under his leadership, fundraising has grown exponentially.

Jason Bull

Chief Investment Officer

Bull was hired as the inaugural chief investment officer for the foundation and is responsible for securing a favorable investment return on the foundation’s liquid assets, which have surpassed $1 billion.

Academic Support

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Chair - William W. Douglas IIIRetired, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc.Bishop, GA

Vice Chair - John H. Crawford IVCrawford Investment Counsel, Inc.Atlanta, GA

Treasurer - Stephen M. JoinerTreatment Management CompanyAtlanta, GA

Secretary - Steve C. JonesU. S. District Court JudgeAtlanta, GA

Elected Trustees

Daniel P. AmosAflac IncorporatedColumbus, GA

Kathryn L. AshKathryn Ash InteriorsCharlotte, NC

Allison C. AusbandDelta Air LinesMcDonough, GA

Eleanor F. BanisterRetired, King & Spalding, LLCAtlanta, GA

David M. Battle, Jr.Battle Investment GroupAtlanta, GA

Michael J. BoudensWellington Management CompanyNewton, MA

Garry W. BridgemanGraystone ConsultingA Business of Morgan StanleyAtlanta, GA

Christopher W. BrownBrown|Miller Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo AdvisorsWashington, DC

Elizabeth W. CampDF Management, Inc.Atlanta, GA

Mark B. Chandler, Sr.Habersham Properties, Inc.Atlanta, GA

James W. ChildsBowstring AdvisorsAtlanta, GA

Alston D. Correll, Jr.Correll Family FoundationAtlanta, GA

Victor E. Corrigan IIPiedmont Heart InstituteAtlanta, GA

Richard W. Courts IVAtlantic Realty CompanyAtlanta, GA

Hillel A. FeinbergHilltop Securities, Inc.Dallas, TX

Jennifer D. FlanaganAtlanta, GA

Frank D. Foley IIIThe Concrete CompanyColumbus, GA

Samuel D. Holmes CB Richard EllisAtlanta, GA

Kenneth G. JacksonShaw Industries Group, Inc.Dalton, GA

Emily Dunlap LawsonRetired, Gainesville Mayorand City CouncilGainesville, GA

Russell C. LindnerThe Forge CompanyWashington, DC

John F. Mangan, Jr.JFM Capital, LLCCharlotte, NC

Ted McMullanCovington Investments, LLCAtlanta, GA

C. Read Morton, Jr.Centennial Holding Company, LLCAtlanta, GA

John S. Neel, Jr.The Sanford CompanyMacon, GA

John R. Parker, Jr.Retired, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc.Athens, GA

Thomas H. Paris IIITaylor English Decisions, LLC Atlanta, GA

Neal J. QuirkQuirk & Quirk, LLCAtlanta, GA

Stanley W. SheltonWindham Capital Management, LLCWayland, MA

Stephen W. SmithPeachtree Orthopedic ClinicAtlanta, GA

Robert H. StolzSunbury Capital, LLCCharlotte, NC

Barry L. StoreyBLS Holdings Group, LLCAugusta, GA

Larry D. ThompsonCounsel, Finch McCrannie, LLPSea Island, GA

Susan C. WaltmanGreater New York Hospital AssociationPelham, NY

William D. Young, Jr.General Wholesale CompanyAtlanta, GA

Advisory Trustee

Charles E. KnoxRaymond James & AssociatesAugusta, GA

Ex-Officio, Voting Trustees

Jere W. MoreheadPresidentUniversity of GeorgiaAthens, GA

Scott D. PeganChair, Executive Committee of University CouncilUniversity of GeorgiaAthens, GA

Bonney S. ShumanPresidentRetired, Stratix CorporationAlumni AssociationSt. Simons Island, GA

Ex-Officio, Non-voting Trustees

Cameron KeenPresident, Student Government Association University of Georgia Athens, GA

Kelly KernerVice President for Development and Alumni Relationsand Executive Director of the UGA FoundationUniversity of GeorgiaAthens, GA

John Michael LewisPresident, Staff CouncilUniversity of GeorgiaAthens, GA

Ryan A. NesbitVice President for Finance and AdministrationUniversity of GeorgiaAthens, GA

Pamela S. WhittenSenior Vice President for Academic Affairs and ProvostUniversity of GeorgiaAthens, GA


To further advance the mission of the foundation, the board has focused this year on implementing its newly adopted strategic plan, which comprises four goals:

1. Enhance the culture of philanthrophy;2. Utilize the full talent of each trustee;3. Develop an optimal committee structure; and 4. Evaluate endowment management models to ensure

excellent management of the investment portfolio.

Work has been done to address each goal, and the board has completed its goal of developing an optimal committee structure. The new structure, which was unanimously approved, will maximize trustee engagement, enable more advocacy, and ultimately improve the lives of the students they seek to support.


The foundation matched donations to the Georgia Commitment Scholarship Program to help donors create 260 new need-based scholarships. Leading by example, more than 50 percent of trustees have established Georgia Commitment Scholarships.




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The Crystal Arch SocietyThe Crystal Arch Society, recognizing gifts of $10 million and above, is named for the University of Georgia’s most recognizable symbol and the main entrance to campus, the Arch. Erected in the 1850s, the Arch is UGA’s most revered landmark, patterned after the great seal of the state of Georgia.

Anonymous (3)Callaway Foundation, Inc.The Coca-Cola Company & The Coca-Cola FoundationMr. and Mrs. Alston D. Correll Jr.The Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationGeorgia Power Company and FoundationThe Goizueta FoundationW. K. Kellogg FoundationKimberly-Clark Corporation*Cora Nunnally MillerMr. C. L. Morehead Jr.Doris Adams Ramsey and *Bernard B. Ramsey*C. Herman Terry and Mary Virginia Terry*Mr. Charles H. Wheatley*Jane S. Willson and *W. Harry WillsonRobert W. Woodruff Foundation

The Abraham Baldwin SocietyThe Abraham Baldwin Society, recognizing gifts of $5 million and above, is named for the legendary Georgia statesman, educator, and founder of the University of Georgia. Abraham Baldwin wrote UGA’s charter, the first ever written and adopted for a state-supported public university.

Anonymous (2)American Cancer SocietyMr. Daniel Paul AmosMr. and Mrs. Craig Barrow III*Mrs. Carolyn W. Bryan*Mr. and *Mrs. Don E. CarterPhillip and Betty CaseyJim Cox Jr. FoundationThe Delta Air Lines Foundation

Georgia Crown Distributing Company*Mr. Milton Anthony Greene and Mrs. Joy Stone GreeneIBM CorporationMr. and Mrs. Michael A. KahnDonald M. Leebern Jr.Carlos and Marguerite Mason Trust*John N. McEachern Jr.Gordon E. and Betty I. Moore FoundationMr. and Mrs. C. V. Nalley IIIDr. Robert T. Osborne EstateRichard B. Russell Foundation, Inc.*Honorable and Mrs. Carl E. Sanders*Mr. Sidney Samuel ThomasWormsloe Foundation, Inc.

The 1785 SocietyThe 1785 Society, recognizing cumulative gifts of $1 million and above, is named for the year that the University of Georgia was chartered by the Georgia General Assembly and pays homage to UGA’s impressive history and tradition of achievement as the birthplace of public higher education in America.

Anonymous (13) *Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Acree*Dr. Omer Clyde Aderhold and *Mrs. Bess Parr AderholdMr. John G. Alston Sr. and Mrs. Gayle S. Alston*Ambassador and *Mrs. Philip H. Alston Jr.Altria Group, Inc.American Chemical SocietyAmerican Heart Association*Mr. and *Mrs. John B. AmosDr. and Mrs. James W. Andrews Jr.The Annenberg FoundationAT&TBayer CorporationBayer CropScience, LPBB&T CorporationMr. Frank J. Beltran and Mrs. Carol F. BeltranMr. W. Douglas Benn and Mrs. Mickey BennBenson’s, Inc.*Mr. Howard E. Benson and Mrs. Robin J. BensonMr. and Mrs. Larry R. BensonMr. and *Mrs. Fred D. Bentley Sr.

*Mrs. Floy Fantona BissonThe Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation*Mrs. Martha E. BonbrightJames G. Boswell Foundation TrustBradley-Turner FoundationMr. Terry S. Brown and Mrs. Lisa BrownMr. Robert E. Burton and Mrs. Maxine H. BurtonJames E. Butler Jr.Dr. and Mrs. M. Daniel ByrdCamp FortsonJohn Huland Carmical Foundation, Inc.Carnegie Corporation of New York*Mr. and *Mrs. W. C. CarterTim and Leah ChapmanMr. John P. CheeleyCherry Creek Properties, Inc.Susan and Millard Choate*Natalie CohenPeter David ConlonRachel Cosby ConwayMr. and Mrs. James Perry Cotton Jr.Covenant Foundation, Inc.Martha Randolph Daura and *Thomas W. Mapp Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. DavisMr. P. Jack Davis and Mrs. Joy F. DavisMr. Darren W. DeVore and Mrs. Pamela A. DeVore*Mr. Lamar Dodd and Mrs. Annie Laurie DoddMr. Cam D. Dorsey Jr. Estate*Mr. Roy Adams DorseyDow AgroSciences, LLCDundee Community AssociationE. I. DuPontMs. Cordelia A. Ellis EstateErnst & Young FoundationLettie Pate Evans Foundation*H. Leon Farmer Jr. and Victoria Pruitt FarmerLeon Farmer III and Rebecca McClure FarmerMr. and Mrs. Hill A. FeinbergDr. William P. Flatt and *Mrs. June Nesbitt FlattFoley Family Foundation, Inc.George and Celia FontaineJack and Nancy FontaineFord FoundationJohn and Mary Franklin FoundationThe Freeman Foundation*J. B. Fuqua and *Dorothy C. FuquaMr. Carl I. Gable Jr. and Mrs. Sally B. GableGeorgia Bar FoundationGeorgia Music FoundationGeorgia Research Alliance

Mr. S. Taylor Glover and Mrs. Shearon Wiggins GloverJohn N. Goddard Foundation, Inc.Gold Kist Foundation, Inc.*Mrs. Jo Ann T. GoodmanGraham Perdue FoundationMr. Jeffery R. GrantAmanda and Greg GregoryMr. Louis Turner Griffith Jr.*Mrs. M. Smith GriffithDr. Bruce L. Haines EstateJames J. and Angelia M. Harris Foundation*Dr. and Mrs. J. Harold HarrisonMr. O. Mason HawkinsMr. Andrew M. Head and Mrs. Jane S. HeadHealthcare Georgia Foundation*Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. HensonDr. and Mrs. Matthew Heric*Mr. Robert Johnson Hill Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.Dorothy Smith Hines*Miss Marguerite Thomas HodgsonMs. Jane Hook HolmesMr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Holmes Sr.William K. HolmesMr. and Mrs. Larry B. Hooks*Dean J. Alton HoschHoward Hughes Medical InstituteMr. and Mrs. James Gibson Hull EstateMr. John H. Irby and Mrs. Abby Corn IrbyMr. M. Douglas Ivester and Mrs. Kay Grindle IvesterCharles H. Jenkins Sr. EstateMr. William B. Jones and Mrs. Martha S. JonesThe Michael A. Kahn FoundationMr. Steve C. Keadle and Mrs. Sandra KeadleW. M. Keck FoundationMr. and Mrs. Stiles A. Kellett Jr.James C. KennedyEdna K. Kicklighter Trust*Reginald C. and *Katherine Reynolds KicklighterMr. and Mrs. Bruce W. KirboJohn S. & James L. Knight FoundationThe Knox FoundationWyck A. Knox Jr. and Shell H. KnoxKPMG FoundationKrogerHarley Langdale Jr. Foundation, Inc.Mrs. Betsy Tant LeebernMr. Donald Melwood Leebern IIIMr. and Mrs. Earl T. Leonard Jr.Charles Loridans Foundation, Inc.*Ms. Lois Davies LoweMr. and Mrs. Frank G. Lumpkin Jr. EstateJames Douglas and Diane S. Magnus Family*Mrs. Thomas O. Marshall Jr.John and Marilyn McMullanMr. and Mrs. Ted McMullanMr. and Mrs. Bo MeansThe Andrew W. Mellon FoundationRichard King Mellon FoundationMerial LimitedMerial Select, Inc.

Dr. Gene E. Michaels Estate*J. Warren Mitchell Jr. and Mrs. J. Warren Mitchell Jr.Monsanto Company*Mr. and Mrs. George A. MontgomeryMr. and Mrs. Dudley L. Moore Jr.Ms. Julia W. Morgan*Mr. and *Mrs. Thomas M. Morris Jr.W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation*Mr. Willis Newton MorrisCarl and Marian Mullis*Mr. George Winship Nunnally*Dr. and *Mrs. Eugene P. OdumMr. and Mrs. Sanford H. OrkinThe Bernard Osher Foundation*Dr. and *Mrs. William A. Owens Jr.Kay T. and John R. Parker Jr.Pfizer FoundationMr. and Mrs. Cecil M. PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Patrick S. PittardMs. Kathy B. Prescott and Mr. H. Grady Thrasher IIIDr. Morris Michael Pulliam and Mrs. Elaine H. Pulliam*Mr. and *Mrs. William I. Ray Jr.*Mrs. Roy S. Richards Sr.Riverside Military AcademyRockefeller FoundationJohn W. (Jack) and Cynthia W. (Cindy) Rooker*Mr. Frank D. RoseMr. Jeffrey L. Rothenberger and Mrs. Stacy S. Rothenberger*Ms. Eileen RussellJohn Frank Sands and Alice Green SandsCharles S. Sanford Jr. and Mary McRitchie SanfordThe Sapelo Foundation*Miss Lee Anne Seawell*Mr. and *Mrs. Simon S. Selig Jr.Mr. Stanley W. Shelton and Mrs. Dorothy F. Shelton*Mr. William Jasper Shortt and *Mrs. Lois Johnson ShorttSiemens Product Lifecycle Management Software, Inc.Frank Sinkwich - Northeast Sales Distributing, Inc.Mrs. Marilyn SinkwichMr. and Mrs. Rankin M. Smith Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Taylor W. SmithLessie B. Smithgall and *Charles A. Smithgall Jr.Mr. Lou Sobh and Mrs. Georgia SobhSpencer FoundationMr. Edward Roe Stamps IV and Mrs. Penny StampsMr. Kessel D. Stelling Jr. and Mrs. Carol C. StellingSharon Stewart EstateWinburn “Brother” Stewart Jr.Sun Microsystems, Inc.Mrs. Marylee Young Swanson Estate*Mr. and *Mrs. Charlie M. Tanner Jr.John Templeton Foundation*Mr. Charles W. TerrellMr. Larry D. Thompson and Dr. Brenda A. ThompsonMr. Tony D. Townley and Mrs. Martha E. TownleyWalter Carl Troutman Estate

Tull Charitable FoundationTurner Foundation*Mr. and *Mrs. Jack TurnerMr. and Mrs. James C. TurnerU.S. Poultry and Egg AssociationValent U.S.A. Corporation*Mr. Frank Anthony Wachowiak*Ms. Anna Dorothy WarnellDewey C. and Karen M. White - White Fox FarmFrances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. W. Terrell WingfieldJ. W. & Ethel I. Woodruff FoundationMr. and Mrs. Joel O. WootenMr. James Carter YoungMrs. Jane Howard YoungMr. and Mrs. William D. Young Jr.

ANNUAL PRESIDENTS CLUBEstablished in 1973, the Presidents Club is the leadership program of the Georgia Fund, UGA’s annual giving campaign. Presidents Club members are alumni and friends who make a significant and sustaining impact on the University of Georgia with annual leadership support of $1,500 or more. Members at the Bronze level of $1,500 to $4,999 are listed in the online version of the Honor Roll.


Annual Gifts: $25,000 and aboveAnonymous (35)Mr. Navid Abghari and Ms. Carrie P. BilbreyAccentureADAMA Agricultural Solutions Ltd.Mr. John A. Addison Jr. and Mrs. Loveanne AddisonAdisseo USA, Inc.ADM Alliance Nutrition, Inc.AgReserves, Inc.Agrivida, Inc.Mr. Donald W. Akins Jr. and Mrs. Kristen AkinsAl Jazeera Media NetworkAlbaugh, LLCMr. Herbert A. Allen IIIAlston & Bird, LLPAltec/Styslinger FoundationDr. Kirby Alton and Mrs. Janice Madsen AltonAlvarez & Marsal Holdings, LLCKay and Peter AmannAmazon StudiosAmerican Cancer SocietyAmerican Council of Learned SocietiesAmerican Endowment FoundationAmerican Heart AssociationAmerican Society of AgronomyDan and Kathelen AmosMs. Lauren A. Amos and Mr. Tyler ClaytonAMVAC Chemical Corporation



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Dr. James W. Andrews Jr. and Mrs. Barbara AndrewsAnn Arbor Area Community FoundationArborgen, Inc.Mr. Hamilton G. Arden Jr. and Mrs. Celeta ArdenMr. James H. Armstrong and Mrs. Cathy L. ArmstrongRich and Muffet ArrollArysta LifeScience North America CorporationDarren Winston Ash and Kathryn L. AshAT&T CorporationAtlanta Risk Management SocietyAyco Charitable FoundationAzomite Feed Products, LLCMr. Keith W. Balcomb and Ms. Judy BalcombMs. Deborah A. BallMrs. Dickey L. Balsano and Mr. Armand BalsanoMs. Eleanor F. BanisterBank of America Matching Gifts ProgramMr. Lee C. Banks and Mrs. Beverly D. BanksMr. and Mrs. Alfred K. BarrMr. Berton J. Barr EstateMr. and Mrs. Craig Barrow IIIMr. and Mrs. M. Brantley BarrowMr. Michael J. BarryMs. Ruth A. BartlettDr. Michelle Henry Barton and Dr. John W. BartonBASF CorporationMr. Michael E. Bassel and Mrs. Kelly BasselMr. William P. Battle and Mrs. Alice A. BattleBayerDr. Stephen A. Baynham and Mrs. Pamela BaynhamBB&T Charitable FundBranch Banking & Trust CompanyBear Saint Properties, Inc.Mr. Charles D. Beard Sr. and Mrs. Ellen Marshall BeardMr. Scott A. Beaver and Ms. Erin M. BeaverBEC Group, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. William E. Beckham IIIMrs. Janet BeermanMr. Chris Belans and Ms. Allison BelansBeloco Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. BeltranThe Benevity Community Impact FundW. Douglas Benn and Mickey J. BennMr. Donald T. BennettMr. Reed L. BennettMr. David K. Bennington and Mrs. Sharon M. Bennington*Mr. Howard E. Benson and Mrs. Robin J. BensonMr. Larry R. Benson and Mrs. Pamela J. BensonBenson’s, Inc.Frederick S. Bergen and Malinda B. BergenMr. Torsten Bernewitz and Mrs. Katrin BernewitzMr. Thilo D. Best and Mrs. Elizabeth A. BestCharlie and Lynsey BethelDr. Larry R. BeuchatBio-Cat, Inc.Biomin America, Inc.Mr. John G. Bisges and Ms. Lori BisgesMr. James A. Bishop Sr. and Mrs. Mary E. BishopMr. Howard Bissell III and Mrs. Stephanie S. BissellMrs. Floy F. Bisson EstateMr. Glenn J. Black Jr. and Ms. Nancy BlackMs. Myra Blackmon and Dr. Thomas P. HollandDr. Ronald D. Blackston

Ms. Diann Blakely EstateMr. James H. Blanchard and Mrs. Frances S. BlanchardMr. Troy D. BlandMr. Arthur M. Blank and Mrs. Angela B. BlankThe Arthur M. Blank Family FoundationThe Molly Blank FundMs. Melissa S. BlasbergBlasingame, Burch, Garrard & Ashley, P.C.Mr. George D. Bloodworth and Mrs. Beverly BloodworthMrs. Nancy Ann BlumMr. Richard G. BlumbergDr. Eric S. Bonaparte Jr.Ms. Carol BonaparteMr. Wilson J. Borden and Ms. Marianne BordenMr. James and Mrs. Sarah BordersMr. Michael J. Boudens and Mrs. Doris D. BoudensMr. David E. Boyd and Mrs. Anne Miller BoydMs. Susan M. BoydWilliam S. & Elizabeth K. Boyd FoundationMr. Byron O. Braddy and Ms. Brenda BraddyBreda Pest Management, Inc.Mr. Rodger M. Breda and Mrs. Janis S. BredaMr. Randy S. Brehm and Ms. Julie BrehmDr. Robert G. BretscherMr. Garry W. Bridgeman and Mrs. Sandra BridgemanMr. Chess E. Britt and Mrs. Patricia D. BrittMs. Mary N. Broadnax and Mr. Christopher M. BroadnaxMr. and Mrs. Daniel G. BroosMr. Michael W. Browder and Mrs. Kimberly BrowderMiss Frances R. Brown EstateStuart and Joanna BrownMr. Terry S. Brown and Mrs. Lisa BrownMr. Blake F. Bruce and Ms. Mary C. BruceMr. Brian C. BruceMr. Adam D. Bruckman and Ms. Adrienne C. BruckmanMr. William F. Brunson III and Ms. Elizabeth L. BrunsonMrs. Cheryl L. Bundy and Mr. William P. BundyMr. Calvin Burger and Mrs. Melodie BurgerMr. Benjamin H. Burgess EstateMr. Larry Dale Burns and Ms. Ann Roberts BurnsMr. Matthew C. Burril and Mrs. Barbara Hedrick BurrilThe Burroughs Wellcome FundButler Automotive GroupMs. Betty L. Butler EstateMr. G. Marshall Butler Sr. and Mrs. Jane ButlerMr. George M. Butler Jr.Mr. James E. Butler Jr.Mr. Lee M. Butler and Ms. Jessica L. ButlerMr. Marvin L. Butts and Mrs. Linda M. ButtsMr. James M. CagleCallaway Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Callaway IVThe Honorable Valerie E. CaproniThalia & Michael C. Carlos Foundation, Inc.Thalia and Michael C. Carlos Advised FundMr. Christopher O. Carlton and Ms. Cater CarltonCarnegie Corporation of New YorkCarroll Custom HomesMr. Mike J. Carroll and Mrs. Dana S. CarrollMr. Don E. Carter Estate

Mr. Phillip E. Casey and Mrs. Betty CaseyMr. Dan T. Cathy and Mrs. Rhonda L. CathyCBS Foundation, Inc.Mr. David D. ChaffinSenator C. Saxby Chambliss and Mrs. Julianne ChamblissMr. John C. ChandlerMr. Keith ChandlerMr. Mark B. Chandler and Ms. Ann J. ChandlerMs. Lisa A. Chandler-SimmonsMrs. Leah H. Chapman and Mr. Timothy A. ChapmanTerry R. Chastain and B. Lynn ChastainMr. Michael V. Cheek and Mrs. Runell CheekMr. and Mrs. C. Ron CheeleyMr. Cecil M. Cheves and Mrs. Bettye D. ChevesChevron CorporationThe Chicago Community FoundationChick-fil-A, Inc.Chick-fil-A Peach BowlChildren’s Glaucoma FoundationMr. James W. Childs Sr.Mrs. Natalie S. ChildsMrs. Jee H. Chu and Dr. Chung K. ChuClinton Hill /Allen Tran FoundationCobb Community FoundationCoca-Cola Bottling Company United, Inc.Coca-Cola CompanyThe Coca-Cola FoundationMr. David CohenMr. Manuel CohenCohn ReznickMs. Rachel A. ColeMr. Ryan ColichMrs. Charla A. Collings and Mr. David H. CollingsMs. Anna C. Collins and Mr. John HaberSJ Collins FamilyMr. Scott M. Colosi and Ms. Elena M. ColosiCommunities of Coastal Georgia FoundationThe Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.The Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee ValleyThe Community Foundation of Middle TennesseePeter David ConlonMr. C. Candler CookMr. Cecil R. Cooke and Mrs. Pamela CookeCool Planet Energy SystemsMs. Carolynn Cooper and Mr. Pratap MukharjiRepresentative Sharon Meyer CooperMrs. Elizabeth CornMr. Alston D. Correll Jr. and Mrs. Ada Lee CorrellMs. Wendy Corry and Mr. Peter R. CorryMr. Kent CostCotton IncorporatedMr. Chuck A. Couch and Mrs. Julie CouchCovenant Foundation, Inc.Coweta-Fayette EMCJim Cox Jr. FoundationMr. Freddie A. Crabb Jr. and Ms. Andrea CrabbMiss Daisy L. CraddockMr. John H. Crawford III and Mrs. Catherine H. CrawfordMr. John H. Crawford IV and Mrs. Elizabeth B. CrawfordMr. Jon B. Crisler and Mrs. Susan R. CrislerDr. Deryee A. Crossley Jr.Dr. and Mrs. John F. Crowley III

“Ada Lee and I cherished our time at the University of Georgia, and we want to ensure that financial barriers do not get in the way of UGA students pursuing their dreams.”

ADA LEE ANDALSTON D. “PETE” CORRELL, JR.Correll Hall, named for the couple’s

contributions, was the first building built as part of the Terry College’s new Business Learning Community, and their recent $5 million gift will establish 24 need-based scholarships for students in the Terry College and the College of Education.


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Honor Roll of Donors 3938 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

The Crozier FamilyMr. and Mrs. Knox CulpepperMrs. Susan Culpepper and Mr. Robert W. CulpepperMr. Larry Cunningham III and Mrs. Sharon Kelly CunninghamThe Cypress Foundation, Inc.Mr. Bradley J. DaileyMr. Stephen P. Dailey and Mrs. Donna E. DaileyDanimer BioplasticsMr. Alton L. Darby and Mrs. Mary C. DarbyDr. Charles A. Dasher and Mrs. Susan DasherMr. Jay M. Davis and Mrs. Ann DavisMr. Jim Davis and Ms. Kim DavisMr. P. Jack Davis and Mrs. Joy F. DavisDr. Frederick C. Davison Jr. and Mrs. Stella Henninger DavisonMr. William C. Davison Sr. and Mrs. Jenny DavisonDeloitte FoundationThe Delta Air Lines FoundationDelta Waterfowl FoundationMr. Richard A. Denny IIIMr. David DeshongMr. Michael Dettelbach and Mrs. Michelle Guardino-DettelbachMiss Meredith R. DevendorfMr. Darren W. DeVore and Mrs. Pamela A. DeVoreMr. Stephen F. Dew and Ms. Brandy DewMr. and Mrs. Charles D’HuyvetterDiamond V Mills, Inc.Mr. David R. Dillard and Mrs. Patti DillardDixon Gin Co.Dixon Hughes Goodman, LLPDMG Holdings International, LLC.DNA Genetics, LLCMr. Michael H. Doggett and Ms. Jenna M. DoggettMrs. Anne D. DolaherJohn & Eileen Donahoe Charitable FundMr. David W. DormanMr. William W. Douglas III and Mrs. Lisa DouglasThe Dove Family FoundationDow International Finance S.a.r.l.Mrs. Charlotte A. Drake and Mr. John A. Drake Jr.Mr. Stanley DruckenmillerDSM Nutritional Products, Inc.Dr. Catherine W. Duckworth-Bickley and Mr. Dave BickleyMr. Michael T. DukeMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dumas Jr.Dundee Community AssociationE. I. DuPontMr. Egon Durban and Ms. Abigail DurbanMr. Milner G. Durden Jr. and Ms. Jennifer L. DurdenCarl W. Duyck and Dennis J. FloodMs. Kim Cohen DyeMrs. Melvis B. EdenfieldMs. Mary J. Edwards EstateDr. Jason G. Eisele and Mrs. Melissa Johnson EiseleDr. Mark A. Eiteman and Ms. Karen A. EitemanJoy Thomas ElderThe Equestrian Team Booster Club, Inc.Equifax, Inc.Ernst & Young FoundationErnst & Young, LLPMr. and Mrs. William W. EspyMr. J. Emmett Evans III and Mrs. Margaret-Anne Evans

Mr. Nick W. Evans and Mrs. Mary P. EvansEvonik IndustrieseXtension FoundationExxonMobil FoundationFacebook, Inc.Fallon Benefits Group, Inc.Mr. Stephen F. FallonMr. Charlie E. Farah and Mrs. Ruba M. FarahMr. Matthew R. Farkas and Ms. Heather FarkasMr. George T. FaulknerMr. James C. Faulkner and Dr. Elizabeth FaulknerMr. Hillel A. Feinberg and Mrs. Renee FeinbergDr. Stuart Feldman and Mrs. Renee FeldmanScott and Jane FergusonFidelity BankFidelity Charitable Gift FundMr. Jonathan A. Fife and Ms. Pamela S. FifeMr. Timothy FinchemFirst Communities ManagementMr. Scott M. FitzgeraldMr. Martin L. Flanagan and Mrs. Jennifer D. FlanaganWilliam P. and Marihope Troutman FlattMr. Ryan M. Fleming and Ms. Annie L. FlemingFMC CorporationMr. Frank D. Foley III and Mrs. Elizabeth FoleyMr. George R. Fontaine Sr. and Mrs. Celia E. FontaineMr. John T. Fontaine and Mrs. Nancy FontaineDr. Bradshaw N. Ford and Ms. Elizabeth Lewis FordMr. Jacob E. Ford and Ms. Jaclyn N. FordJackson D. Fordham DMDMs. Marie B. Foster and Mr. R. Brad FosterMiss Minnie C. Foster EstateFoundation for the CarolinasMr. Edward J. Foye and Mrs. Amy E. FoyeCOL James A. Franklin and Mrs. Sue A. FranklinJohn and Mary Franklin FoundationMr. Justin D. Franklin and Dr. Anna Smith FranklinMr. Ronald E. FranklinThe Fraser-Parker FoundationFreeman FoundationMr. Richard Freeman and Mrs. Kelley FreemanMr. Ronald L. Freeman and Mrs. Marsha FreemanFreeport-McMoRan FoundationDr. A. Allen FrenchFriends of the State Botanical Garden of Georgia, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Frierson Jr.Froggy Bottom Estates, LLCMr. Carl I. Gable Jr. and Mrs. Sally B. GableThe Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.Mr. Thomas B. Gardner and Mrs. Gail A. GardnerMr. Jason Garnto and Ms. Sherry GarntoMr. Aubrey S. Garrison and Mrs. Mary D. GarrisonThe Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationMr. Bruce A. Gates and Mrs. Joyce H. GatesGE Power & Water Power Services EngineeringDr. Ivana Gelineo-Albersheim and *Dr. Peter AlbersheimGeneral Electric FoundationGeorgia Agricultural Exposition AuthorityGeorgia Cattlemen’s AssociationGeorgia Chamber of CommerceGeorgia Crown Distributing Co.Georgia Electric Membership CorporationGeorgia Golf Environmental Foundation, Inc.

Georgia Poultry Federation, Inc.Georgia PowerGeorgia Power Foundation, Inc.Georgia Research AllianceGeorgia Soft Goods Education FoundationGeorgia Turfgrass Association Foundation TrustGeorgia United Credit UnionGeorgia-Pacific CorporationDr. Paul J. Giles Jr. and Mrs. Elaine GilesMrs. Caroline Mason GilhamMr. James C. Gillis Jr. and Mrs. Loretta D. GillisShearon and Taylor GloverJohn N. Goddard FoundationMs. Ellen B. GodsallMrs. Jayne A. Godwin and Mr. Michael H. GodwinMrs. Carol Pirkle Goin and Mr. Douglas A. GoinGoldman Sachs & CompanyMr. Thomas A. Golub and Mrs. Kristin GolubMr. Michael GorhamDavid and Patty GouldGowan CompanyDr. Daniel Gowder and FamilyMr. Earl GrahamGrahl Construction, LLCMr. Jeffery R. GrantMr. Timothy M. GrantGrayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation, Inc.Greada Investment PartnersMrs. Joy Greene and *Mr. M. Anthony GreeneMr. Hal Greer III and Ms. Virginia Murray GreerMr. Thomas W. Greeson and Ms. Jeannette Adams GreesonHenry D. “Greg” Gregory Jr. and Amanda Alston GregoryDr. Matthew G. Griffies and Ms. Sarah E. GriffiesMr. and Mrs. C. William GriffinG. Sanders Griffith IIIPatty and D. R. GrimesMr. James D. Grissom and Mrs. Marlene M. GrissomDrs. Kelly and Parker GrowDr. Betsy D. Grunch and Mr. Raymond J. GrunchMr. Mack H. Guest III and Mrs. Camilla M. GuestGulf of Mexico Research InitiativeMr. John T. Hadden III and Mrs. Jennifer L. HaddenF. Sheffield Hale and Elizabeth HaleMary Anne HaleMr. Richard E. HaleMr. Ben H. Hall Jr. and Ms. Callie C. HallMr. David G. Hampson and Mrs. Jo Ann HampsonHampton Roads Community FoundationMr. David G. Hanna and Mrs. Kimberly M. HannaDrs. R. Scott and Jennifer H. HannayMr. Brett E. Hansen and Mrs. Shannon M. HansenDr. Jason P. Harden and Mrs. Chloe E. HardenMr. Henry K. Harp III and Mrs. Leann HarpMrs. J. Harold HarrisonMrs. Patsy HarrisonMr. Chad W. Harrod and Ms. Sarah B. HarrodMr. Thomas J. Harrold Jr.E. David Hart Jr.Mr. and Mrs. J. Madden Hatcher IIIMr. Larry R. HawfMr. George F. Head EstateMr. Thomas A. HeadHelena Chemical CompanyMr. Carlton M. Henson and Dr. Inken von Borzyskowski

General Counsel

Mike Raeber is a critical member of the senior administration, directing the Office of Legal Affairs and serving as chief legal counsel for the University and its Athletic Association. Among his many significant responsibilities, he acts as the primary liaison on legal matters with the Office of the President, the Board of Regents, and the Office of the Attorney General.

MICHAEL RAEBER“Mike is an exceptional lawyer, a gifted problem-solver, and a trusted advisor. Since his arrival in early 2014, this institution has relied heavily on his sound guidance. Issues that are complex, weighty, and involve the interests of the University or the Athletic Association—those are the issues where Mike thrives and where his value to UGA is most apparent.”

— President Jere W. Morehead


Page 22: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 4140 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Henson Jr.Mrs. Sue Boykin HensonMr. Edward D. HerlihyDr. Paul J. Herzwurm and Dr. Sandra D. HerzwurmMr. Glenn E. Hicks III and Mrs. Linda HicksMr. Phillip B. Hight and Ms. Jane HightHill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.Mr. Henry G. Hilsman and Mrs. Lee Anne HilsmanWilliam R. Hinson and Lisa M. HinsonMs. Rebecca L. HinssMr. Don HireMr. Keith L. Hires and Mrs. Mary A. HiresHodgson Charitable TrustMr. Charles R. Hoke and Ms. Rebecca L. HokeDr. Karen A. Holbrook and Mr. James R. HolbrookMr. Gregory F. Holcomb and Mrs. Jennifer F. HolcombMr. Samuel D. Holmes Sr. and Mrs. Lara D. HolmesHome DepotWilliam E. Honey and Kathryn P. HoneyMr. Larry B. Hooks and Mrs. Carole W. HooksMr. T. Wayne Hoover and Mrs. Robin Michael HooverMr. Sanford B. Horwitz and Ms. Janet HorwitzDr. Carl HovelandDr. Robert E. Hoyt and Mrs. Patricia G. HoytHudson King, LLCDr. W. Howard Hudson and Mrs. Jan HudsonMr. Douglas C. Huff and Mrs. Regina A. HuffMr. William C. Huff and Mrs. Maudie HuffHoward Hughes Medical InstituteDale and Cindy HughesMr. Matthew P. HughesHuman Animal Bond Research InstituteC. Terry Hunt Industries, Inc.Terry and Mary Lynn HuntMr. Greggory J. Hutchins and Ms. Sandra L. HutchinsDr. Sylvia McCoy HutchinsonHuvepharma, Inc.IHRC, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. David B. IngramInternational Academy of Oral Medicine and ToxicologyInternational Studies AssociationMr. John H. Irby and Mrs. Abby Corn IrbyMarcia J. IsaacsonIt’s The JourneyMr. M. Douglas Ivester and Mrs. Kay Grindle IvesterMelvin Douglas & Victoria Kay Ivester FoundationDr. Donald W. Jackson and Mrs. Teresa A. JacksonMr. Kenneth G. Jackson and Ms. Jody JacksonLibby and Kevin JacksonJanssen Research & Development, LLCMr. Edmond F. Jared Jr. EstateJefo Nutrition, Inc.Mr. Rohini K. Jella and Dr. Prashanthi JellaMr. James M. Jeter and Mrs. Rosalind JeterMr. Christopher R. Joe and Ms. Sueann JoeJohnson & JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Bradley G. JohnsonC and A Johnson Family FoundationMr. George D. Johnson Jr.Dr. Mary A. Johnson and Mr. Terence J. CentnerMr. Weyman T. Johnson Jr. and Ms. Allison ForknerMr. Robert L. JohnstonMr. J. Albert Jones Estate

Mr. L. Kirk Jones and Mrs. Marlin S. JonesMr. Patrick C. Jones and Mrs. Kara JonesMr. Raymond A. Jones III and Mrs. Ellen H. JonesJudge Steve Jones and Ms. Lillian KinceySenator William B. Jones and Mrs. Janice L. JonesMr. William B. Jones and Mrs. Martha JonesThe Jordan Foundation, Inc.Journal of Chemical EducationDavid and Jennifer KahnDavid & Jennifer Kahn Family Foundation, Inc.Kaiser FoundationMr. Russell E. Kaliher Jr. and Mrs. Sidney KaliherDr. Edward KaplanAndrea and Mark A. KauffmanMr. Steve C. Keadle and Mrs. Sandra KeadleDr. Kevin M. Keller and Dr. Tamela G. KellerMr. E. G. Kendrick Jr. and Ms. Randy P. KendrickDr. Karen Whitehill King and Mr. Daniel J. KingW. Russell KingMrs. Kimberly Tally Kingsfield and Mr. Scott KingsfieldThomas M. & Irene Kirbo Charitable TrustDr. Scott A. Kleiner and Mrs. Heather S. KleinerDr. David A. Knauft and Mrs. Evelyn A. KnauftJohn S. and James L. Knight FoundationDr. Kasey William Knight and Ms. Danielle KnightMr. J. Hardman KnoxJeff and Catherine KnoxMr. John O. Knox Jr. and Mrs. Rae Cole KnoxShell and Wyck KnoxKonkuk UniversityKPMG FoundationKPMG, LLPMr. Michael P. KrensavageSamuel H. Kress FoundationThe Kroger CompanyMr. Steve Kuranoff and Ms. Cathy Selig KuranoffMr. Damien Lamendola and Mrs. Debbi LamendolaMs. Hillary LamendolaThe Land InstituteAlice and Noah N. Langdale Jr. Foundation, Inc.Harley Langdale, Jr. Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Langdale IIIMr. Pope Langdale III and Mrs. Evelyn Lanier LangdaleMr. and Mrs. J. Reese LanierMrs. Jane D. Lanier and Mr. J. Hicks LanierMr. Phil Larkins and Mrs. Barbara LarkinsMr. and Mrs. L. Russell LaughlinMr. Thomas E. Lavender IIIMr. Brent D. Layton and Mrs. Kelly M. LaytonDr. Arden O. Lea EstateLee Antimicrobial Solutions, LLC (Synexis)Mr. Donald M. Leebern Jr. and Ms. Suzanne Yoculan LeebernMr. Donald M. Leebern III and Mrs. Stacey V. A. LeebernMr. Kim D. Leggette and Ms. Cynthia D. LeggetteSandra and Miles LeonMr. Earl T. Leonard Jr. and Mrs. Bebe B. LeonardMr. Wayne A. Lester and Mrs. Cynthia E. LesterMr. Adam K. Levin and Ms. Heather McDowellDr. Brett LevitzkeMr. Walter N. Lewis and Mrs. Linda C. LewisLFE, LLCLidan, Inc.Mr. Russell C. Lindner and Mrs. Miriam H. Lindner

Mr. Christopher K. Lloyd and Mrs. Catherine R. LloydThe Longstreet Clinic, PCLouisville InstitutionMr. Tyler M. Love and Mrs. Ashley LoveLove’s Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc.Mr. Archie F. Lowe and Mrs. Robin LoweHenry Luce Foundation, Inc.Mr. John W. Lucht and Mrs. Dianne D. LuchtJohn and Nancy LudwigLumen Bioscience, Inc.Mr. Porter Lummus and Mrs. Magner LummusThe Lupin FoundationDr. Arnold M. Lupin and Mrs. Celia M. LupinLyndhurst FoundationMrs. Missy Thornton MacGinnitie and Mr. Doug MacGinnitieMrs. Jane Adams MacKennaMackenzie Family FundMr. and Mrs. Ashley T. MadrayDr. Hamilton Magill III and Mrs. Brenda MagillMr. Doug and Diane Magnus FamilyMait, LLCMr. Jeffrey G. Malcom and Mrs. Leigh A. MalcomMr. John F. Mangan Jr. and Mrs. Frances C. ManganMs. Janet E. Mann and Mr. Charles S. MannKim and Michael MansfieldDr. Ed and Mrs. Rhonda MarkMr. Timothy T. Markham and Ms. Resa F. MarkhamMr. Michael P. Marshall and Mrs. Carol A. MarshallMrs. June W. Martin and Mr. Paul T. MartinAnnette and Robert MasonCarlos and Marguerite Mason TrustMax Kade FoundationMs. Florence P. McAtee EstateRhonda J. McCarthy and Michael A. McCarthyMr. Robert J. McElreath and Mrs. Marjorie McElreathMr. Joseph A. McEver and Mrs. Doriann McEverMr. Andrew S. McGhee and Mrs. Carolyn N. McGheeMr. Terence F. McGuirkMr. Thomas F. McLaughlin III and Mrs. Martha R. McLaughlinMr. William E. McLendon and Mrs. Vivian McLendonMr. Allen R. McMichael and Mrs. Lisa McMichaelCatherine and Ted McMullanMr. John F. McMullan and Mrs. Marilyn J. McMullanMcNamara Purcell FoundationMr. Robert K. McSwain and Mrs. Marcia McSwainMr. and Mrs. Richard “Bo” MeansMr. Gary A. Meeks and Mrs. Leny MeeksMr. and Mrs. Philip G. MeeksDr. Ryan L. Meeks and Mrs. Elizabeth S. MeeksAndrew W. Mellon FoundationMENTORMercedes-Benz of North America, Inc.Mr. James B. Mercer Jr. and Mrs. Ana C. MercerMr. Richard MershadMershad Stables, LLCMethod GeneticsMr. Charles P. MillerMr. Gilbert B. Miller and Mrs. Jamee MillerMr. Herbert Miller and Ms. Sally DorseyMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Miller

The Milligan FamilyMs. Isobel P. MillsMr. Seixas C. Milner III and Ms. Wendi MilnerMrs. Wilma Loper MinixMr. Walter W. MitchellMMS USA Holdings, Inc.Mobley Greenhouse, Inc.Mr. Larry J. MobleyMr. John C. Monroe Jr. and Mrs. Cammie MonroeMonsanto CompanyMrs. Patricia M. Monsees and Mr. Henry S. MonseesGordon E. and Betty I. Moore FoundationMr. James W. Moore and Ms. Anne G. MooreMr. Leslie G. Moore and Mrs. Fran F. MooreMoore’s Ford Memorial CommitteeMr. Charles W. Moorman IVPresident Jere W. MoreheadMorgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.J. P. Morgan Charitable TrustMorris Animal FoundationMr. John A. Morris and Mrs. Cindy M. MorrisMr. Clement R. Morton Jr. and Mrs. Terrie MortonMr. George Morton and Ms. Karol HowardSarah H. Moss Fellowship FoundationDoyle and Patricia MoteMr. Jeffrey S. Muir and Mrs. Doris MuirMr. Alan R. MulallyMultimin USA, Inc.Mr. Reg Murphy and Mrs. Diana M. MurphyMr. Timothy W. Murphy Jr. and Mrs. Melinda Wiltrout MurphyMr. and Mrs. Clarence V. Nalley IIIDr. Kevin T. Napier and Mrs. Alison NapierNational 4-H CouncilNational Academy of EducationNational Academy of SciencesNational Archives and Records AdministrationNational Christian FoundationNational Corn Growers AssociationNational Council for Air Stream ImprovementNational Marine Sanctuary FoundationNCR FoundationMr. Timothy P. NeherNetflixDr. Sharon Y. Nickols and Rev. Samuel A. NickolsNorel Animal Nutrition USA, Inc.Northrop Grumman Systems CorpMr. Bob Nunnally and Mrs. Susan Hollon NunnallyNuproxaNutreco Nederland B.V.Oak Ridge Associated UniversitiesMr. Chuck Ogletree and Ms. Julie M. OgletreeMr. Charles B. O’KelleyMr. Mark E. Olsen and Ms. Emily T. OlsenOnline News AssociationOnward ReserveSanford H. and Barbara H. OrkinOsher Lifelong Learning InstituteDr. Laurence J. O’Toole Jr. and Mrs. Mary G. O’TooleMr. Randy J. Pace and Mrs. Amelia C. PaceMr. William B. Palmer and Ms. Chelsea Edwards PalmerMr. Samuel J. PalmisanoMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Paris IIIAl and Cindy ParkerJohn and Kay Parker

*Mr. William A. Parker Jr.Mr. Carl M. Parks and Mrs. Barbara H. ParksPatrons of the Savannah Community FoundationMarie A. Patten FundMr. George R. Pavloff and Mrs. Lisa PavloffMr. William P. Payne and Mrs. Martha Beard PaynePBI/Gordon CorporationThe Peanut Foundation, Inc.Peavy Law, LLCMr. John H. Peavy Jr.Pellicano ConstructionMr. Michael E. Penland and Mrs. Rebecca D. PenlandMr. Stephan L. Penley Jr.Mr. Darren W. Penn and Ms. Laura K. PennMr. Richard H. Pennell Jr.Mrs. Cecily Y. Pennington and Mr. Brooks M. Pennington IVMr. Sean P. Pennix and Mrs. Katie PennixMr. Richard PeretzMr. Clark PerkinsMr. Henry P. Persons IIIDr. Charles D. Petrie and Mrs. Doreen PetrieMr. Henry D. PettitThe Pew Charitable TrustsMs. Lya Friedrich PfeiferPGA Tour, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. PharesMr. Hal PhilipsonMr. Courtland G. Phillips and Ms. Courtney Whittle PhillipsRick and Letha PhillipsPIC USA, Inc.Pierce Timber Company, Inc.Mr. Kent M. Plowman Jr. and Mrs. Tina PlowmanCynthia W. PollardMr. Robert M. Pollock EstateMr. and Mrs. Mark A. PompaDr. Leonard W. Poon and Mrs. Marie A. PoonPowell Home Builders, Inc.Mr. Tony L. Powell and Mrs. Kelli R. PowellPremium PeanutMs. Kathy B. Prescott and Mr. H. Grady Thrasher IIIPricewaterhouseCoopers, LLPThe Professional Golfers’ Association of AmericaMs. Mebane H. Pruitt and Mr. Neil L. Pruitt Jr.Dr. Morris M. Pulliam and Mrs. Elaine H. PulliamMaj. Gen. Arnold L. Punaro and Ms. Jan PunaroSteven and Kara PurvisMr. Robert W. Quaile and Ms. Joanne N. QuaileMr. Christopher C. QuickNeal and Lib QuirkMr. Brady L. Rackley III and Mrs. Blair RackleyMrs. Nancy E. Rafuse and Mr. Mark K. RafuseRare Species Conservatory FoundationMr. David M. Ratcliffe and Mrs. Cecelia RatcliffeMs. Rosalinda Rayman and Mr. Steven L. RaymanMr. William T. Raynor and Mrs. Sharron RaynorRBA Oglethorpe Investments, LLCMr. Joseph R. Rearden and Ms. Michelle K. ReardenRed Clay Consulting, Inc.Dr. James A. Redfearn Jr. and Mrs. Agnes S. RedfearnMr. Jeffrey F. Reed and Mrs. Cathy ReedThomas H. and Mabel Dorn Reeder FoundationRegions Financial Corporation

Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.Renasant BankRhodes Financial ServicesMr. and Mrs. Carl T. RhodesMr. James E. RhodesThe Richards GroupMr. Paul W. RichelsonMs. Dina RichmanMr. Ted R. RidlehuberMr. Fred S. RidleyDr. Doris E. Ritchey and Dr. Roger C. VogelRiverview Foundation, Inc.Mr. Gregory J. Rizzo and Mrs. Barbara J. RizzoDr. William C. Robbins and Mrs. Susan S. RobbinsMr. Brian L. Roberts and Mrs. Aileen RobertsMr. J. Haley Roberts Jr. and Mrs. Martha W. RobertsMr. Pete RobinsonMr. Eric L. RodenMr. Ronald W. Rogers and Mrs. Cindy RogersMr. Wes Rogers and Ms. Kimberly Thomas RogersMr. John W. Rooker and Mrs. Cynthia RookerPam and Craig RoperMr. David S. Rosenthal and Mrs. Mary D. RosenthalMr. Jeffrey L. Rothenberger and Mrs. Stacy L. RothenbergerMr. Don C. Rountree and Mrs. Neva D. RountreeRousseau TrustMr. Michael T. Rousseau and Mrs. Laura L. RousseauMrs. Janice L. RuskRichard B. Russell Foundation, Inc.Ms. Bobbi Meeler Sahm and Mr. Vic SahmDeen Day Sanders and James R. SandersMr. Jay SandersJohn Frank Sands and Alice Green SandsCharles S. Sanford Jr. and Mary McRitchie SanfordDr. Terry J. Sapp and Mr. James D. SappMs. Lisa R. SarajianMr. Peter F. Sayeski and Mrs. Angeline T. SayeskiMrs. Nancy E. Scarbrough and Mr. Michael H. ScarbroughSchlumberger FoundationThe Schmidt Family FoundationMr. Donald W. SchmidtMs. Wendy SchmidtMr. Ryan A. Schneider and Ms. Jennifer B. TourialSchwab Charitable FundCharles Schwab FoundationMr. John D. ScogginsMs. Patricia ScopelliteMr. Mark ScottRobert and Cindy ScottMrs. Stacy Goodman Scott and Mr. Leon J. Scott IIISEI Giving FundSelig FoundationMr. S. Stephen Selig III and Mrs. Linda Weinkle SeligLaura and Rutherford Seydel IIMr. Richard V. SeymourDr. David R. ShafferDr. Raghubir P. Sharma and Mrs. Lalita SharmaMr. Michael J. Sharp and Mrs. Sarah SharpFred F. Sharpe and Bonnie Bullock SharpeDr. David L. Shealy and Mrs. Elaine Wohlford Shealy


Page 23: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 4342 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Mr. Jeffrey E. Shellebarger and Mrs. Sydney Cohn ShellebargerMr. Stanley W. Shelton and Mrs. Dorothy F. SheltonShenzhen Leveking Animal Nutrition Co.Mr. Gregg R. SherringtonMr. Teak E. Shore and Ms. Elizabeth E. ShoreR. Todd Shutley and Darlene R. ShutleyMr. Joe L. Sidwell and Mrs. Sarah D. SidwellSiemens Product Lifecycle Management Software, Inc.Sikes Paper CompanyElizabeth and David SikesMr. Robert J. Sikes and Mrs. Jennifer F. SikesSilicon Valley Community FoundationSimons FoundationScott and Linda SinkJeff “Bodine” Sinyard and Lillie SinyardDr. Robert D. Sinyard Jr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith SinyardSlaughter Properties, LLCFain SlaughterMrs. Marta P. SlaughterAlfred P. Sloan FoundationDr. Elizabeth Brown SloopMr. Kirby P. Smart and Mrs. Mary Beth SmartM. Brandon SmithMr. John E. Smith IV and Ms. Brooke E. SmithDr. Stuart E. Smith and Mrs. Lynne C. SmithWilliam P. Smith Jr. FoundationSmithfield Farmland Corp.Smithfield Premium Genetics GroupMr. Christopher L. SnellMr. David E. Snell and Mrs. Krista B. SnellDr. Darl E. Snyder EstateMr. Lou Sobh and Mrs. Georgia SobhSoft Bones, Inc.Southeastern Archaeological Research, Inc.Southern Company Charitable Foundation, Inc.Southern Consulting Services, LLCSouthern Poultry Research Group, Inc.Southern Poultry Research, Inc.Mr. Fred A. “Tony” Spake and Ms. Janice K. SpakeMr. John Phinizy Spalding and Mrs. Mildred Cross SpaldingSpartan Chemical Company, Inc.Spencer FoundationEleanor Crane St. Laurent and Georges C. St. Laurent Jr.Mr. Richard Stamper and Mrs. Kimberly Lindsey StamperMr. and Mrs. E. Roe Stamps IVStanley Chrisman Memorial TrustState of Kansas Department of AdministrationMr. Grant T. Stein and Mrs. Janet M. SteinMr. Kessel D. Stelling Jr. and Mrs. Carol C. StellingAnne and Bill StemblerMr. William A. Stembridge Jr. and Mrs. Helen StembridgeMr. Kurt L. Stephens and Ms. Anna Wynne StephensMr. Randall StephensonMr. David T. Stevens and Mrs. Elizabeth StevensMrs. Dudley StevensMr. George J. Still Jr.Mr. I. William Stolz III and Mrs. Karen StolzMr. Robert H. Stolz Sr. and Mrs. Anne Howard StolzMr. and Mrs. Barry L. StoreyMr. Fred D. Storey Jr. and Mrs. Cindy Storey

Mr. Dennis H. Strickland and Mrs. Sindy Massey StricklandMr. William F. Strother Jr. and Mrs. Deborah S. StrotherMr. Lee J. Styslinger III and Mrs. Kelly StyslingerSustainable Forestry Initiative, Inc.Dr. Balasubramanian Swaminathan and Mrs. Mangal P. SwaminathanMr. Asa V. Swift and Mrs. Rebecca SwiftMr. George P. Swift IIIMr. Jack W. SwiftMr. John SwigartSteven Swords, DMD and Lacy SwordsSyngenta Crop Protection, LLCSynovusTaminco, Inc.Mr. Anthony A. Tapie and Mrs. Tonya R. TapieMr. Hugh M. Tarbutton Jr.Mr. Francis A. Tarkenton and Mrs. Linda TarkentonTaylor Automotive GroupMrs. Greer O. Taylor and Mr. Alexander C. TaylorDr. Helen W. Taylor EstateTeledyne Hanson ResearchJohn H. Terrell III and Mary Anna Stewart TerrellMrs. C. Herman TerryDr. Carter E. Tharpe and Mrs. Joy P. TharpeMr. Walter Thiel Jr. and Ms. Cynthia A. ThielMr. David K. Thomas and Mrs. Beth L. ThomasMr. Marty E. ThomasDr. Bruce S. Thombley Jr.Dr. Brenda A. Thompson and Mr. Larry D. ThompsonMr. Charles B. Thompson and Mrs. Liles H. ThompsonMs. Nicole H. ThompsonMr. Zachary Thompson and Mrs. Amy ThompsonMrs. Martha ThurmondDr. William L. Tietjen and Mrs. Mildred TietjenTipton Construction Company, Inc.Mr. James V. Tipton Jr.Ms. Joan Titus EstateMr. Alan R. Tomblin and Mrs. Maryann W. TomblinMr. Tony D. Townley and Ms. Elizabeth TownleyMrs. Dana Cox TraceyThe Tres Cantos Open Lab FoundationTriEst Ag Group, Inc.TrueWealth ManagementMr. Jeffrey S. Tucker and Mrs. Catherine B. TuckerMr. Richard L. Tucker Sr. and Mrs. Margaret TuckerThe Turner Family Foundation, Inc.Turner FoundationMr. George C. Turner and Ms. Ruth C. TurnerMr. and Mrs. James C. TurnerMr. Phillip D. and Mrs. Earline W. TurnerMr. Robert H. Turner and Ms. Louise TurnerMr. William B. Turner Jr. and Mrs. Sally TurnerUBS Financial Services, Inc.University of Georgia Athletic AssociationUniversity System of Georgia Foundation, Inc.United States Golf AssociationThe UPS Foundation, Inc.The U.S. Charitable Gift TrustUS Endowment for Forestry & Communitites, Inc.US Poultry and Egg AssociationUSPOULTRY FoundationValentValent Bio Sciences Corporation

Vanguard Charitable Endowment ProgramVaughn-Jordan FoundationMr. Daniel D. Veal and Ms. Elizabeth B. VealMr. Timothy R. VealVestaron CorporationMr. Charles A. Vice and Mrs. Brenda F. ViceMr. Charles J. Vickery III and Mrs. Patsy VickeryVictory Real Estate Investments, LLCVidalia Onion CommitteePeter R. VigW. K. Kellogg FoundationW. Newton Morris Charitable FoundationWachtell, Lipton, Rosen & KatzMr. and Mrs. Wright B. WaddellMr. Layne WadeMr. John T. Wadsworth and Mrs. Melissa WadsworthMr. Lamar Wakefield and Ms. Patti WakefieldMr. Craig C. Walker Sr. and Mrs. Cameron WalkerMr. Scott WalkerMr. Thomas R. Wall IVMr. Wesley C. Walraven Jr. and Mr. Brian MooreMr. Carlton K. Walstad and Ms. Shannon Choate WalstadSusan C. Waltman and Thomas M. BarryWalton EMCDr. Joel C. WalzMrs. Harriet H. WarrenMr. Brooks T. Watkins and Mrs. Sarah WatkinsMr. Michael N. Weathersby and Ms. Risë J. WeathersbyMr. and Mrs. Michael R. WebbMr. Leo F. Wells III and Mrs. Angie WellsWells Fargo & CompanyWells Fargo FoundationWEX, Inc.Mr. Thomas E. White Jr. and Mrs. Colleen Dullard WhiteLettie Pate Whitehead FoundationMr. James B. Whitley and Ms. Jessica J. WhitleyMr. Marlan B. WilbanksMr. J. Thomas Wiley Jr. and Mrs. Susan F. WileyMr. Clayton E. WilhiteDr. Howard J. Williams IIIMr. and Mrs. Ridley M. WilliamsDr. Todd WilliamsonFrances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc.Wincorp International, Inc.Cheryl and Kevin W. WindomWine and Spirits Wholesalers of Georgia FoundationDr. Becky WinklerMr. Robert Winthrop II and Dr. Carol V. WinthropMr. Matthew M. Wirth and Ms. Katherine F. WirthMr. James E. Wise and Mrs. Gladys WiseWISH Foundation FundWISH Foundation, Inc.Mr. Charles J. Wolter and Mrs. Karen K. WolterMr. Jim WomackWood Holdings, LLLPMr. Joe T. Wood Jr. and Mrs. Cathy WoodMr. Trey Wood and Mrs. Morgan WoodThe Woodruff Family FoundationRobert W. Woodruff FoundationWormsloe Foundation, Inc.The Wormsloe Institute of Environmental HistoryMr. Eugene B. Worrell Estate

Economics and Statistics, ’18

“Research and internship experiences on and off campus allowed me to build relationships with faculty and community members and develop an analytical toolkit to address energy and environmental issues from data-driven perspectives.”

SHREYA GANESHANFueled by interests in environmental stewardship and policy development, Shreya focused her experiential learning opportunities on integrating data science into clean energy innovation. Now she is bringing her passion and experience to Google as an associate product marketing manager.


Page 24: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 4544 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Michael and Carolyn WrightMs. Akiko Yamazaki and Mr. Jerry YangYancey Bros. Co.Mr. Delos H. Yancey III and Mrs. Molly M. YanceyMr. and Mrs. Danny YatesMr. Samuel W. YatesMr. Allen W. YeeMr. Brandon H. YoungMr. E. Howard Young and Mrs. Rebecca Hale YoungMrs. Jane H. YoungMr. and Mrs. William D. Young Jr.Mr. William D. Young IIIYourCause, LLCMr. Dirk ZiffZinpro CorporationZoetis


Annual Gifts: $10,000-24,999Anonymous (19)1103 Bellevue, LLCMr. Kenneth G. Abele and Mrs. Sally McCrary AbeleMr. and Mrs. Ray AbernathyMr. Mark E. Abrams and Ms. Rebecca L. AbramsAccess to Capital for Entrepreneurs, Inc.ACTAGRO, LLCDr. Michael F. Adams and Mrs. Mary L. AdamsMr. Dean A. Adelman and Mr. Gary P. JacksonAEGIS Insurances Services, Inc.AFLAC, IncorporatedAGCO CorporationMr. Bradley S. AkinsMs. Julie A. AkinsM. Anne Albright and Daniel C. EarmanAldi, Inc.Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished

Americans, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. B. Heyward Allen Jr.Allied WorldAltria Client Services, Inc.Altria Group, Inc.Altus GroupDr. Frank V. Aluisio and Mrs. Karen W. AluisioAmerican Chemical SocietyAmerican Chestnut FoundationAmerican College of Veterinary DermatologyAmerican ExpressAmerican Floral EndowmentAmerican Heartworm SocietyAmerican Peanut Shellers AssociationAmerican Quarter Horse FoundationAmerican Seed Research FoundationAmerican Society for MicrobiologyMr. Albert T. Annexstad and Mrs. Catherine C. AnnexstadAqua Yield OperationsMr. William C. Archer III and Mrs. Andrea ArcherW. Scott Askew III and Kris H. AskewAT&TAT&T FoundationAthens Area Community FoundationAtkinson FarmsMr. and Mrs. Michael AtkinsonAtlanta Foodservice Expo, LLCAugusta National Golf Club

Mr. Eddie Ausband Jr. and Mrs. Allison Copeland AusbandMr. Gary Avants and Mrs. Sharon Satterfield AvantsJack and Erin AverettMrs. Martha AveryLillie AxelrodMichael AxelrodMr. Paul R. BakerRalph W. Balchin Jr. and Sandra S. BalchinBaldor Electric CompanyMr. Charles W. Barnes III and Mrs. Sallie S. BarnesMr. Earl D. Barrs and Mrs. Wanda Taylor BarrsW. Craig Barrs and Mary Anne Ford “Annie” BarrsJulie and Randy BassettMr. David M. BattleBayer Animal HealthDr. Larry H. Beard and Dr. Linda Nicholson-BeardMr. William C. Beckham III and Ms. Melissa BeckhamDr. Raymond Bradley Bedgood D. O.Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. BeenBeijing Keepyoung Technology Co., LTDMr. Thomas D. Bell Jr.Mr. Wayne Bell and Mrs. Kathryn BellJann Johnson BellamyMr. Edwin Bennett and Mrs. Terry BennettDr. Harold W. Berkman and Mrs. Muriel BerkmanMrs. Catherine Z. Bickerstaff and Mr. Walker R. BickerstaffBird RunningwaterJudge Joe C. Bishop and Dr. Carol BishopMr. Dameron Black III and Mrs. Jane BlackMr. Jeffrey D. Black and Ms. Lauren F. BlackMr. Stephen E. Blackmon Jr.Mr. Michael H. Blount and Mrs. Karen T. BlountBlue Frog ConstructionBM&K Construction & EngineeringBoehringer IngelheimBoehringer Ingelheim Animal HealthDr. H. Roger Boerma and Mrs. Cindy BoermaMr. Jeffrey T. BoganMr. Joseph H. Boland Jr.Mr. George M. Boltwood and Mrs. Kathryn M. BoltwoodMr. Thomas R. Booker and Ms. Jennie B. BookerMr. E. J. Boswell and Mrs. Sally BoswellDr. Ralph E. Bowers II and Dr. Amy Moates BowersMr. Jason M. BradyBrandt Consolidated, Inc.Dr. Howard M. BraverMr. Thomas W. Breedlove and Mrs. Heather H. BreedloveMr. and Mrs. Terry C. BridgesMs. Deborah Bright and Mr. John F. BrightMs. Laura E. BrightwellMr. Matthew T. Brinkley and Ms. Jennifer BrinkleyA. Vernon Brinson and Patricia BrinsonDr. and Mrs. William W. BrooksBrown & Brown Forestry Consulting President

Lewis BrownMr. Christopher W. Brown and Mrs. Stacey E. BrownMr. G. Owen Brown and Mrs. Cheryl BrownMr. Jeffrey A. Brown and Mrs. Susan G. BrownMr. Lewis P. Brown Jr.Mr. Ross M. BrownBRTU Construction, Inc.

Ms. Jane Threadgill Bruce and Mr. Gene D. BruceMr. William S. Bruce Jr. and Mrs. Mary Lou BruceMr. William Joseph Bruckner and Dr. Lucy BrucknerMr. Travis Bryant and Dr. Jeanna Maxwell BryantMr. Rodney D. Bullard and Ms. Silvette D. BullardBulldawg IllustratedBulldog Swim & Dive ClubBurgin Timberland Management, LLCMr. Robert F. Burgin IIIBurgundy Timber, Inc.Burke, Inc.Burman PrintingS. Seth Bush III and Jeana Gunn BushNell A. ButlerMr. Britt K. Byrom and Mrs. Frances C. ByromC L C Foundation, Inc.Brian P. Cain and Kim M. CainMr. Michael J. Cain and Mrs. Suzanne Vickers CainMr. and Mrs. C. Merrell CalhounMr. Todd A. Cameron and Mrs. Amy CameronMs. Elizabeth W. CampMr. James S. Campbell and Ms. Patricia N. CampbellCanadian Bio-Systems, Inc.Mrs. Barbara S. Candler and Mr. Peter M. CandlerChris CannonMs. Rebecca V. CaravatiCargill, Inc.Mr. Timothy A. Carlson and Ms. Kelli R. CarlsonMr. Chris CarnesRepresentative Kasey S. Carpenter and Ms. Julie R. CarpenterMr. Robert H. Carson Jr. and Ms. Teresa M. CarsonMr. Warren G. Carson Jr. and Mrs. Julie CarsonCongressman Earl L. “Buddy” Carter and Mrs. Amy CarterTrey and Beth CarterAnnie E. Casey FoundationMr. Gary C. Casey and Ms. Diane CaseyMr. Dimitri L. Cassini and Mrs. Erica CassiniEd Castro Landscape, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. CastroCenter of Innovation for AgribusinessCentral Garden & PetCertis U.S.A., LLCMr. Hugh M. Chancy and Mrs. Tina Whitaker ChancyMr. and Mrs. Lenn ChandlerMr. Richard C. Chandler and Ms. Elizabeth B. ChandlerMr. Kim G. ChapmanThe Chatham County Extension Services

Scholarship FundChemLockCherry Bekaert, LLPMr. C. Andrew Childers and Mrs. Wendy ChildersChipotle Mexican GrillChobani, Inc.Choice Genetics, LLCChoose Goodness, LLCAimee and Tom ChubbChurch Brothers FarmsCitizens Community BankMr. William T. Clark and Ms. Robin F. ClarkMr. Donald B. Clerici Jr.CMS Technology, Inc.

The Cousins Foundation, Inc.

“We believe in the power of community,” said Lillian Giornelli, president of the Cousins Foundation and daughter of Tom and Ann Cousins. “We know that the Cousins Scholars will gain valuable experience at the University of Georgia, which will enable them to make a positive impact on their communities.”

COUSINS FOUNDATIONThe Cousins Foundation provided a $5 million gift to establish the Cousins Scholars Program, which provides an annual scholarship to 24 service-minded UGA students who demonstrate significant need. They also endowed the Head Swimming and Diving Coach position.


Page 25: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 4746 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

CNN, Inc.James Guyton Cochran Jr. and Mary Alice T. CochranThomas E. and Frances D. CochranDr. M. Terry Coffey and Mrs. Elizabeth S. CoffeyCoker Creek TrustMr. Warren G. Cole and Ms. Cindia A. ColeMr. Chad L. Collins and Mrs. Sabrina Miller CollinsCommunity Foundation of Greater MemphisCommunity Foundation of South Georgia, Inc.Companion Animal Nutrition and Wellness InstituteConAgra Foods, Inc.Ms. Rachel Cosby ConwayDr. Bernice L. Cooper EstateMs. Suzanne A. CorbettPatricia Cornwell Foundation, Inc.Dr. Victor E. Corrigan II and Mrs. Marie S. CorriganCorry Family Genealogical Society, Inc.The Cotton FoundationMr. Scott E. Craig and Mrs. Lisa CraigDr. Betty Jean CraigeMr. Robert C. Crews IIMr. and Mrs. E. Stockton CroftMr. Darryl CurranMr. Donald W. Curtis and Ms. Barbara H. CurtisMrs. Lisa Daniels and Mr. Mark DanielsMr. F. Thomas “Tommy” David and Mrs. Karen Wright DavidMr. and Mrs. D. Jay Davis Jr.Dr. Edsel D. Davis and Mrs. Shannon Pickard DavisM. Austin Davis Foundation, Inc.Matthew H. DavisMs. Amber N. DeanDecosimo FamilyMr. Robert F. Decosimo and Mrs. Amy T. DecosimoMs. Elizabeth L. DeeleyDelta Air Lines, Inc.Mrs. Catherine and Mr. David DenhamMr. Thomas M. DeVore and Mrs. Thelma E. DeVoreThe Dial Family FoundationDr. Robert E. Dicks III and Mrs. Lynn Williams DicksMr. Al Dixon Jr. and Mrs. Peggy Farrow DixonDonateWellDow AgroSciences, LLCMr. Brian DowhowerMr. Bertis E. Downs IV and Mrs. Katherine DownsMr. John A. Draughon Jr. and Ms. Elizabeth DraughonDrax Biomass, Inc.Mr. Michael D. Drayer and Ms. Christine N. DrayerMr. Marsh M. DuncanMr. Jeffrey T. Dunn and Ms. Jessica DunnMr. Eric G. Durden and Mrs. Allender L. DurdenMr. Todd A. DyerMrs. Alice McConnell EberhardtEcolab, Inc.Ms. Charlene E. Edwards and Mr. A. Keith LawDr. J. Don EdwardsMr. James D. Edwards Jr.Ms. Sarah J. EdwardsDr. Steven J. Eisenberg and Mrs. Sheryl EisenbergElder’s HardwareEnbridge FoundationEnbridge, Inc.Epps Aviation

Erwin CreatesMrs. Gretchen Erwin and Mr. Joe ErwinMr. George T. Ethridge and Mrs. Alecia Hardin EthridgeMr. Charles EvansEve Carson FoundationMr. and Mrs. C. Michael Evert Jr.Exposition Foundation, Inc.E-Z-GOFACE FoundationMs. Gloria Cobb Fagin and Mr. David H. FaginMr. Paul A. Faletti Jr. and Mrs. Carrie B. FalettiMr. David B. Farmer and Mrs. Mallory FarmerMr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Farnsworth IIIThe Fastbreak Club, Inc.Mr. Richard S. Ferguson III and Mrs. Susan R. FergusonMr. Jackson C. FerlandMrs. Natalie C. Ferland and Mr. Michael A. FerlandMr. Luis FernandezMrs. Neva J. Fickling EstateMr. William A. Fickling Jr.Fine Americas, Inc.Ms. Sue Henry FinkRobert D. and Elisha W. FinneyMr. Michael K. Fitzgerald Jr.Mr. Michael K. Fitzgerald Sr. and Mrs. Jennifer Turk FitzgeraldMs. Catherine D. FitzgeraldMr. Michael T. FletcherFlint Equipment CompanyFlowers Foods, Inc.Mr. James H. Floyd and Mrs. Shawn E. FloydMr. Rick E. Floyd and Ms. Andrea L. FloydMr. James D. Fluker Jr. and Mrs. Dorothy I. FlukerMs. Sallie K. FoellForge CompanyMr. Harry S. Forsthoff and Mrs. Cris Greer ForsthoffMr. John C. FountainMr. Joe D. FowlerMr. Robert R. Fowler III and Dr. Jean Corbett FowlerDean Linda Kirk Fox and Mr. Wayne A. FoxMs. Adrienne C. Freeland and Mr. Kevin A. FreelandMr. Louis M. Freeman and Mrs. Judith FreemanDr. Michael B. Freeman and Mrs. Kay G. FreemanMr. Gregg S. Freishtat and Ms. Ruth A. FreishtatMr. Theodore R. French Jr. and Mrs. Stephanie A. FrenchFriends of the Georgia Museum of Natural HistoryFriends of Great Swamp National Wildlife RefugeMr. Ronald L. Fritchley and Mrs. Martha L. FritchleyFTI Consulting, Inc.Fuse MediaDeborah GaffneyMr. William J. GaffneyCourtney Knight Gaines FoundationMr. and Mrs. William Christian Gambel Jr.Mr. Grant E. Garbers and Mrs. Angelique GarbersMr. Edward T. M. Garland and Mrs. Judy GarlandThe Garner FoundationMr. John H. and Vicki J. GarrettMrs. Frances E. Garrison and Dr. Arthur W. Garrison Sr.Ms. Paula Heard Gault

Dr. Gregory L. Gay and Mrs. Danna GayGayco HealthcareGeico Philanthropic FoundationThe Gender Gap FoundationGeneral DynamicsGeneral Mills, Inc.Dr. John P. George and Mrs. Kimberly A. GeorgeGeorgia Agricultural Commodity Commission For PeanutsGeorgia Blueberry Growers AssociationGeorgia Community Foundation, Inc.Georgia Dairy Youth FoundationGeorgia Department of AgricultureGeorgia Department of Economic DevelopmentGeorgia Development AuthorityGeorgia Forestry Association, Inc.Georgia Forestry FoundationGeorgia Master 4-H ClubGeorgia Plant Food Educational Society, Inc.Georgia TrendPaul and Jenifer GermerMr. John R. Giaquinto and Ms. Kay GiaquintoMr. Jack P. Gibson and Mrs. Deborah GibsonMr. Keith B. Giddens Jr.Mr. Lee P. Gilbert and Ms. Aimee N. GilbertMr. Edward J. Giles III and Ms. Kimberly Lindsey GilesGimlet MediaJ. Tom Glenn and Darlene D. GlennMr. Michael J. Glennon and Mrs. Amy K. GlennonDr. John Munro Godfrey and Mrs. Flavel McMichael GodfreyMrs. Lynn P. Goldman and Mr. Ronald GoldmanGolf Course Superintendents Association of AmericaMr. and Mrs. Stephen W. GoodroeMs. B. Joyce GoodwinNorton and Lisa GoodyearDr. and Mrs. James Hardy GordonMs. Claudia P. Gosch and Mr. Kurt B. GoschMr. Henry W. Grady III and Mrs. Kimberly Kilgo GradyGrant Thornton FoundationFranny and Jim GrayDr. Mark A. Gray and Ms. Lauren Jollay GrayGrayco Electrical, Inc.Greater Cincinnati FoundationGreater Houston Community FoundationDr. Richard E. Green Jr. and Dr. Beth A. ShapiroMr. Tommy Green and Mrs. Betty J. GreenDean Dale Greene and Dr. Jeanna WilsonMr. Gregory C. Gretsch and Mrs. Caroline GretschGriffin Chrysler Dodge Jeep RamGriffin Ford Lincoln, Inc.Mr. Christopher M. Griffin and Mrs. Jennifer L. GriffinMr. Daniel J. Griffin Jr. and Ms. Tamara L. GriffinDr. L. Hill Griffin and Mrs. Ellen GriffinMs. Tonya C. Guinn and Mr. Austin E. GuinnDr. Christopher E. Haberman and Mrs. Stephanie E. HabermanMrs. Carol Schirmer HaeusslerMrs. Elizabeth Paris HagoodMr. Martin R. Hahn and Ms. Cheryl A. HahnThe Hall-Knox FoundationThe Halle FoundationMr. John F. Halper and Mrs. Laurel L. Halper

Ms. Anne Montgomery HaltiwangerMr. Joseph W. Hamilton III and Mrs. Margaret D. HamiltonMr. Frank J. Hanna Jr.Mr. Travis J. Hannon and Mrs. Kellie L. HannonRepresentative Buddy Harden and Linda C. HardenMr. Patrick E. HardieMr. Philip Hardin and Mrs. Adele B. HardinThe Dot and Lam Hardman Family FoundationDr. John B. Hardman and Mrs. Laura HardmanMary Talmadge HardmanMr. and Mrs. Fran C. Hargarten IIIMrs. Julie M. Harison and Mr. Phil S. Harison Jr.Ms. Cindy L. HarkinsMr. Clinton A. HarkinsMr. Lester L. Harper Jr. and Mrs. Katherine Williams HarperCam and Dee-Dee HarrisMrs. Clara M. HasbrouckMr. Mark R. Hatcher and Mrs. Olivia HatcherRandall W. HatcherMr. Todd E. Hatcher and Ms. Jennifer A. HaddenMr. Tucker Haught Jr.Mr. P. David Hay and Mrs. A. Renee HayMr. Charles B. Haygood Jr. and Mrs. Mary I. HaygoodMr. John S. Haynes and Ms. Catherine M. HaynesDr. Peter B. H’Doubler Jr. and Mrs. Karen H’DoublerMr. Jack Head and Mrs. Jane Schingen HeadHealthcare Georgia FoundationMr. P. Don Hemrick and Mrs. Barbara M. HemrickMr. Richard D. HendersonDr. Lawrence R. Hepburn and Dr. Mary A. HepburnMs. Laura L. Herrin and Mr. Kevin V. HerrinMr. Miles E. Hess Jr.Mr. James E. Hickey IIIHidden Villa RanchMr. Robert A. Hilliard and Ms. Kim A. BuckeyDr. Jan C. Hines and Mrs. Hazel HinesMrs. Mary Laraine Young HinesDr. J. Michael and Mrs. Marilyn L. HiottHarold Hirsch Scholarship FundHo EnterprisesMr. Geoffrey M. Hodgson and Mrs. Margaret C. HodgsonDr. James C. Hoffman Jr. and Ms. Judith HoffmanMr. Leonard D. Hogan Sr.Mr. Harris Holland*Mr. David K. Hollis Jr.Mr. William E. Holman and Mrs. Joelle HolmanMr. Hamilton E. Holmes Jr. and Mrs. Virginia G. HolmesHormel Foods CorporationDr. Arthur M. Horne and Mrs. Gayle HorneMr. Stephen J. Horton and Mrs. Diane Devore HortonMr. William M. HouseMr. Marty Howard and Ms. Lisa HowardMr. Robert D. Howell and Ms. Lauren R. HowellMr. Jason E. Hudson and Mrs. Katherine P. HudsonMrs. Sandra S. Hudson and Dr. Cecil C. HudsonMr. John W. Huey Jr. and Mrs. Kate HueyMrs. Gail D. Hughes and Mr. Tim HughesMr. Robert T. Hughes and Ms. Mary BearMrs. Karen Newton Hull and Mr. James M. HullMr. Charles A. Hunnicutt

Mrs. Gail J. HunnicuttMr. Mark A. HurtMr. Andrew W. Hussion and Mrs. Leanne S. HussionIBM CorporationIBM International FoundationImlay FoundationMr. Kirby M. Ingram and Ms. Kinsey M. IngramThe W. F. Ingram FoundationInternational Forest CompanyInternational Plant Nutrition InstituteIntrepid Capital Management, Inc.IsoAgeMr. James C. Jackson and Ms. Nina JacksonJanney Montgomery Scott, LLCHeath and Toni JarrettMr. Mark L. Jennings and Ms. Delores JenningsMr. Daniel B. Jeter and Mrs. Felicity JeterThe Jinks Family Private FoundationMr. Matthew I. Johns and Mrs. Christy C. JohnsMr. C. Keith Johnson and Mrs. Kathleen Winegar JohnsonMrs. Patricia A. JohnsonMr. Wyatt Thomas Johnson and Mrs. Edwina Chastain JohnsonMrs. Jennifer Simpson Johnston and Mr. Matt JohnstonMr. Stephen M. Joiner and Mrs. Margaret JoinerMr. David H. Jones and Mrs. Debra S. JonesMr. Matthew W. JonesMr. Will Jones Jr. and Mrs. Karen McClung JonesMs. Gail E. JordanJSP Management, LLCMrs. Nancy C. Juneau and Mr. Leston JuneauThe Kase FamilyMr. Ryan D. Katz and Ms. Amy J. KatzMr. Stiles A. Kellett Jr. and Mrs. Carol A. KellettKellogg CompanyMr. and Mrs. J. Keith KellyKerry Ingredients and FlavoursMr. Eugene E. Key III and Mrs. Simone KeyMr. Martin E. Kilpatrick Jr.Wayne M. KimberlyKimin, Inc.Mr. Cliff C. Kimsey III and Mrs. Connie KimseyKinetic Credit UnionKittrich CorporationCharles B. Knapp and Lynne V. KnappMr. and Mrs. Seth L. Knight IIIMr. Andrew H. Knox and Mrs. Carol A. KnoxMr. Charles E. Knox and Mrs. Kimberly N. KnoxMr. Davis P. Knox and Mrs. Gena KnoxMrs. George-Ann KnoxMr. and Mrs. Jeff KnoxRuth A. KnoxKocide, LLCMs. Barbara L. KoesjanStephen J. and Letty L. KonenkampMs. Fran Bennett Konradt and Mr. John W. KonradtMr. Mark D. KopkinMr. Gregory M. Kosater and Mrs. Leigh Bowen KosaterMs. Susan M. KostDr. Charles R. Kutal and Mrs. Judy G. KutalKXAS-TV/NBCLabCorpMs. Susan P. LajeunesseLallemand Plant Care

Mrs. Christine D. LambertJoAnn C. Landry and Daniel “Rick” LandryLangdale Capital Assets, Inc.Thomas H. Lanier Family FoundationMr. Christopher L. LaPorte and Mrs. Quinita LaPorteMiss Kimberly L. LaPorteMr. Larry Laseter and Ms. Margaret A. LaseterRobert “Buzz” Law and Cathy LawMr. M. Chase Lawrence and Mrs. Courtney M. LawrenceMr. F. David Leiter Jr. and Mrs. Michelle Kelley LeiterPhillip and Janice Levin FoundationDr. Todd A. Levin and Mrs. Rebecca G. LevinMr. David F. Lewis and *Mrs. Robbie W. LewisJ. Curtis Lewis IIILilly Grant OfficeMr. Marion C. Lincoln and Ms. Erin A. LincolnMr. Christopher J. Lindell and Ms. Julie A. LindellMr. William H. Linginfelter and Mrs. Mitzi Butler LinginfelterMr. John P. Lloyd and Mrs. Karole F. LloydLockheed MartinLockwood Partners Foundations, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Luther A. Lockwood IIMr. David R. Long and Mrs. Cathy J. LongMrs. Lara E. Long and Mr. Brian LongMr. Robert E. Long Jr.The Charles Loridans FoundationMs. Helen Bivings LoylessLumpkin Coalition, Inc.Mr. Frank G. Lumpkin III and Mrs. Tamie H. LumpkinLeverett and Meredith LuncefordMr. Walter W. LyonDr. and Mrs. Arnett C. Mace Jr.Mr. Jay MacKenna Jr. and Mrs. Karla Sefcik MacKennaMailChimpDr. Jonathan G. Marquess and Dr. Pamala MarquessMr. and Mrs. Kevin B. MarshMargot Marsh Biodiversity FoundationMs. Mary O. MarshallMr. and Mrs. Randolph B. MarshallMr. Abit Massey and Mrs. Kayanne Shoffner MasseyMr. Lewis Massey and Mrs. Amy MasseyMr. and Mrs. David W. MathenyMr. Matthew T. Mautz and Mrs. Chelsea M. MautzMaxwell Chase Technologies, LLCDr. M. Louise McBeeMcClure Family Foundation, Inc.Mrs. Dorothy McClure EstateMr. Hugh L. McColl Jr.Christiana and Luke McConn IIIMr. Walter H. McDanielDr. Scott J. McDermott and Ms. Amy R. McDermottMcDonald’s CorporationStewart W. and Marwen P. McDowellMr. Sherwood H. McDuffie and Ms. Laura June McDuffieMr. Greg McGarity and Mrs. Sheryl Holland McGarityLindsey and Rita McGarityMr. Milton L. McGarity and Mrs. Rita McGarityMr. Scott C. McGee and Mrs. Wendy McGee


Page 26: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 4948 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Dr. Robert L. McGuinn and Ms. Penelope A. McGuinnMr. Michael E. McGuire Jr. and Mrs. Maja M. McGuireMr. John W. McLean and Dr. Teresa McLeanMr. Jeffery D. McLendon and Mrs. Elizabeth Lesh McLendonMarty and Julie McLendonMr. Kyle B. McMahon and Ms. Megan T. McMahonMs. Jane Louise McNair EstateMs. Erin McNultyMead Johnson NutritionDr. Richard A. Meaders and Mrs. Sherri MeadersMs. Hollis Dorsey Meidl and Mr. Christopher D. MeidlDr. Kenneth J. MeierMerck Animal HealthMr. Gary E. Merriman and Mrs. Laura L. MerrimanMerrymac-McKinley FoundationMrs. Robert J. MeyerDr. Burlyn E. MichelSteve Middlebrooks and Susan MiddlebrooksMilk SpecialtiesMr. Bartley R. Miller and Ms. Allyson G. MillerMr. and Mrs. Joe E. MillerDr. R. Baxter Miller and Dr. Diana L. RansonMr. Walter L. Miller and Mrs. Connie MillerMillward Brown, Inc.Ms. Carson MillwoodMr. Chandler MillwoodMrs. Kenneth L. MillwoodMr. Robert C. Mimms and Ms. Suzanne M. MimmsDr. Kristopher G. Mixon and Mrs. Melissa A. MixonMMR Research Associates, Inc.Mr. Herbert W. Mobley Jr.Mr. Patrick Mobley and Mrs. Farolyn G. MobleyDr. Puliyur S. Mohankumar and Dr. Sheba M. J. MohankumarThe Molpus CompanyDr. Carl A. Moore and Mrs. Nancy Davis MooreMr. Robert L. MooreMr. C. L. Morehead Jr.Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact

Funding Trust, Inc.Mr. Jon L. MorrisMr. Roy F. Morris IIDr. Van Morris and Dr. Libby Vassar MorrisMott’s, LLPMott’s, LLP a Dr Pepper Snapple Group CompanyMr. David R. Mulkey Jr.Ms. Jennifer E. MulkeyDr. Marie R. MullanMr. Carl W. Mullis III and Mrs. Marian J. MullisMr. Christopher D. Murphy and Mrs. Faith MurphyKatherine John Murphy FoundationMuscadine Products CorporationNareitNational Crop Insurance ServicesNational Watermelon Association, Inc.Mr. Mark H. Nedza and Ms. Leah M. HinnefeldMr. Edwin R. Neel and Mrs. Sara S. NeelMr. John J. Neely III and Ms. Courtney NeelyNestleNestle Purina PetCareNew South Associates, Inc.NewellRubbermaid, Inc.Newmont

NewsHour Productions, LLCMrs. Dawn Newsome and Mr. Mike NewsomeMr. Robert L. Newsome IIIHowell W. Newton and Laura T. NewtonMr. J. Alvin Newton Jr.Mr. Graham S. NicholsonMiss Alisa J. NofsingerNordson CorporationNorth Dallas Honey Company, LPNovelis, Inc.NRF FoundationMr. Charles R. Nuckolls and Mrs. Suzanne G. NuckollsNufarm Americas, Inc.Nutramax Laboratories, Inc.Oconee Golf Company, LLCMs. Jade N. OgdenOkefenokee Swamp ParkMrs. Allison K. O’Kelly and Mr. Shane O’KellyMr. Gerald E. O’Meara III and Mrs. Sandra J. O’MearaOmniActive Health Technologies, Inc.Origination, Inc.Mr. Michael B. Orkin and Mrs. Judy D. OrkinMr. Matthew G. Orr and Mrs. Amy C. OrrMr. George D. Overend and Mrs. Carol C. OverendMr. William M. OverendMr. R. Stuart Owen Jr. and Mrs. Carol Birney OwenMr. Dudley OwensMr. Richard E. Owens and Mrs. Kathryn OwensOxford PropertiesOyster SouthMr. Charles F. Palmer and Mrs. Kathie PalmerPalmetto Pecan, LLCMr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. PannellMrs. Eloise Parady EstateDr. W. Harold Parady EstateParamount NetworkMrs. Melissa S. Paris and Mr. Taylor W. ParisMr. Thomas H. Paris Jr. and Mrs. Alice E. ParisMr. Daniel F. Parker Sr. and Ms. Janice ParkerKaren and Richard ParkerParties To Die ForPartnership for Affordable Clean EnergyPatrick Family Foundation, Inc.Mr. Robert C. Patton and Mrs. Cornealia Ham PattonMrs. Michelle and Mr. W. Porter Payne Jr.Peachtree Garden Club Community Fund, Inc.Mrs. Andrea T. Pearson and Dr. Walter R. O’BrienMr. John S. Peeples and Ms. Leslie W. PeeplesDr. Meredith L. Pelayo and Mr. Allen PelayoMr. Thomas J. Pendergrast Jr. and Ms. Barbara B. PendergrastMr. David E. Pennington III and Mrs. Pamela PenningtonPepsi-Cola CompanyPerry Management, Inc.Dr. Steven R. Peskin and Ms. Suzanne W. PeskinLt Col J. David Pesterfield and Mrs. Toni T. PesterfieldPetSmart CharitiesPfizer, Inc.PHDPHD Media LLC HPPhibro Animal Health Corporation

*Dr. Lawrence V. Phillips and Mrs. Sarah Mae PhillipsMrs. Suzanne W. Phillips and Dr. Randall J. PhillipsMissie and Bill PierceMs. Sheila PinkelTerri and Gene PitcherMr. Billy F. PittmanMr. Scott F. PlomgrenMr. James R. Plowman and Ms. Kari L. PlowmanMr. Alec L. Poitevint II and Mrs. Doreen Stiles PoitevintPollard Lumber Company, Inc.Mr. Robert W. Pollard Jr.Howard and Suzanne PompMr. Carter R. Posner and Ms. Angela Perry PosnerMr. Chad V. Powell and Mrs. Stephanie A. PowellMrs. Irene T. PowersDr. Taffi Prasse and Dr. Keith W. PrasseMr. James E. PrickettPrimeSportMr. John B. Prince III and Mrs. Betty J. PrinceMr. Thomas E. Prior and Mrs. Laura Z. PriorMr. Drew W. Prusiecki and Mrs. Kellie A. PrusieckiPublix Super Markets Charities, Inc.Publix Super Markets, Inc.Mr. Robert J. Rabe and Dr. Rachel C. RabeMr. Bruce Q. Rado and Ms. Andrea M. G. RadoMr. Joel M. Rainer and Mrs. Kathryn K. RainerMrs. Doris Adams RamseyMr. Joseph R. RandallMr. Paul P. Raulet Jr.Redek Investments, LLCMichael W. ReeseDr. Bradley C. RegisterMr. Robbie B. ReidMr. James A. Reinstein and Mrs. Sheila ReinsteinMrs. Lisa R. Reno and Mr. G. Jeffrey RenoMs. Brook E. ReynoldsReynolds Veterans AssociationDr. Katherine R. Rhodes and Mr. Scott E. RhodesMr. Ken Richards and Mrs. Elizabeth Correll RichardsMr. William H. Riddle Jr. and Ms. Mary Jo C. RiddleCarl Riden Mr. Anthony P. RileyRite Aid CorporationMr. Alex T. RobertsonH. English and Ermine Cater Robinson FoundationMrs. Mary B. RobinsonMr. Joseph Roddy and Ms. Carol RoddyMr. David A. RodgersMr. Richard L. Rodgers and Ms. Lara J. RodgersMr. W. Ralph Rodgers Jr.The Fred Rogers CompanyDr. Raford P. Rogers III and Ms. Mary K. RogersDr. Cortie J. Rolison IVDr. Benjamin T. Ross and Mrs. Lauren A. RossJohn and Virginia RowanMr. Daniel C. Royal Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James RubensteinMr. Glen RubinDr. and Mrs. Wayne P. RushMr. and Mrs. David RussMr. Clifton A. Russell and Mrs. Kirsten RussellMr. Robert L. Russell Jr. and Ms. Patricia G. RussellMrs. Donna C. Rydquist and Mr. Dean B. RydquistMr. Randy Salisbury and Mrs. Julie Salisbury

Georgia Athletic Association Professor of Engineering

“Over the years, my students and I have come up with innovations that are poverty-alleviating, wellness-building, and planet-sustaining. Private giving paves the way for the critical work we are doing.”

WILLIAM KISAALITAKnown for teaching excellence and research creativity, Dr. Kisaalita exhibits a people-centered approach to engineering—devising such inventions as a biogas cooler to preserve milk for dairy farmers in impoverished areas.


Page 27: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 5150 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Mr. David G. Salyers and Mrs. Lynn SalyersMr. John Samford and Ms. Laura L. SamfordSanderson Farms, Inc.Sandia National LaboratoriesThe Sanford CompanyMr. Brian E. Satisky and Ms. Shelly R. SatiskySCANA CorporationMs. Lee ScheinmanMs. Laura A. SchepisMr. David G. Schlitt and Mrs. Cheryl A. SchlittDr. Ryan E. SchnetzerMr. Kenneth SchnitzerJohn and Terri SchraudenbachDr. Larry A. Schwartz Jr.The Scotts CompanyMr. Fred Ferrell Scruggs Jr. and Mrs. April N. ScruggsMs. Swann SeilerSelig EnterprisesMr. Rader Sellers and Ms. Kate SellersMrs. Jodi Holtzman Selvey and Mr. William E. SelveyMr. and Mrs. Abram J. SerottaThe Shadydale Charitable FoundationMr. Brooks SheldonBecca ShellScott ShellW. M. Sheppard Lumber Co., Inc.Mr. William J. Sheppard and Mrs. Cynthia W. SheppardMr. James H. ShererMs. Mariah ShererMrs. Bonney S. Shuman and Mr. William J. ShumanMr. Keith H. Shurbutt and Mrs. Tiffaney ShurbuttMr. Mitchell L. SiegelSignature FD, LLCStephen M. Silberstein FoundationRepresentative Deborah Donaldson Silcox and Dr. D. Hal Silcox IIIMr. Frampton E. Simons and Ms. Elizabeth Black SimonsSipcamAdvanDr. Sangram S. SisodiaMr. William D. Skinner and Mrs. Jane Fickling SkinnerDr. Peter SmagorinskyMr. Aaron D. Smith and Mrs. Kristen SmithMr. David N. Smith and Mrs. Lisa Wells SmithMr. Gordon A. Smith and Mrs. Jane K. SmithMs. Julie C. SmithMs. Malia L. Smith and Mr. Tye D. SmithMr. Matthew Smith and Mrs. Tracy E. SmithMr. Reginald R. Smith and Mrs. Leigh M. SmithMr. William D. Smith and Mrs. Laura SmithWilliam L. Smith IV and Dorothea Patrick SmithWilliam R. and Sara Babb Smith FoundationDiane Smock and Brad WycheAllison and Josh SolomonMr. Philip Solomons Jr. and Mrs. Cathy SolomonsSouth Georgia Powersports & Outdoor Equipment LLCSoutheast Produce Council, Inc.Southern Company Services, Inc.The Spartanburg County FoundationMr. Richard O. SpiresStar Roses and PlantsStarbucks Coffee Company

State Bank and Trust CompanyState Farm Companies FoundationMr. James Harlan Steele and Mrs. Nancy Dalton SteeleMrs. Amy StephensMr. C. Austin StephensMr. Charles P. Stephens and Mrs. Sandra D. StephensMr. Jerry L. StephensMr. Michael StephensMr. Robert L. StephensMr. Scott R. Stephens and Ms. Brooke N. StephensDanny and Beverly SterlingSterlingSeacrest PartnersMr. Robert R. StickelMr. Duane Still and Mrs. Deanna Newton StillMr. Harold W. Still and Mrs. Veronica StillMr. James M. StognerMr. Miles A. Stone and Mrs. Teresa W. StoneMs. Deborah Gohr Storey and Dr. Jay MabreyMr. Travis Storey and Mrs. Margaret Williams StoreyMr. Dale Stortz and Mrs. Shelley StortzDr. Jeffrey S. Stortz and Mrs. Brooke StortzMr. Wade H. Stribling and Mrs. Celine StriblingMr. John C. StricklandMr. William A. StricklandStrickland’s Pharmacy, Inc.Mr. George L. Strobel II and Mrs. Judith GoldenMr. Thomas B. StroudMr. Aravinth I. Subramaniam and Ms. Shiyami M. SubramaniamMr. Christopher N. Sullivan and Ms. Karol E. SullivanSumitomo Corporation of AmericasSunTrust Bank Trusteed FoundationsSunTrust FoundationSuperior Pine Products CompanyMr. Forrest W. Sweat Jr. and Mrs. Susan Davis SweatMr. Carter E. SwiftGeorge and Ann Swift Family Foundation, Inc.Mr. Alexander T. SzalwinskiDr. Leiv Takle Jr.Cully TaltonMr. and Mrs. Charles K. Tarbutton*Mr. James S. Tardy and Mrs. Claire S. TardyMr. Robert O. Tate Jr. and Mrs. Alisa D. TateMr. Kirk Tattersall and Mrs. Kelly TattersallTaxConnex, LLCR. J. Taylor Jr. FoundationTeachers Insurance and Annuity Association

College Retirement Equities FundJohn Templeton FoundationThe Terrell Family FoundationThermo Pac, LLCThis American LifeAnita Morrison ThomasDr. James E. ThomasMr. Michael B. Thompson and Mrs. Susan M. ThompsonMr. Willard D. ThompsonMr. William F. ThorneMr. Lindsey ThornhillMr. Sterling K. Thornton and Ms. Cindy H. ThorntonThreadgill Electric Co., Inc.

Dr. Ernest D. Threadgill and Mrs. Anne ThreadgillMr. Robert Threadgill and Mrs. Pamela ThreadgillMr. Matthew TollesonDr. Ernest W. Tollner and Caren Crane TollnerMr. and Mrs. William O. Tome Jr.Mrs. Kimberly M. Tomlinson and Mr. Jonathan TomlinsonNatalie and Seth ToporekMr. Donald S. Toth and Mrs. Jill TothMrs. Julie Hall TrainMr. John E. Traver and Mrs. Carol L. TraverBen M. Treen, MDTruistThe Turfgrass Group, Inc.Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. George Christopher TurnerMr. Seth S. TurnerMr. David R. TyndallTyraTech, Inc.U.S. LumberUnilever United States, Inc.United Midwest Savings BankUnited Phosphorus, Inc.Universal Music GroupUS Land and Farms, LLCValdosta Area Georgia Bulldog ClubDr. Thomas Field Van Meter IIMr. J. Andrew VanceVerizonMr. William J. Vesely Jr.VICE Media, LLCDr. Thomas von Dohlen and Ms. Rene von DohlenVostermans Ventilation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Susie VoynichT. Rogers WadeWalgreensMs. Alice WalkerDr. Jill S. Walker and Dr. Michael S. ShulerMr. Ben B. Wall Jr.Mrs. Clara S. WalnMr. Kevin WarshMr. Thomas J. WashburnThe Washington PostMr. Don L. Waters and Mrs. Cynthia WatersMr. Jeremy M. Watkins and Ms. Charise E. WatkinsMr. and Mrs. Mark K. WatsonJ. B. Weaver Properties, LLCDr. James B. Weaver Jr.Mr. Christopher I. Webb and Mrs. Stephanie C. WebbMr. J. C. WebbJohn and Wendi WellsWestRock CompanyWeswood FoundationWGBH Educational FoundationDr. Christopher C. Whalen and Dr. Lauren WhalenMr. Thomas W. Wheeler Jr. and Ms. Maria M. WheelerMr. Brendan P. WhitcombProvost Pamela S. Whitten and Mr. Jason J. WhittenMr. Franklin S. Whitworth and Mrs. Elizabeth C. WhitworthMr. Roger K. Whitworth and Mrs. Lynn WhitworthMr. Willis H. Wilbanks III and Ms. Crystal M. WilbanksMs. Ashleigh Wilder

Political Science and International Affairs, ’18

“As SGA President, I saw the transformative power the University of Georgia has on the student body. The unique relationships are what set this institution apart, and I am confident that the community I formed here will last long after graduation.”

CAMERON KEENFor four years, Cameron served his peers and the University through the Student Government Association, including his recent position as President. This fall, he is attending the UGA School of Law.


Page 28: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 5352 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Mr. Philip A. Wilheit Sr. and Mrs. Mary Hart WilheitWilliams Family Foundation of Georgia, Inc.Mr. Cameron WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Charles S. Williams Jr.J. Williams Investments, LLCMr. Jon M. WilliamsMr. Scott S. Williams and Mrs. Vicki B. WilliamsLynda Brannen Williamson Foundation, Inc.Mr. Bryan Willis and Mrs. Molly Jordan WillisCapt. Gerald T. WillisDr. Katherine G. Willoughby and Mr. Dan H. Willoughby Jr.Mr. Stanford G. Wilson and Mrs. Debbie WilsonW. Terry Wingfield Jr. and Fran S. WingfieldDr. Robert J. WinhamWNET/THIRTEENMr. Frederick C. Woerner and Mrs. Patricia C. WoernerMr. Paul R. Q. WolfsonMr. Bradley P. Wood and Ms. Leigh WoodDavid and Debbie WoodMr. George C. Woodruff IIIJ. W. & Ethel I. Woodruff FoundationMr. Earl G. Wright and Mrs. Carole Morris WrightMr. John P. Wright and Mrs. Lyn Mealor WrightWTI, Inc.Mr. Caesar A. Yarbrough III and Mrs. Karen YarbroughDaniel and Julie YatesCynthia Engle YavinskyJulie G. Young and John F. YoungYum! Brands Foundation, Inc.Zoo Atlanta


Annual Gifts: $5,000-9,999Anonymous (15)Mr. Daniel J. Aamoth and Mrs. Patricia C. AamothMr. Kevin D. AbernethyMr. Britton D. AdamsMrs. Louise Adams and Mr. Timothy K. Adams Sr.AgBiome, Inc.Ms. Lori K. AgeeAgriTitan, LLCAgSouth Farm Credit, ACAMr. David T. AikenAkzo Nobel Functional Chemicals, LLCMr. James I. Alfriend and Ms. Ellen AlfriendMr. James P. Alfriend and Ms. Sarah E. AlfriendJimmy and Kathy AllgoodAllstate Insurance CompanyAlpharetta Animal HospitalMr. Tommy C. AltmanAmerican Eagle FoundationAmerican Express FoundationAmerican International Group, Inc.American Maltese Association, Inc.American Public Works Association - Georgia

ChapterAmerican Society of Landscape Architects Georgia Chapter, Inc.Americot, Inc.Amerigroup CorporationMr. Jesse L. Ammons

Dr. Chester W. Anderson and Mrs. Paula Long AndersonRay C. Anderson Foundation, Inc.Mr. Brooks Andrews and Mr. Dale DwelleDr. Scott AngleMr. Bonneau Ansley III and Mrs. Jennifer AnsleyMr. William B. Ansley Jr. and Ms. Sharon K. AnsleyAprioMs. June Y. ArataArby’s Restaurant GroupArgo Group International HoldingsArgonaut Management Services, Inc.Ms. Bonnie R. ArnoldMs. Cynthia A. ArrendaleAthens Garden ClubAthens-Clarke CountyAthFest EducatesDr. Truman T. AtkinsAtlanta Community Food BankThe Atlanta Kennel Club, Inc.Atlantic Capital BankAviagen, Inc.Mrs. Jessica A. Babington and Mr. Joseph BabingtonMr. James E. Baine and Mrs. Charlotte BaineMr. R. Griffin BairdMr. Jonathan M. BakerMr. Dennis J. Baltz and Ms. Elizabeth Bruce BaltzBank of AmericaMrs. Amy L. Bardash and Mr. Martin G. BardashBarnes Drug Stores of ValdostaMr. A. Emmett Barnes IVMr. David H. Barnes and Mrs. Martha C. BarnesMr. Brant Barrow and Mrs. Alecia BarrowDr. William E. BarstowMr. Robert A. Bartlett Jr. and Mrs. Cathleen M. BartlettMs. Ann M. BaxterMr. Barnie Beasley Jr. and Ms. Carla Ayers BeasleyMr. Timothy T. Beasley and Mrs. Dawn BeasleyMr. Gavin Beck and Ms. Danette Jones BeckMr. Christopher G. Becker and Mrs. Catherine BeckerMr. Brian S. Beckwith and Ms. Anne BeckwithMr. Barry L. Beers and Mrs. Naomi N. BeersDr. Charles Belin and Mrs. Nancy BelinMr. David B. Bell Sr. and Ms. Susie Swett BellMrs. Ellenda Bell and Mr. James M. BellMr. Henry L. BellBella CucinaBennett Thrasher, LLPMs. Mildred A. BennettMr. Robert M. Bentley and Mrs. Cathy BentleyMr. Tim E. BentsenDr. Felicia BerkowitzMr. Michael P. Berrigan and Mrs. Blair S. BerriganMr. William B. Betzel and Mrs. Hannah R. Lowe-BetzelMr. Joe E. Beverly and Mrs. Mary B. BeverlyMrs. Kim M. Beynon and Mr. Robert C. BeynonMs. Kristen M. BeystehnerRobert and Lisa BezzegMs. Vanessa J. Birdwell and Mr. David R. BirdwellRoger M. and Betsy Barge BirkholzMr. Philip BishopMr. Clanton C. Black III and Ms. Jenna BlackMr. Don B. Blackburn and Mrs. Janet Blackburn

Mr. Donald B. Blackburn Jr. and Mrs. Pamela C. BlackburnMr. Thomas M. Blanchard Jr.Mrs. Lisa Read Blanco and Mr. Joseph O. BlancoMiss Anna K. BlissitMr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Blitch IIIBlock & Bridle ClubMr. Emmet J. Bondurant II and Rev. Dr. Jane E. FaheyBonide Products, Inc.Boone and Crockett ClubMr. James N. BossermanMr. Jesse G. Bowles III and Mrs. Judy BowlesMr. Kirk J. Bradley and Mrs. Deanne BradleyBrasfield & Gorrie, LLCMrs. Mary Fordham Bready and Mr. Cameron M. BreadyMr. Dan C. BreedenMrs. Peggy Carroll BreedenMr. Matthew J. BrewerBriarcliff Pharmacy, Inc.Dr. Robert C. Bridger and Mrs. Kristie T. BridgerDr. James G. Bridges and Mrs. Sandra BridgesMr. Jonathan B. BrightMr. James H. Brock and Ms. Wendy Thomas BrockMr. Justin D. Brooks and Mrs. Margaret L. BrooksMr. Phil Brosseau Jr. and Ms. Stephanie Buckler BrosseauMr. Andrew Brown III and Mrs. Laurie Veal BrownDr. Grayson BrownMr. Johnny S. Brown and Ms. Tonya L. BrownMr. Tad Brown and Ms. Mary Kay BrownMr. William H. Brown and Mrs. Sharon Magill BrownMr. John S. Browne and Ms. Caroline Muir BrowneMr. Phil Buchanan Jr. and Mrs. Susan Ridlehuber BuchananMr. Sam BullardBulldog Park Fund RaisingM. Elaine BunnMr. E. Davison Burch and Mrs. Devereux BurchMr. R. Sanders BurgessMr. Gordon Burnett Jr. and Mrs. Amy Brown BurnettMr. Gordon B. Burnett Jr. and Mrs. Jennifer J. BurnettMr. Rhett B. Burruss and Mrs. Andrea M. BurrussMr. Charles A. Burson and Mrs. Joanne C. BursonMs. Nancy A. Bush and Mr. Emil ScoffoneMrs. Sandra C. BussellButler Wooten & Peak, LLPJudy Burke BynumCaldwell & Gregory, LLCMr. Thomas B. Call Jr. and Mrs. Katherine CallDr. Matthew W. and Dr. Paige B. CampMr. Charles E. Campbell and Mrs. Ann CampbellMr. Guy C. Camuso and Ms. Kimberly CamusoMr. Charles T. Cantrell and Mrs. Nanette L. CantrellMs. Laura H. Carden and Mr. Joseph W. CardenMrs. Patricia A. Carlock and Mr. Thomas CarlockMs. Bonnie Giles CarlsonDr. Keith Carnes Sr. and Mrs. Lori Sanders CarnesMr. Stuart A. CarringtonMs. Ashley P. Carroll and Mr. Joshua A. CarrollWilliam Nichols Casey and Constance Smith CaseyMr. Van E. Caswell and Ms. Wimberly Warnock

Caterpillar FoundationCaterpillar, Inc. - BCP DivisionMr. Charles G. Caye Jr.Center for Applied Nursery ResearchMr. Rufus A. Chambers Jr. and Mrs. Clara G. ChambersMr. William B. ChambersChange 4 GeorgiaJoshua N. Chapman FamilyMr. Kim G. ChapmanMr. Ricky H. Chastain and Mrs. Elizabeth Bowles ChastainMr. Robert S. ChaudoinThe Cheesecake FactoryChef Juan’s Gourmet Brands, LLCChristopherson Andavo TravelChubb Charitable FoundationChubb & SonCintasMr. Chris D. Clayton and Mrs. Maureen A. ClaytonMrs. Anna Godbee Clement and Mr. Dallas S. ClementCNA FoundationThe Coca-Cola CompanyDr. Benton E. CoferMr. Scott Coggins and Mrs. Cindy E. CogginsMr. James B. Cohen and Mrs. Deborah CohenMr. Robert M. Cohen III and Ms. Rebecca L. CohenMrs. Karen A. CoileCollins Cooper Carusi ArchitectsCommunity Foundation of Western North

Carolina, Inc.Mr. Justin B. Connell and Ms. Kathleen B. ConnellConsumer Specialty Products AssociationConyers Kennel Club of Georgia, Inc.Mr. Ronald S. Cooper and Mrs. Carolyn J. CooperDr. Larry R. Corry and Mrs. Carleen K. CorryCouncil on Social Work EducationDr. W. Lamar CousinsLaura Hauck CovingtonMr. Dan S. Cowart and Mrs. Syble CowartCox Enterprises, Inc.Crawford & CompanyCharles R. CrispMr. Michael W. Crook and Ms. Meghan CrookBrian and April CrowDr. Bruce P. CrowleyMr. John H. Culpepper and Mrs. Katherine C. CulpepperMr. Lee Culpepper and Mrs. Bethany CulpepperKimberlee Ann and Jonathan Edward CurleyDr. Joan Curtis and Dr. John R. CurtisMs. Santhia L. CurtisCushman & WakefieldThe Cynipid FundDr. Gino J. D’Angelo and Ms. Jamie L. D’AngeloMr. Harold DardenMr. James A. DarnellData PointsDr. Alexandra Craig Davenport and Mr. Whitley P. DavenportMiss Diane L. DaviesMrs. Kathryn Davis and Mr. Paul B. DavisMr. R. Read Davis and Mrs. Diane D. DavisMr. Robert P. DavisMr. Walker S. DavisMr. Richard H. Deane Jr.

Mr. David DeeterDelaware Community FoundationMr. James M. DeLoach Jr.Deloitte Services, LPMr. Steven L. Denton and Mrs. Jane DentonMr. David DewhirstMr. Ciro Dias dos ReisMr. Michael E. DickensMr. Marvin H. Dickey and Ms. Jacquelyn DickeyMr. W. T. DickeyDixon Hughes Goodman Foundation, Inc.Mr. James E. Dockter and Mrs. Rebecca L. DockterDr. Erin M. DoironThe Roy and Janet Dorsey FoundationMr. James R. Dove and Mrs. Nancy P. DoveDr. John F. Dowd and Mrs. Barbara B. DowdDowning Nix Trust FundsDr. Earth, Inc.Drexel Chemical CompanyMs. Virginia C. Drosos and Mr. Perry W. DrososMr. Jeffrey Duck and Mrs. Leigh H. DuckDudley Warner Family FoundationDr. Richard M. Duffield and Ms. Donna R. DuffieldJ. Ashley and Jill DukesMrs. Sue DuncanDr. Steven A. Durocher and Ms. Kathryn E. DurocherMrs. Joan G. Dye and Mr. Thomas R. DyeEast Marietta DrugsDr. David L. EcklesMr. and Mrs. Robert G. EdgeMr. and Mrs. Thomas Ewers EdmundsJames Edward & Company, Inc.William Underwood EilandDr. Carolann EisenhartEli Lilly and Company FoundationMr. Peter EliasonMs. Christine M. EllingtonMr. Robert A. Ellis Jr. and Mrs. Debra EllisDr. and Mrs. Mark F. EllisonMr. Alan Elsas and Ms. Katharine E. ElsasEnterprise Holdings FoundationEnterprise Management Group, LLCMark E. Epstein DVM Denise and Eddie EssermanMr. Christopher E. Etheridge and Mrs. Ellen L. EtheridgeMr. David W. Ethridge and Mrs. Kathy Hancock EthridgeEuropean Society for Veterinary DermatologyEvans Grading Co.Mr. Kevin C. Evans and Mrs. Candice M. EvansEverris NA, Inc.F & W Forestry Services, Inc.Mr. Timothy L. Fallaw II and Dr. Sarah Stanley FallawMrs. Lydia A. Farlow and Mr. Loran K. FarlowDr. Douglas P. Farman and Mrs. Patricia B. FarmanMr. Scott J. Feely and Ms. Kimberly R. FeelyMr. and Mrs. Fritz L. FelchlinMr. Edward A. Ferguson Sr. and Mrs. Shannon G. FergusonMr. James P. Ferguson Jr.Mrs. Joy Ferree and Dr. Maurice E. FerreeMr. Desmond D. Figgins and Ms. Claudia Accardi-FigginsMr. Smitty File and Mrs. Pamela File

First Data CorporationMs. Nancy A. Fischer and Mr. Patrick MoloneyMr. Charlie B. Fiveash and Mrs. Leila E. FiveashMs. Jennifer Wheatley FletcherMr. Matthew J. Fletcher and Mrs. Laura A. FletcherFluid Fertilizer FoundationMr. Michael S. Flynn and Ms. Heather CadyThe Foley FamilyFood Well AllianceMr. Joe T. FordFornazor International, Inc.Mr. Kent D. Fountain and Ms. Melissa C. FountainMrs. Kelley B. FranksFrazier & Deeter FoundationDr. Byron J. Freeman and Dr. Mary FreemanDr. Megan R. FreemanMr. Remick French and Ms. Marianne FrenchMr. Joseph A. Fried and Mrs. Terry A. FriedMr. Edward M. Fritch Jr. and Mrs. Janie FritchJennifer Lynn Frum and Andrew J. HerodMr. J. Rex Fuqua and Mrs. Duvall FuquaMrs. Carolee Wells GaileyMr. Denny C. Galis and Mrs. Peggy GalisMrs. Nancy Moore Gallagher and Mr. Gavin L. GallagherMr. Ramesh Gangadharan and Mrs. Nina GangadharanMr. and Mrs. Gunby J. Garrard Sr.Mrs. Denise McElveen Garrigan and Mr. William P. GarriganMr. Sidney A. Gelernter and Ms. Michele R. GelernterGeorgia Agribusiness Council FoundationGeorgia Banking CompanyGeorgia Council Trout UnlimitedGeorgia Department of RevenueGeorgia Department of Revenue - Motor Vehicle DivisionGeorgia Mountain OphthalmologyGeorgia Underwriting AssociationAndrew Ghertner Philanthropic FundMr. Andrew L. Ghertner and Ms. Karen McColl GhertnerDr. William H. GholstonMr. Todd C. GiaccoMr. Robert J. Gibson Jr.Gilbane Building Co.Dr. Leonard N. GirardiGlobal Clinical Supplies GroupGlobal Growers NetworkMr. John T. Glover and Mrs. Sandra GloverMr. John T. Glover Jr.Dr. Joseph W. Goetz and Ms. Lindsay ElwoodMr. William L. GoffMrs. Elizabeth M. Goizueta and Mr. Roberto S. GoizuetaMrs. Evia A. Golde and Dr. Andris R. GoldeGolden State FoodsMr. Michael J. GonzalezDr. Lynda Thomas Goodfellow and Mr. Raymond B. GoodfellowGoogle, Inc.Google Matching Gifts ProgramGoolsby BrothersMr. Barrington W. Goolsby and Dr. Cindy L. GoolsbyMr. Carey L. Gordon and Mrs. Eileen Gordon


Page 29: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 5554 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Mr. John F. GordonDr. Roy E. Grant and Ms. Beatrice W. GrantMichael GravittGreat Southland Stampede RodeoThe Greater Atlanta Safari ClubMrs. Julie L. Greene and Mr. Tucker E. GreeneMr. Thomas E. Greene III and Mrs. Jessie Brinson GreeneMr. Micah P. GremillionMr. Andrew D. Griffin and Mrs. Courtney M. GriffinMr. Jerry R. Griffin and Mrs. Gloria J. GriffinMr. Paxton W. Griffin and Ms. Annie GriffinMr. Preston W. Griffith and Mrs. Paula N. GriffithMr. Bob GuilbaultMr. David F. Haddow and Mrs. Mary L. H. HaddowMr. James A. Hammack Jr. and Mrs. Anne HammackMr. Daniel N. Hannon and Mrs. Laura Hutchinson HannonMs. Rowena Harbin and Mr. Michael S. HarbinMrs. Ruth Ann Harnisch and Mr. William HarnischMr. and Mrs. Henry B. Harris IIIMr. John W. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hatcher Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Jay HawkinsHerrick R. Hay DVM Haygood Legal, PCHealan Law Offices, PCMr. William D. Healan III and Ms. Carla S. HealanMr. Robert P. HeinMr. Walter Hellerstein and Dr. Nina HellersteinHelm Agro US, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John Cord Helmken IIMr. James L. Henderson III and Mrs. Eleanor HendersonBuddy and Portia HendrickMr. Philip W. Hendrickson and Mrs. Carol HendricksonMr. Douglas M. Hene and Mrs. Lindsey M. HeneMr. William A. Herman IV and Mrs. Lonii V. HermanDr. Keith L. Herndon and Mrs. Avonne HerndonMs. Judith F. HernstadtThe Hershey CompanyLonnie and Kim HerzogMrs. Nancy S. HeylMr. Edward S. Heys Jr. and Mrs. Lori K. HeysDr. Benjamin A. Hill and Mrs. Marian HillDr. John B. Hill and Mrs. Judy HillMr. Leo J. HillHillshire Brands CompanyMs. Ingrid A. Hilsman and Mr. David HilsmanMr. Logan D. HintonMs. Villa Sulzbacher HizerMr. David P. Hodge and Mrs. Cynthia E. HodgeMr. Inman G. Hodges and Mrs. Cindy D. HodgesMs. Deborah HoffmanMr. Thomas H. Hogan and Ms. Faith J. HoganDr. Benjamin H. Holland and Ms. Elizabeth G. HollandMr. and Mrs. John R. HollingsworthMr. Craig R. Holman and Ms. Lee Anne HolmanMr. Ed HolmanMr. Ronald G. Holt Jr. and Mrs. Rachel Walker HoltThe Home Depot FoundationMr. David E. Homrich and Mrs. Lynne F. HomrichMr. James B. Hooven II

Mr. Tom H. Hoover Jr.Mr. Christopher A. Hopkins and Ms. Marilynn H. HopkinsMrs. Kimber L. Houlne and Mr. Timothy M. HoulneJay and Kim HowardMr. Jon S. Howell and Dr. Emily D. HowellMr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hubbard Jr.Ms. Christine HunsakerMr. James M. Hunter and Mrs. Kim HunterMrs. Mary Denmark HutchersonMr. Edward L. Hutchinson and Mrs. Shelly HutchinsonMr. Johnny E. Hyers and Mrs. Louise James HyersMr. James B. Hyler Jr.Hy-Line InternationalDr. Alison R. Hynd and Dr. George W. HyndIcarus Alternative InvestmentsMr. Charles K. IdelsonCorey and Joni IngramInternational Council of Shopping CentersInternational Peanut GroupIronwood Family Holdings, LLCIronwood Insurance Services, LLCThe Thomas T. & Bernice F. Irvin Foundation, Inc.J & M Tank Lines, Inc.J. C. Lewis Foundation, Inc.J. M. Smith Corporation*Mr. Charles E. Jabaley and Mrs. Rebecca H. JabaleyJack in the BoxDr. Kerry Jackson and Mr. Brian S. JacksonMr. and Mrs. R. Michael JamesJefferson Energy CooperativeMr. Reynold J. Jennings and Mrs. Patsy L. JenningsMr. Ralph W. Jernigan Jr. and Ms. Sandra Floyd JerniganMr. William C. Jesel III and Mrs. Kelly M. JeselJewish Federation of Greater AtlantaJMG JV, LLCMs. Nan Johnson and Mr. Thomas R. MillsDr. Timothy JohnsonMr. John B. Johnstone and Mrs. Susan T. JohnstoneJoJo’s Gourmet Lemonade, LLCJones Lang LaSalleMr. and Mrs. Boland T. Jones Sr.Mr. Christopher D. Jones and Ms. Angela B. JonesMr. Dan Jones and Ms. Anna JonesMr. Jeremy D. Jones and Mrs. Corrie L. JonesMr. Patrick D. Jones and Mrs. Heather D. JonesMrs. Sarah Ferrell Jordan and Mr. Charles C. Jordan Jr.Mr. Kenneth L. Justice and Mrs. Elizabeth F. JusticeJWS Holdings of Anderson, LLCMr. Gordon B. KahnMr. and Mrs. Andy and Brooke KalinauskasMr. Theodore W. Kassinger and Mrs. Ruth G. KassingerMr. Joel G. Katz and Ms. Katherine R. KatzMr. Timothy A. Keadle and Mrs. Kathryn KeadleMr. Jeffrey J. Kearney and Ms. Christie KearneyKeepers Preservation Education FundDr. Drew S. KellerMr. Charles B. Kelley and Mrs. Cassie KelleyDr. J. Lex Kenerly III and Mrs. Joy Bland KenerlyKennedy Timber, LLCMr. Allen Kennedy

Mr. Lawrence Kenny and Mrs. Amy KennyMiss Jean A. KerrDr. Jennifer KeutenMr. Richard S. KimseyKing & Prince Seafood CorporationMr. David A. King and Judge Janet F. KingMr. Marsh King and Mrs. Mary KingDr. Oswald H. “Sonny” King III and Mrs. Mallie Evins KingMr. Ryan KingMr. Todd King and Mrs. Marianna Little KingDr. Stanley H. Kleven and Mrs. Kathleen B. KlevenMr. Reid R. Knox and Mrs. Molly Cummings KnoxMr. Evan L. Koplin and Mrs. Margaret KoplinKorn FerryMs. Judith P. KroneKubota Tractor CorporationMr. Paul M. Kurtz and Mrs. Carol P. KurtzMr. Abraham Y. Kwon and Mrs. Linda Cho KwonDr. Jane M. LambMr. Peter A. Lampros and Ms. Suzanne K. LamprosLandmark Properties, Inc.Tom and Susan LandrumThe Langdale CompanyMr. Gregory A. Lanigan and Mrs. Susan S. LaniganDr. Hiram G. Larew IIIMr. and Mrs. Reuben W. LasseterMr. and Ms. John A. LastingerDr. and Mrs. Thomas P. LauthBobby and Sissy LawsonMr. Danny W. LedbetterMr. Stanley Z. Lee and Mrs. Jenifer W. LeeLeHigh Agricultural & Biological ServicesMrs. Mary S. LewisMrs. Peggy Hall Lientz and Mr. James R. Lientz Jr.Lifeworks FoundationMr. Philip T. Linder Sr. and Mrs. Vaughn C. LinderDr. James G. Lindley Jr. and Mrs. Stephanie C. LindleyLegendary EventsKen and Robin LloydLockheed-Georgia Co.LocumTenens.comElizabeth “Liz” LohseDr. David Loncarich and Mrs. Nancy LoncarichLong Tire and Brake, LLCMr. David LongMr. Jarrett LongDrs. Brad and Laura LordMr. Christopher L. LovellLowe’s Companies, Inc.Lubo Fund, Inc.Luckie/Birmingham, Inc.Lumigrow, Inc.Mr. Robert K. Lynn and Mrs. Laura LynnLynx Research Consulting, Inc.Representative Ronald E. Mabra Jr. and Mrs. Dawn MabraMs. Susan MacFaddin and Mr. Doug MacFaddinDr. Ray R. MaddoxMr. Michael A. MaffettMaine Community FoundationMr. Barry M. Major and Mrs. Angela MajorDr. John A. MalteseMr. Gordon A. Maner and Ms. Megan Allen ManerDr. Nina Nahamies Marano and Mr. Alfred MaranoMarrone Bio Innovations, Inc.

Maxine H. Burton – President & COO - burton + BURTON Robert Eugene Burton (Bob) – CEO - burton + BURTON

“It’s amazing to see the experiences of the children who attend the camps at the 4-H center. You see them grow socially through their interactions with other children and learn from the outstanding programs the center provides.”

MAXINE AND BOB BURTON The Burtons continue to be strong supporters of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and Georgia 4-H. Burton 4-H Center on Tybee Island is supported through their planned gift. The center reaches more than 8,000 students and adults annually through its Environmental Education and Summer programs.


Page 30: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 5756 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Marsh USA, Inc.Mr. Christopher J. Marsh and Mrs. Daryn Rosenberg MarshMr. Colin T. Martin and Dr. Elizabeth MartinMr. and Mrs. Harry E. Martin IVMr. Robert E. Mason VMr. John D. Massey Jr. and Mrs. Christy L. MasseyMr. Michael W. Masters and Mrs. Suzanne S. MastersMr. Charles L. Mathis and Mrs. Margaret Winn MathisMr. Blaine MathisonDr. Gregory L. Mauldin and Mrs. Michelle D. MauldinMr. Daniel Mayer and Mrs. Christine MayerMr. Bowdre P. Mays Jr. and Mrs. Lynn MaysMr. John MazerMr. Donald Wadsworth McArthur IV and Ms. Carol Forehand McArthurMrs. Marianne R. McConnel and Dr. Fred M. S. McConnelMr. Mark G. McConnell and Mrs. Marjorie B. McConnellMr. E. Crawford McDonald and Mrs. Ann McDonaldMr. Michael L. McGlamry and Mrs. Anne McGlamryMr. Patrick J. McKenna and Ms. Christine McKennaMr. and Mrs. C. Rhodes McLanahan IIMs. Merri L. McLanahan and Mr. John D. McLanahan Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. McNeill Jr.Mr. H. R. McPhail and Ms. Diane McPhailDr. Laura J. MeadowsMr. J. Scott MeeksDr. Vernon G. Meentemeyer and Mrs. Suzan B. MeentemeyerMr. David J. Merkel and Mrs. Kathleen M. MerkelMrs. Melinda W. Mewbourne EstateMs. Deborah N. Meyerhoff and Mr. Scott MeyerhoffMichael FoodsDr. Parker Middleton and Dr. Kent R. MiddletonMr. Chris Miller and Mrs. Jo MillerDr. Mindi S. Miller and Dr. Scott D. MillerDr. Scott D. Miller and Ms. Keira MillerMr. Clay Milling Jr. and Mrs. Jayne MillingMr. James T. Mills Jr. and Mrs. Isobel MillsMillstone Homes, Inc.A. S. Mitchell Foundation, Inc.Dr. In-Pil Mo and Ms. Ki O. MoMr. Michael H. MobleyMs. Marsha K. MockMs. Florence MonroeMr. Hugh L. Mooney III and Miss Elizabeth L. MooneyCynthia K. MoonAmy Gaines MooreMr. Richard D. Moore and Mrs. Cynthia MooreMorris Communications CorporationMr. William S. Morris III and Mrs. Mary E. MorrisDr. Diane B. Morrow and Dr. John H. Morrow Jr.Pauline Morton Foundation FundMosaicDr. Thomas L. MoteMr. Kevin P. Murphy and Mrs. Elizabeth A. MurphyMrs. Holley S. Murray and Mr. Grey B. MurrayMr. Fred M. Muse and Mrs. Sharon A. Muse

Ms. Elizabeth J. Mutimer and Mr. James P. MutimerMr. and Mrs. C. V. Nalley IVMr. James O. Nalley and Mrs. Stephanie L. NalleyMr. Eric J. Nathan and Mrs. Jody N. NathanNational Association of BroadcastersNational Music Publishers AssociationMr. John NawrockiDr. Virginia D. NazareaNCR CorporationElaine Collier NealNebo AgencyMr. and Mrs. Dink NeSmithThe New York TimesMrs. Gay Norris Newall and Mr. Matthew P. NewallMr. Floyd C. Newton III and Mrs. Katrina D. NewtonMr. Joseph B. and Mrs. Elizabeth H. NewtonNextechMr. Carl R. Nichols and Mrs. Kathryn J. NicholsMr. Matthew W. Nichols and Mrs. Ashley P. NicholsMr. Phil Nichols and Ms. Lisa NicholsMr. Philip H. Nix and Ms. Alane W. ShelleyMr. Edward T. Noland and Mrs. Kimberly E. NolandDr. Francis A. Norman III and Mrs. Carla Wooten NormanThe Frank W. Norris FoundationNorth Georgia Community FoundationMr. Feaster A. Norwood and Ms. Dorianne NorwoodThe Colleen and Sam Nunn Family FoundationMs. Sandra Martin O’DonnellOelschig Nursery, Inc.Mr. Kurt C. Oelschig and Ms. Karen E. OelschigMr. Alexander P. Oliver and Ms. Katie OliverMr. John F. O’Neill III and Mrs. Jada O’NeillMr. David B. O’Quinn and Ms. Alannah Simms O’QuinnOrigami Risk, LLCOSIsoftMs. Rosemary O’TooleDr. Randall S. Ott and Mrs. Sheila S. OttOutrageous Bargains, Inc. DBA Outrageous

InteriorsDr. R. Glen Owen Jr. and Mrs. Carla Clifton OwenMr. Hank Page Jr. and Mrs. Susan Wood PageMrs. Vivion Young Palmer and Mr. Dwight W. PalmerDr. Clifton W. Pannell and Sylvia Hillyard PannellMr. and Mrs. John M. PapadopulosDr. Sally Ottaway PappDr. Robert J. Parel IIMr. Alex N. ParkMr. James E. Parker and Ms. Becky B. ParkerMr. Jerry L. Parker and Mrs. Robin ParkerDr. Cheryl L. Parra and Mr. Rosendo G. ParraMs. Nancy ParrishDr. Rafael P. Pascual and Mrs. Angela B. PascualDr. Gordhan L. Patel and Dr. Virginia PatelPathway Biologic, LLCMr. William R. Patrick and Mrs. Aubrie PatrickMr. Alexander W. Patterson and Mrs. Janet PattersonMrs. Christine Bushman Pavlak EstatePaws Whiskers & Wags, LLCMrs. Jane PayneDr. Larry J. Payne and Mrs. Hart PayneMr. William R. Peek and Mrs. Rachael G. PeekDr. Linda J. Peery-Hunt and Dr. Robert K. Hunt

Dr. Miguel H. PeralesPerdue Farms IncorporatedGraham Perdue FoundationMrs. Marilyn B. PerryPiedmont Athens Regional Medical CenterPiedmont Charitable FoundationPilgrim’s Pride CorporationMs. Kinsey E. PillsburyPineland PlantationPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.PLAE Vertical, Inc.Dr. Jon S. Poling and Ms. Terry D. PolingDr. Joseph Poole and Mrs. Madonna PoolePowers Ferry Animal HospitalPremier Elevator CompanyPrime Meats, LLC DBA Norsan MeatsMr. Matthew S. Prince and Mrs. Kate P. PrincePrintpack, Inc.William F. Prokasy and Pamela P. ProkasyMr. Matt Pruitt and Mrs. Baya M. PruittPublicis Healthcare Communications GroupMs. Ashley D. Purcell and Mr. Wade H. PurcellMr. James W. Purcell and Mrs. Ana P. PurcellMr. Neal E. Raburn and Mrs. Casey RaburnMr. Michael M. Raeber and Mrs. Carrie D. RaeberMr. David M. Rainey and Mrs. Jane P. RaineyMr. Daniel E. Rampey and Mrs. Denise RampeyMr. Austin L. Ramsey III and Mrs. Penelope W. RamseyMr. Sean G. Randall and Mrs. Patricia RandallMr. Errol RandolphJudge William M. Ray II and Dr. Kelle Chandler RayRayonier Operating Company, LLCMr. Larry E. Reagin and Mrs. Tammy S. ReaginMs. Ashley B. ReavesRedcoat Band Alumni Association, Inc.Dr. Ralph E. Reed Jr. and Mrs. Jo A. ReedRegions BankMrs. Lucy Branch Reid and Mr. Robert P. ReidMrs. Cheryl Davis Resnick and Mr. Jeff ResnickMr. John D. Reyna Sr. and Mrs. Sandra ReynaMr. Dudley C. Reynolds and Mrs. Mary Neal ReynoldsMr. and Mrs. Edward ReynoldsMr. James M. Reynolds III and Mrs. Kathy ReynoldsThe Randolph & Susan Reynolds FoundationMr. Robert G. Reynolds and Mrs. Gaylen ReynoldsDr. Louis A. Riccardi and Mrs. Candy Gibbs RiccardiDr. Thomas S. Richter and Mrs. Kim M. RichterMonika Schaaf RielyRita Tech, Inc.Mr. Robby Roberts III and Mrs. Laura Richbourg RobertsMr. Wesley S. RobertsMr. Alan Robertson II and Mrs. Jayna Fort RobertsonBetsy and Lee RobinsonDr. and Mrs. Andy RoddenberyMs. Jamie M. Rogers and Mr. Michael RogersDr. Kathleen J. Rojek and Dr. Dean G. RojekMs. Margaret A. RolandoMr. Ronnie D. Rollins and Ms. Sherri B. RollinsDr. Roger G. RoopDr. Arturo G. Rosales and Mrs. Ana M. RosalesMr. Joel RosenkranzRosing Painting & Wallcovering Contractors, Inc.

Alexander M. Crenshaw Professor of Public Policy

“The private support I receive through my endowed professorship helps to employ outstanding graduate students studying to be the future leaders and scholars in government and public policy. It also enables my own critical research and scholarship, including the work that produced my recent coauthored book, which won three major international book awards.”

ANDY WHITFORDDr. Whitford’s work examines how innovation, strategy, and leadership in organizations—particularly organizations where business and government intersect—promote sound governance and stable economies.


Page 31: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 5958 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Mr. Michael L. RosingMrs. Deanne Smith Rosso and Mr. Brandon J. RossoMr. Alan F. Rothschild Jr. and Mrs. Jewett W. RothschildRSM US, LLPRun for the Fallen, Inc.Mr. Bruce Russell Sr. and Mrs. Debbie RussellMr. Ryan R. Rutland and Ms. Meredith Mullis RutlandMr. Victor A. Sahm III and Ms. Kristy SahmDr. Charles W. Sanderlin Jr. and Dr. Tia R. SanderlinJulia Lumpkin Sando and Donald SandoMr. Stan W. Sands and Mrs. Donna SandsDr. Carla Stanley Sappe and Mr. Bryan SappeMs. Laura Halter Sardone and Mr. Nicholas SardoneMr. Ryan A. Scates and Ms. Kiel A. ScatesDr. Harald W. Scherm and Dr. Wendy B. ZomleferDean Anna Scheyett and Mr. Stephen K. LayMr. and Mrs. Gijsbertus SchimmelMs. Lucy SchoenfeldDr. William Schoenl and Ms. Linda M. SchoenlRobert I. Schramm and Nancy E. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Scott IIIMr. William Searcy and Camille SearcyMr. Blake Selig and Ms. Stephanie Sanders SeligSePRO CorporationDr. John N. Sexton and Mrs. Jeanne SextonMr. Brant Sharp and Mrs. Sheila Terrell SharpDr. Joanne L. Shaw and Mr. David ShawMr. William W. Shearouse Jr. and Mrs. Rhonda Bryan ShearouseMr. James D. Shelton Sr. and Ms. Elizabeth SheltonMr. Mitchell S. Sheppard and Mrs. Brannen Greene SheppardMr. and Mrs. Stuart R. SherrillThe Sherwin-Williams CompanyMr. Ameet S. Shetty and Ms. Holly ShettyMr. David E. Shipley and Ms. Virginia F. ColemanMr. Howard M. ShoreMr. Herbert J. Short Jr. and Mrs. Lisa Spain ShortMr. Michael A. Siegel and Ms. Lisa M. SiegelSigma Underwriting ManagersSignature GenerosityDr. Janice C. SimonSims Appraisal Services, LLCMr. Fred M. Sims Jr. and Mrs. Patricia H. SimsMr. Stephen S. Sloan and Mrs. Mollie M. SloanDr. Andy Smith and Mrs. Zan Harvill SmithMr. Byron Lamar Smith and Mrs. Edie E. SmithMr. Charles H. Smith and Mrs. Nancy Thompson SmithMr. and Mrs. Garnett A. SmithMr. Harrison A. SmithMr. John H. Smith Jr. and Mrs. Amy SmithDr. Kelly M. SmithMs. Margaret R. SmithMr. Robert B. Smith Jr.Dr. Stephen W. SmithSmithfield Foods, Inc.SMS Additive Solutions, LLCMr. Jonathan Snow and Ms. Miranda SnowMatt and Patti SnowSociety for Developmental BiologyMr. James A. Sommerville and Mrs. Frances D. SommervilleMr. Christopher P. SorrowMs. Laura K. Soscia and Mr. Anthony E. Soscia

Southeastern Gin & PeanutSouthern Humanities FundWilliam B. and Elisabeth E. SouthernMrs. Margaret R. SpaldingSpectrum BrandsMs. Apryl D. Stanfill and Mr. William T. Stanfill Jr.State Farm Insurance CompaniesState Mutual Insurance CompanyMr. George A. Steadman III and Mrs. Ann G. SteadmanSteelFabMr. James SteffelDr. Julie L. SteinerThe John Paul Stevens FellowshipBrother and Carol StewartDr. Susan C. StewartDr. Steven L. Stice and Mrs. Tracey A. SticeMr. Thomas B. Story and Mrs. Deirdre C. StoryMr. Clarence B. Stowe and Mrs. Lynn W. StoweDr. Caroline D. StrobelThe T. Stroud FamilyMr. Randall S. Sullins and Mrs. Judith A. SullinsMr. Brady N. SullivanDr. Michael J. Sullivan and Dr. Nancy A. DenleaSulvaris, Inc.Sumerford FarmsMr. Harold A. Sumerford Jr.Mr. George S. SummersSunOpta Foods, Inc.SunTrust Banks, Inc.Mr. Alan N. Sutin and Mrs. Susan E. SutinMr. Gregg SwemMr. Mathews D. Swift and Mrs. Mary Lou C. SwiftMr. and Mrs. Todd SycoffTimothy Elton TallentMr. Greg T. Talley and Mrs. Laura M. TalleyMrs. Lynda Cowart TalmadgeMr. David TaubMs. Margot S. TaylorTechnology Resource Solutions, Inc.Tellabs FoundationMr. Robert J. Thiebaut and Mrs. Anneli M. ThiebautMr. Marshall D. Thomas and Mrs. Mariruth ThomasMr. Robert I. Thompson and Mrs. Angela M. ThompsonMr. Robert T. Thompson IIIMs. Sara P. ThompsonTIGER-SUL Products, LLCMs. Audrey Boone Tillman and Dr. Chip TillmanMr. and Mrs. Shane L. ToddMs. Patricia TokerMr. Alfred W. Tolbert Jr. and Mrs. Rebecca TolbertToledoManufacturingTraditions in Tile and StoneMr. G. Grant and Mrs. Rachel B. TribbleTriEst IrrigationMr. Dennis R. TrombatoreMrs. Mary Alice Trussell and Mr. Philip E. TrussellLinda (Mrs. Ben L.) TuckerMarjorie Reitz TurnbullDr. Patricia TurnerTwin Rivers Land and TimberMr. William E. Underwood III and Ms. Jean UnderwoodMrs. Souraya T. UniejewskiUnited Community Banks

United Health GroupUnited Parcel ServiceUnited Way of Lee CountyUniversal Forest Products, Inc.UPSMr. Thomas O. Usilton Jr. and Ms. Valerie J. UsiltonValdosta Flying Service, Inc.Mr. Craig VanceMr. Richard S. Vann Jr.Ms. Diane B. Vaughan and Mr. J. Lynn RaineyDr. Jimmie B. Vaught and Dr. Irene B. GlowinskiMr. Dennis VickVickery Financial Services, Inc.Vidalia ValleyMr. Benjamin J. Vinson and Ms. Ansley Campbell VinsonDr. Alfred Viola and Mrs. Joy ViolaScott and Rhonda VoynichMr. Chad D. WagnerMr. Thomas W. WaldrepMr. William T. Walton and Mrs. Darlene WaltonWargo FrenchMr. Richard H. WarnerMr. Edwin J. Warren and Mrs. Kathryn D. WarrenMr. Shelly F. Waters and Ms. Mollie E. WatersMr. Lance C. WatsonSam and Dot WayMr. Paul E. WeathingtonMr. G. Price Weaver Jr.Dr. Doug Webb and Mrs. Lamar Morrison WebbWegmans Food Markets, Inc.Mrs. Lindley B. Weinberg and Mr. Leonard Weinberg IIMr. Davis Weinstock II and Ms. Elizabeth H.

WeinstockMrs. Susan W. Welsh and Mr. Stephen M. WelshWeyerhaeuserMr. and Mrs. Charles R. WhalenMr. Robert C. Whitehead and Mrs. Kathryne L. WhiteheadMr. Hubert H. Whitlow Jr.Dr. Heide Wiegel and Dr. Juergen K. W. WiegelMr. Thomas B. Wight IIIMr. and Mrs. Buck Wiley IIIMr. and Mrs. Philip A. WilheitMr. Philip A. Wilheit Jr. and Ms. Addie WilheitDr. James B. Wilkes and Mrs. Cindy WilkesWade and Sarah WilliamsMr. James A. Williamson and Mrs. Wendi R. WilliamsonMr. Robert F. Willis IIIMr. Christopher M. Wilson and Mrs. Stacey R. WilsonMrs. Cindy L. WilsonMr. Victor K. WilsonToby S. Wilt Family FoundationThe Winn FundWinterhawke Foundation, Inc.Mr. William N. Withrow Jr. and Mrs. Cynthia WithrowMr. Randall H. Wofford and Ms. Lisa Cavender WoffordDr. Douglas C. Wolf and Dr. Christine WolfMr. William T. WolfeMrs. Jacqueline V. Wonder and Mr. Andrew WonderWoodruff Memorial Charitable Trust

Mr. Thomas S. WoodruffMrs. Frank L. Wooten Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Joel O. WootenDr. Sheri L. Worthy and Mr. Mark WorthyDr. Meg Carriere WrightChancellor Steve W. Wrigley and Mrs. Lynne S. WrigleyDr. Brian E. Wysong and Mrs. Kandi L. WysongC. Richard and Jane J. YarbroughMr. John L. Young and Mrs. Leslie B. YoungMr. Jeffrey A. ZachmanZurich Insurance Services, Inc.


Annual Gifts: $1,500-4,999These generous donors are listed in theonline edition of the honor roll located at president.uga.edu.

FOUNDING PRESIDENTS CLUBFounding members joined during the first 20 years of the Club’s existence with a gift of at least $10,000. Listed below are the living members of the Founding Presidents Club.

Anonymous (4)Mr. and Mrs. Davis H. AbramsMrs. W. Richard AcreeDr. Donna Gale AdamsEmily C. AdamsMr. and Mrs. W. Clay Adamson Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. AdlerMrs. Milton E. AdsitMr. and Mrs. Barton A. AldermanMr. and Mrs. Hugh C. AldredgeMr. and Mrs. Douglas R. AldridgeGilles and Bernadette AllardMr. and Mrs. B. Heyward Allen Jr.Dr. David C. AllenMr. and Mrs. J. Edward Allen Jr.John F. AllgoodDr. Norman L. AllingerMr. Curtis L. AllistonMr. and Mrs. John Goddard AlstonPeter A. and Kay N. AmannMr. and Mrs. R. Thomas AmbroseDaniel P. AmosBill AndersonDallas W. AndersonDr. and Mrs. David P. AndersonJohn E. AndersonTracy S. AndersonDr. and Mrs. Howard C. AnselMr. and Mrs. Wiley S. Ansley IIIMr. and Mrs. William S. Ansley Jr.Dr. Mark H. AnthonyJeane ArgoCaroline Gordon ArmstrongMr. and Mrs. Guy C. ArnallLisa R. ArringtonDr. Jeanette Lee Atkinson Mrs. Warren Thomas AtyeoElizabeth Wilder Austin

John and Joan AviseFrank Stetson BachelderDr. and Mrs. Martin T. BaileyDr. and Mrs. Philip Bates BaileyThomas D. BaileyJames E. BaineMr. and Mrs. Robert M. BaldwinPeter L. BanksRichard “Rick” K. BankstonAllan W. BarberKendall and Carol Cheek BarckleyMr. and Mrs. H. Neil BarfieldMr. and Mrs. James William BargeRoy Eugene BarnesAndrew A. BarnetteAlfred K. BarrMrs. Charles Barron Sr.Frank Barron Jr.Dr. William E. BarstowElizabeth BarthRuth A. BartlettMrs. Chandler B. BartonWilliam D. and Donna G. BarwickDr. and Mrs. Needham B. Bateman IIIRonald C. BaumC. Duncan BeardMr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Beard IIIFred H. Beaty Jr.Troy Wood and Diana Davis BeckettMrs. Bruce H. BeermanMr. and Mrs. M. H. Belcher Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Paul BelkAlfred N. Bell Jr.J. Dewey Benefield Jr.Mrs. W. Tapley Bennett Jr.Dr. Albert C. Benson Jr.Robin Jones BensonLarry R. BensonFred D. Bentley Sr.Mrs. William BeranekDrs. Reese and Carolyn D. BerdanierLynnette A. BerdanierRobert D. BerdanierRichard and Lynn BerkowitzDr. and Mrs. Gary BertschDavid M. BetsillDr. Larry R. BeuchatMr. and Mrs. Joe E. BeverlyMrs. Ken Boynton BeverlyMr. and Mrs. Russ BinghamJill Coveny Birch and Douglas Forman Birch Jr.Mrs. Richard E. BirdRobert D. BishopJane and Hal E. BissellMr. and Mrs. Dameron Black IIIMrs. Eugene R. Black Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James B. BlackburnWilliam E. BlairDoris P. Blalock James H. BlanchardDr. and Mrs. C. DeWitt Blanton Jr.Gary and Dwayne BlasingameThomas S. BlockDr. and Mrs. James R. BloodworthMichael H. BlountMr. and Mrs. Robert L. BlumbergLainie Meshad Bobo

Mr. Richard L. BogerMr. and Mrs. J. Patrick BoggsHarriette and Robin BohannonDr. and Mrs. Henry E. BohnMr. and Mrs. Emmet J. Bondurant IIMr. and Mrs. Bussey C. Bonner Jr.Charles Bennett BonnerMr. and Mrs. Alexander Hood BoothPeter E. BoothDr. Grace BoswellDr. John M. BowenMrs. Robert T. Bowen Jr.Bruce E. BowersNelson E. Bowers IIMrs. Roswell S. BowersettMr. and Mrs. David E. BoydFrank and Ann BoydDr. and Mrs. Louis J. BoydJames E. BoyeaDr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. BrackettKirk J. BradleyMr. and Mrs. Richard Y. BradleyMr. and Mrs. W. Waldo BradleyMr. and Mrs. William T. BradshawN. Carson BrananWilliam V. BrananMrs. J. Curtis Branch Jr.George M. BrandonBarney and Anita BrannenCharles Woodrow Brannon Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Ringland Kilpatrick BrayMr. and Mrs. James A. BreedloveA. Vernon BrinsonMichael D. BrinsonSteve and Elizabeth BrinsonDr. and Mrs. Josef M. BroderDr. and Mrs. Roger BrodersonDr. Roy E. BrogdonMr. and Mrs. W. Frank BrookinsDr. and Mrs. A. Patrick BrooksDaniel G. BroosMr. and Mrs. Conway C. BrounMr. and Mrs. Michael S. BrounPaul C. Broun Jr.Francis Alan BrownDr. Mary Jo McGee BrownDr. and Mrs. R. Harold BrownMrs. William C. BrownMr. and Mrs. William H. BrownKelly B. BrowningMr. and Mrs. William Joseph BrucknerMarguerite Elizabeth BryanPatsy N. and Thomas E. Bryan Jr.Thomas E. Bryan IIIMr. and Mrs. Clifford W. BryantMr. and Mrs. T. Richard Bryant Jr.Marcia O. BuchananThomas B. Buck IIIMr. and Mrs. Robert H. BucklerBrenda L. and C. Gary Bullard, DVMMrs. George H. BullockDavid L. BurchMr. and Mrs. E. Davison BurchDorine L. BurkhardDr. and Mrs. Harold E. BurkhartBobby Clair BurnleyMr. and Mrs. Fred Burns


Page 32: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 6160 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Charles A. BursonRobert E. and Maxine BurtonSteven BushDr. Angela Shurling BushwayCharles P. Butler Jr.James Edward Butler Jr.Thomas S. ByrdAnn Cox CabanissPatricia A. CainHarmon W. Caldwell Jr.James N. Calhoun Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Marcus B. Calhoun Jr.Mrs. Cason J. Callaway Jr.Debra Cerniglia CallawayKenneth H. CallawayMark C. CallawayTim and Margaret CallawayElizabeth W. CampMr. and Mrs. Randolph W. CampDebra Caviness CanarasCharles T. CantrellJudge and Mrs. George Holmes CarleyFran Helms CarmichaelDr. and Mrs. Alan Keith CarnesDouglas E. CarnesMax W. Carnes Jr.John L. Carr Jr.Bobby CarrellDr. and Mrs. Archie B. CarrollMr. and Mrs. C. Ferdinand Carson Jr.Ashlee Glennis CarterJerry L. Case, DVMScott H. CassadyRoland R. Castellanos Jr.Orlean York CastronisCharles David CatoMartha A. CatoMarianne May CauseyMrs. Verner F. Chaffin Sr.Mr. and Mrs. James R. Chambers Jr.Mr. and Mrs. C. Saxby ChamblissMr. and Mrs. Robert M. ChandlerWendy Nye ChandlerRobert and Carol ChaninMr. and Mrs. Ricky ChastainMr. and Mrs. Woody Howard ChastainMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Chasteen Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Earl H. Cheek Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. CheekMrs. Nickolas P. ChilivisRobert and Jo-An ChristieLaura Hartman CiucevichDr. and Mrs. James R. Clanton Jr.Brent ClarkCarol V. ClarkFred S. ClarkDr. J. Derrell ClarkJudith A. ClayDrs. Janis L. and William Paul Cleland Jr.Charles E. and Barbara R. ClemmonsRoy M. ClevelandDr. Ivery D. CliftonWilliam A. Clineburg Jr.Mrs. James W. CoclinDrs. William B. and Mildred M. CodyJohn Kimble Coggins Jr.Dr. and Mrs. David M. Cohen

Mrs. Larry A. CohenLauren M. CoileRonnie M. ColeMrs. Reese C. Coleman Jr.Terry L. ColemanJudy B. ColeyStanley L. ColeyDr. Chappell A. Collins Jr.Mrs. William C. CollinsMichael A. CollverDr. Alfred O. Colquitt IIIMarjorie ConeMr. and Mrs. Neal W. ConeRachel Cosby ConwayCurly CookMr. and Mrs. J. Vincent Cook Jr.Lindsey Lavon Cook Patrick L. CookCecil R. CookeJerry H. CooleyMr. and Mrs. Frederick E. CooperDr. and Mrs. James W. Cooper Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. CooperDr. and Mrs. Paul A. CopleyDr. Larry CorneliusW. Joseph and June G. CornettDr. and Mrs. Larry R. CorryWilliam McCart Corry and Jody Jenkins CorryMr. and Mrs. James P. Cotton Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Dwight B. CoulterRichard W. Courts IIRichard Winn Courts IVThomas G. CousinsMrs. James F. CoxMrs. Julian H. Cox Jr.Mary E. CoxBetty Isakson CrawfordJohnny L. and Yvonne H. CrawfordMr. and Mrs. Steve W. CrawfordIrene E. and Joe K. CreamonsDr. Clifton E. Crews Jr.Robert Rhodes CroutMrs. Otis L. Crowell Sr.Dr. Wayne A. CrowellJ. Michael Crum Jr.Mr. and Mrs. R. Alex CrumbleyMr. and Mrs. Michael T. CrumleyMr. and Mrs. David A. CulleyDale Dwain CummingsSharon K. and Robert L. Cunningham IIIMrs. James W. CurtisDr. and Mrs. John R. CurtisA. W. DahlbergThomas D’AlessioMr. and Mrs. John S. DalisMichael DanckaertKate M. DanglerMr. and Mrs. C. Lee DanielGregory John DanielsBartley R. DanielsenMr. and Mrs. George W. DardenAmelia Langford DaughtryMelissa K. and Thomas E. DavenhallBrant and Kathy DavisMrs. Calvin M. DavisDr. Edsel D. DavisDr. Henry G. Davis Jr.

Howard H. Davis IIIMrs. Jack Burton Davis Jr.Jay Millard DavisDr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thomas DavisMrs. J. Hugh Davis Jr.Len DavisMr. and Mrs. P. Jack DavisDr. Roscoe DavisSamuel M. and Carolyn P. DavisNathan W. and Mary F. DeanDr. Armand A. DeLaPerriereJames DeLaPerriereDennis R. DeLoach Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeMerssemanDr. and Mrs. J. Edward DempseyMr. and Mrs. James W. DemskiMr. and Mrs. H. Lane Dennard Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Sharon R. DenneyMr. and Mrs. Otha C. DentH. Clark Deriso, M.D.Dr. Don B. DeStephanoDavid H. DickeyDr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dicks IIIMrs. John P. DillardDr. and Mrs. Michael A. DirrMr. and Mrs. Bruce C. DixonDr. and Mrs. Charles N. Dobbins Jr.Mrs. Lamar DoddBradford C. DoddsStephanie Ferguson DoerrDr. and Mrs. Clive W. Donoho Jr.Deanna M. Dooley Derek Vincent DooleyMichael Vincent DooleyMr. and Mrs. Vince DooleyMr. and Mrs. Vincent Daniel DooleyWilliam James DorminyJasper T. DorseyPhillip Asa DorseySally Dorsey Mrs. Dwight DouglasMr. and Mrs. Thomas C. DowdenCarol Weaver DowlingDebra A. and Joseph R. DownsDr. Alice M. DreesenDr. and Mrs. Karl J. DuffKenneth M. DukeJ. Ashley and Jill DukesDr. and Mrs. J. R. DuncanRobert Lawson Duncan and Hadley Hulsey DuncanSue B. DuncanSusan DuncanMr. and Mrs. Robert O. DunnMr. and Mrs. Hugh DurhamMr. and Mrs. Robert E. DurhamMrs. Tal C. DuVallCarl W. DuyckCynthia G. EadesMr. and Mrs. Ben F. Easterlin IVDr. and Mrs. Donald R. Eastman IIIMr. and Mrs. Robert G. EdgeAshley Rae EdwardsDr. and Mrs. Charles H. Edwards Jr.Chelsea Marie EdwardsJames D. EdwardsDr. James Don Edwards James Don Edwards Jr.

Human Development and Family Science, ’19

“At UGA, I’ve been involved in a variety of philanthropic, multicultural, and academic organizations. Through campus involvement, I’ve had the opportunity to engage in my community in a meaningful way. These experiences have been impactful on me and will continue to shape me for my future.”

NATALIE MOREANWhen she is not working toward a career in human development and nonprofit management, Natalie is engaged with the Athens community through her leadership of the UGA chapter of the National Council of Negro Women, which promotes education and empowerment locally.


Page 33: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 6362 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Dr. and Mrs. Ryland B. EdwardsDr. Elizabeth J. EidsonBenjamin ElieSamuel James ElieSarah Wiseley ElieMr. and Mrs. C. Ronald EllingtonMarie C. EllisJames A. EllisonMr. and Mrs. Robert S. EnnisMary ErlangerGeorge Erwin Jr.Mr. and Mrs. J. Benton Evans IIMr. and Mrs. Marshall EvansMr. and Mrs. Mac EverettF. Sprague ExleyDr. Thomas G. FansherReta FarishVictoria P. FarmerMrs. J. B. FarrDean and Mrs. Stuart FeldmanJohn D. FeltmanMrs. Jule W. Felton Jr.William A. Fickling Jr.John H. Fields Jr.William W. and Nadine M. FincherDr. Delmar R. FincoBruce Franklin FinlandMr. and Mrs. Neil J. Fischer Jr.Lane and Norma FitzpatrickDr. William P. FlattDr. Lamar L. FlemingDr. and Mrs. Oscar J. FletcherDr. and Mrs. Charles F. FloydJames D. Fluker Jr.James Lee FordRex and Lell ForehandMr. and Mrs. Randall H. ForesterMrs. Edgar J. Forio Jr.Allen Scott FosterJohn Eberhardt FosterJames B. FranklinMr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Frierson Jr.Melvin S. and Barbara N. FullerJ. Rex FuquaT. M. Furlow Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. GainesDavid Henry GambrellMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. GanttM. Ray GardnerMr. and Mrs. Douglas K. GargesMr. and Mrs. John Byrd GarlandMrs. C. Greene GarnerDeborah Saxon and Steven Earl GarnerGary Oliver GarrettDr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Garrett IIIDr. and Mrs. Wiley N. GarrettMr. and Mrs. James H. GashWilliam W. GastonMr. and Mrs. James C. GatewoodMrs. James H. GatewoodThomas Larry GattisGreg and Danna GaySidney M. GayDr. George M. GazdaMr. and Mrs. David L. GeigerGene and Matt Ford Tractor SalesMrs. Harold W. Gentry

Andrew L. GhertnerMrs. Martha GiardinaMrs. Robert E. GibsonMichael and Phyllis GigandetDrs. F. Roosevelt and Linda GilliamJanice Haynes GilmoreLuther J. Glass IIIMr. and Mrs. Peter B. GlassJon Milton Glazman and Marsha Jay GlazmanJohn T. GloverShawn and Denise GlynnJames Wendell GodbeeJohn Munro GodfreyRay GoffDavid S. GoldenRonald L. GoodeWillfrey F. Grant Jr.Dr. and Mrs. J. B. GratzekMrs. Rufus K. GreenDr. Alfred H. and Halina K. GreenbergJohn M. GreeneThomas and Jessie GreeneMrs. W. J. GreenwayMrs. Kenneth E. GreerDr. and Mrs. H. A. Griffin Jr.John W. GriffinDr. and Mrs. L. Hill GriffinMrs. B. E. GriffithMillard B. and Charlotte S. GrimesMr. and Mrs. John H. GuessDavid J. and Deborah Cole GuestHoward Leo Guest Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. GuestMr. and Mrs. Mack H. Guest IIIMrs. F. Dempsey GuillebeauDr. and Mrs. E. Cody GunnDr. Sandra G. GustavsonJerry GuthrieDr. Melvin C. HaddadCarol C. HaeusslerG. Elliott and Pamella HaganDr. and Mrs. Arthur R. HagenBaranda Marie HagenDr. Chenault W. HaileyMr. and Mrs. Harry G. Haisten Jr.F. Sheffield HaleDr. Robert HallDr. Sara Thomas HallMr. and Mrs. John F. HalperDoris B. HammettGena F. Hampton Fred H. and Sandra HancockMr. and Mrs. Fred B. Hand IIIRobert Stewart HandlerGerald F. HandleyDr. and Mrs. Dan Hanks Jr.Frank J. Hanna Jr.Dr. William L. HansonSarah Shelton HarbinMary Talmadge HardmanMr. and Mrs. Billy Howell HargettLeon A. Hargreaves IIIDr. James L. Hargrove James K. Harper Jr.Bette Lou HarrellRichard W. HarrellThomas Rudy Harrell

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. HarringtonThe Honorable and Mrs. Joe Frank HarrisEarl Dunbar Harrison Jr.Mrs. R. Harold HarrisonRosiland S. HartMrs. Jim Hartford Jr.Dr. Diane K. HartleMr. and Mrs. Joseph Hillman Harvey IIIDonna Denman Harwell-OdumMrs. Calvin D. HasbrouckMr. and Mrs. Robert F. HatcherDr. David W. HawkinsMrs. W. S. Chancellor HayDr. Melvin L. and Roberta K. HaysmanFred and Bonnie HazlewoodWilliam C. HeadDr. and Mrs. Chuck HeardRichard A. HechtBarbara and Ira HefterMr. and Mrs. William H. HegartyEarl W. Heidt Jr.Barbara and Don HemrickMr. and Mrs. James L. Henderson IIICharles William HendryMary Beth Elkins HenkeDr. John H. HenkelDr. and Mrs. Ronald J. HenningMrs. Kenneth M. HensonKenneth M. Henson Jr.Mrs. Allyn M. HerrickJill Smith HershfieldMr. and Mrs. Edward S. HeysJames E. Hickey IIIMr. and Mrs. R. Sanders HickeyJulius D. Hicks Jr.J. Marion Hiers Jr.Dorsey Gary HillJohn and Judy HillSaralyn HillDr. and Mrs. Chester M. HimelDorothy Smith HinesMary Laraine Young HinesWilliam Fred Hinesley III and Valerie Jones HinesleyRonald F. and Judy G. HixH. Kendall Hobbs Jr.Mr. and Mrs. George Marcus HodgeDr. and Mrs. F. Barry Hodges IIIMrs. Paul E. HoffmanLeonard D. HoganMr. and Mrs. Gregory F. HolcombMrs. Howard K. HolladayMr. and Mrs. Tim H. HolladayDrs. Michael L. and Phyllis G. HollandEmily Jane HolmesJane H. HolmesMr. and Mrs. John Holmes IIIMr. and Mrs. John P. Holmes IIIMr. and Mrs. J. Paul Holmes Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. HolmesW. Brewer HolmesWilliam K. HolmesHal HoltzMrs. Lindsey Hopkins IIIMr. and Mrs. E. S. HorovitzMr. and Mrs. Loyd S. Horton IIISteve and Diane Horton

Executive Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations

“The work we accomplish with our external partners is moving the University forward and growing our state. It is an honor to serve as an ambassador for UGA alongside a team of outstanding colleagues.”

JILL WALTONBuilding strong partnerships with outside organizations is essential to advancing all aspects of the University’s mission, from expanding the impact of faculty research and boosting economic vitality across the state to providing high-impact experiential learning opportunities for students. Jill Walton and her team in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations foster these connections.


Page 34: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

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Glada Gunnells HorvatStanley C. HouseWilliam M. HouseMr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Hoven Jr.Molly McKibben HowardMr. and Mrs. Ben O. Howell Jr.Martha H. HowellDr. and Mrs. Jerry W. HowingtonMr. and Mrs. L. D. HowleElizabeth Johnson HudsonJames P. HudsonBritton Stephen HulseyJulius M. HulseyJohn J. HumphriesMr. and Mrs. William C. Humphries Jr.Charles A. HunnicuttGail Jackson HunnicuttAngelia Kidd HuntGerald F. HunterDr. and Mrs. Richard C. HusemanDr. Sylvia McCoy HutchinsonKatherine Flatt HuttoDr. Mark C. HuttoMr. and Mrs. Richard HyltonDr. Henry B. and Kathleen R. InglesbyMr. and Mrs. John Hampton IrbyDr. and Mrs. Robert A. IsaacE. Andy IsaksonJohn Hardy IsaksonJohn D. IvansM. Douglas and V. Kay IvesterMr. and Mrs. Robert L. IzlarFrank D. JacksonMr. and Mrs. John M. JacksonKenneth G. JacksonWilliam Ellis JacksonDr. and Mrs. William K. JacksonDr. Karen L. Jacobsen Mrs. Charles W. JamesDr. G. Truett Jarrard Jr.Sylvia B. JensenLyons B. Joel Jr.Mrs. Robert W. JohnEdwina Chastain JohnsonGeorge H. JohnsonWeyman T. Johnson Jr. and Edith Allison ForknerW. Thomas Johnson Jr.Robert A. and Dell M. JohnstonValerie A. JohnstonCynthia McHan JonesEd W. JonesG. David JonesMr. and Mrs. Harrison Jones IIMr. and Mrs. J. Morris Jones IIIOtis Fleming Jones IIIStanley S. Jones Jr.C. Edwin JordanDr. Clyde W. JordanMrs. William K. JordanH. Won and Jung J. JunMr. and Mrs. Roger F. KahnDr. David R. KamerschenGlen KaufmanMr. and Mrs. W. Gordon KayMr. and Mrs. Timothy Allen KeadleDavid H. KeeMargaret Breedlove Kee

Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. KeiserAlex and Marty KellerMr. and Mrs. Stiles A. Kellett Jr.Dr. Forest E. Kellogg IIIAlfred Doby Kennedy Jr.Mrs. Thornton KennedyJean A. KerrDr. Joe KeyCada T. Kilgore IIIMrs. Edward Wylly KillorinDr. and Mrs. Edward W. Killorin Jr.Joseph R. KillorinRobert Ware KillorinJeremy and Cardee KilpatrickMartin E. Kilpatrick Jr.Paul and Frances KilpatrickMr. and Mrs. Cliff C. Kimsey IIIMrs. Harold W. KingDr. and Mrs. R. Bruce KingMr. and Mrs. Frank KinnettBruce W. KirboJ. Michael KirkKenneth KleinStanley H. KlevenCharles B. and Lynne V. KnappJohn W. KnightMrs. Boone A. KnoxJannell KnoxMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Knox Jr.Ruth Austin KnoxShell H. and Wyck A. Knox Jr.Tryna H. and Kevin L. KnoxHarriet K. KonterIrene B. KovalcinDr. Egbert KrispynMrs. Cedric W. KuhnDr. and Mrs. David L. KulbershMr. and Mrs. Robert F. KuzniakJane Tagge KyleMelinda Lively LaagerMr. and Mrs. James L. LaBoon Jr.James L. LaBoon IIIDr. and Mrs. Robert R. LaffertySusan Cook LaheyEdwin J. and Linda C. LakeMr. and Mrs. James C. Lamb Jr.Donna LambertMrs. Walter M. LampeMr. and Mrs. Bert LanceMr. and Mrs. Bryan A. LancelotMr. and Mrs. Remer Y. Lane Jr.Daniel Crawford Langford Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John L. LangfordDerwent LangleyLester D. LangleyMary Frances C. LarimerMr. and Mrs. Reuben W. Lasseter Jr.Mrs. John M. LawDr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lawhorne Jr.M. Constance LawyerMrs. William J. LazenbyHilda M. LeaMr. and Mrs. William F. LeakeKammy and Milton LeathersMr. and Mrs. L. Barry LebowitzMrs. Irby Lasseter LedbetterAnne S. Lee

Dennis D. LeeMr. and Mrs. Dwight R. LeeDr. and Mrs. James Curtis LeeBetsy Tant LeebernDonald M. Leebern IVDonald M. Leebern Jr.Donald Melwood Leebern IIIWilliam D. LeebernMr. and Mrs. William A. Legg Jr.Mrs. A. Allan LeonardBarbara Law LeonardMr. and Mrs. Earl T. Leonard Jr.Jane M. LeslieMr. and Mrs. Alan J. LevyIsaac L. LevyMr. and Mrs. F. Lamar LewisDr. Robert E. LewisJames M. Libby Jr.Lawrence E. LiebrossMr. and Mrs. Keith A. LinseEarnest E. Livaditis Jr.Mr. and Mrs. G. Mayo Livingston Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. LorenzSarajane N. LoveMr. and Mrs. H. Daniel Lovern Jr.Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Lowery Jr.Dan and Abbie LowringMrs. Harold J. Lowry Sr.Lindy L. and Dr. Phil D. Lukert Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Phil D. LukertFrank G. Lumpkin IIIJeff and Dale LureyDr. and Mrs. Thomas L. LyonsMr. and Mrs. E. Speer Mabry IIIDr. Virginia M. MacagnoniDr. and Mrs. Arnett C. Mace Jr.Robert R. MachenJames J. MacieJanice MacInnesGordon C. MaierMichael Karl Malcom and Heather Adamson MalcomJames Kirkland MaloneElizabeth A. MannE. W. Mann IIIDr. and Mrs. R. Larry MarchintonSusan Johnson MarettDorothy Ann MarshallDr. Joseph H. MarshallKatherine Vernon MarshallMr. and Mrs. Michael P. MarshallMichael Playfair Marshall Jr.Terrell Quillian MarshallThomas Whitfield MarshallCharles L. and Marilyn W. MartinJohn S. Martin IIIMildred B. and W. Wilson Martin Jr.M. Josephine MartinPaul T. MartinVirginia Graves MartinMrs. William H. MartinGeorge W. MasonAbit MasseyLewis Abit MasseyDr. Judy A. MastersE. Bruce MatherRobert Early Mathis

Mrs. James MatthewsMr. and Mrs. Michael G. MaxeyMr. and Mrs. Albert B. Maxwell Sr.Dr. John N. Maxwell IVGeorge B. May Sr.Jack T. May IIMr. and Mrs. James Boyd MayMr. and Mrs. Joe C. MayThomas Marable and Linda Lee MayBarbara Mendel MaydenDr. Mary Louise McBeeJames S. McBrayerJames T. McBrayerGayle McBrideDr. and Mrs. John W. McCallDr. William Anderson McCallumMr. and Mrs. R. Gerald McCarleyJeffrey Walter McCartMr. and Mrs. Robert B. McClellanMarianne Roddenbery McConnelDr. and Mrs. John McCormackMrs. Wilton C. McCullersBobbie S. McDonaldWilliam T. and Cynthia L. McDougaldSue Kenney McGeeWalter C. McGill Jr.George McGriffMrs. Carroll W. McGuffey Sr.Mr. and Mrs. William E. McLendonMrs. Larry V. McLeodDr. Don W. McMillian Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Donald Woody McMillian Sr.Mr. and Mrs. John F. McMullanDr. and Mrs. Birch L. McMurrayMarilyn Delong McNeelyMr. and Mrs. Bo MeansJohn Robert Medlin Jr.Judith Perry MensikRichard MensikMr. and Mrs. Gavin Wallace MeshadAlison Horton MewborneDr. and Mrs. Robert L. MilesJames B. Miller Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. MillerWarner B. Miller IIIDoris Marie Miller-Liebl, DVM, PhD Mrs. Russell B. MillikenGuy W. MillnerJudge and Mrs. Frank Coxe Mills IIIJames E. MiltiadesPam MiltiadesMrs. John E. MinchewLaura L. MinishMr. and Mrs. James G. Minter Jr.Dr. Michael E. MispagelDenise Dooley Mitchell and Jay Douglas MitchellMr. and Mrs. Ernie W. Mitchell Sr.Tymon Dooley MitchellPaul E. MizeHix MizellDelia Durham MobleyMr. and Mrs. John B. MobleyW. Thomas Mobley Jr.Dr. and Mrs. James B. MoncriefMr. and Mrs. David R. MontgomeryJulie Purvis MontgomeryMrs. Charles M. Moon Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Dudley L. Moore Jr.Frank B. and Nancy MooreDr. James N. MooreMr. and Mrs. Richard D. MooreC. L. Morehead Jr.Mr. and Mrs. D. Glenn MorganJ. Harris and Linda MorganJulia W. MorganWilliam S. Morris IIIDarrel G. MorrisonWilliam Edgar MorseC. Read Morton Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Doyle K. MoteDavid MuiaDr. and Mrs. William B. MulherinCynthia S. and David J. Mullen Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. MullerDr. David E. MullinsJane C. MullinsRoscoe H. and Melinda G. MullisBenjamin N. and Melissa Lanard MurrayMrs. Woodrow E. Nail Jr.Mrs. Tommy NakayamaMr. and Mrs. C. V. Nalley IIIMr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Nash Jr.Mrs. Daniel E. NathanBetty Singletary NelsonDon and Phyllis NelsonMr. and Mrs. Dink NeSmith Jr.Dr. and Mrs. John NeterDr. and Mrs. Hillary NewlandCarl Clifton Newton IIICatherine H. NewtonClark Asbury NewtonDavid G. NewtonMrs. Glenn H. NewtonJohn T. Newton Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. NewtonRichard A. NewtonJ. Randolph NicholsDr. Sharon Y. and Rev. Samuel A. NickolsArthur C. Nielsen Jr.Albert W. and Maria D. Niemi Martha NobleMr. and Mrs. John S. Noell Jr.Mrs. Charles T. NolanDena NolanRussell NolanTobias NolanStephen Michael NorrellMr. and Mrs. Peter R. NorrisCandace Jane NortonMr. and Mrs. Frank Kenimer NortonMr. and Mrs. Neil NovemberRandy and Suzanne NuckollsMr. and Mrs. James B. Nunn Jr.Walton K. Nussbaum Jr.John P. O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Richard H. O’CallaghanLofton B. and Faye C. OdomKeith M. and Lisa K. OelkeMrs. William M. Oettmeier Jr.Mrs. Ralph L. OgdenJo Ellen and John Oliver Robert and Julie O’NeillRichard E. OttoFrank L. Outlaw II

Lili Rogers OuztsDr. R. Glen OwenWilliam M. OzburnAmanda Cathleen PaceWayne H. and Roberta C. PaceJohn L. PadgettMrs. Robert Kenny PageMr. and Mrs. Travers W. Paine IIISteve D. PalmourMr. and Mrs. James L. PannellAshling PanozCarol Jean PanozMrs. Daniel PanozDanielle PanozMr. and Mrs. Donald E. PanozMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Paris IIIThomas H. Paris Jr.Dr. Olin G. ParkerDrs. Gordhan L. and Virginia B. PatelDr. Bernard C. PattenAlexander W. and Janet W. PattersonMr. and Mrs. Donald Speight PattersonDr. W. Alexander PattersonMrs. George W. Patton Jr.James L. PaulkElizabeth Exley PaulsenMrs. William J. Payne Sr.Mr. and Mrs. William Porter PayneDonald W. Pearson Jr.Mrs. J. Norman PeaseRobert B. Pease IIIDr. Carol W. PenneyDr. Theresa A. PerenichT. Leonard PerkinsJohn C. PernerMr. and Mrs. Louis PernoMrs. Charles P. Perry IIILee Davis PerryMaureen Carter PersonsDione Mavis PetersonTimothy A. PetersonGeorge L. PettettAsa R. Phillips Jr.Richard Mendel PiazzaJames and Bettye PietteDr. and Mrs. George S. Pilcher Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Pinckney Jr.Mrs. Jean-Pierre J. PiriouPatrick S. PittardL. Richard PlunkettGeorge J. Polatty Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James F. PonsoldtMr. and Mrs. William R. PonsoldtRobert E. PoundJoAnn and Tom PowellLaurence H. PowellJerry E. PowerIrene T. PowersKeith W. and Taffi PrasseMark E. PreisingerMrs. Charles B. PresleyAnnie Katherine Prestwood Drs. Sharon Price and David CokerJohn B. Prince IIIJohn B. Prince IVWilliam G. Pritchard Jr.Dr. Carl W. Proehl Jr.


Page 35: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

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William F. and Pam P. ProkasyNancy Wilkerson PruittJ. Neal PurcellAndrea PurgasonGenna PurgasonJamie PurgasonMr. and Mrs. Carlton E. PurvisRussell T. QuartermanMr. and Mrs. Rudolph T. QuillianMr. and Mrs. Rowland A. RadfordDavid M. RaineyDoris Adams RamseyDr. and Mrs. Clarence A. RawlingsMr. and Mrs. L. Phillips ReamesSteven Randolph ReamesRonald Lee ReeseMr. and Mrs. Jerry K. ReevesMary John ReinhardtLorna Farrow RestagnoRichard D. RestagnoVicki ReynoldsD. C. RhodenDr. Louis A. RiccardiMr. and Mrs. Gates T. RichardsDavid A. RichardsonH. Pope RichterRobert H. and Martha RidgwayTed R. RidlehuberRobert L. RiedingerMrs. Charles R. RigdonCharles F. RinnBranson W. RitchieDr. Linda B. RitterDr. and Mrs. Edward L. RobersonSylvia W. RobertsEmbree and Karen RobinsonMr. and Mrs. J. Cheney Robinson IIIMr. and Mrs. John W. Robinson Jr.Dr. and Mrs. R. Mixon RobinsonDr. and Mrs. Thomas F. RodgersSusan S. RogersKathleen Gailey RohsArthur RosenbloomMrs. H. William RowellDr. Roger R. RowellDonna Mummau RozarPeter C. RuenitzDr. and Mrs. J. Thomas RussellB. Keith RuthMr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Ryan IIIThomas W. RymerMrs. Albert D. Sams Jr.Mrs. Edward B. SamsMr. and Mrs. Walter A. Sams IIIWilliam Arthur SandersGeorge W. and Betty H. SandsCharles S. Sanford Jr.Robert A. SasserMrs. Gerald Bernard SawyerMr. and Mrs. Michael L. SchaafMrs. Elmer C. SchachtFrank J. SchilagiMrs. John G. Schleier Jr.John E. SchneiderMr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. SchrageBilly SchultzJ. Carl Schultz Jr.

Michael SchwarzCharles Wilkins SeilerFrank W. SeilerSwann SeilerS. Stephen Selig IIIDr. W. H. SellLouise SellarsDr. and Mrs. David K. SelleckMr. and Mrs. A. C. SerkedakisAbram J. SerottaWilliam H. Settle Jr.Gantt Leebern ShadburnDavid J. ShaferMr. and Mrs. Jerry A. ShaiferCliff SheppardRobert M. ShoffnerDr. Emmett B. Shotts Jr.Mrs. Richard R. ShroveR. Eugene ShufflerDr. and Mrs. Larry M. ShumanHorace H. SibleyMrs. William Mac SibleyMr. and Mrs. D. Ramsay Simmons Jr.M. T. Simmons Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John L. SimmsMr. and Mrs. Paul S. SimonDr. Ronald D. SimpsonMrs. Marvin S. SingletaryDr. and Mrs. E. Max SinkMrs. Frank Sinkwich Jr.Paul T. SissonMrs. Marvin E. SkeltonCharles U. SlickMr. and Mrs. Stephen S. SloanA. Mark and Jo Ann H. SmithMrs. Felix M. SmithGeorge W. Smith Jr.James Wilson SmithJohn P. SmithJoseph Braxton SmithJulie Richards SmithMr. and Mrs. Loran Smith Jr.Mrs. Michael H. SmithRankin M. Smith Jr.Ronald Coleman SmithTaylor W. SmithLessie Bailey SmithgallMr. and Mrs. Peter Smykla Jr.Mr. and Mrs. David W. SolanaMr. and Mrs. Philip Solomons Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John Phinizy SpaldingMargaret R. SpaldingDonna SparksMathew SparksRebecca SparksRoss SparksMr. and Mrs. Joe T. Spence Jr.William W. Sprague Jr.Mrs. August W. StaubMr. and Mrs. William J. StemblerBetty Blount StephensDr. Lester D. StephensCalvin P. Stephenson Jr.William A. SterneMrs. Frank G. Stevenson Jr.Drs. Charles A. and Joann P. StewartLewis A. Stewart Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Edwin T. StillMrs. Richard R. StillMr. and Mrs. Rick C. St. JohnMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Stokes Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. StolzMrs. Roy G. StoutMr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Stovall Jr.Clarence and Lynn StoweMrs. Thomas E. StricklandA. Fred Stringer Jr.Dr. Caroline D. StrobelW. Jefferson Stubbs Jr.Terry and Kathy SullivanMalcolm E. and Priscilla N. SumnerMr. and Mrs. James E. Sutherland Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James Eugene SutherlandCarl and Pat SwearingenGeorge P. Swift IIIJ. Richard TamplinRandall D. TannerMr. and Mrs. Wayne A. TannerRichard TarditsClaire S. TardyMr. and Mrs. James S. Tardy Jr.Francis A. TarkentonMr. and Mrs. Richard L. TatumJames O. TaylorJames R. Taylor IVMr. and Mrs. John Sherrod TaylorMr. and Mrs. R. Scott Taylor Jr.P. Cleveland TedfordMrs. C. Herman TerryDr. Abraham TesserMrs. Paul F. ThieleMartha Moore and Horace B. ThomDr. and Mrs. Emory M. ThomasPatricia M. ThomasRichard R. ThomasRick and Sandy ThomasJudith F. ThompsonJames Casey ThompsonJames Curtis ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Kirby Allan ThompsonM. Frank ThompsonDr. Peter E. ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Reese J. ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Ronnie ThorntonJohn Paul and Paula Crouch ThrasherKenneth L. and Catherine N. ThrasherMr. and Mrs. Warren A. Thrasher Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. ThurmondMr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Tibbitts Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. TidmoreEdward D. and Beth TolleyForrest Craig Towns and Havilyn Hulsey TownsMrs. Robert F. TownsMichael W. TrappKit TrenschDr. and Mrs. Lothar L. TrespDr. and Mrs. James S. TrieschmannDr. Cynthia M. Trim Charley TrippiDr. Marihope Shirey TroutmanLindsey W. Trussell Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Nick TsubokawaMarjorie Reitz TurnbullCurtis L. Turner III

Raymond Phillips, President, Black Alumni Leadership Council

“We created the 1961 Club to pay homage to the trailblazing alumni who broke barriers, to engage alumni, and, most importantly, to invest in the success of future Bulldogs.”

1961 CLUBThis year, the Black Alumni Leadership Council established the 1961 Club, a special group of donors named for the year of desegregation at the University of Georgia, who together help ensure undergraduate student success through financial support.


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Mr. and Mrs. James C. TurnerMrs. J. Howard TurnerL. Henry TurnerR. E. “Ted” TurnerWilliam Bradley Turner Jr.Dr. and Mrs. David E. TylerDr. and Mrs. Ludwig UhligMrs. George E. VanGiesenDr. Thomas F. VanMeter IIThomas H. Vann Jr.Wayne R. VasonDr. and Mrs. James A. VerbruggeMr. and Mrs. George B. VielePeter R. VigMrs. Ernst Von GlasersfeldMr. and Mrs. Noel WadsworthDr. James Cowan WaggonerMarjorie Schear WaggonerCindy WalkerHerschel WalkerMrs. Jerry L. WalkerJean Perryman WalkerMrs. John A. WallaceMrs. James C. WaltersWilliam Thomas WaltonC. Wilbur Warner Jr.Rebecca Dial WarnerJames W. Warren Jr.Don L. and Cynthia D. WatersHugh J. WatsonLawrence E. and Katherine WeatherfordAnn Clark WebbBen L. Weinberg Jr.Holger and Nancy WeisFrankie WelchMr. and Mrs. Sam M. Wellborn IIIMr. and Mrs. Walter M. Wellman IIIMr. and Mrs. David F. WellsVirginia Skipper WellsMr. and Mrs. Christopher C. WeltonJ. Herbert WheelerDewey C. and Karen M. WhiteDr. Susan L. WhiteDr. Kenneth W. WhittenMr. and Mrs. W. Curtis Wiggins Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wight Jr.Thomas B. Wight IIIHoke and Margaret WilderSarah Birchmore WildmanW. Thomas WilfongDr. and Mrs. Leslie L. Wilkes Jr.Ann C. and Thomas H. WilkinsEvalyn S. WilkinsonMrs. Cleveland R. Willcoxon Jr.Dr. F. Wen WilliamsJames D. WilliamsKen L. WilliamsJames A. WilliamsonDr. James L. WilliamsonMrs. William J. WilliamsonRobert M. Willingham Jr.Mr. and Mrs. E. Walter WilsonGuy S. and M. Sue WilsonLucille S. WilsonMildred Acker WilsonKirk S. Wimberly IIIMr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wimberly

Mrs. Gene Mac WinburnMr. and Mrs. James A. WinkMr. and Mrs. Robert Winthrop IIAlfred P. WiseJames E. WiseMr. and Mrs. William C. Wise Jr.Abigail Leigh WiseleyMichael Alan WiseleyOscar Lee Wiseley Jr.Rachel Margaret WiseleyJohn B. Withers IIIHoke Smith Wofford Jr.William T. WolfeR. Barry and Gwendolyn Y. WoodPeggy P. WoodruffArlene and Charles WoodsRobert R. and Carolyn B. WoodsonMrs. Frank L. Wooten Jr.J. Patrick WootenMr. and Mrs. Joel O. WootenBilly and Sherry WrenMr. and Mrs. James E. WrenStacy G. and Charles Gottlieb Wurst IIILisa Panoz WytiazMr. and Mrs. C. Richard YarbroughSally Quillian YatesJane and Kenny YoumansMr. and Mrs. Earl Howard YoungStephen T. YoungMrs. William D. Young Sr.Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Young Jr.Alva H. and Jim M. YoungnerDr. and Mrs. S. Eugene YountsDr. and Mrs. Berry K. ZeiglerDr. Freddie ZinkMrs. Victor M. ZinkMary Zittrouer

HERITAGE SOCIETYThe Heritage Society honors alumni and friends who have made documented bequests in their wills or other deferred gifts in support of the University of Georgia. Deferred gifts may be given by charitable annuities, wills, pooled income funds, life insurance policies, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, retirement plans, or real estate gifts with retained life estates.

Anonymous (70)Jennifer Walden AbbottMr. W. Randall Abney and Mrs. Carolyn AbneyDr. Marc J. Ackerman and Mrs. Stephanie AckermanMrs. W. Richard AcreeWilliam C. Acton, MDPeter M. AdamsDr. Samuel R. Adams Jr.Susan G. and Edward L. AdamsDonna AdamsonLuis A. and Denise T. AguilarAngela Giddens AkinsMr. and Mrs. Barton A. AldermanMr. and Mrs. Douglas R. AldridgeValerie Aldridge

Gilles O. and Bernadette AllardDouglas M. AllenDr. Lou AllingerN. Kirby Alton and Janice M. AltonWilliam L. Alworth and Lois A. AlworthDaniel P. AmosRobert D. and Renita Jones AndersonDr. Elizabeth L. AndressLizbeth Luke AndrewsDr. and Mrs. Howard C. AnselDr. Mark H. AnthonyEddy ArmstrongMr. and Mrs. Guy C. ArnallDarren Winston Ash and Kathryn L. AshDr. Jorge H. AtilesLana AugustusBoyd L. Austin Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Bob BaldwinDr. Carolyn K. BalkwellDr. Bonnie Ballard Jeff Bangle and Kathy Reid BangleBonnie Bowen Banks and Bernard T. BanksPeter L. BanksFred G. Barnet III and Beth BarnetJoel W. and Julie B. Barrett*Charles E. Barron and *Lalla F. BarronMs. Lawanna R. BarronMr. W. Frank Barron Jr.Earl D. Barrs and Wanda Taylor BarrsRuth Ann BartlettWilliam D. and Donna G. BarwickDr. and Mrs. Needham B. Bateman IIIMariana L. BattistaMerra Griffeth Bauerband Charles Duncan BeardDanette and Gavin BeckTroy W. and Diana Davis BeckettBrian and Anne BeckwithJanet Ellis BeermanDavid B. and Susan S. BellDebbie BellJerry R. and Jacqueline A. BellarW. Douglas Benn and Mickey J. BennDr. Barbara A. Bennett*Ed and Robin BensonDr. Carolyn D. Berdanier and Dr. C. Reese BerdanierRichard and Lynn BerkowitzGary L. BernesGoebel and Gloria BerryDr. Richard B. BestRichard and Mildred BetheaHoward and Stephanie BissellGlenn and Nancy BlackMs. Myra Blackmon and Dr. Thomas P. HollandMrs. Horace G. Blalock Jr.A. Katherine (Kitty) BlissitJennifer B. BloodworthRichard L. BogerHarriette and Robin BohannonMichael and Lori BoneCharles B. BonnerJulie and Don BowerBruce E. BowersKatrina L. BowersNelson E. Bowers IIPamela and Dale BrackenRichard Y. Bradley

Political Science and International Affairs, ’19

“UGA continues to broaden my outlook through a myriad of phenomenal opportunities. It has allowed me to train with Olympians and work for the Governor of Georgia. These experiences continue to mold me into the Dawg I aspire to be!”

JONATHAN MURRAY PELHAMJonathan, a long-distance runner on the UGA men’s cross country and track & field teams, is preparing for a career in government relations. He gained first-hand experience working in state government through summer internships in Gov. Nathan Deal’s office and in the federal affairs office of the American Association of Airport Executives.


Page 37: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 7170 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Jason M. BradyPamela Ruth BramlettBuzz BrazeltonMr. and Mrs. James BreedloveTommy and Heather BreedloveNan Gillespie BrinningJohn T. “Tim” BrockSusan H. BrooksMichael S. BrounAlan BrownMr. Charles R. BrownDavid Brown and Julie BrownLeslie BrownMs. Wendy Jacqueline BrownJoseph Browne IIIKelly B. BrowningBrian C. BruceWilliam Joseph Bruckner and Lucy Clark BrucknerClay BryantMr. and Mrs. T. Richard Bryant Jr.Elaine Eyeland BuckMr. and Mrs. Robert H. BucklerCarol H. Bugh on behalf of Kodi (canine)Mr. and Mrs. David Lee BurchBobby Clair BurnleyMatthew C. BurrilCharles A. BursonDr. Angela Shurling BushwayDixie P. ButlerJudy Burke BynumMrs. Tony ByrdMs. Elizabeth W. CampMr. and Mrs. Charles E. Campbell*Timothy and Sandra CampbellDebra Caviness CanarasDarby Cannon IIIGeorge Robert Cannon Jr.Nancy Lemmon CanoltyJohn and Jeanne CapozziFran H. CarmichaelAlan Keith Carnes, MD, and Lori Sanders CarnesMax W. Carnes Jr.Robert L. CarricoJohn K. CarsonDr. Kiki CarusonJerry L. Case, DVMRoland R. Castellanos Jr.Martha A. Cato*Mr. Lawrence Certain*Verner F. Chaffin and Ethel T. ChaffinDwain Paul Chambers Jr. and Suzanne Sinyard ChambersW. B. ChambersThe Honorable and Mrs. C. Saxby ChamblissHugh and Tina ChancyBeth and Rick ChandlerMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Chasteen Jr.LaVonne A. ChildersJames W. and Natalie S. ChildsMark “Mario” Ciarlone, USAF Ret.Lee A. Clarke and Kenyatta L. ClarkeLarry M. ClarksonLarry R. CloerJim and Lyra CobbGeorgia V. CoclinKim CogginsDr. and Mrs. David Max Cohen

Dorsel Wayne ColeRonnie M. ColeTerry ColemanMr. Jack Kenneth Collins and Mrs. Melba T. CollinsJo Nell CollinsH. Brent CollinsonMichael Alan CollverDr. Alfred O. Colquitt IIIBarbie ColvinDr. Michelle CommeyrasHarrileen Jones ConnerMs. Carolyn L. CookMr. and Mrs. J. Vincent Cook Jr.James M. “Bucky” CookPam and Cecil CookeDr. Christopher G. CooperRobert K. CooperMr. and Mrs. Ronald S. CooperKen CoorRobert and Lynn CopelandSuzanne Cone CorbettPete and Ada Lee CorrellWilliam M. Corry and Jody Jenkins CorryCatherine and Larry CoxDemetrius and Izumi CoxWalter M. Cox IIIGregg and Cindy CoyleDr. Betty Jean CraigeBen D. Cravey Jr. and Denise J. CraveyJohn H. Crawford IV and Elizabeth B. CrawfordDr. Arthur L. and Connie C. CrawleyDavid CrinerJames C. CrippsStephanie L. CrockattMr. and Mrs. Michael T. CrumleyMr. and Mrs. David A. CulleyJohn and Katherine CulpepperMick and Jamie CumbieWilliam Gary CunninghamIlene DaileyThomas and Patricia DaileyJudge and Mrs. John S. DalisDr. Priscilla Ruth DanheiserSally Ramsey DanielDr. Bobby E. Daniell Jr. and Dina D. DaniellBartley R. DanielsenHarold DardenDiane Lynn DaviesJ. Anderson DavisMatthew H. DavisTherry Nash Deal, PhDMr. John W. Dean and Mrs. Mary DeanSharon B. DeasonJoseph F. Decosimo and Rachel Sharp DecosimoRagan E. DeFreeseJeff and Julianne DeHavenKenneth J. and Angela M. DeLayMr. and Mrs. Paul E. DeMerssemanDr. and Mrs. J. Edward DempseyMr. and Mrs. Sharon R. DenneyEsther L. DevallMr. David H. DickeyJack DinosMartha Thompson DinosSandra B. DittusBruce C. Dixon and Pamela DixonFerrell Al Dixon Jr. and Peggy Farrow Dixon

Annie Laurie DoddPaula C. DodsonSmith and Sharon Nix DolliverMr. and Mrs. Vincent J. DooleyHugh Manson Dorsey IVMs. Eloise Maxwell DotyBill and Lisa DouglasWilliam J. DouglasWendy and Tom DowdenAlice M. DreesenMr. John A. Drew and Mrs. Chris DrewTom and Janice DugginsKenneth M. DukeJayson Scott DukesMrs. Sue Benson DuncanChantel DunhamMilner Gibson Durden and Lillian Duff DurdenCarl W. Duyck and Dennis J. FloodMary Frances EarlyDr. and Mrs. Donald R. Eastman IIIRobert G. EdgeJohn L. Edwards and Renelle G. EdwardsA. Timothy EleyDr. and Mrs. Steven Elliott-GowerMartha Brumley EllisRobert Lee ElsberryCraig G. EndsleyKathleen EnnisBarbara Fargason EptingGeorge Erwin Jr.Mr. Donald H. Evans Jr.Laura EvansKathryn L. FarloweKristi Hughes FarnerJohn D. FeltmanSusan and Dick Ferguson IIIMr. and Mrs. Philip A. FerranteJohn H. Fields Jr.Jan K. Buck FillerRobert and Elisha (Wade) FinneyNeil and Judy FischerLane and Norma FitzpatrickWilliam P. and Marihope Troutman FlattDr. Arnold P. FleischmannEthel E. FoleyJames Lee Ford Sr.Mrs. David A. ForehandScott FosterLinda Kirk FoxLori L. FranklinCory R. and Crystal L. FreemanGregory A. FreemanMr. David Frid Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Fritch Jr.Al FultonT. M. Furlow Jr.Carolee Wells GaileyJames R. Gamble Jr.David C. Gammon and Barbara J. BrookeAli and Chris GantC. Morgan GanttBruce K. GarlickElizabeth Anderson GarrettDr. James B. GatesGregory L. Gay and Danna W. GayMarcella Taylor GelmanJeanie and Bob Gernon

Ms. Kathy G. GestarAndrew L. GhertnerMr. and Mrs. Jack P. GibsonMichael P. GigandetRobert E. “Ned” Giles Jr.Tammy and Geof GillandRobert G. and Lee Ann F. Gillen*James L. Gillis Jr.Max M. GilstrapDean John L. GittlemanFrank GiulianoH. Phillip GlaznerJohn T. GloverCharles E. Godfrey and Barbara L. KoesjanJohn Munro GodfreyWilliam E. Gohdes and Wanda L. Stitt-GohdesDavid and Patty GouldKatrina and Tom GrahamDean Maureen GrassoDr. Alfred H. Greenberg and Halina K. GreenbergBruce P. GregoryPhillip and Suzanne GriffethTimothy C. Griffeth and Lauren L. GriffethShelley GriffittsDr. Wanda J. GroganMr. Howard Leo Guest Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hayward GuestConnie R. GuyCheryl Miller GuynnLaura M. HaaseAnna Caroline Ryan HaeberleG. Elliott and Pamella HaganDr. John H. Haire and Mrs. John H. Haire Family

(Shelia and Kaitlin)Mr. Charles Andy HallEmmett Howell Hall and Doris Nevels HallRobert P. Hall IIIDr. Sara Thomas HallRobert Keith Halliday and April Sams HallidayTracy L. HambrickCharles E. and Sharon Boone HamnerDr. James L. HamrickJefferson T. Hancock*Paul S. Handmacher and Barbara HandmacherJoey HannafordBeverly H. HansonLisa B. Hanson, Derrick M. Hanson, Spencer M. Hanson, Skyler P. HansonMitch Hardeman and Jennifer HardemanMr. and Mrs. Charles W. HardenMr. Thomas C. Harden and Mrs. Bridget B. HardenMr. Willis Neal Harden Jr.Thomas C. Harris Jr.Roger A. HarrisonEric and Erin Hill HartRosiland S. HartMs. Lynn B. HartnessMs. Diane L. HartzellMr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Haston IIIAnnette HattonHerbert W. HattonDr. David W. HawkinsGlen B. Haynes, DVM, Susan Giles Haynes, DVMMrs. John T. Haynes Jr. William C. HeadRobert Vernon HeldJim and Elsie Henderson

Nicki Hendrix and Christian OlmstedDr. Brad Richard Henke and Mrs. Suzanne Patterson HenkeDavid Eugene HenryJudy M. HerrinConnie and Bill HerringdineJudy Hibbs*Virginia Caldwell HibbsJulius D. Hicks Jr.John and Judy HillLouise HillMaj. Christoph P. HimmelsbachMary Laraine Young HinesWilliam R. and Lisa M. HinsonVirginia C. HintonDr. Ralph E. HittKatherine K. HoardMr. Thomas B. HodgsonT. Lynn HoganKathy Ann HolbrookMr. and Mrs. Gregory F. HolcombMr. and Mrs. Tim HolladayJim and Nelda HolleyMr. and Mrs. Samuel D. HolmesAshley Foss HoltShelley HooksJulie Morgan Hooper and Robert HooperChuck and Brenda HortonSteve and Diane HortonGlada Gunnells HorvatWilliam M. HouseDr. Susanne HowardMartha H. HowellDr. and Mrs. Jerry W. HowingtonKay HowingtonSandra Strother Hudson and Cecil C. Hudson, MDMr. and Mrs. William J. HuffDale and Cindy HughesRoger C. HunterThomas E. Hurst and Patricia Hunt-HurstMary Denmark HutchersonDr. Sylvia McCoy HutchinsonJohnny E. Hyers and Louise J. HyersMr. and Mrs. John Hampton IrbyMr. and Mrs. Robert Lee IzlarWilliam Ellis JacksonWilliam K. and Peggy E. JacksonLeslie Dotson Jaggers and Rondell C. JaggersDr. Russell N. James III and Esther A. JamesAlisa Gipson JarvisJoel and Carol JasonDavid B. JayCynthia JenessJulie Green JenkinsLarry JenkinsJill JenningsRex N. JohnsonMr. Terry D. Johnson and Mrs. Gail Rogers JohnsonCade JoinerLaura D. and David W. JollyMr. and Mrs. J. Morris Jones IIIJo. Elliott JonesJoshua W. JonesJulian H. and Frances F. JonesMrs. Mary Youngblood JonesMatthew W. JonesOtis Fleming Jones III

Ted JonesC. Edwin JordanDr. Clyde W. JordanHelen E. Jordan, DVM, PhDMr. and Mrs. Robert O. JordanJeffrey William JowdyDr. and Mrs. H. Won JunMichael A. KahnSusan M. KaneKusiel Kaplan*Goldie KaszubDr. Stuart B. Katz, emeritusAmy M. KayThomas L. and Karen J. KenyonKelly and Rachel KernerJim and Annaclair KigerMr. and Mrs. Paul Kilpatrick Jr.Wayne M. KimberlyMr. James E. KingDow N. Kirkpatrick IIMs. Faye R. KirschnerDr. Scott A. and Heather S. KleinerRobert D. KlineDr. Melissa A. Kling-NewberryCharles B. and Lynne V. KnappDavid and Evelyn KnauftJohn A. Knox and Pamela N. KnoxPatricia Koester-SmithDiane M. KohlGregory M. KosaterMrs. Cedric W. KuhnDr. and Mrs. David L. KulbershMr. and Mrs. James L. LaBoon Jr.James L. LaBoon IIILarry and Beverly LackeyDr. and Mrs. Robert R. LaffertySusan Cook LaheyEdwin J. Lake and Linda Carter LakeMrs. Patricia H. Lancaster and Dennis M. LancasterBryan A. LancelotGregory E. LangRichard and Martha LangMr. and Mrs. John L. LangfordMimsie LanierMr. and Mrs. Reuben W. Lasseter Jr.Dr. John H. LawDr. and Mrs. James Curtis LeeBetsy Tant LeebernDonald M. Leebern Jr.Anthony D. LehmanMr. Earl Truman Leonard Jr.Dr. A. Jefferson Lewis IIIJames David LifseyJon and Jo Ann LilesDorris and Huda LillardJohn and Anne Michele LillyMimsy and Rusty LindnerMr. and Mrs. Keith Austin LinseNeal and Marsha LittleMr. and Mrs. G. Mayo Livingston Jr.Charles LondonDan K. Lowring and Abbie N. LowringDavid LundeJeff Lurey and Dale LureyDr. and Mrs. Thomas L. LyonsVirginia M. Macagnoni, PhDCharles Machemehl


Page 38: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 7372 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Andre C. MackeyEstoria M. MadduxTom and Debra MahlerBern and Becca MahonJames Kirkland MaloneDaniell C. Marlow Sr. and Jeanine S. MarlowJonathan and Pamala MarquessMr. Kevin B. MarshRandolph and Helen MarshallMargaret Ann and Don MartinTrip MartinGeorge W. MasonTerry A. Mathews and Margaret P. MathewsMr. and Mrs. Michael G. MaxeyDr. John N. Maxwell IVGeorge B. May Sr.James T. McBrayerDwight R. and Brenda P. McColloughBrooks and Christine McCommonsLevis A. McConnell III and Melinda S. McConnellMary Long McCormackMarian Chesnut McCullersBobbie S. McDonaldMichael Ladon McGeeMr. and Mrs. J. Frank McGillMark Howard McGinnis and Sallie Smith McGinnisKyle C. McInnisVirginia P. McKennaJames Parks McLeodDr. Don W. McMillian Jr.Mr. John F. McMullan and Mrs. Marilyn J. McMullanMargey McQuilkinDonald K. McRorieDr. J. Michael and June R. MeyersDr. Julia LeCraw MikellMs. Barbara B. MillerJustin and Lynsee MillerSheila D. MillerMilton and Helen Hudson MillsDr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Milner IIIWilma L. MinixDaniel J. Minnich and Ann W. MoserMary A. MitchellDr. and Mrs. James B. Moncrief Jr.Michael J. MooreWilliam G. MooseC. L. Morehead Jr.Mr. and Mrs. George Saer MorganMs. Julia W. MorganMs. Mary Ann MorgareidgeRobert Elliott MorrisSarah S. MorrowFred S. MortonLillian J. MotePat and Doyle MoteDavid J. Mullen Jr. and Cynthia S. MullenDr. Rebecca McNeill Mullis and Dr. David W. Mullis Jr.John L. MurphyMark E. Murphy, M.D. and Daphne D. MurphyDonald G. and Susan F. MyersDan and Jeanne NadenicekSteve and Cami NailDanny Andrew NeilMr. and Mrs. Dink NeSmith Jr.

Michael NewmanDavid G. NewtonJohn T. Newton Jr.Sharon Y. NickolsDr. Shelly M. Nickols-Richardson and David Wayne RichardsonDr. W. Robert NixMr. and Mrs. John S. Noell Jr.A. J. NofsingerF. A. (Drew) NorwoodMr. and Mrs. Neil NovemberMr. and Mrs. James B. Nunn Jr.Bob and Susan NunnallyCynthia Lee NunnallyMs. Linda OakleyStefan ObenlandKeith M. and Lisa K. OelkeSvein Øie and Barbara WoodruffDr. Joseph S. OliverThurman and Juanita OliverBarbara D. and Roger B. OrloffMichael K. Ostergard and Nancy H. OstergardCelia A. OtwellDrs. Onofre R. and Ligaya P. PaguioRudy and Marsha PainterHon. Kathy S. PalmerSteve D. and Mary Ann PalmourAl and Cindy ParkerTed Maxwell Parker and Winifred M. ParkerCarl M. Parks and Barbara H. ParksEleanor L. ParrDr. Margarete I. ParrishMr. and Mrs. Carleton E. Parsons Jr.Gary and Sandy PasekDavid C. Patten and Elizabeth PattenAlexander W. and Janet W. PattersonAnn PattersonMrs. George W. Patton Jr.Donald W. Pearson Jr.Robert B. Pease III and Lynn M. PeaseMr. and Mrs. Louis A. PernoMs. Lee Davis PerrySchley L. Perry Jr. (Louie)Bonnie Stephens Petersen and Clark PetersenChris M. Peterson, M.D.Timothy A. PetersonRichard Mendel PiazzaDr. and Mrs. James R. PickTerri and Gene PitcherDr. and Mrs. Jerome J. PlattGeorge Junius Polatty Jr.Sonny PolocheDr. and Mrs. Richard L. PorterfieldKenneth Michael PotterPhilip Potter and Meredith Barrs PotterMs. Megan A. PowellDrs. Keith W. and Susan W. PrasseGregory C. Price and Rebecca A. PricePatricia Padgett PriceDr. Carl W. Proehl Jr.Steven and Kara PurvisRowland A. Radford and Letitia H. RadfordBruce and Andrea RadoBetty Sewell RaglandMr. and Mrs. David M. RaineyKathleen Cooney Rainwater

Doris Adams RamseyKennard L. and Claudia R. RawlinsonJill Jayne ReadJames K. and Carol R. ReapDavid M. ReedJeff and Cathy Reed*Frances Cowart ReevesMrs. John B. ReevesWalter ReevesDavid A. ReynoldsRobert Lamar ReynoldsMr. and Mrs. Gates T. RichardsJennifer W. RichardsonMr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Riley IVRichard M. Roberts and Marcia W. RobertsJohn and Jane RobertsonMr. and Mrs. Cheney Robinson IIIJ. Darren RodgersThomas F. Rodgers and Janie O. RodgersTammy H. RogersDr. Dean G. RojekNita Lalla RonconeJohn W. and Cindy W. RookerDr. and Mrs. Robert H. RosengartCharles A. RossMs. Young-Sun RothAlan and Jewett RothschildPamela Dete RountreeDavid L. Ruble and Gaye Preis RublePeter C. RuenitzMary Leila Benton RussellCamille Jenkins RussoKeith and Heather RuthBobbi Meeler SahmJay Sampson and Lynne RaganDr. Jean E. SanderDr. Johnny Sanders Jr. and Dr. Rubye Coleman-SandersMr. John Frank Sands and Mrs. Alice Green SandsAndrew and Emily Saunders*Dr. Robert N. SavelandV. Bibb SayeMary Akins ScarboroughDr. Mark SchaefferMs. Lee ScheinmanDonald D. Schmidt and Jerrold L. ManningDr. Donald O. SchneiderDale M. Schwartz and Susan E. SchwartzJudge and Mrs. William J. Self IIDavid K. Selleck and Betsy M. SelleckSonya W. SengsonWilliam H. Settle Jr.Anna ShackelfordChef Kyle W. Shadix, MS, RDDavid J. ShaferFred and Bonnie SharpeRonald K. ShelpJeffrey Sherman and Cassandra Young*Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Sherwood Sr.Jay F. ShinnBilly Mac ShiversDr. Raymond Eugene ShufflerScott Henderson Sikes and Valerie Lynne McCormick SikesMr. and Mrs. D. Ramsay Simmons Jr.Dr. Janice Simon

C. Herman & Mary Virginia Terry Chair of Business Administration

“Good decision-making is critical for both businesses and consumers. Support from the Terry Chair allows me to collaborate with diverse coauthors on evolving topics, such as how advancements in mobile technologies and the broader digital world impact consumer decision-making.”

CHARLOTTE MASONDr. Mason, the head of the Terry College’s marketing department, studies the rapidly changing dynamics between businesses and consumers.


Page 39: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

Honor Roll of Donors 7574 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

Elizabeth M. SimonettiGail Fulford SimsW. Daniel and Susannah S. SissonG. Fain Slaughter Jr.Marta SlaughterMr. and Mrs. Charles U. SlickMr. and Mrs. Billy S. SmithChuck and Nancy SmithDr. Craig F. SmithDavid A. SmithEdie and Lamar SmithJeffrey Vincent SmithJohn Marshall and Millie Young SmithJohn P. SmithMargaret R. SmithRobert E. Smith and Eleanor Inman SmithRussell and Judith SmithCarolyn Diane Smock and Bradford WycheLee and Holly SnellingJames A. SommervilleJohn and Mildred SpaldingDr. Beverly Lynn SparksFrank and Rosemary Dunn StancilStephanie StengleinDr. Martha Craig StephensDr. John Edward StewartJoseph Stewart Jr.Catherine H. Stockman and C. “Herbie” Stockman Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. StolzBilly M. StoneAllen D. StovallGloria Perkins StovallMr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Stovall Jr.Joannie E. StraussDana E. StricklandMrs. Thomas E. StricklandCaroline D. StrobelBetty Boyd Strong and Will StrongW. Jefferson Stubbs Jr.*Mr. V. Carlysle Sullivan Jr.Mike and Leah SumnerJulie Toland SuppesRoger Swagler and Julia MarloweDrs. Anne and David SweaneyGlenna Feagin TalbertTimothy E. TallentLynda Cowart TalmadgeWilmer Gene TannerMr. and Mrs. James S. Tardy Jr.Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Taylor Jr.David A. and Janet K. TerrellGeoffrey David TerrellBaxter D. and Cristina V. TharinElyse Billas TheodoreGloria J. Thiem and David E. ThiemMs. Melinda Fry ThomasRichard R. ThomasReese J. Thompson and Pam M. ThompsonRobert and Angela ThompsonDr. Bruce A. Thyer Ronald W. Tidmore and Karen A. TidmoreMr. and Mrs. Charles M. TidwellCarolyn Caudell TiegerMrs. Susan Stanton ToddC. Nelson Tomblin Jr.William O. Tome Jr. and Susan Tome

Dr. Michael J. TopperMrs. Robert Forrest TownsKit TrenschDr. and Mrs. Bruce Gentry TrippLindsey William Trussell Jr.Marjorie R. TurnbullMr. and Mrs. Brad TurnerCurtis L. Turner IIISeth TurnerGlen UlriciBobby J. Underwood and Lori Sweat UnderwoodNancy Reeves UsryMichael L. Van CiseWayne R. VasonDiane Vaughan and J. Lynn RaineyTiki and Lynne VietriAlfred and Joy ViolaDr. Trina von WaldnerWilliam L. Wages Jr. Lamar Cobb and Frances Clary WalterDr. Lynda H. WaltersJill and Geoffrey WaltonDr. Joel C. WalzHarriet Higgins Warren and Edus Houston Warren Jr.John and Mitzi WasdinHarold Waters Jr. and Karalyn D. WatersAnn Clark Webb*William Larry WebbNancy Marcuz WechScott S. WeinbergMr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Wellborn IIIA. L. WheelerRebecca Hanner White Clayton J. WhiteheadMrs. Germaine Whittaker

Brooks Eliot WiggintonMargaret and Hoke WilderW. Thomas WilfongMr. and Mrs. Charles S. Williams Jr.Ms. Faith Towles WilliamsGeraldine H. WilliamsMs. Paulette WilliamsWill and Elizabeth WillimonRobert M. Willingham Jr.Guy S. and M. Sue WilsonSusan J. WilsonVictor K. WilsonMr. and Mrs. James A. WinkAlfred Paul WiseMr. and Mrs. William C. Wise Jr.Oscar Lee Wiseley Jr.C. Knox Withers and Tracy L. RhodesJames C. WomackDr. Barbara Carter Wommack and Dr. Hines L. WommackDr. and Mrs. Norman J. WoodHenry H. and Lynda E. WoodallOran and Sally WoodallJennie WoodleePeggy P. WoodruffStuart WoodsLaura E. WoodsonMr. Kevin Joseph WoodyGeorge E. Wright and Camille N. WrightMr. C. Richard YarbroughDr. Ida E. YatesAllen W. YeeDr. Bonnie L. YegidisMrs. Glenn Thomas York Jr.Mary W. ZittrouerErla Gortatowsky Zuber and Harry A. Zuber


The Honor Roll of Donors contains names of individuals who have made gifts to the University of Georgia that were processed through the Office of Development between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018. There could be several reasons that your name does not appear in what you believe to be the appropriate giving level—or not appear at all:

1. You made your gift either before July 1, 2017 or after June 30, 2018.

2. You gave more during this period than you realize; your name may be in the next giving level.

3. You made a pledge instead of an outright gift. If you made a pledge between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018, but chose to begin fulfilling it after June 30, 2018, your name will not appear in this honor roll, which reflects only gifts received.

4. You made a gift to the Georgia Educational Enhancement Fund (GEEF). Ticket-priority gifts are not included in this honor roll but are recognized through the UGA Athletic Association.

Contact the Office of Donor Relations and Stewardship if we omitted your name in error or if you have questions or corrections: 394 South Milledge Avenue, Athens, GA 30602-5582. You may also call our toll-free number, 1-888-268-5442, or email us at [email protected].

For the full honor roll list, please visit president.uga.edu/ar/2018/donors.

Barbara and Sanford Orkin/Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar

“It is frequently difficult to sell new ideas or high-risk approachesto government agencies. Private donations have given my group the opportunity to undertake seemingly risky projects that have resulted in novel discoveries.”

Dr. Docampo, Distinguished Research Professor of Cellular Biology, is making advancements in treating and preventing deadly parasitic diseases such as sleeping sickness and Chagas disease, which affect millions of people around the world.



Page 40: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

76 University of Georgia | 2018 Annual Report

BOARD OF REGENTS University System of Georgia

Steve Wrigley (Chancellor)

James M. Hull (Chair)

Don L. Waters (Vice Chair)

C. Dean Alford

Chris Cummiskey

W. Allen Gudenrath

Erin Hames

Bárbara Rivera Holmes

C. Thomas Hopkins, Jr.

Donald M. Leebern, Jr.

Laura Marsh

Neil L. Pruitt, Jr.

Sarah-Elizabeth Reed

Sachin Shailendra

E. Scott Smith

Kessel D. Stelling, Jr.

Ben J. Tarbutton III

Richard L. Tucker

Thomas Rogers Wade

Philip A. Wilheit, Sr.

PRESIDENT Jere W. Morehead

CABINETPamela Whitten, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Ryan A. Nesbit, Vice President for Finance and Administration

Kelly Kerner, Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations

Rahul Shrivastav, Vice President for Instruction

David C. Lee, Vice President for Research

Jennifer L. Frum, Vice President for Public Service and Outreach

Victor K. Wilson, Vice President for Student Affairs

J. Griffin Doyle, Vice President for Government Relations

Karri Hobson-Pape, Vice President for Marketing and Communications

Timothy M. Chester, Vice President for Information Technology

W. Gregory McGarity, J. Reid Parker Director of Athletics

Michael M. Raeber, General Counsel

Kathy R. Pharr, Chief of Staff and Associate Vice President for

Institutional Affairs

Russell J. Mumper, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

Michelle Cook, Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion and

Strategic University Initiatives

Sarah F. Covert, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs

Noel Fallows, Associate Provost for International Education

P. Toby Graham, Associate Provost and University Librarian

Christina J. Miller, Associate Provost for Academic Fiscal Affairs

David S. Williams, Associate Provost and Director of the Honors Program

DEANSAlan T. Dorsey, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Samuel Pardue, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Peter B. “Bo” Rutledge, School of Law

Svein Øie, College of Pharmacy

W. Dale Greene, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources

Denise A. Spangler, College of Education

Suzanne E. Barbour, Graduate School

Benjamin C. Ayers, C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry College of Business

Charles N. Davis, Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication

Linda Kirk Fox, College of Family and Consumer Sciences

Lisa K. Nolan, College of Veterinary Medicine

Anna M. Scheyett, School of Social Work

Daniel J. Nadenicek, College of Environment and Design

Matthew R. Auer, School of Public and International Affairs

Phillip L. Williams, College of Public Health

John L. Gittleman, Eugene P. Odum School of Ecology

Michelle A. Nuss, Campus Dean of the AU/UGA Medical Partnership

Donald J. Leo, College of Engineering

The University of Georgia is committed to the principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action.


The Georgia Bulldogs returned—after 75 years—to the legendary Rose Bowl Game on New Year’s Day and earned an exciting win over the Oklahoma Sooners. With the Rose Bowl victory, UGA advanced to the college football national championship game for the first time in the playoff era.

Page 41: REACHING NEW HEIGHTS 2018 ANNUAL ... - University of …University of Georgia alumni Charles Kelley (BBA ’04) and Dave Haywood (BBA ’04) of the multiplatinum trio Lady Antebellum

220 South Jackson StreetAdministration BuildingAthens, Georgia 30602-1661