page 42 2008 NNIN REU Research Accomplishments C H E M Investigation of the Reaction of Benzaldehyde on Titanium Dioxide Christina Elias Chemical Engineering, Ohio State University NNIN REU Site: Center for Nanoscale Systems, Harvard University , Cambridge, MA NNIN REU Principal Investigator(s): Professor Cynthia M. Friend NNIN REU Mentor(s): Dr. Lauren Benz, Dr. Jan Haubrich, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Harvard University Contact: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract/Introduction: The interaction between oxide surfaces and organic compounds is of general industrial importance as many catalytic processes involve reactions between these species. Furthermore, volatile organic compounds are a class of environmental pollutants [1,2] and the interaction of such molecules with natural and engineered oxide surfaces is not well understood [3]. It is thought that processes such as adsorption, reaction, and/or decomposition over such oxides play a crucial role in the remediation of the pollutants. Additional ly, organic compounds can alter the surface properties of oxide coatings, aerosols particles and catalysts signicantly. Therefore we have chosen to study the interaction of an organic molecule containing an aldehydic function with the surface an oxide using a simple model system: benzaldehyde on rutile titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) (110). Previously we observed carbon coupling reactions via loss of oxygen for such systems employing temperature programmed reaction spectroscopy (TPRS) [5]. Conversion of benzaldehyde to stilbene occurs for approximately 70 percent of the adhered benzaldehyde molecules. Previous studies attribute the reactivity to defects such as oxygen vacancies that leave active ensembles of reduced Ti 3+ sites on the oxide substrate [6]. In the present study, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments were performed under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions to identify the adsorption sites of benzaldehyde and search for reaction intermediates. Although benzaldehyde appeared mobile at room temperature, a preferred adsorption on ve coordinated Ti 4+ sites was observed; however , the movement of benzaldehyde molecules during the time scale of our experiment prevented a better resolution of the features. Future work will require cooling to low temperatures to immobilize the molecules, allowing for the precise identication of the active sites and possible reaction intermediates. Experimental Procedure: A UHV Omicron STM set up (base pressure ~ 3 × 10 -10 torr) equipped with low energy electron diffraction (LEED), two mass spectrometers and an ion gun for argon sputtering, was used in this study. The sample surface was cleaned by a series of sputtering (10 -6 mbar Ar, 1 keV, lament current 10 mA, 20 min.) and annealing (~ 850-900°K, 5 min.) cycles prior to imaging. Temperatures were calibrated using a type K thermocouple. Benzaldehyde (Aldrich 99.5% plus purity) was further puried by freeze-pump-thaw cycles and dosed at room temperature exposures measured in Langmuir: 1L = 1 torr•µs = 1.33 10 -6 mbar•s) on the surface from a doser positioned 1 cm above the surface. Constant current images were taken with typical scanning parameters of 0.1-0.3 nA and 1-3 V. Both electrochemically etched and platinum/ iridium (Pt/Ir) W tips were used while scanning. Results: Figure 2 shows the TiO 2 (110) surface after cleaning. The spatial resolution achieved with STM clearly allows for the observation of Ti 4+ (a, bright) and bridging oxygen (b, dark) rows. Inherent defects included bridging oxygen atom vacancies seen as bright breaks in the O rows (c), and step edges (d). These locations are regions of high interest for potential binding sites. In Figure 3 one can see that the same area of the sample following dosing of ca 0.5 L benzaldehyde at room temp- erature. This coating is depicted clearly in the image and is represented by the bright round features which were observed bound to the titanium atom rows (g). Hence the preferred binding site of benzaldehyde must be over ve coordinated Ti 4+ ions. In contrast to our expectations, benzaldehyde did Figure 1: Reaction scheme developed after TPRS data analysis.

reaction of benzaldehyde on titanium oxide

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page 42 2008 NNIN REU Research Accomplishme

Investigation of the Reaction of Benzaldehyde on Titanium Dioxide

Christina Elias

Chemical Engineering, Ohio State University

NNIN REU Site: Center for Nanoscale Systems, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

NNIN REU Principal Investigator(s): Professor Cynthia M. Friend 

NNIN REU Mentor(s): Dr. Lauren Benz, Dr. Jan Haubrich, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Harvard University Contact: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


The interaction between oxide surfaces and organic

compounds is of general industrial importance as many

catalytic processes involve reactions between these

species. Furthermore, volatile organic compounds

are a class of environmental pollutants [1,2] and

the interaction of such molecules with natural and

engineered oxide surfaces is not well understood [3]. It

is thought that processes such as adsorption, reaction,

and/or decomposition over such oxides play a crucial

role in the remediation of the pollutants. Additionally,

organic compounds can alter the surface properties

of oxide coatings, aerosols particles and catalysts


Therefore we have chosen to study the interaction of an organic molecule containing an aldehydic function with

the surface an oxide using a simple model system: benzaldehyde on rutile titanium dioxide (TiO2) (110). Previously

we observed carbon coupling reactions via loss of oxygen for such systems employing temperature programmed

reaction spectroscopy (TPRS) [5]. Conversion of benzaldehyde to stilbene occurs for approximately 70 percent of 

the adhered benzaldehyde molecules. Previous studies attribute the reactivity to defects such as oxygen vacancies

that leave active ensembles of reduced Ti3+ sites on the oxide substrate [6].

In the present study, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments were performed under ultra-high vacuum

(UHV) conditions to identify the adsorption sites of benzaldehyde and search for reaction intermediates. Although

benzaldehyde appeared mobile at room temperature, a preferred adsorption on ve coordinated Ti4+ sites was

observed; however, the movement of benzaldehyde molecules during the time scale of our experiment prevented a

better resolution of the features. Future work will require cooling to low temperatures to immobilize the molecules,

allowing for the precise identication of the active sites and possible reaction intermediates.

Experimental Procedure:

A UHV Omicron STM set up (base pressure ~ 3 × 10-10 torr)

equipped with low energy electron diffraction (LEED), two

mass spectrometers and an ion gun for argon sputtering,

was used in this study. The sample surface was cleaned by

a series of sputtering (10-6 mbar Ar, 1 keV, lament current10 mA, 20 min.) and annealing (~ 850-900°K, 5 min.) cycles

prior to imaging. Temperatures were calibrated using a type

K thermocouple. Benzaldehyde (Aldrich 99.5% plus purity)

was further puried by freeze-pump-thaw cycles and dosed

at room temperature exposures measured in Langmuir: 1L

= 1 torr•µs = 1.33 10-6 mbar•s) on the surface from a doser

positioned 1 cm above the surface. Constant current images

were taken with typical scanning parameters of 0.1-0.3 nA

and 1-3 V. Both electrochemically etched and platinum/

iridium (Pt/Ir) W tips were used while scanning.


Figure 2 shows the TiO2

(110) surface after cleaning. The

spatial resolution achieved with STM clearly allows for

the observation of Ti4+ (a, bright) and bridging oxygen (b,

dark) rows. Inherent defects included bridging oxygen atom

vacancies seen as bright breaks in the O rows (c), and stepedges (d). These locations are regions of high interest for

potential binding sites.

In Figure 3 one can see that the same area of the sample

following dosing of ca 0.5 L benzaldehyde at room temp-

erature. This coating is depicted clearly in the image and is

represented by the bright round features which were observed

bound to the titanium atom rows (g). Hence the preferred

binding site of benzaldehyde must be over ve coordinated

Ti4+ ions. In contrast to our expectations, benzaldehyde did

Figure 1: Reaction scheme developed after TPRS data analysis.

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Chemistry  page 43

not bind to bridging oxygen vaciences or step edges, which are

usually strong adsorption sites.

Figure 4 that this is again the same region scanned after a ve

minute time elapse. This image illustrates how benzaldehyde

molecules are mobile at room temperature. While some molecules

remain in their original binding locations, others diffuse away to

new locations. Still no accumulation at step edges occurs.


Points to take away from the work completed this summer

include the following: benzaldehyde molecules bind weakly to

ve coordinated Ti4+ sites at room temperature. Notably they

did not adsorb preferentially to oxygen vacancies or steps. At

room temperature, they diffuse slowly across the surface. Future

low temperature scanning to immobilize the molecules while

investigating the reaction of benzaldehyde is required.


I would like to thank my principal investigator, Cynthia Friend,and mentors, Lauren Benz and Jan Haubrich, and organizations

including National Science Foundation, National Nanotechnology

Infrastructure Network Research Experience for Undergraduates

Program, and the Harvard Center for Nanoscale Systems.


[1] Usher, C.; Michel, A.; Grassian, V.; Chem. Rev. 2003, 103, 4883.

[2] E.P.A, U. S. The original list of hazardous air pollutants, 2007.

[3] Diebold, U. Surface Science Reports 2003, 48, 53.

[4] Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxicological

Prole for Acrolein, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, GA, 1990.

[5] Benz, L.; Haubrich, J.;Quiller, R. G.; " Reactions of Benzaldehyde

and Acrolein on TiO2(110)and the Inuence of Defects and

Coadsorbed Species", in preparation.

[6] (a) Sherrill, A.B.; Idriss, H.; Barteau, M.A.; Chen, J.G. Catalysis

Today 2003, 85, 321; (b) Idriss, H.; Pierce, K.G.; Barteau, M.A.

Journal of the American Chemical Society 1994, 116, 3063.

Figure 2, top: STM image of clean TiO2

surface (imaging parameters:

30 nm × 30 nm, 300K). Features identifed are (a) bright Ti atom rows;

(b) dark O atom rows; (c) bridging O vacancy; (d) step edge; (e) unknown


Figure 3, middle: STM image of TiO2

immediately after a 0.5L benz-

aldehyde exposure (imaging parameters: 30 nm × 30 nm, 300K).


Figure 4, bottom: STM image taken after 5 min. Filled circles are previous

molecule locations, while new molecules are circled with hatched lines.

(imaging parameters: 30 nm × 30 nm, 300K).