Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,

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Page 1: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,
Page 2: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,


Ready to Feel Great Again?We all have times where we feel less than wonderful physically. This might be due to eating poorly, not exercising for a period of time, being indoors too much, not sleeping enough, not drinking enough pure water, or during times of stress or illness.

Of course, when we feel great we can tend to take it for granted. But when we feel icky, that’s when we get a stark reminder that health is something to be created and maintained, not necessarily a given.

Via this workbook you have the opportunity to hit the reset button on your own health and radiance in whatever ways you most need them right now. While diet is absolutely one of the most powerful factors of them all, you’ll have the opportunity to look at all of the key health-creating elements and come out the other side with your own custom plan for how to get your sparkle back in 24 hours or less.

But before we get to that, first you’ll find some powerful notes and reminders about each of the elements so that you can go in understanding all of your options and receive some ideas and inspiration about different things you can do to make the most out of each of these elements.

Every time you use this workbook your self-given prescription may well be different each and every time, and this is a GREAT thing! It means you will come out of the process knowing exactly what you need to do at that particular moment in time to get back on track in the quickest, most wonderful and enjoyable of ways.

So if you’re ready to feel so much better than you do today, even if you’re already feeling good, let’s get started in resetting your amazing body so that this time tomorrow you feel so much better than you do today.

Page 3: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,


The Elements of Health & VitalityThe 11 Elements of Health and Vitality that we are going to work with to get your mojo back are:

1. Diet2. Water3. Exercise/movement4. Fresh air5. Sunshine6. Deep breathing7. Sleep & relaxation8. Stress-relief9. Fun!

10. Nature11. Soul connection

Let’s take a few minutes to look at each one in a bit more detail.


It’s no secret that what you eat has a tremendous and far-reaching effect on how you look and feel. Each woman’s level of sensitivity to certain foods can vary dramatically, and so one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself, if you haven’t done so already, is determine which foods really make you look and feel your best, and which ones deplete you and undermine you in some way.

When it comes to hitting reset, in a few pages time, you’re going to find some ideas of the various different approaches I recommend. This list starts with what I consider to be the tamest approach, and works its way along to the more bold and dramatic approaches. I would recommend the latter ideas if you are feeling particularly drained, tired or under the weather, because when it comes to getting your vitality back, diet is one of the elements that very often has the greatest power of all.

Page 4: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,



What is the general quality of your daily drinking water? This is an area that can often go unaddressed, and yet it plays such a huge part in our day-to-day health and overall wellbeing. There are so many different healthy drinking water options available now that it can be confusing. At the very least I would recommend that you use a water filter jug with your tap water. However, if you are serious about your health then you’ll want to investigate more closely and consider your options more seriously. As you research you’ll find a lot of strong opinions about which water is best. In my personal opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water, purifying it and splitting it out into acid and alkaline water. The alkaline water is what you drink and the acidic water is generally given to your garden or houseplants as they thrive on that. If you’ve never had RO water before you’ll be amazed when you try it. Its purity is palpable and you’ll wonder how on earth you ever drank anything else!


The topic of exercise is a curious one, because I think so many women tend to form very fixed beliefs about what it is, and whether they’re someone who exercises - or not! The truth is, any form of movement really is exercise. Whether it’s walking the dog, doing the housework or running up the stairs, it’s all exercise! And yet, we all know that consciously planning and doing a more intentional and regular workout of some kind is a whole lot healthier. For some women it is running, for others rebounding to music, for others going to the gym, for others horse riding or ice-skating, and for others it’s hot yoga. There are so many fun and amazing ways to exercise, you don’t have to write it off as something that you can’t do or won’t do, because there really is something for everyone - and most importantly something that you can fall in love with.

When it comes to resetting yourself, in most situations it’s hard to find something more powerful than the use of movement to get your blood pumping, your lymph cleansing and all systems in your body revved up and raring to go. Whatever your current beliefs and behaviours are around exercise, there is always so much more to discover, explore and enjoy and your next reset may just be the perfect opportunity!

Page 5: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,



It’s so easy to overlook the importance of fresh air, especially if you work from home, spend a lot of time at work in an office, or are a stay-at-home mum who doesn’t go out of the house very often. When it comes to resetting, getting out of your home and into the fresh air can be so incredibly powerful, even when the weather may not be exactly as you’d desire. If you’ve ever gone for a walk in the rain before, you’ll know that while initial resistance may be high, once you’re out there, providing you’re covered up sufficiently, it can be one of the most energising things to do of all!


Granted, not all of us have year-round access to great quality sunshine. While this is less than ideal, it is what it is, and unless we choose to move to sunnier climes, on a day-to-day basis this is going to be our reality. If you haven’t taken a holiday in the sun for some time, then maybe this is your cue? While you won’t necessarily be hopping on a plane today in order to reset by tomorrow, if you’ve been feeling S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) for some time, or after a particularly long or gruelling winter, then don’t forget just how restorative sunshine and the warmth of the sun on your skin can actually be. In the meantime, do bear in mind that where there’s daylight there’s sunshine, so yet another great reason to get outdoors and into the fresh air so that you can reap the benefits of nature.

Page 6: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,



This element is so easy to overlook as breathing is something we never think about until we find it difficult or we step out into the fresh air and recognise the opportunity to breathe more deeply. When it comes to deep breathing, absolutely it is preferable to do this out in the open air wherever and whenever possible, but even if it’s in your own home, you can still reap benefits from acknowledging and working with your breath.

For the purpose of resetting, I would recommend that you experiment with various types of breathing in order to find what best revitalises your own body and in what ways. You’ll find examples of what I mean by this a few pages along in this workbook when you come to create your own unique Reset Plan. For now, just be aware that your breath is your connection to Life, and it’s an element that you can work with in a multitude of ways in order to calm yourself down, rev yourself up, and even release trauma and memories from the body via a process called Rebirthing.


We all know how important sleep and relaxation are, and yet… Here in the 21st century, the gadgets that were supposed to make our life easier have instead made them more complex, busy and fast-paced. As a result people are spending way too much time staring at screens of all shapes and sizes, and sleep is often the element that gets squeezed as a result. The recommended 7-8 hours a day has become 4-5 for many, and sooner or later this takes its toll. If you have been feeling continually tired even if your diet and exercise is great, then chances are you simply haven’t been sleeping enough. It sounds so simple, and really it is! There is no other element that can replace sleep, and that fact bends for no-one.

And while relaxation is also something that seems to not make it to most busy women’s to-do list, it’s also vital to have resting time during the day. Otherwise we start to see ourselves as machines and not human, and start to slide even more into doing, doing, doing, until we start to see relaxation as laziness, when actually it is required to balance out the productivity. If you have been feeling miserable as well as tired, then chances are that you are simply doing too much. Relaxation is not a “nice to have”, it’s a must, so chances are high that your reset day is going to have to include some much needed time off, just to be, to relax and recharge.

Page 7: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,



What’s your stress level right now? If you’re anything like most modern women you’ll be scoring yourself somewhere within the 7-9 out of 10 range. As previously mentioned, these are busy and stressful times that we are living in. As women we wear so many different hats in our day-to-day lives, and for women over 35, often this means having the responsibility and stress of parenting as well as worries around the health and wellbeing of parents. While stress itself is talked about, stress-relief… not so much. Most people think that a sit down in front of the TV or watching a movie will take the stress away, but generally this is not the case. If you have been feeling frazzled recently and as if your life is a never-ending treadmill of duties, tasks and responsibilities (most of which are involving other people) then stress relief is absolutely going to need to be a part of your 24-hour Reset Plan.


You’re never too old to hula-hoop, go skinny dipping or cartwheel across your lawn! When was the last time you had some serious FUN? Specifically, when was the last time you did something just to feel the thrill or rush of it, with no reason for doing it other than to feel the buzz of having fun for fun’s sake? If you’re like most women, you might struggle to answer this question. If that’s the case, then something has to change! Having fun is not only energising, but it also enlivens the spirit and reconnects us to our youthful energy of freedom and zest for life. If this all now sounds like a foreign language to you, I absolutely recommend that a significant portion of your 24 hours resetting is spent participating in fun stuff that brings you back to life again - in more ways than one.

Page 8: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,



Nature truly is one of life’s finest medicines. Whether it’s taking a walk in a beautiful garden or woodland, or taking time to hold and smell a fragrant rose, or hugging a tree… there is a power and sacred transference that seems to happen when we return to Nature and spend time reconnecting with its purity, life-force and wisdom. If you have been feeling as if something is missing from your life but you can’t quite put your finger on it, consider this as an option. Connecting with Nature will enable you to not only leave the house and get the all-important fresh air and sunlight that you need, but it will also restore and rejuvenate you in ways that are hard to fully understand, but that will happen nonetheless.


In my experience the two things that give me the most energy are physical exercise and connecting with my Soul. The former we’ve already discussed and I’m sure you’ve had the same experience. When it comes to connecting with our Soul, what gives us energy specifically is when we connect with it in such a way where we can truly tap into its wisdom, truth and whatever it is that we most need to hear or be aware of. When we do this, in my experience, it informs us of what we most need to know and also what we now need to let go of. Certainly my Soul is always directing me to simplify, simplify, simplify, and I’m guessing yours is the same! I believe that our Soul is a massive fan of space, lightness and minimalism, and the further we go on our High Vibrational Woman journey, the more we crave these things, and ultimately end up literally needing the things. When you connect with your Soul as part of your Reset Plan, chances are you will be given some invaluable guidance about what you need to let go of in your life in order to regain some serious energy and retain that energy moving forward. Try it and see!

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How to Create Your Own 24-Hour Reset PlanNow that you’ve learned more about each of the 11 Elements of Health & Vitality, it’s time to create your own best 24-Hour Reset Plan. You can choose to use this either in the next 24 hours if you need immediate resetting and you’re feeling absolutely wiped out, or perhaps for a few days from now if your need is not so urgent, and you already know when is the perfect time to do this because of how your calendar is currently looking. Whatever you decide, the approach is the same. Simply answer the 22 questions over the coming pages and by the end of it you will have all the ingredients you need to create your perfect Reset Plan. Once you have these ingredients, on the final page you’ll find a 24-hour planner page where you can map out exactly how your 24 hours will flow. This will support you more fully in ensuring that your plan actually gets followed and nothing gets missed along the way.

Get ready to reset in the most vibrant way possible. Enjoy!


On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “awful” and 10 being “perfect”, how do you consider your eating habits to have been over the past 1-2 weeks?

In the light of your above answer, what needs to change to take your score to a 10 during your 24-hour reset?

For some women the answer will be to simply clean up their diet dramatically for a day, like eating 100% raw for a day. For others it might be to consume fresh raw vegan liquids only, such as juices, nut milks and smoothies. If you’re already eating well but feel that you actually need a break from eating, then you may choose to do a 24-hour water fast instead and really give your body a next-level opportunity to cleanse, heal and rebuild itself. Ask your inner knowing what’s best for you at this time and then write your answer in the box below.

Page 10: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,



On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “awful” and 10 being “perfect”, how do you consider the general quality of the water you’ve been drinking to have been over the past 1-2 weeks?

In the light of your above answer, what needs to change to take your score to a 10 during your 24-hour reset?


On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “awful” and 10 being “perfect”, how do you consider your level of physical activity/exercise to have been over the past 1-2 weeks?

In the light of your above answer, what needs to change to take your score to a 10 during your 24-hour reset?

Page 11: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,



On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “awful” and 10 being “perfect”, how do you consider the quality of air that you’ve been breathing to have been over the past 1-2 weeks?

In the light of your above answer, what needs to change to take your score to a 10 during your 24-hour reset?


On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “awful” and 10 being “perfect”, how do you consider the amount of quality sunshine that you’ve exposed your body to, to have been over the past 1-2 weeks?

In the light of your above answer, what needs to change to take your score to a 10 during your 24-hour reset? (Within the current limitations of your real-world location, of course.)

Page 12: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,


DEEP BREATHINGOn a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “awful” and 10 being “perfect”, how do you consider the way you’ve been breathing and consciously working with your breath to have been over the past 1-2 weeks?

In the light of your above answer, what needs to change to take your score to a 10 during your 24-hour reset?

Suggested avenues to investigate: Deep breathing practice in 10-20 breath intervals; Deep breathing in fresh air; Deep breathing in Nature; Laying outside in the open air and breathing deeply and consciously for 10 minutes; Alternate nostril breathing (yogic practice - search YouTube for demos); Rebirthing if you feel so-called (Google for more info).

SLEEP & RELAXATIONOn a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “awful” and 10 being “perfect”, how do you consider the amount of sleep and relaxation you’ve been getting to have been over the past 1-2 weeks?

In the light of your above answer, what needs to change to take your score to a 10 during your 24-hour reset?

Page 13: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,



On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “awful” and 10 being “perfect”, how do you consider the way you’ve been dealing with any stress you may be currently experiencing to have been over the past 1-2 weeks?

In the light of your above answer, what needs to change to take your score to a 10 during your 24-hour reset?


On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “awful” and 10 being “perfect”, how do you consider the amount of fun you’ve been having to have been over the past 1-2 weeks?

In the light of your above answer, what needs to change to take your score to a 10 during your 24-hour reset?

Page 14: Ready to Feel Great Again? - Karen Knowler · opinion and experience the best way to go is to drink RO water (reverse osmosis) which essentially is taking your regular tap water,



On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “awful” and 10 being “perfect”, how do you consider the amount of time you’ve been spending with/out in Nature to have been over the past 1-2 weeks?

In the light of your above answer, what needs to change to take your score to a 10 during your 24-hour reset?


On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “awful” and 10 being “perfect”, how do you consider the amount of time you’ve been spending connecting with your Soul, and the quality of that connection, to have been over the past 1-2 weeks?

In the light of your above answer, what needs to change to take your score to a 10 during your 24-hour reset?

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Congratulations! You have now completed all of the questions and essentially have your unique recipe for resetting over the 24-hour period of your choosing.

On the final page you’ll find the 24-hour planner sheet where you are invited to insert your chosen activities into the schedule so that you know exactly what you are doing, in what order, and when.

Once you have this, you have the wonderful and gorgeous assignment of following your plan in the most enjoyable ways possible!

I also warmly invite you to use the spaces on the next page to record how you were feeling BEFORE your 24-hour reset and how you felt at the end of it.

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My 24-Hour Reset JourneyHow I am feeling BEFORE my reset

How I am feeling AFTER my reset

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