REAL FIT FOOD RECIPES Delicious, healthy, energising recipes from the Realfoods café ‘Real Fit Food’ event at RMIT University.

Real Fit Food Recipe Book

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Recipes from the Realfoods Cafe Real Fit Foods Cooking Demonstration 2014.

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Delicious, healthy, energising recipes from the Realfoods café ‘Real Fit Food’

event at RMIT University.

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* RMIT OXFAM * Edgar’s Mission * Running Raw * Animal Liberation Victoria * Vegetarian Victoria *




Cooking Demonstration

Free Fitness, Nutrition &

7 athletes + 1 chef = PRICELESS healthy lifestyle info!

Dinner, drinks and desserts available for CASH ONLY sale

More info: www.facebook.com/RUSUrealfoods

Tuesday 8 April, 6.00-8.30pmRealfoods Cafe, 360 Swanston St, Melbourne, RMIT University Cafeteria

RUSU Realfoods Cafe Presents...


* RMIT OXFAM * Edgar’s Mission * Running Raw * Animal Liberation Victoria * Vegetarian Victoria *




Cooking Demonstration

Free Fitness, Nutrition &

7 athletes + 1 chef = PRICELESS healthy lifestyle info!

Dinner, drinks and desserts available for CASH ONLY sale

More info: www.facebook.com/RUSUrealfoods

Tuesday 8 April, 6.00-8.30pmRealfoods Cafe, 360 Swanston St, Melbourne, RMIT University Cafeteria

RUSU Realfoods Cafe Presents...


* RMIT OXFAM * Edgar’s Mission * Running Raw * Animal Liberation Victoria * Vegetarian Victoria *




Cooking Demonstration

Free Fitness, Nutrition &

7 athletes + 1 chef = PRICELESS healthy lifestyle info!

Dinner, drinks and desserts available for CASH ONLY sale

More info: www.facebook.com/RUSUrealfoods

Tuesday 8 April, 6.00-8.30pmRealfoods Cafe, 360 Swanston St, Melbourne, RMIT University Cafeteria

RUSU Realfoods Cafe Presents...

© 2014 Realfoods cafe and RMIT University Student Union

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Luke Tan Strength & Conditioning Coach, Master NLP Mindset Coach

Emilie Tan Runner, Bikini Athlete, Speed Skater

From bodybuilders to cyclists, MMA fighters to endurance marathoners, speed skaters to sky divers – so many athletes are going vegan and getting results. Australia has some of the most exciting plant-based fitness enthusiasts in the game, and the RMIT University Student Union’s ‘Realfoods’ café is excited to offer you the chance to spend an evening hearing from 7 of them! This FREE event will showcase healthy, energising recipes from a certified raw food chef, alongside training and motivation tips, tales of inspirational transformations and accomplishments from our feature athletes. There will be plenty of door prizes, delicious organic catering (for cash only purchase), and a recipe book for all attendees.Optional entry cost: Gold coin donation (or more if you’re feeling generous! :) to our charity partners.

Cooking Demonstration

Free Fitness, Nutrition &


Tuesday 8 April, 6.00-8.30pmRealfoods Cafe, 360 Swanston St, Melbourne, RMIT University Cafeteria

Special Guest Presenters:

Rachael Campbell Intuitive Life Coach, Raw Food Chef

Natasha Seeto Bikini Athlete

Trent Barnes Rockclimber, Sky Diver

Simone Collins Body Builder






Janette and Alan Murray-Wakelin Ultra-marathoners

RSVP: www.facebook.com/events/300780340070643/

ContentsBerrylicious Protein Shakeby Luke Tan 2

Sesame Banana ‘Ice Cream’ by Emilie Tan 4

Raw Protein Ballsby Simone Collins 5

Green Juiceby Natasha Seeto 6

Super Food Bars with Strawberry & Cacaoby Rachael Campbell 8

Energising Blendsby Janette and Alan 10

Pear, Lemon and Mint Sparklerby Lucy Stegley 12

Kore Strength Smoothieby Koren Sutherland 13

Presenter Bios 16

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1 cup frozen berries (organic if possible)

Plant-based protein brand of choice (1–2 scoops – depending on training/nutritional goals)

1tsp almond butter (or approx. 5 whole almonds)

1Tbsp flaxseed meal

1Tbsp chia seeds

Pinch of salt

3 cups of almond milk

4–5 ice cubes

1Tbsp hulled hemp seeds

1Tbsp pumpkin seeds

Pinch of shredded coconut

Equipment required:

Blender (preferably one with some grunt – such as a Vitamix – to handle the nuts, seeds and frozen berries!

Berrylicious Protein Shake

Get your antioxidants, good fats, clean carbs and plant proteins from this bulked-up super shake!

by Luke Tan of www.evolvedgeneration.com

Put pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds and shredded coconut in a cup and set aside.

In a blender, combine frozen berries, chia seeds, flaxseed meal, almond butter, protein powder, ice cubes, sprinkle of salt (to taste), and almond milk. Blend until smooth.

Pour into your cup, then stir in the pumpkin and hemp seeds, and the shredded coconut for a great nutty/crunchy texture (you can blend these ingredients with the rest if you prefer a completely smooth shake).

Pour into a glass, sip… and crunch!


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Calories: 497.2cal Protein: 46.6g Fats: 23.2gCarbohydrates: 25.5g


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3 x frozen bananas (pre-chopped into small chunks)

6 x medjool dates, pitted

1–2 cups of coconut water (depending on your preferred consistency)

2 Tbsp of ogura (Japanese sweetened red bean – available at most Asian groceries)

2 Tbsp black sesame powder (available at most Asian groceries)

1 strawberry (garnish)

2 Tbsp of shaved coconut (garnish)

Sesame Banana ‘Ice Cream’ with Oguraby Emilie Tan of www.evolvedgeneration.com

Pour coconut water into a high-speed blender.

Put banana, medjool dates, and black sesame powder into the blender. Blend.

Pour into a bowl.

Garnish with ogura, strawberry, and a sprinkle of shaved coconut.



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1/2 cup hemp protein

1/2 cup almond meal (or any other nut/seed meal, such as flax)

1 Tbsp raw cacao

1/2 cup coconut yoghurt (or coconut cream or coconut milk)

Stevia to taste (or a sweetener of your choice, such as coconut sugar or dates).

Try adding some extras, like goji berries, maca, ground nuts or trail mix to boost it up, or finish off the balls by rolling in cinnamon or desiccated coconut.

Raw Protein Ballsby Simone Collins of www.simicollins.com and www.evolvedgeneration.com

Mix dry ingredients.

Mix in coconut yoghurt.

Roll into balls and store in fridge to set.


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Yields 2–3 cups.

4 celery stalks – leaves and all!

1 cucumber, sliced lengthways

3-4 stalks of kale – any variety

1/2 lime, skin removed

1/2 grapefruit*, skin removed

1 apple (start with half, add more if you if you decide you need more sweetness)

Please note:

If you are currently taking any medication – please speak with your doctor regarding grapefruit and whether or not to include it in your juice. Grapefruit accelerates the metabolism of some medications.

Green Juiceby Natasha Seeto of www.natashaseeto.com and www.evolvedgeneration.com


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Equipment required:

Juicer (preferably a cold-press style brand such as the Oscar or the Champion).

Vegetables + Citrus + Fruit = a nice palatable and alkalizing transitional juice that still gets you your greens! On a plant-based diet, green juices are a power shot of nutrition that you’d otherwise have to gain by consuming a lot of food. Even if you aren’t plant-based, you will benefit immensely from adding green drinks to your diet. Yes drinks - plural - Green Juices AND Green Smoothies!

Other variations on Tash’s basic green juice recipe, plus more info on juicing and blending can be found here: www.natashaseeto.com/juiced-up/


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1 cup almonds*

1 cup pitted medjool dates

1/2 cup dried apricots

3/4 cup fresh strawberries

1/2 cup pumpkin seeds

1/3 cup chia seeds

1/3 cup cacao nibs

1/3 cup desiccated coconut

1 Tbsp lucuma powder

1 tsp vanilla extract

Pinch Celtic sea salt

Equipment required: Food processor (or Thermomix).

Super Food Bars store in refrigerator for up to 1 week. Make a large batch by doubling the recipe and keep in thefreezer for up to 2 months.

Super Food Bars with Strawberry & Cacao

Nutrient and flavour dense, these Super Food Bars are a little bit of sweet and a whole lot of yum!

by Rachael Campbell of www.rachaels rawfood.comfrom the e-book: Revolutionary Raw Recipes

Makes 10 bars

Blend almonds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, cacao nibs, coconut, lucuma, vanilla and sea salt in food processor, until coarsely ground. Add strawberries, apricots and dates and blend for a further 20 seconds.

Press mixture firmly into a lined slice tin and place in the freezer for 1 hour or until semi-firm. Remove from the freezer and cut into bars.

Ready to eat!


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by Rachael Campbell of www.rachaels rawfood.comfrom the e-book: Revolutionary Raw Recipes

*Almonds option - Soaking and dehydrating of almonds is an option, not a requirement; you can simply use plain raw nuts. If you choose to soak nuts, complete this process in bulk, so you have a good amount of nuts in your pantry for recipes and snacks, then your recipe process is quick and easy. Soak almonds overnight.

Rinse and drain. Dehydrate for 12–24 hours or until dry. Dehydration time will depend on how many nuts are in the dehydrator at one time. (If you don’t have a dehydrator, you can also try bringing the dry crunch back into the soaked/activated almonds by putting them in a tray in your oven on the lowest temperature setting and leaving the door slightly ajar).


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Fresh Juice

1 beetroot

6 carrots

1 green apple

1/2 lemon

1 large bunch freshly cut wheatgrass

1 small bunch parsley or mint

Fruity Green Smoothie

6 bananas

1/2 medium pineapple

1 pear

2 oranges

1 lemon

1 passionfruit

1 small bunch mint leaves

4 dates soaked in 1 cup water (save the soak water to blend with all other ingredients)

Energising Blends

These ultra-marathoners know the importance of keeping hydrated and supported on their long journeys with luscious drinks using fresh, ripe, raw, and organic ingredients.

by Janette and Alan of www.rawcancure.com and www.runningrawaroundaustralia.com

Run all the ingredients through your juicer.

Drink 1/2 hour before training or workout.

Combine all ingredients in blender until smooth.

Drink directly after training or workout.


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5 pears

2 lemons

10 mint leaves

Liquid sweetener (such as agave, coconut nectar, maple syrup or blended dates)

Sparkling natural mineral water

Green grapes or mint leaves to garnish

Pear, Lemon and Mint Sparklerby Lucy Stegley (aka SmoothieGirl) of www.su.rmit.edu.au/realfoods

Juice (or blend) pears, lemons and mint leaves and pour into a large jug. Add sparkling water and liquid sweetener to taste. Stir, and add ice if desired.

Have a go at making up your own base flavours to mimic your favourite soft drink, such as:

Orange and mandarin juice with agave nectar for Fanta.

Cola nut extract and strawberry coulis with maple syrup for Coke.

Passionfruit pulp, lime juice and agave nectar for Passiona.

Ginger juice, lemon juice and blended dates for ginger beer.

If you are a reluctant fan of (or verging on addicted to) sugar-laden sports drinks or sodas, then it’s time to switch it up! Keep the sparkle in your eye and the spring in your step with this refreshing, sparkling flavoured water.


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2 apples, juiced

2-3 big handfuls of spinach

1 small handful mint leaves

3 Tbsp inca inchi protein

1tsp of probiotic powder (use one made from a plant-based formula)

1tsp greens powder

Small handful of ice

Kore Strength Smoothieby Koren Sutherland of Kore Strength Fitness and www.evolvedgeneration.com

Add all the ingredients to blender and blend with the apple juice until smooth.


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Real Fit Food Guest Presenters (L–R): Simone Collins, Rachael Campbell, Janette Murray-Wakelin, Alan Murray, Trent Barnes, Lucy Stegley, Natasha Seeto, Luke Tan and Emilie Tan.

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Presenter BiosRachael is a raw food chef and an intuitive life coach, inspiring and influencing people to find their inner voice through the wisdom she has gained with audiences worldwide. Rachael has online programs and works with clients one-on-one to further her goal of raising people’s conscious awareness of their potential and abilities. Rachael is a graduate of the Matthew Kenney Academy, and a certified Raw Food Chef. Rachael shares her love of plant-based cuisine with the world through her websites, social

media, and ebooks such as ‹Revolutionary Raw Recipes›, which features easy-to-follow healthy recipes and equally palatable photographs!

www.rachaelcampbell.com www.rachaelsrawfood.com

Rachael Campbell

Born in Singapore, Luke currently lives in Melbourne and is the resident plant-based strength and conditioning/Master NLP mindset coach for Australian Strength Performance. Skilled at identifying the root cause of issues that hinder athletic performance and emotional wellbeing, he aims to bring individuals to a place of physical and emotional empowerment. Being an advocate for plant-based nutrition, he is also the founder of Evol’ved Generation, a brand aimed at inspiring individuals to lead an empowered

and ethical lifestyle.


Luke Tan

Simone has been vegetarian for more than half her life, and has been vegan for the past 4 years. Suffering an eating disorder through her early 20s, she developed an interest in weight training after joining Doherty’s Gym to gain healthy weight and improve her overall health. This lead to a passion for bodybuilding and figure competitions, where she now competes as an IFBB Amateur. The world of fitness and bodybuilding is generally dominated by the belief that animal protein is ‘essential’ for building muscle, so as an active

vegan natural competitor, Simone’s successes show that building muscle as a vegan is not only highly achievable, but - she believes - far more compassionate, healthy and ecological.


Simone Collins

Natasha Seeto is a National Champion vegan bikini athlete, who has a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from eCornell and is currently completing her Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy. It is Natasha’s supreme goal and passion in life to assist people in enhancing the quality of all the facets of their life by providing information and education on how to nourish their bodies with healthful nutrients.


Natasha Seeto


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Born and raised in Montreal, Emilie is an ex-professional athlete for Canada in short track speed skating. As a vegan, she has also competed as a bikini athlete for the 2013 IFBB Victorian Championships. A lifestyle coach and co-founder of Evol’ved Generation, Emilie is passionate about inspiring people to reach their full physical and mental potential, while maintaining a perspective of sustainability and compassion.


Emilie Tan

Throughout 2013, to inspire and motivate conscious lifestyle choices, to promote kindness and compassion for all living beings, and to raise environmental awareness for a sustainable future, veteran raw vegan athletes Janette Murray-Wakelin and Alan Murray ran around Australia (15,782km, 366 marathons each in 366 days) – breaking a World Record in the process. By running a marathon distance together every day for a year, they inspired others to believe in themselves, and to achieve their goals

through making more conscious lifestyle choices. This power-couple relishes the opportunity to show that by eating raw living plant-based foods, they are healthier, more physically fit and have unlimited energy at beyond 60 years of age than in their earlier years.


Alan Murray & Janette Murray-Wakelin

Lucy Stegley (aka SmoothieGirl) - is the coordinator of RMIT University’s organic, fair trade, vegan café ‘Realfoods’ based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Fast, filling smoothies are her go-to fuel source…

In her search for better health, SmoothieGirl has found nothing more effective than incorporating raw fruit and raw green smoothies into her diet. Her rejuvenating and detoxifying, fibre- and flavour-packed Seasonal Smoothies are all about embracing produce in its prime to maximise the

nutritional benefits and taste.

Lucy shares her passion for healthy plant-based lifestyles via cooking and nutrition demos through her organisation Raw Events, teaming up with the world’s best wholistic health experts, chefs and fitness leaders for fun and educational living food presentations.

www.su.rmit.edu.au/realfoods www.facebook.com/RawEventsAustralia

Lucy Stegley

Trent is a vegan and raw food fuelled rock climber and sky diver (amongst many other physical and adventurous pursuits). He is an impassioned advocate for healthy living as well as upgraded dietary habits for achieving optimal health and physical performance. Trent loves green smoothies, colloidal minerals and the supplement MSM. He also believes the mineral Sulphur to be the answer to the meaning of life. By business hours, Trent is a suit wearing business professional and inspired entrepreneur. 24/7, he is an

adventure capitalist and life protagonist.

Trent Barnes


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organic fairtrade vegetarian cafe

eat in . take out . cateringMonday - Friday 11am-4pm

RMIT City Campus360 Swanston St, Building 8, Level 4, Food Court