www.england.nhs.uk/expo@ExpoNHS#Expo18NHS Realising personalised care through digital transformation

Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal

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Page 1: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


Realising personalised care

through digital transformation

Page 2: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


“… Deploy rigorous and validated population health management capabilities that improve prevention, enhance

patient activation and supported self-management.”

“The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000

Personal Maternity Care Budgets (PMCBs) by the end of 2017/18 through the seven Maternity Pioneers.”

- Next Steps on the Five Year Forward View

“…full integration of health and social care centred around the person.

“…turbo-charge progress on integrated health and care budgets… transferring the highest possible control to those

receiving support.”

- Secretary of State for Health and Care, Jeremy Hunt, 20 March 2018

“The founding of the NHS was remarkable because it changed the nature of healthcare as we knew it. We now have

the opportunity for a similarly profound transformation. At its heart it is about building an NHS around the needs of

the patient.”

- Prime Minister, Theresa May, 18 June 2018

Personalised Care a growing priority

Page 3: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


Page 4: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


Page 5: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


Personal Health Budget areas

Continuing Health Care

moving towardsPHBs as the default

for delivery

Mental Healthincluding S117

Choice in Endof Life Care

Looked After Children

Wheelchairs and other specialist


Substance Misuse

Neurological disability

People with a learning disability



Page 6: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


Emerging Evidence

To people’s experiences • 86% of people said they achieved what they wanted to with

their PHB.• 77% of people would recommend PHBs to others with

similar needs.• There is extensive evidence of improved wellbeing,

satisfaction and experience through good personal care and support planning.

• 75% of people who booked hospital outpatient appointments online felt they were able to make choices which met their needs

The workforce experience • Personalised care and support planning has been shown to

improve GP and other professionals’ job satisfaction.• 59% of GPs think social prescribing can help reduce their


To people’s outcomes • People and professionals consistently overestimate treatment benefits and

underestimate harms. Shared decision making helps reduce uptake of high-risk, high-cost interventions by up to 20%.

• In one area 83% of people were able to die in a place of their choice, against a local average of 26%, because of personalised care at end of life.

• There is emerging evidence that social prescribing leads to a range of positive health and wellbeing outcomes, including improved quality of life and emotional wellbeing.

To the system• PHBs provide an average saving of 17% on direct costs of conventional

CHC packages for home care, and indirect savings of £4,000 per person per year.

• Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC) in one area resulted in 15% reduction in delayed transfers of care and 10% reduction in A&E attendances.

• IPC in one area led to a reduction of 50% in A&E presentations in people with substance misuse problems.

• Evidence has shown that those with the highest knowledge, skills and confidence through supported self-management had 19% fewer GP appointments and 38% fewer A&E attendances than those with the lowest levels of activation.

Page 7: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


• Digital cannot replace human interactions

• It can give people more information, control & choice over their care:

• Essential to enable scaling up of personalised care

• Enables effective cross-organisational work

Why Digital?

Greater self-management

Higher patient activation

Reduced pressure on

clinical services

Page 8: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


Page 9: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


The digital strategy to support

Personalised Care

Leverage national and local initiatives:

Support local ICS/STP demonstrators e.g. Greater Manchester, Nottinghamshire,

Bedfordshire/Luton/Milton Keynes (BLMK)

Manage the market of IT solutions

Feb 2017 Co-produced requirements for Personalised Care

Sept 2017 Endorsed list of IT solutions

Sept 2018 Reviewed IT solutions for care planning & e-marketplaces for care

Local Health & Care Record Exemplars to enable personalised care & support planning - including

implementation of Feb 2018 PRSB Information Standard

Empower the person digital programme e.g. NHS App, Citizen Id, Person Held Record, Widening Digital


Page 10: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


A London borough

• 1,500 online direct payment accounts

• Choice of 850 local providers

• Charitable providers promoted

• £1million per annum savings

• £750m spend across West London in next 5 years

North West London CCGs

• Easier admin for PHB holders including management of Personal Assistants

• Over 20% savings from initial implementation

• Faster payment to providers

A County Council

• “Virtyally Wallet” facility with 1,000 people, 200 provides and 300 Pas

• £1million cast recovery

Early evidence of digital impact:

E-marketplaces and personal budgets

Page 11: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


A London STP

Midlands hospital – outpatient transformation

End of Life care

• Single co-created plan by professionals & patients

• Over 800,000 records, 170 organisations, 60million transactions

• 520 patients per annum

• 30% self-managed online

• Over 1,100 appointments released

• 17% of people dying in hospital versus 51% national average

Early evidence of digital impact:

Person held care plans

Page 12: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


Everyone will know what to do with me.I won’t have to explain it all and repeat myself to different people. I’ll get the right painkillers, at the right time. And I’ll be in my own home, instead of sitting in pain, in A&E.

A patient

Page 13: Realising personalised care through digital transformation · “The expansion of Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) to over 40,000 people in 2018/19 and the provision of 10,000 Personal


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@NHSNicola_Kay @pers_care @richardpantlin