Reality Check: Living Your Life with Substance

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We live in such a fake world, it is hard to find something that is real. Be encouraged with this publication to Live Your Life with Substance!

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As I look around me and at the world we live in today, everything seems to be super�cial and nothing has real meaning anymore.

“Reality TV” has become the entertainment of choice these days and even that is staged.

Our food intake is processed, arti�cial and is beginning to taste like it.

Social media brings out the ugly in all of us leading some to even commit suicide because of Facebook posts.

We are becoming like robots who are controlled by what ‘they’ say is the latest trend, buying, spending, reaching for something that we will never have because it simply doesn’t exist.

Living life with �llers is easy but so unsatisfy-ing. The simple fact that we are trying to �ll our lives with stu� is an indication that we are empty inside.

Often times we despise the fakeness about our own selves. It takes more energy to present a false version of us than our authentic selves. We run into problems when we believe our true person might face rejection, so we put on a show.

To live life with substance takes e�ort and integrity. It means �nding value in things that have value; people, service, honesty and character building. When you are living for the real substance of life the fake will automatically fall away from you.

In John 4, Jesus visits the woman at the well. Her life was empty, she was living a false life and yet she couldn’t satisfy even her self though she’d been in numerous relationships. Yet, Jesus o�ered her life, real life. He extended life that would allow her to stop living in secret and face her real self. But �rst she had to admit that she was empty and searching for something to �ll the voids. She needed a reality check.

We are all like the Samaritan woman, perhaps at di�erent levels but everyday we are searching. The choices that we make either lead to ful�llment or more ‘grasping at the wind.’ We may not be drawing water from wells on a daily basis to quench our thirst but we are sur�ng the web, injecting our lips, �lling our bellies with junk and lowering our standards in search of life.

1. PURGE: Come clean, confess and admit �rst to yourself. Acknowledge the reasons why you a �lling yourself with super�cial things. Begin to deny yourself the temptation of ‘quick’ �xes and purpose to work through the issues as they surface. Be proactive and list the things in your life that you know need to change so that you can leave with substance.

Be Encouraged! No one has arrived in life. We are all a work in progress. Connect with a spouse, friend or colleague that can help you identify what they like about the REAL YOU!

Say This Out Loud: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

2. ALERT: Keeping your eyes open to your surroundings will help you indicate what’s real and fake in your life. Be aware of your habits, hangouts and hook ups. You determine if all of your friends are perpetrating or if they are living in reality. Before you make the next material purchase, ask yourself if you doing to keep up with the Jones’ or is this the best investment for your money.

Be Encouraged! Quality comes at a high dollar. Nicer brands may not always mean you are trying to mimic someone else. It could actually be the best value for your dollar. Quality decisions produce quality results.

Say this outloud: “But be on your guard. Don’t let the sharp edge of your expectation

get dulled by parties and drinking and shopping. Otherwise, that Day is going to take you by complete surprise,

spring on you suddenly like a trap.” Luke 21: 34 (MSG)

3. REPLENISH: Filling our lives with substance is so rewarding. Take 15 min. approach: A. 5 minutes of reading your Word in the morning B. 5 minutes of praise and worship C. 5 minutes of praying and listening This is a simple yet e�ective way to replenish your life with substance.

Be Encouraged! Anytime you spend with God is always better than whatever you have to sacri�ce. This is not your excuse to be late to work or neglect your duties at home. When we spend time with God, He shows us what is most e�ective and has the longest e�ects.

Say This Outloud: “My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord;

in the morning I will direct it to You and I will look up.Psalm 5: 3

Jesus is the ultimate giver of life, check out what He has to say! “A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real

and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” John 10:10 - MSG

Be Encouraged is a publication of Assigned to Encourage!™Design and layout provided courtesy of Integrity Designs

All written materials are the original work of the author. Copyright restricted. All rights reserved. Scripture is taken from the Holy Bible -

various versions.

Kira McConico’s universal assignment is to deliver encouragement to the hopeless through her Assigned To Encourage! ™

Words are powerful and can be spoken into dark times and bring light to life's situations.

In addition, Kira is an inspirational speaker. Her target audience is young women ages 17-30. She frequently speaks at area schools, domestic violence shelters and other organizations to encourage young women to pursue their dreams no matter their past.

While her target audience is young women, the message of encouragement is for everyone!

For booking information visit: www.assignedtoencourage.com.