Reasons to Own Gold

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  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


    10 Reasons To Own Gold

    By John Embry

    1Global Currency DebasementheUSdollaristechnicallyveryweakandshouldalldramatically.Othercountriesa r e v e r y r e l u c t a n t t o s e e t h e i r c u r r e n c i e s a p p r e c ia te a nd a re r es is ti ng t he al l o t he U S d ol la r. h u s , w ea r e i n t h e e a r l y s t a g e s o a m a s s i v e g l o b a l c u r r e n c y d e b a s e m e n t whi chwi l l s eetangi b l es ( m os tparti cul arl ygol d ) ,ri s es i gni i cantl y

    i n p r i c e .

    2Investment Demand or Gold Is AcceleratingW h e n t h e p u b l i c r e c o g n i z e s w h a t i s u n o l d i n g , t h e y w i l l s e e k anal ternati v etopapercurrenc i es and i nanci al as s ets and thi s wi l l createanenorm ous d em and orgol d .

    3Alarming Financial Deterioration in the US he c ur re nt a mo unt o t he d e i ci t h as r ea ch e d l e ve ls w h ic hhav eportend ed currencycol l aps ei nv i rtual l yev eryotheri ns tancei nhi s tory.

    4Negative Real Interest Rates in Reserve Currency (US Dollar)o c om ba t t h e d e te r io r at i ng i n an c ia l c on d it i on s i n t h e U S ,i n t e r e s t r a t e s h a v e b e e n d r o p p e d t o r o c k b o t t o m l e v e l s , r e a l i n te re s t r at es a re n ow n eg at i v e a nd , a c c or di ng t o s ta t em en t s r o m t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e , a r e e x p e c t e d t o r e m a i n s o o r s o m e ti m e. herehas b eenav erys tronghi s tori cal rel ati ons hi pb etweenn e g a t i v e r e a l i n t e r e s t r a t e s a n d s t r o n g e r g o l d p r i c e s .

    5Dramatic Increases in Money Supply in the US and Other Nations

    U S a u t h o r i t i e s a r e t e r r i i e d a b o u t t h e p r o s p e c t s o rd e l a t i o n g i ve n t he u npre ce de nt ed d ebt bu rd en at a ll l eve ls os oci etyi ntheUS.BenBernakei s onrecord as s ayi ngtheF ed has aprintingpressandwilluseittocombatdelationinecessary.Othern a t i o n s a r e o l l o w i n g t h e U S s o o t s t e p s a n d g l o b a l m o n e y s u p p l y i s a c c e l e r a t i n g .

  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


    6Central Banks are Nearing an Infection Point When Theywill be Reluctant to Provide More Gold to the MarketFarEasterncentralbankswhoareaccumulatingenormousquantitieso


    7Gold Is Increasing In PopularityProminentdevelopingcountriessuchasChina,IndiaandRussiah av e b e en a c cu mu l at i ng g ol d. I n a ct C h in a w it h i ts.billionpeoplerecentlyestablishedaNational

    Gol d Ex change.Dem and i nChi nai s ex pected tori s es harpl yand coul d reachtonnes i nthenextewyears.

    8Gold as Money is Gaining CredenceIslamicnationsareinvestigatingacurrencybackedbygold(theGoldDinar),thenewPresident

    o Arge nt ina prop os ed , du ri ng h is c amp ai g n, agoldbackedPesoasanantidoteortheinancialcatastrophewhichh i s c o u nt r y h a s e x p e r i e n c e d a n d R u s s i a i s t a l k i n g a b o ut a ul l yconv erti b l ecurrencywi thgol d b acki ng.

    9Rising Geopolitical TensionsTedeterioratingconditionsintheMiddleEast,theUSoccupationoIraq,thenuclearambitionsoNorthKoreaandthegrowingconictbetweentheUSandChinaduetoChinasreusaltoallowitscurrencytoappreciateagainsttheUSdollarheadlinethegeopoliticalissues,whichcouldexplodeatanytime.Aearulpublichasatendencytogravitatetowardsgold.

    10Limited Size o the Total Gold Market ProvidesTremendous LeverageAllthephysicalgoldinexistenceisworthsomewhatmorethanonet r i l l i o n U S d o l l a r s w h i l e t h e v a l u e o a l l t h e p u b l i c l y t r a d e d g o l d companies in the world is less than one hundred billion US dollars.Whentheundamentalsultimatelyencourageastronglowocapitaltowards gold and gold equities, the trillions upon trillions worth opapermoneycouldpropelbothtounathomablyhighlevels.

  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold



    By Jim Kerben

    I you are cons i deri ng b uyi ng gold and/ or s i lv er the i rst ques ti on

    y o u s h o u l d a sk y o u r s e l i s W h at a m I t r y i n g t o a c c o m pl i s h ? h ea n sw e r t o t h i s q u e st i o n w i l l g u i d e y o u t h r ou g h t h e r e st o t h i sp r o c e s s .

    S up p o s e y o u a r e t h i n k in g t h a t g o l d o r s i l v er w o u l d b e a g o o di n v e st m e nt . h e i r s t t h i n g y ou n e e d t o r e a l i z e i s t h a t i y o u s t a r tt o da y w i th t r o y o un c es o g o ld , i n y e a rs y ou w i l l s t il l h a v e

    o n l y ou n c e s . h e r e i s n o i n t e r e s t , n o d i v i d e n do r a n y o t h e r e x p a n s i o n o t h e a m o u n t y o u h o ld . h e o n ly w a y y o u r i nv es tm ent w il lp a y i s i t h e p r i c e o g o l d i n c r e a s e s . O t h e r t y p e s o i nv e s t m e nt s m ay p ay i nte re sto r a d i v i d e n d a n d i n c r e a s e t h e a m o u n t o d o l l a r s t h a t y o u h a v e , e v e n i t h e p r i c e

    d o e s n o t c h a n g e o v e r t i m e .M o s t p e o p l e , w h e n a s k e d w h a t t h e y a re

    t r y i n g t o d o w i l l a n s w e r t h a t t h e i r p u r p o s e i s t o p r o t e c t t h e i r a c c u mu l at ed w ea lt h . S tat ed anot he r way, t he y arel o o k i n g o r i n s u r a n c e a g a i n s t l o s s o v a l u e . F o r t h i s p u r p o s e , g o l d andsilverareideal.Tebestillustration o thi s is the $ gold piec em i n t e d p r i o r t o . A t t h a t t i m e , g o l d w a s v a l u e d a t $ / t r o y

    o u n c e . h a t o n e g o l d p i e c e w o u l d b u y a v e r y n i c e m a n s s u i t . F a s t o r w a r d to t o d a y, t h a t go l d p i e c e is w o r t h ov e r $ . S o , t o c a r r yt h e a na l og y ur t he r, t ha t g ol d p ie c e w ou ld s ti l l b uy a v er y n ic em ans s ui t.L ets l ook atwhathappe ned .

    At i rs t g l an c e, m os t p e op l e w ou l d s ay t h at t h e p ri c e o g ol di ncreas ed rom $to$/ ounce. hi s i s notaccurate.Gol d s ti l l

    b uy s t h e s a me a mo un t o g o o ds a n d s er vi ce s t hat it d id i n .Gol d s tayed prettym uchcons tant. hev al ueo thed ol l ar el l b ya actoro s othati ttakes ti m es m orepaperd ol l ars tob uythes a m e a m o u n t o g o o d s a n d s e r v i c e s t h a n i t d i d i n .

    Lookingorward,youmustask,willthedollarbuymoreorlessin , , o r y e a r s . h e g o l d y o u h a v e t o d a y w i l l a l l o w y o u t o b u y t h e s a m e a m o un t o g o o d s a n d s e r v i c e s t h a t y o u r m o n e y w i l l b u y

  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


    today,,,oryearsromnow.Looke datinthi sway,goldands i l v e r b e c o m e a w ay o p re s e r v i n g y o u r w e a l t h . h e y a r e a o r m ow e a l t h i n s u r a n c e .

    M o s t E u r o p e a n s h a v e l o n g h e l d o t h e i r n e t w o r t h i n p r e c i o u s m e t a l s o r t h i s v e r y p u r p o s e . h e y h a v e a h i s t o r y w h i c h

    i n cl ud e s h yp e r in l at i on , g ov er nm en t c h an ge s , b o rd e rs t h at h av em ov ed and twoworl d wars . hed urab i l i tyo gol d has s erv ed them w e l l t h r o u g h a l l s o r t s o p o l i t i c a l u n r e s t . I n a c t , i t i s t h e o n l y

    c o n s t a n t i n a w o r l d s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e .

    WHAT TO BUYYouhavenowmadethedecisiontomake


    gold,coins,bars,oldcoins,jewelr y,etc.Sincetheyareallawaytoaccomplishthesametask,


    Intodaysmarket,thereareacoupleodierentwaystobuygold.Bul lioncoinsandbarswouldbeoneway.heotheriscollectiblecoins.Which is better? hey both have advantages and disadvantages. Letsirstlookatthedierence.


    butisnotlimitedto goldweight.Itisvaluedasa collectible.Youmighta l s o h e a r t h e t e r m n u m i s m a t i c u s e d t o r e e r t o collectiblecoins.hisisabitoamisnomer.

    hetermnumismaticsreerstothestudyo mone y. A lt hou gh c oi n c ol le ct or s a rere erred toas num i s m ati s ts ,thes tud yo

    money can include many dierent thingsbesidescoins.Papermoneyisincludedando n e c a n c e r t a i n l y c o l l e c t m o d e r n c o i n a g e a s a h o b b y o r n u m i s m a t i c p u r s u i t . F o r o u r purposes,wellcalloldercoinscollectibles.

    I n , F DR , i n a d es ir e t o r em ov e t he Un it ed S ta t es ro mtheinternationalgoldstandard,issuedanordertothepublictoturn

  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


    inallgoldcoins,bullionandgolddenominatedpaperbills.Peoplewerepaidatparvalueortheseitems.Aterthiswasaccomplished,heimmediately devalued the dollar by raisingt h e o i c i a l p r i c e o g o l d r o m $ t o

    $ / ounce. his has become known as thegoldconiscation.

    h e o r d e r m a d e t h e o l l o w i n g e x c e p t i o n s : g o l d usedinindustryorproession;goldheldintrustoraoreigngovernmentandcoinshavingarecognizedspecialvaluetocollectorsorareandunusualcoins.Itisthisphrasethatleadssomedealerstoclaimthatcollectiblecoinsareexemptromany



    Usingouranalogyoinsurance,oneisbasiccoverageandtheotherisa more expensive coverage. Whether the more expensive model givesyoumoreprotectionisa matteroopinion.Youshouldknowwhatyoubelieveaboutthis.

  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


    GOLD PRICING h e w a y g o l d a n d s i l v e r a r e p r i c e d i s t h e s o u r c e o a l o t o

    m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g .










    Mostouswouldbehardpressedtondanotherormoinsurancethatpaysyouthepremiumbackiwedontuseit.Lieinsuranceisprobablytheonly one andthereiscertainlyacostinvolvedthere.Tekeythingtorememberisthat

  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold




    Aconusingpartometalsqualityrevolvesaroundtheissueopurity.Coinpuritycanrangeromupto.pure.Purityisnotas importantascontent.

    AnAmericanEagleispure.Ithascoppermixedwithittohardenthegold.ACanadianMapleLeais.pure.Teybothcontainozogold.Tereore,theirpriceis similar.TeEaglewillweighmoreasa coin,eventhoughthegoldcontentisthesameasaMapleLea.

    Alongthesesamelines,mostcoinshaveanominalamountometalandan actual amount o metal. Since these coins are already made and noonwillmeltthemdowntoextractthemetal,theywilltradeattheirnominalamount.

    Anexampleisthe$LibertyorIndian.Teyareoznominally,althoughthe actual amount o gold is . oz. Even though they are slightly less

    thanaulloz.,theyarepricedandtradedasthoughtheywereaull oz.

    Another quality consideration is coin grading. Highgrade d collec tibles are g raded and encapsulated

    in tampe r proo plastic holders by two recognizedsources,NCGandPCGS.Generally,MSand


    rarespecimensknownonlyinlessergradescanalsobegradedthisway.Aslongastheplastic holder is intact, once graded, thesecoinsareeasilyboughtandsoldasknown


    Tere are also known to exist, rolls o silvercoins which have never circulated. hese BU (Brilliant Uncirculated)




  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


    HOW TO OWN GOLD AND SILVER IN YOUR IRAIyoucurrentlyhaveanIRAoraqualiedplansuchasa(k),(b),


    Terststepistondacustodianthatwillallowsuchatransaction.TereareseveralincludingSterlingrustCompany,GoldstarrustCompanyandEntrust. Tereare many others.Tesethreeare themostexperiencedwithholdingmetals.Onceyouselectacustodian,youwillneedtoopenaseldirectedIRA.Tisinvolvesaminimumamountopaperworkandaeetosetuptheaccount.



    intend.A n o t h e r o p t i o n o r u n d i n g w o u l d b e t o b e g i n t o m a k e a n n u a l

    co nt ri butions to your new account. Currently, the maximum allowed is$.ayearwi thanad d i ti onal $.i youareov ertheageo.


    you.Yourotheroptionistomakethewithdrawalyourselandthensendthechecktoyournewaccount.Tedangerhereisthatthismusttakeplacewithindaysothewithdrawaldateoryouwillbe liableortaxesonthewithdrawal.Pleasenote,thetranserringomoneyromonecustodiantoanotherdoesnotmakeyouliableortheearlywithdrawalpenalty.Youdidnotmakeawithdrawal,youtranserredtheassetsromonecustodiantoanother.


  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


    French 20 Franc (Angel)



    French 20 Franc (Rooster)



    Swiss 20 Franc



    British Sovereign



    South Arican Krugerrand



    Canadian Maple Lea


    Austrian Philharmonic


  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


    American Eagle



    American Eagle




    St Gaudens






    American Bufalo



    Morgan Dollar


    Peace Dollar


  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


    Clean Silver Rounds


    Walking Liberty Hal Dollar



    Kennedy Hal Dollar



    Ludwig von Mises


    Free Lakota Bank


    Merc Dime



    Modern Commemoratives



  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


    HOW TO BUYobegintheprocess,allyouneedtodoiscall.Ourbrokerswilltakeyourinormationandworkwithyoutoinsureyouareinvestingincoinsthatwillmeetyourinvestmentgoals.

    Whenyouhave decided on an order, yourbroker will give you the totalamountdueandatradenumber.







  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold


  • 8/3/2019 Reasons to Own Gold
