Recipes of Savinjska region PKŠ Celje Oktober 2010 Letnik 1, številka 1 Obrnjenik with sauerkraut Stuffed cooked apples 2 Millet gruel with dry fruit and apples 2 Rajžnata klobasa (a kind of black pudding) 2 Žlikrofi (with mincemeat) 3 Bacon salad 3 Ajdnek (buck-wheat cake) 3 Kozjanski krapi (fritters from Kozjansko) 4 Pršjača (sour cake) 4 Kozjanska kruhova poti- ca (bread cake from 5 Mushroom soup 5 Orehova poti- ca(Slovenian nut cake) 6 Skutni štruklji (cottage cheese pie) 7 Žolca (aspic) 8 Tople murke (warm cucumbers) 8 Slivov močnik (plum pudding) 8 Kazalo: Obrnjenik with sauerkraut The dish also called obr- nenk is made of fried wheat, buck wheat or corn flour, poured over with a blend of salted boiling milk, cream and butter. From this mixture dum- plings are made by hand and can be served cold or warm with coffee or sour milk. Ingredients (serves 4-6): 40 dag buck wheat flour 2 dcl cream and 2 table spoons of butter approx. ½ litre milk salt Use a frying pan and fry the flour till it dries out. Add melted butter or cream and pour over boiling milk, salt and mix it well to get a compact paste. Make dumplings and serve them with sau- erkraut. Obrnjenik is a substantial and salty dish. Therefore workers used to have it for lunch, wrapped in horse radish leaves to keep it fresh. Stuffed cooked apples Ingredients: 4 apples 1 tea spoon butter 1 table spoon raisins Rum 1 table spoon ground nuts 1 table spoon honey 1 tea spoon powder sugar Soak the raisins in rum. Cut the top of the apples and remove the pips. Put the apples into the baking tin and stuff them with butter, nuts, honey, sugar and soaked raisins. Put the tin into the oven and cook for 20 minutes

Recepti savinjske regije

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Page 1: Recepti savinjske regije

Recipes of

Savinjska region

PKŠ Celje

Oktober 2010

Letnik 1, številka 1

Obrnjenik with sauerkraut

Stuffed cooked apples 2

Millet gruel with dry fruit and apples


Rajžnata klobasa (a kind of black pudding)


Žlikrofi (with mincemeat) 3

Bacon salad 3

Ajdnek (buck-wheat cake) 3

Kozjanski krapi (fritters

from Kozjansko)


Pršjača (sour cake) 4

Kozjanska kruhova poti-

ca (bread cake from


Mushroom soup 5

Orehova poti-

ca(Slovenian nut cake)


Skutni štruklji (cottage

cheese pie)


Žolca (aspic) 8

Tople murke (warm



Slivov močnik (plum




Obrnjenik with sauerkraut

The dish also called obr-

nenk is made of fried

wheat, buck wheat or

corn flour, poured over

with a blend of salted

boiling milk, cream and


From this mixture dum-

plings are made by hand

and can be served cold

or warm with coffee or

sour milk.

Ingredients (serves 4-6):

40 dag buck wheat flour

2 dcl cream and 2 table

spoons of butter

approx. ½ litre milk


Use a frying pan and fry

the flour till it dries out.

Add melted butter or

cream and pour over

boiling milk, salt and mix

it well to get a compact

paste. Make dumplings

and serve them with sau-


Obrnjenik is a substantial

and salty dish. Therefore

workers used to have it

for lunch, wrapped in

horse radish leaves to

keep it fresh.

Stuffed cooked apples


4 apples

1 tea spoon butter

1 table spoon raisins


1 table spoon ground


1 table spoon honey

1 tea spoon powder


Soak the raisins in rum.

Cut the top of the apples

and remove the pips. Put

the apples into the

baking tin and stuff them

with butter, nuts, honey,

sugar and soaked raisins.

Put the tin into the oven

and cook for 20 minutes

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1 handful various dry


2 table spoons millet


1 table spoon stewed


(1 tae spoon maple syrup

as sweetener-optional)

First wash the dry fruit

well then soak it in


Soak millet gruel for

about an hour. Cook fru-

it and millet gruel

separately until soft.

Mix both together and

add mashed stewed

apples and maple syrup.

boiled for 5 minutes. Mix

everything together and

wait until cold. Add the

blood and mix again.

Take sausage casing out

of water, press one end,

fill the sausage casing

with the mixture, cut the

other end and bind both

ends together with a

wooden skewer. Cook

Wash the sausage casing

thoroughly in cold water.

Cook the head in boiling

salted water until the

meat gets off the bones.

Cook veal lights

separately. When coo-

ked, mince the meat and

the lights in a mincer.

Add salt, pepper, and

other spices together

with the rice, previously

the sausages in low tem-

perature for 10 minutes.

The water should not


Keep the sausages in the

refrigerator. Before ser-

ving, cook them in a

frying pan, greased with

pork fat for 35-45 minu-


Millet gruel with dry fruit and apples

Vir: www.slovenia.info

Vir: www.delo.si

2 table spoons mar-joram

1 tea spoon ground cloves

40 dag boiled rice

2 litres pork blood

1 kg pork or beef sausage casing (intestine)

Rajžnata klobasa (a kind of black pudding)


1 pork head

1 veal lights

3 cups mince bacon

4 table spoons salt

2 table spoons ground pepper

1 tea spoon cinnamon

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Skutni štruklji (cottage cheese pie)

Mrežna pečenka (roast pork in pork net)


Vir: www.megazin.spoznaj.si


50 dag cottage cheese

2 eggs

20 dag flour

1 tea spoon salt

Mix all the ingredients

together. Pour the

mixture onto a dishcloth.

Roll up the dishcloth, tie

it with a kitchen string

and cook for 30 minutes

in salted boiling water.

Unwrap the pie, cut it

and butter it with fried

bread crumbs.

2 pinches ground caraway seed

3 cloves

little cinnamon bark


6 garlic cloves

2 laurel leaves


1 kg pork leg joint

pork net

4 slices lemon skin


black pepper in beans

slices of lemon skin, cin-

namon and a laurel leaf

on it. Rub in the meat on

both sides with ground

caraway seed and ground

cloves. Put it on the pork

net, add lemon skin, a

laurel leaf and parsley on

top. Roll up the meat

into the pork net and put

it in a smaller baking tin.

Roast covered for 60

First wash the meat then

dry it, rub in salt and

freshly ground black

pepper. Make three small

cuttings on each side and

put garlic cloves in them.

Heat the oven-180 C.

Spread the pork net over

the kitchen desk, put two

minutes at 180 C.

Uncover the tin and

roast for another 30

minutes, pouring the

sauce from the tin

over the meat from

time to time.

Switch off the oven,

cover the meat again

and leave it in the oven

for a few minutes.

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15 dag flour

1 egg

1 tea spoon oil


25 dag cooked minceme-


4 dag fat

2 table spoons bread


1 egg

a pinch of marjoram



3 table spoons soup

Mix fried onion, bread

crumbs, an egg, marjo-

ram, soup, salt, pepper

and meat together and

make very small meat


Make the dough and let

it rest for half an hour

then roll it out flat. Place

the dumplings on it in

lines, not too close to

each other. Cut the lines

and cover the meat balls

with the dough, press the

dough edges together

with fingers.


½ kg ground nuts

¼ litre honey

Pour hot water on buck-wheat flo-

ur and stir well. When cooled off,

add white-wheat flour and risen

yeast and warm milk. Knead soft

dough and leave it to rise. Then put

Ingredients (dough):

½ kg buck-wheat flour

½ litre salty boiling water

½ kg white-wheat flour

4-6 dag yeast

1 table spoon sugar (for yeast)

1-2 dcl milk

the dough into a greased tin, using a

ladle or a spoon. Sprinkle well with

nuts, trickle warm honey down on it

and cover it all with the rest of the

dough. Repeat this at least three

times, always with the dough on top.

Leave it to rise then bake it in an

oven for approx. 60 minutes at


Žlikrofi (with mincemeat)

Ajdnek (buck-wheat cake)


Bacon salad

Among all the salads endive and dandelion salads are the best to be lard with fried ba-con, garlic, sour cream and vinegar.

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Vir:www. Slovenia.info

Orehova potica(Slovenian nut cake)



1 vanilla sugar

Ingredients (nut filling):

1,5 dcl milk

40 dag ground nuts

lemon skin


2 table spoons rum

10 dag sugar

10 dag honey

2 egg whites

4 dag butter

Ingredients (dough):

60 dag white-wheat flour

3 dag yeast

2 dcl milk

14 dag sugar

14 dag butter

4 yolks

bowl and the fingers.

Leave it to rise in a warm

place. When rolling the

dough make sure not to

flatten it too much.


Boil milk with half of

sugar and pour it over

ground nuts together

with warm honey. Add

grated lemon skin, cinna-

mon and rum. When

cooled down, add

whipped egg whites with


Sift the flour into a bowl,

add salt and put all the

ingredients except for

yeast, butter, yolks and

half of sugar in the mid-

dle. Mix the other half of

sugar well with the yolks

and add it to the flour.

Dissolve yeast in milk

with one tea spoon of

sugar. Add it into the

dough together with ¼ l

milk and knead well until

it separates from the

sugar and at the end,

slowly stir butter to the


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It could be served as a

warm appetizer or as

a side dish. It is made

of buck-wheat flour,

with cottage cheese

and millet grits filling,

larded with cracklings

and sour cream.

Ingredients (dough):

500 g buck-wheat flo-


1-2 table spoons sour cre-



Ingredients (filling):

300 g cottage cheese

100 g millet grits

1 egg

1 yolk



100 g cracklings

2 table spoons sour


You need 2 pots. One

for boiling 7 dcl water

and the other for coo-

king the millet grits.

half package yeast

pinch of salt

Put yeast flour and a

pinch of salt into warm

milk. Knead milk, water

and yeast, leave it to rise

for 20 minutes. Put the


50 dag white wheat flour

1 egg

10 dag cheese/


2 dcl water

1 dcl milk

dough onto a kitchen

board, make a circle of

20 cm diameter and 1.5

cm thick. Spread a

whisked egg over then

sprinkle the dish with


Bake in an oven at 200 C

Kozjanski krapi (fritters from Kozjansko)

Pršjača (sour cake)



glass and cut out circles.

Put a little filling on

each and fold it to

get a semi-circle sha-

pe. Press well at the

edges and form frit-


Put the fritters into

boiling water and

cook at low tempera-

ture for 20 minutes. Put the millet grits into salty boiling water, cook

it, drain it and leave it to cool down.

Sift the buck-wheat flour and pour boiling water

on it, add sour cream and a pinch of salt, mix

well and put it on the kitchen desk powdered

with flour. Knead the ingredients to make smo-

oth dough.

Drain cottage cheese, add cooled millet grits, an

egg, a yolk and a pinch of salt, and mix all well.

Roll out the dough-thick as a finger, then use a

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Kozjanska kruhova potica (bread cake from Kozjansko)

Mushroom soup



It is a traditional Slovenian

specialty made of sourdough,

filled with bread, cream, eggs

and raisins.


500 g sourdough


1 kg stale bread

1 kg cream

5 dcl milk

7 eggs

200 g sugar

50 g raisins

1 vanilla sugar

1st step:

buy or make sourdough

dice stale bread, put them into

a baking thin and pour milk


boil cream and cool it down

wash and dry raisins

whisk 2 eggs

use lukewarm cream and add

5 eggs, sugar, drained raisins,

vanilla sugar and mix all well.

whisked eggs over dough

then use half of the soa-

ked bread and place it on

dough. Pour over half of

cream mixture and cover

it with the rest of soaked

bread. Pour over the rest

of cream mixture and

cover everything with

the rest of dough and

spread it with the rest of

whisked eggs.

Bake in the pre-heated

oven for 60 minutes.

Take the baked cake out

of the oven and leave it

to cool down.

Cut the cake and serve it

with apple purée.

2nd step:

roll out sourdough

heat the oven up to


use half of the dough

and cover the bottom

and the sides of the tin,

the dough should reach

over the top of the tin.

Spread half of the

salt, pepper, basil, sweet

and hot red pepper

2-3 dcl cream

fried bread cubes


Cut the onion and fry it in

oil. Add chopped garlic, a


5 boletus

1 onion

2 carrots

1 garlic

1 potato

a bunch of parsley

tea spoon of red pepper

and pour water or soup

on it. Add cut boletus,

chopped carrots, diced

potato, chopped parsley,

spices and cook at low

temperature. When coo-

ked, add cream and serve

the soup with fried bread


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3 pork leg joints

little meat from pork


veal leg joint

1 chopped onion

1 clove chopped onion

little water

1 table spoon salt

1 table spoon pepper

1 tea spoon chopped

1 tea spoon chopped


1 laurel leaf

2 cloves

2 table spoons wine/


Wash meat and cook it

in a big pot with onion,

garlic, salt, sage, laurel,

cloves, and pepper. Cook

until meat separates from

bones. Strain the liquid

out and cut meat into

pieces. Take a pot and

cook the liquid, meat and

vinegar until there is only

half liquid left in the pot.

Pour mixture into a tin

and leave it to cool

down. The aspic should

be firm when served

with onion and pumpkin

seed oil.


Cook the dried

plums (or dried

pears) in salted

milk. Add flour or

grits to thicken the

soup. Cook in low

temperature until


(serves 4):

1 litre milk

5 dried plums or


5-8 table spoons

grits or flour

the plums are soft.

This dish can be served

as an appetizer or as a

soup when less flour is


Žolca (aspic)

Slivov močnik (plum pudding)





little vinegar

Peel and cut potatoes,

and cook it with garlic

and caraway seeds in lit-

tle water. After 10 minu-

tes, add grated cucum-

bers and cook another

20 minutes. Mash when

cooked. Make thickening

-add white-wheat flour

and red pepper into hot

oil, and pour it over mas-

hed cucumbers. Salt and

Tople murke (warm cucumbers)


½ kg potato

1 kg cucumbers

2 cloves garlic

1 tea spoon caraway seed

1 table spoon white-

wheat flour

little oil

1 tea spoon ground red

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