recetas recipes recettes ricette 84 www.albertyferranadria.com texturas ingenios lyosabores

recetas recipes recettes ricette

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texturas ingenios lyosabores

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Albert y Ferran Adrià

TexturasSince its inception in 1997, elBullitaller has had the goal of broadening the range of possible textures in cooking. The fruit of this experimentation is a series of techniques that, like foams, clouds, etc., have brought about an evolution in our style. We present the Texturas line of products, essential for you to be able to incorporate some of our best-known techniques to your kitchen, such as hot gelatins, airs, melon caviar or spherical ravioli. The products that make up the Sferificación, Gelificación, Emulsificación, Espesantes and Surprises lines are the result of a rigorous process of selection and experimentation. Texturas is a gateway to a world of magical sensations that will no doubt continue to grow.

Kit Sferificación BásicaAlgin + Calcic + Citras + Eines

Kit Sferificación InversaAlgin + Gluco + Xantana + Eines

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Albert y Ferran Adrià

TexturasThe products in the Sferificación Kit are essential for making all kinds of spherical preparations: caviar, ravioli, balloons, gnocchi, marbles, mini spheres, etc.

Using the products in the Gelificación line, nu-merous hot and cold gelatins can be prepared with extremely diverse consistencies: firm, elastic, rigid, brittle, soft.

Emulsificación, product line initiated with Lecite. Allows the creation of airy, light textures. A new way of seasoning or bringing an elegant touch to finish a dish in a spectacular way.

Espesantes, can thicken soups, sauces, creams, etc., by adding a very small amount of the product, and preserving the original taste of the preparation.

Surprises. A family of products that can be consumed directly, on their own or mixed with other ingredients. Their common denominator is their special texture, in-dividual and unique to each one of them.

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Albert y Ferran Adrià

Texturas· Hard Campari gelatine · Soft red fruit gelatine· Hot scampi gelatine· Parmesan spaghetto· Apricot Algin gelatine· Raspberry Algin gelatine· Cocoanut Algin gelatine· Mandarin Algin gelatine· Crumiel handkerchiefs· Crumiel, hazel nut and coffee sugar· Crumiel. Application and direct use· Crutomat crumbs· Crutomat. Application and direct use· Fizzy Lyoraspberry rock· Fizzy Lyostrawberry meringue· Tomato and black olive ravioli· Béchamel cannelloni· Consommé tagliatelle· Truffle juice and hazel nut mayonnaise· Solid oil· Virgin olive oil foam· Vanilla custards· Cherry gelatine· Foie royale· Hazel nut praliné gelatine· Figs with caramelised honey gelatine· Gelatined coriander leaves· Dulse seaweed noodles· Ham lentils· Lemon air· Salt air· Parmesan whey air· Frozen chocolate air· Beetroot juice air

· Application on honey meringue· Walnut polvoron biscuit· Prawn oil maltoballs· Red mullet gaudí· Chop suey meatballs· Baby clam pasty· Reverse spherical olives· Reverse spherical· PX raisins· Reverse spherical minimozzarellas· Spherical mango· Spherical peas· Spherical lemon tea· Melon caviar· Kirsch air· Muscovado sugar air· Campari air· Crunchy tempura· Crunchy batter· Spherical sea urchin tempura· Green sauce· Ham consommé· Meat stock sauce· Muscovado sugar bubbles· Yoghurt biscuit· Yoghurt microbiscuit· Yoghurt and bitter almond sugar· Crunchy yoghurt discs· Beetroot and yopol meringue













sferificación i






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Texturas Agar Hard Campari gelatine

For the 60% syrup100 g water 60 g sugar

1 Put the 2 ingredients in a saucepan and bring to the boil.

For the hard Campari gelatine 200 g Campari50 g 60% syrup1.8 g Agar

1 Put half the Campari with the syrup and Agar in a saucepan and heat, stirring until it comes to the boil.2 Add the rest of the Campari and pour quickly into the bowl.3 Cut small cubes that will bring a powerful touch of Campari to our dishes.

* This gelatine can be heated.

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Texturas Agar Soft red fruit gelatine

For the red fruit juice· 500 g frozen red fruit · 200 g sugar· 50 g water

1 Mix the red fruit with the water and the sugar. Leave in the Roner at 75 °C for 1 hour and strain hot to obtain the maximum amount of juice.

For the soft red fruit gelatine· 250 g red fruit juice (preparation above)· 0.9 g Agar

1 Put the red fruit juice and Agar in a saucepan and stir, heating until it comes to the boil.2 Pour quickly into a mould and leave to gelify in the fridge.3 Cut in a block to obtain a terrine.

* This gelatine can be heated.

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Hot scampi gelatineTexturas Agar

For the scampi stock· 500 g water· 200 g scampi heads

1 Put the scampi heads and the water in a saucepan and break the heads with a spoon to release their juices.2 Bring to the boil and cook on a low heat for 10 min.

For the hot scampi gelatine (preparation above)· 250 g scampi stock· 1.2 g Agar· Salt

1 Put the scampi stock in a saucepan with the Agar and stir, heating until it comes to the boil.2 Pour quickly into a dish and leave 2 hours in the fridge.3 At the moment of serving, heat the dish to about 60 °C in the oven or stove.

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Parmesan spaghetto Texturas Agar

For the Reggiano Parmesan whey· 500 g grated Reggiano Parmesan · 450 g water

1 Put the water in a saucepan to boil and when it comes to the boil. Add the grated Parmesan.2 Stir until the Parmesan dissolves and leave to infuse for 15 min off the heat.3 Pass the Parmesan paste through a superbag and remove all the whey, discarding the Parmesan paste.4 Keep the Parmesan whey in the fridge for 12 h.5 Set aside the whey deposited in the lower part for the spaghetti and the fat accumulated in the upper part separate.

For the Reggiano Parmesan spaghetto· 300 g Reggiano Parmesan whey (preparation above)· 4.8 g Agar· 4 PVC tubes 0.5 cm in diameter and 2 m long· 1 syringe with a nozzle 0.3 cm in diameter

1 Put the Parmesan whey in a saucepan, dissolve Agar and bring it to the boil, stirring constantly with a beater.2 Take off the heat and skim to eliminate any impurities.3 Fill the syringe and with it fill the tubes, which will have been rolled and secured with a little adhesive tape for greater comfort.4 Submerge the full tubes in cold water so that the Parmesan whey sets.5 With an empty syringe, inject air into the tube to obtain the spaghetto.

* This gelatine can be heated.

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Apricot Algin gelatineTexturas Algin

For the apricot Algin gelatine· 400 g apricot purée· 100 g mineral water· 125 g sugar· 8 g Algin · 3 g powdered citric acid · 3 g Gluco· 3 g Citras

1 Mix the sugar with dry Algin and add to the apricot purée, Citras and water in a saucepan.2 Heat stirring constantly to 70 °C approximately.3 Add Gluco and the citric acid, stir.4 Pour into a container and set aside 3 hours in the fridge.5 Apply the blender and pour onto a mould.6 Set aside at -18 °C until use.

* In this case it has been used as a filling for a hazel nut cake.

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Raspberry Algin gelatineTexturas Algin

For the raspberry Algin gelatine· 400 g raspberry purée· 100 g water· 125 g sacarose· 8 g Algin · 3 g Citras· 2.4 g powdered citric acid· 2 g Gluco

1 Mix the raspberry purée with the water and Citras and heat to 40 °C.2 Mix Algin with the sacarose and add to the previous process.3 Apply the blender and lastly add Gluco and the powdered citric acid with a little water.4 Mix with the blender again until even.5 Pour into a container and set aside in the fridge for 3 hours until it gelifies.6 Shred the gelatine so that it is quite smooth and pour into a mould.7 Set aside at -18 °C until use.

* In this case it has been used as a filling for a chocolate brownie.

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Cocoanut Algin gelatineTexturas Algin

For the cocoanut Algin gelatine· 500 g cocoanut milk · 250 g water· 36 g powdered cocoanut· 200 g sugar· 9 g Algin · 2.4 g Gluco· 50 g water

1 Put the cocoanut milk, the water and the powdered cocoanut into a saucepan and heat to 70 °C.2 Add the sugar and Algin to the cocoanut milk and stir, then add Gluco.3 Take off the heat add the water, leave to rest for 3 hours in the fridge. 4 Shred again and spread with combs to obtain the desired height.5 Freeze and cut to the chosen size.

* In this case it has been used combined with a cocoanut biscuit

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Mandarin Algin gelatine Texturas Algin

For the mandarin Algin gelatine· 375 g mandarin juice· 150 g sugar· 5.5 g Algin· 1.2 g Gluco· 1.8 g citric acid· 1.5 g e Citras

1 Put the juice in a saucepan and heat on a medium flame.2 At 50 °C add the sugar and Algin, previously mixed.3 Stirring constantly, raise to 70 °C and take off the heat.4 Add Gluco and the citric acid, previously mixed, and shred with a blender.5 Add Citras and shred again.6 Leave in a container to set in the fridge for 3 h.7 Shred with a blender and spread on top of a tray on which a film has been placed to a thickness of 1 cm.8 Freeze at -18 °C until use.

* In this case it has been used as a filling for a fritter.

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Crumiel handkerchiefsTexturas Crumiel

For the Crumiel handkerchiefs· Crumiel

1 Sprinkle Crumiel on top of a plate with a Silpat and put in the oven for 4 min at 150 °C.2 While it is still soft spread to obtain handkerchiefs.

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Crumiel, hazel nut and coffee sugar

Texturas Crumiel

For the Crumiel, hazel nut and coffee sugar mix· Toasted sponge finger· Crumiel· Caramelised hazel nuts · Coffee beans

1 Mix all the ingredients to taste and break them up roughly with a roller.

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Application and direct useTexturas Crumiel

For the batter mixture· Crumiel

1 Crumiel can be used directly to batter various preparations (ice-creams, fresh cheeses, etc.). It can also be used directly as a dressing for your dishes.

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Texturas Crutomat Crutomat crumbs

For the Crutomat crumbs · 120 g Crutomat · 32 g extra virgin olive oil

1 Put Crutomat in the blender and shred to a fine powder.2 In a bowl, add the oil gradually to the Crutomat powder stirring constantly with a hand beater so that the oil mixes well with the tomato. The mixture must be left with granules about 2 mm in diameter.3 Heat in the frying pan until crunchy balls form.4 Keep until the moment of use.

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Application and direct use

Seasoning a puff pastry tart with courgette and mozzarella· Crutomat

1 Crutomat, unlike other products, can be used directly as a crunchy tomato and for dressing your dishes.

Texturas Crutomat

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Fizzy Lyoraspberry rockTexturas Fizzy

For the Fizzy Lyoraspberry rock · 250 g sugar· 100 g water · 50 g Fizzy· the grated peel of 1 lime· 10 g powdered Lyoraspberries

1 Mix the water and the sugar in a saucepan and cook at 130 °C.2 Take off the heat and leave until it reaches 140 °C with its own heat3 Add Fizzy, powdered Lyoraspberries and the grated peel of the lime and stir so that everything dissolves completely.4 Throw the rocks into a box lined with Silpat and leave to cool.5 Break the rocks as desired.

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Fizzy Lyostrawberry meringue

Texturas Fizzy

For the 60% syrup· 200 g water· 120 g sugar

1 Mix both ingredients in a saucepan and bring to the boil.

For the Fizzy Lyostrawberry meringue· 150 g water· 50 g pasteurised egg white· 100 g 60% syrup· 12 g powdered egg white· 14 g powdered Lyostrawberry· 40 g Fizzy

1 Put the water, the powdered egg whites, the pasteurised egg white and the syrup into the bowl of the electric blender.2 Beat lightly and leave to rehydrate for 5 min.3 Whip and when it is quite compact drizzle powdered Lyostrawberry and the 40 g Fizzy while mixing with a spatula.4 Spoon out meringue rocks about 2.5 cm in diameter.

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Tomato and black olive ravioli

Texturas Gellan

For the hot water gelatine sheets· 500 g water· 4 g Agar· 1.3 g Gellan

Other· Crushed tomato· Black olive paste

1 Dilute Agar and Gellan in the water at room temperature and bring to the boil stirring constantly with a beater.2 Take off the heat and skim.3 Pour the gelatine onto flat plates 60 x 40 cm and spread to make gelatine sheets 0.5 mm thick.4 Leave to set in the fridge for 1 h.5 Cut with the pasta cutter and put in a little crushed tomato and black olive paste.

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Béchamel cannelloniTexturas Gellan

For the béchamel infusion· 13 g butter· 20 g onion· 450 g milk· 50 g cream· Salt · Pepper

1 Brown the onion with the butter and correct for salt and pepper. Add the milk and the cream and leave to infuse for 10 min.2 Strain and set aside the mixture.

For the béchamel cannelloni· 200 g béchamel infusion (preparation above)· 8 g Gellan

1 Mix the béchamel infusion and Gellan in a saucepan, bring to the boil and leave the mixture to gelify.2 Keep in the fridge for a minimum of 6 hours.3 Cut into sheets with a mandoline slicer and fill with the chosen stuffing.

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Consommé tagliatelleTexturas Gellan

For the consommé· 500 g chicken · 1.5 kg chicken bones · 50 g sunflower oil · 500 g shin of veal · 500 g veal knee bones · 15 g peeled carrot · 15 g peeled and chopped onion · 2.500 g water · 20 g leek

1 Put the veal bones in the oven with a little sunflower oil at 180 °C, to brown (golden brown). 2 Clean the chicken bones, removing all possible fat and scraps, brown. 3 Cut up the shin of veal. 4 Clean the chicken of fat and scraps. 5 Brown the onions in a frying pan. 6 Clean the leek. 7 Put all the ingredients into a pot and cover with water. 8 Put to cook for 8 h. on a low heat. 9 Strain.

To clarify the consommé· 750 g consommé (preparation above) · 20 g carrot · 10 g leek · 50 g ripe tomato · 100 g chopped veal · 100 g egg whites · 15 g crushed ice

1 Put the consommé to boil; when it boils, lower the flame so that the heat is maintained but it does not dry up. 2 Grate the tomato and leave in a colander for the water to run off. 3 Chop the carrot and the leek (‘brunoise’). 4 Mix the chopped vegetables with the tomato and the chopped meat 5 Add the egg whites to the mixture and beat. 6 Mix in the crushed ice. 7 Whisk the consommé and gradually add the ice and egg white. 8 Put on minimum heat and gradually increase until it reaches the boil. (Very slow process: 1½ hours.) 9 Take off the heat, leave to rest for 15 minutes, make a small hole in the crust with a spoon to be able to take out the consommé with a large spoon. As you take it out, strain through cheese cloth.

For the consommé tagliatelle· 500 g clarified consommé (preparation above) · 1.5 g Gellan · 6 g Agar

1 Salt the consommé and add Gellan and Agar. 2 Leave boiling on medium heat, stirring constantly, Take off the heat and skim. 3 Put on a flat plate 60 x 40 cm making sure that it is evenly spread at a thickness of 0.2 cm. 4 Leave to set in the fridge for a minimum of 3 h. 5 Cut into strips 0.5 cm wide with a pasta cutter.

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Truffle juice and hazel nut mayonnaise

Texturas Glice

For the truffle juice and hazel nut mayonnaise· 125 hazel nut paste· 125 g black truffle juice · 15 g hazel nut oil· 4 g Glice· 1 g salt

1 Heat the hazel nut oil and Glice to 65 °C, until it is totally dissolved.2 Add the hazel nut paste, shredding with the blender to produce the emulsion.3 Stir in the truffle juice and correct the salt.4 Put in a PacoJet cylinder and freeze for 12 hours.5 Take out a portion and leave to thaw for use.

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Solid oil Texturas Glice

For the texturised extra virgin olive oil · 100 g extra virgin olive oil· 6 g Glice

1 Mix half the oil with Glice and heat to 65 °C so that the Glice dissolves.2 Take off the heat and add the rest of the oil at room temperature (25 °C), stirring constantly with a spatula.3 Put the mixture in a bowl and leave to cool in a bath with ice, stirring constantly with the spatula.4 When the oil begins to take body, put into the fridge.5 Leave to rest for 12 h in the fridge until it acquires a texture that can be worked with the spatula.

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Virgin olive oil foamTexturas Glice

For the cold virgin olive oil foam· 200 g extra virgin olive oil· 16 g Glice

Others· 1 ½ litre iSi siphon · 2 loads of N2O

1 Combine the oil with Glice in a saucepan.2 Heat to 65 °C so that the Glice dissolves.3 Mix well in with a spatula.4 Put the liquid oil with Glice in the siphon.5 Close and load with the gas.6 Keep at room temperature.

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Vanilla custardsTexturas Iota

For the vanilla custards· 250 g full cream milk · 40 g sugar· 2 egg yolks· 1/2 vanilla pod· 0.8 g Iota

1 Put the milk with the vanilla and Iota in a saucepan.2 Meanwhile, mix the yolks with the sugar3 Once it reaches 95 °C, add the yolks, pass through the colander and cook again at 85 °C.4 Leave to gelify in a container.

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Cherry gelatineTexturas Iota

For the cherry gelatine· 200 g cherry purée· 0.6 g Iota

1 Put the cherry purée with Iota in a saucepan and bring to the boil stirring constantly.2 Once it reaches 95 °C withdraw from the pan and leave to gelify in a container.

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Foie royaleTexturas Iota

For the foie royale· 300 g foie gras· 120 g consommé (recipe in Gellan; consommé tagliatelle)· 0.8 g Iota· Salt· Black pepper

1 Cut the foie gras into cubes and leave to warm at 35 °C.2 Mix the consommé and Iota in a saucepan and heat to 95 °C.3 Put the foie gras in the blender and add the hot consommé.4 Correct salt and pepper and shred to obtain a light, even mass.5 Pass through the colander and leave to gelify in a dish.

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Hazel nut praliné gelatineTexturas Iota

For the hazel nut praliné gelatine· 250 g full cream milk· 70 g hazel nut praliné· 0.8 g Iota

1 Mix the milk with the hazel nut praliné until they are both quite even.2 Add Iota and put on the heat until it reaches 95 °C.3 Remove and put in dishes before it gelifies.

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Figs with caramelised honey gelatine

Texturas Kappa

For the caramelised honey water· 250 g rosemary honey· Water

1 Put the rosemary honey in a saucepan and bring to the boil.2 Add a little water and weigh.3 Keep adding water until the total (water and honey) amount to 125 g.4 Keep in the fridge.

For the caramelised honey gelatine· 200 g caramelised honey water (preparation above)· 4 g Kappa

Others· 4 figs cut into quarters

1 Mix Kappa with the honey water and bring to the boil stirring constantly with a beater.2 Take off the heat, skim and quickly bathe the fig pieces. The honey will gelify almost instantly.

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Gelatined coriander leaves Texturas Kappa

For the fresh gelatined coriander leaves with hot essence of coriander gelatine· 12 fresh coriander leaves 1 cm long· 100 g water· 0.5 g essence of coriander oil· 1.5 g Kappa

1 Place the coriander leaves flat on top of a smooth, flat surface.2 Dissolve Kappa in the water and bring to the boil stirring constantly with a hand beater.3 Take off the heat and add the essence of coriander oil.4 When the mixture reaches 75 °C, cover the coriander leaves evenly with the gelatine, so that they are totally covered by an even layer of 0.15 cm of gelatine.5 Keep in the fridge for 1 h.

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Dulse seaweed noodlesTexturas Kappa

For the dulse seaweed water· 500 g fresh dulse seaweed · 500 g water

1 Clean the seaweed in plenty of water to eliminate the excess salt.2 Shred the clean seaweed with the water in the blender.3 Strain through the superbag and keep.

For the dulse seaweed noodles· 200 g dulse seaweed water (preparation above)· 3.6 g Kappa· 1 sheet of gelatine 2 g (previously rehydrated in cold water)· 1 syringe with a fine needle· 1 ice cube

1 Mix Kappa with the dulse seaweed water and bring to the boil stirring constantly with a beater, making sure there are no lumps.2 Take off the heat, skim and add the well drained gelatine.3 While hot, fill a syringe with a nozzle 0.1 mm in diameter with the mixture and put an ice cube in the nozzle so that when the gelatine passes through it, it sets quickly and very fine threads of gelatine, as long as possible, are formed; put them on a plate so that they do not stick, forming tangles of threads not excessively superimposed until there are 32 groups of threads about 6 cm in diameter.4 Keep in the fridge.

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Ham lentilsTexturas Kappa

For the Iberian ham stock· 250 g pieces of Iberian ham · 500 g water

1 Remove the excess fat from the ham and cut into irregular pieces of 1 cm.2 Cover the ham with the water and put to cook on a low heat, constantly removing the fat and foam, for 15 min.3 Strain through the superbag trying not to cloud the stock and remove the fat from the stock obtained.4 Keep in the fridge.

For the Iberian ham stock hot gelatine lentils · 200 g Iberian ham stock (preparation above)· 4.5 g Kappa

1 Mix Kappa with the ham stock and bring to the boil stirring constantly with a beater.2 Take off the heat, skim and while still hot fill a syringe with the liquid and put onto a flat sulphurised paper, forming circular drops 0.5 cm in diameter.3 Leave to cool in the fridge for 30 min until the drops set.4 Unstick the drops from the paper with a flat spatula and measure out 4 portions of 12 g each.5 At the moment of use heat the lentils to 70 °C with a little of the leftover Iberian ham stock.

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Lemon airTexturas Lecite

For the lemon air· 350 g lemon juice· 250 g water· 3 g Lecite

1 Mix the 3 ingredients in a high container 25 cm in diameter. 2 Shred with a blender to mix the ingredients thoroughly.3 Emulsify with the blender in the upper part to bring in the largest possible amount of air so that a foam forms on the surface which, because of its texture, we will call an air.4 Collect the upper part with a large spoon.

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Salt air Texturas Lecite

For the salt air· 1250 g water· 170 g salt · 4.5 g Lecite

1 Mix the 3 ingredients in a high container 25 cm in diameter. 2 Shred with a blender to mix the ingredients thoroughly.3 Emulsify with the blender in the upper part to bring in the largest possible amount of air so that a foam forms on the surface which, because of its texture, we will call an air.4 Collect the upper part with a large spoon.

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Parmesan whey airTexturas Lecite

For the Parmesan whey · 1000 g grated Reggiano Parmesan · 900 g water

1 Bring the water to the boil in a saucepan and then add the grated Reggiano Parmesan.2 Keep stirring the Parmesan until it forms an elastic mass.3 Take off the heat and leave to infuse for 1 h.4 Strain through a superbag and keep in the fridge.

For the frozen Parmesan air · 1000 g Reggiano Parmesan whey (preparation above)· 5 g Lecite

1 Heat the Parmesan whey to a temperature of 45 °C.2 Add Lecite and shred.3 Move the blender over the surface of the mix until it emulsifies and the air is obtained.4 Leave the air to stabilise for 1 min, collect it with a large spoon, and serve.

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Frozen chocolate airTexturas Lecite

For the chocolate air· 1000 g water· 400 g chocolate 70%· 50 g hazel nut praliné· 5 g Lecite

1 Chop the chocolate and keep in a bowl.2 Add the praliné and Lecite.3 Heat the water to 90 °C and pour over the mixture.4 Leave to rest for 1 min and shred with a blender.5 Keep at 50 °C.6 Move the blender over the surface of the mixture until it emulsifies and the air is obtained.7 Refill 2 containers with the air and freeze immediately.8 Leave in the freezer for 2 h and cover hermetically to prevent the ice-cream air from absorbing flavours.

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Beetroot juice airTexturas Lecite

For the beetroot air· 1000 g liquidised beetroot juice· 5 g Lecite

1 Mix the 2 ingredients in a high container 25 cm in diameter. 2 Shred with a blender to mix the ingredients thoroughly.3 Emulsify with the blender in the upper part to bring in the largest possible amount of air so that a foam forms on the surface which, because of its texture, we will call an air.4 Collect the upper part with a large spoon.

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Application on honey meringue

Texturas Malto

For the rosemary honey water· 50 g Rosemary honey· Water

1 Put the honey in a saucepan and bring to the boil.2 Add a little water and weigh.3 Add water until the total weighs 125 g.4 Keep in the fridge.

For the light rosemary honey meringue· 125 g rosemary honey water (preparation above)· 125 g pasteurised egg white· 6 g powdered egg white

Other· Smoked black tea· Malto

1 Mix the honey water, the pasteurised egg white and the powdered egg white and whip for 10 min.2 Put 4 heaps of honey meringue on top of an oven tray with Silpat.3 Shape with a spatula to form a triangle about 3 cm high and with two sides of 12 cm and one of 8 cm.4 Sprinkle Malto and a little tea on top of each meringue.5 Cook in the oven at 100 °C for 40 min.6 Raise the temperature of the oven to 120 °C without taking out the meringue and cook for 40 min more.7 When it is cooked it has a slightly toasted colour and at the base of each meringue the honey is caramelised.8 When taking them out of the oven fold them over in half.9. Keep the meringues in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

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Walnut polvoron biscuitTexturas Malto

For the Malto and walnut oil mixture· 145 g walnut oil· 60 g Malto· 2.3 g salt

1 Mix the 3 ingredients in a bowl with a spatula.2 When the mass is even keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

For the Malto and fried smoked walnut mixture· 40 g fried smoked walnuts · 100 g Malto with walnut oil mixture (preparation above)

1 Chop the walnuts and mix with the Malto mixture to obtain an even mixture.2 Keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

For the fried smoked walnut polvoron biscuits· Malto with fried smoked walnuts mixture (preparation above)

1 Spread the mixture separately to a thickness of 1 cm.2 Cut with a circular pasta cutter 2.8 cm in diameter.

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Prawn oil maltoballsTexturas Malto

For the dry prawn heads· 100 g prawn heads

1 Shred the prawns in the blender until they form a paste.2 Arrange a little prawn paste on a sheet of waxed spread thin with a pastry roller.3 Remove the film and bake the prawn at 130 °C until it is totally dehydrated to avoid possible fermentation.4 Once cold, shred in the blender to obtain a very fine powder.

For the prawn oil· 100 g olive oil 0.4· 60 g dry prawn heads (preparation above)

1 Mix the ingredients and heat to 50 °C, leave to infuse for 1 hour and strain through a superbag.

For the prawn oil maltoballs· 20 g prawn oil (preparation above)· 40 g Malto· 0.5 g salt

1 Add the oil little by little to the Malto stirring constantly with a hand beater until loose maltoballs form. Correct for salt.2 Put in the frying pan and heat until the balls become round.

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Texturas Metil Red mullet gaudí

For the Metil base100 g water3 g Metil

1 Heat the water to 90 °C and add Metil stirring constantly with a hand beater until completely dissolved.2 Take off the heat and leave to rest in the fridge for 12 h.

For the red mullet Gaudí· 2 medium sized red mullet · Metil base (preparation above)· Brunoise of courgette, young onion , tomato, green pepper, red pepper, shallot· Salt

1 Fillet the red mullet and with a brush apply a fine layer of Metil base to the backs.2 Cover the fillets with the vegetable brunoise mix and correct the salt.3 Press the vegetables lightly onto the backs so that they stick and sauté the red mullet on the side with the vegetables on a medium heat.

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Chop suey meatballs

For the Metil base· 100 g water· 3 g Metil

1 Heat the water to 90 °C and add Metil stirring constantly with a hand beater until completely dissolved.2 Take off the heat and leave to rest in the fridge for 12 h.

For the chop suey meatballs· 20 g Metil base (preparation above)· 65 g brunoise of avocado, shiitake, mushrooms, baby corn · Salt

1. Mix the vegetable brunoise with the Metil base and correct the salt.2 Put a pan with water to heat to 80 °C and put the meatballs for 5 min as the vegetables cook.

* This recipe can also be done in a frying pan.

Texturas Metil

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Texturas Metil Baby clam pasty

For the Metil base· 100 g water· 3 g Metil

1 Heat the water to 90 °C and add Metil stirring constantly with a hand beater until completely dissolved.2 Take off the heat and leave to rest in the fridge for 12 h.

For the hot water gelatine sheets · 500 g water· 8 g Agar· 2.5 g Gellan

1 Dilute Agar and Gellan in the water at room temperature and bring to the boil stirring constantly with a beater.2 Take off the heat and skim.3 Pour the gelatine onto flat sheets 60 x 40 cm and spread to obtain sheets of gelatine 0.5 mm thick.4 Leave to set in the fridge for 1 h.5 Once they have set cover with cling film. 3 sheets are required.

For the baby clam pasties· 48 baby clams· 3 hot water gelatine sheets (preparation above)· 10 g Metil base (preparation above)· 1 circular pasta cutter 7 cm in diameter

1 Allow 4 baby clams per pasty.2 With the pasta cutter cut 8 circles of hot water gelatine sheets.3 Paint the edge of the gelatine circles with the Metil base with a brush.4 Arrange each portion of baby clams in the centre of the gelatine circle.5 With a small spatula fold the gelatine over to form a pasty with the baby clams inside, so that the edge is completely closed, stuck with the Metil base.6 Keep the pasties until the moment of use.

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Reverse spherical olives Texturas Sferificación I

For the Algin bath· 1500 g water· 7.5 g Algin

1 Mix the water with Algin with a blender until there are no lumps.2 Leave to rest in the fridge for 24 h so that the air that has entered the mixture disappears and the Algin is completely rehydrated.

For the green olive juice· 500 g green verdial olives

1 Stone the olives.2 Shred the pulp in a blender.3 Strain through a superbag pressing with the hands.4 Keep the juice obtained in the fridge.

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For the spherical green olive mixture· 200 g green olive juice· 0.75 g Xantana

1 Add Xantana to the juice and leave to hydrate for 1 min.2 Shred with a blender at medium speed.3 Keep in the fridge for 24 h.

For the aromatised virgin olive oil · 500 g extra virgin olive oil· Peel of 4 lemons · Peel of 4 oranges· 4 sprigs of fresh thyme· 4 sprigs of fresh rosemary· 4 cloves of garlic· 12 black peppercorns

1 Crush the garlic lightly and fry in 100 g virgin olive oil without letting them colour.2 Add the rest of the oil and once it is warm add the other ingredients.3 Keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

For the spherical green olives · spherical green olive mixture (preparation above)· Algin bath (preparation above)· aromatised virgin olive oil (preparation above)

1 Fill a hemispherical 5 ml spoon with the spherical green olive mixture. 2 Pour the contents of the spoon into the Algin bath to form spherical olives. Make 2 spherical olives per person. It is very important that the spherical olives do not touch, since they would stick together.3 Cook the spherical olives in the Algin mixture for 2½ min.4 Take the spherical olives out of the Algin bath with a spoon with holes and submerge in cold water to clean.5 Strain the spherical olive trying not to break them and place them, not touching, in the aromatised oil.6 Keep in the fridge for 12 h.

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Reverse sphericalPX raisins

Texturas Sferificación I

For the reverse spherical PX and grape syrup base· 80 g Pedro Ximénez grape syrup· 160 g Pedro Ximénez Gran Barquero· 4 g Gluco· 0.2 g Xantana

1 Mix the grape syrup with the PX and dissolve Gluco.2 Add Xantana and shred with the blender.3 Leave to rest for 24 h in the fridge for the Xantana to hydrate and lose the excess air. For the Algin bath· 2000 g water· 10 g Algin

1 Mix the water with Algin in the blender and shred until the Algin has completely dissolved in the water.2 Keep in the fridge for 12 h to eliminate the excess air.

For the reverse spherical PX and grape syrup · 75 g reverse spherical PX and grape syrup base (preparation above)· 650 g Algin bath (preparation above)· syringe with nozzle 0.3 cm in diameter· 50 g Pedro Ximénez Gran Barquero

1 Fill the syringe with the reverse spherical PX and grape syrup base and put drops 0.7 cm in diameter in the Algin bath.2 Quickly and with the fingers submerge the drops formed in the Algin bath.3 Leave to cook for 5 min, strain well and leave in water for 2 min.4 When the time is up take the reverse spherical PX out of the water and keep in a container with PX Gran Barquero.

For the reverse spherical PX raisins1 Spread a sugar base on a tray and place the PX spherical raisins on top, cover with more sugar and leave to rest for 1 hour. 2 When the time is up take out the PX raisins and remove the excess sugar.

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Reverse spherical minimozzarellas

Texturas Sferificación I

For the mozzarella whey· 4 buffalo mozzarellas 500 g

1 Open the terrines and take out the mozzarellas to keep the whey inside the terrines and the mozzarellas separate.

For the mozzarella mixture· 220 g buffalo mozzarella· 150 g mozzarella whey (preparation above)· 70 g liquid cream 35% m.g.· 4 g salt

1 Shred the mozzarella and the mozzarella whey in the blender to obtain a slightly grainy cream.2 Boil the cream and add the mix. Shred in the blender for 10 sec.3 Add the salt, mix and keep in the fridge.

For the Algin bath· 5 g Algin· 1000 g water

1 Shred Algin with the water in the blender until there are no lumps.2 Keep in a container that allows for a height of 6 cm.

For the reverse spherical mozzarellas· 200 g mozzarella mix (preparation above)· 1000 g Algin bath (preparation above)· hemispherical spoon 15 g capacity

1 Fill the spoons with the mozzarella mixture and pour into the Algin bath to form spheres.2 Leave the spherical mozzarellas to cook in the Algin mixture for 12 min.3 When the time is up strain the mozzarellas with a spoon with holes, clean in water and keep covered with mozzarella whey.4 Keep in the fridge.

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Spherical mango Texturas Sferificación

For the spherical mango ravioli base · 250 g mango purée · 250 g water· 1.8 g Algin· 1.3 g Citras

1 Shred Citras with the water in a blender. 2 Add Algin and shred again in the blender.3 Bring the mixture to the boil stirring constantly. 4 Leave to cool at room temperature and once cold add the mango purée and mix. 5 Keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

For the Calcic bath· 6.5 g Calcic· 1000 g water

1 Mix the water with Calcic with a beater.2 Put the mixture in a container that allows for a height of about 5 cm.3 Keep.

For the spherical mango ravioli 1 With a hemispherical spoon make the spherical mango ravioli in the Calcic bath. 2 Leave the spherical mango ravioli for 2 min in the bath.3 Take out the ravioli and clean them in cold water.4 Strain the water from the ravioli and dry them on absorbent paper, trying not to break them.

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Spherical peasTexturas Sferificación

For the pea juice· 300 g extra fine frozen peas· 375 g water

1 Put the frozen peas in the blender.2 Bring the water to the boil and add the peas. 3 Shred the peas with the water to obtain a juice.4 Strain in a superbag.5 Keep in the fridge.

For the spherical pea ravioli base· 500 g pea juice (preparation above)· 2.4 g Algin

1 Mix Algin with 1/3 of the pea juice in a blender to obtain an even mixture with no lumps.2 Add the rest of the pea juice and mix well.3 Strain and keep in the fridge.

For the Calcic bath· 6.5 g Calcic· 1000 g water

1 Dissolve Calcic in the water with a blender. 2 Put the mix in a container to obtain a height of about 5 cm.3 Keep.

For the spherical pea ravioli1 Fill a hemispherical spoon with the spherical pea ravioli base and pour the contents of the spoon into the Calcic bath. 2 Leave the pea juice ravioli to cook in the bath for 2 min.3 When the 2 min are up take out the ravioli with the spoon with holes and submerge them in cold water to clean them.4 Strain the spherical pea ravioli, trying not to break them.

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Spherical lemon teaTexturas Sferificación

For the Earl Grey tea infusion· 400 g water· 16 g Earl Grey tea· 20 g sugar

1 Mix the 3 ingredients cold and infuse in the fridge for 24 h.2 Strain and keep.

For the Algin base· 75 g water· 1.5 g Algin

1 Shred Algin with the water in the blender to obtain an even mix.2 Strain and leave to rest for 30 min.

For the Earl Grey tea spherical ravioli base· 190 g Earl Grey tea infusion (preparation above)· 60 g Algin base (preparation above)

1 Mix the two components with a beater and leave to rest for 30’.2 Put in the freezer so that they are very cold when used, but not frozen.

For the Calcic bath· 1000 g water· 6.5 g Calcic

1 Dilute Calcic in the water with a beater.2. Keep the mixture in the freezer so that it is very cold when used, but not frozen.

For the spherical lemon tea 1 Place a cube of frozen lemon juice in a hemispherical spoon 3 cm in diameter and fill with the Earl Grey tea spherical ravioli base.2 Put in the bath of cold Calcic to obtain spheres.3 Cook in the Calcic bath for 30 sec, take out the ravioli trying not to break them and pass through a bath of iced water.

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Melon caviarTexturas Sferificación

For the Cantaloupe melon juice· 1 Cantaloupe melon 500 g

1 Peel the melon and remove the pips.2 Shred the flesh of the melon in a blender.3 Pass the juice obtained through a superbag.4 Keep in the fridge.

For the Cantaloupe melon spherical caviar base· 250 g Cantaloupe melon juice (preparation above)· 2 g Algin

1 Mix the Algin with 1/3 of the melon juice. 2 Shred in a blender to obtain an even mixture without lumps.3 Mix with the remaining 2/3, strain and keep at room temperature for 30 min.

For the Calcic bath· 6.5 g Calcic· 1000 g water

1 Dissolve the Calcic in the water with a beater. 2 Put the mixture in a container that allows for a height of about 5 cm.3 Keep.

For the melon caviar1 Fill 4 syringes with the melon caviar mixture.2 Drip into the water and Calcic mix. Leave to cook for 1 min.3 Strain and wash the melon caviar obtained in cold water, strain off the excess water.4 Put 25 g melon caviar in a container (for example, a caviar tin).5 Put 8 passion fruit seeds and a sprig of fresh mint on top of the caviar.

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Kirsch airTexturas Sucro

For the 30% syrup· 100 g water· 30 g sugar

1 Mix the water with the sugar and bring to the boil.2 Take off the heat and keep in the fridge.

For the kirsch air· 450 g kirsch· 220 g water· 30 g syrup 30% (preparation above)· 5 g Sucro

1 Mix the kirsch in a saucepan with the rest of ingredients.2 Move the blender over the surface of the kirsch air mix to emulsify and obtain a stable air.

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Muscovado sugar airTexturas Sucro

For the muscovado sugar air· 500 g water· 125 g muscovado sugar· 7 g Sucro

1 Mix the 3 ingredients in a high container.2 Shred with a blender to mix the ingredients well.3 Emulsify with the blender in the upper part to bring in the largest possible amount of air so that a foam forms on the surface which, because of its texture, we will call an air.4 Collect the upper part with a large spoon.

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Campari airTexturas Sucro

For the 30% syrup· 100 g water· 30 g sugar

1 Put the water and the sugar in a saucepan and bring to the boil.

For the Campari air· 450 g Campari· 220 g water· 30 g syrup 30%· 6 g Sucro

1 Mix the ingredients in a high container.2 Shred with a blender to mix the ingredients well.3 Emulsify with the blender in the upper part to bring in the largest possible amount of air so that a foam forms on the surface which, because of its texture, we will call an air.4 Collect the upper part with a large spoon.

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Crunchy tempuraTexturas Trisol

For the crunchy tempura· 100 g cold water· 66 g flour· 60 g Trisol· 0.2 g salt· 0.2 g sugar· 2 g fresh yeast

1 Dissolve the yeast in the cold water.2 Mix the rest of ingredients with a hand beater until all the mix is well dissolved and integrated.3 Leave to rest for 2 hours at 30 °C to ferment and keep in the fridge for 2 hours before use.

Note: The resting time of the tempura will depend on the humidity of the atmosphere. At the moment of use it must always be kept very cold.

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Crunchy batterTexturas Trisol

For the batter mix· 230 g thick wheat flour· 70 g Trisol

1 Mix the ingredients well.

Note: This recipe is ideal for the batter for fried small fish.

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Spherical sea urchin tempura

Texturas Trisol

For the sea urchin yolks· 8 sea urchins

1 Kill the sea urchins by scalding them in boiling water for 10 sec.2 Open the sea urchins at the base with scissors, making a circle 2 cm in diameter.3 Take the yolks out of the interior of the sea urchins and keep them in the water from the sea urchins passed through the superbag.4 Separate the 24 largest sea urchin yolks for the spherical sea urchins.5 Keep the small and broken yolks for the sea urchin cream.6 Keep in the fridge.

For the sea urchin cream· 50 g small and broken sea urchin yolks (preparation above)· 50 g water from the interior of the sea urchins (preparation above)

1 Mix the sea urchin yolks with the water from the interior of the sea urchins.2 Shred everything in a blender to obtain a fine cream. Strain and keep in the fridge.

For the reverse spherical sea urchin base· 100 g sea urchin cream (preparation above)· 3 g Gluco· 0.2 g Xantana

1 Dissolve Gluco in the sea urchin cream.2 Add Xantana and dissolve with a blender.3 Vacuum pack to remove the excess air and keep in the fridge.

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For the Algin bath· 500 g water· 2.5 g Algin

1 Mix the water with Algin in the blender and shred until the Algin has totally dissolved in the water.2 Keep in the fridge for 12 h to eliminate the excess air.

For the reverse spherical sea urchins· 24 sea urchin yolks (preparation above)· 100 g spherical sea urchin base· 500 g Algin bath (preparation above) 1 Place two sea urchin yolks in the interior of a hemispherical spoon 2.5 cm in diameter with 3 g reverse spherical sea urchin base.2 Pour the contents of the spoon into the Algin bath to form reverse spheres. There should be 3 reverse spherical sea urchins per person. It is very important for the spheres not to touch, since they would stick together.3 Cook the reverse spherical sea urchins in the Algin mix for 2 min.4 Strain the reverse spherical sea urchins with a spoon with holes without breaking them and clean them in cold water.

For the tempura with Trisol· 100 g water· 66 g flour· 60 g Trisol· 0.2 g salt· 0.2 g sugar· 2 g pressed yeast

1 Dissolve the yeast in the cold water.2 Mix the rest of the ingredients with a hand beater until all the mix is well dissolved and integrated.3 Leave to rest for 2 hours at 30° to ferment and keep in the fridge 2 hours before use.

Note: The resting time of the tempura will depend on the humidity of the atmosphere. At the moment of use it must always be kept very cold.

Others· 1000 g olive oil 0.4· 100 g flour· Salt For the reverse spherical sea urchin tempura1 Flour each reverse spherical sea urchin lightly and submerge in the tempura.2 Fry in hot oil so that the sea urchins are heated but not excessively cooked.

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Green sauceTexturas Xantana

For the green sauce · Chopped garlic· Chopped parsley· 150 g clam water · 0.8 g Xantana

Other· Clams · Green asparagus· Peas· Egg yolk

1 Open the clams by submerging them for a few seconds in boiling water. Remove the clams from the shell and set aside the water.2 Mix Xantana with the clam water with a hand beater.3 Lightly brown the chopped garlic and add the parsley. After a few seconds add the clam water with Xantana and leave to boil.4 Once it is boiling add the asparagus and leave to cook for 3 min, then add the peas and leave to cook 3 min more.5 Lastly, put the clams so that they just warm and serve in a soup dish accompanied by a thread of egg yolk.

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Ham consomméTexturas Xantana

For the Iberian ham consommé· 250 g pieces of Iberian ham· 500 g water

1 Remove the excess fat from the ham and cut into irregular pieces of 1 cm.2 Cover the ham with the water and put to cook on a low heat, constantly removing the fat and foam, for 15 min.3 Strain through the superbag trying not to cloud the stock and remove the fat from the stock obtained.4 Keep in the fridge.

For the bound Iberian ham consommé · 250 g Iberian ham consommé (preparation above)· 0.6 g Xantana

1 Mix Xantana with the ham consommé with a beater.2 Put the mix in the vacuum machine to extract all the air and leave quite transparent.

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Meat stock sauceTexturas Xantana

For the meat stock· 1000 g veal knee bones · 1000 g veal for blanquette · 350 g onion · 150 g carrot · 150 g leek · 60 g ripe tomato · 1000 g red wine · 40 g sugar · 60 g olive oil 0.4° · 2500 g water

1 Mix the red wine with the sugar and reduce to half. Keep for deglazing the frying pan where the meat will be seared.2 Put the veal bones to brown in the oven at 180 °C.3 Cut up the veal in pieces about 10 cm long x 1.5 cm wide. Sear in a frying pan with a little oil on a high heat. They should be brown but raw. Deglaze with the wine. 4 Cut up the vegetables into small pieces. Put to brown in the oven with a little oil at 150 °C.5 Once they begin to brown evenly add the tomato cut up into quarters. Continue to cook until the tomato has lost its water and the vegetables are a golden colour.6 Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan. Cover with the cold water and put to cook on medium heat. Skim constantly.7 Once it starts to boil, lower the heat so that it simmers for 6 hours.8 Strain and leave to cool for the fat to solidify. Take it out.9 Reduce to obtain a tasty, consistent stock. Strain through a piece of cheese cloth.

Note. Minimum amount to be made to guarantee a good result.

For the meat stock sauce · 250 g meat stock· 0.6 g Xantana

1 Mix Xantana with the meat stock with a beater.2 Heat the sauce stirring constantly and pour on the dish chosen, in this case a fillet with wild mushrooms.

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Muscovado sugar bubblesTexturas Xantana

For the muscovado sugar bubbles · 700 g water· 100 g muscovado sugar· 150 g cream· 10 g pasteurised egg white · 1 g Xantana

Other· 1 oxygen dispenser for aquariums

1 Mix with the water with Xantana with a hand beater until it has dissolved.2 Add the egg white, the cream and the muscovado sugar and stir until it has all dissolved.3 Put the mixture in a very high hermetically sealed container and put the oxygen dispenser into the liquid, leave to form increasingly stable bubbles until they can be collected and served while keeping their shape.4 Apply the bubbles to the dish chosen.

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Texturas Yopol Yoghurt biscuit

For the yoghurt biscuits· 50 g loose flour · 60 g pomade butter · 50 g caster sugar· 30 g Yopol

1 Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and knead until obtaining a fine mixture.2 Spread to a thickness of 0.2 cm.3 Freeze and cut with a mould in the shape of a biscuit 5 cm long.4 Spread on top of an oven tray with a Silpat.5 Cook in the oven at 120 °C for 25 min. 6 Keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

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Yoghurt microbiscuit

For the yoghurt microbiscuit· 300 pasteurised egg white· 60 g caster sugar· 60 g powdered almond· 20 g flour· 60 g Yopol

Other· 1 siphon ISI· 3 loads of N2O

1 Put all the ingredients in the blender, shred well until the mixture is fine and even.2 Strain the mixture and put it into a siphon adding three loads of gas and beating vigorously between loads.3 Put the mixture into a plastic jar up to 1/3 of its capacity. Three small cuts will have been made in the base to even the cooking.4 Cook for 30 seconds in the microwave at 900W and take out of the jar, trying not to press too hard so that it does not lose volume.

Texturas Yopol

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Texturas Yopol Yoghurt and bitter almond sugar

For the yoghurt and bitter almond sugar· 30 g sugar· 10 g water· 50 g bitter almond · 30 g Yopol

1 Cook the sugar with the water until it reaches a temperature of 117 °C.2 Take off the heat, Add the bitter almond, stir until the sugar crystallises and leave to cool on sulphurised paper.3 Shred the crystallised bitter almond with Yopol in a blender.4 Keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

*If there is no bitter almond use an apricot stone.

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Crunchy yoghurt discs

For the crunchy yoghurt discs· 125 g fondant· 65 g glucose· 65 g Isomalt· 50 g Yopol

1 Put the fondant and the glucose in a saucepan to cook. Stir until it has all dissolved and add the Isomalt at 115 °C.2 Leave to cook on medium heat until the thermometer shows a temperature of 160 °C (it will reach the missing 5° C with its own heat).3 Take off the heat and leave to cool to 140 °C.4 Add Yopol stirring constantly.5 Spread on top of a sulphurised paper and when it is cold shred in a blender to obtain a fine powder.6 Keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place. 7 With a colander sprinkle the crunchy on top of a mould 9 cm in diameter to form discs.8 Heat in the oven at 170 °C for 1 min.9 Once the crunchy has melted, leave to cool and keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

* This recipe is given a cube shape and filled with Greek yoghurt.

Texturas Yopol

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Texturas Yopol Beetroot and yopol meringue

For the syrup base · 50 g water· 50 g sugar

1 Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to the boil.2 Keep in a container in the fridge.

For the dry beetroot meringue base · 150 g water· 50 g beetroot concentrate· 11 g powdered egg white · 75 g syrup base (preparation above)· 0.1 g Xantana

1 Put all the ingredients in a bowl and shred in a blender to obtain an even mixture.2 Keep in the fridge for 12 h in a hermetically sealed container.

For the beetroot meringues/profiteroles · Dry beetroot meringue base (preparation above)· 200 g Yopol 1 Put the base in the electric blender and whip.2 When it is completely whipped put in a hose with a nozzle 1 cm in diameter.3 Put the whipped beetroot meringue on top of the Yopol. There need to be 20 meringue spheres about 3 cm in diameter.4 Sprinkle well with Yopol and put to dehydrate in the dehydrator at a temperature of about 50 °C for 24 h.5 Keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

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Albert y Ferran Adrià

IngeniosThe application of new techniques often calls for the invention of tools and accessories to put them into operation. The Ingenios line provides you with the means to use some of the concepts that have emerged from elBullitaller. It consists of a series of complements that enable you to obtain colourful preparations with high efficiency and performance.

Silicasec are anti-humidity tablets approved for use with food which keep foodstuffs free from humidity cleanly and safely.

Silicasec are orange coloured tablets. When they turn white they are saturated with humidity and cease to be effective.

Croquanter is a set of stencils for making crunchies created by Albert and Ferran Adrià, specially designed to be used in the best dehydrators on the market. The Croquanter stencils can obtain crunchy sheets in a variety of shapes from fruit, vegetable or dried fruit purées...

Croquanter has 8 stencils with different designs to provide a wide variety of different finishes for dishes of all kinds Through a simple dehydration process you can obtain delicate mango leaves, crunchy carrot cornets, fabulous yoghurt shavings and a wide range of preparations that conserve the taste and colour of the original products to the maximum. You can use different teflon bases simultaneously to produce a large number of crunchies with minimum effort

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Albert y Ferran Adrià

Ingenios· Carrot Croquant· Mango Croquant· Beetroot Croquant· Yoghurt Croquant· Apple Croquant· Pistachio Croquant· Blackcurrant Croquant· Raspberry Croquant


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Ingenios Croquanter Carrot Croquant

For the crunchy carrot mix· 300 g cooked carrots · 40 g caster sugar· 66 g Isomalt· 15 g glucose

1 Shred the carrots in a blender and strain through a colander. 2 Put back in the colander, this time without pressing, so that the excess water is released.3 Weigh 300 g of cooked carrot purée and put together with the other ingredients in the blender; shred at 80 °C at half speed until you obtain a fine, even mix.4 Keep in the fridge for 12 hours

For the crunchy carrot · Crunchy carrot mix (preparation above)· 1 Narrow rectangular Croquanter stencil· 1 Croquanter Silpat

1 Put a Croquanter stencil on top of a Silpat and spread the crunchy carrot mix on top with a spatula.2 Remove the stencil and dehydrate at 45 °C for 48 h.3 When it is dehydrated keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

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Ingenios Croquanter Mango Croquant

For the crunchy mango mix· 400 g mango pulp· 54 g caster sugar· 66 g Isomalt· 15 g glucose

1 Shred the mango, the Isomalt, the glucose and the caster sugar in the blender at a temperature of 80 °C for 5 min.2 Strain and keep in a hermetically sealed container in the fridge for 12 hours.

For the crunchy mango · crunchy mango mix (preparation above)· 1 triangular Croquanter stencil· 1 Croquanter Silpat

1 Put a Croquanter stencil on top of a Silpat and spread the crunchy mango mix over it with a spatula.2 Withdraw the stencil and dehydrate at 50 °C for 48 h.3 When it is dehydrated keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

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Beetroot CroquantIngenios Croquanter

For the crunchy beetroot mix· 300 g cooked beetroot · 40 g caster sugar· 66 g Isomalt· 15 g glucose

1 Shred the beetroot in a blender and strain through a colander. 2 Put back in the colander, this time without pressing, so that the excess water is released.3 Shred the cooked beetroot, the Isomalt, the glucose and the caster sugar in the blender at a temperature of 80 °C for 5 min.4 Strain and keep in a hermetically sealed container in the fridge.

For the crunchy beetroot· Crunchy beetroot mix (preparation above)· 1 broad rectangular Croquanter stencil · 1 Croquanter Silpat 1 Put a Croquanter stencil on top of a Silpat and spread the crunchy beetroot mix over it with a spatula.2 Withdraw the stencil and dehydrate at 50 °C for 48 h.3 When it is dehydrated keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

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Ingenios Croquanter Yoghurt Croquant

For the crunchy yoghurt mix· 46 g Yopol · 250 g Greek yoghurt · 60 g Isomalt· 48 g caster sugar· 15 g glucose· 50 g Malto

1 Shred Yopol, the Greek yoghurt, the Isomalt, the glucose, Malto and the caster sugar in the blender at a temperature of 80 °C for 5 min.2 Strain and keep in a hermetically sealed container in the fridge for 12 hours.

For the crunchy yoghurt · Crunchy yoghurt mix (preparation above)· 1 square Croquanter stencil · 1 Croquanter Silpat

1 Spread the crunchy yoghurt mix on top of a Croquanter Silpat with a square stencil 8 cm along the side.2 Withdraw the stencil and dehydrate at 50 °C for 48 h.3 When it is dehydrated keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

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Apple CroquantIngenios Croquanter

For the crunchy apple base · 250 g cooked apple · 30 g caster sugar· 37 g Isomalt· 8 g glucose

1 Shred the apples in a blender and strain through a colander. 2 Put back in the colander, this time without pressing, so that the excess water is released.3 Put all the ingredients in the blender and shred at a temperature of 80 °C.4 Strain and keep in a hermetically sealed container in the fridge for 12 hours.

For the crunchy apple· Crunchy apple mix (preparation above)· 1 Croquanter stencil in the shape of a small leaf· 1 Croquanter Silpat

1 Spread the crunchy apple mix on top of a Croquanter Silpat with the stencil.2 Withdraw the stencil and dehydrate at 50 °C for 48 h.3 When it is dehydrated keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

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Ingenios Croquanter Pistachio Croquant

For the syrup 40% · 240 g water· 100 g sugar

1 Put the water with the sugar in a saucepan and bring to the boil.

For the crunchy pistachio mix· 140 g peeled green pistachio · 330 g syrup 40% (preparation above).· 15 g glucose

1 Put the syrup, the glucose and the pistachios in the blender and shred for 5 min.2 Strain and keep in a hermetically sealed container in the fridge for 2 hours.

For the crunchy green pistachio · Crunchy green pistachio mix (preparation above)· 1 Small circular Croquanter stencil · 1 Croquanter Silpat

1 Spread the crunchy green pistachio mix on top of a Croquanter Silpat with a small circular stencil.2 Withdraw the stencil and dehydrate at 45 °C for 24 h.3 When it is dehydrated keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

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Blackcurrant CroquantIngenios Croquanter

For the crunchy blackcurrant mix· 265 g fresh blueberries · 75 g Isomalt· 60 g caster sugar· 35 g Lyoblackcurrant· 50 g Malto· 10 g glucose

1 Put all the ingredients in the blender and shred at a temperature of 80 °C for 5 min. 2 Strain and keep in a hermetically sealed container in the fridge for 12 hours.

For the crunchy blackcurrant· Crunchy blackcurrant mix (preparation above)· 1 Croquanter stencil in the shape of a large leaf· 1 Silpat

1 Spread the crunchy blackcurrant mix on top of a dehydrator Silpat with a stencil.2 Withdraw the stencil and dehydrate at 50 °C for 48 h.3 When it is dehydrated keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

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Ingenios Croquanter Raspberry Croquant

For the crunchy raspberry mix· 265 g fresh raspberries· 45 g Malto· 60 g caster sugar· 80 g Isomalt· 35 g Lyoraspberry

1 Put all the ingredients in the blender and shred at a temperature of 80 °C for 5 min.2 Strain and keep in a hermetically sealed container in the fridge for 12 hours.

For the crunchy raspberries· Crunchy raspberry mix (preparation above)· 1 large round Croquanter stencil· 1 Croquanter Silpat

1 Put a Croquanter stencil on top of a Silpat and spread the crunchy raspberry mix on top with a spatula.2 Withdraw the stencil and dehydrate at 50 °C for 48 h.3 When it is dehydrated keep in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dry place.

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Albert y Ferran Adrià

LyosaboresLyoSabores is a new line of lyofilised products created by Albert and Ferran Adrià. Selected from the finest natural ingredients from which the water has been totally extracted, while keeping their original flavour, aroma and colour. They are vacuum packed products with no preservatives so that you can enjoy their full quality and nutritional value.They can be used directly for topping savoury and sweet dishes (salads, ice creams, desserts, etc.), in the prepara-tion of sweets and biscuits or rehydrated to obtain the desired texture and sweetness in different preparations. They can also be eaten as snacks, alone or mixed with milk or yoghurt.


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Albert y Ferran Adrià

Lyosabores· Fresh Lyostrawberry jam· Osmotic raspberries· Lyomango cream· Lyopeach sugar· Lyoblackcurrant dry meringue· Lyopeach and bitter oil maltoballs· Lyoraspberry biscuit· Miniblock of white chocolate, yoghurt and Lyopineapple· Milk chocolate, Lyopeach and saffron rocks· Lyomango yoghurt· Lyoraspberry salt and sichuan pepper· Lyostrawberry and crumiel truffle· Crunchy lyopineapple· Crunchy lyopineapple (version 2)


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Fresh Lyostrawberry jamLyo

For the 60% syrup· 200 g water· 120 g sugar

1 Put the water and the sugar in a saucepan and bring to the boil.

For the fresh strawberry compote· 30 g Lyostrawberry· 100 g 60% syrup (preparation above)

1 Mix the syrup with Lyostrawberry, put in the fridge and leave to inflate for a night.

* All the preparations can be made with any kind of Lyofruit, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.

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Osmotic raspberriesLyo

For the 60% syrup· 200 g water· 120 g sugar

1 Mix the two ingredients in a saucepan and bring to the boil.

For the osmotic raspberries · 10 g powdered Lyoraspberry· 100 g 60% syrup (preparation above)· 250 g fresh raspberries

Others· 1 vacuum bag· 1 vacuum machine

1 Mix Lyoraspberry with the syrup and leave to soak.2 Pass the raspberry syrup through the colander and put in a vacuum bag.3 Add the 250 g fresh raspberries and vacuum seal the bag.4 Leave for a minimum of 4 hours before use.

* All the preparations can be made with any kind of Lyofruit, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.

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Lyomango creamLyo

For the Lyomango cream· 120 g mango purée· 20 g Lyomango· 15 g caster sugar· 35 g cream 35% m.g.

Others · 1 PacoJet cylinder· 1 PacoJet

1 Put the 3 ingredients in a PacoJet container and shred with a blender until the mixture is even.2 Leave to rest for a few hours in the fridge and freeze for 12 hours.3 Shred the frozen mix through the PacoJet and leave the cream to thaw.

* All the preparations can be made with any kind of Lyofruit, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.

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Lyopeach sugarLyo

For the peach sugar· 100 g sugar · 20 g Lyopeach

1 Put the sugar in a saucepan and heat until a dark caramel forms. Take off the heat and leave to solidify on a sulphurised paper.2 Once cold, put the burned sugar with Lyopeach between 2 papers and break with a roller to obtain a thick burned peach sugar powder.

* All the preparations can be made with any kind of Lyofruit, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.

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Lyoblackcurrantdry meringue


For the 60% syrup· 200 g water· 120 g sugar

1 Mix the two ingredients in a saucepan and bring to the boil.

For the blackcurrant meringue· 150 g water· 50 g pasteurised egg white · 100 g 60% syrup· 12 g powdered egg white · 10 g powdered Lyoblackcurrant

1 In the bowl of the electric blender add the water, the pasteurised egg white, the powdered egg white and the syrup.2 Beat lightly and leave to rehydrate for 5 min.3 Whip the meringue for 8 min and when it is quite compact add powdered Lyoblackcurrant and stir for 2 min for it to dissolve well and take on a pretty purple colour. 4 Make small irregular shapes of meringue and put in the dehydrator for 8 hours at 45 °C.

* This meringue can also be eaten cold* All the preparations can be made with any kind of Lyofruit, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.

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Lyopeach and bitter oil maltoballs


For the peach maltoballs with bitter almond oil· 25 g powdered Lyopeach · 20 g Malto· 55 g plum stone oil

1. Put the Lyopeach between 2 papers and crush to a finer powder.2. Mix the powdered Lyopeach with Malto and gradually mix in the plum stone oil.3. Make small irregular balls in a frying pan and heat stirring constantly as the maltoballs gradually take shape.

* All the preparations can be made with any kind of Lyofruit, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.

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Lyo Lyoraspberry biscuit

For the Lyoraspberry biscuit · 60 g sieved almond· 40 g pomade butter · 30 g sugar· 8 g powdered strained Lyoraspberry· 2 g powdered unstrained Lyoraspberry· 15 g pasteurised egg white· 0.2 g salt

1 Mix the ingredients to an even mass.2 With a roller, spread to a thickness of 5 mm.3 Freeze and cut to the desired diameter.4 Dehydrate for 48 hours at 55° C.

* All the preparations can be made with any kind of Lyofruit, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.

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Miniblock of white chocolate, yoghurt and Lyopineapple


For the miniblock of white chocolate, yoghurt and Lyopineapple · 200 g white chocolate· 10 g Lyopineapple cut up· 15 g Yopol· 0.3 powdered citric acid

1 Melt the white chocolate in the microwave for 4 min at 360 watts.2 Warm the chocolate and add Yopol, the citric acid and Lyopineapple.3 Spread on a block.

* All the preparations can be made with any kind of Lyofruit, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.

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Milk chocolate, Lyopeach and saffron rocks


For the milk chocolate, Lyopeach and saffron rocks· Milk chocolate· Saffron · Lyopeach

1 Brown the saffron threads in a frying pan on a low heat until they lose all humidity.2 With 2 sulphurised papers and a roller, crush until a fine powder remains.3 Melt and warm the chocolate and add the roasted saffron.4 Put Lyopeach in a bowl and gradually add milk chocolate to the saffron until all the pieces of peach are generously covered.5 Put a latex glove on one hand, stir the warm chocolate mix and Lyopeach and put the pieces on a sulphurised paper.6 Leave the chocolate to cool and keep in a dry place.

* All the preparations can be made with any kind of Lyofruit, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.

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Lyomango yoghurtLyo

For the Lyomango yoghurt · 125 g Greek yoghurt· 20 g sugar · 5 g powdered Lyomango · 2.5 g Lyomango cubes

1 Mix the Greek yoghurt with the sugar and the 5 g of powdered Lyomango until obtaining a smooth, even mixture.2 Add the Lyomango cubes and leave for 12 hours in the fridge.

* All the preparations can be made with any kind of Lyofruit, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.

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Lyoraspberry salt and sichuan pepper


For the Lyoraspberry salt· 8 g salt· 6 g Lyoraspberry· 0.5 g Sichuan pepper

1 Put the Sichuan pepper 3 min in the microwave at 500 watts to remove all the humidity so that it can be ground.2 Mix the ingredients and put them between 2 sulphurised papers.3 With a roller shred the mixture until a powder forms.4 Pass the mixture through a thick meshed chinoise and set aside.

* All the preparations can be made with any kind of LYOFRUIT, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.

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Lyostrawberry and crumiel truffle


For the Lyostrawberry and Crumiel truffles· 14 g Lyostrawberry· 10 g cocoa butter· 90 g Crumiel· 200 g almond paste

Other· Melted chocolate · Cocoa

1 Melt the cocoa butter at 45 °C, leave to rest for the temperature to go down.2 When it reaches 35 °C, add the almond paste, Lyostrawberry and Crumiel.3 Stir so that everything is well mixed and forms small balls that are then put to freeze.4 Once frozen, bathe in chocolate melted at 40 °C and bury them quickly in cocoa.5 Leave to thaw and taste.

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Crunchy lyopineappleLyo

· 70g glucose· 140 g fondant· 125 g Isomalt· 40 g Lyopineapple

1 Put the glucose and the fondant in a saucepan.2 When the mixture reaches 115 °C add the Isomalt.3 Cook to a temperature of 165 °C and take off the heat.4 Leave the caramel to reduce the temperature to 140 °C and add powdered Lyopineapple.5 Stir well to an even mixture and spread between 2 Silpats.

* All the preparations can be made with any kind of Lyofruit, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.

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Crunchy lyopineapple (version 2)


For the neutral caramel· 200 g fondant· 100 g glucose· 100 g Isomalt

1 Put the glucose and the fondant in a saucepan on medium heat.2 When they dissolve add the Isomalt and raise to 160 °C (the mixture will reach the missing 5 °C with its own heat).3 Take off the heat and spread on top of a sulphurised paper to a height of 0.5 cm.4 Mark with a knife in tablets 5 cm along the side.5 Keep quickly in a bag in a hermetically sealed container and in a cool, dry place.

For the pineapple caramel · 250 g neutral caramel (preparation above) · 30 g Lyopineapple

1 Mix the ingredients in the blender and shred to a fine powder.2 Spread between 2 Silpats with a colander and put in the oven at 170 °C for 2 min.

* All the preparations can be made with any kind of Lyofruit, but the structural weight and the strength of the taste must be borne in mind.