Recipes gluten free

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  • 7/27/2019 Recipes gluten free


    Egeszseges es megis finom receptek

    Chocolate fondant (pudding)

    (Can be stored in freezer b4 putting it into the oven. If doing so, use minimum flour and slow it down for a couple of minutes


    Ingredients (original):

    200gr dark chocolate

    200gr butter

    4 whole eggs and 4 egg-yolks

    100 gr sugar

    150gr flour

    Ingredients (mine) for 4 fondants:

    50gr dark quality chocolate (or 20 gr dark chocolate and 2 tbsp raw cacao powder)

    50 gr butter

    (20 gr?) xylitol and stevia to taste (or honey, or saccharin)

    + 2 tbsp good strong black coffee (no sugar) - optional

    2 eggs (1 whole egg and 1 egg yolk)

    2 tbsp buckwheat flour

    To make it:

    1. Preheat the oven to 180 *C

    2. Put up water to boil and melt chocolate and butter above the hot water, turn off fire

    3. put the egg-yolk and the egg together with some sweetener and mix until foamy

    4. mix the whipped eggs into the melted but not too hot chocolate, butter mix

    5. add flour slowly and carefully mix until smooth

    6. if you got silicon muffin mould then you can just pour the mix into it, so its almost

    full. If metal or porcelain then grease the tins and dust them with cacao powder and

    then put the mixture in.

    7. Put in oven to bake for 8 minutes on 180 *C.

    Tip: The more flour goes in the more pudding it will be. Less four means harder tomake as it will become more gooey.

  • 7/27/2019 Recipes gluten free


    Garlic chilli prawns

    Ingredients original:

    1 tsp of garlic

    90 gr butter


    3 basil leafs

    salt, pepper to taste

    Ingredients mine:

    300 gr prawns

    50 gr butter (more if needed)

    3 cloves of garlic crushed

    1 red chilli, medium long, finely chopped

    3 tbsp of basil, finely chopped

    salt and pepper to taste


    1. Clean and de-vein the prawns, tail can be left on for presentation purposes

    2. Season prawns with salt and pepper

    3. Melt butter in pan (dont burn it), put in garlic, chillies and half of basil leafs

    4. Put in the prawns and cook them on each side until done. The time depends on

    the size of the prawns. They turn opaque when cooked.

    5. About a minute before the end put in rest of basil

    Cooking time of prawns is about 5 minutes in total.

  • 7/27/2019 Recipes gluten free


    Tomato cheese tapas:

    Ingredients: (for 1 person, small dish)

    1 tomato

    40 gr taleggino cheese cut into cubes or cheese you can eat

    2 eggs, to put in with unbroken yolks

    chopped parsley, salt and pepper to taste

    thyme finely chopped

    (depending on the size of the dish you want to make you can add more tomatoes

    and cheese)


    1. Tomatoes seasoned with thyme pepper salt and olive oil, should be roasted in the

    oven for 3-4 hrs on 113*C

    2. Put tomatoes on the bottom of the pan, add the cheese and the chopped parsley

    3. Add the eggs, salt and pepper to taste.

    4. Put into the preheated oven on 220 *C for 10 minutes.

    5. Put onto the table in the dish it was baked in.

  • 7/27/2019 Recipes gluten free


    Chocolate mousse with olive oil:


    300 gr dark chocolate (100 gr)

    500 gr cream whipped (167-170 gr)

    200 ml of extra virgin olive oil (60-66 ml)

    Another (lethal) version (very chocolatey, only for occasions that you want to kill with

    itor dont have enough food):

    150 gr dark chocolate

    150 ml cream whipped

    3-4 tbsp olive oil


    1. Melt chocolate

    2. Whip cream

    3. Mix the oil into the chocolate

    4. Slowly mix in the chocolate into the cream

    Do not refrigerate. Eat that day.