118 Agenda Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495 ORDINARY MEETING 8 JULY 2020 10 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S UPDATE John Andrejic | 93/1/2 | #6259870V11 RECOMMENDATION: That Council notes the report. 1. MAJOR KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Water Supply Update On the 29 th June 2020, Copperlode Dam was sitting at 93.98 %, a 0.30% increase on the last fortnight. 65mm of rain fell in the Copperlode Dam catchment from the 15 th to the 28 th June. 15mm of rain fell in the same period last year. Water production from the 15 th to the 28 th June was 411.62ML from Copperlode Dam at an average of 29.40ML/day, an increase of 3.71ML/day production compared to the previous fortnightly update. Production from Behana Creek was 296.08ML from the 15 th to the 28 th June, at a daily average of 21.15ML/day, a decrease of 7.07ML/day production compared to the previous fortnight. -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 Spillway Relative Level (m) Copperlode Dam Spillway Level Level 1 Restrictions Level 2 Restrictions 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

RECOMMENDATION: That Council notes the report. AJOR KEY

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Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495


8 JULY 2020 10


John Andrejic | 93/1/2 | #6259870V11


That Council notes the report.

1. MAJOR KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Water Supply Update On the 29th June 2020, Copperlode Dam was sitting at 93.98 %, a 0.30% increase on the last fortnight. 65mm of rain fell in the Copperlode Dam catchment from the 15th to the 28th June. 15mm of rain fell in the same period last year. Water production from the 15th to the 28th June was 411.62ML from Copperlode Dam at an average of 29.40ML/day, an increase of 3.71ML/day production compared to the previous fortnightly update. Production from Behana Creek was 296.08ML from the 15th to the 28th June, at a daily average of 21.15ML/day, a decrease of 7.07ML/day production compared to the previous fortnight.














ve L


l (m


Copperlode Dam Spillway Level

Level 1Restrictions

Level 2Restrictions

2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20


Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

Employees Council’s employee number as at 1 July 2020 was 1,272 of which 1,039 are full-time permanent. Turnover rate is currently tracking at 9.95%, which is slightly below the KPI of 10% (this figure is based on full time permanent/part time permanent staff and does not include casual, temporary or agency staff). Councils current LTI’s of 42 is higher compared to the three year average of 26 Council’s current Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of 17.87 is higher than the three-year average of 11.58 The current Lost Time Injury Duration Rate (LTIDR) of 27.59 is lower than the three-year average of 37.83 Councils current ‘Days Lost’ due to injury for the financial year 2019/2020 is 1158.97 days that is currently higher than the three-year average of 983.95 days. 2. UPDATES FOR COUNCILLORS (Latest updates are in red) Legislation Update

The Electoral and Other Legislation (Accountability, Integrity and Other Matters) Amendment Act was passed by Parliament on 18 June 2020 which include:

o new register of interest provisions (in effect 12 October 2020)

o new and clarified conflict of interest requirements (in effect 12 October 2020)

o a system for regulating political advisors (in effect 12 October 2020)

o the requirement for councils to develop guidelines about councillor administration support staff (in effect 12 October 2020)

o provisions relating to the dissolution of a local government and administrators (in effect on assent)

o changes for filling councillor and mayor vacancies (in effect 12 October 2020).

Election Costs

Expenditure incurred by Council as determined by Queensland Electoral Commission for the 2020 Local Government Election was $693,870 (ex GST). This is payable (and has been paid) to the QEC for conducting the Cairns local government election.


Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

The table below provides a breakdown of the key cost elements:

Labour charges 398,901

Advertising and awareness 30,076

Election Materials 61,646

Office Space and polling booths 94,303

Computer consumables and communication costs 28,518

Freight and Postage 176,746

Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy (CHAS) – Our Cairns Coast

The Phase 5 Risk assessment is underway which will assess the risks of key assets within the Cairns local government area. The risk assessment will look at the economic, social and environmental impacts on these assets as a result of coastal hazards addressed in the development of the strategy including sea level rise, erosion and storm-tide inundation.

Work has commenced on Phase 6 to identify initial adaptation options.

Targeted stakeholder workshops were held during the month of November and February with key stakeholders. Key stakeholder engagement will help inform the finalisation of the risk assessment and the preliminary adaptation options. The next round of public consultation will now be scheduled as the COVID 19 restrictions have eased. An update on the upcoming consultation will be provided in the next CEO’s report.

Flying Fox Deterrents – CBD Library

Cairns Regional Council received approval from the Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) to implement deterrent measures to disperse and permanently relocate a nationally important population of spectacled flying fox located at 151 Abbott Street on Friday 15th May 2020.

A Flying Fox Relocation Management Team (FFRMT) has been established to implement Council September 2018 resolution to relocate the animals from the CBD Library.

An Implementation Plan was prepared by independent consultants and approved by the Federal regulator. An Operations Plan has been completed based on two rounds of risk assessment sessions held with key stakeholders.

The relocation activity will commence on 4 July 2020 and will be undertaken by appropriately qualified and experienced individuals and contractors and will fall outside of the flying fox birthing season. The flying foxes will only be dispersed or deterred using non-lethal methods, primarily noise and light.


Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

Friends of the Botanic Gardens

Friends of the Botanical Gardens has reopened their doors on the 29 June. Opening hours are 9am – 3pm.

Re-opening of Council Facilities

Council has again been approached by the Cairns District Family History Society to partner for the 2020 Shadows of the Past program. This annual program is hosted at the McLeod Street Historical Cemetery. The program is scheduled for the 4, 5, 11 and 12 September and tickets will be available from Ticketlink. In past years this has been a sell-out event. This year’s program is being curated by a local expert who will be working with five students from Smithfield High as well as five professional actors who will take on the role as mentors.

CPAC and Tanks 100 Club program – as at 2 July ticket sales were as follows:

o Stand-up comedians – sold out at 100 seats max

o David Hudson and Friends - 44 tickets

o NQ Chamber of Music – 34 tickets

o Best of the Understory Film Festival night – 15 tickets

o Leanne Tennant, Maggie Slater & Jelly Oshen – sold out at 100 seats max

o Zennith & Kaweyoya – sold out at 100 seats max

o Jeremiah Johnson and Jordon Brodie – 56 tickets

o Greta Stanley and Clara Satzke – sold out at 100 seats max

Officers are working closely with Arts Queensland and Queensland Health on an Industry COVID Safe Plan to increase maximum allowable attendees and ticket sales will be amended accordingly.

Barlow Park reopened to casual users (track and field training) on Monday 18 May 2020. Despite the restrictions on social distancing, the attendance numbers have been slowly increasing and as at the start of July are now at approximately 80% of the pre-COVID levels. Northern Pride resumed training on Tuesday 23 June 2020 and are currently doing 3 x sessions per week (as opposed to 5 per week pre-COVID) on West Barlow. Northern Pride have a COVID Safe Plan which has been approved by the NRL. There are currently no other active bookings for Barlow Park but there are multiple tentative event bookings in place from mid-July onwards. These bookings will be assessed pending further advice from the Queensland Government in relation to Stage 3.

Esplanade Active Living programs – officers are working with existing providers to determine their availability with a view to re-commencing the week beginning 6 July. Focus will be on social distancing messaging to patrons (reminders to be at the start of event and via fun activities during events). There will be more stringent safe measures in place (contact details of participants and sanitation supplies). Programs as per Council web site will include senior steady steps, chi gong and flow yoga, aqua aerobics and aqua zumba, pilates and skateboarding. Beach volley ball will also recommence but under an Industry Plan. Officers and trainers focus best endeavours with strong messaging of no contact, no shared equipment, byo gear particularly for large events such as Zumba fitness. Key messaging – Go, Exercise,


Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

Leave. Bouldering however will not recommence at this stage due to high degree of surface contact and proximity of participants.

The social distancing fencing at Muddies has also been removed.

Active Living in the Suburbs – officers are working with existing providers to reactivate this program across the suburbs commencing Monday 6 July.

o Brinsmead – Monday – Zumba

o North Trinity Beach – Tuesday – Seniors Fitness Gym

o Harald Falge Park – Wednesday – Fitness Everyone

o Norman Park – Thursday – Zumba

o Sims Esplanade – Thursday - Fitness for All

o North Trinity Beach – Friday – Fitness for All

o Ravizza Park – Friday – Fitness for All

o Ravizza Park – Friday – Zumba

o An additional program for the northern suburbs is being negotiated.

Libraries Update

Further to the update given by the State Premier on the 30 June, from noon 3 July 2020, patronage at Cairns Libraries will be determined by the 1 person to 4 sq. metre rule. To ensure ongoing public safety the following restricted services will now be available in the libraries:

o Pubic PC’s will now be available with social distancing controls

o Free public Wi-Fi services

o Access to magazines and newspapers.

Public programing and events (eg Story Time, Conversations Café, Tech Savvy Seniors) will recommence by the end of July with appropriate social distancing.

Federal Grant Funding

In December 2019, Council applied under the Australian Government’s Department of Health’s Driving Social Inclusion through Sport and Physical Activity grant program. Council has now been officially advised that it has been successful and an allocation of $195,920 (GST exclusive) has been made to Cairns (noting 850 applications were received for the $71m grant round).

The funding application was for specialised upskilling opportunities for sporting clubs to build their capacity to support participation of people with disabilities, specialised sporting equipment and accessible “come and try days” to provide tangible pathways for people with disabilities to participate in local sporting clubs and competitions. The application included provision for a Project Officer for a period of six (6) months to facilitate the delivery of program activities.


Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

The program will now be implemented based on 100% grant funding as there was no requirement for matching funds by Council. At the end of the program any equipment purchased will remain the property of Council and will be available for loan to NFP sporting clubs to further opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in their chosen sport.

Dam Outdoor Warning System

The installation of Outdoor Warning Stations (OWS) across the Redlynch and Brinsmead areas were completed in September 2019. The warning stations are a component of the Copperlode Dam Emergency Action Plan providing a critical communication tool to inform the residents in the very unlikely event of a dam wall failure.

Live testing of the installed OWS’s was undertaken on October 9, 2019. This testing involved each of the OWS’s being activated individually (twice) and then concurrently with all nine stations simultaneously (twice). The live testing was part of the commissioning of the OWS’s. The assessment of the live testing revealed a number of items that required rectification and then a subsequent round of testing to confirm completion.

Due to current travel restrictions, the contractor is unable to enter Queensland at this stage. Testing was scheduled to take place in April. Community notification has been provided regarding the postponement of testing until such time as travel restrictions have been lifted.

Workforce Planning COVID-19

With further restrictions easing on 3 July, all Library employees are no longer on stand down and have return to their nominal role. Councils Cultural Services are still operating in a reduced capacity because of COVID-19 restrictions. With some programming occurring in a restricted environment, a number of Cultural Services full staff have returned to their nominal roles as well as numerous casual staff. The current number of employees on stand down has reduced from 67 to 36.

8 Full Time

0 Part Time

28 Casuals

Council has also established an internal COVID-19 Temporary Recruitment Agency

whereby all displaced employees seeking redeployment are listed and matched to any

vacancies within Council.

To date, we have temporary positions for 11 of the 36 displaced employees. It should

be noted that a number of displaced staff have opted not to seek redeployment options.



Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

4. RISK AND COMPLIANCE Council’s Risk Management Framework was reported through the Audit Committee held on the 3 March 2020. A full review of all risks and their associated treatment plans has been undertaken. The Corporate Risk Register has been updated.


Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

5. MUNRO MARTIN PARKLAND ENQUIRIES No enquiries have been received since this report was last tabled. Given the impact of Covid 19 of public events and gatherings, officers consider that the below list of initial enquiries are unlikely to eventuate. However, a number of commercial in confidence discussions have commenced in relation to future performances and events. These will be reported to Council at the appropriate time. Organisation Date Proposed Event Description Status Last Action Update


Ronald McDonald House

Easter Easter Egg Hunt 1,000 parents & children – low key – only requirement is one entry point Gold Coin donation

Prelim discussions but unlikely to proceed

Quotation sent 26/2

Ronald McDonald House

Unknown Charity Ball Unknown at this stage Prelim discussions 13/02

AFL Cairns Unknown Season launch Unknown at this stage Unlikely to proceed 14/2

Japanese Society of Cairns

Unknown Sporting day for language students

Unknown at this stage Staff recommended Barlow Park as a more suitable option


Hospital Foundation

Unknown NFP Market Day Unknown at this stage Event organiser agreed Fogarty Park is more suitable venue.


Grass is Greener Unknown Contemporary music festival

Unknown at this stage Enquiry form supplied to organiser


TGLive Unknown Music performance Unknown at this stage Request withdrawn by organiser



Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495


Grant Id Grant Name Grant Body Name Grant Type Body Type

Grant Status Application Date

Grant Value ($000)


1232 Cairns Gallery Precinct - Arts QLD Funding

Arts Queensland Capital State Application 2/5/2018 13,267 Executive

1330 Edmonton Pool - Building Our Regions Round 5 (BOR R5)

Dept of State Development Manufacturing Infrastructure & Planning

Capital State Application 30/8/2019 3,000 CS&CS

1343 School Transport Infrastructure Program (STIP) - Woree State School, State High and Cairns Special School – signalisation of Windarra and Rigg Street intersection

TMR Capital State Application Ideas Application


1347 DTMR - Barr Creek Bridge (NBLT) - Cycling Network Local Gov Grant Program 20/21

TMR Capital State Application 10/1/2020 1,941 CS&CS

1359 Mt Whitfield Conservation Park Emergency Access – DRFA

Queensland Reconstruction Authority Operating State Application 66 IS

1361 RAF Community Project Grant January –February 2020

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development & Communications

Operating Federal Application 28/2/2020 30 CS&CS

1362 Passenger Transport Accessible Infrastructure Program 2020/21 (PTAIP)

Dept Transport & Main Roads Capital State Application 223 IS

1363 Bus Stop Shelter Program (BSSP) 2020/21

Dept Transport & Main Roads Capital State Application 304 IS

1368 Festivals Australia Grant Dept Infrastructure Transport Regional Development And Communities

Operating Federal Application 22/3/2020 41 CS&CS

1371 TIDS 2020-21 – LRRS Dept Transport & Main Roads Capital State Application 2,622 IS

1383 Australian Council Resilience Fund Australia Council for the Arts Operating Federal Application 28/5/2020 20 CS&CS

1385 Bridge Renewal Program Round 5 – Behana Gorge road Bridge 2

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

Capital Federal Application 28/5/2020 610 IS


Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

Grant Id Grant Name Grant Body Name Grant Type Body Type

Grant Status Application Date

Grant Value ($000)


1386 Heavy Vehicle Safety & Productivity Program (HVSPP) Round 7j - Links Drive

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

Capital Federal Application 28/5/2020 980 IS

1393 Arts QLD- COVID-19 Re-opening Pilot Programs

Arts Queensland Operating State Application 1/6/2020 53 CS&CS

1394 Works for Queensland W4Q 2020-21 COVID Program

Dept Of Local Government Racing And Multicultural Affairs

Capital State Application 19/5/2020 7,420 IS

1398 Growing Tourism Infrastructure Fund - Esplanade Dining Precinct

Depart Of State Development Tourism & Innovation

Capital State Application 23/6/2020 5,000 Executive

Successful / Active Grants

Grant Id Grant Name Grant Body Name Grant Type Body Type

Grant Status

Grant Value ($000)


997 RADF Grant Arts Queensland Operating State Active 118 CS&CS

1050 Cycleway - Palm Cove/Trinity Bch (Design only) - Cycle Network

Dept of Transport & Main Roads Capital State Active 100 CS&CS

1062 Cycleway - Palm Cove/Trinity Bch (construction) - Cycle Network

Dept of Transport & Main Roads Capital State Active 2,500 CS&CS

1079 Black Spot 2017/18 Program - Intersection of Grafton St/Aplin St

Dept of Transport & Main Roads Capital State Active 73 IS

1139 The Precinct, Cairns Performing Arts Centre (Arts QLD)

Arts Queensland Capital State Active 15,000 CS&CS

1145 Works for Queensland 2017-19 Dept of Infrastructure Local Government and Planning

Capital State Active 15,080 Finance

1147 RJIP - Cairns International Tennis Centre (Centre Court Roof)

Dept of Industry Innovation and Science Capital Federal Active 1,000 CS&CS

1148 RJIP - Martyn St Netball Court (Centre Court Roof)

Dept of Industry Innovation and Science Capital Federal Active 1,000 CS&CS

1150 RJIP - Northern Beaches Leisure Trail Dept of Industry Innovation and Science Capital Federal Active 2,865 CS&CS

1153 RJIP - Courthouse Dept of Industry Innovation and Science Capital Federal Active 2,100 CS&CS

1167 DILGP LGGSP 2017/19 - FNQ Water Regional Water Laboratory

Dept of Infrastructure Local Government and Planning

Capital State Active 1,515 W&W


Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

Grant Id Grant Name Grant Body Name Grant Type Body Type

Grant Status

Grant Value ($000)


1173 Cairns Safer Communities Project - Safer Communities Fund - Round 2

Dept of Industry Innovation and Science Capital Federal Active 282 P&E

1181 TMR Cycle Grants - Dunne Road (To connect Yorkeys Knob to Smithfield)

Dept of Transport & Main Roads Capital State Active 1,000 CS&CS

1194 Recreation Fishing Strategy Implementation

Dept of Agriculture & Fisheries Operating State Active 100 Executive

1203 Building Our Regions (BOR) Round 4 - Cairns Material Recovery Facility

Dept of State Development Manufacturing Infrastructure & Planning

Capital State Active 3,000 W&W

1225 Natural Disaster Resilience Program NDRP - Freshwater Creek Flood Alert System

Queensland Reconstruction Authority Capital State Active 80 HR

1228 Innovation & Improvement Fund Round 2 - LG Planning & Development Shared Services Toolkit

Dept of State Development Manufacturing Infrastructure & Planning

Operating State Active 97 P&E

1230 Building Our Regions Round 4 - MMP Back of House

Dept of State Development Manufacturing Infrastructure & Planning

Capital State Active 650 CS&CS

1237 QCoast 2100 Coastal Hazard - Adaptation Strategy

LGAQ Operating State Active 431 P&E

1240 Smart Cities & Suburbs Program Round 2 - Smart Urban Irrigation Project

Dept Industry, Innovation & Science Capital Federal Active 250 IS

1242 2018/19 Blackspot - Gatton/Severin Intersection

Dept of Transport & Main Roads Capital Federal Active 165 IS

1243 2018/19 Blackspot - Cyclists Roundabout Upgrade

Dept of Transport & Main Roads Capital Federal Active 370 IS

1245 2019/2020 Black Spot Program - Roundabout Upgrades (Cycling)

Dept Transport & Main Roads Capital Federal Active 372 IS

1252 Innovation & Improvement Fund Round 2 - Designing for Density in the Tropics

Dept of State Development Manufacturing Infrastructure & Planning

Operating State Active 105 P&E

1253 Cairns Libraries 2018-2019 Book Grant stock purchases

State Library of Queensland Capital State Active 825 CS&CS

1259 Resource Recovery Industry Development Program (RRIDP) – EOI – C&D Recycling Facility

Dept of State Development Manufacturing Infrastructure & Planning

Capital State Active 240 W&W


Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

Grant Id Grant Name Grant Body Name Grant Type Body Type

Grant Status

Grant Value ($000)


1262 First 5 Forever (2019 - 2021) State Library of Queensland Operating State Active 308 CS&CS

1263 Building Better Regions Fund Round 3 - MMP Stage 2

Dept of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Capital Federal Active 500 CS&CS

1280 2019/20 Cycle Network – Dunne Road to McGregor Road Connection

Dept Transport & Main Roads Capital State Active 42 CS&CS

1281 2019/20 Cycle Network – Brinsmead to Freshwater Connection

Dept Transport & Main Roads Capital State Active 175 CS&CS

1282 LGGSP - Henley’s Hill No. 3 & 4 Reservoir Refurbishment

Dept of Local Government, Racing & Multicultural Affairs

Capital State Active 1,078 W&W

1295 Full STEAM ahead State Library of Queensland Operating State Active 30 CS&CS


Dexter Bridge Gordonvale - Replacement of one lane timber bridge with two lane concrete bridge

Dept Infrastructure & Regional Development & Cities

Capital Federal Active 700 IS

1304 Active Living Suburbs North Queensland Primary Healthcare Network Limited

Operating Other Active 30 CS&CS

1305 Works for Queensland 2019-2021 Dept of Local Government, Racing &

Multicultural Affairs Capital Federal Active 14,450 IS

1306 Works for Queensland 2019-2021 Dept of Local Government, Racing &

Multicultural Affairs Capital Federal Active 14,450 IS

1309 Roads to Recovery 2019-2024 Dept Infrastructure & Regional Development

& Cities Capital Federal Active 9,153 IS

1311 DTMR Bus Stop Shelter Program Dept Transport & Main Roads Capital State Successful 190 IS

1313 Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme 2019/20 - Cook St Bridge

Dept Transport & Main Roads Capital; State Active 750 IS

1314 Large Electricity Customer Adjustment Payment Scheme (LCAT) - Regional Business Customer Support Package

Dept of Resources, Energy & Tourism Capital State Successful 299 P&E

1317 Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) for reconstruction works for the North and Far North Queensland Monsoon Trough, 25 January - 14 February 2019 Event

Queensland Reconstruction Authority Capital State Active 705 IS


Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

Grant Id Grant Name Grant Body Name Grant Type Body Type

Grant Status

Grant Value ($000)


1318 FNQ & NQ Monsoon Trough - Category C Flexible Funding Grants Program - Disaster Resilience and Recovery in the Cairns Business Sector

Depart of Communities Disability Services & Seniors

Operating State Active 45 HR

1319 FNQ & NQ Monsoon Trough - Category C Flexible Funding Grants Program - Building Community Economic Capacity through understanding Insurance Levels -

Depart of Communities Disability Services & Seniors

Operating State Active 37 HR

1321 FNQ & NQ Monsoon Trough - Category C Flexible Funding Grants Program - Protective Abilities and Resilience Capabilities of Local Ecosystems

Depart of Communities Disability Services & Seniors

Operating State Active 45 HR

1328 Get Ready Queensland 2019-20 Queensland Reconstruction Authority Operating State Active 61 HR

1329 Illegal Dumping Partnership Program 2019 Dept Environment and Science Capital State Successful 200 P&E

1331 DRFA Category D Environment Recovery Program - Holloways Beach & Erosion

Dept Environment and Science Capital Federal Active 329 IS

1333 Cairns Libraries 2019-2020 Book Grant stock purchases SLQ

State Library of Queensland Capital State Active 817 CS&CS

1334 Communities Environment Program - Saltwater Creek

Australian Government Envirofund Operating Federal Successful 15 W&W

1338 ARC Disability and Dead Puppets Theatre Collection for CNS Children's Fest 2020

Arts Queensland Operating State Successful 41 CS&CS

1339 Flame.Arts Road Trip Arts Queensland Operating State Active 45 CS&CS

1341 Driving Social Inclusion Through Sport & Physical Activity

Department of Health Operating Federal Successful 250 CS&CS

1344 Tech Savvy Seniors Queensland 2019/2020

State Library of Queensland Operating State Successful 10 CS&CS

1345 Great Barrier Reef Masters Games 2021 & 2023

Tourism & Events Queensland Operating State Successful 100 HR

1348 Ecofiesta 2020 - TEQ – QDEP Round 14 (Destination)

Tourism & Events Queensland Operating State Active 10 HR


Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

Grant Id Grant Name Grant Body Name Grant Type Body Type

Grant Status

Grant Value ($000)


1365 Regional Recycling Transport Assistance Package

Dept Environment and Science Operating State Successful 250 W&W

1366 Active Community Infrastructure Grant - Griffiths Park

The State of Queensland (Housing & Public Works)

Capital State Successful 1,000 CS&CS

1369 Passenger Transport Infrastructure - PTAIP - Fretwell Rd Bus Stops

Dept of Transport & Main Roads Capital State Successful 66 IS

1370 Blackspot 2020/21 Program - Intersections Sheridan/Aplin St & Digger/McKenzie St

Dept of Transport & Main Roads Capital State Active 590 IS

1372 Building Resilience in Recovery Through Food Contingencies for the Cairns Region

Dept Communities, Disability Services and Seniors

Operating State Sucessful 10 HR

1373 Cairns Resilient Communications for Disaster Response & Recovery

Dept Communities, Disability Services and Seniors

Operating State Sucessful 119 HR

1384 Get Ready Queensland 2020/21 Queensland Reconstruction Authority Operating State Successful 68 HR

1399 NQSP - Active Living Suburbs 2020 - MoveIT NQ

NQ Sports Foundation Operating Other Successful 20 CS&CS

Unsuccessful/Closed/Acquitted Grants (in last 3 months)

Grant Id Grant Name Grant Body Name Grant Type Body Type

Grant Status Grant Value ($000)


1146 RJIP - Alley Park Club Amenities Building

Dept of Industry Innovation and Science Capital Federal Acquittal Accepted

600 CS&CS

1233 Get Playing Female Facilities Fund Dept Of National Parks Sport and Racing Capital State Acquittal Accepted

500 CS&CS

1265 Building Better Regions Fund Round 3 - Pride of Place, Youth Urban Art Project

Dept of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Operating Federal Acquittal Accepted

50 CS&CS

1297 Cairns Active Living Suburbs North Queensland Sports Foundation Operating Other Closed 15 CS&CS

1323 Fearnley Street Boat Ramp Car Park Upgrade - Building Our Regions Round 5 (BOR R5)

Dept of State Development Manufacturing Infrastructure & Planning

Capital State Unsuccessful 500 IS

1332 Cairns Esplanade Dining Precinct - Building our Regions Round 5 - BOR R5

Dept of State Development Manufacturing Infrastructure & Planning

Capital State Unsuccessful 300 P&E


Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 8 July 2020 - #6411495

Grant Id Grant Name Grant Body Name Grant Type Body Type

Grant Status Grant Value ($000)


1342 School Transport Infrastructure Program (STIP) - Redlynch State College – alternate exit on Jungarra Rd to reduce congestion on the single lane roundabout

TMR Capital State Application Cancelled

Ideas Application


1346 State Emergency Services (SES) Support Grant – QFES 2019/20

Queensland Fire & Emergency Services Capital State Acquittal Accepted

65 HR

1367 Research, Evaluate, Inform – SLQ State Library of Queensland Operating State Application Cancelled

30 CS&CS

John Andrejic Chief Executive Officer