¯ :’"[,-._ ........ ¯, . (: ’ ¯ FARmeRS ORCAmZE,.ACTIV . - ’A~.~iATIONTO A’ID c, i~,!And;?ColliltY "Boulevard. Factors .... Iii ¯ ,i)evelopment ~ soil -Grows BiCroxis. :/;: . . ¯ -=_L. " The enterp~sing d klm~l~uWeal IreldaJe. They b~ve Aes0e~tkm ind am 0phulld [he nelKbborh&)gL tn way poesY. ble, frequent mee~ngaa~held .andtbeeets b Strn~ spirit of ~’ pull together" amour the nmldenis ", ~ ". , - - iI~ ’a eleular .~tter now:b~ns d~trlbuted nmoug ownem ofpmlmrty An the u~ghbor. .. bad Of,lAtOeeldal~.~, ~e.Amoclattoum~e: ..... ’*,We. the realdenti’of I~ueeidal~ under- sited that you m a prope’~ty owner of this See~on wh~h~ form’tng loins new settlement and.we Wouldlike to tell you of the Aesoch~ t/on we. Who are nlread, y residents, have Jbrmed for .~he f~ture welfare and tm-, propmen! 0fthecommnnlty. What.we .have toIF.sboqld jntorm’t,ym~ forwhetheryo~ ta. tend to make It your homeor.hold the tnnd for in Invmtment eVery advancement will -,fleet Ifvlmlty. *’ Wewish. to esy n~thtn~ to mhdmd you, but we want toglve you oil the luforu~aUonin our power u we have it from personal expert- enos. We have alJ~mdy obtained l~al livery and with such nn excellent road u the "Miytl I~tndJng boulevtt~ runnidk right - ~be hasrtofthls dJet~qet It IS dmtlned In the near ruth re 10 beaome, one dr the popuk)os and preaperoue sotliemente in Vkdnity, ’,Thesolil~iu good u san be found whePe .snd ~a~ff adaptable" to fruit~ nnd . ¯ 8srd?ul~r,,~J~eu it Is once ~ured and put { ~’~ l~aiO~_!h~....,~bs grow with wonderful repido ,~, ." .~i StY. TheeLsmite IS ezJremely healthy u ~*~ " ~ve ~1 ezpeflenead i t‘.beneftcsl eflleet~. The ~ . iDeatiOn as youknow for yourself Is excellent, Ill. , Thealrand water unexcelled, r " : ~: / u The obJe0t of this AscenSion le to. cr~te ~’ friendly, reis.Uon among nelghbom and bY eombtnMion |eture better conditions In this | k~dity. ~di enter this sm0~nUon on equal ndgbta wlth the president s8 all quesflo ns are ~ebled by majority vote. " ii We~ bmldsd tolgether to give all ~- acmes wtqoomesud to makeyou feel that yon have come amon~frlend~, not straeprs, to. encourge and am~t you In any p~ulble way that we nan. so we bopo-that all are within reasmMd~Je distnnes that~ve not so far Joined, . WJU m that It is to their benefit to doso" and : help along, with. the good work alraady’l 4 , :r LANDING, N. L,. SATUR~)A¥, AUGUST 7, 1915. . . . r r., "--’--.~. ’~. rt~ ~rOm all ~ of the eounW me( 1 " HO~ ~tum In tax Plant Lice Trodblesome’-. Fer- ’~m of~x Xq~t~ iili~ation Of" PeachesiTo~to dupli~ .will .~ 10us over by and mtm ~ulted for the vaflou~ ]~Seases ~ Poultry Notes Of ¯ In llamli _t~l~l~l~nshlp them isll rednetlou Interest. , , In vtluiiu~Vlmonttug to ~umor lti~rry , ~ t ;oWfln~ JUlt now P~"t .0e. of yaH0ue ,peele Inr¢~- | made~ tug young\ipp~ ~ tonmto~ IX~toes, d the ’thX’ from-.thls In- are 6xelfl~r ~ ~’ fW;~.~’I, t" 0. act ]lkily t ,~ler~0dhl/’tiiertodllll. that with:the pimeuthjil5 tbdiple!tllree thay 0wilelibtp Of eertaln will Idng ll~qd~. Uud~I=~’ conditlOM of n running through the Town- wenth~thelr imru~ic enemlm umtmlly sweep " ’" them quickly aw~. I~lUge~ lice are gristly ; he y~i WIll not be known for swollen, a~d k~k s good deal Hke usailseede Nveml. weeks .but..wI~ ~kely, be about the u their dee~ bedim tie glued to the lenve~ m.~e’ as that of last y~tr, I~.~ Comparlmn~ If the liee in any case are doing morgue dam- ~w~ thl~ and ~et yeats flgut~ are fur* age and If the le~vm are not not aural m--, to n~hed :by the ~followlng Lqble: ". protect’ them, they should be prompUy q)eayed 1~ ~t~4~ ......... 1914 1915 with a mixture of~40 per een~ u~otlne eut- :~ .., ~ pha~, water nnd ~p, uMngl pdrt’of’~he 40 per mm~ nlce~ue sulphite ~ l ixlrts of watllr :mlztu~ "For ~pmying a row pisnt~ t‘aspoon~ul 6f the. n~coUno ~iplmteto one gallon of wator, to which (me ounce of~p ha8 been added, shoul~ be u~ed. The Spraying must be so oneefally doll thl£ ell th~lJee will be drenched, or the resells will be ummt~aetory..When the lies are protested b’y ~e ~r~d l¢~vek In.de of wbfeh theY.live, ipl’i~ul..tlllklly to prove hnmU~sotm’y. Plania likely ’to be lice infested should be go mteefully watehe~ by the grower that tl3eir hret mq)pe~m/’nee will be noted. They should be sprayed In a thorough manner as ~ u first nollea(L In this way the~ will" be de- ¯ t~)yed and the plant‘ will be proteethd from In~ury.’ here are many dbum~e~ of the tomato which ~tuso more or le~ 10~ but these which prom- ~eto be fneat eeHOn~ this year are the ietf .b~gbt’ m~aic and the will TI~leaf blight siart~ wlth the tower k~ye~ flrelFnppesring as ~I black spots, followed by a y~lowlng nnd dropping of the learn throughout the ~Uon. ltesn be by npmylng with Bordeaux Mixture. The mosaic IS.I pesullar, dimes that Is not well nnder~cod. It eau~m a mottling of the leaves ~d/frequenfly reduction of the leaf Imrfsee.~lIMlll .h.~ylllieate41 phinta will predlme a very ~6od crop, but eerlomdy sffeeted plants produel/, little Or no fruit lllid frequently die very early. The wilt ~U ~ 1 [ ~U ~ a ~ fl i~ a dying of the plan~ Whe6 the siebu| of one of them dimmaed pt‘nis Is eel aetna near the ground, ttwtU be fom~ to/ow mmoreor u-- wellde. fined ¢~reAe ofbrown~-h or bl~k lluuea. It ili the moat torero of the tomato d~mtm~ the tlonthern 8t~te~ but it is be hoped that our Northern Wtator" ~1. t~d to hold 1t In cheek In ’New Jer"ey. The Demonstrator will be glad toadvlN farmere in protcothlg U~lr scope. ,..,,,,.o... IW .... .. BOARD TO~8"" s Wh’o Wlgh ’Tr~Ipo~atlon Must " p " r : Notify O l!rk. , ¯ ;. ~. p~i I. ~II~ ~ip ~,~og triusportanon am urgE’ :tO .~ D~Utot Clerk Clark ft, B@rret~ ~.~ lemlt a weekb~ore .the oPenllllg of tim Fall term so &rnmpment‘ mnbe made by the ~ ~BdueaU~’ ¯ Blda have been ~Ivedlmt~t for# the propmak appearing In soother column, for ttlasportlng puplkon thrmmutm: NO;l, MoK~ ~ty to ~’s ;,l~tadiUL s~ at Grtmert’s; No.~ from We~ Egg ltlrbor starting it Melien’s; NO.& h’om "Blreh’s Mills siarflug-lit 8o~th Rlvir Bridge. The B0~rd llarranltni to imrehaee a iml ferule on the third route, dr|care turnlehing their ownvehleks on rou~s oueaad two. Dr. Charles Mellevllle-Rltz. Af~t a feW days lllnem Dr..l~Jts, oaly brother of wlr~ Laura Williams Colwell, dled sud~e..a, ly AugUSt 4, at hl; residence in l~wl~. ~WO’ ~ "1 The deeenl~l ~ Wq~ly known and highly re,peered. P0esea~ed !of s mo~ Ipmlal and sunny dimpmlt|on, he made many tdend‘amonK ill oisme~- He wasscultured gentleman, and a ~hclar of cenMderabl~ co- nown. HIe mind was n store-house of mush .eisnnfl~ literary cud prsetJeal’ knowledge. fie had a remarkable memory and his opinion wn8 ~ sought, FOr ihformation nnd fluid- He w~ a graduate of the Ciillleilatodeparl. meet of the P0nmr/Ivenla Uuivenflty t and of the Medical dei~rtmeut. After greduallng, bebemmere~t ltiysielan FOr aurae of the PennsylvatibltlmpltaL In a chin of over one -... ¯ .. i RECORD. ,COVER. Clio : ;0,, ::cou, am, HEAL ESTATE TBANSFE ’o, ..:.., :d o,,. PLACED ON RECUFI[i .- Plants That Make t-~t~ Success. , 8p~k~g of ~over,’ emj~ , Demonstrator ..... .]~t~-. ~, thW t~uy:: ,’~ntldinx up ~11Brief Description of the Properti~ ~er~lilty with ~o limit e~gpe~ is one "of the That HaveChanged Hands and grmtesi q u~tl0us e~mf~onMng farmer~ to-dly, esPeebM~rU~0sointhe~dthorn part0fJeraey the Considerations ~s Shown by where the~oll Is of a Io~e and Indy loam. Cue of the best way~ to add humus and plant f.ood,~o ~ soil Is by the:. ~ ~ cover cyopl. The qnwU0u nat0rally ~ What is the belt gra~togroWTor~t:er0p, how much per acre aha w~)- th~’l~e to :~ ~- : ,"/To ~ the!~., rt enter crop It would ,b~ neestmry to know.th~rdMeltfarmer wlshe~ t0’sow, but I will sO~omc good crops that canb~u~ed ~r eOTem~fferent tlme~ of the year,. From the ml~la<~: February until the luto(Marehilmtl i-t bllhsi of C~nad~ field WhorelX3~[bl~Uzel~Mrkh0uld.be .own first nsd do~ersd ~’i ~ ~ deep and then the " lind ~ln about ,me inch¯ months ~oy beans Files of Clerk’s °Office¯ Atlantic City. W~l~er K. (~vll~er el. uz¯ to Ailcta l.~ineril, 75x375 ft. undlvlded 1.2 hiter~t In G)llowlug: W4~t sld~ of (J~m Aye. I00R. North of )%dri- ntlc Ave’. IL ¯ P, amuel Ireland eta ux¯ to ~urtis Freebee, ~ z125 ft. Eaztslde of Montpeller Ave. 330 ft. orth of Falrmount Ave¯lift00. Curtis Framb~ el. ux. to David Purnell el. al¯ described as above,~7,154. ’ ’ LudowLoa HIll el cir. to C~ty of Atlanile C~ty, 10W ft. Northwest cerne~ of Ventnor Ave. and AberdeenPlace; ~0. Petrofl-l~mley Co.to Mahlo~ W¯ Newton.50x lndcowd)~l 140 ft. Went side of Taihthn~ee Ave. 190 ft. ¯ dd.a high peresnt, humus to North of Ventnor Ave 15~0¯ IS from Illrah T. 0rowley eL vlr. to Mabel M. Croala ~’e~t of Robinson~ Av~ 82~500. Umesthey ire ilwn In rows. l-ioybe~ns and Jes~ph I~ Bartlett, ~ber.iff to Atl~llc ~ L’owpe~.alm)make n very good forage, but Lumber Co. 25ili0 fL Houthe~ml corner of Arc- they ire very hard to cur~ For the la~e Bum-fie and i~ Ayes. $10,~. mer~dF~lcovercroP~,e°veringimrtofJuly " Joseph it.. Bartlet~ ~heriff to bfarga~tha AugUst up Until the second week~n 5¢ptember8~Uber, ~xg0 fL Eaet ~ld" of In’diana Ave. SO there are a number of g0odcover crops we ca~x ft. 8oath of l,lneoln Ave‘|1,210. Sowmuchus crimson c~)ver, w~pter or hsdr~ Ellis Aaron to Michael Moldower, 80xl~L5 R. ¯ ~telz, which.are’ l~t~..Theoe recom- 8outh~k~t corner of Arctlc and North Carollna mended for August, September and October lave LIlO~ ¯ two, wheat, barley, and cow horn turnips John P. Rein eL ux. to C. Howard GJlberl, If the’shove grau ~ k sown alone the t~ta- 14~ ~ I~mth Ride of Pitney Ave. 72 t~. ~ of Use recommend, the following: erhn’~on Vermont ATe. eta. ~0. elover, from]Sto2~Ixmndt:wqeh:~10ponnds; Lln~ C. l~ndts eL cir. to Mahlon W. New- rye, 1 1-2 bushel; wheat, 1 1-2 bushel ; barley, 1 1-2 bushel Cow born turnips are seldom sownalone, hut when mixed, from I to3qn&rt8 per sere is recommend~L "Followlnggresomegood mizture~ for an ’O~rd, If~own from the middle of July tO the~ceud weekIn August: 12 pound, of cglm- son eJover; I0 pot~nds of.vetch imd I-2 pound of coWHorn turnlp~ Lfa erop 1~ sown from the mlddle of A~Inlt to lira middle .of September the following would make a good cover: 8 Ibm. of(irimson eloVer; 1~ lb. of vetch and 40 ih. of rye. If there Ise hnrdandcemlatCL snb~o. II, 1 1-2 ton eL aht. 2~x140 ft. West ~de of Tallahmee Ave. 275 ~ North’of Ve~tnor Ave. e~ ~7~.. Walter J. Brooksel ux. to WilliamN. ~ob~n - sou, SOx/~5 IL East ilde Of’Avolyn. Av~ ~0 ft. ~qorth of Wlneb~lter Ave‘ fT~ Cl~rlee J. Brookl eL u’x. Io ~ ~ ~0z 100 ft. North 8ide of ~~ of OhioAve. $1. l~me to asme, ISxl~ ’ft. West side of Jeffer. Son Place. l~Ofl. North of Ontario Ave. $I. John J. fila~ghen el aia to HeWn Oaughen. ~ ~’ ~" ~ ~ ~ ~1~0 ~ hundred graduate~ ~)r. IUt~ ranked third In Expeflment~iatlon hie been condueUng ex- prevtoua year. clover, would not grow the second mlzthm woqld ~tks a "better cover than the find. In .sowlng,,the legumes wbere the farmer is at all un~q~iu" about a IF)od’ aatch It is~t tO m~ Lm~qllaUon, for In nnmy oases where the inocutatton lure been used it ~t had doubled the crop.. NO OFFICIAL CONVBI110R FOR BULL HOOS[ IR JERSEY :’ ’¯7 ,,~: & MISCELLANEOUS RECOROS . AND REAL ESTATE NEWS Cancelled Mortgagesl Releasers nnd Others Entered.at Clerk’s Office. Cancellation ~f Mortgages, Atlantic City¯ John H. Hlyoft to Marine Trading Co. 75x 375 ft. W~t side Ocean Ave. North of Adriatic Ave. ~.~. P~Itlo A.Caile~der to Mary F~terbrook.lr~.g. We~t side ~nth Carolina Ave. ~ouLI) ot~Paciflc Ave. $5fl~0. ¯ Nellie 1.1pplficott to Commonw~llth Jtealty (~. ~xl~ ft. F~mt slde Conneetlcut Ave. Houtli of ArcticAve. 41706. Jtmepil.W. Hor.er to’Jacob H.Kay,75xl~ ft. P, onth side Whleh~ter Ave." ~onUieasl of Treii- ton A re. t4,0oO. Charle~ I’,. Myer~ to Camden V3afe I)elxl~| t a~ld Trust Co. 175xTJO0 ft. F~t aide New Jer.ey Ave. ~oUth of Ortental A vs. ~,000. Mahlon ~’. ,Newto~ to Joseph C. "Emley’.~3x fL ~outh~J~,Con Montgomery e.d At~n tic Ave~ $15,000. H’oW~rd Ware to o%tlantlc City Police ~Y~ll~-- flctil Asso. ~0x75 fL ~outhwestside Madison Ave. ~outh~t of Morninpide .Av~. |I,000. A~ro. herin to Hannum Lumber Co." 50x ]00 fL’F~ side M~ou~ Ave. South m Pacific Av~ $1,5110. ms above, $1,000. Romnn Mon tez to Harry ~3choelithal West side of South Carolina A.ve. South from Medlterraneafl Ave. $2,500, Ifm~e Bach~rach to Athtntlc Coaat B. & IJ. A~o. 165x2~2.fi fL 8outhea~t oor. Adr~Ue ~ld W’HOLE NUMBER 1981. ¯t/ I" ;OUL MATES" LISTED ,. FOil TfliAL UEFOBE ’ JllOt;F SHINN TO’OAY SPECIAL COURT SESSION TO AIR PIjEASANTV.ILLE ESCAPADE 80TH HELD iN COUNTY JAiL Inability To SecureBondsmen. Iff, duces Thenl ’To WaiveIndict- ment And Jury Trial--Other Dcfendanls To Be Arrnigned’--- Pleas Not Know~. Mrs. A. W. l~s. who i~ ~aid to 15e the w/feet a well known Baltimore mercb:tnt ned nnw a prisoner nt the Countv Jhti with ThomasF. Cunnlngbxtm, Jr., of lChilbdelphis, awalllug .’.{~ morulugwhen ,, special e~lon of court will.:.’ be held. Cunningham will app(mrboforaUle court at the same time. ¯ Mr~BO~ slgne~ her name to (t waiver Idgnl- fyl_ng her "~/lllthgne~ to aplx~r before Judge cool, dry roomor c~l~sr and market them et lent twice a week. Folh)w throe rulm and you will make more money with your poultry "flock. " Peaches In Plenty. lloek|ter~ are begthnlng U) Invade the town With dellclouspe~ebe~ frmh from earroqnd- tug orchard& wbh-hire lelfing at prlce~ rnag* log from 50 to &3 ~ntS..Yesterday a ~mer had a number of ~o~ ~h~ ftrat qualily whl~ he lid il hll~ollr i IkeL. The peach crop l heavy’thai year, (he fruit of good quality end there will’ be plenty in the market throughQut the eelso, l at tow pr~ce~ New SummerVisitors. Mr. and Mt~L Ci~ (3ca. tip~ or Ta~ony. lht., ere spen.41ng’the t~ummerat Meadow- c,.e~ on the (treal Fa Harbor. H~ney For Sale. Oombaadez~ lamey. Wbofmslesad Ad~lr/~, Charles I. Hill, Box 2~4. May’l t~udlug. N, J.--4dv. Fen~o For 8ale. Newfinn fe~/sq~ See U¢0~e Abt~u, May’s llnding.--Adv. \ \

RECORD. - Atlantic County Library · AugUst up Until the second week ~n 5¢ptember 8~Uber, ~xg0 fL Eaet ~ld" of In’diana Ave. SO there are a number of g0od cover crops we ca~x ft

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Page 1: RECORD. - Atlantic County Library · AugUst up Until the second week ~n 5¢ptember 8~Uber, ~xg0 fL Eaet ~ld" of In’diana Ave. SO there are a number of g0od cover crops we ca~x ft

¯ :’" [,-._ ........

¯, . (: ’ ¯


c,i~ ,! And;?ColliltY "Boulevard. Factors.... Iii ¯ ,i)evelopment ~ soil -Grows

Bi Croxis.:/;: . . ¯ -=_L.

" The enterp~sing d

klm~l~u Weal

IreldaJe. They b~veAes0e~tkm ind am

0phulld [he nelKbborh&)gL tn way poesY.ble, frequent mee~ngaa~held .andtbeeetsb Strn~ spirit of ~’ pull together" amour thenmldenis ", ~ ". , - -iI~ ’a eleular .~tter now:b~ns d~trlbuted

nmoug ownem ofpmlmrty An the u~ghbor... bad Of,lAtOeeldal~.~, ~e.Amoclattoum~e: .....

’*,We. the realdenti’of I~ueeidal~ under-sited that you m a prope’~ty owner of thisSee~on wh~h ~ form’tng loins new settlementand.we Would like to tell you of the Aesoch~t/on we. Who are nlread, y residents, haveJbrmed for .~he f~ture welfare and tm-,propmen! 0fthecommnnlty. What.we .havetoIF.sboqld jntorm’t,ym~ forwhetheryo~ ta.tend to make It your home or.hold the tnndfor in Invmtment eVery advancement will-,fleet Ifvlmlty.

*’ We wish. to esy n~thtn~ to mhdmd you,but we want toglve you oil the luforu~aUon inour power u we have it from personal expert-enos. We have alJ~mdy obtained l~allivery and with such nn excellent road u the"Miytl I~tndJng boulevtt~ runnidk right- ~be hasrtofthls dJet~qet It IS dmtlnedIn the near ruth re 10 beaome, one dr thepopuk)os and preaperoue sotliemente inVkdnity,

’,Thesolil~iu good u san be foundwhePe .snd ~a~ff adaptable" to fruit~ nnd

. ¯ 8srd?ul~r,,~J~eu it Is once ~ured and put{ ~’~ l~aiO~_!h~....,~bs grow with wonderful repido

,~, ." .~i StY. TheeLsmite IS ezJremely healthy u~*~ " ~ve ~1 ezpeflenead i t‘.beneftcsl eflleet~. The

~ . iDeatiOn as you know for yourself Is excellent,Ill. , Thealrand water unexcelled, r " :~: / u The obJe0t of this AscenSion le to. cr~te~’ friendly, reis.Uon among nelghbom and bY

eombtnMion |eture better conditions In this| k~dity. ~di enter this sm0~nUon on equal

ndgbta wlth the president s8 all quesflons are~ebled by majority vote." ii We ~ bmldsd tolgether to give all ~-acmes wtqoomesud to makeyou feel that yonhave come amon~ frlend~, not straeprs, to.encourge and am~t you In any p~ulble waythat we nan. so we bopo-that all are withinreasmMd~Je distnnes that~ve not so far Joined,

. WJU m that It is to their benefit to do so" and :help along, with. the good work alraady’l




LANDING, N. L,. SATUR~)A¥, AUGUST 7, 1915.

. . . r r., "--’--.~. ’~. rt~~rOm all ~ of the eounW me( 1 "

HO~ ~tum In tax Plant Lice Trodblesome’-. Fer-’~m of~x Xq~t~ iili~ation Of" PeachesiTo~todupli~ .will .~ 10us over by

and mtm ~ulted for the vaflou~ ]~Seases ~ Poultry Notes Of

¯ In llamli _t~l~l~l~nshlp them isll rednetlou Interest., , ’

In vtluiiu~Vlmonttug to ~umor lti~rry , ’ ~t ;oWfln~ JUlt now P~"t .0e. of yaH0ue ,peele Inr¢~-| made~ tug young\ipp~ ~ tonmto~ IX~toes,

d the ’thX’ from-.thls In- are 6xelfl~r ~ ~’ fW;~.~’I, t" 0. act ]lkilyt ,~ler~0dhl/’tiiertodllll. that with:the pimeuthjil5 tbdiple!tllree thay

0wilelibtp Of eertaln will Idng ll~qd~. Uud~I=~’ conditlOM ofn running through the Town- wenth~thelr imru~ic enemlm umtmlly sweep

" ’ ’ ’" them quickly aw~. I~lUge~ lice are gristly; he y~i WIll not be known for swollen, a~d k~k s good deal Hke usailseede

Nveml. weeks .but..wI~ ~kely, be about the u their dee~ bedim tie glued to the lenve~m.~e’ as that of last y~tr, I~.~ ’ Comparlmn~ If the liee in any case are doing morgue dam-~w~ thl~ and ~et yeats flgut~ are fur* age and If the le~vm are not not aural m--, ton~hed :by the ~followlng Lqble: ". protect’ them, they should be prompUy q)eayed

1~ ~t~4~ .........1914 1915 with a mixture of~40 per een~ u~otlne eut-

:~ .., ~ pha~, water nnd ~p, uMngl pdrt’of’~he 40per mm~ nlce~ue sulphite ~ l ixlrts of watllr

:mlztu~ "For ~pmying a row pisnt~t‘aspoon~ul 6f the. n~coUno

~iplmteto one gallon of wator, to which (meounce of~p ha8 been added, shoul~ be u~ed.

The Spraying must be so oneefally doll thl£ell th~lJee will be drenched, or the resells willbe ummt~aetory..When the lies are protestedb’y ~e ~r~d l¢~vek In.de of wbfeh theY.live,ipl’i~ul..tlllklly to prove hnmU~sotm’y.Plania likely ’to be lice infested should be gomteefully watehe~ by the grower that tl3eirhret mq)pe~m/’nee will be noted. ’ They shouldbe sprayed In a thorough manner as ~ ufirst nollea(L In this way the~ will" be de-¯ t~)yed and the plant‘ will be proteethd fromIn~ury.’

here are many dbum~e~ of the tomato which~tuso more or le~ 10~ but these which prom-~eto be fneat eeHOn~ this year are the ietf.b~gbt’ m~aic and the will

TI~ leaf blight siart~ wlth the tower k~ye~flrelFnppesring as ~I black spots, followedby a y~lowlng nnd dropping of the learnthroughout the ~Uon. ltesn beby npmylng with Bordeaux Mixture.

The mosaic IS.I pesullar, dimes that Is notwell nnder~cod. It eau~m a mottling of theleaves ~d/frequenfly reduction of the leafImrfsee.~lIMlll .h.~ylllieate41 phinta will predlmea very ~6od crop, but eerlomdy sffeeted plantsproduel/, little Or no fruit lllid frequently dievery early.

The wilt ~U ~ 1 [ ~U ~ a~ fl i~ a dyingof the plan~ Whe6 the siebu| of one of themdimmaed pt‘nis Is eel aetna near the ground,ttwtU be fom~ to/ow mmoreor u-- wellde.fined ¢~reAe ofbrown~-h or bl~k lluuea. It ilithe moat torero of the tomato d~mtm ~ thetlonthern 8t~te~ but it is be hoped that ourNorthern Wtator" ~1. t~d to hold 1t In cheekIn ’New Jer"ey. The Demonstrator will beglad toadvlN farmere in protcothlg U~lr scope.


IW ....

.. BOARD TO~8""

s Wh’o Wlgh ’Tr~Ipo~atlon Must" p " ’ r : Notify O l!rk. ,


;. ~. p~i I. ~II~ ~ip ~,~ogtriusportanon am urgE’ :tO .~ D~UtotClerk Clark ft, B@rret~ ~.~ lemlt a week b~ore.the oPenllllg of tim Fall term so &rnmpment‘mnbe made by the ~ ~BdueaU~’¯ Blda have been ~Ivedlmt~t for# the propmakappearing In soother column, for ttlasportlngpuplkon thrmmutm: NO;l, MoK~ ~ty to~’s ;,l~tadiUL s~ at Grtmert’s; No.~from We~ Egg ltlrbor starting it Melien’s;NO. & h’om "Blreh’s Mills siarflug-lit 8o~thRlvir Bridge.

The B0~rd llarranltni to imrehaee a imlferule on the third route, dr|care turnlehingtheir own vehleks on rou~s oueaad two.

Dr. Charles Mellevllle-Rltz.Af~t a feW days lllnem Dr..l~Jts, oaly

brother of wlr~ Laura Williams Colwell, dledsud~e..a, ly AugUSt 4, at hl; residence in l~wl~.~WO’ ~ "1 The deeenl~l ~ Wq~ly knownand highly re,peered. P0esea~ed !of s mo~Ipmlal and sunny dimpmlt|on, he made manytdend‘amonK ill oisme~- He wassculturedgentleman, and a ~hclar of cenMderabl~ co-nown. HIe mind was n store-house of mush.eisnnfl~ literary cud prsetJeal’ knowledge.fie had a remarkable memory and his opinionwn8 ~ sought, FOr ihformation nnd fluid-

He w~ a graduate of the Ciillleilatodeparl.meet of the P0nmr/Ivenla Uuivenfltyt andof the Medical dei~rtmeut. After greduallng,bebemme re~t ltiysielan FOr aurae of thePennsylvatibltlmpltaL In a chin of over one

-... ¯ ..i

RECORD.,COVER. Clio :;0,, ::cou, am, HEAL ESTATE TBANSFE ’o, ..:.., :d o,,. PLACED ON RECUFI[i.- Plants That Make t-~t~ Success., 8p~k~g of ~over,’ emj~ , Demonstrator ......]~t~-. ~, thW t~uy:: ,’~ntldinx up ~11 Brief Description of the Properti~~er~lilty with ~o limit e~gpe~ is one "of the That Have Changed Hands andgrmtesi q u~tl0us e~mf~onMng farmer~ to-dly,esPeebM~rU~0sointhe~dthorn part0fJeraey the Considerations ~s Shown bywhere the~oll Is of a Io~e and Indy loam.Cue of the best way~ to add humus and plantf.ood,~o ~ soil Is by the:. ~ ~ cover cyopl.The qnwU0u nat0rally ~ What is the beltgra~togroWTor~t:er0p, how much peracre aha w~)- th~’l~e to :~ ~-: ,"/To ~ the!~., rt enter crop It would,b~ neestmry to know.th~rdMelt farmer wlshe~t0’sow, but I will sO~omc good crops thatcanb~u~ed ~r eOTem~fferent tlme~ of theyear,. From the ml~la<~: February until theluto(Marehilmtl i-t bllhsi of C~nad~ field

WhorelX3~[bl~Uzel~Mrkh0uld. be .own firstnsd do~ersd ~’i ~ ~ deep and then the

" lind ~ln about ,me inch¯months ~oy beans

Files of Clerk’s °Office¯

Atlantic City.W~l~er K. (~vll~er el. uz¯ to Ailcta l.~ineril,

75x375 ft. undlvlded 1.2 hiter~t In G)llowlug:W4~t sld~ of (J~m Aye. I00R. North of )%dri-ntlc Ave’. IL

¯ P, amuel Ireland eta ux¯ to ~urtis Freebee,~z125 ft. Eaztslde of Montpeller Ave. 330 ft.orth of Falrmount Ave¯ lift00.Curtis Framb~ el. ux. to David Purnell el.

al¯ described as above, ~7,154. ’ ’LudowLoa HIll el cir. to C~ty of Atlanile

C~ty, 10W ft. Northwest cerne~ of VentnorAve. and Aberdeen Place; ~0.

Petrofl-l~mley Co.to Mahlo~ W¯ Newton.50xlndcowd)~l 140 ft. Went side of Taihthn~ee Ave. 190 ft.¯ dd.a high peresnt, humus to North of Ventnor Ave 15~0¯

IS from Illrah T. 0rowley eL vlr. to Mabel M. Croala

~’e~t of Robinson~ Av~ 82~500.Umesthey ire ilwn In rows. l-ioybe~ns and Jes~ph I~ Bartlett, ~ber.iff to Atl~llc ~L’owpe~.alm) make n very good forage, but Lumber Co. 25ili0 fL Houthe~ml corner of Arc-they ire very hard to cur~ For the la~e Bum- fie and i~ Ayes. $10,~.mer~dF~lcovercroP~,e°veringimrtofJuly " Joseph it.. Bartlet~ ~heriff to bfarga~thaAugUst up Until the second week ~n 5¢ptember 8~Uber, ~xg0 fL Eaet ~ld" of In’diana Ave. SOthere are a number of g0od cover crops we ca~x ft. 8oath of l,lneoln Ave‘ |1,210.Sow much us crimson c~)ver, w~pter or hsdr~ Ellis Aaron to Michael Moldower, 80xl~L5 R.¯ ~telz, which.are’ l~t~..Theoe recom- 8outh~k~t corner of Arctlc and North Carollnamended for August, September and October laveLIlO~ ¯ ’

two, wheat, barley, and cow horn turnips John P. Rein eL ux. to C. Howard GJlberl,If the’shove grau ~ k sown alone the t~ta- 14~ ~ I~mth Ride of Pitney Ave. 72 t~. ~ ofUse recommend, the following: erhn’~on Vermont ATe. eta. ~0.elover, from]Sto2~Ixmndt:wqeh:~10ponnds; Lln~ C. l~ndts eL cir. to Mahlon W. New-rye, 1 1-2 bushel ; wheat, 1 1-2 bushel ; barley,1 1-2 bushel Cow born turnips are seldomsown alone, hut when mixed, from I to3qn&rt8per sere is recommend~L

"Followlnggresomegood mizture~ for an’O~rd, If~own from the middle of July tOthe~ceud week In August: 12 pound, of cglm-son eJover; I0 pot~nds of.vetch imd I-2 pound ofcoW Horn turnlp~ Lfa erop 1~ sown from themlddle of A~Inlt to lira middle .of Septemberthe following would make a good cover: 8 Ibm.of(irimson eloVer; 1~ lb. of vetch and 40 ih. ofrye. If there Ise hnrdandcemlatCL snb~o. II, 1 1-2

ton eL aht. 2~x140 ft. West ~de of TallahmeeAve. 275 ~ North’of Ve~tnor Ave. e~ ~7~..

Walter J. Brooks el ux. to William N. ~ob~n-

sou, SOx/~5 IL East ilde Of’Avolyn. Av~ ~0 ft.~qorth of Wlneb~lter Ave‘ fT~

Cl~rlee J. Brookl eL u’x. Io ~ ~ ~0z100 ft. North 8ide of ~~ ofOhio Ave. $1.

l~me to asme, ISxl~ ’ft. West side of Jeffer.Son Place. l~Ofl. North of Ontario Ave. $I.

John J. fila~ghen el aia to HeWn Oaughen.~ ~’ ~" ~ ~ ~ ~1~0~

hundred graduate~ ~)r. IUt~ ranked third In Expeflment~iatlon hie been condueUng ex-

prevtoua year. clover, would not grow thesecond mlzthm woqld ~tks a "better coverthan the find. In .sowlng,,the legumes wberethe farmer is at all un~q~iu" about a IF)od’aatch It is~t tO m~ Lm~qllaUon, for In nnmyoases where the inocutatton lure been used it

~thad doubled the crop..


:’ ’¯7 ,,~:&


Cancelled Mortgagesl Releasers nndOthers Entered.at Clerk’s Office.

Cancellation ~f Mortgages, Atlantic City¯John H. Hlyoft to Marine Trading Co. 75x

375 ft. W~t side Ocean Ave. North of AdriaticAve. ~.~.

P~Itlo A.Caile~der to Mary F~terbrook. lr~.g.We~t side ~nth Carolina Ave. ~ouLI) ot~PaciflcAve. $5fl~0.

¯ Nellie 1.1pplficott to Commonw~llth Jtealty(~. ~xl~ ft. F~mt slde Conneetlcut Ave. Houtliof Arctic Ave. 41706.

Jtmepil.W. Hor.er to’Jacob H.Kay, 75xl~ ft.P, onth side Whleh~ter Ave." ~onUieasl of Treii-ton A re. t4,0oO.

Charle~ I’,. Myer~ to Camden V3afe I)elxl~|ta~ld Trust Co. 175xTJO0 ft. F~t aide New Jer.eyAve. ~oUth of Ortental A vs. ~,000.

Mahlon ~’. ,Newto~ to Joseph C. "Emley’. ~3xfL ~outh~J~,Con Montgomery e.d At~n tic

Ave~ $15,000.H’oW~rd Ware to o%tlantlc City Police ~Y~ll~--

flctil Asso. ~0x75 fL ~outhwest side MadisonAve. ~outh~t of Morninpide .Av~. |I,000.

A~ro. herin to Hannum Lumber Co." 50x]00 fL’F~ side M~ou~ Ave. South m PacificAv~ $1,5110.

ms above, $1,000.Romnn Mon tez to Harry ~3choelithal

West side of South Carolina A.ve. South fromMedlterraneafl Ave. $2,500,

Ifm~e Bach~rach to Athtntlc Coaat B. & IJ.A~o. 165x2~2.fi fL 8outhea~t oor. Adr~Ue ~ld


¯ t/




80TH HELD iN COUNTY JAiLInability To Secure Bondsmen. Iff, ’

duces Thenl ’To Waive Indict-ment And Jury Trial--OtherDcfendanls To Be Arrnigned’---Pleas Not Know~.

Mrs. A. W. l~s. who i~ ~aid to 15e the w/feeta well known Baltimore mercb:tnt ned nnw aprisoner nt the Countv Jhti with ThomasF.Cunnlngbxtm, Jr., of lChilbdelphis, awalllug .’.{~

morulug when ,, special e~lon of court will.:.’be held. Cunningham will app(mrboforaUlecourt at the same time.¯ Mr~ BO~ slgne~ her name to (t waiver Idgnl-

fyl_ng her "~/lllthgne~ to aplx~r before Judge

cool, dry room or c~l~sr and market them etlent twice a week. Folh)w throe rulm andyou will make more money with your poultry"flock.

" Peaches In Plenty.lloek|ter~ are begthnlng U) Invade the town

With dellclouspe~ebe~ frmh from earroqnd-tug orchard& wbh-hire lelfing at prlce~ rnag*log from 50 to &3 ~ntS..Yesterday a~mer had a number of ~o~ ~h~ ftratqualily whl~ he lid il hll~ollr i IkeL.The peach crop l heavy’ thai year, (he fruit ofgood quality end there will’ be plenty in themarket throughQut the eelso, l at tow pr~ce~

New Summer Visitors.Mr. and Mt~L Ci~ (3ca. tip~ or Ta~ony.

lht., ere spen.41ng’the t~ummer at Meadow-c,.e~ on the (treal Fa Harbor.

H~ney For Sale.Oombaadez~ lamey. Wbofmslesad

Ad~lr/~, Charles I. Hill, Box 2~4. May’lt~udlug. N, J.--4dv.

Fen~o For 8ale.New finn fe~/sq~ See U¢0~e Abt~u, May’s




Page 2: RECORD. - Atlantic County Library · AugUst up Until the second week ~n 5¢ptember 8~Uber, ~xg0 fL Eaet ~ld" of In’diana Ave. SO there are a number of g0od cover crops we ca~x ft


Air Straw Hats¯St.OO

Pl=ce your papers =ndvalumbles where they will

be secure against loss by

- b~ rgk=ry or fire.S~Jety deposSt boxes

for re~t from $2 to SB

per annum.You +have the key . to

the boy We have the

key to the vault. It takes

both to get In.


Dr. Bentley, V.G.a gm(luate of Cambridge ~nd

oxro~d Unlvemltle~ England,will p~poad tO all ~Ibl,

night or ~y.

Positively 13 uaranteeto Cure all

Foundersiqo Cure No Pay

Can turoi=h tmmmt of refereuoea tromowner~ of foundered hor~e~

MILLV i LLF+, N. J.I n~rmt~t~ Phone, I~-14.


¯ , . ¯ _


PricesAll kinds of Designs and Patterns

Some of Newest Cuttings ,

For Sale at Factory o.r/~ay’ S Land|ng W~ter Pow~ Co.


RA ~" EN:

¯ Flat Rate--Per llght ]Lml mouth bornlDg fromdu~k till 10 p. m.:

For No~einter, Deuember, J¯nu¯~$.....1~.00Febn~ll, l~, Ma~ .................................... 75Aprl~ May, ~ July, Auinit .............


Page 3: RECORD. - Atlantic County Library · AugUst up Until the second week ~n 5¢ptember 8~Uber, ~xg0 fL Eaet ~ld" of In’diana Ave. SO there are a number of g0od cover crops we ca~x ft

pre ous frame,t0:0rLcorrect a possibleerr0r

’[ted l~t~te~ will n~t .have mtteh~elght in p.mehlng peace to Europe until It

revolution 1.I~ Mo.x IcI~. . ’= . ,.

Who can view the.-I~all~ble ba~ efl~,f~ of-mid, ~ ~ ~o"l/elea and ’hom’~tly say th:,t n

’i~r~f~)r l’~Venn~ "bnlY"ij "IS the klnd Aua, rl-

ll~ cigl~ettea. The law’plainly forbld~ the sale,orgt~oflob~0o to uuch per~cns. ~3omoone.bnmking the law. Wbo is it ?

::. The Jitney, like the five-easY’cigar and the~ldnda~y newspaper, has come to’stay. Public

’.~lU0mod lutty be trusteQ.A~’1~gulate the new!lnod~of travel, whlelt Is f~t growing I~l popu.

If the definition that "a crazy man Is ore, whoIn-different from everybody else" holds good,

MI,y’8 Landing ha~ the n~,terlal for a serlou~~rort In the Way of ,~ dr~matlo club. Such auorllnlzatlon promotes the ~lal fife of a com-munity, glve~ partlclimnta ease In public rules

" ll~l affords a gr~,t de~l of pleat nnd In-atruoUve p~tlme.

- ¯ rortmm,~ a ~ ,t~ 4~_ urn. ~ ~t’:. " 6bi’c~d to pay "for foreign-made good~ under

the Democratic tariff law l~ earning back to !’;’ ~ for war suppllee. And yet eome Demc-’

nmtl have the nerve to say that the tariff, notthe wltr, k warding off a financial nmd |ndn~

,’ -’. trlal panic !

i"’ The Prmldent’s appeal to "keep neutral"apImxeutly ha- not’been taken very deeply to

_ h~ by one Philadelphia edlter, who declarmthat the United 8tatem should ship all the sup-pllel pmalbJe to tile ames to help end the war--in I~vor of the allies. ~uch statements are~rflroro neutll/laud areameuace to the fu-ture security of the nation.

To neutral minds, England’s IJlockade ofUn~MlSam’s shipping to neutral ports I~ as

¯ ~l~’ant a breech of the "freedom of the ~ns"IMlOermany has committed. America cannot

the one and tolornto the other..: And always bear in mind that eapltallaUc¯ ?B~eed in furnishing war munltloas to the war-

! "riogl0~tlons Is the first cause of every offense(’, Of which the belllgereul~ have been guilty.

The Farm Demonstrator’s department Is fast

ilut~ O0unty. In mas!erlng ’the ~trawberry:..:::, qlae~JJIt.aloUe It has already p~d for ILl cost

,*11i~r Umee ov~’, leading tlsa w~ay’to do~bholT c

r~t are now lt~ leading advoc~te~,¯ . |s’perhal~ the beat commentary that’ eanbernsde on the efficient and useful ~er-

vleuof the Demonstrator. Mr. Elw(md D~mg-add the aid that hits t~n e=tended to

L hSm by.the State Department.o

¯ ., The United Htates Hnpreme Court Is h~kiog &vlu~tlon, havll~g done no much work It is~nlytt year behind. Title Is not sarcasm, buItl)eplain truth. ]u other years it has tx~n muchfurther behind, recent changes in thesystemspeeding up Its,operntlou. Justice demand~

,:, .*tiligre~,~er promptnc~ in the disposition ofeaeem, from the Bupreme\Court down to thelower Circuit Court.. Delay is expensive and

’ ofll~nes’pre.ludlctal to Justice. Renovation ofaoUquated JudleJal systems, snit.d to former

~t~ inadequate for present day IIt~:~" glUdtl, Is one of the crying n~’ds of tiw


i~: The Natlona] " r/~jy continues to run

l~hlnd about three qu~rter~ of a mlllloudolllre’per dab’. By Inducing ear:y paymeHtn’oflnoome lazes nnd by urging prompt remit-leone by eolleetor~, the Tr~ury Department,

a book showing of a balance of about’on Julyl. That this wasamse~d-

II~ 8ho~lvlng La proven by tile ~t that fromth e flat day of the new fi.cal year, the ex-pendlturee exceeded the receipts "nod theI~lanoe dropped to about 187,000,000 at the elc~e

:i" Of btudue~ P3aturday, July 24. On tile eorre-

i spondlng date two year, st[(), wlti~ ltepubllean¯ . .revenue slid approprlatlon laws In effc~t, tile

Imlanoc was |129,~3,000.

perno.s will bef, ml~mnd U) take |~ue with:;i , $1M~ New York Bun, one of tile most c, ouser~-

tire newslmpers In the cohntry,which declaresunequivocally "there ca..he no denying that

i’ leommerclal crlst~ here was averted by thewar. The condltloHa precedent to It~ outbreakall I m I~)rt~ ~:Fre ex-

aa a result ,)f the new tarifF, exp~xt~were dlmlninhfog and gold wa~ poUrll*goot.

Ill work as before as ~uil as Europehi able to spare material for the forclg:~market."

,,. America’s hope fi)r averting ¯ crisis Ile,~ It,the re~toratlou o1~ a ItepublJcan protective

.glrlff before tbl~ happens.

~,," " ,Ira’s fact that May’s Landing merchantshave had goods on their ~bclve~ since lhe newta~’lfi" "for revenue on~" went In&) effect.made In Eurnpe, shlppc~ acro~ the Atlantic,It Driest lean titan the same good~ c~n be made i

’ IDthle0ountry. Why? Becauee the workmen; v,, Itbr0oA nmke tilem at half or let~tl the w~tgca

ladd American workmen. If the war lad nut|nblrfered with ahl pmenls, thoumtnds of A mar-

’. ~In workmen umnufaeturlng tilt’t~ goodswouid have been thrown outofwork. What

ale ~ower prince, If wages gre Iower0d or:lhere Ii no work at ally And h~r In mind

.gl~t the money of these foreign g(.)d, goes. I~’N:)~land does not jingle In th,, pockeU~of’. borne htborere and tradeamen, "

" "~Vhat is left ofths l’rogre~lve p~rty," says,Abe -Mtate (:~=etw," must feel a little bit sore,

~ OO!d ahoulder that the Dem(~nttJe.IMllnllm]p~nlan(pri~lenitng to It. It Was only &

ago Llmt they were egghng thewith all the euthuelmlm lhOWO

who ruhq the ears era fightingthe clinch.

r attitude toward~ tbc~l’rogremdvcnoue, Ilut tile Progt~wslvel

sr 10 milan il~e fil~t, arid hailed theImt,that Lk~m(J<ratle editor~ IPtVe

~l~l,h d,4H~llghl. ’]’be I’roKreulve partyIlem’ul to It~e De.|~air~t~. Then,-

lit) 14,1tRot haYe use fur tilemrt~

are not IgoIng to pall thethe Pk0~Irldve part~ thle year,

¯ th**LI~ , .,, ~q~r,’

four feet

oneeeventy-oneand t~lx-tentba (171.6) feet toll ~or-ner of land owned bp 8am~el Bartlett ~ tlmu~.

Bouthmmterly In Bartlett*s line pamhelthe first eOuree two and three

6ne.huodre~thlthe l

avd thence

tired ’ and

hundredths feetAvn0ueDerr) ; tt,Mulberry Avenu~

" "" Ith~)ee ~Quth WmtW.~rdty perat|e ....twenty nod-fourteen 0n~nupdl~dms

(20,14) L~et to line of division ’or ~ata uerrsland and thence. BOuth l~atw&rdl

; Derr’s division line one hundredrty . hundl%~lihs feet to the

I ll~gtt1o mttls~ the o0mplnln~dt’s claim

f,~r priulelpal, Interest and ~, then In thatthe following deserlbe~ tract ,of land

r, to wit :In the Northwest line of Shore

.,*-tec,h. , FIRE INSURANCEtn the Northwm Any Part of AtlanUc Couilty:we and " , Reduction of 10 Per Cent. on

May’- L~dln8 Prope~eLBurglar .lnsumn~ and Bu,l~ty Booda.

Real Estate.w. cmun . .,

with Mulberry Avenueone and forty feet; .thence 8outhWe~twardly parallel with Bhore ltoad twentyand fourteen one-hundredths (20.14) feel to lineof dlvisl.n of ~ld Derr’s l~nd; and thenceBouti) P:~tstwardly along I)err’s division llueOne hundred and forty-one and forty hun-dr~ths feet (14t.40ft.) to theplaoeofbeglunlug.

If the proeeeoe from both of the lid calmshall not bpant’s claim for pHnelpal, 1then and In that event said mira shall beand fi,r nothing holden, and all thede~rlbed tract of land and preml~ shallmedlatlely be sold, to wlt ! ¯

’ L Beginning ut a point In the division line be.tweeu the landsofMum~nnah Hanna and JohnW. Haek.ey, eknL (said Imlnt being In theNorthwest line Of the 8here ~ u nowe~Kbllshvd) and extending (1} North slatydegrees West two hundred l%nd three nndforty-four one hundredths (20~L4.1) feet to ast~ke (and within four feet of the foundationwalls of the. ;lug to Francis

Irone and slx-t~nths (171.6) feet to a earnerlaud owned by Samuel Bartlett;. theu~ (8)8ouUzea~terly tu Bartlntt’u line parallel withthe first couree two.hundred and three andforty-four ont~hundt~lth~ (208.44) feet mercerle~t to the Northwest line of the 8here ltoad ;and thence (4) Bouthwmtwardly along theNorthwt~t line or the Bhore lined one nun-dred and Nventy-one and slx-tenthn (171.8)f~t to the pl~o of b~tnnlng.

~elsed ua the property oftieorge E. Fill elateaud taktql In execution at the suit of ]h)bert A,M01er~tnd to be ~oid by

JOSEPH R. BARTI.IL"rr,Hhertff.

D~ted July 24. 1915.

,PI4 W~ F~ l)ONnR.q~ Hollcltor.We fee, I~6.TJ



Above The Restle our bee~l--It’a way sh~ld. Perfectly

brown and crisp b~ked !o a perfect [Um wltb-not ,~ bum. The lesder arouud here ~c~use Itu~eeuren up to the best that mother evermade.

virtue of It writ of flerl. 10~la& to met.ued out of the NewJe.yCourt --B A K E R-- ’

will be ~old at public vendue, on

8ATU[tDAY, THE TWEN’TY-FIllST DAY Bfll l’h°ne t~" ~AI.~ 41 ~gl ~[. J.OF AUGUST, NINETEEN HUN-

Carriages To Hire By Hour or Day.~ba meet all trajan.

8peels1 rates for [’rip~ to F-.ggHsrborCItv,

American Hotel MAY’S LANDING,Stablem, . m.J. .


Harry Jenkins,

P finter & Olazier

DItED AND FIFTEFAq’,at two o’clock in the nf~rnooo of said day,In the Court R~om No. 201, Beoond Floor,Guar~nteeTrust Building, Io the City of At-lantic City, County of AtlanBe and Htate elNew Jersey. _

All the follbwlng deecrlbed tot ori sttuate In the of

I of A?lant~the mlddle of the rm~d

klmecontWO r from sto0~

:tees and mlnuteea line at t angles to said re~d

Istanee or two (2) Bouthemlt-wardly at rlgbl ~ly~ tu tt)e H~Io url~ hereoftWO hundred ei~t f~et to the Norlhwest lineof a right of w~ of th0 We~t Jersey a id H4~t-shore ILxih~oaf~’, thence (3) ~Northea~twardlyalong.mald railroad rightofway to the middleor the rc~td fl rat named ; thence (4) Nort t wcet-wardly along the middle of said road fifty-seven anti thl?ty-two hundredths feet to thepl~e of t)egtnnlng.

Seized a~ the property of Bertha Levy, Ad-mlnlstrut fix &e.. el. aL, and taken in executionat the.s .u.it ot Atlantle Cocat Building ~nd lxmnA&~o~lazlon, a o~rpomtlou, and to be mild by

JOSEPH 1~ BAETLig’rr,HheHff.

Dated July 2t. 1915.I"]~OITItG! 018 ~k (~:)UJUOMB, Sollclto~.

........ l’r*s fee, 114.96,SHEH, I FF’8 HALI~

try virtue of a writ of flert fitcla~ to medlr~t~l, i~ued out or tile New Jersey (~)urtel Chancery, will be sold at public vendu~, on



at two o’el(wk Jn the afternoon t)f saidIm the" t’onrt Room No, 201, ~leoondGuarantee Trm*t ~[InlldJna, in the Citlautlc (’113~, CounV.y of Atlantic aud JNew ,Jersey.

All the’: c~)r:t~lo tract or parcel of land andpremlme~, )erelnafter partlculerly describedsituate tu the City of Atlantic City, In theCounty of Atlantic and 8tale of New Jersey :

l~.glnt*lng nt a point tn the Pmuth line ofl’actfl~ A venue one hundred and five feet Wsa%of t he V,%~terly line or lthode Ill.rid Avenueand runs thence (1) Westerly along mild Paci-fic Avenue t3Venty-flve f~t; thence (2) Houth-erty/k~tltel with ILhode Island AvenueI)undred feet ; thence (3) Easterly Immllel wltffI’lleifle Avenue twenty-five feet; theue~ (4)Nort ~erly parnllel with ill)ode Island Avenue,in. h n nd red feet to I he place of beKln ulng.

l’r,)w.’,ty w|ll be said "subject Io taXee forthe ye;tl~ 1914and 1~il5 water clalm n I)ountlogto ~lli ~0 in tcrest And "~mts lad all o her munlcl-l:m, llen~. ’

Hetzed as the property of Harrlet M. Curtlset. al. ~nd Utken Ill c%e~ntlon at t|1~O suit OfCamden ~afe Deprmlt and Trust’ Co., Trustee&e, el. ok, and to. t~e mild by

).IOHEI It IL BAltTI, ETT,~herlff.Ihtted /n]y 17. 1915.

(JE~)..J. I~Elt¢;K.q, Pt~]ICltOLPr’s fee. $14.8"2

NOTICE TO CItEI~ITOP~.~tat~. of Charle~ tl. Ht~lmae, de~uu~.Pursuant to the order of I~lnanl~l i

Hnrr~aU~ c~f tile County of Atlautleinade on the application of’the umAdmlnlxtnltors of the said desert1hereby gf’Ven to the credltora of the said de-

c icedent t ~exhlh,or all]rnntUoo, their claims.~ntlnst the eNtate of tile said decedenttO iDontlJtl /t’l)m thla da~, or tileforever bltrr~ql fm~rn proae~utlng or rt~)vertugthe same against the subecrlber~. ,.

COILNKLIA. Z. BTiglgI.MA~Hteelmanvllle, N.’J.

]IENJAMIN C. LI~K,¯ Hcullvlllc, N, J.

[~.[C/IAItD J. [~MITII,J’ h 1 ladel pi) ht, J ’n.

Adnilnlst ruU)lMay’~ landing, N. J., June It, 1915.

. . Pr’s fee, $15 54NOTIUI~"0F 8KTrLEMI.:NT. "

Noth’ells hereby KJVeu that the ’u~-)Ul|lsof "he sit ~m~’rlt~r. ~ Administrator e,l.~ of the£~tai~ of F~lwurd A. l~dley, dee~0ed, will beaudited nnd state.d hy the Murrogate audre~rtod for acttlezuent to tbe Orpimus’ Uourtof Atlantic County, on We~fne~lay, tiletwcnty-nflAbday ol August, next~

JAMES M. ~I~,I¢ILCY,¯Admlulsleslo~ 4: t ~..A tlauUc CI1¥, N.J.

D~t~d July 21, A. 1)., 18]~.W", M. (’LcVgxuzn, Proctor,

’ Atlantic City, N. J..................... P r’,_~,~0

NOTICE o~ Sgrrta~UENT.


Page 4: RECORD. - Atlantic County Library · AugUst up Until the second week ~n 5¢ptember 8~Uber, ~xg0 fL Eaet ~ld" of In’diana Ave. SO there are a number of g0od cover crops we ca~x ft

¯ ,.,,., .

!;. /.. -;


Oapit .l of Atlantic County


Special Inducements anufactumrs



" :-. .’ .’ ’ ’ -.-): 7:. <:"i :¯ ’ . :7;, ; :~’: ,: .... , - ""

HoUrly ! le : C ceotri:Train Servi................... ’, ..:.._:_ .... ; ¯

- ". ........= : ........ ..... "’/ ...... ", ," ....... :. _, .... . ....

Istll ISlI;AIL O PP OIIT 3NI: !!IIi a

The Place To Spend

Your Summer Vacation

Sites for Bungalows.2

./ For" Lease ,or Sale

Founded at the head of tide-water on the banks of the Great EggHarbor River, May’s’Landing has enjoyed from the first the

reputatioi~of being the. most, beautiful,, most healthful, place ofisaelme in tDas section of. NeW.lcrsev. Its maffnifi~ent’ oak treesG[ta~,e oeeome lumens, an oeautiful Lake Lenape is scarcely less

well-known. Inducements to lllanufaetnrers are exceptionally good.For the truck farmer and 1,oltltry raiser it is an ideal location, and tilemecca of those seeking Summer homes at a reasonable cost.

Splendid boulevards for automobles lead to May’s Landing frotllevery point,’includiug the direct road.from Philadelphia by wayof Downstown and the Egg Harbor City tJ6tilevard, leading front

,i,o ~lrhit= Ilrr~rmP Pike. The Great If:tin Hnrboe River. I~ of an

.active Yacht Club open for membership, q’hi,s picturesque waterwayaffords good boating, bathing and fishing; and is a popular highway

with yachtsmen to Atlantic City, Ocean City and other seashore

resorts.- .f- _ . . -- _ ___


¯ Muuicipal colaveniences include cold; sparkling, water, 99 Lpercent.pure from an artesi4n well, suppliedthrough a new ptrbl’ic-waterworks system,, tirst-class fire proteeti0n with eon.~iuent low

insnrance rates, low rates of..taxation, electric lighting, prosperouschurches, good public schools, etc. If you never visited’.May’s Landin~it is time I~o d6..so. If you are looking for.a.Summer place ofresidence, this is the ideal place for you. ~’ The Town of:NaturalOpportunities" is Your Opportunity.

Twenty minutes from Atlantic City, theGreatest Seashore Resort in the WorldOnly one hour from Philadelphia.



"Armsby wus to.be Ills nnnt’n heir.¯ The day he vlilne -f :tae the ohl hldy

for hhu lind tlnln ndtlresstM hini""’Belt, I wlMi yon til marry. I tart,

!:ig for grnnted that you are fancy free.][ would not for tim worM force yell to

For Further Information Apply to

Nay’ Lar diag

i ,,72 ; =--th," lllhl,r shin of tt e hounl,. ;lun~ihl,tJu tm went fi,r It walk but he[ ~ l. i" r’l

thedhl ,.. f,,," ",,’ d,,. w,,...’.rn, lenciing uauyItetllrllill~. IHa lt,q,R iI slO~tll lind. when

he alVIII¢.I,, %%’O111 to till’ window. There¯ ~nt .t.. rattler, l’velin~nl .’%11~ Elltson onII rll’qlt’ boll ’h. llr-lqlod by llltll > It (lo7.-

o11 Dllh,wl¢. ~tt," sllw ttlm. wnvtM her}10)ld D, hhn :flail I~lnlh’d.~’l)t’ sllllh’ ’,l.:l~l :l tellhll= sl.,t. Arms-b x~’~vmlhtn’t f,,rm.t It lie rubbed hl~eyes I,, a(’t rhl -f It. I,Ill It wonti! not

But I It’ll Nt*i, Rtrt~l II~ P~ilonli~

By M. QUAD(’opx right. 191,5, b)" the McClure

I~ay that l x~:ln n heartlesa father nlld

that the Humane noclety ought to sta-llOU all agent Ill the depot.

I earl’hql him over to the ticket of-flee nnd the Information Tinrcau. buthe wa~ not In wnnt of avythllig Inthat line I walked :lnll wuved him 1oand fro: then I stood stlll.nnd torsedhim Ul, and down; then I slit do¢,’llalld bOllllt¯l¯d hhu on my knel9 nntll hlaI]rBt Itl~,lll WIl.,,I almont shltken o111. lie

It was lit one of the waiting rt~)ms lind made tip his nthld that things

any one 3"t~tt don’t h)ve. There tni Jnst l- ~,,r, wh:ll sit,, wmlhl do with. out th¯t she had lost her poltemonnnle.iltrl wile I ant sllre you Wollh| love him. Ih.-hh,~. Imw ~ll~ h~, ttl live for 8lie felt In the pocket of her dress nnd

~’yOu only knew her [i.~ I lie. I wllth a wpeR by Itlinself? "l’he flrl4t day’ In the pocketa of her cloak, and she

be iI.wnod "l’h,,re w:t~_.cmlethlng so of the Gland (~entral depot. 1 was Were n,,I according to lioyh,, however,nntlSillil Ill tills I.mref;t,’l’d Ilttt’tn[It tOt sitting Imshle an honest fai’e~tl¯ mother-I and hi’ stuck to his ltllie.capture hhn that It I,ptrml ,to Interest ly wonlan of thirty-five, who Imd aI I delft remember ~lll lhtit-wua saidhim. Ihll¯el’m.pd ,,r n,,I. II’~ ’,cry rig- l~aby about eight months old asleep InI by the walling pnsv¯engers, bill heregrt~Mx-one~ c:,l~tlV:l|Od hhu¯ fie had her Intl. She had askt~l liboutthetraln are a fc:v Slllnlde slHichxl(’n ~l trout tile

It mhld to h,t the eh’l hnx’~¯ her way np the river, when she suddenly crl~tl atoek:’*No GlUt i.lill Illnkt, ~lle I,elh,ve that

he Is tltat chlld’n flilhe’~.""lie doesn’t seem to l~ave It .~pal’k of

"r ’~ tO bevolne nequltlnted with her. seemed Intprntlfmlfl,’. ~A’haI wonli1 be:ltlid :If, Itft(,r it certahl that,, v,)l don’t the In,I? An ,.t,.rnlly ¢ I1 vway. he?Tt/ney her I ~hall not Insist itu yotlr ~A’oltld rather .~laml ~lem,. with tile

yitldlug to Iny wlMios.’" freed,,m ,if lht’ htlll’aO, th:lll Stilli lip In¯ "I don’t wlnh to nlllrry ~ttld I won’t/" Ills room.

llrt" not qo ll~rl~nsonnlde ¯s lll~i*]lo IoX~’r.rod tlt,t ~lllZ ~rl far nit thh~.to avoid tile girl 1 11111"0 lllelltl~Hl(’d’.:" lvn.q ,-oll,’l’rlii’d. XVelll dowllratalr~ und

I’Y~, I am." ther,.l$l-r ,.~t. I.t ..... ~--"t’" "=-"-’~"......... v~ er~. 311s~ Ellb,,m f.r five days con.

lndlff6t.t,nce to hl, r fortllne, per- tinned her :lu,,.-rt,~Mv. tm.th.’s, thenher I.~l’l’llt :lffevihm for hhn. per- ohanfft,d like ,’1 ~;,nlth whld hilttlltitg t-

the norlh .tl~M ft~,,zo htln The renisln-tag tw,, ~llLvs ,,f the ilnle sol for IIl.qvDlt ~lu’ kept hilll In i,,rturp~, reh.nt-ed ,,n lht. ~lxlh. :llld ~11 lhl’ st.vt,llth hedecl:u’,,l tim| If ~ll~, didn’t h,vo himhe xvouht blmv mtt hl~ brnln~

~,’hll I A l’lll’l] ,;v’s ;ill[l| 1VII ll|{~t 1V :1 .q

haps n dt,Mrt’ to have her ,,wn way.’-[~kt any rlltI’, the .ld Italy re~,~lvl-d to

She talked .f ,,thin" In,qllt,r~:~or ewhlh,, lhen s:lhl tuu’eh.sMy:

"Flow would yell like n Irll I alH’o:l~l’.""1[ shouhl b~, delhzllil~l, bH| ti would

C’olt Severlll |lil,ll~41111d d,)lhlr’~ """1[ will fIlrltt.;h the allvllin| no~’psnary

;On ODe COtHIttl,)ll’ lhtll Ol] V~dlr l’l.tl~rnyOU spend t] xw.ek with nit,."

The COlldl[lOllS V~ t’l’I’ li,’t t’l,tt’d .I,l’llln¯

by weal uhroall lind Oll his rl.iLIrnwent dlrecl13 to Ii|~ aunt’s vounlrybOUle, wh(’l’P ~)IIo ’,’ella Lit lho i’llue. dinner he wiLq l)l’t’t.;,’lltell tJ) 31Ins l.ucyl~llison, lh, ~:tw Ill llll,.i, that lie hurl~n drllwll [lli,i ii trap. Ill, had

_ ¯gTe~.] to sp~.nd :l wpeR in i hl: house~iUlid W&S lo be bt*sh,t:t’d I)y tllln young,-!wolnan.

? " ~hln WIl.% |1"11t% alld lhPl’V was more

~"tl{ult he %t’|l~i Iii1| I1%%’HI’1, of. .MI~ EIII-

over one ;lll~)lh|q’ [tl t,lltle;|vorhlt" |o

win a S1111]1’ [rtllll her. SOllt,.illtlps sill.

vvntl.COy, .~,ollll.’[lllll ’i4 il~.~l’t’~s[ "l’t’. Sill,

knew %’11{’II |IP IH’ lhq’ ~,I1(" ;llld "d,’hp|| [~’ :

be the other.~ld’m!=ihy %~.1114 llllll~ll;lllt :1[ the fl’Jt¯]{

"his aunt ha~l phlyed Idnl. Aftvr dhl¯ her, flndhr.= h~,r :lhmo.lle ~ahl to her

+"Aunt, yell It;ire broils.hi 111,, IH,i.i, |11OL~lel" thnl llttra ~h’l nlay ~1,I int, flit i1husbsnll. I will I.e~,ll Illy w, mtl’m’1. 1will l’~nlllill wllh .v,,tl ;I xx’,’~’li, but y,mmuy tell .v.ur frh,n,l that I will llavenothing to d,, x~ lth ht,r I -hall t’Xl,(’,’l

you to.erdt,r Illy nlo/ll.~ sq,l’x’l.d I11 I11.%"

room.""Certainly. Bert: li ii.~ i]lillg 3Oll

wish."r/~he next mornhig Artu~t,y sent

downstaira for the lnornlng plliH.r llllda&t himself down hy l~ls whldow toreed the new*< Glanclnt~ nl I fl’,1111 It,there in a hlllnlli,l~’k N’~VlIIIIL llt’l~,%/i’(’lltwo tret~l wils .%fish 1,~lll.,~li tli :i iqlr~,

white SllllllUt,r i,li~illnil,, ii drl,lllil of

lovellnesn. ’rhl,re v,Pre ill, Wih,lOws Ill

eonld 8hilt ,lilt lhl, view Wll.~t |,1 ,h’liWthe Ihn~i.. "l’hl~ lie dhl, llut lira In-terior of his i-i,¢ini l~oon l~l’l,w t[l’l~vll,llll,,¯ rid he ral~e~l it nlgilln.

He" Sll)l.I look Illl~ (lli’,~, II i,li thPcharmer, ll-Vlli~ ill i¯OllJlll’l ¯ lip S~llllppin flit fre~’llil~ lillii~eif fr,,in iht,thffle lo which ho iniinl Ill, sub t..iodfor a week. l|e wiis fr(,i, l,i spi’lid I1poladon of i,at’ti dsy i,lm.wlil,i’l,. ,Iml ho

’~ ~ no frielids in lho lil,llzhll, il’h<..I, liil,IhOW’ enllli llnln ilinil~e hlilisl,lf alolit,?

I~llgan to renllze. Io ~lipliR hi c~lni-IIMllipli~ee lanluiige. Ihiil lit. wn~ Ill Ii

- ’He Weut dowiJ Io the llbrm’y, ~tdevl- I~k, i’etUl’ill,ll nlid rail ~iliiiselfi

tO }cull. But 141tnlell,~W hi @lie¢"]of ¯!1 he i,ouhl ihl hl#t i,ytibl wl~iihl wsii-

liet" fronl llil~ l lolll( lind olil I~) ill,, i~lrl

shook out the lmby’s clothes, and hyand by she said:

"I remember now. I left It nt inY als-ter’s, hi East Thirty-sixth ~treet. Myticket nnd All nty money are In It.’"

--Madam." said I. "you have fiftyminutes I~fore train time. You canaamllr ~rl llor, k lln/l lilac ~ouw pta~."

"But the baby?""lle’~ asleep, and if you dsre trust

hlnl wltll me I’ll take t.are of him.""l’V@ IllOSt a IlllHd to 40 SO.""Conic’on wHh hhn. and you needn’t

hurry a bit on my uceount. We’ll bothbe right herl, when-yon get back.’¯

She ~llVe Inn a lone. lingering look,ao nn l(i be sble to swear to me Inc~lurt, nnd hurried ont. and she wall

love for lhe Ill~lr little lhlng.""It’s curloun lhiit the’lulico h:ivl,n’l

lnterfe rod I I(’llllrl . now ""

"Dent" me. but If lie klleW anythhlgst all iibont chlhlren he’d kniiw that iIpln wns prh, khig the poor lhtng Iod~ath." .....

There wan Just ont, faint hope" left.sad 1 selzl~! IlpOll It. I calitl,rod thech|ld oat of doors, and the .~uddenchange shill hlnl lip. "l~llell [ walkedalong nnlll I tzot 4he snn In libt eye~.so he (’ouh| llO h)nl~er t~.v nle, lind hegot 8 new lrilln iif thonglit lind Mop-

k|ckhig. IVi’hlle he wlln wonder-lag who had tleen ,,l~’t(~! 1 hogan iosing "OM l’nele .Nt~l" and Igave himmy finger I chow on, nnd whell, lhe

thnt tlll. ~irl. of vl.h, un Mi,. lVlt.~ very acnrl’ely out of sight when a "’Rock-at

fond. ~li~qlh| i, Jtlv hvr lir, qmt’ty il~t the

wife ,,f h~.r liellhew. Vt’hnt MI~ Elll-son wiilitl,~| Wll~ il rich tlllsllnni1.

Was New to Pat,t)n irrlvln~ Ill thl~ v,)unlry Pnt wa.~

ml’t nl lhe ph,r lly til.~ llrolhor Mikewho had I,i.PIi In Anlericll nllnll, yell~S.

and v¢ii,~ lakl,n I~, lil~ honie. I,]nrly onthe fllllowlii~ i~li-illlil¢ lhe ni,w arrlvswas lllVilkl,lll,d tlv llli llhll’lll t’h,l’k, llli

~liVelitlon thilt w:i~ i,ntlrl,lv iiew Io hlnl",~lilil’O ilild Ill ~ii), 3lolke." hi. ex

philniod. .~l,rlnl~ln/g Olil of I,t.lt. "tht,nnn hsd a way wllh her Ihlit wa~ verywith i11¢,11. NI, lille i’l,lllii ilndl

noll,lil~ IH,rl. tn .ttilll,l’ll.s lllUq~ lio thl,

OUt exactly whv hut lhl.v lulntlli~|Ionge,~l liV niiv llhicl ¯ In lht, w,wruhl."


*’lll,l~ill’l’ll ’ I )l dllli’l kllll’~V 11|ll)llt that."

wn< lh," sh’~,Idn~ reJolnlh,r of Hi~)iliei.Mlk,.. "l’lmi iil:ll.;,,~ .’,’l,ll lhllik ~o7""

"lltihfl. yl,z lit’:lr lhat ,’I+~’R?" rt,{llrn,.ll I’:il# tlllilllill~ loW;ll’~l ihl, hllFi,nll. "li Ii111~I h:lVi, .~hll’lif’l~ :1| hi.~te n

thnllSilnd."- I’hl1:ldollihia Tl~h.l.lrnllli,

Clever Smuggling.q’lll.~ l~,l%(~l’llllll’lli V¢ll.q (lll(’e dl,l’rllll(ltn|

of II bit ol iliOlll.l" lly lllllll,l’ill Wtltel

bl,ili’-’ ~lilil:’_’h’t] ii~ h’e. I"or li hill"

tlllil~ Ihl, t.ii~liHli lillihorlth~l Ill Now

Y(ll’l{ [i;lll h.ili~lh’d llll-~e i’l)li~i~lllllI¯lll~t

of lcl,. IIIo ~li’:lli’..-t, ilillilg I,l,lu- tlial

lifo l’rel=hi ili:llh0 ihe l!d,’t’ of. lhl¯

lnip,il-ll,tl I ,. ~1’1,31(.I" lh;lli lhl. lll(.lilIt?(’. Al’|l’l" li Io11~ |lllll~ a i’l;lllll’h ~ %Vil.~lil,’iil’ll whl, h lll’,f¢od IIself lilll x!tiil,I)llllihi ’,I’tlil’i’. Htil lilllil,ral w:iter, whil’h

If i,liil,l’lll:~ Ill,, i’lllliilFy Ill 1I~ Irlll~ lol’lll;wllihl have lll.t.li ~ulljt,,.tl,d Ill hl.livl


tJt:~wlttlt~(J tl-o ~ourt.

"’I ul ".- I:lll~ lh:ll a]l,’ll IIII)lden and

hln wiG. >l’li:ll;lll,d Ilil,3 ¯ plil’|i,l| Itie benllt~rlnlby’tl i.(iOlli Ihiit dhi lil,i fill.i, Illthat dlrel’tl,Ili, Itlld Ilil! olily ",1113" lie of frh,nd~.’"

"1~o lhl.y illll litililcklly for ~llirs. Dlh,bles."

"~,’h y t~o ?""l-Hbld(.~ llny~ her alhnony every

mollttl IIIid lhc-i blirrown half of--llhlivk.". - I; h.ni hi I~ hli In A fro- I lpra Id.

Comfort.Mr. I.’lllllllllll- ]l’illl wonlt’li are mighty

.~hlw. [iurlll~’lht, Ihnv It took you tO14crl(~,t ili:ii lilil [ Wi’llt out and nlnllle

$2r~). "3II’n. I"ltllMull l’ni so glad. (lear.

Yoll’ll nel,d I1’.

~ervad Its Purposa,i{ilihr)ii i iilllll,ed yeu’re not doing

your cC,llllili,Xl~lll iitt i,Iil’i,flllly iin youilSlq I lii.

lib the hllnilnl~k. Niirel 3" II wlin aI,~111) II I~lfi ii#,l.l,ltsllry IO lllkl, the

Irolilih, lilly iil,ll’l,. .~13" llrt~l’iil |lance¯ plali!ll~g, ph.l uri,, ~o rt01axe, I. TIw r,llli, i Is ,,,,l,,r Ifllntl. New York.Clol.,.

L,.(~ the skh’l hung gl’lil,l,fuilv o’,’¢,r: till ilde of tho hlilunio,.k; ihe lmlut of ’ ’,

Idalnty white Sllllper lil’ellell tit~yllliil" Diplnmatie. .

I "(’IIII VP’II hluit’ ylilll’ [i,l-d,’.ilid /llII fringe ,if hlC.e.

lilltllby sent i|llwn word ~,l ~hls aunt llrllll~l’ :"itillt ~ WIS!i.~! his roonl ;,hnllged tl,, "Yl,., I,ut

I’lll,li’t," lilldliii.lgh I’o.t


mother returned he had I,,ith eye~by llslly’" woulan atlont four sent~8wily; who hild hearll and leon all andwan nl, ilonht Jellloli,% gat ap nnll walk.t~l aronnd uml said:

"Thut shows how much mothersthluk ,,f their off.~prlng’. Do you ~nli.pose Td ever leave one of my childrenthnt why? Not mm.h"’

8he was ntlll walking around withher no~e lip In the Mr when an oldmnn with a cane and a mih’hl,I stop-ped to yell lit me:

iqulnted up, a smile all over Ms fatIliCe and ,~’as as content ss n pump-Ikin in a eorn eld.fl ___

l/¯ Oatmsal Praise. ]

Andrew Clirnegle praised at n lunch./eon the nbstenllous, almost vegetarian,’diet of the i~e(itch.

"The Scotch are strong and Ionlllvt~l." he ~ald, "beeausu they don’lovereat. Ontilleni, which they take

ITeard ef adeo

"Nil ado" Pea l Neo

Picked One Dosen la in ¯ttractive plll-~ Beat aBd Hilt ~ in ¯ citron

For Sale at Your Dealer 5c. Each or 50c. per Dozenltexal~m ,~lll¯pe l|lghly Polished In Yellow Finish. wnh Gilt ’rip and Red Ring, fltUl~l’with be¯t Red Erlmive Rubber.

The lit I K AI I(I Is a~uperior Quality of Pencil sud ~ntalne ti~ very flnmt prepared lead, .whleh l¯ excq,edlngly ~mboth and durable.A~urnt¯ly Gradl~l tn Five Degretm

No, i hlofl No. 2 I-2 Medium Hard No, 11 llardNo. 2 Medium No. 4 Extra Hard for Bookkeepera

C0nqeded to be the Finest Pencil mide~for General Use.


DECISION.We wa, te a deal of time and

limin |Gale In making and rem¯ldngdedsiom flat Ihould he made oncefor all. When mine duty is to be<t~ormed. tlui Iooner it can lieaccomplished and put awayftmilhed wolk the bettel.

"I)o you know If this Is the New"Haven depot or not’#"

"No. ntr. It llln’t." I replleql am I heldup my hand warningly.

’°Yollng nn nlee|l, ell’t" he’aiioutt~l In

~tlll louder tones.I noddi~l and enutloned him sh, aln.At that molllelit ttle bnlly’~ eyes I)[N’ll.

ed. ! r~’ked him to att(l fro nnll t’roon.ed to him. and h~’d Lave slept againbut for a wom/ul who (’ame up nndloudly Inquired:

"I)ld you noth’e a hand bag on thatsent wh,,li you sut down?"

"No. 1 didn’t see ilay hand ling. andyou w,,kl, thl.~ hahy Ull" l shoutc~l atthe Wlillliln.

"Oh. l hiivi’~ ~late llrison offenae,1 sulq~i~("." she tlnt~l~l’tHl all she madeoff.

By lhis thae lht. haby’a eyes had go[I~low Iny hat. nnd they began to be-tray II great deal of anllt, ty. I keptmy knee~ moving and stutg to him.

with lnllk ;tad salt~never sugnr,--ls satnple wllh t_!!em. It is true tlint DrSamuel .IiIhnson once sneered at Iheoatmeal hahlt, saying:

"’Oats are n food for men la BcofInn(l and for I1oi~en In Enghlnd.’

"But to thin iln, ~’otch lord, EIlbnnk.promlltly retortt~l :

" ’Yes. huh,ell. And where will iyoufind sul-h lilirse~ !iml snch men?’ "-Phlladelllhhi lh~i.

Veics illd Writini,

Early Polilih.At least one llttlet~lrl hi New York

Is hi line for a dll)loulutlc position whenthe governmeut decides to admit fem-inine aspl~a|lts to the (’orlm. She wai

sltt~ on a park bench tile other after-ni{bu In compnny ’with unother childnh~ut her owu age. There was evident-ly ¯ ome disugreetm, nt beiween them,and suddenly the discreet malden turn-ed to her obnoxlotls coutpaulon, smiledsweetly and mild, "Well If one of ulishould get bff thin scut I’d have moreroom.’--New York Post.

Pe,uliar Lakes.On the Maagishlak "penlnmlla. In tlie

Caspian sea, there are five small lakes¯One of them Is covered with salt crys-tals strong enongh to nliow a man andbeast to cross the hike Oil root. An-other Is as round I|S any drele nnd alovely rose volor. Its hanks of saltcrystal form a setting, white as the,~ Haa an}’ on,, noth’ed and noted whaldriven snow. to the water, which Dot

en unfallhl;¢ Indl,x to an author’s voice only shows nil the colors from violethis writing In’t hi rending your book to rosy red. but from which ~ aor new.~pllper think of this. If youI perfume na of vloletil. Both perfumehave liny t4Plll4e (if Hterary style you[ and color are the result offhe presencewill Ileteet the shrill voice, the melodl. / of seaweeds, the violet anil the pink.

ous voice, the high Idtched. llerky volet\/in the wrlthign of tht.ir pondessors. Eli. 1 Many Kinds of Ulwyers, . "ergy tind40nthushism Ill writing Invnrl. l In the ofllehll’acale the attorney gen.¯ bly belong to the writer wit’ b ni ~ral ranks higher than the solicitor gt~n.

" Nothing Doing" Is Sometimes The Result of DoingN0thing. When Business Is Dull, Advertise. The ATt.~i, rrlcCousrv R~corD iS The Best County Advertising Medium.7 . 2_--- -- - - --

where earthqunkea are most frequentthey are most severe.

Mr. Bncon--I have noticed the samethln~ about vurteln lectures, my dear.--Yonkers 8tnte~mnn.

I ne Longest Riva~.th~u,,If the meven longest rlverk of

world were put end to end they wouldlnek ~]0 nllle~ of encllx’llllg the earth.

Gray Hair.A Chlneae phflomlpher aayn them Ill

an ounee of whulom st tim root olevery gray hair.

~ltlrlea W. ~eiftd, Alli~ll B.-Smt~,-tmwlaii Bmph H~’mla k liunlng.

Or~naneel--An4enlim liolirleolit, WUllem-L. nleek, liolli~i L I~loharnhonlt, Walter J,Ryan, Thomml Rltlmll.

Holdim’ IIo14~1~ F. ~ DomlnlckConllgltll Aaderlon Bourgeohl, Joeeph M. Oo~-m& l~ewl~ H. Smith.~Dliediarlle of Plrilollre--William L Bhlclt.tolmrt I._ 8hnrnhonlts Allen Ynllman, Whiter

J. Ryon, Taylor Hilum.PrinUng--Domtnlelr (leralllll. ltoimrt Fltl-

proM, ~hmmll Rltlm, itlwln llolillmml,Allm~ ’ltll~¯ I4bnu’i,--I~t/i..W. Clement& ltirry Fui-

[ mtr, Ira T. i!. itmlth, Hermln i. Banning,lallto" u~i~. .

I had sung al~mt a rod of "The OldOnkt.li tlucket." which [ have alwaysfound Io have a soothing efft~’t and hetvns looking Nt me with great curloslty,when n fnt woman came lmillng alongand llloli[a,d to exclaim:

"Kltcilen. what n\awe~t little bebyl"Vi’nlklng nlmut with a baby in your

nrml is r¯ther monotonous on the spinsand knl,en nnd shoulders, but wae In.vented iin IIn offset for lmregorie. Ilifted Ull the haby and took a wall-a.hy-buliy walk. As 1 wnlked I tried todivert his nllnd tntu n new channel bytelling hlnl s bear story. He was grnd.ually Ibm.liming Interested and hadprotlallly made up his mind thst I wliaat leust his stepfather when a llttklold Inlin Whn hadn’t the Idlghteet ISX-euse for llvlng blocked my way andshrllly observed:

"My wife died and left a imby abonial ~ big as him oil my h¯ids, and Iknow how to pity yoe. Are you llis-

"shrill" In’ his voice, and you may be eral, but In all other respects the dh~pretty sun~ :l I~r~.oll Who¯e prolo h

big him on the bottle’#"I went on with the bear story, but

was no nse. The baby began to growred ht the face and tO kick and ehiw,and he Ilnslly yelled out at the top ofilia voh-e. I ehnnged him to th6 othershoulder, bnt it wall no good. I gothhn d,,wll ou lny arm nnd toased himnp und di, wn, hilt he llllJ~d the harder.No fewer lllun lllx full Krown people¯atonce giillil,rl,iI nrennd to dlsctms thet.ilHi., iilill lll.l.iilille I i.ouIdn’l slllln| itllitu nLii~,l lar their lineitlunl 1 heard tht.nl

carefully wronght Iron not a good tnlk.IIng voice.r--London Hall.

" //

Mastsrl of Ciriumstance. /A Quaker sitting near Joha w,,sle~/ 1

nt a religious servh.e asked him If lit|were Iflunnlnlg to speak if lhe sl,lrllmoved. The energetle John replied, "1shull ~pelLk that the eldrit may move.’It hi true tlult the Holy Spirit willguide u~ In our work. but It la not emflnor wtse to L wait for special leadlngs.If spe_elal h,udhlgS come follow them,but In the nlntenee of these go ahemlatrenUously trytng to save and hell]’everybody you cau reaeh.--Chrhitla~Herald.

lino Might Ao~lpt."I’m going to ask her to be queen of

my hQme." Shill the enlinlored youth."’Yes." relllle, i the i’ynlc. "and she’ll

it aeeept with tie hlea that the home IItO ll~ sn als~-, lte lUOimrchy."--Toiltka


Tee Plantn.8even-yenr-old~ tea planhl yisld foul

oun,:ea of leavesi’apleee, or 71)0 p~adI

.of tea to the acre.

| he MIKa~O.The word ’°mikado" elgnUle= Iome

.thing like "the sacred pate" or ’~hlsublllne lmr~.’’

.=,= .=er,, d=wn he<w.a .t., Enter Your Sub=fiction" Now. . -,,


torneyl aad. solicitors has vgaished.[dlv,- u o, the Iowe, bre..ch 0,, ethe ielni profeulon has fasted longe,Iare three klnd~ of lawyers beyoad thliTweed--namely. the advoca’te or bai,] . ,rister, the writer to the slgnet~a ~oitcl,/ .tor wifh special Iirlvlleges--and the or.dlnary law agent, who corresponda t~the English ~oiicltor.--I,ondon Globe.

Pr0blom.Rankh] was ~’huckllng."Whatsa uiaiter?" asked Phyle."I was Jilst lhlnklng (if something

In~ boy nskt.d nm."

"What was It ?"

"He waatl.~l to knnw wll~t will b@como of all the htlrseflhm when every.

News from the County Towns,

Proceedings of Civil, Criminal and Orphans’ Courts,

Legal and Real Estate News.

Mailed to an)’ address In the United Stites for $1.25\

body use~ nut,,nlul, lles."--Youngsixlwn Fill out the followingTelegranl.

and milll it to this office to-day,

Not It Vstaran."When I Proposed to Blanche ¯hi

aliked me If 1 was a new reerulL""What dld she meanf’"Bhe wsnled to kll(lli~ if 1 bad, eve!

Imrtleipat~l in an engagelment bereft."~Boeton Trunnerltlt.

%% .... M u=h-Bithlr-- -~lven though one once won one’l

"one be~t bet." It were Imtter that thebetter did not bet.

Please send the Atlantic County gecord to thefollowing address for one year, for which I enclose $1¯.25.


Name...\...’ ........................... .....................Address ........................... ’CRy, etc ..............................

’;,~ £

...... 5, -¯;

¯ ,7 ":%;





; In: tbo ~901

N,. or mrcel or land sltualePofnt, Oounty of Atlnn-

/l~luulnR 8outheMterly.IIneof the Efi~ now called Math Ave-dktanee slz huna~d a.nd leventy-three

feel trom the ~orthe~sterly lineof New runs from laid


Ildtr of ordlnul- Ix}r- Blver.

ilottedlng on ~l’ildied elgllty-onl to mouthHarl~r; them>BUM Harbor IIv indls2d twelmor.e or leltl to the tenter’I;ililed I tbon~ (4)degrees iweuty-two.(21) =the ceiiter of HarUor Lane flve hundred

eenler ofat corner to

rwenty.o~ andatone corncr

mlithirty nad81xt

¯ to a ~oue forTa corn




A IAIERT C. ABBOTT,Attorney.41bIxlw.¯ Hollcltor and Msmter iu Chaneery,

Birch Building, .


8HEal FFI8 8AI,E.By vlrtae of a wilt of flerl fachm, to me

lll~.hnt~ln./~a_~__..out of.t)ie New Jereey Court"~u~Ul~ry, Will e0 llO[a nt public vendue, on

"3 , ,.

MAY’S I~AI~DINO. N. J.8ATUItDAy, THE FOURTEENTI.I DAY..OF P¯oonll4 G04-6-~7 Guarantee Trust BuUdlng,A~bi~ Fl]ll’l~l~i.

AND FIFTEEN,AUGUST, NINETEEN HUNDRED AT/~ANTIn CITy, N.J.tWO o’clock In the of lild ~ two o’elock n. tile afternoon of mild ......the loom

AND FIFTEEN, " .......... ; ......... ’- - -~the COurt .at two .o’clock In ale afternoon of Raid day, "~URTON A. OAl-tKIi,I,,Floor.Ing, lU the City of At- 8ollcltorand Mhiiter In Chancery,lantic CIty,~C0unty or Atlluitl~ Slid 8 a , MA.Y’S LANDIIIO, lff. J.New Jersey." I t te of Roomi~ ~I-&@7-80uarantee Trust Building,of hind al I All that tract Or Fatreel of Isnd and prelnh~% ATI~ANTIfJ CITY, lq. ft.llltuate, lying and tieing In theCIty of North.

-- ............ -fleldCltF, ’formerlyTownshlp oi" EggHarbor TOHN /~ ISZAltD,dtsoIdb ¯Ud Htate of In nle C ouhty of At/autlc and 8tat~ of Ne~f) COunsellor-at.l~kw,dereey : , .-- _ _M¯#lter Court ol Chancery.

Northe~mt he Idouth lln¯ Of Beglmllng t the W~lt corner ofStiore llx~dltooma 8 Umoa National Bank BuildingIndflHyf~tfrom and Nortblleld Avenue. thenco(l) Northweeb

" A’IPI.AlqTIOClTY, W..T, / ’of Avenue snd runs wardly along the 8outb~eet line of Northfleld_._ XAY’8 LA~DtlqI~¢/i. J.hllndred one-hnif Avenue two I.iundred thirty~lx ¯nd eighty.

~k~euth°ne-Ilunar.ed~,/.(~36~1) feet; thence (~2) I~IOLTI~ 8OOY &, OILL, " .....thence we~twaraly Li right angle~ with North-will athellneof-iml feet field Avenue ne handrad forty.~lx nnd . ~48,44,Retllglhltoand/SiiwBulldlng,feet to Ihe 8outherl Y.. lUnar~Iths feet (146.20) to John Fb Jl.it

Oouneeilora.at.Uaw,thence iI ~e ; the¯ce (g) I~outheaawardly. along Aix.aNa’Io on’Y, 1% 3’.

)hundr0d Ilne’of ~il ,venuei~i .t.w.o.hundr~ one ~_ud elghleeti-hun- " ’-n t~.ml ieet to the ~orthwe~t line of "~IOU]R, GF.OII~ dk COUI.~OMB, -’ ’ ....

~ald B0ad; tbenee (4) Northeaetwardly D . Couimellors~t-Law.thl nnd duly recorded Ih line o(81aori~. R~m.d one hund red and tt~.l~ic~l’l~ee, In N.ew. Jerl~,_Phlhulelphll and

1 @ounty In book nlaety-two nundredths (185.92) ~=.= omum 17tstrlet anu Ulreuit Courhl.Rell Elilite mad £t.w Building,

~t ¯ point I n the 8outh- ¯ ~l’rLAl~r t O crri. Ii. ~.to the middle of the eout

I~3mtwflrdly fron the ~. l~ GOLDENBERG.to A~lllllll stl~et ; Ihc feet 10distant one handred N.. " ............................md two mlu tl0 Avenue and Mlchl- .~-/. ’ Law Offices.. .

Imild ~.oolnl 8"/. 88, 89, 40, ~ Estate & LIw Balldlnl~lmld 190], ATI~I~’XO C’ITt. ~.a.

aud thlr ......... = .....7eye~ by UIr~rdv-- F. 8.mlth by de~l Ee A. HIGInEE,

... o.~u ne u nundrt~ and ~o~n~nor.at.L~w.the III1~ anu the Atlantic I~lrlnt¢ Union Bink llullalnl,Lierk’8 Office In book fi04 of deeds m~’ ~’fi~--’" t~o ocrr. ~. =.place of ytireislli anu 1914. "IG~DMUND @. GA~KILL, Jig., ¯ ,sl the proplrly Of Elhl F. 8mlth eL aL J~i ~ Couamllor41.Liw.¯ rid_taken _tn etiecunon at thesult of Walter

~ ~06-7..~ Guar~nleeTrtu~Bul141ng, ’orthwardly$), mlnuteareeord In In tho ’ 1~1t and l~. l~lge lnu-4o ce 101q’by Both r~onel,

llzat~l.i~o ~, lI.j.aeventy.one hi In b0oli lU book tltl9 fOIto 418 et~ ~ .... J_O6~H.B. nARTL~’TT,corner to Cookhl lot Pages. 494 Paeqaarelli Dieted July 17.1915. 8herllr. E]UWOOD. C. W]IF~K/~I,¯

I¯,A. MeJaneandex~uU°n tha suit of¯ __ AUorney-abI.lw,to lie sold by ¯ OODFR’Igy. GIDDI~GS & REgDLBOtteltorlL

lio~Ins 435-88, Gae.rlntee Trnxt Eulidlag,io terly llneof land~ feet the JOBEPH R. BARTLETt, ........ . plall fee. |19 38 ~___ ATLANTI~ CI’Ty, II..T.B, Br Dieted July 17. 191& 8hertff. : .........


Flrat 8bowingAdvance


1534 Atlantic Ave.’;Atlantic City ,



Page 5: RECORD. - Atlantic County Library · AugUst up Until the second week ~n 5¢ptember 8~Uber, ~xg0 fL Eaet ~ld" of In’diana Ave. SO there are a number of g0od cover crops we ca~x ft


TRACT 6~RISLEY PLAN1.03 3.O4~.05 3.O41.03 3.041,03 3.043.08 2.963o,


tlurs,-,’, f’harles H., 10 berets, lot 361 .......Chamberlain. MrS. C. A.. 10 acres, lots 69. 7o(’ahlwelL Josiah 8., 10 acres, lot 262 .........Davit. Frank (’.. 5 seres, lot 28 ..............I,:vans, Franklin A.. 23 acres, lots 520. 521. r,22.

523 .......................................Fl"ltz~ehe. Oswald, 11 acres, lots 1076-1078 ....~arden. Chas. A.. 10 acrea, lot 111 ............Henklll¯ John. 5 aeree, lot 52 .................Krouse. Eugust. 20 acres, lots 546, 547. 550.


Magee, ld~ J.. 5,acres, tot 33 ..........i8 .....Malaga Realty & Dev. Co., 4 t~rea, lot 1 ....

Oldham, Arthur I~.. 10 acres, lot 109 ..........Radish. II¯dolph. 10 acres, lot 364 ............~mlth, ~,Vllll¯m P,, 10 acrea, lot 310 ..........







1.03’ 2.05












t .0~-


MISCELLANEOUSAber, Ida K.. lot 5, block 32. tract A, O~hring

Plan .................. ; .............. ¯ ....4.07 Atto.ntie Farm Co., 7M ¯eres woodland, for-4.07 merly A. E. Bou.rgoto ...................4.07 |~oyd, John H,, lOt 7, block ?~,.pomon~-.....4.07 []Broome. I41annah, lot gO, bloelt ~, u~nrlng6.04 Plan .... - ............................... A"4.07 []~oyd E~tt., J. H., lots 15, 10, bl0~k’10, tract ,4.07 i 1. /~ D. Co .......... , .............. ~ .....

| ~rletow E~t.. W. H., lot 14, block 1, tract ELi ¯ I. L. D. Co ........... ....................I Brlstow, Kate A, lot 15, btoek 1, tract B, I.I ~ D. C~ ....................... : ......../I~tes. l~tntu~ A., 120 a._eres, lots 241. 245, 24;," 270 274, 279. Wey.Farms .... : .... -- .......

~Rrawner, John B., lot"10, block 138, 1oung’sPlan ...................... , ..............

5.11 C¯pper, Vfllllam, lots 10-12. block 23, Pomona5.11 Corby, .rohn F.. lot ,1, block ’18, tract ^.5.11 I.L.D. Co ...............................4.07 ClulaelL Anna H., lots 23, 25. block 2’i. Pomona,

Canfield Est.; Frank,.Iot lit_block II, l’omon¯9$4 X~,l,. Ow,n H., 10 a~res. ~..~,~. c~t~5.11 Gunnermmn. Belle J., lots ae~ ~v. ,~, ,v,~5.11 144; M. L. L Co ............................4,01 Ooddard. Em~ll¯ P.. lot. 1515, Reeg~__.Ptrk ....

Guklll, E. C., ¢ ¯cres land, Supr Hill, IOrm-8.10 erly T&yior ..... ~ .......... ’ ..............~.11 Go~, L¯cY E., 10 ¯cres, lot= ’/1)G, 7~, Estelto4.07 OrsJg~r, John, lot 12~, 8.c. C, ~p _p&rk..4.07 Hammeibachar. F. J.. 10 ~ ~ % .lot ~,0.11 way ~rm¯ ...: ......... ":" ioL"i4~,~i:5.11 Hartm¯n, L’narleL It.ram ~m6.11 town .~ ................ ’ .... " .............

10.41 Hardenburg, Ellen M., lot ~44. l~c. 1, P~e~5.U P¯rk ................... ’ ...................4.07 Johnson, Otof, 1 acre, lot 15, Gaeden Plot ....4.07 Jones, Ollva, 20. acres, lot 1005, Glee, _l~rme.7.20 James, Mra, 8. A.,.Iot 2, trsu~t 1. uenrlng

Jenkins, Isaac T., lots 1-53, block $1, Je-................................... rfrle~ Plan ..... ~ ...........................

Jenson. Martha, lot 15 block 1, Jersey Bldg.Co ......... ,. ................. " ...........

Kramer’Est., 8¯muel, lot I, block 70; lot 54,block 48. Jeffrles Plan ...................

Laughl;an, John¯ tot= 44 tO 60, Ii~ltmlve, blockM; (]ehrlnff ~ ......... ---" ¯ "- ..........

t~vey, m¯ ~,., lot ~0, ~1~..r2.r¯:"=i’ii’"McPbereen, Nancy, 5 ¯m’et lOt ~1..M~M:v ,.,~’Murdhy James, lot ~0, bioek 0a. ~ ~ ¯ ....7.2(I ~ |ots’ll-l$, block ~0~.Pomo~a:..,....-~.-~;-:.

4.07 MaroL Wllll¯m J., ’ acres, lot sz=. w=~,Farms

0,50O’~eUl. J. j.;’io~’~," "~fo~’~’~," "t’r~ ’A~’i." "f."v:4.07 Co ................... ,5.11

Peter*on, Mrs. The,., ib "lLe.~il," igtll" il~," "1"i4"tr¯et 14 .............................

4.$0r~ge, t. ~¯"~,l tot ~.360, aee~ r~rk...~’Z~Plea~¯ntvllle tt ¯rid Gun Club. § a~res land

g.10 adJolnln~ Chtts. Cain .....................BueseH Mary L, lot 32, block l_trltct A; IoUs

5.95 17. 18, 10,-~lock 0, tract C, I. L. D. Co.:.5.11 R~bock, Weasel A., lot 19. block 1~, tract ^,7.20 I.L.D. CO .... ¯ .................... : ....

Bherman, Hennah L., 20 ¯crea, part lot 062,el* ¯. Farms ............................7.25 smmlwooS, ~an~, l~ .~es ~-~. ~m~n~G5.6~ Behmehi WaL, HowSrd EL, ~ t~rMc=-¯,~t~.. ................ /=" ii: "K41£ X,5.95 Bnydor. nee. H., lots 7, 14, lt~oo , ’I L. D, C¯ ........ .......................5.~ Bta.Lr~,,.t, 1~ P., tot 6, bloe.k % Bowlm _.P~n

5.1r Be~b,’~"~lltmm, 20 ~rQ, lot t04|, tma~

s.10 ’the IndnstrUd Ia~nd |mp.~_~ $~0 m~r~|3.51

near Mlsimh. formartx .~. ~" "’~tm~t"t’~"Thorpe Joseph, houae ana mtm =, ~, ,_~_~." __~$.51 trot A I. L D. Co,, ~ =u~es, u=nu =~.5.11 t¯etocy .-.:., .:.. ,:....;:.-. ’i~" i~: "/d~i( If

4.80 ~an W¯rt, Bylveeter U.LN ~ " ’ I

5.11 tract A. L L D. Co ........ .............Weymouth Farm and Agricultural Co.~045~11 ¯cres, lots $10, $11. 313. $13, 249, Wey5.11 Farms ...................................5.11 T¯tes, J¯mes, 5 ¯eres, tot 53, trb.ct 0 .........











7., Witness my hand this4.** Second Day of0,1~

Payment must .be made before the concluslo0 oi the sale,

Iotherwise the property will be Immediately resold.

On all taxes paid before)the i~y of sale deduct onb dollar

and twenty-fiVe cents($1.25) from amount of costs.

\ CLARK W.. ABBOq~r~ ....Tax .C~bctor:’