Record Keeping and Using Data to Determine Report Card Markings

Record Keeping and Using Data to Determine Report Card Markings

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Record Keeping and Using Data to Determine Report Card Markings

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The Dilemma of Late Work

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Learning OutcomesParticipants will…Be able to use the five “keys” of quality classroom assessment to effectively use assessment dataExplore a variety of data collection strategies to determine student progress during reading workshopDetermine methods for transferring rubrics scores into report card grades

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Types of Classroom Assessments

Assessments for Learning: Formative Assessments “All those activities undertaken by teachers and/or by students

which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they engage”

(Black and Wiliam in Marzano, 2006)

Have a strong research base supporting its impact on learning Helps identify how to plan and adjust instruction

Assessments of Learning: Summative Assessments “Assessments that come at the end of a process or activity, when

it is difficult to alter what has already occurred” (Airasian in Marzano, 2006)

Effect sizes are significantly lower than those for formative assessments

Documents what students have achieved

Assessments as Learning Is considered by students and teachers to be a worthwhile

educational experience in and of itself

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Sound Classroom Assessment Practice

skill in gathering accurate information


effective use of information and procedures


sound classroom assessment practice

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Keys to Quality Classroom Assessment

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Key 1: Clear PurposesWhy Assess?

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Key 1: Clear PurposesWhy Assess? What’s the purpose?

Who will use the results?

Our goal is to ensure that our assessment processes and results serve clear and appropriate purposes.

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Key 2: Clear Targets Assess What?

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Key 2: Clear TargetsAssess What? Know what kinds of targets are

represented in the curriculum

Know which targets each assessment measures

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Key 3: Sound Design Assess How?

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Key 3: Sound DesignAssess How?Assessments fall into one of four basic categories:1.Selected response and short answer2.Extended written response3.Performance assessment4.Personal communication

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Selected ResponseStudents select the correct or best response from a list provided:

Multiple choiceTrue/FalseMatchingShort AnswerFill-in Questions

For selected response questions, students’ scores are figured as the number or proportion of questions answered correctly.

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Extended Written Response

Requires students to construct a written answer in response to a question or task rather than select one from a list and is at least several sentences in length:

Compare pieces of literature, solutions to environmental problems, or economic eventsAnalyze art work, forms of government, or solutions to problemsInterpret music or scientific information

Students are typically scored using a rubric.

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Performance AssessmentStudents complete a performance or product:

Playing a musical instrumentCarrying out the steps in a science experimentReading aloud with fluencyCreating a lab reportCreating a work of art

Students are typically scored using a rubric or scoring guide.

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Personal CommunicationWe find out what students have learned by interacting with them:

Looking at and responding to students’ comments in journals and logsAsking questions during instructionConferring with studentsListening to students as they participate in class

Students’ scores may be decided similarly to the other assessments depending upon the questions and communication.

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AssessmentsFour categories:

1.Selected response and short answer2.Extended written response3.Performance assessment4.Personal communication

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Key 4: Effective Communication Report How?

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Effective CommunicationReady to Use On its Way Needs Significant


Results from the assessment are communicated in a timely manner.

Results from the assessment are communicated so that the intended users of the information understand what they mean and how they connect to learning.

Results provide clear direction for what to do next.

Results from the assessment are communicated so that the intended users of the information may have questions about what they mean or how they connect to learning.

Results do not provide entirely clear direction for what to do next.

Results from the assessment are not communicated in a timely manner.

Results from the assessment are not communicated so that the intended users of the information understand what they mean or how they connect to learning.

Results do not provide direction for what to do next.

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Information Management Decisions

Decisions to Be Made

What evidence will I gather? Who will gather it?

Where will the evidence go? How will I store it?

How, if at all, will I summarize the information?

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Structures for Reading Instruction

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Reading Groups

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Reading Groups: Evidence of Student LearningPersonal CommunicationTeacher questioningStudent dialogueAnecdotal Record Sheets

Performance AssessmentRunning Records

Extended Written ResponseReading Response Journal Post-it Notes

Selected Response and Short AnswerAppropriate? When?

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Structures for Reading Instruction

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How do I record the information gathered during workshop?

Spreadsheets Scoring Scales Planning and Note-taking Documents File folders Individual Student Notebooks Binders with Tabs for Each Students

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Record Keeping Strategies:Spreadsheets (K-5)

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Record Keeping Strategies:Scoring Scales (K-2)

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Record Keeping Strategies:Scoring Scales (K-2)

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Record Keeping: Planning and Note-taking Documents (K-5)

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Record Keeping

Maintaining records during Reading Workshop allows us to…

Plan effectively: mini lessons reading groups individual conferences

Communicate Progress via: grades status reports parent conferences narrative reports

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Determining Grades

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From Rubrics to Percentage Grades

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Grading Guidelines

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