CECIL WHIG, ELKTON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1903. NEWS FROM ALL OVER CECIL COUNTY. Leeds. : IjKKDK, Mi*.. F* I*. 27. 1303 ( Mi-- Mary Marian i< visiting friends in liallinioiv. Mrs. I'Mwar l Perr.N : lid Mr. Ilohell Perr.N are m iking an ext**nd***l visit l* I hdtiumre. Mr. itarrett ('amphell has retnrne*l from Philadelpliia. Miss IlarriiM Met'anicy, of Wilining ton. i tel., spent Siiinliiy with Mi-s Kaehel Met 'anley. \Tiss Aliei 11 arve.N Mrs. .Mongar. of Wilininglon. Oel. Miss Alice Si Hie a*; I Mr. William S* i- i!e. d* the I i --iiy of Maryland, spent the -Tw* I” a i Imnie. Miss l.oui (!*. ' iw, of o** :l!l (trove. N. .(.. is vis'nii . .vl:*-s Viola Mahoney. ~— ¦ -• ¦ Theodore. Thkodork Mi., Fi*h. 27. 1903 The “Cecil Whig” is on sale at (J. W. i ’•owtrirtu’s store. 3 cents a copy. Mr. Chari*;- A. Ferguson and Miss ' Mary F. Marten line were quietly mar- ried at tin* M. Id. Purs* him ge. North Fast, on Tuesday veiling, the 17th inst.. hy llev. W. A. Wise. A wedding break fast at the home of tin* bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus ILnleiiyline follow i d the ceremony. On Thursday evening, tin* young men tendered the newly mar- ried couple a s* remade. They were kind- ly received * ml served with refreshments. On Saturday evening, a reception was given at the home of the bride’s parents. Many handsome gifts were received. Mrs. Pahin-r. of Prim-ipio. visited Mrs. (Jarred, on Monday. Miss Helm Williams wa- aid** (* re- sume her school duties on Monday morn- ing. Mrs. Cheadhs and daughter, returned last week, with friends in Flklon. Mr. I'M ward I limvman. **f Washing- ton. I>. ('.. vi-ited his pai' i.ls on Tues- day. Frincipio Furnace •** pßiNfirio FintSACK. F I*. 27. 1903 Miss Mary Harris**!! has returned horn** after a pleasant visit with friends in ! North Fast. i Miss Minnie Armsti mg has returned j home, in Philadelphia, fta pleasant i\isit with Miss Fllender Jackson. \ii-s Agnes Mo.tr.* is visiting friends in Oxford, Pa. Chesapeake City. Chesapeake City, Feb. 27, 190:'.. The “Cecil Whig is on sale each ireek in Chesapeake City, at Alexander's drug store. 8 cents copy. Dr. Stanley Steele, of 101 k I on. spent Sunday with Ids parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steele. Miss Alice Settle spent the holiday jvilh her parents, at Leeds. Mrs. Annie Egeo is spending some time With Wilmington relatives. Miss Mary Miller spent Sunday with Mrs. Tiionms Roes. Miss Nellie Egee is spending a few flays with Delaware friends. Miss Fannie Foard, of Elklon. spent Sunday with her parents. Miss Katharine Merchant visited Miss Alice Boulden this week. Miss Marion Bottldon spent tin* holi- flny- with her sister. Mrs. 11. V. Man- love, of Elklon. Steele Fooling, of Philadelphia. spent Sunday with his parent-. Mr. and Mrs. Z. F. Cooling. Thomas Hopper, of the Fniveisitx of Pennsylvania, was at home for a few clays this week. Byron Botiehelle, Jr., was a (Veiltou ylsitor last wwk. Dr. Harry Cleaver spent Monday in Philadelphia. Fowler Holland, of Baltimore, spent Sunday and Monday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hollaml. Dr. Edwin Craves, of Marietta. Pa., spent last week with Hatty Howard. Rev. and Mrs. 1.. F. Poole and Miss Mari am, visited Miss Mary I.iini last Friday. Harry (iritlilh, of MoitTsviile, Pa., was home for a few days last week. Mrs. W. J. Clarke and son. Frank, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. W. E. Barwiek. Mr. Henry Boulden, of (V ilton, spent Wednesday with relatives in town. James Bayard, of Baltimore, has been visiting (Jrason Bom-hello, of the Manor. Mr. Charles Lam*, of Philadelphia, has been visiting his sister. Mrs. M. E. Fn man. Air. Thomas Hazel. of Cermanlown. Pa., visited his mot hot*. Mrs. Harriet Hazel, last week. Exercises appropriate to Washington's Birthday wore held mi Friday, of lad week, in our schools. A lire in J. P. Steele’s meat market was discovered by Mr. John Beiswanger early Saturday morning. No one was there at the time, and tin* window was broken open and the lire extinguished with slight damage. Mr. Steele has a Wood stove in his otlice, the pipe of which runs through a crock in the ceiling. This is how the lire originated. As .Lines Wharton, our mail carrier \v ¦ i* mti tg do ft ; nnii Eiktmi la> i 'I down at the run at W aterford. Tin evening papers were lost and the mail delayed for some time. Tin* Ericsron Line St amor from Bal- timore, did not arrive hen on Mm \ at all. It did not leave Baliimot til daylight <>n Tuesday. Ceorge Dutton’s hors** run away on Tin sda; \citing, Inti w caught In 1 u any damage was done. The m*w hooks have arrivid and will he delivered I* the lilemhi rs of the “Book Clnh'’ aho.it the i iddle of March. Miss \i Hie Egee all of Mis- Marion Cleaver, of the Manor, as one <•!' the maids of honor. She wojv a !#••.e.ning gown of Pari muslin. Ann iVnitoek. a respected eolore I wo- man. die.l at the homo of her - on-in law. (Mmi le ( Fri i. I years. Mr. William Fyle i- building a tine barn on Ids < 'mut I lon INu it f i *ni. The 1 unil ¦r ua nt ami made r tdy for use, right was Used. Oecilton. OftoiLTo*. Md..F*l). 27. ItHMJ Dr. IL M. Black spent Monday in Mil lington. Miss Katie Burton tome .after spieling '••me time with friends near tow n. Mrs. Alexander Wilson is making a stay with her father. Mr. Bond, of Fori I h po.-il. Mi-ssrs. .1. D. Franco and J. K. Ft r- gnsoti. of (’bestertown, were in town on M'iinrsday. of last week. Mrs. U. M. Black, win was quite sick for several days, is much improved in In allh, and aide to ho out. Mi ¦ rs, N. I*. Fergus an i John An- derson spent Tuesday in Wilmington. Miss Hull, of Elk \ ek, is iht* guest of MBs Amy Cnlherson. at (irevntield. Miss Motile McCoy, of Eikton, spent n few days with her patents near town. Mrs ' 1 1• i ¦ ret home after a short fay with her daugh- ters. i n t Mie ap ake C’.r Mr. Janie il. Sinitit \p ••- to build an addition to his hardware an ! atari i -hop in the very lira ; fn; ur . Mr. Jan M . W ton. I tel., on Tim lay. J. 1: ¦ Smit shed 112x20 feet h 1 to !iis wat lioi Also an addition of I *l2 l t, glvi S 1 ••' of m disjda;. of ear iI ages. Zion. Zion, Md.. Feh 27. 1308 The "Civil Whig" is /* an if each irt-ek in '/.ion (it (’irharl l: Co.'s storr, 3 cents <> oop>/. Mr-. .1 allies .Mi*l Veary is seriously ili ::t h**r homo with rheumatism. H r nii-iT, Miss Louisa McCreary. of Fan Hill. i- - 1m• 111 1 i ll ic some lime with 11 -r. Mr: . Amos Martin laic* and Mrs. (M in ton (\nhait, of tins place, spi ; last week in Wilmington. H 1.. attending tin* executive meeting > 1 the Woman's Heim* and Foreign Missionary of the ,\< \v (Vasili* Preshy (**ry. .Mi- Foss},* Wiley spent Satniday and Sunday with relatives mar Little I• ri- lain. Mr. Clayton Carharl spent tin* iirsl put of tills week in Wilmington. Del. Mr. and Mrs. F. Iwin Carhart. of this plaee. elite! t all. d nuiiiher of their friends last Satin i evening, in honor of t heir guests. Mi-- Col a Uigdeji and Miss Mearns Carhart. students of the Stale Normal Seho.d. Haltimore. While driving from Oxford to this town one evening last week, Ilev. Wilson !*• ale, pastor of the I 'reshy terian Church. his horse plunged ami fell into a deep snow drift. The pa-tor had mm h dillhnltv and suffeied greatly from the intense void before he was aide to ivsene the animal. lie stay ! at tin- home of Mr. dolm While all night, reaching ids home i;i Thursday morning. Millions Pat To Work. The wonderful activity of the new century is shown hy an enormous de- li aid for the world’s best workers i )r. King’s New Life Fills, For Constipa- tion, Si< k Headache, rdliousness, or any trouble of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys, they’re unrivaled. Only 125 cents at H. IL Fi'a/cr’s, HI kton; and S. T. Wiley’s, (’olora, I‘rug Stores. Mechanks’ Va\!ey Mkcuaxics’ Vaij.ky. Kid*. 27, 1308 Tin II Whig" is on atilt at thi start of lUakf a Fold. Tin “drip” has given ail of ns a -alute, hut quinine hy the barrel ha- loot us up ard going. Wilnier Koiiehelle i- onr advance far i i.- having jn.-l finished hauling '..iii bundle I h n -1 1 e1 > of line r.*r hi* (op-. ii. IV .M.cph* 1m- made gie.it improve i;e-nts to tie.' old Simpers property, j When - ! - tin* picket fence along the load way. it wid .••.id greatly to Cm Mppearam of tin- old ho:n*>l< id. W. it In e> •• tow i I Hid. Point. Polk Uaeiiie may know linn h about fo\ hauling in days of 'oro. l ei ,• ieii il eoe ¦ s to gathering in i lie J;de\ s'.iad, \\ . .j.’s knowledge of tislndog,\ larks sei u; J to none. S. Twyford, on, 1 t-m-rgi tie thresher- man. has sold his fanu, at I will h Ive m* in I lie ? pr: e 't ile familiar Ida from his steam whistle which often lias r-niM d ns from pi aceful lumber, will fall upon other * an ! leave ns |. slmnhej* again. iI. ('. I.ai / alere. ini- milk man. reports hnsine.* ; gue.d, in fa<t I li< milk hush less i- 1 idler than ever, despite tin* fa l that W. d. Iry.iii ins al-o a *;'• hmim!r<l dol- lar heifer, and ells lots of milk. Chad is a good fellow, may hi* while overall* never wear out. and Ids shadow ne’er grow less. (’oasiderahle inh r* : i- dmwii in onr <• mnutnii \ in nv.ai I to free delivery. \V In ai lily endorse Me course of the i’o-lal department in Me pioposed route. To have onr mail deliver* I to ns once a day “is a i :->nn ll n..tion devoutly to he wished.” We understand a few folks at the Valiev ;ne opposi .. to il. Accord- ing to their views o ll e hundred families on the l oil t* - on-M i in 1 e compelled to go from oim-luMf t•. two miles to get their mail, so that I-an twenty families may he benefiti h\ present system. In all camlet. is i' i- fair V Civ.* ns fiee d*livcry Cnele Sam and the Kepnldii . doctrine “the greatest good to the gre; lest lllllllher' will he e\ eii I pi ilied. Woodlawn. Woodi.awn. Peh 27 IS(3 Tht “Cecil I Vh ! ; ' is nn snu •*•/.', wi i h W-’Vair r ¦f\ A'lrahotn* vat or* S. 'I On Sunday. Or. T’odd preached Id s* < ond and limd sermon on “Hiowth.” v. lili'li was highly appreciated. Mi* (’ornelia Ahialnnns spent -everal days in 1 Ldtimore last week. Mr. A 1> of W .1. (V. - i.i Saturday and Sunday with his paienls lure. ill .Vi.! S' nil i y it it I (’ n! ¦ i mI:: r ('ln!, ! iiift ;d Mi 11.. Tlimn|i- i;.*> i.ii Tinirs- i llil.V Ill'll 1 iiii.lil. Mr. K Iwin l>:in;r- w.i- in Itultinioiv I l!ii* wi'i'k. CASTOniA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always I IT uLz-Affl/stv ———wi 111 on eii i Mr. Wiili.'im Grant, of North East, spent Sunday with Mr. William I). Rcy- nohls. Mis. Allwrl Niekle and daughter, Miss Gladys. of Colora, are visiting her pa- re ills. Mr. an I Mrs. Edward Craig. Mr. Allde Anderson is visiting his pa- rents. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Mr. INler I lai tens tine, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, is improv- ing we are glad to report. Miss Mabel Wright is visiting friends al Baldwin. Miss Mammie Ilartenstine spent Sat- urday in Havre de Grace. Little Miss Hrestol. of Wilmington, is visiting Miss Edith Gregg. Little Miss Myrtle Knight entertained a few of her friends on Saturday after- noon. Mi;- Minerva Reynolds gave an even- ing soeial ai her home, the Cottage, on Saturday evening. After the playing of games and plenty of music*, the guests were invited to the dining-room, where refreshments were served in abundance. Those prs.*i;i were MKs Kva Anderson, Miss Mary Wright. Miss Mary Harri- son. Miss Blanche Harkness. Miss Clara t’harshe. Miss Carrie Wright, Miss Lillie Craig, Miss Anna Jones, Miss Ellen do i* Jackson. Miss Rlanehe Haines, Miss Rena S rim n. Mis? Stella Wright, Miss !. i t R , dds. Mr. and Mrs. Mun- - -a Jackson. Mr. George Winchester, 'lareiiee Tii\i*l, Laylield Jackson, Her- bert Anderson. Richard Jones. Alexander .laekson. Artlinr Reynolds. Rowland ville. Howi.andvilm;. Feb. 27, 1903. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Logan attended tin* fnieual of the eldest son of Mr. and Mis. Philip Rarret. who was accident- ally shot while playing in Havre do < < rare. Me. Hr. R. R. Cioilnrs. of Colora; 'lis. R. K. Stephenson and Miss A’gnos * of Klkton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Christie this week, j Mrs. Ambrose Cooley and son, visited ill the home of Mr-. W. R. Cooley re- eelillv. it iv rumored that Mrs. N. A. XichoK and children, are soon to leav* onr vil- lage for the Monumental City. On. best wishes attend her. The recent snow storm was quite :i surprise to all: however the young folks were delighted at a ehanee for more 'leighing. A jolly p.uty of “straw-rid- ers" left onr, village inronle for the Oe- loraro Hills. Judging from the clatter uni dialler. MI enjoyed themselves, even if the scenery were wild and lomantic. Rev. .!. Carle Maloy is spending thi week in Wilmington, Pel. rcfltcst Record the History ~ i .... , c .. n Op In is misfit Company r~” officers Twenty-seventh Annudl Statement I John r. drydfn president January I, 1903 UFE INSURANCE ISSUED AND I’ ID FOR during 1902,) T mierc I LrSLIr D " v^; Pr , L,, i^ R i n i> w^' ia.i CwmiA r including Ordinary Insurance ($87.000..-mo), over - \ aULLIUNS ij:!RrT r. drvws.-n : : ¦ > EmVARO k'ANoVSC. T. C. I.:. lllas HARD. SW(rrc . ASSETS, end of 1902, over ----- 00 MILLIONS Jacob E. Ward. Wilbur S. ¦ >.:11 tl. o inptKiler. Bonds and Mortar. $10,996.95, 27 INCOME, during 1002. over 33 MILLIONS d,war U nLAN " " ' : T '-™> M :ul Director. Real Estate, 11,063,588 51 PAID POLICY-HOLDERS, during 1902. iver 9 MILLIONS 1 Vauimim; Piker. Pobert 1. Berragb, " 0'.,,',,™. wivi SIMMS.,™ - 9 millions WllU „‘ u. s. Gov. non.! Market ¦...ra . 109.000 <-o POLICIES IN .FORCE, nearly - 6 MILLIONS FRi'om.Vii. r .ioi.s ST .a-. •. Cush in ii.iui. . u<w... INCREASE IS PAID-FOR INSURANCE IN FORCE, over 108 MILLIONS 1 ‘““ w - ““5;.,,,. Interest anJ Rents, uiie anil aarueJ, 384,531 34 w. Perry Watson, a fumm u.-i m r i t Loans on Coll ,U ral Securities, . . 4,736,750 00 MAKING Ti 115 <iRANI) TOTAL OP Irtiu-Rick I. Hon man. L.„,ra r ,d >.*****> Paid-for Insurance in Force over 800 Millions .. Premiums Deferred and in course of collection (net), 1,812,795 96 # life insurance X Paid Policy-holders in 27 Years, nearly 68 Millions >Xv Total *60,245,339 87 Ar a/" liabilities Features of the Year’s Adininisfration were Surplus to Policy-holders, . . . 9,531.405 55 INCREASED DIVIDENDS TO POEICY-HOEDERS. (T / JM || Total, $60,245,33987 Management and the Judicious Care of, and Liberality .1 dNljll j kfc * ¦¦ 1 in Pealing with. Policy-holders’ Interests, have made this OF THE LIIT INSURANCE COMPANIES OF THE WORLD, INSURANCE CO. OF AMERICA. Hnmp A AMOUNTS jP KSwMTn d! Wanted. X SIOO.OOO TO SIS Branch Office in Elkton, Md.: J. T. Blanchfield, Asst. Supt, Tucker Building, North Street. G. R. Walter, General Agent, 405 Maryland Trust Building, Baltimore, Md. J. Nash Wilson, Manager, 206-7 Union Trust Company’s Building, Baltimore, Md. 2

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IjKKDK, Mi*.. F* I*. 27. 1303 (

Mi-- Mary Marian i< visiting friendsin liallinioiv.

Mrs. I'Mwar l Perr.N : lid Mr. Ilohell

Perr.N are m iking an ext**nd***l visit l*I hdtiumre.

Mr. itarrett ('amphell has retnrne*lfrom Philadelpliia.

Miss IlarriiM Met'anicy, of Wilining

ton. i tel., spent Siiinliiy with Mi-s KaehelMet 'anley.

\Tiss Aliei 11 arve.N Mrs..Mongar. of Wilininglon. Oel.

Miss Alice Si Hie a*; I Mr. William S* i-

i!e. d* the I i --iiy of Maryland, spentthe -Tw* I” a i Imnie.

Miss l.oui (!*. ' iw, of o** :l!l (trove.

N. .(.. is vis'nii . .vl:*-s Viola Mahoney.~— ¦ -• ¦

Theodore.Thkodork Mi., Fi*h. 27. 1903

The “Cecil Whig” is on sale at (J. W. i’•owtrirtu’s store. 3 cents a copy.

Mr. Chari*;- A. Ferguson and Miss 'Mary F. Marten line were quietly mar-ried at tin* M. Id. Purs* himge. NorthFast, on Tuesday • veiling, the 17th inst..hy llev. W. A. Wise. A wedding breakfast at the home of tin* bride’s parents.Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus ILnleiiyline follow

i d the ceremony. On Thursday evening,tin* young men tendered the newly mar-ried couple a s* remade. They were kind-ly received * ml served with refreshments.On Saturday evening, a reception wasgiven at the home of the bride’s parents.Many handsome gifts were received.

Mrs. Pahin-r. of Prim-ipio. visited Mrs.(Jarred, on Monday.

Miss Helm Williams wa- aid** (* re-

sume her school duties on Monday morn-ing.

Mrs. Cheadhs and daughter, returnedlast week,

with friends in Flklon.Mr. I'Mward I limvman. **f Washing-

ton. I>. ('.. vi-ited his pai' i.ls on Tues-day.

Frincipio Furnace•**

pßiNfirio FintSACK. F I*. 27. 1903

Miss Mary Harris**!! has returned horn**after a pleasant visit with friends in

! North Fast.i Miss Minnie Armsti mg has returnedj home, in Philadelphia, • fta pleasanti\isit with Miss Fllender Jackson.

\ii-s Agnes Mo.tr.* is visiting friendsin Oxford, Pa.

Chesapeake City.

Chesapeake City, Feb. 27, 190:'..

The “Cecil Whig” is on sale each ireek inChesapeake City, at Alexander's drug store.8 cents copy.

Dr. Stanley Steele, of 101 k I on. spent

Sunday with Ids parents, Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Steele.

Miss Alice Settle spent the holidayjvilhher parents, at Leeds.

Mrs. Annie Egeo is spending some timeWith Wilmington relatives.

Miss Mary Miller spent Sunday withMrs. Tiionms Roes.

Miss Nellie Egee is spending a fewflays with Delaware friends.

Miss Fannie Foard, of Elklon. spentSunday with her parents.

Miss Katharine Merchant visited MissAlice Boulden this week.

Miss Marion Bottldon spent tin* holi-flny- with her sister. Mrs. 11. V. Man-love, of Elklon.

Steele Fooling, of Philadelphia. spentSunday with his parent-. Mr. and Mrs.Z. F. Cooling.

Thomas Hopper, of the Fniveisitx ofPennsylvania, was at home for a fewclays this week.

Byron Botiehelle, Jr., was a (Veiltou

ylsitor last wwk.Dr. Harry Cleaver spent Monday in

Philadelphia.Fowler Holland, of Baltimore, spent

Sunday and Monday with his parents.Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hollaml.

Dr. Edwin Craves, of Marietta. Pa.,spent last week with Hatty Howard.

Rev. and Mrs. 1.. F. Poole and MissMari am, visited Miss Mary I.iini lastFriday.

Harry (iritlilh,of MoitTsviile, Pa., washome for a few days last week.

Mrs. W. J. Clarke and son. Frank, ofPhiladelphia, spent Sunday and Mondaywith Mrs. W. E. Barwiek.

Mr. Henry Boulden, of (V ilton, spentWednesday with relatives in town.

James Bayard, of Baltimore, has beenvisiting (Jrason Bom-hello, of the Manor.

Mr. Charles Lam*, of Philadelphia, hasbeen visiting his sister. Mrs. M. E. Fnman.

Air. Thomas Hazel. of Cermanlown.Pa., visited his mot hot*. Mrs. HarrietHazel, last week.

Exercises appropriate to Washington'sBirthday wore held mi Friday, of ladweek, in our schools.

A lire in J. P. Steele’s meat marketwas discovered by Mr. John Beiswangerearly Saturday morning. No one wasthere at the time, and tin* window wasbroken open and the lire extinguishedwith slight damage. Mr. Steele has a

Wood stove in his otlice, the pipe of which

runs through a crock in the ceiling. Thisis how the lire originated.

As .Lines Wharton, our mail carrier\v ¦ i* mti tg do ft ; nnii Eiktmi la> i'I

down at the run at W aterford. Tinevening papers were lost and the maildelayed for some time.

Tin* Ericsron Line St amor from Bal-timore, did not arrive hen on Mm \

at all. It did not leave Baliimot tildaylight <>n Tuesday.

Ceorge Dutton’s hors** run away on

Tin sda; • \citing, Inti w caught In 1 uany damage was done.

The m*w hooks have arrivid and willhe delivered I* the lilemhi rs of the“Book Clnh'’ aho.it the i iddle of March.

Miss \i Hie Egee allof Mis- Marion Cleaver, of the Manor,as one <•!' the maids of honor. She wojv

a !#••.e.ning gown of Pari muslin.Ann iVnitoek. a respected eolore I wo-

man. die.l at the homo of her - on-in law.(Mmi le ( Fri i. • Iyears.

Mr. William Fyle i- building a tinebarn on Ids < 'mut I lon INu it f i *ni.The 1 unil ¦r ua -¦ nt ami made r tdy foruse, rightwas Used.

Oecilton.OftoiLTo*. Md..F*l). 27. ItHMJ

Dr. IL M. Black spent Monday in Millington.

Miss Katie Burton tome.after spieling '••me time with friendsnear tow n.

Mrs. Alexander Wilson is making astay with her father. Mr. Bond, of ForiI h po.-il.

Mi-ssrs. .1. D. Franco and J. K. Ft r-gnsoti. of (’bestertown, were in town onM'iinrsday. of last week.

Mrs. U. M. Black, win was quite sickfor several days, is much improved inIn allh, and aide to ho out.

Mi ¦ rs, N. I*. Fergus an i John An-derson spent Tuesday in Wilmington.

Miss Hull, of Elk \ek, is iht* guest ofMBs Amy Cnlherson. at (irevntield.

Miss Motile McCoy, of Eikton, spentn few days with her patents near town.

Mrs ' 1 1•’ i ¦ rethome after a short fay with her daugh-

ters. i n t Mie ap ake C’.rMr. Janie il. Sinitit \p ••- to build

an addition to his hardware an ! atari i .¦

-hop in the very lira ; fn; ur .Mr. Jan M . W

ton. I tel., on Tim lay.

J. 1: ¦ Smitshed 112x20 feet h 1 to !iis wat lioiAlso an addition of I *l2 l t, glvi

S 1 • ••' of m • disjda;. of ear

i Iages.

Zion.Zion, Md.. Feh 27. 1308

The "Civil Whig" is /* an if each irt-ekin '/.ion (it (’irharl l: Co.'s storr, 3 cents <>


Mr-. .1 allies .Mi*l Veary is seriously ili::t h**r homo with rheumatism. H rnii-iT, Miss Louisa McCreary. of FanHill. i- - 1m• 111 1 illic some lime with 1 1 -r.

Mr: . Amos Martin laic* and Mrs. (M in

ton (\nhait, of tins place, spi ;last week in Wilmington. H 1.. attendingtin* executive meeting > 1 the Woman'sHeim* and Foreign Missionary of the,\< \v (Vasili* Preshy (**ry.

.Mi- • Foss},* Wiley spent Satniday andSunday with relatives mar Little I•ri-lain.

Mr. Clayton Carharl spent tin* iirslput of tills week in Wilmington. Del.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Iwin Carhart. of thisplaee. elite! t all. d nuiiiher of theirfriends last Satin i evening, in honorof t heir guests. Mi-- Col a Uigdeji andMiss Mearns Carhart. students of theStale Normal Seho.d. Haltimore.

While driving from Oxford to this townone evening last week, Ilev. Wilson!*• ale, pastor of the I 'reshy terianChurch. his horse plunged ami fell intoa deep snow drift. The pa-tor had mm hdillhnltv and suffeied greatly from theintense void before he was aide to ivsenethe animal. lie stay ! at tin- home ofMr. dolm While all night, reaching idshome i;i Thursday morning.

Millions Pat To Work.The wonderful activity of the new

century is shown hy an enormous de-li aid for the world’s best workers i )r.

King’s New Life Fills, For Constipa-tion, Si< k Headache, rdliousness, or anytrouble of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys,they’re unrivaled. Only 125 cents at H.IL Fi'a/cr’s, HIkton; and S. T. Wiley’s,(’olora, I‘rug Stores.

Mechanks’ Va\!eyMkcuaxics’ Vaij.ky. Kid*. 27, 1308

Tin II Whig" is on atilt at thi start oflUakf a Fold.

Tin “drip” has given ail of ns a-alute, hut quinine hy the barrel ha- lootus up ard going.

Wilnier Koiiehelle i- onr advance fari i.- having jn.-l finished hauling

• '..iii bundle I h n -1 1e1 > of line r.*r hi*(op-.

ii. IV .M.cph* 1m- made gie.it improvei;e-nts to tie.' old Simpers property, j

When - • ! - tin* picket fence alongthe load way. it wid .••.id greatly to CmMppearam • of tin- old ho:n*>l< id.

W. it Ine> •• tow ;¦ i I Hid. Point. Polk Uaeiiie mayknow linn h about fo\ hauling in days of'oro. l ei ,• ieii il eoe ¦ s to gathering ini lie J;de\ s'.iad, \\ . .j.’s knowledge oftislndog,\ larks sei u; J to none.

S. Twyford, on, 1 t-m-rgi tie thresher-man. has sold his fanu, at I will h Ivem* in I lie ? pr: e 't ile familiar Idafrom his steam whistle which often liasr-niM d ns from pi aceful lumber, willfall upon other * • an ! leave ns |.

slmnhej* again.iI. ('. I.ai / alere. ini- milk man. reports

hnsine.* ; gue.d, in fa<t I li< • milk hush lessi- 1 idler than ever, despite tin* fa l thatW. d. Iry.iii ins al-o a *;'• hmim!r<l dol-lar heifer, and ells lots of milk. Chadis a good fellow, may hi* while overall*never wear out. and Ids shadow ne’ergrow less.

(’oasiderahle inh r* : i- dmwii in onr<• mnutnii \ in nv.ai I to free delivery.\V In ai lily endorse Me course of thei’o-lal department in Me pioposed route.To have onr mail deliver* I to ns once aday “is a i • :->nn lln..tion devoutly to hewished.” We understand a few folksat the Valiev ;ne opposi .. to il. Accord-ing to their views o lle hundred familieson the l oil t* - on-M i in 1 e compelled to gofrom oim-luMf t•. two miles to get theirmail, so that I-an twenty families mayhe benefiti h\ present system. Inall camlet. is i' i- fair V

Civ.* ns fiee d*livcry Cnele Sam andthe Kepnldii . doctrine “the greatestgood to the gre; lest lllllllher' will he e\

eiiIpi ilied.

Woodlawn.Woodi.awn. Peh 27 IS(3

Tht “Cecil IVh ! ; ' is nn snu •*•/.', wi i h •

W-’Vairr ¦f\ A'lrahotn* vat or* S.'I

On Sunday. Or. T’odd preached Ids* < ond and limd sermon on “Hiowth.”v. lili'li was highly appreciated.

Mi* (’ornelia Ahialnnns spent -everaldays in 1 Ldtimore last week.

Mr. A 1> of W .1.(V. - • i.i Saturday and Sunday with hispaienls lure.

ill .Vi.! S' nil i y itit ’ I (’n! ¦ imI::r ('ln!, !iiift ;d Mi 11.. Tlimn|i- i;.*> i.ii Tinirs- illil.V Ill'll 1 iiii.lil.

Mr. K Iwin l>:in;r- w.i- in Itultinioiv Il!ii* wi'i'k.

CASTOniA.Bears the The Kind You Have Always I

ITuLz-Affl/stv• ———wi 111 on eiii

Mr. Wiili.'im Grant, of North East,spent Sunday with Mr. William I). Rcy-nohls.

Mis. Allwrl Niekle and daughter, MissGladys. of Colora, are visiting her pa-re ills. Mr. an I Mrs. Edward Craig.

Mr. Allde Anderson is visiting his pa-rents. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson.

Mr. INler I lai tens tine, who has beenseriously ill with pneumonia, is improv-ing we are glad to report.

Miss Mabel Wright is visiting friendsal Baldwin.

Miss Mammie Ilartenstine spent Sat-urday in Havre de Grace.

Little Miss Hrestol. of Wilmington, isvisiting Miss Edith Gregg.

Little Miss Myrtle Knight entertaineda few of her friends on Saturday after-noon.

Mi;- Minerva Reynolds gave an even-ing soeial ai her home, the Cottage, onSaturday evening. After the playing ofgames and plenty of music*, the guestswere invited to the dining-room, whererefreshments were served in abundance.Those prs.*i;i were MKs Kva Anderson,Miss Mary Wright. Miss Mary Harri-son. Miss Blanche Harkness. Miss Clarat’harshe. Miss Carrie Wright, Miss LillieCraig, Miss Anna Jones, Miss Ellen do i*

Jackson. Miss Rlanehe Haines, MissRena S rim n. Mis? Stella Wright, Miss!. i t R , dds. Mr. and Mrs. Mun-- -a Jackson. Mr. George Winchester,

• 'lareiiee Tii\i*l, Laylield Jackson, Her-bert Anderson. Richard Jones. Alexander.laekson. Artlinr Reynolds.

Rowland ville.Howi.andvilm;. Feb. 27, 1903.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Logan attendedtin* fnieual of the eldest son of Mr. andMis. Philip Rarret. who was accident-ally shot while playing in Havre do< < rare.

Me. Hr. R. R. Cioilnrs. of Colora;'lis. R. K. Stephenson and Miss A’gnos

* of Klkton, were the guests of Mr. andMrs. George M. Christie this week,

j Mrs. Ambrose Cooley and son, visitedill the home of Mr-. W. R. Cooley re-eelillv.

it iv rumored that Mrs. N. A. XichoKand children, are soon to leav* onr vil-lage for the Monumental City. On.best wishes attend her.

The recent snow storm was quite :isurprise to all: however the young folkswere delighted at a ehanee for more'leighing. A jolly p.uty of “straw-rid-ers" left onr, village inronle for the Oe-loraro Hills. Judging from the clatteruni dialler. MI enjoyed themselves, evenif the scenery were wild and lomantic.

Rev. .!. Carle Maloy is spending thiweek in Wilmington, Pel.

rcfltcst Record the History~

i .... , c .. n Op Inis misfit Company r~” officersTwenty-seventh Annudl Statement I John r. drydfn president

January I, 1903 UFE INSURANCE ISSUED AND I’ ID FOR during 1902,)T mierc I

LrSLIr D " v^; Pr ,

L,,i^R i n

i>w^'ia.iCwmiA rincluding Ordinary Insurance ($87.000..-mo), over - \ aULLIUNS ij:!RrT r. drvws.-n : ,¦ :¦ > ’ ’ EmVARO k'ANoVSC. T. C. I.:. lllas HARD.

SW(rrc .ASSETS, end of 1902, over ----- 00 MILLIONS Jacob E. Ward.

Wilbur S.¦ >.:11 tl. o inptKiler.

Bonds and Mortar. $10,996.95, 27INCOME, during 1002. over 33 MILLIONS d,war U

nLAN" "

': T '-™> M :ul Director.

Real Estate, 11,063,588 51 PAID POLICY-HOLDERS, during 1902. iver 9 MILLIONS 1 Vauimim; Piker. Pobert 1. Berragb,"


SIMMS.,™ - 9 millionsWllU„‘

u. s. Gov. non.! Market ¦...ra . 109.000 <-o POLICIES IN .FORCE, nearly - 6 MILLIONS FRi'om.Vii. r.ioi.s ST .a-. •.

Cush in ii.iui. . u<w... INCREASE IS PAID-FOR INSURANCE IN FORCE, over 108 MILLIONS 1‘““w - ““5;.,,,.

Interest anJ Rents, uiie anil aarueJ, 384,531 34 w. Perry Watson, a fumm u.-i m ri t

Loans on Coll ,U ral Securities, . . 4,736,750 00MAKING Ti 115 <iRANI) TOTAL OP Irtiu-Rick I. Hon man.

L.„,ra r ,d >.*****> Paid-for Insurance in Force over 800 Millions..Premiums Deferred and in course of

collection (net), 1,812,795 96 # life insurance XPaid Policy-holders in 27 Years, nearly 68 Millions >Xv •Total *60,245,339 87 Ar a/"

liabilities Features of the Year’s Adininisfration were

Surplus to Policy-holders, . . . 9,531.405 55 INCREASED DIVIDENDS TO POEICY-HOEDERS. (T / JM ||Total, $60,245,33987 Management and the Judicious Care of, and Liberality .1 dNljlljkfc

*¦¦ — 1 in Pealing with. Policy-holders’ Interests, have made this





Branch Office in Elkton, Md.: J. T. Blanchfield, Asst. Supt, Tucker Building, North Street.

G. R. Walter, General Agent, 405 Maryland Trust Building, Baltimore, Md.J. Nash Wilson, Manager, 206-7 Union Trust Company’s Building, Baltimore, Md.