Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Guide For Guide For Guide For Guide For College College College College Bound Athlete Bound Athlete Bound Athlete Bound Athletes Baseball Edition By: David Vince Former MLB Scout

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Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting Guide For Guide For Guide For Guide For College College College College

Bound AthleteBound AthleteBound AthleteBound Athletessss

Baseball Edition

By: David Vince

Former MLB Scout

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Table of Contents

Page 3: Recruting Guide Sample

Welcome Letter

Dear College-Bound Student-Athlete, This guide was designed to help you and your family understand the National Collegiate Athletic Association rules for progressing from being a high school athlete to a student-athlete in college. As you engage in college sports, you’ll be inspired to develop an attitude of determination, teamwork, persistence and self-discipline. You will increase your appreciation of life-long education. Work closely with your high school counselors, recruiters and college admissions officers to prepare for your next important step as a collegiate student-athlete. It’s never too early to begin evaluating your wide range of college choices. Get all the information you need on how to choose a college wisely. NCAA institutions range from small schools to large universities, with varying commitments to financial aid and to athletics. The Association’s members total more than 1,000 schools, and they are divided into three divisions. You may qualify – by both your interest and your athletics performance – to become one of more than 400,000 students, out of 15 million enrolled nationally in America’s colleges and universities, who combine education and athletics. Your likelihood of ultimate recruitment into professional leagues is small so, for almost all of you, your years as a student-athlete in college will be preparation for life. Remember, “Almost all student-athletes are going pro in something other than sports.” Remember, good athletics is about winning at competition in games. Good academics combined with athletics is about winning in life. So, keep education as your top priority. This new phase of your life can be a wonderful experience that will result in a lifetime of friendships, memories and happiness. Without question, obtaining your college degree is absolutely crucial – to you and your family. We wish you every success, on the field of play and in the classroom. David Vince

Desire to Excel

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Schools Offering Baseball NCAA Division IA 286 NCAA Division II 227 NCAA Division 348 NAIA 216 Junior College 507

NJCAA 396 Community College League of Calif. 85 NWAACC 26

Total ,585

Baseball Scholarship Limits NCAA. Division IA (per school) 11.7 NCAA Division ll (per school) 9 NAIA 12 NJCAA Division I (per school) 24 NJCAA Division II (per school 24

Student-Athlete Participation NCAA Division IA 9,607 NCAA Division II 7,394 NCAA Division Ill 10,047 HS Student-Athletes 453,792 HS Senior Student-Athletes 129,655

* Tuition, Fees & Books Only

Understanding the Odds

The ever-increasing cost of a college education has created a multitude of student-athletes trying to obtain at least a piece of that coveted athletic scholarship pie. Make your student-athletes aware of the odds they are up against. Don’t burst their balloon, just be realistic. The table below provides some real numbers concerning your sport that will help reinforce your message.

Baseball by the Numbers

Choosing the Right Institution

Baseball offers so many opportunities due to the multiple levels of competition. In the back of this guide we have included a list of all the NCAA and NAIA schools that offer baseball. The table breaks down the institutions by state and level of competition.

Note: There are so many Community and Technical Colleges also offering Men’s baseball they Were to numerous to list. However, the number displayed with the state title includes these colleges in the count. We found 1,564 schools offering baseball of which 507 were two-year degree colleges.

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College Coach’s Recruiting Standards

College coaches have their own opinion of the ultimate high school recruit. But sometimes those perfect specimens are just not to be found. The following list serves as a guideline of the preferred requirements for a Division I recruit in Men’s Baseball.

D-I & D-I1 Recruiting Athletic Guidelines

D-I & D-II Recruiting

Academic Guidelines


3.0+ 1000+ 24+

Key Baseball Websites

Baseball Coaches Association - vvvvvv.abca.orq NCAA Baseball - vvww.ncaabaseball.net Baseball News - www.baseballnews.com HS Baseball Coaches - www.baseballcoaches.orq

2.50 ERA or better Pitching

Catcher Home to Second — 2 sec.

Minimum Requirements

4.2 sec (Right-hand) 4.1 sec (Left-hand)

88-92+ mph fastball (13-1) 85-88 mph fastball (D-11) Pitches

Curve Slider Change up


Batting At least .350

Home to First

60 yd. 6.7 — 6.9 seconds

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Academic Preparation In order to be eligible to compete in college as a freshman, student-athletes must first meet certain eligibility requirements set by the each athletic association. These requirements help prepare the student-athlete for the rigorous academic schedule they will encounter in college. The best preparation is a solid foundation at the high school level. Remember, the odds of a high school athlete making it to the professional level are astronomical. What really matters in the long run is receiving a good college education.

This academic section is provided so you will be aware of the academic requirements for each of the athletic associations.

NCAA Eligibility Requirements

The NCAA has just instituted a new eligibility standard which requires the student athlete to:

1) Graduate from high school

2) Successfully complete the core curriculum of at least 14 academic courses

3) Division I requires that a student-athlete have a core GPA (based on a 4.000 scale) and a combined SAT score or a sum ACT score based on the Qualifier Index. Division II schools require a Core GPA of 2.0 (based on a 4.000 scale) and combined score on the SAT verbal and math sections of 820 or a 68 sum score on the ACT

These requirements currently do not apply to Division III colleges, where eligibility for financial aid, practice and competition is governed by institutional, conference and other NCAA regulations.

Core Course Requirements Core Courses are approved for each high school by the NCAA and they must adhere to these guidelines. Core courses must qualify for high school graduation in one or a combination of the following areas: English, Mathematics, Natural I Physical Science, Social Science, Foreign Language, Cornputer Science, or Nondoctrinal Religion / Philosophy. A listing of the approved Core Courses for each high school can be obtained at wvvw.ncaaclearinqhouse.com under the General Information section.

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NCAA Division 1

All students first entering a Division I after August 1, 2013. In order to be classified a “qualifier,” they are required to successfully complete a core curriculum of at least 16 academic course units as follows:

• 4 years of English

• 3 years of Mathematics (Algebra I or higher)

• 2 years of Natural / Physical Science (1 year of lab if offered by high school)

• 1 year of additional English, Mathematical or Natural / Physical Science

• 2 years of Social Science

• 4 years of additional courses (from any area above of or

Foreign Language, Nondoctrinal Religion / Philosophy)

NCAA Division ll

All students first entering a Division II after August 1, 2005. In order to be classified a “qualifier,” they are required to successfully complete a core curriculum of at least 44 academic course units as follows:

• 3 years of English

• 2 years of Mathematics (Algebra I or higher)

• 3 years of Natural / Physical Science (1 year of lab if offered by high school)

• 2 year of additional English, Mathematical or Natural / Physical Science

• 2 years of Social Science

• 4 years of additional courses (from any area above of or Foreign Language, Nondoctrinal Religion / Philosophy)

Core GPA / Test Score Index

The Core GPA / Test Score Index, also known as the Sliding Scale of Initial Eligibility, is best described as a judicial scale. The student-athlete must have a balanced GPA and SAT (or ACT) Test Score. If the SAT score is lower than average then the GPA must be above average, therefore balancing the scale.

NCAA Division I

NCAA Division I schools require all student athletes to meet the Qualifier Index. If a student-athlete fails to achieve a qualifying Test Score or GRA they will be a “Nonqualifier”.

A nonqualifier shall not be eligible for regular-season competition or practice during the first academic year in residence and then has three seasons of

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competition remaining. During the first academic year in residence a nonqualifier shall be eligible for nonathletics institutional financial aid that is not from an athletics source and is based on financial need only.

NCAA Division

NCAA Division II schools also require all student athletes to meet the Qualifier Index. But if a student-athlete fails to achieve a qualifying Test Score or GPA they may be classified as a Partial Qualifier.

A "partial qualifier" is eligible to practice with a team at its home facility and receive an athletics scholarship during his or her first year at a Division II school, and then has four seasons of competition remaining.

In order to be classified a "partial qualifier," you have not met the requirements for a qualifier, but you're required to graduate from high school and meet one of the following requirements:

• Specified minimum SAT or ACT score

• Successful completion of a required core curriculum consisting of 14 core courses with a 2.000 core grade-point average.

A nonqualifier is a student who has not graduated from high school or who has presented neither the core curriculum grade point average, nor a SAT/ACT score required for a qualifier. A nonqualifier is not eligible for regular season competition and practice during the first academic year in L residence and then has four seasons of competition.

A nonqualifier may not receive athletics- related aid as a freshman, but may receive regular need-based financial aid if the school certifies that aid was granted without regard to athletics ability.

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NCAA Clearinghouse

The NCAA Clearinghouse is an agency set up by the NCAA to verify that a prospective student-athlete has met the minimum academic standards to be immediately eligible to compete (as a freshman) upon enrollment at a NCAA member school.

Encourage your student-athletes to register with the Clearinghouse in the spring of their junior year. They should register even if they are planning on attending a Division III or Junior College. There is always a chance they may be offered an opportunity at a D-I or D-11 school later. Also, there are 2-year school transfer rules that may affect their immediate eligibility when they transfer to a 4-year institution.

Student-athletes have two options for registering with the clearinghouse. They may register on-line at www.ncaaclearinghouse.net or by completing the Student Release Form, which is available from the guidance counselor, or by calling (800) 638-3731,

NAIA Eligibility Requirements The following criteria must be met in order for you to be eligible to represent a member institution in any manner:

YOU MUST, if an entering freshman, meet two of three entry level requirements.

1. Achieve a minimum of 18 on the ACT or 860 on the SAT Tests must be taken on a national testing date (residual tests are not acceptable). Scores must be achieved on a single test.

2. Achieve a minimum overall high school grade point average of 2.000 on a 4.000 scale.

3. Graduate in the top half of your high school graduating class.

NJCAA Eligibility Requirements The National Junior College Athletic Association consist of 2 year institutions which have an initial eligibility requirement that students must graduate from high school or have received a high school equivalency diploma or has been certified as having passed a national test such as the General Education Development Test (GED).

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Marketing Options

Marketing a student-athlete can increase the odds of receiving scholarship offers, financial aid or grants and parents should be involved in this process. But ultimately, you, the high school coach can have the biggest impact in marketing your student-athletes. Basically, they have three options to choose from.


Cross their fingers, kneel by the bed, and pray that some college or university will find them.

If you believe your student-athlete is good enough that colleges will be knocking down your door when recruiting time comes, then this may be the option for that athlete.

But consider this, if the student-athlete does nothing and they get several offers their senior year, then GREAT. But what if they decide to market themselves and they receive several offers their junior year? Wouldn’t it be better to receive an early offer so they can enjoy their senior year without any pressure?

Option 2

Suggest that the parents market their student-athlete themselves by implementing this “Four-Step Marketing Plan”.

Start by sample the sample player profile located inthe back of this guide.

This form is similar to the ones that colleges send to prospective athletes in

order to get background information on guide.

Next, assemble a highlight tape that displays the athlete’s talent and skills. Dynamite Sports can create a highlight tape from game film. Simply go to our website at www.dynarnitesports.com and click on “Highlight Tapes”. Download the information sheet and order form then follow the instructions. Then send us game films and we will produce it, add graphics and music, and presto, a highlight tape they can to send to colleges.

While we’re making the highlight tape, gather all of the newspaper articles that mention the athlete. Take a yellow highlighter and mark the area that mentions the athlete, that way the coach won’t have to read the entire article just to read a few sentences about the student-athlete.

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Visits There are two types of visits that a prospect may take to evaluate a college or university. They are official and unofficial visits. A lot of attention is given to the official visits taken by high school seniors, but it is probably just as important to take several unofficial visits.

An Unofficial Visit We believe student-athletes and their parents should take several unofficial visits starting their freshmen year of high school. An “Unofficial Visit” is whereby prospective student-athletes pay their own way to visit a campus. You may take an unlimited number of unofficial visits to any one campus at any time.

Even though the family is responsible for paying all the travel expenses on an unofficial visit, it is a great way to get a good read on a school. This not only helps them to find their comfort level but also helps them understand exactly which schools they want to include on their short list. There is a complete section called “Unofficial Visits” in our book, The Student Athlete and College Recruiting that would be extremely helpful to follow.

During an unofficial visit, an institution is permitted to provide you with a maximum of 3 complimentary tickets to any on-campus athletic event. Such admissions are for the exclusive use of the prospect and those persons accompanying the prospect on the visit and must be issued on an individual game basis. The prospect or the prospect’s family must provide all other expenses (transportation, meals, lodging).

When taking an unofficial visit to a Division 11 or a Division 111 school they may provide a prospect and their parents with one meal at the on-campus dining facility.

High School coaches are allowed to accompany the prospect on an unofficial visit. They also can be provided with a maximum of two complimentary tickets (issued only through a pass list) to

home athletics events, which must be issued on an individual-game basis.

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An Official Visit When a college identifies a student-athlete as one of their top prospects they will probably invite them on an "Official Visit". When a student- athlete is invited for an official visit, it is a sign the college is very interested. At this point, the college coach has probably determined you are academically eligible and have the ability to contribute to their athletic program. Official visits cannot begin until the student-athlete has started their senior year.

At Division I and II colleges a student-athlete is allowed a total of 5 official visits to different schools of their choice. At the Division III level the student-athlete is NOT LIMITED to a total of five official visits. All Divisions allow only one official visit to a respective institution. (In other words no more than one official visit to each school).

If a multi-sport student-athlete is being recruited in more than one sport, they are still only allowed a total of 5 paid official visits regardless of what sport they are for. These visits are paid for by the college and include round-trip transportation, lodging, food and up to three complimentary tickets to.a home athletic event.

An official visit to an institution shall not exceed 48 hours. The 48-hour period of the official visit begins at the time the prospect arrives on the institution's campus, rather than with the initiation of the prospect's transportation by a coach or the time of the prospect's arrival at the airport or elsewhere in the community. When a prospect travels by automobile on an official paid visit, the institution may pay round-trip expenses to the individual incurring the expense (except the prospect's high school coach) at the same mileage rate it allows its own personnel.

You cannot have an official visit unless you have given the college your high school academic transcript and a score from a PSAT, an SAT, or ACT. Division I and ll colleges use the NCAA Clearinghouse to obtain the required documents.

A high school coach can also attend a visit with the prospect provided they arrange their own transportation. The high school coach can transport the prospect by automobile but the college cannot reimburse the coach for

• travel expense. High school coaches can be provided with a maximum of two complimentary admissions (issued only through a pass list) to home intercollegiate athletics events, which must be issued on an individual-

• game basis.

Often a student host is assigned to the prospect to help the prospect and their parents become acquainted with campus life. The host may spend $30 a day to cover cost of entertaining the prospect and their parents, however the money cannot be used to purchase souvenirs (t-shirts or mementos).

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Sample Cover Letter

Prospect’s Parent 210 Canary Drive Smalltown, LA. 99999

Coach Doe Men’s Baseball Coach Anytown University

3030 Main Street New York, NY 10027

Dear Coach Doe,

My name is (first and last name) and my son, (athlete’s name), has expressed an interest in your university. I am enclosing some academic, athletic, and personal information about him along with a highlight tape for you to review. I realize that due to NCAA regulations you are not permitted to contact us yet, so I will call you in about ten (10) days to make sure that you received this material. Also, at that time, maybe you could answer a few questions we have about your university and your athletic program.



(Parents Name)

(As you can tell, the PARENT writes this letter. I believe that it is very important for the parent to

make the initial contact with the college coach. This will send a clear message that the parent

intends on being an important piece of the athlete’s recruiting process.)

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Height: 5 feet 10 inches

Weight: 188 lbs (pounds)

Glasses / Contacts: NO

Throws: RIGHT

Velocity from Primary

Position (mph): 89mph

Timed 40 yard dash: 4.9

Timed 60 yard dash: 6.47

Standing Vertical Jump: 36 inches

Stolen Bases: 25

Attempts: 26

Tell us about your training regimen: I am currently working out in the gym 3 days a

week with a Certified Personal Trainer. My

(baseball specific) workout has been custom made

by former Arizona Diamonbacks Minor League

Director & Strength Coach, WBP strength Coach,

Brian Niswender.


Last �ame: Jackson

First �ame: Drew

Date of

Birth: 6/5/1991

Address: 1234 Alleyway

City /

Town: Tempe

State /

Province: Arizona


Country: United States

Zip / Postal

Code: 65235

Phone: (202) 232-1296


Address: [email protected]


�ame(s): Jay Jackson / Ali Jackson



[email protected] /

[email protected]


Phone(s): (202) 000 - 0000


Language: English


Language: Spanish


1 (country): United States


2 (if dual): Canada

Do you

have a



Visa Status: Student

Drivers YES

Sample Player Profile - Information Sheet

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Coach Niswender and my local trainer work

closely together

Jason Little, CSCS

[email protected]

(123)000-0000 ext.98

(cut and paste workout)



High School �ame: Tempe Sr.

High School

Expected Graduation

Date: 6/2009

Current Grade: 10

GPA: 3.8

Cumulative SAT Score: 1310

Cumulative ACT Score: 30

Registered for

Clearinghouse? YES

Expected College /

University Enrollment





1) Middle Infield

2) Pitcher

3) Catcher

Catchers pop up time: 1.81

Passed balls: 5

Uniform �umber: 3

Current League: Tempe High School Baseball

Current Team: Tempe Titans

Team Website: www.myteamwebsite.com

Coach 1 �ame: Mr. Paul Peppers

Coach 1 Phone: (202) 252 - 0000

Coach 1 Email: [email protected]

Coach 2 �ame: Mr. TJ Pitts

Coach 2 Phone: (202) 252 - 0000

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Coach 2 Email: [email protected]

Coach’s certificates or credentials: Coach Pitts played major league baseball as a Pitcher for the Atlanta Braves 1974 - 1985. He was

drafted from Arizona State after his Senior Year of University in 1974.

Coach Pitts currently scouts for the Braves Organization as well as being a high school baseball

coach for 15 years. He has helped many of our schools student-athletes with the college process.

He has written a letter of recommendation for your perusal and is available for comment.

Baseball Schedule: (EXAMPLE)Current 2008 Tempe High School Baseball Schedule

Tues May 1 Tukon Fallscreek 2:00pm 2-9/7

Sat May 5 Clamas Scotsdale 5:00pm 2-9/7

Tues May 8 Mesa Tempe 1:00pm 2-9/7

Sat May 12 S.Western EastBay 1:00pm 2-9/7

Thurs May 17 Western Gresham 5:00pm 2-9/7

Season schedule will be entered when it becomes available.

Thurs - Mon May 24-28 Tournament Tempe, AZ TBA

ASU Baseball Camp June 22-23, 2008

Area Code Games, Califorina, 2008

The Arizona Classic, Team Pirates, 2008


Pitching Position: Middle Relief & Closer

Type of Pitches Thrown 1: Fastball

Type of Pitches Thrown 2: Cutter

Type of Pitches Thrown 3: Change Up

Type of Pitches Thrown 4: Curve Ball

Pitching Velocity (mph): 92mph

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Total Innings Pitched: 30

Wins: 5

Losses: 1

Saves: 12

Strikeouts: 62

Walks: 12

ERA: 1.67


Bats: Left

Batting Average: .502

Total AB’s: 100

Total Hits: 62

HR’s: 18

Singles: 25

Doubles: 14

Triples: 5

Total Strikeouts: 25

Total Walks: 13

Hitting style: Currently, I have been working on my hitting with Kash Beachamp, 1981 1

st round drat pick

with the Toronto Blue Jays and current Vice President of the South Coast Professional Baseball

League and Director of Baseball Operations.

He says I hit for power, the Home Runs come naturally, but it is not my focus. I have been

working on my mental approach to hitting and the consistency of my stroke.

I also watch game footage of myself and the opposing pitching rosters in my league. I believe

that I must constantly evaluate and re-evaluate my approach.

I have an idea of my zone and anything in it I own. I make good contact with 2 strikes;

I will continue to work hard, A routine for me is 150 cuts of the Tee at home in the carport.

Working on inside and outside spots.

Any suggestions on hitting, I would ask that you phone or email me as I am a Student of the

Game and would welcome certified input.

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Coaches / Scouts �ame: Affiliation: Phone: Email:

1) Matt Stark iPB/Mariners Scouting


(253) 000 -

0000 [email protected]

2) Gil Patterson Current Oakland A’s

Pitching Coach

(848) 000 -

0000 [email protected]

3) B. Williams Founder Area Code


(797) 000 -

0000 [email protected]

List the top 5 schools you would like to attend:

1) ASU - Arizona State University

2) UA - University of Arizona

3) UW University of Washington

4) UO - University of Oregon

5) USC - University of Southern California

Have you expressed a letter of interest to any schools:

I have expressed a interest to the coaching staff at University of Oregon and Arizona State

University and will be attending their summer baseball camps.

Skill video:

Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

Do you have a scouting report? Yes, a fully verifed scouting report will be available from Mariners Scout Matt Stark.

His contact information is available above.

List Showcases or Camps you have attended in the past:

1) TPX TOP 96 , Redlands California, Aug 11 - 12, 2007 Contact D. Hensen

2) Area Code Games, Califorina Aug 5 - 10 2007 - Brewers Team

3) Good Will Series - Australia - Dec 5 - 21 2007 Contact B. Williams/ J Wilson Tampa Bay

Devil Rays Scout

List Showcases or Camps you will be attending or would like to attend.

1) TPX TOP 96 California June 11 - 12, 2008

2) Area Code Games, Califorina July 4 - 6 , 2008

3) The Arizona Classic Aug 23 -30 , 2008

Academic Honors or Baseball Achievement: ACADEMICS

English A+ 98%

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Math (Advanced Algebra 11) A+ 97%

Social Studies A 99%

Science (Biology) A+ 96%

All Academic 2006

Top 10 in the state last GPA 3.96


All State 2005-2006-2007

All-Conference player 2005-2006

Gold glove Award 2005-06-07 Arizona State High School Association.

Most Home Runs and RBI’s in my conference.

Best Shortstop Fielding % in State

Tell us about your philosophy for playing the game of baseball and about what you hope to

accomplish at the College or University level: My philosophy for playing the game of baseball is to remain a student of the game and have fun.

I realize that the margin to excel in Baseball at the next level starts to narrow at the top, which is

why academics is so very important to me. I would like to get a solid education, Major in Sports

Management, to back me up in life.

I believe that one must respect the game of baseball, that it is a privilege to play the game and that

effort and hustle are both elements of the game that any player can control.

I hope to be apart of a winning program with a winning attitude.


Tell us, how important are academics and why? Academics are the basis of my decision to attend college and play baseball at the next level.

Going to college will form the foundation that I need for life after baseball. I place an extreme

importance on getting good grades and learning as much as I can everyday!

What have you considered being your career goal and major field of study?: Athletics - Sports Management

What type of courses would you like to enroll in?

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1) Business Administration

2) Technology

3) Kinesiology

4) Psychology

5) Sciences

Have you applied for any financial aid? If so tell us where and which ones: No not as of yet. Jan1 of my Senior year I will be appling for FASFA.

Would you Relocate? Yes

If yes, where and how far: Anywhere, as long as the school diversty, culture and academics meet my needs

Current Employer:

The Clemente Grill and Steak House

Current Supervisor:

Ronnie Mack

Current Supervisor Phone:


Employment �eeded at College: No

What is your work experience? List skills:

1) Managing and Customer Service

2) Cash and computing

3) Customer Service

4) Basic Accounting practices and programs

5) Following specific food safe rules and regulations

Would you use public transportation for college or university? Yes

What do you like to do in your spare time, hobbies, interests, reading? Friends, Reading, Music, Coaching Youth Baseball, Cooking

Are you interested in other sports and physical activities? Varsity Basketball, Varsity Football, Weightlifting, Hiking, Snowboarding

Community or Volunteer work: I volunteer at the Hospital 2x per week for 2hr , helping senior citizens

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David is an inspirational speaker with a truly unique story of

overcoming hardship, living life to the fullest and motivating young

men and women to achieve their full potential in sports and in life.

As a baseball coach in the collegiate and high school ranks for 29

years, David earned 470 victories despite the fact that he walks on

two prosthetic legs and never played the game of baseball himself.

David also coached as an assistant football coach for eight years,

girls weightlifting for seven years, girls basketball three years and

boys cross country for three years.

His story inspires others to overcome obstacles in their own lives and achieve their own success.

He is a former head coach of Campbellsville University in Kentucky, where he led the team to

a Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference championship in 1987 -- the first baseball conference

championship in the history of the school.

David has had 10 district champion teams, eight district runner-up teams, two state final four teams,

and one state runner-up team. He was a 10-time coach of the year recipient in various divisions.

He has also coached baseball in Holland, Spain, Czech Republic, Sweden, Australia, Puerto Rico,

Italy, Curacao, and Hawaii. David has worked as an associate scout for the Texas Rangers, Cleveland

Indians and Tampa Bay Rays.

Areas of expertise: Athletic/Coaching, Leadership, Education, Fundraising, Inspiration, and Motivation

David, who recently retired from coaching, lives in Louisiana with his wife, Susan, and their three
