Colegio Juan de la Cierva ENGLISH ESO Curso 2019-2020 4º ESO A / B / C RECUPERACIÓN SEPTIEMBRE INGLÉS Los alumnos que deban recuperar la asignatura de Lengua Inglesa deberán realizar un examen en septiembre cuya fecha y hora aparece en el calendario publicado en la web. El examen tendrá los siguientes apartados: Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing (temas 1-4) Grammar (present tenses, past tenses, would, used to, future tenses, conditional tenses, determiners with countable and countable nouns, verbs + prepositions, comparative forms (adjectives and adverbs), articles, and irregular verbs) Para practicar y preparar el examen de septiembre el alumno dispondrá de un cuadernillo cuya entrega es opcional. No obstante, si el alumno lo entrega hecho con esfuerzo el día del examen, éste contará un 10%. Departamento de Lengua Inglesa ESO JC

RECUPERACIÓN SEPTIEMBRE INGLÉS · Curso 2019-2020 4º ESO A / B / C RECUPERACIÓN SEPTIEMBRE INGLÉS ... conditional tenses, determiners with countable and countable nouns, verbs

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Page 1: RECUPERACIÓN SEPTIEMBRE INGLÉS · Curso 2019-2020 4º ESO A / B / C RECUPERACIÓN SEPTIEMBRE INGLÉS ... conditional tenses, determiners with countable and countable nouns, verbs

Colegio Juan de la Cierva ENGLISH

ESO Curso 2019-2020

4º ESO A / B / C



Los alumnos que deban recuperar la asignatura de Lengua Inglesa deberán realizar un

examen en septiembre cuya fecha y hora aparece en el calendario publicado en la


El examen tendrá los siguientes apartados:

● Vocabulary, Listening, Reading, Writing (temas 1-4)

● Grammar (present tenses, past tenses, would, used to, future tenses,

conditional tenses, determiners with countable and countable nouns, verbs +

prepositions, comparative forms (adjectives and adverbs), articles, and

irregular verbs)

Para practicar y preparar el examen de septiembre el alumno dispondrá de un

cuadernillo cuya entrega es opcional. No obstante, si el alumno lo entrega hecho con

esfuerzo el día del examen, éste contará un 10%.

Departamento de Lengua Inglesa


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Colegio Juan de la Cierva






Name & Surnames:


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★ Describing experiences and feelings

★ Present tenses ★ Comparative forms:

adjectives and adverbs

★ Review: opinion and recommendation about activities for teens


1. Do exercise 1.1. before you listen to the presentation about unusual British festivals. 1.1. Match the two parts of the phrase to make common festival activities. Write a–f next to the numbers 1–6.

1…….. follow

2…….. cook and eat

3…….. watch

4…….. take part in a

5…….. decorate

6…….. dress up

a. a firework display

b. as a special character

c. your house or street

d. ancient traditions

e. competition

f. special food

Access the following link and do exercises 1.2. and 1.3. while you listen. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/upper-intermediate-b2-listening/unusual-british-festivals 1.2. Choose True or False for these sentences. 1. Many of these festivals are actually races or competitions. True / False

2. The Burning of the Clavie brings good luck for the new year. True / False


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3. On Shrove Tuesday in Scarborough people dance with ropes. True / False

4. Cheese rolling involves running away from a big, round cheese. True / False

5. Snail racing started in the UK. True / False

6. The competition to pull the ugliest face is an old tradition. True / False

7. The Burning of the Clocks festival marks the summer solstice. True / False

8. The Burning of the Clocks festival ends with people throwing water. True / False

1.3. Choose the best phrase to complete these sentences. 1. The Clavie is a whisky container / a wooden cross / a bonfire made of things people don’t need.

2. In the Up Helly Aa festival, they burn a wooden man / a Viking boat / a line in the grass.

3. During a pancake race, you have to eat as many pancakes as possible / run as fast as possible while tossing a pancake in a pan / run and jump over the ropes without dropping the pancake.

4. Nowadays, the people who win the cheese rolling competition are usually top athletes / people from the village / visitors from all over the world.

5. The fastest snail in the Snail Racing is cooked with garlic and butter / rescued from the barbecue / given a prize of extra lettuce.

6. Black pudding throwing is similar to pancake tossing / Olympic sports like javelin and shotput / bowling.

7. To win the best gurner competition, one man had all his teeth removed / grew a really long beard / had a lot of facial piercings.

8. The Burning of the Clocks festival is 2 years old / 20 years old / 200 years old.

2. Do exercise 2.1. before you listen to the radio interview about improving your memory. 2.1. Match the words with the definitions and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.


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1…….. to tune in

2…….. to visualise

3…….. familiar

4…….. an adjustment

5…….. a knock-on effect

6…….. vital

7…….. to be looming

8…….. finals

a. to be coming quickly, to seem very close

b. to listen to a live radio programme

c. a small change d. necessary, of extreme importance

e. the last exams in a university course f. well known or

easily recognised

g. to form a mental picture of something

h. something that happens as a result of something else


Access the following link and do exercises 2.2. and 2.3. while you listen. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/upper-intermediate-b2-listening/how-improve-your-memory 2.2. According to the radio interview, which sentences are true about memorisation? Tick (✓) four correct answers. …………. We all use memory in the same way.

…………. We learn to use our memory as soon as we are born.

…………. There are two different forms of memorisation.

…………. We are taught how to improve our memory in history lessons.

…………. Writing shopping lists can improve your memory.

…………. Teaching helps us to memorise.

…………. We can train our brains to be more effective.

…………. We can only use one image at a time as an aid to memorisation.

2.3. Pay attention to the radio interview and write the correct form of the word in brackets. 1. The speaker explains how to make our ______________________________ (memorise) function better.

2. We can make ______________________________ (improve) in our ability to memorise.

3. We use a ______________________________ (combine) of long-term and short-term memory.

4. There are several things we can do to recall ______________________________ (inform).

5. We can use word ______________________________ (associate) to remember a concept.


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6. The term ______________________________ (visualise) means imagining a picture.

7. You can use different ______________________________ (formulate) to remember historical facts.

8. Following the tips will improve your ______________________________ (be able to) to remember.

Extra practice

1. Feelings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC5KLrxmheY

2. A short story ¿Cómo nos conocimos? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxZ-hMXKsXo


1. Copy and translate the vocabulary from Unit 1.

2. Replace the highlighted words in the conversations with the adjectives in the box.

/ anxious / insulted / strong-willed / terrified / understanding /

A: We used to be best friends but she never listens to anyone else’s problems.

B: You’re right. She’s never been very sympathetic __________________________

A: What was the matter with Gemma yesterday?

B: I think she was feeling a bit tense before the match. __________________________

A: Can you believe Joe said I always get what I want?

B: Well, you are pretty determined when you want to be. __________________________

A: Have you signed up for the school trip yet?

B: Rock climbing? Are you joking? I’m petrified of heights! __________________________

A: Why isn’t Lisa speaking to Dan?

B: She felt offended when he laughed at her new glasses. __________________________


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3. Complete the article with the correct form of these verbs.


/ add to / get across / miss out / put off / take off / try out /


Smells like you’ve got a text  

We experience so much of today’s world through smartphones and computers, but only in an

audio-visual way. You can see and hear, but not much else. What about our other senses – do

they need to 1 __________________________? A computer scientist, Adrian David Cheok, is asking the

same question. He hasn’t been 2 __________________________ by the limitations of the online world.

He’s been 3 __________________________ new ways of sending sense messages over the internet. A

new device called Scentee has been developed that allows you to send a smell message! The

device connects to an app on your smartphone and the smell is activated when opening a text.

Professor Cheok is also developing ways of 4 __________________________ touch and taste messages

using digital transmission. Who knows how quickly these ideas will 5 __________________________,

but just think how your sense of smell, touch and taste could 6 your whole online experience.

Extra practice

1. Change the adverb or preposition in bold to give the meaning in brackets. give up → give ____________________ (surrender; stop fighting) take off → take ____________________ (be similar to in character or looks) → take ____________________ (return, e.g. to a shop) try out → try ____________________ (see if clothes fit/suit you)

get across → get ____________________ (recover from, e.g. an illness) → get ____________________ (have a good relationship)

put off → put ____________________ (tidy; put something in its correct place) → put ____________________ (stop something burning, e.g. a fire)

add to → add ____________________ (calculate the total of several numbers)



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1. Choose the correct meaning (A or B) for each sentence. 

1.My dad works nights so we don’t see much of him in the week. A This is true just this week. B This is true every week.

2.Why are you wearing your coat in the house? A I’m asking about this moment. B I’m asking about a changing situation around now.

3.Why are things going up in price? A I’m asking about this moment. B I’m asking about a changing situation around now.

4.You’re always taking my bike without asking! A You’ve got my bike now and I want it back. B You do this a lot and it annoys me.

5.So, she shows me her phone and she’s laughing. I read the text and I feel like crying. Then she just walks off! A This happened in the past but I want to make my story more real. B This is happening now, so it’s a real story. 6.You’ve cut your hair. It looks great. A I can see the result of a past change. B I know when you changed your appearance. 7.You’ve been chatting on that phone for hours. A You’ve talked to your friends already today. B You’re still talking.


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2. Find and correct four mistakes in the sentences. Where the sentence is correct write 'correct'.

1) We don’t know each other for long, but we get on very well. _____________________________

2) How long have you been learning to play the bongo drums? _____________________________

3) You’re always criticising me! It’s just not fair! _____________________________

4) I’m hot because I run round the park. _____________________________

5) I broke my phone two days ago so I don’t message my friends for ages. _____________________

6) Have you checked out that new video yet? _____________________________

7) All my friends are spending every Saturday afternoon at the football. _______________________

8) To be honest, I’m a creature of habit. I don’t often try new things. _________________________

 3. Complete the blog with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

How common is common sense? People 1_____________________________ (always / tell) me to use my common sense. It’s so annoying!

What 2 _____________________________ that even _____________________________ (mean)? A dictionary

definition 3 _____________________________ (say): the ability to behave in a sensible way and make

practical decisions. OK, so it’s common sense to check for traffic when you 4

_____________________________(cross) the road. I get that. But what about when it comes to studying?

We 5 _____________________________ (work) on a design project at school for the last few weeks. It 6

_____________________________ (not go) too well at the moment, so I asked my dad for help. All he said

was, ‘Just use your common sense.’ I 7 _____________________________ (try) to work out how that’s

helpful ever since. Great advice, Dad, thanks! 8_____________________________ anyone

_____________________________ (ever / say) that to you? What do you think common sense 9

_____________________________ (mean)? How 10 _____________________________ it _____________________________

(help) with your schoolwork up to now?


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Extra practice

1. Underline the word in each sentence that is not needed. 1) I have a younger sister, but she’s more taller than me.

2) The third film in the series wasn’t as good as than the first two.

3) I can’t eat this curry. It’s too much hot!

4) You’re a so far better runner than I am.

5) The too earlier we get there, the easier it’ll be to find seats.

6) I’m not as old enough to ride a scooter.

7) Of all the concerts we’ve ever done, we played most worst last night.

8) The book got more and much more complicated as the story went on.

9) Only the most of skilful players get selected for the first team.

2. Present simple and present continuous with answer key.



1. Complete the text with these words.

/ cosy / dismiss / dull / overwhelming / pigeonhole / pretty / reluctant / willing / worthwhile /

Small change, big difference  

Is life feeling 1 _______________________ and boring right now? Are you 2 _______________________ to get

out and try something new? Then change. But this doesn’t mean taking on huge challenges that

become 3 _______________________. The key to shaking up your routine is to start small. Look for

ways of changing the stuff you do every day: take a different route to school or college,

download a song by a band you’ve never heard before, talk to a student you don’t normally mix

with. These things might sound 4 _______________________ basic but don’t 5 _______________________

them. For one thing, they help to make day-to-day life a bit more fun. And they really can be 6


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_______________________ because they make you start to think differently. It’s easy to 7

_______________________ yourself with fixed roles and routines. Making a change every day helps

you escape in a risk-free way. And if you’re 8 _______________________ to step out of your 9

_______________________ routine in small ways, you’re much more likely to take on bigger


2. Read the article quickly. Choose the quotation (A-C) that best fits the main message of the text. A Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to shop

B Have stories to tell, not stuff to show

C Good advice comes from bad experiences  

The search for happiness: to have or to do?  

Imagine you could have either the object of your dreams or the experience of your dreams.

Which would make you happier for longer? Most people would choose the object. It’s logical.

You can keep the object for years but the experience may be over in days, hours or even

minutes. Well, according to recent research, if you want to be happier for longer, choose the


Thomas Gilovich is Professor of Psychology at Cornell University in the United States. 1____ His

research suggests that people who spend money on experiences are generally happier than

those who buy physical objects. So why are experiences more important to our well being

than possessions?

2____ Although the majority of people think it’s better to spend money on something physical,

Professor Gilovich has found that the opposite is true. People tend to believe an experience

will come and go. They feel they will be left with very little when compared to owning an item.

But in reality we remember experiences long afterwards, while we soon get used to our

possessions or even bored with them.

The research also looked at other differences, including how people felt before a purchase or

experience. Professor Gilovich says that people look forward to enjoying an experience more

than owning an object. So before getting a new smartphone, for example, it’s exciting to think

about owning the object itself. But more pleasure comes from thinking about what you can do

with the object and how you can share experiences with others. Another area of the research


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was how people felt after choosing not to do or buy something. 3____ So you may feel worse

about not going to see a band with friends than not buying a new pair of jeans.

Perhaps one of the most important results from the research was the effect on identity. 4____

Professor Gilovich believes that who we are isn’t a direct result of the things that we own. He

says that our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves and that even though you can really

like your material things, they are separate from who you are. In other words, they aren’t a

part of your identity. He adds however, that we are connected to our experiences.

If experiences make a person, they also make a community. They are very often shared with

family and friends, face-to-face and on social media. Even if they last only a very short time,

they become part of the stories that we tell each other. They can be remembered across

different communities and generations. Even if an experience has made someone unhappy,

describing what happened can make that person feel more positive about things. 5____

So we connect more with other people when sharing experiences than when comparing

objects. The next time you’re bombarded by adverts on TV, online and on the streets, maybe

take a moment to decide how you want to spend your money. 6____ But you won’t enjoy them

forever. And your friends probably want to hear more about where you went in your new

trainers than about the trainers themselves.


3. Read the article again. Choose which sentence (A–G) best fits each gap (1–6). You do not need one of the sentences.

Sentences A–G

A A description of a difficult situation can over time turn into a funny story that becomes part of the speaker’s identity. ________

B While the happiness we get from objects fades over time, experiences define who you are. _______

C Firstly, the memory of an experience stays with us for a long time, much longer than the excitement you get from buying an object. ________

D So don’t give up buying objects completely but invest in some great experiences, too. ________

E There’s nothing wrong with objects: some are necessary, others are beautiful. ________

F He has been studying the link between money and happiness for over twenty years. ________

G They seem to regret missing an experience more than losing out on an object. ________


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Extra practice

1. Complete the comments (1–6) with the correct form of these pairs of words.

 regret / miss last / keep possession / stuff 

  Objects or experiences?   Sarah Add message | Report   I guess objects. I often ask ‘Why do I have all these 1 ____________________________?’ But                             then I’m not very good at getting rid of all my old 2 ____________________________!   Hayley Add message | Report  

Both. The only thing I 3 ____________________________ is not getting tickets to see my team                             but I really 4 ____________________________seeing it live. 

  Liz Add message | Report   I think both. Experiences give you memories that 5 ____________________________, but 6                       ____________________________ objects also brings back happy times.  


A REVIEW ★ Tries to help the reader make a choice

★ The review content:

Paragraph 1: brief details about the subject

Paragraph 2: more information, examples Paragraph 3: the reviewer’s experience Paragraph 4: the reviewer’s recommendation


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1. Write your review in 140–190 words, using an appropriate style. There is a model answer below the advert.


Tell us what you think! 

We organise trips for groups of international students. We’re looking for                     reviews of events that young people can go to in your area.  Tell us about an event you have been to. In your review describe your                           experience, positive or negative, and say whether or not you would                     recommend it to people of your age. 


Putting the fun back into festival Are you looking for a great way to enjoy yourself this summer? It’s well worth trying the ForTeen Festival. It’s a five-day event that takes place every year in the first week of August. What makes it special? It’s specifically for 14–18-year-olds. One of the best things is the entertainment. It’s perfect for anyone interested in bands, clothes, movies or gadgets. There are performances and talks by well-known musicians and speakers. The festival also offers workshops and one-hour lessons so you can have a go at something new. It’s a very well-organised festival, located a few kilometres from the centre. The area is divided into zones for music, technology, fashion and cinema. So you can go for what you love, or try a bit of everything. Air-conditioned buses run every 15 minutes to the festival and the area is accessible to wheelchairs. Just one day at ForTeen is fantastic, but if you have time, an all-inclusive ticket is really worth the money. I would highly recommend the event to students of my age. Check out the programme for this year. You won’t regret it.


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Extra practice

1. Complete the compound adjectives. Some words (1–6) can form more than one compound adjective.

/ -class / - conditioned / -day / -fashioned / -inclusive / -known / -lit / -organised /

1. air - _____________________________

2. all - _____________________________ _____________________________

3. brightly - _____________________________

4. first - _____________________________

5. old - _____________________________

6. well - _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________


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★ Travel anecdotes and apps

★ Past tenses ★ Articles

★ Article: describing best and worst travelling experiences


1. Do exercise 1.1. before you listen to a speaker talking about the Maasai and the lions. 1.1. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–e next to the numbers 1–5.

1…….. 20

2…….. between 2 and


3…….. 180

4…….. 12

5…….. 81

a. How much does the average male lion weigh?


b. How many years does a lion in the wild live?

c. How many cubs can a female lion have in one litter?

d. What is the fastest speed a lion can run? (kilometres

per hour)

e. How many hours a day do lions spend resting?

Access the following link and do exercise 1.2. while you listen. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/upper-intermediate-b2-listening/maasai-lions 1.2. Choose the best answer a, b or c to these questions. 1. How did the Maasai people feel about lions in the past? a. They strongly disliked them. b. They were not sure how they felt. c. They loved them.


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2. What is the aim of the Lion Guardians scheme? a. To move the lions to a different, safer area. b. To protect the lions and allow experts to do research. c. To train local people to protect the lions. 3. Why do the Lion Guardians tell local farmers where lions are? a. So they can kill the lions. b. So they can take their cows to a different area. c. So they can protect their families. 4. How do other local people feel about the Lion Guardians? a. They respect them. b. They don’t understand them. c. They are annoyed by them. 5. Why did Olubi Lairumbe change his mind about killing lions? a. He saw how dangerous hunting lions could be. b. He killed a pregnant lion and felt very bad about it. c. He learnt more about lions and realised he was wrong. 6. How does Mingati Makarot know where the lions are? a. He uses special tracking equipment. b. He uses his knowledge of the area and hunting skills. c. He uses information provided by his team. 7. How do Maasai warriors get a lion name, traditionally? a. By killing a lion. b. By having the characteristics of a lion. c. By doing something brave. 8. How has the naming tradition changed? a. Young men have to kill more lions to a get a name. b. Young men can use their father’s name. c. Young men are given special names without killing lions. 9. What do the Lion Guardians do to help people see lions as part of the community? a. Give people photos of the lions. b. Tell people stories about the lions. c. Give the lions Maasai names. 10. What is the key factor in the scheme's success? a. The Maasai have changed their culture but kept their identity. b. The Maasai can influence people from neighbouring areas.


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c. The Maasai have always wanted to protect lions.

2. Do exercise 2.1. before you listen to five different people talking about communication in the digital world. 2.1. Match the two parts of the phrases and write a–f next to the numbers 1–6.

1…….. update

2…….. be glued

3…….. pay

4…….. it’s not the end

5…….. stay in

6…….. miss out

a. touch with everyone

b. on having fun

c. to the screen

d. your status

e. attention to what someone’s saying

f. of the world

Access the following link and do exercises 2.2. and 2.3. while you listen. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/advanced-c1-listening/living-online 2.2. Match the ideas to the speakers and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.

1…….. Speaker

2…….. Speaker

3…….. Speaker

4…….. Speaker

5…….. Speaker

6…….. Not said

7…….. Not said

8…….. Not said

a. Has recently learned about some of the negative effects of excessive online communication. b. Is suffering from the fear of missing out. c. Has witnessed great changes in the way we communicate over recent years. d. Thinks that the amount of time teens spend online is alarming. e. Is quite happy for any photos of themselves to be posted online. f. Thinks limiting teenagers’ access to technology is unfair. g. Wishes people would talk more in person. h. Enjoys being able to contact all friends with the same message at once.


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2.3. Choose True or False for these sentences. 1. Speaker 1 likes to know as soon as they get a new message. True / False

2. Speaker 2 thinks the most annoying thing is when people use their phone in

meetings. True / False

3. Speaker 3 says that FOMO, or fear of missing out, is more common among teens.

True / False

4. Speaker 4 thinks that young people today are aware of the drawbacks of online

communication. True / False

5. Speaker 5 has made a lot of new friends thanks to online communication. True /


Extra practice

1. ¿Cuánto inglés entiendes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56x0vqgsM8I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOkSl1H1qaw

2. British food https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7PxzZ8BWUY


1. Copy and translate the vocabulary from Unit 2.

2. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1) He’s over the moon / above the planet because he’s just got A-grades in all his


2) I can’t wait to go round the world. Travel is so high on the list / important on the

timetable of things I want to do.

3) Hearing the match had been cancelled left us all feeling low in the rubbish / down in

the dumps.

4) We’d never heard such amazing guitar playing from a young kid. We were just

exploded / blown away by his talent.

5) As soon as I saw the new phone, I fell in love / dropped in love with it. I knew I had to

have it – and soon!


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6) Changing colleges was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I didn’t know where to

go or who to make friends with, but slowly I’ve got into the swing / become into the

balance of things.

 3. Complete the extracts from an article on holidays. For each gap, use a word from

A and a word from B.


Holiday highs and lows  

A: cheap extremely make (x2) package B: helpful reservations sure tours travel

I was planning a trip earlier this year. I’m a student without much money, so I was over the

moon to come across an app for 1. __________________________ With World4less you can 2

__________________________ for flights and accommodation of course, but the app is for people under

eighteen, so the holidays and 3 __________________________ are to places that appeal to younger

people. The app is constantly checking prices so you can 4 __________________________ you’re getting

the best deal. It was 5 __________________________ in saving me time and money.

A: enter improve keeps takes travelling

B: all the details a record light my travel experience such a long time

I’m hopeless at 6. __________________________ I always pack at least two big suitcases. It drives my

dad mad because it 7 __________________________ to collect my luggage after a flight. Imagine how I

felt when we arrived in the south of Spain last month, but my bags ended up in South Africa! It


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was a nightmare filling in the lost luggage forms. You had to 8 __________________________ of what

was in the bags in three different forms. How am I supposed to remember? Who 9

__________________________ of what they put in their suitcase the night before? Maybe taking just a

backpack would 10 _________________________._

Extra practice

1. Which preposition fits with the words/phrases in each set?

/ of / with / for / about / on /

deal / cope / disagree ___________

congratulate / decide / concentrate ___________

be scared / ashamed / afraid ___________

ask / pay / prepare ___________

complain / care / worry ___________


1. Complete the sentences with the correct ending (A or B).

1) I first went abroad A twice already this year. B two years ago, when I was thirteen.

2) While I was taking a selfie, A a girl suddenly put her face in the picture. B a girl was putting her face in the picture.


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3) He didn’t really join in. He A was always playing computer games instead of enjoying the trip. B ’s been playing computer games instead of enjoying the trip.

4) We were going to get tickets for the water park A and it was great fun. B but it was closed on Sunday.

5) Dad was due to join us for the second week A but he was ill and couldn’t make it. B and he loved the area too.

6) There was no one to help us. We got to the hotel after midnight and

A the receptionist went home. B the receptionist had already gone home.

7) I was happy, but really tired after

A we’ve been exploring the city all day. B we’d been exploring the city all day.


2. Match the sentence halves (1–6) with (A–F).

 1 I used to be petrified of flying, _________

2 We couldn’t believe how crowded the Tokyo underground was, _________

3 My friend doesn’t want to come on the adventure holiday, _________

4 I hated the cold showers at the campsite at first, _________

5 I couldn’t eat the first curry I tried in Thailand, _________

6 The tourist season used to finish in September, _________

A as she isn’t used to cycling long distances. D but I got used to them quite quickly.

B but I’m not so scared of it now. E but people seem to travel all year now.

C as I’m not used to eating spicy food. F but we’re getting used to it now.



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3. Complete the chatroom posts with the correct form of the verbs. Use short forms where possible.

  Ali Add message | Report  

I 1 _______________________________ (go) to Croatia last month to stay with a girl I met online, Nika. I

2 _______________________________ (never/travel) abroad without my parents before and I really 3

_______________________________ (miss) them. Nika and I 4 _______________________________ (not/ get on)

from Day 1. It was strange because we 5 _______________________________ (write) to each other for

ages and we seemed to like the same things. I 6 _______________________________ (be due/stay)

three weeks and I lasted only one.

 Tanya Add message | Report  

Last summer holidays I 7 _______________________________ (go/have) a week in Boston with my

best friend’s family. I 8 _______________________________ (look forward) to it for ages, but then

suddenly my parents said no. They 9 _______________________________ (used/have) us all together

over the summer. I 10 _______________________________ (already/make) loads of holiday plans, but

dad 11 _______________________________ (not think) it was fair on my brother!

  Extra practice

1. Choose two sentences in which ‘would’ can replace ‘used to’. ❏ I look really different from my passport picture. I used to have long hair.

❏ We used to build a campfire every night and tell ghost stories.

❏ We have a house on the mainland now, but we used to live on a small island.

❏ My family and all our cousins used to stay in a big farmhouse every summer.

❏ My aunt has been all over Europe. She used to work as a tour guide.

 2. Past simple, past continuous, and past perfect simple with answer key.


3. Past simple and present perfect simple with answer key. https://bbresources.s3.amazonaws.com/sites/3/Grammar-PastSimplePresentPerfect_2665.pdf


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1. Read the article quickly. Which would be the best category for it? A travel tips

B true-life stories

C family and lifestyle  

Do I have to come with you?  

Summer holidays are all about family time and sharing experiences. But what                       happens when one child in the family doesn’t want to join in? We hear from four                               young people with different ideas for the perfect summer break.  

A/ Michelle, 16, USA My parents own a small summer house on the New Jersey coast. We’ve been                           going there since I was a kid. I have amazing memories of swimming, fishing and                             camping on the beach there. But that’s been my vacation: the same two weeks                           in August, the same destination. So this year, I thought to myself, ‘Is there any                             way I can opt out of this?’ In the last couple of years, the trip has been pretty                                   tedious because it’s tough finding fun things to do. So I took a deep breath and                               said to my mom, ‘I was thinking of working over the summer, just to top up my                                 allowance. So maybe count me out for the vacation.’ I had no idea what was                             coming next. My mom freaked out. Her final words were, ‘No way!’ So, New                           Jersey here I come. 

B/ Lily, 17, UK In our house, planning the family holiday is a two-person project. My dad sorts                           out the travel and accommodation, and mum plans the day-to-day activities.                     She tries to come up with things that will appeal to everyone but that’s tricky.                             I’m the eldest at seventeen, but there’s quite a gap between me and my sister,                             who’s thirteen, and my brother, who’s just seven. Last year, I found myself at a                             space museum to keep my brother smiling and a farm for my animal-mad sister!                           This year I’m hoping to be in for a treat. My best friend has invited me to spend                                   a fortnight in Greece with her parents. She’s an only child and so needs                           someone of her own age to go away with. The only problem is I haven’t checked                               it out with my family yet. I’m trying to pick the right moment … 

C/ Ritchie, 15, USA 

Usually, it’s just mom, dad, my sister and me on vacation together, and that’s                           always worked pretty well. This year, my aunt Ellen and her family are joining us                             from Canada. The plan is to rent a place for both families to chill out together.                               


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The problem is that time with Ellen is anything but relaxing. She’s competitive                         and bossy. She’s always comparing my sister and me with her kids. And I have                             never gotten along too well with my cousins, even though we’re all in our teens.                             Today Ellen emailed over a list of chores for the rented house. Week one, I do                               the dishes and take out the garbage. When I saw the list, I said to dad, ‘You call                                   this a vacation? Can I please go to grandma’s instead?’ Dad said yes and mom                             said maybe so things are still up in the air. 

D/ Ed, 13, UK I get on well with my family when we’re away, but I miss my friends. We                               message each other all the time but it’s not the same. Last year my friend,                             Adam, went to an activity camp. He posted all the different things he was                           getting up to. Cool stuff like kitesurfing and canoeing, as well as team sports                           and days out. I showed mum and dad all his posts in the hope they would let me                                   go too. All they said was, ‘Maybe when you’re older.’ I mentioned it again last                             week, but I’m still not allowed to go. My parents are convinced I’m too young to                               be away without them. Maybe they think I’ll do something stupid. So now Adam                           is off to the camp again. It’s so unfair. 

2. Read the article again. Match the questions (1–10) with the teenagers (A–D). Which teenager:

1 hasn’t told their parents that they don’t want to go on the family holiday? _____

2 complains of being bored during recent holidays? _____

3 mentions a difficult relationship with someone near their age? _____

4 received a very strong negative reaction to the idea of missing the family


5 asks if they can stay with a relative over the summer? _____

6 suggests their parents don’t have confidence in their behaviour? _____

7 refers to activities done to please others? _____

8 wanted to earn some money during their holiday?_____

9 mentions using technology to contact people when away from home? _____

10 states that their parents haven’t agreed on whether to accept their holiday plans?




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3. Find phrases in the article for these definitions.

 1) take part (introduction) ________________________________________

2) choose not to do (something) (text A) ________________________________________

3) don’t include me (text A) ________________________________________

4) makes arrangements for (text B) ________________________________________

5) be about to experience something enjoyable (text B) ____________________________________

6) asked if it’s OK with (someone) (text B) ________________________________________

7) relax (text C) ________________________________________

8) undecided (text C) ________________________________________

Extra practice

1. Do you like anything from the past that could now be considered to be retro?  


It was my birthday recently, and I was very lucky to get some nice presents. Actually,                               

my favourite presents were what you would call ‘retro’ – things from the past which                             

might seem a bit outdated or old-fashioned today. Let me explain. When I was 10                             

years old, I got my first video game console: a Nintendo 64. Many years have passed                               

since those days and there are lots of newer games consoles around. Yet I still enjoy                               

playing on my N64. For my recent birthday, my sister got me a racing game for the                                 

Nintendo 64, one that I have always wanted to play. It was a great surprise present!                               

The game was made in 1998, but even though the graphics are not very good                             

compared to today’s standards, I enjoy playing the N64 because it reminds me of                           

being a child again. I think the simplistic graphics can be quite charming. 


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Another cool present was a vinyl record. Do you know what a record is? It’s a large,                                 

black, circular disc that can play music. My favourite genre of music is British                           

electronic and rock music from the 1980s. Vinyl records were popular during the 80s,                           

as this was a time before music CDs! It’s really nice to have an original record of my                                   

favourite bands. Fortunately my parents have kept a record player so I can listen to                             

the music. I really enjoy playing vinyl records because it’s a lot more fun than                             

listening to a CD. You have to carefully place the record on the record player. Then                               

you put the needle on the record, which will read the music. When you start the                               

record player, the vinyl record starts spinning and the music comes booming out! It’s                           

an exciting process. You also have to flip the record over half way through, so you can                                 

listen to the other side. In case you want to listen to any 1980s music, let me                                 

recommend a few bands. ‘Queen’ is a very well-known British rock band. My favourite                           

band is called the ‘Electric Light Orchestra’. 

Of course, I do appreciate 21st century conveniences, but sometimes I enjoy the                         

more simplistic pleasures of old video games and music. Perhaps you think I’m a bit                             

strange for liking these retro things! 


AN ARTICLE ★ Informs & entertains the reader

★ A good article includes:

○ An eye-catching title

○ Questions that address the reader directly

○ Lively, colourful language

○ An interesting conclusion

○ A personal example or anecdote

○ A new paragraph for each topic


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2. You have seen this announcement on an English-language website. Write your article in 140–190 words, using an appropriate style. There’s a model answer below the announcement.

Have you been on a memorable journey? 

What good or bad things happened to you while you were travelling? 

Send us your article and best will be published on our website next month. 


A flight I’ll never forget  Do you know that feeling of excitement you get before an important journey? That’s exactly

how I felt before I flew alone for the first time. But not everything went according to plan …

On my sixteenth birthday, my parents agreed I could go to a music festival later that year.

We’d decided that the easiest way to get to the event was to fly, so I’d been saving for an air

ticket for months. Then the day finally arrived. I got to the local airport two hours early. I was

certainly not going to miss this flight!

I’m not scared of flying, so was full of confidence as the plane climbed into the sky. However,

minutes later something went wrong. There was a huge bang and the plane suddenly shook.

Panic spread and people started screaming. I learned later we’d been hit by a bird and an

engine had been damaged.


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Extra practice

1. Join each pair of sentences using the linker or time expression. Make any necessary tense and punctuation changes.

1. We finally found a space on the beach. The sun went in. (after)


2. I found my ticket. The inspector made me pay again. (by the time)


3. We reached the coast. We ran into the sea. (as soon as)


4. I was trying to find my friend. I suddenly spotted her across the square. (before)


5. We had a few arguments. We still had a great time. (even though)


6. She didn’t get back until late. Her flight was delayed. (because)


7. My brother wasn’t well on the last day. We cancelled the trip. (so)


8. It was such a fantastic place. We’ve booked to go there again. (since)



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★ Education and work ★ Virtual school

★ Future tenses ★ Determiners with

countable/uncountable nouns

★ Essay: include your own idea of intergenerational schools


1. Do exercise 1.1. before you listen to the information about the 'best job in the world' competition. 1.1. Which five activities can you do in Australia? Tick (✓) all the correct answers. …………. get to know aboriginal culture

…………. look at dinosaur fossils

…………. learn how to cook traditional, local curries

…………. go skiing

…………. visit ancient Inuit monuments

…………. enjoy a firework display at New Year

…………. see lions and tigers in the wild

…………. go surfing

Access the following link and do exercises 1.2. and 1.3. while you listen. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/upper-intermediate-b2-listening/best-job-world 1.2. Complete the gaps with the correct word. 1. The organisation Tourism Australia is offering six jobs, for six



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2. If you want one of these jobs, you have to make a short _______________________________.

3. The job of outback adventurer is for someone with a passion for


4. Job number two is a park _______________________________in Queensland.

5. The wildlife caretaker job on Kangaroo Island is for someone who loves


6. If you’re not an outdoor person, the next job is for someone whose talents are in


7. The taste master will need to _______________________________about food as well as enjoy

eating it.

8. The final job is based in _______________________________.

1.3. Put the job requirements a-l with the correct job below. a. write, take photographs and make films

b. help preserve and promote plants, animals, fossils and indigenous culture

c. work with some dangerous animals

d. work with the organisers of festivals

e. find the best places for “wining and dining”

f. learn how to make alcoholic drinks

g. work in a state with the world’s biggest sand island

h. use social media to tell people about cool events

i. find adventures and employment for young people on working holidays

j. travel in a hot air balloon and be prepared to eat insects!

k. use different types of transport and leave only footprints

l. report on cafés, concerts and days out

outback adventurer park ranger wildlife caretaker


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lifestyle journalist taste master chief funster

2. Do exercise 2.1. before you listen to a talk about how to get a job in the music industry and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. 2.1. Complete the idioms with a word from the box.

done / stone / worth / worth / struck / pulse / tied / door

1. for what it's ________________________ (= used when you are not sure that what you are saying is useful)

2. easier said than ________________________ (= used when you think something is a good idea but might be difficult to do)

3. to prove your ________________________ (= to show that you have something valuable to contribute)

4. to have your finger on the ________________________ (= to know about recent changes and fashions)

5. to get your foot in the ________________________ (= to enter a business at a low level with the chance of being successful later)

6. a stepping ________________________ (= an event or experience that helps you achieve something else)

7. to be star- ________________________ (= to feel enormous or too much respect for famous people, especially when meeting them in person)


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8. to be tongue- ________________________ (= to find it hard to express yourself in speech, usually because you are nervous)

Access the following link and do exercises 2.2. and 2.3. while you listen. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/advanced-c1-listening/how-break-music-industry 2.2. Write a number (1-6) to put these topics in the order that we hear them in the talk. …………. Keeping networking as much as possible

…………. Starting to make contacts

…………. How to treat celebrities

…………. Showing music industry bosses that you are worth employing

…………. The different jobs available in the music industry

…………. Using social networks to project the right image to employers

2.3. Complete the sentences according to the talk. Use no more than two words for each answer. 1. In the music industry, qualifications are much less important than ___________________________.

2. When you are starting off in the business, the most important thing is to ___________________________.

3. If you are lucky, you might get work as a paid ___________________________.

4. You can impress people in the company if you have a ___________________________.

5. An easy way to network could be to find someone you admire and ___________________________.

6. Make sure that everything you post on social media reflects the ___________________________you want to project.

7. One of the exciting things about the music industry is that things are changing ___________________________.

8. When you meet a celebrity you should treat him or her as a client and try not to be ___________________________.


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Extra practice

1. Education vocabulary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P9y-R_CNV8

2. On the phone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU2s0JD36hg

3. Yummy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exgfPYFffZA

4. To book a table https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJjkoYiJtlc

5. Work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udLDX9IDcBw


1. Copy and translate the vocabulary from Unit 3.

2. Add the words or phrases about work to the correct list.

/ shifts / creative / a good salary / part-time / a lot of pressure / your own boss / control over your own time / as a team / independently / self-employed / responsible / time off /



3. Complete the phrasal verbs from this unit.

1) It’s hard to keep ______________________ hobbies before exam time.

2) I was off school so I need to make ______________________ what I missed.


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3) On Saturdays, I catch ______________________ sleep after a week at school.

4) For our class project we came ______________________ the idea of a blog.

5) Karin’s new to the club, but she gets ______________________ everyone.

6) I got off my bike on the big hill. I just ran ______________________ energy.

Extra practice

1. Match the phrasal verbs in the text with the correct meanings (A–F). Nobody can (1) measure up to my sister when it comes to being naughty. She can (2) get away with all sorts of bad behaviour. My little brother adores her and (3) goes along with all of her bad ideas… but of course, he usually gets stuck with the blame.

Me, I don’t (4) go in for that kind of behaviour at all. I’ve (5) given up on trying to stop them, though, as long as they(6) keep out of my private life!

A agree with or support ________

B avoid / stay away from ________

C be as good / skilled as ________

D do often / enjoy ________



1. Choose the best option (A or B).

1) You’ve got a text message.

A I’ll read it later.

B I’m reading it later.

2) Can I call round at five thirty?

A Better not. I’ll be doing my homework then.

B Better not. I’ll have done my homework by then.

3) I can’t wait for Friday the 22nd.

A We’ll have been finishing our exams by then.

B We’ll have finished our exams by then.


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4) I’m not very hopeful about this match.

A We’re unlikely to win.

B We’re due to win.

5) Have you been keen on judo for a long time?

A By this May, I’ll be doing judo for three years.

B By this May, I’ll have been doing judo for three years.

6) What are your plans for the weekend?

A We’ll go to a music festival.

B We’re going to a music festival. 

 2. Complete the conversations with these verb forms. There is one extra answer in

each set you do not need.

/ I’ll be hanging out / I’ll have been helping / I’ll have earned / ‘m due to start / ‘re going / are you working /


A: The end of term at last! This time next week, we 1 ____________________________________ at the beach.

B: I won’t. I 2 ____________________________________ my summer job on Monday, don’t forget.

A: Oh, yes. 3 ____________________________________ five days a week?

B: Yes, Monday to Friday. But at least I 4 ____________________________________ some money by the end of the summer.

A: Lucky you! I 5 ____________________________________ my dad in his shop for weeks by the time school starts – unpaid!

/ ’ll be doing / ‘ll have started / ‘m unlikely to need / won’t have been studying / you make / you will have /


A: What do you think you 6 ____________________________________ in five years’ time?

B: I’m not sure, but I guess I 7 ____________________________________ university or college. What about you?


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A: I 8 ____________________________________ on a course, I don’t think. I have an idea for a business and I 9 ____________________________________ a university degree for it.

B: Sounds interesting! When 10 ____________________________________ your first million, don’t forget your old classmates!

 3. Underline the extra word in each sentence.

1) I haven’t given no much thought to future careers.

2) It’s a shame that only a few many students attended the course.

3) I’m not very hungry so I only want a little bit pasta.

4) A job in IT gives you plenty of many opportunities.

5) Every few student improved their grades last term.

6) I got up late so I had a little time for breakfast before I left.

 Extra practice

1. Future tenses with answer key https://bbresources.s3.amazonaws.com/sites/3/Grammar-FutureTenses_2666.pdf READING EXERCISES

1. Complete the email with these words. There is one word you do not need.

/ collaboration / distractions / drawback / gearing up / pilot scheme / siblings / support / win-win situation /

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: New term news


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Dear Parents,

We are 1 ____________________________________ for the new term here at City High and I’m delighted

to announce a new 2 ____________________________________ for Saturday school. It is open to all years

and we hope older 3 ____________________________________ will encourage younger brothers and

sisters to attend. Students will be working in small groups for longer study periods, without

the 4 ____________________________________ of everyday school life. It is an opportunity to get extra

help with schoolwork, but also focus on those all-important life skills, such as communication

and 5 ____________________________________ . I see it as a 6 ____________________________________ for both

the students and the school. I hope you will give the idea your full 7

____________________________________ .


2. Read the article about school quickly. Who do you think the writer is?

1 one of the inventors of the gadget

2 a journalist who writes about technology

3 the parent of an ill child    

Off sick, but still at school 

What teenager in the world hasn’t thought of               staying at home on a school day and sending an avatar to class instead? But what                               about young people who want to go to school, but can’t? Students who are missing                             out on lessons because they are in hospital or have a long-term illness. Meet AV1, the                               avatar that allows students to attend school even when they are off sick. 

AV1 is the brainchild of a Norwegian robotics company appropriately named No                       Isolation. Their aim is to help young people who are hospitalised or going through                           long-term illness at home to feel less lonely. There is a strong social side to school,                               with young people making new relationships and interacting with the friends they                       already have. It is very easy for teenagers with health problems to miss out on this                               much-needed interaction and so become isolated during a difficult period in their                       lives. 


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So how does it work? Inside AV1 is a small computer connected to a control card that                                 powers movement and sound. The robot can move from side to side, to follow who is                               speaking in class, and also tilt its head. An amplifier connected to the microphone and                             speaker control the sound. The built-in camera allows the ill student visual access to                           the activity in the classroom. However, the student is not visible to the rest of the class                                 or the teacher. This is to protect their privacy during the time they are unwell. 

AV1 is placed on the desk where the student would normally sit in class. They use an                                 app on their tablet or phone to start the robot up and control its movements. Its eyes                                 light up to show the student is ready to start the class. A light on its head indicates the                                     student wants to speak. Real-time contributions to the class are made through the                         robot with the student’s own voice. This and the slightly humanoid appearance of the                           robot are important features. In the words of Karen Dolva, co-founder of No Isolation,                           ‘This is an avatar, so an extension of yourself.’ She describes AV1 as ‘the eyes and the                                 ears and the voice’ of the ill student at school. 

The dimensions of AV1 are also important. Although not life-size, the robot represents                         the ill child in class. It needs to be portable so that the student’s classmates can carry                                 the robot from class to class, and around school during breaks and lunch. AV1 is                             pretty tough, too. It can survive being knocked off the desk and it’s water-resistant in                             case of showers when taken outside. The students who are in school also need to feel                               they can relate to the avatar. Karen Dolva explains, ‘It can’t be just a tiny camera                               because the other kids can’t pick it up and take it with them. This is supposed to be                                   their friend.’ 

When a high school in Norway got the opportunity to pilot the avatar, they jumped at                               the chance. AV1 was paired with a student called Marthe, who was unable to attend                             full-time school. According to Marthe herself, ‘It is an amazing opportunity for people                         with challenges similar to those I face to be able to go to school, attend classes, and                                 still know that they will get the rest they need when they have a bad day.’ And in the                                     words of one of her classmates, ‘Marthe is a ray of sunshine, so of course we miss her                                   when she’s not here in person. But we wave at her and talk to her through the robot.                                   The most important thing is that Marthe gets to attend classes and that she is a part                                 of the group, even though her health challenges this.’ 

 3. Read the article again and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

1 In the first paragraph, what is the writer trying to do?

A generalise about students not liking going to class

B explain why some students are off sick for long periods

C get the reader’s interest in a new gadget

D explain the effects of long-term illness on education


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2 What does the writer suggest about the inventors of AV1? A They understand the importance of social media for young people.

B Their company name suits the aim of their invention.

C They have shown a lot of technical skill in their development.

D They are interested in how teenagers interact in schools. 3 How does the camera on the avatar work?

A It lets the ill student see the class without being seen.

B It is activated by the student who is speaking at any time.

C It allows just the teacher to see the ill student on screen.

D It gives visual access to the students in the whole school. 4 What does the bolded out ‘this’ in paragraph 4 refer to?

A the use of the student’s voice

B the contributions to the class

C the use of the robot

D the position of the robot 5 The avatar has been designed in such a way as to be

A the same size as the missing student.

B easily repaired if knocked off the desk.

C used only indoors during class time.

D meaningful to the ill student’s classmates. 6 Marthe and one of her classmates agree that

A the avatar should be available to other groups of students.

B the benefit is that ill students’ education is not interrupted.

C Marthe’s health makes life very challenging for everyone.

D they miss each other when Marthe is away from class.

  Extra practice

1. Study problems? Help is here. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/sites/teens/files/study_problems_-_help_is_here_-_exercises.pdf


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AN ESSAY ★ Shows your point of view supported by reasons or evidence.

★ The language in an essay is formal or semi-formal

★ The structure of an essay is:

Paragraph 1: introduction with a general statement about the topic

Paragraph 2: the first point in the notes

Paragraph 3: the second point in the notes

Paragraph 4: a paragraph about your own idea

Paragraph 5: a conclusion with a summary of your ideas

1. Read the task. Write your essay in 140–190 words, using an appropriate style.

There’s a model answer below the task.

Students can learn better in mixed-age classes. Do you agree?

Write about:

1 learning being based on ability not age

2 older students helping younger ones

3 … (your own idea)  


Mixed-age classes to learn better 

Classes in most schools are based on age despite big differences between students born                           

in the same year. Is this the best way to educate young people? 

It is often thought that students of the same age learn well together. However, being                             

the same age doesn’t mean you have the same abilities. One fourteen-year-old could be                           


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brilliant at maths and another might find it difficult. Likewise, two fifteen-year-olds may                         

have very different skills in sport or music. 

Another important point is motivation. In a class of different ages, the older students                           

can motivate the younger ones to achieve more. Moreover, the older students benefit by                           

showing what they have learned and gaining self-confidence. 

From my own experience, I believe mixed-age groups encourage teamwork. I’m part of an                           

orchestra with a big age range and we all work together. Collaborating across age groups                             

is also more like real life. 

To sum up, I agree that mixed-aged classes help students learn better. By being in the                               

same age group they may miss out on challenge and motivation. Working with different                           

ages is also better preparation for the world of work.   

Extra practice

1. Link the ideas using ‘both … and’, ‘neither … nor’, or ‘either … or’. 1 My mum didn’t do IT at school. And my dad didn’t do it.

__________________________________________________________________________ IT at school.

2 I’m learning Spanish at school and also German.

I’m learning ___________________________________________________________________________.

3 We could walk to school. Or we could wait for the bus.

We could ______________________________________________________________________________.



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★ Town and country ★ Conditionals 0, 1, 2, 3 ★ Informal email: a day in the city


1. Listen to two ladies talking about the advantages of living in the town/city or in the countryside. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzWiqrEqwqk 1.1. True or false exercise (minute 1:23)

1) True or false 2) True or false 3) True or false

1.2. Advantages (minute 2:54)


1. Nice pace of life




1. Don’t have to drive



1.3. Answer the questions (minute 4:53) 1) Which cities from the list they offer have Misha and Larissa lived in? 2) How do they describe very large (big) cities?


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1. Copy and translate the vocabulary from Unit 4.

2. Complete the sentences with these pairs of adjectives.

1. express + winding

2. handy + overcrowded

3. inner-city + well-connected

4. remote + secure

 Are you happier out on the town or down in the country?

Tim It’s town for me – not right in the ____________________________________ areas, but out in the

suburbs. There’s plenty to do and you’re ____________________________________ by public transport.

Lin I live in a small town with a lot of local amenities. It’s ____________________________________ because

you can walk everywhere and it isn’t so ____________________________________ as in a big city.

Mel I could never leave the city for a ____________________________________ country village. It might be

more ____________________________________ because of less crime, but what do people do all day?

Eddie We have decent transport systems here including trains. You can get an

____________________________________ service to London, but enjoy bike rides along peaceful

____________________________________ lanes, too.

 3. Complete the article with the following compound nouns. There are two extra

ones that you don’t need.

/ street lighting / air quality / rain water / city life / footsteps / air temperature /

 Eco-friendly is fun!

Sustainable doesn’t have to be serious. We look at new ways of going green and improving

1 ________________________________________ .


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A Dutch designer has mixed the DNA of luminescent marine bacteria with plant cells. He plans

to produce trees that glow in the dark that may eventually replace traditional 2

________________________________________. Singapore already has man-made metal trees which can

take in and give out heat and so regulate 3 ________________________________________. They are also

designed to collect 4 ________________________________________ in wet weather.

  Extra practice

1. Read the questions (1–6). Find two phrases (A–L) you could use to answer each one. A air pollution from urban traffic

B be quiet and respectful

C communicate with local people

D famous people in your hometown

E more contact with nature

F national cultural events

G higher crime levels than rural areas

H care about shared areas

I understand a different culture

J clean and attractive public spaces

K more freedom to explore

L home of the country’s leaders

1 What do you think makes someone a good neighbour? Why? ________

2 What kind of things can help people be proud of the place they live in? Why? ________

3 Some people say it’s difficult to live in a city. What do you think? Why? ________

4 Do you think living in a capital city is special? Why? ________

5 Is it important to know the language of the country you are visiting? Why? ________

6 Do you think it’s better for children to grow up in the country? Why? ________


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1. Match the sentences (1–5) with the explanations (A–F). One sentence needs two explanations.

1 If I walk in the country, I feel relaxed. _______

2 If parking isn’t free, people won’t visit. _______

3 If I could design my own house, it would have a huge games room. _______

4 If you hadn’t kicked the ball so hard, the window wouldn’t have broken. _______

5 If we’d grown up on the same street, we might have gone to the same school. _______

A This refers to the possible result of an unreal or imagined past situation.

B This refers to a possible result in the future.

C This refers to an unreal or imagined past situation or event.

D When can replace if in this sentence.

E This refers to the present or future, but isn’t likely to happen.

F This happens every time.


2. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 If you choose / will choose to find a particular place, you’ll check / check out the plan on the interactive screens. 2 When I will walk / walk into that part of town, I always get / ‘ll always get a bit scared. 3 If you don’t / not come with me to the festival, I ‘ll / ‘d never speak to you again. 4 If I could / could have do any job in the future, I’d have been / I’d be an architect. 5 If you hadn’t been staring / stared at your phone, you didn’t walk / wouldn’t have walked into me. 6 The trains get really packed so I’d set / I’ll set off early if I weren’t / were you.


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7 We’ll always be friends. Even if you ‘ll move / move a long way away, I’ll visit / I visit you at weekends. 8 If you didn’t tell / hadn’t told me about the strike, I would wait / might have been waiting for the bus until now.


3. Complete the article with the correct form of the verbs. Use short forms where possible.

Could you be a placemaker? How 1 ____________________________________________ (you / feel) if you look around where you

live? Safe or vulnerable, inspired or bored? Or maybe you think, ‘Why worry? I couldn’t

have a say about my city even if I 2 ____________________________________________ (want) to.’

Now an organisation called the Project for Public Places wants to change that. They

transform public spaces and build strong communities. They call this ‘placemaking’

and they involve young people in the process.

If you 3 ____________________________________________ (be born) in Fremantle, Australia, you

could have helped to create a skatepark with a difference. When kids turn up there

now, they 4 ________________________ just ______________________ (not / skate). There’s a

parkour park, climbing wall, table tennis and a stage.

If you 5 ____________________________________________ (be) a street artist in your town, where

would you paint – and stay legal? The Alley Project in Detroit, USA, has put

professional artists together with 120 young people to showcase local talent.

So what 6 ____________________________________________ (you / create) if you could be a

placemaker? And if you’d been the head of planning, how 7

____________________________________________ (you / do) things differently?

Extra practice

1. The conditional with answer key https://bbresources.s3.amazonaws.com/sites/3/Grammar-Conditional_2668.pdf


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1. Read the text quickly. Which description A–C best describes the article?

A the use of the city for different forms of entertainment

B profiles of different street performers

C the best cities to see street art   


Street stories City life is not all about great shopping or hanging out at the coffee shop. How                               about when the streets offer you … ? 

A A concert 

Buskers are part of the city soundscape as much as traffic, sirens and mobiles.                           Covering everything from opera to folk, musicians and singers are perhaps the                       most common form of street performer. For singers, no equipment is needed                       and many musicians limit themselves to just a guitar or small keyboard.                       Keeping your equipment light is important. Moving on when the crowd starts                       heckling with insults or the weather turns bad is all part of the job – as is being                                   moved on by the authorities. Buskers often want to perform in the same places                           and there can be fierce competition for each site. But you’d be wrong to assume                             that all buskers are down on their luck. It’s possible to earn a reasonable living                             and some even turn professional having learned their craft on the streets.                       However well they perform, they keep the city vibrant, so next time you hear a                             street musician, spare a thought for them and maybe a few coins. 

B A circus 

Acrobats, clowns and high-wire walkers have abandoned tents and theatres in                     favour of the open air and a spontaneous crowd. New forms of spectacle have                           also been created. Slacklining is one: a combination of balance and acrobatics                       on a line of woven material that can be fixed between two objects. A skilled                             slackliner can perform incredible jumps and stunts. But why do them in the                         street? For many performers it’s about the unpredictability of the crowd. Each                       audience is unique, making the artist change their performance to suit the likes                         of the crowd. However, this form of work isn’t trouble-free. As well as the                           


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obvious physical demands, there are restrictions. Performing without a permit                   is often illegal and crowds may be limited to as few as eight people in some                               areas. But street circus is here to stay. You don’t need to wait for the circus to                                 come to town, now the circus comes to you. 

C A conjurer 

Magicians have kept audiences guessing for centuries. Medieval kings and                   queens often employed a magician as an entertainer or healer. However, it                       wasn’t until the nineteenth century that the form of stage magic that we know                           today was developed. Theatres and later TV shows were the magician’s                     workplace, often attracting huge audiences. But viewers weren’t always                 convinced by TV magic, suspecting that it may all be down to camera work.                           Magicians then moved into what is called ‘close-up magic’, letting the audience                       see the trick at first hand, literally. This ultimate test of a magician’s talent is                             now out on the streets. Performing right next to a spectator, right in the middle                             of their hometown makes the magic somehow personal. And for the spectator,                       seeing their watch or coin disappear right in front of their eyes makes the                           question ‘How did they do that?’ all the more intriguing. Why not take a closer                             look if a street magician tries to attract your attention? After all, you’ll always                           get your watch back. 

D A canvas 

Artists have a long and proud history of making their mark on a city. Some                             argue that street art has its roots in prehistoric cave paintings, developing over                         time from the examples of graffiti found in ancient Greece and Rome. The birth                           of modern street art is widely thought to have been in Philadelphia in the 1960s.                             But one thing is certain – street art has survived a troubled past. The artists’                             names or ‘tags’ that covered urban settings in the 1970s were seen as pure                           vandalism. But attempts to clean up these areas and clear away the artists have                           been in vain. There are few cities in the world without some form of street art.                               And now it’s become a form of entertainment in its own right. 3-D chalk artists                             across the world are creating visual extravaganzas that trick the passerby into                       seeing fully three-dimensional scenes on a completely flat pavement. So take a                       walk through the city and you might be thrown into a whole new dimension. 

 2. Read the article again. Match the questions (1–10) with the paragraphs (A–D).

Each paragraph may be chosen more than once.

Which paragraph mentions that …


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1 the audience feels a performance is specially for them? Paragraph _________

2 the public can see part of the city in a completely new way? Paragraph _________

3 a performer is unlikely to remain in the same part of the city? Paragraph _________

4 the audience were important or influential people? Paragraph _________

5 the audience influences what the performer does? Paragraph _________

6 the public didn’t always believe in a group of performers? Paragraph _________

7 this group’s work was considered to be damaging city life? Paragraph _________

8 this group is required to have official permission to work? Paragraph _________

9 this group has been in evidence in cities for centuries? Paragraph _________

10 a performer may make a career of their talent? Paragraph _________

3. Find the words or phrases in the article that mean the following.

1 interrupting and trying to embarrass a performer (A) _______________________________

2 short of money due to bad fortune (A) _______________________________

3 became very good at a particular skill (A) _______________________________

4 think about someone who is in a difficult situation (A) _______________________________

5 actions that are both dangerous and thrilling (B) _______________________________

6 be caused by (C) _______________________________

7 get you to look at something (C) _______________________________

8 having an important effect on something (D) _______________________________

9 got through a difficult period earlier in life (D) _______________________________

10 pointless, without result (D) _______________________________


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Extra practice

1. Have you ever moved from a city to a small town in the country? Would you prefer to live in a big city or a small town or village? Read the following text. YOUR ANSWER:


Paris, Tokyo, Milan ... Le Vigan. 

Do you recognise the name of the last city? I didn’t think so, and in all honesty, I                                   can’t say I did 3 months ago. 

I moved here during mid-September, and truth be told, on arrival, I didn’t know                           whether to laugh or cry. Imagine doing endless searches on Google for your                         new home and finding little more than a picture of an old bridge and some                             greenery, indeed, incredibly scenic, but perhaps a little out of my comfort zone.                         I’m normally a city girl at the University of Leeds, and I have to admit, I’m spoilt                                 for choice with shopping, nightlife, and most importantly, meeting people my                     own age, given that Leeds boasts a large student population.  

Le Vigan couldn’t be more different; one could describe it as a quiet, peaceful                           place, suited for those looking to make retirement as relaxing as possible. I soon                           found out, after several more searches on Google, that this tiny French town                         holds just 4,000 people, something that instantly horrified me. I’m used to                       being in a lively student atmosphere, and the norm being that 90% of the                           people you see everyday are unfamiliar. It’s fair to say I was initially dreading my                             year abroad. 

However, 2 months in, and I must admit, I have fallen in love with this hidden                               French gem. The town is beautiful and charming, and I cannot believe I                         considered dropping out of The British Council Language Assistantship                 Scheme, due to my incorrect preconceptions of Le Vigan. Yes, it is quiet, and yes                             it has been difficult to make friends, but I feel part of something special, a                             French community who are starting to recognise me as not just the new                         English girl, but one of their own. I never expected to become so attached to                             such a small, rural place, but I did. I like being acknowledged in the street by the                                 


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locals, and being recognised for buying too much junk food in the supermarket                         by the same checkout ladies who pretend it’s all perfectly healthy stuff. 

It seems strange to think that I could have been placed anywhere else now, to                             think that my attachment to here may never existed, or that my Year Abroad                           may have been completely different. I have always stood by the principle                       ‘Everything happens for a reason’, and believe me, it does. 


AN EMAIL ★ An email can be formal or informal

★ The structure of an email includes:

○ From: (your email address of the person writing the email)

○ To: (the email address of the person who is going to receive it)

○ Subject: (it’s like a title for the email)

○ A greeting and closing expression

1. Read the task. Write your email in 140–190 words, using an appropriate style.

There’s a model answer below the task.

TASK: Thanks for your message. I’m glad I was able to help with your homework. Can I ask you a

favour in return? In my geography class, we’re doing a project about how cities change.

What about where you live? How has it changed and what is it like now? What has been

positive and what do you wish they’d done differently? If you could email your answers to

me, I’d be really grateful.





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From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Changes in your city

Hi Piotr, Thanks for your message. Of course I’ll help with your project. Here’s the information about where I live. The biggest thing that’s changed is the transport system. They’ve taken cars out of the centre and installed electric trams. If they hadn’t, we’d all be sitting in traffic every day just to get to school! It’s really made a difference to the whole town. Another improvement is that there’s less litter now. The council lost patience with people who were always making a mess when having a barbecue on the beach. They started fining them and now everyone tidies up. You asked about what should have been done differently. Well, the new cinema has been a waste of money. A lot of local people have lost interest in cinema because of Netflix, but the silliest decision was the location. It’s miles out of town, but you can’t catch public transport there. So when you’ve made up your mind which film to see, you still need to organise a lift. If only someone had taken charge of the transport links! Anyway, I hope that helps. All the best, Anna 


Extra practice

1. Tick (✓) the greetings you can use in an informal email.

❏ 1 Dear Best friend

❏ 2 Hi (Miguel)

❏ 3 Dear (Ewa)

❏ 4 Dear Sir or Madam


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2. Underline one extra word in each sentence or phrase.

Then, think about which one you can use for the first paragraph. Where do you use

the others?

1. Thanks much again. ________________________________

2. All the best you. ________________________________

3. It was great to hear of about your holiday. ________________________________

4. Hope that can helps. ________________________________

5. I've just read about your a good news. ________________________________

6. Take you care! ________________________________

7. Thanks you for your message. ________________________________

8. Bye soon for now! ________________________________