RECURSIONL27-L28. To learn and the following concepts To design a recursive algorithm To solve problems…

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A recursive function is a function that invokes/calls itself directly or indirectly. Useful programming technique Enables you to develop a natural, straightforward, simple solution to a problem that would otherwise be difficult to solve.  Useful for many tasks, like sorting and mathematical functions like factorial, fibonacci, exponentiation, GCD, Tower of Hanoi, etc. Recursion - Introduction

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Page 1: RECURSIONL27-L28. To learn and the following concepts To design a recursive algorithm To solve problems…



Page 2: RECURSIONL27-L28. To learn and the following concepts To design a recursive algorithm To solve problems…

To learn and the following concepts

To design a recursive algorithmTo solve problems using recursion To understand the relationship and

difference between recursion and iteration


Page 3: RECURSIONL27-L28. To learn and the following concepts To design a recursive algorithm To solve problems…

• A recursive function is a function that invokes/calls itself directly or indirectly.

• Useful programming technique • Enables you to develop a natural, straightforward, simple solution

to a problem that would otherwise be difficult to solve.

Useful for many tasks, like sorting and mathematical functions like factorial, fibonacci, exponentiation, GCD, Tower of Hanoi, etc.

Recursion - Introduction

Page 4: RECURSIONL27-L28. To learn and the following concepts To design a recursive algorithm To solve problems…

Recursive Thinking Recursion Process

A child couldn't sleep, so her mother told a story about a little frog,

who couldn't sleep, so the frog's mother told a story about a little bear, who couldn't sleep, so bear's mother told a story about a

little weasel ...who fell asleep. ...and the little bear fell asleep; ...and the little frog fell asleep; ...and the child fell asleep.


Page 5: RECURSIONL27-L28. To learn and the following concepts To design a recursive algorithm To solve problems…

Steps to Design a Recursive Algorithm Base case:

for a small value of n, it can be solved directly

Recursive case(s): Smaller versions of the same problem

Algorithmic steps: Identify the base case and provide a solution to it Reduce the problem to smaller versions of itself Move towards the base case using smaller versions

Page 6: RECURSIONL27-L28. To learn and the following concepts To design a recursive algorithm To solve problems…

Let us consider the Iterative code …void main() { int i, n, sum=0; cout<<"Enter the limit"; cin>>n;cout<<"\nThe sum is"<<fnSum(n);}

int fnSum(int n){ int sum=0; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) //Iteration

sum=sum+i; return (sum);}

Page 7: RECURSIONL27-L28. To learn and the following concepts To design a recursive algorithm To solve problems…

Let us consider the Recursive code …void main() { int i, n, sum=0; cout<<"Enter the limit"; cin>>n;cout<<"\nThe sum is"<<fnSum(n);}

int fnSum(int x) { if (x == 1) //base case return 1; else return fnSum(x-1) + x; //recursive case }

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So factorial(5)= 5* factorial(4)

= 4* factorial(3) = 3*factorial(2) = 2* factorial(1) =

1*factorial(0) = 1

Factorial of a natural number– a classical recursive


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Factorial- recursive procedure #include <iostream.h>

long factorial (long n) {

if (n ==0) //base case return (1);

return (n * factorial (n-1));


void main () {

long number; cout << "Please type a number: "; cin >> number; cout << number << "! = " << factorial (number);}

Page 10: RECURSIONL27-L28. To learn and the following concepts To design a recursive algorithm To solve problems…

Recursion - How is it doing!

factorial(0) = 1 factorial(n) = n * factorial(n-1) [for n>0]

long rFact (long a) { if (a ==0) return (1);

return (a * rFact (a-1)); }


rFact(4) x

Notice that the recursion isn’t finished at the bottom --

It must unwind all the way back to the top in

order to be done.


rFact(3) x4

rFact(2) x3

rFact(1) x2

rFact(0) x1 =1






= 1

= 2

= 6

= 24

= 120

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int rfibo(int n) {

if (n <= 1) return n; else return (rfibo(n-1) + rfibo(n-2)); }

Fibonacci Numbers: Recursion

Output: n = 4

fib = 3

Fibonacci series is 0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 …

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Fibonacci Numbers: Recursion

fibonacci(0) = 0 fibonacci(1) = 1 fibonacci(n) = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2) [for n>1]

So fibonacci(4) = fibonacci(3) + fibonacci(2)

(fibonacci(2) + fibonacci(1)) + (fibonacci(1) + fibonacci(0))

((fibonacci(1) + fibonacci(0)) + 1) + (1 + 0) ( 1 + 0 ) + 1) + (1 + 0) = 3

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Recursive Calls initiated by Fib(4)

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Fibonacci Series using Recursionint rfibo(int);

void main(void){ int n,i, a[20], fibo;

cout<<"enter any num to n\n"; cin>>n;

cout<<“Fibonacci series “; for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { fibo = rfib(i); cout<<"\n"<<fibo; }}

int rfibo(int n) { if (n <= 1) return n; else return (rfibo(n-1) + rfibo(n-2)); }

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Static Variable • The value of static variable persists until the end of the program.

• Static variables can be declared as static int x;

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void fnStat( );void main() { int i; for( i= 1; i<=3; i++) fnStat( );}

void fnStat( ){static int x = 0;

x = x + 1; cout<<\nx= “<<x;}

Output:x = 1x = 2x = 3

Output:x = 1x = 1x = 1

static int x = 0;

Static Variable

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int rev(int num){ static int n = 0; if(num > 0) n = (n* 10) + (num%10) ; else return n; return rev(num/10);}

Extra problem: Reversing a Number: Recursion

Output: num = 234

rev = 432

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int gcd(int x, int y) {

if (x == 0) return (y); if (y==0) return (x); return gcd(y, x % y); }

GCD: Recursion

Output:x= 24 , y = 9gcd = 3

gcd(24,9) Control In gcd fn on call

gcd(9,24%9) gcd(9, 6) gcd(6,9%6) gcd(6, 3) gcd(3,6%3) gcd(3, 0) return values return 3 return 3 return 3 return 3

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Recursion - Should I or Shouldn’t I?

• Pros– Recursion is a

natural fit for some types of problems

• Cons– Recursive programs

typically use a large amount of computer memory and the greater the recursion, the more memory used

– Recursive programs can be confusing to develop and extremely complicated to debug

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Uses more storage space requirement

Less storage space requirement

Overhead during runtime Less Overhead during runtime

Runs slower Runs faster

a better choice, a more elegant solution for recursive problems

Less elegant solution for recursive problems

Recursion Vs Iteration

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Recursion – Do’s

• You must include a termination condition or Base Condition in recursive function; Otherwise your recursive function will run “forever” or infinite.

• Each successive call to the recursive function must be nearer to the base condition