RED HOT ROOT WORDS Lesson 37 Mrs. Pope 7 th Grade Reading Twisting and Turning

RED HOT ROOT WORDS Lesson 37 Mrs. Pope 7 th Grade Reading Twisting and Turning

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  • RED HOT ROOT WORDS Lesson 37 Mrs. Pope 7 th Grade Reading Twisting and Turning
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  • Red Hot Root Words
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  • adversary noun a person who opposes another; an opponent
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  • adversary In the story the adversary was a big, bad wolf.
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  • aversion noun a strong desire to avoid something because of feelings of dislike
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  • aversion I have an aversion to snakes and spiders.
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  • contort verb to bend out of shape
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  • contort The gymnast was able to contort her body in ways that normal people could not.
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  • conversant adjective familiar (with); acquainted (with)
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  • conversant The physics professor was conversant with the new theory, but he was not an expert.
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  • perversion noun a turning away from what is right or true; corruption
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  • perversion Her perversion made it hard for her old friends to remain on good terms with her.
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  • rotation noun the act of turning on an axis; a regular cycle of changes; a change of places
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  • rotation For each game there was a different lineup and rotation of batters.
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  • torsion noun the act of being twisted or the state of being twisted
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  • torsion By putting torsion on the bolt, she was able to dislodge it from the nut.
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  • torturous adjective involving torture; inflicting pain
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  • torturous Breaking your ankle is a torturous experience.
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  • versatile adjective able to be easily turnd or moved around; changeable; capable in many ways
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  • versatile She was a versatile softball player, able to play several positions.
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  • vertex noun the highest point; top
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  • vertex The height of a triangle is measured from the base to the vertex.
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  • The End Images and sounds from microsoft officePronunciation from dictionary.com