Ol in Chemical Superfund Site Wil mington, MA Residential Properti es with Private Wells Proposed fo r Sa mpli ng Street address of Access Agreement Map/lot Propert y Owner parcel Received Initial Sample Da te 1 Well Tvpe Notes Map 14 Lol28 9115/2008 7-0 ct -08 Potable Ma 15lot 2C 812512008 7-0ct -08 Potable Map 2lo17 1 0181 20 08 5-0ec-08 Potable Map 24 lot 54 11 111/20 08 9-0ct -08 Potable Ma 24 lot 63 8122120 08 7-0cl-08 Potable Ma 24 lol64 121312008 20-Jan-09 Potable Map 24 l ol66 1111012008 5-0ec-08 Potable Map 24 lot 72A 10/312008 8-0ct-08 Potable Map 24 lot 87 8/22/20 08 7·Oct-08 Potable Map 24 lot 94 812512008 5-0 ec-08 Potable Shut down for winter Map 27Lot 14C 8/2512008 7·Oct-08 IrriQation Shut down for winter Footnotes 1. Initial sample date for residential well s for which access agreements could be attained The and residences we re subsequently resampled on two additional dates in 2009 - - REDACTED

[REDACTED] RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES WITH PRIVATE WELLS … · 2019-12-30 · 11 111/2008 . 9-0ct-08 . Potable : Ma . 24 lot 63 . 812212008 . 7-0cl-08 : Potable : Ma . 24 ... 7·Oct-08

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Page 1: [REDACTED] RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES WITH PRIVATE WELLS … · 2019-12-30 · 11 111/2008 . 9-0ct-08 . Potable : Ma . 24 lot 63 . 812212008 . 7-0cl-08 : Potable : Ma . 24 ... 7·Oct-08

Olin Chemical Superfund Site

Wi lmington MA

Resident ial Properties with Private We lls Proposed for Sampling

Street address of Access Agreement Maplot Property Owner parcel Received Initial Sample Date 1 Well Tvpe Notes

Map 14 Lol28 91152008 7-0 ct-08 Potable Ma 15lot 2C 812512008 7-0ct-08 Potable Map 2lo17 101812008 5-0ec-08 Potable Map 24 lot 54 11 1112008 9-0ct-08 Potable Ma 24 lot 63 812212008 7-0cl-08 Potable Ma 24 lol64 121312008 20-Jan-09 Potable Map 24 l ol66 1111012008 5-0ec-08 Potable Map 24 lot 72A 10312008 8-0ct-08 Potable Map 24 lot 87 8222008 7middotOct-08 Potable Map 24 lot 94 812512008 5-0 ec-08 Potable Shut down for winter Map 27Lot 14C 82512008 7middotOct-08 IrriQation Shut down for winter

Footnotes 1 Initial sample date for residential wells for which access agreements could be attained

The and residences were subsequently resampled on two additional dates in 2009




bull bull


FlgutoUmiddotll -~ ~bull bull Idolal won s Lio -9 R w Sample loc~ - P_ Roaltl - Surfaoe Water MACfEC

Dft Foca Romohllnbull bullbullUgot Re $ lbandooeltl Reoontol W~ - lkIpa bull ROaltI - - nob 1----------- ------ shy- Sidewalkgt - Wollaod BOltltdaty Oli (h SltJpertnd SI SompieLoctioo -SU~ - _ aAteo N Wllmkgtgloo M eII

_ 1 Eamo $ p~ 6001 A bullbull -+-Ra_


Olin Chemical Superfund Site

Wilmington MA

Proposed Drinking Well Ana lytes

For Residences Identified as Wilmington Maplot Numbers M -24l-54 and M-24l-94 2


Analyte1 CA Olin Method in the QAPpl EPA lab Proposed

Methods SCreening Values


Olio lab MOL


Olin lab Reporting

limit (IUl1 1

N-Nitrosomiddotdimethylamine 62-75-9 mod 521 1625 0Ql 000045 0002 Metitls (aerNa various 60106 2008 4005 400

Anions (N03 N02 504 Cl l various 300 3S3230004S00 10-100 Ammonia 7664-41-7 lachilt (EPA 35O l ) lt00 100


1 MACTEC Quality Assura nce Projampt Plan for Remedial InvestigationFeaSibility Study - Olin Chemical Superfund Site Wilmington MA MACTEC Engnleering and Consulting Final August 2009 2 These residences are located al respectively Additional Notes

The following three parameters will be meil5Ured in the f ield pH

Temeperature Specific Conductilnce




Prepared by PHT 1132009

Checked by CSl 1132009

Olin Chemical Stlperfund Site

Wilmington MA

Proposed Drinking Water Analytes l

For Residences Except Those Identified as Wilmington Map lot Numbers M-24l-S4 and M-24l-94 6

Analytel CAS DUn Method In the OAPp EPA Lab Proposed



Screening Values


Olin Lab MOL


Olin Lab Reporting

LImit 1~L)1

Volatile Or anic Com ounds VOCs various 8260B 5242 1 5emivolatile Organic Compounds 5VOCs various 8270C 8270 5

N-Nitroso-dimethylamine 62-75-9 mod 521 1625 001 000045 0002 Metals CaCr Na various 6010B 2008 400 5 400

Anions (N03 N02504 Cl various 300 353230004500 10-100 Ammonia 7664-41-7 Lachat EPA 3501 4500 100

N-Nitroso-di-nshy fO lamine NOPA 621 -64-7 modS21 1625 00096 0005 001 N-Nilroso-dlphen-ylamine 86-30-6 827OC 8270 14 0385 5

Hydrazine Acetaldehyde

302-01-2 75-07-0

mod 83 1StCMSMS SW-846 Method 8315

A5TM 01385


002 22


10 02 30 5

Formaldehyde SO-OO-O SW-846 Method 831S 8315 730 5 30 s

Butylbenzylphthalate 85-68-7 8270C J 8270 35 0S3 5

Di -n-cetyl phthalate 117-84-0 8270C3 8270 180 0224 5

Oi-n-hutyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270Cl 8270 370 0711 5

Phenol 108-95-2 8270CJ 8270 1100 0075 5

Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 827OC 8270 2900 0386 5

Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270d 8270 37000 037 5

Footnotes 1 MACTEC Quality Assurance Project Plan for Rernedial lnvestlgatlonFeasibility Study - Olin Chemical Superfund Site Wilmington MAN MACTEC Engineering and Consulting Final August 2 Additional analytes and risk based screening level identified by USEPA in file named Olin Proposed Addi Analytes2) xis attached 10 e-mail to Olin dated January 28 2009 3 Compound included as one of the 73 analytes in the parameter list for SVOCS in EPA -NE OAPP Worksheet 9b-Methods 8270C (pages 6-10through 6-13 of QAPP) 4 RL for Hydrazine is 02 1JgL and 05 for MMH and UDMH 5 The RL for Acetaldehyde and Formaldehyde have been changed to 30 1Jgl This wi ll include running a 30 IJgL standClrd during instrument initial calibration 6 Includes residences at MapLot (M- L-) M-14Lmiddot2B M-1SL-2C M-2L-7E Mmiddot24L-63 M-24L64 M-24l-66 M-24l-72A M-24 tmiddotS 7A and M-27L-14C Additional Notes TICs are reported for vocs and SVOCs Olin 8260B quant itat ion limit for VOCs is 1 IJgt for most compounds but varies between analytes Olin 82606 quantitation limit for SVOCs is 5j1gl for most compounds bul varies between analytes Low PAH OLs laquollJgL) The fo llowing three parameters wi ll be measured in the field pH Temeperature Specific Conductance

Prepared by PHT 1132009

Checked by CSL 1132009



  1. barcodetext SDMS DocID 485016
  2. barcode 485016
Page 2: [REDACTED] RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES WITH PRIVATE WELLS … · 2019-12-30 · 11 111/2008 . 9-0ct-08 . Potable : Ma . 24 lot 63 . 812212008 . 7-0cl-08 : Potable : Ma . 24 ... 7·Oct-08

bull bull


FlgutoUmiddotll -~ ~bull bull Idolal won s Lio -9 R w Sample loc~ - P_ Roaltl - Surfaoe Water MACfEC

Dft Foca Romohllnbull bullbullUgot Re $ lbandooeltl Reoontol W~ - lkIpa bull ROaltI - - nob 1----------- ------ shy- Sidewalkgt - Wollaod BOltltdaty Oli (h SltJpertnd SI SompieLoctioo -SU~ - _ aAteo N Wllmkgtgloo M eII

_ 1 Eamo $ p~ 6001 A bullbull -+-Ra_


Olin Chemical Superfund Site

Wilmington MA

Proposed Drinking Well Ana lytes

For Residences Identified as Wilmington Maplot Numbers M -24l-54 and M-24l-94 2


Analyte1 CA Olin Method in the QAPpl EPA lab Proposed

Methods SCreening Values


Olio lab MOL


Olin lab Reporting

limit (IUl1 1

N-Nitrosomiddotdimethylamine 62-75-9 mod 521 1625 0Ql 000045 0002 Metitls (aerNa various 60106 2008 4005 400

Anions (N03 N02 504 Cl l various 300 3S3230004S00 10-100 Ammonia 7664-41-7 lachilt (EPA 35O l ) lt00 100


1 MACTEC Quality Assura nce Projampt Plan for Remedial InvestigationFeaSibility Study - Olin Chemical Superfund Site Wilmington MA MACTEC Engnleering and Consulting Final August 2009 2 These residences are located al respectively Additional Notes

The following three parameters will be meil5Ured in the f ield pH

Temeperature Specific Conductilnce




Prepared by PHT 1132009

Checked by CSl 1132009

Olin Chemical Stlperfund Site

Wilmington MA

Proposed Drinking Water Analytes l

For Residences Except Those Identified as Wilmington Map lot Numbers M-24l-S4 and M-24l-94 6

Analytel CAS DUn Method In the OAPp EPA Lab Proposed



Screening Values


Olin Lab MOL


Olin Lab Reporting

LImit 1~L)1

Volatile Or anic Com ounds VOCs various 8260B 5242 1 5emivolatile Organic Compounds 5VOCs various 8270C 8270 5

N-Nitroso-dimethylamine 62-75-9 mod 521 1625 001 000045 0002 Metals CaCr Na various 6010B 2008 400 5 400

Anions (N03 N02504 Cl various 300 353230004500 10-100 Ammonia 7664-41-7 Lachat EPA 3501 4500 100

N-Nitroso-di-nshy fO lamine NOPA 621 -64-7 modS21 1625 00096 0005 001 N-Nilroso-dlphen-ylamine 86-30-6 827OC 8270 14 0385 5

Hydrazine Acetaldehyde

302-01-2 75-07-0

mod 83 1StCMSMS SW-846 Method 8315

A5TM 01385


002 22


10 02 30 5

Formaldehyde SO-OO-O SW-846 Method 831S 8315 730 5 30 s

Butylbenzylphthalate 85-68-7 8270C J 8270 35 0S3 5

Di -n-cetyl phthalate 117-84-0 8270C3 8270 180 0224 5

Oi-n-hutyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270Cl 8270 370 0711 5

Phenol 108-95-2 8270CJ 8270 1100 0075 5

Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 827OC 8270 2900 0386 5

Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270d 8270 37000 037 5

Footnotes 1 MACTEC Quality Assurance Project Plan for Rernedial lnvestlgatlonFeasibility Study - Olin Chemical Superfund Site Wilmington MAN MACTEC Engineering and Consulting Final August 2 Additional analytes and risk based screening level identified by USEPA in file named Olin Proposed Addi Analytes2) xis attached 10 e-mail to Olin dated January 28 2009 3 Compound included as one of the 73 analytes in the parameter list for SVOCS in EPA -NE OAPP Worksheet 9b-Methods 8270C (pages 6-10through 6-13 of QAPP) 4 RL for Hydrazine is 02 1JgL and 05 for MMH and UDMH 5 The RL for Acetaldehyde and Formaldehyde have been changed to 30 1Jgl This wi ll include running a 30 IJgL standClrd during instrument initial calibration 6 Includes residences at MapLot (M- L-) M-14Lmiddot2B M-1SL-2C M-2L-7E Mmiddot24L-63 M-24L64 M-24l-66 M-24l-72A M-24 tmiddotS 7A and M-27L-14C Additional Notes TICs are reported for vocs and SVOCs Olin 8260B quant itat ion limit for VOCs is 1 IJgt for most compounds but varies between analytes Olin 82606 quantitation limit for SVOCs is 5j1gl for most compounds bul varies between analytes Low PAH OLs laquollJgL) The fo llowing three parameters wi ll be measured in the field pH Temeperature Specific Conductance

Prepared by PHT 1132009

Checked by CSL 1132009



  1. barcodetext SDMS DocID 485016
  2. barcode 485016
Page 3: [REDACTED] RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES WITH PRIVATE WELLS … · 2019-12-30 · 11 111/2008 . 9-0ct-08 . Potable : Ma . 24 lot 63 . 812212008 . 7-0cl-08 : Potable : Ma . 24 ... 7·Oct-08

Olin Chemical Superfund Site

Wilmington MA

Proposed Drinking Well Ana lytes

For Residences Identified as Wilmington Maplot Numbers M -24l-54 and M-24l-94 2


Analyte1 CA Olin Method in the QAPpl EPA lab Proposed

Methods SCreening Values


Olio lab MOL


Olin lab Reporting

limit (IUl1 1

N-Nitrosomiddotdimethylamine 62-75-9 mod 521 1625 0Ql 000045 0002 Metitls (aerNa various 60106 2008 4005 400

Anions (N03 N02 504 Cl l various 300 3S3230004S00 10-100 Ammonia 7664-41-7 lachilt (EPA 35O l ) lt00 100


1 MACTEC Quality Assura nce Projampt Plan for Remedial InvestigationFeaSibility Study - Olin Chemical Superfund Site Wilmington MA MACTEC Engnleering and Consulting Final August 2009 2 These residences are located al respectively Additional Notes

The following three parameters will be meil5Ured in the f ield pH

Temeperature Specific Conductilnce




Prepared by PHT 1132009

Checked by CSl 1132009

Olin Chemical Stlperfund Site

Wilmington MA

Proposed Drinking Water Analytes l

For Residences Except Those Identified as Wilmington Map lot Numbers M-24l-S4 and M-24l-94 6

Analytel CAS DUn Method In the OAPp EPA Lab Proposed



Screening Values


Olin Lab MOL


Olin Lab Reporting

LImit 1~L)1

Volatile Or anic Com ounds VOCs various 8260B 5242 1 5emivolatile Organic Compounds 5VOCs various 8270C 8270 5

N-Nitroso-dimethylamine 62-75-9 mod 521 1625 001 000045 0002 Metals CaCr Na various 6010B 2008 400 5 400

Anions (N03 N02504 Cl various 300 353230004500 10-100 Ammonia 7664-41-7 Lachat EPA 3501 4500 100

N-Nitroso-di-nshy fO lamine NOPA 621 -64-7 modS21 1625 00096 0005 001 N-Nilroso-dlphen-ylamine 86-30-6 827OC 8270 14 0385 5

Hydrazine Acetaldehyde

302-01-2 75-07-0

mod 83 1StCMSMS SW-846 Method 8315

A5TM 01385


002 22


10 02 30 5

Formaldehyde SO-OO-O SW-846 Method 831S 8315 730 5 30 s

Butylbenzylphthalate 85-68-7 8270C J 8270 35 0S3 5

Di -n-cetyl phthalate 117-84-0 8270C3 8270 180 0224 5

Oi-n-hutyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270Cl 8270 370 0711 5

Phenol 108-95-2 8270CJ 8270 1100 0075 5

Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 827OC 8270 2900 0386 5

Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270d 8270 37000 037 5

Footnotes 1 MACTEC Quality Assurance Project Plan for Rernedial lnvestlgatlonFeasibility Study - Olin Chemical Superfund Site Wilmington MAN MACTEC Engineering and Consulting Final August 2 Additional analytes and risk based screening level identified by USEPA in file named Olin Proposed Addi Analytes2) xis attached 10 e-mail to Olin dated January 28 2009 3 Compound included as one of the 73 analytes in the parameter list for SVOCS in EPA -NE OAPP Worksheet 9b-Methods 8270C (pages 6-10through 6-13 of QAPP) 4 RL for Hydrazine is 02 1JgL and 05 for MMH and UDMH 5 The RL for Acetaldehyde and Formaldehyde have been changed to 30 1Jgl This wi ll include running a 30 IJgL standClrd during instrument initial calibration 6 Includes residences at MapLot (M- L-) M-14Lmiddot2B M-1SL-2C M-2L-7E Mmiddot24L-63 M-24L64 M-24l-66 M-24l-72A M-24 tmiddotS 7A and M-27L-14C Additional Notes TICs are reported for vocs and SVOCs Olin 8260B quant itat ion limit for VOCs is 1 IJgt for most compounds but varies between analytes Olin 82606 quantitation limit for SVOCs is 5j1gl for most compounds bul varies between analytes Low PAH OLs laquollJgL) The fo llowing three parameters wi ll be measured in the field pH Temeperature Specific Conductance

Prepared by PHT 1132009

Checked by CSL 1132009



  1. barcodetext SDMS DocID 485016
  2. barcode 485016
Page 4: [REDACTED] RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES WITH PRIVATE WELLS … · 2019-12-30 · 11 111/2008 . 9-0ct-08 . Potable : Ma . 24 lot 63 . 812212008 . 7-0cl-08 : Potable : Ma . 24 ... 7·Oct-08

Olin Chemical Stlperfund Site

Wilmington MA

Proposed Drinking Water Analytes l

For Residences Except Those Identified as Wilmington Map lot Numbers M-24l-S4 and M-24l-94 6

Analytel CAS DUn Method In the OAPp EPA Lab Proposed



Screening Values


Olin Lab MOL


Olin Lab Reporting

LImit 1~L)1

Volatile Or anic Com ounds VOCs various 8260B 5242 1 5emivolatile Organic Compounds 5VOCs various 8270C 8270 5

N-Nitroso-dimethylamine 62-75-9 mod 521 1625 001 000045 0002 Metals CaCr Na various 6010B 2008 400 5 400

Anions (N03 N02504 Cl various 300 353230004500 10-100 Ammonia 7664-41-7 Lachat EPA 3501 4500 100

N-Nitroso-di-nshy fO lamine NOPA 621 -64-7 modS21 1625 00096 0005 001 N-Nilroso-dlphen-ylamine 86-30-6 827OC 8270 14 0385 5

Hydrazine Acetaldehyde

302-01-2 75-07-0

mod 83 1StCMSMS SW-846 Method 8315

A5TM 01385


002 22


10 02 30 5

Formaldehyde SO-OO-O SW-846 Method 831S 8315 730 5 30 s

Butylbenzylphthalate 85-68-7 8270C J 8270 35 0S3 5

Di -n-cetyl phthalate 117-84-0 8270C3 8270 180 0224 5

Oi-n-hutyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270Cl 8270 370 0711 5

Phenol 108-95-2 8270CJ 8270 1100 0075 5

Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 827OC 8270 2900 0386 5

Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270d 8270 37000 037 5

Footnotes 1 MACTEC Quality Assurance Project Plan for Rernedial lnvestlgatlonFeasibility Study - Olin Chemical Superfund Site Wilmington MAN MACTEC Engineering and Consulting Final August 2 Additional analytes and risk based screening level identified by USEPA in file named Olin Proposed Addi Analytes2) xis attached 10 e-mail to Olin dated January 28 2009 3 Compound included as one of the 73 analytes in the parameter list for SVOCS in EPA -NE OAPP Worksheet 9b-Methods 8270C (pages 6-10through 6-13 of QAPP) 4 RL for Hydrazine is 02 1JgL and 05 for MMH and UDMH 5 The RL for Acetaldehyde and Formaldehyde have been changed to 30 1Jgl This wi ll include running a 30 IJgL standClrd during instrument initial calibration 6 Includes residences at MapLot (M- L-) M-14Lmiddot2B M-1SL-2C M-2L-7E Mmiddot24L-63 M-24L64 M-24l-66 M-24l-72A M-24 tmiddotS 7A and M-27L-14C Additional Notes TICs are reported for vocs and SVOCs Olin 8260B quant itat ion limit for VOCs is 1 IJgt for most compounds but varies between analytes Olin 82606 quantitation limit for SVOCs is 5j1gl for most compounds bul varies between analytes Low PAH OLs laquollJgL) The fo llowing three parameters wi ll be measured in the field pH Temeperature Specific Conductance

Prepared by PHT 1132009

Checked by CSL 1132009



  1. barcodetext SDMS DocID 485016
  2. barcode 485016