REENBELT OOIPERATOR NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday By The Green AN belt Cocperative Publishing Association, Inc., 14 Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryland Vol. 15, No. 19 GCS BoardToVote On Chances In ECI By Doris A. Mednick Greenbelt Con>51.lm·er Services, as one of the comm·on s-tockholders of Eastern Cooperatives Inc. (ECI), i..; ready to vote on its re- organization. 'Phe ECI tains five resolutions, dealmg W1th the cancellation of 55% of its com- mon to enable ECI tv elimi- uate its pres<'nt deficit, thus put- ting the in a more stable position; creation· of the new preference stock; change of the present number of 15 i:o 17 directors to 5 to 7, to make the group less un- wieldy; and amendments to the Certificate o.f Incorporation to cover these changes. At the last board of clireotors meeting of GCS on Friday, Decem· ber 29, each director was given a copy of the res10lutions on the bal- lr>-t. Ben Rosen-z.weig and Henry .titer. were appointed to make a thorough study of it and bring rec- ommendations to the next board meeting, at whiC'h time a vote will he taken, to be presented fo1· count at tJhe special ECI mectin;5 •n Jan- tJary 18 in New York. Local Warehouse Operation Part of the · reo·rganization plan caBs for decentr-alization of the three ECl warehoU'ses located in Baltimore, N" ew York an·d Boston, each to be operated at a local level. Thus. Baltimore warehouse will be operated by GCS, WeS>tminster, Rocihda!e of Virginia and probably Hampton. with ECI performing central h1•ying fundions, kitchen- te.:;tinog, an.l oth<;!r overall services. Services tC} be performed will be dde:mi:led latc.r the board of cif the Baltimore ware- house; two members of whkh rep- resent Greenhelt co-ops. Since 1:'he Baltimore warC'house is mo!'.t recent1v cstal1lished, on a pian that provid virtu:tl Potomac area OfJCrati"n. the "deccl!traliza- thn '' of ECT's reorganization plan will enc:mntcr relatively littk difficult\' in tlti;< area. The boa;·c!, at tl:c last :,l;;o hPgan work on rC"r]rafti11c;' br,ard rules and procedures. Elt:annr .. chiC' that this be pc•"L- ponccl until after the annnal :tlelll·· hership nlC'cting -w 1 hen a twwly- <·lcckcl hoard would he in ofJic,•. Count<'r feeling \\'as that the anrl had been put nft int· S\\Ch a lnng time, and tha·t t·hC'y were so important they shonid i'c taken up immediately. Less than half rnlcs and were :::overed at mee,ting, and the rest will he put on the agenda fn;· f.'!lbSJeque,ut mef:'tings. Regist:rat:ion For Adult: Educat:ion Registration for the Sf -ond se- mester cla .. ses in the adult education program which are held in the high "chool on Thursday, January 11. T;\•pewriting rcgistra·tion will be hdd in room 102, with Mrs. Anna- ntarie Beveri(ke; \voodoworking in roorr{ 4, with Eaward Hoss, a11d o;ewing in room 2 with .!\Irs. Dnris Ko)h. The usnal fee of $1 a is on the night of registra·· tion. Hours c:re from 7:30 to 9:30 •.>tl Ttlc,dav and Thursday evenings. a .replacement is founcl h.r art !cache:·, this cour<:e will nnt he offered. Bloomberg A.ppointed Citv Charlf's T. ::\I,:- Dona.1c1 we•:k th•: , :tppc'>itlttll('!tt of Dr. :!\1ax Rloom- ber.rz as D•!nuty Direotor of t:11: medical <livi!'ion of the Green- belt Civil Defense Program. ·---------- ..,. .. _ Greenbelt, ::\Iaryland. Thursday, January 4, 1951 > Five cents Boxing Show Saturday light At School By E. Don Bullian This Saturday's B0ys' Club Box- ing S'how at the Center School promises tc, he an evening of thrills find if previous per- fornJances arc any criterion. Coach- es Pat Page and Lt. Smith have done a bang up job of getting thei::- in top cor.dition in addition to soh·ing- a very difficult proble:n 0!' the boxers. There ·were reasons why th P. match-making became a probletr.. The chid cause was the fact t:lat 1110st of the Boys' Club in Prince Georges County had not begun their boxing programs. A!l'other ve1 y important factor was the cali .. her of Greenbelt's boxers. They had won the County Tournament and had been ins-trumental in win .. ning the point trophy for P.G.C. B.C. in the Jr. Golden Gloves Tour- nament in \Vashington. Several of Greenbelt's outstanding boxers will not J)articipate in this show because of the oi suitahle opponents. The show will at least t•;,·o \Va!'.hingtcn Jr. Glove Champions and two runners-up in addition to four County Champions and one county runner-up. All of these boys will naturally c0mpete in the open or experienced class. Thi:-: <loes not meat. 1 1owever that th<':sc bouts will be mo1e or in-· tere.-;ting the novice group, a,; most of the have bee11 chosen for their aggressiveness and l)oxing ability. In fact. it i5 the writer's opinion that at three of t'he novice contc:;ts will have more dash. cc:lor ar:d flying g]n, es •han 'tYhlch pions. Comings Trophy .As an a.dclcd inccnti,·e to t.!le 1 ':.'y;;, Stc·v·e has clo•Jatecl a really beatuifttl tro- phy which will he a\\'ar•lt"d tn boxer evening. ln ko:epinf:!· with policy nf inr- thcrin,g· a1nat.cur 'Jl<>l·t in Grccn!H:h, ;: \t•;uJJ tP>phy ha.' been donate·<!. by thC' Gn·cnhelt .·\th 1 etic Cluh. t·' he awarder! tn ti1e tcatn <;cr,ring the •nost P"inh in the open coinpeti- tion. f'i,·e no\·icc and five kne been this i" two mnrC' than laq year's and \\·ill advancing the time coi tllC' initial hnut. The :'h•)W will :'tart prumptl:- at ,c; p.m. Saturday ;,ight, fanuan· (i, at tltC' Center Sch<,ol C;ym. (·,.,11](' clown and c'1ccr ) ,·,ur to v;ctory. Novice 55 lb. II art <•f Lanham ':s. \Vilkin- sO!I of Gr. 60 lb. G. Page of Gr. v;:. Cha-now of Gr. 75 lb. ::\[ad;:"- witz of Gr. YS. Tim GarJner nf c;r, 90 lb. F(lwarch of Gr. vs. L<>e cf (;r. J.OO lbs. Fi-,hcr nf Gr. J (;a nlnC'r of Gr. Open 50 lb. Bob Taylor oi < ;r . ..,.., r;;. ni Lan 'lm. 80 lb. c- lr>thin of Gr. \'S. Hickerscn of LaJ:- ham. 90 lb. Salvan of Gr. YS. john- of Lanham. 105 lb. Bryant oi Gr. vs. B. of Lanham. lllO lb. Don Bullian of Gr. \"S. R. Plwrson of Lanharn. Sat.. Jan. o. 1' m. - Greenbelt's Bc•y< lluh Boxing Show, Center Sch•Jnl Gym. Sat.. Jan. o, P·{n. - ].C.C. Social. "South Pacllic" movie, Center School Social Room. .. _lan. 8. p m. - Br.;- thcrhoocl \Vec·k Committee. Hutl: Bowman, Chair- man. Center Scho .. :. .. _Tan :tl, R:15 - \\"oman's Club Davie! Grana- han, 'peake1-. Center School Social Room. Ti111rs .. ,T.u1. 11, 7:30-9:30 p.m. ·· I;:egi,.tration for adHlt e•h<ca- ti>•rl. lligh Scho.,l. PHA Disapproves Fuads For Rescue & Welfare city c<:l!li1Ci) was informed by lctt<:r Jaq that FHA ·wo11ld not narticipate in providing funds in, t 1 1e weliare depart- ment a nrl wnul :1 not condone de- oliJctinc.:- Sl200 ir••m the city's :;ur- plu,; ior t 1 1e tt<c oi the rescue squad. The fo.>lJ.,wed a mcetin15 bc:- :\':een council a·1cl PHA to di:-:cus;; til:' bwhrc·t c.rdir;ance for the C0111- ing year. H, ·Y Little. as•sistant to the <:n:J•m:,,:cmer ic•r PHA stated that t11e g-oYernment provides wcliare facilitie" m other forms to res!- and t 1 ;at financial assi--tan•·e to di,traught families is provided IH>w in the iorm of rent dju;,tments. A iter ;IH:ica ting probable approval c •i the re"cue squad item at the meeting. PHA declared its dis- apprc.va! in last ,,·eek's letter. PH's statement bbcks council's efforts tn pFovicle the city '.Vith two had), neederl unless the cr.uncil •:an find means of changi11g PHA', mi•Hl in the near future. T):e coun.::il will hold its first meet- ing ir"r the 11ew year on :Monday at tilC' citY administration offices. DnhJCtion. ,-,[ 81200 for the rescue ''Jl!arl. and f<;r the welfare ior next year's b·udget '\·l)l ncce<:-itatc a new btHlget ordi- :Janc-e :111d a recl:1-·tion of t!1e tax 1·are. :\ ppr.wal coi the remainder oi the hudl!<'t by PH A. and ti•e city n1anager "·ere f, ·r their ,,·ork on last year's hutl<:!'d \\ 1 tich ,., <ulterl in a lar):!e :--·,;rpl:l-. Child Drama Group Resumes :Next Week 'I tn the chil•lr('n·,- 1 lran;a;ic ( 'l'lh , ... ;u -.oon be open :·- r t:: .. · g tht· r,·crt.;ct; .. ,, ;;:HI :;1112<'t ;,,, .!·'·'' Yel1a. the c-1uh :1· ·t_·· ... ·1 ,. c·t·k !n r 1 ll' (·,_,ltci· ... ,_-hul I t·._:-,( :n f.·o1n 3:30 t, :; :30. f t!.t· 1..:. ·l:\-1•1e·1 t·.,·. -c·.:·tiPn-: -r••,ech tra'n:ng anr1 1·;1;1+ ,,-,-. :·;11·. 't··r! ('111fl :·,_.·]( ;·i· ... tJ..... ! :1t•. --t on ti·t· nart of ti•<· 1 .!df·r hy tn r•.ad rtrfl learn :..fr-=. \re1!:1. ·r::l·!"t·- :'r":n ti•.,· 4. :.. ''"'! (, grar!(':i are ole- -ir;1h:L'. l"v,,. ·-:let haYe hccn 1 •il !1: r l } •\· t cltth. :--! ., :t ''\\· •. \\':!lot \\'a' l'H:- .... --n:• : 1t t 1 11 l''·r! of t1'f· 'tltl1nP:r ·, .. ·1t:• '' at ... r · - 1 c , .... t !nchHled l .. e-e r..:r·"n• :,. !•:11:' Hanlon. John I I, f. 'J r1·clcan. _T. •1171 r •rl"_'. r.(•::ni,· \fay Trudeau. ,,. ··•n·l. :1 L'hri,tma, , .. ,,:.j, ! L.ttle ·,,l,:e". wa' ,,,.,.,, r:'H'·' •·n I ><TL·mher 20 at '< ·t·:h ·I ·•1. Actor< Wlre l.ncin '" Tr:'''l:n•. Dana PeriZ\\'Pig, ;,;, ·ld. \\'a;t. r l.ing-('hac!J: Le- :1• r,· Tl:n,:·,· Rar.lon. B·-·n- ' :,. ;._Ia•: Truol·.a·:. anrf Jo'm r, y. I tn t·nrolling ti:(·>· cl i>lrf·'1 in t1·e cla5'"'e::O rc-:.\1111- :n'-' :•o,·x• ,, .. ,, \ call \'el- at Police To Deliver Telegrams Locally ·r .... i!' 1lt)\,. af):{' ! , f ;rt·t·r:},l'lt f.-.-r the""' · t':J:•· i:1 two vear:;. via the J\,1:t:1.: puhllc- .... er\ ··,·t.: \\a' ;t;.·ti\ ;l:ed on f)ccen1lter \ :-:,, "'.'!'' inc•-·!l1it·g- tt'h · l than t';l' I .. , il! : all lYJ't::' ' i ... :t' anrl c.-,n- I:ucl<ly At- ::,,··. ir. tl':e telegram". ... r_ ,:,·(l on ·:tp 1 Xt -h··.:; urs a day. Two Aultt Accidents Mar Local lew Years Celebration;· Five Hurt New Year's Eve in Greenbelt was marred by two near-tragic auto accidents that sent five persons to the hospital with injuries. The first ace ident occurred on Crescent road between the laka and the Beltsville road when a car driven by John Paul Jones, 18, Berwyn, overtun1ed after he lost control of the vehicle while trav- eling over 75 miles an hour. Jones and his two passengers, Bruce Taylor, 18, 1-A and De>nald Patterson, 14, of Berwyn, were thrown clear of the car which was demolished. New Law Mean Home Boc•keeping As the first of the year approach- es, many h0usewivc!s employing full c•r parttime servants are becoming aP..xious about thdr legal obliga- tions in the matter of ·handling So- cial Security payments. According to the January issue oi Good Housekeeping magazine, ·which answers 35 questions on the subject, there :ue an es.timated one million housewives w1ho will have to know basic faots about the law. The word says the article. means anr person who works in or around the house, in- cluding practical nurses, furnace- men. gardeners and baby-sitters. To be affected by rhe law, the do- mestic must work 24 days in a three-month period, starting Jan- 'lary 1, 19;1, and :1e must be paid at h:ast $50 in ca5h wages during period. Li,ting the employer's obliga- tl;e author says Slhe must: "Sc·c· cl1at the (lon.estic has a So- •.·ial Sccuritv number'; wit•hhold ly2 r;erct:nt uf his wages eaoh time he paic:; file a forward thC' withi1clo! tax. tPgetther with the em- ••wn percent contribu- tion. to the district Coil ector of 1nt(·•·J,a! Rc,·enue." (>!It that failure to iur- n;, h a carries a $1000 or impri:"onn:cnt for one year ·r .:'•. the article 'tlso stresses tl1c importance ,.,f keC'ping Ieconis. Tlte ,;n;>;,.y·T n,ust laep on file the toame a'ld Sncia1 Security numher "i thC' do:>n1o:otic. and the wage'> paid. The law requires that the (lc•mc--:ic be gi..-!'n a statement r,f total :md So•:ial Sect1:-ity tax Y."ithheld. T!:e author ren:inds employer." that ;ocal tir' 1 offices of the Social S,:curity :\rl tion supply dc- t:t'k•l ·nation ( n the la\v. Brotherhood Committee Meets Monday Jan. 6 · fhe Bro,therhood \Veek commit- te·<: ·xill llll'l't for the ;.ccond time .\1-:·nolay. January at 8:30 p.m .. at tite C(:nter school. announces ::\lr;.;. J,:uth B·::nvman. chairman. At this meeting the subcommit- tee<; will report on the m:l.de nn pla11s t(·r Brotherhoo<l '\"eek. which \\"ill te February i8- :?S. .\ ll organizations which received· i.-tter,; are urg,cl to send reprcsen- tati\·e,. :\ ,-pecial inYitation is ex- tended to any ,.;;H h organization whose s. may not haYc a: tn,dcd the first meeting. Skate At Yo .. •r Own Risk Warns Char!es T. :\IcDorald, citiy mana- ;.!t·r. a warning that the cit./ i:a;; not i c U'1d the icc at the lake d: ic k en<•u1!'h f r)r -a fe skating. r. c Donald ,..tatcd that then; been ;;kating at the lake witlt I'! 1 ) rni9hap:'. Hov;evcr, un- ::J t!·e ic,· is offi.- ally announced ior n for ;,cc'<Jents must he assumt"d b)· the -katc·rs c.r their paJTnts. 'The accident followed a c:hase by local police after Jones was spotted violating a minor traffic ordinance. The police signalled Jones to stop but were ignored and the pursuit ensuPd. Jones admitted later that had failed to stop when signalled because he had no driver's license and wished to avoid trouble. Ser- geant Buddy Attick expressed amazement, after rea1:hing the over- turned car, thart: the occupants had escaped without more serious in- jury. Bruce Taylor is still in the. with head mJuries. and Donald Patterson has a sH.gtht con- cussion, a broken rib and a broken collar-bone. HP. has been released from the Hos-pital. The injured were taken to the Leland Memorial H ospita] by the Greenbelt Rescue Squad. Jones ·has been charged with reckless driving, driving with·· out a permit, and exceeding 70 miles Pet hour. The second accident, occurring a few hours later, involved a car driven by Clifford Leat'herbury cf the Anacos:ia Naval Air Station, which ran into a car belonging to Joseph Q. Long, 3-B Gardet:.way. Long's ·car, forced off the road by ·another auto earlier in the evening< was being towed from a ditch bv Robert SiHaman, 4-B Ricige. dri;- ing a car by Richard Lewis, Jr., of Hyattsville, a passeriger. The accident occ.urred 100 feet east the \Vayside Inn on the (;;-een- 1Jeit Road. Injured in the accident \VeH·: Lea;therbury, with a cut eve an•l 5pr,tinerl hand; .:\{rs. 1rt:ne bury, cut knee and bruise;-: \Irs. Helen Cooley,. 10-fJ Plateau, a probable fracwrcd sknll and lacera- tions.. 1}11 the iHjured were i•1 LC'atherhury's c:J.r inclucling Edwin '1nd Agnes 3-A H.e- 5earch road, passengers. , The in- jured were taken to L..,Jand moria1 Hospital by t!Je Branchvillt• Re<;ctte' squa• I. Leatherbury 5tated th<!t hf'! dicl ttot see the two cars n!l the road until immedia•ely before the colE- sian. His injured passe11ger, 1\hs. Cooley, wa·s a nurse with Dr. Eis- ner until a month ago. to Leatherbury . car was estimated at over $500: to LoJ.g's car. $500: and Sillarnan's car suffered $12.) damage. Lealherbury has been with driving. JCC Has Social And Business Meeiing Sat. ., . Saturday, January 6 is the date the next. J.C.C. Social, which wi!l he hel;! in The social room ofthe Center Scho(A. Two sound films will he shown by courtesy of the Bell Telephone Company. T·hey will ieatur Ezio Pinza in a fiim a dress rehearsal of "South Pacific". Blanc.he oi the :.\1: .... ropolitan Opera Con.pany at)d ,fosef Hofmann, world At 9 p,m. promptly the movies will he SJhown, so early arrival is •1rgerf for all me111bers. Regular business. meeting and \,·ill foliO\\." this entertainment. If you have not been. re- ceiving your Cooperator regularly, call Joe O'Neill, Circulation Manager, . GR 4657.

REENBELT OOIPERATOR - Greenbelt News ReviewREENBELT OOIPERATOR NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday By The Green AN belt Cocperative Publishing Association, Inc., 14 Parkway, Greenbelt,

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Page 1: REENBELT OOIPERATOR - Greenbelt News ReviewREENBELT OOIPERATOR NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday By The Green AN belt Cocperative Publishing Association, Inc., 14 Parkway, Greenbelt,


Published Every Thursday By The Green AN

belt Cocperative Publishing Association, Inc., 14 Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryland Vol. 15, No. 19

GCS BoardToVote On Chances In ECI

By Doris A. Mednick Greenbelt Con>51.lm·er Services, as

one of the comm·on s-tockholders of Eastern Cooperatives Inc. (ECI), i..; gettin~ ready to vote on its re­organization. 'Phe ECI ba~lot c~n­tains five resolutions, dealmg W1th the cancellation of 55% of its com­mon ~tock to enable ECI tv elimi­uate its pres<'nt deficit, thus put­ting the organ~zation in a more stable position; creation· of the new preference stock; change of the present number of 15 i:o 17 directors to 5 to 7, to make the group less un­wieldy; and amendments to the Certificate o.f Incorporation to cover these changes.

At the last board of clireotors meeting of GCS on Friday, Decem· ber 29, each director was given a copy of the res10lutions on the bal­lr>-t. Ben Rosen-z.weig and Henry

.titer. were appointed to make a thorough study of it and bring rec­ommendations to the next board meeting, at whiC'h time a vote will he taken, to be presented fo1· count at tJhe special ECI mectin;5 •n Jan­tJary 18 in New York.

Local Warehouse Operation Part of the · reo·rganization plan

caBs for decentr-alization of the three ECl warehoU'ses located in Baltimore, N" ew York an·d Boston, each to be operated at a local level. Thus. t•!1~ Baltimore warehouse will be operated by GCS, WeS>tminster, Rocihda!e of Virginia and probably Hampton. with ECI performing central h1•ying fundions, kitchen­te.:;tinog, an.l oth<;!r overall services. Services tC} be performed will be dde:mi:led latc.r ~>Y the board of dir~~tor·s cif the Baltimore ware­house; two members of whkh rep­resent Greenhelt co-ops.

Since 1:'he Baltimore warC'house is ~he mo!'.t recent1v cstal1lished, on a pian that provid ~s virtu:tl Potomac area OfJCrati"n. the "deccl!traliza­thn '' a~'P<:>ct of ECT's reorganization plan will enc:mntcr relatively littk difficult\' in tlti;< area.

The boa;·c!, at tl:c last n\.e(·tin<~. :,l;;o hPgan work on rC"r]rafti11c;' br,ard rules and procedures. Elt:annr

.. chiC' ~mrge~:ed that this be pc•"L­ponccl until after the annnal :tlelll·· hership nlC'cting -w1hen a twwly­<·lcckcl hoard would he in ofJic,•. Count<'r feeling \\'as that the n1lc~ anrl pt·ocrdurc~ had been put nft int· S\\Ch a lnng time, and tha·t t·hC'y were so important they shonid i'c taken up immediately. Less than half th•~ rnlcs and procedure~ were :::overed at thi~ mee,ting, and the rest will he put on the agenda fn;·

f.'!lbSJeque,ut mef:'tings.

Regist:rat:ion For Adult: Educat:ion

Registration for the Sf -ond se­mester cla .. ses in the adult education program which are held in the high "chool on Thursday, January 11. T;\•pewriting rcgistra·tion will be hdd in room 102, with Mrs. Anna­ntarie Beveri(ke; \voodoworking in roorr{ 4, with Eaward Hoss, a11d o;ewing in room 2 with .!\Irs. Dnris Ko)h.

The usnal fee of $1 a ~eme~t~:r is pay2.bl~ on the night of registra·· tion. Hours c:re from 7:30 to 9:30 •.>tl Ttlc,dav and Thursday evenings.

{~ntil a .replacement is founcl h.r ~11 art !cache:·, this cour<:e will nnt he offered.

Bloomberg A.ppointed Citv Man:q.~er Charlf's T. ::\I,:­

Dona.1c1 annn,:n·~e(\ t·hi~. we•:k th•: , :tppc'>itlttll('!tt of Dr. :!\1ax Rloom­ber.rz as D•!nuty Direotor of t:11: medical <livi!'ion of the Green­belt Civil Defense Program.

·---------- ..,. .. _

Greenbelt, ::\Iaryland. Thursday, January 4, 1951 >

Five cents

Boxing Show Saturday light At Cent~n School

By E. Don Bullian This Saturday's B0ys' Club Box­

ing S'how at the Center School promises tc, he an evening of thrills find cxcitemen~, if previous per­fornJances arc any criterion. Coach­es Pat Page and Lt. Smith have done a bang up job of getting thei::­ho~·s in top cor.dition in addition to soh·ing- a very difficult proble:n 0!' ma~ching the boxers. There ·were ~everal reasons why th P.

match-making became a probletr.. The chid cause was the fact t:lat 1110st of the Boys' Club in Prince Georges County had not begun their boxing programs. A!l'other ve1 y important factor was the cali .. her of Greenbelt's boxers. They had won the County Tournament and had been ins-trumental in win .. ning the point trophy for P.G.C. B.C. in the Jr. Golden Gloves Tour­nament in \Vashington. Several of Greenbelt's outstanding boxers will not J)articipate in this show because of the lat~k oi suitahle opponents. The show will ha"~e at least t•;,·o \Va!'.hingtcn Jr. Glove Champions and two runners-up in addition to four County Champions and one county runner-up. All of these boys will naturally c0mpete in the open or experienced class. Thi:-: <loes not meat. 11owever that th<':sc bouts will be mo1e ex~iting or in-· tere.-;ting ·~han the novice group, a,;

most of the newcomer~ have bee11 chosen for their aggressiveness and l)oxing ability. In fact. it i5 the writer's opinion that at lea~t three of t'he novice contc:;ts will have more dash. cc:lor ar:d flying g]n, es •han l"C'·l~t..._; 'tYhlch C·~.nt2in Cilc,.~-H­pions.

Comings Trophy .As an a.dclcd inccnti,·e to t.!le

~ 1 ':.'y;;, (~onncihTtan Stc·v·e Con1ing~ has clo•Jatecl a really beatuifttl tro­phy which will he a\\'ar•lt"d tn t1~c out~tancling boxer ~>f tl~c evening. ln ko:epinf:!· with it~ policy nf inr­thcrin,g· a1nat.cur 'Jl<>l·t in Grccn!H:h, ;: \t•;uJJ tP>phy ha.' been donate·<!. by thC' Gn·cnhelt .·\th 1etic Cluh. t·' he awarder! tn ti1e tcatn <;cr,ring the •nost P"inh in the open coinpeti­tion. f'i,·e no\·icc and five or:~::n bout~ kne been ~c~Je<lulcrl: this i" two mnrC' than laq year's ~how~ and \\·ill nece~~itatc advancing the time coi tllC' initial hnut. The :'h•)W will :'tart prumptl:- at ,c; p.m. Saturday ;,ight, fanuan· (i, at tltC' Center Sch<,ol C;ym. (·,.,11](' clown and c'1ccr ) ,·,ur neighbcor·~ ~nn to v;ctory.

Novice 55 lb. II art <•f Lanham ':s. \Vilkin­sO!I of Gr. 60 lb. G. Page of Gr. v;:. Cha-now of Gr. 75 lb. ::\[ad;:"­witz of Gr. YS. Tim GarJner nf c;r, 90 lb. F(lwarch of Gr. vs. L<>e cf (;r. J.OO lbs. Fi-,hcr nf Gr. ...-~. J Pl~n (;a nlnC'r of Gr.

Open 50 lb. Bob Taylor oi < ;r . ..,.., r;;.

:McPhe~sC>n ni Lan 'lm. 80 lb. ·~~ c­lr>thin of Gr. \'S. Hickerscn of LaJ:­ham. 90 lb. Salvan of Gr. YS. john­~on of Lanham. 105 lb. Bryant oi Gr. vs. B. Power~ of Lanham. lllO lb. Don Bullian of Gr. \"S. R. ~h:­Plwrson of Lanharn.

Sat.. Jan. o. ~ 1' m. - Greenbelt's Bc•y< lluh Boxing Show, Center Sch•Jnl Gym.

Sat.. Jan. o, ~L30 P·{n. - ].C.C. Social. "South Pacllic" movie, Center School Social Room.

~fon .. _lan. 8. ~:3;) p m. - Br.;­thcrhoocl \Vec·k Committee. ~frs. Hutl: Bowman, Chair­man. Center Scho .. :.

'P•ur~ .. _Tan :tl, R:15 - \\"oman's Club ~leeting. Davie! Grana­han, g~1e~t 'peake1-. Center School Social Room.

Ti111rs .. ,T.u1. 11, 7:30-9:30 p.m. ·· I;:egi,.tration for adHlt e•h<ca­ti>•rl. lligh Scho.,l.

PHA Disapproves Fuads For Rescue & Welfare

'Ti~e city c<:l!li1Ci) was informed by lctt<:r Jaq w<ee~: that FHA ·wo11ld not narticipate in providing funds in, t 11e propo~erl weliare depart­ment a nrl wnul :1 not condone de­oliJctinc.:- Sl200 ir••m the city's :;ur­plu,; ior t 11e tt<c oi the rescue squad. The lettc~ fo.>lJ.,wed a mcetin15 bc:­:\':een council a·1cl PHA to di:-:cus;; til:' bwhrc·t c.rdir;ance for the C0111-

ing year. H, ·Y Little. as•sistant to the

<:n:J•m:,,:cmer ic•r PHA stated that t11e g-oYernment provides wcliare facilitie" m other forms to res!­<len~·. and t 1;at financial assi--tan•·e to di,traught families is provided IH>w in the iorm of rent dju;,tments. A iter ;IH:ica ting probable approval c •i the re"cue squad item at the meeting. PHA declared its dis­apprc.va! in last ,,·eek's letter.

PH's statement bbcks council's efforts tn pFovicle the city '.Vith two had), neederl ~en·ices, unless the cr.uncil •:an find means of changi11g PHA', mi•Hl in the near future. T):e coun.::il will hold its first meet­ing ir"r the 11ew year on :Monday at tilC' citY administration offices. DnhJCtion. ,-,[ 81200 for the rescue ''Jl!arl. and ~25f)() f<;r the welfare •!cparti~'cnt ior next year's b·udget '\·l)l ncce<:-itatc a new btHlget ordi­:Janc-e :111d a recl:1-·tion of t!1e tax 1·are.

:\ ppr.wal coi the remainder oi the hudl!<'t wa~ o:p~esserl by PH A. and ti•e •.:nl~~,ci} ~tn(l city n1anager "·ere prai~c,l f, ·r their ,,·ork on last year's hutl<:!'d \\ 1tich ,., <ulterl in a lar):!e :--·,;rpl:l-.

Child Drama Group Resumes :Next Week

'I •·:~Ji•c·r-: i~-- tn the chil•lr('n·,-1 lran;a;ic ( 'l'lh , ... ;u -.oon be open :·- r t:: .. · ~_-. ·:~1~~ g --~·:t~O·lL Sp:·,n..::.'"';re~l ',~: tht· r,·crt.;ct; .. ,, rlep~.rlllh'l~t. ;;:HI

:;1112<'t ;,,, .!·'·'' p::i•~e Yel1a. the c-1uh :1· ·t_·· ... ~~··,-.._. ·1 ,. c·t·k !n r1ll' (·,_,ltci·

... ,_-hul I :.:(,..._.:~d t·._:-,( :n f.·o1n 3:30 t, :; :30.

\\·~·rl- ,· f t!.t· ~·---~::> 1..:. ·l:\-1•1e·1 ~·1t1_, t·.,·. -c·.:·tiPn-: -r••,ech tra'n:ng anr1 1·;1;1+ ,,-,-. :·;11·. 't··r! playrc·ad1r~£! ('111fl

:·,_.·]( ;·i· ... tJ..... ! :1t•. ~-,_ --t on ti·t· nart of ti•<· 1 .!df·r ,-~:ild~·,:;: 1~ ~u..;;tained hy tl1~:ir ~tbl1i:~· tn r•.ad rtrfl learn lin._~. ;t~·c,,}·c:'l';f ~,. :..fr-=. \re1!:1. ·r::l·!"t·-

:'r":n ti•.,· 4. :.. ''"'! (, grar!(':i are ole­-ir;1h:L'.

l"v,,. ·-:let J·~ay:; haYe hccn 1 •il .~t !1: r l } •\· t !1~- cltth. 'T~H· t~r :--! ., :t '· ''\\· •. \\':!lot ~.[otl'er". \\'a' l'H:­.... --n:• :1t t 1

11 l''·r! of t1'f· 'tltl1nP:r

·, .. r· ·1t:• '' ~~~- ~-:-r·1:11 at t!~C' ('ent~. ... r -~.·;. · -1 ·r;~l· c , .... t !nchHled LJ:~!...- l .. e-e r..:r·"n• :,. !•:11:' Hanlon. John I 1~ I, f. ;,·i~lda 'J r1·clcan. _T. •1171 ~~--~­r •rl"_'. ~1:1d r.(•::ni,· \fay Trudeau.

,,. ··•n·l. :1 L'hri,tma, pla~·. , .. ,,:.j, ! ··T<~.· L.ttle ~ ·,,l,:e". wa' ,,,.,.,, r:'H'·' •·n I ><TL·mher 20 at ~he

'< ·t·:h F· ·I ~.·;., ·•1. Actor< Wlre l.ncin '" Tr:'''l:n•. Dana PeriZ\\'Pig, ~:1··•·: ;,;, ·ld. \\'a;t. r l.ing-('hac!J: Le­:1• r,· l~a,ilb. Tl:n,:·,· Rar.lon. B·-·n­' :,. ;._Ia•: Truol·.a·:. anrf Jo'm ~fn­r, ·r-~ ~ y.

I ';!.r~ n~.., il.~t.::--t··~t~d tn t·nrolling ti:(·>· cl i>lrf·'1 in t1·e cla5'"'e::O rc-:.\1111-

:n'-' :•o,·x• ,, .. ,, \ -~t,,n]cl call ~lr•. \'el­:,~ at .2.~91.

Police To Deliver Telegrams Locally

·r .... :l_l.:r:c~1 --~_r;·ce i!' 1lt)\,. a\·a~1-af):{' ! , f ;rt·t·r:},l'lt re~idct~t~ f.-.-r the""' · ~·t t':J:•· i:1 two vear:;. via the J\,1:t:1.: I)l·J·ar~nh:nt... T!~i-=- puhllc­.... er\ ··,·t.: \\a' ;t;.·ti\ ;l:ed on f)ccen1lter !.~. \ :-:,, "'.'!'' :~1 ·~<' inc•-·!l1it·g- tt'h · ~-:-Ll!l- ~!rt· r~·ct-i\···: l than ••Ut:.!Oit~;...::~

t';l' I ·~·!•."r• .. , il! : ~J.~~~nt' all lYJ't::' ' i ,,~~- --~t~,- ... ..;;:_lc~l :t' 1~irth<L1y anrl c.-,n­

::.:~:t:ubi:,~,· ,l!':"<:ci:ng~. I:ucl<ly At­::,,··. ir. ·~··1:n:r" tl':e telegram".

·r:·~~-~ !nt:~·h-c ... r_ ,:,·(l St~·r,-:ce :~ on ·:tp 1 Xt ::~~. -h··.:; r· urs a day.

Two Aultt Accidents Mar Local lew Years Celebration;· Five Hurt

New Year's Eve in Greenbelt was marred by two near-tragic auto accidents that sent five persons to the hospital with injuries.

The first ace ident occurred on Crescent road between the laka and the Beltsville road when a car driven by John Paul Jones, 18, Berwyn, overtun1ed after he lost control of the vehicle while trav­eling over 75 miles an hour. Jones and his two passengers, Bruce Taylor, 18, 1-A :~orthway, and De>nald Patterson, 14, of Berwyn, were thrown clear of the car which was demolished.

New Law ~Viii Mean Home Boc•keeping

As the first of the year approach­es, many h0usewivc!s employing full c•r parttime servants are becoming aP..xious about thdr legal obliga­tions in the matter of ·handling So­cial Security payments.

According to the January issue oi Good Housekeeping magazine, ·which answers 35 ~{ey questions on the subject, there :ue an es.timated one million housewives w1ho will have to know basic faots about the law.

The word "dom·~stics", says the article. means anr person who works in or around the house, in­cluding practical nurses, furnace­men. gardeners and baby-sitters. To be affected by rhe law, the do­mestic must work 24 days in a three-month period, starting Jan­'lary 1, 19;1, and :1e must be paid at h:ast $50 in ca5h wages during titi~ period.

Li,ting the employer's obliga­tion~. tl;e author says Slhe must: "Sc·c· cl1at the (lon.estic has a So­•.·ial Sccuritv number'; wit•hhold ly2 r;erct:nt uf his wages eaoh time he i~ paic:; file a ret~n1; forward thC' withi1clo! tax. tPgetther with the em­!:loyer·~ ••wn 1~~ percent contribu­tion. to the district Coil ector of 1nt(·•·J,a! Rc,·enue."

Pc.intin~ (>!It that failure to iur­n;, h a ~tatement carries a $1000 ·~,t' or impri:"onn:cnt for one year • ·r h· .:'•. the article 'tlso stresses tl1c importance ,.,f keC'ping Ieconis. Tlte ,;n;>;,.y·T n,ust laep on file the toame a'ld Sncia1 Security numher "i thC' do:>n1o:otic. and the wage'> paid. The law requires that the (lc•mc--:ic be gi..-!'n a statement r,f total w~c:;e" :md So•:ial Sect1:-ity tax Y."ithheld.

T!:e author ren:inds employer." that ;ocal tir' 1 offices of the Social S,:curity :\rl nini~tr< tion supply dc­t:t'k•l :-!~' ·nation ( n the la\v.

Brotherhood Committee Meets Monday Jan. 6

· fhe Bro,therhood \Veek commit­te·<: ·xill llll'l't for the ;.ccond time .\1-:·nolay. January ~:. at 8:30 p.m .. at tite C(:nter school. announces ::\lr;.;. J,:uth B·::nvman. chairman.

At this meeting the subcommit­tee<; will report on the progre~s m:l.de nn pla11s t(·r Brotherhoo<l '\"eek. which \\"ill te February i8-:?S.

.\ ll organizations which received· i.-tter,; are urg,cl to send reprcsen­tati\·e,. :\ ,-pecial inYitation is ex­tended to any ,.;;H h organization whose repre~C'ntativt s. may not haYc a: tn,dcd the first meeting.

Skate At Yo .. •r Own Risk Warns ~4cDonald

Char!es T. :\IcDorald, citiy mana­;.!t·r. i.'''ll'~ a warning that the cit./ i:a;; not i c U'1d the icc at the lake d: ic k en<•u1!'h f r)r -a fe skating.

~I r. ~,f c Donald ,..tatcd that then; ~Ia, been ;;kating at the lake witlt I'! 1

) ~(·ri~>t:is rni9hap:'. Hov;evcr, un­::J t!·e ic,· is offi.- ally announced ~aie ior .katin~. n ~ponsibilitv for ;,cc'<Jents must he assumt"d b)· the -katc·rs c.r their paJTnts.

'The accident followed a c:hase by local police after Jones was spotted violating a minor traffic ordinance. The police signalled Jones to stop but were ignored and the pursuit ensuPd. Jones admitted later that h~:: had failed to stop when signalled because he had no driver's license and wished to avoid trouble. Ser­geant Buddy Attick expressed amazement, after rea1:hing the over­turned car, thart: the occupants had escaped without more serious in­jury. Bruce Taylor is still in the. ho~ital with head mJuries. and Donald Patterson has a sH.gtht con­cussion, a broken rib and a broken collar-bone. HP. has been released from the Hos-pital. The injured were taken to the Leland Memorial H ospita] by the Greenbelt Rescue Squad. Jones ·has been charged with reckless driving, driving with·· out a permit, and exceeding 70 miles Pet hour.

The second accident, occurring a few hours later, involved a car driven by Clifford Leat'herbury cf the Anacos:ia Naval Air Station, which ran into a car belonging to Joseph Q. Long, 3-B Gardet:.way. Long's ·car, forced off the road by ·another auto earlier in the evening< was being towed from a ditch bv Robert SiHaman, 4-B Ricige. dri;­ing a car OW~><'d by Richard Lewis, Jr., of Hyattsville, a passeriger. The accident occ.urred 100 feet east ~·! the \Vayside Inn on the (;;-een-1Jeit Road.

Injured in the accident \VeH·: Lea;therbury, with a cut eve an•l 5pr,tinerl hand; .:\{rs. 1rt:ne J~eatht·r­bury, cut knee and bruise;-: \Irs. Helen Cooley,. 10-fJ Plateau, a probable fracwrcd sknll and lacera­tions.. 1}11 the iHjured were i•1 LC'atherhury's c:J.r inclucling Edwin '1nd Agnes De~ Maret~. 3-A H.e-5earch road, passengers. , The in­jured were taken to L..,Jand ~1\fc. moria1 Hospital by t!Je Branchvillt• Re<;ctte' squa• I.

Leatherbury 5tated th<!t hf'! dicl ttot see the two cars n!l the road until immedia•ely before the colE­sian. His injured passe11ger, 1\hs. Cooley, wa·s a nurse with Dr. Eis­ner until a month ago. Dama~<:e to Leatherbury . car was estimated at over $500: to LoJ.g's car. $500: and Sillarnan's car suffered $12.) damage. Lealherbury has been r~hrged with rcckle~s driving.

JCC Has Social And Business Meeiing Sat. ., .

Saturday, January 6 is the date ~:>f the next. J.C.C. Social, which wi!l he hel;! in The social room ofthe Center Scho(A. Two sound films will he shown by courtesy of the Bell Telephone Company. T·hey will ieatur Ezio Pinza in a fiim ~:bowing a dress rehearsal of "South Pacific". Blanc.he Thebor~1 oi the :.\1: .... ropolitan Opera Con.pany at)d ,fosef Hofmann, world reno~vned piani~t.

At 9 p,m. promptly the movies will he SJhown, so early arrival is •1rgerf for all me111bers. Regular business. meeting and refres'h~enh \,·ill foliO\\." this entertainment.

If you have not been. re­ceiving your Cooperator regularly, call Joe O'Neill, Circulation Manager, . GR 4657.

Page 2: REENBELT OOIPERATOR - Greenbelt News ReviewREENBELT OOIPERATOR NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday By The Green AN belt Cocperative Publishing Association, Inc., 14 Parkway, Greenbelt,


OUR PVRPOSE: 1. To rpport Grcez.belt news fully, fairly and accurately. 2. To serve the best interests of the cooperat.ive movemer:..t.

----------Harry M. Zuhkdf, Editor

Peggy \Vinegarden, Acting News Editor E. Don Bullian, Sam Fr.x, Bill r;oddard . .\Iiriam Jry!lc~nn, l'c:.!gy .\b.rk­field, Doris Asbell Mednick, Dorothy McGe~:, Bill .Mirabe!la, Lyr!alu Pahner, Isadore Parker, Eleanor Ritchie, ~loilie S. Reuben, Aimt"e Slye. M<try jane Zust, :\1ary D. H<'lln·, r Ira IJ•mr,g''11e. Sarah G-:llH·rg ..

Ray B. Goddard, Business Manager Sidney Spindel, phone 6346 Sonia Garin, phone 4706 Advertising Representative Subscription Manager

Joe O'Neill, phone 4657 Circulation Manager

The Greer.belt Cooperator is published ev•:ry Thursday by the Green­belt Gooperative Pub. A:s:o'n., Inc., 14 Parkway, Greenbelt, Md., a non­profit organization. Produced by a volunteer staff since November, 1937.

Subscription rate, $1.50 per year by mail. Delivered free in Greenbelt. Adveltising may be submitted by mail or delivered to the Gre.!nbelt

Tobacco Store or The Cooperator Office, phone Greenbelt 3131. Editorial offices open after 8:30p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, and \Vednesdays. News dPadline 10:30 p.m. of the Tuesday preceding Jpublication.

Vol. 15 Thursday, January 4, 1951 No. 20

Travesty The refusal of the Public Housing Administration to allow

funds to be· allocated for the proposed welfare department and the failing rescue squad is short-sighted, abusive and ridiculous. Never before has PHA made quite so ciear its powerful strangle­hold on the life of our community and jts residents. Without re­gard for the elected representatives of Greenbelt's residents, PHA has declared in effect, that it alone will determine what are the community's needs and services.

This violation of the city council's rights, by usurping the C'ounci!s authority to provide services, is hardly understandable. The council and the city manager have performed superbly i.n the past in the administration of the city. The surplus of $12,000 for last year is testimony to their efficiency, frugality and intelligence. Only after careful investigation and deliberation did the council decide that the need for a welfare department is mandatory. There was no question of providing "financial assistance" to the needy; the part.-thne social worker would be asked to provide guidance and counsel to those citizens in distraught circumstances. It ·would relieve the city-manager, members of the council, the elerg,y and even the staff of PHA of the burden of providing this g:1idance.

The need for a reseue squad became alarmingly clear on New Year's Eve, when the local rescue squad carried three youths from an overturned ca~· to a hospital. A short time later, another rescue squad was called to provide the same assistance in another Greenbelt accid.ent. Without our local rescue squad service, our dependence on neighboring facilities would present tragic hazards. And there is no need to stress the importance of our rescue squad in the civil defense program. When the council included these two items in the budget for next year it was fulfilling; its function with honor and wisdom.

The total amount budgeted for the two items is $3700, less than a third of last year's surplus. This does not imply that the city ought to be rewarded with some frivolous benefit for its ec­onomical management. The services asked for are vitally nec­esE:ary. Also, we do not imply that the incentive for continued efficiency in the city government will die if we cannot enjoy a sur­plus for a selfish advantage. The city-manager and the council have proven their integrity by their record.

The indisputable fact remains that the city needE a welfare department and its rescue squad. The council is willing to provide them. It is part of its duty to provide them. By denying these services, PHA' has acted with flagrant disregard for the proper function of the council, and the community's welfare, and perpetra­ted a travesty on the American principle of representative se:f­go ;•ernmnt.

LeHers To The Editor LET'S FACE IT

l'pon rnoving into Greenbelt WI?

were ~ttprised to hear that we would t'(•ceivc rhe COOPERATOR with­ot•t coq to u;.. When we inquirc<i we were told that the advertising eO\'cred the cost of publication. :'\ow, through its pages, we learn that th· COOPERATOR is in the r·cd, leading a very precarious ex­isten\:c.

In ·:ie\v of the circumstances, isn't it about time that Grcenhelters hPlped to finance their newspaper. A p~nny or two an issue (50 cents r•r a doll<'r a year) would ~··a bng way to a,.,-.ure the continued exist­t·nn· .,f tb._. COOPERATOR. I be­lie"'' t

11at a small subscription fee wnn!rl m<tk<· th(' COOPEH.\TOI~ rnnr,• r•·"J'Ollsive to the wis~Jt·s ,,f 1!..., n.:ad•:r~;;

.\.; it i< no.-· tlJ<.' pcopk tak" the ('Or ll'ETxATOR f.,r· grantc·rl. :\c­wally tbe stall work~ ·bar<! to g-i,.,. the town a llt'\\'spap,·r· and ha~ ll<'

wa~· of kn.nving- if Grce~;helk:-., :·cail~· '"'ant a paper.

T'··· ~<'licitati<>n .,j •n"r" ad\ c;·­'li't'r~ i, a \\·ortLwhile cnnr,;•· a-< w"l! -a< the exploration of ;~n inc·!·t·'J.'<' in ~<ivt>nti,irlg- rat1·.~. Th<.''<' an:nt:c. .• ,ught t•> he regarded a!> a nwan, of paying ufl <lehts. enlarging tllt' na-1ler, get~ing decent eonipnwn~ j, •r the ;.tarl ;;.nd It> nwt'l tla: int·\·i:al.l,.

incn·ases in tile cost .,f j>utt:ng .nut 3 newspaper.

Let us start making a tvkcu pa:,-­;nent for 0ur town new:'.paw~r.

:.01 Of~ R IS S()U) :.10::'\.

No Holiday for Armed Forces Says Red Cross; Blood Still Urgently Needed

"'i~lierc i ..... no h~)Jld:tp sea_ ... f,!l :1.'1"

nur arm('d for·~e~ n\·ersca~. nor j,,,. <•t:r· hospitalized ~<'rvrcemen l1c·c· at !11ne." Dr Kenneth R. ~.; e',•>P. :'11e<Iical Dir,:ct•·r-.-\dmini,tr3.~<•r •.•t the Rt:d Cro3, \\'a-.!JiPgt ::1 RL~:- .n­

;d Blood Center, state•!. ''Blo•>rl j.;

tir!!'~'lltl.\· :Jl'l'rlul ior thL·IJI a-. ,, ''l as im· the ci·:il;an Yictim,, A h· :;_ d<t_,. acc,•!t:nt- "n tLe hig}1\,ay< .. \­in ;•rt'\ ir -u,; IL r:l,!' h· li<lay \\ eekt::Jr!.; thl':c.: i:-- an in..::rea:=.e in tile nurn:·~,.-; <•f 1Ji;.{hWa\· av;:i,knt,;. requirir:g t:,,_. u:--,· if \\ lr\)ll' iJJn,Hi. ·rhi:-- year t:~c ac~;,a_1 t:und~t·r ui hit.dl,\·ay a~,.~ci­

;lelll·· .n,·r tli·e ('!Jri.;.tina~ \',·eekt:·J·l fat c:xceed1.-'~ t:Jt' l.'Xflt·ctcd a;n1 •l":n~.··

I )nnnr;-;. arl' t~rg,·d to ... ·all Rep·:;,_ lie SJI)i;. I::xtt·n ... inn 3i 1 11r .':.</!.. ],q·

ap:•n;nt:n,·nt.'. T:,,. \_ entt"r ,,·ill :,,. 'P<'ll ir. m <) a.r11. to 5 p m .. Tue'd.,:. ti·r· •ug-h Friday.

'1'i1e Rtd Cr.~,,, \\·a,d>i!lC.:!>>!1 1.;,.

Sarah Gelberg, 8511

\'·· ·,;·I .\lr<. I'a·.:J \\'!liti·.rd. and •: .. !\· 1~~ ~· i(·r:::tt·r:,- t;f ·'-Q J•I'-.­

:-:t·.! !'::<•.'·., ··.\·i-:1 to ~xt.::ul 11olirlay ;.:r, •:~1:.5- h all their Greenbelt ;,;, ... ,,. :,~. l •:c·i~;hbor,. :\fr. \\'hit­f.~··! ·, ::euten:u:t. j.g .. in the :< -1'. -~: !..:._ ~- ··\·{"'. arvl is n.-_.\V ~tation­

,.,! ~ ;, ; J.. J.l bse i11 Key \Vest, Fiu:·i '·· ·.• :.,·~e he anrl hi~ iamil,v ;,•. •: r•--'•'•·. ~lr,;. \Vhitford was t :. ·:· ' . :t: rl'l :111 oi the Board of the • ,,, .. ,_ ·:b· i~ c:.ild Care Center.

.\~c. :,:,,! :·!r•. J-.,:'eph C. Batchi­,, •r:, ~-l- }.' 1 ,-._.,cent Road. announce ,.,,. b::•i1 .,j their S('cond son, ·.·.~--:'.:!!:;I...! . ....: lh:;. 7 ._,z. un Saturday. J l,.c··nli)t·r ..'3.

~~~ a:1•! .\lr.•. ::'llorris .T. Solomon, Hr-[; ~·•t::i "·a)· }{oad. celebrate.:! tite:r r:i;,:l· '' er!ding a;n;iversary on T' '.1'-·<h\'. lJl'Cemher 28.

. \:1 j.: •. : cream and cak(' party for v~. and .\!!':'. Julius Ifoo\·er and ia:ni':-· ,,f :"ilver Spring, wa-. given .\l.•Lrlay ''"•·ning-, January 1, by :'.lr. a::rl :1!rs. \Villiam \V. Baird a11rl ··'.ii•lre11. 2-R Laurel Hill Road.

.\I"· :trtrl .V r:<. f. L R<"•ot:r, ar:d son, .~0-B Cn··c•·J.t Road, had as gue:'ts ·h::·'r:~ ti. .. · ,., •·ek . .\Jr-.. Rosen':: sis­···r :tnrl >-•·th~r-in-la\\·, ::'llr. and .\1 r'. T.. Beck, and their daughter, .\rknt·. 11i Brt>nX. ::'\. Y.

c\ '\n1 ''l.'":,r's L·.-e pa<ty for the ,·,t:rt '' :t- :.:ivcn by \fr. anrl .\lr:~.

.I···'' i''' I. :'i:.:man, 10-G South way I\.· :t•'.

.\fr. ;,;,-! .\Irs. \\'arn·n I-1 .. -\ustin. ·ln.1 da··.:.z-ht~_-r, I_inda. oi 4-E G:l.r­rl<n•cay 1< ·ad. entertained at rlinner :':ttc:r·l:·:·· c·l·c·Jung, Decemher 30. .\f:-. :u,r[ \! '"· R.>nrtle Dc<~.n and c'.i:<ln:·•. Lll•' \Jr. and .\Ir•. Clark. :.1: ·i liHmon~. \!d.

.\!,· .. 1::•! ~.!r·< Robt:r' 1:. Fan·e-. 2-"-· '.:tur,·l I !ill Rr.ari. a!'e enjoying 'i'r~ ~-·,:t:.·:' ~t:·~ \·:..;it frr··ln \fr. r .... ar\·cr'~ ':•the", .\!,-. E .. \. Faner .. r Dc:. \! ,j,:, -, I, •\\·a.

\[~. an'' .\fr<. <;.:,)rgc Pluto. 7-F T.aJ·.r,·! f ~ "' J{Da·i. are cr:tertaining i<·r t:.e :~<-dida~-~ and duri!I'! the .,~,,·"'· ' : Ta1 ., ::\[r-.. Pluto's parents, \[~· :tn•! \!··-. t..'he.-ter J. S:cwart r,f 1 dr ~--~.·t· ... rcr. ~fa~.;:.

.·\r:· tl:~. r r~:--id('nt CJ( (~lr rt!Ce~ter~ :\fa .... -· .. _,;!Jrl · :~..; hten ~ Yi;..;itor her~ r \~.:r t: ~..· ··~·J 1 l•lay:--. ;:;. ~[j~, Bcnve~.

-'-tc·!" .,; :\lr<. Juim L. B('nnett, .:=~-1·: T{J•l.C!'t! R•.ad . .-\.l,;u 2. ~uest oi i:·~.: ,), u ... l.'r~~~:.l i('r the holidays \\·as 'I i:·i,·~:•l '! . .\f ,·. Bennett'.'<. ).fr. Al­L.Il .\n·l. r-·•n r.f \\'orce;ter, ~la-s.

'.Tr. :1nd :OTr:--. Tr,·ing i~achun! ,~.f :.:. Y. C. ''· •:rl' !.!llt>ts f,,r the pa:'t ·,._ .. ,.);_ c•i r'.cir t];~_ug-hter and son-in­Ial\'. \'r. :1:·d .\lr;:.. Gc"rge Simr•n. 3."- I> c·r,· 'Ct' n t Hoad .\1r. Rachum r·t"tu:-nt·rJ :1• •:ri~e n1inus a gold rir-'g~ 'n-crihL·d , .... ,,, his initial~. and oi !lllll h -c!~tilllental Yalt;c to him, \\·hie:, :~~ ',,_! in the vicinity nf the l.'er·.-• \.'.. ,. o;opc he hears news of

:.;r ~'"l ~'lrs. R . .\I. Corbin har.l "' hr•ii•ia,· "U6ts ).fr. and ~fr~. ~l;tctym•·ll•i :\l·•rningstar anrl chi!­rlr('n c•i :\lu ·,t~nmery. Penn:cyh·ania: ,,;_,. :\lr• .1 ::ni(' Lytton of English < .e1 t;·,·. f'<::m<ylvania.

Y;:t''"li I arker, d"ughter oi :\fr. and :<.fr, I-atl0re Parker. 45-J Rid:u•, ( eld>ratt>d her fir~t birth­f!~J.y l)~.:ct·n · ht r 2f<. The t·)cca~ir:n "·c.- •:ni a11< ,.,1 hy the discnvery of ~.er ~~:.urt~l to0th!

\h11:·:. Tlale ! fenry. older rlaugh­,, r , ·i .\I:·. ar:d \frs. Paul Henry. .1-f' l~v-L·arch. wa< a Xcw Y'ear's : ... u-c· co:·.:·~·-: oi Salh· J,·an Spar\:. •lau·.:htc·r , ,i Colonel and \frs. J. ·''':trlc F .. rt ).!eade: th(' two :,ra ·:,I r· t_ •• ,.

'.2',.. .t] tJ":t:

:,·cpagt>r;; harl o:uch a that :\laura brought

.~-t~~~· -_1 ·,lfj 1 ~~~nt• \\·ith her {or a r.ou­

:·1~.~ ~::ty~ ·n < ;reenhelt!

TL" 'le; r~· Family had another nnf'xpected-

1 ·q• ... t· '..!'J•·· r rh rlng- t~1e 1;•\l;day~-

~ ); r ~1:- I ~--t;~ ,,f Bl):-t-._)n arrived f1 Oi1' \\-:t .. ! ~I~l!tliJ'• in tiillt_' t-, toa~t ,:,,. :'-r;· :•' ·i t'·e ~ew !!ali-century .,, :th Lc~n;-· J'.Yn friend; \\'hOnl he ·,: .. ·:·: -c,·:c f.,r three year•. It was ,·t ,._.r\· _i ~:~::.. { .. c,.·a:=.i1't1 <~t 3-P J'L~-... . ~ r \. ...

c:i 1:a! I~J,,, .rJ Center iun::t>r an-:1 ·.1:·~~·( t:· a ret.:"t•r 1 1:!1n1her of

•'· ··:- ·r- ...:~· ·. tnl the Red Cros-; I:i,,,[~~: ·h';,. t<><l<~Y at =~- "i~it at

~: :~. \ ·1 ~ !{t·"'-:::·ar ch I-ah~)ra tory. \\·, ri..;,.,- .,.: nti,;t•. pc·r diem "111-

pl••yrf•;; :;.J clArk<, kd by Captain r ,.,, .. ,:, R I. ·~·lira:•. c·:·ntribute•l 1'4


Rev. Victor J. Dowgiallo, Pastor Greenbelt 5911

:"aturda v Confessions, 3:30 to ; :3(! p.:n. -ior cb~ldren, 7 to 9:30 for :Ld tl ~ t '·

~-·t!ndav: .\(as~es, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 e~nd J 1 ;.m. This Sunday is Holy C•Jmmur>ion Sunday for rnentbcrs , ·i the S•Yda!i·;~· at the 7:30 ::\lass.

\\'edn..:'ioday: Xovena ~ervices, 8 p.m.

Baptisms: Sunday, 1 p.m. Any­•me wi~hing to have a baby bap­tized sho~ld notify Father Dow­giallo beiorehand.

Sudality Meets Saturday St. Hu::.:Hs S0dality will hold it~

monthlv ~ee·:ing Wednesday, Jan­nar,· 10, in the church chall. The met:ting will te preceded by the Lit­tie Offi.ce of the Blessed Virgin.

RA\' Dowl'iallo wishes to urge all ;o~laEsts ''to attend Mass and Communion i:t honor of Our Lady of Fatima, on Saturday, January 6, v.·hich is the first Saturday of the month.

WOMAN'S CLUB NEWS The \\'oman's Club of Greenbelt

will hold its regular meeting Thurs­day. January J1 th, 8:15 p.m. in the Social Room of the Center School.

David Granahan, formerly of Green~•elt, -..vi:! be the speaker, his subject being "Exhibits for Educa­tional Purposes". Hostes.ses for the •.·,·ening are ~1esdames C. Eu­;renc \YalJ..e:-. Bertha Bon·ham, Bev­~rlv G. Fonda, Gordon A. Finlay, ~tz,nley H Edwards and Ralph N. X euntanu.

CUB SCOUT TROOP 229 ('uh Scut.t Troop 229 playe<l

Santa Claus t•) the young-ters of tilt· Children's Hospital of \\'ash­ir>l,!'ton tf.is pa<t Chri:'tmas by col-1cctins an ·.1 p:cseating a large a;o;­~ortm('::t of tPys. ~\Iiss Edith A. Turkirqton. Administrator of the :;o.•pl!al, expressed the heartfelt ii1ank,; of the boys and 15irls ·who :,;d ,;uch a1~ exciting Christmas this year. .\Ia~ter Robert Chitttenden. 4_;_ K Ridge Road, is Den Chief. .\! rs. Edith Chittendc11 i,; the Den ~r~,t~a~r.

?leu, e.~ Z)(U, 93 ~ea~ f'JU

:'.Ir~. P. B. ChiJ.dress, who had been making her home with her daughter-in-la·.v, ~irs. Annie Chil­dress. 00-F Crescent, died Sunday morning on ·:he eve of her 93rd birthday. Si1e ·had fallen last Tues­dav and had broken her hip. In­terment wi!I be in Jellico, Tenn.

JUDE \\._-\!\TED to and from Ft. Beh otr, Va. Starting Jan. l.'i. Jan--1~, Gr. 6i27.


Ministers: Edward H. Bon$all, Jr.

Eric T. Braund Church phone 7931

Thur~day, January 4 - 7 p.m .• St. Cecilia choir. 8 p.m., Clotster .:hoir. 8:15 p.m., 'Ohurch \Vomen's discus­si~n gro11p at l\lrs. Ted Ta.vlor's.

Stmday. January 7 - Church. Wor­ship at ~ :45 and 11 a.m. Music by the Coilegiate and Senior Chaneei ehoirs directed bv Mr.;. McClen­don. Organi»ts. -:Mrs. Kern and :vfrs. 1\ eff. Mr. Braund will preach <>n: "Xew Year Resolutions: Per­sonal and Cc.rporatc". The Sacra­ment of Holy Communion will be given at both sen·ices.

Sunday School at 8:45, 9:45 and 11 a.m. f) p.m., The Ang~lus Hour. 8:00 p.m., First Sunday· Evening Service. The Sacramen~ of Bap­tism wili be offered .

Monday, January 8 - 8:15- p.m., T•he Evening Guild meets, Church office .

Tuesday, January 9 - 7 :I 5 p.m., High School girls ohvir.

vVedne;<day, January 10 - 8:15 p.m., Senior Chancel choir.


Phone SHepherd 0035 Russell B. Reed, Minister

Thtir:-day, January 4 - The adult choir will rehearse in the church at 3 p.m. All members are u-ge~ make a special effort to be pres~

Suuday, Janu~ry 7 Sunday School at 8:45 and 9:45 a.m. There is a cla"s for each age gr:oup. For information as to the time for each class please ca11 :\1 r. Tierney, school ;;uperintendent, at Greenbelt 2356. Morqing Worship 11 a.m. Sermon topic: ''The Beloved Physician':. 7 p.m., The Fide!is class for young JH:ople ''ill meet in the church.

:\Ionr1ay, .ianuary 8 - The \\'o­man's Society of Christian Service will hold i•ts regular meeting. l\frs. ?.forgan and Mrs. Tee! will serve as hostesses. The place will be an~ nou.nced in our Sundav bulletin o:· hy d'irec.t contact. .

\Vednesday, January 10 - The Ofticial Boar<i \viii meet in the Church at 8:30 p.m. \V t: hope t'hat all members will put fo;•th a special t·ffort to he present.

\Ve wish to thank the Coopera­tor !or i•ts splendid cooperation and the people of Greenbelt who •have cooperated whole~heartedly in many ways. We wish for all a very happy and prosperous New Year.

HEBREW SERVICES Greenbelt 3593

Morris Sandhaus, Rat-b• Friday, January 5. 1951 - s .. r ..

begin <.:t 8:30 p.m. in the Social l~oom at the C('nter School. Can­dielight at 4:22 p.m. Portion of the \Veek-"Tht Va'era". Sermon topic-Light and Shadow.

"A Closetcl look"--Movle Alm•d At Saving Lives

D~ Iniuri .. I. Occupational accidents 13,100 1,785.000 2. General accidents. . .. 15.500 1.9SO.OOO 3. A1:Cidents iD the home .. 31,000 4.650.000 t. Occupational ac:ciden•.s,


with a m'.)tor VEthicle .... 1,900 65.000 5. General accidents,

with a motor vehicle .. 29.SGO 1,035.000

Tolal.s 91,000 9.485.000

ATTACKING A STATE OF MIND-Movie critics and EafetY e~perts tht::>ughout A!llerica ~re praising "A Closed Book," talking ptct~re whJch dramatJ_zes accident-prevention by a well-plotted, aP­peal_m~ sto:;y filled With suspen:;e and heart interest - instead of statJstic~. 1 he film was produced by the Farm BureatJ Insurance Compames, o! Columbus, Ohio, in cooperation with the National Safety CouncJI. for free loan to all who will show !t. Milburn Stone· and Hope Ryden have leadir;tg roles in the picture, which assails ~um'.ln carelessnesl!-a state of mmd-as the major cause of !atal aec1dents.

Page 3: REENBELT OOIPERATOR - Greenbelt News ReviewREENBELT OOIPERATOR NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday By The Green AN belt Cocperative Publishing Association, Inc., 14 Parkway, Greenbelt,


CLASSIFIED TELEVISION im.tallation and moving. FuJJ installation S25. If vou have antenna and parts $15. Call 4661 or 7517.

FOR FRESH FLO\VERS to suit any o-::casion call Bell Flowers, College Park, UNion 9493. Free de­livery.

LOCAL WASHL''G MACHI~E Servi:::e - Automatic and conven­tional models expertly repaired. Reasonable. Guaranteed. Free es-­timate. Greenbelt 6707.

'I IiOR AUTOMAGIC A SPE­cialty. \:Vashing machin~ repamng, Bendix, Launderall. 6322 60th P!., E. Riverdale. Wa. 1340 after 6 p.m.

TELEVISION Service; prompt, efficient television repairs and in­stallations by graduate engineers. Ken Lewis, TOwer 5718, Joe Gu­lick, Shepherd 5818.

WAN1ED TO BUY- your old geld is worth money. We pay high. est prices. CO-OP JEWELERS:

MOVING & S'l'ORAGE - FUR:."'li­t'lre, Freight or Express. Any­thing, anywhere, anytime. Bryan Motor Express, Call Greenbelt, 4751.

HO~IE RADIOS REPAIRED -30-day guaranteed. Reasonable pr:ce!'. Pick-up and delivery. 14-M Laurel. Gr. 7762.

ATTRACTIVt: RAFIA GIFTS; S;,lt and :Pepper Sets, Sugar Bowls. A<sr.rte0. Serving Br.wh. For al~ uccasions, birthdays, we<l­ding". ~ h o w f: r s, anniversarie:;:, l:ou~cwan'Jings, etc. 'Your choice of ccc}.-,rs, dc8igns, nJonog:ran,s. From i'.'i cents to $2.00. Sec thl'm at t7 .. c l'arkway or call 3571.

,\ fLL TF.-\Cll pianr) lo beginner!', SOc a k~!'()il, call 54/1. EXPERT TeleVision-, -R-a...,.d-c-io- repair service. Experienced, fully equipped electroP.ic engineer, 30-day guaran­tee. Prompt pick-up and delivery. Roy E. Ridgley, 73-G Ridge Rd. Gr. 4397.

RIDE \\'A:\TED w Comml'rce Dept.. 14th and Constitution. H<-.urs ~:30 1r; 5. Call Mr~. Scales, 656f5 e\·enings, or STerling 9200, E:xt. 3407 clays.


t };!~~~Ew;!?~J.~~ ~


» Phone TO 6204 « i L

8200 Baltimore Blvd. College Park, Md.



and Dinners

BEER AND WINE Berwyn Heights, Md.

TOWEit 9669 Closed New Year's Day

Teen-Age Tidi11gs .~a.tin.z u-.e r_,i c!1cmlca!s :n f·-~:-'J

By Ora D~noghue

prc.d•Y:t~ recently hear•! a -·r.-.:.~ T: e lv·bhy •pirit was qui1e en-appeal t·J re'J.uire the F· <:·-! & Dru;s ,;.-:.t at the Dr•:•p-Inn frorn the . .\rimini,trati.-Jn t', mab" r•pen n:g::• (>l the .?!r I. which was the formula lahdlin::,r C•f ir .. odo, c .. rn~_.· .. : .. •..( r.:.::'-tma5 f'<orty, to the Xew Year's .:-.or.\·.

_1 • rry \··J':..rhi". "ecre~ar:: ')i the Co· ·perative League <)f t·.s.:\., ex­hibited a number of labels uoed r)n

Co-op products such as. f(J•:·d, Ji',,,_ st··)ck iced, fertilizn·, and in=-ecti­-:i<ies. t•> de1n0nstrate the "(•pen fr,rmula'' policy of c,,opera:in>.

He also recc..mmended tl1at t:Jc FCJod & Drug Administratir)n be requireri to 1naintain nllntmum quality standards for io· ,.J J:'F"l­uct!'. He insisted that all chcmi(al !'tlb.;t.itutes be thoroly t(c'<<: I he­fore reaching the c•msumer 1:1


Said \' oorhis. "The F "od and Drug .-\rlministratio,,, to ]JUt 't mildly, has far more imrJ''>rtant re­!'pon;;ibilitic:" in prc•tecting tl.c pu:,. lie l'h;m in putting nnximu1n ,tand­arrJ,; on quality."

It is natura~ that consumer c•.J­opcratives should lead th P fig'Jt to n1ake it possible for c.-.n-umer=- tu ]:now what they are buying-. GC~ and F!ochdale of D C.. as local co­c•p ''"·i~tie~. were happ...- to he able tn coorerate with the \\'ashir:c,>:ton League office in s.upplyin!2' -ample ,abel~. etc. for thi;; pre·e•:tati· .n.

* * * Ti!C f·.Jli•.Jwing X·~w Year'.; Hc'u­

lnti••n rnmes to tts fr•.•!11 tl.,· ).[i•i­\'.. e:.t:

In 1951

We Plt:dge to Sho-p Co-op First For All Our N oeds

Because - \\'c kWJ\\' t!·.a• rp:a\ity for quality CO-OP • ,ffc:" :Jlorc {,,r <.•Ur mone\· in f0••d:-. cl· ·tLi: "'· '·ar•:­•,,·are. apJ;liance". fe(d='. ":·•:·rl•. icr­tll~zl'r. i;)rnl nlachi!l{·r::, :-.::~~:·::1· ,ti\·c .0 upr.::,,. and p•::tL:Jh:lllll pn•.t·.tc·t' Because - \'.'e kn .. v.- t' :1' tl•c· r.-c,_ I lP. hl'ille!' o\\'ncri. -:•,ll:r,(!,·.-1 an•' r•pl'ratecl ior u..:. can~V·t J•r· !'tt< cr. B~ause - \\'e knew tli:tt ti:,· l-1 1-

01' return" ~aYing.; r";•r .. :itc:''l hC1·~-k t0 u:-:. lr~ tl1e ~2.nlt' 1)r• p~>rtir,:l a:..:. \\'C 'nakt.• .;uch (·arnl:"t[ .. plh ... ih 1 t:

tltru:.n.;h our patronage. Because - \\'e J.:n.-:.w t':at tLe ('!_l­

OP i;; a balance wheel in our heal ec• •f;f)!lly. Its '·ju;;t hc·ing" tt.:rHl5 to 'tahilize price~. Because- \\'e kc:ow that a -uccesc:­inl CO-OP can ~en·f· U" hc:tter: that to be succe:;sful a Cl l-Ol' mn't ~;ave patn:-nage.

!-:, c· dat.c·~- ·t:.e building was dec-

(ql' ,.,1 i•·r t:;e c:.:ri-tmas dance. by

t·:·· iJoy,. and ~~ much as tLe girls di,lil--e adn,ittir,g it, the building

lo·.•kerl beautiiul: it was a job well The crepe paper was unique-

:y .:rrangcrl re~ulting in a very love­

"' Chri"lmas effect. and the tree "'~'' mo:;:.t c•Ut•tanding.

:\pprr>ximatd·.· one-hundred and twn1ty-fi\'e tt:enagers attendeli and --~\·eta! !rUC~t;; were present to en­!· ·Y the Chri;;tnn.s gaiety with the Drup-Inner". Giits \vere p::-esent­ed t•) ;;everal oi the guests in appre­·-·ia ti• •n for the interest and help ::j<'Y h:~.ve p.i\'e!l during the past y._ar.

_lack Fruchtman was called i,_,rward to accept the outsrtanding .·enice cup for the rnonth of Octo­ber ior his work on the building i;111d drive George Panagou-1; '. who was not present, is the re­cipient of the cup ior the month of .':, •'~'em ber ior his assistance in ra'-i:•g money ior the new building f, ·I: ;he teen-agers.

>:n,- Yt·ar's Eve found the Youth \ ··nt<·r equaliy a~ crowrleC. with :1 c·:nber~ atHI tfll'ir gue:;:.ts. and the i>;Iilrhn,~ wa~ a~ain decorated m 1;, q>in~ with th: Xew Year '-'pirit. Lal:.-.on" w;th conietti draping ; , ":11 th(·!ll were· included in the ·i· ~_·, ~rati~ ~P', and hat~ aud tlf.)ise­~;~ ~lk~..:c~~ \\-t:rL· !..:iYt·n tt.) each ocr~on.

·· '"'lth:r; of t:Ie lucky numbers ; "r t h·_· d" •r-pr: ""-"' WPrc Grace \\'. lil'. _ludy f.n,·i-. ar~d Janice An­,:·: ·Yic. ·,\'),,, all reccin·rl ca;.h

...:,, · tl1c Dr<>J:- Inn member~ \'.-c::­,. ·:·.:·!in ti:l' :\ew Year with all the gc.ie1y befitting the occasion, and ,,·~_·~~i·! };kl' t•~ nl".Cl' ag:1in \\·ish ev­er'· -:1e 3 '<:ry i1appy and peaceful :\c,_,. Y.::n. and t·xpre.-~ their thanks 1•' ,·. t' ...:.tafi' c·i the Cooperat•.>r for t ,. lllt"re,t •he·\· ha\'e ;;hown dur­'1.'-'= tb.: l><l"t yea!'. and ior the ;.pace

tl1eir papt r whi-:-h they ha,·e • · ·:c r iai 1t:d ;., !..!i,·e to all the acti­,-:::l., (<t the Drc>p-Inn.


.. ,

January 4, 1951. GREENBELT COOPERATOR Three

l l ' I t ' + ' '

I I ' ' t

I 1

HELP WANTED \Ve are talking to people who are interested in

CAREER SUPERMA~KET JOBS Due to our expansion we contemplate adqitional openings in both Greenbelt and Takoma. Current salary rates $55 to $68 for grocery cl.erks.

GR. 2231 -Mrs. Taylor in office over the Fharrriacy.

GREENBELT9fonsumcr Serticcs .• Nc




TOM SAWYER CLEANERS 3-day pick up and delivery

service. PANTS & SKIRTS • 50c SUITS & DRESSES ..• a5c

Two Men's Neckties Cleaned with Each

Dollars Worth of Cleanin AT NO EXTRA COST Reserved Seats 50 cents

Admission 35 cents · Call ~:A~. 3586 -~~~~~~~=~~~


All Cash

Bingo EVERY FRIDAY 8:30 P.M.




' .

Because - \\'e know t!.at • •ttr l·o. OP i' the mo\'ing spirit r>f <lemoc­raC\- aiHI will be a ;.ource nf in­~piratinn an(! comi•Drt to free men a~ 1nng-and only a.~ long-as \\·c put it to full use.

(Signed) 75,000 Co-op Families fn ~[inne?IJta. \\'i.;c• •t>>in ANNUAL MEETING

and ~1id1igan "Ti1cre are ~utne g-o.-Jd tl.( __ d.JL!"l:t .... 111

that re-;rjlntir·n for us here in l.;n···n­;,elt. .-\ C'Jopcrative l·ecome;; a.,_ ,trnng a iorce inr l~Oo•l in a com­munitY a;; nur me::nher.; are \\'illir,g --b.v -their partic;·.pat j, •11-tu Inake :t. Greenbelt Consumer Services, Inc.

Grecnbel t, ~~d.


Wednesday, January 1 7, 19~ 1

9 p.m. Sharp

In Business Office


ruw···-·s·T·ii-~--~-~-·~~~~;~~· ~~~-;~~~~~~~····, All

GCS office above the Drug Store by 5:00 p.m. 1 f/50 receipts Saturday,

must January

----------------------- ------~-NON-MEMBERS: Turn in your receipts. to~.

be turned 13, 1951.

• ID to the

t ..... _._ .................. Ill e • e ........... ,.._ ........................................ _. .... _~, ............... _. .................. _ ......................... _._....,............,_._. ............................................ e e e • e e e e • a I ........................ e e e e e e e a e e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • I I ... ._.... I I I I I I I I I I •

' + ' ·,

Page 4: REENBELT OOIPERATOR - Greenbelt News ReviewREENBELT OOIPERATOR NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday By The Green AN belt Cocperative Publishing Association, Inc., 14 Parkway, Greenbelt,




8 to 5

Apply GCS Office Above The Drug Store

Former GHS Teacher On Overseas Duty

Ralph G. Beveridge, 8812 Ed­monston Road, Berwyn Heights·, whv formerly worked art the Green­belt Hig'h School, is being sen·t to the Far Ea~tern Theater as an as­sistant field director for the Ameri­t:an Kational Red Cross. This is ~·fr. Beveridge's firsrt overseas as­'ilignment with the Hed Cross. He is t'he son of Mr. and Mrs. William Scott Beveridge, Sr. of California, Pennsylvania. He received his Ma'Ster's degree in Education froM tl1e University of Maryland.

Down with Dishpan Hands Good-looking havds, like grace­

ful figures, do not need a great deal of expem;ive care. T·hey do, how­e,'er, require plenty of self-disd­pline-a requirement that can't be bonght at any beauty s-alon.

"It's so easy", says the beauty editor of Good Housekeeping mag­azine, ''to damage hands faster than can! will repair them". And here are S'Omt> basic rules "(hich s'he lists in the January issue: w~ar protective gloves for heavy

cleaning, gardell'ing, or tasks ·that stain the skin. Always wear gloves on cold days-even if you step out for only a few minutes. Scrat(Jh a wet cake of soap wi·th all ten nails to prevent dirt from s·etting deep ml!derneath them. Avoid plunging handts in very hot water. Always rin·se off soap completely, and clry trand•s t-horoughly.

Give yourself a perfect manicure once a wl'ek. Remem:ber that sev­eral thin coa·ts of lacquer protect nails better t•han one coat. Check nails nightly for rough edges, and ~motth them ,vith fine file or emery hoard.

Use a hand-softener-cream or lotion-first thing in ~he morning, hdore and after grimy or 'Net job:-:., and always after was1Jing hands. At bedtime, be ~ure to g·iye tiiem an ext1·a treatment.





-.ffifiateod wi,.tt

::Gnl'l IIH(!no ~uruol F~re '"~u,•m·, i.t.

Far"' Su• tt~ll l1fif! ln)uron~~ \.t~.

l ___ -· ------

Bv Sam Fox First Aid: "ic wish to start anc>t :er First Aid Cia's and all who are in­t..:rested. please call Rec:eathn Dept., Gr. 272fJ. Boys' Tumbling: The bc.ys" tum­bling clas:" had its graduatinn ex­ercises anrl ] 5 boys received begin­:Iers' certificat<:s. Classc, again '\\·ill open Friday afternoon, at Son:.­cnd Scho(;l in the auditorium at 3:30p.m. Activity In The Gym: During the hCJliclays the Center School Gym was open and we had "the largest crowd of boys and girls in a long time. An a\·erage of 250 boys ami g:rls rA all ages came to play in f1e gym each clay. They played bas­ketball, volleyball, ping-p•J:-Jg and shuftlcboard, which became so pop­ular, we had a tournament to ,ee which team was the best. Little League Baseball: I ha vc t w u managers for the Little League Rascbail teams; I can use two nF·rc managers. All teams will be i:1 uniforms and the league '1·ill c•,n­sist of boys from 9 to 12 years <;]d. \Ve are also now getting the field in shaw~; it will be :McDonald Field, and will be used only for Little League BaseLall ... Also will baye stands to sit on and a fenc~~ to hit hon1c-runs over. AU-Greenbelt Night: Doa't iorget to re~erve Januarv 27 for All.-Grecn­heh Xight to be- helc! at .Maryland UniYcrsity. You will have a won­derful time and sec ctn excellent tumhling s.how put on by the Rec­r-eation Dept.

Let no man scold his wife for not heing able to park the car till he ha3 tried his hand at ti1readi'lg a JJeedle.

Hare you tried'!


made with the CO-OP TRIPLE RICH


~lany customers are buying it regularly


I nvi~Et:ion To The Dance :-;quar~ .:ancing j,; proving to be

'-•I'c r.•i t::c most popular acth·ities a: tic e:..-::: recrcati..,n centers con-<luca:d 'Y the Prince Georges County hc·creation Departmen·t. ::::.ince ma:::: of those attending are hL<!;'l:Icr-. ,pecial emphasis is on ltarnin(( ~he square dance figures anol ,-a!),_ _\merican couple daw::e~ and iol:, d-;nces of other lands arc ZJ],o included.

Ei!,.n Lin,on oi Greenbelt. as­-i-tt d 1.._,.. :,~ '"- Priscilla Cnter, leads t':c rlanci:1~; at these centers on the j,>JJowin:z I~ight: Monday- Surratts­Yille Hil!i: SchCK,l; Tuesda,· - Ta­ko>ma J ,;,k Fire Hall; \Ye;i~e,day­Oaklawn ( •mmunity Hall; Thurs­dav - ~ft. Rai:;ier High School; Friday - St itland Community Hall.

Dr. ]Cii:n ~lcK<1y d Berwyn calls

ti:e figun·;; • ·:J ~Ionday nights from <:; to 10 p.m. at the Berwyn Elemen­tary ~ch•Jcl. :\t the Hyattsville Junk•r Hig 1 School, ~lr. and Mrs. Sick l'r,pe o:>i Riverdale are on hand <·acl: \\ ednc:'day night to lead the "r• -up.

.-\1! oi tl:e;c "()Uare and folk dance -e,,;, ·11:' are ~>pen to both beginners "oL•! <:Xperie•>ceol dancers. For fur­!ilc·r i1:inrmation cal! the Recrea­tion l>q•artrnenf, :\pplet<•n 2207.

- ... _ .. _ ••• ---··· ••.. - .. -·-·-·---· .............. ·- t

I VETERANS' LIC:.UORs 1 j : . t i 'TOwer 5 9 9 0 TOwer 5 9 9 0 t 1

Free Del. Free OPI ' i BEER. WUlE, L!QGOP~S, SODAS '

I Baltimore Ellvd. Beltsville, Md. Open fi a.m. to ~Iidnight - :.\Iond:-ty Tl:nugh Saturday

'•• .......... ................... . ..... .... GM trnveils Futuristic Test Car

An experiment in the automotivt futurt is the low, _sleek: Le S~b!"e• a custom built sports car Ge:neral Motors has unve1led m ful•-stze model form. When completed this sprin_g the actual ca~ wtll be a "lab­oratory on wheels" to test adva!'lced destgn and m.c( hamcal fe:atures for possible future use on producl.wn models. Only thrte-feet h1gh at the cowl the Le Sabre has a st.andard 6-ineh ground dearance and ample pass~nger leg and head room. MagnesiuJ? and aluminum alloys·~are sub­stituted for steel on the body and engme of th_e ·~ar. ~hereb¥ greatly reducing its total weight. Harley _J. Earl_, GM nee prestdent m charge of styling shown, with the caT, said that it has been under development the past four years. The dramatic, sweeping line~• of jet aircraft are incorporated in its styling theme.


Phone Greenbelt 2222

· JAN. 4. 5. June Haver - Bill Lundigan

"I'LL GET BY" 7&9

JAN. 5

Adele Mara

"ROCK ISLAND TRAIL" Cartoons Serial

Cont. from 1:00 P.M.

JAN. 1- 8

James Cagney - Virginia Mayo

"WEST POINT STORY" Sun.: Cont. from 1:00 P.M.

Mon.: 7 & 9

TUE.- WED. JAN. 9- 10

Widmark Linda Darnell

"NO WP.Y OUT" 7&9

JAN. 11 - 12

Gary Cooper - Lauren Bacall


The new year arrives as we

many problems at home and abroad.

What Can WeDo To Help solve the problems of our times?

believe in democracy - in the dignity and worth of the individuai - in all that has come to be called the American Way of Life - can to preserve our heritage.

Start Close To Home · . ~ Support our lo~al institutions-our sch·;,ols §

-our churches-our young people's organiza- ~ tions-our local government-in their efforts to§

build a better community. For the strength of ai nation is determined by the strength of; its in­dividual communities.

Co-ops Are Community Minded i Made up of the residents of a community,!

this is only natural. Qver two-thirds of the fam­ilies in Grt!enbelt are members of Greenbelt Con-Sllmer Services.

In 1951, as in 1950, we pledge our con­tinued support, as an organization and as indi­

viduals, o~ the organizations and institutJons that are working, like ourselves, to make. Creer.belt a better place in which to five.

fOR THJ PATRONAGE REFUND. GCS office above the Drug Store by 5:()0 p_rn.

1£;50 receipts must Salurdlay, January

he 13


turned 1951.

• In to the

.,.._- ------ _ _._ __ --------- ·---------------NON~MEMBERS: Turn in your rece;p!s, t;J:;.

