Reevaluating NIMBY: Evolving Public Fear and Acceptance in Siting a Nuclear Waste Facility May 2009 Hank C. Jenkins-Smith Carol L. Silva Matthew C. Nowlin Grant deLozier Department of Political Science University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association in Chicago, Illinois, in April 2009. We thank Amy Goodin and Kerry Herron for their assistance and advice in the data collection and analysis stages of this project.

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Reevaluating NIMBY: Evolving Public Fear and Acceptance in Siting a Nuclear Waste Facility

May 2009

Hank C. Jenkins-Smith Carol L. Silva

Matthew C. Nowlin Grant deLozier

Department of Political Science University of Oklahoma

Norman, Oklahoma

An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association in Chicago, Illinois, in April 2009. We thank Amy Goodin and Kerry

Herron for their assistance and advice in the data collection and analysis stages of this project.

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Overcoming NIMBY Page 2

Beyond the Standard NIMBY Model: Understanding Support and Opposition to the Siting of Hazardous Facilities


The not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) syndrome has long been the focus of academic and policy research. We test several competing hypothesis concerning the sources of NIMBY sentiments, including demographics, proximity, political ideology and partisanship, and the unfolding policy process over time. To test these hypotheses we use survey data collected in New Mexico dealing with risk perceptions and acceptance related to the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP), a permanent storage site for radioactive waste located near Carlsbad, New Mexico. WIPP became operational and received its first shipment of waste on March 26, 1999. This study tracks the changes of risk perception and acceptance over a decade, using measures taken from 35 state-wide surveys of New Mexico citizens spanning the 11-year period from fall 1990 to summer 2001. This time span includes periods before and after WIPP became operational. We find that acceptance of WIPP is greater among those in the most proximate counties to WIPP. Surprisingly, and contrary to expectations drawn from the broader literature, acceptance is also greater among those who live closest to the nuclear waste transportation route. We also find that ideology, partisanship, government approval and broader environmental concerns influence support for WIPP acceptance. Finally, the sequence of procedural steps taken toward formal approval of WIPP by government agencies proved to be important to public acceptance, the most significant being the opening of the WIPP facility itself.

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Overcoming NIMBY: Partisanship, Ideology, and Change in Risk Perception over Time

On March 26, 1999 trucks carrying radioactive waste off-loaded their first shipment from

the Los Alamos National Laboratory at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New

Mexico. The opening of WIPP, the first licensed deep-geologic radioactive waste disposal

facility, occurred after 25 years of often-strident scientific, legal, and political controversy. Much

of this controversy appeared to be grounded in the expression of “not-in-my-backyard”

(NIMBY) sentiments by residents and anti-nuclear activists in the state of New Mexico. This

paper analyzes the evolution of public perceptions of WIPP, based on data from a series of 35

statewide public opinion surveys conducted in New Mexico over the decade leading up to the

opening of WIPP. The primary question we address is whether NIMBY attitudes played a central

role, and whether they were attenuated by the extended policy debate. Was WIPP a success in

spite of public opposition, or did the policy reflect public acceptance? The implications of this

case are substantial, as developed countries struggle with the dilemma posed by the need for

siting hazardous facilities (of which nuclear waste repositories are only one example) in the face

of apparently implacable opposition (Slovic 2006).

NIMBY concerns are generally understood to reflect resistance to potentially hazardous

facilities by local residents. Proximity to facilities that are perceived to pose risk to local

residents has been shown to generate opposition to such facilities (Benford et al. 1993), and in

some cases to reduce property values near the site of the potential hazard (Gawande and Jenkins-

Smith 2001). Nuclear waste facilities are among those most likely to raise concerns by nearby

residents (Jenkins-Smith and Kunreuther 2001; Slovic et al. 1991). Among some observers self-

interest is thought to motivate NIMBY opposition, wherein residents reject a facility because

their expectations of localized losses outweigh prospects for some larger public good (Lober

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1993; McAvoy 1998). Self-interest could also lead to support, as other research on the NIMBY

phenomenon has shown that local residents can be in favor of some facilities when they are

understood to provide localized benefits (Jenkins-Smith and Kunreuther 2001; Kunreuther and

Easterling 1996). Prior research has also shown that opposition to siting potentially hazardous

facilities can be related to broader attitudes and concerns about the environment (Michaud et al.

2008). Little prior research has focused on the potential impact that political ideology

(liberal/conservative) or partisanship can have on support or opposition to hazardous facility

siting (Hunter and Leyden 1995). However, taken as a whole, previous research indicates that

NIMBY concerns provide only a partial explanation for nearby residents’ responses to

potentially hazardous facilities.

What role did NIMBY play in the case of WIPP? Over the course of the policy

controversy, a vocal majority of the local officials and residents of Carlsbad (the town closest to

WIPP) were consistently in favor of the project. Interestingly, observers of the debate have

claimed that the most strident public opposition was based primarily well away from the site in

the Santa Fe and Albuquerque areas (McCutcheon 2002, 46). What accounts for the acceptance

of WIPP by near-by residents? What factors influenced resistance to WIPP from other – more

distant – areas of the state? Do those factors include political attitudes such as partisanship and

ideology? And how did these sentiments change over time?

The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), located in Carlsbad, New Mexico, is a large

facility situated over 2000 feet below ground level that serves as a permanent disposal facility for

radioactive waste from defense related facilities from the across the county. The site is “intended

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to entomb, in underground rock salt, four decades’ worth of protective gloves, tools, cleaning

rags, glassware, and other cast-off items that have been contaminated with radioactive materials

used in building nuclear weapons” (McCutcheon 2002, 1). The state of New Mexico has had an

extended history with nuclear technology, much of it related to the defense industry

(McCutcheon 2002). This history is one of the reasons that local officials in Carlsbad became

interested in hosting a site for defense related nuclear waste. Interest in hosting the waste facility

peaked in 1972 when the proposed waste site in the underground salt mines of Lyons, Kansas

was abandoned due to objections from Kansas state officials (Downey 1985). Officials in

Carlsbad saw an opportunity for economic development and invited officials from the Atomic

Energy Commission (AEC) to examine the underground rock salt in and around Carlsbad.

Scientists from the AEC, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratory,

agreed that the deep layers of salt had the potential to be suitable for permanent storage of

transuranic waste, and exploratory work began in 1974 (Downey 1985).1

Initially officials at the state level were largely supportive of WIPP; however that support

began to erode in late 1970’s following the nuclear power plant accident at Three-Mile-Island

and efforts in the US Congress to include highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel from commercial

reactors in the waste that would be shipped to WIPP (Downey 1985; Barnes and Whatley 1997).

State officials argued that they were being left out of discussions in Congress related to high-

level waste being placed in the WIPP facility. In addition, state officials were more receptive to

“low-level” defense related waste, due in part to New Mexico’s history with nuclear weapons

and because the low-level waste was perceived to be less dangerous than the high-level

1 Appendix A lists the time-line of major events in the development of WIPP.

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commercial waste (Downey 1985; Barnes and Whatley 1997).2 As a result of concerns about the

process by which the WIPP policy was being developed, and in an effort to resist being forced to

accept high-level commercial waste, the state of New Mexico filed suit against the Department

of Energy (DOE) in 1981 (McCutcheon 2002, 78-80). As part of a “consultation and

cooperation” agreement signed by the Secretary of Energy (Edwards) and the Governor of New

Mexico (King) shortly before the case was scheduled to reach court, the state of New Mexico

received assurance of a formal role in the siting process.3 In addition, around this time

environmental interest (and other) groups within New Mexico became increasingly involved in

opposition to WIPP. Most prominent among the New Mexico groups were “Citizens for

Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping” (CARD, formed in 1978) and the Southwest Research and

Information Center (formed in 1971) (Downey 1988). According to the most extensive account

of the WIPP controversy (McCutcheon 2002), many of the activists protesting WIPP were doing

so on the basis of broad opposition to nuclear energy and nuclear weapons development, and

distrust of government.

These developments set the stage for the extended political battles waged over WIPP.

Broadly speaking, environmental groups and some state elected officials formed an opposing

coalition, and local officials within Carlsbad along with the national laboratories (LANL and

2 The waste intended for WIPP does include some highly radioactive materials, but the bulk of it is low- and medium-level waste. The technical term for the waste is “transuranic” – meaning that it consists of waste contaminated with radioactive elements that have an atomic weight greater than that of uranium (such as plutonium). One characteristic of such wastes is a very long half-life (the period over which half of the radioactive material will decay); for plutonium it is about 24,000 years.

3 New Mexico agreed to drop the lawsuit in return for agreements by the Department of Energy to provide periodic state review of WIPP studies, with provision for the state to return to court in the event that it was unsatisfied with the results of those reviews. It also provided assurance that DOE would address concerns about state roads and a number of other monitoring, health and safety issues related to WIPP.

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SNL) and the DOE lined up in favor of the facility. State officials were cautious about the

developing program, but tended to defer to the federal government on defense-related programs

and therefore avoided outright opposition to the program.4 In the early phases of the policy

debate, WIPP was not popular with the New Mexico public. As early as 1976, over a hundred

people gathered at a local meeting organized by WIPP opponents5 (Downey 1988) and in 1978

and 1980 public opinion polls showed that New Mexico residents opposed WIPP on a nearly 2 to

1 basis (McCutcheon 2002). This opposition may have been due in part to the secrecy that

surrounded nuclear facilities in general and the decision by officials in Carlsbad and elsewhere

not to make initial discussions of WIPP public (McCutcheon 2002). In general, the conjecture is

that the secrecy surrounding the initial WIPP proposals contributed to distrust among the public

concerning the WIPP policy process, which in turn may have undermined public support for the


During the 1980’s and 1990’s the political battles over WIPP appeared to take on an

increasingly partisan tone. Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM) and Representatives Manuel Lujan Jr.

(R-NM) and Joe Skeen (R-NM, whose Congressional district included Carlsbad) were outspoken

in support of WIPP. Democratic Representative Bill Richardson, elected in 1980, was vocally

opposed to WIPP.6 Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) was “less enthusiastic” about WIPP than his

Republican colleagues, but “willing to let it proceed as long as it could independently be shown

4 To address state concerns, the DOE provided funding to New Mexico for a technical oversight group, called the Environmental Evaluation Group (EEG). The EEG consistently criticized the technical analyses of the safety of the facility and nuclear waste transport plans, but tended more toward “constructive engagement” over the analyses, rather arguing for abandonment of the program.

5 Opposition to WIPP by some local residents was evident (and made it to the pages of the New York Times), but was overshadowed by broad support by local leaders and a substantial majority of the area residents (see the discussion in McCutcheon 2002). 6 Later, as Secretary of Energy for the Clinton Administration, Bill Richardson supported opening the WIPP facility.

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to be safe” (McCutcheon 2002). Outside of New Mexico, Democrats in Congress (most notably

Congressmen Mike Synar from Oklahoma, chairman of the subcommittee on Environment,

Energy, and Natural Resources, who held several hearings on WIPP) pushed for oversight of

WIPP by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Review of the Status of the WIPP Project

1991). The partisan character of the debate over WIPP coincided with ideological cleavages,

with Democrats and environmental groups such as the Environmental Defense Fund and the

National Resources Defense Council in opposition and Republicans and conservatives in

Congress generally in favor (Downey 1988).

In October 1992 President George H. W. Bush signed WIPP legislation that included

making the EPA the regulator of WIPP (McCutcheon 2002). As required by that legislation, the

DOE submitted a scientific and technical assessment of the WIPP site and facilities (consisting

of a 21-volume technical report) to the EPA in October 1996, detailing how the repository would

meet with the regulatory standards laid out by the EPA. The EPA formally accepted the DOE

findings (after several iterations of queries and responses between the agencies), and approved

the opening of the WIPP site in 1998. Finally, after a quarter century of controversy, wrangling

over regulatory process, and extensive scientific evaluation of the site, WIPP began accepting

shipments of waste in March of 1999.

The WIPP case provides a nearly ideal test of the determinants of public support and

opposition for that most dreaded of facilities – a nuclear waste repository (Kasperson et al. 1980;

Slovic et al. 1991; Jenkins-Smith and Kunreuther 2001). Were perceived risks posed by the

transport and storage of the waste, and the related NIMBY concerns, paramount? To what extent

did partisanship and political ideology enter into public assessments of the risks of the facility?

What role did broader environmental beliefs play? Did the unfolding of the process itself – in the

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form of regulatory approval and licensing of the facility by the EPA – have a discernable effect

on perceived risks and public acceptance? And what were the effects of the onset of the

shipments of nuclear waste for public opinion and preferences? The next section reviews the

literature on public responses to hazardous facility siting, and delineates a number of contending

hypotheses concerning public opposition and support for such facilities. Then, using data from a

series of 35 telephone surveys of residents of New Mexico collected by the University of New

Mexico between 1990 and 2001, we test those hypotheses using a set of time-series models. We

draw implications both for public opinion theory and for the practical issue of hazardous facility


NIMBY and Other Explanations for Facility Siting Opposition

Not-in-my-backyard or “locally-unwanted-land-use” (LULU) sentiments are often

expressed by local residents closest to a potentially hazardous site and are related to concerns

about health, safety, and environmental welfare (Hunter and Leyden 1995; Schively 2007;

Benford et al. 1993; Dear 1992; Groothuis and Miller 1994; Hermansson 2007; Kraft and Clary

1991; Sjoberg 2004; Thornton and Knox 2002; Rabe, 1995; Williams et al. 1999). Among the

most important factors related to NIMBY sentiments are the perceptions of the affected residents

concerning the risks posed by the site, trust for the groups involved, and acceptance of the

process of site selection (Schively 2007; Rabe, Gunderson and Harbage 2008).

Perceptions of risk are often the most prominent factor in driving NIMBY sentiments

(Benford et al. 1993; Chung and Kim 2009; Kasperson et al. 1980; Sjoberg 2004; Stoffle et al.

1991; Schively 2007). A range of types of facilities are prone to raise concerns about risks,

including prisons, mental health facilities, landfills, incinerators, and nuclear facilities (Schively

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2007; Jenkins-Smith and Kunreuther 2001). Often nuclear facilities (including reactors, waste

disposal facilities, and the routes that connect them) are perceived as the most risky (Kunreuther

and Easterling 1996; Jenkins-Smith and Kunreuther 2001; Slovic et al. 1991). The general

understanding of opposition resulting from NIMBY’s and LULU’s assumes that proximity is a

central driving factor; proximity places the nearby residents at largest risk, resulting in greater

concern and opposition by those residents. Public perceptions of the risk posed by environmental

hazards are also related to a number of individual-level characteristics, such as gender, education

level, race and income (Finucane et al 2000; Kahan et al 2007; MacGregor et al 1994; Williams

et al 1999).

Perceived risks may also stem from the perception that the government cannot be trusted

to competently manage the risks of hazardous facilities (Goothius and Miller 1994). Slovic

(2006) argues that the American-style of participatory democracy, when applied to potentially

hazardous technologies, may amplify and further polarize conflicting views about risks, and

erode trust in the risk management capabilities of government. Indeed, conflicts over nuclear

facilities like WIPP are expected to be the exemplar for the erosive conflict over risk assessment

and management (Slovic et al. 1991). The general expectation is that lower trust for government

will increase perceived risks, and reduce support, for hazardous facilities.

Research on public responses to facility siting has added a number of wrinkles to the

proximity-based understanding of NIMBY as the source of public preferences. Proximity can be

positively related to acceptance of potentially hazardous facilities when local residents believe

the facility provides offsetting localized or societal benefits (Jenkins-Smith and Kunreuther

2001; Kunreuther and Easterling 1996; Chung and Kim 2009). Offsetting localized benefits

might include employment, increased local tax revenues, and infrastructure enhancements (such

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as roads and schools). More generally, support has been found to be related to the perceived

societal need for the facility (Jenkins-Smith and Kunreuther 2001). Local residents may also be

more inclined to favor a facility when employees of the facility are in their social network

(Kasperson et al. 1988). Familiarity with the activities and technology related the facility could

also work to decrease risk perceptions. Scientists who are more familiar with nuclear technology

rate its risk lower then scientists less familiar (Barke and Jenkins-Smith 1993; Silva et al. 2007)

and local residents more familiar with wind power technology are more in favor of wind turbines

in their area (Devine-Wright 2005).

While some NIMBY effects of proximity to the site itself can be mitigated by benefits,

proximity becomes more problematic when localized benefits are less clear. This is evident is the

case of nuclear waste transportation. Those along the transportation route often perceive

themselves as exposed to risk without any localized benefit (MacGregor et al. 1994; Drew et al.

2003). In such cases the offsetting benefits and opportunities for familiarity that might be

expected to reduce opposition near a fixed facility are (presumably) absent. Previous research

has shown that those living along a hazardous material transportation route have increased

perceptions of the risks posed by such materials (Falcone and Orosco 1998), and that property

values along the transportation route can be affected due to real and perceived risk (Gawande

and Jenkins-Smith 2001). Localized benefits on the transport route might, however, take the

form of improved roads or expenditures on emergency response capabilities for communities

along the route.7 Based on the findings in the broader literature, however, we would presume that

7 In the case of WIPP, substantial investments were made to upgrade the state roads that make up the WIPP transport route. These included a major bypass route around Santa Fe, the site of some of the most fervent opposition to WIPP. In addition, the WIPP program included a substantial investment in emergency response capacities (including training and equipment for police, fire and medical officials) in communities along the route.

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the intermittent nature of the transport passage and diffuse opportunities for economic

development benefits would militate in favor of greater perceived risks and NIMBY opposition

along hazardous materials transport routes.

Another strand of research has shown that political or environmental attitudes can

contribute to siting opposition (Devine-Wright 2005; McAvoy 1998; Michaud et al. 2008; van

der Horst 2007; Wolsink 2007). Michaud et al. (2008), in a statewide survey of Californians,

found that opposition to off-shore drilling in the state of California and drilling in the Arctic

National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) was related to environmental concern and not proximity. In

addition, a growing body of research focuses on the environmental and NIMBY attitudes related

to wind power (Devine-Wright 2005; van der Horst 2007; Wolsink 2007). One of the findings of

this research is that individuals with less concern about the environment and less positive valence

to “green” energy tend to be less supportive of wind farms in their area. If broader environmental

views influence support or opposition to the siting of facilities, then it may be the case that more

general political attitudes can also shape support or opposition (Rothman and Lichter 1987). This

may be particularly true in the case of WIPP, in which partisan divisions colored much of the

policy debate (Downey 1988; McCutcheon 2002).

Public perceptions of risk and policy preferences may also respond to events and policy

developments at specific points in time. Overall support for the construction of nuclear power

plants declined following the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant accident in 1979, and

dropped again after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster in 1986 (Rosa and Dunlap 1994;

Birkland 1997). Over the course of the decade before WIPP opened, several highly publicized

These efforts can be seen, in part, as providing localized benefits and greater program familiarity to officials and residents along the WIPP route.

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legal and regulatory hurdles were cleared, and these events may have influenced both

perceptions of risk and acceptance of WIPP among residents of New Mexico. Some of the

important events that took place during the early to mid-nineties include (a) the resolution of the

regulatory debates over testing and land use, (b) formal designation of the transportation route,

and perhaps most important (c) the designation of the EPA as the WIPP regulator. This allowed

for the DOE to submit the WIPP application to the EPA, and it was the approval of that

application by the EPA that some believe may have had the largest impact among the public.8

And finally the formal opening of WIPP, and the successful receipt of waste without mishap,

may have also affected the perceive risk and acceptance of WIPP.

Overall, the literature provides a set of quite reasonable yet distinct explanations for

public opposition (or support) for hazardous facility siting. Some of these are conflicting, and

others can be seen as theoretically complementary. We distil them into six broad categories:

1. Demographic attributes, including gender and minority status, should contribute

to perceived risks and facility opposition (Finucane et al. 2000; Kahan et al.


2. Proximity to the facility and the transport route should be positively related to

perceived risk, and to opposition to the facility (Benford et al. 1993; Groothuis

and Miller 1994).

8 Bill Richardson, Secretary of Energy when WIPP opened, opined in 1999 that, “As an issue, WIPP faded after the EPA [certification], and I am convinced it’s not a very important political issue or environmental issue in New Mexico” (McCutcheon 2002, 187).

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3. Support for the facility should be positively related to perceived benefits and

familiarity; such perceived benefits would be less likely along a transportation

route than near a fixed facility (Chung and Kim 2009; Drew et al. 2003;

Gawande and Jenkins-Smith 2001).

4. Positive perceptions of government – greater trust for government officials and

approval of government performance – should reduce perceived risks and,

therefore, opposition to the facility. For purposes of this analysis, an overall

measure of approval of the performance of state government is used as a proxy for

trust (Groothuis and Miller 1997; Hetherington 1998; Keele 2005; see also

Chanley et al. 2000, for a discussion of the nexus of performance and trust at the

national level in the US).

5. Political ideology and partisanship should be related to policy support for WIPP.

In particular, we expect Democrats and liberals to express greater opposition than

Republicans and conservatives (Rothman and Lichter 1987; Hunter and Leyden


6. General environmental beliefs will influence the perceived risks posed by WIPP,

and will influence policy support. Those who are more concerned about the

general state of the environment will perceive greater risk from, and express

greater opposition to, WIPP (Michaud et al. 2008).

7. Policy support will be influenced by developments in the policy process; as (a)

formal regulatory assessments conclude that the facility can safely contain the

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waste, (b) as regulators complete the licensing process, and (c) as the facility

opens for the receipt of waste, public support should increase.

Data and Methods

This paper draws on a unique series of 35 surveys of the New Mexico public collected by

the University of New Mexico’s Institute for Public Policy (IPP) over the period of 1988-2001.

The surveys were based on random-digit-dial (RDD) phone samples, with each wave being an

independent cross-sectional survey of adult New Mexico residents.9 Initially (1988-1997) the

data were collected in quarterly samples of approximately 550 respondents each. Beginning in

1998, the samples were collected twice a year (spring and fall) with larger sample sizes

(approximately 1200 completed interviews within each survey). To standardize the time periods

for the series, we combined the quarterly surveys, resulting in a data set for spring and fall in

each year. Survey response rates for the most recent surveys (fall 2000 and spring 2001) were

59% and 63%, respectively (UNM IPP 2001).

Beginning in 1990 surveys included the following question:

There has been much controversy over WIPP, the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico, which is to serve as a disposal facility for transuranic radioactive waste. Which of the following best represents your view?

WIPP is:

1. Unsafe and should never be [have been]10 opened;

2. Unsafe but may be made safe with MAJOR changes;

3. Only slightly unsafe and can be made safe with MINOR changes; or

9 The surveys were collected by IPP’s survey research center, in Albuquerque, NM.

10 After the WIPP site was opened in 1999, the question wording was modified to reflect that the site had been opened as shown in brackets.

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4. WIPP is safe to use as it is

The data were recoded so that responses for categories 3 and 4 (open “as is” or with

minor changes) were given a value of 1, and categories 1 and 2 (unsafe and never open, or open

only after major changes) were given a value of zero. Responses to this question, referred to

hereafter as WIPP1, provide 25,543 observations across 22 of the six-month time periods. The

mean values for this series are shown in Figure 1.

(Figure 1 about here)

In the fall of 1992 a second question was added to the WIPP series concerning the

perceived risk of transporting radioactive waste to the WIPP facility. The wording was as


Thinking specifically about the transportation of wastes to WIPP, some opponents of WIPP have argued that the transportation of materials to WIPP poses a significant risk of releasing radiation into the environment. The Department of Energy has argued that these risks are extremely small.

Using a scale where 1 is no risk and 5 is extreme risk, and you may choose any number for 1 to 5, how risky do you consider the transportation of low- and medium – level radioactive material to the WIPP facility to be?

Responses to this question, hereafter referred to as WIPP2, provided 17,958 observations

across 18 six-month time periods. The average values of the responses to WIPP2 in each time

period are shown in Figure 2.

(Figure 2 about here)

And finally, in the fall of 1995, a vote referendum question was added to the WIPP

series, using the following question wording:

If a statewide vote were held today, and you could vote on whether or not the WIPP facility should be [remain] open, would you vote:

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1. To open [keep] the WIPP facility [open]

2. To not open [close] the WIPP facility.

Responses to this question (hereafter called WIPP Vote) provided 11,071 observations

over 12 six-month time periods. The percent of votes in favor of WIPP are shown over time are

shown in Figure 3.

(Figure 3 about here)

The surveys included measures of an array of respondent demographics, including age,

gender, race and ethnicity, education level and income. For purposes of this analysis, race and

ethnicity were recoded into a “minority” category, with African American, American Indian and

Hispanic respondents coded as minority. A measure of household income was included, with

categories ranging from less than $10K to over $50K in the prior calendar year. Education level

was represented in a six-point scale, ranging from less-than high school through terminal

graduate degrees.

As discussed above, prior analysis on risk perception and NIMBY attitudes leads us to

hypothesize that respondents who are male, non-minorities, more highly educated, and with

higher incomes will express greater support for WIPP, and will perceive the transport of wastes

to WIPP to pose a smaller risk than is the case for female, minority, poorer respondents with less

education. We have no prior expectations about the effect of age.

Proximity to the WIPP facility is expected to have conflicting effects; ceteris paribus,

closer proximity should result in greater perceived risks and less support for WIPP. At the same

time, proximity to the facility may also bring a sense of familiarity with the facility and the

prospects for economic benefits, both of which should result in less perceived risk and greater

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support for WIPP. To capture proximity to the facility, we used the respondents’ residential zip

codes to geo-code the linear distance (in miles) from the centroid of their zip code area to the site

of the WIPP facility. Our conjecture, based in qualitative histories of WIPP (e.g., McCutcheon

2002), leads us to hypothesize that the economic benefits and familiarity will dominate, leading

those closest to the facility to perceive smaller risks from transport and more support for opening


However, based on the broader literature, we expect that proximity to the WIPP

transportation route would provide little benefit to most nearby residents, and afford less

opportunity for becoming familiar with the WIPP facility and program. To capture proximity to

the route, we employed the respondents’ residential zip code, and geo-coded the linear distance

from the centroid of each zip code to the nearest point on the WIPP transport route. Our

hypothesis is that, all else being equal, the closer the respondents’ residential zip code to the

route, the greater the perceived risk and the less support for WIPP.

Confidence in the government to perform well in program operations and oversight may

influence both perceived risks and support for siting potentially hazardous facilities. To test for

such a relationship, we include a measure of respondents’ overall trust for New Mexico state

government, composed of the average performance approval scores (“excellent”, “good”, “fair”

or “poor”) for the governor, the state legislature, and public employees. We hypothesize that

greater approval will decrease perceived risks and increase support for WIPP.

As noted above, both facility siting scholars and WIPP historians have implicated broader

political beliefs as potential determinants of attitudes toward potentially hazardous facilities. To

capture these beliefs, we use measures of both partisanship and political ideology. Partisanship is

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captured with two dummy variables, one for respondents who identify with the Republican

Party; and another for those who identify with the Green party, Reform Party, other party, and no

party. The implicit comparison will be with respondents who identify with the Democratic Party.

For political ideology we use a seven-point scale, on which respondents self-identify as strong

liberals to strong conservatives.11

Press attention, by national or local media, may help shape public perceptions. In the case

of nuclear facilities, Flynn et al. (1993) argue that any attention generates more concern and,

therefore, more opposition. To evaluate this, we have coded the number of New York Times

articles that referred to WIPP over the 1990 to 2001 time period.12 For the 1995-2001 periods,

we were able to code the number of references to WIPP in the Albuquerque Journal, the largest

circulation paper in New Mexico. Thus we can employ state measures of attention to WIPP for

the WIPP Vote variable, but for the longer series (WIPP1 and WIPP2) we only have media data

characterizing the national (New York Times) press attention.

As the regulatory process concerning WIPP evolved, a number of events might be given

credit for increasing or undermining support for opening the facility. We single out three such

events as likely candidates. The first was the date of the Department of Energy’s submission of

the formal application to the Environmental Protection Agency, seeking to demonstrate that the

WIPP was in compliance the EPA’s regulatory standards for operating the WIPP facility. This

took place in October of 1996. The second event was the EPA’s formal approval of DOE’s

compliance application, which took place in May of 1998. Third, the actual shipment and receipt

11 Complete question wording is provided in Appendix C.

12 We also coded counts of references to the various agencies and interest groups that were involved in the WIPP policy debate, but found no statistically significant relationship between variation in the year-to-year counts of these references and WIPP perceived risk or support.

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of the first containers of transuranic waste – to much fanfare – arrived at the WIPP site in March

of 1999. A dummy variable, with a value of zero prior to the occurrence, and 1 at the occurrence

and afterward, represents each of these events.


We first model the effects of the independent variables on the WIPP1 series, as depicted

above in Figure 1. We employed a random-effects logit regression, running as panels each 6-

month data period. Four sets of independent variables were added sequentially, including

individual level demographic characteristics (Model 1), the distance measures (Model 2),

ideology, partisanship and trust (Model 3), and the policy variables (Model 4). The sequential

additions illustrate the stability of the estimated coefficients, which (with the exception of

education) remain highly consistent across models. Each addition contributed significantly to

explained variance, as shown by the additive Chi2 test. The results are shown in Table 1.

(Table 1 about here)

Given the stability of the estimated coefficients, we concentrate on evaluation of the

complete model (Model 4), shown in the 5th column of Table 1. Among the demographic

variables, all are significantly related to support for WIPP and in the expected directions. Men

(gender, men=1) are more supportive than women, and minorities less than Whites. Education

and income13 both increase support. As age increases, so does support. Proximity to WIPP was

also significantly related to support. For those closest to the WIPP site (WIPP dist), support is

greater. The square of distance (WIPP dist2) is negative, indicating that support for the facility

13 Education has a weak negative effect (p=0.05) in Model 4. Absent the inclusion of the ideology, partisanship and trust variables, it has a slightly negative effect on support.

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drops off at a declining rate of distance from the facility. The effect of distance is illustrated in

Figure 4, which shows the estimated effect of distance from the facility (in miles) on support,

while holding all other variables at their mean value. The effect is substantial, with support

dropping from 73% (at 10 miles distance) to 45% (at 240 miles distant).

(Figure 4 about here)

Proximity to the transportation route (route dist) was inconsistent with our hypothesis:

rather than increasing opposition, closer proximity to the route significantly increased support for

opening the WIPP facility. Again, the effect declined with greater distance, as shown by the

significant (and positive) effect of the square of the distance from the route (route dist2). This

effect was less pronounced than that of proximity to the facility; at one mile support is estimated

to be 53% on average, declining to 44% at 120 miles distance.

The effect of overall approval of government (NM gov trust) is as expected: greater

approval is associated with greater support for WIPP. General political beliefs also operate as

expected: conservatives and Republicans are more supportive than Democrats and liberals; those

who identify with other political parties are indistinguishable from Democrats. Finally, those

who see environmental issues as the most pressing problems express grater opposition to WIPP.

The effects of the policy process variables proved to be mixed. More exposure of WIPP

in the national press (NYT articles) appears to have depressed support slightly. The program

milestones, including the application submission by the DOE (DOE app), EPA approval (EPA

approve), and opening the WIPP (WIPP open), all served to increase support for WIPP.14 Thus it

14 The effects of articles in the New York Times and the approval by the EPA were statistically significant in 1-tailed (directional) hypothesis tests.

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appears that members of the public were attentive to the unfolding of the policy process, and

acceptance of the facility grew with each successive step toward making WIPP operational. Note

also that, with the introduction of the time-specific policy variables, the magnitude of rho (the

estimation of first-order autocorrelation in the series of surveys) decline markedly, though it

remains significant at the 0.05-level.

The second set of analyses employ random-effects likelihood regressions, corrected for

first-order auto-correlation, to predict the perceived risk of transportation of waste to the WIPP

facility. Recall that this dependent variable is a 5-point Likert-type scale.15 The overall

dependent variable series was shown above, in Figure 2. As with the previous analysis, we

introduce the independent variables in stages. Again the results are quite stable, permitting us to

concentrate attention on the model including all hypothesized relationships (Model 4). The

results are shown in Table 2.

(Table 2 about here)

As with support for WIPP, the demographic and proximity variables are all significantly

related to perceived risk of transportation. Respondents who are older, male, White, more highly

educated, and higher income perceive less risk than do younger, female, minority, less educated

and lower income respondents. Those who live closer to WIPP perceive less risk (at a declining

rate); those who live closer to the transport route also perceive less risk.

Greater approval for the performance of New Mexico government officials is associated

with less perceived risk, as expected. Republicans and conservatives perceived less risk than did

15 The full model was also run as an ordinal logit model, with consistent results. We focus on the linear MLE results because they are more readily interpretable.

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liberals and Democrats or members of other parties. And, again as expected, those who rated

environmental issues as the greatest problem confronting New Mexico citizens perceived greater

risks from WIPP transportation.

The effects of the policy process were more muted for perceived risks than they were for

support for opening the WIPP. Coverage in the national press had no noticeable effect, nor did

the DOE’s application for the license to open WIPP. However, both the EPA approval of the

WIPP license application and the initiation of shipments of waste to WIPP were associated with

decreases in perceived risks. The addition of the policy variables substantially reduces the

estimation of series autocorrelation; indeed, rho becomes statistically insignificant once the

major policy events are accounted for in Model 4.

Our third model, with a time series over the 1995-2001 periods, predicts a hypothetical

referendum vote to open WIPP (see Figure 3). While analogous to the measure of the WIPP1

measure of support for opening WIPP analyzed in Table 1, this measure captures the added

behavioral element of a referendum vote. In addition, the series for this variable coincides with

measurement of the perceived risk of WIPP transport, permitting us to evaluate the role of

perceived risk in shaping support for a referendum on WIPP. Again we applied a random-effects

logit regression, running as panels each 6-month data period. The results are shown in Table 3.

(Table 3 about here)

The sequential addition of independent variables again illustrates the stability of the

estimated coefficients as the model is made more inclusive. Nevertheless, some changes are

evident. The effect of education is diminished once ideology and partisanship are included as

independent variables. And once the perceived risk of WIPP transportation (WIPP2) is included

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(Model 5) the estimated effects of gender, minority status, ideology, partisanship and

environmental concern (all of which are strong predictors of perceived risk) diminish in

magnitude.16 Nevertheless, with the exception of the measure of environmental concern (which

becomes statistically insignificant), all of these variables retain their directional effect and

statistical significance.

As with the prior analyses, the demographic variables are significantly related to the

referendum question except education. Respondents who are older, male, White, and wealthier

are more likely to say they would vote in favor of WIPP; younger, female, non-White and less

wealthy respondents were more likely to say they would vote to oppose WIPP. Respondents

who lived closer to WIPP were significantly more likely to opt to vote to open WIPP, with the

same non-linear relationship to distance observed when predicting WIPP1 and WIPP2. Once the

perceived risk of WIPP transport is included in the mode, the effect of distance from the WIPP

route ceased to be significantly related to the WIPP referendum vote.

Government approval remained significant, contributing to a greater likelihood of voting

in favor of WIPP. Conservatives and Republicans were more likely to vote in favor of opening

the WIPP facility, and Democrats and liberals more likely to vote against.

The policy process variables (with the exception of the EPA approval) were significant,

and in the expected directions. When WIPP was the focus of greater press attention (AJ articles,

referring to counts of WIPP references in the Albuquerque Journal17), support declined. When

16 This is of course precisely what we would expect, as the partial coefficients for these variables are estimated after their covariance with perceived risk (and the other independent variables) is removed. 17 The effect of national (New York Times) coverage was negative, but not statistically significant. The co-variation of the NYT and Albuquerque Journal coverage precluded inclusion of both variables simultaneously in the model.

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the DOE filed the license application, support increased. Support for the referendum increased

significantly (p<0.000) when the facility was opened.

As expected, perceptions of the risk of transporting wastes to WIPP were strongly

associated with responses to the WIPP referendum question. Those who perceive greater risks

are significantly less likely to vote for opening WIPP. Note that the addition of the perceived risk

variable improved model fit significantly, as shown by the additive Chi2 test.

Discussion and Conclusions

The standard NIMBY models tend to presume that individuals are rather narrowly self-

interested and resistant to facilities that are perceived as risky, regardless of the overall

community or societal benefit that these facilities can offer. Early research on NIMBY attitudes

focused on proximity as the leading cause of resistance to hazardous facilities (Stoffle et al.

1991; Benford et al. 1993). Later research began to show that perceptions of localized benefits

can outweigh perceived risks (Kunreuther and Easterling 1996; Jenkins-Smith and Kunreuther

2001). Apart from benefits, research has also indicated that familiarity with the people and

technology involved with the facility can also reduce perceived risk and increase acceptance

(Kasperson et al. 1988; Devine-Wright 2005). These later insights enrich the standard NIMBY

model, suggesting that proximity will conditionally affect opposition to potentially hazardous


This conditional model of proximity receives strong empirical support from our analysis

of the WIPP case. In particular, the effect of proximity is evident with respect both to distance

from the facility and distance from the WIPP transportation route, where residents can expect

few benefits and the intermittent nature of the shipments limits the accretion of familiarity. In

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both cases, closer proximity is associated with significantly greater support. In addition, these

effects are nonlinear, with the change in support diminishing and perceived risk increasing as

distance from the facility and route increase. The localized effect of the facility on increased

support appears to extend farther (up to 180 miles) than it does for the transport route (up to 80

miles). This result clearly demonstrates that NIMBY-type resistance based on proximity can be

overwhelmed and reversed by the localized benefits and familiarity with the people and

technology involved with the facility. The remarkable implication here is that this effect, in the

case of WIPP, applies to proximity to the transport route as well. It is quite plausible, therefore,

that the extensive investment in upgraded (and new) highways, and training and equipment for

local emergency responders along the transportation route had a significant positive effect on

support for WIPP in New Mexico.

The standard NIMBY model tends to give short shrift to the broader political beliefs and

values that infuse considerations of risk and facility siting. Within the assumptions of the

standard model, citizens in close proximity are brought together to resist a facility and in the

process put aside their differences in beliefs and values in the cause of resisting a potentially

risky facility. This view has been challenged by findings that views on the environment are

predictive of resistance (Michaud et al. 2008). While this insight implicates political belief

systems as possible contributors to resistance, to date little research has systematically explored

the impacts of ideology or partisanship on NIMBY attitudes (Hunter and Leyden 1995). Political

ideology and partisanship are likely to be important considerations because the siting of

hazardous facilities, while informed by science, is ultimately a political process. Our analysis

confirms the importance of broader political beliefs in the siting of hazardous facilities. Both

political ideology and partisanship were significantly related to WIPP risk perceptions and

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support, and in the expected directions. Ideology was particularly strongly related to political

ideology, with conservatives perceiving less risk than liberals. The persistence of these effects

over more than a decade of the WIPP policy process is suggestive of their generality in the

facility siting process, though evidence from a broader range of cases will be necessary to

confirm the more general role of political belief systems in shaping the contours of such


Policy and siting decisions are made, regulated and enforced by political actors. For that

reason, we expect that citizens’ views on facility siting are affected by their perceptions of the

competence and performance of government in general. Other research has indicated that trust in

government positively impacts acceptance of facility siting (Schively 2007). Our interest has

been in whether perceived governmental performance plays a similar role.19 Using measures of

citizens’ approval of government performance, our models indicate that (other things being

equal) individuals with a higher level of approval of governmental performance had a lower level

of perceived risk and a higher level of acceptance of WIPP.

A controversial scientific, legal, and political process that spanned two decades preceded

the opening of the WIPP facility. The process was covered by both national and local New

Mexico news organizations. Flynn et al (1993) suggested that increased press attention tends to

lead to increased risk perceptions. Our models indicated that mentions of WIPP showed some

18 We suspect that siting debates that occur over extended periods of time will be the most likely to become aligned with ideological beliefs and partisan preferences, and suspect that political institutions (single member district elections) and campaigns play a substantial role in that process. See Anthony Downs’ (1956) characterization of the process by which the iteration of political campaigns over time may integrate new issues into partisan (and ideological) dimensions of dispute.

19 Trust in government is, of course, strongly related to approval of elected and other government officials (Hetherington 1998; Keele 2005; Chanley et al. 2000).

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effect in decreasing acceptance of WIPP, particularly in the New Mexico media. This may be

because media mentions of WIPP often included discussion of the controversy and comments by

those in opposition to WIPP as a proxy for “journalistic balance”.20

Apart from the media coverage, we expect the workings of the policy process to

influence risk perceptions and acceptance. Several prominent events leading to the opening of

WIPP occurred during the data collection period. The most notable were the compliance

application submitted by DOE (in 1996), the certification of WIPP by the EPA (in 1998), and the

opening of WIPP facility to the receipt of radioactive waste (in 1999). While trust in the process

itself has been understood to be important to acceptance (Schively 2007), little research has

tracked changing risk perceptions and levels of acceptance over time as affected by key events in

the policy process. Our analysis demonstrates that acceptance is influenced by the temporal

nature of the process and the policy events in ways not previously considered. In particular, the

onset of actual shipments to the WIPP facility was consistently related to increased support (or

decreased perceived risk) in our models. This may be an indication of a more general finding,

that once a facility demonstrates (over time and in the policy/regulatory process) that it can

operate safely, perceived risks will erode and support will increases.

Our analysis also speaks to the relative importance of the different ingredients of WIPP

facility opposition and support. Table 4 shows the magnitudes of the effects, sorted in

descending order, of the primary independent variables on WIPP support (WIPP1) and perceived

risk of the transport of WIPP materials (WIPP2). The cell entries are the estimated change in the

20 A striking feature of the press coverage on WIPP was the frequent reference to the facility by reporters as a “nuclear waste dump”. The imagery of a “dump” for radioactive waste might reasonably lead to increases in perceived risk.

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absolute value of the dependent variable (with logit reversals for WIPP1 and WIPP Vote) when

the independent variable moves from one standard deviation below its sample mean to one

standard deviation above the mean for the continuous variables, and when the binary

independent variables move from 0 to 1. For each of the estimated effects, all other independent

variables are held at their mean values.

By in large the ranking of the variables in the two lists are consistent, with the notable

exceptions of (a) political ideology, which ranks as most influential in shaping risk perception (±

one standard deviation from the mean leads to a change of 1.89 units on the 1 to 5 perceived risk

scale) but is only ranked near the middle (where ± one standard deviation from the mean leads to

a shift in the percentage support of 8.8%). This is consistent with the broader literature on risk

perceptions, which finds strong influences of ideological and value orientations on perceptions of

risk (Wildavsky and Douglas, 1980; Kahan et al 2007; Plutzer, Maney and O’Connor 1998). Our

analysis indicates that the role of ideology and values is less dominating – thought still present –

in the formulation of siting preferences. Otherwise, the most influential third of the explanatory

variables includes distance from the WIPP facility, gender, distance from the WIPP route,

perception the importance of environmental problems, and minority status. The middle third

includes age, political party identification, the opening of the WIPP facility, approval of the

performance of the government. Education is slightly more important as a determinant of

perceived risk than it is for support for opening the WIPP facility. The least influential

explanatory variables include DOE’s submittal of the license application, EPA’s approval, and

the effects of the press reporting on WIPP.

The broader implications for theorizing about potential NIMBY cases are substantial. Our

findings provide strong evidence that public responses to siting debates are well integrated into

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the more general structure of public opinion. Partisanship, environmental attitudes, beliefs about

governmental performance, and ideology all would appear to play a significant and persistent

role in conditioning responses to potentially hazardous facility siting. Attempts to explain

opposition and support absent attention to broader elements of public opinion would therefore be

underspecified, resulting in misleading characterizations as simply a proximity-based reaction to

the attempted siting. Future work on NIMBY-type problems should, therefore, incorporate

measures of broader systems of beliefs as integral to the research design.

Overall, this case demonstrates that public acceptance of hazardous facilities (like WIPP)

is more nuanced than one might expect given the standard NIMBY model. In the case of WIPP,

distance to the facility does play a substantial role in shaping public attitudes, but does not result

in the expected knee-jerk public opposition. On the contrary, proximity to both the facility and

the transport route promotes support. Support and perceived risk are also driven by deeper and

more enduring political beliefs and identifications. And, perhaps most interesting for those who

participate in siting policy debates, the WIPP case demonstrates that the unfolding of the policy

process itself has important effects on variations in public support for siting.

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McCutcheon, Chuck. 2002. Nuclear Reactions: The Politics of Opening a Radioactive Waste Disposal Site. University of New Mexico Press.

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Sjoberg, Lennart. 2004. “Local Acceptance of a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository.” Risk Analysis 24(3): 737-749.

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Table 1: Modeling WIPP1: Support for Opening the WIPP Facility

Random Effects Logistic Regression Estimation

Indep Vars Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

age 0.014*** 0.014*** 0.015*** 0.015***

gender 0.802*** 0.817*** 0.842*** 0.842***

minority -0.532*** -0.486*** -0.445*** -0.449***

educ -0.031* -0.006 0.031* 0.031*

income 0.157*** 0.156*** 0.132*** 0.131***

WIPP dist -0.010*** -0.009*** -0.009***

WIPP dist2 0.00002*** 0.00002*** 0.00002***

route dist -0.006*** -0.006*** -0.006***

route dist2 0.00003*** 0.00003*** 0.00003***

ideology 0.113*** 0.113***

Republican 0.434*** 0.432***

other_party -0.037 -0.044

environ prob -0.746*** -0.751***

NM gov trust 0.247*** 0.244***

NYT_articles -0.031*

WIPP_open 0.402***

DOE_app 0.176*

EPA_approve 0.206*

constant 1.352*** -0.212 -1.445*** -1.634***

rho .0318954*** .024113*** .0344846*** .0017026*

Log likelihood -11859.039 -11727.367 -9586.7646 -9560.8447

Additive Chi2 149.57*** 451.11*** 131.37***

Statistical significance: *=<.05; **=<0.01; ***=<0.001

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Table 2: Modeling WIPP2: Risk Perception of Transportation to the WIPP Facility

Random Effects Maximum Likelihood Regression Estimation

Indep Vars Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

age -0.007*** -0.008*** -0.008*** -0.008***

gender -0.602*** -0.605*** -0.604*** -0.604***

minority 0.450*** 0.416*** 0.377*** 0.377***

educ -0.012 -0.021** -0.038*** -0.038***

income -0.100*** -0.104*** -0.086*** -0.084***

WIPP dist 0.004*** 0.003*** 0.003***

WIPP dist2 -0.00000*** -0.00000*** -0.00000***

route dist 0.003*** 0.003*** 0.003***

route dist2 -0.00001*** -0.00002*** -0.00002***

ideology -0.061*** -0.60***

Republican -0.255*** -0.254***

other_party 0.056 0.058

environ prob 0.430*** 0.438***

NM gov trust -0.139*** -0.137***

NYT_articles -0.015

WIPP_open -0.161**

DOE_app -0.051

EPA_approve -0.122*

constant 4.01170*** 3.513819*** 4.20937*** 4.321971***

rho .0119369*** .0125864*** .0155111*** .0007614

Log likelihood -25586.266 -25208.651 -21319.97 -21301.973

Additive Chi2 73.32*** 209.74*** 35.99***

Statistical significance: *=<.05; **=<0.01; ***=<0.001

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Table 3: Modeling WIPP Vote: Referendum Vote for a Opening the WIPP Facility

Random Effects Logistic Regression Estimation

Indep Vars Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

age 0.013*** 0.014*** 0.013*** 0.013*** 0.006**

gender 0.879*** 0.883*** 0.915*** 0.914*** 0.465***

minority -0.737*** -0.686*** -0.564*** -0.570*** -0.265***

educ -0.054** -0.031 0.025 0.024 -0.009

income 0.172*** 0.174*** 0.146*** 0.143*** 0.086***

WIPP dist -0.010*** -0.009*** -0.009*** -0.009***

WIPP dist2 0.00002*** 0.00002*** 0.00002*** 0.00002***

route dist -0.003 -0.006*** -0.006*** -0.004

route dist2 0.00001 0.00003** 0.00003** 0.00002

ideology 0.112*** 0.112*** 0.079***

Republican 0.455*** 0.460*** 0.313***

other_party -0.015 -0.007 0.014

environ prob -0.633*** -0.639*** -0.327

NM gov trust 0.299*** 0.286*** 0.181**

AJ_articles -0.006 -0.010***

WIPP_open 0.537*** 0.476***

DOE_app 0.276** 0.356**

EPA_approve 0.241 0.265

WIPP2 -1.233***

constant -1.080*** -0.072 -1.524*** -1.750*** 3.202***

rho .0239742*** .0263386*** .0757822*** .0021682* .0006799

Log likelihood -5622.8125 -5542.0674 -4746.6592 -4729.9126 -3401.0444

Additive Chi2 35.90*** 322.19*** 67.25*** 1084.56***

Statistical significance: *=<.05; **=<0.01; ***=<0.001

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Table 4: Estimated Effects of Independent Variables on Support for Opening WIPP and Perceived Risk of WIPP Transport*

Indep Vars WIPP1(Support)

Range: 0-1

Indep Vars WIPP2 (Risk)

Range: 1-5

WIPP dist 0.257 Ideology 1.886

Gender* 0.207 WIPP dist 0.653

environ prob* 0.180 Gender* 0.604

age 0.169 environ prob* 0.438

Minority* 0.111 Minority* 0.377

Republican* 0.108 age 0.266

WIPP_open* 0.101 Republican* 0.255

Ideology 0.088 WIPP_open* 0.161

Route dist 0.085 NM gov trust 0.151

Educ 0.071 Route dist 0.137

NM gov trust 0.066 Income 0.137

DOE_app* 0.048 EPA_approve* 0.122

EPA_approve* 0.046 Educ 0.116

Income 0.040 other_party* 0.057

NYT_articles 0.016 DOE_app* 0.052

other_party* 0.011 NYT_articles 0.041

• Effects of ± 1 standard deviation change in continuous independent variables, and a 0-1 change in the dichotomous (dummy) variables (*).

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10Miles 40Miles 80Miles 120Miles 160Miles 200Miles 240Miles 280Miles


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Appendix A: Timeline of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

1972 The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) abandons study of the salt mines in Lyons, Kansas and officials in Carlsbad, New Mexico begin to press for examination of their area for possible use as storage site for defense related nuclear waste.

1974 Preliminary testing begins in the areas around Carlsbad.

The AEC is abolished.

1976 The possible waste site in Carlsbad is named the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).

1977 The Department of Energy is created

1978 The group Citizens for Alternative to Radioactive Dumping (CARD) is formed.

The Southwest Research and Information Center becomes involved in anti-WIPP activities.

The Environmental Evaluation Group (EEG) is formed by the state of New Mexico to act as a watchdog group over WIPP.

1979 Officials in Carlsbad form the group Carlsbad Citizens for Energy Development.

An accident occurs at the Three-Mile-Island nuclear facility in Pennsylvania.

Congress authorizes WIPP as a research and testing facility.

1980 President Carter attempts to stop funding for WIPP, but is overridden by Congress.

1981 DOE announces a “record of decision” to move forward with the construction and operation of WIPP.

Jeff Bingaman then attorney general of New Mexico sues DOE and as part of the settlement the state of New Mexico is promised a more formal role in the development of WIPP.

1982 Congress passes the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA).

1985 The Environmental Protection Agency establishes waste disposal regulations for transuranic waste.

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1987 Congress passes the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act (NWPAA) which designates Yucca Mountain in Nevada as the only site to be considered for disposal of high level commercial waste.

1990 ----------------------------------Data Series Begins-------------------------------------

1991 DOE announces that WIPP is ready to begin accepting waste for a five year test period. Tom Udall as New Mexico attorney general sues DOE and is granted a preliminary injunction blocking the test phase.

The New Mexico State Highway Commission designates the transportation route to WIPP along interstate highways I-40, I-25, and state highway 285.

1992 President Bush signs the WIPP Land Withdraw Act transferring the land around WIPP to DOE and designating EPA as the regulator of waste disposal at WIPP.

1993 DOE announces they will conduct waste tests at Los Alamos National Laboratory and other sites rather than at the WIPP site.

1996 President Clinton signs a Defense bill with a WIPP amendment that eliminates the test phase language of the 1992 bill, but keeps EPA as the regulator.

The National Academy of Sciences issues a report stating that WIPP is ready to accept waste and can store it safety for a period of 10,000 years.

1997 DOE submits a 21 volume compliance certification application to the EPA for WIPP.

1998 The EPA approves the WIPP application, stating that WIPP has met all regulatory requirements.

1999 At 8pm on March 25, 1999 trucks leave Los Alamos National Laboratory with the first shipment intended for WIPP. The trucks arrive at the WIPP site at 4am on March 26, 1999.

In October 1999 the state of New Mexico issues a permit for WIPP to receive mixed waste.

2001 ----------------------------------Data Series Ends-------------------------------------

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Appendix B: Variables

Dependent Variables

WIPP Support: A binary variable with 1 being WIPP is safe to use as is and only slightly unsafe and can open with minor changes and 0 being WIPP is unsafe but can be made safe with major changes and unsafe and should never open.

Transportation Risk: A five point scale of risk perception related to the transportation of waste to WIPP with 1 being no risk and 5 being extreme risk.

Vote for: A binary variable with 1 indicating that respondent with vote for WIPP in a referendum and 0 indicates that respondent would vote against WIPP or not vote.

Independent Variables

Demographic: Demographic variables include age, gender (male=1), minority status (African – American, Hispanic, Native American=1), education, and income (a six point scale in $10,000 increments with anything $50,000 and above placed in the sixth category).

WIPP Counties: Dummy variables for respondents that live in Eddy and Lea counties (approximately 7 percent of sample).

Transportation Route: A measure of distance in miles of how far the zip code centroid of the respondent is from the WIPP transportation route (I-40, I-25, and state highway 285).

Government Approval: An average of three questions related to the performance of the governor of New Mexico, the New Mexico Legislature, and New Mexico’s public employees. Each question had a four point scale with 1 being excellent, 2 being good, 3 being fair, and 4 being poor. The scales were flipped and an average taken to produce a trust in government scale.

Ideology: A self-identified seven-point scale with one being strongly liberal and seven being strongly conservative.

Republican: A dummy variable with 1 being a Republican and 0 being Democrat, Green party, other party, Reform Party, and no party.

Other Party: A dummy variable with 1 being Green party, other party, Reform Party, and no party and 0 being Republican and Democrat.

Environmental Concern: A dummy variable with 1 being those that rated environmental quality as being the biggest concern facing New Mexico.

Risk Perception: A five point scale of risk perception related to the transportation of waste to WIPP with 1 being no risk and 5 being extreme risk.

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NYT Articles: The number of times per survey period that the terms “Waste Isolation Pilot Plant” or “WIPP” appeared in the New York Times from spring 1990 to spring 2001.

AJ Articles: The number of times per survey period that the terms “Waste Isolation Pilot Plant” or “WIPP” appeared in the Albuquerque Journal from spring 1995 to spring 2001.

DOE Application: A variable to account for the DOE’s compliance application to the EPA in October 1996. A dummy variable with all survey time periods before fall 1996 coded 0 and survey time periods fall 1996 to spring 2001 coded 1.

EPA Approves: A variable to account for the EPA’s approval for the DOE’s compliance application in May 1998. A dummy variable with all survey time periods before spring 1998 coded 0 and survey time period’s spring 1998 to spring 2001 coded 1.

WIPP Open: A variable to account for the opening of WIPP in March 1999. A dummy variable with all survey time periods before spring 1999 coded 0 and survey time period’s spring 1999 to spring 2001 coded 1.

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Appendix C: Survey Question Wording

WIPP Perceptions

There has been much controversy over WIPP, the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico, which is to serve as a disposal facility for transuranic radioactive waste. Which of the following best represents your view?

WIPP is:

1. Unsafe and should never be [have been] opened

2. Unsafe but may be made safe with MAJOR changes

3. Only slightly unsafe and can be made safe with MINOR changes

4. WIPP is safe to use as it is

Thinking specifically about the transportation of wastes to WIPP, some opponents of WIPP have argued that the transportation of materials to WIPP poses a significant risk of releasing radiation into the environment.

The Department of Energy has argued that these risks are extremely small. Using a scale where 1 is no risk and 5 is extreme risk, and you may choose any number for 1 to 5, how risky do you consider the transportation of low- and medium – level radioactive material to the WIPP facility to be?

1. 1 No risk

2. 2

3. 3

4. 4

5. 5 Extreme risk

If a statewide vote were held today, and you could vote on whether or not the WIPP facility should be [remain] open, would you vote:

1. To open [keep] the WIPP facility [open]

2. To not open [close] the WIPP facility

3. Would not vote

Demographic, Partisanship, and Ideology

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From the following options, do you consider yourself to be:

1. White, non-Hispanic

2. Asian

3. Black

4. Hispanic

5. American Indian

6. Something else

What is the highest level of education you have completed?

1. Elementary or some high school

2. High school graduate/GED

3. Trade or vocation certification

4. Some college/Associates degree

5. College graduate

6. Post-grad degree

I am going to read you some broad income categories. Please STOP me when I get to the one which includes the estimated annual income for your household for [last year]

1. Less than $10,000

2. 10 to 20

3. 20 to 30

4. 30 to 40

5. 40 to 50

6. 50 to more than $100,000

With what political party do you identify

1. Democratic party

2. Republican (GOP) party

3. Green party

4. Other party

5. Reform party

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0. No party

On a scale of political ideology, individuals can be arranged from strongly liberal to strongly conservative.

Which of the following categories best describes your views?

Would you say that you are:

1. Strongly liberal

2. Liberal

3. Slightly liberal

4. Middle of the road

5. Slightly conservative

6. Conservative

7. Strongly conservative

Environmental Concern

If you had to choose from the following categories, what would you say is the single, biggest problem facing people in New Mexico today?

1. Jobs and the economy

2. Crime

3. Public Education

4. Drug abuse

5. Environmental quality

6. Public health care

Trust in Government

Using a scale of excellent, good, fair, or poor how would you rate the following

The performance of New Mexico’s Legislature

1. Excellent

2. Good

3. Fair

4. Poor

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The performance of New Mexico’s public employees

1. Excellent

2. Good

3. Fair

4. Poor

The job [current governor] is doing as Governor of New Mexico

1. Excellent

2. Good

3. Fair

4. Poor