Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries

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  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    IST 605 Reference Scenario Resources Name: Phoebe DiSalvo-Harms

    APA citation for source:

    McCarh!" T# $%&&'(# Persuasive Writing# Ne) *or+: Scholasic Professional ,oo+s#

    Source Type:


    How I located this source:

    I )en o an. !e. in 1Persuasive )riin/2

    Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of Reference Source Based on Criteria

    Purpose o o 1rovi.e racical i.eas an. srae/ies fore4lorin/ an. eachin/ ersuasive )riin/ in / -' o he source 1.esi/ne. o hel !ou hel !our su.ens use hesehin+in/ s+ills anal!sis an. s!nhesis7 o lan an. comose effecive ieces ofersuasive )riin/2


    -Primaril!" he au.ience is e.ucaors as he boo+ oulines aciviies mean o beimlemene. b! e.ucaors o each ersuasive )riin/ bu" in.irecl!" as somemaerial from he boo+ )ill be .irecl! use. b! su.ens $such as herero.ucibles(" he au.ience is also he su.ens $/ -'( )ho )ill use hissource hrou/h he me.ium of heir eacher


    -3uhor8 Tara McCarh!- o 3ma9on#com" has )rien oher boo+s forScholasic as eachin/ resources in n/lish" communicaion" an. he )riin/fiel. Teaching Literary Elements, Teaching Genre, The Middle Ages,Multicultural Myths and Legends, Multicultural Fables and Fairy Tales, 150Thematic Writing Activities,an. Literature!ased Ge"gra#hyso herefore hase4erience an. auhori! in his +in. of )riin/-Publisher8 Scholasic- o heir )ebsie: -esablishe. in %&;0 an. in ublishin/ business for over &0 !ears -mission is 1o encoura/e he inellecual an. ersonal /ro)h of all be/innin/ )ih lierac!2 b! 1

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries



    -ell-+no)n an. hi/hl! reuable aca.emic ublisher $ie Scholasic( so assumeaccurac!-No in.icaions of sources use. o inform he aciviies" echni

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    APA citation for source:

    Persuasive riin/# $;0%(# Rerieve. Ecober %F" ;0%" fromh:GG)))

    Source Type:


    How I located this source:

    -I @oo/le. 1eachin/ ersuasive )riin/2

    Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of Reference Source Based on Criteria


    - Roc+es- o he source" 1a naional mulime.ia ro>ec haoffers a )ealh of research-base. srae/ies" lessons" an. aciviies.esi/ne. o hel !oun/ learn ho) o rea. an. rea. beer2- ohe source" mission is o 1o srea. he )or. abou insrucion an. oresen )ha )or+s in a )a! ha arens an. e.ucaors can un.ersan. an.use2 an. 1o a+e ha research-base. an. bes-racice informaion an. ma+e iavailable o as man! eole as ossible hrou/h he o)er an. reach ofelevision an. he Inerne2- 3s i is a naional ro>ec" i increases is auhori! b!is .iversi! an. e4en an." a..iionall!" i is auhoriaive as i ma+es use of1research-base. an. bes-racice informaion"2 hereb! increasin/ is cre.ibili!b! usin/ oher +no)le./eable sources- T3- o heir sie" 1 Boun.e. in %&6%" T3 is he ublicbroa.casin/ saion in he naionJs caial" servin/ ir/inia" Mar!lan. an. heDisric of Columbia )ih e.ucaional" culural" ne)s an. ublic affairs ro/ramsan. services"2 1T3?s mission is o ro.uce an. broa.cas ro/rams ofinellecual ine/ri! an. culural meri ha reco/ni9e vie)ers? an. liseners?inelli/ence" curiosi! an. ineres in he )orl. aroun. hem"2 an. 11)on morehan 500 a)ar.s for is ro.ucions" co-ro.ucions" resenaions an. ro>ecs" Primeime mm!s" @eor/e Boser! 3)ar.s" an. .uPon-Columbia Kournalism 3)ar.s2- T3 is auhoriaive as i )as esablishe. in%&6%" is a broa.casin/ saion in ashin/on DC an. hereforereuable" an. has )on man! a)ar.s ac+no)le./in/ boh is success as )ell asauhori! in broa.casin/


    - o he source" 1he ro>ec is /ui.e. b! an a.visor! anel ma.e u researchers an. e4ers in he fiel. of The ma>ori! areaffiliae. )ih universi! e.ucaion .earmens an. hus are submerse. in hefiel. an. hereb! +no)le./eable an. he 1Persuasive riin/2 aricle" he sie cies he research ha suorshe eachin/ srae/ies su//ese." imrovin/ is cre.ibili! an. li+el! is accurac!as i can be fac chec+e.
  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries



    -;0%- on/oin/ T)ier fee. of )hich has been ose. o)ihin he las )en! four hours" fre

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    APA citation for source:

    Persuasive riin/# $;0%(# Rerieve. Ecober %F" ;0%" fromh:GG)))#rea.)riehin+#or/Grofessional-.evelomenGsrae/!-/ui.esGersuasive-)riin/-0%;#hml

    Source Type:


    How I located this source:

    -I @oo/le. 1eachin/ ersuasive )riin/2

    valuaion Crieria valuaion of Reference Source ,ase. on Crieria

    Authority-Rea.rieThin+- o he source" 1our mission is o rovi.e e.ucaors"arens" an. aferschool rofessionals )ih access o he hi/hes

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries

    6/29! schools facul! in colle/e an. universi! n/lish .earmens eachee.ucaors local an. sae a/enc! n/lish secialiss an. rofessionals inrelae. fiel.s#2- @lobal an. members submerse. in he oic area so+no)le./eable- Creae. heir o)n an. ublishe. )i.el! o heauhori! in he fiel. of e.ucaion

    -eri9on Boun.aion- No lon/er has an inerne resence- 3s he NCT sieinforme. me" he! collaborae. )ih Thin+fini! )hich has a limie. inerne

    resence- Si/nificanl!" heir /oal is 1o offer e.ucaors a )ealh of informaion ohe effecive use of mobile echnolo/! in he classroom2- Thou/h his is noinherenl! ba." i also evi.enl! benefis eri9on as a ro.ucer of mobileechnolo/! an. hus his mus be a+en ino consi.eraion )hen anal!9in/ heinformaion he! suor or .isseminae

    3uhors- o he source" 1The conen on Rea.rieThin+ is creae. b!a .iverse /rou of e.ucaors )ho share a assion for lierac! learnin/2- 3llauhors aear o be e.ucaors eiher in -%; or universi!- The! are auhoriiesbecause he! e4erience eachin/" is successes an. failures" ever! .a!- achlesson lan has an auhor aache. o i an. a lin+ o more informaion abou

    hem )hich is useful for .eerminin/ heir bac+/roun. an. herefore heirauhori!

    3.visors- o he source" 13ll of our conen is revie)e. an. arove.b! lierac! e4ers )ho un.ersan. bes racices an. +no) )ha )or+s2- 3lla.visors aear o be involve. in e.ucaional environmens" )heher i is -%; ouniversi!- Have auhori! an. +no)le./eable because submerse. in hisenvironmen


    -The eachin/ srae/ies su//ese. are bac+e. u b! a 1Research ,asis2 secioha briefl! .escribes )here he i.eas came from )ih a full ciaion one coul. uso fin. furher informaion" increasin/ cre.ibili! an. accurac!- 3ll conen comesfrom e.ucaors an. is revie)e. b! e.ucaors before bein/ ose. so can e4echi/h accurac!- ach lesson lan has an auhor aache. o i an. a lin+ o moreinformaion abou hem )hich is useful for .eerminin/ heir bac+/roun. an.herefore )heher heir i.eas are accurae an. useful


    -Co!ri/h a he boom of he a/e is ;0%- The sie ineresin/l! ous eachlesson lan bein/ ali/ne. )ih IR3" NCT" an. in.ivi.ual sae an.

    ma+es no menion of he Common Core or is aem o relace sae is 13bou2 secion bu i .oes ine/rae he Common Core in islesson lans )hich is an ineresin/ currenc! relae. .iscreanc!- In hissiuaion" havin/ he conen curren is imoran for meein/ an.ine/rain/ he ne) an. bes eachin/ srae/ies" racices" an. ools

    Covera"e -This is a comrehensive )ebsie man! useful ools such as classroomresources" lesson lans" su.en ineracives" mobile as" an.rinous" rofessional .evelomen resources" srae/! /"

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    meein/s an. evens" online rofessional .evelomen" vi.eos" an. aren an.aferschool resources- The sie covers ever! /ra.e level an. a varie! ofsrae/ies an. lesson lans for a ran/e of oics- The ersuasive )riin/ /ui.eiself has ho) o each he ersuasive essa!" lesson lans for cerain /ra.elevels" han.ous" ineracive resources for su.ens" an. even a Po)erPoin ocover ersuasive echni

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    APA citation for source:

    @ale Cen/a/e earnin/# $;0%( Eosin/ ie)oins in Cone4# Rerieve. Ecober %F" ;0%#

    Source Type:


    How I located this source:

    -I bro)se. on he Enon.a/a Coun! Public ibrar! s!sem?s )ebsie $onlib#or/( a/e 1Daabases2

    Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of Reference Source Based on Criteria


    -@ale- o heir )ebsie" 1@ale is a arner o libraries an. businessesloo+in/ o .eliver e.ucaional conen" ools an. services o suorenrereneurshi" encoura/e self-.irece. learnin/" ai. in research an.insrucion" an. rovi.e enli/henin/ e4eriences# @ale has been a of research an. e.ucaion resources o libraries for 60 !ears an. iscommie. o suorin/ he coninue. innovaion an. evoluion of libraries an.heir users2 b! he conen" ools" an. services libraries nee. o enabllearnin/ an. romoe informaion .iscover!2- @ale has been esablishe. for si4!ears an. herefore has e4erience an. is reuable in his area of suorin/e.ucaion- 3..iionall!" o he source" enries are from 1reco/ni9e. sub>ec-maer e4ers an. o >ournalisic sources2 an. /enerall! 1from auhoriaivesources2 o he source" 1full-e4 aricles from auhoriaive sources2 an. enriefrom 1reco/ni9e. sub>ec-maer e4ers an. o >ournalisic sources2 so he use)oul. e4ec hi/h accurac!

    Currency-The aricle I loo+e. a in .eh )as from his !ear an.

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    - on he oic searche." he resul a/e can brin/ u enries fromma/a9ines an. reference sources as )ell as su//ese. reuable )ebsies"saisics" an. ima/es in a..iion o he crucial 1vie)oins for 2 )hichresens a leas )o ar/umens he oic- i.e varie! of formasan. informaion sources


    -This .aabase is relevan o eachin/ ersuasive )riin/ because i offers a ool

    for su.ens or eachers o search conroversial or .ebae. oics o fin.bac+/roun. informaion as )ell as he ersuasive ar/umensGevi.ence use. b!all he vie)oins he issue# This research can inform su.ens? o)nevenual ersuasive ar/umens an.Gor can sho) hem b! .emonsraion hemechanics of ersuasive )riin/" such as esablishin/ a sance an. bac+in/ i u)ih evi.ence


    -3n! in.ivi.ual enr! coul. be biase. as he! urosel! resen a secificvie)oin on an issue or oic bu he overall .aabase is ob>ecive as i offers hcouner vie)oins as )ell" suose.l! in balance o he source" 1Is informe." .ifferin/ vie)s resen each si.e of anissue an. hel su.ens .evelo criical hin+in/ s+ills an. .ra) heir o)nconclusions# 4clusive ie)oin a/es brin/ balance an. ersecive o ever!conrovers! usin/ ar/ee. ar/umens from reco/ni9e. sub>ec-maer e4ersan. o >ournalisic sources#2

    How to use this source:

    -The e.ucaors or su.ens can use his .aabase o fin. conroversial oics" heir bac+/roun." an.he roGcon or ersuasive sances hem# .ucaors coul. use i .urin/ re )or+ o fin..ebae. oics o inro.uce an. .iscuss )ih he class b!

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    APA citation for source:

    @ale Cen/a/e earnin/# $;0%( i. Info,is# Rerieve. Ecober %F" ;0%#

    Source Type:


    How I located this source:

    -I bro)se. on he Enon.a/a Coun! Public ibrar! s!sem?s )ebsie $onlib#or/( a/e 1Daabases2

    Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of Reference Source Based on Criteria


    [email protected]/ o heir )ebsie" 1@ale is a arner o libraries an. businessesloo+in/ o .eliver e.ucaional conen" ools an. services o suorenrereneurshi" encoura/e self-.irece. learnin/" ai. in research an.insrucion" an. rovi.e enli/henin/ e4eriences# @ale has been a of research an. e.ucaion resources o libraries for 60 !ears an. iscommie. o suorin/ he coninue. innovaion an. evoluion of libraries an.heir users2 b! he conen" ools" an. services libraries nee. o enabllearnin/ an. romoe informaion .iscover!2- @ale has been esablishe. for si4!ears an. herefore has e4erience an. is reuable in his area of suorin/e.ucaion

    Accuracy o he source" 1ih full-e4 roriear! conen from ,lac+birchPress" AU" an. more" he informaion is reliable an. /eare. o fi he nee.s oo.a!Js !oun/ learners#2-3ll conen seems accurae o m! revious +no)le./e o @aleJs sie" 1coninuousl! maerial2-In m! searches" )hen a ne)s secion is inclu.e." iems are from his !ear an.all of m! oher search resuls have been )ihin he hi/h ;000s

    Covera"e o @aleJs )ebsie" 1I?s a conen-rich" auhoriaive" eas!-o-useresource feaurin/ a/e-aroriae" reliable" curriculum-relae. conen coverin/a broa. ran/e of e.ucaional oics2 animals" ars" /eo/rah!" healh"lieraure" music an. movies" eole" lans" science" social su.ies" sors"echnolo/!-Source !es or formas of conen inclu.e boo+s" icures" ma/a9ines" an. herefore a )i.e varie! o @ale?s )ebsie" 1Info,is en/a/e su.ens )ih ineresin/ facsabou he sub>ec" alon/ )ih connecions o curren evens2

    Relevancy -Anli+e he revious sources" his laform is less obviousl! relevan secificall!

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    o ersuasion bu" as an alernaive searchin/ laform" i is .irece. comleel!a !oun/ su.ens an. /ives hem anoher me.ium hrou/h )hich o search forinformaion on .ebae. oics of ineres o hem o esablish he vie)oins" hear/umens an. evi.ence" an. )ha curren .evelomens are occurrin/ aroun.hese oics


    -The ob>ecivi! of his .aabase is o .eermine as an! /iven source coul

    be an. li+el! )oul. be biase. o a vie)oin if one )as searchin/ conroversialoics-The overall mission of he sie is o /ive !oun/er su.ens access o a researchlaform ha is enerainin/ an. inviin/ so i. Info,is is no biase. )ihin iself-The aricle I loo+e. in a .eh )as no biase. as i resene. boh of heissue

    How to use this source:

    -Similar o he oher .aabase" his coul. be use. b! he e.ucaor or he su.ens as a researchlaform o fin. informaion on .ebae. oics" he vie)oins involve." he reasonin/

    behin. hem" he cone4" an. he curren .evelomens aroun. he oic area" o inform heir o)nersuasive )riin/ or each hem firshan. he mechanics of ersuasion

    #hat I learned fro$ the process of findin"% usin"% and evaluatin" this source:

    -I learne. ha .aabases .irece. o)ar.s !oun/er su.ens are acuall!

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    APA citation for source:

    Men9a" # $;0%" Seember %(# hich si.e are !ou on# 'h"ices)'urrent *ealth#

    Source Type:

    -Poular me.ia- ma/a9ine aricle

    How I located this source:

    -I searche. 1smarhones2 as a oeniall! relevan an. en/a/in/ oic for su.ens on @aleJsEosin/ ie)oins in Cone4 .aabase 1a.vance. search2 )ih he 1,asic2 oion 1Conen2 o ensure resuls )oul. be aroriae in conen an. forma for !oun/er su.ens

    Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of Reference Source Based on Criteria


    -3ricle )as from Seember ;0% an. herefore is ver! curren an. relevan an.

    because of he oic" hoefull! en/a/in/ an. auhenic o o.a!Js su.ens


    -Scholasic ChoicesGCurren Healh- o is sie" 1he curren healh ma/a9ine2-Publisher8 Scholasic- o heir )ebsie: -esablishe. in %&;0 an. in ublishin/ business for over &0 !ears -mission is 1o encoura/e he inellecual an. ersonal /ro)h of all be/innin/ )ih lierac!2 b! 1

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    abou .ifferen vie)oins a sin/le oic

    Purpose- To enerain an. o inform as he aricle iself is an en/a/in/ an. relevan oico o.a!Js !ouh bu i also informs as i oulines )o oosin/ vie)oins on hesame sub>ec

    How to use this source:

    -This" in con>uncion )ih he oher aricle" can be use. o sar a .iscussion abou ersuasive )riin/"oinions" ec# b! sharin/ i )ih he class an. lein/ hem ic+ aar he sances bein/ ar/ue. an.he suorin/ .eails" evi.ence" e4amles" ec# I also coul. laer be use. o inform he su.ens?o)n oinion ieces if he! choose o .o i on his or a similar oic

    #hat I learned fro$ the process of findin"% usin"% and evaluatin" this source:

    -I learne. ha searchin/ hrou/h such e4ensive an. comrehensive .aabases )ih !oun/ersu.ens mus be .one cauiousl! o ensure he! are informaion relevan an. aroriae forhem# In his case" I ha. o /o o @aleJs hel a/e o .eermine ho) o limi conen an. resuls o a

    !oun/er au.ience )hich is no comrehensible >us from he surface of he .aabase inerface#

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    APA citation for source:

    Do Smarhones 8 Smar i.sQ $;00&" March %5(# +uni"r ch"lastic#

    Source Type:

    -Poular me.ia- ma/a9ine aricle

    How I located this source:

    -I searche. 1smarhones2 on i.s Info,is

    Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of Reference Source Based on Criteria

    Currency-This aricle is from March ;00& an. hus is a lile ol. bu he oic an. conen sill ver! relevan o o.a!


    -Kunior Scholasic- o is sie" 1he curren evens ma/a9ine2-Publisher8 Scholasic- o heir )ebsie: -esablishe. in %&;0 an. in ublishin/ business for over &0 !ears -mission is 1o encoura/e he inellecual an. ersonal /ro)h of all be/innin/ )ih lierac!2 b! 1ori! of he aricle is .one hrou/h su.en voicesalso increases is relevanc! as i is more li+el! o be en/a/in/ an. auhenic osu.ens#

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    Purpose-To enerain an. inform as i is an en/a/in/ an. relevan oic bu also informsas i offers su.en voices an. oinions on he issue of he use of smarhones ie.ucaion

    How to use this source:

    -This" in con>uncion )ih he oher aricle" can be use. o sar a .iscussion abou ersuasive )riin/"

    oinions" ec# b! sharin/ i )ih he class an. lein/ hem ic+ aar he sances bein/ ar/ue." heoinion sae." an. he suorin/ .eails" evi.ence" e4amles" ec# ,oh of hese aricles areimoran as he! a..ress su.en voices an. oinions for he ma>ori! of he e4" sho)in/ su.ensho) heir eers ariculae heir oinion in an aroriae" effecive" an. ublishe. forma an. hereb!encoura/in/ an. moivain/ hem o share heir oinions )ih heir reasonin/# This inclusion alsoincreases he ariclesJ relevanc! o hem as he! come from heir eers# These aricles )ere alsochosen because i is a oic I believe )ill en/a/e su.en ineres an. be relevan o hem ersonall!#The .iscussion of he oic can be broa.ene. o echnolo/! in /eneral if nee.e.#

    #hat I learned fro$ the process of findin"% usin"% and evaluatin" this source:

    -I learne. ha usin/ e.ucaional oular me.ia resources )ih su.ens coul. be ver! beneficial inerms of en/a/emen an. relevanc! o hem# ,oh of he aricles I foun. inclu.e. su.en voices"allo)in/ su.ens o see ho) he oic bein/ .iscusse. involves an. imacs hem as )ell as.emonsrain/ ho) he! can have a voice )ihin he communi!#

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    APA citation for source:

    Par+ School i.s# Dun+in? Donus: So Asin/ S!rofoam Cus# Rerieve. Ecober ;" ;0%" from


    Source Type:

    -Primar! Source an. ebsie

    How I located this source:

    -I learne. abou his source hrou/h Pam ,er/er an. Sall! Tre4ler?s 'h""sing Web -.0 T""ls /"rLearning and Teaching in a igital W"rld# I foun. he aricular eiion b! /oin/ o Chan/e#or/"selecin/ environmen in heir ma>or oics brea+ .o)n an. bro)sin/ oular eiions#

    Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of Reference Source Based on Criteria


    -Chan/e#or/- o he source" 1Chan/e#or/ is he )orl.?s lar/es eiion

    laform" emo)erin/ eole ever!)here o creae he chan/e he! )an o see1There are more han F0 million Chan/e#or/ users in %&6 counries" an. ever!.a! eole use our ools o ransform heir communiies O locall!" naionall! an./loball!"2 1Chan/e#or/ is he fases /ro)in/ social chan/e laform in he )orl.emo)erin/ more han F5 million eole o creae chan/e in heir communiies"an. Chan/e#or/ is 1cerifie. as a , Cororaion" a ne) class of comanies.e.icae. o osiive imac# This cerificaion re

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    3s i .eals )ih eole creain/ eiions abou hin/s he! are currenl!assionae abou" involve. )ih" concerne. abou" ec" his sie )ill al)a!s becurren


    -3n!one can sar a eiion so covera/e is vas an. .iverse- o hesie" 1local o /lobal"2 1oliics o enerainmen"2 1in.ivi.uals o7 or/ani9aions2 a)ell as coverin/ 1oliical .iversi!2 an. 1oosin/ osiions2- Persecives

    conribuin/ are )orl.)i.e


    -This is relevan o eachin/ ersuasion because" hou/h calle. a eiionlaform" Chan/e#or/ is also an oinion laform" )here eole r! o ersua.eoher eole o suor heir oinion )ih eiions an." hoefull!" hrou/har/umens" lo/ic" reasonin/" evi.ence" roof" ec# o s)a! eole o >oin heirvie)oin an. si/n heir eiion# This is )on.erful for eachin/ ersuasive )riinbecause" no onl! is his a real life cone4 or auhenic" i also a+es he lessonfrom .eerminin/ an. resenin/ !our oinion o enou/h ohers o!our vie)oin o creae real )orl. chan/e

    O!ectivity o he source" 13s an oen laform )ih ens of millions of .iverseusers" Chan/e#or/ hoss sonsore. eiions reresenin/ a )i.e ran/e ofvie)oins# e .o no en.orse nor are )e affiliae. )ih an! sonsore. eiionor associae. or/ani9aions2 an. 1eJre an online laform for eiionsWno ana.vocac! or/ani9aionW)hich means )e emo)er eole ever!)here o creaehe chan/e he! )an o see# Eur oenness is )h! !ouJll see an e4remel! )i.eran/e of eiions on Chan/e#or/#2- vi.enl!" an in.ivi.ual eiion )ill be biaseas he auhor )ill be reresenin/ heir vie)oin on a sub>ec- o hesource" 1e .o no have a osiion or en.orse an! eiions on our laform"

    )hich means he rue o)er of Chan/e#or/ is )ih he millions of eole )ho ushe laform ever! .a!2 - Thus" he sie iself is no biase. as i is siml! ame.ium hrou/h )hich ohers can e4ress heir oinions" an." li+el!" because ofhe .iversi! of users an. oinions" here )oul. be enou/h user conribuion forever! e4resse. vie)oin o have an oosie counerar some)here on he)ebsie

    How to use this source:

    -ih cauion" as his is an oen laform o an! +in. of eiion an. herefore no censore. for a!oun/ au.ience in an! )a!" su.ens coul. use i o e4lore oics of ineres o hem o see

    ersuasion a+e he ne4 se ino acion an. hen chan/e- The sie a brea+.o)n of environmen" human ri/hs" e.ucaion" sors" healh" criminal >usice" echnolo/!" )omen"/a! ri/hs" animals" .isable. ri/hs" foo." immi/raion" an. economic >usice ha su.ens coul.bro)se b! )ha inerese. hem# Secificall!" I )oul. su//es usin/ he eiion 1Dun+in? Donus:So Asin/ S!rofoam Cus2 $ he environmen cae/or!( as i )as )rien b! a class ofsu.ens an. boh .emonsraes he roer )a! o ersua.e hrou/h a saemen of oinion an.hen suorin/ evi.ence an. i also .emonsraes !oun/ su.ens havin/ a voice in socie! an. heabili! o brin/ abou chan/e as he eiion has been ver! successful in /aherin/ suor#
  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    #hat I learned fro$ the process of findin"% usin"% and evaluatin" this source:

    -I learne. ha he use of rimar! resources o a..ress reference ec in

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    APA citation for source:

    arison" I# $;00F(# e Me Tell *ou 3bou Do/s# Persuasive riin/ an. Picure ,oo+s# $hi"

    +"urnal $/ English Language Arts"2$;(" ;-F#

    Source Type:

    -Scholarl! 3ricle

    How I located this source:

    -I searche. on .ucaion Source b! !in/ ino he search fiel. 1eachin/ ersuasive )riin/2 an.hen limiin/ i o full e4 an. eer-revie)e. aricles onl!#

    Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of Reference Source Based on Criteria


    -;00F- The aricle is relaivel! curren an." as i focuses mosl! on sources o us

    o faciliae eachin/ ersuasive )riin/" I .on? hin+ he aricle as a )hole can / as i urel! offers a.vice on )hich icure boo+s o use an. ho) o usehem in an e.ucaional sein/- Tha bein/ sai." he su//ese. icure boo+shemselves are on he si.e" bein/ ublishe. in he %&'0s" %&&0s" an. ver!earl! ;000s# I?m no sure" )ihou firshan. e4erience" ho) much his effecs hrelevanc! o su.ens an. hese boo+s abili! o en/a/e heir ineres#


    -3uhor- Isaac illis arison- o he source" rofessor in he colle/e oe.ucaion an. human services an. eaches lan/ua/e ars an. meho.san. herefore is verse. in boh he oic of e.ucaion an. lieraure

    -Ehio Kournal of n/lish 3rs- o heir )ebsie" 13s he official >ournal ohe Ehio Council of Teachers of n/lish an/ua/e 3rs" Ehio Kournal of n/lishan/ua/e 3rs is ublishe. )ice er !ear an. circulaes o aro4imael! ;"000lan/ua/e ars eachers of elemenar!"!" an. colle/e su.ens2 1srivin/o rovi.e is members an. ohers )ih informaion abou heor! an. research inn/lish lan/ua/e ars an. also .emonsrae racical alicaions of hainformaion in eachin/ n/lish lan/ua/e ars2- Reasonabl! lar/e amoun ofsubscriion so .eeme. reuable b! ohers


    -The aricle .oes have a /oo. amoun of ciaions bac+in/ u is conen- The

    ma>ori! of is conen is .escribin/ several boo+s an. ho) he! coul. be use. oeach ersuasive )riin/ )hich isn? reall! a ri/hG)ron/ ans)er siuaion buraher su//esionsGa.vice- The aricle has been eer-revie)e.- No /rammaicalerrors hou/h a fe) senences are oorl! consruce.


    -This is relevan o eachin/ ersuasive )riin/ as i lin+s su.en learnin/ )ihicure boo+s an. hen /ives a small lis of boo+s" alon/ )ih srae/iesGaciviiesfor each" o each an. en/a/e su.ens in ersuasive )riin/- The lan/ua/e isalso simle an. eas! o un.ersan. an. cerainl!

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries



    -Birs o ersua.e e.ucaors ha icure boo+s ai. su.en learnin/- Secon. oeach or su//es icure boo+s ha can be use. in class o each ersuasive)riin/ b! brief summaries of he boo+s an. ho) he! coul. be use. a)ell as a more e4ensive .iscussion of ho) one boo+ )as use.

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    APA citation for source:

    Parvis" S# $.#(# $;0%(# Time /"r 6ids Almanac -01# Ne) *or+: Time for i.s ,oo+s#

    Source Type:


    How I located this source:

    -I loo+e. a our revious lis of reference sources for he Reference Source 4chan/e ro>ec an.hen loo+e. u 1Time almanac2 in o see if i covere. oics relevan o -%; an.ersuasion#

    Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of Reference Source Based on Criteria

    Scope & Purpose

    -Scoe- o" 13 comrehensive reference he

    laes informaion on )orl. saisics" famous eole" sace" hisor!" /eo/rah!"resi.ens" sors saisics" an. invenions2 an. 1Pac+e. )ih facs" sas from aroun. he counr! an. aroun. he )orl." his ile informaioon oics ran/in/ from animals o aci. rain" voin/ rules o vi.eo /ames" sorssars o sace e4loraion an. more###feaures more han '00 hoos" mas" lissan. ime lines 1- o ama9on#com" 1airs7 imoran ne)s info from he a)ar.-)innin/ ma/a9ine )ih fascinain/ facs"u99les"

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    Pulishermillion subscribers" T:ME F"r 6idsis he No# % ruse. source for +i.-frien.l! ne)s#2

    Ease of (se)Arran"e$ent of


    -Borma- e4" ima/es" mas" imelines-Conen is eas! o use an. navi/ae base. on su.en ineres area as he ableof conens neal! he boo+ ino )en! si4 broa. cae/ories an. oicareas )hich are hen bro+en .o)n ino secific enries )ih cach! iles# Differe

    secions of he boo+ are also color co.e. alon/ he o ai. navi/aion an.e4loraion#

    Appropriatenessfor Audience

    -3u.ience- >uvenile- '-%; !ear ol.s- aroriae as he boo+ is colorful" eas! oe4lore" en/a/in/ )ih an abun.ance of hoos an. mulime.ia" an. inclu.esver! brief bu informaive an. simle a/e aroriae e4

    Cost o he boo+ cover" =%#&&

    How to use this source:

    -Some secions in aricular )oul. be eseciall! beneficial o share )ih su.ens o furher e4osehem o ersuasive issues" o en/a/e hem ersonall! in ersuasive oics" or o inform heir o)nersuasive )riin/:

    %# Coninuin/ he .ebae. oic of +i.s an. smarhones" he enr! 1Do i.s Nee. Their E)nCellhonesQ2 e4lores more broa.l! a..iional !oun/ su.en oinions on cellhone use an.+i.s $also" he )ebsie imefor+i.s#comG.ebae ma! be )orh loo+in/ ino o en/a/esu.ens )ih a+in/ a one

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    #hat I learned fro$ the process of findin"% usin"% and evaluatin" this source:

    -Reference sources coverin/ such a broa. ran/e of oics in such an en/a/in/ an. eas! o .i/esan. navi/ae manner are )on.erful ools for in

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    APA citation for source:

    Sanle!" D# $;00(# The Giant and the !eanstal9# Ne) *or+: HarerCollins#

    Source Type:


    How I located this source:

    -I rea. abou i in he scholarl! aricle 1 ?e me Tell *ou 3bou Do/s#? Picure ,oo+s an. Persuasiveriin/2 an. hen locae. i on ) an. re

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    he conclusion )ih he urban ci!scae of he mar+e


    -arie! of characers reresene. /ians" humans" an. animals ha"unli+e he ne4 boo+" ac as animals- There is a varie! of s+in one amon/ he/ians )hile he humans are mosl! .ifferin/ of )hie- There is a ran/e incharacer a/e from ver! small o a.olescens o !oun/ a.uls o a.uls-Eo as a characer is ver! )ell .eveloe. an. .isinc )ih boh h!sical an.

    ersonal characerisics as )ell as .efiniive ersonal rais an. references $)elearn ha he haes hei/hs an. as+in/ for .irecions" loves oer! an. he smellof roses" is 1embarrassin/l! olie2 $ o he boo+(" loves his hen Clara.earl!" is no a !ical /ian" ec#(- En he oher han." his counerar Kac+ is les.isinc an. less .eveloe.- Thou/h )e learn a fe) hin/s abou him" he! areeec of a /ian $be!onhe 1he2 )hich is a curv! fon nicel! lace. alon/ he curve of he 1@2 for /ian(#

    The )or. 1@ian2 is boh re. an. lar/er han he res of he coverJs e4"emhasi9in/ i an. he cenral inversion of ersecive in he boo+ O , is sron/ an. he a/es .urable

    -3rran/emen- The illusraions an. e4 are )ell sace." eseciall! )hen he eis secione. off )ih an illusrae. .ecoraive e4 bo4- The infre

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    How to use this source: on e.ucaor reference" his source coul. be use. in lieu of 'lic9, 'lac9, M"" '"&s thatTy#e or )ih i" on he ime .e.icae. o his oic# i+e he oher icure boo+" i can beuse. o sar an. inro.uce he conversaion abou ersuasion in an en/a/in/ an. enerainin/ )a!b! he boo+ alou. an. .iscussin/ i afer)ar.# In aricular" his boo+ coul. be use. o.iscuss ersecive an. vie)oin as Kac+ an. he /ian Eo" hrou/h his ale an. he ori/inal" bohhave .ifferen ersecives an. a .ifferen sor! o ell base. on heir .ifferin/ vie)oin >us as

    eole have .ifferen oinions an. reasons for hem on real )orl. oics# I coul. also be beneficialo .iscuss he en. boh in erms of Eo Kac+ o ra.e because he ha. somehin/ he)ane. $ie his co)( an. in erms of he ransformaion of he res of he /ians ino characers moreli+e Eo base. on his acions# He in.irecl! ersua.e. hem o his )a! of livin/ hrou/h his acions

    >us as )e can inenionall! ersua.e eole hrou/h our acions )heher i is creain/ an. sharin/ersuasive )riin/" ushin/ eiions" /oin/ on sri+e" ec#

    #hat I learned fro$ the process of findin"% usin"% and evaluatin" this source:

    -I learne. from his source ha" hou/h less fre

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    APA citation for source:

    Cronin" D#" X e)in" ,# $;000(# 'lic9, 'lac9, M"" '"&s That Ty#e# Ne) *or+: Simon X Schuser,oo+s for *oun/ Rea.ers#

    Source Type:


    How I located this source:

    -I foun. i on as a boo+ su//ese. for inro.ucin/ su.ens o ersuasive )riin/hen loo+e. i u on ) an. ulimael! re

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries



    -3nimal characers are anhroomorhi9e. an. resene. as humans raher harealisicall! as he! are lierae an. can !e on a !e)rier an. also e4resshuman emoions-Characers are mosl! homo/enous" onl! a sin/le a.ul human an.fe) animal reresenaives mosl! co)s" .uc+s" an. chic+ens-Characers are no .eel! .eveloe. bu I .on? hin+ he! nee. o be as hisboo+ is inen.e. for !oun/er an. he simle characer .evelomen is

    sufficien for he sor!W he farmer is frusrae. an. he animals rebellious-Characers .o no have .isinc ersonaliies an. are no .elineae. as heanimals /rous are for he mos ar reae. as one homo/eni9e. /rou orcharacer" all e4ressin/ he same oin of vie) an. ersonali!- The farmer is.isinc in his frusraion an. as a human- I .on? hin+ his .eracs fromhe sor! eiher as he animal characers sill /ain our s!mahies an. suor)hile he farmer /ains our lau/her


    -Borma- The boo+ si9e an. .imension seems aroriae- ,oo+ )oul. be eas!o hol. for !oun/ Bon si9e is lar/e an. eas! o rea. an. follo)- The

    cover .esi/n erfecl! e4resses an. correlaes )ih he conen an. lo of heboo+" sho)in/ barn!ar. animals )ih a !e)rier hereb! conve!in/ hehumorous an. )himsical siri of he boo+- The en.aers also furher conve!he humor of he boo+ an. is lo" as" )e as rea.ers are lef )ih he .uc+shavin/ /oen he !e)rier $insea. of he farmer as )e aniciae.( )ih )hichhe! as+ for a .ivin/ boar. o ma+e he on. more ineresin/# e never hear hen. of his ne) .eman. bu )e can assume he farmer /ives in an. he .uc+s)in because he en.aer is a .uc+ .ivin/ off a .ivin/ boar.-The ile a/eaniciaes he sor! o come as i oulines he cenral conflic of he boo+ an. isreeain/ refrain of 1clic+" clac+" moo2 b! .eicin/ a !e)rier- T!e .esi/n isen/a/in/" an. he urosefull! an. limie. mimic+in/ of !e)rier fon is a ver!

    nice a..iion an. correlaion )ih he conen of he lo- Har.cover" )ih sron/ an. .urable a/es suiable for oenial rou/h han.lin/

    -3rran/emen- Picures an. e4 are )ell sace. an. someimes comleel!harmoniousl! ine/rae. o/eher )hich is a nice ouch- The correlaion be)eenhe e4 an. associain/ illusraion is clear an. no confusin/ $here is eiher onebo.! of e4 er a/e an. one illusraion or one bo.! of e4 era/e )ih a illusraion ha srea.s over )o(- This arran/emenma+es an. vie)in/ eas! an." as before menione." he a/inaion iserfec for en/a/emen an. ension an. e4ciemen for he conclusion ohe sor!


    -Conen is aroriae for a/e /rou of -F as i is enerainin/" en/a/in/" an."erhas mos imoranl!" humorous- Te4 in erms of conen is siml! concise an. hus eas! o un.ersan. bu is of a hi/h

  • 8/10/2019 Reference Scenario Evaluation Entries


    How to use this source: on e.ucaor reference" his source coul. be use. in lieu of The Giant and the!eanstal9 or )ih i" on he ime .e.icae. o his oic# i+e he oher icure boo+" i canbe use. o sar an. inro.uce he conversaion abou ersuasion in an en/a/in/ an. enerainin/)a! b! he boo+ alou. an. .iscussin/ i afer)ar.# In aricular" noe he co)sJ use ofersuasion or" more /enerall!" ar/umen vs# he farmer?s# The co)s sae heir oinion or)an- )e nee. elecric blan+es# Then he! /ive a reason- because he barn is col. a ni/h# The!

    also ersua.e oher barn!ar. animals o heir oin of vie) as oher animals reali9e he! are alsocol. a ni/h an. )oul. li+e blan+es# The animals furher use ersuasive echni