1 (480) 626-4845 • www.rctherapy.com Regenerating Cells • Rejuvenating Lives

Regenerating Cells • Rejuvenating Lives · homeopathy. She is a highly regarded expert in regener-ative injection therapies (platelet therapy, prolotherapy, trigger point injection

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Page 1: Regenerating Cells • Rejuvenating Lives · homeopathy. She is a highly regarded expert in regener-ative injection therapies (platelet therapy, prolotherapy, trigger point injection

1(480) 626-4845 • www.rctherapy.com

Regenerat ing Cel ls • Rejuvenat ing Lives

Page 2: Regenerating Cells • Rejuvenating Lives · homeopathy. She is a highly regarded expert in regener-ative injection therapies (platelet therapy, prolotherapy, trigger point injection


Our Mission

Our mission is to bring relief to those suffering from disease, by providing custom biopharmaceu-tical treatments that improve their quality of life, from the comfort of a world class resort.

Contents Staff 3 Facts 4 How it works? 7 Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment 9 Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD & ADHD) Treatment 10 Autism Treatment 11Brain Injury Treatment 12 Cirrhosis Treatment 13 Dementia Treatment 14 Epilepsy Treatment 15 Type-1 Diabetes Treatment 16Type-2 Diabetes Treatment 17 Treatment for Hashimoto’s Disease 18 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 19 Multiple Sclerosis 20 Osteoarthritis Treatment 21 Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment 22 Testimonials 23 Rejuvenate at the Resort 24

Page 3: Regenerating Cells • Rejuvenating Lives · homeopathy. She is a highly regarded expert in regener-ative injection therapies (platelet therapy, prolotherapy, trigger point injection


Dr. Carmen Huerta Dr. Carmen Huerta’s career has been focused on providing care to patients with chronic degenerative illnesses using allopathic medicine and/or growth factors, such as phytotherapy and homotoxicology.

She strives to promote a culture of whole-health within families, including nutrition, developmental growth and primary health care with an emphasis on natural remedies and alternative medicines.

Dr. Carmen Huerta’s career of over 20 years has many highlights including:

• Secretary of the Department of Health, Mexico

• San Carlos Clinic - Head Physician

• Indian National Institute Department of Health & Social Welfare

• University Of Guadalajara Surgeon and Obstetrician

Dr. Donese Worden Dr. Donese Worden is an Arizona-based board certified physician and global health educator. She is renowned for identifying and helping to bring unique healing modalities and therapies from abroad to the United States, putting her on the vanguard of integrated, naturopathic medicine.

Dr. Worden is passionate about educating people on taking charge of their health using the best from both conven-tional and natural medicine. She is a licensed primary care physician with locations in two medical clinics, in Scottsdale and Mesa/Gilbert, Arizona. She also serves as an adjunct faculty member at Arizona State University and Akamai University. Among many other professional organizations she is a member of the International Organi-zation of Integrative Cancer Physicians, Society of Integra-tive Oncology and a Diplomat in the American Academy of Pain Management.

Including prescription privileges and minor surgery , Dr. Worden is also licensed in clinical nutrition, acupuncture, spinal manipulation, botanical medicine, counseling, and homeopathy. She is a highly regarded expert in regener-ative injection therapies (platelet therapy, prolotherapy, trigger point injection therapy, neural therapy, apitherapy), nutritional IV’s, botanical and nutritional supplements, and Bioenergetic medicine (Low Level Laser, Biomodula-tor, SCENAR®).

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Facts Molecules Proteins: are molecules composed of linear chains

of amino acids. The word protein comes from the French word “protéine” and this from the Greek “πρωτεῖος (proteios)”, meaning: “prominent, premium”. Proteins

fold acquiring a three-dimensional structure that allows them to perform thousands of functions.

Peptides: (from the Greek “πεπτός”, peptós di-gested) are a class of molecules formed by the union of several amino acids through peptide bonds.

Peptides, as well as proteins, are present in nature and are responsible for a large number of functions. The union of a small number of amino acids results in a peptide, and when there is a union of more than 100 amino acids it results in a protein.

Oligopeptide: from 2 to 10 amino acidsPeptide: between 10 and 100 amino acids.Protein: more than 100 amino acids.

Growth Factors

Growth Factors, Neurotrophic factors, and Fibroblast Growth Factors are naturally occurring, regulatory molecules.

Growth factors are proteins that bind to receptors on the cell surface with the primary result of activating cellular proliferation and / or differentiation. Many growth factors are quite versatile , stimulating cellu-lar division in numerous different cell types , while others are specific to a particular cell type.

Fibroblast Growth FactorsMembers of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family play important roles in defining and regulating the development and function of endocrine tissues as well as modulating various metabolic processes. FGFs modulate cellular activity via five distinct high-affin-ity FGF receptors.

Neurotrophic Factors

Recently, there has been increasing ev-idence that alterations in the brain’s neurotrophic support, specifically the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)

expression and signaling, might contribute to neu-rodegeneration, leading to diseases such as Alz-heimer’s and Dementia. The BDNF is a member of the neurotrophin family of proteins that is not only important for the normal development of the periph-eral and central nervous system, but also plays a key role in neuronal survival and synaptic plasticity in the adult brain. Altered functionality of BDNF has been observed in different neurodegenerative diseases.Neurological disorders can stem from an over abun-dance or deficiency of neurotrophic factors. The specific neurotrophic factors RCT is using have the ability to regulate the neurons and support normal brain function, regenerate and create new neurons and neurotransmitters and improve synaptogenesis. Synaptogenesis is the formation of synapses between neurons in the nervous system.


Polyphenols are a group of chemicals found in plants. They are characterized by the presence of more than one phenol group per molecule (ring shaped chemical closed

structure). They are mostly found in red wine, green tea, coffee and chocolate. Some of its main functions

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are reducing the risk of chronic and degenerative dis-eases, such as cardiovascular disease, because they in-hibit the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL). Additionally they are potential agents that reduce the risk of cataract formation in diabetic patients.

Polyphenols are the most important antioxidant phytochemicals found in vegetables and fruits due to bio-physicochemical properties. They are poten-tially beneficial to health because they are molecules with antimutagenic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-tumor activity. Some reports indicate that they also inhibit HIV. Polyphenols are currently studied for their diverse pharmacological actions on the treatment of various diseases (phyto-chemical therapies) and are currently considered as “life extenders”.


Flavonoids are in the family of polyphenols and are characterized chemically by two benzene rings joined by a linear carbon chain. Flavonoids are commonly defined

as dietary antioxidants for inflammation, however many of the biological effects of flavonoids appear to be related to their ability to modulate cell-signal-ing pathways. Evidence from studies indicates that regular consumption of foods containing flavonoids may reduce the risk several chronic conditions, in-cluding neurodegenerative diseases, atherosclerosis, and certain forms of cancer. The considerable results prompted further research into flavonoids’ ability to affect chronic disease by regulating numerous cell processes through signal transduction pathways.

Effective signal transduction requires proteins known as kinases, as mentioned earlier, which catalyze the phosphorylation of target proteins at specific sites. Flavonoids can selectively inhibit kinases that ini-tiate cell-signaling cascades by binding to specific

receptors in cell membranes, helping to regulate cell proliferation, inflammation, invasion, metastasis, and activation of apoptosis.Flavonoids are an addition to the protocol when RCT treats patients with autoim-mune disorders, such as Diabetes and Rheumatoid arthritis, as well as other conditions where inflamma-tion is an issue.

Antimicrobial Peptides In the last decades, the indiscriminate use of con-

ventional antibiotics has generated high rates of microbial resistance. This situation has increased the need for obtaining new antimicrobial compounds against infec-

tious diseases. Among these, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have proven to be effective against various pathogenic microbes. Additionally, AMPs are usually produced by a non-specific innate immune response and play a critical role by directly combating suscepti-ble pathogens and by recruiting and activating leuko-cytes at sites of infection.These antimicrobial peptides are involved in the inhibition of cell growth and in the killing of several microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, enveloped viruses, protozoans and other parasites. These ther-apeutic agents can be isolated from different organ-isms, being widespread in nature and synthesized by microorganisms, plants and animals (both inverte-brates and vertebrates). They have many properties similar to antibiotics, such as relatively small sizes (below 25-30 kDa), amphipathic structures, cationic nature, and offer low probability for the generation of microbial resistance.

In recent years, many novel AMPs, with very prom-ising therapeutic properties, have been discovered. These peptides have been the base for the produc-tion of chemical analogs, which have been designed, chemically synthesized and tested in vitro for their antimicrobial activity.

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It is a biological fact that the human body will completely regenerate itself, remaking every single cell, over the course of seven years.

Imagine physically being a completely new person just by waiting seven years. It sounds great in theory, but many do not feel they can wait that length of time, and may even require additional support in the regeneration of cells.What if you could speed up your body’s natural cell regen-eration process by stimulating a specific type of cell or cells you already have within a specific problem area?

Regenerative Cellular Therapy (RCT) focuses on protein and peptide based compounds natural pharmaceutical quality bio-medications to optimize cellular function.

Regenerating Cells • Rejuvenating Lives

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How It Works There are only a few molecules vital for the function of cells to maintain human life. – Proteins, peptides, and your body’s specific DNA. These biological structures carry all the information necessary for life. DNA is simply a ma-trix; it is a molecule that, by itself, performs no function. Only when a relevant protein or peptide connects with a corresponding segment of the DNA, will it stimulate the synthesis of specific proteins. This interaction between the two is the key to life!

Regenerative Cellular Therapy has developed specific protocols to treat variety of neurological and autoimmune diseases, along with cirrhosis and various forms of cancer. This is accomplished through the introduction of specific proteins, peptides, growth factors and neurotrophic factors that are carrying encoded information to a specific type of receptor, on the membrane of a targeted cell type.

The signals carried by these families of molecules passes through the nucleus of the cell to reach the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA through a process know as protein transcription. Transcription begins with a bundle of factors assembling at the start of a gene to process the protein’s information. The double helix is unzipped and one of the strands is copied. The strand that is produced, as the DNA is unzipped is called RNA, which is a close chemical cousin of DNA.

When the RNA is complete it begins to extend to the outer part of the cell. When this occures, all the components of a molecular factory, called a Ribosome, lock together around the RNA. It then translates the genetic information within the RNA into a string of amino acids that will become a protein.

The molecular information is passed to the cell through signal transduction pathways, which then either stimulate, regulate or inhibit various functions of the cell, in order to produce a series of intercellular reactions. The production of these specific protein families is fundamental to treating the targeted disease. The functional protein, when neces-sary, exits the cell and inserts itself into neighboring cells that are unable to synthesize functional proteins, allowing the organ or tissue to begin the regeneration process. Con-tinued applications of these molecules will progressively

boost the repair process and promote stabilization within the targeted cell cycle

RCT’s protein molecules are extracted from bovine embryo tissues during the embryonic stage of development. This is when proteins, peptides and growth factors are being produced in various germ layers, which are fundamental to the development of specific organ types.

The molecules in the embryonic stage of the development are responsible for functions such as signalization, special-ization, cellular differentiation, modulation and reproduc-tion, as well as the synchronization of all those functions. It is at this stage that these molecules have all the information regarding these important functions, which no longer exists in the pathological tissue.

In addition, RCT’s treatment protocol for autoimmune diseases and other conditions in-volving inflammation within the body, includes Polyphenols, which are the most important

antioxidant phytochemicals found in vegetables and fruits due to bio-physicochemical properties. They are potentially beneficial to health because they are molecules with antimutagenic, antidiabetic, anti-inflamma-tory, antibacterial and anti-tumor activity.

Flavonoids, which are in the polyphenol family of molecules, have been found in foods which may reduce the risk several chronic conditions, including neurodegenerative diseases, athero-

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sclerosis, and certain forms of cancer.Studies show that falvonoids can modulate or inhibit cell-signaling pathways by binding to specific receptors in the cell membranes, and have the ability to affect chronic disease by regulating numerous cell processes.

The ultra filtration process that RCT utilizes, allows the isolation of structures of a specific molecular weight. Using chro-matography we can separate and purify the desired molecules for the application, eliminating unnecessary bio-material. We then remove the water by lyophilization and perform a microbiological control to guarantee the sterility of the proteins. Finally, it is ready for application on its intended pathology. There are no secondary side effects or allergic reactions, as these are molecules already found in the human body.

The results of this innovative molecular therapy are unparalleled in speed and intensity. The treatments are delivered intra-venously or through intramuscular injections for at least five applications over a 53-week period.

At RCT’s clinic and laboratory, each treatment protocol is assembled for your specific condition. Our bio-laboratory has been researching and extracting proteins molecules for over 33 years, ensuring your treatment is within the strictest con-trols established for bio-safety. Our clinic has successfully treated patients with conditions such as autism, brain injuries, epilepsy, attention deficit disorder, alzheimer’s disease, diabetes type-1 and type-2, cirrhosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoar-thritis, and various forms of cancer.

“This treatment protocol is on the molecular level, allowing it to be more effective than traditional stem cell therapies, as it eliminates the unnecessary bio-material, and only employs the exact protein combinations that target an affected organ or tissue.” - Dr. Carmen.

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Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and affects approximately 5.4 million people in the United States alone. That number is pro-jected to reach 12-16 million by the year 2050.

In the past 15-20 years, dramatic progress has been made in understanding the neurogenetics and pa-thophysiology of AD. Four different genes have been definitively associated with AD, and others that have a probable role have been identified. The mechanics by which altered amyloid and tau protein metabolism, inflammation, oxidative stress, and hormonal changes may produce neuronal degeneration in AD are being elucidated, and rational pharmacologic interventions based on these discoveries are being developed.

RCT is using specific peptides, growth factors and neurotrophic factors that carry encoded information to a specific receptor on neurons. This creates a series of intercellular reactions within the neurons. The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular neuron. This causes the neuron to start functioning normally again.

Neurological disorders can stem from an over abun-dance or deficiency of neurotrophic factors. The specific neurotrophic factors RCT is using have the ability to regulate the neurons and support normal brain function.

When there are not enough neurotrophic factors being produced, the treatment will stimulate the

neurons to produce the necessary levels. When there are too many of these molecules, it will inhibit the production of these neurotrophic factors. The Neu-rotrophic Factors are not drugs; they are molecules that reconstitute the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. These contain a peptide, growth factor or neurotrophic factor fraction obtained by chromatog-raphy (Bovine protein extract with a chromatographic purity greater than 99%). The neurotrophic factors used by RCT are derived specifically for Alzheimer’s disease.

Such peptide-based treatments have neurotrophic effects on neurons of the central nervous system, stimulating the development, survival and neuritic growth. This promotes neuroplasticity, neuronal mat-uration and it creates new electrical contacts, known as synaptogenesis, which have transcendent effects. The improvements obtained are permanent and there is no regression of the advancements obtained.

In addition, Fibroblast growth factors can have an stimulating effect on the glutamatergic or pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex and other regions of the central nervous system, promoting the survival, development and activity of these types of neurons. Specifically in the frontal, parietal and temporal regions of the cerebral cortex, since these areas are critical for cognitive processes (awareness, recogni-tion, analysis, reasoning, imagination etc.)

The same has proven to be effective in improving the function in learning disorders, such as Dyslexia and Attention Deficit, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asper-ger syndrome, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and Neuro degenerative Diseases.

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Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD & ADHD) Treatment Studies show that ADD is caused by damage in spe-cific regions of the central nervous system due to a deficiency in the developmental process, which can generate attention deficit disorder and learning dis-abilities. ADD is common in family members within anindividual family.

The problem is due to a hypo development of the mentioned systems during the formation of the central nervous system associated with a high family incidence. This type of attention deficit would be the inattentive type. Other subtypes can be generated by lesions or damages to other regions of the CNS such as the frontal lobe, the anterior nuclei of the thalamus and the basal ganglia. The typical ADD treatment must pretend to favor the development of the dopa-minergic and noradrenergic systems for reducing the hypo activity of the mentioned systems that partici-pate in the attentive process.

RCT is using specific peptides, growth factors and neurotrophic factors that carry encoded information to a specific receptor on neurons. This creates a series of intercellular reactions within the neurons. The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular neuron. This causes the neuron to start functioning normally again.

Neurological disorders can stem from an over abun-dance or deficiency of neurotrophic factors. The specific neurotrophic factors RCT is using have the ability to regulate the neurons and support normal

brain function.

When there are not enough neurotrophic factors being produced, the treatment will stimulate the neurons to produce the necessary levels. When there are too many of these molecules, it will inhibit the production of these neurotrophic factors.

The Neurotrophic Factors are not drugs; they are molecules that reconstitute the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. These contain a peptide, growth fac-tor or neurotrophic factor fraction obtained by chro-matography (Bovine protein extract with a chroma-tographic purity greater than 99%). The neurotrophic factors used by RCT are derived specifically for ADD and ADHD.

Peptide-based treatments have neurotrophic effects on neurons of the central nervous system, stimulating the development, survival and neuritic growth. This promotes neuroplasticity, neuronal maturation and it creates new electrical contacts, known as synaptogen-esis, which have transcendent effects. The improve-ments obtained are permanent and there is no regres-sion of the advancements obtained.

In addition, Fibroblast growth factors can have an stimulating effect on the glutamatergic or pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex and other regions of the central nervous system, promoting the survival, development and activity of these types of neurons. Specifically in the frontal, parietal and temporal regions of the cerebral cortex, since these areas are critical for cognitive processes (awareness, recogni-tion, analysis, reasoning, imagination etc.)

The same has proven to be effective in improving the function in learning disorders, such as Dyslexia and Attention Deficit, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asper-ger syndrome, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and Neuro degenerative Diseases.

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Autism Treatment Autistic spectrum and pervasive developmental disor-der (PDD) has had a very significant increase in prev-alence in the last 20 years. Various studies suggest the causes can stem from a variety of environmental and genetic factors. According to the DSM-IV-R, autism is characterized by an alteration in three behavioral domains: 1- social interaction, 2- communication skills and 3- behavioral patterns and repetitive or stereotyped activities. In general, autism is not con-sidered a disease, but a syndrome with genetic and non-genetic causes.

RCT is using specific peptides, growth factors and neurotrophic factors that carry encoded information to a specific receptor on neurons. This creates a series of intercellular reactions within the neurons. The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular neuron. This causes the neuron to start functioning normally again.

Neurological disorders can stem from an over abun-dance or deficiency of neurotrophic factors. The specific neurotrophic factors RCT is using have the ability to regulate the neurons and support normal brain function.

When there are not enough neurotrophic factors being produced, the treatment will stimulate the neurons to produce the necessary levels. When there are too many of these molecules, it will inhibit the production of these neurotrophic factors.

The Neurotrophic Factors are not drugs; they are molecules that reconstitute the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. These contain a peptide, growth fac-tor or neurotrophic factor fraction obtained by chro-

matography (Bovine protein extract with a chroma-tographic purity greater than 99%). The neurotrophic factors used by RCT are derived specifically for the Autistic spectrum.

Peptide-based treatments have neurotrophic effects on neurons of the central nervous system, stimulating the development, survival and neuritic growth. This promotes neuroplasticity, neuronal maturation and it creates new electrical contacts, known as synaptogen-esis, which have transcendent effects. The improve-ments obtained are permanent and there is no regres-sion of the advancements obtained.

In addition, Fibroblast growth factors can have an stimulating effect on the glutamatergic or pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex and other regions of the central nervous system, promoting the survival, development and activity of these types of neurons. Specifically in the frontal, parietal and temporal regions of the cerebral cortex, since these areas are critical for cognitive processes (awareness, recogni-tion, analysis, reasoning, imagination etc.)

The same has proven to be effective in improving the function in learning disorders, such as Dyslexia and Attention Deficit, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asper-ger syndrome, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and Neuro degenerative Diseases.

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Brain Injury TreatmentA traumatic brain injury (TBI) is any injury occur-ring in the brain of a living organism. Primary and secondary brain injury are ways to classify the injury processes that occur in brain injury, while focal and diffuse brain injury are ways to classify the extent or location of injury in the brain. Specific forms of brain injury include:

• Brain damage, the destruction or degeneration of brain cells.

• Traumatic brain injury, damage that occurs when an outside force traumatically injures the brain.

• Stroke, a vascular event causing damage in the brain.• Acquired brain injury, damage to the brain that oc-

curs after birth, regardless of whether it is traumatic or non-traumatic, or whether due to an outside or internal cause.

RCT is using specific peptides, growth factors and neurotrophic factors that carry encoded information to a specific receptor on neurons. This creates a series of intercellular reactions within the neurons. The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular neuron. This causes the neuron to start functioning normally again.

Neurological disorders can stem from an over abun-dance or deficiency of neurotrophic factors. The spe-cific neurotrophic factors RCT is using have the abil-ity to regulate the neurons and support normal brain function.When there are not enough neurotrophic factors being produced, the treatment will stimulate the neurons to produce the necessary levels. When there are too many of these molecules, it will inhibit the production of these neurotrophic factors.

The Neurotrophic Factors are not drugs; they are molecules that reconstitute the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. These contain a peptide, growth fac-tor or neurotrophic factor fraction obtained by chro-matography (Bovine protein extract with a chroma-tographic purity greater than 99%). The neurotrophic factors used by RCT are derived specifically for Brain injuries.

Peptide-based treatments have neurotrophic effects on neurons of the central nervous system, stimulating the development, survival and neuritic growth. This promotes neuroplasticity, neuronal maturation and it creates new electrical contacts, known as synaptogen-esis, which have transcendent effects. The improve-ments obtained are permanent and there is no regres-sion of the advancements obtained.

In addition, Fibroblast growth factors can have an stimulating effect on the glutamatergic or pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex and other regions of the central nervous system, promoting the survival, development and activity of these types of neurons. Specifically in the frontal, parietal and temporal regions of the cerebral cortex, since these areas are critical for cognitive processes (awareness, recogni-tion, analysis, reasoning, imagination etc.)The same has proven to be effective in improving the function in learning disorders, such as Dyslexia and Attention Deficit, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asper-ger syndrome, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and Neuro degenerative Diseases.

Page 13: Regenerating Cells • Rejuvenating Lives · homeopathy. She is a highly regarded expert in regener-ative injection therapies (platelet therapy, prolotherapy, trigger point injection


Cirrhosis TreatmentCirrhosis is a consequence of chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of liver tissue by fibrosis, scar tissue and regenerative nodules (lumps that occur as a result of a process in which damaged tissue is regenerated, leading to loss of liver function. Cirrhosis is most commonly caused by alcoholism, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and fatty liver disease, but has many other possible causes. Some cases are idiopathic (i.e., of unknown cause).

Ascites (fluid retention in the abdominal cavity) is the most common complication of cirrhosis, and is associ-ated with a poor quality of life, increased risk of infection, and a poor long-term outcome. Other potentially life-threatening complications are hepatic encephalopathy (confusion and coma) and bleeding from esophageal varices. Cirrhosis is traditionally irreversible, and treatment usually focuses on preventing progression and com-plications. In advanced stages of cirrhosis the only traditional option is a liver transplant.

RCT is using proteins and peptides that are carrying encoded information to specific type of receptor on mem-brane a particular type of cell. This creates a series of intercellular reactions.

The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular cell. This causes the cell to start functioning normally again.

Regenerative Cellular Therapy is using proteins and peptides for the liver that confront degenerative failure with the organic regeneration in the liver cells, recovering the individual cell function, eliminating fibrosis, and scar tissue. The organ begins functioning normally, and the patient recovers their health.

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Dementia Treatment Dementia is considered the loss of mental functions such as thinking, memory, and reasoning that is se-vere enough to interfere with a person’s daily func-tioning. Dementia is not a disease itself, but rather a group of symptoms that are caused by various dis-eases or conditions. Symptoms can include changes in behavior, personality, or temperament.

RCT is using specific peptides, growth factors and neurotrophic factors that carry encoded information to a specific receptor on neurons. This creates a series of intercellular reactions within the neurons. The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular neuron. This causes the neuron to start functioning normally again.

Neurological disorders can stem from an over abun-dance or deficiency of neurotrophic factors. The specific neurotrophic factors RCT is using have the ability to regulate the neurons and support normal brain function.

When there are not enough neurotrophic factors being produced, the treatment will stimulate the neurons to produce the necessary levels. When there are too many of these molecules, it will inhibit the production of these neurotrophic factors.

The Neurotrophic Factors are not drugs; they are molecules that reconstitute the Central and Periph-eral Nervous System. These contain a peptide, growth factor or neurotrophic factor fraction obtained by chromatography (Bovine protein extract with a chromatographic purity greater than 99%). The neu-

rotrophic factors used by RCT are derived specifically for dementia.

Such peptide-based treatments have neurotrophic effects on neurons of the central nervous system, stimulating the development, survival and neuritic growth. This promotes neuroplasticity, neuronal mat-uration and it creates new electrical contacts, known as synaptogenesis, which have transcendent effects. The improvements obtained are permanent and there is no regression of the advancements obtained.

In addition, Fibroblast growth factors can have an stimulating effect on the glutamatergic or pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex and other regions of the central nervous system, promoting the survival, development and activity of these types of neurons. Specifically in the frontal, parietal and temporal regions of the cerebral cortex, since these areas are critical for cognitive processes (awareness, recogni-tion, analysis, reasoning, imagination etc.)

The same has proven to be effective in improving the function in learning disorders, such as Dyslexia and Attention Deficit, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asper-ger syndrome, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and Neuro degenerative Diseases.

Page 15: Regenerating Cells • Rejuvenating Lives · homeopathy. She is a highly regarded expert in regener-ative injection therapies (platelet therapy, prolotherapy, trigger point injection


Epilepsy Treatment

Epilepsy syndromes fall into two broad categories: generalized and partial (or localization-related) syn-dromes. In generalized epilepsies, the predominant type of seizures begins simultaneously in both cere-bral hemispheres.

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurologic problems worldwide. Approximately 2 million people in the United States have epilepsy, and 3 percent of people in the general population will have epilepsy at some point in their lives. In recent years, impor-tant advances have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of seizure disorders. However, our under-standing of the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which epilepsy develops, or epileptogenesis, is still incomplete.

Many forms of generalized epilepsy have a strong genetic component; in most, neurologic function is normal. In partial epilepsies, by contrast, seizures originate in one or more localized foci, although they can spread to involve the entire brain. Most partial epilepsies are believed to be the result of one or more central nervous system insults, but in many cases the nature of the insult is never identified.

RCT is using specific peptides, growth factors and neurotrophic factors that carry encoded information to a specific receptor on neurons. This creates a series of intercellular reactions within the neurons. The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular neuron. This causes the neuron to start functioning normally again.Neurological disorders can stem from an over abun-dance or deficiency of neurotrophic factors. The

specific neurotrophic factors RCT is using have the ability to regulate the neurons and support normal brain function.

When there are not enough neurotrophic factors being produced, the treatment will stimulate the neurons to produce the necessary levels. When there are too many of these molecules, it will inhibit the production of these neurotrophic factors.The Neu-rotrophic Factors are not drugs; they are molecules that reconstitute the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. These contain a peptide, growth factor or neurotrophic factor fraction obtained by chromatog-raphy (Bovine protein extract with a chromatographic purity greater than 99%). The neurotrophic factors used by RCT are derived specifically for the Autistic spectrum.

Peptide-based treatments have neurotrophic effects on neurons of the central nervous system, stimulating the development, survival and neuritic growth. This promotes neuroplasticity, neuronal maturation and it creates new electrical contacts, known as synaptogen-esis, which have transcendent effects. The improve-ments obtained are permanent and there is no regres-sion of the advancements obtained.

In addition, Fibroblast growth factors can have an stimulating effect on the glutamatergic or pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex and other regions of the central nervous system, promoting the survival, development and activity of these types of neurons. Specifically in the frontal, parietal and temporal regions of the cerebral cortex, since these areas are critical for cognitive processes (awareness, recogni-tion, analysis, reasoning, imagination etc.)

The same has proven to be effective in improving the function in learning disorders, such as Dyslexia and Attention Deficit, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asper-ger syndrome, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and Neuro degenerative Diseases.

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Type-1 Diabetes Treatment Type 1 Diabetics traditionally have a lifetime depen-dence on exogenous insulin. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder caused by an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin, an anabolic hormone. Insulin is produced by of the islets of Langerhans and beta cells located in the pancreas, and the absence, destruction, or other loss of these cells results in type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus [IDDM]). A possible mechanism for the development of type 1 is shown in the image below.

RCT is using Proteins, peptides, growth factor and polyphenols that are carrying encoded information to specific type of receptor on membrane a partic-ular type of cell. This creates a series of intercellular reactions.

The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular cell. This causes the cell to start functioning normally again.

Polyphenols and Flavonoids, which are a family of Polyphenols, are an addition to the protocol when RCT is treating patients with autoimmune disor-ders where inflammation is present. Flavonoids can selectively inhibit cell-signals by binding to specific receptors in cell membranes, helping to regulate cell proliferation, inflammation, invasion, metastasis, and activation of apoptosis.

Regenerative Cellular Therapy is using proteins and peptides specifically for the pancreas to normalize the immune system. The proteins and peptides we use cause the islet of Langerhans and beta cells to return

to their normal function. As the islet of Langerhans and beta cells begin to function normally they start the production of insulin and or higher quality insu-lin. When this process is completed the organ begins functioning normally, and the patient recovers their health.

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Type-2 Diabetes TreatmentType 2 Diabetes is caused by genetic information which has been damaged in the islets of Langerhans and the beta cells. When this genetic information is damaged, the insulin produced can be low quality, insufficient quantity, and or both.

Some of the causes of the damage in genetic informa-tion of the islets of Langerhans and beta cells include:

• Unhealthy diets• Hypertension• Those who live sedentary or inactive lifestyles• Excessive stress• Mental health problems• Obesity• Smoking or excessive alcohol consumption• Lack of exercise• Gestational diabetes, in pregnant women• Genetic predisposition• High triglycerides or low HDL cholesterol

RCT is using proteins, peptides, growth factors and polyphenols that are carrying encoded information to specific type of receptor on membrane a partic-ular type of cell. This creates a series of intercellular reactions.

The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular cell. This causes the cell to start functioning normally again.

Polyphenols and Flavonoids, which are a family of Polyphenols, are an addition to the protocol when RCT is treating patients with autoimmune disor-

ders where inflammation is present. Flavonoids can selectively inhibit cell-signals by binding to specific receptors in cell membranes, helping to regulate cell proliferation, inflammation, invasion, metastasis, and activation of apoptosis.

Regenerative Cellular Therapy is using proteins and peptides specifically for the pancreas to normalize the immune system. The proteins and peptides we use cause the islet of Langerhans and beta cells to return to their normal function. As the islet of Langerhans and beta cells begin to function normally they start the production of insulin and or higher quality insu-lin. When this process is completed the organ begins functioning normally, and the patient recovers their health.

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Treatment for Hashimoto’s Disease Chronic thyroiditis is caused by the swelling due to inflammation in the thyroid gland, which then re-duces thyroid function (hypothyroidism).

RCT is using proteins, peptides, growth factor and polyphenols that are carrying encoded information to specific type of receptor on membrane a partic-ular type of cell. This creates a series of intercellular reactions.The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimu-late the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular cell. This causes the cell to start functioning normally again.

Polyphenols and Flavonoids, which are a family of Polyphenols, are an addition to the protocol when RCT is treating patients with autoimmune disor-ders where inflammation is present. Flavonoids can selectively inhibit cell-signals by binding to specific receptors in cell membranes, helping to regulate cell proliferation, inflammation, invasion, metastasis, and activation of apoptosis.

Regenerative Cellular Therapy is using proteins and peptides specifically for Hashimoto’s Disease to nor-malize the immune system. The proteins and peptides we use cause the islet of Langerhans and beta cells to return to their normal function. As the islet of Langerhans and beta cells begin to function normally they start the production of insulin and or higher quality insulin. When this process is completed the organ begins functioning normally, and the patient recovers their health.

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a disease that leads to long-term (chronic) inflammation.

It is a name given to a collection of autoimmune dis-eases that cause the human immune system becomes hyperactive and then starts attacking normal, healthy tissue. Symptoms of these diseases can affect many different areas of the body , including the immune system, muscles, tendons, cartilage, bones, skin, lungs, heart, and blood cells.

RCT is using proteins and peptides that are carrying encoded information to specific type of receptor on membrane a particular type of cell. This creates a series of inter-cellular reactions.

The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular cell. This causes the cell to start functioning normally again.

Regenerative Cellular Therapy’s Protein and Peptide based treatments for Lupus strengthen the immune system, have specific proteins and peptides for skin, muscles, tendons, cartilage, bones, and other cells. When the patients immune system stops attacking the patients body and the cells begin functioning nor-mally the joints, skin, blood and heart cells begin to regenerate.

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Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an unpredictable, often disabling autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body.

The cause of MS is still unknown, however scientists believe the disease is triggered by environmental factor(s) in a person who is genetically predisposed to respond.

RCT can target these factors within the body and inhibit responses using proteins and peptides. These molecules carry encoded information to specific type of receptor on membrane on a particular type of cell. This creates a series of intercellular reactions.

The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular cell. This causes the cell to start functioning normally again.

Regenerative Cellular Therapy’s Protein and Peptide based vaccines for Multiple Sclerosis strengthen the immune system, have specific proteins and peptides for muscle, tendon, and bone cells. When the patients immune system stops attacking the patients body and the cells begin functioning normally the muscle tendon and bone begin to regenerate.

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Osteoarthritis Treatment Osteoarthritis is the most common type of joint disease, af-fecting more than 20 million individuals in the United states alone. It represents a heterogeneous group of conditions re-sulting in common histopathologic and radiologic changes. It can be thought of as a degenerative disorder arising from a biochemical breakdown of articular (hyaline cartilage in the synovial joints). However the current view holds that osteoarthritis involves not only the articular cartilage but also the entire joint organ, including the subchondral bone and synovium.

RCT is using proteins, peptides, growth factors and polyphenols that are carrying encoded information to spe-cific type of receptor on membrane a particular type of cell. This creates a series of intercellular reactions.

The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new informa-tion and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular cell. This causes the cell to start functioning normally again.

Polyphenols and Flavonoids, which are a family of Polyphe-nols, are an addition to the protocol when RCT is treating patients with autoimmune disorders where inflammation is present. Flavonoids can selectively inhibit cell-signals by binding to specific receptors in cell membranes, helping to regulate cell proliferation, inflammation, invasion, metasta-sis, and activation of apoptosis.

Regenerative Cellular Therapy’s protocol for Osteoarthritis will strengthen the body’s immune system, as well as pro-vide specific proteins and peptides for muscle, tendon, and bone cells. When the patients immune system stops attack-ing the patients body and the cells begin functioning nor-mally the muscle tendon and bone begin to regenerate.

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Lyme Disease

Lyme disease, the most common vector-borne illness in the United States, is a multisystem illness caused by infection with the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi and the body’s immune response to the infection. The disease is transmitted to humans via tick bites, from infected ticks of the genus Ixodes.

RCT is using proteins and peptides that are carrying encoded information to specific type of receptor on membrane a particular type of cell. This creates a series of intercellular reactions.

The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular cell. This causes the cell to start functioning normally again.

Regenerative Cellular Therapy’s treatment for Lyme disease includes specific proteins and peptides that target cells in muscles, tendons, bones, the central nervous system and the immune system. When the patients is properly supported in these areas, it allows the body’s own cells to begin functioning and regenerating naturally.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic systemic in-flammatory disease of unknown cause. The hallmark feature of this condition is symmetric polyarthritis (synovitis) that affects the hands and feet, though any joint lined by a synovial membrane may be involved. Extra-articular of organs such as skin, heart, lungs, and eyes can be significant.

RCT is using proteins, peptides, growth factors and polyphenols that are carrying encoded information to specific type of receptor on membrane a partic-ular type of cell. This creates a series of intercellular reactions.

The signals pass through the nucleus of the cell until they arrive to the DNA. These signals stimulate the DNA. When this process is complete the RNA reads the new information and creates a functional protein based on the needs of that particular cell. This causes the cell to start functioning normally again.

Polyphenols and Flavonoids, which are a family of Polyphenols, are an addition to the protocol when RCT is treating patients with autoimmune disor-ders where inflammation is present. Flavonoids can selectively inhibit cell-signals by binding to specific receptors in cell membranes, helping to regulate cell proliferation, inflammation, invasion, metastasis, and activation of apoptosis.

Regenerative Cellular Therapy’s protocol for Rheu-matoid arthritis will strengthen the immune system, as well as provide specific proteins and peptides for muscle, tendon, and bone cells. When the patients immune system stops attacking the patients body and the cells begin functioning normally, the muscle tendon and bone begin to regenerate.

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Let us start out by saying THANK YOU! “You have given us back our son! Our timing to find you could not have been any better! We were at a point of just throwing our hands up in the air, due to our son declining and not know-ing what to do (which is NOT how we had ever been in the past - but this was really bad). He had just been diagnosed with epilepsy (on top of his Autism and Cerebral Palsy) and this had REALLY made our son completely withdraw, sit in the corner and drool, and the worst part was the happiness in him was gone. He had no words, was unable to follow one-step commands, or have any sort of attention span towards anything. We were unable to take him out in public any longer. It was just a very sad time for our whole family. BUT, the wonderful news…Since we have been with RC Therapy our son has dramatically decreased the amount of seizures he was having. We have been able to cut his seizure medica-tion in half and now weaning him completely off. He is able to follow 4 step commands. His attention span has increased to 15 minutes/session. Drew was only about 5% lucid when he began the treatments, and NOW he is approximately 90% lucid !!! He has approximately 15 new words. He has even put 3 word sentences together. We are able AND proud to take him out in public now. Best of all, he has regained his happy disposition! He has even been able to get potty trained during the night.

He is able to go on 2-mile hikes, 2 hour tubing rides, horseback riding, and loves to be in the pool. His speech therapist is SO proud these days. She has continuously been able to report great sessions with him, which had not happened in a long time. What a great feeling for us, his parents! We are FINALLY having good reports on our son. As his treatment continues, we look forward to the continuous improvements! We now KNOW that he will continue improving daily - and look forward to the next update we can share with everyone. This IS the best treatment we could have ever done. EVER!

Again, thank you for giving us our son back AND with a happy disposition.”

Lisa and Greg MacneirColorado

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“After noticing what looked to be a small red bump on my knee, it soon swelled to the size of a fist. At the hospital I was told that it was potentially fatal and needed immediate medical attention. It was later diagnosed as Methicillin-resistant Staph-ylococcus aureus (MRSA), which is a bacterial infection that is highly resistant to antibiotics.

The infected area was surgically removed and I was OK for a short time. However, within months the MRSA returned in another area. Luckily it was caught and removed earlier, but I was told that I would always be a carrier of MRSA and it would keep coming back forever.

I turned to bio-medications and found that Peptide treatments can be designed to directly target the infected cells. Since my single Peptide treatment my body is free of infection and it has never returned since.

I am now cured of MRSA thanks to my custom Peptide vaccine!”

“ I had Diabetes, and the beginning stages of cirrhosis and chronic renal failure. My health was rapidly deteriorating and I felt like there were no other options out there for me. After learning about the develop-ments in Peptide based treatments, I made the best decision I could for my life and health.

I committed to the 10 week treatment and I am stunned to feel and see the rapid regeneration of my kidney, liver and pan-creas cells. I no longer feel the immense fatigue and pain on a daily basis.

This was an easy decision for me, because I am originally from Tuscon and own a business in Mexico, Bonito Bill Paying Services. The RCT Clinic was very close, which made trips for treatments quick and easy. I am extremely grateful for the doctors and their team, and I rest assured knowing

I am supporting my body with proteins targeted to my specific conditions.”

Cameron - Seattle, WA Patricia Perez - Tuscon, AZ

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“I started regenerative cell therapy be-cause I hoped to overcome some of the problems that come with being over 70 years old. I wanted to add a few years of good health and vitality to my life.

The vaccinations of peptides and proteins I received at the RCT clinic greatly im-proved my physical condition. After a few weeks of treatment, I could see significant improvement in my skin, especially on my face. Many of the small wrinkles disap-peared and my skin seemed to be renewed

During the treatment, my energy level in-creased. I was able to be more active and I lost about 10 pounds in weight. I now have the energy to work out aggressively on a regular basis. The workouts have greatly improved the muscular condition of my body. Prior to the treatment I was not working out due to lack of energy. I was loosing a lot of muscle and generally losing physical strength .

I believe that the treatment added years of good health and high energy to my life. The improvements were gradual but seem to be long lasting. I believe that my currentphysical condition for a 72 year old man is excellent.

I would recommend the treatment to anyone who is concerned about the debil-itating effects of old age. Furthermore, the facilities at Bella Sirena are wonderful and totally safe.”

“When I arrived at the RCT clinic, the doctors told me to have faith in what they were doing for me. I took a leap of faith, I kept the faith, and today after completing the treatment, I want others to know there is hope and a way, to have your quality of life back, thanks to the RCT Peptide and protein vaccines developed for each individual, based on your blood plasma DNA and your health issues. Peptides and Peptones are proteins bound together by amino acids and therefore, there are no side effects to the treatment. I did the research, I took the treatment, I am ben-efiting from the results and I want others to know that if you think the money or the effort is too much, let me reassure you those things mean nothing if you cannot enjoy life every day.

I urge you to correspond with me, so I can tell you of my experience. I kept a diary. The first class accommodations, the clean, modern clinic located on the grounds of Bella Sierna Resort all add to the to the start of a healing experience. The range of treatments and what they can do for a va-riety of diseases should give hope to many, without hope;

I was witness to others in the program suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, to diabetes and they too recovered their health and their quality of life.”

Harlan Werth, Arizona Brice Fowler, Texas

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“Around 5 years ago I started to have severe headaches that lasted for several days, with fatigue and back pain, I visited several doctors but none of them were able to alleviate the discomforts.

Approximately a year ago, my health became worse and I could not move my left arm and had to hold it with the right, and I started having seizures so I was hospitalized in Uruapan Michoacan. After several studies, like bone marrow samples and a cranial CT, I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma.

There were many stains observed on the CT, apparently the head injuries were caused by the disease. Last April 4th [2012], I was admitted to the Civil Hospital emergency where I got a series of tests, because the doctors did not believe in my previous diagnosis and they wanted to confirm it.

After a week the bone biopsy and all the tests confirmed that my body had 80% amount of plasma cells, the result was Multiple Myeloma. Until then it was explained that what I had was cancer. They started to give me the prescribed treatment of shark cartilage, Aspirin, Thalidomide among others, as well as Zoledronic Acid. After a month at the hospital I began to show an infection and the analysis confirmed that it was pneumonia. From that moment I felt as if I were going to die.

I agreed to begin to RCT’s Polyphenol and Peptide Based cancer vaccine (without the consent of the doctors). They explained that it was going to help my immune system and was going to kill cancer cells. After a couple of days I started to feel a little better and I left the hospital, I continued with my treatment of vaccines twice a week and little by little I was getting better every day.

In September of the same year I began chemotherapy treatment, one every week and with each application I got a dexamethasone pill for 6 months and in February of this year the chemotherapies ended. As I mentioned before, I suffered from constant “Super strong” headaches. I felt improvement since the start of chemotherapy, the pain gradually dwindled and to this date I am feeling “super good”, I can move and use my left arm.

In May of this year [2013] I was sent to receive different studies again, like the bone marrow sample, osteoporosis, bone biopsy, skull radiographs, urine test and biometrics, and these found no multiple myeloma cells and now I am in what they call in remission.

The Hematologists suggest that the next step is a bone marrow transplant, they already explained the risks involved. They are checking me each month, I continue the natural RCT vaccines, but now one each month. The biologists who made them told me that it may not be necessary to have the bone marrow transplant; I really hope so.

María Margarita Huizar López

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“My Daughter Gracia is only 7 and has Diabetes Type-1.

We were looking for a treatment that would give her a better quality of lifeThe speaker of the house of Mexico rec-ommended RCT and we decided to try it in Dec. 2012 and only just one month, in January 2013, she doesn’t need insulin.

All her levels are like a normal person. For example, Her A1C is like a normal person. 5.1%

I am so happy, I want to share my message so all that can see it…because her pancreas has started to make insulin, her own insulin!

With all my heart, I can tell you this treatment is a good thing for her”

Lilian & Grecia Avila

“I’m Jeanie Smith, I’m from a small town outside of Dallas Texas. I was diagnosed with RA 3 years ago, it started in my hands and my knuckles started swelling.

I went to the doctors office and they did a blood test and told me it was RA. They sent me to a Rheumatologist, and I was there for two year, and it just got worse.

I couldn’t really move. My feet had gotten so bad that I had to use a walker and then progressed to a walker with a seat in it, be-cause it couldn’t hardly stand to put weight on my feet or legs... I stayed sick with the medications the doctors prescribed there

We decided to take a chance [with RCT] and I have to say it was well worth it.

After 6 weeks into the treatments I’m up and moving around. The swelling has reduced dramatically, there is still some but its slowly going away!

The medication is so non evasive, I have no side effects!

Its just been a wonderful experience and I am at least 70% better, then when I was when I first started coming. So for me it is well worth it!”

Jeanie SmithTexas

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Rejuvenate at the ResortThe Regenerative Cellular Therapy clinic is located within the beautiful Bella Sirena Resort.Rest in comfort between treatment sessions at one of the newest and most luxurious full-service residential re-sorts in Puerto Penasco, Mexico, also known as Rocky Point.

The resort features old-world architecture inspired by Mexican and Tuscan Villas that create a dramatic backdrop for breathtaking beach-front views from any residence.Our dynamic Bio Pharmaceutical products use a multitude of protein and peptide based compounds designed specifically for your condition.

The RCT clinic is limited to maximum number of treatments every month due to product availability and facility constraints. Ensure you can reserve a treatment opportunity by contacting our clinic during normal business hours. RCT does not offer these treatments stateside, but they are also currently available in other countries.

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Call now to reserve your spot on the treatment waiting list.

Call (480) 626 - 4845 for a Consultation with a Treatment Specialist www.rctherapy. com

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Our mission is to bring relief to those suffering from disease, by providing custom biopharmaceutical treatments that improve their quality of life, from

the comfort of a world-class resort.

(480) 626-4845 • www.rctherapy.com