1=D/A; 2=A/T6; 3=D/T6; 4=All; ADA; T6; blank DBE; ACR-4=MF Last Name First Name Airport Code D-DBE A-ADA T6- Title VI Region Email None ACR-4 Lipp Eric Open Doors Organization All [email protected] ACR-4 Hammond Anne Aviation Consumer Protection Division All [email protected] ACR-4 Newman Beth FAA Office of the Chief Counsel, Airports Law Branch All [email protected] ACR-4 Bailey Bruce U.S. Access Board All [email protected] ACR-4 Chapman Livaughn Aviation Consumer Protection Division All [email protected] ACR-4 Foster Seena TSA - Disability Branch, Office of Civil Rights and Liberties, Ombudsman and Traveler Engagement All [email protected] ACR-4 Bromer Zachary TSA - Disability Branch, Office of Civil Rights and Liberties, Ombudsman and Traveler Engagement All [email protected] 1 Solsvig Andy MOT D-A AGL [email protected] 1 Crook Ann ELM D-A AEA [email protected] 1 Griffith Barry MSL D-A ASO [email protected] 1 McDonell Beth FAT D-A AWP [email protected] 1 Hood Bob OTH D-A ANM [email protected] 1 Hagen Bradley ALO D-A ACE [email protected] 1 Osborn Carol ALS D-A ANM [email protected] 1 Huber Carolyn SBP D-A AWP [email protected] 1 Martin Cheryl LNS D-A AEA [email protected] 1 Jensen Chris MSO D-A ANM [email protected] 1 Pillar Chuck AOO D-A AEA [email protected] 1 Martin Cindi GPI D-A ANM [email protected] 1 Ruppel DAVE HDN D-A ANM [email protected] 1 Haring Davis CYS D-A ANM [email protected] 1 Debra Debra LBL D-A ACE [email protected] 1 Swanson Donald CID D-A ACE [email protected] 1 Johnson Eric FOE D-A ACE [email protected] 1 Monzo Gabe LBE D-A AEA [email protected] 1 Januska Glenn CPR D-A ANM [email protected] 1 Hutchinson Gordon CEF D-A ANE [email protected] 1 Skinner Jack LAR D-A ANM [email protected] Individuals and Houses; Total = 0 invited respondent, 0 expected respondent Total Invited Respondents = 1496; Total Expected Respondents = 505 Federal Government; Subtotal = 6 invited respondent; 4 expected respondents State, Local or tribal governments; Subtotal = 1489 invited respondents; 500 expected respondents Private Sector; Total = 1 invited respondent, 1 expected respondent Bellamy Management Services, LLC Supporting Federal Aviation Administration Office of Civil Rights, Post Restruction External Program Feedback 1


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Page 1: Region Email - DASHBOARD - REGINFO.GOV

1=D/A; 2=A/T6;

3=D/T6; 4=All;

ADA; T6; blank


Last Name First Name Airport





Title VI

Region Email


ACR-4 Lipp Eric Open Doors Organization All [email protected]

ACR-4 Hammond Anne Aviation Consumer Protection Division All [email protected]

ACR-4 Newman Beth FAA Office of the Chief Counsel, Airports Law Branch All [email protected]

ACR-4 Bailey Bruce U.S. Access Board All [email protected]

ACR-4 Chapman Livaughn Aviation Consumer Protection Division All [email protected]

ACR-4Foster Seena

TSA - Disability Branch, Office of Civil Rights and Liberties,

Ombudsman and Traveler EngagementAll [email protected]

ACR-4Bromer Zachary

TSA - Disability Branch, Office of Civil Rights and Liberties,

Ombudsman and Traveler EngagementAll [email protected]

1 Solsvig Andy MOT D-A AGL [email protected]

1 Crook Ann ELM D-A AEA [email protected]

1 Griffith Barry MSL D-A ASO [email protected]

1 McDonell Beth FAT D-A AWP [email protected]

1 Hood Bob OTH D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Hagen Bradley ALO D-A ACE [email protected]

1 Osborn Carol ALS D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Huber Carolyn SBP D-A AWP [email protected]

1 Martin Cheryl LNS D-A AEA [email protected]

1 Jensen Chris MSO D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Pillar Chuck AOO D-A AEA [email protected]

1 Martin Cindi GPI D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Ruppel DAVE HDN D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Haring Davis CYS D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Debra Debra LBL D-A ACE [email protected]

1 Swanson Donald CID D-A ACE [email protected]

1 Johnson Eric FOE D-A ACE [email protected]

1 Monzo Gabe LBE D-A AEA [email protected]

1 Januska Glenn CPR D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Hutchinson Gordon CEF D-A ANE [email protected]

1 Skinner Jack LAR D-A ANM [email protected]

Individuals and Houses; Total = 0 invited respondent, 0 expected respondent

Total Invited Respondents = 1496; Total Expected Respondents = 505

Federal Government; Subtotal = 6 invited respondent; 4 expected respondents

State, Local or tribal governments; Subtotal = 1489 invited respondents; 500 expected respondents

Private Sector; Total = 1 invited respondent, 1 expected respondent

Bellamy Management Services, LLC

Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Civil Rights, Post Restruction External Program Feedback 1

Page 2: Region Email - DASHBOARD - REGINFO.GOV

1 Marhefka Jackie MGW D-A AEA [email protected]

1 Barrow Janet SDF D-A ASO [email protected]

1 lundel Jay Gillette-Campbell County ANM [email protected] Munger Jenn ALB D-A AEA [email protected]

1 Skoglund Jennifer ALW D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Keating Jeremy IFP D-A AWP [email protected]

1 Galloway Jim VLD D-A ASO [email protected]

1 Lynaugh Jim EAR D-A ACE [email protected]

1 Naylor John CHA D-A ASO [email protected]

1 Nord John DVL D-A AGL [email protected]

1 Braun Kelly DIK D-A AGL [email protected]

1 KELLY HARVEY VEL ANM [email protected]

1 Scharrer Kim ERI D-A AEA [email protected]

1 Claussen Kurt Rochester International D/A AGL [email protected] Hackney Larry MHK D-A ACE [email protected]

1 Noffsinger Lynn GNV D-A ASO [email protected]

1 Stowell Maria PSM D-A ANE [email protected]

1 Madore Marsha GSP D-A ASO [email protected]

1 Bondurant Mary ENA D-A AAL [email protected]

1 Tennant Mary Catherine PRC D-A AWP [email protected]

1 Remynse Matthew BIS AGL [email protected] Conner Michael AVP D-A AEA [email protected]

1 Isaacs Mike Pierre Regional AGL [email protected]

1 Keller Nick CRW D-A ANE [email protected]

1 Henderson Pamela ECP D-A ASO [email protected]

1 Wagner Patricia 6N5 D-A AEA [email protected]

1 Wagner Patricia 6N5 AEA [email protected]

1 Shea Patrick BTM D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Chambers Rhonda Fort Dodge Regional AGL [email protected]



FOD ACE [email protected]

1 Dyment Richard LEB D-A ANE [email protected]

1 Peterson Rob YKM D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Turner Robin LWS D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Machen Russ CEZ D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Volk Russ CDC D-A ANM [email protected]

1 Gutierrez Sandy IPL D-A AWP [email protected]

1 Seymour Scott IYK D-A AWP [email protected]

1 Dobberstein Shawn FAR D-A AGL [email protected]

1 Dawson Steve DSM D-A ACE [email protected]

1 Daugherty Susan CEC D-A AWP [email protected]

1 Kennedy Suzanne HYA D-A ANE [email protected]

1 Savoy Theresa AUG D-A ANE [email protected]

1 Cochran Thomas BKW D-A AEA [email protected]

Bellamy Management Services, LLC

Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Civil Rights, Post Restruction External Program Feedback 2

Page 3: Region Email - DASHBOARD - REGINFO.GOV

1 Cline-Carter Traci SPI D-A AGL [email protected]

1 Henderson William SDY D-A ANM [email protected]


Gagliardone Aimee E. RICA/T6

AEA [email protected]

2 Hart Andrew RKD ANE [email protected]


Bellant Anita MSPA/T6

AGL [email protected]

2 Lisenby Arthur PVC ANE [email protected]

2 Arthur Lisenby PVC ANE [email protected]

2 Macon-Bell Bernadette BED A/T6 ANE [email protected]

2 Burgess Christel FAI A/T6 AAL [email protected]

2 Elliott Don COU A/T6 ACE [email protected]


van Der


Eric PDXA/T6

ANM [email protected]

2 Locklear Erin RDU A/T6 AEA [email protected]

2 Beans George MDM & RSH A/T6 AAL [email protected]


Porter Gina OAKA/T6

AWP [email protected]

2 Wiggins Gladys NYL+B3:B177 A/T6 AWP [email protected]


Bauman James ANC and Various AALA/T6

AAL [email protected]

2 Greico Jennette SNA A/T6 AWP [email protected]

2 Richardson Jennifer EWR A/T6 AEA [email protected]

2 Rolon Lawrence LAX A/T6 AWP [email protected]


Elmore Lisa GSOA/T6

ASO [email protected]

2 Plumb Magdalena BOS A/T6 AEA [email protected]

2 Thompson Mary Beth PHX AWP [email protected]

2 Laven Michael B. Pensacola Regional (PNS) A/T6 ASO [email protected]


Daigle Mike LANA/T6

AGL [email protected]

3 Ortegon Alicia LRD DnT ASW [email protected]

3 Gooding Amber STL DnT ACE [email protected]

3 Johnston April MYR DnT ASO [email protected]

3 Davis Craig IDA DnT ANM [email protected]

3 Jackson Dana COS DnT ANM [email protected]

3 Wiseman Don HTS DnT AEA [email protected]

3 Lucero Donovan ABQ DnT ASW [email protected]

3 McClinton Doris ACY DnT AEA [email protected]

3 Oros George HPN D/T6 AEA [email protected] Linn Kerianne SBN and STJ DnT AGL [email protected]

3 Brown Larry BRO DnT ASW [email protected]

3 Dahlberg Laura CLT DnT ASO [email protected]

Bellamy Management Services, LLC

Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Civil Rights, Post Restruction External Program Feedback 3

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3 Hakes Laura FWA DnT AGL [email protected]

3 Seay Linda IAG DnT AEA [email protected]

3 Tepper Linda LMT DnT ANM [email protected]

3 Turley Linda ICT DnT ACE [email protected]

3 Brice Lisa SAT DnT ASW [email protected]

3 Black Marcy MFR DnT ANM [email protected]

3 Mendez Joy Nidia SJU DnT ASO [email protected]

3 Osgood Pamela MCW DnT ACE [email protected]

3 Bingham Risa AGS DnT ASO [email protected]

3 Bowen Robert ORF DnT AEA [email protected]

3 Peaden Russ RIC DnT AEA [email protected]

3 Cauley Sandy PGD DnT ASO [email protected]

3 Williams Sheila MCI DnT ACE [email protected]

3 Cruz Sonia SAN DnT AWP [email protected]

3 Hale Stanley ROA DnT AEA [email protected]

3 Wanzek Steve CMI DnT AGL [email protected]

3 Lee Tamela DFW DnT ASW [email protected]

3 Beisinger Terrie PBG DnT AEA [email protected]

3 Cosker Tricia SMF DnT AWP [email protected]

4 Jones Alan TYS All ASO [email protected]

4 Sheldon Cheryl DBQ All ACE [email protected]

4 Davita Taylor BNA All ASO [email protected]

4 Julio Rodriguez RSW All ASO [email protected]


Beebe Laura PHK, LNA & PBIAll

ASO [email protected]

4 Beebe Laura West Palm Beach (PBI) ASO [email protected] Yoak Linda LWB All AEA [email protected]

4 Richard Rock CKB All AEA [email protected]

4 Yanz Rita AVL All ASO [email protected]

4 Bryant Robert SBY All AEA [email protected]

4 Carew Robert CHS All ASO [email protected]

4 Stedford Samantha AGC and PIT All AEA [email protected]

4 Wardwell Scott PQI All ANE [email protected]

4 Allen Sidney BUR All AWP [email protected]

4 Brewer Terri HNL All AWP [email protected]

4 Thorsen Timothy BIS All AGL [email protected]

4 Johnson Toni STT All ASO [email protected]

4 Reade Veroneka SMX All AWP [email protected]

ada Archibald Adam KTN AAL [email protected]

ada Altieri Afrodite Youngstown-Warren Regional AGL [email protected]

ada Authority Airport McCook Regional ACE [email protected]

ada Andrade Alan WST ANE [email protected]

ada Tejada Alice Scott AFB/ Midamerica AGL [email protected]

Bellamy Management Services, LLC

Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Civil Rights, Post Restruction External Program Feedback 4

Page 5: Region Email - DASHBOARD - REGINFO.GOV

ada Flesch Alice Yellowstone ANM [email protected]

ada Calvin Allen Key West International (EYW) ASO [email protected]

ada Davis Allison Dothan Regional (DHN) ASO [email protected]

ada Snyder Amy Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field AGL [email protected]

ada Guerrero Angel BID ANE [email protected]

ada Manning Angela Chicago Midway International AGL [email protected]

ada Bowers Ann Barkley Regional (PAH) ASO [email protected]

ada Walker Anna DUT AAL [email protected]

ada Barcena Anthony L. Miami International (MIA) ASO ABarcena@ miami-airport.com

ada Golden Arnold STX ASO [email protected]

ada Johnson B. Lincoln Airport Authority ACE [email protected]

ada Kunkel Barbara ORF ANE [email protected]

ada Carlo Barbara L. Miami International (MIA) ASO [email protected]

ada Helmick Barney FLG AWP [email protected]

ada Lind Barry Manistee County-Blacker AGL [email protected]


VonTobel Beatrice Orcas Island ANM [email protected]

ada PecK Ben Grand Junction Regional ACE [email protected]

ada Clendaniel Benjamin ILG AEA [email protected]

ada Pahuta Bill CHO ANE [email protected]

ada McRoberts Billi Alpena County Regional AGL [email protected]

ada Nicholas Bob ITH AEA [email protected]

ada Brown Brenda Augusta Regional at Bush Field (AGS) ASO [email protected]

ada Kuhn Brian Memphis International (MEM) ASO [email protected]

ada O'Neill Brian MHT ANE [email protected]

ada Armantrout Brok 61B AWP [email protected]

ada Heppen Bruce DCA A/T6 AEA [email protected]

ada Olson Carl Central IL Regional Airport at Bloomington-Normal AGL [email protected]

ada Fischer Carla Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Internat'l AGL [email protected]

ada Perez Carolyn Pitt-Greenville (PGV) ASO [email protected]

ada Flohr Christina Pangborn Memorial ANM [email protected]

ada Moshoginis Clifton Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International AGL [email protected]

ada Dameron Clint McNary Field ANM [email protected]

ada Ness Connie Delta County AGL [email protected]

ada Hurwitch Corey SLK AEA [email protected]

ada Mays Cornell Lambert-St. Louis International ACE [email protected]

ada Logan Craig Jackson Hole ANM [email protected]

ada Toms Craig PSP AWP [email protected]

ADA Williams Craig IWA AWP [email protected]

ada Lewis Crystal Spokane International ANM [email protected]

ada Callum Cyrus Orlando International (MCO) ASO [email protected]

ada Walker Dale Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County AGL [email protected]

Bellamy Management Services, LLC

Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Civil Rights, Post Restruction External Program Feedback 5

Page 6: Region Email - DASHBOARD - REGINFO.GOV

ada Fal Dan Cherry Capital AGL [email protected]

ada Skelton Darwin Western Nebraska Regional/William B. Heilig Field ACE [email protected]

ada Fuimaono Dave PPG AWP [email protected]

ada Gordon Dave Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal ANM [email protected]

ada Hunt Dave Pocatello Regional ANM [email protected]

ada Korrzep Dave Salt Lake City International ANM [email protected]

ada Gaines David IFP AWP [email protected]

ada Pittman David RNO AWP [email protected]

ada Sanctuary David JHW AEA [email protected]

ada Regula David Akron-Canton Regional AGL [email protected]


Ryan David Friday Harbor ANM [email protected]

ada Carlson Dawn Joe Foss Field AGL [email protected]

ada Smith Debbie GCN AWP [email protected]

ada Potratz Debra Central Nebraska Regional ACE [email protected]

ada Proctor Deneen MCE AWP [email protected]

ada Wiss Dennis SOW AWP [email protected]

ada Hext Dennis Houghton County Memorial AGL [email protected]

ada Jackson Diane HVN ANE [email protected]

ada Howard Don Kinston Regional Jetport-Stallings Field (ISO) ASO [email protected]

ada Shepley Don Gulfport-Biloxi International (GPT) ASO [email protected]

ada Annin Donald Billings Logan International ANM [email protected]

ada Newbry Donna Joslin Field - Magic Valley Regional ANM [email protected]

ada Curry Doug Rapid City Regional AGL [email protected]

ada Davis Durinda Augusta Regional at Bush Field (AGS) ASO [email protected]

ada Wilkinson Earl Pueblo Memorial ACE [email protected]

ada Wuellner Edward Northeast Florida Regional (St. Augustine) (SGJ) ASO [email protected]

ada Gonzalez Efren ROA ANE [email protected]

ada Smart Elizabeth Sioux Gateway/Col. Bud Day Field AGL [email protected]

ada Dahl Erick Watertown Regional AGL [email protected]

ada D'Leon Erick Middle Georgia Regional (MCN) ASO [email protected]

ada Strand Erik Falls International AGL [email protected]

ada Niehaus Erin Hays Regional ACE [email protected]

ada Jesson Francey Aspen-Pitkin County/Sardy Field ANM [email protected]

ada Reyes Gabby IWA AWP [email protected]

ada Gibson Gary Indianapolis International AGL [email protected]

ada McConnell Gerald ART AEA [email protected]

ada Chestnut Glenn Florence Regional (FLO) ASO [email protected]

ada Walker Glenna Dodge City Regional ACE [email protected]

ada Phillips Greg Eagle County Regional ANM [email protected]

ada Vaquez Guillermo CRQ AWP [email protected]

ada Van Leeuwen Harold Bemidji Regional AGL [email protected]

Bellamy Management Services, LLC

Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Civil Rights, Post Restruction External Program Feedback 6

Page 7: Region Email - DASHBOARD - REGINFO.GOV

ada Green Holly Quad City International AGL [email protected]

ada Weldy Jack Jackson-Evers International (JAN) ASO [email protected]

ada Parish James Charlotte County (PGD) ASO [email protected]

ada Watts Jamie PGA AWP [email protected]

ada Northgraves Jeff RKD ANE [email protected]

ada Wadekamper Jeff Helena Regional ANM [email protected]

ada Steinkamp Jeffrey Quincy Regional-Baldwin Field AGL [email protected]

ada Waknitz Jesse William R. Fairchild International ANM [email protected]

ada Attwood Joe Decatur AGL [email protected]

ada Hedrick Joe Thief River Falls Regional AGL [email protected]

ada Longley John Klamath Falls ANM [email protected]

ada Schussler John Sarasota/Bradenton International (SRQ) ASO [email protected]

ada McGinley John City of Colorado Springs Municipal ANM [email protected]

ada Wheat John Tampa International (TPA) ASO [email protected]

ada Franklin John M. SMF AWP [email protected]

ada Morris Jon C.M. Northwest Florida Regional (Eglin AFB) (VPS) ASO [email protected]

ada Garcia Jorge SFO AWP [email protected]

ada Rubi Jorge E. OXR AWP [email protected]

ada Abramson Joshua Tupelo Regional (TUP) ASO [email protected]

ada Amborski Joyce Toledo Express AGL [email protected]

ada Mayfield Judith St. George Municipal ANM [email protected]

ada Edwards Justin TTN AEA [email protected]

ada Scott Karen Louisville International-Standiford Field (SDF) ASO [email protected]

ada Sunshine Kathleen Craven County Regional "Coastal Carolina Regional Airport" (EWN)ASO [email protected]

ada Gillin Keith Seattle-Tacoma International ANM [email protected]

ada Kaspari Keith Capital City AGL [email protected]

ada Atkins Kelley Pellston Regional Airport of Emmet City AGL [email protected]

ada Braun Kelly Canyonlands Field ANM [email protected]

ada Vizgaudis Kelly ACV AWP [email protected]


Thomas Ken James M Cox Dayton International AGL [email protected]

ada Johnson Kenneth Southwest Georgia Regional (ABY) ASO [email protected]

ada Bieker Kenny Salina Municipal ACE [email protected]

ada Kryder Kevin Bishop International AGL [email protected]

ada Harden Kimberly Cleveland-Hopkins International AGL [email protected]

ada Schmidt Kristy SBA AWP [email protected]

ada Tait Lara Great Falls International ANM [email protected]

ada Dale Larry Orlando Sanford International (SFB) ASO [email protected]

ada Dalrymple Larry Eastern Oregon Regional at Pendleton ANM [email protected]

ada Swanson Larry LHD AAL [email protected]

ada Sable Laurie SYR AEA [email protected]

ada Nelson Len Idaho Falls Regional ANM [email protected]

Bellamy Management Services, LLC

Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Civil Rights, Post Restruction External Program Feedback 7

Page 8: Region Email - DASHBOARD - REGINFO.GOV

ada Merrill Linda Fort Lauderdale/ Hollywood International (FLL) ASO [email protected]

ada Botkin Lisa SHD ANE [email protected]

ada Hannon Lisa Yellowstone Regional ANM [email protected]

ada Brewer Lori Columbus Metropolitan (CSG) ASO [email protected]

ada Behr Lorraine TUS AWP [email protected]

ada West Lucinda PHL AEA [email protected]

ada Skaflen Luke Durango-La Plata County ANM [email protected]

ada Roberts Luther Huntsville Internat'l-Carl T Jones Field (HSV) ASO [email protected]

ada Pierskalla Maggie St. Cloud Regional AGL [email protected]

ada Cifuentez Mario VIS AWP [email protected]

ada Falin Mark PHF ANE [email protected]

ada Wnuk Mark Montgomery Regional (Dannelly Field) (MGM) ASO [email protected]

ada Courtney Mark F. LYH ANE [email protected]

ada Day Mark J. , P.E. Blue Grass (LEX) ASO [email protected]

ada Piette Marty Muskegon County AGL [email protected]

ada Kitsu Mary HNM and multiple Hawaii AWP [email protected]

ada Antwine Mary Albert J Ellis (OAJ) ASO [email protected]

ada DevriesinterimMary Greater Peoria Regional AGL [email protected]

ada Sieger Mary Savannah International (SAV) ASO [email protected]

ada Bailey Matt Charlevoix Municipal AGL [email protected]

ada Field Merrill MRI AAL [email protected]

ada Hainsey Michael Golden Triangle Regional (GTR) ASO [email protected]

ada Klein Michael BGM AEA [email protected]

ada Leaf Michael Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Internat'l (ATL) ASO michael,[email protected]

ada Plunk Michael Nashville International (BNA) ASO [email protected]

ada LeBlanc Michael BDL ANE [email protected]

ada Moran Michael LGA AEA [email protected]

ada Delgado Michele M. JFK AEA [email protected]

ada Stegman Michelle Garden City Regional ACE [email protected]

ada Thompson Mike Birmingham International (BHM) ASO [email protected]

ada Wilson Mike Aberdeen Regional AGL [email protected]

ada Sharkey Mike North Platte Regional Airport Lee Bird Field ACE [email protected]

ada Viegas Mike Roberts Field ANM [email protected]


Bozzo Mike Bellingham International ANM [email protected]

ada Lietzke Milton Tri-Cities Regional TN/VA (TRI) ASO [email protected]

ada Prease Mr. Whitney Wilmington International (ILM) ASO [email protected]

ada Trent Nancy LGB AWP [email protected]

ada Groom Naomi ANC AAL [email protected]

ada Heaton Neal BWI AEA [email protected]

ada Bassett Norman H. HGR AEA [email protected]

ada Boyce Pamela SpringField-Branson National ACE [email protected]

Bellamy Management Services, LLC

Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Civil Rights, Post Restruction External Program Feedback 8

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ada Apon Pat Myrtle Beach International (MYR) ASO [email protected]

ada Dame Patrick Grand Forks International AGL [email protected]

ada Adjan Paul Brunswick Golden Isles (BQK) ASO [email protected]

ada Griffin Paul Riverton Regional ANM [email protected]

ada Schneider Paul Gallatin Field ANM [email protected]

ada Martin Peter ISP AEA [email protected]

ada Scherrer Peter HPN AEA [email protected]

ada Soares Phillip MOD AWP [email protected]

ada Sundell Randy Sawyer International AGL [email protected]

ada Fenchak RaNell JST AEA [email protected]

ada Snavely Reba Joplin Regional ACE [email protected]

ada Cloutier Richard H. Melbourne International (MLB) ASO [email protected]

ada Adair Rick Brainerd Lakes Regional AGL [email protected]

ada Parish Robb Pullman/Moscow Regional ANM [email protected]

ada Madden Robert GAM and Multiple others AAL [email protected]

ada Maynard Robert HTS ANE [email protected]

ada McEwing Robert BTV ANE [email protected]

ada Shaffer Robert DUJ AEA [email protected]

ada Working Robert Evansville Regional AGL [email protected]

ada Dinger Rod A. RDD AWP [email protected]

ada Brown Rodney L. PBG AEA [email protected]

ada Studenski Roger Jacksonville International (JAX) ASO [email protected]

ada Vanderpool Ron Worland Municipal ANM [email protected]

ada McElrath Ronald Fayetteville Regional/Grannis Field (FAY) ASO [email protected]


Vierra Roxanne Boeing Field/King County International ANM [email protected]

ada Hall Ryan SAN AWP [email protected]

ada Flynn Sean MVY ANE [email protected]

ada Mulhall Shannon FAT AWP [email protected]

ada Lucero Shannon Rock Springs-Sweetwater County ANM [email protected]

ada Shaun Chisholm-Hibbing AGL [email protected]

ada Hayden Shelly LAS AWP [email protected]

ada Billowitz Sherri ABE AEA [email protected]

ada Kathol Stanley Eppley AirField ACE [email protected]

ada Degen Stephan 1G4 AWP [email protected]

ada Borden Steve Moore County (SOP) ASO [email protected]

ada Guthrie Steve Friedman Memorial ANM [email protected]

ada Jones Steve Daytona Beach International (DAB) ASO [email protected]

ada Sauers Steve EKO AWP [email protected]

ada Landry Steven Gary/Chicago International AGL [email protected]

ada Nicholas Steven Mahlon Sweet Field ANM [email protected]

Bellamy Management Services, LLC

Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Civil Rights, Post Restruction External Program Feedback 9

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ada Harber Tamarah BFL AWP [email protected]

ada White Tara Tri-Cities ANM [email protected]

ada Young Taryn STS AWP [email protected]

ada Gonsiorwoski Ted University of Illinois-Willard AGL [email protected]

ada Kingdom Teresa Mid Delta Regional (GLH) ASO [email protected]

ada Camacho Teri GSN AWP [email protected]

ada Brewer Terri L. HNL AWP [email protected]

ada Harvey Theresa FAI AAL [email protected]

ada Hughes Thomas Mobile Regional (MOB) ASO [email protected]

ada Jewsbury Thomas St. Petersburg-Clearwater International (PIE) ASO [email protected]

ada Vick Thomas EWB ANE [email protected]

ada Hart Thomas J. IPT AEA [email protected]

ada Fadiora Tim Tallahassee Regional (TLH) ASO [email protected]

ada Edwards Timothy J. MDT AEA [email protected]

ada Smith Tina Sheridan County ANM [email protected]

ada Rafter Tom ACK ANE [email protected]

ada Heanue Tom Hattiesburg-Laurel Regional (PIB) ASO [email protected]


Werner Tom Duluth International AGL [email protected]

ada Williams Tom Key Field (MEI) ASO [email protected]

ada Varga Tom Z. CIC AWP [email protected]

ada Posey Tonja MRY AWP [email protected]

ada Romaine Tony St. Columbia Metropolitan (CAE) ASO [email protected]

ada Lincoln Tracy SBA AWP [email protected]

ada Connell Tyler BRW AAL [email protected]

ada Day Vicki L. SJC AWP [email protected]

ada White Victor Wichita Mid-Continent ACE [email protected]

ada Rodgers Vivian BUF AEA [email protected]

ada Davis Wade OGS AEA [email protected]

ada Cranor Walter Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional ANM [email protected]

ada Benner Wayne KTB AAL [email protected]

ada Johnston William ROC AEA [email protected]

ada Sundquist Zachary R. Chicago/Rockford International AGL [email protected]

t6 Baxmeyer Adam BMI AGL [email protected]

t6 Heid Adam Brevard County ? [email protected]

t6 Caudill Amy LEX ASO [email protected]


Eldridge Anita SRQ ASO [email protected]


Luiken Anthony ANC AAL [email protected]

t6 Caruso Jr. Anthony P. BGR ANE [email protected]

t6 Hyrsikos Argentene MDW AGL [email protected]

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Oliver Barbara PHL AEA [email protected]


Case Bern MFR ANM [email protected]

t6 Coffell Bernie MBS A/T6 AGL [email protected]


Martin Brad BOS ANE [email protected]

t6 Allen Brenda D. SDF ASO [email protected]


Cobb Brian CVG AGL [email protected]


Ellestad Brian MSO ANM [email protected]


Weiler Brian SGF ACE [email protected]

t6 Wren Bryan HRL ASW [email protected]


Garrett Bryant RDD AWP [email protected]

t6 Shilcutt Carl AXX ASW [email protected]

t6 Phelps Cassandra CRW AEA [email protected]

t6 Mungaray Cecilia ELP ASW [email protected]


Clark Cindy DTW AGL [email protected]

t6 Torp Clinton LSE ACE [email protected]

t6 Wruck Dan LSE ACE [email protected]

t6 Clendinen Dayna M. N/A ASO [email protected]


Hagemeier Denise MYR ASO [email protected]

t6 Mills Denise M. N/A ASO [email protected]


Berron Diana MIA ASO [email protected]

t6 Gomez Diana ABQ ASW [email protected]

t6 Cantner Dick VRB ASO [email protected]


McMillon Elita DAB AEA [email protected]


Murray Francis CAE ASO [email protected]


Schoren Gary GJT ANM [email protected]

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Louie Gloria SFO AWP [email protected]


Sussey Grant W. ART AEA [email protected]

t6 Reyes Irma BDL ANE [email protected]

t6 Gold Jacqueline N/A AEA [email protected]

t6 Mitchell Jameelah MHK ACE mitchell2cityofmhk.com


Webb Jr James SJC AWP [email protected]

t6 Lucero Jane New Mexico? ASW [email protected]

t6 Mclemore Jason IAH ASW [email protected]


Wig Jeff BRD AGL [email protected]

t6 Harris Jennifer DEN ANM [email protected]

t6 McFarlin Jennifer AUS ASW [email protected]

t6 O'Bryon Jennifer PWM ANE [email protected]

t6 Thiele Jerome MOD AWP [email protected]

t6 Barsalou John FNT AGL [email protected]

t6 DelBalso John ALB AEA [email protected]

t6 Youell John 28J ? [email protected]

t6 Flores Jose Luis LRD ASW [email protected]


Burger Joshua CMH AGL [email protected]


O'Donnell Judith MCI ACE [email protected]


Ruff Justin MAF ASW [email protected]

t6 Keith Kerry APF ASO [email protected]

t6 Vandeberg Kevin HSV ASO [email protected]

t6 Boice Kimberly MHK ACE [email protected]


Weeks Laurie RNO AWP [email protected]

t6 Green Linda SWF AEA [email protected]


Russey Marian IWA AWP [email protected]


Kazmierczak Matthew SJC AWP [email protected]


Montgomery Melinda TTN AEA [email protected]




Michael LFT ASW [email protected]

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Olinger Michael SPI AGL [email protected]

t6 Evans Michelle TUL ASW [email protected]




Nathalie SDF ASO [email protected]

t6 Longo Nick BTV AEA [email protected]

t6 Guentert Pam RFD AGL [email protected]


Walslager Pat MKE AGL [email protected]


Draper Prudence N/A AGL [email protected]

t6 Berry Raven S. BWI AEA [email protected]

t6 Martin Regina MEM ASO [email protected]


Blut Richard LAS AWP [email protected]


Fixler Richard MHT ANE [email protected]

t6 Underwood Robin N/A AEA [email protected]


Orinoco Roman CLE AGL [email protected]

t6 Penta Sherri-Ann BID AEA [email protected]

t6 Chandler Sherry CNM ASW [email protected]

t6 Kim Soojin SEA ANM [email protected]

t6 Gilbert Stacey N/A AEA [email protected]

t6 Tucker Stephanie AUS ASW [email protected]

t6 Bell Suzanne TZR AGL [email protected]


Guthrier Tawana FLL ASO [email protected]


Ecklund Thomas GRR AGL [email protected]


Nolan Thomas PSP AWP [email protected]


Rossow Tiana M. RST AGL [email protected]>

t6 Carter Tiffiny LEX ASO [email protected]


Lation Tina LFT ASW [email protected]


Ellis Tomicia N/A AGL [email protected]

t6 Garvey Trudy DUJ AEA [email protected]

t6 Vandersluis Ute APF ASO [email protected]

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t6 Paramo Victor SWF AEA [email protected]

t6 Storms Yovannie MCO ASO [email protected]


Aehle Yvette ABY ASW [email protected]

AARON CUBIC 16S ANM [email protected] Sera DMN ASW [email protected]

Abebe Tecle MIA ASO [email protected]

Adam Marks OME AAL [email protected]

ALAN DANIELS ONO ANM [email protected]

Alan Dunn FKR AGL [email protected]

Alex Cargile ABI ASW [email protected]

Alex Conzemius BNW ACE [email protected]

Alex Rupp BPT ASW [email protected]

Allen Cherry 99FL ASO [email protected]

Allen Evans 7M1 ASW [email protected]

ALLYN ROE CLS ANM [email protected]

AMY SHAW LAS AWP [email protected]

Amy Vogel D42 AGL [email protected]

Andrea Kvech PNS ASO [email protected]

Andrea Pelloquin CWF ASW [email protected]



MZZ AGL [email protected]

Andrew Mair TTN AEA [email protected]

Andrew Othole ZUN ASW [email protected]

Andrew Stemp BTI AAL [email protected]

Andy Jones EKM AGL [email protected]

Angela Burch MLI AGL [email protected]

Angela Martin BWI AEA [email protected]

Angela Silvestri STS AWP [email protected]

Angelica Borbon 1G4 AWP [email protected]

Anita Denson WWR ASW [email protected]

Anthony Bean PUW ANM [email protected]

Anthony Q.


APC AWP [email protected]

Archie Giddings IYS AAL [email protected]

Arlando Teller RQE AWP [email protected]

Art Morris DHN ASO [email protected]

Arwin Vasquez N24 ASW [email protected]

Austin Fay GJT ANM [email protected]

Austin Randall N19 ASW [email protected]

Barbara Haxter MFV AEA [email protected]

Barbara McNally LAW ASW [email protected]

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Barbara Mizerak CZG AEA [email protected]

Barry DeFuria SLK AEA [email protected]

Barry Joe Wilson 5M1 ASW [email protected]

Becky Darden 74S ANM [email protected]

Becky Skidmore HSP AEA [email protected]

Ben Harris TLH ASO [email protected]

Bennie Ryburn LLQ ASW [email protected]



AUN AWP [email protected]

Beth Hulm 6V5 AGL [email protected].

Betsy Sparr BJJ AGL [email protected]

Bill Baker JSV ASW [email protected]

Bill Carberry TWF ANM [email protected]

Bill Khourie CSM ASW [email protected]

Bill Merson 1A9 ASO [email protected]

Bill Myer 01J ASO [email protected]

Bill Slettom TCS ASW [email protected]

Bill Solem S71 ANM [email protected]

Bill Thomas 4B8 ANE [email protected]

Billie Jo Grafton DRT ASW [email protected]

Billy Blackwell 71J ASO [email protected]

Billy Singleton 02A ASO [email protected]

Blaine Peterson DLH AGL [email protected]

Bob Copeland O35 ASW [email protected]

Bob Gray 07A ASO [email protected]

Bob Hooper COD ANM [email protected]

Bob Johnson 55S ANM [email protected]

Bob Johnson ALM ASW [email protected]

Bob Mayhew I43 AGL [email protected]

Bob Ward 1I5 AEA [email protected]



3W8 AGL [email protected]

Bobbi Thompson MEV AWP [email protected]

Bobby Beem TYQ AGL [email protected]

Brad Cosenza RZT AGL [email protected]

Brad Cozza RZL AGL [email protected]

Brad Hagen FFZ AWP [email protected]

Brad Madeira BHB ANE [email protected]

Brad Reed SXL AEA [email protected]

Brad Schmidt MLS ANM [email protected]

Brad Waller CYW ACE [email protected]

Bradley Swenson ADC AGL [email protected]

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Brain Spenger BZN ANM [email protected]



S33 ANM [email protected]

Brenda Byerly M60 ASW [email protected]

Brenda Dolweck CDI AGL [email protected]

Brent Blackner U52 ANM [email protected]

Brent Elton BQP ASW [email protected]

Brent Spry IMS AGL [email protected]

Brian Barnes BAF ANE [email protected]

Brian Boland 2B9 ANE [email protected]

BRIAN CONDIE RIL ANM [email protected]

Brian Eaton GRK ASW [email protected]

Brian Faust K34 ACE [email protected]

Brian Grefe ASE ANM [email protected]

Brian Picken MMH AWP [email protected]

Brian Stirm 1I9 AGL [email protected]



42A ASW [email protected]

Bruce Dunlop S31 ANM [email protected]

Bruce Fisher PAE ANM [email protected]

Bruce Leonard BMC ANM [email protected]

Bruce Miller LJF AGL [email protected]

Bruce Payton BMG AGL [email protected]

Bryan Kimball 4IU ANM [email protected]

Bryan Payne BAK AGL [email protected]

Bryan Rodgers UNV AEA [email protected]

Bud Widner RWN AGL [email protected]

Butch Niebuhr PRO ACE [email protected]

Byrand Streeter ECS ANM [email protected]

C. Jones HRI ANM [email protected]

Caleb Marsh EQA ACE [email protected]

Candy Wells EKS ANM [email protected]

Carl Folsom 14J ASO [email protected]

Carl Humphrey SGT ASW [email protected]

Carl Meyer U68 ANM [email protected]

Carl Remus TUL ASW [email protected]

Carl Sayers 0R4 ASW [email protected]

Carlecia Wright IAH ASW [email protected]

Carlton Wolfe 26A ASO [email protected]

Carlyn Hall 7M3 ASW [email protected]

Carmen Williams IWA AWP [email protected]

Carolyn Ricks 3R4 ASW [email protected]

Catherine Cook M18 ASW [email protected]

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Catherine Young GON ANE [email protected]

Celia Jenkins CGF AGL [email protected]

Charla Necaise GPT ASO [email protected]



VVV AGL [email protected]

Charles Butcher XNA ASW [email protected]



9S2 ANM [email protected]

Charles Zunk CQF ASO [email protected]

Charlie Bright OUN ASW [email protected]

Cherryl Walker 3S8 ANM [email protected]

Cheryl Hawkins TPA ASO [email protected]

Cheryl McInnis TYR ASW [email protected]

Chris Anderson EGE ANM [email protected]

CHRIS BAILEY S12 ANM [email protected]

Chris Flageolle K59 ACE [email protected]

Chris Martinez DEN ANM [email protected]

CHRIS MORELLO MRY AWP [email protected]



XVG AGL [email protected]

Christina Reale SYR AEA [email protected]



EAT ANM [email protected]

Christine Landes 0B1 ANE [email protected]



MVM ANE [email protected]



PIE ASO [email protected]

Christopher St.


HAF AWP [email protected]

Chuck Classen 50I AGL [email protected]

CHUCK COVERT DLS ANM [email protected]

Cindy Olivares PSP AWP [email protected]

City Manager 304 ASW [email protected]

Clay Rogers ORK ASW [email protected]

Clint Ransom BLF AEA [email protected]

Cody Holcom ADH ASW [email protected]

Colin English GCD ANM [email protected]

Conae Black U34 ANM [email protected]

Connie Gowder 1A6 ASO [email protected]

Connie Lundin HLN ANM [email protected]

Contact Person AOC ANM [email protected]

Corey Needam E26 ASW [email protected]

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Craig Anderson 05C AGL [email protected]

CRAIG BALDWIN MWH ANM [email protected]

CRIS CHILD U77 ANM [email protected]

Cynthia Barrow BOW ASO [email protected]



S43 ANM [email protected]

D. Poe 0VG AEA [email protected]

Dales Sides 6K4 ASW [email protected]

DAN EVEATT LHX ANM [email protected]

Dan Letellier FSD AGL [email protected]

DAN MASON CVO ANM [email protected]

Dan Morgan F87 ASW [email protected]

Dan Newell O43 AWP [email protected]

Dan Ohnesorge WDG ASW [email protected]

DAN OWENS MLE & OMA ACE [email protected]

Dan Whited DLZ AGL [email protected]

Dana Goodrum IDOT AGL [email protected]

Dana Sigmon OKM ASW [email protected]

Daniel Elsea LFT ASW [email protected]

Daniel L. Jensen DVO AWP [email protected]

Daniel Raposa TAN ANE [email protected]

Danielle Gernert VRB ASO [email protected]



BDQ ASW [email protected]

Darrel Shrader GEZ AGL [email protected]

Darren Wilkes BVO ASW [email protected]

Darryl Shippy BLH AWP [email protected]

Darwin Fanton ELZ AEA [email protected]

Dave Beaver OWA AGL [email protected]

DAVE ELLIOTT FLY ANM [email protected]

Dave Lattimer C65 AGL [email protected]

DAVE PARKER 65S ANM [email protected]

Dave Ritter HLX AEA [email protected]

DAVE ROBERTS EMM ANM [email protected]

DAVE STONE LIC ANM [email protected]

Dave Wadsworth S24 AGL [email protected]

David Allen PIH ANM [email protected]

David Barbero EUG ANM [email protected]

DAVID BOYD 9S5 ANM [email protected]

David Bush MHT ANE [email protected]

David Callahan FMM ANM [email protected]

David Cloutier AFN ANE [email protected]

David Cullinan IZG ANE [email protected]

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David Dineen 1B9 ANE [email protected]

David Edgil JFX ASO [email protected]

David Fernald FVE ANE [email protected]

David Hahn PTB AEA [email protected]

David Kovach HFY AGL [email protected]

David Krutsch ROG ASW [email protected]

David Lloyd LRG ANE [email protected]

David Pike AWM ASW [email protected]

David Ploeger LAM ASW [email protected]

David Robinson 1B1 AEA [email protected]

David Ruby O22 AWP [email protected]

David Seward DUG AWP [email protected]

Deb Corn TQH ASW [email protected]

Debbie Clinton 86F ASW [email protected]

Debbie Collins 4S1 ANM [email protected]

DEBBIE COLLINS CIC AWP [email protected]

Debbie Snell S94 ANM [email protected]

Debra Johnson MSP AGL [email protected]

Delbert Bowers H04 ASW [email protected]

Delbert Brown GYY AGL [email protected]

Delia Goodine ONT AWP [email protected]

Denise Land VBT ASW [email protected]

Dennis Good ANC AAL [email protected]

DENNIS HEAP FTG ANM [email protected]

Dennis Peace BKN ASW [email protected]

Derek Campbell OWP ASW [email protected]



PRN ASO [email protected]

Diane Crews SFB ASO [email protected]

Diane Finney BMI AGL [email protected]

Diane Sprik PPO AGL [email protected]

Diane Terrill LCI ANE [email protected]

Dick Kalber BPI ANM [email protected]

DIXON HITCH M75 ANM [email protected]

Don Day AXX ASW [email protected]

Don Furlow SER AGL [email protected]

Don Hall 5M0 ASO [email protected]

Don Hawkins 9M8 ASW [email protected]

Don Hoyt ANB ASO [email protected]

Don Nuzum PNC ASW [email protected]

Don Sever LEX ASO [email protected]

Don Walker AQR ASW [email protected]

Donald Farr SRQ ASO [email protected]

Donald Logan PHX AWP [email protected]

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Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

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6B6 ANE [email protected]

Donald Richard LCH ASW [email protected]

Donald Towery 4A6 ASO [email protected]

Donny Love SRC ASW [email protected]

Doug Joest EVV AGL [email protected]

Doug Kimmel MWA AGL [email protected]

Doug Venekamp 14Y AGL [email protected]



OSU AGL [email protected]

Douglas Ross 5B9 ANE [email protected]

Douglas Ross CON ANE [email protected]

Drew Miller 4R7 ASW [email protected]

Duane Goss W96 AEA [email protected]

Duane Skoog 4I7 AGL [email protected]

Dwayne Bebee 3R7 ASW [email protected]

Dwayne Haffield OTG AGL [email protected]

Earl Lambert 12J ASO [email protected]

Ed Mattern EEN ANE [email protected]

Edward Kelley 2G4 AEA [email protected]

Edward Sisneros CAO ASW [email protected]

Edward Smylie FMN ASW [email protected]

Emilio Gonzales X51 ASO [email protected]

Emylene Aspilla SFO AWP [email protected]

Enrique Castillo CRP ASW [email protected]

Eric Kaminsky BML ANE [email protected]

Eric Livingston I22 AGL [email protected]

Eric Wedemeyer SHA AWP [email protected]

ERIN POWERS OXR AWP [email protected]

Erin Rowett OIC AEA [email protected]

ERNIE CARLSON 8U8 ANM [email protected]



PLR ASO [email protected]

Ervin Deck IWI ANE [email protected]

Eugene Conlogue HUL ANE [email protected]

Eugene Conrad LAL ASO [email protected]

Eugene Martin LKP AEA [email protected]

Evelyn Burton JAX ASO [email protected]

Faye Turner VCT ASW [email protected]

Felicia Carpenter ASD ASW [email protected]

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Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

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Fernando Blanco FXE ASO [email protected]

Fin Bonset SEF ASO [email protected]



MVI ANM [email protected]

Frank Farmer 2R5 ASO [email protected]



B19 ANE [email protected]

Fred Guertin FIT ANE [email protected]



SMN ANM [email protected]

Fred Moody CDK ASO [email protected]

Frederick Sington GAD ASO [email protected]

G.D. Walker SMQ AEA [email protected]

GARY BEHLEN EIK ANM [email protected]

Gary Butts POY ANM [email protected]

GARY CYR GXY ANM [email protected]

Gary Gebhard TEL AGL [email protected]

Gary Grantham 09A ASO [email protected]

Gary Hanisch 4V1 ANM [email protected]

Gary Johnson SWO ASW [email protected]

Gary Judd BDN ANM [email protected]

Gary Kellison OKB AWP [email protected]

Gary Lamb 3B1 ANE [email protected]

Gary Liston SJN AWP [email protected]

Gary Mascaro SDL AWP [email protected]

Gary Millsaps O61 AWP [email protected]

Gary Welling EVW ANM [email protected]

GENE COSSEY ONP ANM [email protected]

Gene Worley CEV AGL [email protected]

George Downie HOT ASW [email protected]

George Dujack 5B7 AEA [email protected]

George Erichsen 2W6 AEA [email protected]

George Nester W78 AEA [email protected]

George Oberer I19 AGL [email protected]

George West CNM ASW [email protected]

Gerald Fink BYG ANM [email protected]

Gerald Spates FVX AEA [email protected]

Gerard Leipfinger VAY AEA [email protected]

Glen Boyd SOW AWP [email protected]

Glenn Burke SGS AGL [email protected]

Greg Bridges PNN ANE [email protected]

Greg Campbell SHD AEA [email protected]

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Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

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GREG DELAVAN COE ANM [email protected]

Greg Donovan DTS ASO [email protected]

Greg Norris MVC ASO [email protected]

GREG POLLOCK BCE ANM [email protected]

Gregory Brown WVL ANE [email protected]



CRQ AWP [email protected]



SVE AWP [email protected]

H. Kennedy INDOT AGL [email protected]

Hale Grider PBF ASW [email protected]

Hardy Bullock TRK AWP [email protected]

Harriette Nitzel JWG ASW [email protected]

Hazel Johns SBA AWP [email protected]



HUM ASW [email protected]

Heathet Peck UAO ANM [email protected]

Henrietta Brown CMH AGL [email protected]

Herlinda Bradley CLE AGL [email protected]

Holli Harrington IND AGL [email protected]

Homer Sims MAI ASO [email protected]

Howard Maneely MAL AEA [email protected]

Call J. LYV AGL [email protected]

Jack Crider AST ANM [email protected]

Jack Miles DCY AGL [email protected]

Jack Thomas JAN ASO [email protected]

Jack Thomas OI2 AGL [email protected]

Jack Yates 0F9 ASW [email protected]

Jackie Gallegos StNM ASW [email protected]



HBZ ASW [email protected]

Jacob Bowers NYL AWP [email protected]

Jacob Denecke LAF AGL [email protected]



OXB AEA [email protected]

Jake Barthule RPX ANM [email protected]

James Brick 01G AEA [email protected]

James King SRR ASW [email protected]

James Krum CAK AGL [email protected]

James Latour 3B0 ANE [email protected]

James McDaniel HEI AGL [email protected]

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James Nixon SLG ASW [email protected]

James Parker PNA ANM [email protected]

James Smith 5M4 ASW [email protected]

James Wadleigh PAO AWP [email protected]

Jamie Rhee MDW AGL [email protected]

Janet Gonzales L38 ASW [email protected]

Janet Pierce GAG ASW [email protected]

Janet Young MCE AWP [email protected]

Janice Whorton 08A ASO [email protected]

Jarred Hester UIN AGL [email protected]

Jason Davis MTV AEA [email protected]

JASON LICON FNL ANM [email protected]

Jason MacDonald LGB AWP [email protected]

Jay Santellanes ONM ASW [email protected]

Jeannie Palacios LSB ASW [email protected]

Jeff Holsen Y63 AGL [email protected]

Jeff Kadlec WYS ANM [email protected]

Jeff LaSalle IWH AGL [email protected]

Jeff McDougle PKB AEA [email protected]

Jeff Puckett 7M7 ASW [email protected]

Jeff Wig BRD AGL [email protected]

Jeffrey Goulart UUU ANE [email protected]

Jennifer Brady ROW ASW [email protected]

Jennifer Leui SFF ANM [email protected]

JERRY HOBERG CAG ANM [email protected]

JERRY LARSON SBX ANM [email protected]

Jerry Ludke CLM ANM [email protected]

Jerry McReyvolds JFZ AEA [email protected]

Jerry Moline LWT ANM [email protected]

Jerry Newton 3A0 ASO [email protected]

Jerry Thrower STAL ASO [email protected]

Jessica Ward MGC AGL [email protected]

Jessie Davis 0R7 ASW [email protected]

Jewel Williams LYH AEA [email protected]

Jim Brundige HTO AEA [email protected]

Jim Clary I76 AGL [email protected]

Jim Evans XSA AEA [email protected]

Jim Fisk GNT ASW [email protected]

Jim Greff O47 ASW [email protected]

Jim Harris SBD AWP [email protected]

Jim Hickin GED AEA [email protected]

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Jim Martin M19 ASW [email protected]

JIM NOVAK 3U3 ANM [email protected]

Jim Petersen ENV ANM [email protected]

Jim Pivarnick 0S9 ANM [email protected]

Jim Roberts ADT ACE [email protected]

Jim Sewell TCC ASW [email protected]

Jim Staff 0R1 ASO [email protected]

Jim Stenhouse 72S ANM [email protected]

Jim Threewits OBE ASO [email protected]

Jim Waleaur 20N AEA [email protected]

Jimmy Bolt ADF ASW [email protected]

JOAN COATS NEW ASW [email protected]

Joan Jones EWB ANE [email protected]

Joanne Mueller SAV ASO [email protected]

Jocelyn Harper BVI AEA [email protected]

Joe Decker KNB ANM [email protected]

Joe Ebert SDC AEA [email protected]

Joe Gerrity FHB ASO [email protected]

Joe McCabe JYG AGL [email protected]

Joe Picotte AAT AWP [email protected]

Joe Ruffer 4R9 ASO [email protected]

Joe Slagle UYF AGL [email protected]

JoeDon Dunham AVK ASW [email protected]

JOEL DHEIN JMR AGL [email protected]

Joel Glick O32 AWP [email protected]

Joel Martinez ACT ASW [email protected]

Joel Wheeler GAO ASW [email protected]

JOHN BACKER SUX ACE [email protected]

JOHN BRAUN HYS ACE [email protected]

John Bulthuis SAF ASW [email protected]

John Burrus SPS ASW [email protected]

John Coon AID AGL [email protected]

John Deringer I42 AGL [email protected]

John Dyess FLP ASW [email protected]

John Eagerton ALDT ASO [email protected]

John Faulkner GTF ANM [email protected]

John Gerlach 3I2 AEA [email protected]

John Helms X35 ASO [email protected]

John Jones PUC ANM [email protected]

John Kerr DRA ASW [email protected]

John Marlatt UWL AGL [email protected]

John Millar RXE ANM [email protected]

John Minden 7M6 ASW [email protected]

John Nye 7W5 AGL [email protected]

John Olson HCD AGL [email protected]

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John Paskell SLE ANM [email protected]

John Ramey O65 ASW [email protected]

John Roehm 1I7 AGL [email protected]

John Schmitt EOP AGL [email protected]

John Sheppard 3O5 ASW [email protected]

John Stopka SHR ANM [email protected]

John Thompson SKX ASW [email protected]

John Wiatrak FPR ASO [email protected]

John Zubrod AVC AEA [email protected]



7A0 ASO [email protected]

Johnny Bringham 0M0 ASW [email protected]

Johnny Ford 06A ASO [email protected]

Jolene Cochran AUS ASW [email protected]

Jon Dooley I34 AGL [email protected]

Jon Greiner OGD ANM [email protected]

Jon Large LNK ACE [email protected]

JON SKOGLUN 8S2 ANM [email protected]

Jonathan Harris 1J0 ASO [email protected]



EPM ANE [email protected]

Joseph Bouzan 5R4 ASO [email protected]

Joseph Felix IPT AEA [email protected]

Joseph Gray MSS AEA [email protected]

Joseph Huber CVG ASO [email protected]

Joseph Love CPK AEA [email protected]

Joseph McKelvey DMW AEA [email protected]

Joseph Roenfeldt CCY ACE [email protected]

Josh Wynn 4I3 AGL [email protected]

Joshua Anderson BTR ASW [email protected]

Joy Ann Deleon


GRO AWP [email protected]

Joy White EUF ASO [email protected]

Joyce McDonald MRB AEA [email protected]

Juan Rivera HEF AEA [email protected]

Judd Hill CNY ANM [email protected]



HRO ASW [email protected]

Juleda Hyde DAY AGL [email protected]

Julian DeLeon AVO ASO [email protected]

Julie Kennedy GPZ AGL [email protected]

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Julie Schmelzer BOK ANM [email protected]

Julie Wilsey ILM ASO [email protected]

Justin Heid GOK ASW [email protected]

JUSTIN JOHNSON 74V ANM [email protected]

Justin Millican MAF ASW [email protected]

Justin Reese SVC ASW [email protected]

Kady Leitner E36 AWP [email protected]

Kady Leitner PVF AWP [email protected]

Kandi Fullerton FDK AEA [email protected]

Karen Amende 00F ANM [email protected]

Karen Callahan 9A4 ASO [email protected]

Karen Larson OIN ACE [email protected]

Karen Luther GAI AEA [email protected]

Karen Nicholson M36 ASW [email protected]

Karen Sprague GAS AGL [email protected]

Karen Tozer LAX AWP [email protected]

Karen Weller BJI AGL [email protected]

Karen Williams LBB ASW [email protected]

KARLA ROBERTS W04 ANM [email protected]

Kate Alfred PSO ANM [email protected]

Kathey Boze FSM ASW [email protected]

Kathryn Ruth 2B7 ANE [email protected]

Kathy Clavin MGJ AEA [email protected]

Kathy Jensen P20 AWP [email protected]

KATHY KEEVER RNO AWP [email protected]



CHAU AEA [email protected]



DKK AEA [email protected]

Kathy Molargik C62 AGL [email protected]

Kathy Vesely MNDOT AGL [email protected]

Kathy Z. 55Y AGL [email protected]

Katie Lewedag SDDT AGL [email protected]

Keenan English SNL ASW [email protected]

Keith Freitas CCR & C83 AWP [email protected]

Keith Holt PSK AEA [email protected]

Keith Riger DED ASO [email protected]

Kellie Wahlstrom LLJ ANM [email protected]

KELLY CARLSON ELN ANM [email protected]

Ken Beckedahl S83 ANM [email protected]

Ken Day BCT ASO [email protected]

Ken Ledbetter RIF ANM [email protected]

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Ken Silverberg DAL ASW [email protected]

Ken Sunseri 1M4 ASO [email protected]

Kenn Turner ORH ANE [email protected]

Kenneth Boswell EDN ASO [email protected]



39N AEA [email protected]

Kent George HWO ASO [email protected]

KERRY AHEARN NVU AWP [email protected]

Kerry Haddock 1U7 ANM [email protected]

Kevan Sheppard ROC AEA [email protected]

Kevin Daugherty BKV ASO [email protected]

Kevin McCole GDM ANE [email protected]

Kevin McNamara ORL ASO [email protected]

Kevin Rhoads 3O3 ASW [email protected]

Kim Annin BIL ANM [email protected]

Kim Dickie RDM ANM [email protected]

Kim Newell AGO ASW [email protected]

Kimberly Mitchell-


PDX ANM [email protected]



S40 ANM [email protected]

Kip Turner DRO ANM [email protected]

Kookie Buice M77 ASW [email protected]

Kraig Cutsforth BNO ANM [email protected]

Kris Brutscher JVY AGL [email protected]

Kris Krenz ETH AGL [email protected]

Kristi McElroy 1F0 ASW [email protected]

Kristi Taylor-


MFE ASW [email protected]

Kristie Leshovsky JKJ AGL [email protected]

Kyle Kornelis SXQ AAL [email protected]

Kyle Kuebler VPZ AGL [email protected]

Kyle Wanner ND DOT AGL [email protected]

L. Pezzanite 9G0 AEA [email protected]

Lance Bower DLN ANM [email protected]

Lance Goodrich ATS ASW [email protected]

Lane Massey LQR ACE [email protected]

Larry Chesser 4A9 ASO [email protected]

Larry Cooper HON AGL [email protected]

Larry Davis MXA ASW [email protected]

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Larry Graves 3S4 ANM [email protected]

Larry Morgan H68 ASW [email protected]

Larry Stahl W99 AEA [email protected]

Larry Zimmer 069 AWP [email protected]

Lash Green TEB AEA [email protected]

Laura Gaspard MKV ASW [email protected]

Laura Hendrix 37T ASW [email protected]

Laurie Sirois OXC ANE [email protected]

Lavelle Fitch UTA ASO [email protected]

Lawrence Miller X06 ASO [email protected]



SNA AWP [email protected]



F37 ASW [email protected]

Lee Ivie LGU ANM [email protected]

Leigh Dollar 8A1 ASO [email protected]

Leon Baker GDV ANM [email protected]

Leonard Bedaw ORE ANE [email protected]

Leonard Smith LIT ASW [email protected]

Leticia Torres S42 ASW [email protected]

Leve Tompkins MIE AGL [email protected]

Lila Zinn OAK AWP [email protected]

Lili Gutierrez ELP ASW [email protected]

Lillian Tomeu X10 ASO [email protected]

Linda Monahan 0G7 AEA [email protected]

Linda Ricks O45 ASW [email protected]

Linda Steiner W29 AEA [email protected]



JER ANM [email protected]

Lisa Anders CLK ASW [email protected]

Lisa Emerck SUN ANM [email protected]

Lisa Jetvig 04Y AGL [email protected]

Lisa Jewett GMJ ASW [email protected]

Lisa Lawson ARA ASW [email protected]



M50 ANM [email protected]

Lisa Murphy LRU ASW [email protected]

Lloyd Arnold MTJ ANM [email protected]

Lois-Ann Nichols HVR ANM [email protected]

Lori Chrestman H05 ASW [email protected]

Lori Hoffman HVN ANE [email protected]

Lori Larsen ISN AGL [email protected]

Lori Talbot U55 ANM [email protected]

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Lori Valburn MPV ANE [email protected]

Lou Christensen DIJ ANM [email protected]

Luanne Hayes PYP ASO [email protected]

Luci Sposito L83 ASW [email protected]

Luis Elguezabal SJT ASW [email protected]

Luke Olson 1K2 ASW [email protected]




20V ANM [email protected]




GNB ANM [email protected]

Lynne Eddlemon AEX ASW [email protected]

Marc Adelman DAN AEA [email protected]

Marc Cheatham JNU AAL [email protected]

Margot Ganaway TUP ASO [email protected]

Marilyn Stewart-


MRI AAL [email protected]

Marisa Karabin JKA ASO [email protected]

Mark Anderson 35U ANM [email protected]

Mark Brown HEQ ANM [email protected]

Mark D. Doll I95 AGL [email protected]



MFD AGL [email protected]



PSF ANE [email protected]

Mark Hartz M73 ASW [email protected]

Mark Karnowski PNM AGL [email protected]

Mark Kranenburg OKC ASW [email protected]

Mark Larson GYL AGL [email protected]

Mark Linne COQ AGL [email protected]

Mark Mitton BYI ANM [email protected]



ppf ACE [email protected]

Marty McMahon BXM ANE [email protected]

Mary DeVries PIA AGL [email protected]

Mary Jo Bayles 5R8 ASW [email protected]

Mary Jo Crystal GFK AGL [email protected]

Mary Leisy U36 ANM [email protected]

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Mary Siroky ADK AAL [email protected]

Mary Volk GLD ACE [email protected]

Mashal Kalyar MWAA AEA [email protected]

Matt Petja BOI ANM [email protected]



AQW ANE [email protected]

Matthew Grow OCF ASO [email protected]

Matthew Walsh EOK ACE [email protected]



MCX AGL [email protected]

Max Townson CMD ASO [email protected]

MEL BAKER SBS ANM [email protected]

Melani Villarreal AFW ASW [email protected]

Melissa Cheaney PHF AEA [email protected]

Melissa Flayhan SFM ANE [email protected]

Melissa Sanders TOI ASO [email protected]

Melvin Vick EMV AEA [email protected]

Menzo Driskell SEM ASO [email protected]

Mian Rice SEA ANM [email protected]



S70 ANM [email protected]

Michael Culliton 0A8 ASO [email protected]

Michael Fluhr MNE ASW [email protected]

Michael Geiger FRG AEA [email protected]

Michael Longo 0B5 ANE [email protected]

Michael Miller LWN ANE [email protected]

Michael Mullen MSV AEA [email protected]

Michael Powell COI ASO [email protected]

Michael Ryan 1R8 ASO [email protected]

Michael Shaw HAB ASO [email protected]

Michael Sparta D86 AWP [email protected]

Michael St. Jean BCB AEA [email protected]

Michael Votca TKC AGL [email protected]

Michael Wassel FME AEA [email protected]

MICHAEL WREN EPH ANM [email protected]

Michele Carter WIS AGL [email protected]

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ARG ASW [email protected]

Michelle Conway 79J ASO [email protected]

Michelle Owen BKE ANM [email protected]

Michelle Tatom MCO ASO [email protected]

Mickey Hines VJI AEA [email protected]

Mike Campbell 3U8 ANM [email protected]

Mike Cassidy CTY ASO [email protected]

Mike Chambless CVH AWP [email protected]

Mike Dumas ELD ASW eldoradoar.org

Mike Fisher 7A5 ASO [email protected]

Mike Grayson DYA ASO [email protected]

Mike Henry ESN AEA [email protected]

MIKE KLEIN DDC ACE [email protected]

Mike May 3M9 ASW [email protected]

Mike McKee PLD AGL [email protected]

Mike Miller 6S2 ANM [email protected]

Mike Nielsen SZT ANM [email protected]

Mike Parkey PRZ ASW [email protected]

Mike Rath DFI AGL [email protected]

Mike Stewart MKO ASW [email protected]

Mike Vercimak 1L8 ANM [email protected]

Mike White 6L4 AEA [email protected]



STMO ACE [email protected]

Monte Hasl MAN ANM [email protected]

Monty Gettys EYW ASO [email protected]

Monty Gettys MTH ASO [email protected]

Nancy Mateling NWG AGL [email protected]

Natalie Hobbs 7A0 ASO [email protected]

Neal Wallace 56S ANM [email protected]

Nick Harwell LCQ ASO [email protected]

Nick King ASW AGL [email protected]

Nick Servin CXL AWP [email protected]

Nikki Messenger RBG ANM [email protected]

Nilan Davis MLF ANM [email protected]

NINA GRAYSON SJC AWP [email protected]

Nitalkka Jordan EKY ASO [email protected]

Oliver Crane U64 ANM [email protected]

PAGE GOUGH 6S5 ANM [email protected]

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Pam Beharry OXI AGL [email protected]

Pam Poole ESF ASW [email protected]

Pam Ward 0J0 ASO [email protected]

Pamela Wright 6M8 ASW [email protected]

Pat Metzger LPR AGL [email protected]

Pat Morley HVE ANM [email protected]

Pat Persinger I83 AGL [email protected]



SCK AWP [email protected]

Patrick Mason LAA ANM [email protected]



1R1 ASW [email protected]

Patty Fulop 7G8 & LNN AGL [email protected]

Paul Dudley LDJ AEA [email protected]

Paul Jackson L39 ASW [email protected]

Paul Kelly HSV ASO [email protected]

Paul Marshall SLC ANM [email protected]

Paul Styger FWN AEA [email protected]

Paul Tweten GGW ANM [email protected]

Peder Derosa N07 AEA [email protected]

Penny Shifflett CHO AEA [email protected]

Perry Felarise L31 ASW [email protected]

Pete Crews 0J6 ASO [email protected]

Pete Gwalney L35 AWP [email protected]

Pete Wolff GZH ASO [email protected]

Peter Gage CDA ANE [email protected]

Philip Carter 33J ASO [email protected]

Philip Steed JBR ASW [email protected]

Philistine Ferrand MSY ASW [email protected]

Phyllis Johnson FHR ANM [email protected]

R Scott Vaughn DUC ASW [email protected]

R.W. Carter U70 ANM [email protected]

Rachelle Powell GCK ACE [email protected]

Ralph Dennis I18 AEA [email protected]

Ralph Malone OMK ANM [email protected]

Ralph Sims LAN AGL [email protected]

Ramon Lara 042 AWP [email protected]

Randy Akana O46 AWP [email protected]

Randy Clark 1O1 ASW [email protected]

Randy Harris 24J ASO [email protected]

RANDY HAYES AKO ANM [email protected]

Randy Hinds MIO ASW [email protected]

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Randy McKnight U14 ANM [email protected]

Randy Petty SAD AWP [email protected]

Randy Sharkey GSH AGL [email protected]

Randy Thomas ALX ASO [email protected]

Randy Woods TVR ASW [email protected]

Ray Bishop JAC ANM [email protected]

Ray Campbell M70 ASW [email protected]

Ray Detor 5G0 AEA [email protected]

Ray Miller ASN ASO [email protected]

Ray Nelson M95 ASO [email protected]

Ray Sexton BFR AGL [email protected]

Ray Weaver ANQ AGL [email protected]

Rebecca Parish 11A ASO [email protected]

Reed Prince EET ASO [email protected]



MEM ASO [email protected]

Renny Manuel OKV AEA [email protected]

Rex Baldwin RWL ANM [email protected]

Rhea Ketterling ABR AGL [email protected]

Rhonda Walker EVB ASO [email protected]

RICH COMSTOCK LGD ANM [email protected]

Rich Spofford MMV ANM [email protected]

RICHARD BAKER 1V6 ANM [email protected]

Richard Chaney EKN AEA [email protected]

Richard Clemens W22 AEA [email protected]

Richard Cloutier LEW ANE [email protected]

Richard Gordon DCA AEA [email protected]

Richard Isle OLF ANM [email protected]

Richard Latiolais 3R2 ASW [email protected]

Richard Long 4R3 ASO [email protected]

Richard Moe HWQ ANM [email protected]

Richard Nuttall TEX ANM [email protected]

Richard Rempe OFP AEA [email protected]



SGU ANM [email protected]



BFL AWP [email protected]

Richard Tutich M22 ASO [email protected]

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Richard Wilt K09 AEA [email protected]

Rick Bailey U96 ANM [email protected]

Rick Hanson 0B7 ANE [email protected]

Rick Hartley 4A5 ASW [email protected]

Rick Hofheins EKO AWP [email protected]

Rick Johnson HKA ASW [email protected]

RICK LAAM S68 ANM [email protected]

Rick Lamport GUC ANM [email protected]

Rick Newman 8S1 ANM [email protected]

Rick Olson PGA AWP [email protected]

Rick Reed 6S0 ANM [email protected]

RICK SESSIONS AFO ANM [email protected]

Rick Walls OVE AWP [email protected]

Ricky Suggs 0J4 ASO [email protected]

Rita Broaddus N29 ASW [email protected]

Rita Hunt StNH ANE [email protected]

ROB OATES EUL ANM [email protected]

Robert Beaton BGR ANE [email protected]

Robert Burnett ACV AWP [email protected]



ART AEA [email protected]

Robert Johnston FDR ASW [email protected]

Robert King L71 AWP [email protected]

Robert Mezzetti BVY ANE [email protected]

Robert Nicholas ITH AEA [email protected]



APA ANM [email protected]

Robert Osborne SHV ASW [email protected]

Robert Speyrer OPL ASW [email protected]

Robert Tenanty CGE AEA [email protected]



2S1 ANM [email protected]

Robert Uecker E80 ASW [email protected]



2S8 ANM [email protected]



PNE AEA [email protected]

ROD FLECK S18 ANM [email protected]

Rodney Avery 17K ASW [email protected]

Rodney Mayse RID AGL [email protected]

Rodney Roy CKC AGL [email protected]

Rodney Wilson 104 ASW [email protected]

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Roger Blaylock 2R4 ASO [email protected]

Roger Deal 6G5 AGL [email protected]

Roger Krieger DEW ANM [email protected]

Roger Meggers BHK ANM [email protected]

Ron Bowers FUL AWP [email protected]

Ron Denowh S59 ANM [email protected]

Ron Evans DTW AGL [email protected]

Ron Foraker PSC ANM [email protected]

Ron Kelly 38S ANM [email protected]

Ron Lovato E14 ASW [email protected]

Ron Phillips MLU ASW [email protected]

Ron Rosenthal RGK AGL [email protected]

Ron Walker SIV AGL [email protected]

RONALD DAVIS HAO AGL [email protected]

Ronald Morris CXY AEA [email protected]

Ronald Sena FSU ASW [email protected]

Ronnie Hall +086 ASW [email protected]

Rorie Watt 5Z1 AAL [email protected]

Rosann Keiser 3W2 AGL [email protected]

Ross Dubarry GFL AEA [email protected]

Ross Norris 20A ASO [email protected]

Roy Nolkamper CTB ANM [email protected]

Roy Sieger XFL ASO [email protected]



LSK ANM [email protected]

Ruben Anthony MKE AGL [email protected]

RUDY RUDOLPH OLM ANM [email protected]

Russ Couchman GWB AGL [email protected]

Russ Gasper GRI ACE [email protected]

Russ Piroutek RPB ACE [email protected]

Ryan Curry OVO AGL [email protected]

Ryan Evenson HCO AGL [email protected]

Ryan Huizinga AOH AGL [email protected]

Ryan Meyer XLL AEA [email protected]

Ryan Shaffer CBE AEA [email protected]

Ryan Torgerson 38U ANM [email protected]

RYAN ZULAUF RNT ANM [email protected]

S Champman CHK ASW [email protected]

Sam Box GZL ASW [email protected]

Samantha Lopez EEO ANM [email protected]

Samuel Seafeldt JMS AGL [email protected]

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Sandi Putman 9S9 ANM [email protected]

Sandra Dunn DEQ ASW [email protected]

Sandra Janssen OAJ ASO [email protected]

Sandy Bloom BXA ASW [email protected]



S23 ANM [email protected]



FLL ASO [email protected]

Sara Bowers 54J ASO [email protected]

Sara Freese AMA ASW [email protected]

Sarah Sheetz RDD AWP [email protected]

Scott Berry RTN ASW [email protected]

Scott Carlsen N89 AEA [email protected]

Scott Carr PWM ANE [email protected]

Scott Coffman JYO AEA [email protected]

Scott Cole 81B ANE [email protected]

Scott Dooley FHU AWP [email protected]

Scott Keller RLD ANM [email protected]

SCOTT LANGEL LRJ ACE [email protected]

Scott Smith BPK ASW [email protected]

Scott Tadych MWO AGL [email protected]

Scott Thomas GCM ASW [email protected]

Sean Graham VGC AEA [email protected]

Sean Kienle D68 AWP [email protected]

Shane Wright Iowa ACE [email protected]



HQM ANM [email protected]

Shannon Clary GRB AGL [email protected]

Shannon Elliott TXK ASW [email protected]

Sharlette Bolar 1K5 ASW [email protected]

Sharon Emmitt SRE ASW [email protected]

Sharon Rogers RCR AGL [email protected]



KLS ANM [email protected]

Shaun Germolus HIB AGL [email protected]



06N AEA [email protected]

Shawn McGrew WLD ACE [email protected]

Shayne Scott 1L9 ANM [email protected]

Shelley Coleman S50 ANM [email protected]

Shelley Watson 1B0 ANE [email protected]

Shelli Malone SPH ASW [email protected]

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Shelly Cassaro RFD AGL [email protected]

Shelly Clark ITR ANM [email protected]

Shelly Wilson 7M5 ASW [email protected]

Sherry Johnston M27 ASW [email protected]

Sigfrido Rivera QHP AWP [email protected]

Speich Charity EAU AGL [email protected]




FLG AWP [email protected]

Stacey Siler 4O5 ASW [email protected]

Stan Henderson GUP ASW [email protected]

Stan Holmes 2V5 ANM [email protected]

Stephen Dunn CCB AWP [email protected]

Stephen Ford BDR ANE [email protected]

Stephen Siniski ISP AEA [email protected]

Steve Arnold TOL AGL [email protected]

Steve Brian CLL ASW [email protected]

Steve Fox PVG AEA [email protected]

Steve Gleason PVU ANM [email protected]



68S ANM [email protected]

STEVE GOOD DGW ANM [email protected]

Steve Knopp 32S ANM [email protected]

Steve Layton LTY ANM [email protected]

Steve Summers CVN ASW [email protected]

Steve Triever MLT ANE [email protected]

Steven Buck CAR ANE [email protected]

Steven Forrester S39 ANM [email protected]

Steven Gray HHG AGL [email protected]

Steven Lichliter OMN ASO [email protected]

SUE BOYD AEJ ANM [email protected]

Sue Jones DWX ANM [email protected]

Susan French BLI ANM [email protected]

Susan Hansen AIZ ANM [email protected]

Susan Lunceford 48I AEA [email protected]

Suzanne McNeel, U02 ANM [email protected]

Suzanne Solberg


N51 AEA [email protected]

Suzette Brandy RMN AEA [email protected]

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BHM ASO [email protected]

T Schook SUD ASW [email protected]

T. Nemmers FRM AGL [email protected]

Taffy Pippin MGM ASO [email protected]

Tamie Head CAE ASO [email protected]

Tammy Maron DAB ASO [email protected]

Tammy Mitchell GGG ASW [email protected]

Tammy Pfaff AIT AGL [email protected]

Tana Vega LVS ASW [email protected]

Tara Keith 0R5 ASW [email protected]

Ted Mosteller AAF ASO [email protected]

Ted Soliday APF ASO [email protected]

Ted Zabinski 4B0 AEA [email protected]

Terence Chase HRL ASW [email protected]

Teresa Allen X07 ASO [email protected]

Terri H. 47N AEA [email protected]

Terry Doak RKS ANM [email protected]

TERRY EKKER BDG ANM [email protected]

Terry Lloyd ISM ASO [email protected]

Terry Max 61A ASO [email protected]

Terry Sroka RDG AEA [email protected]

Tex Bayouth H92 ASW [email protected]



CQM AGL [email protected]

Thiane Edwards RDU ASO [email protected]

Thomas Behan BGM AEA [email protected]

Thomas Curry IMM ASO [email protected]

Thomas Curry X01 ASO [email protected]

Thomas Geles BQR AEA [email protected]

Thomas Hughes BFM ASO [email protected]



BST ANE [email protected]

Thomas Maher PYM ANE [email protected]

Thomas Scherm RCE ASW [email protected]

Thomas Speziale 5B2 AEA [email protected]

Thomas Vaughn CDH ASW [email protected]

Tiffany Brown-


BOS ANE [email protected]

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Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

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Tiki White 8B0 ANE [email protected]

TIM BARTH LMO ANM [email protected]

Tim Dalton GGP AGL [email protected]

Tim LeFleur F30 ASW [email protected]

TIM SCHELL DUB ANM [email protected]

TIMOTHY HEAD BDU ANM [email protected]

Timothy Hens 07WI AEA [email protected]

Timothy Howard CQX ANE [email protected]

Timothy Ibisch SBU AGL [email protected]

TINA MOORE RYN AWP [email protected]

Tina Rennemo BDE AGL [email protected]

Todd Bunn GNG ANM [email protected]

Todd Peterson ROX AGL [email protected]

Tom Andrews LKV ANM [email protected]

Tom Dolen DCU ASO [email protected]

Tom Healy PAQ AAL [email protected]

Tom Mainella 4G7 AEA [email protected]

Tom McCauley U03 ANM [email protected]

Tom Miller 7SI ANM [email protected]

Tom Rist U76 ANM [email protected]

Tom Rykowski SGF ACE [email protected]

Tom Sharp MDQ ASO [email protected]

Tom Trudeau FCI AEA [email protected]

Tom Zitter CQA AGL [email protected]

Tommy Dobson SCD ASO [email protected]

Tommy Vaughan 2IS ASO [email protected]

Toni Broom RAP AGL [email protected]

Tony Simpson ORS ANM [email protected]

Tracy Honea 8A0 ASO [email protected]

Travis Block FBL AGL [email protected]

Travis Crawford 33N AEA [email protected]

Travis Greene MOB ASO [email protected]

Travis McQueen HNB AGL [email protected]

TROY FRUIT 97M ANM [email protected]

Trudy Hill Texas DOT ASW [email protected]

Vernon Wilson 5T6 ASW [email protected]

Vic Bandini CFJ AGL [email protected]

VICKEY DION MOD AWP [email protected]

Vince Caire 1L0 ASW [email protected]

Virgie Andrews 1K4 ASW [email protected]

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Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

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Virginia Harrison M78 ASW [email protected]

Virginia Lewis 4I0 AEA [email protected]

Virginia Wheeler 6B9 AEA [email protected]



GCN AWP [email protected]

Walter L. Fix GEU AWP [email protected]

Wanda Mongan PWC AGL [email protected]

Warren Cramer N82 AEA [email protected]

Wayne Cameron TCL ASO [email protected]

Wayne Deckard 6I4 AGL [email protected]

Wayne Green PDT ANM [email protected]

Wiiliam Grabe MIW ACE [email protected]

Wilfred Nixon MLB ASO [email protected]

Will Hobart COU ACE [email protected]

Will Robbins MEZ ASW [email protected]



MMU AEA [email protected]

William Bridges GEY ANM [email protected]

William Hutto AUO ASO [email protected]

William Johnson FTW ASW [email protected]

William Lang 3M8 ASO [email protected]

William Mayo OLD ANE [email protected]

William Mckinzey AIV ASO [email protected]

William Nyby PWD ANM [email protected]

William Towle STC AGL [email protected]

Willis Hansen A08 ASO [email protected]



VUO ANM [email protected]

Wilma Petro MMK ANE [email protected]

Wilson Leonard MKJ AEA [email protected]

Wyman Morgan ASG ASW [email protected]

Yvette Hawkins ATL ASO [email protected]



HZR ASW [email protected]

Zachary Brown FRH AGL [email protected]

Zechariah Papp ANK ANM [email protected]

Bellamy Management Services, LLC

Supporting Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Civil Rights, Post Restruction External Program Feedback 40