REGIONAL STAFF LISTINGtime. The USS Navras had a special table just outside the main guest autograph area so they had prime locale to see the many strange and wonderful things that

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Page 1: REGIONAL STAFF LISTINGtime. The USS Navras had a special table just outside the main guest autograph area so they had prime locale to see the many strange and wonderful things that
Page 2: REGIONAL STAFF LISTINGtime. The USS Navras had a special table just outside the main guest autograph area so they had prime locale to see the many strange and wonderful things that

REGIONAL STAFF LISTING REGIONAL COORDINATOR COMM Reed Bates [email protected] VICE REGIONAL COORDINATOR GEN Aaron Murphy [email protected] CHIEF OF STAFF COL Jeremy Carsten [email protected] CHIEF OF OPERATIONS COL Michael Tolleson [email protected]

ZONE LEADERS Zone 1: CAPT Cody Glenn [email protected] Zone 2: RADM Trisha Tunis [email protected] Zone 3: BDR Christopher O’Banion [email protected] Zone 4: COL Jeremy Carsten [email protected] Zone 5: BDR John Johnston [email protected] Shakedown Operations Officer VADM Wayne Killough Jr. [email protected] Starfleet’s International Conference Chair—Region 3 Liaison RADM Marian L. Murphy [email protected]

CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER BDR Christopher O’Banion [email protected] CHIEF OF COMMUNICATIONS <<vacant—Your Name Here>> [email protected] CHIEF OF COMPUTER OPERATIONS GEN Aaron Murphy [email protected]

REGIONAL FINANCIAL OFFICER CMDR Sydney LeJeune [email protected] REGIONAL QUARTERMASTER MCPT James Trainham [email protected] SENIOR ENLISTED ADVISOR MCPO Jesse Gutierrez [email protected]

This newsletter is Published by:

Region 3, STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc.

Fleet Channels is a publication of the Communications Department of Region 3, STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. It is intended for the private use of our members.

Star Trek and all related marks and logos are Trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Region 3 Logo is copyrighted by Region 3.

STARFLEET and Region 3 hold no claims to any trademarks, copyrights, or properties held by CBS Studios or Paramount Pictures. All content from Star Trek, including still images and character names is the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation and CBS Studios, Inc. and no infringement is intended.

STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. operates as a non-profit social organization and is committed to promoting Star Trek and its ideals.

The contents of this publication are Copyright © 2012 Region 3 and/or the original authors. All rights reserved. No portion of this document may be copied or republished in any way or form without the written consent of the Regional Coordinator, Region 3, STARFLEET.

Cover Art by Cody Glenn. Thank you so much!!!

Interested in assisting with Fleet Channels? Drop an e-mail to [email protected] and volunteer! The Submission Deadline for Fleet Channels Quarter 3 2012 (Vol 21, Issue 3) will be October 1, 2012. Send submissions via email to [email protected] or via regular mail to: P.O. Box 1885 Round Rock, TX 78680-1885

Copyright 2012 Region 3 -- Fleet Channels Staff Listing Page 1

Page 3: REGIONAL STAFF LISTINGtime. The USS Navras had a special table just outside the main guest autograph area so they had prime locale to see the many strange and wonderful things that


Regional Staff Articles the RC ............................................................................................................... 1 the VRC ............................................................................................................ 2 the Chief of Staff .............................................................................................. 2 the Chief of Operations ................................................................................... 2 the Zone Leaders .............................................................................................. 3 the Chief of Communications ......................................................................... 5 the Chief of Computer Operations ................................................................. 5 the Chief Finance Officer ................................................................................ 6 the Senior Enlisted Advisor ............................................................................. 6 the Administrative Officer (Awards) .............................................................. 7 the Quartermaster ........................................................................................... 8 the Chief of Shakedown Operations .............................................................. 9

Joint Summit Pictures .......................................................................................... 11-12 Region 3 Chapters

Ark Angel Station .......................................................................................... 13 USS Diamondback ......................................................................................... 13 USS Joan of Arc ............................................................................................. 14 USS Lone Star ................................................................................................ 15 USS Navras ..................................................................................................... 17 USS Regulator ................................................................................................ 18 USS SpiritWolf ............................................................................................... 18

Extra, Extra—Read All About It Epic Turnout – Report by Kris Dobie about Dallas Comic Con ............... 19

1Two Images submitted by Ken Gurton, USS Firebird

Copyright 2012 Region 3 -- Fleet Channels Table of Contents, Page 1

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Page 5: REGIONAL STAFF LISTINGtime. The USS Navras had a special table just outside the main guest autograph area so they had prime locale to see the many strange and wonderful things that

REGIONAL COORDINATOR Reed Bates, Ark Angel Station

Since the last time we were in the Holodeck together…

March found this RC and her staff very busy, as we were planning and preparing for the Joint Summit with Region 2, which was held in Hammond, Louisiana March 16-18, 2012. Despite having a few issues with things, as with all Summits, this one was overall fun for all. The CS Dave Blaser and the VCS Bran Stimpson made it an extra special occasion. Region 2 always invites and assists the CS to visit during their Summits, so Region 3 split the costs with them. The final financial reports have been approved by both Regions’ Financial Officers. We raised $3,300 from various activities and gave a check to the Joint Summit Charity, Our Daily Bread during closing ceremonies. I wish to thank all those who attended and donated to this worthy cause.

2 Jack Eaton, Reed Bates, and Dave Blaser after getting "Pied" for charity.

In April, I traveled to Branson, MO to represent the Region and our International Conference at Region 12’s Summit. Along with me was the IC2013 Chair Marian L. Murphy of the USS Rachel Garrett. It is always interesting to see how another Region does things similar to or different from us. I always learn a lot and make new friends. If you ever have the opportunity to travel to another Region’s summit (or chapter event), you should try it some time. Marian and I had many discussions with the members of Region 12 to invite them to our IC in Dallas, next August, 2013.

As a side note for April and May, on the way home from a little work trip I had to take immediate after R12’s Summit, I had the opportunity to see an interesting site at the Kansas City International Airport, a plane named the USS Battle Born.

3 Battle Born One from Southwest Airlines.

May was also filled with many items; however, the most exciting was Dallas Comic Con held at the Irving Convention Center, May 18-20, 2012. Why was it so exciting? Well, Jean Luc Picard (real name: Patrick Stewart) was there signing autographs, taking pictures, and talking with all us fans. You may have seen many of the photo ops with Captain Picard on Facebook. Also present was Trek stud John DeLancie, who played the infamous “Q.” There were many Region 3 members present, too many to list here, but we all had a grand time. The USS Navras had a special table just outside the main guest autograph area so they had prime locale to see the many strange and wonderful things that happen at a convention, as well as trying to recruit for their chapter and for the Fleet.

Upcoming months will see this RC traveling to Medford, OR to visit her husband Lloyd's family but also trying to hook up with a local chapter there, named the USS Riviera. Plus, the RC is going to STARFLEET’s International Conference near Memphis, TN the first weekend of August, where I'll represent the members of Region 3 at the EC/AB meeting.

Reed Bates Regional Coordinator [email protected]

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VICE REGIONAL COORDINATOR Aaron Murphy, Ark Angel Station

Our Joint Summit has come and gone, and we're on our way to International Conference (IC) in Memphis, TN. R3 will be able to shine as we move into the one-year countdown to IC2013 in Dallas. A crew is going to go up to Memphis and show them we know how to have a good time. We, as the host of next year's IC, have the responsibility of running the hospitality suite at this one. We're also going to shake hands, let Marian kiss babies, and generally wheel and deal. So, register early, register often ;)

I hope that everyone is getting out and having fun with their chapters. With the summer comes conventions (Dallas Comic Con and A-Kon just recently wrapped up in Dallas) and the summer blockbuster movies. In Austin this fall, Wizard World is scheduled to have the entire Star Trek: The Next Generation cast for the 25th anniversary. Also in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the beginning of TNG, on 23 Jul 2012 many movie theaters are showing a couple of TNG episodes as a preview of the TNG Blu-Ray release.

You can go to http://www.startrek.com/article/tng-25th-anniversary-event-in-theaters-july-23 for more information. Regardless of what you do, please try to stay cool and be safe.

Aaron Murphy Vice Regional Coordinator [email protected]

CHIEF OF STAFF Jeremy Carsten, USS Battle Born

We did it!

Joint Summit has been successfully survived. It has been a few months since then now, but many in the region are still feeling the pain of that drive, some coordination issues, and in some cases a perpetual hangover. Summit was a great time, with a lot learned with regards to how another region does business. I am

exceedingly proud of all the work the Region 3 staff did to make this such a success.

Then we all took a much-needed short break.

Now coming down the line is IC 2013 – wow a lot to do, and Next August does not seem far enough away. Our immediate goal is to get most our plans done so they can be presented/advertised and such at IC 2012...where we shall host the hospitality suite.

The Region Handbook was successfully published, so that is available to all who wish to see how the staff is organized.

We are STILL looking for a Chief of Communications! Handy with desktop publishing? Enjoy your Facebook and Twitter? If so PLEASE apply!

Aside from that, YOUR Region 3 staff is still plugging away at the day-to-day stuff, planning big things, and making my job very easy.


Jeremy Carsten R3 Chief of Staff [email protected]

CHIEF OF OPERATIONS Michael Tolleson, USS Navras

Greetings fellow Region 3 people,


Hope things have been well through out the region. Things have been busy here in the Operations office. We have several events going on in the region in the next several months. We will start with the end of this month.

Texas Comicon June 22 -24. Several big names will be there to include:

• Lou Ferrigno - Incredible Hulk • Mark Sheppard - Firefly and Leverage • Jake Busey - Starship Troopers

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These are just a few of the stars that will be there. Check out http://www.texascomicon.com/ or more info.

Several ships are having there ship meetings. We have the following:

• Ark Angel Station – Meets once a month depending on calendar. See website for info: arkangelstation.com Calendar

• USS Bexar - 2nd Saturday of the month. Game Lot, 7007 Bandera Rd., San Antonio, TX (map): http://www.ussbexar.net/

• USS Regulator - 3rd Saturday of the month. Look at www.ncc73337.com for info.

• USS Corsair - Baton Rouge Star Trek Meetup (Corsair) (map) For more info http://www.brstartrek.com/usscorsair/

• USS Navras Monthly Meeting - For more details contact [email protected]

• USS Joan of Arc Monthly Meeting - For more information: http://www.ussjoanofarc.org/calendar.html

If you wish your chapter listed in Fleet Channels, please send your info to me at [email protected].


Coordinating with the Marines, the Wilderness Challenge and we will get the info out ASAP.

If anyone has any events that they would like to be considered for a Regional event, please send me the information and can get it scheduled.


Now down to business, we have had a few issues with our Reports. All ships are required to submit a report each month on the first; it’s late after the fifth, and considered “Failed to Report” after the tenth. With that being said, please make sure that you get your chapter Monthly State Reports (MSRs) in by the due

dates. Members, ask your COs if they file on time.

Well, that is all for now. I will keep everyone informed of any upcoming Region 3 events, until next time.

Michael "Matchstick" Tolleson, COL Region 3 Ops [email protected]

ZONE 1 LEADER Cody Glenn, USS Navras

Since I have taken over as the Zone 1 Leader, I have begun the process of reaching out to the other chapters within the territory in the hopes of establishing more communication. Subsequently, I have made contact with several members of the Trinity River, as well as Fleet Captain Brent Chapman of the U.S.S. Tejas. I have been waiting until this report to announce that I am planning to host a Zone 1 Meeting on Wednesday, June 20, at 8:00 pm, on Skype. Those wishing to attend are more than welcome to send me an add request on Skype, and can look me up by searching for [email protected].

It is my hope that by utilizing Skype, we can reach more people and get more chapters involved in the affairs of Zone 1—especially since we have so many great things coming up in the near future that would mutually benefit each of our chapters. I would also like to make a point of saying that while I am new to this position, I have no intention of telling our COs what to do aboard their own ships—that is not my job. I would simply like to see us doing more things in unison, and communicating with one another.

That being said, from what I’ve learned, everything in Zone 1 appears to be going great. Only one ship appears to be undermanned, and I have faith in her CO to fix that in the very near future, and there seems to be more events happening throughout the Zone than I can personally keep up with.

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I’d like to thank everyone for the hard work that I have been seeing, and express that I am very excited to see what the future has in store.

CAPT Cody Glenn Zone 1 Leader [email protected]

ZONE 2 LEADER Trisha Tunis, USS Corsair

Ahoy there!

Things have been busy here in Zone 2! The USS Ravensclaw has been playing airsoft, USS Lafitte hosted CyphaCon (and survived! WTG guys!), the USS New Orleans and the USS Corsair enjoyed a tour of the USS WASP during Operation Sail in New Orleans.

Please let everyone know about your activities by posting to the Region 3 Calendar (just go to the Region3.org ‘Contact us’ page, Calendar Submission) and also the STARFLEET calendar. Let’s all share in the fun!

We’re getting ready to kick out off the launch bay the USS Ray Harryhausen, a correspondence chapter, and I’m hearing that another one in Alexandria and in Biloxi, MS are…well, they are in the shipyards being formed. We’re growing in leaps and bounds in Louisiana.

One of our big recruiting events is coming up in November-New Orleans Comic Con. One guest already announced-Patrick Stewart! I’m asking each CO to get their own table for the chapter this year, that way we can cover has much territory as possible. To get a table, please download the Fan Group Table form at http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/wizardworld/fan.pdf, fill it out, and fax/email back to them. Let me know that your chapter will be there, or if you need help creating marketing materials (or need sources that are cheap/easy). As I get more information about this convention, I’ll pass it along.

Trisha Tunis Zone 2 Leader [email protected]

ZONE 4 LEADER Jeremy Carsten, USS Battle Born

Zone 4, Region 3, SFI, Earth, Sol system, Milky Way, This universe...reporting!

Hello there!

Zone 4 has been busy. Aside from having a great showing at the Joint Summit, the various ships have been up to there own fun!

In addition, there has been a lineup change. The USS Victory is sadly no longer with us...having decommissioned at the Joint Summit. However, our numbers have not thinned. The USS Crockett has recently launched, and is well on their way to commissioning in September.

The Ark Angel Station completed their camping trip, with fun for all, even the CO who (rumor has it) may have neglected to bring a few things...Also they have an active cadet corps, who are constantly having their activities.

The USS Battle Born is cruising along, trying to get ready for all the upcoming conventions. Building up the table swag! Also have been attending various events and having a blast.

The USS Bexar continues to be involved in the community, conventions, and paintball.

The USS Serenity is as serene as ever.

Events in Zone 4, still coming:

• Texas Comic Con–San Antonio, TX–June 22-24

• Austin Comic Con–Austin, TX–October 26-28

Here is to enjoying the next half the year!

Zone 4, OUT.

Jeremy Carsten Zone 4 Leader [email protected]

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ZONE 5 LEADER John Johnston, USS Gunslinger

Greetings, fellow Third Fleeters! Zone 5 had lots to activity to talk about this quarter.

My congratulations go to the USS Diamondback for raising approximately $350 for this year's Walk Now For Autism Speaks events.

The USS Gunslinger helped promote Free Comic Book Day on May 5th at Daxie Boy Toys in El Paso. The Klingons got to mingle with Batman, Supergirl, the El Paso Ghostbusters, and Walter Jones, the original Black Power Ranger.

The USS Lone Star and SS Maverick got a spectacular viewing of the Ring of Fire solar eclipse on May 20. The rest of Region 3 Chapters were only able to witness a partial eclipse, so I feel very proud of these chapters for being able to witness this truly stellar event (no pun intended).

Zone 5 is looking forward to attend the third annual El Paso Comic Con in September. David Prowse, who portrayed Darth Vader in the original Star Wars Trilogy, Tyler Mane, who portrayed Michael Myers in the Rob Zombie Halloween movies, and a large cast of guest stars will be present at the El Paso Convention Center. Check http://www.ep-con.blogspot.com for details.

BDR John Johnston Zone 5 Leader [email protected]

CHIEF OF COMMUNICATIONS Vacant—Taking Applications

We are taking applications for this position. If you wish to coordinate and edit a newsletter like this or design a new type of news delivery service; if you like to use Facebook, Twitter, or other types of comm applications; if you like to use the telephone or send emails; and you just want to assist with the communications of the Region and it’s members, then you should apply for this position. We want you! Tell us

how you see yourself in this position and send in your resumes (both Fleet and real life) to [email protected] and [email protected].

CHIEF OF COMPUTER OPERATIONS Aaron Murphy, Ark Angel Station

Account security... this is a topic near and dear to any IT personnel’s heart. Lately, there’s seemed to be a rash of hijacked e-mail accounts, stories in the news about database hacks that have resulted in stolen account names and passwords, etc. I want to touch on how to react if/when this happens to you and what you can do to protect yourself.

The recent e-mail hijacking seems to be focused on online e-mail services, such as Hotmail, Yahoo!, G-Mail, etc. Someone will gain access to your account and start sending out spam and text messages. This is not typically due to any sort of virus or anything. It could have been gain through any number of methods, from packet sniffers to just plain lucky guesses. Typically, spammers don’t change your password or otherwise lock you out of it. Most of the time, they would rather just use your account to spam everyone in your contact list and hopefully not alert you to the fact that it’s even happening. In many cases, these may even be e-mail accounts that you don’t use anymore and had forgotten you even had. When made aware of these account intrusions (usually, a friend will e-mail you out of the blue wondering what’s going on and why you’re sending this trash to them), the solution is usually very simple. Just login and change your password. Problem solved.

Also in the news recently, LinkedIn, a popular professional social networking site, had a hacking incident where usernames and passwords were stolen. As a result, LinkedIn alerted their user base and enforced a policy of requiring its users to change their password the next time they log into the site. The e-mail with the link to change it is sent to your e-mail of record and even includes your name in the footer at the bottom of the e-mail. However, there is another step to take into consideration. If you use the same credentials to log into other

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websites, social networking accounts, e-mails, etc., you should strongly consider changing the passwords on those accounts as well.

As I mentioned earlier, sometime brute force attacks and simple guessing can be used to overcome passwords. This is not as hard as you would think, especially with common names or variations, such as replacing “a” with “@” or “t” with “+”. The best passwords are 1) at least 8 characters long, 2) are a combination of upper case, lower case, numbers, and symbols (it’s acceptable to use three of the four), and 3) is not a variation of a common word. Also, it is advisable to change your password every 60-90 days for added security and do not reuse the previous 3-5 passwords. Lastly, it is strongly recommended to have unique passwords for each account. I know, this can be a major pain to remember all of these passwords. In this case, there are password management programs available that are accessed with a master password on your computer and will then present the proper credentials to the websites upon request. Many sites are going to a system of using your Facebook login or other social media sites as a Single Sign on model. This is convenient, but it also makes it much more important to make sure your Facebook account is secure and that you don’t leave it logged in. If this happens, your friends jacking your account and making cute or embarrassing posts will be the least of your worries.

Aaron Murphy R3 Chief of Computer Operations [email protected]


Here is the Region’s Financial Report for the quarter ending March 31, 2012:

Beginning Balance (12/30/11): $715.35 Deposits 193.00 Expenses (520.62)

Balance (3/31/12): $387.73

In addition, we had a pending deposit of $1,164.16, which is our profit from the Joint Summit, which was transferred after the first quarter ended.

Some of the income was from a few of the chapters making donations through the Regional Assistance Program (“RAP”), which was instituted at the CCO meeting at Summit in Lubbock. Other income was from the purchase of Region 3 T-Shirts through the Quartermaster.

All of the expenses were in the budget and include: Region 3 Quartermaster shirts, Region 3 Awards supplies and printing for 2012, IC2012 Registration for RC and VRC, and a Texas Sales Tax expense paid for not only R3 during 2011, but also on behalf of STARFLEET and the SFMC, which sold merchandise at Summit 2011 in Lubbock.

Sydney LeJeune CFO Region 3 [email protected]


Senior Enlisted Advisor (“SEA”) is the liaison to the Regional Staff representing the enlisted Members of the Region. The SEA also acts as a Sargent at Arms at Summits and other functions, where he preserves order and also greets the members with enthusiasm. Here is Jesse’s article to the Members:

Private Companies start intense competition for entry into space.

Recently, the SpaceX space system made history by launching into space after a failed first attempt. The Dragon capsule docked with the ISS and delivered necessary supplies. This is a milestone for the privatization of space. What this means is that America can now reach the ISS with this craft and not solely rely on the Russians to get us there on their equipment. Congratulations to Space X and Elon Musk the founder of the company.

The second contender for entry into low earth orbit is a ship called the Dream Chaser. This

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ship is made by a company called Sierra Nevada Corporation. This company recently flew the test article around under a Sikorsky Skycrane helicopter. The test was to check the stability of the vehicle. The cool thing about this system is that it looks like a miniature space shuttle.

For more information on the SpaceX look at the articles at www.space.com.

For more information on the Dream chaser http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/05/snc-captive-carry-test-dream-chaser-take-flight/.

Recently in Trek circles, there has been a hot topic circling about a website called “Build the Enterprise in 20 years.” http://www.buildtheenterprise.org/. The owner Dan explains that the Enterprise can be built. I cannot run like the one on the series but it can get people to Mars in ninety days. Dan explains that the television design is efficient so the built unit will look similar.

Jesse Gutierrez Senior Enlisted Advisor [email protected]


I would like to start this off by thanking everyone involved in this year’s awards season. From those that submitted requests to the tireless volunteers of my committee, I thank you all! Col. Cathey Osborne was also a huge help in getting the pins finished. Speaking of which, if you did not get a pin with your award, please contact me and I will arrange to have one sent to you.

And the winner is...

Region 3 Annual Awards

2011 Chapter of the Year

USS Battle Born

2011 Commanding Officer of the Year

Cody Glenn

2011 Enlisted Member of the Year

Conell Osborne

2011 Flag Officer of the Year

Beau Thacker

2011 Junior Member of the Year

Brooke Pier

2011 Member of the Year

Cathey Osborne

2011 Mothership of the Year

USS Corsair

2011 Newsletter of the Year

USS Navras

2011 Officer of the Year

Michael Tolleson

2011 Shakedown Chapter of the Year

USS Zavala

2011 Volunteer of the Year

Nicole Bollinger

All of the Annual Award winners are submitted to the Starfleet Annual Awards to compete with the rest of the Fleet. The SFI Annual Award winners will be announced at IC2012.

The following are Region 3’s Individual Awards for the 2011 year:

Steven “Doc” Jessup Distinguished Service Award (“DSA”)

Deanna Bressie Marian Murphy

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Crystal Star

Cody Glenn Michael Tolleson

Trisha Tunis

Gold Pillar

Bobbi Johnson

Legion of Merit

Brian Landry

Silver Pillar

Alan Goulet Brian Walrath

Elizabeth Goulet John Johnston

Penelope McFadin Rufus Barr

Thomas Clark

Iron Star

Carey Minchew Christopher O’Banion

Deborah Kent Edward Tunis III

Gail Perrin James Kent

James Trainham John Considine

Lloyd Bates

Iron Star (continued)

Max Triola Michael Tolleson

Region 3 Commendation

Adam Duggar Alan Steinberg Amanda Jones

Ana Duch Andrew Myers Angela Hardy Angela Landry Barbara Baker Beau Thacker

Billie Jean Oxley Brian Landry

Charlene DeRoche Christopher O’Banion

David Bailey David Giroir Derrek Kyzar

Draven Bollinger Edward Tunis IV

Janet Dugas Jason Oliver

Jeremy Mayes Karen Kessen Ken Gurton

Kenneth Shaw Kris Murphy

Kurt Whittenberger Mahayla Bollinger

Region 3 Commendation (continued)

Mark Hayes Mason Bollinger Matthew Ezell

Mercedes Bollinger Norbert Kessen

Pat Spillers Rufus Barr

Sarah Hennigan Sarah Van der Veken

Scott Smith Sharon Lambert

Stephanie Nabochek Sydney LeJeune

Tracy Clark Truck Bollinger Vincent Silmon

Scholastic Achievement

Aiden Bressie Alan Steinberg

Brendan Murphy Claire Bressie

Draven Bollinger Heather Glenn

Jeff Webb Mahayla Bollinger Mason Bollinger

Matt Hill Megan Martin

Mercedes Bollinger

Congratulation to all the Region 3 Award recipients. Thank you,

BDR Christopher O’Banion Region 3 Awards Coordinator [email protected]

REGION 3 QUARTERMASTER James Trainham, USS Battle Born

Hello all, it is your Region 3 Quartermaster here, now that I have finished moving my base of operations to my new house, it’s time for me to jump back into my position with fervor.

As always, I would like to showcase a couple of items from our Café press page.

First we have our Messenger Bag for just $21.99. The direct link is: http://www.cafepress.com/region3.519918737

The graphic on the bag was designed by Aaron Murphy, and is the perfect size to hold your laptop during summit or IC next year.

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And for those of you who bought shirts at our joint summit, you can also get the logo that was on the back of the shirts as a 23” x 35” poster for only $19.99.

The direct link to the Poster is:


Now, news from the SFI quartermaster.

1. SFI has opened up a storefront with Queensboro, so you can now order items with the SFI logo and have them shipped straight to you.

2. New set of challenge coins are in stock and are available for ordering at QM.SFI.ORG

As always, I need input from you what items would you as a Region 3 member want to see the Quartermaster offer? Without your suggestions we cant get new and more interesting items to offer to you.

Also, don’t forget the 3rd Brigade is ordering patches and selling them @ $5.00 each, please see the article in Cry Havoc for more information or feel free to email me with any questions.

James Trainham Region 3 Quartermaster [email protected]


Wayne Killough, Retribution Station

Greetings from the Desk of the Region 3 ShOC:

I hope everyone is having a wonder 2012. We have had quite a bit of activity within ShOC since the last report, so let’s get to it. We now officially have two (2) chapters performing their Shakedown Cruise: the USS New Orleans

and the USS Crockett. We also have a third that is finalizing all of their pre-shakedown activities in preparations for launching: the USS Ray Harryhausen.

Commanding Officer Randolph Allen and crew of the USS New Orleans are rolling through the S.T.A.R.T. process like a freight train! They are continuously expanding their membership, working on various events and activities, and getting STARFLEET’s name out there as much as possible. They are looking at commissioning at the International Conference in August. At this rate, they will be hitting their mark perfectly!

Commanding Officer Mariann Gutierrez and crew of the USS Crockett are the newest additions to Region 3. The Crockett is a meeting chapter based down in San Antonio. They are already kicking things off by getting their chapter organized. They have held a few events for their members, so they are already showing their drive to “get up and go”!

We have a third chapter that is working on getting ready to launch. Sydney LeJeune and the crew of the future Ray Harryhausen are putting the final touches on their pre-shakedown process, and are gearing up for their launch. We should see them hitting the Region 3 Chapter Roster soon.

The New Orleans has been in contact with a group of Mississippi members who are interested in coming onboard their chapter. Randolph and company are already looking into the possibilities of these new members forming their own chapter (while it would technically reside in Region 2, it would launch off of a Region 3 chapter). I will keep everyone in the loop on how this situation unfolds, but these members are in perfect hands with Commander Allen and company (not to mention the New Orleans’ Support Ship, the USS Corsair, being there for guidance and support).

Speaking of the Corsair, her Commanding Officer, Trisha Tunis, has made the mistake of taking me up on a challenge. I told Trisha that

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I wanted to see a large expansion of chapters within the Region. Trisha has taken on this challenge…head first! I think she is trying to populate the entire state of Louisiana with new chapters all by herself! I want to personally thank her for keeping me on my toes…and keeping me busy.

The Region 2/Region 3 Joint Summit was a HUGE success! I had a wonderful time, got to see some old friends, met a LOT of new friends, and was really welcomed into Region 3 with open arms. I would like to congratulate all award and promotion recipients from Summit…as there were several! I want to thank our lovely Regional Coordinator, Reed Bates, SFA Commandant Peg Pellerin, SFA Academic Coordinator Carol Thompson, and whoever else had a hand in my promotion. That was a major surprise to me, and I am very honored to have been promoted to Admiral.

At Summit, I co-hosted the Shakedown Panel with Region 2 member Duncan Cameron: I from standpoint of Shakedown Operations Command, and Duncan from the standpoint of a chapter freshly going

through the Shakedown process. We had a really good time and the panel was really informative. I also served as Region 3’s Chief of Security, working alongside Region 2 Chief of Security Gregory Jasmine. I would like to personally thank all members who volunteered and assisted with Security. The event, from a security standpoint, was a success…due to those who volunteered to work security details.

The security detail at Summit has led me to take the following advice to heart: “When in doubt, ask if they have a history of psychological problems. You might be surprised with the answer…then again, you probably won’t be surprised. There is such as thing as being “too crazy”!

That’s all for this issue. If you have any ShOC-related questions, please send the my way to [email protected]. Hope to see several of you at IC in August. If I don’t catch you there, then I will catch you in the next issue!

Wayne Lee Killough, Jr. Shakedown Operations Officer, Region 3 [email protected]

5 Wayne Killough's new look

4 Cartoon submitted by Ken Gurton, USS Firebird.

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Commissioning Dinner/Celebration for the

USS Crockett

November 10, 2012

San Antonio, Texas

Game Day Info: The Igo Library at 10:00 am until 6:00 p.m.

13330 Kyle Seale Parkway Cost $8.00 (at the Door $10)

Snack Concession Stand will be Available

Commissioning Dinner/Ceremony Info: Johnny Carino's at 7:30 pm

11719 Bandera Road

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(Listed Alphabetically)

U.S.S. Ark Angel Station

In April, the Ark Angel Station members and 3 members from the USS Crockett, ventured out to the Colorado Bend State Park, near Bend, Texas. The campgrounds were great. We were in a more remote location that even trailers, RVs, and other “noisy” vehicles weren’t allowed in our area. Our cars were parked up a little hill so we had to follow a trail to them, too. Very quiet and peaceful, along the bend of the Colorado River. The restrooms were not too far either. The one big problem—NO PUBLIC SHOWERS!! Many of us were a bit ripe by the end of the stay.

No matter how offensive we were to our olfactory senses, it was well worth it when we saw the Gorman Falls. They were so beautiful!

6 View of Gorman Falls. Need to see it in person!

The Colorado Bend Park is definitely on our list of campgrounds to go back to and visit often.

In May, several members of the Ark Angel Station attended Dallas Comic Con in Plano, Texas. The two big highlights were Marvel Comic’s Stan Lee and Sir Patrick Stewart. However, stars like John DeLancie (“Q”) also made the trip well worth the long wait in the lines.

7John DeLancie, Reed Bates, and Patrick Stewart at Dallas Comic Con, May 19, 2012.

Submitted by Reed Bates, Operations Officer Ark Angel Station, [email protected]

U.S.S. Diamondback–Walks for Autism Speaks

The USS Diamondback crew has had a busy spring. We participated in the Walk for Autism Speaks at the Abilene Zoo in April. We had a lot of fun and it gave our ship a lot of good recognition in the Abilene community.

8 The crew of the USS Diamondback.

We had a great time and then had lunch together. We will try to have even more fundraisers this year raising funds for Autism Speaks. Then in May, we had an away mission to help with the Walk for Autism Speaks in San Angelo.

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9 Another great picture of the crew of the USS Diamondback

We are glad to have the opportunities to not only get some publicity, but also help our charity Autism Speaks.

Submitted by Glenda Stephenson, XO USS Diamondback [email protected]

U.S.S. Joan of Arc

Generally, there is a crew meeting on the first Saturday where the events for the following months are planned or discussed to correct whatever problems that occurred. We have a rotating set of restaurants where we meet and this seems to be working. Food is not always the same and restaurants are more receptive to one reservation per 90 day than every month.

Events in April started off with the monthly crew meeting the first Saturday nothing happened the second weekend, sort of a catch your breath before the May marathon of meetings and events but I am getting ahead of my self...Back to April. On April 21, the Joan Marines and other interested parties were invited to travel to San Antonio for paintball scrimmage against the USS Bexar crew. From most reports I have heard, it was an enjoyable outing.

The crew was invited back to enjoy a picnic dinner with the Bexar but most of the group had to decline due to "real world" obligations.

May is usually a VERY busy month. Normally there is the crew meeting, Assisting on the tele-auction for our PBS station KEDT, End of school festivities, and preparing for our Monster May birthday bash. This year things are a bit different. Yes, we did have the crew meeting on schedule; in fact, we had visitors from the USS Regulator Col. Tank Clark and his wife Tracy. They were down here for their vacation and decided to join us for the May meeting. We finished off most plans for the month with the exception of the yearly tele-auction. All the volunteer slots were already full when the dust finally settled due to a upper management shake up. This is the 2nd year in a row the club has been absent from this major fund raising event.

Another opportunity presented itself where several members were able to play characters from the future at an Corpus Christi Tourist Bureau luncheon.

The title of the luncheon was Destination Corpus Christi, with five crewmembers assisting the tourist bureau staff. This gathering of PR visitors was intended to bring more industry and conventions to our fair city.

The entrance to the luncheon was down a darkened hallway. At each corner was a member of the club carrying flashlights. They would point the way to the next person until the attendees exited into the main dining area where I was waiting to greet then...Naturally, I was in my Andorian persona...I got a LOT of strange looks and a couple of 'you’re not quite human are you' comments...When all the registered people were seated, the event staff showed each member of the “Lady J'' to a different table, which was a delightful surprise.

As I reported earlier, the month of May is usually a very busy month. On the last Saturday, there were three events from which to choose. One started at 7am; the second started at 10:30 and the final one began at 2:30. The early event was the Ingleside 5 K run/walk...It was attended by Margaret B., Rhonda D. Pat B., Tahnya A., Peter V., Alex K., Chris T., and Isabo T. Alex completed the 5k run in 43

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minutes! He was one of the fastest runners in his age group. Peter V. also medaled in the adult men in the 5K.

Swimming was the high point for Christopher V.C. He made innumerable trips around the water slides. Robin V.C. went to chill out in the other side of the slide pool but there was SSSOOO many sliders that the water was never still. Christopher was still going strong two and half hours later when we left the pool to join the others at The Bakery Cafe. A local restaurant in Aransas Pass. People from the run drove in from Corpus Christi to have lunch and taste the sample cupcake flavors we are choosing for the 20th Anniversary banquet happening on January 5, 2013. [Editor’s Note: The Joan of Arc members are calling it their 20th Anniversary; however, it will only be their 19th Anniversary as a Commissioned Chapter of STARFLEET. They Commissioned January 6, 1994, so they won’t be officially 20 years old until January 6, 2014. The chapter does wish to count the time they spent hanging out with each other, prior to the launching of their then called shuttle period, so that’s why they are calling it their 20th Anniversary and inviting everyone to join them in celebration.] It has been a custom for the club to present each person a small gift during their birthday month. May had 7! This is why we enjoy celebrating May with a huge swimming party followed by a meal at a local restaurant. As described above, when everyone had finished eating, the gifts were distributed. Each person got a new summer towel. The last thing before going home was a group photo showing towels and metals won at the run.

June will be a bit slower (thank goodness) starting off with the crew meeting on June 2 at a new restaurant, so I will report on how it fares in the next issue of Fleet Channels.

Submitted by Comm. Kris Dobie, RVA, Chief of combined Science & Medicine depts. USS Joan of Arc [email protected]

U.S.S. Lone Star

On May 12, 2012, the USS Lone Star celebrated her 16th anniversary of her commissioning and handed out a number of awards and promotions to her crew. Thanks to an anonymous donor, we were able to have our event at the Science Spectrum's Education Center. We enjoyed a menu which included a mouth-wateringly tender steak and baked potato with all the trimmings. During the festivities, the crew was honored with an a cappella performance by crew member Joe Wisdom.

USS Lone Star CO Vice Admiral Lisa Pruitt and 318th MSG OIC General Sam Black led the evening's festivities.

Commander Alice Carey, newly appointed chief of the ship's cadet program, attended with ship's counselor Captain Darrell Carey. With them came Cadets Ben Carey and Tabitha Carey. Petty Officer Ken Carey attended along with Recruit Rachel Dunnigan. Commander Karen Kessen and Commander Norbert Kessen III accompanied Cadet CPO Raeleigh Kessen.

Ensign Kelly Hays accompanied SFMC 2LT Sarah Hays; Ensign Terri Hilton, chief medical officer, accompanied Captain John Montgomery; Crewman Mary Helen Politte escorted Cadets Cody Odiorne, Ryan Politte, and Samantha Odiorne. Captain Don Shanks; procurement officer Admiral Pat Spillers; recruits Karen Taylor and Ricky Taylor; and Chief Petty Officer Joe Wisdom also attended.

Join Region 3 while we host STARFLEET’s International

Conference. Dallas, Texas August 1-4, 2013

at the MCM Elegante Hotel.

More information and how to register: www.ic2013.com

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Vice Admiral Pruitt presented the following promotions:

Lone Star Cadet Promotions:

Carey, Ben, Cadet PO 2d Class Carey, Tabitha, Cadet CPO Kessen, Raeleigh, Cadet Warrant Officer Politte, Ryan, Cadet Crewman Recruit Odiorne, Cody, Cadet Crewman Recruit Odiorne, Savannah, Cadet Crewman Recruit

Lone Star Enlisted Personnel Promotions:

Carey, Ken, Petty Officer Third Class Dunnigan, Rachel, Crewman Apprentice Politte, Mary Helen, Crewman Rice, Kayla, Petty Officer 2d Class Rice, Will, Chief Petty Officer Taylor, Karen, Crewman Apprentice Taylor, Ricky, Petty Officer 2d Class White, Kristie, Warrant Officer Wisdom, Joe, Master Chief Petty Officer

Lone Star Officer Promotions:

Hays, Jr., J. Kelly, Lieutenant Hays, Sarah, Lieutenant Hilton, Terri, Lieutenant Junior Grade

Lone Star Annual Awards, 2011:

• Tabitha Carey, Cadet of the Year—Wesley Crusher Award

• Kayla Rice, Enlisted Crew Member of the Year—Miles O'Brien Award

• Terri Hilton, Senior Officer of the Year—William Riker Award

• Darrell Carey, Officer of the Year—Jean-Luc Picard Award

• Sarah Hays, Member of the Year—Gene Roddenberry Award

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In addition to the above chapter, individual and annual awards, the Lone Star also handed out many Starfleet Awards. To save room, the list is always on the SFI.org website.

Congratulations to all the USS Lone Star Members!

Submitted by Sarah Hays USS Lone Star [email protected]

U.S.S. Navras Report

The past few months have been very busy for the crew of the Navras, and there are no signs of it slowing down any time soon. On Saturday, April 28, several of us, including Cody Glenn, Heather Glenn, Danny Glenn, Eve Glenn, Brooke Pier, Adam Dugger, Megan Martin, Chuck Brookes, Chris Prewitt, and Vince Silmon attended the Lone Star Warrior Association’s Good Day to Dine event, along with members of the U.S.S. Trinity River, the U.S.S. Regulator, and members of the I.K.V. Melota, a chapter of KAG. The crowd was very receptive of Heather and Eve, who were in full Andorian costume, as well as Brooke, who was there as a Vulcan, and Megan, who chose to attend in full Cardassian makeup.

On the weekend of May 19th, the Navras had a table at this year’s Dallas Comic Con, right across the hallway from where Sir Patrick Stewart was signing autographs, on the 3rd floor of the Irving Convention Center. With over 15 members in attendance, we made a full showing, and had almost two pages full of e-mail addresses from convention goers who requested more information on how to join. Commander Phil Magalios was interviewed by the local CBS Radio affiliate, as well as the Too Nerdy for TV podcast. Several members even had the opportunity to provide a costumed

Starfleet Escort of Sir Patrick Stewart to and from his Q&A, and through other parts of the convention center.

We will have an appearance at A-Kon 23 in downtown Dallas on the weekend of June 1, before we gear up to be guests of honor at the Dallas Museum of Nature & Science on June 21st for their Beer & Bones Party. At the end of June, we will be making a trip out to Lake Charles, Louisiana, where we will be attending a local convention, and hopefully meeting up with members of the U.S.S. Lafitte for dinner, and to trade war stories. On July 14th, we have been asked to make an appearance at the grand opening of the new storefront for Roll2Play.com, in Coppell, Texas. Members of the 501st Legion will also be present, so we’re planning on owning them at a couple of tabletop games, if for no other reason than to display Starfleet’s dominance.

10 Vince Silmon as a Vulcan

11 Michael Tolleson with his homemade wine signed by Sir Patrick Stewart

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We have had several members expire, for various reasons, but the sheer volume of new recruits has more than made up for it. All in all, we expect the rest of 2012 to be just as busy as the last few months have been, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Luctor et emergo!

Submitted by CAPT Cody Glenn, CO U.S.S. Navras [email protected]

U.S.S. Regulator

Well, the last two months have been interesting. March wasn't really busy but we made up for it in April. On April 21, although we didn't have enough people sign up for the Dining In like we did last year; we still had a good turn out. The cook got the day off and we all gathered at Sweetie Pie's Steak House in Decatur. We had several ships represented and everyone enjoyed a good meal (including the cook) and good company.

Then on April 28, several of our members went to A Good Day to Dine down in the Stockyards. We had a walk through the Cattle Maze and then gathered at Cooper's BBQ with several of our Klingon friends and associates. (Maybe we should have taken that Maze walk after we ate all those ribs!)

May started off with our CO and Chief Medical Officer taking an away trip down to Corpus Christi to visit our sister ship the USS Joan of Arc and do some site seeing. They visited the USS Lexington and generally did the town.

The only down note was that our Chief of the Boat Alan Goulet had another stroke on April 2. He spend all of April in Rehab but is back home now and doing quite well. This episode affected his left-side this time. (For those of you who weren't around, Alan had a very mild stroke back in 2004 that affected his right side.) We are planning on having back to his normal self for the June meeting.

Well, that covers the last two months on the USS Regulator. We are hoping to attend at least one CATs game (local baseball) a month during the summer. If you are in the neighborhood check on our newsletter or call the CO and you can join us.

Submitted by Liz Goulet, XO/Communications Officer, USS Regulator [email protected]

U.S.S. SpiritWolf

As we all reach the halfway point of 2012, its has been a busy year for the USS SpiritWolf.

The group has had its monthly crew meetings at the Hobbit Cafe. The CO attended the Joint Region 2/Region 3 Summit in

Hammond, Louisiana. The group shared a recruiting table with the USS Zavala at Houston's Comicpalooza over Memorial Day weekend. Chief Medical Lady Arwen Wilson & her husband Ralph

entered the Comicpalooza costume contest. The CO of the ship had his picture taken at Comicpalooza with actors Claudia Christian of Babylon 5 & Richard Hatch of Battlestar Galactica fame. Future plans for the rest of the year include having more meetings as well as having recruiting tables at both ApolloCon in

12 A little Andorian from the USS Navras

13 Robert Graham and Claudia Christian from Babylon 5

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June & Space City Con in August. Until next time, take care.

14 Robert Graham with Richard Hatch from Battlestar Galatica

Submitted by Robert Graham CO, USS SpiritWolf [email protected]

Extra Extra – Read All About It!!

Epic Turnout

May 18-20 saw the largest crowds to ever attend the Dallas Comic Con. The head count at the end of Saturday was closing in on 12,000. The guest list read like like a who's who of sci-fi. It was composed of the media (my personal favorite) and the the writer/illustrator side People from the media side were James Marsters from Buffy; Laura Vandervoort, Supergirl; the original actors who played Batman and Robin, both Adam West and Burt Ward, respectively; David Prowse, Darth Vader, Jeremy Bullock, Bobba Fett, Peter Mayhew, Chewie, all from Star Wars; and John De Lancie as “Q.” The one media guest I most interested in meeting was Sir Patrick Steward who played Captain Picard in the Series Star Trek: The Next Generation. People had come from near and far to meet this esteemed actor. The illustrators were headed up by none other than Stan Lee who created 'Spiderman, Thor, X-men and many other exciting comic stories. backing Stan up were Neal Adams, Greg Horne, Steve Erwin Tom Fleming and the married couple of Mitch and Elizabeth Breitweiser. Safety for the guest stars was a

major goal so when Stan moved from place to place he was surrounded by a living shield. There were 3 sturdy bodies in front, three in back, plus 2 more to fill in the gaps in the sides. Once the crowds discovered what was happening, they parted like 'Moses parting the Red Sea'.

My Saturday was spent standing in one line after another, in quest for the elusive Captain Picard signature. Immediately after the con opened, I found myself standing in line to get Photo op tickets. That was when I decided to revise my game to an achievable goal. There were several signs that stated there was NO GUARANTEE that the photos of Captain Picard would be printed in time to be signed by Sir Patrick. Due to other personal commitments, he was totally leaving the Con around 6:00 p.m. tickets in hand, I circled the Dealers room hunting bargains to be purchased later that evening. Armed with a coke and bag of chips, I headed up to the signing area to get in line for 8x10 regular signing photos. This line was even longer than the first one was. It took close to one and half hours for the line to move. I discovered that Mr. Steward took a short break just as the line snaked into the building. Finally, I made it to the door of the signing hall only to be met by a young, female volunteer who continuously bellowed "NO CASUAL PHOTOS! YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PASS TO THE CON IF CAUGHT"! I was too close to risk an accusation like that. Patrick signs quite quickly and I was finished in record time. Now I must comment on how great, efficient, and orderly that area was. Lines moved smoothly, information on which line was for what result all because of Col. Michael Tolleson a Starfleet Marine connected with the USS Navras. It was an island of calm inside a vast ocean of chaos. Well Done sir to you and your group!

After a brief stop, I again got into a (big chorus...ANOTHER LINE). This one was for a photo op with Picard and his most annoying protagonist "Q.” Since I had saved on the actual signature, I pounced on the chance on the chance to get a photo together with me. There were three distinct Photo Op lines

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forming here: One with "Q" only, a double with "Q" and Picard, and the Picard-only line. I noticed how some groups seem to grow and shrink. One person was the designated line place holder while the other team members supplied him with food, bathroom breaks, line information. My son, Tex, showed up with a sandwich for me, a bag of chips to share, and a drink. Waiting is much easier when paired with food and interesting Con stories. Some of the bolder people told some real whoppers that I found hard to believe. Finally both signatures and photo op receipt in hand I got into the (big round of applause) last line for the day or so I thought!!! This was to see both Sir Patrick and John De Lancie on stage together (faint ominous music is heard off stage). Picard came onstage alone and told the audience of his childhood and early acting life. A Q&A session was opened up about 30 minutes into the program. Then, in perfect "Q" style, John stepped up to the darkened microphone and “innocently” asks Patrick a question. The audience erupted into cheers. John didn't need the house light to see the path to the stage from the multitude of cameras going off. They bantered back and forth for about 45 minutes until it was announced that Patrick had to leave for one last signing line before he exited the Con for the Airport. A Standing Ovation followed.

One last surprise awaited. There were a GREAT number of attendees Saturday and with more than usual use of the escalators, they EXCEEDED THE GROSS WEIGHT LIMIT AND STOPPED WORKING. That was when I decided to ONLY use the Elevators even if they were super crowded.

I ran into/saw many Region 3 members. Please excuse me if I don't list your ship or name, I have slept a couple of nights since then!!! Ark

Angel Station members Reed Bates and her husband Lloyd, and Aaron Murphy were there; Michael Tolleson and his shipmates from the USS Navras, which had a recruiting table in prime placement; plus, the away team for the USS Joan of Arc: Rhonda D., Tex D., John W. and his family, and myself.

As strenuous and intense as Saturday was, Sunday was much more laid back. It was mainly devoted to collecting my treasures from the dealers room, visiting with the Star Wars guests then lining up (that word again) to see the last 2 Q&A panels for the Con. I went to the panel 'how to become a celebrity author'

simply to guarantee that I had a seat for the Star Wars panel. It was composed of 3 beloved but slightly ancient stars. It took 3 strong Volunteers each to get David Prowse (Darth Vader) and Peter Mayhew (Chewie) up on stage. Jeremy Bullock looked positively spry next to them. Peter celebrated his 73rd birthday while at the con.

Questions bounced between the three for the better part of an Hour until the Dealer's room sale was starting. A Mark of RESPECT I noticed was that very few people bolted for the door while Darth Vader and Chewie were assisted off the stage.

Surprise!! The escalators were broken, but this time there was a guard who let 10(!) people on the up and down lines until they got off then it repeated again. I opted of the elevator even if I had to wait for 3 cars!

It was a full, fun, expensive weekend but I enjoyed every minute and effort spent. Now enjoy the attached photo.

Submitted by Comm. Kris Dobie, RVA, Chief of Medical and Science dept. USS Joan of Arc- NCC-7389

15 John DeLancie, Kris Dobie, and Patrick Stewart

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AUGUST 1 – 4, 2013 www.IC2013.com

We invite you to the STARFLEET

International Conference 2013, to be held at the

beautiful and luxurious MCM Eleganté Hotel in the

heart of Dallas, Texas. There will be many

surprises in store for y’all, in addition to all of the

wonderful things you’ve come to expect from an

International Conference!

Information will be added to the website as

it becomes available, and we strongly encourage

you to keep checking with us as 2013 approaches—we’ll be posting some very exciting information

between now and the time of the Conference.

In the meantime, if you are planning to attend IC 2013, we suggest that you take this

opportunity to lock in your registration rate by printing your information on the other side of this

page and returning it to us with your full payment to “IC 2013” to the address provided below:

IC 2013 c/o Region 3 STARFLEET

P.O. BOX 1885 Round Rock, TX 78680-1885