Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych 1 Registered declaration of Registered declaration of employer scheme employer scheme and work and work permits scheme permits scheme Tbilisi, 2013

Registered declaration of employer scheme and work permits scheme

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Registered declaration of employer scheme and work permits scheme. Tbilisi, 2013. Presentation content. Presentation aim: To present two schemes on employing foreigners in Poland: Work permit scheme; Declaration on intention to entrust work to foreigner - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Registered declaration of employer scheme  and work permits scheme

Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych 1

Registered declaration of employer Registered declaration of employer schemescheme and work permits scheme and work permits scheme

Tbilisi, 2013

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Presentation content

Presentation aim:• To present two schemes on employing

foreigners in Poland:– Work permit scheme;– Declaration on intention to entrust work to

foreigner(oświadczenie pracodawcy o zamiarze powierzenia

wykonywania pracy cudzoziemcowi).• To compare efficiency of that schemes.

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General rule

In order to work in Poland foreigner is obliged to obtain a work permit.

Work permit is issued by territorially competent provincial governor (wojewoda) at the request of an employer.

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Unemployment rate in Poland (1990-2012)






























(data for 1st January each year)

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Registered declaration scheme 1/3

• Established by an unilateral decision by Polish government - no additional bilateral agreement with third country required.

• No quota system established.• Provides simplified access for foreigners to Polish

labour market on a basis of employer’s declaration on intention to employ foreigner (no work permit required).

• At first, available for citizens of Poland neighbouring countries: Belarus, Russia and Ukraine (permit for 3 months in agriculture).

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Registered declaration scheme 2/3

• Currently available for:– citizens of Poland neighboring countries (Belarus,

Russia and Ukraine) and– citizens of:

countries that have signed Mobility Partnership but only

when Poland declared participation in labour migration part of that Mobility Partnership.

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Registered declaration scheme 3/3

• Registered declaration allows to perform work in Poland up to 6 months within 12 consecutive months (agriculture and construction).

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Procedure of registering a declarationAn employer registers a declaration

of intention to employ foreigner in the territorially relevant local labour office.

The employer passes ona specimen to the foreigner.

Declaration serve as a basis for issuancea work visa by Polish consul

with the purpose of employment.

Concluding contract in writing.

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Work permits issued in Poland (2008 – I-VI 2013)


5 000

10 000

15 000

20 000

25 000

30 000

35 000

40 000

45 000

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 I-VI 2013


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Circular migrants in Poland (2007 – I-VI 2013)








2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 I-VI 2013


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Comparison of effectivenes of circular migration and work permit system in Poland (2008 – I-VI 2013)


50 000

100 000

150 000

200 000

250 000

300 000

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 I-VI 2013

Circular migration Work permits

Zaznaczyłabym może, że liczba zarejestrowanych oswiadczeń nie jest tożsama z rzeczywistą liczbą cudzoziemców podejmujących pracę, bo chociażby wiz D05 w związku z oswiadczeniami wydaje się o 30% mniej. Oczywiscie i tak przewaga jest miażdżąca, więc może taka uwaga nie jst potrzebna;)
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Advantages of the scheme 1/2

• For the employer:– Cheap – the procedure is free of charge;– Flexible – registration is a simple technical activity;

registration in the territorially relevant local labour office;

– Quick – no labour market test required;– Adjustable – flexible and quick, employers-led and

demand driven;– fosters circular migration.

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Advantages of the scheme 2/2

• For the employee:– Easy – no limitations regarding employment conditions;– Open – no quota have been established;– Cheap – no cost for registering the declaration;– Quick – no labour market test is required;– Flexible – no limitations regarding the number of

consecutive declarations registered by one employee;

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Social dimension aspect 1/4

• In case of regulated professions (e.g. doctors, nurses, lawyers) qualifications need to be recognised by responsible bodies (e.g. by the The Chamber of Physicians and Dentists).

• In other cases – they are recognised by the employer.• History of employment (recent one and the prospective

one) and of education qualifications of migrant is not collected by the migration authorities.

• The above-mentioned facts make it difficult to provide reliable statistics on brain drain and brain waste.

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Social dimension aspect 2/4

• Doesn’t cause brain waste:– Work permits are proffered by members of board of

directors and highly-qualified workers - the number of work permits issued for foreigners who belong to this groups is three times bigger than the number of low-skilled workers;

• Doesn’t cause brain drain:– registered declaration scheme is available for 6 in 12

consecutive months;– the number of IT specialists is very low;– the number of doctors and nurses specialists is very low;

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Social dimension aspect 3/4

• There are no limitations regarding the number of consecutive applications for a registered declaration scheme.

• Thus the scheme may be used:– to employ the foreigner by:

• the same employer; or• other employer;

– to verify competencies of the employee who will be employed on work permit basis (after 3 months; an exempt from labour market test applies).

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Social dimension aspect 4/4

• Portability of social rights:– Agreement between the Republic of Poland

and the Republic of Moldova – signed on 9th September 2013 (waiting for the entry into force);

– Agreement between the Republic of Poland and the Ukraine – signed on 18th May 2013 (waiting for the entry into force).

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Trust building

• Since 2011 – additional information in the declaration form required (renumeration, type of contract, profession, date of commencement of work and period of work performance ) requirement of written contract.

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Pre-departure information

• More statistics available at Ministry of Labour and Social Policy web page: http://www.mpips.gov.pl/analizy-i-raporty/cudzoziemcy-pracujacy-w-polsce-statystyki/

• Information on labour migration are available in plain language at:– Office for Foreigners web page:

http://www.udsc.gov.pl/index.php?documentName=main– Targeted Initiative Georgia web page:


– EU Immigration Portal: http://ec.europa.eu/immigration/

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Thank you for your attention

Piotr Sadowski

Senior SpecialistMigration Policy DepartmentMinistry of the Interior, Poland02-591 Warszawa ul. Batorego 5tel. +48 22 601 49 53 I fax +48 22 601 45 56www.msw.gov.pl I [email protected]