REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance

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Page 1: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance


March 19, 2019

Page 2: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance
Page 3: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance
Page 4: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance
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Page 6: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance

Board Meeting – 03/12/19 1Draft




President Panizza called the regular meeting to order at 12:24 p.m., and Manager Moody led thePledge of Allegiance.

Present at roll call were Directors Atkins, Cortopassi, McGaughey, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinettiand Watkins. Also present were Manager Moody, Assistant Manager Lee, Finance Director Vega,Administrative Services Manager Carido, Administrative Clerk Curtis, Legal Counsel Zolezzi andConsultant Barkett.




1. Association of California Water Agencies/Joint Powers Insurance Authority – Refund CheckPresentationManager Moody introduced Dianna Sutton, Finance Manager with ACWA/JPIA. Ms. Suttonattended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA InsurancePrograms (Liability, Property and Workman’s Compensation).

Ms. Sutton informed the Board the District has done a good job keeping insurance claims to aminimum and participating in ACWA/JPIA training, which also contributes to reduced claims.The District currently utilizes the ACWA/JPIA online system for training as well. Ms. Suttoninformed the Board that there have been three members of staff who have graduated from theProfessional Development Program. Ms. Sutton presented the District with a check in the amountof $64,159.

Manager Moody reported when he began working at the District the safety program was lacking.He since has required management to be a part of the Safety Committee, which meets monthly;conducts safety walk-throughs; writes policies and discusses training. Employees have respondedquite well to the enhanced safety enforcement and training.

Director Sanguinetti commented that safety starts from the top down. Manager Moody’sdiligence is part of the reason the District has been receiving good marks from ACWA/JPIA.

Director McGurk inquired where the refund monies will be deposited. Manager Moody repliedthe money goes back into the ACWA/JPIA budget and gets credited back at the end.

2. Minutes 03/05/19 Regular Meeting

A motion was moved and seconded to approve the March 5, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes, aspresented.Roll Call:Ayes: Atkins, Cortopassi, McGaughey, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins

DRAFTAgenda Item: D-1

Date: 03/19/19


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Board Meeting – 03/12/19 2 Draft

Nayes: None Abstain: None Absent: None Director McGurk inquired on the lubricant spray purchase reported out in the warrants at the March 5, 2019 Regular Board Meeting. Manager Moody replied it is food grade lubricant that is used to lubricate the bridge in the Sed Basins. Manager Moody provided the Board with information on the PG&E 0908023195-5 for electricity 12/20/18-01/21/19 WTP east side feeder charge that was reported out in the warrants at the March 5, 2019 Regular Board Meeting. This line item is referred to as the east side feeder as the charges are for Low Lift and the Treatment Plant, which is the east side of the District.

3. Warrants – California Public Employees’ Retirement System A motion was moved and seconded to approve the March 12, 2019 Warrants – California Public Employees’ Retirement System, as presented. Roll Call: Ayes: Atkins, Cortopassi, McGaughey, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins Nayes: None Abstain: None Absent: None

4. Business Consultant Agreements 04/01/19 – 03/31/20 a. Anthony Barkett

A motion was moved and seconded to approve Business Consultant Agreement with Anthony M. Barkett for a one-year period from April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020. Roll Call: Ayes: Atkins, Cortopassi, McGaughey, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins Nayes: None Abstain: None Absent: None

b. Doyce Boesch A motion was moved and seconded to approve Business Consultant Agreement with Doyce Boesch for a one-year period from April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020. Roll Call: Ayes: Atkins, Cortopassi, McGaughey, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins Nayes: None Abstain: None Absent: None

5. 2019 San Joaquin Council of Governments One-Voice Legislature Trip Sponsorship Form

Manager Moody provided the Board with a sponsorship form for the 2019 San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG) One-Voice Legislature Trip. Manager Moody queried the Board about sponsoring the SJCOG Trip as has been done in the past at the Cabinet Level in the amount of $500.



Page 8: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance

Board Meeting – 03/12/19 3 Draft

A motion was moved and seconded to sponsor the 2019 San Joaquin Council of Governments One Voice Trip at the Cabinet level in the amount of $500. Roll Call: Ayes: Atkins, Cortopassi, McGaughey, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins Nayes: None Abstain: None Absent: None

6. Resolution No. 18-19-10 – Authorization to Transfer Funds From Water Fund No. 46097 During Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Manager Moody provided the Board with Resolution No. 18-19-10 – Authorizing San Joaquin County Auditor Controller’s Office to Make Direct Deposits (Fund No. 46097). This Resolution is required annually and directs the County to move funds automatically within District funds as funds go into Fund No. 46097. A motion was moved and seconded to approve Resolution No. 18-19-10 – Authorizing San Joaquin County Auditor Controller’s Office to Make Direct Deposits out of water Fund No. 46097 to Various Funds and to U.S. Bank for distribution to COP Series 2002A and 2002B Bondholders during Fiscal Year April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020. Roll Call: Ayes: Atkins, Cortopassi, McGaughey, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins Nayes: None Abstain: None Absent: None

7. Draft Senate Bill 669 (Caballero) – Safe Drinking Water Trust Letter of Support Manager Moody provided the Board with a draft version of Senate Bill 669 (Caballero) – Safe Drinking Water Trust Letter of Support. Manager Moody reported Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) is requesting support from Districts. This is ACWA’s way to eliminate the water tax by creating a trust fund at the state level using budget surplus funds. Manager Moody reported past discussion has included a tax on nitrogen in this water tax for both Ag and Urban. ACWA remains opposed to the tax on drinking water. Director Watkins inquired if this law still includes the tax on fertilizer. Manager Moody replied this law is not inclusive of the fertilizer tax. Manager Moody added he has heard some discussion that ACWA would not be opposed to the nitrogen tax if they could at least eliminate the water tax. Director Cortopassi inquired if this law is another way to fund disadvantaged communities. Manager Moody replied yes. Director Sanguinetti commented the Board should consider supporting the creating of a trust, as it is a better alternative to what is being proposed. A motion was moved and seconded to approve sending Senate Bill 669 (Caballero) – Safe Drinking Water Trust Letter of Support, as presented. Roll Call:



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Board Meeting – 03/12/19 4 Draft

Ayes: Atkins, Cortopassi, McGaughey, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins Nayes: None Abstain: None Absent: None

8. Fiscal Year-End Recap of Base Monthly Payments Manager Moody provided the Board with an update on the status of the Base Monthly Payment (BMP) year-to-date. Manager Moody reported this report shows figures through March 1, 2019. Manager Moody reported March 1, 2019 was when the BMP was due to end the Fiscal Year. As of March 12, 2019, the District is underfunded by $156,419.18 for the Fiscal Year. There is only one contractor who has not paid in full. The contractor will be sent a late notice with penalty. This item was for information only.


1. San Joaquin County & Delta Water Quality Coalition Meeting, 03/11/19 Director Atkins attended the March 11, 2019 San Joaquin County & Delta Water Quality Coalition Meeting. Director Atkins reported there was discussion on the Financial Report. The only line that was not included in the report was the State Budget Fees. The Coalition is projecting an increase of $0.10 per acre. There was discussion on Membership and grower meetings. Director Atkins reported discussion during the Program Manager Report included detection at Duck Creek for a new product. This detection has not yet hit the limit. There was report of algae toxicity issues at Robert’s Island. Samples were taken from drains around the area. They are unsure what is causing toxicity in the algae. The Coalition hopes to hold an outreach to discuss the algae toxicity. There was discussion on the new regulations of water cleanliness. Phosphorous has to be at .08 milligrams per liter and nitrogen must be at .37 milligrams per liter. If these standards are not met, landowners either have to restore the stream they are diverting into or pay the State Board. Currently, drinking wells have a requirement of 10 milligrams per liter and that number will need to get down to the maximum threshold of .37 milligrams per liter. Director Cortopassi inquired at the meeting who is responsible for water in the stream. The answer was if SEWD diverts water, they are responsible for the mitigation. Director Atkins reported there was discussion on the CV Salts membership price being increased to $35,000. The next meeting is scheduled for April 8, 2019.


1. Water Supply Report as of 03/11/19 Manager Moody provided a handout of the Water Supply Report for information only that included storage, release, and production data collected from various sources as of midnight last night. There is 191,982 AF in storage at New Hogan Reservoir. Current releases are set at 595 cfs. There is 2,050,853 AF in storage at New Melones Reservoir. Current release at Goodwin Dam to Stanislaus River are set at 5,022 cfs and release to all water users are set at 5,022 cfs. There are no irrigator(s) on New Hogan, New Melones or Out-of-District. The water treatment plant is currently processing 19 mgd. The City of Stockton is currently processing 7 mgd.

2. Information Items: Manager Moody noted items: F2a-1, F2a-2 and F2a-3.



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Board Meeting – 03/12/19 5 Draft

Director Cortopassi inquired on F2a-2 regarding how Temperance Flat Dam can be built with the 40% unimpaired flow criteria. Legal Counsel Zolezzi reported Temperance Flat Dam is above Friant so they are not held to the 40% threshold.

3. Report on General Manager Activities a. ACWA Legislative Symposium, 03/06/19

Assistant Manager Lee attended the March 6, 2019 ACWA Legislative Symposium. Assistant Manager Lee reported discussion focused on Safe and Affordable Drinking Water and Groundwater Recharge Legislation. ACWA was explaining how the trust fund will work if they have the support to move forward. There was discussion on groundwater storage being considered as beneficial use. The majority of attendees thought this was a good idea. Assistant Manager Lee reported the Keynote Speaker at lunch was Senator Henry Stern. He provided a general view on where the state is headed and Governor Newsom’s plans.

b. Stockton East Water District Activities Update i. SEWD Employee Bowling Event, 03/09/19

Manager Moody reported the District’s Wellness Committee sponsored a bowling event for employees and their families at Pacific Avenue Bowl on Saturday, March 9, 2019. Manager Moody reported this is one of the events the Wellness Committee hosts with its annual grant funding, in addition to the Frisbee golf, basketball hoops and other seminars.

ii. Agricultural Operations Committee Meeting Query – Water Rates Manager Moody queried the Agricultural Operations Committee as to if they would like staff to email available dates to schedule a Committee Meeting to discuss the 2019/2020 water rates. Director Cortopassi replied yes.

Manager Moody reported that ACWA/JPIA has availability in the month of July to host mandated sexual harassment training for the Board onsite. President Panizza inquired if this can also be taken online. Manager Moody replied yes or at an ACWA Conference.


1. Agricultural Operations Committee Meeting, 02/21/19 Director Atkins, Cortopassi, Watkins and Alternate Sanguinetti attended the February 21, 2019 Agricultural Operations Committee Meeting. Director Cortopassi reported there were a number of items discussed and the Committee decided to schedule a future meeting to discuss the items further. Manager Moody reported the Committee is working to consolidate a handful of rules into one, instead of having multiple rules that potentially conflict one another. One rule being the meter program and how the District plans to move forward. The Committee is looking at procedural items. Director Cortopassi inquired if it would be possible to have the rules reviewed by Legal Counsel to assist with the legality. Manager Moody replied yes.

2. Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce Monthly Mixer – Banner Island Ballpark, 03/07/19 Director Watkins attended the March 7, 2019 Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce Monthly Mixer at Banner Island Ballpark. Director Watkins reported it was a relatively small crowd and not much to report.




Page 11: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance

Board Meeting – 03/12/19 6 Draft


1. Groundwater Sustainability Plan Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting, 9:00 a.m., 03/13/19

2. Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Authority Meeting, 11:00 a.m., 03/13/19

3. Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Informational Meeting (SGMA Outreach Meeting), 4:00 p.m., 03/13/19

4. ACWA State Legislative Committee Meeting, 10:00 a.m., 03/15/19

5. Central Valley Project Water Association – Executive & Financial Affairs Committee, 10:00

a.m., 03/15/19

6. Annual Ag BBQ At The Lodi Grape Festival Grounds Hosted By F&M Bank, 11:00 a.m., 03/19/19


1. Closed Session - Existing Litigation Stockton East Water District vs. City of Stockton, et al. Government Code 54956.9 (a)

2. Closed Session - Potential Litigation

Government Code 54956.9 (c) – one case President Panizza adjourned the meeting to closed session at 1:15 p.m. to discuss closed session agenda items. The regular meeting reconvened at 2:04 p.m., with no reportable action.


President Panizza adjourned the meeting at 2:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Scot A. Moody Secretary of the Board tbc DRAFT


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Agenda Item: D-2a Date: 03/19/19


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Agenda Item: D-2b Date: 03/19/19


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Agenda Item: D-2c Date: 03/19/19


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Agenda Item: D-2d Date: 03/19/19


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Agenda Item: D-2e Date: 03/19/19


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Agenda Item: D-2f Date: 03/19/19


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Agenda Item: D-2g Date: 03/19/19


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Agenda Item: D-2h Date: 03/19/19


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Agenda Item: D-3 Date: 03/19/19


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AGENDA Wednesday, March 13, 2019 

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 

San Joaquin County – Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center2101 E. Earhart Avenue – Assembly Room #1, Stockton, California 

I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance & Safety Announcement/Introductions

II. SCHEDULED ITEMS – Presentation materials to be posted on ESJGroundwater.org and emailed priorto the meeting.  Copies of presentation materials will be available at the meeting.

A. Discussion /Action Items:

1. Approval of Minutes of February 13, 2019 (See Attached)

2. Summary of Approach for Water Budget and Plan Finalization

3. Possible Recommendation Regarding Water Budget Planning Estimates

i. Long‐Term Average Imbalance

ii. Sustainability Yield

4. Possible Recommendation Regarding Sustainability Indicators

5. Possible Recommendation Regarding Monitoring, Measuring and Model Refinements

6. Possible Recommendation Regarding Project Implementation

7. Possible Recommendation Regarding Management Actions

8. Discussion on Groundwater‐Dependent Ecosystems

9. April Agenda Items

III. Public Comment (non‐agendized items)

IV. Future Agenda Items

V. Adjournment

Next Regular Meeting April 10, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. 

San Joaquin County ‐ Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center 2101 E. Earhart Ave., Assembly Rm. #1, Stockton, California 

Action may be taken on any item Agendas and Minutes may also be found at http://www.ESJGroundwater.org

Note: If you need disability‐related modification or accommodation in order to participate in this meeting, please contact   San Joaquin County Public Works Water Resources Staff at (209) 468‐3089 at least 48 hours prior to the start of the meeting. 


Agenda Item: E-1 Date: 03/19/19


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AGENDA Wednesday, March 13, 2019 

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 

San Joaquin County – Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center2101 E. Earhart Avenue – Assembly Room #1, Stockton, California 

I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance & Safety Announcement/Roll Call

II. SCHEDULED ITEMS – Presentation materials to be posted on ESJGroundwater.org and emailed priorto the meeting.  Copies of presentation materials will be available at the meeting.

A. Discussion/Action Items:

1. Approval of Minutes of February 13, 2019 (See Attached)

2. Roadmap Update and Deliverables (See Attached)

3. Outreach & Groundwater Sustainability Workgroup Update (See Attached)

4. DWR Update

5. April Agenda Items

B. Informational Items (see attached):

1. February 23, 2019, Email from Ara Marderosian, “Analysis Says to End Valley’sGroundwater Overdraft, Farmland Must be Retired”

2. February 28, 2019, Email Notification From Department of Water Resources, “SGMONews:  February Newsletter”

3. February 28, 2019, ppic.org, “Video:  Water and the Future of the San Joaquin Valley”

4. March 1, 2019, mercurynews.com, “Sierra Nevada Snowpack through February FifthLargest in 40 Years”

5. March 4, 2019, waterinthewest.stanford.edu, “Measuring Success in GroundwaterManagement”

6. March 5, 2019, popsci.com, “Why California’s Droughts and Floods Will Only GetWorse”

(Continued on next page) 

Board of Directors Meeting

Agenda Item: E-2 Date: 03/19/19


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III. Public Comment (non‐agendized items)

IV. Directors’ Comments

V. Future Agenda Items

VI. Adjournment

Next Regular Meeting April 10, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. 

San Joaquin County ‐ Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center 2101 E. Earhart Ave., Assembly Rm. #1, Stockton, California 

Action may be taken on any item Agendas and Minutes may also be found at http://www.ESJGroundwater.org

Note: If you need disability‐related modification or accommodation in order to participate in this meeting, please contact   San Joaquin County Public Works Water Resources Staff at (209) 468‐3089 at least 48 hours prior to the start of the meeting. 


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1810 E. Hazelton Avenue

P. O. Box 1810

Stockton, CA 95201

(209) 468-3089

[email protected]


Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Groundwater Sustainability Workgroup March 13, 2019 4 – 5:30 p.m.

San Joaquin County Public Works Department 1810 E. Hazelton Ave., Stockton, CA

Conference Room A


I. Welcome

II. Meeting Objectives

III. Roadmap Update

IV. Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems

• Working Session: Map mark up activity to ground-truthareas identified as potential GDEs based on preliminaryanalysis

V. Policy Elements Related to Implementation Plan

• Presentation and Discussion: Review Advisory Committeerecommendations on policy decisions related toImplementation Plan

• Discussion: Consider approaches to addressingundeveloped agricultural land

VI. Announcements

VII. Other Topicsa. Non-agenda Itemsb. Public Comment

Agenda Item: E-3 Date: 03/19/19


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Weekly Water Report As of: Mar. 11, 2019

As of: Mar. 18, 2019

New Hogan (NHG) TOC 167,850 AF Storage: 191,982 AF Net Storage Change: -4,636 AF Inflow: 1,075 CFS Release: 595 CFS

New Melones (NML) Allocation 75,000 AF Storage: 2,050,853 AF Net Storage change: +20,720 AF Inflow: 3,612 CFS Release: 4,368 CFS

Source: CDEC Daily Reports

Goodwin Diversion (GDW) Inflow (Tulloch Dam): 4,681 CFS

Release to Stanislaus River (S-98): 5,022 CFS Release to OID (JT Main): 0 CFS Release to SSJID (SO Main): 0 CFS Release to SEWD: 0 CFS Total Release 5,022 CFS

Source: Tri-Dam Operations Daily Report

Farmington Dam (FRM) Diverted to SEWD: 0 CFS Diverted to CSJWCD: 0 CFS

Source: USACE WCDS Hourly Report

Surface Water Used Irrigators on New Hogan: 0 Irrigators on New Melones: 0 Out-Of-District Irrigators: 0 DJWWTP Production: 19 MGD

North Stockton: 0 MGD South Stockton: 4 MGD Cal Water: 15 MGD

City of Stockton DWSP Production: 7 MGD

District Ground Water Extraction 74-01 0 GPM 74-02 0 GPM North 0 GPM South 0 GPM Extraction Well # 1 0 GPM Total Well Water Extraction 0 GPM

Note: All flow data reported here is preliminary and subject to revision.

Agenda Item: F-1 Date: 03/19/19


Page 39: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance




Page 40: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance

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ACWA State Legislative Committee March 15, 2019

Capitol Event Center, 1020 11th St. Sacramento 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

1. Welcome Brian Poulsen, Chair

2. Self-Introductions Members, Staff, Guests

3. Executive Director’s Report Dave Eggerton A. Federal UpdateB. Other

4. Deputy Executive Director for Government Relations Report Cindy Tuck A. Proposed Water TaxB. ACWA/CMUA-Sponsored Safe Drinking Water Trust Bill (SB 669, Caballero)

5. Review of Bill Packets #1, #2, and #3 Brian Poulsen

6. Review of Paradise Irrigation District Budget Request Adam Quiñonez

7. State Wetland Definition & Procedures for Discharges of Chelsea Haines

Dredge or Fill Material to Waters of the State

8. Statewide Toxicity Provisions Chelsea Haines

9. IRWM Policy Principle Revisions Dave Bolland

10. Other Business

11. Adjourn

Reminder: Next State Legislative Committee Meeting is on April 5, 2019


*Bill packets are also available online by logging on to www.acwa.com.To access, go to the About My ACWA tab > ACWA Committees > State Legislative > 2019 State LegislativeCommittee Meeting Materials (Members Only)

Agenda Item: F-3a Date: 03/19/19


Page 41: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance




Page 42: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance

Financial Affairs Committee (FAC) Meeting Agenda

March 15, 2019

The meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. at the Federal Building’s cafeteria conference room C-1003, 2800 Cottage Way in Sacramento, CA. The call-in number is (866) 815-0941 and the pass code is 4481638.

1. Opening Business

• The Next Scheduled Meetings are as follows:

➢ April 19, 2019 (10:00 - 11:30 p.m.) – FAC Contractors Only Meeting /Conference Call

➢ May 17, 2019 (10:00-11:30 p.m.) – in Room C-1003 at 2800 Cottage Way inSacramento, CA

• Comments on the January 18, 2019 Draft Meeting Notes – Handout 1

2. B.F. Sisk Safety of Dams

• Reclamation (Mynul Chowdhury, Project Manager) to Provide Status Update

3. Follow-up Action Items

➢ Larry to finalize September 21, 2018 FAC meeting notes. Action completed 1/21/19.

➢ Status of draft letter from CCAO Manager signaling substantial completion of theFolsom Safety of Dams (SOD) construction costs.

➢ Status update on the Trinity PUD assessment schedules.

Agenda Item: F-3b Date: 03/19/19


Page 43: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance


4. Report on Executive Committee Meeting

• EC Members to Provide Status Update

5. CVP Cost Allocation Study

• Reclamation (Michael Mosley, Program Manager) to Provide Status Update

6. CVPIA Croffsets

• Reclamation to Provide Status Update

7. Finalization of CVP M&I Water Ratesetting Policy

• Reclamation to Provide Status Update

8. Aging Infrastructure

• Reclamation (Jesus Reynoso) to Provide Status Update on Latest Proposal


• Discussion on Monthly Water Reports and Status of Advance Payment Accountings

10. San Luis Joint Use O&M Cost Reallocation Study

• Reclamation to Provide Status Update

11. Other


Page 44: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance

Agenda Item: H-1 Date: 03/19/19


Page 45: REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 19, 2019sewd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/031919-Agenda.pdf · attended the meeting to present the Board with a refund check from the ACWA/JPIA Insurance