Regulation 2006

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  • 8/9/2019 Regulation 2006



    Wall Streets House of Cards

    By Ann LeeFinance Professor, Lubin Business School of Pace University

    The paper draws attention to the disturbing developments in the structured productsmarket--CDOs, CLOs, MBSs, ABSs, credit derivatives etc.-- that have been responsiblefor the consistently outsized earnings of Wall Street firms but include risks that canmake the current subprime mortgage meltdown look like a minor event. It will explain inlaymans terms the highly technical and esoteric world of structured products and detailhow these financial engineering innovations create conflicts of interest and moralhazards. It concludes with proposed policy and market reforms.


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    There are a number of reasons why structured products have become so prolific.

    With the rise of hedge funds, more and more money have been chasing fewer and fewer

    investment opportunities, thus pushing down investment returns. With potential returns

    being lackluster, the appetite for investors to use more leverage to amplify returns has

    increased. Banks and investment banks invent new and falsely attractive investment

    opportunities through structured products that incorporate greater and greater degrees of

    leverage. Structured product sellers margins are fat and buyers believe they will earn a

    high rate of return (although in reality, they may be manipulated by the seller through

    opaqueness). Structured products essentially provide easy money for both sellers and

    buyers--until unexpected (but likely to occur) losses in the structured products

    underlying assets appear. For example, an increase in home mortgage defaults can

    produce sudden and large losses for investors in structured products built on home

    mortgage loans.

    These financial innovations have allowed banks to increase diversification in their

    portfolios, resulting in regulators permitting increased leverage by banks and in banks

    creating a massive fee stream for themselves. While there are clearly benefits for

    spreading credit risks amongst a broad investor base, nothing comes without a price tag.

    The complexity and opaqueness of these products has created two major problems that

    can lead to a systemic financial crisis: 1) they create incentives for potential fraud and

    conflicts of interest, and 2) they exacerbate concentration and liquidity risks for all

    market participants due to their inherently high embedded leverage and tranching.

    How Structured Products Breed Conflicts of Interest That Rise To Fraud


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    The opaqueness of structured products is precisely the reason they are so

    potentially dangerous. Structured products often include hidden or open conflicts of

    interest whose potential impact may not be understood by their buyers. Because of their

    opaqueness, structured products are also difficult to price, and neither buyer nor seller

    may know if the price of a structured product is fair. Furthermore, the complexity of

    structured products makes them an ideal tool for persons with fraudulent intent.

    The secondary market provides some examples of how these products can also

    abet conflicts of interest and potential fraud. The large banks own or control to a great

    extent all the components of the structured products market: confirmations, valuations,

    brokerage, and electronic trading. With so much control, the move to automate the

    markets has been slowed significantly as banks have no desire to increase transparency

    which can erode pricing power and margins.

    On trading desks, banks who are the sole underwriter of a structured product may

    even mis-price the tranches for their own benefit by using a theoretical, model-based

    price rather than a market price because of low trading volume. There are also competing

    proprietary models which may each determine a different price for the same financial

    product, allowing banks easier ability to cover up fraud. An example was the case when

    Bankers Trust was the only bank with an advanced derivative model at one time that

    enabled employees there to mis-price their products to many customers before being sued

    by P&G and Gibson Greetings.

    Mark-to-market (MTM) is the price at which a trade can be executed, but without

    readily available market data, banks can easily manipulate these prices. If a financial

    product is overvalued and mis-priced, or if people learn that the model is wrong, it can


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    experience a sudden and dramatic decline in value when the products underlying

    collateral experiences a higher than expected default rate or a reduction in credit quality,

    resulting in a declining rate of return for the financial product. A sudden decline in

    market value for a financial product is also likely to result in a loss of the products

    market liquidity. Dramatic declines in value and liquidity together can generate systemic

    levels of market disruption.

    Another conflict of interest lies in bank loans. Bank loans are an important and

    significant component of the credit markets and provide financing for both individuals

    and business enterprises. However, today banks can offload these credit risks by selling

    loans to structured products or by buying credit default swaps (CDS) which act like

    insurance contracts against defaulting credit products. As a result, their concerns about

    the long-term credit worthiness of the loans they underwrite are limited. Instead, the

    banks become more interested in the fees they can make from origination because if they

    dont ultimately keep the loans in their portfolio, they have no other reason for

    underwriting. Since banks are no longer responsible for the risk of the loans they

    underwrite, the rapid disintermediation of credit risk between lender and creditor often

    results in weakened underwriting practices such as looser covenants and insufficient due

    diligence. Such self-interested and short horizon decisions can create the seeds for

    systemic market risk.

    A concrete example of such lending practices is sub-prime lending to individuals.

    Sub-prime mortgage structured products, which provide financing for sub-prime

    mortgages to individuals, have exploded over the past few years according to SEC

    filings, increasing from $48 billion in 2000 to $464.9 billion in 2005. Sub-prime loans


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    are, by definition, risky, and as their volume radically increases, there is potential for

    significant increases in the risks borne by financial market participants.

    Subprime lenders such as Fremont used the capital extended by the large banks

    such as UBS or JP Morgan to underwrite. Once the subprime mortgages were

    underwritten, the loans were packaged into structured products and sold to investors by

    the large banks. The money collected from selling the structured products was then used

    to repay the loans originally extended by the large banks. The large banks made huge

    profits from putting the structured products deals together. While these structured

    products were marketed to investors as relatively safe investments because they used

    historical subprime default rates from good economic cycles to make predictions about

    future default rates, the underwriting standards for the underlying subprime loans became

    progressively worse. All kinds of new mortgage loans whose default rates could not be

    accurately reflected or predicted by historical data such as Alt A loans which didnt

    require proof of income or wealth were being underwritten and thrown into structured


    Greentree Financial provides an example of what can happen when sub-prime

    lending increases rapidly. Greentrees primary business was financing manufactured

    housing, a sub-prime market. After Greentrees acquisition by Conseco, the market for

    manufactured housing loans suffered great losses, eventually resulting in Consecos

    bankruptcy. Greentrees lending decisions were based upon a need for volume, to create

    more loans that could result in gain-on-sale accounting for Conseco, as opposed to a

    concern for the credit worthiness of the loans. When the manufactured housing loan

    market subsequently suffered great losses, Greentrees gain-on-sale accounting was


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    exposed as fictional, and both Greentree and investors in financial products created by

    Greentree suffered large losses. The sub-prime loan market has similar incentives for

    lenders to the manufactured loan market that brought down Greentree, but the sub-prime

    lending market is much larger than the manufactured housing loan market ever was.

    Such sheer volume involved in just this segment of the structured products market alone

    could result in the potential for institutional failure leading to financial contagion.

    Besides lax underwriting of the collateral that go into structured products, active

    mis-pricing can also occur in deal terms of the structured products themselves. Since

    these products are not standardized like other derivative products such as foreign

    exchange contracts, structured products underwriters can discreetly create opaque

    products. According to a senior manager at Tricadia, an institutional investor, UBS

    allegedly marketed a deal called Buchanan, by intentionally mis-pricing it as a typical

    credit-linked note, a type of standard structured product, as opposed to a customized

    one. Unless investors read and understood the fine print regarding the definition of how

    loss amounts were unusually allocated on page 7 of the memorandum, he believed that

    the deal was potentially sold under false assumptions and misleading representations and

    thus may have been mispriced by some investors.

    Clearly, institutional investors have the fiduciary responsibility to read the

    documents carefully, but when deals come at a rate on average of 2-3 a day, rarely do

    portfolio managers ever spend the time to read through 200-page prospectuses before

    investing in these deals. If enough institutional investors shirk their responsibilities,

    there could be many more ticking time bombs in the pipeline as their risk management

    could be based on false assumptions when these deals rapidly default and lose value


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    without sufficient capital or liquidity to cushion these blows. These portfolio managers

    are, in a sense, playing Russian roulette thinking there is only one bullet in the barrel as

    opposed to five and praying that they made the correct bet.

    Another concrete example of active mis-pricing of structured products occurred in

    the portfolios of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Since both of these entities are exempt

    from the 34 Act and therefore were not required to disclose their financials in offering

    documentation, the management at these entities misapplied accounting rules for years to

    the public in order to meet stock incentives. The limited disclosure required of these

    entities made it difficult for analysts and investors to decipher their true financial state,

    especially because of the sheer size of their portfolios which ran in the hundreds of

    billions of dollars. Small mistakes in hedging such large sums of money could have

    enormous implications.

    Another major related conflict of interest lies in the codependency between

    dealers and structured products managers. It is an incestuous machine that feeds upon

    itself, as structured product managers must buy deals from dealers, and the dealers can

    only do deals if structured products managers buy from them. The structured products

    must be warehoused at the dealer until the structured product vehicle has been filled with

    collateral by the designated structured products manager. The collateral can be almost

    anything, and increasingly has become synthetic in nature, meaning it doesnt reference a

    real asset but rather a contract created by a bank, such as a credit default swap (CDS) or

    even other structured products which could be managed by the same manager, creating

    circular logic.


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    The latter situation is called CDO squared because it is a collateralized debt

    obligation (CDO), which is one form of a structured product, with other CDO- issued

    securities as collateral, but since each CDO-issued security can reference other CDO-

    issued security as collateral, the number of CDOs embedded within one CDO-issued

    security can be several layers deep. Due to the potential for significant overlap in these

    CDOs, a CDO manager or investor may each think he has achieved diversification in the

    underlying collateral when in fact, the opposite may be true. For example, multiple

    CDOs may have GM loans as underlying collateral. A CDO squared may purchase

    different CDOs thinking that it will achieve a diverse underlying portfolio when in fact,

    the concentration risk for GM loans may be exponentially compounded. When it is

    virtually impossible for an investor to figure out where the money is coming from, the

    uncollectible debts underlying the structured products make these investments become

    essentially worthless even though the banks who sold them have made a killing from

    their sale.

    The other circular logic occurs when one division of the bank sells a specific

    credit derivative swap (CDS), a type of derivative that acts as insurance against the

    reference credit instrument, and a different division of the bank buys it. For example, the

    brokerage division of a bank could sell CDS on a CDO while the banks asset

    management division that owns CDOs in its portfolio may buy that same CDS because

    they manage separate profit and loss responsibilities and respect informational barriers,

    meaning that the divisions are not supposed to communicate with each other to avoid

    insider trading. In this case, the bank will have created insurance for itself, an absurd

    situation, but it theoretically can happen.


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    How Leverage In These Markets Can Create A Systemic Crisis

    The high embedded leverage of structured products compounds the problem of

    opaqueness. Leverage is a way to use borrowed money to amplify potential gains at the

    risk of amplified losses, thus magnifying the credit risk for buyers of structured products.

    A good example of financial leverage is an investment in an index mutual fund. If you

    invest a dollar without leverage, and the fund declines by 10%, you then lose ten cents.

    However, if you invest a dollar in the same mutual fund with 10 times leverage, and the

    fund declines by 10%, then you lose the entire dollar. In the case of structured products,

    many include leverage of 10 times or more, and 100 times is common. As a direct result,

    the magnitude of an unexpected or poorly understood potential loss of structured products

    can have far greater impacts to the financial system and the economy.

    In a way, CDO squared structured products enable banks to create money

    practically out of nothing because they are so synthetic in nature that the ultimate

    underlying collateral is unknown. Each tranche incorporates leverage and each investor

    is permitted leverage, sometimes as high as a hundred times, against CDO collateral to

    buy more CDO tranches. Even small market movements or inaccurate estimates of

    defaults can amplify losses quickly and trigger liquidity crises that could result in a

    cascading avalanche that overwhelms our financial system.

    Leverage by itself is not dangerous, but combined with conflicts of interest, it

    becomes lethal. For instance, some banks pressure CDO managers to buy CDOs that the

    bank couldnt sell from prior issuances or structure a CDO to provide insurance on the

    banks own portfolio, thus increasing systemic risks because bad credits become more


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    concentrated and leveraged while remaining hidden and marketed to unsuspecting CDO


    This elite circle of buyers and sellers of structured products collateral is small

    relative to other financial markets, perhaps a few hundred worldwide, although the dollar

    amounts exceed those of the equity markets. As a result, if either party decides to exit the

    market, the foundation for these arrangements, amounting to trillions of dollars, can

    quickly unravel given the small community, destroying the house of cards. Up until

    recently, the risk of one player leaving the party has been largely ignored because the

    deals were far too lucrative, and defaulting collateral has not been an issue in a benign

    economic environment. However, should investors shun these products or dealers get

    nervous with the market outlook, the warehousing mechanism could halt at any time,

    causing panic and a domino effect in trading that could lead to enormous losses for

    banks, potentially evaporating their entire capital base in a very short time frame, leaving

    little time for a solution to be implemented.

    Moreover, from a liquidity and concentration perspective, structured products also

    create systemic risks that are unlike other financial products due to their complexity and

    leverage characteristics. While the institutions that traffic in these instruments tend to be

    large financial firms such as commercial banks, investment banks, insurance companies,

    and hedge funds, it is not safe to assume that they have the systems sophisticated enough

    to understand and manage all the risks associated with these products.

    In fact, risk management of these products has lagged far behind the innovation of

    these products. Although most of the major banks now have credit risk management

    tools that are more robust than ever before which monitor credit risk at a federated level


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    and explicitly manage/hedge credit risk and stress test for liquidity and dealer exits, the

    growth in these markets and instruments has still outpaced the developments in risk

    management, documentation, back office facilities, models, and risk management

    safeguards. The quality of pricing data, data integrity, their dissemination, and the ability

    to perform what if analysis all have lagged the growth of these products and strategies,

    increasing systemic risk. Any risk management official at a bank will readily admit that

    no perfect hedge exists for structured products. Risk management for tranched credit

    portfolios in particular, is by far more difficult from a theoretical and practical

    perspective than risk management for other products, and to this day, no general market

    consensus has been established on how those risks should be measured. It is therefore

    likely that these market participants did not transfer the risk they were supposed to

    transfer or thought they transferred.

    What To Do

    The public has a right to be worried about these developments and demand

    regulation in this unregulated market because if one or more of these large institutions

    fail due to these products, the financial damage could be extensive not only to the Federal

    Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), but could have a ripple effect throughout our

    economy similar to the aftermath of the S&L crisis or even the 1929 stock market crash.

    Even Gerry Corrigan, the former New York Federal Reserve President and Vice

    Chairman of Goldman Sachs, has called structured products financial instruments of

    mass destruction.


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    As everyone knows, the stock market crash of 1929, loose credit markets, and

    flawed trade policy contributed to the Great Depression, an example of financial markets

    failing to self-regulate, resulting in widespread economic consequences for every sector

    of society. Today, excessive leverage and speculative trades in the structured products

    market threaten to repeat history. The financial institutions collective desire to reap

    enormous short-term profits conflict with societys collective need to maintain stable,

    fair, and functioning global financial markets.

    The New York Fed has begun to consider these issues by (a) pushing banks to

    expedite trade confirmation and document and reduce mountain-like backlogs, (b) saying

    it wants to measure individual and aggregate counterparty risk exposures, (c) trying to

    estimate the domino effect to the financial system of a few counterparty failures, and (d)

    attempting to coordinate such tracking/measurement efforts with foreign regulators,

    namely the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the UK.

    Through the Report of the Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group II

    published in July 2005, private sector participants led by Gerald Corrigan, Vice Chairman

    at Goldman Sachs and former New York Fed President, also acknowledged problems

    with these new class of financial products and proposed solutions for addressing some of

    the shortfalls. At the time the report was issued, tens or hundreds of thousands of credit

    derivative transactions remained unsettled for weeks given that these transactions were

    processed by hand. When the Fed and the media learned of this operational failure,

    broker/dealers began hiring more operational employees to process the trades.

    But these efforts fall woefully short of what is needed. The 200-page

    Counterparty report acknowledged outstanding issues that needed fixing such as faster


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    transaction processing, but focused on operational risk, not financial and credit risk.

    Concern over operational risk is understandable since operational failure in the settlement

    process for equity trades in the late 1960s became serious enough to produce systemic

    risk. However, the counterparty report did not address all the problems, especially the

    ones highlighted in this article.

    In reality, meltdowns are much more likely to occur when banks and broker

    dealers suffer tremendous losses, to the tune of billions of dollars, due to market

    corrections after years of mis-pricing, as opposed to the timing of back office settlements.

    Measuring domino effects/risks to the financial system from structured products,

    for instance, often demands accurate and timely information different from what is

    currently provided to the Fed. Currently, banks and broker dealers issue call reports

    only on a monthly basis. Such information could not possibly help the Fed respond

    rapidly to any crisis given that the risk profiles of banks and brokerage firms change by

    the hour.

    Our current regulatory system is ill-equipped to address the issues and concerns

    posed by these new financial engineering innovations. It is too fragmented, and most

    regulators do not have the appropriate skill set to understand and sniff out potential

    problems generated by these instruments. While all financial institutions are linked

    together through investment and trading in the same structured products, different

    regulators oversee the different counterparties so that no one has complete authority over

    this area. Banks, insurance companies, and investment banks all have different

    regulators, but does it make sense for an insurance company and a bank that are

    counterparties in the same structured products transaction to have different regulators?


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    After Glass-Steagall was dismantled, these businesses now significantly overlap, making

    our current regulatory structure particularly unwieldy, outdated, and ill-prepared to

    address the problems these new financial innovations present.

    Self-regulation by trade associations have also proven inefficient in setting

    standards and ineffective in bringing more transparency to these markets. The

    International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), an important trade association

    that has offices worldwide, has difficulty persuading its members to accept a standardized

    format for settlement after years of a product being traded. Standardized loan-only CDS

    documentation, for example, took several years to develop with many prior trades done

    on varying legal documentation. With multiple legal agreements being used for the same

    product, the potential for loopholes, confusion, and disputes also increases, thus further

    increasing the loss of investor confidence in the markets.

    Regulation entails costs and benefits; the trick is finding the right balance so that

    costs of unintended consequences such as stifling innovation do not overwhelm the

    benefits. The role of a good democratic policy should be to protect basic human rights

    and property. But presently, the government arguably is failing to adequately protect its

    citizens by allowing financial institutions to undertake and engage in undue risk and

    permit breeding grounds for fraudulent practices that could subvert our entire financial

    marketplace. Although regulators have acknowledged the problems and risks posed by

    structured products, not enough has been done to date and no comprehensive solution has

    been proposed. Any solution must increase transparency for sellers, buyers and

    regulators and impose limits to ensure that market participants do not assume more risk.

    At the very least, the government should do the following:


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    order to research the appropriate amount of leverage allowed in the financial system, the

    Fed needs transparency into the leverage extended by banks and broker-dealers. When

    the Fed announced in March 2006 that it will no longer report M3, the measure of money

    supply that would include all such leverage, it essentially chose to ignore the high

    existing levels of leverage. Measuring only M1 and M2 means the Fed is only counting

    paper money, checking accounts, and savings accounts less than $100,000. All the

    money outside of these parameters is not counted, which means the Fed is assuming that

    at least half or more of the money supply outstanding does not exist or matter and is

    operating monetary policy based on that belief.

    At the very minimum, the Fed should restore reporting M3. But in order to

    measure leverage in a meaningful way, it must also have visibility into where the risks

    lie. As such, the Fed should also require all financial institutions to report, on a real time

    basis, risk reports including leverage, rather than the monthly call reports that are

    presently used but are of limited utility. The Fed should also require companies to report

    their true value at risk (VAR), their solutions to it, their top 25 counterparty exposure, the

    kind of products to which they have exposure, and transaction documentation for all

    material transactions. Only with up-to-the minute information can the government

    develop a rapid response system that could minimize damage if a systemic market failure

    should occur.

    2. REGULATORY AGENCY CONSOLIDATION. Enforcement is another

    issue. Once limits have been determined and agreed upon, they must fall under the


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    could be required to make a premium contribution to the bank insurance deposit fund.

    Only by holding them responsible will our country have the best hope of aligning the

    interests of banks and the public and prevent such speculative activities from growing out

    of control.


    begun on Basel III, following the second Basel Accord which represented

    recommendations by bank representatives and central bankers from 13 countries to revise

    international standards for measuring banks capital adequacy. Basel II was designed to

    address the weaknesses in Basel I, and Basel III will further refine the definition of bank

    capital, quantify further classes of risk, and improve sensitivity of risk measures. Now is

    an ideal opportunity to enlist international support and coordination in developing

    banking and brokerage standards so that regulatory arbitrage can be minimized. Foreign

    regulators have just as much incentive to limit economic destruction of systemic risk. If

    they know that the standards will be uniform in the international banking community,

    they will find it more palatable to comply. If all countries agree to the same laws and

    cooperate, no financial firm will have an incentive to move their business, and there will

    be no race to the bottom by various countries.

    Critics will likely claim that such regulation will only drive the structured

    products business as well as all other OTC derivatives business to other jurisdictions

    where regulatory burdens are not so heavy. They will claim the current U.S.

    competitiveness in financial markets will be eroded while not reducing systemic risks.

    They have used similar arguments as reasons to repeal Sarbanes-Oxley, because many

    IPOs have moved offshore.


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    Such arguments seem specious when a companys decision where to launch an

    IPO involve other factors besides regulatory burdens. Offshore offerings may be at least

    driven by increased capital availability in emerging markets and would happen even if

    Sarbanes-Oxley was never implemented. More likely, SEC Chairman Christopher Cox

    rather than Sarbanes-Oxley is the reason why foreign companies have chosen to list on

    other exchanges. These companies feared the political risk of dealing with capricious

    U.S. lawmakers, not increased transparency.

    Opponents of regulation of this market cite that there is lack of empirical evidence

    of wrongdoing. They will also point out that there have now been several credit events

    which while operationally intensive, did prove the sustainability of the market.

    In most hypotheses, counter examples often exist, but that doesn't necessarily

    negate the overall theory. Arguably, most things in life are difficult or impossible to

    prove, but the evidence could be so consistent with the hypothesis that it would suggest a

    causal relationship where a strong correlation exists. For instance, there was no direct

    evidence that Salomon Brothers cornered the bond market, but the behavior was strongly

    consistent in support of that conclusion. No one can directly point to greenhouse gases

    as the cause for global warming, but enough evidence has convinced the majority of

    scientists that it is conclusive. In the case of structured products, no banker will ever

    admit that he or she was stuffing bad loans into these financial vehicles. Even with

    complete data and all the time in the world, it would be a difficult study from which to

    extract empirical data and still probably no one would do it. However, it is well

    understood that underwriters always have inventory that they cannot sell. It is widely

    accepted that there are clear financial incentives for these underwriters to place them with


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    less sophisticated managers. The widespread subprime mortgage meltdown suggests

    that the conflicts of interest are indeed pervasive.

    Another anti-regulatory argument is that more regulation would disrupt markets

    because of the increased legal liability exposure for investors, both real and perceived.

    Traders in money losing transactions may simply not honor their trades if they believed

    that the transactions would be deemed illegal under a new regulatory regime. With any

    change in rules, disruption is expected to happen, but that alone is a poor reason not to

    correct abuses. One solution could be to smooth the transition period by announcing a

    future date that new rules would be effective which gives plenty of lead time for market

    participants to adjust their strategies and positions without causing panic in the

    marketplace. Perhaps the unintended effect may even result in stronger volume growth

    and wider participation, since the global markets will be assured that our government is

    not ignoring market developments and innovations.

    Some business leaders have promoted the notion of principles-based rather than

    rules-based governance as the best way to protect the integrity and competitiveness of

    our markets. They argue essentially that it is better to avoid enacting laws and simply

    trust corporate management to exert moral leadership. The Delphi credit event in which

    the market was able to avoid a bond squeeze by agreeing to some principles that worked

    well suggests a case of professionalism over regulation. However, this idea is convenient

    for management, but may not be realistic in the long run. It is possible that not one but

    multiple major defaults could happen simultaneously in the future in which orderly

    professionalism may not succeed when much more capital is at stake. The Delphi

    example in reality may be simply a close call because it happened during a benign


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    economic environment and should be seen as a warning shot to regulators that a more

    rigorous system should be put in place in the event several major defaults happen during

    a weak economic backdrop. Without the requisite public constraints, corporate economic

    corrupt activity, both legal and illegal misappropriation of wealth and income, can make

    it difficult for our markets to survive the fallout.

    Instead, a hybrid approach of principles and rules-based governance should be

    adopted. Principles-based governance is needed so that participants cant evade the law,

    and rules-based governance should be implemented simultaneously so that participants

    have guidance for the principles. While the FSA uses more of a principles-based

    approach, the British system differs from the U.S. in that it is harder to litigate there, and

    it is easier for them to change laws since they dont have a system of checks and balances

    similar to ours. An analogous situation would be taxes. Principles-based governance

    would say that everyone who can afford to pay taxes should pay at least 20% in income

    taxes. However, rules-based governance is required so that taxpayers would understand

    what constituted income and understand how to interpret the law when uncertainties

    arise. Principles-based governance works well only if everyone can agree on the

    prohibited outcome so that methods are irrelevant. In some ways, existing laws such as

    the 33 Act are short principles-based legislation, yet they are difficult, cumbersome, and

    confusing to apply.

    Defenders of the present system also complacently believe that no systemic risks

    will result from any major market disruption in this area. Monetarists, popularized by

    Milton Friedman, contend that something akin to the Great Depression can be avoided

    simply by pumping more money into the system to avoid a liquidity crunch. Fed


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    Chairman Ben Bernanke has stated that the Fed under his watch will have the keys to

    the printing press, and we are not afraid to use them. The quote was used in the context

    of his argument that monetarism will respond to zero interest rate conditions. However,

    injecting money into the system does not necessarily create more capital for financial

    institutions in crisis. Evidence from the Japanese stock market crash that doomed Japan

    to a decade of recession despite monetary stimulus of zero interest rates may suggest that

    aggressive monetary stimulus will not be enough. Worse, if the rest of the world knows

    that the U.S. will simply print more money rather than correct abuses and structural

    problems, confidence in the U.S. dollar and thus in the U.S. government will disappear,

    causing even further economic damage. Not worth a continental referred to the

    worthlessness of U.S. currency during the American Revolution because of government

    overprinting; we do not need a 21st century repeat of that 18th century fiasco.

    Since this is a complex problem, no solution will be free from criticism. In fact,

    previous proposals such as those from CFTC Chairman Brooksley Born who advocated

    increased regulation of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives were rejected and maligned

    by financial circles and their Capital Hill supporters. Even the collapse of Long Term

    Capital did not redeem her progressive calls for action, because the political power was

    too beholden to private financial institutions unwilling to surrender their pecuniary

    interest for safer, more stable markets.

    Bottom line, self-regulation has not worked well. In a paper titled, Cautious

    Evolution or Perennial Irresolution: Self Regulation and Market Structure During the

    First 70 Years of the Securities Exchange Commission, Joel Seligman, considered the

    nations foremost expert on securities law, comments that self-regulation prompted the


  • 8/9/2019 Regulation 2006


    most serious failure in securities industry, a collapse of industry regulatory controls so

    complete, it permitted, in the agencys retrospective view, the most prolonged and

    severe crisis in the securities industry in forty years.

    Our financial markets will always attract the foolish and the greedyeven the

    fraudulent-- and no amount of regulation can completely eliminate fraud and reckless

    behavior. But if we want to ensure financial market integrity and stability, then we

    should consider the ethical obligations to move beyond a system of self-regulation.

    While possibly no perfect solution exists, society should still seek to remedy what are

    clear abuses to the system. Through public education and by taking steps to safeguard a

    dynamic financial market through improved market transparency and balanced

    regulation, we can prevent these problems from reaching systemic levels.