Rehearsal Text Robin of the Forest Production Book2012

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  • 7/31/2019 Rehearsal Text Robin of the Forest Production Book2012


    Robin of the Forest

    A festival entertainment

    by cerulean

    Cast(Color Blind and Gender Blind casting)

    Merwood, a wizard who dwells in the Greenwood Tree.

    Guinevere, a wealthy citizen of Nottingham.

    Robin, encamped near the Greenwood Tree and sworn to never

    cross a black road.

    Marian, a forest lover who works for the Tourist Bureau.

    Lance, the evil Sheriff of Nottingham.

    Foxfire, the hothead activist who lives in a den under the

    Greenwood Tree.

    Moth, an aerial dancer who lives up in the Greenwood Tree.

    Wendy, reporter for World Wide WatchCat.Peter, tech support for World Wide WatchCat.

    Animal Band, Gaelic/gypsy-punk music and, if technology is

    used, psy-trance.

    Forest Players, aerial dancers, forest spirit dancers,

    forest creatures (faeries, Balthazar the Owl, dryads, the

    Greenwood Tree, etc).


    Present day, Sherwood Forest, Robins camp near the

    Greenwood Tree.


    A clan of forest lovers, who have been living in and around

    the Greenwood Tree in present day Sherwood Forest, confront

    a road construction project that threatens to run a black

    road right through the heart of the Greenwood. In this play

    we find characters living lives of legend while plotting to

    save their forest. On the recommendation of activists from

    World Wide WatchCat, they search for a mind bomb that

    will help them stop the road. This romantic comedy is

    loosely based on the action to save Sherwood in 2005. The

    audience is invited to participate in the action as

    everyone is called to rise to the task of saving Sherwood.

    Nine Interludes of Gaelic/gypsy music from the Animal Band,

    vocal performances by the cast, and dance entertainment by

    the Forest Players weave the Spirit of the Forest into the

    hearts of the audience.

    Moth: If they could only see natures magic is not fantasy

    but true connection to reality . . .


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    The Greenwood Tree can be played by a performer who

    can lift actors up onto the platform.

    In the Interludes, the Forest Players (i.e. the human

    circus performing artists) interact with the audience.

    Audience members who want to participate have beenseated down front and have room to dance in front of

    the seats.

    The Forest Players and the Animal Band can remain in

    scene during the action or move into the audience.

    Bangarang means to stand as if you are about to fly

    like Peter Pan: fists on hips, legs apart, chest up.

    Moth can operate a moth puppet. Other faeries can

    live in Moths tree house.

    Foxfire wears a fox hat that looks like a foxs head

    when pulled down.

    Screens placed between the action and the audience can

    show the webcast (optional).

    Multi-media design can stream across the screens to

    enhance the production (optional).

    In productions that wish to use Instant Theatre

    techniques, the words without stage directions can be

    projected behind the audience.

    The music can be improvised according to the desires

    of each production team.

    Capoeira is a style of fighting in which the

    combatants keep space between them and react as iftheir opponent had hit them. Its style is similar to

    break dancing.

    A Rocket Stove is a pyramid of sticks covered in clay.

    The pot sits on top of the cone and small sticks are

    used to fire it from below.

    Stage right is Robins bivouac, covered in bark and


    At center left stands the Greenwood Tree. It has an

    opening in its front, a platform in its branches, a

    hole at its roots, and an aerial dancers apparatus (a

    tetrahedron base with poles extending past the apex to

    support a platform and form a crown which can fly

    the dancers).

    There is a fading poster tacked onto the tree that

    reads: Road Construction Site. Construction Zone. No

    trespassing by order of the Sheriff of Nottingham and

    the town counsel. Kingson Construction Company. Arthur


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    Kingson. Permit no. 3825-968]

    When Robin launches the arrow, he actually palms it

    and Merwood slaps another arrow out backwards and

    makes the sound of it hitting the tree.

    Costumes and props for the audience should be

    available in the lobby. Advertisement informs patrons to come in costume for a

    discounted admission (unless it is donation only)

    All the music is left up to the choice of musicians in

    any of the productions

    Robin of the ForestAct I

    [The Forest of Sherwood. Robins camp.]

    Interlude 1 Dark-to-dawn forest dance.

    [From darkness to Red dawn. Music from the Animal Band. The

    Greenwood Tree is alive with movement. In the predawn

    shadows the Forest Players leap about the landscape and

    play with the audience. As the dawn comes on, Robin stands

    in bangarang fashion and crows. All disappear. Music down.]

    Scene 1 World Wide WatchCat in Sherwood.

    Wendy: [Enters. Sees Foxfire who hides.] Peter! I saw a

    creature! Peter? Wheres Peter?Peter: [Enters filming. Moth spies down on them. As Moth

    retreats into the tree branches, Peter catches sight of her

    in his cameras eye. When he looks for himself, she is

    gone.] Its so freakin early.

    Wendy: I think it was a fox!

    Peter: [eyeing survey marker] Looks like they plan to run

    the road straight through this old tree.

    Wendy: Rrrroww! Here, get me in front of it.

    Peter: [Peter cues Wendy.] Move back, perfecto.

    Wendy: Hi! to anyone out there in cyberspace. Its Wendy

    your World Wide WatchCat. Every environmental problem is a

    blip on the radar screen of our collective destiny. Today

    were zooming in to save Sherwood Forest from a road


    Peter: Got it.

    Wendy: Keep it going. So, Im a little embarrassed by all

    that drama last month. For all of you who asked about my

    relationship status change, its defiantly over.


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    Peter: Is this necessary?

    Wendy: It helps with ratings, Peter.

    Peter: If theyre into desperate.

    Wendy: Say good morning to Peter. [She films Peter.]

    Peter: Depressing isnt it? You can see me, but you cant

    touch me. [He turns the camera back on Wendy .]

    Wendy: Cute. Arent forests romantic? Its absolutely

    Shakespearian: lovers running off to the forest to become

    tangled up in love.

    Peter: Wendy, youre steaming the lens.

    Wendy: I think I lost the thread.

    Peter: Forests are sexy.

    Wendy: Oh, yes, romance! The legend of Robin Hood was born

    in the Forest of Sherwood.

    Peter: Jolly, brave Sir Robin! [Typing on his palm pilot.

    Yawn.] I need coffee.

    Wendy: The theory of Future Primitivism came from Sherwood

    as well. It predicts that humans will learn to live inbalance with nature. Post the link to the primitive skills


    Peter: Already done, Wendy darling.

    Wendy: Youre so on top of everything.

    Peter: Everything but you.

    Wendy: Peter!

    Wendy: All places are sacred, but Sherwood is especially

    magical with its ancient trees and Everlasting Wells.

    People come here for nature, legend, and romance, not

    asphalt and road kill. Cut it.

    Peter: Whore we meeting?Wendy: Marian from the tourist bureau.

    Peter: Maybe were standing under the wrong tree.

    Wendy: Marian said to follow the survey markers to a large,

    old tree. [She hugs the tree.] Ill protect Sherwood Forest

    for you, Robin Hood!

    Peter: Its a little flakey to think Robin still lives here.

    Wendy: Its Sherwood Forest.

    Peter: Oooo! Wendy lives in a fantasy, dream world. In the

    real world its coffee time.

    Wendy: Finish? Press the Worthy button on our homepage to

    transfer money to our travel account.Peter: Lets go check in at the hotel.

    Wendy: Were roughing it like Robin Hood.

    Peter: [Checking his site.] My latte fund says .79 cents?

    Wendy: You added a latte fund? Grow up, Peter.

    Peter: Never! Check it out: you click the Buy Peter a

    Latte button and help me meet my high maintenance needs!

    Wendy: [Signals Peter to resume filming her.] Sherwood is


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    so legendary its created fields of imagination around the

    planet. Merry Old England is bent on decimating its own

    national treasure. They better Watch out for Wendy the

    WatchCat! Reeeoooww!

    Peter: We going or what?

    Wendy: A latte fund?

    Peter: Sorry, mommie. [Hes filming the landscape-B-role.]

    Wendy: You are a brat.

    Peter: And you are a stressed out, over achiever with a

    savior complex.

    Wendy: Dont analyze me, Peter. Im much too complicated.

    Peter: But Im more photogenic. Someone just donated to my

    latte fund! [Turns camera up into tree seeing Moth through

    his lens. She disappears.]A faerie?

    Wendy: I think Im burning out. I wish this forest could

    defend itself.

    Peter: Do you believe in faeries?

    Wendy: You need coffee.[They exit.]

    Interlude 2 Wizard Greets the Sun

    Moth: That human has the spark of seeing.

    Robin: Theyve come to our aid! It would seem. The sun is


    [The tree moves. Merwood holds a stone bowl burning

    incense. Moth, Robin and Foxfire enter wearing masks. Robin

    wears a Green Man mask. Other forest creatures move about.

    The players interact with the audience as though they are

    members of their camp. The Animal Band plays a morningsong. Sun rises.]

    Merwood: Love be all and life my call! Unseen forces of

    life! Help us see wild entities. Lift the veil of dull

    circumstance. Awaken deep-magic sentience. Cast wide the

    doors of perception. Bring us into forever seeing. Drink in

    the first rays of the Sun! Welcome Sun!

    All: Welcome Sun! [Morning song continues. Lights brighten.

    Sunrays stream over audience. Merwood disappears back into

    the Greenwood tree. Characters lift their masks. Fox chases

    Moth around. She is playful but wont let him catch her.

    She climbs the silks up into the tree.]

    Scene 2 Greenwood Camp

    Moth: We need thoughts of quick silver to counter their


    Robin: We are the outlaws of the sunny glade!

    Foxfire: We fight for our ground!

    Robin: When I fight, I win.


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    Foxfire: Except against Foxfire!

    Robin: Luckily, were friends! [They play a few capoeira


    Foxfire: Lets match their destruction, with our chaos!

    Robin: The forest needs you free.

    Foxfire: Im tricky; theyll not catch me.

    Moth: I wandered into town by moonlight. Many humans are

    gathered there to protest this road. [They still play

    fight. She stretches.]

    Foxfire: We will stop the road!

    Robin: We will stop the road.

    Moth: Humans with brave hearts will come to our aide like

    the messengers of their own souls.

    Robin: Our fight will be over when they love the green

    world as we do.

    Merwood: All are born of the green world and all return to

    its roots after a short span of days. Come closer, my

    apprentice, Moth.Moth: Merwood.

    Merwood: I had a vision lightning struck the Greenwood

    tree. [The Greenwood tree creaks and moves a little.]

    Moth: Tell me.

    Merwood: In my vision, all sorts of creatures emerged from

    the tree. They were dancing around the glade.

    Moth: Like this? [She dances.]

    Merwood: Yes, yes! They danced through the forest and out

    into the town.

    Robin: Do the creatures re-grow the forest, Merwood?

    Merwood: The forest spreads its arms to once again embracethe land. The forest returns!

    Foxfire: [Music: drumming. Chanting and dancing with Robin

    and Moth.] The earth, the wind, the water, the fire,

    return, return, return!

    All: The earth, the wind, the fire, the water, return,

    return, return! [They dance with the audience.]

    Robin: How lucky am I to have friends who share my love of

    the Greenwood! I feel rich.

    Foxfire: Fall into my arms, fancy dancer.

    Moth: You dream on past break of day, Foxfire.

    Foxfire: Just playing, Moth. [She swipes at him.] Rip myhead off! [He gets a hold of her. Then doesnt release


    Moth: Thorny hedgehog.

    Robin: Ask first, Foxfire.

    Foxfire: I take what I want.

    Moth: And end up with nothing.

    Robin: Have at you! [He and Foxfire play fight capoeira-


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    style. Music: drumming. Moth retrieves food from the

    bivouac and then shares fruit and bread and tea. Music


    Foxfire: Any meat?

    Moth: I have an apple round like the moons sphere. Shell

    be full tonight.

    Foxfire: Good night to check out the construction site.

    Robin: Sherwood is trapped on all sides by black roads. We

    will not take one through the heart.

    Foxfire: Ill fight them tooth and claw!

    Moth: Bulldozers?

    Foxfire: Handle it. Dismantle it. Until then Ill fall into

    the familiar comfort of a lover. [He tries to lean on Moth

    who lets him fall].

    Moth: What can we do except live in harmony with the green

    world? [She falls comfortably against Robin.]

    Robin: Why do they want to destroy Sherwood?

    Moth: A powerful spirit of place resides here.Foxfire: Mindless destruction.

    Moth: I feel sad.

    Robin: Dont suffer in advance!

    Moth: Mint and lavender tea? [A toast.] When humans learn

    what mythic symbols mean, they will see the Faerie Queen.

    Robin: The Faerie Queen!

    Fox: Heres to blowing up all the roads and torching all

    the machines.

    Robin: Its not the machines were up against; its the

    humans behind them.

    Moth: Cool your fiery nature, Foxfire.Foxfire: [Gestures to the poster]. Fix this.

    [Owl cry: Whoo-hoo!]

    Foxfire: [Foxfire has lifted some of the survey markers and

    is using them as daggers.] Does anyone smell bacon?

    Moth: [Scrambles up the Greenwood Tree on her silks.

    Merwood retreats back into his tree.] Away, away on Hermes

    quicksilver wings. Comes here the Sheriff of Nottingham.

    Robin: My Nemesis! [Darts into bivouac.] Foxfire, down your

    hole. Moth, keep hidden! Merwood? Disappeared, have you?

    Scene 3 The Evil SheriffLance: [Enters cautiously with poster to tack onto tree. If

    the Greenwood Tree is played by an actor, the Tree

    interacts with the Sheriff.] Show yourselves. I heard your

    voices. If you jump me, well do battle.

    [No response. Tacks up new notice that reads: By order of

    the Sheriff of Nottingham, Forest Management, and the town

    council, Sherwood Forest shall be vacated of all visitors


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    by morning. Kingson Construction Company, Arthur Kingson.

    Permit no. 3825-633 Reading:]

    By order of the Sheriff of Nottingham. Theyll cut you down

    old tree. You cant step out of their way. [Greenwood Tree

    creaks.] This is the tragedy of human failing. What is

    Forest Management thinking? If I were still Forest Warden,

    Id, I would ... Ah well, the past is lost. [He leans

    against the tree.] This was always one of my favorite

    spots. I lost something here, once. [Makes sure hes alone,

    then talks to the forest.] Forest spirits hide by day, a

    knight can get lost in its night. Forests eat humans,

    beware! Who can brave the wolf that watches the world of

    the woods: inhabited by the ghosts of the gods, by

    creatures, by tree spirits, by gum, by beech, by Greenwood

    tree? [Play fights, and lunges and laughs] Sir Lance-a-

    lots armor glints blinding light from the sun. He rescues

    the kingdom from the evil grip of greed and stupidity! Ha!

    [Walkie-talkie crackles. Lance screams.] Ahhh! [Lancechecks the time while answering the page and straightens

    his appearance.] Time for my meeting with Kingson. [Walkie-

    Talkie crackles.] Sheriff Lance, here. [Crackle.] Authur

    Kingson is there? Im on my way. [Crackle.] I posted the

    notice. [Crackle.] Well, you can tell Kingson, the Sheriff

    of Nottingham answers only to the Sheriff of Nottingham!

    [Crackle.] Wait, dont say that. [Crackle.] What I said.

    Dont say what I said. [Crackle.] The part about, answering

    to... [Crackle.] Listen! Let me deal with Kingson. Lance,

    out. [To the Forest:] If you know whats good for you,

    youll be out of here by morning. Of course some of youcannot flee. [Pats the Greenwood Tree and exits, running.]

    Scene 4 EcoMystics must leave by dawn.

    [Moth flies down on her silks. Foxfire comes out of his


    Robin: What a ham.

    Foxfire: Sheriff of nothing but ham. Oink! [Reading] By

    order of the Sheriff of Nottingham, Forest Management and

    the town council, Sherwood Forest shall be vacated of all


    Robin: Bulldozers, heavy machinery, hard hat zone.Foxfire: Sorry for the inconvenience...

    Robin: They forget to mention the residents.

    Foxfire: or the denizens.

    Moth: By what phase of the moon break they ground, Robin?

    Robin: Id rather sing you a faerie lullaby, sweet Moth.

    Moth: When?

    Robin: Well, now if you like. In the spring when the


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    blossoms still cling to the vine. Ill taste your

    strawberries, Ill drink your sweet wine.

    Moth: [She cuts him off] When?

    Robin: Theyll start cutting down trees -- in the morning.

    Moth: In the?

    Foxfire: In the morning...

    Moth: [Tears up.] We have to mend this! A black road will

    destroy the spirit of this place.

    Robin: We cannot let this happen.

    Foxfire: Crack rocks!

    Robin: I wont let them cut me off with another black road!

    Moth: Merwood dreamed this forest would grow stronger.

    Foxfire: Weve stopped them before.

    Moth: But . . . tomorrow?

    Foxfire: Were faster than they are.

    Robin: Im sworn only to walk on footpaths under shade of


    Foxfire: Thats playing, Robin. This is real.Robin: The Greenwood has allies in Nottingham.

    Moth: Why didnt they warn us?

    Robin: Perhaps they were too tied up by their lives,

    Moth: tangled in their loves,

    Foxfire: run down by their shopping lists,

    Robin: stressed out by their jobs,

    Foxfire: overcome by their bank accounts.

    Robin: They put nature in a pot on their patio and sit

    beside it in the evening whispering their schedules quietly

    to the particulate air.

    Moth: My thoughts drain to their sewers.Robin: [He jumps up and stands bangarang style.] Fear not

    this black road, brave Robin! Tis a grand adventure. I do

    believe I will get to fight the evil Sheriff!

    Foxfire: Im seeing exploding bulldozers melting into

    liquid metal!

    Moth: Humans are spotted snakes with forked tongues!

    Foxfire: Well dismantle their machines by moonlight.

    Robin: At what cost to us?

    Foxfire: At any cost.

    Robin: The last time the foxes and badgers torched a

    bulldozer, the whole action fell apart.Foxfire: Got their attention, though.

    Robin: We lost the north end of Sherwood.

    Foxfire: It wasnt supposed to happen that way. Things got

    out of hand. [Goes to Rocket Stove to make food. They

    include the audience in this discussion as though they are

    consulting a larger ring of people. The Animal Band and

    Forest Players listen in.]


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    Robin: If the moneylenders hadnt been held responsible,

    wed be standing under a street lamp. I prefer under shade

    of tree.

    Foxfire: Theyve got us up against it, again.

    Moth: If only they could see natures magic is not fantasy

    but true connection to reality.

    Robin: To change this, we have to change them. Take their

    poor thoughts and give them rich ones in return.

    Moth and Foxfire: Yes!

    Robin: [Picks up his bow.] Where is the eye of our target?

    Where should I aim my last arrow to split the tree?

    Moth: Well, who are the players?

    Foxfire: The evil Sheriff. The construction company.

    Moth: The council.

    Robin: The towns people who think this road will bring

    them wealth.

    Moth: Methinks, without the wise waters of these faerie

    springs, their wells will be poisoned.Foxfire: We could swell our numbers with the protestors who

    have been filling the town.

    Moth: Those strangers this morningthe reporters

    Foxfire: Maybe that fancy girl and her weird friend are

    still in the forest.

    Robin: [Selects an arrow.] The arrow is in the notch. The

    bow is drawn.Lets call the protestors to us like the

    merry men of old! [Launches arrow into the notice.]

    Merwood: [Sound Effect: Thunk! From inside the tree.]

    Merlins beard!

    Moth: Merwood is in there!Robin: Merwood? [Calls to tree.] What ho! Merwood!

    Moth: Merwood?

    Merwood: [Greenwood tree creeks. Merwood comes out.] Moth?

    My dreams were disturbed.

    Moth: Have some tea. I collected dewdrops from little

    cowslips this dawn and leaves of mint and purple

    elderberries; wound the flowers round my fingers till they

    gave sweet essence.

    Merwood: How sweet. Your tattered heart mends with every

    midnight, faerie!

    Foxfire: Teas fire hot.Robin: Merwood. [Robin indicates the notice tacked to the

    tree. Robin stands looking at the notice and the tree.]

    Moth: Kingsons men plan to start construction on the


    Merwood: Im not abandoning my tree.Do not fear for

    yourselves, the danger to you is not that great.

    Foxfire: If they even touch this forest!...


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    Merwood: Foxfire, quench your quick temper. This day will

    add fuel your fire. Come see. I found this amulet. The

    Greenwood tree had grown around it. I sense it brings

    clarity. It will help you keep your head. The Greenwood has

    need of you.

    Foxfire: My strength!

    Merwood: Your strong connection to its spirit. It has been

    foretold to me in my dream.

    Foxfire: Its always dreams and visions with you. I need

    substance. Something I can fight with.

    Merwood: [He gives Foxfire an amulet with fluorite set in a

    spiral woodcarving.] When you hear something is a vision,

    you instantly assume it is unreal, but I tell you that the

    visions are more real than we are.

    Foxfire: Will it keep me out of trouble? Out of traps?

    Merwood: Yes, except for the trouble and traps you make for

    yourself. [Silence while they listen to morning bird

    sounds]. Dive deeper, Foxfire. With imagination you cantouch the mysterious. Promise to stay out of trouble.

    Foxfire: Unless Im thrown into it.

    Robin: We must keep Sherwood safe.

    Merwood: The spirit of the forest is strong here.

    Foxfire: May the forest be with you.

    Robin: [Robin turns.] And with you.

    Merwood: Sound your thoughts, Robin.

    Robin: Moving up the date forces our hand. How can we turn

    this to our advantage? If I say, this is exactly what we

    needed. This plays right into our plans, what would I be

    saying?Foxfire: Nonsense?

    Robin: All our efforts must needs be compressed, and this

    only makes them stronger, more focused, increases their


    Foxfire: Got my traveling boots ready. Its about to get


    Robin: Yes. My heart is light! I have a good feeling about

    this day.

    Moth: But you say that about every day.

    Robin: Do I? Well, this is a day like any other.

    Merwood: Yes, but it is also a day like none other.Robin: A day we learned they plan to cut through Sherwood

    Forest at dawn.

    Moth: Dont say it. When you say it, it makes it come true.

    Robin: A day upon which all our hearts depend. We will

    carve out our destinies.

    Moth: My hearts a flutter!

    Robin: Hark! This day we will stop a road from cutting


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    through the Forest of Sherwood!

    [Owl cry: Whoo-Hoo]

    Merwood: What is it, Balthazar? Who comes? [They hide

    themselves. They can hide in the audience and watch.]

    Scene 5 Peter and Wendy meet Foxfire.

    [Peter and Wendy enter.]

    Peter: We are walking in circles in a trackless forest. It

    looks like the Legend of Zelda around here.

    Wendy: I took you to get coffee, cheer up.

    Peter: Weve been here before.

    Wendy: Marian said follow the survey markersbut I havent


    Peter: [Peter is filming as usual and pans up into the tree

    and sees Moth. She hides.] This is the tree where I saw the

    Wendy: Marian said the tourist bureau wanted to make a

    path. Im sure this is the place. Its a camp.Peter: I saw a faerie in this tree, just saying. [Finishes

    latte.] Dregs. [He throws his coffee cup down the foxhole.]

    Markers. [Notices pile of survey markers.]

    Wendy: I looked up Marians history. Shes been helping

    with urban forestry projects, she will have connections to

    people in town who ... [She is interrupted].

    Foxfire: [Entering from foxhole.] Trashy humans. Ill make

    you eat it.

    Peter: Aaaah! Run away.

    Foxfire: Which one of you threw this down my hole?

    Peter: It was Wendy. [Wendy points at Peter.] Thanks, sis.[Foxfire scrambles and grabs Peter.]

    Wendy: Stop! Let go of him! Now!

    Foxfire: [Stops harassing Peter and looks at Wendy.] Sorry,

    I lose it sometimes.

    Wendy: So do I, but I dont attack people.

    Foxfire: Maybe you should.

    Peter: What an ass. Im suing you for assault. Whats your

    name and address?

    Foxfire: Name: Foxfire, address: under root of tree.

    Wendy: You live under this tree?

    Foxfire: I burrowed it out.Wendy: Could I film it for my Webcast? Were here for the

    road protest.

    Foxfire: For helping the forest, you have my thanks.

    Peter: The beastie is polite. [Stuffing his trash into

    Wendys bag.]

    Wendy: [Has camera and is peering down the foxhole.] Are

    there other activists hiding in underground tunnels? [Looks


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    over the audience.]

    Foxfire: Might be. [Foxfire signals audience participants

    to hide].

    Wendy: Its good to interact with local activists. Ive met

    so many interesting people in my travels.

    Foxfire: Have you been all around the world?

    Wendy: Pretty much.

    Foxfire: I wish I could travel.

    Wendy: I wish I could live somewhere and never leave.

    Foxfire: Hmmm. Can I give you a tour of my fox den?

    Wendy: Im so curious. How is it down there?

    Foxfire: Its warm when its cold outside and cool when

    its hot.

    Wendy: Is that a tile floor?

    Foxfire: I rubbed the mud flat. Come and see it. I wont

    bite unless you want me to.

    Wendy: Will you come with me, Peter?

    Peter: Yeah, no.Wendy: Ill be back in a minute.

    Foxfire: Come down. [Foxfire descends.]

    Peter: Wendy, get back up here! You dont even know this


    Wendy: Youre acting jealous, Peter. [Wendy descends.]

    Peter: Im worried about my camera. Its useless to be

    here, anyway. Its a non-story. Theyve already lost. It

    will hurt our win/loss ratio. Our ratings will go down.

    Scene 6 Peter meets Robin and Merwood

    Peter: [He notices that Robin and Merwood are near him.]Aaaah!

    Merwood: Aaaah.

    Robin: Lose something?

    Peter: Wendy. [Pointing.]

    Robin: Your girlfriend?

    Peter: My boss. Im tech support, camera, research for the


    Robin: Foxfire is frisky.

    Peter: Go down there.

    Merwood: Calm yourself, my boy, Foxfire promised to stay

    out of trouble today.Peter: Okay. Ill believe the old dude dressed like a


    Robin: Welcome to my camp! Im Robin.

    Peter: Well. We had hoped to meet Robin Hood and here you


    Robin: Yes, here I am living the legend.

    Peter: Nice tights.


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    Robin: Thanks for noticing . . .

    Peter: Peter.

    Robin: Tea?

    Peter: Latte?

    Robin: Chai?

    Peter: Honey and cream?

    Robin: Honey, yes. Cream? Wed need to find a goat.

    Peter: You must have to learn all kinds of skills to live

    in the forest. Ive been researching them for Wendy.

    Robin: If you wish to stay in the forest, I can teach you

    how to live simply. Simplicity is helpful to humans.

    Peter: Whats this?

    Robin: A rocket stove. It only takes a few sticks to boil

    water. [Gives him chai.]

    Peter: Its only mud and branches. [Bending down to look

    in.] The fire is micro. Efficient!

    Robin: Honey? Moth and I lifted it from some bees.

    Peter: [Pause, while he drinks.] Outlaws, eh? Mmmm. We camehere to help stop the road, but it looks like a lost cause.

    Merwood: We find it to be otherwise.

    Peter: Well, Wendy found out this morning they moved up the

    start date when they heard World Wide WatchCat was doing a

    feature on them.

    Robin: Weve only just met, but Ive suddenly come to hate

    you, my friend.

    Peter: Hey, its Wendy thats famous, not me. Im the

    button pusher.

    Merwood: Peter, you have great power within you waiting to

    be unleashed.Peter: Are you supposed to be a wizard?

    Merwood: Images and labels are but surface. You may call me


    Robin: Hes a wizard.

    Peter: [Sipping his tea. Sitting between them.] Different.

    So you live in Sherwood Forest and your name is Robin. How

    does that work?

    Robin: The way I want it to.

    Peter: Wouldnt you rather have a nice house with a

    television and a refrigerator?

    Robin: I love it here.Peter: Its so dirty.

    Robin: I like dirt.

    Peter: So youre playing pretend? Robin and his Merry Men

    running around in tights, living the life of the outcast,

    hunting the kings deer, and fighting the Sheriff of


    Merwood: You read a lot, Peter.


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    Peter: What about it?

    Merwood: I can tell you like books, old stories, legends.

    We imagine the legends, and we live the legends ourselves.

    Robin: Can you feel the wild, living, world all around us?

    Peter: Its pretty. But I like technology.

    Robin: How can it compare to Natures beauty? A flower

    opening is the multiverse unfolding.

    Peter: Oh yeah, Ive seen that video with the flower

    opening in time delay, its awesome.

    Robin: Ive seen it for myself lying on a bank of violets

    in springtime.

    Peter: Sounds kind of erotic.

    Robin: Passionate.

    Peter: If youre into living under a root.

    Robin: I live in a bivouac. Do you like the tea?

    Peter: Yeah, its tea-licious. I could market this.

    Merwood: Value the forest for its spirit. Drink in its

    magic.Peter: Hey, Im a cyber-boy, you can bark up my tree, but

    Im only reachable by satellite!

    Robin: Its unlikely that Merwood will give up on you. Its

    his way.

    Peter: Yeah, no, I get it, I do. We should try killing the

    planet more slowly. Dead party on a dead planet.

    Merwood: You are the life of the planet!

    Peter: Maybe, Im usually the life of the party.

    Robin: We have lively fires and gypsy music at night.

    Peter: Ooo! Is there a party tonight? Last chance for a

    dance!Robin: Not sure well feel like dancing with the threat of

    bulldozers at dawn.

    Peter: Its probably dangerous to be here at night.

    Merwood: Its dangerous to be here now: forests eat humans.

    Peter: Dont try to creep me out. Ive seen every thriller

    flick ever made.

    Merwood: Do you like being scared, Peter, not being in


    Peter: Weirdness. I wonder if Wendy is ever coming out. [He

    goes over to the foxhole.]

    Merwood: Mystery resides in wild places.Peter: I bet you have some wild parties out here.

    Merwood: Would you like to see the mystery of the forest

    stretch its arms out across the fields, stream out into the

    towns creating bowers in back yards everywhere, all at


    Peter: Kind of getting into your zone, arent you? [Calling

    down the foxhole.] Yo, Wendy.


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    Merwood: Let yourself become enchanted by this place. Have

    you ever tried to imagine yourself being a squirrel?

    Scurrying around looking for nuts? Falling in love with a

    lovely girl squirrel?

    Peter: Theres a wizard up here trying to turn me into a


    Robin: Youve given me an idea, Peter, we could invite

    everyone here tonight for music. The more the merrier.

    Peter: Can I wear tights? Could everyone wear tights?

    Robin: You could ask.

    Peter: Light might be a problem. Maybe we should have the

    party at a hotel or a mansion.

    Robin: Im sworn to stay off of black roads.

    Peter: You never drive on a road? Thats insane and

    impossible. How do you survive?

    Robin: By my wits!

    Moth: [From the tree. Shes been listening.] It will be

    bright in the forest tonight. The moon is fully faced!Merwood: Moth, this is our new companion, Peter. [Peter

    does a spit take.]

    Moth: [Lowers herself by her silks.] Oh! Are you staying

    with us?

    Peter: Youre real. I thought you were a fantasy.

    Moth: [Giggles.] I am fantastical. Want to come up for tea

    in my tree house?

    Peter: I cant fly like you.

    Robin: Theres a way up.

    Peter: Oh, there is. Well, hmmm. Weird wizard or fantasy

    faerie? Easy. [He climbs.]Robin: Can I hand you up your cup?

    Peter: Way awesome! I love tree houses.

    Moth: Youre cute, Peter.

    Peter: Is your name Moth?

    Moth: Sometimes. I can fly like one.

    Peter: Fly for me. I wish I had my camera. This is a great

    set up. [Forms hands like a view finder watching Moth.]

    Merwood: I must contemplate young Peters idea. It has

    sparked something in my mind.

    Interlude 3 Moths Aerial Dance.

    [Merwood exits into tree during Interlude. Video game-likeimages of Peters imagined film of he and Moth may appear

    on the screens. Peter-as-Link chooses between the weird

    wizard and the fantastic faerie and climbs ladder up into

    tree. Then they swing like Donkey-Kong. Music mimics gamer

    sounds, gamer/tribal fusion. The Forest Players swing

    through playing Donkey-Kong. (The actors playing Wendy and

    Foxfire could costume change and play in here, if desired.)


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    Peter is viewer, but Moth gets him to try a little

    swinging. They fall back into the tree house. Owl: Whoo-

    whoo. Forest Players swing off. Marian walks on to this


    Scene 7 Robin and Marian meet.

    Marian: Oh, hello. I was looking for someone. I heard your

    music. Im Marian.

    Robin: You would have to be. I am Robin.

    Marian: What? Oh, really?

    Robin: This is as real as I get.

    Marian: Youre here for the protest? I saw someone in town

    dressed as Friar Tuck.

    Robin: I walk the Greenwood as far as it stretches. I am

    sworn not to cross black roads.

    Marian: How interesting. Im supposed to meet a reporter

    here. I told her to follow the survey markers, and [There

    is a pile of survey markers by the foxhole.] And, here theyare in a pile!

    Robin: Someone was looking for you.

    Marian: Im supposed to meet Wendy the WatchCat here. Im


    Robin: Have some water. [He gives her water in a wooden

    carved bowl.]

    Marian: Oh, there are honey suckles in it!

    Robin: For sweetness.

    Marian: Um-hum. [She drinks and looks at him. He smiles.

    She smiles.]

    Robin: Thank you for protecting the forest.Marian: If only I could. They want to build a trash

    incinerator where the endangered ground nesting birds live.

    They have permits to mine coal from underneath it. And now

    this road project! I invited World Wide WatchCat here

    thinking Wendy could help, but that seems to have freaked

    out the construction company, and now theyre going to

    start tearing down trees in the morning.

    Robin: Its never going to happen.

    Marian: What?

    Robin: It isnt happening.

    Marian: Oh, I wish that were true.Robin: It is. It is true in this moment.

    Marian: Thats a strange way to think. You look like Robin


    Robin: You look like Marian, Marian.

    Marian: Robin and Marian, its kind of funny.

    Robin: Or its kind of destiny.

    Marian: Ha! Im a little out of breath.


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    Robin: Sit here. Weve met before.

    Marian: I think I would have remembered meeting you.

    Robin: Is the tourist bureau in favor of the road?

    Marian: Its such a tragedy. I wanted them to make trails

    for tourists and somehow it became a road.

    Robin: The road was your idea?

    Marian: No, well, everything got so twisted around. You

    see, tourists love hiking and biking trails, and they are

    usually so respectful of the forest. I tried to show the

    town how the forest could be an asset.

    Robin: An asset? The forest is the forest.

    Marian: Well, yes, it is, but you have to understand how

    people think.

    Robin: How is that?

    Marian: They think about profit. Its the only way to talk

    them into doing anything.

    Robin: Is it?

    Marian: Its not how I want it to be. Its the way it is.Robin: How do you want it to be, Marian?

    Marian: Well . . .I want the town to care about this forest

    and care for its waterways. I want to turn the cement

    viaducts back into streams and plant more trees and wild


    Robin: You can see the town like that?

    Marian: It seems so ridiculous to chop up a hillside and

    stick an ugly box building on it. Most humans brains are


    Robin: And yet, some humans are quite beautiful.

    Marian: Oh, you mean me?Robin: Youre blushing.

    Marian: Am I?

    Robin: There is something humans want more than money.

    Marian: What is that?

    Robin: I believe you have already guessed.

    Marian: Yes.

    Marian and Robin: Love.

    Scene 8 Wendy meets Robin and Marian.

    [Enter Wendy from foxhole.]

    Wendy: Rreeroww! I am a road warrior! [Makes sound of firesizzle to Foxfire who is still down the foxhole]

    TTTSSStttt! [To Robin and Marian.] Oh, hello. Youre

    Foxfires friends?

    Marian: Wendy? Wendy the WatchCat?

    Wendy: [Dusting her hands]. Thats me! Rreeroww!

    Marian: Oh, it is you! Im such a fan. You look different

    in person.


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    Wendy: Different how?

    Marian: Well, different, better, I guess.

    Wendy: You must be Marian Saint from the tourist bureau.

    Could I have some water?

    Robin: Ill run to the spring. [Quick exit past bivouac.]

    Wendy: Oh, if its any trouble... This morning has been

    full of surprises.

    Marian: Yes, for me too.

    Wendy: I think I might actually be in a mutual attraction


    Marian: Oh, is he attracted to you? [Thinking she means


    Wendy: Seems so! And I like his looks, Reeooow!

    Marian: Love takes more than looks.

    Wendy: Love? Were we talking about love? I said attraction.

    Marian: How are they different?

    Wendy: Well, attraction can lead to love, but love leading

    to attraction is the long way around. Ive never waitedthat long. Im all around the world all the time.

    Marian: Oh, youre fast.

    Wendy: Are you insulting me, Marian?

    Marian: No, well, Im, I might have. Im sorry. Im upset

    about them moving up the date. [Robin returns during this


    Robin: Fresh water from the spring. [He pours as Wendy

    holds her cup and looks up and down at him.]

    Wendy: Thanks. Nice tights. Marian, its good you asked us

    to come. It seems impossible, now. But we can turn this. We

    need a mind bomb to get everyone to see the big picturehere, and we need it fast!

    Robin: A mind bomb?

    Wendy: A mind bomb is a meme. Like an image people cant

    get out of their heads that tells the whole story.

    Something simple and powerful. With them starting in the

    morning, we probably need more than that: something that

    will influence the counsel or leverage the construction


    Marian: Ive heard rumors that Kingson Construction bribed

    the counsel.

    Wendy: What does the rumor mill have to say?Marian: Kingsons been wining and dining the counsel. Hes

    well heeled. Its his wifes money.

    Wendy: Whats the wifes name?

    Marian: Guinevere Kingson. She travels the world performing


    Wendy: Musician?

    Marian: Singer. Ive met her. She made a generous donation


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    to the Million Trees Project.

    Wendy: Kids planting trees. Sweet.

    Marian: The children are upset about this road.

    Robin: Could someone bring Guinevere Kingson here?

    Wendy: Fantastic idea, but how could we persuade her to


    Marian: Invite her, Wendy. Youre world famous. I think she

    would trust you.

    Wendy: Web-famous, not world-famous, theres a difference.

    Marian: Maybe we could persuade her to pull her money out

    of the project.

    Wendy: Its worth a try. And we will plan for the protest

    as well. Time to get to it.

    Marian: You are fast.

    Wendy: Rrrreeeooow! Peter? Wheres Peter. Im sorry we

    didnt properly meet, but have you seen my cameraperson?

    Robin: Im Robin.

    Wendy: Robin? Robin of Sherwood Forest?Robin: Your friend is up a tree.

    Wendy: Peter does not climb trees.

    Peter: [Leaning out of the tree. Moth is hiding.] Oh, did

    you crawl out?

    Wendy: Wow! You are up a tree! Im coming up. [She climbs]

    I need you to search for Guinevere Kingsons house and

    number. And come with me to get her.

    Peter: Im never coming with you anywhere ever again.

    Wendy: Stop playing. Lets go. [She descends.]

    Robin: Steer clear of the evil Sheriff.

    Marian: The Sheriff isnt evil. Hes a friend of mine. Heused to be a forest warden here.

    Peter: Were coming right back, right?

    Wendy: Our mission is to bring the lady to the forest.

    [Peter climbs down.] This forest is a mind bomb. Were

    part of its bio soul because were in it.

    Peter: [As they exit] I believe in faeries, now!

    Wendy: Whats got into you?

    Peter: The wizard says Im changing.

    Wendy: What wizard?

    Peter: The wizard. Merwood.

    Wendy: [Puts her hand on his forehead.] Your heads cool.Peter: Thanks, Mom.

    Wendy: Rrraarer! [Exit.]

    Marian: And I thought I was weird.

    Robin: The evil Sheriff is friend of yours, eh?

    Marian: Youre so dramatic.

    Robin: I have flare. May I demonstrate? [He twirls her into

    his arms.]


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    Marian: Robin!

    Foxfire: [Popping up out of his hole.] Wheres Wendy the

    wildcat? Oh, hi, beautiful lady.

    Robin: She went that way.

    Foxfire: I am Foxfire.

    Marian: Marian.

    Foxfire: Charming.

    Robin: Hey, Foxfire, if you want, check out the

    construction site on your way back, but stay out of sight

    of the evil sheriff.

    Marian: Hes not evil.

    Foxfire: Wendy, wait up!

    Robin: Moth! Shall we be having a tea party for the lady


    Moth: [Appearing.] I have some flower garlands Ive been

    making. Ill decorate. [Coming down.] Is this the lady?

    Robin: This is Marian.

    Moth: Marian. Is that your real name or did you make it upto go with Robin?

    Marian: My parents made it up for me.

    Moth: How nice for you. [Moth eyes Marian.]

    Robin: [Knocks on Merwoods door] Merwood?

    Moth: Wanna come with me to gather herbs for the tea party?

    Merwood: [Entering.] Whats that, Moth, my dear?

    Moth: Were having a tea party with Lady Guinevere.

    Merwood: Lady Guinevere! I must have slept backwards again.

    Is this Guinevere? Pleased, to meet you, I am called

    Merwood these days.

    Marian: Im called Marian.Merwood: You call yourself Marian, now, do you?

    Moth: Merwood, come with me. You can wake up while were

    walking. [They exit.]

    Marian: I feel Ive fallen among mad people and the tea

    party has yet to begin.

    Robin: I have to clear my head. Would you walk with me to

    the Everlasting Wells?

    Marian: The little crystal caves? I fell asleep there once

    and had an amazing dream.

    Robin: Tell me as we walk.

    Marian: Do we have time before the tea party?Robin: Time moves differently at the Wells. We could stay a

    year at the Wells and return in the same hour.

    Marian: Will you ever leave here?

    Robin: If I did, I would miss myself.

    Marian: I wonder how it feels to live without crossing a


    Robin: It feels like time goes on forever. Time is slow


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    enough for me to feel the forest changing, feel myself


    Marian: My town would miss me, if I left.

    Robin: If you came to live wild in the woods?

    Marian: [She laughs.] What a thought!

    Robin: If the road rips through here tomorrow, Ill choose

    to live near the river. Ill be cut off from the Wells.

    Marian: This could be your last chance to visit the Wells?

    Robin: [Offers his arm.] My first chance to be there with


    Marian: [Laughs] What will that be like?

    Robin: Ecstasy?

    Marian: How can we stop the road, Robin?

    Robin: By clearing the idea of it from our minds. You were

    going to tell me your dream.

    Interlude 4 The Everlasting Wells. Setting for tea.

    [As they exit. Music under. Moth is hanging garlands.Forest creatures assist in adding vine and flower garlands

    to the glade. Merwood arranges the table like hes creating

    magic. Marians voice can echo through the forest on a pre-

    recorded track. She and Robin can exit through the audience

    and be out of sight by the end of this. Images of Marians

    dream (based on D. H. Lawrences dream of Future

    Primitivism that he had in Sherwood at the Everlasting

    Wells) may appear the screens. Forest Players may act out

    the dream.]

    Marian: I had fallen asleep at the Everlasting Wells on abank of violets. In my dream, I opened my eyes. The forest

    around me had changed. The trees were magnificent, ancient.

    I had the feeling I had traveled back in time. I wandered

    into town. Everything looked so, was so, natural. A little

    village made out of earth and wood nestled at the edge of

    the forest. The people I met there were happy and friendly.

    They seemed too advanced for me to believe I was in the

    past. I asked an old man what year it was. He told me I was

    in the future. [Echo: the future, the future.]

    [Animal Band plays. A short break can be given to theaudience especially if they can be served tea! Consider

    giving them flowers. Merwood practices some enchantments on

    the space. The table is a section of a tree set on stumps.

    Moth and Merwood sit at the table that is spread with fresh

    berries, edible flowers, leaves, cheeses, honey and wine.

    The cups are hand hewn. Plates are leaves. Moth has flowers

    in her hair and places a lay of flowers around Merwoods


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    hat. She gives similar presents to the other guests as they

    arrive. In some productions, the audience is also served

    tea. It can be available to the participating audience.]

    Scene 9 The Tea Party

    [Afternoon. Music soft under and in and out through out the

    tea party (same theme as the ending song).

    Moth: I love tea parties.

    Merwood: [Music continues.] Come Spirit of the Forest.

    Infuse our hearts. Love and life be all. Forest hear my


    Moth: And to think I used to be attracted to street lamps.

    Merwood: And other attractions of the city. You were a bit

    tattered when we met.

    Moth: Sticks under the bridge.

    Merwood: This is a table is fit for the Spirit of the

    Forest himself. [Both giggle.] Shall we try the tea? [Both

    giggle. They drink.]Moth: I feel so happy.

    Merwood: If our hearts can be glad on such a day as this,

    there is enough magic left to restore the hoop of the world!

    Moth: To the cycles of wind and water, earth and forest!

    Merwood: I feel on the brink of my lifes dream coming true.

    Moth: Tell me your dream again, Merwood.

    Merwood: The humans awake like morning glories.

    Moth: I see it! [Forest Creatures can help create this

    dream. Screen art can also enhance the Wizards dream.]

    Merwood: Every stream and river in the world has forest

    leaping along beside it!Moth: Forest running with River. Its strange you think

    that now when the hour grows so dark.

    Merwood: I save my brightest thoughts for my darkest days.

    Moth: Heres to growing young again!

    Merwood: To growing into being young!

    Foxfire: [Owl hoots. Rushing in with the gearshift to a

    bulldozer.] Afternoon, all! [He lands by Moth] The

    machinery is accessible, and it looks like theyre ready to

    start bulldozing.

    Moth: Foxfire! What did you do?

    Foxfire: One down. [Tosses the gear shift onto the table.]Merwood: Foxfire, I want you to control yourself. There are

    a lot of people working to stop this road. Do as you are


    Foxfire: Ill wait at least six or seven hours, till the

    moon is high and bright.

    Moth: Robins not going to like this. Youre such a hot



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    Foxfire: Ill admit to being hot.

    Moth: Like a match!

    Foxfire: Strike me!

    Merwood: Foxfire the amulet will only work if you dont

    make your own trouble.

    Foxfire: What trouble?

    Merwood: A gearshift from a bulldozer is trouble.

    Foxfire: Youre right. I couldnt find that Wendy girl and

    I got bored. Theyre planning to start bulldozing at dawn!

    Moth: Will I lose you and my forest? [Moth gives him a

    flower for the pocket of the old tuxedo jacket he wears.]

    Foxfire: Classy. You look ravishing, faerie.

    Moth: But youll not ravish me, Fox.

    Foxfire: One kiss, then, for luck?

    Moth: You are so bad. I only give kisses for love! [Kisses


    [Owl hoots, again. Enter Wendy, Peter and Guinevere.]

    Peter: We bring you the Lady Guinevere.Wendy: She came! Isnt she awesome? Running off to the

    forest with us?

    Guinevere: I love the forest. What an unexpected party!

    Merwood: Please, join us Lady Guinevere. I am Merwood. [He

    pulls a seat out for her made of a beautifully carved tree

    stump. She pats the Greenwood Tree before she sits down.]

    Guinevere: I remember this tree! The Greenwood Tree. I used

    to walk here quite often when I was young.

    Merwood: That must have been yesterday. You are still young.

    Foxfire: And beautiful!

    Guinevere: Such nice complements. And what are you called?Foxfire: I am Foxfire.

    Guinevere: Foxfire! Thats faerie light, isnt it? And

    heres a faerie, if I ever saw one.

    Moth: Im Moth. May I? [She gives Guinevere a flower

    garland for her hair.]

    Guinevere: Sweet, but I know youve brought me here to see

    if I can stop my husband from building the road.

    Wendy: It is a miserable idea.

    Guinevere: I agree. Perhaps, if I had not been away

    traveling and could have found out sooner, I might have

    dissuaded him. But now he has the approval of the counsel,and I really never get involved in his business.

    Wendy: He runs the business with your money?

    Guinevere: Yes, but weve been separated for years. I

    rarely have to see him.

    Foxfire: You must get lonely.

    Peter: Subtle.

    Wendy: Ive heard that Kingson Construction bribed the


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    Guinevere: That would be criminal. My husband may be

    unpleasant, but he is not a criminal.

    Foxfire: A scoundrel, perhaps?

    Moth: Like you?

    Foxfire: Unfair.

    Peter: Youre upsetting her, and weve not even had any tea.

    Moth: Ill pour.

    Wendy: Were not accusing you. We seek your help.

    Moth: Please, help us, Guinevere.

    Peter: Oh, I almost forgot. I brought some half-n-half.

    Its in a biodegradable box, Fox, so dont bite my ass.

    Foxfire: But youre putting it right in my face. [Peter

    moves away from Foxfire and offers cream to all the


    Guinevere: Thank you, Peter. Arent you clever to have

    remembered to bring cream!

    Moth: Peter, youre so cute! Heres your faerie crown!Wendy: I need some cream, Peter.

    Peter: None for you.

    Wendy: Ive had about all I can take from you Peter Wiseass.

    Peter: Temper, temper.

    Foxfire: Raaerr! [Intimidating Peter into giving up the


    Peter: Hey!

    Foxfire: Here Wendy Watchcat. Ill give you some cream. [He

    sits with her.]

    Guinevere: What a lively bunch you are. How did you meet?

    Merwood: That is too long and too short a story. Tell usmore about yourself.

    Guinevere: Oh, well, I live in a mansion near the river. It

    is a very large mansion, and I live there all alone.

    Foxfire: All alone.

    Guinevere: So, I travel whenever I can. Ive been most


    Wendy: Me too, everywhere, always traveling.

    Peter: Always, everywhere.

    Guinevere: I have a lovely, forested garden that runs all

    the way down to the river. So, even though its in the

    heart of town, it feels like the forest.Moth: Its on the river? With a vast garden? And it looks

    like an old castle?

    Guinevere: Mmmm-Hmmm. This tea is lovely.

    Moth: Ive been there! In your garden. Foxfire, you

    remember? We were there at new moon. Me and Foxfire and

    Robin like to run as far as we can along the river into



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    Foxfire: As far as we can without crossing a black road.

    Moth: Robin cant cross black roads, you know.

    Guinevere: Robin? Why?

    Moth: Theyll steal his soul.

    Foxfire: Hell turn to cinders.

    Merwood: I think its more of a personal choice. Do you

    like books, Lady Guinevere?

    Peter: Do you ask everyone if they like books?

    Wendy: This is the wizard, and this is the faerie.

    Peter: Way to catch up, Wendy. You really are as clever as

    your viewers think you are.

    Wendy: Why is it, Peter, that even when you complement

    someone it sounds like an insult?

    Guinevere: I do like books. Perhaps you would like to

    peruse my library. I have some really old books. Some of

    them are originals and very rare.

    Merwood: Visiting you would be a pleasure. But, I gave up

    books long ago! My knowledge is harvested from the worldaround me and the intuition granted me by the multi-verse


    Guinevere: Well, thats different.

    Peter: Isnt it?

    Merwood: Mind as solid as an oak. [Owl calls.]

    Foxfire: Let me guess. Someone is coming. Lets open this


    Moth: This is a tea party. [She grabs it from him and he

    snatches it back as she looks up to see Robin and Marian

    enter dreamily. Moth doesnt need to give them flowers

    because they are wearing theirs already. They put flowerson the table.]

    Foxfire: And the lovely goddess Marian returns. [Pops the


    Guinevere: I remember you.

    Marian: Hmmm?

    Guinevere: Weve met.

    Marian: Oh, yes, Im Marian Saint. You donated to the

    Million Trees Project.

    Guinevere: Yes, I remember now.

    Marian: Robin, this is Guinevere Kingson.

    Guinevere: Pleasure to meet you, Robin, Hood is it?Robin: That would make me a legend.

    Guinevere: A living legend?

    Marian: We had such a wonderful afternoon at the

    Everlasting Wells. It seemed to last forever.

    Robin: It will. I asked to meet you. I hope you can help us

    stop this road.

    Moth: Robin, where Guinevere lives, you can walk to her


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    house without crossing black roads.

    Robin: Hmmm? [Hes distractedly looking into Marians


    Foxfire: Her garden . . . oh, whatever!

    Wendy: Are you upset?

    Foxfire: Yes, yes, Im furious. Lets all act polite while

    they tear the heart out of this forest!

    Robin: [Notices gearshift.] Foxfire?

    Foxfire: Robin.

    Guinevere: What is that?

    Marian: Looks like a gearshift.

    Robin: I said check out the site.

    Foxfire: And I did.

    Robin: You gave me your word youd stay with the plan.

    Foxfire: What plan? There is no plan. I do what I want.

    Robin: Even if it ruins our chances for negotiation?

    Foxfire: Its happening in the morning. When the sun comes

    up, Robin. I had to do something!Robin: Youre drinking.

    Foxfire: Might be my last chance, mate.

    Robin: Give me that. [Foxfire hesitates, gives in. Robin

    takes the mead and drinks.]

    Guinevere: Could that have been from one of

    Wendy: [Cutting her off.] We need a mind bomb. Something

    that would get everyones attention and help them

    understand whats being threatened here.

    Foxfire: They dont care!

    Wendy: They would care, if they understood. Theyre

    distracted. We have to wake them up and unify them.Peter: One time we had a dance marathon! [Peter

    demonstrates with an excited gesture, awkward pause] but we

    only have a few hours...probably something else

    Guinevere: This is a place of legend.

    Peter: It makes me feel dreamy.

    Moth: And peaceful.

    Marian: Its such a lovely afternoon.

    Robin: Filled with lovely creatures.

    Wendy: Could we stick to the subject?

    Foxfire: If anyone can remember what the subject was. [He

    drinks more wine].Wendy: Is there something in the tea?

    Foxfire: Ask the wizard and the faerie, they made it.

    Merwood: The road is an idea in the imagination. [Owl

    hoots. Screens can help create the Wizards vision.] It is

    in the imagination of Guineveres husband and in the mind

    of the counsel. It is in the mind of the town and Wendy

    here has put it into the mind of many humans around the


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    world. It is also in the mind of everyone at this

    gathering. Let us begin to push it from our minds. Listen

    to those around us whose minds it has not entered.

    Marian: I hear birds. The road isnt in the minds of the

    ground nesting birds.

    Wendy: Or in the minds of the foxes.

    Foxfire: Or the rain.

    Wendy: Does the rain have a mind.

    Moth: The rain faeries have wet liquid minds.

    Peter: The idea isnt in the minds the people who havent

    been paying attention to whats going on.

    Robin: Or the mind of the forest.

    Marian: In my mind Im erasing all the ugly buildings and

    replacing them with earthen structures. Im breaking up the

    cement viaducts and replacing them with wildflower


    Robin: Only footpaths winding under shade of trees.

    Merwood: Listen! Listen to the pure thoughts of the flowersand leaves in your teacups.

    Moth: [Giggles.] Mine are whispering to me. Life is sweet

    and beautiful!

    Robin: We can forget about the road as long as everyone

    else does!

    Guinevere: This is the strangest tea party Ive ever been

    to. [Everyone is listening and finding each others eyes

    around the table. They begin to connect and flirt with each


    Moth: Free your mind. Open your heart. [Tapping her spoon

    on her tea cup as the Animal Band matches her mood.] Bringit up! [The Animal Band begins to play louder. The

    characters make rhythmic sounds around the table still

    looking at each other.] Give me more! [The music is now

    Gypsy punk (Gogol Bordellos sound but also Gaelic).] Dance

    it out! [They break out dancing with one another and the

    participating audience, spinning and climbing on their

    stumps and chairs pounding the rhythm. Guinevere dances

    with Peter and Merwood. Moth climbs and flies from her

    silks. Foxfire is dancing with Wendy. Wendy is dancing

    closest to Moth. Marian and Robin are dancing in the glade.

    The band can sing here.]ALL: The Earth, the Wind, the Fire, the Water, Return,

    return, return! (Repeat.)

    Moth: Wait! Stop! I see Wendys mind bomb! [She is

    looking down on Wendys head. Music stops and then

    underscores the following.]

    Wendy: What do you see?

    Moth: I see all the protestors dressed like animals,


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    Wendy: Yes, yes, a forest animal parade around the


    Foxfire: While the bulldozers are exploding into flames!

    Guinevere: That sounds dangerous and destructive. What a

    hothead you are, Foxfire!

    Marian: Wait. The bulldozers. The bulldozers are draped in

    flower garlands and leaves and nests of ground birds.

    Robin: The animals encircle the bulldozers carrying the

    branches of trees.

    Guinevere: Ooh! Like Birnam Wood be come to Dunsinane.

    Peter: Its epic!

    Merwood: It rushes back in like the tide.

    Wendy: Well send pictures around the world.

    Robin: We can gather everyone here tonight and march out of

    the forest at dawn!

    Marian: We can stop the road, Robin, we can!

    Foxfire: Well encamp around the bulldozers until treesgrow through the machinery! [Image of Mind Bomb can

    appear on screens.]

    Guinevere: [Music is coming back up. Dancing with Foxfire.]

    Are you always so intense?

    [Forest Players and cast dance with audience. Owl cries

    three times. Music up and everyone celebrates. Lance


    Lance: Stop it. Stop the music. Cut it out! Hey! Im the

    big man in the forest. I said, No! [As they notice him

    they stop dancing, the music winds down, (Whaa, Whaa,

    whaaa.) some hide. We can see Wendy holding Foxfire backfrom getting involved, but Lance cannot. Peter and Moth are

    hiding together.]

    Guinevere: Sheriff! Isnt this exciting? Were going to

    stop the road!

    Lance: Mrs. Kingson? What are you doing here? Marian, is

    that you?

    Marian: Hello, Lance.

    Lance: Marian, what youre up to?

    Marian: Enjoying myself for the first time in a long time.

    [She tries to move past him, but he catches her arm.]

    Robin: Unhand her, Sheriff!Lance: You need to stay out of this.

    Robin: Are you sure the evil Sherriff is a friend of yours,


    Marian: Im leaving. Let go of my arm, Lance! [She gets him

    to drop her arm.] Im sorry everyone. Keep your plans.

    Lance: What plans? What are you planning? Ill find out and

    stop you. This road is going through! [He picks up the


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    gearshift off of the table.] Someone is going to jail.

    Guinevere: Sheriff. That is my property.

    Lance: I believe your husband would want me to hold on to


    Guinevere: Are you a knight in his service?

    Lance: No mlady. Now, who took this?

    Everyone: [Even those hiding so that the forest seems to

    echo the response] I did!

    Lance: Think youre clever, do you? I suppose Ill be

    arresting you all, then.

    Marian: Why dont you arrest the whole of the forest? every

    tree and creature? every flower and leaf? Put them all in

    jail for being alive. [Marian moves to leave.]

    Robin: Marian! Dont leave.

    Lance: Marian. [Double take.] Why are you with these


    Marian: You were right, Robin. He is the evil Sheriff.

    Lance: Et tu, Marian? [Moves to block her exit.]Marian: Are you arresting me?

    Lance: Im not arresting you, Marian, but you need to stay

    out of this. Youll lose your position.

    Marian: Id rather lose my position than lose my forest.

    [She pushes past him and exits. Guinevere puts her hand on

    Robins chest to keep him from trying to stop her.]

    Guinevere: Careful. Shell return.

    Lance: Clear out, or Ill run you out. Mrs. Kingson, Ill

    see you back home.

    Guinevere: Such a generous offer when you must be terribly

    busy arresting rabbits.Lance: [Holding up the gearshift like a staff.] I have

    sworn an oath to protect the town of Nottingham. When I

    return, Ill bring my riot cuffs. My advice? Be gone. [Exit

    same way Marian went.]

    Merwood: That was exciting.

    Guinevere: My heart is pounding.

    Robin: I should have fought him.

    Merwood: The moment seemed ripe.

    Foxfire: [To Wendy.] Let go.

    Wendy: Im trying to protect you.

    Foxfire: I dont need it.Robin: I must prepare to face him.

    Guinevere: Robin, will you walk me home? We wont have to

    cross any black roads. [Robin is focused and seems not to


    Merwood: I will walk with you.

    Guinevere: I wouldnt want to put you to too much trouble.

    Merwood: No trouble. I need to stretch my limbs.


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    Guinevere: Well, alright then, wizard. [They exit.]

    Robin: I am master of my own fate. [He stands bangarang

    style and then drops his head. He looks up again.]

    Guinevere! Merwood! Im coming with you! [Exit.]

    Interlude 5 Walking to Guineveres.

    [Music. Audience exit to Intermission. (Note: It would be

    awesome to get the rights to Fight Test by the Flaming

    Lips and play it here for the audiences exit.)]

    Intermission. [10 minutes.]

    Act II

    Scene 1 Wendy and Foxfire greet the cyber audience.[Night is falling. Calling the audience back from

    Intermission. Costumes and props for the audience should be

    available in the lobby. Wendy is talking with the Animal

    Band. Foxfire is filming her. Its getting near dark. The

    Forest Creatures, Moth, and Peter can fly behind them

    during this introduction.]

    Wendy: Hi! Its Wendy your World Wide WatchCat again: click


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    the Action button on your screen to request they stop the

    black road through Sherwood Forest. If you are coming to

    the Celebration in the Forest tonight, costume yourself as

    forest creatures, make flower garlands, and collect tree

    branches. Well start the entertainment at dark thirty. The

    way is marked. We leave the forest before dawn to meet at

    the Kingson Mansion and then parade to the construction

    site. We will bury the bulldozers in nature! Cover the

    construction site with flower garlands and tree branches.

    This is a non-violent protest. Bring bandanas in case they

    use tear gas. Tonight, we celebrate the forest! Foxfire?

    Foxfire: What?

    Wendy: Did you get that?

    Foxfire: You look much better live.

    Wendy: Give me the camera. Let me interview you.

    Foxfire: With my mask down. [She adjusts his mask and toys

    with his amulet. He bites at her.]

    Wendy: Rrreeoow! This is Foxfire, an activist who has beenfighting the road project. How long have you been here

    protecting the forest?

    Foxfire: Forever.

    Wendy: Do you expect there to be trouble tonight?

    Foxfire: Well, the more of us there are, the less likely

    well get trapped by the Sheriff.

    Wendy: And if the Sheriff traps you?

    Foxfire: Ill gnaw my leg off.

    Wendy: Okay Come help Foxfire stay out of trouble tonight.

    Foxfire: It might get fierce. Give me that. [Cuts it off.]

    Are you ever free?Wendy: I am now. [Music up.]

    Foxfire: What is it with you and Peter Pan?

    Wendy: Weve been friends since college.

    Foxfire: So you are free?

    Wendy: To dance? [They dance.]

    Foxfire: You look like a blue bird in that dress.

    Interlude 6 Animal Band: Forest night with fire glow.

    [A song. A round of Following the Leader wherever he may

    go and Follow me to the Greenwood Tree. As characters play

    with the audience. Foxfire and Wendy dance. Robin plays inwith the band. They drink mead and sing like the merry men

    of old. Moth is teaching Peter to fly. Follow me to the

    Greenwood Tree, with the participating audience. After

    this, the Forest Players stay near to move about Robin

    while he meditates.]

    Scene 2 Robin and Merwood: Long Green Beard


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    Merwood: Come, a proper toast. By beech, by gum, by

    Greenwood Tree, the Forest Spirit is here with me.

    Robin: To the forest! May it grow a long green beard,

    longer than yours, wizard.

    Foxfire: If this night be our last, we will spend it in

    each others arms! [He embraces Wendy.]

    Wendy: What if it isnt...

    Foxfire: Isnt what?

    Wendy: Our last night?

    Foxfire: I live everyday as though it were my last.

    Wendy: Like an action drama. Why do I feel my heart is not

    appearing in this movie?

    Merwood: Come my dear. Perhaps you are moving too fast for

    your heart to catch up.

    Robin: Or Foxfire is.

    Merwood: Foxfire can you see past her pretty blue dress

    into her pretty blue heart.

    Wendy: Its always storming in there. [Foxfire is lookingat her heart intently].

    Robin: Bleeding hearts beat crimson red. Romance blends

    hearts into purples, love paints hearts the blue of halcyon


    Foxfire: Romance is rubbish.

    Robin: I think of it more as an art form. Like youre

    creating a beautiful painting with someone. . . .

    Wendy: With someone who scribbles all over it with black

    sharpie and then rips it in half.

    Foxfire: Does anyone have a marker? I want to draw a

    mustache on Wendy.Wendy: [Ignoring him] You wouldnt be able to fix things

    after that.

    Foxfire: Dont worry, if your heart gets ripped in two, I

    have duct tape in my den.

    Wendy: Youre absurd.

    Foxfire: Da da, da, da. [He dances her away from Merwood.

    He tries to get her to go down the foxhole during the


    Robin: I hope Guinevere gets through to her husband. I want

    to stay here forever.

    Merwood: Heroes choose for themselves.Robin: Im not a hero; Im an outlaw.

    Merwood: Sometimes the law is the outlaw.

    Robin: You dont feel it, till it comes to your door, and

    then its too late.

    Merwood: You still have tonight, Robin.

    Robin: One night to clear a better path.

    Peter: [From the tree.] What could be better than driving


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    straight down the black road to oblivion?

    Moth: [Eavesdropping.] Night flight to star consciousness?

    Merwood: This is the night to stand up and fight for what

    you want.

    Robin: How can I fight? I dont even know my enemies,

    except for that poster boy, Lance.

    Merwood: Find the clarity to carve out your destiny.

    Robin: Theres not enough time.

    Merwood: It may take longer than we have. Step out of time,

    find a way to stop playing their game and play yours.

    Robin: I wish to see the situation over time. [Climbs into

    the tree or the hanging silks, closes his eyes, sits in

    meditative pose].

    Merwood: Dive deep into your soul self. [Forest Players

    dance around Robin. Merwood makes signs around Robin.]

    Wendy: Peter, come down. I want you to help me guide the

    protestors here.

    Peter: I cant. Im flying east of the sun and west of themoon.

    Wendy: I thought it was second star to the right and

    straight on past morning.

    Peter: [Stands in the silks bangarang style and crows]


    Wendy: Excuse me, Moth, is it? Could you please drop him

    down here? We have work to do.

    Moth: Would you like to fly, Wendy, darling?

    Wendy: It looks fun.

    Moth: It takes a lot of strength and courage.

    Wendy: Should I try to fly, Peter?Peter: Grow wings if you want.

    Wendy: [Wendy starts to climb.] What if I fall?

    Foxfire: Ill catch you.

    Moth: [As she helps Wendy] Youre strong enough.

    Wendy: Whats it like living in a tree?

    Moth: Its simple.

    Robin: Simplicity is helpful to humans. [Robin smiles, but

    continues to meditate.]

    Wendy: You make it look so easy, Moth.

    Moth: I like illusion.

    Peter: [To Moth] Youre fantastical!Wendy: Here I go. Wheee! Im flying! [Music for flying.

    Robin is in the center of the dancers. He appears to be in

    a trance. Robin is given his Green Man mask.]

    Wendy: How fun! But, I really need to go now. Peter, will

    you come with?

    Peter: No, Im not coming with. Im never, never coming

    with ever again!


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    Wendy: You cant stay in this tree forever. The bulldozers

    are scheduled to plow it down in the morning.

    Moth: Shut up!

    Peter: Im through running all over the world with you.

    Wendy: You quit?

    Peter: Sue me. Its over.

    Wendy: Youre such a baby.

    Peter: Its over, Wendy. O.V.E.R!

    Wendy: You are the worst. Selfish, high-maintenance, wont last one day without a latte!

    Peter: Delusional, stressed out, polar bear hugger!

    Wendy: I cant do this by myself. Whats going on with you?

    Peter: Something in me switched off. I lost my uplink to

    our zapped out culture. I want to stay here. I want to live

    in Moths tree.

    Foxfire: Moth? Are you hearing this?

    Moth: How long will he stay? As long as day follows night

    and night follows day? Who can say?Foxfire: Oh, yuck. Youve got to be playing me. Hes a geek.

    Moth: Hes a faerie.

    Foxfire: I need some mead.

    Peter: Im doing what I want.

    Wendy: But what about what I want? The work we do is


    Peter: I want to live primitive. Ill still read your blog

    at the coffee shop, if you want.

    Wendy: Youre running away.

    Peter: Im taking your advice, Wendy WatchCat. Im going to

    live close to the earth and learn how to survive.Wendy: So, in a way, I win points?

    Peter: As many as you want. I wont be needing them any


    Wendy: I want down.

    Foxfire: Ive got you.

    Wendy: Peters quitting.

    Foxfire: Seems sort of useless, anyway.

    Peter: I resent that.

    Wendy: Oh! [Wendy drops into Foxfires arms.]

    Foxfire: Sweet.

    Wendy: Can I have some of your mead?Foxfire: We made this on mid summers eve. [She drinks.]

    Wendy: Whats the alcohol content?

    Foxfire: Magic after midnight.

    Moth: [She holds Peter] Youre eyes are sparkly.

    Foxfire: Moth? You fallen for this pretty boy?

    Moth: Starlight falls into my eyes, petals fall to the

    forest floor, my heart is as light as the moon tonight! I


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    havent fallen out of my tree, but it seems to me this boy

    has a quicksilver soul.

    Foxfire: Easy enough. If he bothers you, Ill crack his


    Moth: Horny Hedgehog.

    Foxfire: Fickle faerie.

    Moth: Pass it up, Foxfire! [Foxfire takes some mead and

    passes it to Moth.]

    Foxfire: Does this mean we wont be having little baby

    fireflies together?

    Moth: [Giggles] Faerie friends forever. [She takes some and

    passes it to Peter.]

    Peter: To living in the wild world! [Responding to the

    mead.] Eeeww.

    Wendy: Its dusky. Time to see if anyone is trying to find


    Foxfire: Im coming with.

    Robin: [Opening his eyes] Stay clear of the evil Sheriff,Foxfire. This could be our last night, and I want you here.

    Wendy: Ill keep him out of trouble. Ive gotten a lot of

    activists out of trouble.

    Foxfire: I bet you have. I could travel the world with you,


    Wendy: I might be able to arrange that. Do you have a

    passport? [He shakes his head, no] A drivers license?

    [no] Birth certificate? [no] Shot records? [no.]

    Robin: Dont do anything I wouldnt do.

    Foxfire: Ill do as I please.

    Robin: [Coming out of his musings for a moment.] Its notworth your freedom.

    Foxfire: It is.

    Robin: We cant do anything to upset the counsel. Foxfire

    you have to stay with me on this.

    Foxfire: [He clutches his amulet.] Come with me, then.

    Robin: I told Guinevere, Id meet her back here.

    Wendy: What are you two talking about?

    Foxfire: Some high jinx.

    Wendy: What are you up to?

    Foxfire: Coming with.

    Wendy: Goodbye, Peter. [Exit. Robin returns to hismeditative trance with the Forest Players. Merwood enters

    into his tree crevice.]

    Scene 3 Peters return to childhood.

    Peter: Ill be here.

    Moth: Are you staying or playing, Peter?

    Peter: Id like to try to live the way you do. Whatever


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    forest youre living in.

    Moth: Self-reliant?

    Peter: I dont want to live in the white out of a

    fluorescent box any more like a cyber-toy.

    Moth: The forests magic is changing you.

    Peter: What is it about climbing trees? I love it up here.

    Moth: Climbing trees makes you younger.

    Peter: I do feel like a kid again.

    Moth: Merwood calls it growing backwards, bringing the

    future you envision into the now.

    Peter: Have you always lived in the forest?

    Moth: I was a street rat. I left the city the day I dropped

    a leaf in a stream in this one park I used to hang out in.

    I ran to watch the leaf go under the bridge. On the other

    side my leaf was caught in an oily eddy of swirling trash.

    I climbed into the water and freed my leaf. It was crazy, I

    guess. I kept following it. I followed it out of the dirty

    city. At nightfall I saw forest up ahead. The water turnedclear as it ran through the greenwood. Ive stayed in

    forests ever since. I thought if the forest could heal the

    sad water, it could heal the sad me. [Moths story can be

    acted out by the Forest Creatures who are moving around

    Robin and/or appear on the screens.]

    Peter: Forest magic.

    Moth: You can live in child mind.

    Peter: I can be five all over again!

    Moth: You are every age youve ever been. Lets work on

    your costume for the entertainment.

    Peter: Moth! I need a faerie name.Moth: Peter Pan?

    Peter: Maybe.

    Moth: Play with me. [They remain in tree, but move back].

    Scene 4 Marians Update

    [Music: Forest Sounds. Robin and the Forest Players dance

    bringing the wisdom of the forest into the person of Robin.

    Owl: Whoo, whoo!]

    Marian: [Enters. Dressed for the celebration as a naiad,

    river spirit.] Robin?

    Robin: Marian! The forest feels strong tonight. Strongerthan it has felt in a thousand years.

    Marian: You feel like the forest.

    Robin: You feel like a winding stream.

    Marian: I like you wild.

    Robin: No interest in taming me.

    Marian: Maybe some untangling. [She touches his hair.]

    Robin: And you some tangling. [He messes up her hair.]


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    Come. Well choose a rendezvous.

    Marian: Where, Robin?

    Robin: The place where the forests rivulets twine down to

    make the river.

    Marian: [They have braided small braids in each others

    hair.] Its almost dark.

    Robin: Its not far.

    Marian: [She breathes in.] A trysting place? [She comes to

    a decision.] Robin, you cant hide in the forest forever.

    Robin: I like it here.

    Marian: You need to help convince the town. I need your


    Robin: This is my world, here, under shade of tree.

    Marian: How would it be, if everyone who loves the green

    world dropped out like you?

    Robin: Things would get better faster?

    Marian: Im serious.

    Robin: Marian. I tried. People follow . . . money. I followstreams.

    Marian: They can learn.

    Robin: They learn to destroy. I want to be part of

    creation. So I came to the heart of the forest.

    Marian: The town has a heart, too.

    Robin: When I came here, all my dreams had been destroyed

    by the collective madness.

    Marian: Dreams?

    Robin: I used to try to get people to band together, to

    share resources, make good choices, live simply.

    Marian: Like you do here?Robin: Yes, its a lot easier here.

    Marian: I believe we can evolve past the madness, Robin.

    You can help.

    Robin: Sure, in the future theyll all be primitive again,

    one way or the other. I would like to save this one forest

    for that time to come.

    Marian: There are many forests being threatened.

    Robin: Let Wendy fend for them. Ive chosen my ground.

    Marian: And Ive brought on its end.

    Robin: Not you, Kingson and the counsel.

    Marian: What can I do?Robin: Dance with me. Let it go for a moment.

    Marian: Someone has to fight for this forest.

    Robin: If this forest is to be saved, everyone has to

    protect it, even its enemies.

    [He pulls her into the dancing Forest Players. This is the

    dance of Forest and River. They dance away from the stage

    and, eventually, off.]


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    Moth: [Taps on the tree] Merwood, do you have swords for

    Robin and Foxfire? I think they should stage a fight for

    the Celebration.

    Merwood: Is there a sword sticking out of the stone?

    Moth: No. We threw that one back in the lake.

    Merwood: Theyre in here somewhere. [Sounds of things

    bashing around inside the tree.]

    Moth: Wizards! [Moth climbs up and finds the mead.]

    Merwood: I found the swords. [Coming out again.] Well put

    on a show that will catch the conscience of the counsel! Of

    course, it would help if we had a show, or could find each

    other long enough to at least talk about what were going

    to do. [Looks for Robin.] Robin? Where is everyone? Where

    did I see that fire powder? That should make for some

    magical entertainment. I need to scrape off some of my

    rustiness. Oh, and the mead. Where did that run off to,

    now? [He looks for the mead. Moth drops it to him on a

    tether. He reaches up for it absent-mindedly as if heexpected it to be floating there. Looks up at Moth.] Oh,

    there you go! [Taps bottle against his head.] Solid as an

    oak. [Exit into tree with mead. Owl: Whoo! Hoo! Moth hides


    Scene 5 Lance Comes to Run Off the EcoMystics

    Lance: [Entering.] Where did they go? How am I supposed to

    run them off, if they keep disappearing like this? [Walkie-

    Talkie crackles. Lance answers it.] Who is this? [Crackle]

    Mr. Kingson. [Crackle.] Im at the Ring Leaders camp, now,

    but no ones here. [Crackle.] The notice says dawn. Illmake sure the forest is clear before you start in the

    morning. [Crackle.] Then you should have put that in the

    notice. [Crackle.] No, I havent forgotten. Ill see that

    its done. [Hangs Up.] He thinks hes the bloody King of


    Scene 6 Guinevere about Kingson and Divorce

    Guinevere: [Enters.] Oh, hello, Lance. Where did everyone


    Lance: I ran them off. You shouldnt be here, Mrs. Kingson.

    Im asking everyone to leave the forest.Guinevere: Its Guinevere.

    Lance: Yes, shouldnt get involved in this.

    Guinevere: Why? Do you think its a good idea to run a

    black road through a green wood?

    Lance: Its not up to me.

    Guinevere: But, if it were

    Lance: I would protect this forest.


  • 7/31/2019 Rehearsal Text Robin of the Forest Production Book2012


    Guinevere: Then you should. Money is worthless in

    comparison with health and beauty.

    Lance: You have enough money to say that.

    Guinevere: What do you need of money, Lance?

    Lance: I need to provide for my wife.

    Guinevere: Youre married?

    Lance: My future wife.

    Guinevere: And she would be?

    Lance: Marian.

    Guinevere: From the tourist bureau? You two are getting


    Lance: Im trying to improve my position, first.

    Guinevere: You havent asked her.

    Lance: Im Sheriff now, a lot more pay than a Forest Warden.

    Guinevere: She is against the road.

    Lance: It was her idea. Or at least a bike path was until

    Kingson Construction got the contract.

    Guinevere: Its my money hes monkeying with. And Im donewith what hes doing with it. And Im done with him.

    Lance: Youre leaving him?

    Guinevere: Weve lived apart for years.

    Lance: Yes, I knew that.

    Guinevere: Im filing for divorce.

    Lance: Oh, I, well, uhm, am I supposed to say Im sorry or


    Guinevere: This is my first divorce.

    Lance: Im sorry.

    Guinevere: Try the other one.

    Lance: Congratulations!Guinevere: I feel numb.

    Lance: I could escort you to your mansion.

    Guinevere: I want to stay for the Celebration in the Forest.