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SHOOEN (Fi'S1 Deg-ee)


!<omyo Reiki Ko; PURPOSE!

• To promote a wider spread of RElt<I hands-on healinll art with an easier availability to everyone.

• To encouralle the use of Reiki hands-on healinll art in a family or at wor/< as an effective alternative and/or supplementary medicine.

As we believe that underlyinll the true happiness is the physical. mental. emotional and spiritualllood health;

• To improve the mind and bodY. and maintain optimal health by means of Reiki Ryoho practice.

• To live a healthy and peaceful daily lite beinll benefited from Reiki.

• To strive on. throUllh Reiki practice. to uplift humanity and spirituality as a Reiki practitioner so as to attain the ultimate Objective of Reiki Ryoho. i.e. "the abSOlute INNER PEACE" or "Anshin Ritsumei" in terms of Usui Sensei.

~hat is RE/K/ (!t~)~ Reiki is the Japanese term. rS J<rei) means somethinll mysterious,

miracUlous. and sacred., r ${( J < ki > means the atmosphere or

somethill!f unseen or the enerSIY of the universe The JaPCll1ese

words " S:A(reiki) "can be defined os 0 miraculous and sacred

enerSIY af the universe, which sustains all life. (Reiki is the oome,

used bY Usui Sensei. for the cosmic enerl1Y.)

j§eiki Ryoha ( Relki healinll methoc/) and the founder:1

USU/ Mikao Sensel (1865--1'126). the founder of Reiki Ryoha

(heolill!f method). attained enlil1htenment. and 0 healill!f ability os a •

lIocfsend wos beStoWed ~ him in 1'122 at the alle of 57 while he

wos fastill!f and meditotill!f on Mt. Kurama in Kyoto. the ancient capital city of Japan.

Reiki healill!f method is to channel the enerSIY of the universe and

an inspired heali!18' art of Usul sensei. NOT the outcome of his

researches. or discovery. or re-discovery.

[ In the Western COIntries. it's been incorrectly said that Reiki

heolill!f method was rediscovered by Usui sensel after researches in the Buddhist scriptures. I Usui sensei thaUl1ht that this wonderful lIift of healinll ability

should be shared with peoPle. not keepinll it to him and/or his

family. Thus. he opened UP "USui Reiki Ryoho GakkaP' at Aoyomo.

TokYo in 1'122. In 1'125 he moved out to Nakano. a SUbUrb of TOkyo, so os to

expand his heolimr activities. Due to his nation-wide fame. he was very often invited to teach Relki classes and do Reikl treatments

from locol districts here and there like Hiroshima area, Salla.

Kyushu. On March '1". 1'126. he passed awCiY on the rOCid(whife

travelill!f) at Fukuvomo in HiroshimCi Prefecture. Usui sensei's

IIravesite and his memorial stone are located at Saihajl Buddhist

temple in TOkyo.

[ In the West. Usui sensei is Said to be a Christian minister and

president of Christian based Ooshisha University in Kyoto.

This is utterly distorted stOry. He was from bellinninll to end 0

lay Buddhist. I


,*EIKI has I/one OVERSEA~

HAYASHI Chujiro(# lM~.)sensei(I87q-Iq40).

a captain of the then Imperial Navy of Japan. was initiated into Shinpiden(Reiki Teacher Del/ree) in Iq25 after havinl/ retired from

the Navy. and opened his Reiki clinic at Shinano-cho. Tokyo.

Mrs. Hawayo TAKATA (lQOo-Iq80). a Japanese American born in

Hawaii. was dial/nosed with a desperate illness. She made a trip to Japan and was treated wi'th Reiki by Hayashi sensei. She

recovered completelv in a year. And then she worked for Hayashi sensei as a Reiki stUdent for abOut one year before returninl/ to


Havashi sensei visited Mrs. Takata in Hawaii in IQ38 and initiated her into Shinpiden (Reiki Shihan or Teacher). Mrs. Takata set UP her Reiki clinic in Hawaii. In her later life. she made 22 Reiki Teachers (so-called Reiki Master in the West). Thanks to their

devotion Reiki hands-on healinSl methad has become widespread in the West.

Ms. Phyllis Furumoto. a I/randdaUllhter of Mrs. Takata. and some of

the oril/inal Reiki Masters toIIether head UP the Reiki Alliance. one of major Reiki orl/anizations.

I§EIKI has returned hom~

In IQ84. Reiki healinSl meth<Id come back to Japan. the birthplace of

Reiki. And now in Japan. many Westernized Reiki modalities are

beinl/ propal/ated and I/ettinl/ popular. while the traditional Reiki such as [Usui Reiki Ryoho] practiced in the Gakkai foUnded by Usui

sensei has successivelY been in existence.

Komyo Reiki /(Qj

2 ;I: !Ill (,,1' =l' * •• tc .... ,:-.,. .. f!:.o .. _

· I .


+ El tc H- /;I; (1<YO OAnWA) Today only

" ... ~ ~-5 ~~- (I1<ARUIIA) Do not ansrer

,\;;i: ii~ -t"~~ (SHIIIPAI SUIIA) Do not worry

.. -ut L -r (KAIISRA SRITE) With thank-fulness

!I".& .,

11\~ Ij; If a.? (GYO wo HAGatE) Work dilisrently

AI:::a -f;~ I::: (RITO HI SRIHnTSU Ill) Be kind to


Ik.." 1-.( "" .... r ~-a- J 1<0"),,0 "elkl Kol [MOTTOII

-+- a.? l; tI---r to , Jl{ ~ tI-- '"( to, ..if- 1& ~9r a.? , 9r a.? •

Go placidly in "the midst o'f

praise or blame.



B# ••• a tOMI : alto." (1865 - '921' USUI MIbo . FounIkr of Utui R*IQ ~

,,', . . -:"", .. , ,,.,;, ' ..

D~ft (ltrf- '~04J Y AMAGUCHl ChiYolto

"c,,-( iJ~ K-.yo R.iki K.i

flAMOTO HpIcut_

" .... " "" ..... ""

(1819 - 1940 HA YASHI ClMdiro

Hf:vIIIhi R.ud RyutIO Kel'lkyu-fCtJ

Si . : D Jildd,n ReIoi YAMA.GUail Tldao

• J; 1Il00 - ItIIO) ......,.TAKATA


Ulf ••• $¥* USUI R_Uri Rvoho Ga/tk. r

~it* .. : B#W,. USlJ( Mikao,( \at Pretlidertt) _=ft ... : 4-aHIt.::i/lfl USf«lA Juublll"O, (2nd) • .E.tt*a:t ... - TAKETOMI K.NChi, (3rdl .ll!!ltt.,,:.i1l •• WATN4A8E. YO*hibaru,('*thl .lift*:A:«J •• - WANAMI HokhL (5th) Mntt**:I!\w8-i- KOYAMA K'lmilfo, (11th) .ttt.fllA:UiUI: KONDO M.MN, (7th)

fCoMoto RIeIW KGi

I -I -1.11' B,Tb"" ftrt

The Radl.nc. T acl\nlqu. .. " ..... ' , ,.,



1914 • B r:-re IIIU8U ... ~}v , , 11' O)h)

*~'-.,.*. _"_/:""" C.'9_


1) Once you are initiated into Reiki, Reiki healing ability will be all yours for the rest of your life.

2) No specific training is needed.

3) Reiki energy will flow of ite own accord. (You cannot direct or

manipulate it.)

4) No conecious focusing (a mind concentration) is neceasary . •

5) A Reiki practitioner is not in danger of taking on other's negative

stuff (energies).

6) Reiki is very compatible with other modalitiee of healing.

7) Reiki can work on all beings (humans, animals and plants), and

works on all levels - physical. mental, emotional and spiritual.

8) Reiki is not a belief system (raIigion) at all. 9) ReMs effectiveneas is immediate and apparent, especially in the

case of ·cut, bleeding, burn, bruias and acute pain,"

10) Reiki can heal others who are not physically present. (distant healing)

11) Reiki does help and guide you to develop your spiritual growth.





Tbe mare you practice, the strOlJger and subtler the &ib.' tIow will be .

Tbe filrtber from the ego, the purer the Beiki energy will be .

It is REIKl that does 8 fine job of bealing, not YOu. t'lOu 88 8 Beiki

practitioner do not do BJU' beaJiDg. But you are ""'" essential ror Beiki beaJiDg. Without you &ib,' C8Il.Dot work)



1) 'iI:~O)JlI±tti'Cil>ttI;t.l~

t\::f.t';! A,,*< ~'Ibi5 Ull

M ina yooo tsulciwa mAkashini kar.a~

YUJi natihitax" ::..dlru IJal':inm:u (T!:>1Jki )

While a rr.ocn an an autmnal night n:mains just the s;:;m:e as ever I •

I n this world tl'e numer of the deceased has becar.e larger. (Moon)

2) ..,;1!3J.l!,~,t:o~

Jh~~l:t,:Il<~ 00

AsalUido.d suniwataritaru ~'a1ll)

Hi.roki onoga kokoco to.mgana (Ten)

As a great sky in clear l ignt g~een I wish my heart would be as vast . (Sl..y)

3) .t..I:t,~'/ti1.~'It"K;bl';to

*ffl~coL~~~ (~,~~

At...crushitaoo ihare zarikeri niekaeru

Mizutani tateru shizu "OC) omrcheba (Oclnifurete,1

Thinki rq of l owly peq>le st:art:fin;j in a boilirq hot pad:ly field

I hesitate to utter "'it." s hot" . (tpon occasion)

') ii£t.:t.:tFL<·h;~Lt.1f.~

t:t.:'OI:JiIO)~t> \..Itoil>f.l: 0IPl Pmata tarn shiguret e scneshi mtmi jiba "'"

Tada hitol:aze no chi:lashi. l<erul<ar.. (Ralruyofuh)

Maple leaves tinted. blJ frequent sh:7.iecs in late autumn Just a whiff of wi.rx:i :scattered~ (fal len Leaves Wind)


Yoo will l earn a basic .k:rxMledqe alDut Reiki and a bas i c hands-on healing method. You ,,,ill be lnltia ted i nto FRlki by.means of "Reiju" or

"attul1€ffiPJlts·t t hat will ~er you t o be a Reiki dlaJ1Ti!el. Fran this trre crJ, Reiki er.ergy ,.-.,;il l flow tll:rough cut your hands and do a fine

j ob of pealing. It R"ffifiS YOU are I'llGW a P..eiki practitioner (healer) for

the rest of your life. •

~ Take all D!t.allic ~ off yoocc bcdy, arl s i t back en a chair arrl relax..

~ Put. ycm: paJms ~ (gas.....m) in funt_ of- }"Cur chest (1ihen so instncte:l.,)

and ~ pn: eyes li.qhtly_

iio Be ~ .for the b:dy t:<OOdl (top of tile head. and the iEn:is) by tre


~ Stretch your r.ellrn with :fingers lightly PJt- tcgether.

~ Place yoo.r 1larJds gi'fitly/li~tly on ab:rly. Be careful rot to press Ol

i.nt:erml o.r:gam.

tl; Hold p.!!r harrls a :ff'!JiP ~er.s· Qi.1e'r cuts, bums and the area (s) }O.l

hesitate to pJIt. yoocc -tlandS on.

'" Basically"'" _. side by side QC end t o end. are used to do Reiki

esr,eciall y en twin ODJans sud:\ as hmgs, timey ard ears •

., ere hard is also """" ~ en an area and/or a SjOlptan. A ctilile ha<rl.

haJ:rl en hard, can be used. to s t n.'!ltIGltlrat 61!e1W llow.

I is ~ _the _ "" to be I;i1 00 each ~ liT 3 mfi.tes mlr" "less. \\hie ~

Roli ,.,... t-a-<k _100 frotj. t:.a:ed .,m <Td Ihe i<e Ul a cat;;-, """- h su:h a case. (Byosm a-d

I-W yru _we! ~ dha-fonj poo;fu"" 90 ",iD furus ootiD; ...... lrll a...-stion_ """f.

E!c(1!J~7) t:-U:'-?'o)

J;:;$;1z;fty~ 3:'-

(JE) .'f:t.Ii:~

I ,\.y,)



iReiki can be ~ to·' . ,

'" Plants. Flowers, seeds.

~ Fco.:l stuff. meals, .-..eat€'_r, ot:he1: drink~ so as t o OOLTec"'t and/or:


~ Drug (w.edici:r..e) so as to correct ar.d ge t rid of side effect.

~ R.cw. {place~ so as t o clea:r: a negative ene rgy off tile :rocrn . •

i> I\lJl:os t anything around """, .

I9Ubl AoIci I AoIci A\wasIj: I

9:n1an Rail:i (Rg:il:i Mlcat) .. !,) --_._----_.-

1 ) Several Reiki practi tiooeis t:ake blrns at doing Reiki on me

recipient without recESS .

2) several Rei ki practi t.ionec;s cb Reiki on one recipient . A multiplied

erergy flC/III can be expected.

lIaiki _ (Cixcle) __ _

ReUd practi t i ooe:rs stard c i rcled up wi:~:h a l eft p.3.Jm. upward, a right

palm down, and hold tile hands oVer others ' standing next t o yoo.

Reiki = will circle Iamd and the fl<:M can be felt thru the hands

of each pcactitiorer.


!' it .... oewt -~ ey~ bJ:rJw arrl CL'OW1 <hair line'>-_

Bade of lad - betW3efi CLOW"i and aeidl.a OOlcogata.

Side of the bead - 00. 00Ith teacp1e:s •

....... tl la OOl""'9"ta. - the ooH.ow of tt~ l~ of ~ neck..

tip of" the bead - cr:tWl

Afte..r: ooiI¥1 Re.iki 00 the bead. stalad:t area and kid1ey ~ then. the haldi

are t o be placed 00 an affected part or a t.ra:ble area.

<Note> Traditicna1 Japinese Peili R)dD focuses on "d:isease curing"".

---.. ""' ...



I. fWJ!II~4'~tl'~ t (AtiPhi'li!b9)

2. D~I±BI~9tZtt~<''lNt9~C

3. ~fT (~ ~l3kfT'i~t


L To keep striviJ:J.g to ailtivate your mind (spirituality).

2. To :r:eceive Re:iju (atrn1!emel!lt) as often as possible.

3. Do a da.ily Gassho'D1Ul9d.i t at:i..a\ before bed aJld. af"ter rising for­

about 15 - 30 minutes.

(""" note: Ttvse three are encGuz:aged to be practiced in

t he G3kkai .)

I (~.t£) HATSUREI HO (Method to activate Reiki energy)1

f. POSTURE: Seiza or Japanese style sittiOll' (i.e. to sit erect with one's lells folded under one.), or AIIura (to sit cross-Ielllled), or sittinll in a chair, or standinll wiff do. Close your eyes lillhtly keepinll your back uprillht and pUt your consciousness on Tanden( 3 finllers below your navel). Place your hands on yOUr lap with palms up.

2. MOKUNEN: (silent communication) Say silently to yourself "I'm gOiOll' to do Hatsurei Ho,"

3. KENYOKU: (dry bathiOll') to purify your bOdy and mind. (1) Put your rillht hand on your left shoulder and stroke your

bOdy diallOnaffy (with the rillht hand) down to your rillht waist. (2) Likewise, with your left hand on your rillht shoulder, down to

your left waist. (3) Repeat (1) with your rillht hand OIl'ain. (4) Stretch your left arm forward with palm up, then with the

rillht hand sandwiCh your left hand (a thumb on the back and four finllers on the palm) and stroOll'Iy stroke the left hand down to the fiOll'ertips.

(5) likewise, with your left hand sandwich and stroke the rillht hand down to the fiOll'ertipS.

(6) Repeat (4) with your rillht hand again. (?) Gassha.


4. JOSHIN KOKYU HO: (Breo.thil1ll method to pUrify the mind)

(1) Close your eyes Ond raise your arms uP feeiil1ll that yOU are

beil1ll comected with Reiki enet1IY. Ond then lower your arms

Slowly. (2) Put your hands on your lop with the palms UP and Iill'htlY folded.

restil1ll your mind on Tonden. (3) When breothil1ll in. irnall'ine that a white lill'ht of Reiki enters

into yOU throUll'h your crown flowinll' down to Tonden. (4) Hold your breo.th for a second or two. in the meo.ntime the

white lilrht fills uP TOndt!n (6) When breathil1ll out. irnall'ine that the white lill'ht of Reiki filled

uP in your Tanden radiates from your bodY in all directions


6. GASSHO: (PuttiI1ll your palms tosrether)

Put your palms tOlfether in front of your chest. a little abOve the


6. SEISHIN TOITSU: (Mind concentration)

Restil1ll your consciousness on Tanden.

(1) When yoU inhale. imal!'ine that a white liltht of Reiki fiows in throUlth your Gassho hands down to Tanden.

(2) Hold your breo.th for a second or two. in the meo.ntime your Tanden area will be filled uP with Reiki white lillht.

(3) When you exhale. illlCllline that Reiki white IilJht radiates from your Gassha hands.

7. MOKUNEN: (silent communication)

Placil1ll your Gassho hands back on your lop. soy Silently to yourself "I now finish uP with Hatsurei Ho."

KOIIl'(O Reild Koi

~ 8111".1' :\'.

<Note> This Hatsm:ei-t.110 is mainly m...~ 00 GEniai P.eiki Ho nethcd.


= 1:::1I50~, B#:$M::tMlIJti'~nt.: cEt>tL -n Y;1'1""".

r 4- a t;;:ltli •

~iO>i', ~i', :UiI-::,

8{.::jj!y;., AI.:mWK j ~ilJ

I t is l::elieved that Usui Sensei creat.ed so-called Five Principles or

Ft"" Preaepts based at the prrase in the q>ening page of a book

""'Kelzert-rc-genri .., or "the Principle of Sa.mdness" vei tten by Or .

Suzuki Bi zan ... ard pblished 00. 1".lec:arbel' 28, in the. )-rd year of Taisho

(1914) •

1he P!l!<I\ffi titled "A Iath to _SSH reads:

(Today ooly

Be not. angry ...

Be 0C>t: fearful ,

Inth hooesty, PerfOJrnl diligently your duty,

Be kind to others. J By Bizan