Reimagine the Future: Innovation for every child Launch of The State of the World’s Children 2015

Reimagine the Future: Innovation for every child Launch of The State of the World’s Children 2015

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Page 1: Reimagine the Future: Innovation for every child Launch of The State of the World’s Children 2015

Reimagine the Future:Innovation for every childLaunch of The State of the World’s Children 2015

Page 2: Reimagine the Future: Innovation for every child Launch of The State of the World’s Children 2015

The Convention on the Rights of the Child

Twenty-five years ago, the world made a commitment to all its children:

That we would do everything in our power to promote and protect

their rights.

We have made remarkable progress...

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Finishing unfinished business

But far too many children still confront the future with their needs unaddressed, their rights

unrealized and their potential thwarted:

The poorest 20 per cent of the world’s children are twice as likely as the richest 20 per cent to be

stunted by poor nutrition and to die before their fifth birthday.

The richest 20 per cent of the world’s women are 2.7 times more likely than the poorest 20 per cent to

have a skilled attendant present at delivery.

Regardless of wealth, girls continue to be held back from schooling. For every 100 boys enrolled in primary school in West and Central Africa, only 90

girls are admitted.

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Innovation for every child

The State of the World’s Children 2015 report challenges us to:

Work and think differently

to address the unfinished business that still leaves millions of children behind.

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We face a choice…

By continuing on the same path

we will not close the gaps.

We must be bolder, try out unconventional approaches and look for solutions in

new places.

In short, we need to innovate.

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Innovation for equity is…

Creating interconnected systems and new networks of problem-solvers that cross sectors, generations and


Scaling up local solutions to solve global challenges – and adapting

them in new contexts.

Shaping new markets and spurring the

private sector to design for development.

Creating solutions together with communities, and with a view to including all their members – to prevent innovation from widening


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Connectivity and collaboration

Greater interconnectivity is already

facilitating broader collaboration between the private sector and the development world.

The same connectivity needs to be accessible to grassroots problem-solvers –

helping create a truly global collaborative workspace capable of forging solutions that bring more

equal access to goods, services and opportunities to millions of


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Products, processes, partnerships

We need new products and processes, new partners and new models of


These must be accessible to and influenced by disadvantaged and

vulnerable people, and grounded in a better understanding of their realities and needs.

For innovation alone is not enough; we need innovation that both embodies and

advances inclusion and opportunity for all children.

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Innovation for every child

The mutual exclusivity of local and global problems and solutions is disappearing.

Local ideas, Global impact

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Innovation for every child

We have an unprecedented opportunity to foster movements and partnerships, fuel

collaboration and connections, and build a global community of innovation for


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Innovation for every child

Innovation for children is already happening, bringing incredible advances and benefits to many.

The challenge is to get everyone behind an innovation revolution for every


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About the report

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The State of the World’s Children report 2015

The State of the World’s Children focuses on amazing innovators and inventors who are pioneering new ways to tackle challenges in

communities and countries around the world. 

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The State of the World’s Children report 2015

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The State of the World’s Children report 2015

Has a passion for IT and developed a system that enables people with visual or motor disabilities to programme computers using only their voice and a microphone.

“Steve Jobs said it would be good for everyone to know programming because it teaches you to think. My application will help me and all those who have sight problems or other physical disabilities not just to think, but to learn, to work and to live life like everyone else.”

Some examples….

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The State of the World’s Children report 2015

Works with children with disabilities to develop tailor-made toys from inexpensive household materials.

“Every child has individual interests and for children with disabilities, identifying these interests can open a pathway to organizing corresponding activities that support their development.”

Some examples….

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The State of the World’s Children report 2015

Struck by how his brother suffered from bullying, he decided to start a website to tackle the problem head-on.

“My goal was to turn my family tragedy into an opportunity to stop bullying from happening to others, and I am making progress. The biggest reason I wanted Bullyvention.com to become popular was to help teens understand how widespread bullying has become and that they have to solve it.”

Some examples….

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The State of the World’s Children report 2015

Started ‘Children’s Development Khazana, CDK’ – a bank and life skills education programme for poor and marginalized children.

“CDK’s ultimate goal is to promote an exit from the vicious cycle of poverty and illiteracy. Education and vocational training are critical tools, as is a grounding in financial management and business ethics. CDK conducts life skills education that emphasizes honesty and fairness”

Some examples….

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The State of the World’s Children report 2015

Join in, share ideas, drive change for children. 

Tell the world about something innovative that you, or people you know, are doing.

Together we can map out what lies ahead.

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Join a global community of innovators

Just the tip of the iceberg. Right here in Tajikistan there are hundreds of other

innovators making the world a better place for all children.

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The State of the World’s Children report 2015

This isn’t just UNICEF’s report – it’s everyone’s.

It’s the State of the World’s Children..