Making a Million Look Small with Peggy McColl Class 5 Page 1 of 27 Welcome everyone. This is Peggy McColl. Today we have a very exciting class. Before we begin, I want to just cover a few logistics with you with regard to the class. If you have accessed this presentation via the web, you can click on the slides link, that’s on the left-hand side in the little menu that’s there. It says, “Welcome, listen in, slides, ask a question, chat.” You’ve probably used this in the past in one of our previous classes. So if you click on slides you’re going to see the slide presentation that I’m going to be using. If you did want to access the PowerPoint presentation and you’re not listening via the web to this presentation, but you are dialing in, then you can go to the private class notes page and on that page we’ve had the PowerPoint presentation uploaded for you. So you can actually save this to your computer if you wish, as a reminder, and you can open it and follow along during today’s class. So that’s been made available. Something else I’d like to draw your attention to that’s on our private class notes page is a Relax Your Way to Wealth audio meditation. This is something that I created for you. It’s a product and a program that I actually offered a couple years ago that I was selling and have been selling since that time, but I’ve decided to include it and make this available for you. It is available on your private class notes page. There’s an instruction audio and then along with that a mediation audio. You can listen to this at your leisure. You can also download the MP3. You can either listen to it on the product class notes page or you can download the MP3, put it on a device that you have, that would allow you to listen to it in the comfort of your home, or the comfort of your office, wherever you want to use. Definitely do not use this when you are driving a motorized vehicle. It is a relaxation meditation so it’s important that you use it when you’re in a relaxed state, either sitting in a chair or you can be lying down. It is really up to you. I want to let you know that that is and has been made available to you. I’ve been seeing lots of comments about folks that have been using it. I’m happy to hear that you’re benefiting from it. If you haven’t had a chance to utilize it, tap into it, access it, then I suggest that you do and as a recommendation I suggest that you listen to that meditation audio once a day. It’s only eight minutes. It’s not that long of a period of time, so I want to encourage you to listen to it once a day. I also want to remind you that at the end of today’s class we will have a Q&A, open Q&A. If you have any questions that you might want to address to me, during the time, during our open Q&A period, then we will address them at that time. If you’re following along the presentation and you are accessing the PowerPoint, I will let you know which slide we’re on so that you can actually change slides. If you’re watching the presentation via the event page online, you will be seeing me actually changing the slides because I have a control panel in front of me where I can change slides and change presentation.

Relax Your Way to Wealth - Making a Million Look Small TRANSCRIPT.pdf · private class notes page is a Relax Your Way to Wealth audio ... in the open Q&A that we had with Bob Proctor,

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Page 1: Relax Your Way to Wealth - Making a Million Look Small TRANSCRIPT.pdf · private class notes page is a Relax Your Way to Wealth audio ... in the open Q&A that we had with Bob Proctor,

Making a Million Look Small with Peggy McColl Class 5

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Welcome everyone. This is Peggy McColl. Today we have a very exciting class. Before we begin, I want to just cover a few logistics with you with regard to the class.

If you have accessed this presentation via the web, you can click on the slides link, that’s on the left-hand side in the little menu that’s there. It says, “Welcome, listen in, slides, ask a question, chat.” You’ve probably used this in the past in one of our previous classes. So if you click on slides you’re going to see the slide presentation that I’m going to be using. If you did want to access the PowerPoint presentation and you’re not listening via the web to this presentation, but you are dialing in, then you can go to the private class notes page and on that page we’ve had the PowerPoint presentation uploaded for you. So you can actually save this to your computer if you wish, as a reminder, and you can open it and follow along during today’s class.

So that’s been made available. Something else I’d like to draw your attention to that’s on our private class notes page is a Relax Your Way to Wealth audio meditation. This is something that I created for you. It’s a product and a program that I actually offered a couple years ago that I was selling and have been selling since that time, but I’ve decided to include it and make this available for you. It is available on your private class notes page. There’s an instruction audio and then along with that a mediation audio. You can listen to this at your leisure. You can also download the MP3.

You can either listen to it on the product class notes page or you can download the MP3, put it on a device that you have, that would allow you to listen to it in the comfort of your home, or the comfort of your office, wherever you want to use. Definitely do not use this when you are driving a motorized vehicle. It is a relaxation meditation so it’s important that you use it when you’re in a relaxed state, either sitting in a chair or you can be lying down. It is really up to you.

I want to let you know that that is and has been made available to you. I’ve been seeing lots of comments about folks that have been using it. I’m happy to hear that you’re benefiting from it. If you haven’t had a chance to utilize it, tap into it, access it, then I suggest that you do and as a recommendation I suggest that you listen to that meditation audio once a day. It’s only eight minutes. It’s not that long of a period of time, so I want to encourage you to listen to it once a day.

I also want to remind you that at the end of today’s class we will have a Q&A, open Q&A. If you have any questions that you might want to address to me, during the time, during our open Q&A period, then we will address them at that time.

If you’re following along the presentation and you are accessing the PowerPoint, I will let you know which slide we’re on so that you can actually change slides. If you’re watching the presentation via the event page online, you will be seeing me actually changing the slides because I have a control panel in front of me where I can change slides and change presentation.

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Today’s class is about accessing and amplifying the inner magnetic power within you to attract more abundance. You see some people believe that they don’t even have that power within them, but everyone does. In our last class where we had an open Q&A, I had talked about a tool that I utilized when I did speaking engagements, especially when I was focusing on my book called 21 Distinctions of Wealth. What I would do is I would buy little mirrors, like compact-size mirrors, for everyone in the audience.

It was a fun little exercise to buy hundreds and hundreds of mirrors for people that were in the audience. What I would do is I’d put the mirror on their chairs before people would come into the presentation. Then, of course, people were wondering what’s the mirror for? What’s the mirror for? They were thinking maybe it’s to look at yourself and use affirmations. Look in the mirror and say I love you, which is something that is highly recommended for loving yourself or it could be another idea, another application for a mirror is to look in the mirror and say you are wealthy. You are deserving of wealth; you are a multi-millionaire.

These are very practical applications and I would talk about how you could use it for many different things, but one of the things that I specifically purchased the mirrors for was to show people how they can do the test to find out if they were born rich, if they were born to be wealthy. What I would say is if you want to find out if you specifically were born to be wealthy here’s what I suggest that you do, pick up the mirror. Have the mirror-side facing you so you can see your reflection. Hold the mirror approximately an inch away from your mouth and then do this ha, like breathe on the mirror, ha, which you use to fog up a mirror.

So I said if you have fogged the mirror then you were born to be wealthy. Of course they liked that little exercise, but what a great reminder. What a great reminder that you are and you were born to be wealthy, that everyone has this power inside them to attract more abundance and to enjoy more abundance in their life.

Here’s a homework assignment for you. Get a little compact mirror and keep it with you. Put it beside your desk. Put it in your purse. Put it on your dashboard of your car. Have it somewhere. Of course you have a mirror, it’s called a rear-view mirror in your car, but you don’t want to be looking in that while you’re driving because that can lead to very dangerous situations. Anytime you look in a mirror, I want you to remind yourself of that exercise.

Fog it if you want, just to put a smile on your face to remind you that that power is within you to attract more abundance into your life at any time, all the time. It’s a reminder. It’s a tool that you can use. Anytime you look in a mirror, we have mirrors in our home. We have a mirror at the front entranceway of our home, so you look in that mirror and allow that mirror to be a reminder that you are deserving of wealth, that you are worthy of abundance, that you deserve to be rich and that you were born that way. Every one of us was born that way.

In our last class, in the open Q&A that we had with Bob Proctor, Mary Morrissey, Gay Hendricks and myself, we addressed a number of questions that folks were having with regard to this program Making a Million Look Small and helping you with making a million look small in your life. One of the things that you would have heard Bob Proctor say is the following: Bob Proctor said, and this is on slide three of the presentation by the way, Bob Proctor had said, “No

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more effort or energy is required in order to aim high in life to demand abundance and prosperity than is required to accept misery and poverty. The difference between the two lies in your level of awareness.”

As we’ve been going through these classes there have been times when, and I mentioned this last week, when there have been things that have come out either from Bob, Mary, Gay or myself, and early in the class when I would have the thought we could shut down the call right now because there’s been so much value already given. The not trick, but the method of making a million look small has been given and it’s been given multiple times. There are some things that are extremely powerful. That’s why I chose as a part of this program to create something called the gold nuggets, the gold nuggets of wisdom. At the end of every single class what we do is we send the recording over to a transcription service and they will transcribe the audio.

From the audio we create this thing called the gold nuggets and the gold nuggets has been designed because there are powerful messages that had been given in the class that can tremendously impact your life. It’s interesting because Amy, who is our program coordinator, who’s been along with us and she’s with us all the way, supporting all of us on this journey of making a million look small. Amy was saying to me, she said, “You know it’s interesting. I wonder if others find the same gold nuggets that I find.” And I thought, “Wow, what an interesting, interesting observation,” because as I’m listening to the class and as you know, I moderate all of them, as I’m listening to Bob and as I’m listening to Gay and as I’m listening to Mary, gold nuggets immediately pop up for me.

I’ll hear Mary say something. I’ll think, “Oh wow, that is a perfect gold nugget of wisdom.” I’m thinking, “Wow, I hope Amy grabs that one.” It’s Amy who’s been doing these documents and creating these documents for you. I thought, “Wow, that’s fascinating that Amy had made that comment. I wonder if everyone else is finding the same gold nuggets, and I thought, “Well no matter what, they’re still gold nuggets,” and of course, with every single class that we’re delivering you have a transcription, verbatim, word for word. Everything that is being said and I highly recommend that you go back and you review them. If nothing else, you go back and you look at these gold nugget documents because they truly are gold nuggets of wisdom.

So when we look at what Bob Proctor said, “No more effort or energy is required in order to aim high in life to demand abundance and prosperity than is required to accept misery and poverty.” The difference between the two lies in your level of awareness. I absolutely believe that’s true and I think the other difference is that becoming aware is a huge part of it. It’s the first step in all of this, to become aware and then of course, realizing that we are habitual creatures. We tend to do the same thing over and over again because that’s the way we’ve been conditioned. Making a million look small is designed to change your conditioning, to access the power that’s already resident within you to experience more abundance, more of the good things in life so that your life is positively impacted in many ways.

That’s what you’re going to find is that your life is being positively impacted, not just at a financial level. Sometimes people will say, “Is the making a million look small program all about attracting a million?” You know what, that can be what it is. It depends. Everybody has their own objective. Everybody has their own goal. It could be financial abundance, but you

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could talk to ten people in the room and one person will say, “I’m not really interested in money. I’m interested in improving my relationships. I’m interested in increasing my business.” Then you go over and you talk to somebody else and their focus is about increasing their level of health. They want to become healthy and so it could be different. It could be similar.

It doesn’t really matter because the principles that we’re teaching will positively impact all areas of your life, not just your financial situation. Then when we start to look at what is this power that’s within us? It’s unlimited and you’ve probably heard that before. The power within us to create is unlimited. We don’t even realize what that power is and we’ve got to be really open to it. We’ve got to be really tapped into it and we’ve got to understand that at the cellular level we are vibrational beings and that we’ve always got the opportunity to turn on that power within us to access and create more in our lives, more than we had before. It could be more love. It could be more success. It could be more abundance. It could be more of anything that you desire in your life, but we’ve all got that ability within us to turn on that power.

You see we’re vibrational beings. We’re vibrational beings that are continually attracting all the good that we desire in our life. So, when we understand that we are these vibrational beings and that the energy is within us and that we can tap into this at any time, then we can experience at a much greater level. Now one of the things that I’m doing as I’m going through this presentation, is I’m watching the slideshow presentation as I’m clicking on the slides.

We have this frequency within us, which is the energy and where does that energy come from? It comes from our emotions. This is the good news. It comes from our emotions and who’s in control of our emotions? You know there was a time when I think about how other people would make us feel, but you know what nobody makes you feel anything. Invoices don’t make you feel anything. Bills don’t make you feel anything. The guy at the bank doesn’t make you feel anything. We’re the ones that are in control of that emotional state that we have within us. We’re the ones that are in control of our emotions.

If I look across the street and I see the house that’s across the street and I think about the lady that lives there and if she flipped her switch in her kitchen for her kitchen, does that impact my kitchen light at all in any way? Well, the answer absolutely not. It’s the same thing with our emotions. Other people can’t cause you to feel anything. Invoices that come in the mail can’t cause you to feel anything.

What I really want to drive home here with this particular slide, slide four that says, “Turn on the power,” talks about us being energy beings that there’s a frequency. There’s a vibration that’s coming out of us from emotions that we’re the ones that are controlling the emotional energy, the frequency of what’s going on in our life.

Now, naturally there’s a progression that goes on. If you’re looking at the next slide, slide number five, on this side I want to talk about the progression. There is a process for getting there. My book Your Destination Switch which I had recommended in our very first class because someone had asked me what books do you recommend? It’s not because it’s my book. This is a powerful book. It’s been the most successful book that I’ve had to date. It’s now in 31

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or 32 languages and sold all over the world and this book is based on this whole premise of mastering your emotions to attract the life of your dreams.

In the book, in the early part of Your Destiny Switch I talk about epiphanies that I’ve had and one of the epiphanies that I’ve had was as I was working through this process of creation, realizing that there is a period of time, as Bob Proctor talked about in his class a couple weeks ago, there is a period of time, it’s called the law of gestation, that must elapse before all things materialize into form. So if you are where you are right now and it’s a situation that you’re not currently happy with or it’s a situation that you would like to change, there is a process for getting to where you want to be.

Now of course, a lot of people will tell you there’s no getting there. There’s only being there right now. Well you know what that may not be as simple for everyone or as easy and frankly, it is simple, it just might not be easy. Why? Because we’re these habitual beings. There was a movie that was shared many years ago. A movie that was out called What About Bob? It was a comedy and it was a movie with Richard Dreyfus and Bill Murray and in fact, I recommend this movie, but there was one little segment in the movie that really stood out for me. It’s kind of like if you watch movies and you think oh there are so many gold nuggets.

I’ve gone to movies and been in the theatre and pulled out notepads out of my purse, and started to write down gold nuggets of inspiration from the movie. Anyway, in this movie What About Bob? Richard Dreyfus, who plays a psychiatrist and Bill Murray who’s his patient, talks to Bill Murray, who’s called Bob in the movie, about taking baby steps. He basically says that sometimes it’s not that you have to have drastic change; of course you can take drastic change to experience drastic results, but just take some baby steps.

If we look at people generally, baby steps and taking progress, moving in the direction of your goals and whether you’re having minor moves, subtle moves, as long as you’re taking steps in positive change, experiencing new experiences, becoming more aware, practicing one of the principals or strategies or suggestions that we have at our program, you are making progress. Now when do you arrive at your destination? Well, we don’t know because the law of gestation dictates there’s a period of time that must elapse. What’s that period of time? We don’t always know what that period of time will be and that’s where we really have to trust.

As we’ve been going through this program my home is for sale, and of course my husband and I are looking for a new home. We’ll go out and we’ll look and we’ll find homes. We’ll look at different homes. We’ll either go out with our agent looking at homes or we will go to open houses. As we’re going to open houses there will be an experience that I’m having inside which is called disappointment. So the first thing I do is I become aware that it’s there. Then I shift into an experience called trust. The trust actually comes from knowing that the perfect home will be revealed to us at the perfect time.

So slide number five, which is the one that I’m currently on, is really explaining that you have to understand there is a process of time that will elapse before you actually get to the destination of your goal.

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Let’s go to our next slide, slide number six. Slide number six. Now this is a very interesting concept because you’ve heard Bob talk about the goal for money isn’t money. What’s interesting is if you think about Making a Million Look Small and what this program is and how it all began; it’s never about the money. It’s never about the money that’s specifically the goal for anyone that’s searching for money. I remember the first time hearing that, which was a long time ago, and having the thought, “Well, wait a minute. The goal is definitely money. I absolutely want to have money.”

Then Bob went on to explain it’s not the money that you’re striving to have, it’s the experience of it. What does it mean to you to have more money in your life? What does it mean to you to have the freedom to buy whatever you want? What does it mean to you to purchase the home that you deeply desire? What does it mean to you to have that vacation that you want, that money allows you to buy? There was a great quote that has been tagged to many people which is I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor and rich is better. I’ve heard many people say that.

That’s kind of interesting because some people will say their goal isn’t about money; however, it’s money that does allow us to buy things that cause us or we experience the feeling of something called peace, relaxation, joy, happiness, whatever it is, fun. So, the goal may not be money, although you may have set that specific goal, but it really comes down to tune into what is that feeling, what is the feeling that money’s going to bring to you? Because if you’ve had the experience or if you’re currently experiencing the experience of poverty or lack then you’re probably tuned into a radio station on the AM dial, but you’re desire is to tune into the radio station called FM.

You’ve heard that analogy many times and I really believe it’s worth mentioning and sharing again. In my car I have this ability to push this little radio button and it’ll go from satellite to AM to FM, back to satellite. I think there’s some other frequency on there and it’s really the same thing with prosperity and with the lack mentality. So if your experience has been to have lack, not have enough money, to get to the end of the month and you’ve got more month than you have money and have that choking, desperate feeling, that fearful feeling, then you’re likely tuned into a radio station called 1210 AM, but if the desire is 101.9 FM, that means you need to change frequencies. You’ve got to change stations. You’ve got to change what you’re tuning in to.

It’s a lot easier than what you may think and that’s what I want to talk about next. Let’s go over to slide number seven, if you’re following along by accessing the PowerPoint presentation. All things will manifest. All seeds, meaning seed of thought, seed of emotion, seed of energy, will manifest into form. So, if you’re energetic experience, for example your feelings, your thoughts, your behavior, experiences that causes you to experience results that are debt-load, or debt-load increase or the month-to-month, nothing ever seems to change experience, then the energy within you is tuned into the frequency that you do not desire, but it will manifest and it’s going to continue to manifest.

That’s why when I’m working with people and they say they want to eliminate debt, I will say to them, “Do not have a goal that says I’m eliminating debt.” Why? Because you’re mind is like a serve-all mechanism. If you’re saying the word debt, you’re going to get more of it. I remember

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one time doing an event and my mom, which this is very unusual for my mom to come to one of my events, but she decided to come to my event, and she was sitting in the back of the room and she was helping out with the product table because I was selling books and audios and things like that. She was sort of half-listening to the presentation and when it was over we were driving back and we’re in the car and I said to her, “Hey, what did you think?”

She said, “Well, I actually wrote down some goals.” I said, “You did?” My mom had never written down any goals. It was like wow, this is exciting. So I said, “Share with me. What are your goals?” She said, “Well, one of them is that I’m no longer fat.”

I think you already know what the challenge is with that particular goal. I’m no longer fat is basically saying that you are what? Right? So I said, “You know, that’s great.” I have to give her credit. It was fabulous that she set that intention so I said, “What is it that you’d like to weigh? Tell me, what’s your ideal weight?” She said, “Oh I don’t know, 135 pounds.” I said, “Okay, great.” I said, “And I assume that being at that ideal weight, you’d also like to be healthy, correct?” She said, “Yeah, yeah absolutely.”

I said, “May I offer you a suggestion?” She said, “Sure.” I said, “I would write the goal down as this: I’m happy and grateful now that I’m at my ideal healthy weight of 135 pounds.” You see that’s different form saying I’m no longer fat. I understand her thinking, her mentality around that objective, but it was very different.

So let’s think of a money goal, a financial goal. If the objective is to no longer be in debt, well what would the opposite of that be? It would mean that you have credit available that you can use at any time, if you wish. It would mean that your bank account has a certain balance. It would mean that you own your home outright. That you are the owner of, that you own this, that you have an investment portfolio of, that your net worth is.

You see what I mean? It’s I am happy and grateful, which engages feelings, and then you start to think about that, you start to do things differently and of course, it will manifest into results, but if you just look at what’s on slide seven and understand the flow of energy as it’s going out of you which is coming from the feelings that you’re feeling inside. What are you feeling? You need to become aware of what are you feeling? What are the thoughts that you’re thinking? What’s the behavior that you’re engaging in? If your experience has been debt and you continue to go out and run your credit cards up, you get them paid off and you run them up again. That’s repeat behavior. You have to look at where’s that coming from? Where’s that energy coming from because it will keep producing the same results.

If your desire is to have different results, you’ve got to change the feelings that you have inside, change the thoughts that you’re thinking, start to change your behavior and your results will change because all things will manifest into form.

Now, going over to the next slide, slide number eight, there’s a picture here of an emotional tug of war. Well, it looks like a physical tug of war. I want to talk about an emotional tug of war because this is a challenge for a lot of people. Here’s the challenge, the challenge is they have the desire for more abundance in their life, but yet bills are showing up. They look at their bank

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account balance. They look at their credit card statements and what happens is they start to feel, they move in this place I’m going to set some intentions. I’m going to focus on these positive tings, but yet they start to feel the fear. They start to feel the doubt. They start to feel maybe guilt; any of these emotions that are pulling you in the other direction are basically pulling you away from. So as much as you’re trying to tune into 101.9 you’re going back to 1210, then you’re going back over to 101.9, then you’re going back over to 1210. So you see what I mean? You’re actually having an emotional tug of war.

So, it really comes down to, and I’m going to get into the three steps in a moment, of being aware of what are the emotional tug of wars that are going on within you because sometimes people will say nothing changes. Everything stays the same. It’s not that it’s not changing, it’s that you’re taking one step forward, one step backward, two steps forward, two steps backward, three steps forward, three steps backward or some other variation of that, one step forward, two steps backward, two steps forward, three steps backward, whatever it is. It’s not that things aren’t changing. Every day you’re waking up and you’re creating. Today is a brand new day. I posted that actually on my Facebook wall about today is a gift of a new day.

We’ve got our choice. We’ve got choice so what are we going to do with it? I want to ask you to become aware. Are you having an emotional tug of war within you? Are you experiencing emotions that are on the positive end of the scale and then you’re experiencing emotions that are on the negative end of the scale? If so, at this point, I’m just asking you to become aware of what that is and what that feels like.

Let’s go over to the next slide, slide number nine in our PowerPoint presentation because I want to talk about emotions aren’t like a universal light switch you turn on, you turn off. Although some people may experience them like that, emotions are really like a dimmer switch. They go up, they go down and that’s what you’re destiny switch is based on. We have this panel of emotions that’s within us and we’re the ones that are in control of it. We are the ones that are either on the positive end or on the negative end and you’re attracting at either end. You’re either attracting more negativity, more of the results you don’t want if that’s where your emotional levels are or you’re attracting more of the good. \

If we look at these emotions, there’s something called the scale of human emotions that I mentioned. The top-end of an emotion, let’s use the emotion called love, so at the top end of the scale would be a very strong, powerful emotion called love. At the very bottom of that scale is the emotion which is just as powerful, it’s called hate. You know that’s a very, very negative emotion and if you’re feeling that emotion then you’re likely attracting more negativity into your life so you’ve got to become aware of where you are on the scale.

One of the questions that was asked last week in our open Q&A, which actually wasn’t addressed because there were more questions than we had time, was how do you know which emotions you should focus on? I want to address that question right now. Here’s the thing. When you start to notice what are the emotions that you are personally engaging in on a consistent basis, and they’re on the negative end and they’re impacting your life negatively then those are the emotions you need to focus on.

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If faith is an emotion that you have a challenge with then that may be the emotion or one of the emotions that you want to focus on. If love is one of the emotions, if confidence is one of the emotions, if calm, if inspiration, if harmony, bliss, wonder. These are all the high-end of the emotions.

Now here’s one that I want to talk about abundance, the emotion of abundance. That is a feeling. It’s a feeling state. It comes from knowingness. It’s a blend actually, of faith, feeling abundant, feeling abundant in many ways. So if you’re feeling abundant then you’re not feeling lack-mentality or impoverishment. That’s the other end of the scale. If in your life you’ve been experiencing a lot of lack, it could be that your dimmer switch is down at the lower level. If that’s the case then you’ll want to do things, think things, affirm, reaffirm, practice feelings of abundance in your life, which is a scale that you can move up. You can move up slowly or you can move up quickly. It really is up to you.

Another emotion as we relate to money and financial situations is the emotion called worthiness. This is a big one for a lot of people. A lot of people believe they’re not worthy. They don’t deserve wealth. They don’t deserve abundance. So, you have to pay attention. Where are your emotions on your scale? Are you feeling worthy or are you feeling worthless? Do you feel pity, shame disgrace when it comes to money as you start to think about having it in your life? If that’s the case just simply become aware. It’s important to notice where your emotions are on the scale.

This entire book, Your Destiny Switch, came from an experience that I was having in my own life. I started to realize very clearly there was a correlation to my experiences and what I was feeling inside. If I chose to shift my emotions, i.e. raise them up the switch, then I would experience things in alignment with what my desires were. I went out to a hardware store and I purchased a four-panel dimmer switch and I came home and I labelled that switch and I put it in front of me. It basically had four of these little dimmers across it and I labelled this switch. I labelled it appropriately. What are the emotions that I need to work on? What is it that I need to focus on? Abundance, confidence, love, faith, they were emotions that I chose to focus on. So every day I would wake up in the morning and I would look at my switch and I would say these are the emotions that I will engage in at a high level today.

Then I had something called switching techniques, I’m going to get into that in a minute. So I would access my switching techniques to amplify the emotions that I was feeling inside. So it would be a conscious effort day-to-day that I would be focused on increasing the energy, the vibration, the frequency of these emotions in my life, therefore my results started to change in a very dramatic way. I was absolutely mesmerized with what was happening in my life from a financial point of view, in my business, with my relationships. Everything started to improve. A very simple technique. At the end of the day I would look at my switch and I would say to myself, “Were these the emotions that I engaged in today?”

Even if I hadn’t, even if it was a day where I had challenges with particular emotions, I would still access it. I would not whip myself because I know that doesn’t solve anything. I would say tomorrow I’m going to amplify them even more and I’d get excited about that and I’d give thanks for it and I’d be grateful for the experience of it and the knowledge and the wisdom and

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the practicality of it. That’s how I came up with this whole concept of the switch, your destiny switch. You’re controlling your emotions every single day in every way. You need to really know that. You’re either destroying or you’re creating. Which side of the scale are you on? Become aware.

Let’s go to the next slide, slide number 10. There’s a little video that I did on YouTube and I’m going to tell you how to access that in a minute, where I talked about how you need to eradicate the poisons that kill your dreams. On slide number 10 you’re going to see a little picture of me, it’s actually a little screenshot captured from the video, where I’m showing you a glass of coffee and a glass of water and explain this concept that I saw Bob explain to an audience 33 years ago. Here’s how he explained it. He said if you think of a glass of water as someone who has a very positive mind and basically their switch is, that’s not what he said at the time, but if we use the example that I’m using today, “their switches were all on high. They’re very positive. They’re very enlightened. They’re constantly attracting and experiencing good things in their life because their switches are always on high. They’re very, very positive.

Now if you look at a glass of coffee and you think of someone who’s very negative. Negative and everything’s dark and they’re bleak and you may even know somebody like that. Well, that’s what I was like many, many years ago. That’s the way I was when I met Bob Proctor when I was 19 years of age. I was a very negative person and not fun to be around. I had anger inside me. I certainly didn’t feel worthy of anything and I had guilt, fear. All the emotions if you think of the low-end of that scale, those were the emotions that I was experiencing.

So what he said is if that’s our experience where we’ve got some darkness within us and we decide we’re going to put some positive in, we take a teaspoon of water out of the glass with the water and we put it in the glass with the coffee. Okay, what are we doing? We’re adding some positivity. Great, we’re making some steps. We’re moving a little forward. We take a little bit more water and we put it in the glass with the coffee. Super, now we’re adding more positivity.

Now what happens is the following. If you had a clear glass in front of you and it had coffee in it and if you had a clear glass in front of you and it had water, and you took a teaspoon and you put it in the glass with the water and you took a teaspoon of the water and you put it in the glass with the coffee and you took another teaspoon of the glass of the water and you put it in with the coffee. What happens is you don’t see any results and you know what when you don’t see the results, this is where people get frustrated. Then they immediately say this stuff doesn’t work; however, did they actually put the positive in? Yes, they did but because they didn’t see the immediate results, they didn’t trust that it was there.

Now here’s the thing, if you keep putting in the good and keep putting in the good, i.e. adding the water into the coffee, adding water, water, water, water, more, more, more, more, more what eventually will happen with that glass of coffee? Imagine you’ve got a giant pitcher of water and you just pour it in there, eventually that glass of coffee is going to become clear, just like the glass on the other side. It will overflow, yes, but it will become clear.

Now, let’s use the contrast of that. Let’s say I’m a very positive person, but I started to think this stuff doesn’t work and I take a spoonful of the coffee and I put it into that glass with the water,

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instantly the color changes. You see it only takes a little bit of poison to kill. You’ve got to watch your negativity. You’ve got to pay attention to where your emotions are on your scale. Are they on the high end? Are they on the low end? If they’re on the low end, become aware and switch. Decide you’re going to raise it up and I’m going to give you some more tools of how to raise it up.

So we’ve got to notice we are and have the ability to poison our results. So if you’re not getting the results that you want in your life, you may want to notice where have I contaminated my results in the past? You see when my marriage with Charles, my first husband, was breaking up I stated to realize, I became aware that I had this emotion called worthlessness. Worthlessness as it related to love. I didn’t feel I was deserving of love. That’s poison if you want to have a happy relationship in your life.

See when I chose to look at this – it’s like Wayne Dyer says, “When you choose to look at things differently, the things you look at change.” So I decided to look at it differently, not from a perspective of, “Oh my goodness, Peggy. You’re worthless. Look, you’re sabotaging your own marriage.” When I chose to look at it and decided that I would have a new shift, a new experience of having love in my life and now I’m totally completely, happily, madly in love with my husband. We have a very happy marriage. With Denis, my new husband, we got married four years ago.

Now I have the experience, a very positive experience of love in my life because I eradicated that poison of worthlessness in my mentality, in my emotional state so that I now experience love because I became aware. You’re going to notice. Where are the poisons? Where are the negative emotions that you have in your life? Then consciously make a choice to change them, to move them up the scale.

Let’s look at the next slide, slide number 11. It’s a three-step process so it is rather simple. So here’s the three-step process. Number one: become aware. Become aware of the energy that you are expressing, the emotions that you’re feeling, become aware of what they are.

Then step two is to decide. Are these emotions taking me forward or are they taking me backward? Are they creative or are they destructive. Once you’ve decided what they are then step three is to switch. Now the switch can be, if you’re already on the positive scale, to amplify them, make them even stronger. If you have faith already, but you need a deeper level of faith you might amplify it. As a matter of fact, we’re going to have an entire class just on that subject alone or if you’re on the low end, i.e. you’re feeling impoverished, you’re feeling lack, then choose to switch that emotion. Now step number two is the decision process, that’s where you’re choosing it.

Step three is actually taking action. Let’s look at the next slide, slide number 12. What action can you take? What are the simple things that you can implement into your life every single day so that you are becoming aware of your energetic levels; you’re energetic expression of what are you feeling? One suggestion is to journal. Now I have a gratitude journal, that’s the way I journal, but one of the exercises that I did a number of years ago was to notice when I’m being abundant and notice when I’m focusing on lack. That’s another journal that you might want to

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keep or use for a little while just to notice. Where are you focusing your effort? It’s easy for me to tell what someone’s belief systems are by having one single conversation. If someone comes into my office and they start to talk about what they’re experiencing in their life, I can tell right away where their awareness is. What are they focusing on? What are they choosing to look at?

I remember many years ago Tony Robbins used to talk about going to a race car track where he’d get in a race car and they would run around in circuits. They would drive in circuits and he said that he had a race car driver that would sit beside him and they’re going at fast rates, rapid speeds. He said at one point he felt that he was losing control and he was going to hit the wall and the instructor that was sitting beside him grabbed the steering wheel and he turned it to the left, gave it a sharp jerk to the left, which caused the car to move away from the wall.

You see, he chose to look at things differently. So when you’re thinking of awareness techniques if you just want to become aware of what’s the level. What’s your energetic level? What’s your feeling as it relates to abundance? Since this program is called Making a Million Look Small, start to notice this. Start to journal it. Keep track of it.

Now what you might want to do is if you’re journaling and you’re noticing there’s a lot of lack and you’re writing this down and you’re becoming aware of it, you might want to burn that later. Get rid of it or recycle it, recycle’s another great use of paper that you’re no longer using or you could create a document on your computer. I’m very much a paperless girl as much as I possibly can.

If someone says to me journal, I like to do things on my computer; however, my gratitude journal sits beside my bed because the most impact time, the time that you’re most receptive is when you wake up in the morning and when you go to bed at night. That’s when I’m doing my journal so I don’t always have my laptop with me in bed. As a matter of fact, I never have my laptop with me in bed, so I have my journal beside me. Whatever works for you, it doesn’t have to be done a specific way, but I suggest that you start journaling. Being grateful, as you’ve heard, in this program is a great way of expanding more of the good that you have in your life, it’s like appreciation.

Wayne Dyer says that when you appreciate your life, your life will appreciate. You’re life will get better when you show and express appreciation for certain things. So it becomes a concentrated effort, a conscious decision that you’re going to do these things. If you really do want the results, you have the desire and I know you do or you wouldn’t have joined this program, just make some concentrated effort in becoming more aware and activate the awareness initially and then make some new decisions and start to engage in some new activates that are going to amplify the inner power within you to attract more abundance into your life. Another thing that you could do is you could count or monitor or notice the negativity.

Just decide, “Okay, today I’m going to notice when I’m negative.” Yesterday I was driving around with my husband, we were looking at open houses and I said something like what an unattractive neighborhood or something like that and I thought, “Wow, I’m noticing lack,” and it’s just a subtle thing. It may seem like a very silly thing, but when you start to focus on what’s abundant here, “Wow there’s an abundance of empty fields,” rather than look at it in a negative

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way and going, “Oh my goodness, there’s no trees here,” why don’t you just notice it as an abundance of empty fields. It doesn’t mean I’m going to buy a house there; it’s just a different way of noticing it.

Or you might want to start counting, just noticing how many times am I negative? How many times am I saying negative things or thinking negative thoughts? Monitor it. You could use a journal for that. That’s going to increase your level of awareness. It’s also going to allow you to shift when you just decide to become aware of that.

Another thing that I like to do is create checklists, so if I’m focused on goal-achieving, money-making, making a million look small activities I’ll have specific things that I’m doing every single day that are of course amplifying my energy and taking me in the direction of the good that I desire. They would be things like listening to my power life script and I’ll explain what that is in a minute or my gratitude journal or my goal card which is sitting right here beside me on my desk and reading it out loud, doing my affirmations, exercising, whatever they are.

What you can do is create a checklist and every day you print out this check list. You put it on your desk and keep it with you. It’s like, “Oh, did I read my goal card today several time? Did I meditate today? Did I listen to my life script today? Did I do journaling on gratitude today? Did I ask myself empowering questions today?” That just allows you to stay focused. It’s like a checklist. These are my things to do and with things to do, we like to check them off.

Now I used to do that. I did that because I wanted to develop the habit of ensuring that I was doing all of these things every single day in my life. So I created a checklist. Now I don’t need to. Why? Because it’s become such habitual patterns for me, behavior that I automatically do it every single day. Now if I created some new habits, some new things, maybe I’d create a new checklist to remind me because if you’re focusing on a healthier body, healthier mind, relationships, if you’re focusing on fitness, if you’re focused on money issues, if you’re focused on business then maybe you do have checklists. Maybe these are checklists that are helping you increase your business, have a better relationship, feel better about yourself. Maybe those are the checklists that you have, but checklists are an awareness technique that can be very powerful and will cause you to stay on track.

Another one that you’ve probably heard many times is have an elastic band. Put it around your wrist. Anytime you say something negative, slap it or pull on that elastic band and it’s going to hurt your wrist. Now that may seem like a negative one to do, it’s not for everyone, but it can work. How can it work? Because it’s a reminder. It’s a technique. It’s an awareness technique.

All I’m suggesting in this particular segment of today’s class is create some awareness techniques so that you can make some positive change on what it is that you want to experience in your life.

Now going over to the next slide, slide number 13, it really comes down to the step two, which is so easy. You decide. What is it you want to experience and want to have, do, be in your life or right now? I’ve told this story before about how I had purchased a house many, many years ago and I had no idea how I was going to pay for it. So I had bought this house and I would start to

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feel the fear. That’s step one: awareness. I became aware that I was feeling the fear. The step was to decide. “Okay, well what is it that you want to experience, Peggy?” That was my technique, which was step three: I chose to connect to the emotion of what it was that I wanted to experience. So step two was what is it you want to experience?

Then just decide and then you can easily move into step three, which is switching. So step two is a very easy process. It’s a glide right over because I suspect that if you’re having an experience in your life that isn’t comfortable that you’re not happy with, step one is become aware that you may be not creating and you’d like to create more in that life. Number two: decide. What are you going to do about it or do you want to do something about it? If the answer is yes, I’ve decided I’m going to do something, then you’re going to make some change and implement some positive change in your life.

Let’s go over to slide number 14. On slide number 14 there’s a great quote by Neale Donald Walsch and Neale Donald Walsch is the author of the mega-hit success Conversations with God and he’s one of my great mentors in my life. Bob Proctor’s probably had the greatest impact in my life and then Neale Donald Walsch and Og Mandino, those three. If someone said to me, “Who are the three people that have had the biggest impact in your life,” I would say it’s those three people.

One of Neale Donald Walsch’s quotes is “You are at choice always and in all ways.” So if we know that then we’ve always got the choice to change what we’re feeling and of course, that will change the results, maybe not right away, but it will change the results. Now let’s go over to the next slide, slide number 15. In slide number 15 I want to talk about some switching techniques, very easy switching techniques. One of them is question techniques.

You can create some questions, some positive questions that can allow you and will allow you to engage in emotions that feel good. So here are some suggestions. One is that if you find yourself not experiencing that which you want or you find that you’re slipping into fear; ask yourself what is it that I’d like to experience? Of course, that’s going to allow you to focus on more of what you want rather than what you don’t want. It’s like when I was explaining to you that process of having a four-panel dimmer switch and I would label my switch and I would look at it in the morning and I would say, “Is this who you choose to be today?” See there’s a question. What does that do? Questions cause you to think, right, engaging in the though process.

Once you’re engaging in the thought process you’re feeling things as well. Now I have a little card that I have laminated in my desk drawer and I just pulled it out and it has on it morning questions and evening questions. So here’s a question that’s on it. “What am I happy about in my life right now?” You see, when you ask yourself what am I happy about in my life right now what does that do? It causes you to focus on being happy. “What am I excited about in my life right now? What am I proud of in my life right now? What am I grateful for in my life right now? What am I enjoying most in my life right now? What am I committed to in my life right now? What do I love? Who loves me? What’s abundant in the universe?”

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Questions are going to cause you to look at things a little differently. “In what ways will I give today?” So you choose the questions. There’s no right or wrong answer. You don’t need to have 10 of them, you can have one. One question, “I’m going to choose to focus on my goal today. What am I doing today that’s going to cause me to move in the direction of my goals?”

Another one is affirmations and affirmations can be said at any time. You could be in the shower, having a shower and spewing affirmations. I keep affirmations in two places, actually three places. I have them in my office. I have them in my drawer in the ensuite washroom where I pull them out in the morning when I’m getting ready. I have them beside my bed. I have them on little reminder cards. I have them all over the place.

Affirmations are things that cause you to focus on the positive end of attraction and energetic feelings that are attracting more of what that which you desire into your life. Affirmations are something I use every single day. A goal card I’ve mentioned. Bob Proctor has mentioned a goal card. You carry around a little goal card. Mine is kind of tattered and torn because it’s been used for so long, which is fine, but I put it in a little plastic cover and it says, “I’m so happy and grateful,” and then it has goals on there. You can have a specific goal if you want or you could have some general goals. You could say, “I’m happy and grateful now that I’m a multi-millionaire,” something like that. “I’m so happy and grateful that I’m a healthy multi-millionaire,” might be a better one and, “I’m sharing my wealth with my family.” I mentioned earlier our brain is like a serve-all mechanism.

When you set your intention on something it’s like a plane that takes off from Toronto and it’s heading for L.A. It has a destination in mind and even though it gets off track it puts itself right back on track. Having a goal card can have that same affect. That’s why when you’re writing out your goal statements be very cautious on how you write them.

Now I like to make sure I include all areas of my life so I’ll have things in there like health, like family, like finance, things like that and get very clear on the type of people I have in my life, the type of people that we attract in our business and all of that, how it all flows smoothly, harmoniously, for the good of all concerned, how it’s very positive, it makes a positive contribution to the lives of others. Those are the types of goal statements that I use.

Of course, you can meditate. I’ve created the Relax Your Way to Wealth meditation, eight minutes. You just listen to it. Get off the call and go and plug it in and listen to it and meditate eight minutes a day. You could do it in the morning. Do it in the evening. It can have a very powerful impact on your life.

Gratitude journal, I’ve already mentioned that. Writing down what are you grateful for in your life right now? I write down things that haven’t even happened yet. I’ll write down that I’m grateful for the sale of our home. I’m grateful that we purchased a beautiful home that we deeply love in the perfect area. I’ve done that with real estate many times where I’ve had a home, put it on the market, started to give thanks for the sale of that home or the purchase of the next one. So when you give thanks for things in advance they materialize in your life.

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Another very powerful technique and I would say the most powerful technique I’ve ever used, is to create a power life script. What is that? A power life script is basically where you script your life. You write out your life description as if you’ve already achieved all the things that you desire. So you write it in present tense. It could be, my particular power life script is I think somewhere around 17 or 18 pages of a word document. It’s all typed. Now there’s a lot of repetitive stuff in there. It doesn’t have to be 17 pages. It could be one page long and you could have statements in there that say, “I’m happy and I’m so grateful now that,” and then talk about your family. Talk about your health. Talk about spirituality. Talk about business. Talk about money. Talk about relationships.

If you did get a copy of Your Destiny Switch, you’re going to see a sample, it was a life script that I had at the time that I was working on Your Destiny Switch, where you’ll see a sample of my power life script. Now I change it often. I would say I probably change it once a month or once every other month, but here’s what I do. I will record my life script with an enormous amount of energy. I typically will stand up as I’m recording it and I’ll record it in my own voice for my own use. Then what I’ll do is I’ll put it on my iPhone, I’ll put it on a CD, I’ll put it on my laptop, I’ll have it with me wherever I go. I could be in my car. I could be listening to my life script. I could be driving somewhere and listen to it several times. It depends on how long it is. Sometimes it’s 22 minutes. Sometimes it’s 25 minutes. Sometimes I’ll do a shorter version of it.

Now what that does is it causes me to feel and connect with the energetic vibration, the energies within me. It puts me on the frequency of that which I desire. This is a really great technique because once you’ve recorded it, once you’ve written it and then recorded it you can listen to it anytime. Even if you wake up and you’re not feeling particularly energetic or maybe you’re feeling sad for whatever reason, plug it in, start to play. Hit the play button. They call that one-finger enlightenment. One-finger enlightenment is just hitting the play button. Play it. Listen to it. It will change how you’re feeling.

So a power life script is a description. There’s no right or wrong answer. I would just caution you. Make sure that if you’re going to create a power life script that it’s done in a way that utilizes positive words only. Talk about your financial situation. Talk about your family. Talk about your health, your spirituality, money, business relationships, whatever is important to you in your life. Script your life as if someone could read that and go, “Wow, Mary you have an incredible life,” or “Barb, oh my goodness. This is great. Good for you.” When you’re recording it, really connect to the emotions. If you’re saying how grateful you are, feel that gratitude as you’re expressing the words that are coming out of your mouth.

If you’re talking about how happy you are feel the happiness that you’re experiencing and get descriptive if you know specifically what you want. If you don’t know specifically – I’ve changed my life script, I’ll find a home, a particular home and I’ll change my life script and I’ll put the address in there and say, “I am so happy and grateful now that we have moved and we own and we love our new home at,” and then I’ll write the address down. I’ll describe it, what it feels like. What does it feel like in every single room? You heard Mary talk about that in one of her classes as well that we’ve had previously where she talked about the emotions, the feelings that she felt as she walked through room to room or having the family over and everyone around the kitchen table and a whole description of it.

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If you don’t know specifically where that home is, that’s okay too. You don’t have to put it in there, but the important thing is to script your life. I’m going to recommend that you do this, script your life, then record it and listen to it. Even if you do it and it’s one paragraph long. As long as you do something, it’s going to make a positive change.

Now on our next slide in our presentation there is a present, a gift that’s available on my site destinies.com and what it is, is the 21 distinctions from The 21 Distinctions of Wealth checklist. Earlier I was talking about checklists. That book was designed in a way that has affirmations that you read every day for 21 days. There are 21 of them. That means that for over year you’re going to go through these distinctions. You’re reading them three times a day. It takes about a minute each, so about three minutes a day to read these distinctions. I’m going to encourage you to access that checklist and do it.

There’s also that video that I talked about. I showed you the screen capture shot, the positive change video where I talk about eradicating the poisons that are killing your dreams. You’ll get access to that and then there’s a powerful Wealth Attraction audio download. What’s that? Well, it’s all of those distinctions recorded and they’re recorded in an audio that you’re going to have immediate access to. It’s also audio number five from my program Magnet for Money. You’re going to get access to that.

You just go to the front of destines.com, look for the little square box that looks exactly like what you’re seeing on slide 17 and you will be able to access all three of these powerful tools to help you experience and amplify your positive emotions in your life.

I’m going to open it up for questions for the next 27 minutes approximately. I just want to remind you that we have a lot of great classes coming up so I put those on today’s presentation sort of like a midway through to show you what we have. Next week’s class is with Bob Proctor, Why Fear Stops Us and How to Keep Going. Then we have Gay Hendricks talking about The Accidental Multi-Millionaire: How to Create Wealth Without Budgets, Business Plans or Worries.

Then we have Mary Morrissey in our next class, number nine, talking about The Four Keys for Moving from Wanting to Having. Then as we wrap up in the final four classes, I’ll be doing the next class, 10, on Developing Deep Levels of Fate. Then we have Gay Hendricks doing our 11th class on Mission Embodiment: The Crucial Step for Success. Bob Proctor is doing a class, number 12, on Stuck Busting and Reduce it to the Ridiculous. Then Mary’s going to do our wrap-up class which is The Inner Architecture of Increasing Success; incredible stuff coming up for you.

At this point now, what I want to do is go over to our Q&A area and see if we have any questions. We sure do. We’ve got quite a few questions that have come in. I’m going to access all these questions and make sure that we can address them. It looks like a lot of these questions were talking about the slides. Some people are saying they’re seeing it. Some people are saying they can’t. Hopefully the audio is going to capture everything because we do record everything. Amy, can you just let me know if you can still hear me, clearly? Hopefully our audio will be able to get the transcription of this as well.

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I’m just looking for some questions here. We have a lot of comments. Sally is saying, “Good morning, may the sun shine brightly on your week.” Elizabeth’s saying, “Thank you for this life-changing course.” Suzanne, “Good morning and thank you. I really appreciate the reading we receive each week or last week. Writing out the serenity chapter was a transformative process.”

Gabby, I went to our web page last night, found the mediation, used it and I relaxed and made me feel like a million dollars. Thank you so much.” You’re very welcome. Eleanor, “The sound is dropping on occasion, don’t know why.” Amy said she heard it clearly throughout. That’s good. Suzanne had some challenges, okay. There must have been some little internet challenges. That’s one of the things that we have with internet, but fortunately the audio, hopefully, has been totally captured. You’ll be able to hear it all.

I’m just looking for some questions here. I’m looking, looking, looking, lots of nice comments. Thank you. Wendy is saying, “Wow, thank you for the talk this morning. I really enjoyed, I really needed to hear what you had to say about the emotional tug of war. This was a great reminder to get on the right track, to switch my vibration and emotional state for more trust and calm confidence when it comes to money flow.” Sophie says, “Peggy your talk is so,” she’s got lots of O’s there, “so good. I’m absorbing a lot.” So she had some challenges with the slides.

Julia has a question. She says, “Hi Peggy, what do you do when you feel angry so it’s not a denial of something? Do you express it or move on?” Many people consider this as negative, but it doesn’t help to pretend it’s not present when it is. This is an absolutely phenomenal question. Thank you, Julia, for asking this. Absolutely and I’m so glad you asked this because we could be feeling emotions such as anger, which is a powerful emotion and it’s important to notice it. Now, I believe we need to acknowledge it. Why? Because there could be a reason for it. It could be that somebody has done something, it could be somebody’s done something or you’ve done something yourself that has actually been against your value system. I know people get mad at themselves, right?

I was watching a show last night on 60 Minutes and there was a gentleman who was really upset at himself that something had happened in the war. I thought to myself, “Wow, honey it’s not your fault,” and yet he was really angry at himself. He’s harboring that anger. He’s bringing it forward and it’s impacting him in a very negative way.

Here’s what I suggest. Yes, pay attention to it, but there’s a lesson in it. Why are you feeling angry? Just notice it because awareness is so incredibly powerful. If it’s a situation where you feel that somebody’s violated you and it could be because you’ve attracted that in your life at some level and you don’t even understand it, how could that have even happened or my house isn’t selling and it really frustrates me. It’s okay to notice it, just become aware of it and decide, is this helping me or hurting me? Is there some lesson in this? What do I need to notice right now? What’s going on within me that’s causing me to feel that emotion because it’s very real? I would never suggest you pretend it’s not real. It’s real. It’s like if someone becomes fearful and they’re feeling an emotion called fear, fear can be an emotion that can cause you to experience

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something at a positive level meaning if you’re feeling fear, maybe you need to be cautious. Maybe there’s a message in that. I would suggest that yeah, you notice it for sure.

I don’t think that it’s a matter of sticking it under the carpet, like pushing it or sweeping it under the rug because I like to say that if you’re experiencing a negative emotions and you think, “Oh I’ll just throw them in a garbage can and put it out in the garage and put a lid on it and they’re just going to go away,” no. We need to notice where is it really coming from? What is it embedded in? What’s the root cause of that emotion because if we can decide and get connected to you know what; I’m feeling this anger because I have some insecurity. I’m still feeling pain from the past. I was abused and I still feel that I’m holding on to that.

Just notice where it’s coming from and then decide that if there’s a deeper level that you need to connect to, if there’s something else that you may want to work on then that can be a very powerful force to notice that emotion that you’re experiencing. Thank you, Julia, I really appreciate you asking that question.

Pamela, thank you for asking this question as well. Pamela is saying, “Have you decided what you will charge the friends that come to the L.A. event in February. My friend really wants to come, but of course the cost is important before she decides.” Okay, now this is a great question there’s sort of a yes absolutely and I have everything that I need. I’m putting the page together. Collin’s going to have it up and available on the website within, I’d say this week sometime. So, yes that’s going to be available. We’re also going to ask you, everyone that’s on the program, to confirm that you’re coming to the program, that you’re going to be there. We’re going to need to know because we’re going to have seats available and only a certain number of seats so we’re going to need to know if you’re coming or not. We’re going to ask you to make a commitment. Here’s what the commitment is. You’re going to be required to invest $100 to hold your seat. You get the $100 back when you show up. Why are we doing that? Well, basically it costs you nothing. We just want to make sure if you’re going to take a seat that you’re there. So, we’ll give you a $100 check when you show up so that’s how we’re going to be doing it. So yes, absolutely we have,

I don’t remember what the amount was, it’s peanuts compared to what it should be of course and I will have that posted within the next few days. That will be available on the website. I’ll also have an email go out to everyone so that they’re aware of what that is as well. So, thank you for asking that question. B

Okay, lots more questions have just come in. Fabienne is saying, “Hi Peggy, great presentation. Do you have to believe your affirmations for them to work?” Wow, I love your questions. Thank you, this is a great question. I would say that initially you may not believe the affirmations to work, but ultimately yes you do.

Now here’s the thing. I remember many years ago when I started to write down affirmations that were money related and at first it just felt like a big fat lie. So I’d be reading it and going, “Yeah right.” It’s almost like the tug of war, right? It is a tug of war. I’d be saying the affirmation and go, “Yeah right,” and then I decided to suspend disbelief and I would increase my level of faith. I would remind myself, using the switching techniques of truths that I needed to connect to that

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the same amount to create an abundance in your life is what’s required to create lack. So, I’m going to stay true to this. I’m going to stay focused and I’m going to practice and I’m going to act as if. It’s like any actor that’s gone to acting school, they may go in there and they may have a natural talent and be a natural actor, that’s rare, or they need to learn a skill. They need to learn to portray different emotions so that it can be believable to an audience. Now at first, it might not be there, but they do things called takes, take one, take two, take three, until they get it right.

There was this show on about Susan Boyle and Susan Boyle was in the show and they were talking about her life and how she became this ultra super success and – I just love her voice, it’s incredible. There’s a scene where Susan Boyle is in a recording studio and she’s recording an album and she starts to sing and she doesn’t have and it’s like stop, no, no, no I don’t have it. She starts again. She doesn’t have it and she started again, again, again. Then she starts to say, “Oh, I’m just not getting it this morning. I’m just no good this morning. I’m having a bad morning.” What is she doing? She’s making it worse, right? Eventually she just sort of shook it off, kind of like what a dog would do when it has water – it jumps out of a lake and it just shakes it off, shook it off and she started again. Then she nailed it.

It can be the same thing with your affirmations. Ultimately, yes you need to believe them to work. Initially you may not believe them, but if you’re using them over and over and over again it’s like I have this affirmation for a particular property that we’re going to buy and when I started to write it down it was a stretch. It’s like you know what, I don’t even know how we’re going to buy that thing. You see when you start to believe it and see it and focus on it and affirm it, and affirm it and reaffirm it every single day with an increased level of emotional energy, tuning into the frequency of it will only be a matter of time before you do start to believe it where it just become second nature.

Debbie is asking, “Please address tithing. Is it 10% always? I know I come from a place of lack when I worry about giving 10% when I don’t have it all the time.” I’ve heard many different things about this, Debbie. This is another great question and I think it really becomes a personal choice. I think it was Mary, who had addressed this at one point in our Q&A as well, in open Q&A after one of her classes. You could be tithing and giving in many other ways. You could be giving not only financially, but you can give of your time. You can give of your knowledge. You can give of your energy. You can cause someone else to feel happy and what that does is it comes back to you. So tithing, I think, become a personal choice. If tithing is a chore, if you don’t have good feelings around it I don’t really think it’s making a positive impact on your life.

I think tithing has to come from an emotional choice. Do I tithe 10% always of everything? No, I tithe in many different ways and there are times that I’ll tithe and it might be 80% of what I’ve just earned. Here’s how I like to summarize it. In life you get from giving. You get from giving. I’m not saying you have to give to get. You are worthy of love. You’re worthy of abundance. When you’re causing another person to experience whether it comes from your knowledge, whether it comes from something that you’re just sharing, when you cause someone to experience more abundance it will come back to you. It will come back to you.

If you’re causing someone to experience more love, it will come back to you. If you’re causing someone to be happier that’s why people have friends. They call their friends that make them

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feel good. When you make someone or help someone, you don’t actually make them, but as a result of you being in the room or your presence of you giving something of your time, of your love, of your wisdom it does come back to you. Does it have to be an equation that’s specific? No, I don’t believe so, but I do believe that a conscious focus on giving, whether it’s financial, whether it’s of time, whether it’s of knowledge, whether it’s of emotion, should be something that we are focusing on, on a regular basis.

Rita says, “Thanks a lot for this class, Peggy.” Well, thank you for the comment Rita. I appreciate you and you’re welcome.

Ellen says, “Please speak more to the emotional tug of war. I love this concept. It’s very enlightening for me.” Well, emotional tug of war. Let me give an example. I remember one time when one of my clients was telling me that she was experiencing this stress emotion and fear and worry and all those other negatives that are pulling you down the scale, when she’d receive a bill in the mail. What would happen is yes, she’d be focused on affirmation. Yes, she was focused on doing her life script. She’d be doing all these things that would really be taking her in the direction that she wanted, but then an invoice would come in the mail and then all of a sudden it’s like, “Oh I’m devastated. I have no idea how I’m going to pay for this.”

What was happening is she’s being pulled the other way. It’s an emotional tug of war. Anytime you’re engaging in strong emotions that are on the negative end of the scale you’re being pulled in the opposite direction. It’s like contaminating the results. She’d go, “Yeah sure,” and then she’d get angry, an amplitude of an emotion called anger. “Oh sure, that’s easy for you to say.” Then it’s like okay, when you get an invoice here’s a suggestion of what you can do. Give thanks for it. Mary was telling me that she writes thank you on checks that she sends out when she’s making a payment for the electricity, for the taxes, whatever it is, she gives thanks for it.

So when an invoice comes in, give thanks for it and you can have the experience of gratitude with an invoice. Now, is that pulling you in a negative emotional way? No it’s not. If someone’s giving you credit or if someone’s pumping electricity into your home or you’re getting heating by some method, our home is heated with natural gas, give thanks for the emotion. If you’re financially feeling strapped, again, it’s not a suggestion, push it under the rug. Deal with it.

I was talking to one of my clients, it was a few years ago and she was having an incredible emotional experience of overwhelm because she had a lot of debt which she had created. So I said, “Give thanks. Let’s start by giving thanks for the credit that was giving to you.” Obviously, they felt that you could handle it and even though her financial situation had changed and she was no longer able to handle the load that she had created for herself, just take responsibility for it. “Okay, now what can we do about this?” She owned a home. Now she didn’t own it outright. She had a mortgage on it. I said, “What’s the value of your home?” She told me. I said, “Well, what’s the mortgage that you have on your home and there was a big gap there.” I said, “Well, a bank may be interested in giving you a mortgage which is going to lower your interest rates, you can consolidate or you can simply get a consolidation loan that’s at a much lower interest rate than the multiple credit cards you are paying.”

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So take responsibility for it and there’s another solution. She had not even thought about that. When you start to experience and emotion called overwhelm you stop seeing ideas. There’s lots of ways of eliminating debt.

Another thing that you can do is you can contact credit card companies or whoever is owed the debt and make arrangements for different payments. So if they’re sending an invoice and saying this is what’s required for your monthly payment, call them. Take responsibility. They will work with you. There have been a lot of these companies that offer these helping to prevent you from bankruptcy, what they do is basically become aware, look at what your financial situation is, they start to make calls for you. They ask companies to reduce the debt and quite often it’s done. I mean amazing that this kind of stuff can be done. Anyway, so that’s a possibility.

Fabienne says, “Did you just update your website? It looks great.” Actually no, I don’t think we did, but thank you for the compliment. Connie is saying, “Thank you, Mary.” Mary? Mary thanks you as well and she says you’re welcome. I’m not sure why she’s thanking Mary, but maybe it’s for that comment that Mary said because you’re right. Mary deserves to be thanked.

“I’m feeling a little overwhelmed, not a good feeling. Okay, I know what to do about it. I’m wondering where I should start.” Great, Connie is asking that question. I would say the first step is to become aware of it and to then get excited about the change in that emotion because overwhelm is at the bottom end of a scale that you can move up and you’re the one that’s in control of it. So then start to think about what is it that you want to experience? Now I assume that when I ask you the question what is it you would like to experience the other end of that is calm, happiness, joy, whatever that is. Then the next step is to go straight to feeling those emotions. Find things. Do things. Connect. Create some strategies, I gave a whole bunch of them today, write in a gratitude journal, that are going to cause you to feel the emotions that are going to create the results that you want in your life.

Eleanor is saying, “Hi Peggy, awesome material. Please address faith and how you know the goal you are seeking will come.” Eleanor we’re actually going to have an entire class just on that subject alone so I’m glad that you’ve asked it. We’ll address it now, but we’re going to address it in greater detail in my next class. So, faith when it comes to your goal. Here’s the thing with a goal. Now quite likely you may not and I don’t know about quite likely, but you may not have the faith for the goal that you’ve set for yourself initially, when you set it. That’s okay because if you did, you probably would have achieved it by now.

Let’s say you set a goal and it’s a goal that you don’t yet have faith on, you feel a lot of fear. Realize that you can move up the scale gradually, like I was talking about earlier with little baby steps, one step at a time. I would start to write down what is it going to feel like fully, and this may be a description, part of your life script, that you’re going to write of what is it going to feel like when you’ve achieved that goal. Write it out. Write it out in detail and, Eleanor, as you write it out in detail, then I want you to record it. Record it and then listen to it and your faith is going to increase and it will increase substantially.

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The next question is, “What do I do if I have a product idea to bring to life? Will you talk about how to get started?” Okay, interesting question. I’m not sure specifically what you’re talking about. Is this a product you want to bring online? Is this a product you want to just bring to the general market? Regardless, how do you get started?

How you get started is number one: setting a clear intention. This is what it is that you want to and then I’d start to investigate. A number of years ago I had the desire to bring something called Destiny Dolls to the world and Destiny Dolls were going to be these little dolls that would actually talk to kids. They would talk to kids and they would affirm very positive things because as a child I didn’t get that. All I was hearing, and maybe that’s not all I was hearing, but it was all I noticed that I was hearing were negative things. “Who do you think you are? You don’t deserve that. You’re a brat. Why don’t you behave,” and things like that.

So I thought about creating something called Destiny Dolls which would allow kids to know they’re loved, know they’re worthy, know they are deserving, know that they have greatness within them and so this was a product that I wanted to bring to life. What I did was I sort of got a definition of what that would be like and then I started to do some research; what’s already out there. Now I decided not to move forward on that product, why? Because it was a very flooded market. It was something, I’m sure I could probably find a toy manufacturer that wants to bring my doll to the marketplace, but I wasn’t really totally connected to following through on bringing this to the world.

Now maybe I will one day. It’s not an idea that’s dead; it’s just an idea that’s in the back corner. I have lots of them. My sister and I were talking about that this morning. She goes, “You’re the idea machine.” I do, I get thousands and thousands of ideas. Most of the ideas I like to bring online and I like to help people bring their ideas to market as well. Online to Riches is one of the programs that I teach and I teach people how to get an idea and then bring it to the internet and create a very profitable revenue-producing business. That’s another area of specialty that I have. So, what it really comes down to is when you have a product idea, just start to take action towards the achievement. Maybe do a little research. See what’s involved.

Then you’re going to make a decision. If you just decide that you’re going to go on a road trip and you’re going to go by bicycle from where you are to another part of the country and you sort of start to map out what do I need to do and how long is it going to take me to get there and what’s the best way and what do I need to bring with me? Then you get to the point where you’re going, “Maybe I don’t really want to do that after all.” I remember one time having a dinner party with some of my girlfriends and we’re sitting around the table and we started talking about climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. It seemed like a really good idea at the time, but the next day it was like, “I don’t think I really want to do that. That’s not on my list of goals.”

The point is when you decide you want to do something I would start to take some action by doing a little bit of research to find out what’s required to get there. What’s your method? What’s your mode to market? What’s the opportunity? Do a little research.

Joyce is saying, “Thank you for doing this class. There has been more how-to content in this one than all the others combined. I’ve had your Relax You Way to Wealth Meditation for a couple of

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years and I’ve listened to it countless times. It’s my absolutely favorite and I’m a hypnotherapist. Love your work, thanks again.” Wow, thank you Joyce. I really appreciate that.

Nico is saying, “Wonderful words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing.” I love you guys. Thank you so much for that. Connie is saying, “Sorry Peggy, I meant to you not Mary.” Okay that’s great, thanks. Sally is asking the question, “Peggy, do we have a location for the event?” Thank you. Yes, we do and we’re going to get a special rate. The location is actually the Renaissance Marriott at LAX, at the Los Angeles Airport and it’s the Renaissance Marriott. It’s a really nice hotel. I’ve actually got the link for you to book the hotel. I’m going to have it put on the website. If you do want it in advance I’ll get it over to Amy and you can ask her, but it will be up later this week.

Pamela is saying, “I’ve already made my plane reservations I’m just wanting to make my hotel reservations when you let me know. I’ve been bugging Amy about that info. How many people do you estimate?” I think the room holds 500 and I understand it took a while for that hotel to give us that. We had to find one that was really going to accommodate everything that we wanted at a good rate, had nice rooms and everything. So, we got it all firmed up and the contract is in place and we’re all good to go now.

Rita is saying, “Can there be some physical signs which inform us that yes, something is changing in our subconscious mind, i.e. headache, pain in other parts of the body after we do what this program suggests?” Great question Rita. I’m not really medically inclined to answer anything specific; however, there are a lot of people that are in medical intuition and I know Louise Hay has a whole book about you can heal your life and how certain things start to happen in your life where you’ll get pain in your feet and it talks about fear of moving forward or there’s pains in certain physical parts of your body and how that could be reflective of some kind of deep emotional, negative thought that you have about yourself and things like that. So, can there be some physical signals which inform us that yes, something is changing in our subconscious mind. I’m going to give you the Peggy answer, of course you’re asking Peggy so who else is going to answer it?

I would say that yeah, your physical body is always going to respond to you. When I first starting studying this stuff, I started having a lot of challenges with my ovaries with having ovarian cysts that were rupturing and this was coming from emotional pain and ulcers as well, like way, way, back when. I remember it was a period of time I was in the hospital for a couple of operations within a six-week period and I was off work for a couple months. I started to have some very major shifts happen to me physically and I think it was an expression of a lot of the negative stuff that I had had from my childhood started to manifest in physical form.

I don’t have that, as a matter of fact, it’s interesting when I hear about friends or colleagues that are sick I think to myself, I rarely, rarely, rarely get sick, but if I do, as rare as it is, and I’ll start to look at what’s going on in my life. I remember Bob Proctor talked about when someone gets a cold as an example, sometimes it means that they’re trying to make a decision on something because when you’re diseased, you’re body is diseased, it means you’re dis-eased, you’re not at ease about something. It’s neither good nor bad, it’s just something, again, to be aware of. It’s like when some of my close friends will get a cold and they’ll tell me I have a cold and I’ll say,

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“Well, what are you dis-eased about,” and they’re like, “Oh, yeah I get that.” They’ll start giggling and it’s like, “Oh, I’ve been trying to make a decision on,” and they’ll tell me about a major decision that they’re trying to make and ultimately it comes up.

Are we in control of our immune system? Yeah, I really believe we are. There’s a great client of mine actually, who’s become very, very successful. I work with authors as well, and there’s a client by the name of Bruce Lipton who wrote a great book called The Biology of Belief where he talks about this right at the cellular level. So, yeah, physical changes can definitely come so what I suggest is always stay focused on, especially when you’re setting intentions and financial goals especially, stay focused on being healthy while you’re enjoying the abundance that you’re attracting into your life as well.

I’m going to take one more question then we’re going to wrap it up for the day, for this class. I have a question here from Elaine. I haven’t read it yet, but it looks long. She’s from Ireland so let me get to this question. Hi Peggy thank you so much for another amazing class. I’d really appreciate it if you could give me some guidance on how to deal with a challenging situation I’m dealing with at the moment. Last week I discovered that someone I considered to be a very important mentor for me in the financial area of my life has been taking unnecessary and reckless risks with my money. I went to him last week in a very vulnerable position as I had experienced a prolonged period of illness and all the associated costs of that and I needed someone to hold me by the hand as I got back on my feet financially.

He told me he was going to safeguard my money at all costs, but he has not done what he said he was going to do. The end result is that I have crystallized a significant for me loss of capital all of which was borrowed money and have also lost my ability to earn a monthly income from that capital. I may need to sell my house. I’m reeling from the shock. Could you please suggest some techniques I could use to get myself into a positive vibration and therefore into a more resourceful state to deal with this also. Also I need to confront this person and I’m not sure how to approach him in order to possibly recover some of my lost capital from him, please help. Oh my goodness this question gives me goose bumps.

Thank you so much, Elaine, for bringing this question to my attention and anyone listening, they’re going to get value out of this as well. Number one: what I would do and this may seem like an absolutely bizarre place to start with my response is number is just send him love and if you are going to approach him about recovering some of your cost, I would do it in a loving way, not confrontational because you’re more likely going to get a positive result by doing it in a non-confrontational way.

The other thing is, is recognize this as a learning experience because it is. It’s a great learning experience. Not only will you benefit from it, but other people will benefit from it as well. I heard my brother say, a number of years ago, that nobody cares more about your money than you because my brother, he’s young, he’s retired, he’s very wealthy and he watches his money. He has a financial guy, but he watches it very closely and Bobby and I, his name is Bobby, Bobby and I study a lot of books on financial management and success and growing your wealth and all of that. We share these books and I remember him talking about his financial guy and how he

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would go to his financial guy and he would show him look this is what you’re doing with my money, but you can actually do this and it would be better. So, he’d be all over the guy.

He didn’t trust that someone else was going to care more about his money than he did because nobody will. The other thing is to think about is there are going to be opportunities for you to increase abundance in your life you may not have even thought of right now.

Another thing is what happens when we get into situations like this is this becomes great leverage for us to do something about it. There may be another way for you to attract the finances back into your life that you need to sort of, let’s call this dig out of a hole. I remember one time hearing the expression by, I think it was Winston Churchill, that said if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging and that’s exactly what you’re doing.

You’re deciding, “I’m stopping the digging. I’m going to get myself out of this hole and I’m going to learn from the experience.” But I would start to think of, “Okay, what do I need to do in order to create a positive change in my results?” There are a lot of other ways that you can attract wealth into your life. If selling your house is something you want to do then sure, that may be an option. If it’s not something you want to do, then I would focus on owning your home and staying in your home and that you’re going to resolve this and you’re going to stay in your home while you do it. So, I would look at what it is that you need to create in order to have the situation go in the way that you’d like it to go in a very positive way?

Remember that any time that you’re expressing negative emotions, whether it’s toward another, and of course, you’re going to feel – it’s warranted, the guy did this to you, I understand that, but I’m going to encourage you and ask you and suggest to you to stay in positive emotions only. Stay in the emotion called love. Give love and stay in the emotion called faith. You’re going to turn this around and you’re going to turn it around quickly and that you’re going to turn it around in favor of what it is that you’re really looking for. Do you know how you’re going to do that?

No, you don’t know how you’re going to do that, but I’ll tell you, and I’ve seen this myself with many other people and I’ve had the experience myself, when I’ve got leverage to do something I’m going to find a way and it just becomes reaching a different level of commitment where you just decide I’m going to do this thing. I wrote a book called Be a Dog With a Bone and I wrote this book called Be a Dog With a Bone because when I had written my first book and I became an author and was totally ignorant to the whole author world and how to market a book, I was not working for about a year and a half. I had no income coming in. I had gotten to a point where I had dug myself into a hole and I had about $250,000 in debt. No idea how I was going to get out of that hole. Not only that, I had no income. I was a single mom. My son was in private school and I started to feel that choking, fearful overwhelmed, oh my God what have I done kind of feeling. And I thought that’s not going to serve me. I need to reconnect with what it is I want to create in my life. Then I learned about strategies of marketing on the internet. That’s how I got into internet marketing and I launched this 48-hour campaign and I made $35,000 in a 48-hour period and I thought, “Well that was great. What else can I do?” Then I stated launching something else and launching something else.

Page 27: Relax Your Way to Wealth - Making a Million Look Small TRANSCRIPT.pdf · private class notes page is a Relax Your Way to Wealth audio ... in the open Q&A that we had with Bob Proctor,

Making a Million Look Small with Peggy McColl Class 5

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I’ve had days where I’ve done hundreds of thousands of dollars a day in revenue from an online business idea that is bringing great value out to the world. So there are many, many different ways, many different opportunities for you to attract wealth, create wealth in your life. Even when you’re in a place called overwhelm. I know. I’ve been there. I’ve seen a lot of other people there too, but you’re at a sort of like a brink point, not a breaking point, but a point where I call it leverage. This is the point where you can choose to do something extraordinary about this and do it in a way that’s really going to – and you know what, they say that you’re most painful learning experience is going to be your best experience. I will absolutely say that.

You hear speakers on stages where they’re talking about their experiences in their life. They’re talking about the pain they were in. They’re talking about how much they were hurting and how that was the point where things must change, where they became so committed, I’m going to make a change. That’s what I suggest for you Elaine. Right now’s time to get committed, like really, really engaged. Really engaged in putting all of this stuff into practice for making some serious, positive change in your life and it will turn around. You’re going to have a very positive experience as a result of it. I hope that was helpful Elaine.

I really appreciate that you’ve asked that question and I know there’s been lots of other comments that have come in as a result and thanks, etc. I said that was the last one, but I just want to check. Jillane has just sent something here saying, “Just checking to make sure my questions/comments are getting through. It’s fine if you’re not having time to get to them. I’ve just noticed the last couple of weeks that my stuff isn’t getting read so I want to make sure you’re getting it. If they’re a little off point or there’s just not enough time that’s fine, I just want to make sure you’re getting them.” Okay, let me look for her; for the most part we try to get to all the questions.

Okay, here’s a question here by Jillane. “The class has been amazing. I love your contribution about the emotional tug of war and the whole notion of switching. I’m going to buy the four-panel dimmer switch today. Peggy, you are such a gift. Wow, thank you.” I’m glad you brought that to my attention. That was great.

So having said that we’re at a wrap for today and of course, we have another class with Bob Proctor next week and it’s a class that I know you’re going to be absolutely amazed with.

I really appreciate you. I appreciate you getting on the call. I appreciate the questions that you’ve asked. I love the comments that I’m seeing. The comments that we’re receiving here, Amy tells me about the comments she gets back on facebook, of course there’s lots of positive comments. We’ll get the information out about the event in L.A. in February and I wish you an abundant week. Thank you everyone. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye.