8/13/2019 Releasing the Super http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/releasing-the-super 1/45 DR. JOSEPH ISRAEL JAMES RELEASING THE SUPERNATURAL POWER IN YOU DEDICATION With love, this voice from above is humbly dedicated to Honorable SENATOR NGUEMO & WIFE, the family that inconvenienced their lives for me to be comforted in their house day and night for months during my second and third missionary outreach in Cameroon. THEREFORE, MY BELOVED BRETHREN, BE YE STEDFAST, UNMOVEABLE, ALWAYS ABOUNDING IN THE WORK OF THE LORD, FORASMUCH AS YE KNOW THAT YOUR LABOUR IS NOT IN VAIN IN THE LORD. 1 Cor. 15:58

Releasing the Super

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With love, this voice from above is humbly dedicated toHonorable SENATOR NGUEMO & WIFE, the family thatinconvenienced their lives for me to be comforted in their house day and night for months during my second and thirdmissionary outreach in Cameroon.


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I appreciate the Holy Spirit for the inspiration and energy

given me to work hard to bring this book into existence. This

was a product of all night as Jesus prayed all night unto God.

Luke 6:12

Time will fail me to mention all the names of the people that

have helped in one way or the other, but their reward awaits

them both here and there in heaven.


1. Dedication

2. Acknowledgement

3. Forward

4. Introduction

5. Chap 1. Who is this enemy we fear?

6. Chap 2. Fear Him No More

7. Chap 3. The Holy Ghost Power 

8. Chap 4. The Power that Works in Us

9. Chap 5. All Power Is given Unto Me

10. Chap 6. The Power of Prayer and The Word

11. Chap 7. Though We walk Through The Fire

12. Chap 8. Making Things Happen

13. Chap 9. Trust

14. Chap 10. The Power To Become

15. Chap 11. The Creative Power In the Tongue

16. Chap 12. The Power Of Praise

17. Chap 13. The Power Behind The Action

18. Salvation Guide

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There are many things in the world, but you must know theone you are looking for. The evil power which belongs toSatan or the good one which originate from God. The power of God uses men to the edification of the body of Christ and todeliver the world from their trouble, but that of the devildestroys and finally sends one to a place of torment, a placeof utter destruction.

“Behold, I give to you the power to tread onserpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any mean hurt you”. Luke 10:19

You cannot distinguish the power of God through HisWord. You cannot also crush the power of Satan unless youare empowered from above. Many people are confused of theone that is the real power, it is because they are far from theword of God. Ofcourse one must be born again to acquireanything called the Power of God. John 3:3. When you arenot rooted in the word of God you will be rooted in the world.It is only the knowledge of God’s word that can educate youon the real power to follow in life.

“God has spoken once; twice have I heard 

this, that power belongs to God” Psalm 62:11

 Any power that is not submissive to the word of God isdiabolic and destructive. Power belongs to our God the Maker of heaven and earth. You can operate in the power of God,that is what works in you, allow the Holy spirit to express

Himself through you and you will see that you have the power too.

“Trust in Him at all times; you people, pour out your heart before Him: God is a refuge

for us3”. Psalm62:8 

We must trust God for every need in our lives. He hasthe power to changed hard situations and to make peoplegreat. He gives power to become your desire according toGod’s glory. If you want He will make you to be person of your choice, the person of honour and reputation. They thattrust in Him for supply have never been put to shame. Let thepower of God work through you today. Allow Him to use youto benefit the world. Jesus Christ is Lord.

This power we are talking about here is that of the HolyGhost. I believe that the body of Christ know not any other power than this, if you have the power, the devil can stopanother person not you. As Jesus was manifested to destroythe works of the devil that is how you are manifested todestroy the remaining works of the devil.……… All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth,Matt.28:18. Seek this power and have it to the glory of Godthe Father.

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“Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty, you have corrupted your wisdom by reason of your brightness: I will cast you tothe ground, I will lay you before kings, that they may behold you”. Ezekiel 28:17-19

Here is that enemy we fear, but he is woefully defeated.He was a Godly angel but he failed by reason of pride andiniquity. Now he opposes God and all that worship Him. He

was formerly called Lucifer “Son of the morning”, but now heis known as “the great dragon, that old serpent, the devil, andSatan. All these names are because of his evil. He was castout of heaven into the earth with his angels.

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, whichdeceives the whole world: he was cast into theearth, and his angels were cast out with him”.Rev.12:9

What makes someone an enemy of a person? It iswhen one is fighting against somebody, his relations or acquaintances either secretly or publicly, then the personseeks a way of protection or vengeance. At that time enmityis declared which sometimes results to war. Since Lucifer now the devil failed from his former state, he has never 

ceased to fight against our God. The enemy of our God mustbe our enemy and we must seek ways to terminate hisactivities in our lives and around us. You can never know tofight against your opposer or enemy until you know him andhis strategies of fight.


The devil fights against the business of children of God,he fights against families, creating problems betweenhusbands and wives, bring disobedience in the children in thehome. He goes as far as creating troubles in the body of 

Christ. The devil is the original enemy of man. Most of thetime we say that our flesh is our No.1 enemy, it may be true inyour own perspective, but I know that it was the devil thatmade man to fall and began to walk in the flesh. Listen, I amnot saying that you must not fight against work of the flesh,Col.3:5-9, Gal.5:19-21, but remember it is the devil thatmakes people to walk in the flesh and unholiness. You mustrefuse to bow to the devils instructions and wishes. You cando away with him. I am not exalting the devil nor the flesh, butwe must know that the devil is the author of all confusion andevil in the world. Today if we allow him, he can use our flesh

to fight against us. He is ready to confuse you and lead you toany kind of life. Kick him out of your life.

He wanted to be like God and wanted to take the placeof God which he cannot do and then a sentence of judgementwas passed on him which he will suffer for eternity. He knowshe is finished that is why he is fighting to see the men of the

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world fall into the pit of hell fire with him on the last day. Hetold Jesus to bow and worship him to have all the riches in theworld that is created by Jesus Himself, he is a liar and cannever stop to lie, that is why he is deceiving the people of theworld through riches and powers today. He pushes people to

live contrary to the word of God and try to bring heart break toour God, Romans 1:18-32. His heart was lifted up in him andthat is pride and arrogance which he has given to the worldtoday to reject God their Maker, but thank God that as manyof us that have Jesus today have eternal life in Him. The devilis too small to make me believe that the salvation I have inChrist is not important, you can believe the same today,


 And the devil that deceived them was cast intoa lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast 

and the false prophet are, and shall betormented day and night for ever and ever”.  Rev.20:10 

The devil deceives the world to believe in him, thoughhe torments them with sicknesses and diseases, they still runafter him. He gives them worldly wealth and takes away their lives, yet they follow him in such destructive way. The devilknows that very soon he will be cast into hell fire and he isworking round the clock to get the people that will be therewith him. This enemy of man torments and imprisons peopleand still make them to believe that it is God that is sufferingthem.




“And behold there was a woman which had aspirit of infirmity eighteen years, and wasbowed together, and could in no wise lift upherself. And when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him, and said to her, woman you areloosed from your infirmity. And He laid Hishands on her and immediately she was madestraight, and glorified God. And the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation,

because that Jesus had healed on the sabbathday. The Lord then answered him and said,you hypocrite, do not each one of you on thesabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall,and lead him away to watering? And ought not htis woman, being a daughter of Abraham,whom Satan has bound, lo, these eighteenyears, be loosed from this bond on thesabbath day? Luke 13:11-16 

“And when Jesus was entered intoCapernaum, there came to Him a centurion,beseeching Him. And saying Lord, my servant lies at home sick of the palsy,grieviously tormented. And Jesus says to him,I will come and heal him”. Matthew 8:5-7 

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The devil has nothing good to offer to the world but hepromises them that he has all that they need. The womanthat was bound for eighteen years was the works of the devil,he does not open the house of his prisoners, Isaiah 14:17.

Jesus was going about doing good to people by liberatingthem from the works and bondage of the devil. His works areevil, he is the enemy of God and man in all area of life.

“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with theHoly Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that wereoppressed of the devil; for God was with Him  Acts 10:38 

There was a small boy that was once brought to my

office lame, though not by the parents but their neighbour, hislegs were twisted and he can in no way to stand up by thereasoning of man, though at the first sight I felt some howwithin me, but the Lord encourage me to pray for him. I didanointed him with oil and they took him back, and theybrought him again for prayers, the Lord healed him perfectly.He walks now very well as a person that has never sufferedfrom lameness from birth, because it was from birth that theproblem started.



Jesus was undoing the works of the devil. He wasmanifested to do that, to put the devil into shame. This youngboy would have been lame forever if Jesus did not heal him inour office or through another child of God. The devil is out tobring confusion and disorderliness in the world, disfiguring

people and bringing heart breaks to them. I command your eyes to be open to the power that dwells in you in JesusName.

“And when He had called to Him His twelvedisciples, He gave them power against uncleanspirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.  Matt.10:1

On 31st December 1993, we were having our end of 

year service in one of our assemblies in Bonaberi Douala-Cameroon which we usually called a “PASS-OVER NIGHT”,we call it that way because we are passing from the old year to the new one. When the service started, I saw some peoplecarrying in one old woman, speechless and properly batteredby the devil, she was like a skeleton, the two legs and handswere like little sticks and she was kept at one corner of thechurch. Many of the people that brought her were unbelieversexcept her daughter who comes to our church sometimes butnot a full member. She has seen a lot of miracles as shevisits our office for counseling and deliverance. They were alllooking at us to know what we were going to do. I was verybusy praising and worshiping the Lord, my heart was not evenon thinking about her. When the time reaches for the Lord toglorify Himself, she was brought out, and after some disgraceagainst the devil, words of faith were pronounced and hands

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were laid on her, she stood up and started walking and evenstarted running around the church that night. Everybody wasfull of joy, people were screaming and other children that werenot born again were amazed with fear and stood speechless.They know she has been lying in sickbed for some years, and

they have tried all things but failed. We started praising theLord and the woman started clapping her hands, jumping anddancing in the church. It was wonderful and great, it was agreat sight to see, the Lord destroyed the works of the devil.The people that brought her gave their lives to Christ and theName of the Lord was highly exalted,

 Acts 3:1-26



Jesus says, cast out all unclean spirits, heal all manner of sickness and disease, show the devil his works can never stand where my Name is mentioned. Beloved, the devil mustbe placed where he belongs, he decided to be enemy of Godand man, he must be treated constantly as an enemy. Youcan stand your ground overcoming the works of the devil.Stop him in your home, business, and in any area you see himoperate. Today you are free from Satan’s holds in JesusName.



When the devil rebelled against God with his angels,God did not fight against the devil himself, He is too big for that; rather the angels of God that are still obedient foughtagainst the devil and his angels got them out of heaven. Hissin of disobedience disqualified him from having a place in

heaven. He that commits sin can never prosper and the devilcould prosper not either since he is the author of sin.


The angels of the Lord fought against him and thrownhim out of heaven into the earth and he came down withanger to afflict all the creatures of God…Woe to theinhabitants of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is comedown unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that

he hath but a short time. He was angry because he wasdefeated and thrown out of heaven with his angels. Today theinhabitants of the earth and the sea are suffering because of the devil sends his demons to go and works destruction inevery corner of the world and even in the sea.


He sends his demons today to be worshiped instead of the creator Himself, Romans 1:8-25. The devil and hisdemons today make wives to rebel against husbands, lookingfor other men and even some times plans to kill their husbands, just to have the material things of the family;Husbands likewise have their wives and look for other womenand sometimes put other women in other places that their 

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original wives will not know. The devil came down with greatwrath against the people living in the world. People todayworship snakes, tortoise, elephants, lions and many other animals as their gods. The devil divided his angels to work inthe world to achieve his goal.

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.For we wrestle not against principalities,against powers, against the rulers of thedarkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. Ephesians 6:11-12 

The devil organized his angels in such a way that everyNation has a prince and other demons working with him. Allthe cities, urbans, communities and villages has a chief 

demon and other ones working to pull it down. The devi l isonly out to make sure that all that God has made is turnedupside down, but thank God he is too small to do such.


When you hear of strong wishes in different areas of the world, they are working for the devil. Today there aremany religious groups that are deceiving people around theworld making them believe that they are worshipping the realGod. They use all kinds of spirits to operate and bring newsfrom the under world. The devil and his angels are the enemyof our God and our own enemy too. Our battle today must beagainst him and all his co-horts and not against our brothersand sisters in the Lord or even the non Christians outside the

faith we profess. I ask the Lord to visit you today, so youknow that the devil is under your feet and control. Amen

 “And He said, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give to you power totread on serpents and scorpions, and over all 

the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:18-19

We must not fear this enemy, the false accuser of brethren. He has been defeated once and for all. All we needto be doing every day is to remind him that he is fallen andhas no more power again to operate against us. You have thepower and I have the power, what you fear controls your mindand your whole being. He is no more what you think he is.

There was a king in the city where the Lord sent me todo missionary work. Many people fear to enter his house

excepts his friends, close relations and party members. Heonce entered into the sea and comes out without water on hisbody, and through diabolical means he once walked on thesea, all this was to show people how great he is and that hehas power over the nature.

One day, I saw a young man come into my house andtold me that my attention is needed urgently at the house of that king. I was very happy because I have been desiring theday I will enter that house though looking at it from outside, itis very fearful. I prayed and we set out to the kings house,and when I entered, I felt the presence of demons and I justprayed and rebuked the demons and their activity seizedimmediately. We waited down until we were called to see theking upstairs. We met and started talking. The Lord gave meboldness and courage to speak with all authority, I felt anunusual anointing and I started speaking. At the end, the man

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decided to give his life to Christ, and I led him to confess and Ilaid hands on him and prayed for him. I anointed him with oiland spoke the word against the powers against his life andthey obeyed.

He led me into all his chambers, each of the door is

having the inscription of the Pharaoh’s of Egypt, and by hisdescendants as written on a marble they are from Egypt. I feltthat day, and people were asking me what have you gone todo in that house, I told them and they said to me that I amtempting God., but I know I was not doing so. God has all thepower in the world and nothing can harm his servants whoserved Him with all their hearts. Beloved that environment isspiritually polluted, but the Lord gave me victory, he evengave a part of his house for prayers before he died, though itwas not used before he died, but the Lord manifested hispower. Despite all the powers he manifested to show how

great he was and under the powers be manifested to show hishouses . Beloved, the devil has no power and there isnothing to be feared about him. The Lord is in control of thelives of his children, whether awake or asleep. Beloved,Satan is under your feet, fear not for any reason in this life.He has fallen! He will continue to fall for your sake till hefinally be in hell.



Since I became a Christian, I mean since I gave my lifeto Christ as my Lord and My Personal Saviour, fear departedfrom my life. I used to be much afraid, little things make me tofear and it continues until when I became free. The devil washarassing me seriously through the spirit of fear and since Iknow that Christ has defeated him for us, I never remained the


Colossians 2:15 

“For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same; that throughdeath He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. And deliver themwho through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage”. Heb. 2:14-15 

The devil uses fear as one of his first agents to defeatthe children of God. He suggests a lot of things and later hemakes you believe that you have no help in that problem andfinally he will use that occasion to finish you up. Fear is of the

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devil. Really we have natural fear , the fear of God and thedevil’s oriented fear. The natural fear makes someone not toput his hand inside the fire or to drive recklessly his vehicle.While crossing a bridge that is very narrow, you do it carefullybecause of natural fear, so that you may not fall inside it. Of 

course if you don’t do it carefully, you will fall in. The fear of God makes people live after God in holiness andrighteousness, Fearing to do evil leads to a holy life. But thefear of the devil is the one that he makes people to fear, evenwhen there is nothing to fear. Some people fear darkness,when the electricity is taken away. Other people fear to stayin their houses alone, they feel someone is coming to kill themor that devil is coming to swallow them up. We were also toldmany stories during our child hood that puts fear into our hearts too.

Jesus destroyed anything that is called fear that can

disturb a child of God. Fear not is the message of our hour.The power of our Most High God is in control of every of hischildren, and the devil can never pluck us out of His hands.

“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with theHoly Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that wereoppressed of the devil; for God was with Him  Acts 10:38 

“And when He had called to Him His twelve

disciples, He gave them power against uncleanspirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.  Matt.10:1

One lady was once brought to my office one earlymorning, she was living with her grandmother. She was mad,and when the madness started, they rushed her to differentwitch doctors and they tried all they could, instead the

situation got worse, the family people began to suggest onething to the other and their plans failed them and finally theydecided that the father should then take her to where ever hewants mocking him. She was brought to my office and after interview with the parents, immediately I ministered to her.The demons were cast out with all authority and today she isperfectly whole. The sight of the problem was such a fearfulone that one can run away, but I always remember one thingwhen ministering to people, what would have Jesus done tothis matter. What would have been his behaviour andreaction. After thinking all these things, then I will proceed to

do the work of Him that sent me. We have seen such thingsyet many do not believe it is the power of God, because theyhave not known the Christ that works miracles.

The devil oppresses people and they fear him. Whenany teaching is going on in the church against the devil someChristians fear and begin to think that the devil will wait for them on the way and kill them. They will be afraid that somewill ask for prayers after service. The devil has lost his power over us, you can only be intimidated by his false anddeceptive power. Beloved, do not fear, Jesus has taken our place at the cross and nothing shall by any means destroy our 

lives again. If you are a believer, a real Christian, living thelife of holiness, you must be assured of this one thing that Godis in control of your life. The devil can never stop what Godhas in mind for you. You can shun the spirit of fear in your lifetoday. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of 

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power, and of love, and of a sound mind, 2 Tim. 1:7.  Sunfear today, it is not of God but of the devil.

ROARS LIKE A LIONIn November 1994 when we were renovating a building

we hired for a church hall in Douala-Cameroon, my wife wasthere with us working and after working for a long time, shewas tired and decided to go and sleep a while and rest, andimmediately she closed her eyes, a lion appeared to devour her and she woke up, and she tried to sleep again and thesame thing happened and she rebuked the lion and she sleepoff. Latter one of the women living around called the son of the landlord to warn us and inform us that we are going tosee, that she will send a lion to come in and attack us duringthe service. That place was a citadel of Satan. She was veryserious about it, she was trusting the power of her witchcraft.

The message came to me and I send back message to her that we will send our own lion to come and attack her. Shebecame afraid and started shouting saying that “this peoplehave witch and have come here to destroy us”. Neverthelessthey tried in diverse ways and failed. They failed and failedcompletely. We stayed there until God’s appointed time for usto leave that particular place. The lion of the Tribe of Judahprevailed against them.

“BE sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks

about, seeking whom he may devour”.  1 Peter5:8 

He is roaring and walking about looking for people thatwill be his prey, but the Lord is fighting our battles for us. We

are not afraid of false and cunning spirits of the devil. Youmust be careful, and not allow him to devour you. Be sober,be vigilant you have an enemy. It is time to raise a standardagainst him in all aspects of life. You must not allow him gowithout wound as Jesus has done his part.

The devil puffs up every day and puts people into fear and oppress them through that fear. He makes peoplebelieve that he is very power and destructive, and that no onecan stop to lie. We are not bound, Jesus has set us free fromthe bondage and fear of the devil.


Since it pleased the Lord to give us His only begotten

son to redeem us from the powers of the enemy, there isnothing He can not do for us. He is the maker of heavens andthe earth. There is nothing too hard for him to do. In times of afflictions, we must remember that our God is a terrible God,he fight and wins in every battle. He has His angels that hedelegates to destroy our enemies that are against our lives.We must recognize that God is always available to help us inall our situations. We need not fear the devil for any reason,no matter the afflictions he is posing against our lives, theLord is there to fight on our behalf.

“Many are the affliction of the righteous: but the Lord delivers him out of the them all”.  Psalms 34:19

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One night in Douala-Cameroon, I saw somethingentered in our bed room while we were lying down in bed, itwas glittering with light all over and was trying to go aroundour bed, and I was just looking at it and I shouted in the Nameof Jesus, and it exploded like a gun shot and disappeared

from the room. We woke up and looked around, we sawnothing, and I went close to the window from where that thingentered and I saw nothing, and the spirit of the Lord made meto understand that it was a demon that entered to attack usthat night. The devil has sent several attacks that place bothspiritually and physically but we got full victory. The devilwanted to bring fear into our heads but the Lord stood with usthat night as a mighty terrible one. He comforted us, and wewere very courageous and slept very well. The Lord deliveredus from the plans of the devil, we trusted that the Lord cannever allow us to be put to shame, nor to be destroyed by the

powers of darkness.You may have been afflicted in other ways, but one

thing is sure that the Lord is always near them that serve Himand delivers them from troubles, Psalms 124:1-8 & Daniel6:18-22.



In 1988, between the months of May and June my wife

was sick on one Friday, though it was not very serious before Iwent to the evening prayers, but she was very tired. While theprayers were going on, the Lord spoke to us in the church thatmy wife was giving up the ghost, that the problem wasbecoming very serious; We prayed, and I waited till the

service was over and went home. As I entered the house Isaw the situation very critical, we were just married for fewmonths, that was new experience in marriage. I saw my wifereally going off and the devil trying to strangle her alive, Iprayed for her and after eating that night I backed her up on

my back and carried her to the church that night since wewere having a night vigil. There was no vehicle. Reachingthe church I kept her at one corner. She was very helplessbut the Lord was my strength and courage. I was then 27years and she was 22 years, the enemy was trying todiscourage me but I refused. Since I could carry her alone tothe church, believing the Lord for healing that was veryimportant. I stood on the word of God, and kept on confessingand believing till the time of prayers. We prayed that night for many things and also prayed for my wife. In the morning shewoke up herself and we went home together. She walked

herself without any other pains, and that was the end of everything the devil planned to have in my home. We must learn tostand firm against the devil when he comes with all his liesand deceptions. When he comes like a flood , the spirit of theLord raises a standard against him through us the believers.

The enemy has brought many things like this one indiverse ways but the Lord gave us victory over him. We havealways believed that God cannot allow us to be put to shame,we believe that what we are doing is not our work but His. If we are caring for the work of God, He must care for our own.I use to tell people, I did not beg God to give me Jesus, nor to

give me bible nor even to become my God. He choose allthese things by Himself, and if He has done all these by Hisown power and wisdom, then all the blessings I need as Hischild I will have them. His decision is final for me. I am notafraid no matter what the devil plan, they always fail.

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“And behold I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry you in the city of Jerusalem, until you be endued with power from on high”. Luke 24:49

“In the last day, that great day of the feast,Jesus stood and cried, saying, if any man

thirst, let him come to Me, and drink. He that believes on Me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.But this spoke He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesuswas not yet glorified”. John 7:37-39

“But you shall receive power, after that theHoly Ghost is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses to Me both in Jerusalem, and in

all Judea, and in Samaria, and to the uttermost  part of the earth”. Acts 1:8 

Right from the beginning of creation, power has been inexistence. God created everything in the power of the Holy

Spirit. And we know that there is no other superior to thepower of God. He made everything, and made man to havedominion over all the things. Dominion means have power over everything He has made. He desires a man that haspower, that can control and rule.

Man failed from his position and lost the power to thedevil and God saw that man could not regain the power except He intervenes, He did by sending Christ to die andtake the power back.

“And Jesus came and spoke to them saying all Power is given to Me in heaven and in earth”.

  Matthew 28:18 

“I am He that lives, and was dead; and; behold,I am alive for ever more, Amen; and have the

keys of hell and of death. Revelation 1:18 

Our Lord Jesus Christ was telling his disciples of thepower He will send to them from above which is the promiseof His Father and our Father now that we are born again. Hetold them to tarry until He sends this power. But He has todefeat the devil first and come out to declare this power to thedisciples. When He resurrected, He declared that all power isgiven to Him. This power is the authority or the seal of Hisvictory over the devil. But the disciples must go and face theworld of power, where the devil roars like a lion.

Jesus asked the disciples to wait until He gives thempower from on high because He knows that the world is full of wickedness and that the devil is seeking whom he maydevour. With the power of the Holy Ghost he can not devour them. with out power they could not achieve anything. If 

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Jesus needed power to work against the devil in His humanity,the disciples need too the power.

The only power that the devil fears is the power of theHoly Spirit, because it is divine and has no comparison. It ispower from the Almighty God. If our God is almighty, then all

might, power, authority and strength belongs to Him. It meansthat every other power is false and deception.

“Behold, I give to you power to tread onserpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any meanshurt you”. Luke 10:19

“And when He had called to Him His twelvedisciples, He gave them power against unclean

spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.


Jesus did noting without the power of the Holy Spirit,He never come to glorify Himself, He came to glorify God theFather. He was empowered from above, He was anointed byGod and that brought healing and deliverance to mankindduring his earthly ministry. He never wanted the disciples tooperate on human wisdom else the devil will crush and scatter them.



Once I was ministering to a girl that was empowered bythe devil, she was only shouting, I will kill you, I have beensent to destroy you, and many other nonsense the girl wassaying. I just shouted, in the Name of Jesus that is aboveevery other name, having power over all other powers, thou

spirit of the devil come out of this girl and go, the girl fell onthe floor and stayed there for a long time and finally she cameup singing and that was all. This is the power of the HolyGhost, without this power we can do nothing.

Several times the devil have used the mouth of hispossessed argents to say a lot of things and finally left as theName of Jesus is pronounced in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

One of my former member who is now a pastor’s wifewas once possessed by a destructive demon. She will breakanything around her she was very violent in action. We reallyministered to her for some days before she could be

completely free, but on the final day, she was shouting, I havebeen sent to destroy you and you will die. Then I told thedemon, if you think you have the power, then come and killme, and she will stretch forth her hands like an angry lion tofight and I commanded the spirit to leave her and she felldown shouting I will not go, I have been in this place for longand this is my house, then I told the spirit you are a thief and athief must be killed and destroyed, then the spirit respondedlet me then go and with a loud cry the demon left and this girlbecame free completely and now married to a pastor andenjoying the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The devil cannot stop the power of God that operates inthe life of the believers, except we begin to sin against our Lord Jesus Christ. When we sin the power of God stopflowing, and the spirit of God is grieved. Someone may askme a question, why is it that some people are living in sin and

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the power of God is still working in their lives? Listen! Asinner cannot provide anything divine. The Holy Ghost maycome and work in that programme to bless people and after this man or woman will be destroyed in hell fire. We have notwo divine power. It is one and that is the Holy Ghost, and

from above.There may be other deceiving powers of darkness thatpeople use to gain popularity and make their belly to be filled,you better know that the end of such people is destruction inthe pit of hell fire. Where the devil will reign over them for ever and ever with much torments and crying.

We are in the world of power, everybody needs power whether it is of God or of the devil some people do not careabout it, but one thing I know is that at the end of the wholething, we must give account of all we have done in this world.

“And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord inSolomon’s porch”. Acts 5:12, 15&16.

Whenever I see miracles in the Bible, it gives meconfidence to believe more the word of God. We mustrecognize the power of the Holy Ghost which is working in us.We must know that the Lord came to favour our lives throughhis death and the power of the Holy Ghost.

God anointed Christ to deliver people from the bondage

of the devil and that is the same power and instruction wehave received from above to go and show the devil that he isnow defeated by our Lord. Go forth now and declare theresurrection power and victory He has given to us through Hisdeath.

“And into whatsoever city you enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set beforeyou”. Luke 10:8  

Jesus told the disciples how He saw the devil fall downlike lightening, that means he was already scattered and hasno more power over us. Since He told them to match andtread upon the powers of darkness. All the power of darknessmust be match upon by us. We must make mockery of their powerless power. The devil is a loser by all round.



One time I was invited to preach in a particular village,after the message the presence of God came down in the littlehall and people gathered from every corner and were lookingfrom the doors and windows, it was a wonderful sight.Demons were crying out and the word of knowledge washighly in operation, and the people around began to shout thisis witch craft, and even some people in the hall were afraidbeing new people in the Lord. The glory of the Lord waspresent, and even more which made the people outside to

run. Almost all the people that were not filled with the HolyGhost before were filled that night and it really brought greatrevival in the church. There is power, divine power, we mustallow this power to be operated through our lives.

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 A woman who was sick for 38 years met me of thissickness, but she has tried every thing and failed. After narrating the story to me, I was moved with compassion andasked her few questions and took her to the scriptures, and

 just laid hands on her and abdomen, back and belly was free.

The pains in the chest and back disappeared. This is thepower of the Lord, no man can do this miracles except God bewith him. If you do without God being with you, then you areserving the devil and will finally be destroyed with him.

We need power and must allow the power to operate inus. This is the power that works in us. The devil can never stop it and even nothing absolutely nothing can stop thispower. If you already have the power, stir it up or if not askthe Lord to fill your life.

“Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists,

took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying,We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches. And there were seven sons of one Sceva, aJew, and chief of the priests, which did so. And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you? And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped onthem, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. And this was

known to all the Jews and Greeks alsodwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all,and the name of the Lord Jesus wasmagnified. And many that believed came, and confessed, and showed their deeds. Many of 

them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them beforeall men: and they counted the price of them,and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. Somightily grew the word of God and prevailed”.

  Acts 19:13-20 

When ever the power of God is demonstrated, it drawsattention of people around except in some areas where theyattribute the power of God to that of witchcraft. When Simonof Samaria saw the anointing being demonstrated by Philip,and how Apostle Peter laid hands on people and theyreceived the Holy Ghost in Samaria, he requested for power for sale, Acts 8:14-24. He wanted people to receive miraclesand the power of the Holy Spirit when he lay hands on them.He was trying to go from the power of the devil to the power of 

God, without change in him.When I was doing my commercial studies in a particular 

community called Omoba, near Aba in Abia state of Nigeria,there was a great tragedy that took place one day. Oneunbeliever from Jehovah witness came out one morning andfound a small coffin in front of his house, and he went insideand look for kerosene and matches to burn it. By his standardhe knows God, but God do not know him, he has notconfessed his sins, and has no given his life to Christ. Hedoes not know what it means to know Jesus Christ aspersonal Lord and Saviour, but he decided to act like a person

that has power of God.Of a truth, he put kerosene on the little coffin and put

fire on it, but right there he became naked and turned madimmediately. This is what the sons of Sceva the high priestdid, using the Name of Jesus they do not know, but that which

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an other person is preaching, He is not living in them but inthe man that was preaching that Jesus. Do not demonstrateany thing called power of God until you are sure you are bornagain, and filled with the Holy Ghost. People saw it and wereafraid as in the bible days. I was not even a Christian whenthat thing happened, but now I can know that man could getmad instantly.



“Now to Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,according to the power that works in us.  Ephesians. 3:20 

One of the greatest thing that can happen to a child of God is to realize his person and his place in Christ. A lot of people live in ignorance of their person and quality asChristians. They fear any thing that is called devil or demon.This is because they have not the knowledge of whom they

are and the power that works in them.When I remember that I am a child of God, I feel like

dancing even at the street. I know I have suffered in thehands of the devil. He has harassed me several times. Hehas intimidated me also many times, but since I realized the

power that works in me; I stand to declare every where thatthe devil is under my feet, Jesus did it for me and for you.

We are in the world where we cannot run away fromproblems, the devil knows we are against him, then he bringsall kinds of troubles and problems to people, but thank Godwe have Jesus who has overcome him at the cross of Calvary. We are victorious through Him at all times. You aremore than conquerors in Him. If God fights your battles noone can defeat you.

“And having spoiled principalities and powers,He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Colossians 2:15 

“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All power is given to Me in heaven and in

earth. Matthew 28:18 

When we are ignorant of the devices of the devil, heuses that to manipulate us. Ignorance is the power that givesthe enemy a breakthrough to oppose us and win. When youhave the knowledge of the Holy One, you have authority over all your adversaries. Can we run away for the devil to reign,certainly no. It is impossible Jesus is our winning power.There is power that works in us, and this power cannot bemoved or stopped by the enemy. He has no right over our lives except the one we give to him, but no way for him.

Our God is able in every area of life. He made us andcan never leave us in the hands of the enemy to defeat or destroy us. The only place of comfort for us is in our God,when there is problem we pray and ask from above, but wehave assurance that the Lord does even than we ask Him.

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He goes beyond asking or thinking, when we ask for athing it shows obedience and humanity. He wants to hear usspeak to Him as our Father, but He knows every thing weneed. For the fact that He invested power in us, He wants usto use this power to show down to the devil. He wants us tomake the devil know that victory has come to us throughChrist by using His Name.

When situation arises, we can only go to Him that isable to do all things. The only capable person, who is readyto do it according to our desire.



When we realize that Christ died for us and has given

us power to operate in this world, we become authoritativeover the kingdom of darkness. The devil is a loser, he hasalways lost every battle he foolishly engages in. If you knowyour place in Christ, victory is yours. Nothing can say yeswhen we say no to the opposite. You must know you are incontrol because of Jesus Christ.



 As Jesus declared that all power is given to Him, itmeans that no other power is remaining. Whether is good or bad, all are under Him. The devil can never go beyond theorder of Christ. He lost the battle and will keep on loosing thebattle on behalf of Christians. You must know your authority.

“You are of God, little children, and haveovercome them: because greater is He that isin you, than he that is in the world”. 1 John 4:4

“For whatsoever is born of God overcomes theworld: and this is victory that overcome theworld, even our faith”. 1 John 5:4

since Jesus has all the power, they are nowtransferred to me and you through the Holy Spirit that is in us.The overcoming force in us is the Power of the Holy Ghost inus. We produce this power as we pray. Faith springs up intoaction, as we also allow Him to reign in the fullness. WhenChrist exercises His reign and power through us, every other 

power that claims to be in the world fears. Fear disappearswhen Christ appears, in action. Sure the fiery darts of thedevil can never stand where faith stands out in anger.

 A staggering man can never operate in faith. Unbelief is a killer disease, it is more dangerous than physical ailment.When faith leads a journey, every plan is sure to succeed.

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“For the devil sins from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.  1 John 3:8b

Jesus has done His part and has called us into theservice of dismantling the kingdom of darkness. How can wedestroy the works of the devil? Through prayer and the word.Prayer is the force that produces the power that works in us.Nothing sounds so powerful like using the word throughprayer. The word of God is the sword of the spirit, itdisorganizes the devil and his co-horts , Eph.6:17. A manwho cannot pray, can never understand the power that woksin us. The Holy Ghost lives in us, and He is a praying Spirit.The Holy Ghost is a prayer warrior.

“Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities:for we know not what we should pray for as weought: but the Spirit itself makes intercessionfor us with groaning which cannot be uttered. And He that searches the heart knows what isthe mind of the Spirit because He makesintercession for the saints according to the will of God” Rom. 8:26-27 

The devil has corrupted the world, he makes them

believe that he has power. He roars like a lion seeking whomhe may devour, but he cannot devour you when you pray. Allpower is given unto Jesus and this power is in your handstoday to produce signs and wonders. The power of hell

quivers when Jesus is mentioned, call on Him to take over and you will have rest forever.

You must know how to stand against the devil in allaspects. Christ overcomes the devil and nothing can hinder the power of God in you, if you believe. The devil is a bigloser, both in you and in others too. Resist him, I say resisthim in the faith.

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about,seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the sameafflictions are accomplished in your brethrenthat are in the world. I Peter 5:8-9

Do you think there is still any other power superior to

the power of Jesus Christ? Greater is the lion of Judah in youthan the wounded, crushed, powerless devil in the world. Youhave the power, go and declare it in the world. Do exploitsbecause you know Him that you believe. He can never disappoint you. All power is given unto you. God is waitingfor us to destroy any works of the devil around us. Wherever the works of the devil is found, we must be very activedestroying them, or they will begin to destroy you.

For as much then as children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took 

 part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject tobondage. Hebrews 2:14-15 

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If you are still fearing the devil it means that you do notknow what Christ has done for you and in you. Heresurrected and declared that the power has been taken fromthe devil. He had the power of death, but Christ has taken itaway from his hands. Do not neglect the power that works inyou. Refuse to remain under his fear, he is a liar.

“You are of your father the devil, and the lustsof your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth,because there is no truth in him. when hespeaks a lie, he say speaks of his own: for heis a liar, and the father of it. John 8:44

He uses lies to keep people under bondage, he makes them

believe that he is what he use to be. Lie, I say lie. He lost allthe power to Jesus. What you have the devil does not have.He is operating on fake. The original is with you and thecounterfeit is with him. Believe me, even the most weakestChristian can put the devil to flight.

The devil takes away your peace because you do notrealize the power of Christ in you. He steals your joy andtakes away the precious things that God has given to you.You must carry out war against him. Stop complaining andlaunch attack against his kingdom. Oh’ what needless painyou bear because you do not know. Oh’ what needless

sorrow, lost, you lack because you do not stand your groundas a soldier of the Lord. Beloved, pray it out. You have thepower in the name of Jesus Christ.

“Take heed, brethren, less there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing fromthe living God. But exhort one another daily,while it is called Today; less any of you hehardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold thebeginning of our confidence steadfast to theend; Hebrews 3:12-14

The only thing that can stop this flow of power isunbelief, sin or doubt. When once we are deceived by thedevil to go our own way, we will miss it. You are partaker of what Christ has done and you must stand daily in it. Your confidence in the finished work of Christ matters a lot. Relyon him and pray. Let your life change the lives of others like abattery charger. When you come together with others release

this atomic kind of faith by words so that they can know whatChrist has done for us. Deliver your brothers and sisters fromthe hands of the enemy. Let us work together to kick the devilaway from our lives and families. When you say that he haslost the battle to Christ believe and declare it boldly to other people.



Fight, beloved fight this fight of faith. Declare your arena devil and demons no go area. Make your place adanger zone for their kingdom agents, both spiritual andhuman agents. Realize this power today and stand in victoryfor ever.

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“And the God of peace shall bruise Satanunder your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. Rom.16:20 

Remember the source of your power. It is Christ thatworks in you through the Holy Ghost that He has given to us.He will bruise that wicked one under your feet. Believe it,stand for it and win.

You cannot talk of Power if you cannot pray.Prayerlessness realizes needless troubles on a believer.When you pray, your sight gives way for the power of God tobe realeased. And it is only a man of prayer that can look intothe spirit and predict the future. Can we say we have God’spower and refuse to pray? Then where does the power come

from? From above or beneath? You must pray and win.



 A man of prayer can use the word of God at all timesand produce effective results. God is not tired of hearingwhen we are not yet satisfied for our need. Our prayer isgreat investment for our future blessing and reaping. Whenwe pray using the word, we become a center of attraction toour generation. Ask a man who has results in the public, hewill tell you he has spoken much with God in the secretwithout tiredness.

“Wherefore receive you one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God. Jn 15:7 

We have a cheque book that is open from the Lord.We are free to tear out any one and use at any given time.

 ASK WHAT YOU WILL. This is a cheque, an open one.From where do we ask those things? From the bank of God.God’s bank is real and providing. If my words abide in you,then you can ask. It is now within us to release this power that works in us.

“Verily, Verily, I say to you, he that believes onMe, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; becauseI go to My Father. And whatsoever you shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father 

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may be glorified in the Son. If you shall ask any thing in My name, I will do it”.  Jn.14:12-14

When God tells us to ask from Him, He wants to showthe world that He is a caring and loving father. Imagine allthat Christ did, He wants to see us enjoying his goodness inthis world. The word gives us the right into his kingdom to askfor what we need.



I have seen countless miracles happen to the glory of God as I minister to the need of people. The word is whatGod used to make us what we are today, and you cannot

rebuild any man that is bad in this world without the word. Hethat is joined to the Lord is one Spirit with Him.

“But he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit”.  I Cor.6:17.

 If you are joined to the Lord, you have the authority over thedevil. You can do all things through Christ that lives in you.Some people will even say, but I am not a pastor, this kind of power belongs to the pastors. Brethren, Jesus did not die for pastors alone. Before one becomes a minister of God, such

one was once a member in the church. Jesus did not say Idied for pastors, therefore pastors go and use this my power alone. He says whosoever believes, Jn.14:12.

The word you hear in the church is not enough. Youmust read it yourself to equip your life with the weapons of 

our warfare. If you do not understand as you read, meet your pastor and he will explain to you. It is dangerous to read andnever understand what you read. It is like a man withweapons without knowing how to operate them. Sure theweapons are there, but they are useless because it can donothing to the enemy. When you know the power in the wordand prayer you will revolt against the devil and his demons.You will learn to provoke his kingdom for x battles. Make thedevil to fear your environs.



Doing the work that Jesus can only be effective whenwe realize the power that works in the word and in us.

Realizing what God wants to do through you and accomplishgreat things in this present world. Beloved you have no other world where you must work, except this one world. The worldcoming is a place of rest and having your reward of work. Iknow you will forget the mistakes of the past and face theenemy to his place. Give him no rest, get him out and let himknow that he is weaker than anything weak.

Today, I stand to declare you free from the weakness of prayer and studying the word. I decree the anointing of prayer and revelation knowledge of the word upon you. Rise up andbecome the devil’s number one enemy. Now, you can do the

works He did using the word and prayer.The devil knows that when we pray that heaven opens

to rain down great substance to us, then he stops us fromdoing it. Do you want to see the power in you work, then pray.When you cry and ask from above, you alert the host of 

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heaven to fill your life. And you know that no miracle canstand when tears beckon on it to come and show itself.




  We cannot be so full that God refuses to give to usagain. He is ready to release into our hands the mostprecious things of the earth if we care. Beloved, when wepray and it seems that heaven refuses us, as we cry out withtears putting our demand through the word, things musthappen without delay. God can never say so when your eyesare filled with tears of prayer. We must understand that Godis waiting to hear from His children. No matter how weak we

are, when we pray, the angels know that the people talkingare the redeemed ones.Can God deny us any thing that is according to his will?

He will never do so. Seek your demand today with tears of prayer using the word and make great way for your future. Nopower can withhold what prayer has taken down from heaven.It is God that made all things, when he gives, the devil never stand on the way.



The greatest offer you have from heaven is to sign your cheque every day using the name of Jesus who has made itavailable. We can not fail if we trust Him.

“And shall not God avenge His own elect,which cry day and night to Him, though Hebear long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when theSon of Man comes, shall He find faith on theearth? Luke 18:7-8.

Jesus said, God will hear us if we persist andpersevere. We are His children. The sheep of His pasture.

When you pick a verse or verses of the scripture thatdeals with your need, God will never say no. Be wise andknow the right scripture. One girl came to me scratching her 

body, guess what it is, Phileria. Her face was filled withbombs and she said Papa pray for me, and I reached forth tolay hands on her, and immediately I felt a release of anointingon her and five minutes later she started laughing. Thosethings have disappeared from her face and body, her peacecame back to her, Praise God. The power that works in us isthe anointing of the Holy Spirit. I simply explain anointing asallowing the Holy Spirit to work out His will through us. Whenyou obey the Holy Ghost, He will always surprise you.

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THOUGH WE WALK THROUGH THE FIREFire is always used as afflictions of the devil against

mankind. Another thing it represents is trials and temptations,but they are very submissive when you remind them of your power and authority that the Lord has given to you.

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers him out of them all.  Psalms 34:19

“When you pass through the water, I will bewith you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you: when you walk through the fire,

you shall not be burned; neither shall theflame kindle upon you”. Isaiah 43:2 

No promise of the Lord is written down in vain. Ibelieve strongly that many have not known how to use whatGod has written down for us. His promises are for every onethat understand why the bible is given to us. Fire and watershere are not only symbol, many have gone through the

 Atlantic Ocean, I just quote this scripture and that ends it. Theword of God is God Himself. He acts as we invite him to workfor us. No afflictions of the devil can stop God’s miracles from

coming our way. When the devil signs a verdict against us,God changes it without delay. You have the power to say noto the devil. Tell him no and he must take it like that, we donot beg him to accept it, rather he takes it without satisfactionand yet obeys.

I Cor. 10:13

Sometimes when problems come our way, it seems asif it will swallow every body, but when they are handledproperly, the bitterness in them disappears without delay. Theonly way we can overcome at all times is to stand and faceour opposer the devil, with Christ in us he is never a match for us. It is not us but Christ that lives in us. The battle is theLord’s, all we need to do is to watch and see the down fall of the wicked one, Psalms 91:1-16.

“A thousand shall fall at your side, and tenthousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you”. Psalms 91:7 

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom

shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life;of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked,even my enemies and my foes, came upon meto eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.Though an host should encamp against me,my heart shall not fear: though war should riseagainst me, in this will I be confident”.  Psalms 27:1-3

One day I received news that my son was sick untodeath, but the Lord delivered him, my daughter the same and

my mother inlaw, all attacked by the devil and at the sametime. I got a news that my aunt , the only sister to my latefather was dead. The devil wanted to discourage me, hesuggested a lot of things and I refused listening to him. I can’tlisten to a fool. A deceiver can never give me a satisfying

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information to have comfort. The Lord encouraged me andcomforted me. When such things happen to a man of God,many people do not care. A pastor is a person who cares for people but few can say, I care.

The devil was disgraced and put to an open shame inthis matter. You can not be overtaken by the enemy that

looks for your down fall.When it seems that your strength is decaying and there

is no more place to rely, look for another believer to supportyou. Two are better than one. You can chase one thousand,but God says two of you will chase ten thousands. This is co-operate anointing in the service of the Lord. Look for apartner, who can help you to pray out your need. Look for aserious believer. Not a fake person who does not know whatprayer is all about. Some people say that Jesus has fasted of them, the need not to fast again. Beloved, we need all to

fortify our strongholds in him.We can also release our prayer language, praying inthe Holy Ghost, Eph.6:18. When we pray in the heavenlylanguage, we speak mysteries unto the Lord, we are chargedlike new battery look for work to do. Oh’ what a wonderfulprivilege of being full of the Spirit. The Lord is our strength,He is our saving grace. Where He reigns, there is nothing tofear.


MAKING THINGS HAPPENWhen the power of God is being demonstrated, I feel

so much happy. Deliverance shows how weak the devil is

and how great our God is. I call the devil a forerunner tomiracles. Wherever he goes to create havoc, there ismiracles awaiting there. He has no power to stop the purposeof our creation.

One thing I love is that Jesus’ resurrection has given usmore boldness to go and tell people of his power. Thegreatest shame would have been if he did not resurrect. He isLord of all.

“For thus says the Lord of hosts; As I thought 

to punish you, when your fathers provoked Meto wrath, says the Lord of hosts, and I repented not: So again have I thought in thesedays to do well to Jerusalem and to the houseof judah: fear you not”. Matthew 8:14-15 

Miracles make me feel fine. Jesus just touched a sickperson here and something happened. Ordinarily touching,power is released through touching. People sometimes cometo me when I am under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I will

 just tell them to touch me for their needed miracles and things

begin to happen. To the glory of God the Father I said this. A lot of people believe in the miraculous, but they

sometimes do not believe it can happen even just now. I haveheard people ask, can this power work for me too? Theanswer is yes. It is not for particular people, the Lord has

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distributed His grace to every man according to his will. Theanointing upon Jesus through the Holy Spirit is not for lavishing; it was for specific mission on earth.

One day, a child who was lame was brought to our office, I was provoked to drag the child up and pray for him.

 After some days the lameness disappeared. I had much joy

as never before that day. The parents believe that I useddiabolic power, especially the father since he is not aChristian. Any miracle that does not have holiness as a goalis not to God’s glory. When they saw their child in goodcondition since it was their neighbour who brought him to beprayed for, they were surprised. The wife wanted to continuein our church, but the husband said, you must not put your legs in that church. The child wanted to be coming but thefather refused completely. Such things have happenedseveral times, people are being healed and they refuse to

serve God. I even ask God, why will you heal people who willnever serve you, but the answer is simple from Him, my goodis for the bad and good people. They have their will power either to follow or not. But it will not stop such a person frombeing to hell on the last day if he repents not.



Some pretend to have been repented, and others really

repent and getting home their mind or their family people tellthem not to go and they obey. On the day of judgement,every one will stand to be judged individually. We must giveaccount to God. When you have a miracle and refuse to

serve God, it is also a big sin against the ALMIGHTY GOD,ungratefulness.

Jesus was going about doing good on people, healingand delivering them from the oppression of the devil. Tomake things happen, you must be involved in God’s power and operate in the gifts of the Spirit. 1 Cor.12:1-11

The anointing is to make good things to happen, and if you say you have anointing and nothing is happening in your life to set the captives free, I doubt it.

“Jesus answered and said to him, Get you behind Me, Satan: for it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve”. Luke 4:8 

Where ever I go to preach, I make sure that those that

are under satanic control get liberated. This is the mission of Jesus Christ on earth. Freedom from sin and satanicoppression, is the reason why Jesus has come, we mustcontinue in this mission through the power of the Holy spirit inus.



I saw a high lady police officer one day at Douala

International Airport and she created me familiarly, being apastor I greeted her so well also, but she asked , Pastor itseems you can not recognize me well again. I said I haveseen your face before but I don’t know where, please can youintroduce yourself to me? She said I came with my daughter 

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with a serious problem to your office once, she was bewitchedby people because she was married to a rich white man andshe was having serious marriage problems and that increasedher sickness, she was healed and today she is living with thehusband in Europe. We were all happy, and later parted, thenext time we met was still at the airport since she works

there, she took proper care of me because of what the Lorddid for her, this is the work of God. The power in us takes usto people of value, to the nobles. This power has led me topeople that I would have not known in the society I belong.



When we trust in the Lord, things happen around us.

God does not disappoint, instead He appoints us to a better living. I tell people when you are disappointed somewhere, itis because God wants to appoint you in something better andmarvelous things.

 “The Lord kills, and makes alive: He bringsdown to the grave, and brings up. The Lord makes poor, and makes rich: He brings low,and lifts up. He raises up the poor out of thedust, and lifts up the beggar from the dunghill,to set them inherit the throne of glory: for the

 pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and He hasset the world upon them”. I Sam 2:6-9.



“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and learnnot to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths”. Proverb 3:5-6 

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust also inHim; and He shall bring it to pass. And Heshall bring forth your righteousness as thelight, and your judgement as the noonday”.

  “Psalms 37:3-5 

I have seen a lot of miracles in our ministry andbecause of that I can never quit my faith from the Lord. Imean I have seen the reality of God. Some people go withthe Lord for a while and after they turn back, because theyhave not seen anything good for themselves, but I think thevery life we have is a miracle from the Lord. God gave us hisson to die for us and has promised to give us all thingsthrough Him,

“He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him for us all, how shall He not with Him alsofreely give us all things? Romans 8:32.

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If we can trust in the promise of a man that can die, then wemust learn to trust the divine God.



Our understanding deceives us most of the times. Thedevil makes us believe that he has better things for us thanGod, but he is nobody and can do absolutely nothing goodfor us. Even those that serve him are wretched andmiserable, they regret they have served him when they seethe true light of God. Those you think are rich serving thedevil know that their life is lost forever. When God is allowedin the center of our lives, then He works and gives us all thatwe need in life.

The only personality we can trust is He that has theability to change things, and it must be divine. Then God of heaven and earth, the maker of all things. The devil roars likea lion but he cannot stop what God is doing even for asecond. Trust is the message. When you trust you are freefrom the hands of the wicked one. It is God that is living in us,and He is greater than the devil in the world. The power in usis from above and it is above every craftiness of the devil thathe calls power. He will give us the desires of our heart as wedelight in Him. He is more than our needs and wants in life.What is it that the Lord can not do?

The word of God declares that there is no other power that controls the universe except that one of the Jehovah, Heis the almighty.

Trust Him, believe Him, Have confidence in Him andyou will be very happy you have a living God. The power that

works in you can produce great and surprising things as youanchor your faith in the Lord. Trust and obey.




 A young man came with a problem of pile that wasalready due for operation, the doctor has confirmed theoperation, but his sister told him of the power of the Almighty,the power that works in us. He believed and came to our office, he was instantly healed and today he is perfectly whole.We must trust in our God. He is able, He can do all things aswe trust and believe Him. The young man was asking thesister before his healing “Is this the only thing they will do for me to be healed? You may have thought so before also, butGod is greater than your trouble.

The failures that stop people from achieving their aim inlife are caused by the way they reason. No matter how your yesterday was, sure your today has great future in it. Youmust trust, all that God has made are for us. The afflictions of yesterday can never stop God’s miracles for today. Sure thedevil may have fought against your life, but you are in thehands of the Most high God. He is higher than your problems.Trust is the attraction word. To experience hard times meansthat doors are going to open for you soon. And if today is

filled with darkness, that does not stop the plans of God for tomorrow. Do not dwell in yesterday’s failures, they stop menfrom looking ahead for new success waiting for them. Nomatter the plans of the devil against you, they cannot stopGod’s determined purpose when we still need them. You may

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be a loser at the beginning, but that does not mean it is theend of your life. If God is ahead of you, your destination is thekingdom of God. Nothing can stop a journey that God hasplanned Himself. The problem you are passing through nowqualifies you for a great miracle. Behind every problem thereis a miracle.

Once I needed some money to travel and the one I hadwas not sufficient, then I prayed, and left for the journey to theairport, but when I was entering the car to move, I thoughtwithin me, miracle can happen any where. The money wasnot sufficient, but the all sufficient God was looking at me tosee what I will do. When I reached the airport, as I was doingthe necessary things to embark the plane, I saw one manrunning seriously to the airport, that was one of my members,a captain in the army, the Lord told him I needed money. Herushed down with what God has placed in his heart anddeposited it in my hands. This is a miracle. It can happen anywhere. You must trust, and such things has happen to meseveral times. You know that a second is enough for God toput laughter I your tongue. He can never fail. He has never failed me. That you have trouble today does not mean thatGod is wicked or dead. The power of trust can still work for you as you believe in the word of God. He is the God of onesecond or one minute. In a twinkling of eyes your miracle canappear. He is God the ALMIGHTY.

It you have not given your life to Jesus Christ, you maynot understand the saying of faith. To trust God, you must

first allow your sins to be forgiven by asking Jesus Christ tocome into your life.

“Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will 

come in to him, and will sup with him, and hewith Me”. Rev.3:20.

He stands always knocking at the heart of every onethat hears the word of God. You can even change today if you will. Even now as you are reading this book. Trust Him

for your new life and He will give it to you. Mark 7:21-23 sayswhatsoever you do that does not glorify God defiles the body.If you are defiled, you are not of Christ. You must be clean toreceive God’s miracles for your life. He will give you power tobecome a child of God.

 “But as many as received Him, to them gaveHe power to become the sons of God, even tothem that believe on His name”. John 1:12 

When you allow Christ to work in you, all crises of life begin todisappear one by one. Each one has a word from God thatfights against it. You can be free today and trust the Lordmore than before.

No life turned to Christ that remains as it was. Godchanges people to his glory. Adorning people with goodnessand mercy is the business of God, He is an expert in doing it,He transforms lives from step to step.

“For I know that my redeemer lives, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:

 And though after my skin worms destroy thisbody, yet in my flesh shall I see God. Whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold,and not another; though my reins beconsumed within me”. Job 19:25-27 

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Do you realize that your redeemer liveth like Job? Or do you cry every day and tell people you are finished, and thatyou cannot come out of this trouble that you have today. Jobsaid, he knows that God will stand for him. He is the God of all creation, He can stand for you too. He is your God. He is

your maker. Trust in Him and be not afraid.



“But as many as received Him, to them gave

He power to become the sons of God, even tothem that believe on His name”. John 1:12 

The desire of Christ for every one is to become a childof God. He wants each person to renounce sin and declaretotal reliance on God. The Holy Spirit which is the power of God, convinces of sin and changes us as we obey to changefrom our old life to a new one. That same power that makesus children of God, goes a long way changing a lot of things inour lives. This is the power that transforms a poor person to arich person, and the same changes low mental people to highreasoning men. It is the power of God. The power that setsmen on high. The power to become what you want tobecome. You can be a child of God. If then you become achild of God, a prince or princess in the kingdom of our God,you are sure of your future and every thing you do.

 And Jesus said to them, Come you after Me,and I will make you to become fishers of men.  Mark 1:17 

These disciples of Jesus here were made to becomefishers of men. Catchers of men by the Power of God. Theywere to be trained by Christ to be catching men for God. Youknow what it means to be employed by God Himself, it meansyou are great. If Christ requests that we come after Him, Hehas great things in stock for us. He wants to make us tobecome people of dignity. He has the ability to make man andremake him again. When we failed through the devil, he ruledover us with all destructive and abusive force, but Jesus cameto redeem us from him and make us afresh. I will make you tobecome. What does Christ mean, He wants us to be a part of what He is doing. Not only to win souls to the kingdom of heaven but also to be great in life. This is the will of God inChrist concerning us.

“And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord inSolomon’s porch. And of the rest dare no man join himself to them: but the people magnified 

them. and believers were the more added tothe Lord, multitudes both of men and women.Insomuch that they brought forth the sick intothe streets, and laid them on the beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter 

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 passing by might overshadow some of them.they came also a multitude out of the citiesround about to Jerusalem, bringing sick folks,and them which were vexed with uncleanspirits: and they were healed every one.  Acts 5:12-16 

This was a man that was just ordinary fisher-manbecoming a crowd puller. Multitudes surround him nowlooking for help. Jesus has made him become, what a greatman of God? His shadow now heals people. What asurprise? The Holy Ghost can use anything to glorify Christexcept sin. The power was transferred into Peter and now hebecame a solution producer. He has solution to the problemsof the people coming around him. This is what God is callingus to become. Solution givers. Miracles producers. Peoplethat can put laughter on the faces of people. Do you want tobecome a person of surprise in this world, come to Christ, Hewill make you to become.

The only person that can have this kind of fame iseither a president leaving his capital to another state or areputable person that has concern for people. This is morethat that, Peter gives solution to people’s problems. Hesatisfied problem stricken individuals and made them to laughagain. He was used to take away sorrow of many and gavethem joy. The power that works in us. The power of the HolyGhost. This power can work in homes changing lives, in

marriages changing husbands and wives, and even their children. Jesus said, I will make you to become. He hassomething in mind. You have the choice today either tobecome what God deserve or not to become. Become what?I ask again, becoming what God wants you to become in life.

When you refuse to become that which you must be to theglorify of God, you become a problem no matter where youare found. You will be a problem to your family, in the churchyou belong and in your society. Refusing to be the person of God’s choice is complete disobedience to the Master of creation.

Make yourself available for God to make you. It maybe tough making you afresh, but at the end you will be happyyou are molded afresh to the glory of God. God makespeople and puts his glory in them to become world changers.

Do you want to become, do not look back to your former failures in life. Peter failed once and the Lord renewedhim and brought him back to a higher dimension of usage,John 21:1-17. There is great danger dwelling in the pastshocks of life, they stop men from believing God for newthings. It is normal to fail in life, but do not remain there. Youcan choose today to be high in life if you are ready to obeyand follow Him.

“Say you to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Isaiah 3:10 

“Come now, and let us reason together, saysthe Lord: though your sins be as snow; thoughthey be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.If you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the

good of the land: But if you refuse and rebel,you shall be devoured with the sword: for themoth of the Lord has spoken it. Isa. 1:18-20 

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It is now in our hands to obey and do those things thatcan be counted as great things in life. Reason with God andwork out what He has invested in you. We will obey and eatthe good of the land. We shall not be devoured, it is not thewill of God for us at all. Do not disobey the voice from above,they bring message of change for your future. Do not say no

to the things that can make you to become God’s star. It shallbe well with you if you do His will for your life.

You must realized that God wants you to be a person of honour. A person that can stand for others in hard situations.One that can tell others, follow me my God is able. You canbe like that beloved.

The vision of Isaiah the son of Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord has spoken, I have nourished and brought upchildren, and they have rebelled against Me.The ox know its owner, and the ass itsmaster’s crib: but Israel does not know, My  people do not consider”. Psalms 1:1-3

The power of holiness makes us to become what Godwant us to be. When you say no to sin, it means you havedecided to go after God and what He has for you. The power of the Word makes us to become like a tree that is planted by

the side of rivers. It means success all round.Christ said, come after me and I will make you . Lord Iaccept that you make me must be our response. When theangel came to announce to Mary what God wants to makeher, she only said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto

me according to thy word. Luke 1:26-38. But Zechariah,doubted, though he was a priest of the most High when theangel brought news of their child that was to come into their home. He become dumb. Luke 1:5-25.

When we believe in Christ’s invitation and word, thereshall be a performance of God’s words in your life. You must

be blessed if you believe. God is the one that performs Hiswords in the life of people. Making things to happen for your favour is God’s business. What man cannot do, God can do.With God all things are possible Mark 10:27. Nothing can beimpossible to him that believes. Believe first and it will cometo pass. There shall be a performance of God’s word evennow as you are reading this book. The power that God hasput down in this book has the ability to make a performance inyour life

 “Then said the Lord to me, you have well seen: for I will hasten My word to perform it.  Jeremiah 1:12.

Mary believed the message above and it brought joy toher family, and when Zacharias disbelieved it broughttemporary dumbness to him. He would have believed, andthat could have brought great joy to his wife and the peoplewaiting for him outside. He came out dumb. That is howmany pastors and ministers of God as starving the people of God, because they refuse to become what God wants them to

be. They refuse to be made by God. They find it hard to bowand obey the making of the Lord.Beloved which one do you want? To obey and be

 joyful or disobey and be dumb like the doubter? I believe youknow what is better for you.

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Here the poor is raised to sit with the princes in life. Hecan do the same for you. He can make you to sit with thenobles in life. He can also make your life a wonderful fruitfulwoman, no matter the years she has stayed without children.He makes, yes He makes people to become glorious in life.Listen, you can never live without becoming glorious in life.

Listen, you can never live without becoming that which Godhas in mind for you. Now unto him that is able to doexceeding abundantly in your life.



“For by your words, you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned.  Matt. 12:37 

In the worldly court system, people are judgedaccording to what they say. You may be right in a matter, butwhen you say the wrong thing you will be condemned. There

is power in the spoken word. I have seen people who areright and say the wrong thing, then they are condemnedbefore the court. Jesus was talking of the treasure of theheart of man where words are formed in the spirit before theyare spoken out. Thoughts are part of words. What you think

is what you speak. When men are full of good thoughts, theyspeak good words, but if they are filled with evil thoughts, their words will surely be dirty. What you say justifies or condemnsyou, Matt.12:31-36. Think before you speak. Many speaknonsense when they are angry and after they deny they havesaid such dirty words.

The tongue is the power of words and speech. Thearticulating force of the mouth. Without the tongue the mouthis useless. The tongue creates words before they will appear.It has the power to build or to destroy. What you say is whatyou can have. When you realize this force of speech in you,then you become careful the way you speak either in thesecret or in the public. What you say creates a forcesomewhere and operates. It produces effect either positive or negative. The tongue has power enough to change your lifeand future.

When God created the world, he just said, let there beand it existed. Genesis 1:1-31. The same power work in you.You have the power to kill or to make alive through the thingsyou say. We can even bring things that does not exist intoexistence. God is living in us and wants us to know that Heplanted into us the creating ability. This is the reason we canbless or even curse. The power that works in us are thepower of words, and when we have enough of the word of God in us, then we can really think of the things to be, and wespeak them out to be. The force of holiness control the forceof the power in us to rule off the natural. God is able to use

the power of the tongue from now to create good things for your life and the lives of people around you.It was Adam that named all the things that God created

and brought to him. Whatsoever he calls them remain their names till now.

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“And the Lord God said, it is not good that theman should be alone; I will make him an helper meet for him. and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them to Adam to

see what he would called every living creature,that was the name thereof. Gen.2:18-20 

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue:and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”.  Proverbs 18:21

“A fools mouth is his destruction, and his lipsare the snare of his soul”. Proverbs 18:7 

Prayer cannot be without the tongue. We cannotcommunicate without the tongue. There would have not beengossip without the tongue. There would not have been wordsof encouragement without the tongue also. The tongue isvery important in life. But now it is written that death and lifeare in the power of the tongue.

“Whosoever keepeth his mouth and his tonguekeepeth his soul from troubles”. Prov. 21:23

It is not good to be hasty of words. He that is hasty of words lacks understanding. He destroys his life and future.When a person is hasty of words, the devil uses that toentangle him in many troubles.

God is washing over the things we say. The angels of God that waits for God’s command are waiting to hear whatwe shall speak out of our mouth. When you have faith in your heart, no one knows it until you pronounce some words out of your mouth. The tongue releases the abundance of the faithwe have. When you speak and it comes to pass then you will

be termed a man of faith.

“The words of a man’s mouth are as deepwaters, and the wellspring of wisdom as aflowing brook”. Proverbs 18:4

We must allow the reality of God’s word to dominate usso that we do not speak things that does not glorify God. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, no good temple willlike to defile himself.

“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider itsways, and be wise Proverbs 6:2 

“For verily I say to you, That whosoever shall say to this mountain, Be you removed, and beyou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt inhis heart, but shall believe that those thingswhich he says shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he says”. Mark 11:23-24

Because the Spirit of God dwells in us, He gives us theforce and power to speak. Peter after they have worked manydays without catching any fish, they were discouraged andwanted to go. Jesus came to them and stop them and beganto turn fishermen to the kingdom of heaven through his boat

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and when he finished, He gave order to Peter which heobeyed and that was a change in his life, Luke 5:1-11.

Many people are under bondage today because of what they have said and that is bringing problems to them. Iknow a young man, his father cursed him because he had sexwith his step mother. The young man always urinates blood,

and his entire life is useless till we met.The father has died, how does he plead for this great

wickedness? Repentance and breaking the cursed in theName of Jesus. My wife prayed for him after repentance andhe was made whole. Sometimes women curse their childrenand think it is not powerful. What you say is what you have.Think back the things you have said against people and seewhether they are edifying, lifting or destroying.

When you gossip, you are creating problems throughyour tongue. I have seen pastors that gossip their leader because they need his position and some died for the samegossip. When you gossip and slander, you are in danger.The devil will profit through that and work against you. Eventhose you think are holy sometimes carry evil news up anddown more than unbelievers.

“You shall not go up and down as a talebearer among your people: neither shall you stand against the blood of your neighbour: I am theLord”. Leviticus 19:16 

The power of God in us is to bless, but sometimes oneis moved by anger and he curse someone, when you realizeit, do not waste time to change that. Ask the person towithdraw that words and change. Some people use their tongue to divide people and even the church instead of using

it to the glory of God. Be wise beloved and refrain your tongue from evil speaking. When you speak evil of another person, others will speak evil of you.

That is why I believe in prayer much, and when I pray, Iam using the power of the tongue to control my life in the sightof God. When we pray, God is seeing us as a force asking for 

our rights before Him. He made us, and knows that He mustcare for us. If you have used your tongue wrongly over your children, husband and or wife begin to change it now. Usethe word of God after repenting in the sight of God to changethose words you have spoken. This is the power of thespoken word. When the words are still in you, they may meannothing but immediately they are released for the blessing or cursing it is very effective. We must be careful the way wespeak.

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Who so offers praise glorifies Me and to himthat orders his conversation aright will I show 

the salvation of God. Psalms 50:23a

It is very clear that God requires praise, and thatglorifies Him. You must first ask this question, why must wepraise God? The answer is not far from you. As a pastor Ihave seen the power of praises in my family as a missionaryand in the church too. Praises simply means exaltingsomeone, or thanking a person for what he has done. Everychild of God must learn the act of praises in personal life andthen in the church. When we know the importance of praises,we will not be compelled by any one to give praise to God.

Praises provokes the love of God. It provokes Hiscompassion. It provokes miracles and healing. It provokesfinancial breakthrough.



Whosoever praises God exalts Him. Nothing else can

rejoice the heart of God like praises. Truly speaking, everything we offer to God must be on the stand of praise. Whenyou pay your tithe you are praising God with a little out of abundance He has given to you. You are just telling Him Ithank you for giving me this. Even forcing a person to pay his

tithe shows that he does not recognize what God is doing inhis life. I am talking of praises. I started this way because thisis the area where the devil cheats people from praising theLord. To sing to the glory of God means we love Him for allthat he is doing in our lives.

“Praise you the Lord for it is good to sing  praises to our God; for it is pleasant; and  praise is comely”. Psalms 147:1

One lady has been going to where one man owes her,and every time she goes the man will turn her down, this thinghappened for some-time and the lady was almost gettingdiscouraged. One day the Lord pressed in her heart that shehas to begin to praise her for that money, she wanted to praybut the Lord said no it is praises. She started praising theLord, even in a taxi she entered, people around thought she

was not normal but this is God working. As she got to theoffice of the man, the secretary as usual told her to wait for theman and she sat down to wait. This time the man just cameout and told the lady to come in gently with her bag to collecther money. He gave the money to this lady and even wrote anote for her to go to his factory and collect many things thatthey are producing free… He escorted this lady to the gateand people were very surprise of this act because they havenever seen such before. This is a child of God praising her master Jesus, giving Him praise for His Majesty and

Excellency. God is a good and no one is like unto Him. Hemust be praised by us, and even all His creatures.This is God working in the affairs of men as we begin to

remember his goodness to us and thank Him for our lives andeven remind him of the things He has done in the past. Even

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you when you are praised for the things you have done, youare happy. This is the nature of God in us. You may not liketo be praised because you may get into pride, but God cannotbe in sin. You are His creature, He is proud of making youand no one can lake you like him. His works are final. Thebeginning and the end of our life, even every thing in this

world. It is very appropriate to praise the Lord. Ps. 148:1-14;Psalms 149:1-9.

Praise is weapon on it’s own. Our God is ready todisorganize our enemies if we praise Him at all times.Praising God is not a periodical events, but a thing that musthave to do with our daily life. Deep praises bring greatmiracles. A person who does not know how to praise cannever experience the fullness of God’s glory. He can never see the action of God as desired.

I finished praising the Lord one morning with my family,and as I went into the two having a destination, the Lord

changed my going and sent me somewhere and He blessedme with a very huge amount of money. Really before I wentout, the Lord put a word in my mouth telling my family thattoday is a miracle day having praised God in this extraordinaryway. It was a surprise package to us, but to God it wasnormal. Oh’ what we miss because we refuse to give God Hisdue praises.

We have read from the Bible that Paul and Silas wereimprisoned and were properly kept in guard, but in the nightthey started praising the Lord. The chains on their hands and

legs got loosed. The chains were guilty of holding people thatpraise God in captive. The door was ashamed to keep closedsince nothing wrong was found in the people and the wholebuilding refused to obey the voice of man but that of God, just

because they remembered the God of heaven and began togive Him praise due unto his name. Acts 16:16-40.

Most of the time , we even quarrel with God in prayers,but you cannot quarrel with God in praises. Paul and Silas,they prayed and after that, they sang songs and every bodyheard them sing. They would have danced if the chains on

their legs were not tight. Sure I know they must have dancedto the glory of God after they were release from the chains of the people. The praise brought earthquake and salvation of awhole family. Imagine what praises can do in your life if youdecide today to be practicing it. Give time to it and it shallbless your life. The power of praise.

 As I travel to many places preaching the gospel, Icharge many churches where I was invited to sing praisesseriously unto the Lord before we enter into one day activity.While the praises begin, miracles begin, there aredisappearing of all kind of ailments and people get excited and

praise Him the more and things happen. In our church, wehave seen the miracle happen as we praise the Lord. Serioussickness and diseases has been reported disappeared as welift our hands unto the most high God. I do not joke with thechoir of our ministry, this occupies me if I am around, becausethey inspire me into glory and sometimes I don’t feel likewaiting for them to finish before preaching the word becausethe anointing is more than enough for the day.

Jehoshaphat is a man people always take for anexample of praises in the midst of war. Instead of fighting with

physical weapons, the Lord took over the battle. The battle isthe Lord’s as we praise Him. 2 Chronicles 20:1-30. God gavethe man a complete victory and even rest around his kingdom.What a wonderful God, let copy him and learn to praise untothe Lord.

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Sometimes I feel like stopping my vehicle on the wayand begin to sing praises unto the Lord. Offering is praise toGod, sacrificial giving are praises to God, but all these aredifferent from speaking of the greatness of our God and hismighty acts.

“Both young men and maidens; old men, and children: Let them praise the name of the Lord;foe His name alone is excellent; His glory isabove the earth and heaven”. Ps. 148:12-13.

“Let everything that has breath praise theLord. Praise you the Lord”. Psalms 150:6 

We must teach our family members to praise the Lordwhether we are around or not. We all belong to God and Hedeserves our praises, and we need his miracles. In God’s

presence when you are carried away by praises, you may noteven stand up, you may kneel down or even lie face down notminding the beauty of your wears. Sometimes while peopleare praising God in the church others will be standing lookingat them, for them they do not see the reason why all this noisemust be made. They want an atmosphere of calmness, butthe Lord still require praises. When praises go on in thechurch, the holy Spirit descends to inhabits the praises andtake care of unnecessary problems troubling the body.

You can become a person of praises every day. Thepower of praise makes God to come like in the case of Jehoshaphat and work. When every thing has failed andnothing seem to work, try praises and the Lord will beprovoked into action. He will rise against your enemies toutter destruction. He will put them to shame one thousand

shall fall at the left hand side and ten thousand shall fall atyour right hand side can be produce through prayers. Whenyou begin to praise your master Jesus from time to time, Herises in His majesty to act as the Lion of the tribe of Judah Heis called.


When I worship the Lord, I do not want anything todisturb me. Praises take men into deep consecration withGod. I make people to be devoted to God. It is not everybody that can properly pray but every-one can simply praisethe Lord with understanding. Praising Him for works in theaffairs of men on earth. When you have no reason to praisethe Lord as I know there must always be reason to praiseHim, begin to praise Him for the life He has given to you and

keeping it also by his power. Praise Him for your family, andyou can being to single your children out one by one praisingGod for each of them. It is evident that the Lord want to dosomething in the life of each one of them. Let praise be to uslike our breathe, Psalms 136:1-26.

“Let my adversaries be clothed with shame,and let them covered themselves with their own confusion as with a mantle. I will greatly  praise the Lord with my mouth; yea I will  praise Him among the multitude. For He shall stand at the right hand of the poor, to save himfrom those that condemn his soul”.  Psalms. 109:29-31

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Oh’ that men will praise the Lord for all He is doing andHe will do the more. Count your blessings daily and you willsee that the Lord has done great things. Do not forget thatwhen you praise the Lord for the things He has done He willcontinue to beautify your life with new things. Many of us onlyremember the things we have not got.

When I worship the Lord, I do not want anything todisturb me. Praises take men into deep consecration withGod. It makes people to be devoted to God. It is not everybody that can properly pray but every-one can simply praisewith understanding. Praising Him for works in the affairs of men on earth. When you have no reason to praise the Lordas I know there must always be reason to praise Him, beginto praise Him for the life of your family, and you can begin tosingle your children out one by one praising God for each of them. it is evident the Lord want to do something in the life of each one of them. let praises be to us like our breathe,

Psalms 13:1-26; Psalms 109:29-31Oh’ that men will praise the Lord for all He is doing and

He will do the more. Count your blessings daily and you willsee that the Lord has done great things. Do not forget thatwhen you praise the Lord for the things He has done He willcontinue to beautify your life with new things. Many of us onlyremember the things we have not got and that makes us lookbitter inside. This is for nothing. If you are bitter with God,who then will do those things you need.Psalms 107 is deal for every one. After all fasting, prayersand studying the word, the last thing is praises. Praisesfacilitates our miracles to come quicker than planned. Praisesmake heaven happy and active in operation. Sometimes Ihave come out the bed and wanted to pray and it seems notpassing well, and I just turn to praises and my inner person is

tuned into active force and the prayer language is releasedand things get well done.

Some of the time when I sing alone inside the room, Idance and make things for me. Every one may not have thesame temperament but it is good to show appreciation to God.

 As I mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, Tithes,

offerings, vows, and giving for the work of God showsappreciation to God. As I mentioned at the beginning of thischapter, Tithes, Offerings, vows, and giving for the work of God shows appreciation. It shows we love God withoutreservation. That is also praise and as we do it, we must be

 joyful in our heart can hardly be sick, a praising man canhardly find things very difficult. When the difficulties come,they are disorganized by the power of praises. After everyother thing the greatest we can give to God is our praises.

I have come to church sometimes and my body seemtoo hard like Iron and I say to myself how will it happen today,

but immediately we turn to the praising time, the anointingcomes down and the whole thing changes to the glory of God.The body, becomes very flexible, the anointing is there for anykind of active work, and the miracles takes place. There ispower in praises, there is also anointing that works themiracles in praises.

The devil is not happy when he sees a Christianpraising the Lord. God is his enemy and he will not hear onesaying thank you to God. He cannot do any thing good andwill not want people say thank you to the one that does greatthings. When you find yourself not praising the Lord it meansyou are an ungrateful child of God. What is that thing that isdepressing you, try praises and your way will be open. Trypraises and the windows and doors of heaven will be open for your supply. God is waiting for you, begin today and show

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forth the praises of Him that has used His blood to redeemyou from the curses of the devil. Let us praise the Lord.



One thing is very sure about this life, we need power tooperate in this world. We can not live in this very world of sin

where the devil is out to work havoc without the anointing of the Holy Spirit and without God backing us up in every thingwe do. Some of the times, we think we are doing this work byourselves and that is the reason why we fail. When we forgetthat there is someone in charge of this work and even incharge of our lives, then we see ourselves heading to thewrong direction that leads to destruction. The devil alwayswants us to forget about the power of God that is backing us,and he wants us to trust in ourselves and learn in our ownunderstanding.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and learnnot to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Prov. 3:5-6 

When you forget that there is power behind your operations, you will begin to be afraid. Once, I wanted to layhands on an AIDS patients and the devil was telling me thatthis man that is sweating like this can transfer some things toyou and I rebuke him. Another time it was a woman having aserious disease and the devil told me that after this prayer this

thing can now come over to my life and I told the devil let himdo it let me see, and I told him that I am immunized by theblood of Jesus Christ and that there is power behind what Iam doing and that voice seized immediately. Actually before Icome to know the authority of the believer, the enemy hasbeen using this type of means to disturb me and sometimes Igive in to fear though I have prayed, but after a long time theLord delivered me from such thought and torments of fear.

“Then he called his twelve disciples together,and gave them power and authority over all 

devils, and to cure diseases. And He sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and toheal the sick”. Luke 9:1-2 

It is not a surprise that the disciples of Jesus Christwere called together to receive power and authority for their operation. They were going into the territory of the devil, whowas already dominating the area they were send to preach.He told them to preach and cure.

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We can do nothing if we forget that we are onlyoperating through someone’s command, and must do things

the way He wants us to do. We need power but we must useit and liberate people that are under the bondage of the devil.The enemy have dealt with many Christians because theyforget the authority and the power that the Lord gave to them.they do not recognize their person in the Lord. Some peopleutter this ignorant words, “The devil is powerful” that is lie, hispowers has been taken from him.

“And having spoiled principalities and powers,He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Col.2:15.

The Lord was speaking to the children of Israel not fear their enemies because He is the power that works with them.he backs them up from the time they went out of Egypt. Thedevil made the children of Israel sometimes to forget God andwalk in the flesh by making a golden calf calling it the God thatbrought them out of Egypt. We are also sometimes carriedaway by the things around us that the devil makes us believethat we can do it alone without God.

“Then he answered and spoke to me, saying,

This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel,saying, Not by might, not by Power, but by My spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain: and he shall bring forth the

headstone thereof with shouting, crying,Grace, grace to it. moreover the word of theLord came to me, saying, the hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of thishouse; his hands shall also finish it; and you shall know that the Lord of hosts has sent me

to you. For who has despised the day of small things? For they shall rejoice, and shall seethe plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel withthose seven; they are the eyes of the Lord,which run to and fro through the whole earth”.  Zech.4:6-10.

We must know that we are not alone, whether sleepingor walking on the way. Until you develop your inner man youcannot understand that God is working. He does not workthrough the body, He does everything through the spirit man.

Courage, faith, and strength comes from the inner man,likewise discourage, fear, unbelief, doubt etc. when you arealready defeated from the inside, your outerman will onlymanifest the defeat that has taken place in the spirit.

The devil knows when you are trembling because of what you think about him, he uses that advantage to put youdown and finish you up.

Your heart must be developed to great things and notto fear since we have God behind our actions. The disciplesof Jesus were conscious of the power that they received, theywent out and put them into practice and it worked. If theyneglected this power it would have not worked at all. Youmust know that the Lord is behind you to do your good.

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“But now thus says the Lord that created you,O Jacob, and He that formed you, O Israel,Fear not: for I have redeemed you, I havecalled you by your name; your are Mine.When you pass through the waters, I will bewith you; and through the rivers, they shall not 

overflow you: when you walk through the fire,you shall not be burned; neither shall theflame kindle upon you. Isaiah 43:1-2 

Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cryrus,whose right hand I have holden, to subduenations before him, and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut. I will gobefore you and make the crooked placesstraight: I will break in pieces the gates of 

brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, which call you by your name, am the God of Israel. For Jacob My servant’s sake, and Israel My elect, I have evencalled you by name: I have surnamed you,though you have not known Me. Isaiah 45:1-4.


If you do not know that the host of heaven are behindyou, the enemy will always bring his lies and you believe them

and fear. You must know that we are not orphans, we have aFather that is out to fight against our enemies.

I came to my office one day and found a lady seriouslysick of Typhoid fever, she had pains all over her body, her belly she said was like fire was burning inside and she felt asif there were needles inside. She could hardly talk because

her head was aching. After counseling her and leading her into confessing the words of faith, I laid hand on her and theanointing penetrated into her spirit and she failed screamingand instantly after that everything that was planted in her bythe devil departed. She just met me two days later to informme that she felt God’s touch that day and now she is asstrong as Iron, that she can do any thing now unlike before.This is God working, liberating the captives, but sometimes weforget that we have such power in us, and the devil uses it toget rid of us in many areas.

“And the seventy returned again with joy,saying, Lord, even the devils are subject to usthrough your name. And He said to them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.Behold, I give to you power to tread onserpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any meanshurt you”. Luke 10:17-19

“They shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Mark 16:18 

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When in Luke chapter ten verse one the Lord sent outseventy disciples to preach where he will later go, they humblywent. All the seventy were not apostles, but many weredisciples that were trained to help the apostles accomplish thevision of our Lord. They were all given the power to heal,deliver and liberate those that were under the bondage of the

devilI believe that the Lord explained every thing to them,

what they were going to do and how to do it. I also believethey recognized that they can only succeed if they can dowhat they were sent to do in a normal way. Any man whomust succeed in life must listen to instructions and apply theminto day to day life.

They came back and gave report of what happened,they believed that the name of the Lord can work out, theywent out in faith and the Holy Spirit wrought miracles, anddemons were subject to them. first, they believe they can do

what the Lord told them to do. They practiced it and it workedout, they became very happy.

I recently understand that no man can ever succeeduntil he has built up his mind to do so. You can not operate inthe anointing until you build up his mind to accomplish greatthings in the kingdom of God. I have decided to stand myground at all times no matter what is happening, and Icommand you to stand too in Jesus Name.

One evening a member of my church told me he wassick and he was told it was caused by electric fan, and Iimmediately confirmed that such things can happen throughfan and after that little discussion we prayed and he went tosleep, and all through the night he was in agony. Early in themorning as I was praying the Lord spoke to me throughrevelation that it was not electric fan that an enemy is

attacking this man, I woke out of prayer immediately and ranto his bed room and told him what the Lord has said, and thatmorning the problem was so serious that he was determinedno to go to work and you can see the whole thing on his face.Immediately after talking to him, I took authority against theworks of the devil and rebuke the spirit in charge of that

sickness and instantly he was made whole and prepared andwent to work and came back until today without that sicknessagain. The devil made us to believe that it was electric fanthat caused that thing to him, and if the Lord had not spokento me, we would have allowed him to be suffering and it canalso increase and bring in other things. The devil will never allow you to know that he is working somewhere, he alwayslike to hide so that people will not know what he is doing. If hecan stop all Christian from knowing that he is the one incharge of the evil in the world he can do it so that no one willcome to attack him. When you find out that he is incharge

some where, cast him out and get your brethren set free in thename of Jesus Christ.

 A member of the church after one anoint ing servicewhere we also anointed our handkerchiefs as the Holy GhostMantle, he went home with his own handkerchief and hitinside his house in every corner, the rats that were disturbingin their house seriously all died in one day. That was thepower of God in action, he spoke to them before he hit themantle around the room and the Lord did it.

“And when the servant of the man of God wasrisen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, Alas,my master! How shall we do? Fear not: for 

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they that be with us are more than they that bewith them. and Elisha prayed, and said, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw; and behold, themountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. And when they came

down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, and said, Smite this people, I pray you, withblindness according to the word of Elisha”.  2 kings 6:15-18 

“When they were but a few men in number;yea, very few, and strangers in it. when they went from one nation to another, from onekingdom to another people. He allowed noman to do them wrong: yea, He reproved kingsfor their sakes; saying, Touch not My anointed 

and do My prophets no harm”. Ps. 105:12-15 

This is very regretful that a man can be moving with ananointed of the Lord without recognizing the protective power that works with them. Gahazi was completely ignorant of theGod they were serving and what He can do. He was afraid of the enemies that came to attack them, He was not away of the heavenly support, the host of heaven that fight for them,that protects them. He thought they were alone, but he askedthe Lord to open his eyes to see that greater is the power thatis surrounding them than the ones that have just come toattack them.

Many of us today in the church of Christ do not evenknow that heaven leave us to suffer in the hands of the devilshamefully. We are Gods children, he has given us in His

angels to protect us at all times, and even Himself does notsleep to see us destroyed, Psalms 121:1-6, Psalms 34:7

Elisha knows that God is behind him. He did not callhimself, God called him and the promises of God concerninghim can never fail. He just told the Lord, to make his servantto see what himself is seeing. He know that there were

angels and chariots of fire around, protecting and guidingthem from danger. He trusted and believe that God can never disappoint him. We must have such confidence on the power of the Lord. The Power of God gives us ability to march onthe powers of darkness. How do we march on them? we usethe word of God to speak to the devil and his co-horts andthey flee. The name of Jesus is a great weapon against them.

When problems comes very hot the devil wants tomake us to run away but that is not the solution, where ever you run to the devil can still send his demons to find you outand deal with you. The best thing we must be doing all the

time is this, asking God to intervene. We can dismantle thehost of hell with the power that backs us up. Several times,the devil have spoken through people that they will do me evil,but it does not move me since I know that our battle is notphysical but spiritual. I can see them but they can not see thepower that backs me up. They do not know that the God whocreated the heaven and the earth can fight on behalf of littleperson like me. They also forget that God honours those thathonours Him. God has taught me not to worry myself intimes of affliction.

One morning I phoned my Cameroonian representativeand he told me that he was having serious pain in his neckafter sleeping, he told me he could not just turn his neck, and Itold him immediately to put his hand on his neck, and I rebukethe pains. He responded that he heard some noise and the

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whole pains disappeared instantly without delay. He startedrejoicing. Beloved we must know that the Lord is alwaysworking hard on our behalf on daily bases to deliver us at alltimes. We must recognize that His presence is ever near usto help.

This is the last days and the Lord want to use us for the

last day battle. He is waiting for us to come close to Him. Hewants us to use what is already available. His power is infiniteand can do all things. When we call on him he can never refuse to hear us. We are the sheep of his pasture andchildren of the kingdom that Jesus Christ has died for. Weneed Him at all times.