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    Relevance theoryFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Relevance theoryis a proposal by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson that seeks to explain the second method of

    communication: one that takes into account implicit inferences. It argues that the hearer/reader/audience will search

    for meaning in any given communication situation and having found meaning that fits their expectation of relevance,

    will stop processing.


    1 Relevance theory contrasted with the Conduit Metaphor

    2 Examples

    3 Overview

    4 Formalization

    5 Terminology

    6 See also7 References

    8 Further reading

    Relevance theory contrasted with the Conduit Metaphor

    There are two ways toconceive of how thoughts are communicated from one person to another. The first way is

    through theuse of strictcoding and decoding, (such as is used with Morse code). In this approach the

    speaker/author encodes their thoughts and transmits them to their audience. The audience receives the encodedmessage and decodes it to arrive at the meaning the speaker/author intended. This can be visualized as follows:

    Speaker's thought/intention encoded transmitted decoded intention/thought understood.

    This is usually referred to as the code model[1]or the conduit metaphor[2]of communication. Human

    communication however, is almost never this simple. Context almost always plays a part in communication as do

    other factors such as the author's intentions, the relationship between the sender and rec eiver and so forth.

    The second way of conceiving how thoughts are communicated is by the author/speaker only conveying as much

    information as is needed in any given context, so that the audience can recover their intended meaning from what

    was said/written as well as from the context and implications. In this conceptual model, the author takes into

    account the context of the communication and the mutual cognitive environment between the author and the

    audience. (That is what the author/speaker thinks that audience already knows). They then say just enough to

    communicate what they intend - relying on the audience to fill in the details that they did not explicitly communicate

    This can be visualized as follows:

    Speaker's thought/intention context-mediated information encoded transmitted decoded

    context-mediated information thought/intention understood by hearer (an interpretive resemblance to the

    speaker's intention).
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    Here is a simple example:

    Mary: How many loaves of bread do we have?

    Bill: five.

    Bill did not say "five loaves". He also did not say "five loaves of bread". Both are implied with his reply. But both

    are somewhat redundant. What Bill said was just enough to understand his meaning. Mary fills in the missingcontext-mediated information, i.e. that the question was about loaves of bread and not about something else. She

    understands that they have five loaves of bread from Bill's one word answer.

    Here is another slightly harder example:

    Mary: Would you like to come for a run?

    Bill: I'm resting today.

    We may understand from this example that Bill does not want to go for a run. But that is not what he said. He only

    said enough for Mary to add the context-mediated information: i.e. someone who is resting doesn't usually go for a

    run. The implication may appear that Bill doesn't want to go for a run today.

    A closer analysis may however reveal a different picture. Bill in fact may fancy another woman, Jane, more, and

    wants to go for a run with Jane and not Mary. He doesn't want to say "no", because he doesn't want Mary to kno

    he's disinterested, because he wants to continue selfishly exploiting Mary's one-sided interest. He doesn't want to

    say "yes" because he would lie. So he says he's resting today, which is true, with a deceptive intention for the

    answer to be interpreted as a no. In fact he's resting only part of the day, and after that will go running with Jane.

    After all, Mary didn't ask what he's doing today, but whether he wants to go for a run. Mary may see through this

    and feel disrespected by Bill evading her question.

    These examples illustrate an important point: speech underdetermines thought. What we say (write, etc.) is smallcompared to the thoughts which generate the communicative act as well as the thoughts the act typically provokes.


    Sperber and Wilsons theory begins with some watershed assumptions that are typical of pragmatic theories.

    Namely, it argues that all utterances are encountered in some context and that utterances convey a number of

    implicatures. In addition, they posit the notion of manifestness, which is when something is grasped either

    consciously or unconsciously by a person.

    They further note that it will be manifest to people who are engaged in inferential communication that each otherhave the notion of relevance in their minds. This will cause each person engaged in the interaction to arrive at the

    resumption of relevance, which is the notion that (a) implicit messages are relevant enough to be worth

    bothering to process, and (b) the speaker will be as economical as they possibly can be in communicating i

    The core of the theory is the communicative principle of relevance, which states that by the act of making an

    utterance the speaker is conveying that what they have said is worth listening to, i.e. it will provide "cognitive

    effects" worthy of the processing effort required to find the meaning. In this way, every ostensive act of

    communication (that is the lexical "clues" that are explicitly conveyed when we speak/write) will look something lik

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    1. The speaker purposefully gives a clue to the hearer, ("ostensifies"), as to what she wishes to communicate - that

    is a clue to her intention.

    2. The hearer infers the intention from the clue and the context-mediated information. The hearer must interpret the

    clue, taking into account the context, and surmise what the speaker intended to communicate.

    For Sperber and Wilson, relevance is conceived as relative or subjective, as it depends upon the state of

    knowledge of a hearer when they encounter an utterance. However, they are quick to note that their theory does

    not attempt to exhaustively define the concept of "relevance" in everyday use, but tries to show an interesting andimportant part of human communication, in particular ostensive-inferential communication.


    Relevance Theory's central insights are formalized in the following two-part principle, the Presumption of Optimal

    Relevance (see Postface to Sperber and Wilson 1995, p. 270):

    The ostensive stimulus is relevant enough for it to be worth the addressee's effort to process it.

    The ostensive stimulus is the most relevant one compatible with the communicator's abilities and preferences



    Sentence Utterance

    Sentence Sense

    Logical Form


    Contextually Enriched Logical Form

    Fully Propositional Logical Form

    Truth-Conditional Proposition

    Explicit Proposition

    Explicated Proposition


    Implicit Proposition

    Implicated Proposition


    A sentence encodesa set of sentence senses.


    A set of sentence senses entaila contextually enriched logical form.


    An explicit proposition impliesimplicit propositions.

    See also

    Gricean maxims

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    1. ^Sperber, Dan/Wilson, Deirdre (1995): Relevance: Communication and Cognition, Second Edition,

    Oxford/Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 29.

    2. ^Reddy, M. (1979): "The conduit metaphor a case of frame conflict in our language about language." In: Orton

    (ed., 1979), Metaphor and Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 284324.

    Further reading

    Sperber, Dan and Deirdre Wilson. (1987) Precis of Relevance: Communication and Cognition.Behaviora

    andBrain Sciences.10, 697-754.

    Sperber, Dan and Deirdre Wilson. (2004) "Relevance Theory" in G. Ward and L. Horn (eds)Handbook o

    Pragmatics. Oxford: Blackwell, 607-632. [1] (

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    Categories: Pragmatics Theories of language Communication

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