Relic Compendium New Items Type I: (Mad) Al-Hasiz's Analytical Field Guides (QuantumEFX) Binger's Books of Booze (QuantumEFX) Blackmoor Blades (QuantumEFX) Tentacle Statue (QuantumEFX) Thaseous's Book of Languages (QuantumEFX) Thomas the Wayfarer's Golden Fleet (QuantumEFX) Zzonga Spirits (QuantumEFX) Type II: Portable Timepiece of Silver Stars (QuantumEFX) Teel Glitterstone's Magnificent Boat (QuantumEFX) Type III: K'far's Box (QuantumEFX) Lycan's Tears (QuantumEFX) Mummy's Curse (QuantumEFX) Type IV: Sword of Ice (QuantumEFX) Temporal Chime (QuantumEFX) Type V: Cloak of the North (QuantumEFX) Malthus The Damned's Crown (QuantumEFX) Pipes of Sephius (QuantumEFX) Sword of Ice (QuantumEFX) Type VI: Chrome Gauntlets (QuantumEFX) Dragon's Bite (QuantumEFX) Dragon's Scourge (QuantumEFX) Enlightened Path (QuantumEFX) Firestorm Bow & Quiver (QuantumEFX) Flame Snap (QuantumEFX) Salasa's Shield (QuantumEFX) Type VII: 12 Swords of Tefee (QuantumEFX) Bane Sword (QuantumEFX) Tiamat's Tooth (QuantumEFX)

Relic Compendium New Items - Telus Compendium New Items.pdf · Spell casters must roll under their intelligence ... the box to pay for his debts, the box continued to be used. It

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Relic Compendium New ItemsType I:(Mad) Al-Hasiz's Analytical Field Guides (QuantumEFX)Binger's Books of Booze (QuantumEFX)Blackmoor Blades (QuantumEFX)Tentacle Statue (QuantumEFX)Thaseous's Book of Languages (QuantumEFX)Thomas the Wayfarer's Golden Fleet (QuantumEFX)Zzonga Spirits (QuantumEFX)

Type II:Portable Timepiece of Silver Stars (QuantumEFX)Teel Glitterstone's Magnificent Boat (QuantumEFX)

Type III:K'far's Box (QuantumEFX)Lycan's Tears (QuantumEFX)Mummy's Curse (QuantumEFX)

Type IV:Sword of Ice (QuantumEFX)Temporal Chime (QuantumEFX)

Type V:Cloak of the North (QuantumEFX)Malthus The Damned's Crown (QuantumEFX)Pipes of Sephius (QuantumEFX)Sword of Ice (QuantumEFX)

Type VI:Chrome Gauntlets (QuantumEFX)Dragon's Bite (QuantumEFX)Dragon's Scourge (QuantumEFX)Enlightened Path (QuantumEFX)Firestorm Bow & Quiver (QuantumEFX)Flame Snap (QuantumEFX)Salasa's Shield (QuantumEFX)

Type VII:12 Swords of Tefee (QuantumEFX)Bane Sword (QuantumEFX)Tiamat's Tooth (QuantumEFX)

Type VIII:Brood's Cloak of Protection (QuantumEFX)Brood's Shield of the Damned (QuantumEFX)Brood's Warhammer of the Damned (QuantumEFX)Final Doom (QuantumEFX)

Type IX:Ixion's Staff Of Flames (QuantumEFX)Sword of Frost (QuantumEFX)

Type X:Gorgon's Heart (QuantumEFX)Tainted Love (QuantumEFX)

Temporal Chime (QuantumEFX): a magical device that chimes at the top of every hour on the hour a musical tune native to the land the chime is in. Materials and design puts it at 4,000+ years old. Somehow the device sense its physical and temporal location, what the local time is and will automatically adjust itself. The chime itself is made of worked patterned bronze with well patina copper inlays. It resembles a 1 foot tall, 4 sided pyramid with every other "block" missing to reveal the inner workings.

Blackmoor blades (QuantumEFX): regular daggers, short swords & normal swords forged from the time of Blackmoor. These items have been authenticated as of Blackmoor era and creation. No details as of yet have been discovered as to who owned the blades or who their creator was.

Sword of Ice (QuantumEFX): A normal sword +2, +5 vs creatures of fire (elementals, fire giants, red dragons, etc.) with the special ability to turn flesh to ice (or ice to flesh) three times per day. It's age, creator and exact spell used in its creation are still a mystery. One of those strange things that come up from late night sessions.

Zzonga Spirits (QuantumEFX) Type I A strong smelling liquor made from the zzonga fruit.

Several stashes have been found by dwarves mining in northern mountain ranges, nomads “discovering” lost cities deep in the bad lands and explorers in the most distant jungles. The age is near impossible to tell but other items found in the same location puts the known stashes in the 3,500 to 4,000 year old. To date, only three sizes of containers have been found. “Small” bottles that hold 12 litres (405 oz or a full Balthazar), “Large” bottles that hold 96 litres (3,240 oz or nearly a third of a hogshead) and old wood casks that contain a little more than two hogshead (655 litres or 22,146 oz). Where the booze comes from is unknown but why it was stashed in far off locations is obvious once the effects are discovered.

Effects: For every shot (1.5 oz) consumed, the drinker must save vs. poison with a -6 penalty or he/she/it will be drugged for 1d6 days. 2nd and consecutive shots, in the same day, will increase the drugged time by an additional day, to a maximum of 6 days. Further consumption while still drugged but not on the 1st day will result in the drugging lasting until 6 days after the last shot consumed.

Drugged beings will be happy and mellow to a point where they will have no ambition other than getting more zzonga based food or spirits. They have no desire to adventure, sleep, eat/drink (other than noted) or get free of the poison that they have consumed. In time the drugged beings will die of starvation and dehydration if they are not physically forced to eat and drink. If left on their own, they will die in a number of days equal to their constitution score.

Drugged beings are at a disadvantage when it comes to combat as well. They suffer a -6 penalty on all combat rolls and loose any dexterity bonus to their AC. Spell casters must roll under their intelligence (or wisdom for clerics) statistic on a d20 with a -6 penalty every time they attempt to cast a spell. Failure indicates that they have forgotten what they were doing. They don't loose the spell like a misfire, but they have wasted a round.

A cure poison spell will reduce the drugged time by 1 day and a cureall spell will reduce the drugged time by 5 days. Once reduced to 0, those affected will be free of the poison but will have to be restrained when near the smell of Zzonga fruit based items or they will automatically consume some. Only a wish spell will permanently remove the addiction of someone who has been drugged.

If less than a full shot is consumed on the 1st try, the penalty is reduced. For example a third of a shot (0.5 oz) would only have a -2 penalty. Less than full shots to someone drugged will count as a full shot for number of days drugged.

As a poison, or a component of a poison potion, a single shot could be worth up to 500gp to the “wrong” people.

K'far's Box Type III (QuantumEFX)

1ft metal cube (Create water & create food) 100cn 54,000(+)gp

The merchant K'far found this item in a cave while hiding from a storm (disgruntled customers). The floor in the back of the cave gave way while he was exploring (looking for other exits) and he fell into a tiny cavern partially filled with a pool of crystal clear water. After getting his bearings K'far noticed the metal box in the centre of the pool and that it's top was open.

The retrieval took several attempts, as K'far wasn't the best swimmer, but in the end he closed the box's top and swam back with it. As he pondered how he would escape the cave he tried to open the box. Three of the six sides were firmly fixed but the other three sides opened. The “top” produced a spring of fresh flowing water, one “side” produced enough animal feed to satisfy over 100 horses and the other “side” produced enough food (meat, cheese, fruit, etc.) to feed a hundred starving dwarves. K'far had discovered a very useful item. [All spells are equivalent to a 24th level cleric casting with a maximum output capacity of equal to 9 castings per day per spell.]

In short time the pool drained and K'far realized that if he plugged the drain, the box would eventually fill the small cavern and he could float out, or at least get close enough to the top to climb out.

While K'far ended up selling (at dagger point) the box to pay for his debts, the box continued to be used. It has been an excellent companion to adventurers, armies and bandits for several thousand years but the story of the (not so) noble merchant who found it has endured. Unfortunately, the origins of the box's creator has not been as enduring and has been lost to the annals of time.

Mummy's Curse Type III (QuantumEFX)

Bastard Sword +1 (Web & Haste) 100cn 37,500(+)gp

Thieves raiding an old temple in the desert of Izonda uncovered an ancient tomb filled with undead and just plain dead. At the deepest, and best hidden, level of the tomb, the thieves uncovered a sarcophagus with a very irate mummy inside. After the fight, the thieves looted the tomb. The thief who delivered the final blow to the mummy claimed the right to the mummy's sword.

Description: A large bronze bastard sword that glows with a light green light when held. The hilt of the sword is encrusted with many tiny gems made of Lapis Lazuli (5d20 @ 0.1 ct or less) that have been worked in with great skill to ensure that they aren't disruptive to the swords use but still provide great beauty.

Powers: When held with both hands the wielder becomes enchanted as if he/she/it had been affected by a haste spell. The haste effect doesn't occur when wielded with only one hand, but there is benefits for one handed use. If the sword is used in a one handed manner and it strikes a target with a natural 20, the target becomes webbed as if struck with the 2nd level magic user spell. The target does get a save to avoid the webbing, but with a -4 penalty to the save and a loss of initiative the next round for his/her/its troubles.

Limitation: The sword does have a strange limitation, not so much of a curse but an unwanted side effect. If the sword's wielder fumbles his/her/its attack (to hit roll of natural 01), he/she/it must save vs. poison or become afflicted with a wasting disease. Any cure disease or cureall spell will reverse the effects but time and rest will only make it worse.

Wasting Disease: Every day the victim is allowed a save vs. poison. If successful, the disease doesn't get any worse that day. If the save fails the victim looses one point of constitution, one point of charisma and takes 1d4 hps of damage. If reduced to 0 constitution or hit points the victim dies and only a raise dead fully or a wish will bring him/her/it back. Charisma loss stops at 02 but each additional point of loss that the victim would have otherwise taken results in an additional -1 penalty to his/her/its initial reaction modifier, with no maximum.

Lycan's Tears Type III (QuantumEFX)Silver Dagger +1, +3 vs Lycanthropes (Light, Bless, Cure Disease, Poison & Truesight) 10cn 88,200(+)gp

Contrary to popular belief, there were Lycans before the fall of Blackmoor. Rare creatures that usually kept to themselves. Beings who hunted in packs well beyond the lands of man, elf and dwarf. Three thousand years before the founding of Blackmoor they hunted, established territories and lived an otherwise simple existence. For fifteen hundred years peace existed until two tribes of Lycans (wolves and sabre tooth tigers) decided to extend their hunting grounds to within the domain of pure blood humans. For several centuries the humans blamed the loss of the occasional farm animal on local mundane predators, oblivious of the predators nearby.

Feeluq The Grey quickly climbed the ranks of the sabre tooth tiger Lycan clan. The pack was quickly dying out through disputes with other clans and natural causes. Something had to be done to prevent the extinction of his “race” and Feeluq decided to break the long standing taboo about “remaking” mundane pure blood humans against their will. Within a year the sabre tooth tiger pack had gained 50

new members, mostly young women from nearby hamlets. The constant kidnapping attacks on the human settlements, and the pillaging of farm animals, had most of the nearby human hamlets up in arms. They organized troops to hunt down and stop the Lycans. While a few raids were successful, it cost the humans far more in steeds, supplies and young men than they thought. It was estimated that for every 20 young men killed, at most 1 Lycan fell. The numbers were staggeringly bad to say the least.

A call for help went out and all through the fall and winter the humans held out. A branch of werewolves and werebadgers joined Feeluq's campaign to boost their numbers. By spring the “pack” had nearly 3,000 members, a now serious threat not to just the local hamlets but to the entire kingdom. After the initial winter thaw, a small army appeared at the hamlet of “Viscount's Tree”. This small place was the deepest into the Lycan's new hunting grounds and it made a fairly defensible base of operations. All the local townships, villages, hamlets and farmlands supplied the army as best they could, with food, mounts, silver weapons and the occasional trained fighter. By mid spring the now 30,000 strong army pushed into the Lycan lands. It was a slaughter by and against both sides. Most of the wolves and all of the badgers were killed with silver blades and wolfsbane poison. 75% of the sabre tooth tigers were killed and if it wasn't for a last sacrificial diversion against the humans, all tigers would have been mowed down. In the end less than 400 Lycans were left (350 tigers & 25 wolves).

The human army suffered impressive losses as well. The 30,000 army had 10,000 trained soldiers and 20,000 locals who knew how to fight and survive. After the war half of the soldiers still stood but less than 20% of the locals made it back home. All told 21,000 humans were lost against just more than 2,600 lycans.

All through the rest of the spring and early summer both sides attacked the other in an attempt to gain ground. In the end, the remaining werewolves left with a hundred sabre tooth tigers to return to the old hunting grounds beyond the realms of man. The most of the human army returned to whence they came from, with but a small contingent of soldiers and locals to manage the few remaining lycans.

In the fall the lycans came. The last 160 were sabre tooth tigers under Feeluq's control. Battered, hungry and desperate, they raided for food and numbers, but the villagers were ready. The army's high cleric had crafted a weapon of might with the help of local experts. A silver dagger that was designed to stop the Lycan threat permanently. In the hands of a skilled fighter the dagger was deadly and unfortunately for the Lycans one ranking soldier was left behind with “green” recruits. Lieutenant Vox Stonesmith was from the local area and was given his first command posting. The 4th level fighter used his knowledge of the area, his survival skills and combat training like on others could.

Over the next two years, Vox and a small band of then highly trained soldiers hunted down and killed the remaining Lycans. Vox alone, using the enchanted dagger, dispatched over 100 lycans including their leader Feeluq in close combat. Within a few years, Vox was promoted and the soldiers were conscripted to other armies. The blade however has hidden away in a local church for safe keeping.

The human lands kept expanding and the Lycans kept moving further into the wilderness. Over the next 200 years no Lycans were seen and the magical dagger gathered dust. With the Lycans slowly dying out, the memory of Feeluq's few accomplishments in their mind, the second Lycan war began. Unfortunately for the Lycans the humans now had better trained fighters, more silver and magical weapons and even the occasional spell caster. The dagger made its return after the massacre at “Green Glen”. Over the next 10 years fighter after fighter fell in combat with the dagger in his hand, but not before slaying a score of Lycans. In the end the Lycans lost the numbers game, as the humans fielded 20 to 50 fighters per Lycan, their loss was inevitable.

After the war, most if not all, the Hollow World's Lycans were killed or dispersed into the beastman lands. Three dozen fighters used the dagger during the war, and while none have the kill numbers of Vox, it is estimated that over 2,000 Lycans have been killed by the blade over the years.

After Blackmoor fell, the blade was lost as farmland became ice and wasteland. However in recent years, the ruins of a small church has been unearthed in the northern wastes. Rumour has it that a cache of silver and magical weapons were found, but they quickly disappeared.

Description: A slightly oversized silver dagger with clerical runes along the blade. If read by a lawful cleric, the runes will reveal “in numbers the Lycans fall” on one side and “the full moon reveals all” on the other. The handle of the dagger is plainly wrapped in some sort of leather (tanned troll hide) on the grip. The pommel is a silver and iron cube with bone inlays in the form of clerical hexes. Each of the cube's five visible sides have the bone of a different type of Lycan (wolf, bear, badger, rat and sabre tooth tiger) that has been anointed with holy water and cured of all lycanthropy disease. The dagger itself was forged in a furnace powered by a small fire elemental with a silver alloy native to the elemental plane of matter and quenched in the ocular fluid of an 8 headed sea hydra.

Powers: Besides being a silver dagger +1, +3 vs. Lycanthropes, the dagger has been enchanted with additional powers. Those who wield the dagger become blessed, as per the 2nd level clerical spell, and gain the ability of truesight as per the 5th level clerical spell. This gives the wielder the ability to detect Lycans at the same time improving his/her/its striking and damaging ability.

By touching the dagger to a piece of metal (armour, sheath, coin, etc.) the blade will begin to glow as per a light spell. When the dagger is let go of, it will extinguish the light in 1d6 turns. By placing any part of the dagger in contact with fire or flames (torch, camp fire, red dragon breath, etc.) the magical light will instantly turn itself off.

When any of the four outer sides of the pommel are touched, which can be done in combat without loss of initiative, the dagger will become envenomed with a special poison. This poison is a powerful wolfsbane oil concentrate. To non-Lycans the oil has on effect. Lycans hit with the envenomed dagger, they will take an additional 2d6 points of damage. A save vs. poison is allowed to reduce the damage to only an additional 1d6 points.

The dagger's final ability is triggered when the “bottom” side of the pommel cube is touched. Again this is something that can be done with no penalty in combat. This triggers a cure disease spell that will attempt to cure the next creature to touch the blade. The dagger doesn't have to do damage, a gently touch is more than enough to cure. If the target is not a full Lycan, but has been infected, or for that matter has any other disease, that target is treated as if a 12th level cleric had cast cure disease upon him/her/it. If the victim wants to resist the effect, a save vs. spells is allowed.

Lycans affected by the cure disease must save vs. spells or fall unconscious. If “cured” a 2nd time, the Lycan will return to being a full human (or whatever they were before being infected). If left unconscious, at nightfall the Lycan will revert to its animal form and be stuck in that form until the next full moon.

Teel Glitterstone's Magnificent Boat Type II (QuantumEFX)

600,000 (+) gp 50 sailors* 5,000,000cn capacity, in addition to the crew and supplies. Move is 48 miles per day (77.25 KpH) / 72 feet per round. 1850 hull points with an armour class of 05 / 03 vs fire or cold based attacks.

This is a modified six-masted ship with five decks in the crew compartments and three in the main holds. The length is 450', the beam (width) is 50' and the draft (depth under water) is 30'. Capacity: 5,000,000cn plus crew and appropriate supplies. Standard crew: 50 sailors, 5 mates & 1 captain. The bow and stern are slightly raised and house winches & cranes to move goods on and off the ship and are reinforced with a heavy blunt ram. Between the 2nd and 3rd and the 4th and 5th masts are two “castles” that each house two light catapults with a 270o firing arc (can't shoot the masts or the other castle). The supply weight includes 20 shots for each catapult (400cn each shot), additional shots can be stores but this will reduce the ship's capacity.

Except at the tip of the bow and stern, every 05' around the ship's perimeter is a 2 axis swivel mounting block that can be used to mount a crossbow (light or heavy), a slingshot (a fixed mount sling with a 60/120/240 range and 1d6 damage) or a tusked shield. The supplies includes enough of all four items (180 each) to fully stock each mount. The way the blocks are set up, it would be easy to fashion other equipment to mount in the blocks.

The ship has six lifeboats (three on each side) mounted inside the vessel with hidden reinforced hatches and quick release winch/cranes to position and release the lifeboats from either inside or from the actual lifeboats. There are an additional four lifeboats mounted on the port and starboard sides of each “castle”, with the appropriate equipment to launch the boats from on deck. The lifeboats are protected by heavy planking (AC 06 HP 20) and covered with flame and weather proof canvas (AC 09 HP 10).

The crew's holds have enough supplies to survive 90 days at sea. Some of the total capacity can be lost to increase the maximum range without needing to resupply. Parts of the main holds can be modified to house additional sailors, mounts and marines with ease, as this seems to have been taken into consideration during the initial design. 50 marines, 30 mounts or 20 marines with mounts can be added with no loss of cargo capacity, with 90 days of supplies. Further troops and / or mounts will reduce capacity by 2,500cn per marine and 5,000cn per mount without supplies or equipment.

History: Found nearly 150 years ago in a glacier in the far north by the noted dwarven adventurer Teel Glitterstone, this magnificent ship was locked in solid ice. A fixture for dwarven, and human, adventurers as a way post and a oddity, Teel established a small camp at the base of the glacier. Running tours of the glacier, selling food / equipment and renting accommodations gave Teel enough money to eventually dig the ship free and have it, slowly, repaired (75 years). In time (another 50 years) Teel even had enough money to have the ship magically transported to the open waters nearly twelve miles away. Since then (the last 20 years or so) Teel, Tesh (grandson) and Topaz (granddaughter) have run a shipping business with this one of a kind cargo ship. If you need a lot of cargo shipped, they can do it, for a fee and a small percentage of the cargo or course.

Description: A giant sailing ship, nearly three time a normal large ship in length and twice many other large sailing ships in beam and draft. The ship is beautifully designed with significant attention spent on both the ornate aesthetics of the overall design, the adaptability for use as a transport ship or a sail warship and the possible defensive needs to protect any cargo from outside attack. Some of the details were lost as it was trapped in the ice, but Teel has done a significant job at repair. The ship itself is

made from some type of very light, almost blond, hardwood. Multiple layers make up the hull, decks and mast reinforcements, with unusually strong resins and a clear tar applies to further strengthen things. These resins make the ship stronger and more resilient to the weather and, in combat, fire and cold based attacks.

The first and sixth masts reach 75' above the deck, the second and fifth reach an impressive 150' above the deck and the central two (third and fourth) top out at over 250'. The massive volume of sail needed to power the ship could keep a small town in business for months. Luckily for Teel the original sails were stored in the ship, and they seem to be of an unusual material. Not cloth like but more like sturdy twine woven tightly together and covered in something akin to soft amber. The sails are immune to non-magical fire and can hold their own in a storm (AC 0 – 10 HP per square foot). There was even repair materials and tools on board, so the sails continue to be used.

What's most strange about the ship is the sheer number of mounts, hooks, and brackets found everywhere. It is almost like the ship was designed to be able to be quickly modified for almost any possible use or configuration. Need to move 2,000 (+) marines, not a problem, need to move 5,000,000cn in equipment, fine, need a warship armed to the teeth with ramming power, can-do. Teel may have made the find of the millennium.

Tentacle Statue Type I (QuantumEFX)1,500cn ? gp

Excavation in the lands that were once held by the being known as “The EGG of Coot” discovered a strange and slightly disturbing statue. The statue is of a near spherical being approximately 2' in radius at the diameter and 4' 3” from top to bottom. Covering the majority of the “body” is hundreds of 2” long 1” diameter “figures” and thirteen 12' long 3” diameter tentacles. Seven of the tentacles interweave and extend downward to a large round base, while the other six twist and turn among themselves. The base is a circular shape 4' in diameter and 6” thick.

The entire statue seems to be made of a stone that resembles marble with small veins of green running through it. However, the stone is almost as hard as a diamond and is far stronger than granite or flagstone (AC-02).

Other than the extensions and the base, there is no features on the “body”. If touched the entire glass like surface will always feel cool to the touch (unless pre-heated by magical fire). Tapping on the structure will reveal the body, the base and the extensions to be hollow. This is a bit strange as there is no obvious hole and the entire statue seems to be made from one piece of stone and not joined together.

If damaged, the statue will in fact be hollow, with an internal surface as smooth as the external one. The chunks of a broken statue may be worth something to a stone mason, but the value of the statue is to a collector of antiquities and oddities.

The exact date of the statue's creation is near impossible to verify. The lands were held by the “EGG” before the founding of Blackmoor and other items discovered in the dig suggest that these items were disposed of in Pre-Blackmoor times. There is no tool marks on the statue which suggests that magic of some sort may have been used to create the item, but all detect magic spells fail to reveal anything.

Portable Timepiece of Silver Stars (Type II) (QuantumEFX)

80cn ?gp

A small metal box 3” by 3” square and 1” deep. On the top of the box is inset several thin (1/16”) 1/2” long metal rods that spin around various axis. Below these insert rods are five inscribed and detailed porcelain plates. The central plate has three rods, one in a gold like colour, one in a silver like colour and one in a brass like colour. On the porcelain is numbers in the colour of each of the rods. This seems to be a sort of clock. The gold would correspond to a 10 increment day, the silver corresponds to 100 increment per gold increment and the brass corresponds to 100 increments per silver increment. Obviously the work of a creature that measured a day as 100,000 “seconds”.

The plate to the upper right measures off 28 days and the plate to the lower right measures off 13 phases (lunar cycles?). [OK, iirc the known world uses a 360 day calendar but I must admit I don't know how the lunar cycle works. For your world just adjust the number of days and phases to be equal to a full lunar year.] The plate to the upper left plate measures off one solar cycle [again iirc 22 years on Earth but I must admit I don't know what the Known World's solar cycle is.] with 22 [or whatever] increments. The lower left plate measures off 43 increments that each seems to be equal to one solar year and 13 increments in different colours which each equal one full rotation of the 43 increment cycle. What this corresponds to is anyone's guess. Other than the main three rods, all the other rods seem to be made of a generic dark grey iron like metal.

The area of the top that is not covered with the plates and their corresponding rods seems to depict several known constellations. With silver points representing stars and small channels connecting them in mostly familiar patterns. Some of the stars are different than they are today, but the basic shapes are all still there. It's strange as any knowledgeable astronomer will tell you that the stars haven't been in that position for something between 3,800 and 4,300 years.

On the bottom of the box is a 2” diameter disk made of unusually strong black metal. There is 12 indents for fingers (?) to rotate the disk. If marked off it will reveal that the disk slowly turns counter clockwise to the front main plate. When it has made three full rotations, with each rotation being four solar cycles, something inside produces a loud clicking noise and the metal plate begins to rotate in reverse. This is actually a near perfect self winding system that will allow the device to function without re-winding for 559 solar cycles (12,298 years). If it ever needs to be re-wound, spinning the back plate in the opposite direction of which it is currently spinning will wind the device. It takes approximately 1 minute per 1,000 years of time that has passes]d since the last full winding, less any partial winding time, to fully restore the device.

The entire device seems to have been rust proofed, as even if left in salt water for weeks on end and then allowed to dry it will show no signs of wear. If damaged, the internal structure will reveal a vast array of tiny cogs, sprockets, springs of various shapes, leavers and other metal bits all working in harmony. One would believe this to be of gnomish origin but the parts are far too tiny to be their work. The largest internal component is less than a 1/16th of an inch in its largest dimension and this is an order of magnitude larger than many of the other bits.

The device, unless damaged, is firmly sealed and resistant to the elements. If one, some, or all of the rods are held back, they will return to their proper position when they are freed. The box seems resistant (02 to save) against cold, heat, electrical, sonic, acid and non-magical crushing damage. All other attacks are 05 to save / AC 0 for damage purposes. The device can take 30 hps of damage before

it catastrophically fails. Any damage less than 30 hps will result in dents or scrapes, with no penetration to the internal structure. This damage is permanent (short of a wish) and cumulative.

History: Found buried in an ancient wreck in deep water at the very far edge of a mereman salvage party's range. The device was all but unintelligible to them, so they took it back to one of their cities to further study, and possible reward. In time the device was traded as an oddity among the various underwater races. 75 years after the discover, a Blackmoor trade ship purchased it for a few magical devices as an unusual trinket. A few years latter the device was being traded to a collector of unusual items on a small island far to the south east of Blackmoor, when Blackmoor fell. The explosion created enough tidal disturbance that the trade ships were lost at sea. 10 years ago a group of adventurers discovered the sunken wreck in shallow waters off a reef surrounding a small atoll. Most of the adventurers were lost during their subsequent explorations, but the device has been seen in various markets as of late, so at least one made it back with the timepiece.

Thaseous's Book of Languages (Type I) (QuantumEFX)

A large (18” x 18” x 12” when closed) book (600cn), covered in 1” thick black dragon hide, bound with griffin tendons and filled with tanned manticore wing “pages”. The 160 “sheet” book contains a phonetic dictionary of two ancient common (nearly 2,800 years old) languages with corresponding words & phrases in equally old archon, dragon, dwarvish, elemental, elvish, faerie, giant, & mujina.

The book itself looks impressive but is non-magical in nature. The ink is mineral based in nature. It hasn't faded over time or caused the “pages” to deteriorate over the years. The binding is still tight and the hide has held up very well over time. The book was found in a slip case also made of dragon hide with multiple straps that would allow the owner to wear it as a backpack, over the shoulder or off the hip.

The 32 pages (2 per sheet) in each of the non-common languages contains a little over 3000 words with a quick meaning and grammar notes and 2000 useful and common phrases with translations into both the ancient common languages. The two common languages are crossed referenced against each other, have 4500 words with quick meanings but no grammar notes and the same 2000 phrases. All through the books are faint notes, annotations and comments indicating that this was a work in progress.

The cover of the book has an effective AC of -2 with 20 hps per side. It is immune to acid attacks and takes only half damage from non-magical damage. The inside pages are more fragile, AC 05, and can only sustain 5 hps per sheet before being destroyed. The slip case is more heavy duty than the cover, AC -4, and can sustain 40hps of damage before being destroyed.

The slipcase and the covers of the book are not embossed with any visible pattern or feature and as such it is rather simple looking, indicating that it wasn't meant to draw attention to itself but was part of an adventurer's kit. When the slipcase is strapped closed, the contents are water, gas, light, heat / cold, acid and thief proof (-50% penalty to pickpocket).

History: Not much is known other than it's age and planet of origin (Known World). It was found at a trading post in the ethereal during the last few years by a group of adventurers that were returning from the inner planes. The seller claims it was sold to “him”, or should it be “it”, by the family of a wizard who had built a small citadel a “fair time ago” in the ethereal. The wizard, not that well known, was an adventurer a long while back and had amassed a fair stock of unusual magical devices and strange animals. The family had mentioned that he built his little place, gave up adventuring and settled in to

do magical research. The family, all very distant children of the wizard, had decided to sell the contents of his citadel and move on. The seller decided not to pursue proof of ownership for such a simple thing as a book.

In the ethereal the book appeared as all mortal things do, thick grey mist. The lettering was still readable, and one of the party could read one of the old common languages, so they decided to purchase it. When they returned to the Prime Material Plane, they were in for a treat as the thick grey mist that made up the book was crafted from parts of several magical items and worth a small fortune.

Binger's Books of Booze (Type I) (QuantumEFX)

Binger: (noun) a being who drinks to excess on a frequent basis. Named after a dwarf who was noted for his drinking ability and vast knowledge of various alcohol based liquids. To binge (verb) to drink too much.

Binger's legendary books (8” x 8” x 4” each) are metal covered books, with metal bindings and hand stamped metal sheets. Each book, and there are 24 of them, weigh 750cn and are made of a golden alloy that doesn't rust or corrode when exposed to the ravages of time, the elements or common damage that a dwarven book may sustain. The 1st book describes all types of alcohol known to man and dwarf up until the fall of Blackmoor. The 2nd book describes all type of alcohol known to man, dwarf, elf and a dozen types of demi-humans (and intelligent monsters) up until the book's “writing” circa 100 years after the fall. The other 22 books details various recipes, equipment, plant identification and techniques involved in creating his 100 favourite drinks.

Each book contains 60 sheets of metal for pages. 1/16th of an inch thick, enough to hold information on each side but thin enough to place many sheets in each book. The cover is 1/8th inch thick with additional bindings and reinforcements on the corners. The book is written in a form of dwarf that was used at the time with select phonetic translations for certain words that didn't exist in the dwarven language.

Each book is virtually priceless to a brewer/vintner or any dwarf. As a collection they represent a historic and racial treasure to the dwarven community. Many of the recipes and techniques have been lost over the years and just the information alone is worth a small fortune.

History: After Binger finished the books, various dwarven clans made copies. Most clans only copied a few, since they had their own favourites and left Binger to do more “research”. Unlike many dwarves, Binger loved to travel and interact with other races. One day he, his original copies, and his valuables just disappeared. A legend arose that he has been taken by the gods (immortals) to use his skills for them. The truth is that he just left, found a new home with a long history of alcohol use and settled down.

Binger did, before his death by massive alcohol overdose, produce another set of books. Only half as numerous as the 1st set. These silver alloy books cover the 50 best drinks of his new home. While many partial and / or damaged copies exist of the “gold standards”. The originals have been misplaced. The “silver classics” have been broken up and are currently owned by 12 (1 book each) rich brewers, vintners and merchants. Copies of the “silver classics” can be found fairly easily in large markets or magic user's libraries, however all of the copies are missing at least one of the drinks from the original. Thus the owners of the originals maintain their monopoly on certain drinks.

Thomas the Wayfarer's Golden Fleet (Type I) (QuantumEFX)

25,000gp (+) each ship

30 ships @ 80' long, 25' beam and 5' draft. Cargo capacity: 180,000cn plus crew and marines. Crew: 12 sailors, 1 captain and 50 marines. Move 96 miles per day / 160 feet per round. 120 hull points with AC of 05 (03 / 07).

These ships seem to be a modified design off a basic two masted sailing ship (small) with a central “castle”, a front ram, metal plates and chain cladding, and two bay door ramps at stern on the port and starboard sides.

The “castle” has a single swivel mounted light catapult, although there are mounts around the entire ship to attack extra light and heavy crossbows for additional defence.

Other than the two masted troop transport design the main note for these ships is the ship's armour. The ship's sides, masts, castle, ram, bay doors and part of the decking is covered by dozens of layers of thin fitted metal plates. The yellow-gold coloured metal alloy seems to be rust and corrosion resistant and has increased resistance to fire and acid based attacks (AC 03). This is offset against increased threat (AC 07) against electrical attacks. On top of the metal plates are partial curtains of common chain mail, which need to be replaced every other year at a cost of 10,000gp per ship. This curtain provides no additional AC bonus over the plates, but it does grant immunity to non-magical arrows to the ship and crew.

The ship is very well designed for sailing and combat at sea. While a full complement of sailors is 12, 3 sailors (or two plus the captain) are needed to sail the ships. This frees up the extra sailors for combat or maintenance tasks. Additional sailors may replace the marine complement on a one to one basis if the ships aren't being used for military purposes.

History: Thomas the Wayfarer was a member of an adventuring party that was exploring various coastal ruins when they encountered a vampire coven of unusual size. After clearing out the ruins, the hidden catacombs and the surrounding forests of undead, the remaining adventuring party decided to map out the various structures and tunnels as to stake a claim on the land. This was a good thing as they discovered several treasures, including cavern that was only accessible at two low tides per year from outside the catacombs. Inside was a small navy, support equipment and shipyards filled with a few thousand years of dust, mould and giant cobwebs. Of the 40 ships 32 were in fully operational condition, 2 could be used for parts and salvage but the last six appeared to have been destroyed by major electrical strikes (Dragons?). Thomas claimed most of the vessels, while the party used two as support ships in further adventuring. The other two vessels remain in the possession of his old adventuring comrades, Vingol the Blue and Bloody Rose. Both of whom occasionally use the hidden port and the now partially rebuilt castle.

(Mad) Al-Hasiz's Analytical Field Guides (Type I) (QuantumEFX)100cn per book, 12 books per set (1,200cn) ?gp

The hermit that would become known as Al-Hasiz was once a noted (name level) magic user. In time his anti-social behaviour lead him to establish a stronghold and tower deep in the wilderness. This was just fine with Al-Hasiz as he preferred to have as little contact with humans and demi-humans as possible, thinking them dim witted and uninteresting.

Al-Hasiz used his free time to both develop new spells and for him to “analyse” various local “monsters”. This analysis ranged from mundane observation of social habits to more extensive medical procedures detailing the various creatures anatomy and uses for various anatomical parts. Al-Hasiz was a master scribe, painter, paper maker and bookbinder and recorded all his works with almost excessive detail.

In time Al-Hasiz codified his works on each “subject” to form his field guides. He sold each set, a complete work on one “subject”, to a handful of former collogues and like minded wizards to bolster his coffers, allowing him to further fund his research. A set contains 12 books of 18” by 14” by 3” proportions (100cn each). Each book contains 200 sheets (400 pages) of detailed text, mostly in old common with the occasional passage in elf or the “subject's” native language, and 100 full colour oil paintings. Of the 12 books, 5 are of an anatomical nature, 1 is about the social habits, 1 is a record of known history, 2 are about native languages and linguistics, 1 is about the actual and potential uses of parts of the anatomy, 1 is about the magical nature, potential and abilities and the final book is of a general nature.

It is not known how many copies Al-Hasiz made but the numbers were quite small. Most estimates indicate that less than 20, and possibly less than a dozen, of any one set were ever made. Most of the known sets are held by various magical colleges or very high level magic users. They are often the most valuable items in many collections.

Al-Hasiz is known to have “studied” several different “subjects”. Known books include: Gnolls, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Lizardmen, Kobolds, Ogres, Orcs, and Trolls. There are additional books, all in incomplete sets which are locked away where only the very privileged high ranking magic users have access. These and the known “lost” books detail: Adaptors, Beholders, Black Dragons, Blue Dragons, Chimeras, Cockatrices, Green Dragons, Gremlins, Griffons, Hill Giants, Minotaurs, Rust Monsters, Vampires and Wooddrakes. It is speculated that Al-Hasiz was “researching” Red Dragons when he never returned and thus only his field notes, and not a finished guide, ever existed.

A complete set of any of the common, or not so common, books are worth a small fortune to any established wizard or collector. However there are additional benefits, a through reading of either language book would confer a, cumulative per book, +1 general skill bonus in the subject's language. The social habits and general guide gives a, again cumulative, +1 to any reaction adjustment. The 5 anatomical books, if read and understood in full, provide a +2 to hit and a +1 damage bonus. This makes the books important to non-magic users as well, at least as a reference.

Brood's Shield of the Damned (Type VIII) (QuantumEFX)

Location of creation: KaFu dimension Address: Astral -> Thorne -> [Stone Gate] KaFu (adjacent to Chasm) Alternate Address: Ethereal -> Avernus -> Thorne –> [Stone Gate] KaFu (adjacent to Chasm) CIDER (Cumulative Item Dimensional Error Rate): 10% per shift

KaFu is a small world created by Nyx to test out new undead monsters. It is a small pocket dimension only accessible via the undead dimension of Thorne, and thus is not commonly visited by non-entropy creatures. KaFu is filled with a race of beings that are a cross bread of elves and intelligent hill giants. This race has most of the benefits of both races (intelligence, magic, size, strength, very long life) and none of their limitations (level caps, lack of clerical casting, d6 HD). Nyx, under the form of Osis the

bright, allows clerical spells and undead turning to better estimate her/his/its' creations' potential on other planes who have clerics.

Brood was the leader and ruler of the besieged Elori (the natives of KaFu) who lead his people against wave after wave of undead brought to KaFu from Thorne by Nyx. Over a 600 year period Brood developed several weapons of great power, the shield is one of them.

Tower Shield +6, +9 vs. undead (6' 6” tall, 4' 6” peak width, 1,500cn)

If held by a non-cleric: Grants clerical turning and destroying powers equivalent to that of a cleric of equal level. Protection from evil, 5' radius (as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Continuous Light (as if cast by a 36th level magic user)Flight (as if cast by a 36th level magic user)Holy Word (3 times per day – as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Raise Dead Fully (3 time per day – as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Immunity to 1st & 2nd level spells3rd & 4th level spells do half damage, or none if saved against

If held by a cleric:Increases turning / destroying by two column shifts (9-10 becomes 13-14)Doubles # of hit dice that can be destroyedTriples # of hit dice that can be turnedProtection from evil, 20' radius (as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Continuous Light (as if cast by a 36th level magic user)Flight (as if cast by a 36th level magic user)Survival (as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Truesight (as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Remove Fear (at will - as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Holy Word (3 times per turn – as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Raise Dead Fully (3 time per turn – as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Immunity to 1st to 3rd level spells4th to 6th level spells do half damage, or none if saved againstIf held by a cleric or being of entropy:Automatically kill anything less than 10HD (no save)Drains 2HD per round until reduced to less than 10HD (which is then killed)Must save vs. death ray to let go of the shieldIncreases (makes worse) armour class by 9 points

Brood's Warhammer of the Damned (Type VIII) (QuantumEFX)

Location of creation: KaFu dimension Address: Astral -> Thorne -> [Stone Gate] KaFu (adjacent to Chasm) Alternate Address: Ethereal -> Avernus -> Thorne –> [Stone Gate] KaFu (adjacent to Chasm) CIDER (Cumulative Item Dimensional Error Rate): 10% per shift

KaFu is a small world created by Nyx to test out new undead monsters. It is a small pocket dimension only accessible via the undead dimension of Thorne, and thus is not commonly visited by non-entropy creatures. KaFu is filled with a race of beings that are a cross bread of elves and intelligent hill giants.

This race has most of the benefits of both races (intelligence, magic, size, strength, very long life) and none of their limitations (level caps, lack of clerical casting, d6 HD). Nyx, under the form of Osis the bright, allows clerical spells and undead turning to better estimate her/his/its' creations' potential on other planes who have clerics.

Brood was the leader and ruler of the besieged Elori (the natives of KaFu) who lead his people against wave after wave of undead brought to KaFu from Thorne by Nyx. Over a 600 year period Brood developed several weapons of great power, the warhammer is one of them.

Oversized 2 headed warhammer (+5, +10 vs undead) with a 6' leather gripped iron/silver shaft. (8 ½' total length, 500cn, 3d6 base damage)

When wielded by a non-cleric:Cure Blindness (at will - as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Cure Disease (at will - as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Neutralize Poison (at will – as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Find the Path (at will – as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Cure Light Wounds (at will – as if cast by a 36th level cleric – may be used to cause damage to undead – see below)Causes 3d6 + 5 + strength bonus in damage to non-undead creaturesCauses 4d6 + 11 + strength bonus in damage to undead creatures, but they are allowed a save vs. magic to resist 1d6+1 of the damage

When wielded by a cleric:Cure Blindness (at will - as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Cure Disease (at will - as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Neutralize Poison (at will – as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Find the Path (at will – as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Cure Critical Wounds (at will – as if cast by a 36th level cleric – may be used to cause damage to undead – see below)Restore (3 times per day – as if cast by a 36th level clericObliterate Undead (3 times per day - as if cast by a 36th level cleric) [Automatically kill undead of 7HD or less, 8HD to 12HD undead must save vs. spells or be killed, 12HD+ undead must save vs. spells or takes 6d10 points of damage.]Causes 3d6 + 5 + strength bonus in damage to non-undead creaturesCauses 6d6 + 13 + strength bonus in damage to undead creatures, but they are allowed a save vs. magic to resist 3d6+3 of the damage

If held by a cleric or being of entropy:Symbol: Electrical discharge (10d6 electrical discharge for 1d12 rounds – save vs. spells for half damage).Symbol: True Light (1 level drain from undead for 1d20 rounds – no save) starts round after the end of symbol: electrical discharge.Symbol: Immolate (10d6 fire damage for 1d100 rounds – save vs. spells for half damage) starts round after the end of symbol: true light.Symbol: Teleport (Weapon will randomly teleport 1d20 (x100) miles) starts round after the end of symbol: immolate. Only the weapon is teleported and it must stay in the same dimension (plane).

Brood's Cloak of Protection (Type VIII) (QuantumEFX)

Location of creation: KaFu dimension Address: Astral -> Thorne -> [Stone Gate] KaFu (adjacent to Chasm) Alternate Address: Ethereal -> Avernus -> Thorne –> [Stone Gate] KaFu (adjacent to Chasm) CIDER (Cumulative Item Dimensional Error Rate): 10% per shift

Hooded cloak designed for 10' tall humanoid (230cn)

When worn by a non-cleric:Acts as a cloak of protection +4Truesight (as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Cure Light Wounds (at will – only on wearer)Teleport (at will – line of sight)

When worn by a cleric:Acts as a cloak of protection +6Truesight (as if cast by a 36th level cleric)Cure Serious Wounds (at will – only on wearer)Teleport (at will – as 36th level magic user)Travel (at will – as 36th level magic user)Gate (1 per turn – as 36th level magic user)Cureall (3 per day – as 36th level cleric)Timestop (1 per day – as 36th level magic user)

If held by a cleric or being of entropy:Causes 1d6 points of damage per round to wearer (no save)Each round the wearer's armour class worsens by 1 point (max 20 point increase)Feeblemind on wearer (as 36th level magic user)

12 Swords of Tefee (Type VII) (QuantumEFX)

Location of creation: Oakwood dimension Address: Ethereal -> Oakwood (adjacent to elemental plane of earth) Alternate Address: Ethereal -> Elemental Plane of Earth -> [Green Oak Arch] Oakwood CIDER (Cumulative Item Dimensional Error Rate): 20% per shift

Oakwood is a small dimension (roughly the size of the UK) filled with oak trees and small mundane animals native to the prime material plane. It was “discovered” by a band of lawful elven adventurers who, in time, settled there. Which immortal created the dimension is currently unknown.

Each of the 12 swords represent the 12 adventurers who “discovered” Oakwood.

Base characteristics of each sword:Longsword of unknown silvery metal (5' from tip to tip, 1d8 base damage, 50cn) +4, +6 vs chaotic Flight (as 25th level magic user)Haste (as 25th level magic user – wielder only)Detect Magic (as 25th level magic user)

Specific Sword powers (1 per hour):Conjure Earth Elemental (as 26th level magic user)Anti-Magic Spell (as 26th level magic user)Teleport (as 26th level magic user)Reincarnation (as 26th level magic user)Animate Dead (as 26th level magic user)Weather Control (as 26th level magic user)Create Food & Create Water (as 26th level cleric)Cure Serious Wounds (as 26th level cleric)Commune (as 26th level cleric)Raise Dead (as 26th level cleric)Summon Animals (as 26th level druid)Transport Through Plants (as 26th level druid)

Bane Sword (Type VII) (QuantumEFX)

Location of creation: Unknown entropy dimension Address: Ethereal -> Unknown entropy dimension Alternate Address: Astral -> Unknown entropy dimension CIDER (Cumulative Item Dimensional Error Rate): 0% per shift

Two-handed sword +4 (1d10 base damage + 1d6, 6' long, 120cn) Haste (wielder only – as 36th level magic user)Striking (as 36th level cleric)Continuous Damage: If blade hits for damage, it is automatically allowed another hit attempt. This continues until the hit fails to do damage. Note: this is besides the increased number of attacks allowed by the haste spell.

Final Doom (Type VIII) (QuantumEFX)

Location of creation: Unsoncy dimensional Address: Astral -> Unsoncy Alternate Address: Any of Mazikeen's 24 planes -> Unsoncy CIDER (Cumulative Item Dimensional Error Rate): 25%

One of the few Planar Eoliths native to this dimension, who created it is still unknown.

Staff of solid light (6' tall 0cn) +8 to hit, 2d12 base damage Automatically kills any creature under 20HD on natural 20 (No save)Life drain: May transfer 4d6 hit points from any victim struck with the staff to the wielder – save vs. spells for half damage. Can increase wielder's hit points to beyond their normal maximum.Magic drain: May transfer 4d6 spells from any spell casting victim struck with the staff to the wielder – save vs. spells for half loss (rounded down). Allows the wielder to cast spells they would normally be unable to cast due to spell class, knowledge of spell, daily spell cap or level requirements.Gate* (at will - as 36th level magic user)Timestop (3 times per day – as 36th level magic user)

Tiamat's Tooth (Type VII) (QuantumEFX)

Location of creation: Nine Hells Current Location: Wyrm Address: Astral -> Unsoncy -> Wyrm Alternate Address: Any of Mazikeen's 24 planes -> Wyrm CIDER (Cumulative Item Dimensional Error Rate): 0%

Large dragon tooth carved into a cloud giant sized torc.

Create Any Monster (at will – as 38th level magic user) Limited to chaotic dragons – double duration (6 turns)

Planar Relics New items to the standard stat block, some from the immortal rules.

Location of Creation: The dimension or plane of existence where the relics was created

Current Location: Obvious

Address: How to get to the current location via gate spells

Alternate Address: Back-up path

CIDER (Cumulative Item Dimensional Error Rate): This one is new. My items don't automatically loose pluses or magical abilities as they move from dimension to dimension, CIDER replaces that. Every time the item moves a dimension away from it's dimension of creation it has a certain % chance of loosing any or all of its magical abilities.

Example: A +4 sword with three magical abilities and CIDER of 10% moves two dimensions away. The first move roll 4 – d100s (one for the +4 and three for the abilities). If any are 10% or less, than that ability / plus disappears in that dimension. DMs may allow +4 to become +3 instead of +4 to 0 if they want to go easy on the PCs/NPCs. The next dimensional shift requires rolls to be more than 20% or that ability / plus fails.

If the DM wants to be mean, it can be all or nothing. 1d100 roll, if it fails the item becomes mundane in that dimension.

Dragon's Scourge (Type VI) (QuantumEFX)

Long Sword +3, +5 vs. dragons (80cn, 60” long, 2.8 million gp creation cost, 1d8+1d6 base damage) [Striking, Haste, Fly, Charm Monster, Projected Image]

The sword is carved from a leg bone of a huge 23HD spell casting red dragon that was killed in one-on-one combat by the legendary avenger “Oblivion”.

Most of the sword's mass is that of enchanted dragon bone. The blade, pummel and hilt are all made from various bones that have been finely carved, with dozens of various dragons in various positions. The grip is made of tanned dragon tongue with wing tendons binding it. The only non-dragon part of

the sword is the dust of a huge (2 million gp - 50ct) perfect star ruby that has been ground up and embedded into the blade before it was enchanted. The ruby was part of the dragon's treasure horde, so it was deemed fitting that part of the cause for the dragon's death was to become part of the weapon.

The weapon's sheath is made from the spinal bones and is decorated with small ornaments made from the scales attached with dragon marrow paste. Several horizontal bands of jade and amethyst encircle the sheath near its top and a cap of platinum protects the bottom of the sheath. 80% of the entire sheath is just plain bleached bone with the “flash” being enough to easily identify it.

This weapon has been used to end the life of over 2,000 creatures over 40 years of use. While most of them have been minor (goblins, orcs, lesser undead); 153 dragons or dragon-kin have been dispatched by the sword, including 13 huge and one exalted dragon.

The materials used by the sword is obvious to all dragons and dragon-kin. Lawful dragons (kin) will be resentful of the sword and its owner and as such any dealings with anyone connected to it will suffer a -3 reaction adjustment modifier. Neutral dragons (kin) will be outright hateful of the sword and anyone connected to it. All dealings will be with a -6 modifier and may attack the blade's master if given a good chance of success. Chaotic dragons (kin) will fly into a violent rage (-12 modifier) upon sight of the item and will attack and try to kill the wielded of the sword, anyone connected to that person and any animal or creature who may have even a tenuous connection to the group. All dragons will try to have the item destroyed if given a chance, even if it means that they may loose all other treasure.

Additional Powers:Striking – as per the 3rd level clerical spell (cast by a 33rd level cleric)Haste – as per the 3rd level magic user spell (cast by a 24th level magic user)Flying – as per the 3rd level magic user spell (cast by a 24th level magic user)Charm Monster – as per 4th level magic user spell (cast by a 24th level magic user)Projected Image -as per the 6th level magic user spell (cast by a 24th level magic user)

Cloak of the North (Type V) (QuantumEFX)

Specialized Elven Cloak of Protection +5 (15cn, 4' 7” long, 300,000gp in components and creation costs) [Bless, Truesight, Survival, Fly, Blizzard, Cold Immunity]

Talos, great mother to the frost elves, sea elves and mountain elves created this item on her path of immortality as a paragon of energy under Ilsundal.

The cloak acts like a standard elven cloak granting near invisibility when not attacking or spell casting, being detected only on a roll of 1 on a 1d6. However the cloak has been enchanted significantly with the following abilities:Protection – improves the wearer's armour class by 5 pointsBless – as per the 2nd level clerical spell (as cast by a 32nd level cleric)Truesight – as per the 5th level clerical spell (as cast by a 32nd level cleric)Survival – as per the 7th level clerical spell (as cast by a 32nd level cleric)Fly – as per the 3rd level magic user spell (as cast by a 24th level magic user / elf)Blizzard – as per the alternative 8th level magic user / elf spell [see below] (as cast by a 24th level magic user / elf)Cold Immunity – as per the alternative 8th level magic user / elf spell [see below] (as cast by a 24th level magic user / elf)

Blizzard (QuantumEFX) Range: Caster Duration: Concentration Effect: All weather within 1000' becomes a blizzard.

Similar to the 7th level druid spell weather control: snow, this spell allows the caster to summon a blizzard in the surrounding area. The spell only works outdoors and will affect all creatures within the area, including the caster. The effects last as long as the caster concentrates without moving, attacking or being attacked. Visibility is reduced to 5', movement is reduced to a quarter of normal (120' to 30'), and all flying creatures are grounded due to the high winds. Rivers and streams will freeze over in 2 turns, roads will become impassable in 3 turns and flat roofed buildings will collapse from the weight of the snow in 5 turns (5 hp per turn to buildings). With time entire cities can be buried in snow and ice.

When the spell ends, mud remains and the snow thaws, reducing movement to half normal for 1 full day per turn the spell was in effect. Creatures not prepared for the cold weather must save every turn vs. spell or take 1d4-1 points of damage from the freezing wind, snow and ice.

Cold Immunity (QuantumEFX) Range: Touch Duration: 10 turns + 2 per caster level Effect: Grants total immunity to all cold based damage.

While the clerical spell “resist cold” negates some damage, this spell negates all damage. While protected the user can transverse interstellar space (if air and pressure is dealt with), walk through a blizzard and wave off damage from cold based spells and breath weapons. No amount of cold (except immortal powered attacks) can harm those who are immune.

Sword of Ice (Type V) (QuantumEFX)

Short sword +5 (60cn, 2' 6” long, 2d6 base damage, 190,000gp in components and enchantment cost) [Striking, Teleport, Enhanced Ice Ball, Deep Freeze, Solidify]

Talos' secondary sword for nearly 35 years of adventuring, with the primary being the “sword of frost”, a gift from Ilsundal.

Striking – as per the 3rd level clerical spell (as cast by a 32nd level cleric)Teleport – as per the 5th level magic user spell (as cast by a 24th level magic user / elf)Enhanced Ice Ball – as per the alternate 5th level magic user spell (as cast by a 24th level magic user / elf)Deep Freeze – as per the alternate 8th level magic user spell (as cast by a 24th level magic user / elf)Solidify – as per the alternate 9th level magic user spell (as cast by a 24th level magic user / elf)

Enhanced Ice Ball (QuantumEFX) Range: 250' Duration Instantaneous Effect: Explosive sphere of ice and extreme cold 40' in diameter

A basic Ice Ball that has been enhanced to do more damage (1D8 / level of caster). Cold resistant creatures take 1d6 points per level of caster. Save vs. spell for half damage.

Deep Freeze (QuantumEFX) Range: 30' Duration: instantaneous Effects: Attempts to freeze any one creature solid This spell inflicts 1d12 points per caster level of cold damage to any one creature. Cold resistant creatures only take 1d8 points of damage (per caster level). Save vs. spells for half damage.

Solidify (QuantumEFX) Range: 120' Duration: Instantaneous Effect: Slays or stuns one creature A single victim with 1 to 60 HP is automatically slain (no save); one with 61-120 HP is stunned (as per power word stun) and unable to act for 1d4 turns (no save); no creature with 121 or more HP is affected.

Enlightened Path (Type VI) (QuantumEFX)

Mace +5 (30cn, 2d6 base damage, 2.3 million gp (+) in components and enchantment cost, 4' long) [Light, Striking, Truesight, Find The Path, Word Of Recall, Life Drain, Survival & Travel]

K'la the lich slayer's mace used for her ordeals as an epic hero for Noumena. The mace itself was made of components found on more than a dozen worlds. The head of the mace is an eight slice sphere, with each slice taken from a temple or shrine from a high powered undead or entropy immortal. The shaft is a laminate of three wooden symbols from shrines dedicated to Orcus, Thanatos and Night. The wood was sliced thin and glued with the “darkness from a nightshade”. The laminate block was then turned into a staff, with various holy symbols carved into the shaft and finally connected to the head to form the final mace. K'la used this weapon as her holy symbol from that time forward. Her clerics still use an eight slice sphere mace as their holy symbols. Any cleric using this mace as a weapon may also use it as a holy symbol. All undead suffer a -2 reaction adjustment if they are aware of its presence.

Besides the components used in the form of the mace, multiple other components were needed for the enchantments. A process that took over 20 years of hard daily adventuring, a couple of million gps and liberal use of wish spells to complete.

K'la then learned from master craftsmen, smiths, armourer and mace makers the skills needed to forge this weapon by herself, deep in an ancient damned necropolis. The process took much out of her and the released dark magic resulted in an epic battle just to escape with the newly forged mace.

Powers: Light – as per the 1st level clerical spell (cast by a 32nd level cleric)Striking – as per the 3rd level clerical spell (cast by a 32nd level cleric)Truesight – as per the 5th level clerical spell (cast by a 32nd level cleric)Find The Path – as per the 6th level clerical spell (cast by a 32nd level cleric)Word Of Recall – as per the 6th level clerical spell (cast by a 32nd level cleric)Life Drain – as per the 7th level clerical spell (cast by a 32nd level cleric)Survival – as per the 7th level clerical spell (cast by a 32nd level cleric)Travel – as per the 7th level clerical spell (cast by a 32nd level cleric)

Sword of Frost (Type IX) (QuantumEFX)

Normal Sword +5 (3' 6” 50cn 1d8 + 1d6 base damage) [Striking, Wall of Ice, Control Temperature – 100' radius] {Gift from the Immortal Ilsundal}

Powers:Striking – as 3rd level clerical spell at 40th levelWall of Ice – as 4th level magic user spell at 40th levelControl Temperature – as 4th level druidic spell with extended range at 40th level

A gift from the immortal Ilsundal to the elven legend Talos upon exemplary completion of her seven tests and meeting for sponsorship for the immortal path of paragon.

Used by the great elf herself for her remaining mortal years until ascension to immortal status.

Dragon's Bite (Type VI) (QuantumEFX)Normal Sword +5 (3' 4” long 60cn 1d8 base damage enchantment cost 435,000gp) [Lightning Bolt, Conjure Elemental, Speed]

Created by the anti-hero thief 6 fingers (aka the princess of thieves, mistress of hell, ghost in grey & wanderer among the stars) after a raid on a huge blue dragon's treasure trove went wrong. 6 used the fangs that bit, and almost killed her, to create many magnificent daggers. However the two large incisors were kept for her. The one that broke off in her body was mounted on an ebony plaque and kept in her primary trophy room. The other tooth was magically transformed into this sword.

Just before the final casting, the sword was adorned with a variety of flawless blue gems on the hilt and pommel. The “blade” was carved with two channels on either side and liquefied blue tourmalines were used to fill the new voids. The entire blade was washed with oils from the poisonous blue ghost flowers to give the final pre-enchanted blade a light “neon” blue hue over a bone white base. Enchanted for over a year by the best her guild could find, the final product was near perfect in weight and balance. The scabbard was made from skin of the blue dragon's face tanned and dyed a bright light blue colour using not so common organic dyes and enchanted to prevent anyone but a thief from removing the blade from the scabbard.

To have the weapon made, 6 had to travel to each of the four primary elemental planes to acquire a component for the sword (pure metal from earth, smoke from air, heavy water from water and primordial heat from fire). Three ring of three wishes was acquired from each of the ethereal, astral and prime material planes for the metal part of the hilt. She then travelled to the dimension of Wyrm to capture a lightning bolt from the breath weapon of 6 different huge blue dragons. The final quest was to track down 32 potions of speed from the 32 lost temples found on 8 different worlds. The entire quest took over 4 years to accomplish. With the components collected, several magic users, artists and alchemists friendly to her guilds crafted the weapon.

Due to the material nature of the sword, all dragons will have an adverse reaction when they see the weapon. Lawful dragons have a -3 reaction adjustment modifier against the wielder and his/her/its companions, neutral dragons have a -6 reaction and chaotic dragons will go berserk (-12 reaction) and attack on 1st sight. Either way any dragon make it a priority to capture or destroy the blade, even to the extent of forgoing treasure.

Powers:Lightning Bolt – as per the 3rd level magic user spell cast by a 31st level magic user (3 times per day)Conjure Elemental – as per the 5th level magic user spell cast by a 31st level magic user (3 times per day)Speed – as per a potion of speed (doubles movement, doubles number of attacks | +2 to hit and 2 point improvement on armour class as per the R.C.'s alternate haste effects from page 147 against normal speed opponents) Enchanted to prevent non-thieves from drawing the blade – as a symbol / wizard's lock variant as cast by a 31st level magic user. Non-thieves of 33rd level or less cannot draw the blade (no save); non-thieves of more than 33rd level may attempt to draw the blade with a 5% chance per level (5% - 33rd, 10% - 34th, 15% - 35th & 20% - 36th). A wish spell won't help non-thieves of 33rd level or less, but it will double the chance of drawing the blade. Of course any 1st level thief could just draw the blade and hand it to a non-thief.

Flame Snap (Type VI) (QuantumEFX)

Normal Sword +5 (3' long, 50cn, 1d8 base damage, enchantment cost 300,000gp) [Fireball, Delayed Fireball, Wall of Fire, Haste & Lore]

With her sword Dragon Bite, the master thief 6 fingers continued her adventures and quest for immortality. One adventure lead her and her friends to a dimension in the astral plane known as “The Ring” (ADnD's Outer Planes). In this dimension is a sub-dimension referred to as the “Abyss”. This sub-dimension is filled with over 600 further sub-dimensions. Two of these sub-sub-dimensions was (is?) home to three low level immortal class red dragons bound on killing each other and capturing the entire two dimensions for themselves.

The PCs aided two of the dragons to dispatch the most heinous of the three. As part of their reward they were given the material form body of the dragon, a collection of minor and lesser artefacts that they deemed worthless and a pile “components” found scattered around the abyssal stronghold that was now being fought over by the two remaining dragons.

6 fingers, now an expert on dragon tooth weapon creation, took the two largest fangs and some scales. The scales were in time turned into scabbards, shields, barding and vehicle plating. The first fang was destroyed, resulting in a crater over a half mile in diameter, when the immortal's tooth was beginning the enchantment process by a cleric. Apparently clerical magic did not work well with the evil chaotic dragon remains. The second tooth was enchanted deep in the wilderness to prevent another “incident” by a few brave high level magic users. With enough wish, clone, contingency and symbol: teleport spells set up to ensure the wizard's survival they began the enchantment process using the tooth and a few of the abyssal components. In less than a year the final weapon was done.

The blade itself is blood red, the hilt is made of some sort of abyssal bright red metal that always looks like wet blood and the pommel has a solidified drop of the (not so) immortal dragon's blood at it's tip. The scabbard is made from one of the fallen dragon's scale. It was cut down to the appropriate size and hollowed by the hands of a master carver who then engraved various symbols that the PCs saw in the Abyss along both sides.

Due to the material nature of the sword, all dragons will have an adverse reaction when they see the weapon. Lawful dragons have a -3 reaction adjustment modifier against the wielder and his/her/its companions, neutral dragons have a -6 reaction and chaotic dragons will go berserk (-12 reaction) and

attack on 1st sight. Either way any dragon make it a priority to capture or destroy the blade, even to the extent of forgoing treasure.

Creatures from the Abyss dimension will feel a connection to the blade, they will have a +2 reaction adjustment modifier against whomever wields the weapon. Creatures native from the two sub-dimensions of the Abyss that the PCs visited have a +4 reaction adjustment modifier.

Powers:Fireball – as per the 3rd level magic user spell as cast by a 35th level magic user ( 3 times per day)Delayed Fireball – as per the 7th level magic user spell as cast by a 35th level magic user ( 3 times per day)Haste – as per the 3rd level magic user spell as cast by a 30th level magic user (doubles movement, doubles number of attacks | +2 to hit and 2 point improvement on armour class as per the R.C.'s alternate haste effects from page 147 against normal speed opponents) Wall Of Fire – as per the 4th level magic user spell as cast by a 30th level magic userLore – as per the 7th level magic user spell as cast by a 30th level magic user

Note: When both blades are used, the second blade has the standard to hit penalty (-4) / weapon mastery penalty (-1 level) for two weapon combat. Both the haste and speed effects are cumulative against normal speed opponents.

Malthus The Damned's Crown (Type V) (QuantumEFX)

A plain crown of 14ct white gold with 12 small (1” tall) ornamental skulls of carved grey lead. The “crown” more resembles a plain 2” band of low quality gold with tacky skulls attached to it, than an item of immense power. In most hands it is but 15cn of lead and gold (10 gp salvage value) but in the hands of an avenger (chaotic travelling fighter) the item's powers are accessible.

Malthus was an avenger with no fear and apparently no limits. From the start of his career at 16 until his 80th birthday he fought and carved out several baronies across the world in numerous kingdoms. When he first retired he sought out all the magic users and clerics in his lands for a way to extend his life and to build an army that would defend his lands “until the end of time.”

Most of the spell casters either refused to help or were just unable to do so. But two twisted souls (a magic user and a cleric) demanded a princes' ransom but delivered. They supplied Malthus with 12 “cursed” potions of longevity to allow him to live another 120 years to command his lands for four more generations. The problem was that each potion taken would kill a close family member within a fortnight, and there wasn't any way to remove the curse (it was a function of a wish and not a true curse).

In time his children and most of his grandchildren all died (due to the “curse”) as Malthus sought to regain is youth and vitality. All attempts to raise his family failed. When he refused to animate them as anything less intelligent than a vampire, the spell casters made a bold proposal ... a crown of power. A device that could bring his family back as vampires or even more powerful creatures but have them controlled, at least to some extent, by Malthus.

Malthus jumped at the opportunity but was fearful that others would try to stop him. As the years progressed he used his arsenal of magic items and combat skills to challenge and remove all the magic users in his lands. He then killed or evicted all clerics nearing name level or greater, other than a few

who were faithful to him. Churches were razed to the ground and magic towers were looted and turned into prisons for those who opposed him. In short time the only spell casters in the land were a few clerics who supported him and his two “advisors”.

Months progressed, then years and Malthus left his kingdom time after time to acquire component for the crown. These parts got progressively harder and harder to acquire until Malthus was forced to travel to an entropy dimension to collect “the beating lead heart” of some nameless undead monstrosity. Eight years and six attempts later, he finally managed to do the impossible and returned with a still beating leaden undead heart.

During this process he had transformed himself from a tough (and slightly chaotic) but loved 80 year old 20th level champion into a 20 something loathed and feared maniac that killed anyone who used the slightest bit of magic (other than those he needed). However this process did bring other changes as well as just before he left on his last attempt to retrieve the heart he had a strange dream, one about immortality and his future.

Which energy immortal it was that contacted him remains unknown, but Malthus began his quest for immortality the night before he left for that unnamed entropy dimension and things were never the same.

When he returned, he activated his plan for dealing with his “friends and advisors” since he now knew the truth about how his family died. Weeks after the crown was complete, there was no living spell caster in his lands. After that things went from bad to strange as Malthus took 12 baronesses as his wives (to produce a supply of heirs), set out to change his small but productive baronies into larger lands and in time into fortified and walled independent kingdoms.

His collection of jewellery from far off lands were melted down and remade into strange and yet wonderfully energetic artwork. This went on display for a year and then “disappeared” along with the treasury's prize, a lesser artefact of time. Weeks later Malthus went out on a private search for the missing goods, but they were never discovered. It is suspected that he gave them as a gift to his patron, but no one has any proof.

Over the next 90 years Malthus fought wars, travelled to far off lands in search of items of power, trained 12 of his most promising children to a point of being name level avengers and unified his scattered realms into three small but impossibly well fortified kingdoms. Walls within walls to keep out invaders and his key to success, undead soldiers inside, outside and on top of every foot of wall. Hundreds of thousands of skeletons and zombies, thousands of ghouls and wights & hundreds of wraiths, mummies and spectres all led by dozens of vampires, phantoms and haunts. Combined, the three kingdoms had over a million undead soldiers waiting for an attack by “spell casters and their kin”. Year after year Malthus increased the defences of his kingdoms against an attack that never came.

In his last year Malthus challenged and killed numerous “spell casters”. Some were fairly beaten, some were run off to distant lands and others were just slaughtered. In the end, his “challenge prizes” were still his, and no magic user, cleric or elf dared to go near his kingdom.

One night, the nearly 180 year old Malthus just vanished. All they found in the morning was the crown sitting neatly on a pillow. With their patriarch presumed dead, Malthus' heirs “disbanded” the undead army and sent the crown to a church on the other side of the world, where it was quickly stored and then lost.

Powers:Animate Dead (as per the 5th level MU / 4th level Cleric Spell) [at will]Enhanced Animate Dead (see below) [3 times per hour]Create Lesser Undead (see below) [1 per day]Create Undead (see below) [1 per month]Undead Liege (see note below) [at will]Mind Barrier [always in effect when worn]

Enhanced Animate Dead (5th level cleric)Range: 60'Duration: PermanentEffect: Creates skeletons, zombies, ghouls & wightsAs per the animate dead spell but ghouls & wights can be created as well as skeletons & zombies.

Create Lesser Undead (6th level cleric)Range: 60'Duration: PermanentEffect: Creates wraiths, mummies & spectres

This spell allows the caster to make, animate and control wraiths, mummies and spectres. These creatures are permanent until they are destroyed by a cleric or a dispel magic spell.

For each experience level of the avenger, this item may animate one hit dice of undead, ignoring any pluses and always rounding up. Thus if a 17th level avenger used the crown he/she/it would be able to create 4 mummies per day – 17/5 = 3.4 rounded up to 4.

Created lesser undead don't have any spell casting abilities but they do have any abilities associated with their monster type and like all undead they are immune to sleep, charm and mind affecting spells.

Lesser undead created by this item are allowed to act as undead lieges. They may attempt to control undead not created by this item as per the “undead attempts to control other undead table”. Wraiths may control up to 08HD of lesser undead on a roll (2d6) of 07 (skeleton), 09 (zombie) or 11 (ghoul). Mummies & spectres may control up to 10HD of lesser undead on a roll (2d6) of 05 (skeletons), 07 (zombies), 09 (ghoul) or 11 (wight).

Create Undead (7th level cleric)Range: 60'Duration: PermanentEffect: Creates vampires (non-spell casting 7HD), phantoms & haunts

This spell allows the caster to make, animate and control non-spell casting vampires, phantoms and haunts. These creatures are permanent until they are destroyed by a cleric or a dispel magic spell.

For each experience level of the avenger, this item may animate one hit dice of undead, ignoring any pluses and always rounding up. Thus if a 17th level avenger used the crown he/she/it would be able to create 2 banshees – 17/13 = 1.3 rounded up to 2.

Created undead don't have any spell casting abilities but they do have any abilities associated with their monster type and like all undead they are immune to sleep, charm and mind affecting spells.

Undead Liege The crown amplifies the avenger's undead controlling abilities far beyond their normal range. These enhancements include:Controlling undead as an undead liege of similar HD to his/her/its level.May control any number of undead whose total HD are less than or equal to four times his/her/its level. Thus a 17th level avenger may control up to 68HD of undead.Created (animated) undead do not count towards the liege total. Neither does undead controlled by undead under his/her/its control.This control is permanent as long as the crown is worn. If the crown is removed, he/she/it only remains in control of the undead for twice his/her/its level in minutes. Thus our 17th level avenger would have 34 minutes before the control wares off. Once the control ends, undead created by the crown follow their last order indefinitely, but merely controlled undead revert back to their normal chaotic nature.Undead not controlled by the avenger can be turned or destroyed as if the avenger was a cleric with half his/her/its level (rounded up). Thus the 17th level avenger may attempt to turn or destroy as if he/she/it was a 9th level cleric, instead of the 5th level he/she/it would normally work as.

If turned, the control is re-established once the turning is over. Undead who are dispelled or destroyed may be re-animated by the use of the crown's powers.Undead created by the crown are treated as being animated by a 36th level cleric for dispelling purposes.

If any controlled or created undead encounter an anti-magic field (shell) they will become just plain dead while within the field. Once out of the field, the crown will re-animate and control them (automatically) with no usage charge.

Mind BarrierThis spell is automatically bestowed on any creature wearing the crown. It is treated as if cast by a 30th level magic user for dispelling purposes. The spell is ended as soon as the crown is removed.

Ixion's Staff Of Flames (Type IX) (QuantumEFX)

A slender staff of highly polished metal with a fist sized cut crystal in a metal lattice cage on top.

In most hands the staff is a lightweight staff (20cn) +2, +4 vs undead. In the hands of a cleric of Ixion it is a staff +4, +5 vs undead that lights up (crystal) as per the MU light spell and may cast ( 3 times per day) a 9HD fireball at any undead creature (auto hit – save vs magic for half damage).

Item created as a gift for a promising young cleric that gained Ixion's attention at a young age. When the cleric fell in combat against a horde of undead, Ixion retrieved the staff and further enchanted it. The young cleric's remains, mysteriously healed but still dead, and the staff found its way back to the order's church the next morning.

The staff is now used by that order's most promising cleric whenever undead need to be disposed of.

Tainted Love (Type X) (QuantumEFX)

A set of 24ct gold and platinum rings engraves with old elvish runes for true love, these rings are actually an entropy immortal's joke on mortal love. The rings can never be broken up as a set. If one is sold or misplaced it will appear next to the other one during the night. The only way they can be apart for more than a night is to be placed on the fingers of two humans who are in love. For the next three new moons they will be blessed with good luck (+4 bonus on any rolls), but on the fourth new moon their fate will be sealed.

Each ring wearer must roll vs. death ray. If they both fail, their luck will turn cold and there will be an “accident”. This may be a fire, an earthquake, flood, a monster, whatever it is, by the next new moon both will be dead, but the rings will miraculously survive.

If only one fails their save, both will suffer a spree of bad luck until both are dead. Every month they suffer a cumulative -1 penalty on all rolls until both are dead.

If both manage to make their save they will be transformed into 9HD vampires (non spell casting – no save) on the next full moon, and the rings will have mysteriously moved on to new victims.

Salasa's Shield (Type VI) (QuantumEFX)An oversized elliptical shield with a sword protruding from either end of the shield (500cn). Resembling a human sword shield this one is 50% larger (in length and width) and 20% thicker than normal. This is due to the fighter who crafted it as her favourite weapon, Salasha the red fury.

Rumour abound about Salasa's family history. Some say she had a hill giant as a grandparent, other say it was a Amir, while others even claim it was a god (immortal), but what is known is that the young woman was something spectacular. By the age of 15 she was nearly eight feet tall, strong as an ox, agile as a fox, smart as a wizard and more beautiful than any other in living memory (S:17, I:17, W:15, D:18, Co:15, Ch:18). The shield is designed to properly fit someone her size but any normal sized may use it as a two handed shield with no penalty or as an oversized sword shield with a -2 to hit penalty for those with at least a 15 strength.

The shield itself is a large +5 blessed sword shield that does slightly more than double normal sword shield damage (2d4+5) base damage and has a +6 to hit bonus. It's blood red with a white marble effect on the front, back and along the two black blades. The arm straps are made of cured and tanned fire drake hide that is balanced so well that the 500cn shield can be used on one arm for stronger individuals.

By age 18 Salasa was a name level paladin who was know for using her charm and intelligence as often as her strength and weapon skills. By her mid 20s the duchess Salasa controlled one of the most productive and prosperous realms with treaties and trade agreements with almost every known land. On her 27th year she started on the path of an epic hero. With the help of her high priest and royal magist she crafted a new sword shield to replace the two others that she had used since the start of her career. While not overly powerful is easily identified and was well used on and off the battle field.

On the 33rd day of her 33rd year, Salasa bid farewell to her children, friends, heir apparent and subjects left her weapons and armour behind and rode off into the sunset. When she reached the top of the western most hill in her lands, spectators say she just disappeared. Her weapons and most of her armour has been spread out among her family, but the shield vanished at the same moment she did.

Legend has it that if the shield will only return in the hands of another paladin, and that individual will rebuild Salasa's realm to even greater heights.

Powers:Bless (always active)Friendship (see below) (always active)Charm Person (at will)Protection From Evil, 10' radius (at will)Charm Monster (at will)Hold Monster (3 times per hour)

FriendshipThe shield has some sort of unknown magical power that increases the wearer's charisma reaction adjustment by +2 (max. +5) & doubles the maximum number of retainers.

Gorgon's Heart (Type X) (QuantumEFX)Which immortal made this is unknown but its an interesting weapon. A smoke grey sword resembling a human bastard sword, the weapon's surface more resembles the scales of a snake than the smooth finish of a forged weapon. 4 ½ feet long from tip to pommel, the blade averages 3” wide but near the middle increases in an elliptical pattern to over 5”. It's a thick blade with a maximum depth near the centre at over 1/2” that quickly tapers to a thin 1/32” a mere 1/2” from the centre. The blade itself must be hollow or made of some sort of unknown metal as for all its size it only weight 10cn.

The blade contains an oversized gorgon from the elemental plane of earth. How it got placed into the sword is unknown, as is if it's the entire gorgon or just it's spirit. What is known is that it has some unusual abilities.

Outside the elemental plane of earth:Acts as a +3, +4 vs non-earth elementals bastard sword2d6 base damage when used with one hand & 2d8 base damage when used with two handsIf weapon mastery is used (BS:2d6, SK:2d6+2, EX:2d6+4, MS:2d8+7, GM:2d8+9 – one handed | BS:2d8, SK:2d8+2, EX:2d8+4, MS:2d10+7, GM:2d12+9) with all other effect/defence/secondary damage the same as a normal bastard sword.If a successful hit is scored, the victim must save vs. turn to stone or be petrified.The wielder is immune to all paralysis and turn to stone attacks.The wielder saves at the better of his/her/its normal save or that of an 8th level fighter.The wielder's AC is improved to the better of his/her/its standard AC or 02.

On the elemental plane of earth:Acts as a +5, +7 vs. elementals bastard sword3d6 base damage when used with one hand and 3d8 base damage when used with two handsIf weapon mastery is used (BS:3d6, SK:3d6+2, EX:3d6+4, MS:3d8+7, GM:3d8+9 – one handed | BS:3d8, SK:3d8+2, EX:3d8+4, MS:3d10+7, GM:3d12+9) with all other effect/defence/secondary damage the same as a normal bastard sword.If a successful hit is scored, the victim must save vs. turn to stone (with a -4 penalty) or be petrified.The wielder is immune to all paralysis, polymorph and turn to stone attacks.The wielder saves at the better of his/her/its normal save or that of an 16th level fighter.The wielder's AC is improved to the better of his/her/its standard AC or 00.If used to attack a gorgon, the weapon will always cause maximum damage on a successful hit.

Chrome Gauntlets (Type VI) (QuantumEFX)

Spiked gauntlets made from an alloy of heavy chrome and some unknown metal (50cn per gauntlet).

Powers:+5 to hit in “unarmed” combat (striking)Double normal striking damage (x2 strength bonus)-2 penalty for victim hit with a strike on his/her/its stun roll

Additional +3 to hit / melee damage in melee combat with a weapon

Detect Invisible (3 times per day)Invisibility 10' radius (1 per day)

History: Unknown

Firestorm Bow & Quiver (Type VI) (QuantumEFX)

+5 Longbow (20cn)Bow powers:Haste (when held)Infravision (when held)Detect Invisible (when held)

QuiverModified bag of holding in the shape of a quiver (holds 10,000 arrows – amount present left to DM- 300cn). Bag has ESP link with wearer and will always provide the desired arrow.

Main Arrow List:Firestorm arrow (+3 arrow, flight – 5x normal range & 9HD fireball on impact) 90% of contentsDelayed firestorm arrow (+3 arrow, flight – 5x normal range & 9HD delayed fireball) 5% of contentsPetrify arrow (+2 arrow & flesh to stone) 1% of contentsTransport arrow (+2 to hit, causes no damage & teleport) 1% of contentsTemporary Friend (causes no damage & conjure elemental – spell lasts 1d6 turns but no need to concentrate) 1% of contentsImpact arrow (+5 arrow & striking – additional 1d6 damage) 1% of contents

Other Arrow List:Up to DM – 1% of contents

History: Unknown

Pipes of Sephius (Type V) (QuantumEFX)

A musical pipe instrument (think 64 pipe version of a “pipes of pan”) developed by the magic user and frequent wanderer Sephius the storyteller. This 2' wide 8” tall & 3” deep instrument is made up of some type of elven metal that looks a lot like high quality silver but is much stronger (AC: -08 HP: 50 per power) and weights next to nothing (15cn) given it's size. The pipes are inlayed with a wide variety of symbols and elvish words that only magic users, elves and musicians can understand. These symbols are the instructions on how to play this instrument and use its special abilities.

Mundane abilities:+1 bonus on general skill: Music - brass or music – woodwind+3 bonus on general skill: Music – pipesPermanently gives someone who plays the instrument for more than 100 hours (total) the general skill: music – pipes if they don't already have that skill.

Magical abilities:Spell like power (general skill: music – pipes skill level needed to use spell) can be used at will.Charm Person (03)Phantasmal Force (06)Dispel Magic (09)Charm Monster (12)Hold Monster* (15)Geas* (18)Magic Door (21)