Standing Alone

Relinquish Version 2

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Standing Alone

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December 11 2012

I act as the Queen piece. I intend to take out the opposing Queen. This is my message to all the kids in the

orphanages, to my dear friends, and to any unsuspecting victim. The ORG. is going to release a deadly disease on

the world. I need you to bring this message to a child in one of the orphanage. I am talking about my friends: Tali

Monitu, or Nihil. There is a chance that one of my friends will find this message but they are slim. If you happento be some unsuspecting victim, I want you to listen to my explanation before you toss this into the nearest

trashcan. It is entirely your choice to believe what I write. If you don¶t believe me, please pass this on to someone

else. The world needs to know.

My name is Amicus Reid. I¶m 13 and I started out as an average girl on the street. I had no idea that there was

more to the world than I had suspected. There was more to myself, more to my family and more to society than I

had ever known until I was sent to an orphanage academy in the middle of nowhere. A government ³official´

declared my aunt to be unable to raise me which was nonsense because my aunt was 52. Outraged as I was I was

taken out of my home to an isolated orphanage deep within the country side. At that orphanage they fed us pills

that changed us and put a haze in all the kid¶s minds. I made friends with Talib and Monitu there. We finally cuedin and stopped taking the pills. What happened was odd. Talib turned purple till he was the shade of an eggplant.

had bad panic attacks and nightmares. Monitu had migraines and hallucinations. Just about then, 2 doctors strolle

 by and we hid in the nearest broom closet. Eavesdropping, we learned the truth. We weren¶t orphans! The

orphanage was part of a network that spanned the entire globe. They picked kids and altered them to suit their 

 purposes. They were going to release a disease that can spread on like radiation so that everyone would depend on

them for medication. Using that they could control people and create their ³utopia´.

We had been genetically designed to become leaders or governors of their new world. Unfortunately they walke

out of earshot before we could hear anymore. Inside the closet we recovered from our symptoms. We could all thi

clearly for the first time in weeks and could scarcely believe the truth. Over the next couple months, Talib, Monitand I spied on the ORG. (We called it the ORG which is short for Organization because we didn¶t have a name f

We met Nihil, a swordsman from a poison institute in Asia. His hair is white and he looks albino from all the pois

they fed him. We allied with him because he was spying on the ORG as well. With his help, we found files on

ourselves. Apparently the ORG had technology that surpasses the modern world. Monitu was designed to be a wa

general and strategist. Talib was designed to be a genius. They had rewired his neurons, giving him superior 

intelligence. I had a metal heart, literally. I have yet to know why, but it disturbs me because I had this heart since

was an infant. My whole life had been controlled. At that point, all I knew was that I had to get out of here before

they turned me into a pawn in their game.

We left during the dead of the night. Talib sabotaged the security systems and we escaped into the sewers. Don¶ask me how because Talib barely knew himself, probably something the ORG did to his spatial sense. We made a

for it, taking buses and trains all the way to Penn¶s cave. According to Nihil, the popular tourist sire had a safe ho

for allies against the ORG. After closing hours we took the boat to a rock formation inside the cave that looked lik

dragon. When Nihil poked the dragon in the eye, a device scanned his fingerprint and opened a hidden door. Insid

was like a normal apartment without windows. I have to remain anonymous about who I met for their personal sa

Apparently I was a dream come true. In previous years my supposedly dead father had told them I would come an

help them. This caused a lot of questions to swirl around my head. Who was my father? What did he have to do w

the Org? Wasn¶t he supposed to be dead? (He technically died when I was 1 years old in a car crash along with m

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mom.) Was it his fault I had a metal heart? Did he really die in a car crash? Is he still alive? The possibility that h

could be alive was doubtful, but I was unable to push down my new sense of hope because of he was alive he cou

tell me the truth.

I started to have flash backs during my stay in the safe house. I saw places that I could name and I heard my fath

telling me to go to certain places and find information. I was convinced that he was sending me messages because

how would I know whether or not my metal heart could receive and transmit messages? I left the safe house to

 pursue the tasks that he set out for me. My friends came along because they refused to leave me by myself. While

went on my scavenger hunt, I learned two things. The ORG had found out about our escape and had sent people a

us. I knew this would happen eventually, but I didn¶t know that they would do anything, kill anyone and wreak ha

 just to retrieve the 4 of us. I came very close to being captured. Once, an agent kidnapped me and was bringing m

 back to the orphanage until my friends found him found him and knocked him senseless. We put him on a train to

Oklahoma and we haven¶t seen him since. Those days changed me. I woke up everyday wondering if the ORG¶s

agents were near and looked over my shoulder as I walked down the street. We were always on the run and were

wary of every stranger. However, our mission was uncompromised; I found notes, diagrams and plenty of import

information where my dad left them.

Finally, my flashbacks led me to an old man who lived in an apartment. He had once challenged the ORG and fa

Once I explained who I was, he told me to take my friends and hide from the ORG while I still had a chance. I wa

shocked. I am not brave and I know it, but even I wouldn¶t sit by while I knew people suffered and I could have

helped. My shock must have been obvious. ³You stand alone. In this state you¶ll never be able to defeat the ORG

Run while you still can,´ said Mr. Davidson. Fuming, I babbled out a reckless idea. I could get all the kids in the

orphanage to rebel against the ORG. I didn¶t pause to think about the consequences or the price and that gave my

friends an advantage, but it was also my biggest mistake because I didn¶t know what I was dealing with. He nodd

satisfied and gave me a hologram device. and said, ³Don¶t stop trying no matter what.´ I thanked him and left the

apartment. I never saw him again, but I remembered his words.

The hologram was a message that my dad left. He had been dead all along. His words tore my world to smithere

as he told me the truth I had so wanted to hear. He had taken ORG technology and built my heart. He had also tak

this key technology the ORG needed to release the disease and used it to keep the heart going all these years. He t

me that he had given everything and done everything he could to prepare me for this. I felt devastated; I was on m

own with a job that was too big for me. His last words were,´ I¶m sorry for having to burden with this problem, b

have always loved you. Have faith in yourself. When the time comes you¶ll know what to do.´ I wondered why

 people believed in me when I could barely hold myself together.

My friends organized the rebellion. We sneaked into the ORG orphanages around the world, and talked to kids.

hacked into their computer system and managed to confuse everyone. Everyone expected me to be a leader-but I

wasn¶t a leader in any way. Still I hated to let my friends down so I gritted my teeth and forced myself to make ha

decisions. I acted as the symbol of the rebellion. I was their Queen piece. We had planned for the smaller more

isolated orphanages to overthrow their captors first so we could whittle the ORG¶s control down. It would continu

until only the main branch left and then we could overthrow it with a much bigger force. If all went well we woul

defeat the org before they could release the disease. We forgot one thing through. We forgot how powerful the OR

really was and the fact that these kids were just kids. We were cocky and that led us to our failure. On the first day

the rebellion, what I saw was imprinted into my memory. I saw child after child lying on the ground, the silence

deafening me. The smell of smoke and destruction so horrific I can¶t write about it any further. The orphanage its

had been abandoned. All traces of the doctors and scientists who worked there were gone. It wasn¶t only one

orphanage too. Most of the orphanages we had designated to rebel first were in the same condition. I couldn¶t tak

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any more of this. I remembered what my father had said. They needed my heart, so all I had to do was make sure

they never got it.

As I write this, I don¶t dare tell my friends what I am about to do they because they would stop me. When the W

Queen dies the kids will have a chance which is why I need you to deliver this message. Much more depends on y

than you think. Make the choice and have more faith in yourself than I did. Tomorrow, if the sun is still shinning,

the traffic is slow as always and if your friends gossip and play as they usually do you will know that I have

completed my task.