1. Uso del a – an Usa a antes de todas las palabras que empiecen con sonido de consonante. We use the simple present tense with like, love, need, have, and want. We use the simple present tense for facts and things that happen again and again. Use the simple form of the verb with I, you, we, they, and plural nouns. he verb have is special. We use have with I, you, we, and they. We use has with he, she, and it. To make the negative form of the simple present tense, we use does not or do not and the simple form of the verb. We also use the contractions doesn't and don't. For I, we, you, they, and plural nouns, use do not or don't and the simple form of the verb. To make a question in the simple present tense, we use do or does and the simple form of the verb. Notice the order of the words: 2 Los adjetivos siempre en singular We can add words like very, really, a little, and kind of before adjectives. Adjetivos posesivos Los adjetivos posesivos en inglés son: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their. Hacen referencia a quien posee y no a lo poseído. En general preceden a sustantivos. Aquí encontrarás ejemplos traducidos al español. my (mái) - mi, mis your (iór) - tu, tus / su, sus (de usted) his (jis) - su, sus (de él) her (jer) - su, sus (de ella) its (its) - su, sus (de algo) our (áuar) - nuestro/a/os/as your (iór) - su, sus (de ustedes/vosotros) their (dér) - su, sus (de ellos/as)

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1. Uso del a an Usa a antes de todas las palabras que empiecen con sonido de consonante. We use the simple present tense with like, love, need, have, and want. We use the simple present tense for facts and things that happen again and again. Use the simple form of the verb with I, you, we, they, and plural nouns. he verb have is special. We use have with I, you, we, and they. We use has with he, she, and it. o make the negative form of the simple present tense, we use does not or do not and the simple form of the verb. We also use the contractions doesn!t and don!t. "or I, we, you, they, and plural nouns, use do not or don!t and the simple form of the verb. o make a question in the simple present tense, we use do or does and the simple form of the verb. #otice the order of the words$% &os ad'etivos siempre en singular We can add words like very, really, a little, and kind of before ad'ectives. (d'etivos posesivos&os ad'etivos posesivos en ingl)s son$ my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their. *acen referencia a quien posee y no a lo pose+do. ,n general preceden a sustantivos. (qu+ encontrar-s e'emplos traducidos al espa.ol.my /m-i0 1 mi, misyour /i2r0 1 tu, tus 3 su, sus /de usted0his /'is0 1 su, sus /de )l0her /'er0 1 su, sus /de ella0 its /its0 1 su, sus /de algo0 our /-uar0 1 nuestro3a3os3as your /i2r0 1 su, sus /de ustedes3vosotros0 their /d)r0 1 su, sus /de ellos3as0 4emember, we use the verb be to talk about occupations. We also use the verb be to talk about nationalities. We use the verb be to talk about age. We use the verb be to talk about height. We use the verb be to talk about feelings. Uso del have y has. 4emember, to ask a question with have, use do or does, and the simple form of the verb. 5ara empe6ar preguntas con$ W*7 para preguntar sobre personas. Usamos W*( para preguntar sobre alguna cosa o pedir mas informaci2n de aquello. Usamos Where para lugares, y usamos When o what time para preguntarsobre el tiempo.8. We use a, an, or one with singular count nouns. 9ount nouns can be plural. o make a regular count noun plural, we add 1s or 1es. (lgunos contables son irregulares y vale memori6ar su signi:cado. #on1count nouns don!t have plural forms. #on1count nouns don!t use a or an. We use how many to ask about count nouns. We use how much to ask about non1count nouns. We can use the before singular count nouns, plural count nouns, and non1count nouns. Usamos some y any para los contables y no contables respectivamanente /plural0Usamos some para las a:rmativas y any para las oraciones negativas.ambi)n las usamos en las interrrogativas. When we don!t know the number of things we are talking about, we can use many, a lot of, some,or a fewwith count nouns. hese words are called quanti:ers. When we don!t know the number of things we are talking about, we can use a lot of, some, a little, or not much. We use a few for count nouns, and a little for non1count nouns.;. Usamos was 3 were para el pasado del verbo tobe usamos was con I he she it o make information questions, we add question words like who, what, where, when, and how before was and were. In the negative, we use was not and were not or the contractions wasn!t and weren!t. We usually use contractions in conversations. o make negative statements, use did not or didn!t and the simple form of the verb.< 1. 5ara el presente continuo o form the present continuous, use am, is, are, plus the 1ing form of the verb. o make the negative, put not after am, is, or are. o make questions in the present continuous, we change the order. o make information questions in the present continuous, put question words like who, what, where, and when before am, is, are, and the sub'ect.=91 o form the past continuous, we use was or were plus the 1ing form of the verb. We use the past continuous to show an action that was continuing in the past. o make the negative, put not after was or were. o make information questions in the past continuous, put the question words who, what, where, and when before was or were and the sub'ect. We use the simple past tense to talk about events in the past. o make negative statements, we use did not or didn!t and the simple form of the verb. #egative statements are formed in the same way for regular and irregular verbs. o make yes1no questions, we use did and the simple form of the verb. >es1no questions are formed in the same way for regular and irregular verbs. #otice the order of the words. Uso de los adverbios