Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers Road Area – 7 th March 2011 Hastings Community Association meeting – 14 th April 2011

Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

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Page 1: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers

Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website

The walk in Tuckers Road Area – 7th March 2011

Hastings Community Association meeting – 14th April 2011

Page 2: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers


• Dangerous parking from the garage, on double lines and on the street corners.

Page 3: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

• Street Management enforce people parking in contravention of signs and lines. 

• If they observe people parking in contravention they would issue a parking charge notice (PCN)

• Where there is not a loading ban in the area the Wardens would have to apply an observation period.

• Street Wardens would also allow a reasonable amount of time for people that are loading/unloading if there are visible signs of them loading.

Charnwood Borough Council

Page 4: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

• Albert Promenade has restrictions at the top end that joins Great Central Road. • The Street Wardens patrol this area on a regular basis and would issue a pcn if

appropriate. • The Street Wardens have generic duties and also enforce environmental crimes • It has been requested that they do an early morning patrols as well and will continue

to patrol on a regular basis to cover all areas of enforcement.

Page 5: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

If pavement parking then report to 01509 634564

• We are running a campaign with the Police for people parking on pavements so you could call and report the vehicles when they are parking on pavements if they are causing an obstruction that would make it impossible for people to pass on the pavement. 

• We would need all of the vehicle details and the location

• Then an Officer from the Council or the Police would visit. 

• If they witness the vehicle parked causing an obstruction either agency could issue a fine.

Page 6: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers


• No lines and signs • Obstructive parking • Actively targeting parking offences in the area of

Great Central and Albert Prom since after the walk

• So far 28 Fixed Penalty Notices have been issued between 25/03/11 and 13/04/11 to vehicles causing unnecessary obstructions in the Albert Promenade and Great Central Road area.

Page 7: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue - of dog fouling in this area

• Patrols to identify offenders if seen• INFORMATION:• Report dog fouling on CBC website

http://www.charnwood.gov.uk/pages/dog_fouling_campaign_keep_britain_tidy or call 634564.

• It would be great if you could provide times an offender is normally seen in the area and/or information about owners and a dog.

Page 8: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Things you can report to Environmental Health team

Page 9: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue – dirt and litter in Great Central Road and Windmill

RoadMechanical swept started on Friday 1st April, completed the following weekINFORMATION:-Mechanical swept is happening max 12 weekly. -CBC cannot insure that there are no parked cars on the day but if community would like to assist: 1.Street management will delegate one of the street wardens to help out (they cannot enforce!) 2.Also CBC needs one week notice so that we could book cars for the agreed day. !!!Times should be between 9-10am.

Page 10: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue – dirt and litter from lorries• Issue reported to LCC about the enforcement for the lorries carrying mud on

the roadINFORMATION:• Littering from the vehicle to be reported to the CBC’s contact centre

01509 634564• The offender will be issued a fine on the base of witness statement. For this

we nee you to give us as much of the following as possible: Registration No of the vehicles;

• Colour• Model• Time of the offence• What type of waste • From which window• ! Note that on the first stage of the process the name of the witness is not in

question. It is only if the offender goes to the court we would need require your witness statement, however if you feel intimidated or unhappy with this the case would be withdrawn.

Page 11: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue – faded traffic lines along the kerbs

• This month (April) LCC will review road marking

Page 12: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue - Heavy lorries (44 Tonnes) using the roads 7.5 wgt limit

• Phone police 0116 222 2222 or [email protected] with full details of each vehicle and times/dates

• Bridges in Beeches Road and Great Central Road do not have weight restrictions different from the once for the roads. Weight limit is only for the bridge in Empress Road.

Page 13: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue - Inspection cover missing – been missing for 2 years

(Windmill Road)

• LCC checked and requested repair from Severn Trent

Page 14: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

General eyesore in this area and approaching GCR Railway

• Windmill Road development project currently is on hold due to funding cuts

• Great Central Railway developments will also improve the area greatly (still in progress)

• Area requires major development (millions of pounds)

Page 15: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue - Tuckers Road/Empress Road

- Dangerous around the bend – Grit/salt bin needed on Tuckers

Road • LCC to consider inclusion in gritting route used in severe

(snow) conditions instead (respond from LCC)

• As to the Grit Bins local councillors will be asking one to be put on the Empress Road Bridge and also the Great Central Bridge on Beeches Road/Tuckers Road Corner. The money for the bins is included in the Loughborough Special rates. It is a matter of them deciding where to go.

Page 16: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue - speed that cars travel down Tuckers Road

• Recommended - consider community speed watch

• Community to gather volunteers and contact Mike Wilson at LCC to progress

Page 17: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue – Tree maintenance needed in Charnwood

Water area

• Charnwood water area should be inspected in 2011 and if there are health and safety issues identified or ill trees/ branches they would be dealt with.

• Owners of the houses could cut the branches back in line of their property/ fence. If they do that outside they could be prosecuted.

• Also LCC recently approved tree policy will attend trees on a planned or emergency basis only

• Copy of the CBC’s policy is available on request

Page 18: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue – Open hours for the public toilets in Charnwood


• From 1st of April – Leisure Cervices

• Open every day

from around

8.00am till

around 4.30pm

Page 19: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issues – bulky waste - fridge, metal pipe in Great Central


• Removed

Page 20: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue – litter on the side of the Bridge in Beeches Road

• Cleared in the end of March

Page 21: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issues – Graffiti in King Edward Road

• Removed• To report an incident of graffiti, call Charnwood

Borough Council on (01509) 634 563 or report the problem online http://www.charnwood.gov.uk/pages/graffiti

• Copy of the policy is available on request or online

Page 22: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Query – Tuckers Road between 74 & 76 – Green Space

• Belongs to CBC

• Identified as potential spot for community BBQ

• Event application form and Risk Assessment form and manual are available on demand

Page 23: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue – Overgrown Blackberry bushes on the side of the bridge over the brook in Tuckers Road

• Grounds Maintenance took care of the issue – the bushes are cut back

Page 24: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue – rubbish in the brook and on its banks

• As a main water course the Grammar School Brook belongs to the Environment Agency

• Enviroment Agency had been contacted and reported to Environmental Agency on 5th April.

• (information from their website). Routine: mowing banks – ended Sep 09 and Tree and bushes maintenance ended in March 10).

• Clearance of rubbish – on request when can course flooding. • Need to complete information request from Environment Agency (a

map/plan of the site including a grid reference or the nearest postcode)

• Recommendation – community action• Contacted Jo Swift re. Community engagement in cleaning of water

areas. Advised to talk to Cllr R. Brown. Cllr Brown emailed on 5th April

Page 25: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Grammar School Brook, LE…..

Page 26: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers
Page 27: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers
Page 28: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issues area – the green between the flats in Tuckers Road

1. Parking – no lines no restrictions

2. Destroyed grass - ???

3. leaves from the tree create mess even on the other side of the road (especially in autumn) – mechanical swept max 12 weeks, or report on 634 563

4. Mess – see above

Page 29: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue - Beeches Road – Bottom end by the canal

Section of the wall is broken. Potential danger for the kids

• Still looking for the owner

Page 30: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue – Beeches Road/ Tuckers Road –

Too dark in evenings – potential danger

• LCC to check LCC lamp column and repair in April

• LCC to consider under community safety lighting criteria in June

Page 31: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue - Lamppost number 2 not working

• LCC to check LCC lamp column and repair in April

Page 32: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue - Section of the wall is broken. Potential danger for the


• In progress – looking for owners

• Not CBC or LCC

Page 33: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue – faulty lamppost # 2 in Tuckers Road

• The faulty street light in Tuckers Road has been issued to the maintenance operatives last Friday and should be attended to this week.

Page 34: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue – dark coner Beeches Road/ Tuckers Road

1. LCC to check LCC lamp column and repair

2. LCC to consider under community safety lighting criteria

• The "Community Safety Lighting Budget" has been removed as part of the budget cuts. We had arrived at a situation where the vast majority of known problem spots had been treated. I do expect that this budget could be reinstated later in LTP3.

• To this end I will keep your request for additional light on file.

Page 35: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Issue - Nuisance smell coming from the factory (Old Lady Bird).

Worry that might be toxic

• Information on the matter requested from Environmental Health team

Page 36: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers

Useful contacts• Mess on the streets (leaves etc) report to cleansing on 634 563• Report an incident of graffiti, call Charnwood Borough Council on

(01509) 634 563 or report the problem online http://www.charnwood.gov.uk/pages/graffiti

• Pavement parking then report to 01509 634564• Report dog fouling on CBC website

http://www.charnwood.gov.uk/pages/dog_fouling_campaign_keep_britain_tidy or call 634564.

• Littering from the vehicle to be reported to the CBC’s contact centre 01509 634564

• Phone police 0116 222 2222 or [email protected] with full details of each vehicle and times/dates

• Road cleansing (Great Central and Windmill roads) – 0116 3050001 Leicestershire County Council

• To report your concerns regarding Anti Social Behaviour please telephone 01509 634920 or 01509 634533 and in respect of any out of hours complaints please telephone 01509 634550

Page 37: Report on Issues raised on the Neighbourhood Walk in Tuckers Road Area * the link to the document will be available on the HCA website The walk in Tuckers