Report to East Area Planning Sub-Committee – List A – Applications for Decision Application No: 2017/3239 Application Type: FULL Case Officer: Dana Nickson Ward: Claygate Ward Location: 2 Rythe Road Claygate Esher Surrey KT10 9DF Proposal: Part two/part single-storey rear extension, single-storey side extensions and hard surfacing to provide 2 parking spaces following demolition of existing rear and side projections. Applicant: Mr John Waldron Agent: Mr Philip Andrews WvH Planning Ltd Elmwood High Park Avenue East Horsley Surrey KT24 5DD Decision Level: If Permit: Sub Committee If Refuse: Sub Committee Recommendation: Permit Representations: 5 letters of objection received the contents of which can be summarised as follows: Concerns regarding the design being out of character in the area and contrived in parts Concerns regarding the impact of the proposal on the protected trees in close proximity of the site Concerns regarding the quality of the submitted Tree Report Concerns regarding the impact on the adjoining habitat Loss of privacy due to the full height rear windows with juliet balconies Loss of light due to the first floor extension Breach of the 45° site line test R e p o r t Description 1. A semi-detached two-storey house located on the north-western side of Rythe Road, in the Settlement Area of Claygate and within the Design and Character Sub-area CLAY06 Hare Lane, Oaken Lane &Telegraph Lane Environs. Constraints 2. The relevant planning constraints are: Adjoining Green Belt Tree Preservation Order Policy 3. In addition to the National Planning Policy Framework and the National Planning Practice Guidance, the following local policies and guidance are relevant to the determination of this application: Core Strategy 2011 CS11 – Claygate CS17 – Local Character, Density and Design

Report to East Area Planning Sub-Committee – List A ...mygov.elmbridge.gov.uk/documents/s17104/20173239 - 2 Rythe Road... · 15. Although the proposal would add a large amount of

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Report to East Area Planning Sub-Committee – List A – Applications for Decision

Application No: 2017/3239 Application Type:


Case Officer: Dana Nickson Ward: Claygate Ward

Location: 2 Rythe Road Claygate Esher Surrey KT10 9DF Proposal: Part two/part single-storey rear extension, single-storey side extensions

and hard surfacing to provide 2 parking spaces following demolition of existing rear and side projections.

Applicant: Mr John Waldron Agent: Mr Philip Andrews

WvH Planning Ltd Elmwood High Park Avenue East Horsley Surrey KT24 5DD

Decision Level: If Permit: Sub Committee If Refuse: Sub Committee

Recommendation: Permit

Representations: 5 letters of objection received the contents of which can be summarised as follows:

Concerns regarding the design being out of character in the area and contrived in

parts Concerns regarding the impact of the proposal on the protected trees in close

proximity of the site Concerns regarding the quality of the submitted Tree Report Concerns regarding the impact on the adjoining habitat Loss of privacy due to the full height rear windows with juliet balconies Loss of light due to the first floor extension Breach of the 45° site line test

R e p o r t


1. A semi-detached two-storey house located on the north-western side of Rythe Road, in the Settlement Area of Claygate and within the Design and Character Sub-area CLAY06 Hare Lane, Oaken Lane &Telegraph Lane Environs.


2. The relevant planning constraints are:

Adjoining Green Belt Tree Preservation Order


3. In addition to the National Planning Policy Framework and the National Planning Practice Guidance, the following local policies and guidance are relevant to the determination of this application:

Core Strategy 2011 CS11 – Claygate CS17 – Local Character, Density and Design

Development Management Plan 2015 DM1 – Presumption in favour of sustainable development DM2 – Design and Amenity DM6 – Landscape and Trees

Design & Character SPD 2012 Home Extensions Companion Guide

4. Relevant Planning History

Reference Description Decision 2017/1828 Two-storey rear and single storey side

extensions and hard surfacing to provide 2 parking spaces following demolition of existing rear and side projections


2016/2266 Two-storey side/rear extension following demolition of existing side and rear projections



5. Permission is sought for a part two/part single storey rear extension and a single storey side

extension following the demolition of existing rear and side projections. The proposed rear extension would project beyond the existing rear elevation by 7.3m with the same width as the existing dwelling and a hipped roof design to the same height as the main roof and eaves some 90cms lower.

6. The proposed extension would project beyond the side elevation by 2.7m with a flat roof design to a height of approximately 3m.

7. The proposal also involves hardstanding the front of the property to provide off road parking for 2 vehicles.


8. Tree officer – No objection subject to arboricultural conditions.

9. Claygate Parish Council – Objection:

The application contravenes Policy DM6, objection to the reduction in canopy of T3,

reduction to primary limb to T4 and reduction in canopy and radial spreads to T5 and T6.

Contrived design of the flat roof at the first floor junction with No.4 Rythe Road.

Positive and Proactive Engagement

10. Paragraphs 186-187 of the NPPF require officers to work with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner to resolve problems before the application is submitted and to foster the delivery of sustainable development. This requirement is met within Elmbridge through the availability of pre-application advice.

11. No formal pre-application advice was sought prior to submitting this application.

Planning Considerations

12. The main planning considerations in the determination of this application are:

The design of the proposal and its impact on the host dwelling, the character of the area and the street scene

The impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties The impact on garden space The impact on trees

The design of the proposal and its impact on the host dwelling, the character of the area and the street scene

13. The property is located at the end of the Rythe Road cul-de-sac and adjoins Green Belt to the

north and west. The proposed extensions would not encroach on Green Belt land and due to the nature of the proposal it is not considered that it would affect the views from within the Green Belt.

14. The street scene is characterised mainly by two-storey semi-detached and terraced properties

of mixed character and design with a variety of roof forms and no established front building line. A number of properties have been extended over the years and it is noted that the both the adjoining property at No.4 and No.6 Rythe Road benefit from sizeable rear extensions.

15. Although the proposal would add a large amount of additional habitable floor area to the dwelling, the extensions have been sympathetically designed and would integrate well. The choice of a subservient eaves height and hipped roof profile would ensure the rear extension appears subordinate in nature to the host dwellinghouse.

16. Moreover, it is considered that the resultant dwelling wold not appear unduly prominent and would be comparable to the recently built extension at the immediately adjoining semi-detached property, No.4 Rythe Road.

17. The rear extension would be mostly two-storey except for a small area to the south which has been stepped in beyond the 3m rear projection in order to mitigate the impact on the adjoining property. Whilst this element of the extension could be seen as a contrived solution, due to the limited visibility, it is not considered that it would result in a significant negative impact on the overall design.

18. With regards to the single storey side extension, this element of the proposal would replace an

existing projection of a similar width and although some 50cms higher, it is not considered that it would adversely impact the existing street scene.

19. In light of the above, given the size of the plot, the design of the proposal and the use of matching materials, it is considered that the proposal would not result in significant harm to the character of the host dwelling, the wider character of the area and the street scene.

20. The proposed hard standing to the front of the property is considered to be acceptable. The impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties

21. The neighbours potentially impacted by the proposal are the immediately adjoining neighbour

at No.4 Rythe Road located to the south of the application site and Nos.1 and 3 Ruthe Road located opposite.

22. With regards to Nos.1 and 3 Rythe Road, due the separation distance in excess of 23m

between the proposed single storey side extension and these neighbouring properties, it is not considered that the proposal would result in a negative impact on the amenities of these neighbours.

23. With regards to No.4 Rythe Road, the proposed rear extension would align with this neighbour’s rear extension at ground floor level and has been stepped in past the 3m rear projection at first floor level to mitigate the impact of the proposal on the rear facing bathroom window at this neighbouring property. As such, the proposal would comply with the advice given in the Design and Character SPD on Home Extensions, which states that if an extension does not project more than 3m rearwards, the effect on natural light is minimal and the 45°sight line test does not apply.

24. The comments from the occupiers of this neighbouring property with regards to loss of light to

the single storey ground floor family room skylight are noted; however, as the proposal would be sited to the north of this neighbour’s room, the effect on natural light and overshadowing would be less than the neighbour’s own first floor rear projection located to the south of the family room.

25. With regards to the first floor full length rear windows with juliet balconies, it must be noted that such windows would afford similar views as any other first floor rear windows and the juliet balconies are ornamental, without a platform to be stepped on to. Furthermore, the proposal does not include any side windows towards this neighbour.

26. In light of the above, it is not considered that the proposal would result in significant harm to the amenities of the immediately adjoining property at No.4 Rythe Road by reason of overlooking, loss of light or overbearing effect.

The impact on garden space

27. The retained amenity space is considered adequate and commensurate to the size of the

dwelling and complies with the recommended standards set out in the Council’s adopted SPD on ‘Design and Character’.

The impact on trees

28. There are several mature trees in the vicinity of the application site, out of which a number of them are protected by a Tree Preservation Order. The Council’s Tree Officer was consulted on this application, has visited the site and viewed the submitted documents. The main issue with the previous application was the proximity of the single storey side extension to the northern side of the property to the protected trees. The current application has reduced the size of the extension and its potential impact to the retained trees and the arboricultural report makes comments on the juxtaposition and the anticipation of debris collection with solutions of gutter guards and overall reduction in size of the northern extension.

29. Looking at the increase in footprint of both the side and rear extension, the combined encroachment to the RPA is considered marginal and within the recommendations made in BS 5837. Some crown reduction work would be required on T5 to provide adequate clearance to reduce the foreseeable overbearing feel from T5 on the first floor. Taking into consideration the open field to the north of the site with un-interrupted rooting medium, it is not anticipated that either extension would have a significant impact on the retained trees root system.

30. In light of the above, the Council considers the current proposal to be acceptable and has no objection on arboricultural grounds subject to tree conditions.

Matters raised in Representations

31. The material planning issues have been fully assessed in the planning considerations above.

32. With regards to the comments regarding the impact of the proposal on the adjoining habitat, it is not considered that the proposal would be in such a degree of proximity to the adjoining open space so as to result in significant harm.


33. On the basis of the above, and in light of any other material considerations, the proposal is

considered to be in accordance with the development plan. Accordingly, the recommendation is to grant permission.

Recommendation: Grant Permission


The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 51 of Part 4 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following list of approved plans: 1748/01revA received on 05.10.2017.

Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in a satisfactory manner.


The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension shall match as nearly as is practically possible those of the existing building to which it is attached, in colour, type, finish and profile.

Reason: To ensure that a satisfactory external appearance is achieved of the development in accordance with Policy DM2 of the Elmbridge Development Management Plan 2015.


No development shall take place until further arboricultural details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Borough Council and these works shall be carried out as approved. This scheme shall include details of:

a) the measures taken to protect existing trees and hedges during construction, demolition, and delivery of materials / machinery, including a tree protection plan and an arboricultural method statement in line with BS5837:2012. (Already Supplied with app 2017/3239)

b) the scheme shall pay particular attention to providing accurate foundation design drawings to demonstrate the proposed floating raft construction is feasible and workable on this project.

c) prior to the commencement of works on site and after the installation of the tree protection in accordance with (a) above the applicant shall arrange a pre-commencement meeting between the Borough Council and the applicant's project arboriculturist to allow inspection and verification of the protection measures.

Reason: This permission is granted on the basis that the trees would remain on site to mitigate the impact of the development and to preserve and enhance the visual amenities of the locality in accordance with Policy DM6 of the Elmbridge Development Management Plan 2015. It is considered necessary for this to be a pre-commencement condition because the demolition and construction works could have implications for the future health and amenity of retained trees within the site.


In this condition "retained tree" means an existing tree, which is to be retained in accordance with the approved plans and particulars; and paragraphs (a) and (b) below shall have effect until the expiration of 5 years from the first occupation of the development.

a) no retained tree shall be cut down, uprooted or destroyed, nor shall any retained tree be pruned other than in accordance with the approved plans and particulars, without the written approval of the Borough Council. Any pruning shall be carried out in accordance with British Standard 3998 (tree work) and in accordance with any supplied arboricultural method statement.

b) if any retained tree is removed, uprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree shall be planted at the same place and that tree shall be of such size and species, and shall be planted at such time, as may be specified in writing by the Borough Council.

c) tree protection shall be maintained in-situ and not moved or removed until all construction has finished and equipment, materials, or machinery are removed from site.

d) any arboricultural protection information and plans submitted as part of the application, and listed in the approved plans condition, or submitted to meet a condition of consent shall be implemented and adhered to at all times during the construction process unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Borough Council. This shall include any requirement for arboricultural supervision and site monitoring. This condition may only fully be discharged on completion of the development subject to satisfactory written evidence of contemporaneous supervision and monitoring of tree protection throughout construction by the appointed arboriculturist.

Reason: This permission is only granted on the basis that the trees would remain on site to mitigate the impact of the development and to preserve and enhance the visual amenities of the locality in accordance with Policy DM6 of the Elmbridge Development Management Plan 2015.

Existing Site Plan

Proposed Site Plan

Existing front garden clearedand new 4.8 x 4.8m hardlandscaping installed to form2No. off road car parkingspaces. To be porus MarshallDrivesett Argent Priorapermeable paving.

Existing path retained.

Proposed RearExtension(Hatched)

Proposed SideExtension(Hatched)

8800 7300










Studio F180, Riverside Business Centre,Haldane Place, London SW18 4UQ

Tel: 020 8875 9115E-Mail: [email protected]: mervynbrownassociates.co.uk

Existing & Proposed

Claygate, Esher KT10 9DF2 Rythe Road

Site Plan

1748 / 02 revA

May 2017

1:100 @ A1

A Ground floor side extension reduced to 21.08.1 suit tree protection plan.


F c







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Studio F180, Riverside Business Centre,Haldane Place, London SW18 4UQ

Tel: 020 8875 9115E-Mail: [email protected]: mervynbrownassociates.co.uk

Existing & Proposed

Claygate, Esher KT10 9DF2 Rythe Road

Plans & Elevations

1748 / 01 revA

May 2017

1:100 @ A1

A First floor rear extension reduced along 21.08.1 party wall line to suit planning requirements. Ground floor side extension reduced to suit tree protection plan.


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