Reporting and payment Reporting and payment claims claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

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Page 1: Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

Reporting and payment Reporting and payment claimsclaims

Reporting and payment Reporting and payment claimsclaims

Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme

Training for Grant Beneficiaries and PartnersBucharest 18 September 2013

Financial Unit

Page 2: Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

Financial reporting in contractFinancial reporting in contract

The narrative and financial reporting is described in article 4 of the Special Conditions of the contract and complemented by:

•Article 15.1 of General Conditions derogated by art. 7.2.15 SC , explaining the conditions for payment claims and the documents to attach

•Annex V to contract: model of payment request

•Annex VI to contract: model of financial report

•Annex VII to contract: model of expenditure verification report

Financial Unit

Page 3: Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

Payment claims during the projectPayment claims during the project

According to General Conditions article 15.1 Option 2 derogated by Special Conditions art. 4.2 Option 2, for projects not exceeding 24 MONTHS and where the financing provided by JMA is between 100 000€ up to 700.000€, there is:

• A pre-financing of 30% from ENPI grant after the signature of the contract

• Forecast second pre-financing instalment representing maximum 50% of the ENPI grant:

– With expenditure financed by a grant amount (by applying the percentage set out in Special Conditions) standing at least at 70% of the previous payment and 100% of any previous ones

– Supported by an INTERIM REPORT and Expenditure Verification Report( (Annex VII)

Total sum of pre-financings not exceeding 80% of ENPI grant.

Financial Unit

Page 4: Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

Payment claims during the projectPayment claims during the project

• A balance representing maximum 20% of the grant, accompanied by:

a request for payment of the balance conforming to the model in Annex V,

an expenditure verification report required under Article 7.2.15 Special Conditions derogating the Article 15.6 General Conditions. (Annex VII)

The balance shall constitute the remaining amount of the Grant entitled to the Beneficiary as based on the total accepted eligible costs of the part of the Action and balanced with the instalment of pre-financing.

The reports shall cover the Action as a whole, regardless of which part of it is financed by the JMA.

Financial Unit

Page 5: Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

Annex VI of Grant Contract (Excel file)Annex VI of Grant Contract (Excel file)

The financial part of Annex VI is an Excel sheet with five parts:

• General information on how to use it

• Forecast budget and follow-up

• Interim Report

• Sources of funding

• Final report


Financial Unit

Page 6: Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

General informationGeneral informationNota bene:

• The Beneficiary alone is responsible for the correctness of the information in the tables check the information sent by your partners!!

Forecast budget and follow-up

• Requested only for information purposes but very useful also for your project financial monitoring!!


• The sheet “sources of funding” has to be included both in interim and final reports

• Figures have to be rounded to the nearest euro cent

Financial Unit

Page 7: Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

Use of exchange ratesUse of exchange ratesExchange rates:

• The project accounting has to be kept in the national currency used by each partner

• Interim and final reports include, for each budget line, four columns for each currency: number of units, unit cost in original currency, total cost in original currency and total cost in Euro

• Exchange rate to use is the arithmetical average of the one in Inforeuro for the concerned period (sum of the exchange rates of the months of the reporting period rounded to 4 decimals, divided by the number of months)

Let’s see an example of calculation of exchange rate for the report!

Financial Unit

Page 8: Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

Use of exchange ratesUse of exchange rates1. Go to Inforeuro web site, indicate your currency and press Enter


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Page 9: Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

Use of exchange ratesUse of exchange rates2. Click “Download in table format” and open the Excel file with all the

monthly exchange rates:


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Page 10: Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

Use of exchange ratesUse of exchange rates3. Calculate the average exchange rate to use in the Excel (see example for a

reporting period from Mar 2011 to August 2011):

Financial Unit

Page 11: Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

Interim/ Final reportInterim/ Final report

The amount of eligible expenditure has to be indicated in the sheet called “Interim Report”

Interim financial report: period (dd/mm/yyyy-dd/mm/yyyy)

Expenditures Unit n.of unitsUnit cost (in


(in EUR)allowed

reallocationuse of


(a) (b) (a)*(b)

1. Human Resources

1.1 Technical staff

1.1.1 Project coordinator Per month1.1.2 (please specify) Per month1.1.3 (please specify) - please add as many rows as you need Per month1.2 Administrative and support staff

1.2.1 Financial Manager Per month1.2.2 (please specify) Per month 1.2.3 (please specify) - please add as many rows as you need Per monthSubtotal Human Resources

Budget as per contract/riderReallocation and use

of contingencies

Financial Unit

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Interim/ Final reportInterim/ Final report1. Identify the project with its number and implementation period, indicate

the period covered by the report and copy the budget in the contract

Interim financial report: period (dd/mm/yyyy-dd/mm/yyyy)

Expenditures Unit n.of unitsUnit cost (in


(in EUR)allowed

reallocationuse of


(a) (b) (a)*(b)

1. Human Resources

1.1 Technical staff

1.1.1 Project coordinator Per month1.1.2 (please specify) Per month1.1.3 (please specify) - please add as many rows as you need Per month1.2 Administrative and support staff

1.2.1 Financial Manager Per month1.2.2 (please specify) Per month 1.2.3 (please specify) - please add as many rows as you need Per monthSubtotal Human Resources

Implementation period of the contract (dd/mm/yyyy-dd/mm/yyyy)

Budget as per contract/riderReallocation and use

of contingencies

Financial Unit

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Interim/ Final reportInterim/ Final report2. If JTS/JMA has authorized any reallocation between budget lines or the use of

part of the reserve for contingency, indicate it in the columns beside the “original” budget

Interim financial report: period (dd/mm/yyyy-dd/mm/yyyy)

Expenditures Unit n.of unitsUnit cost (in


(in EUR)allowed

reallocationuse of


(a) (b) (a)*(b)

1. Human Resources

1.1 Technical staff

1.1.1 Project coordinator Per month1.1.2 (please specify) Per month1.1.3 (please specify) - please add as many rows as you need Per month1.2 Administrative and support staff

1.2.1 Financial Manager Per month1.2.2 (please specify) Per month 1.2.3 (please specify) - please add as many rows as you need Per monthSubtotal Human Resources

Implementation period of the contract (dd/mm/yyyy-dd/mm/yyyy)

Budget as per contract/riderReallocation and use

of contingencies

Financial Unit

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Interim/ Final reportInterim/ Final report3. For each currency and budget line, fill-in the requested information: number of

units, unit cost, total cost in original currency and total cost in Euro, using the exchange rate, calculated as mentioned in previous slides


n.of unitsUnit cost (in currency

n°1)Total cost (in currency

n°1)Total cost(in EUR)

(d1) (e1) (f1)=(d1)*(e1)(g1)=


Per currency

Name of currency n°1Exchange rate pof the period (dd/mm/yyyy-dd/mm/yyyy):

Expenditures incurred

Financial Unit

Page 15: Reporting and payment claims Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme Training for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners Bucharest 18 September 2013 Financial Unit

Interim/ Final reportInterim/ Final reportFor each category, add up the number of units from all currencies and the total amount in Euro for each currency:

Add the cumulated costs of previous period, if it is not the first payment claim, and calculate the cumulated cost

Fx-rate: 4.1636 Fx-rate: 10,91488

# Units Unit cost (in currency n°1) Total cost (in currency n°1) Total cost(in EUR) # Units Unit cost (in

currency n°1)Total cost (in currency n°1)

Total cost(in EUR)

Units total # for all currencies

Total cost of the period (in EUR)

(d1 ) (e1) (f1)=(d1)*(e1) (g1)=(f1)*(Fx-rate1)

(d1 ) (e1) (f1)=(d1)*(e1) (g1)=(f1)*(Fx-rate1)

Sum (d1 dn)(h)=

Sum (g1 gn)

Per currency Total for the period in EUR

Romanian Leu (RON)Exchange rate pof the period (01/11/2011-30/06/2011):

Per currency

Ukranian Hryvnia (UAH)Exchange rate pof the period (01/01/2001-30/06/2011):

(i) (h)+(i)


Cumulated costs (from start of implementation to present report

included) (in EUR)

Cumulated costs (before current report) (in EUR)

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Budget forecast and follow-upBudget forecast and follow-upThis is a key table to verify that the project remains within the budget flexibility rules, as mentioned in article 9.2 of the General Conditions and it will still remain at the end of the following period. As a result of this calculation, you may identify the need to request authorization for a budget change.

Forecast Budget & follow-up

Real Previous


1. Human Resources

1.1 Technical

1.1.1 Technician Per month 0 Per month 0 1.1.2 Technician 2 Per month 0 Per month 01.2 Administrative Per month 0 Per month 0

Contract n°

Implementation period of the contract (dd/mm/yyyy-dd/mm/yyyy)

Unit # UnitsUnit cost (in



(in EUR)

Following period (dd/mm/yyyy-dd/mm/yyyy)

Forecast Forecast

Previous period (dd/mm/yyyy-dd/mm/yyyy)

Unit # UnitsCoût unitaire

(en EUR)


(en EUR)Expenditures


(in EUR)

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Sources of fundingSources of funding

Last but not least, do not forget that it is compulsory to include the table with the actual sources of funding so far.

Expected sources of funding

Amount Percentage(in EUR) of total


Contribution(s) from other European Institutions or EU Member States


Name Conditions


Interests from prefinancing

Name ConditionsName Conditions

Partner 1's financial contribution

Partner 2's financial contribution

Other contribution

Name Conditions

Contributions from other organisationsName Conditions

Partner 3's financial contribution

EU contribution

Total parners' financial contribution Applicant's/ IPA Financial LB financial contribution

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Annex V: request for paymentAnnex V: request for payment

Annex VI with the table has to be an attachment to Annex V, which is the

formal request for payment.

You will find the model as an annex to your contract.

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Thank you for your attention!

Petruța VOICU, CounsellorDirectorate of Programme Authorizing

European Territorial Cooperation Programme Authorizing Unit

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Financial Unit