2.) HOW DOES YOUR MEDIA PROJECT REPRESENT PARTICULAR SOCIAL GROUPS? My character and the film opening represent the suppressed, the strong and the courageous. The social groups this fall into may not be conventional but the characters in my film fill these traits. The character in the past, Connor is a Native American during the civil war. His people and his kind are suppressed and not treated equally. Connor fights for the patriots and for peace, hoping to free his people. However he is also an assassin, a character who is strong and secretive, someone who will stay in the shadows, and uses his skills to free his people then this again is a social group, one would argue that the assassins are a social group, ones that fight for peace and to kill the Templers who fight for knowledge and control. In many ways these are like the rich and poor social group, the rich being the Templar’s who have greater control and the Assassins, who are like the poor group and will do anything to stay in the game. They would do things like find the Orb to give an edge on the battle.


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My character and the film opening represent the suppressed, the strong and the courageous. The social groups this fall into may not be conventional but the characters in my film fill these traits. The character in the past, Connor is a Native American during the civil war. His people and his kind are suppressed and not treated equally. Connor fights for the patriots and for peace, hoping to free his people. However he is also an assassin, a character who is strong and secretive, someone who will stay in the shadows, and uses his skills to free his people then this again is a social group, one would argue that the assassins are a social group, ones that fight for peace and to kill the Templers who fight for knowledge and control. In many ways these are like the rich and poor social group, the rich being the Templar’s who have greater control and the Assassins, who are like the poor group and will do anything to stay in the game. They would do things like find the Orb to give an edge on the battle.

I was able to present this social group using techniques such as camera angles facing away from the characters face. So it adds mystery to who this assassin is. And when we do look face on to the character it is distorted through water. It was difficult to present the native America side. The costume itself has accents that are both assassin and Native American. The bands around his arms are Native American, and the feathers around the costume also are. His trousers although it may not be clear are what the Native American in the game would of crafted using cow leather. I was able to focus on these through camera shots that look past on focus on these areas of the costume. Though not purposely changing the whole focus point on the opinion on this. In the future there is similar character to Connor his descendant fights for the same things. Peace and freedom for the people. In the future the Templar’s have full control so it is again like the rich and poor social groups.

The assassins are now shattered with no hope of survival and they stay hidden because at this time all out war is not an option. There are not other representations of social groups in my opening or the film, there genders are equal the female characters are just as skilled as the male ones. The age of my character are concentrated on, I had to convince the audience that I was an adult. I did look the part, I am naturally quite tall, the size of a small adult. And because I was hooded and the camera never saw my face as Connor, I could convince the audience I was an adult. The same applies for being male. It would be obvious that I look like a male, my shape in the costume looks like a man. The same cannot be said for my future character, his face is not covered. And because of this perhaps it was more difficult to portray my age. I look like a male so that was clear enough. But I needed to convince the audience I was an adult. Did I do this successfully? Is for the audience to decide, but using digital grading to make the whole screen darker, which hopefully gave the effect of age.

If I had left the original gradient I would look a lot younger. The only other social group that is represented on quite a bit relates back to the past. With Connor, a Native American fighting for his people. Because Native Americans were not white in that time thy were not considered equal, and because they were not treated fairly and had their homes and land taken from them, this gives Connor a reason to fight. Other ways I was able to presents these social group through technicalities was through sound, the sound track for Connors half of the opening has native American tones.