10.2217/14622416.6.8.823 © 2005 Future Medicine Ltd ISSN 1462-2416 Pharmacogenomics (2005) 6(8), 823–834 823 R EVIEW For reprint orders, please contact: [email protected] Multifactor dimensionality reduction for detecting gene–gene and gene–environment interactions in pharmacogenomics studies Marylyn D Ritchie & Alison A Motsinger Author for correspondence Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics, 519 Light Hall, Center for Human Genetics Research, Nashville, TN 37232–0700, USA Tel.: +1 615 343 5851; Fax: +1 615 343 8619; E-mail: ritchie@ chgr.mc.vanderbilt.edu Keywords: epistasis, gene–environment interactions, gene–gene interactions, multifactor dimensionality reduction, pharmacogenomics In the quest for discovering disease susceptibility genes, the reality of gene–gene and gene–environment interactions creates difficult challenges for many current statistical approaches. In an attempt to overcome limitations with current disease gene detection methods, the multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) approach was previously developed. In brief, MDR is a method that reduces the dimensionality of multilocus information to identify polymorphisms associated with an increased risk of disease. This approach takes multilocus genotypes and develops a model for defining disease risk by pooling high-risk genotype combinations into one group and low-risk combinations into another. Cross-validation and permutation testing are used to identify optimal models. While this approach was initially developed for studies of complex disease, it is also directly applicable to pharmacogenomic studies where the outcome variable is drug treatment response/nonresponse or toxicity/no toxicity. MDR is a nonparametric and model-free approach that has been shown to have reasonable power to detect epistasis in both theoretical and empirical studies. This computational technology is described in detail in this review, and its application in pharmacogenomic studies is demonstrated. One of the biggest challenges in human genetics is identifying polymorphisms, or sequence varia- tions, that lead to an increased risk of disease. In the case of rare, Mendelian single-gene disorders, such as sickle-cell anemia or cystic fibrosis, the genotype–phenotype relationship is easily evi- dent, as the mutant genotype is explicitly respon- sible for disease. In the case of common, complex diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, or multiple sclerosis, this relationship is extremely difficult to characterize, since disease is likely to be the result of many genetic and envi- ronmental factors. In fact, epistasis, or gene–gene interaction, is increasingly assumed to play a crucial role in the genetic architecture of common diseases [1–3]. This challenge is equally present in studies of pharmacogenomics [4]. The dimensionality involved in the evaluation of combinations of multiple variables quickly diminishes the value of traditional, parametric statistical methods. Referred to as the curse of dimensionality [5], as the number of genetic or environmental factors increases and the number of possible interactions increases exponentially, many contingency table cells will be left with very few, if any, data points. This can result in increased Type I errors and parameter estimates with very large standard errors [6–7]. Traditional approaches using logistic regression modeling are limited in their ability to deal with many factors, and simultaneously fail to characterize epistasis models in the absence of main effects due to the hierarchical model-building process [8]. This leads to an increase in Type II errors and decreased power [9]. This is a particular problem with rela- tively small sample sizes. Since sample collection is time consuming and expensive, the decreased power can make effective studies cost prohibitive with traditional analytical methods. To deal with these issues, much research is required for improved statistical methodologies. Many researchers are exploring variations and modifications of logistic regression, such as logic regression [10], penalized logistic regression [11], and automated detection of informative com- bined effects (DICE) [12]. Additional explora- tions are being conducted in data mining and machine-learning research, including data reduc- tion and pattern recognition approaches. Data reduction involves a collapsing or mapping of the data to a lower dimensional space. Examples of data reduction approaches include the combi- natorial partitioning method (CPM) [13], restricted partition method (RPM) [14], and mul- tifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) [15–17]. In contrast, pattern recognition involves extract- ing patterns from the data to discriminate between groups using the full dimensionality of the data. Examples of pattern recognition meth- ods include cluster analysis [18], cellular automata (CA) [19], support vector machines (SVM) [20], self-organizing maps (SOM) [21], and neural

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Multifactor dimensionality reduction for detecting gene–gene and gene–environment interactions in pharmacogenomics studies

Marylyn D Ritchie† & Alison A Motsinger†Author for correspondenceVanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics, 519 Light Hall, Center for Human Genetics Research, Nashville, TN 37232–0700, USATel.: +1 615 343 5851;Fax: +1 615 343 8619;E-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: epistasis, gene–environment interactions, gene–gene interactions, multifactor dimensionality reduction, pharmacogenomics

10.2217/14622416.6.8.823 © 2

In the quest for discovering disease susceptibility genes, the reality of gene–gene and gene–environment interactions creates difficult challenges for many current statistical approaches. In an attempt to overcome limitations with current disease gene detection methods, the multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) approach was previously developed. In brief, MDR is a method that reduces the dimensionality of multilocus information to identify polymorphisms associated with an increased risk of disease. This approach takes multilocus genotypes and develops a model for defining disease risk by pooling high-risk genotype combinations into one group and low-risk combinations into another. Cross-validation and permutation testing are used to identify optimal models. While this approach was initially developed for studies of complex disease, it is also directly applicable to pharmacogenomic studies where the outcome variable is drug treatment response/nonresponse or toxicity/no toxicity. MDR is a nonparametric and model-free approach that has been shown to have reasonable power to detect epistasis in both theoretical and empirical studies. This computational technology is described in detail in this review, and its application in pharmacogenomic studies is demonstrated.

One of the biggest challenges in human geneticsis identifying polymorphisms, or sequence varia-tions, that lead to an increased risk of disease. Inthe case of rare, Mendelian single-gene disorders,such as sickle-cell anemia or cystic fibrosis, thegenotype–phenotype relationship is easily evi-dent, as the mutant genotype is explicitly respon-sible for disease. In the case of common,complex diseases such as hypertension, diabetes,or multiple sclerosis, this relationship isextremely difficult to characterize, since disease islikely to be the result of many genetic and envi-ronmental factors. In fact, epistasis, orgene–gene interaction, is increasingly assumed toplay a crucial role in the genetic architecture ofcommon diseases [1–3]. This challenge is equallypresent in studies of pharmacogenomics [4].

The dimensionality involved in the evaluationof combinations of multiple variables quicklydiminishes the value of traditional, parametricstatistical methods. Referred to as the curse ofdimensionality [5], as the number of genetic orenvironmental factors increases and the numberof possible interactions increases exponentially,many contingency table cells will be left with veryfew, if any, data points. This can result inincreased Type I errors and parameter estimateswith very large standard errors [6–7]. Traditionalapproaches using logistic regression modeling arelimited in their ability to deal with many factors,and simultaneously fail to characterize epistasis

models in the absence of main effects due to thehierarchical model-building process [8]. This leadsto an increase in Type II errors and decreasedpower [9]. This is a particular problem with rela-tively small sample sizes. Since sample collectionis time consuming and expensive, the decreasedpower can make effective studies cost prohibitivewith traditional analytical methods.

To deal with these issues, much research isrequired for improved statistical methodologies.Many researchers are exploring variations andmodifications of logistic regression, such as logicregression [10], penalized logistic regression [11],and automated detection of informative com-bined effects (DICE) [12]. Additional explora-tions are being conducted in data mining andmachine-learning research, including data reduc-tion and pattern recognition approaches. Datareduction involves a collapsing or mapping ofthe data to a lower dimensional space. Examplesof data reduction approaches include the combi-natorial partitioning method (CPM) [13],restricted partition method (RPM) [14], and mul-tifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) [15–17].In contrast, pattern recognition involves extract-ing patterns from the data to discriminatebetween groups using the full dimensionality ofthe data. Examples of pattern recognition meth-ods include cluster analysis [18], cellular automata(CA) [19], support vector machines (SVM) [20],self-organizing maps (SOM) [21], and neural

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networks (NN) [22]. These methodologies havevery different theoretical bases, while they share acommon goal of more efficient data explorationand analysis.

Multifactor dimensionality reductionA novel computational approach for the detec-tion of complex gene–gene and gene–environ-ment interactions has previously been developed.MDR is a data reduction method for detectingmultilocus genotype combinations that predictdisease risk for common, complex diseases.MDR pools genotypes into high-risk and low-risk or response and nonresponse groups, inorder to reduce multidimensional data into onlyone dimension. It is a nonparametric method,therefore no hypothesis concerning the value ofany statistical parameter is made. It is also modelfree, thus no genetic inheritance model isassumed [16].

As mentioned earlier, traditional statisticalapproaches were not successful in detectinggene–gene and gene–environment interactionsassociated with common, complex diseases and,similarly, pharmacogenomic end points. Many ofthese challenges were due to the application of themethodologies, more so than the theoretical basisbehind them. However, to achieve success indetecting epistasis, our goal was to explore differ-ent alternatives and move in a completely differ-ent direction. Thus, a nonparametric, model-freeapproach was highly desirable.

MDR was designed to detect gene–gene orgene–environment interactions in categoricalindependent variables (such as genotype andenvironmental data) and a dichotomous depend-ent variable (such as case/control status or drugtreatment response/nonresponse). MDR per-forms an exhaustive search of all possible single-locus through k-locus interactions (as computa-tionally feasible) to evaluate all possible combina-tions of loci. As a result of the evaluations, MDRwill select a single combination of loci as theoptimal model for each level of k, creating a set ofmodels for k = 1 to M (where M is the maximuminteraction level analyzed). This set of modelscan then be compared using various statistics todetermine if there is a single best model, or mul-tiple significant models. This process requires aheuristic approach by the end user, as this willdiffer depending on the goal of the analysis. Ifone views the application of MDR as a hypothe-sis-generating exercise, and would prefer to selecta few false positives more so than missing a truesignal (false negative), then the selection of all

statistically significant models would be optimal.However, if one is trying to select a single bestmodel for the purposes of replication or diagnos-tic test design, then more stringent selectioncriteria may be used.

MDR algorithmFigure 1 demonstrates the process for the MDRalgorithm. Before the MDR analysis begins, thedata set is divided into multiple partitions forcross-validation, if cross-validation is specified.MDR can be performed without cross-validation;however, this is rarely performed due to the poten-tial of overfitting [23]. Cross-validation [21] is animportant part of the MDR method, as it aims tofind a model that not only fits the given data, butcan also predict on future, unseen data. Sinceattainment of a second data set for testing is time-consuming and often cost-prohibitive, cross-vali-dation produces a testing set from the given datato evaluate the predictive ability of the model pro-duced. Typically, in the case of tenfold cross-vali-dation, the training set is comprised of 9/10 of thedata, while the testing set is comprised of theremaining 1/10 of the data. First, an exhaustivelist of n combinations of loci to evaluate from thelist of all categorical independent variables is gen-erated. These variables can include both geneticand environmental data. There is no set limit onthe number of independent variables that can beexamined. However, limits due to computationtime may arise. In simulations, all single locus andpair-wise interactions in simulated data sets withup to 50,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) genotyped in 1000 individuals have beenanalyzed [24]. Next, each of the n combinations isarranged in a contingency table in k-dimensionalspace, with all possible multifactorial combina-tions represented as cells in the table. The numberof cases and controls for each locus combinationare counted. In the third step, the ratio ofcases:controls within each cell is calculated. Eachmultilocus genotype combination is then labeledas high risk or low risk based on comparison ofthe ratio to a threshold (T = 1). Therefore, if theratio within a multifactor combination is aboveone it is labeled as high risk for disease, and if it isbelow one it is labeled as low risk for disease. Thisstep compresses multidimensional data into onedimension with two classes. Similarly, for pharma-cogenomic end points, each genotype combina-tion would be labeled response or nonresponsebased on the ratio of responders to nonrespond-ers. This threshold, T = 1 has been used previ-ously for both balanced and unbalanced data sets.

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Figure 1. Summary

Step one: The exhaustivecombinations are represethree: The ratio of cases as high risk (HR) if the ratis not exceeded. In step fmodel with the best trainestimated. In step nine, arepeated for each possibmultifactor combination.combinations.CV: Cross-validation; HR:

Step 1

List of multilocuscombinations to evaluate1,21,31,4•••








Testing sFactor 1



Traditionally for unbalanced data, oversamplingand undersampling has been used as opposed toaltering the threshold value. Further research isbeing conducted to fully understand the implica-tions of adjusting the threshold, as well as overand undersampling for unbalanced data.

The disease risk distribution for each of themultifactorial combinations represents the MDRmodel for a particular combination of multilocusgenotypes. The classification error, or one minus

the training accuracy, for each model is calculatedbased on the number of individuals within themodel that are actually cases in genotype combi-nations classified as low risk and the number ofindividuals that are actually controls in the geno-type combinations classified as high risk. Thebest k locus model is selected and the model isevaluated against the testing group and testingaccuracy is calculated. Prediction error, or oneminus the testing accuracy, is based on the

of the general steps to implement the MDR method.

list of n combinations are generated from the pool of all independent variables. Step two: For k = 1 to M, the nted in k-dimensional space, and the number of cases and controls are counted in each multifactor cell. Step to controls is calculated within each cell. In step four, each multifactor cell in the k-dimensional space is labeled io of affected individuals to unaffected individuals exceeds a threshold (T = 1), and low risk (LR) if the threshold ive the training accuracy is calculated. This is then repeated for each multifactor combination. In step seven, the ing accuracy is selected and evaluated in the test set. In step eight, the testing accuracy of the model is permutation test is conducted to determine the statistical significance of the model(s). Steps 1 through 8 are le cross-validation interval. Bars represent hypothetical distributions of cases (left) and controls (right) with each Dark-shaded cells represent HR genotype combinations, while light-shaded cells represent LR genotype

High risk; LR: Low risk; MDR: Multifactor dimensionality reduction.

2.80 0.23 1.33

0.33 3.33

0.13 0.56 2.71


5 4

1712 9


18 20

6 410






Factor 1 Factor 1







Step 4 T = 1

Step 2 Step 3

Training set

Factor 1






Step 5




Permutation test72.30 p = 0.002

Training accuracy








Average testing accuracy

1,4 72.30

CV consistency

1,4 9Step 9Step 8



et Step 7

Step 6





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number of misclassified individuals in the testingset, based on the model developed in the trainingset. Error and accuracy are used interchangeablyin the MDR literature, as error is calculated by: 1minus accuracy. This is repeated for each cross-validation interval (i.e., training set and testingset) and the average training accuracy and testingaccuracy are calculated across all intervals.Among all of the k-locus models created, the sin-gle model with the highest cross-validation con-sistency is chosen as the best k-locus model. Thisprocess is completed for k = 1 to M loci combina-tions that are computationally feasible. An opti-mal k-locus model is chosen for each level of kconsidered; thus if k = 1–3 is tested, a one-locusmodel, two-locus model, and three-locus modelwill each comprise the final set. Traditionally,once this set of models is completed, a finalmodel or set of models are chosen. The finalmodel is selected based on maximization of bothtesting accuracy and cross-validation consistency.Testing accuracy is how well the model predictsrisk/disease status in independent testing setsgenerated through cross-validation. The averagetesting accuracy for the model is calculated bysubtracting the average prediction error based onthe ten testing sets from one. The testing accu-racy is averaged across the cross-validation inter-vals regardless of the cross-validation consistency.This will give a measure of testing accuracy forthe k-level model. Once it is determined that cer-tain k-level interactions are of interest, a moreaccurate estimate of the testing accuracy for thatparticular combination of loci can be calculatedby forcing only those variables into an MDRmodel. Cross-validation consistency is thenumber of times a model is identified as the bestmodel across the cross-validation sets. Therefore,for tenfold cross-validation, the consistency canrange from one to ten. The higher the cross-vali-dation consistency is, the stronger the support forthe model. When testing accuracy and cross-vali-dation consistency indicate different models, therule of parsimony can be used to choose betweenthem. Here, one might be interested in selectingthe simpler model (i.e., the model with fewer fac-tors). However, as discussed below, it is often notadvantageous to select only one best model.

Once the best/final model is chosen, permuta-tion testing is used to test the significance of thehypothesis generated. Permutation testinginvolves creating multiple permuted data sets byrandomizing the disease status labels. Typically,at least 1000 randomized data sets are generated.The theory behind permutation testing is to cre-

ate a distribution of a statistic, here testing accu-racy, that could be expected simply bychance [25]. For MDR, this distribution must becreated for each individual data set, mimickingthe configuration parameters and data set char-acteristics of the original MDR analysis. Thus,the entire MDR procedure is repeated for eachrandomized data set. The single best model fromall levels of interaction is extracted for each ran-dom data set as described above, which generatesa distribution of 1000 testing accuracies thatcould be expected by chance alone. This wouldbe considered the omnibus permutation test.Some users of MDR have used an alternative k-locus permutation test, where a separate distri-bution is created for each level of k [26–27]. Thesignificance of the final model is determined bycomparing the testing accuracy of the finalmodel to the distribution. A p-value is extractedfor the model by its location in this empiricaldistribution. This omnibus permutation testmay be a conservative method. However, it ismore likely to control for Type I error while notlimiting power.

More recently, less emphasis has been placedon choosing a single final model, and instead aset of interesting models are generated. Signifi-cance levels are assigned to each model in thefinal set using the procedure described above andthen all significant models are reported. Thisnew approach attempts to use all informationwithin the final set of models. If the end goal ofthe MDR method is hypothesis generation, thisapproach may be preferred to reduce the risk offalse negatives.

MDR data analysis flowApplication of MDR to a data analysis plan ismerely one component of a complex process.Figure 2 shows an example of a possible workflowfor a pharmacogenomic analysis. This workflowassumes that the study subjects have already beencollected, DNA samples extracted and genotypinghas been performed. Each of these components ofpharmacogenomic studies are huge challenges inthemselves and a discussion of the details of eachstep of the study design is out of the scope of thisreport. Here, the process once the data set hasbeen collected and assembled is described.

First, the integrity of the data set should beevaluated. There are a number of mechanisms bywhich quality control can be performed on adata set. In a genomic study examining unrelatedindividuals, the two main concerns that shouldbe evaluated are the possibility of genotyping

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Figure 2. Flow chart

HWE: Hardy-Weinberg e



Considetest for p



error and the inherent patterns of missing data.The most common test performed to check forgenotyping error in case–control data is a test forHardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) [28–30].Theoretically, disease-free control groups shouldfollow HWE. Similarly, a combined group ofcases and controls with the same disease, such asin a pharmacogenomic study where all individu-als have the disease and case/control status isdetermined by response to treatment, shouldalso follow HWE [28]. Often, if the test for HWEshows that a marker is out of HWE in the entiredata set, this may be evidence for genotypingerror. However, this test is challenging whendeviations are observed from expected HWE fre-quencies in either the case or control group.Studies have shown that this may be a directresult of a biologically meaningful result, and notthe presence of genotyping error [28–32]. Thus,caution should be taken when evaluating theseresults. The other quality control measure that isimportant to evaluate is the missing data distri-bution. Data missing at random is inevitable inalmost all studies consisting of large, complexdata sets [21]. Likewise, it is rarely problematicwhen the quantity of missing data is sparse, andthe distribution of the missing data is random.

However, if the data are missing not-at-random,this can lead to enormous problems in the analy-sis of statistical results. In addition, the mannerin which the missing data are dealt with, includ-ing data imputation, sample deletion and varia-ble deletion, will heavily depend on the amountand distribution of the missing data [21–33].

Once the data are clean and ready for analysis,it is important to understand the genetic patternsin the data set. For example, an analysis of thelinkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns in the dataset should be performed if multiple markers fromthe same genes have been genotyped [34–37]. Thiscan be done using one of many freely availablesoftware packages, such as Haploview [38]. It isimportant to understand the degree of correlationbetween the markers before any statistical analysis,including an MDR analysis, is performed, so thatthe interpretation of results can be maximized.Further research is currently being conducted tounderstand the impact that LD has on an MDRanalysis. An additional consideration is the ethnic-ity distribution of the individuals in the data set. Ifthe data are comprised of multiple ethnic groups,it is important to consider this in the analyses. Ifthe frequency of alleles and the frequency of theclinical end point are similar, then the data may beable to be merged for MDR analysis. However, ifthere are differences in allele frequency or in thefrequency of response/nonresponse status, thenthe groups should be analyzed separately. This willprevent any spurious findings due to populationstratification. Testing for population stratificationcan be performed in a variety of ways, includinggenomic control [39] and using software such asstructure and STRAT [40], as well as Bayesianmethods [41].

Determination of the analyses to be per-formed is the next step before an MDR analysistakes place. It has been shown that creating sub-sets of the complete data set based on the bio-chemical pathways that the different genesbelong to is a successful strategy for an MDRanalysis [42]. The creation of this list of separateanalyses should be compiled before any analysesare performed to ensure that the user hasplanned possible scenarios that have the oppor-tunity to produce biologically meaningfulresults. Once this list has been assembled, theMDR analyses can be performed.

The user should run the MDR analysis oneach data set with or without cross-validationdepending on their preference. The interpreta-tion of results and selection of best models will bedifferent depending on whether cross-validation

of workflow in an MDR analysis.

quilibrium; MDR: Multifactor dimensionality reduction.

lete pharmacogenomic datasetted, DNA extracted, genotyped

Test for HWE

Evaluate missing data

st for linkage disequilibrium

r ethnic distribution in dataset andossible population stratification

nstruct set of MDR analyses

Perform MDR analyses

Permutation testing

t biologic plausibility of solutions



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was used. For example, if cross-validation is used,then the best models are those that have highcross-validation consistency (the number of timesthe same model is selected across the cross-valida-tion intervals) and maximum testing accuracy. Allmodels with statistically significant testing accu-racy can be reported as interesting results, but thecross-validation consistency may provide the finaldetermination of a single best model. If cross-val-idation is not used, training accuracy or classifica-tion error is the typical metric of model fitness.

Once the analyses are completed, all data setsthat are of interest can be evaluated through per-mutation testing. Here, the models that have sta-tistically significant results, not expected bychance alone, can be determined [25]. The strin-gency of the cutoff value selection is againdependent on the goal of the analysis. In mostdata-mining exercises, a p-value of 0.05, or even0.10, is used as a first stage cutoff. All modelsthat meet this level of significance can be evalu-ated in a second independent data set, and thosethat replicate at a more stringent p-value can beconsidered of greatest interest.

Finally, the interpretation of results concludesthe MDR analysis. Unfortunately, this is often themost challenging aspect and, in many cases, stillcannot be fully understood. The distribution ofresponders and nonresponders can be visualized aspart of the output of the MDR software (Figure 3).This provides an idea of the way in which thehigh/low risk genotype combinations are distrib-uted. However, making biologic interpretations ofthis model will require follow-up studies in modelorganisms, cell culture or other in vitro experi-ments. However, it is important to note whichgenes are selected in the best models when multi-ple data sets, or many levels of interaction, havebeen performed. For example, if markers in thesame gene continuously result as the best model,this could indicate that there is a high degree ofLD in that gene and the solutions are indicating asingle biologic signal. Similarly if cross-validationwas used, and the best two-locus model had a lowcross-validation consistency, but an excellent test-ing accuracy, it would be wise to explore the rawresults to see what other models were selected inthe different cross-validation intervals. It is con-ceivable that there is LD between the markers andthis yields a result where some of the intervalsshow one model and other intervals show theother model. The final result is a low consistencyfor both models, where in reality, it is one signal.

Another important consideration is whether ornot the interaction models detected have been

observed in other genetic association studies, ormore importantly in any biochemical or modelorganism experiments. If a biomolecular interac-tion is known to occur, and the best MDR modelconsists of markers in genes coding for the twoproteins, then this will help to interpret/explainthe statistical results. However, it is important tonote that evidence for statistical epistasis detectedby MDR does not necessarily mean that biologicepistasis exists for these genes [43].

Summary of previous applicationsMDR has been used to identify higher orderinteractions in the absence of any significantmain effects in simulated data [16–17]. Studieswith simulated data (of multiple models of dif-ferent allele frequencies and heritability) havealso shown that MDR has a high power to iden-tify interactions in the presence of many types ofnoise commonly found in real data sets (includ-ing missing data and genotyping error), whileerrors such as heterogeneity (genetic or locus),and phenocopy diminish the power of MDR [17].Additionally, a mathematical proof has shownthat no other method will discriminate betweenclinical end points using multilocus genotypedata more efficiently than MDR [44]. In addi-tion, MDR has demonstrated gene–gene interac-tions in a variety of different real data sets,including sporadic breast cancer [16], essentialhypertension [8], Type II diabetes [45], atrialfibrillation [46], amyloid polyneuropathy [47],coronary artery calcification [48], autism [26] andschizophrenia [49].

The first application of MDR to pharmacoge-nomics data was in a study of atorvastatin-induced muscle damage [50]. Atorvastatin-induced muscle damage can be monitored clini-cally through lab tests of circulating blood creat-ine kinase levels. Atorvastatin-induced myopathyis typically rare when atorvastatin is prescribed asmonotherapy, but increases as additional drugsmetabolized by members of the cytochromeP450 (CYP)3A gene family are prescribed. Thus,the goal was to determine if polymorphisms inCYP3A could predict the risk of developing ator-vastatin-induced muscle damage. This retrospec-tive study consisted of 68 cases of muscle damage(increased serum creatine kinase [CK] levels) and69 controls that experience no muscle damage(normal serum CK levels). Here MDR identifieda statistically significant interactive effectbetween gender and lipid status associated withdifferential elevation in serum CK levels(p < 0.05). This result suggested a potential

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Figure 3. Distributioof MDR to postoper

Single-locus MDR modelcorrectly predict disease risk, while dark purple cehistogram on the left in ethe right. The genotype lIL: Interleukin; MDR: Mu



genotype–lipid status interaction; however, thiscould not be confirmed in this study [50].

One of the previously mentioned successfulapplications of MDR was reported in a study ofatrial fibrillation (AF) in a Chinese population.A case–control study was conducted in 250patients with documented AF and 250 matchedcontrols. Eight polymorphisms in genes from therenin–angiotensin system were selected due toprevious associations with cardiovascular pheno-types [46]. Several main effects were detected,including three polymorphisms in the angi-otensinogen gene, as well as a three-locus inter-action between two polymorphisms inangiotensinogen and the angiotensin convertingenzyme gene insertion/deletion. This three-locusmodel correctly predicted disease status 62.74%of the time (p < 0.001) [46].

Another recent application of MDR involveda treatment response phenotype. Postoperativeatrial fibrillation (PoAF) is the most commonarrhythmia following heart surgery, and contin-ues to be a major cause of morbidity [51–53]. Dueto the complexity of this condition, many genesand/or environmental factors may play a role insusceptibility. Previous findings have shown sev-eral clinical and genetic risk factors for the devel-opment of PoAF [54]. The goal of this study wasto determine whether interactions among candi-date genes and a variety of clinical factors areassociated with PoAF [55].

Using the steps outlined in Figure 2, the authorshave conducted a study of PoAF. The MDRmethod was applied to detect interactions in asample of 940 adult subjects undergoing elective

procedures of the heart or great vessels, requiringgeneral anesthesia and sternotomy or thoracot-omy, where 255 developed PoAF. A random sam-ple of controls matched to the 255 AF cases wastaken for a total sample size of 510 individuals.Polymorphisms in three (interleukin [IL]-6, angi-otensin I converting enzyme [ACE], and apolipo-protein E [APOE]) candidate genes, all of whichwere previously implicated in PoAF risk, and 36clinical factors were chosen for analysis.

The data set was collected, DNA extracted andgenotyping conducted as part of the Pharmacoge-netics Research Network (PGRN): Pharmacoge-netics of Arrhythmia Therapy center at VanderbiltUniversity (U01: HL65962). HWE was tested inthe data set and no statistically significant devia-tions from HWE were detected. The amount ofmissing data did not warrant further data manip-ulations or imputations. The missing genotypeswere coded as a separate categorical level. Sincethe polymorphisms were in different genes, therewas no need to test for linkage disequilibrium inthis data set. In addition, the data set consisted ofover 94% Caucasians, thus no stratified analysesby race were performed.

Three separate MDR analyses were con-ducted: a genetic analysis, clinical risk factoranalysis, and a gene–risk factor analysis. Thegene–risk factor analysis results were identical tothe clinical risk factor only analysis. Thus, onlythe results of the two analyses were reported:genetic analysis and clinical risk factor analysis.The results of the analyses are shownin Table 1 & 2. In the genetic analysis, a singlelocus effect of IL-6 that is able to correctly pre-dict disease status with 58.8% (p < 0.001) accu-racy was detected. To verify that this was the bestgenetic model, the cross-validation consistencyand testing accuracy statistics were used. Thegoal is to find the model with the maximumcross-validation consistency and the maximumtesting accuracy. In addition, if multiple modelshave statistically significant testing accuracies, allsignificant models might be reported as interest-ing for follow up. In this study, the single locusmodel of IL-6 had both the maximum testingaccuracy (58.8%) and the maximum cross-vali-dation consistency (10), and was the only statis-tically significant model. Figure 3 shows thedistribution of cases and controls for the singlelocus MDR model generated. Based on logisticregression, IL-6 has an odds ratio of 1.144 (95%confidence interval: 1.035–1.264). That IL-6was shown to have an association with diseaserisk replicates the findings of Gaudino and

n of cases and controls in the application ative atrial fibrillation.

demonstrating the effect of IL-6, which is able to status with 58.8% accuracy. Light purple cells are low-lls are high risk. The number of cases is shown in the ach cell, while controls are shown by the histogram on abels indicate number of IL-6 promoter -174 G alleles.ltifactor dimensionality reduction.

1 2








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colleagues [56], providing support for a postu-lated role for activation of inflammatory path-ways in this [57] and perhaps other forms of AF[58]. This underscores a possible role for anti-inflammatory approaches for the prevention ofthis common complication.

In the clinical risk factor analysis, an interac-tion between history of AF and length of hospi-tal stay that predicted disease status with68.54% (p < 0.001) accuracy was detected.Again, we used cross-validation consistency andtesting accuracy. Here, all three models havestatistically significant testing accuracies. Thus,we have selected the two-factor model as thebest model, since it has the highest testing accu-racy (68.54%). However, all three models aresignificant and should be considered of interestfor follow up. Figure 4 shows the distribution ofcases and controls for the interactive model.Based on a logistic regression analysis of thesetwo main effect terms and their interactionterm, all three terms are statistically significant(history of AF p < 0.001, length of stayp < 0.001, interaction p < 0.04). PoAF isknown to prolong length of hospital stay, andpreoperative history of AF is a risk factor forpostoperative AF [59–60]. The interaction modeldetected using MDR is consistent with thesefindings. The occurrence of multiple significantmodels also demonstrates the extreme complex-ity of the phenotype and could imply theimportance of complicating issues such asheterogeneity and phenocopy.

These findings demonstrate the utility of novelcomputational approaches for the detection ofdisease susceptibility genes. These results alsoshowcase the value of being able to detect bothmain effects and interactions. While each of theseresults appears to be of interest, they only explainpart of PoAF susceptibility. It will be importantto collect a larger set of candidate genes and envi-ronmental factors to better characterize the devel-opment of PoAF. Applying this approach, wewere able to elucidate potential associations withpostoperative atrial fibrillation [55].

OutlookThe original distributed MDR software wasavailable as Linux®, UNIX®, and MAC OS®

command line software. Presently, MDR soft-ware is being distributed in a Java software pack-age with a user-friendly graphical interface or acommand-line option. The most current open-source version is available at [101]. MDR has alsobeen added to Weka-CG, which is available fromthe same website. The MDR software will con-tinue to be distributed through the website [101]

and includes modules for data manipulation forpreprocessing and permutation testing.

In addition to advances being made in thesoftware, more research questions continue tobe followed-up. For example, questions regard-ing adequate sample size and statistical powerfor a given study arise as each new study begins.For MDR, there is currently no theoreticalpower calculation that can be performed. Thus

Table 1. Results of MDR analysis on genetic factors.

Number of loci Polymorphism inmodel

Cross validationconsistency

Testing accuracy

1 IL-6 10 58.80*

2 IL-6, APOE4 5 53.20

3 IL-6, ACE, APOE3 9 53.99

*P < 0.001. ACE: Angiotensin-converting enzyme; APOE: Apolipoprotein E; IL: Interleukin; MDR: Multifactor dimensionality reduction.

Table 2. Results of MDR analysis on clinical factors.

Number of loci Variable in model Cross validationconsistency

Testing accuracy

1 Length of stay 10 66.94*

2 History of AF, length of stay

8 68.54*

3 AF at time of surgery, age, length of stay

3 61.36*

*p < 0.001. AF: Atrial fibrillation; MDR: Multifactor dimensionality reduction.

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far, only empirical power studies have beenconducted. In previously published studies, ithas been shown that a sample size of 200 casesand 200 controls is sufficient for detecting two-locus interaction models [17]. Continued simu-lation studies are being conducted to evaluateadequate sample sizes for detecting higherorder interactions. As part of this set of simula-tion studies, the power, Type I error, andbias/variance statistics on the prediction errorestimates for a variety of sample sizes and effectsizes are continuously evaluated. Classificationerror, or training accuracy, is the current fitnessfunction utilized for selection of the best MDRmodel to be evaluated during testing. However,a number of other possible functions could beused, including sensitivity, specificity, χ2, andothers. The authors are currently evaluatingwhich, if any, of these additional functionsimproves the power of MDR. Cross-validationis an optional technique to use in conjunctionwith MDR. Bootstrapping is an additionaltechnique that may provide the ability to placeconfidence intervals on the prediction errorestimates for the best models, as well as per-form an MDR analysis effectively withoutcross-validation. This technique is currentlybeing evaluated. Additionally, we have merged

MDR with a more traditional technique instatistical genetics, the pedigree-disequilibriumtest (PDT) [61], to create MDR-PDT. MDR-PDT will allow for the evaluation of complexepistasis models in studies of family dataincluding discordant sibships and families withan affected child and known parental genotypedata. The original version of MDR is capableof evaluating family data as a matchedcase–control study, but MDR-PDT has theadded benefit of calculating the geno-PDT sta-tistic and using all information provided infamily data [62].

Finally, whole-genome association studies arethe future of pharmacogenomics. Many studieswill likely adopt this unbiased approach for asso-ciation analysis. The development of the Inter-national HapMap Project has provided a wealthof information regarding the common variationof the human genome [63]. Perhaps one of themost exciting implications of this work is thedevelopment of high-throughput genotypingtechnologies designed to facilitate whole-genomeassociation analyses. By surveying a largenumber of SNPs densely scattered throughoutthe genome, case–control studies of commoncomplex diseases and pharmacogenomics mayutilize these technologies to capture much of the

Figure 4. MDR model demonstrating an interaction between history of AF and length of hospital stay that predicted disease status with 68.54% (p < 0.001) accuracy.

Light purple cells are low-risk, while dark purple cells are high risk. The number of cases is shown in the histogram on the left in each cell, while controls are shown by the histogram on the right. Length of stay was defined as the date difference between surgery date and discharge date. It is coded as follows: 1 = 0–4 days, 2 = 5–7 days, 3 = 8–13 days, 4 = 14 or more days. These cutoffs correspond to the 40th, 80th and 95th percentile cutoffs. AF: Atrial fibrillation; MDR: Multifactor dimensionality reduction.

Length of hospital stay (days)





1 2 3 4



64 71

3721 21


20 7



4 9 0





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• Epistasis, or gene–gencomplex disease and

• Detecting epistasis is new methods are bein

• Multifactor dimensionapproach for detectin

• MDR has high power demonstrated in both

• MDR can be used for treatment response/n

• MDR has successfully postoperative atrial fib

variation present in affected individuals. It is thegoal of these large-scale studies to pinpointgenetic variations that contribute to the suscepti-bility of complex diseases. The hundreds ofthousands of markers typed in these studiesconstitute massive amounts of data, and the ana-lytical challenge of data analysis on this scale is amajor hurdle for their success [64].

Epistasis is often found when properly inves-tigated; however, whole-genome studies proveespecially difficult for the analysis of interac-tions, as the combinatorial nature of the

problem exponentially increases the number ofstatistical tests required. MDR might have thepotential for application in population-basedcase–control whole-genome association studies.Further investigations into the computationalfeasibility of such studies are warranted. Oneadvance that is currently being evaluated is aparallel implementation of the MDR algo-rithm. Parallel MDR is a new implementationof the MDR algorithm that can scale to handleextremely large data sets, dramatically decreasessingle-processor runtimes, and can also use aparallel software framework to allow operationin a clustered computing environment to fur-ther reduce runtime. Research is currentlyunderway to estimate the number of factorsthat will be practical to analyze with this soft-ware. It is hoped that these advances will pro-vide further enhancement of this powerfulcomputational methodology.

AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by National Institutes of Healthgrants GM62758, AG20135, and in part by HL65962,the Pharmacogenomics of Arrhythmia Therapy U01 site ofthe Pharmacogenetics Research Network.

e interaction, is an important aspect of common, pharmacogenomic studies.challenging for traditional statistical methods, thus g developed.ality reduction (MDR) is a novel computational g gene–gene and gene–environment interactions.for detecting interactions and has been simulated and real data sets.pharmacogenomic end points, such as drug onresponse.detected single factor and two-factor effects in rillation.

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