Republican Candidates 2011 November

Republican Candidates 2011

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Republican Candidates 2011. November. New Hampshire primary date set (November 2, 2011). January 10, 2012. Gingrich weighs in on campaign momentum Newt Gingrich credited his recent rise in the polls to being the "adult in the room" at presidential debates. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Republican Candidates 2011


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New Hampshire primary date set

(November 2, 2011)

January 10, 2012

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Gingrich weighs in on campaign momentumNewt Gingrich credited his recent rise in the polls to being the "adult in the

room" at presidential debates

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Quinnipiac Poll: Cain pulls ahead of Romney

(November 2, 2011)

Registered Republican voters• Cain 30% • Romney 23%. • Gingrich 10%• Perry 8%• Paul 7%, • Bachmann 4%, • Huntsman 2% • Santorum 1%.

Vs Obama• Romney fared better than

Cain in a hypothetical contest with President Barack Obama, scoring 42% to Obama's 47%.

• Cain came in at 40%, against Obama at 50%.

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Cain says he will defeat forces trying to 'destroy' him

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Cain's line in the sand: Denials invite scrutiny

Cain first said he was unaware of a financial settlement given to a female employee in connection with allegations that he had engaged in sexually suggestive behavior. He later acknowledged he was aware of an "agreement" but not a settlement.

Politico earlier reported that the restaurant association had given financial settlements to at least two female employees who accused Cain of sexually suggestive behavior.

Cain's campaign manager has insisted the story is over. Done.

That looks to be wishful thinking.

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Perry aide: I didn't leak the Cain story

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Rick Perry on his New Hampshire speech: I wasn’t drunk, it was ‘typical’ banter

(November 3, 2011)

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NY Daily News

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Poll: It's a lead for Obama in PA(November 3, 2011)

• Obama leads – Romney 35% to 26– Cain 38% to 24%. – Perry 40% to 20% – Santorum, 38% to 25%.

• The percentage of those who are still undecided remains high, with between 26% and 30% of individuals in each head-to-head match up unsure of who they will back in November.

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12 Swing States: The Keys to 2012

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Swing States Poll:

• The USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows a split nationwide: 47% for Obama, 47% for Romney.

• In the swing states, three Republicans challengers are all close enough to Obama in head-to-head matchups to signal a race that is essentially tied, whoever wins the nomination. – Romney leads Obama by one percentage point– Republican businessman Herman Cain lags the president

by three points – Texas Gov. Rick Perry trails him by five.

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Swing States Poll:Among the findings of the USA TODAY/Gallup Swing States Poll:

• By nearly 4 to 1, those surveyed aren't satisfied with the way things are going in the United States. That could signal trouble for incumbents in general and the president in particular.• By 60% to 37%, those in swing states say they and their families aren't better off than they were three years ago — a version of the question Republican challenger Ronald Reagan posed to devastating effect against Democratic President Jimmy Carter in 1980.• Residents in swing states are more likely than those elsewhere to say their families' lives have taken a negative turn. Americans in other states also are dispirited, but not to the same degree: 44% say they're better off; 54% say they aren't.• By more than 2 to 1, Republicans in swing states are more likely than Democrats to say they are "extremely enthusiastic" about voting for president next year — an important test of whether supporters will be willing to volunteer their time, contribute money and vote.

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Cain rises in Post-ABC poll despite scandal; most Republicans dismiss allegations

(November 4, 2011)

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Perry and Gingrich inch their way back to form new second tier

• Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich now make up, along with Rep. Ron Paul (Texas), a pretty distinct new second tier in a race that hasn’t really had defined tiers until now — apart from the top tier, of course.

• The new poll showed Perry, the Texas governor, at 13 percent and Gingrich, the former House speaker, at 12 percent. Both are about 10 points off the pace set by Cain and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.

• Paul follows at 8 percent, and “no other candidate” is at about 4 percent

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ABC/Washington Post Poll

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A Nondebate between Cain and GingrichThe two rivals for the Republican presidential nomination bat around ideas about reforming Medicaid, Medicare and

Social Security at a tea party fundraiser in Texas.

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NBC poll: Despite national pessimism, Obama tops GOP foes

• Nearly 3/4s of respondents believe the nation is headed in the wrong direction; just 25 percent think the U.S. economy will improve in the next 12 months; and a solid majority says the country is experiencing the start of a long-term decline.

• Those attitudes have helped shape their opinions of the president, with majorities disapproving of his overall job performance and his economic handling, and with nearly 75 percent saying that the Obama administration has fallen short of their expectations on the economy and improving oversight of Wall Street and the banks.

• Yet despite those views, Obama continues to run ahead of the Republican presidential front-runners in hypothetical general-election match ups — leading former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney by six points and former businessman Herman Cain by 15 points.

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NBC poll: One year out from election, Romney and Cain lead Republican field

Q. Let me read you a list of people who might seek the 2012 Republican nomination for president. If you were voting today in the 2012 Republican primary for president, which one of the following candidates would you favor? (READ LIST. RANDOMIZE. IF "NOT SURE," ASK:) Well, which way do you lean?

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NBC/WSJ Poll: More than half of GOP primary voters not concerned about Cain allegations• More than half of Republican primary voters say

allegations of sexual harassment against GOP presidential contender and businessman Herman Cain will not affect how they vote. But Cain's unfavorable rating across the country has almost doubled.

• The poll was taken before a fourth woman claimed Monday that Cain groped her when she visited him for what she thought was a conversation about a job.

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Sharon Bialek accuses Cain of "sexually inappropriate" behavior (November 7, 2011)

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USA Today/Gallup Poll: Cain, Romney and 'undecided' tied atop GOP poll (November 7, 2011)

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USA Today/Gallup Poll:(November 7, 2011)

• Mitt Romney 21%• Herman Cain 21 %.• ‘undecided' 21%• Newt Gingrich 12%• Rick Perry 11%• Ron Paul 8%• Michele Bachmann 3%• Rick Santorum 2%• Jon Huntsman 1%

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Romney lays out bleak picture if Obama re-elected(November 7, 2011)

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Bachmann targets 'frugal socialists' in Republican Party (November 7, 2011)

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Gingrich: I'm the tortoise, Romney's the hare (November 8, 2011)

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Herman Cain accuser identified

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Cain on new accuser: I don't remember her

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Mississippi rejects abortion amendment; Ohio repeals anti-union law

(November 8, 2011)

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Perry addresses values in new ad

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Cain holds news conference, rejects latest allegations of sexual harassment

"They simply didn't happen. They simply did not happen,"

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5 things to watch for in GOP debate1. Will they go there? Will he go there? Herman Cain's rivals have only begun to comment on the sexual

harassment allegations him.

2. Just don't call it 'Romneycare' … As for Romney, his plan to cut government spending dramatically and overhaul federal entitlements was largely overlooked during last week's episode of "As Cain's World Turns." The former Massachusetts governor would preserve Medicare for current retirees and those nearing the age of enrollment into the program. But Romney would partially privatize Medicare for future recipients, offering premium support payments -- i.e., vouchers -- to buy into the program or they could take their chances in the private insurance market.

3. 'Fight Night 2‘? The latest polls show Rick Perry's combative performance last month at the CNN debate in Las Vegas failed to pay off. But during the scrappiest exchanges in what pundits dubbed "Fight Night," Perry did find some of Romney's pressure points. Cue Jon Huntsman. He skipped the CNN debate. But last week he launched an ad that compared Romney to a flipping toy monkey, noting the ex-Massachusetts governor has changed his position on abortion.

4. The Newty professor. Gingrich is getting his groove back. Republicans have gushed over the former House speaker's professorial performance in the GOP debates. As a result, his poll numbers have bounced back. Gingrich now says he's the "tortoise" to Romney's "hare." That may not be a stretch.

5. Misery in Michigan. With its unemployment rate at 11.1%, Michigan voters deserve more than a food fight at Wednesday's debate. They need answers. In Michigan, the GOP field may find not all Republicans despise the federal bailouts of the auto industry. Look for the candidates to be challenged directly on whether General Motors and Chrysler would be better off today without aid from Uncle Sam.

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Debate #9:Rochester, Michigan

(November 9, 2011)

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Will 'Oops' be Perry's campaign epitaph?

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Will 'Oops' be Perry's campaign epitaph?

• "I will tell you, it is three agencies of government when I get there that are gone," Perry said. "Commerce, Education, and the - what's the third one there? Let's see. OK. Commerce, Education, and the..."

• "EPA?" Paul offered.• "EPA, there you go," Perry said.• When pressed by moderator John Harwood if the

Environmental Protection Agency was indeed the third agency he proposes shuttering, Perry admitted that it wasn't. He then attempted again to remember the details from his plan.

• "The third agency of government I would - I would do away with Education, the Commerce, and, let's see. I can't. The third one, I can't. Sorry. Oops."

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On Twitter, reaction was swift.• "Perry collapses. Cannot remember a list of three federal government

departments he wants to abolish past the first two. Seriously. And then he says "oops." He has all but disappeared inside his suit in this debate and is now basically done," conservative blogger Andrew Sullivan tweeted.

• CNN Senior Political Analyst David Gergen wrote, “Was that the most embarrassing moment of the campaign –#RickPerry unable to remember the 3rd Cabinet dept he would eliminate?"

• Dana Loesch, a conservative radio host and CNN contributor, asked, "How can Perry recover from that?"

• Democratic strategist and CNN contributor Roland Martin exclaimed, "Damn, he actually forgot the third federal agency he would get rid of! That is THE MOST EMBARRASSING moment of any debate I've seen!"

• Appearing in the spin room after the debate, the Texas governor tried to make light of the gaffe: "I'm sure glad I had my boots on because I sure stepped in it out there."

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Perry's 'Oops' video tops YouTube

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Cain again denies harassment allegations in GOP debate

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Five things we learned from Wednesday's GOP debate

1. 'Oops' is right.The problem with Perry's excruciating mental lapse about the Energy Department wasn't simply the moment itself, even though the "Oops" heard 'round the world is destined for "Saturday Night Live" infamy.Perry's failure to name the third of three federal agencies he would eliminate as president was entirely self-inflicted, and the moment played directly into a pre-existing narrative about the Texas governor: that he is not ready for prime time.

2. Romney and the free market, sitting in a tree...It's no secret that the private sector has a special place in Romney's heart. And so he doubled down Wednesday on two controversial positions that Democrats have hammered him on for weeks: his opposition to the government bailout of the auto industry, and his criticism of federal efforts to modify home loans and prevent foreclosures.

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Five things we learned from Wednesday's GOP debate

3. Ciao, EuropeThe candidates diverged on a number of topics throughout the evening, but the two Republicans atop the polls agree that the U.S. government should not intervene in Europe, no matter how serious the threat of Italian or Greek default -- even if the vitality of American markets are at stake.

4. Give Newt Gingrich credit: He's sticking with what works.His insistence on attacking the media in nearly every GOP debate has paid dividends. The former House Speaker has accused the media of focusing on horse race politics and "gotcha moments" instead of asking questions about jobs and the economy. Those are surefire applause lines in a Republican Party long skeptical of the press.

5. Someone get Herman Cain a briefing book!Asked about a range of topics -- the Boeing plant in South Carolina at the center of a labor dispute, the Italian debt crisis, the mortgage crisis, and the stock market -- Cain repeatedly fell back on his favorite talking point: his 9-9-9 plan to reform the tax code. He did it so often, in fact, that the audience and moderators began to laugh.

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After debate, Romney dodges Perry questions and focuses on Michigan roots

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Poll: Tight races between Obama and Romney in three swing states

(November 10, 2011)

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Cain campaign says it raised $9 million since October 1

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Geithner: Republicans have 'no plan' to create jobs (November 10, 2011)

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Rick Perry struggles to keep campaign alive after flub

Observers think his performance at the latest GOP debate will end his run for president

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Rick Perry does 'Top Ten' list on Letterman

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Unemployment claims drop to 7-month low

(November 10, 2011)

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Poll: A three-way race with Herman Cain, Mitt Romney -- and Newt Gingrich?

(November 11, 2011)

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Poll: A three-way race with Herman Cain, Mitt Romney -- and Newt Gingrich?(November 11, 2011)

Herman Cain is slipping. Conservatives remain lukewarm on Mitt Romney. And Newtmentum is real.

That’s the takeaway from the latest CBS News/New York Times poll—and the numbers suggest that the Republican race for president remains unsettled.

Tellingly, no candidate was able to secure more than 20% of the support of Republican-leaning voters surveyed. Cain led the pack with 18%, with Romney and Newt Gingrich tied at 15%. Those numbers are good news for Newt. Bad for everyone else.

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Poll: Romney takes top spot in 2012 race

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Poll: Romney takes top spot in 2012 race (November 11, 2011)

• Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney tops a new survey released Friday with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich besting businessman Herman Cain for the second spot, though Cain is close behind.

• But 17% of those polled say they remain undecided about the race for the GOP presidential nomination.

• Nearly one-quarter of those surveyed in the McClatchy-Marist Poll say they would back Romney while Gingrich has leapfrogged Cain for second with 19% support. The conservative former radio talk show host is close behind with 17% saying they'd vote for him if the 2012 Republican primary or caucus were held in their state today.

• Only three in 10 Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say they strongly support their candidate.

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Perry launches national ad highlighting job as governor

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Gingrich campaign reports fundraising momentum (November 11th, 2011 )

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5 things to look for in GOP debate• Will Perry remember his lines?

The expectations for Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Saturday night could not be lower.• "He doesn't speak in paragraphs, he barely speaks in sentences," said South Carolina state Sen. Tom

Davis, one of the state's most prominent conservatives who is uncommitted in the presidential races.• Can Newt seize the moment?

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has climbed back up to the top of national polls with punchy, combative and detail-oriented performances in the debates.

• How competent is Cain?In a recent statement defending his campaign from sexual harassment allegations and touting the strength of his candidacy, Cain's campaign claimed that he has "a clear foreign policy vision.” Hardly. When Cain has attempted to weigh in on foreign policy matters, the results have been close to disastrous.

• Will Huntsman step it up?• Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman dodged a chance to attack Romney head-on during Wednesday's

Michigan debate when pressed on whether he thought the former Massachusetts governor was pandering to voters by proposing a tariff on Chinese exports to punish them for manipulating currency.

• Pigskin or politics?• Republicans in this state squabble over a lot, but political insiders in Columbia have come to agree on

one question, at least: Who decided to schedule a debate on game day?

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Debate 10: Spartanburg, South Carolina

(November 12, 2011)

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GOP candidates talk tough on Iran, split over Pakistan at debate

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Herman Cain backs waterboarding, frets over 'Arab Spring' at GOP debate

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Terror Suspects

• Romney, Cain, Gingrich, Bachmann, Santorum, said they would be willing to revive the interrogation technique as "waterboarding," now banned because it is considered torture.

• The proposal drew rebukes from Paul and Huntsman, who said the practice violates U.S. values.

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Only Rep. Ron Paul, R-Tex., objected to the idea of attacking Iran, saying the U.S. paid a heavy price for going

to war with Iraq.

Attack Iran?

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Five things we learned from Saturday's GOP debate

Perry survives• The gaffe came up when Perry was asked about the Energy

Department by CBS News moderator Scott Pelley.– "Glad you remembered it," Perry quipped about the agency he wants to

eliminate, even though it had awkwardly escaped his memory in Michigan.– "I have had some time to think about it sir," Pelley replied.– "Me too," Perry said, eliciting laughter from the crowd.

Cain read his briefing book• Cain, the former pizza executive with scant foreign policy credentials,

might have had the most to prove tonight in a debate about the rest of the world. Admittedly, the bar was exceedingly low. But in the end, there were no major blunders for the man who seemed not to know a few weeks ago that China has nuclear weapons.

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Five things we learned from Saturday's GOP debate

Zero, not nine• Sorry, Herman Cain: The operative number in Saturday's debate was

not 9, 9 or 9. It was zero.• Perry said that's the amount of foreign aid every country in the world

would receive at the outset of his administration. Each nation would then have to explain why they deserve American funds -- even Israel. Perry later clarified that Israel, a staunch ally, would continue to receive "substantial" money. The proposal was a warning shot to Pakistan.

Romney still steady• Improbably, after 10 presidential debates -- or is it 11? - the putative

GOP frontrunner survived unscathed once again. When in doubt, attack the media• Cain has made attacking the media a central plank of his candidacy in

the wake of a series of sexual harassment allegations.

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PPP: Obama up big in Ohio(November 09, 2011)

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Obama disapproval on economy at record high

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GOP debate meets its match against sports events

(CNN) - More than 5 million households tuned in to the CBS Republican debate Saturday night, but the presidential faceoff was trumped by two major sports events.

ABC won the 8 p.m. ET hour with a college football matchup between No. 4-ranked Stanford vs. No. 7-ranked Oregon. And 400,000 more viewers tuned in for the debut of UFC mixed martial arts on Fox than the debate.

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Huntsman criticizes Romney on China stance

His web video targets Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, for saying he would label China a currency manipulator. Huntsman has said that move would start a trade war and hurt small businesses in America.

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Supreme Court takes up challenge to health care reform law

The high court agreed to hear two major questions: whether the law's key provision is unconstitutional, and if so, whether the entire law, with its 450 sections, must be scrapped. Oral arguments are likely to be held in late February or March, with a ruling by June, assuring the blockbuster issue will become a hot-button political debate in a presidential election year.

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Americans' split on Obama health care law

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CNN Poll: Gingrich soars, Cain drops(November 14, 2011)

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Romney or Gingrich• The key difference between Romney and Gingrich is

electability. For the first time in CNN's polling, Romney now tops Barack Obama in a head-to-head matchup among registered voters. But Gingrich faces an 8-point deficit when paired with Obama in a general election matchup.

• "Among all Americans, 58% say that Romney has the personal qualities a president should have, compared to just 45% for Gingrich. Most Americans don't agree with either man on important issues".

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September to Mid-November

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Earlier Polls

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PPP: Gingrich takes the lead(November 14, 2011)

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Cain 'totally respects women,' wife says

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Cain schedules return to Iowa

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Gingrich's fundraising rises with poll numbers

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Huntsman arrives on New Hampshire airwaves

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McCain 'disappointed' in candidates who back waterboarding

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Cain stumbles over Libya

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Cain stumbles over LibyaCain was meeting with the editorial board of the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel when Libya came up."Okay, Libya," he responded when asked whether he agreed with President Obama's actions in the region. Eight

seconds later, after looking up, biting his lip and blinking repeatedly, Cain asked, "President Obama supported the uprising, correct?"

"I just want to make sure we're talking about the same thing before I say 'Yes, I agree' or 'No, I do not agree."But just as Cain, a former conservative talk radio host, started to respond to the question, he then changed his mind."I do not agree with the way he handled it for the following reasons - um, no, that's a different one," he said, before

uncrossing and crossing his legs, shifting position in his seat, and adjusting his jacket."Let's see, I've got to go back, see," he continues. "(I've) got all this stuff twirling around in my head.""Are you asking me did I agree or not agree with Obama?"Cain finally settled on a response after hearing the question rephrased a second time."It's not a simple yes/no because there are different pieces and I would've gone about assessing the situation

differently, which might have caused us to end up at the same place, but I think more could've been done was, what's the nature of the opposition?"

He explained that he would have gotten more information on determining who the opposition was, but said, "I'm sure that our intelligence people had some of that information." Although he declined to criticize the president, Cain said he didn't think enough was done.

And before he was challenged on the clarity of his response, Cain asserted, "I'm not trying to hedge on the questions, it's just that's my nature as a businessman, I need to know all of the facts, I would need to know all of the alternatives."

"It's not a clear yes/no," he said again. "Because of all those things I think that should have been assessed… I don't know that they were or were not assessed."

"I didn't see reports of that assessment."

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Chicago TribuneEditorial: “Republican comedy hour”

Casey Stengel, who managed the New York Mets in their inaugural 1962 season, when they set a record for losses, once said ruefully, "I've been in this game a hundred years, but I see new ways to lose I never knew existed before." He could have been a voter, circa 2011, watching the Republican presidential field in action.

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N.Y. poll: Romney leads GOP race, Obama would win election

• (CNN) – A new poll shows former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney leading the GOP presidential field by a wide margin in New York, but a majority of voters statewide said they would choose to re-elect President Barack Obama if the election were held today.

• Romney, who's making his second bid for the White House, was the choice of 32% of Republican voters in the state, double the support of businessman Herman Cain, who was second at 15%, according to a Siena College Research Institute poll released Tuesday.

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Newt Gingrich back from the brink

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Iowa poll: 4-way battle 7 weeks from caucuses

The poll also indicates that six in 10 say they could still change their minds on which candidate they are backing.

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Iowa poll: 4-way battle 7 weeks from caucuses

A Bloomberg News survey indicates of Iowans likely to take part in the Republican caucuses say they support…

Herman Cain 20%Ron Paul 19%Mitt Romney 18%Newt Gingrich 17%Rick Perry 7% Michele Bachmann 5% Rick Santorum 3% Jon Huntsman 1%Unsure of who they'll support 10%

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Perry pledges to 'uproot, tear down and rebuild' Washington

(November 15, 2011)

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Gingrich fires back at lobbying charge

(CNN) - Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich fired back Tuesday at accusations that he was paid to lobby Republicans on behalf of mortgage giant Freddie Mac.

"I was up there and that's just not true," he told CNN. "I have never lobbied."

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Romney remains overwhelming favorite in New HampshireNovember 16th, 2011

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Citizenship check causes controversy at Perry event(November 16, 2011)

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Bullet strikes White House window(November 16, 2011)

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CNN Poll: Americans doubt super committee will meet deadline

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Iowa governor says Romney making 'big mistake'

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Santorum urges GOP rivals to be 'careful' about tough foreign policy talk

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Bachmann: Gingrich was paid to 'influence' Republicans for Freddie Mac

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Perry ad calls Obama comment 'pathetic' (November 16, 2011)

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A defiant Cain takes on critics in New Hampshire (November 17, 2011)

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Bachmann gives students a 101 on issues, then gets lectured

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Tea party groups push Republicans not to accept tax increases

(November 17, 2011)

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DNC requesting Romney’s Massachusetts records(November 17, 2011)

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Congress passes continuing resolution, avoids another shutdown threat

• Washington, D.C. (CNN) - Congress passed a temporary spending measure on Thursday that will keep the federal government funded and open for business until December 16. The continuing resolution was necessary because the federal government is set to run out of money by midnight Friday.

• The House passed the measure by a vote of 298-121 Thursday afternoon, and the Senate followed suit Thursday evening, passing the measure 70-30.

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Clock ticks down on super committee

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House rejects balanced budget amendment(November 18, 2011)

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RNC touts October haul

Washington (CNN) – The Republican National Committee Friday said it raised $8.5 million last month, bringing to nearly $68.7 million the amount the party committee has brought in this year."After a record-setting August and September, we have added another $8.5 million in October. The RNC has nearly $13.5 million cash on hand. In the past nine and a half months, we have added over $13 million to our cash on hand and have retired over $10 million in debt," RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said

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Poll watcher: Is Gingrich competitive with Obama?

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Santorum releases economic policy plan, touts it in Iowa

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Cain suggests new Libyan regime to contain the Taliban

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What's with Newt Gingrich and Agenda 21?

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Perry stands by ad, calls Obama a 'socialist'

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Romney opens first Iowa campaign headquarters

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Perry hits Iowa airwaves again, calling himself an "outsider"

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Romney: I will not support tax hikes by super committee (November 19, 2011)

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Gingrich: Laws preventing child labor are 'truly stupid'

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Rahm Emanuel labels GOP field 'turkeys'

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Well-choreographed Family Forum boasts several unscripted moments

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Huntsman takes break from N.H. campaign for SNL appearance

(November 20,2011)

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N.H. Senator Ayotte to endorse Romney (November 19, 2011)

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Rice says candidates should appear interested in foreign policy

(November 20, 2011)

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Reuters/Ipsos poll: Gingrich brushes off Freddie, leads Republican race

(November 20, 2011)

1. Newt Gingrich 24%2. Mitt Romney 22%3. Herman Cain 12%4. Rick Perry 10%

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USA Today Poll: Romney & Gingrich tied for top spot

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Gingrich at top of pack for first time in CNN polling

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Rice rejects Cain's claim of Taliban in Libya

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Gingrich unveils plan to change entitlement programs

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Perry signs Family Leader's controversial marriage vow

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Romney to go up with first ad, Obama team pushing back

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Poll: Romney holds advantage in New Hampshire

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CNN Poll: Democrats & GOP at odds over top international issues

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GOP candidates out of synch when it comes to foreign policy

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Romney names possible running mate

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Cain, Paul crossed off for Iowa group's pres. endorsement

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Palin vs. Fox News?

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Cain signs anti-abortion pledge

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$3.5 million spent on pro-Perry ads

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Programming note: GOP presidential candidates face off at 8 p.m. ET

Tuesday, November 22, in the CNN Republican National Security Debate in Washington, D.C.

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Patriot Act, security prompt GOP sparring in CNN national security debate

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The CNN Debate (November 22, 2011)

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The CNN debate

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Gingrich shows humane side on immigration

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$1.5 million poured into Huntsman ads

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Key social conservatives secretly meet to stop Romney in Iowa

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Five things we learned from the CNN debate

• Did Gingrich enter danger zone over immigration reform?: The former House Speaker was having one of his best performances to date, until the issue of immigration reform came up late in the debate. Newt Gingrich called for a limited amnesty for longtime illegal immigrants.

• Huntsman and Bachmann shine: For the candidates stuck in single digits in national and state polling, the debate offered moments for breakout performances. And two of the candidates connected.

• Ron Paul -- the loneliest man in the GOP: Tuesday's debate was bound to highlight Texas Rep. Ron Paul's lonely antiwar beliefs in a party that's had a hawkish bent for decades. In that respect, he did not disappoint. Paul, who has long opposed the legislation on the grounds that it grants the government powers to investigate American citizens without their knowledge, called the Patriot Act "unpatriotic" because it "undermines our liberty.“

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Five things we learned from the CNN debate

• Republicans agree: We love Israel: Tuesday's debate made clear that in the wake of George W. Bush's eight years in office, the Republican Party lacks any sort of cohesive foreign policy vision. There remains one point of consensus, however: That the United States should do whatever it takes to protect and defend Israel. With the exception of Paul, the Republican candidates have all taken stridently pro-Israel positions throughout the campaign.

• Herman Cain: The missing man: Was Herman Cain trying to stay under the radar? After a forceful start where he touted his "targeted identification" airport security screening plan, the businessman, former Godfather's Pizza CEO and radio talk show host seemed to lay low for the rest of the debate.

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Romney's faith a factor for GOP primary?

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Political gamble for Gingrich on immigration

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New poll: Romney makes gains in New Hampshire

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Bachmann: Gingrich the most liberal GOP candidate

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Romney hits Gingrich over immigration

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Poll: Gingrich tops GOP field in Iowa

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GOP Sen. Thune endorses Romney in Iowa

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NBC apologizes to Bachmann over song (November 24th, 2011)

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Bachmann announces Iowa backers

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New Hampshire newspaper to endorse on Sunday

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Huntsman on Romney: 'Name recognition only means so much'

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Romney ads hit Iowa mailboxes

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N.H. Union Leader backs Gingrich (November 27, 2011)

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Huntsman says Union Leader endorsement highlights ‘fluidity’ of race

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Cain: Confusion has led to drop in support

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Bill Clinton says Gingrich surge a result of thoughtful positions

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Three N.H. sheriffs back Romney

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Gingrich: I'm 'a lot more conservative' than Romney

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Gingrich moves into new mode: Attack Romney

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Democrats ramp up anti-Romney ad attack

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Gingrich nabs high-profile endorsement in South Carolina

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Rep. Scott: Gingrich would take South Carolina

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Why Would Anyone Want Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Endorsement?

Texas Gov. Rick Perry will campaign with the controversial Arizona lawman in N.H. this week. It's not clear why he thinks that's a good idea.

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Woman says she and Cain had 13-year affair; Cain denies accusation

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Huntsman: Romney couldn't reform Wall Street

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Romney picks up trio of Cuban-American backers in Florida

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Obama campaign makes first ad purchase ahead of 2012 campaign

(November 29, 2011)

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21 or 18? Rick Perry misses the mark on voting age

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Huntsman: Herman Cain a distraction in GOP race

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Herman Cain "reassessing" candidacy after affair claim

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Poll: Gingrich's lead extends to South Carolina (November 29, 2011)

• Newt Gingrich 33% • Mitt Romney 22% • Herman Cain 10%• Ron Paul 8%• Rick Perry 8%.

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Santorum says his campaign's time is still coming

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N.H. editor knocks Perry following Gingrich endorsement

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Gingrich aims for 'crushing defeat' over Obama

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Cain loses endorsement in New Hampshire

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Pro-Palin group to run ads in Iowa

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Perry on reported shakeup: 'News to me'

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Bachmann campaign apologizes for Cain tweet

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Cain avoids affair controversy, lays out his 'doctrine’

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Republicans use Obama trip to highlight bad economy

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While defending himself, Perry steps in it again

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Romney on Gingrich: He's a 'lifelong politician'

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The endless GOP audition for president

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Gingrich embraces 'lifelong politician' label

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Cain to go up with a new ad on Iowa TV

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Romney releases second ad in N.H.

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Cain struggles with Republican women in polls

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Obama challenges Republicans on payroll tax cut