CITY OF GAINESVILLE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No. 20001 Public Lands & Buildings FY2020 Janitorial Services Proposal Release: July 10, 2019 Proposal Questions Deadline: July 17, 2019 @ 10:00am Proposal Due Date: July 24, 2019 @ 2:00pm Interview Date: TBD Postal Return Address: Courier Delivery Address: City of Gainesville City of Gainesville Purchasing Office Purchasing Office P.O. Box 2496 300 Henry Ward Way, Room 103 Gainesville, GA 30503 Gainesville, GA 30501

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Gainesville, Georgia · REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No. 20001 Public Lands & Buildings FY2020 Janitorial Services Proposal Release: July 10, 2019 Proposal Questions

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Page 1: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Gainesville, Georgia · REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No. 20001 Public Lands & Buildings FY2020 Janitorial Services Proposal Release: July 10, 2019 Proposal Questions


RFP No. 20001 Public Lands & Buildings FY2020 Janitorial Services

Proposal Release: July 10, 2019

Proposal Questions Deadline: July 17, 2019 @ 10:00am

Proposal Due Date: July 24, 2019 @ 2:00pm

Interview Date: TBD

Postal Return Address: Courier Delivery Address:

City of Gainesville City of Gainesville Purchasing Office Purchasing Office P.O. Box 2496 300 Henry Ward Way, Room 103 Gainesville, GA 30503 Gainesville, GA 30501

Page 2: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Gainesville, Georgia · REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No. 20001 Public Lands & Buildings FY2020 Janitorial Services Proposal Release: July 10, 2019 Proposal Questions

City of Gainesville Request for Proposal

RFP No. 20001 FY2020 Janitorial Services

OVERVIEW The City of Gainesville, Georgia (Hereafter also referred to as “The City”) seeks proposals to provide building janitorial services for its Public Lands & Buildings Department.

The City desires to purchase Janitorial services beginning on or around July 1, 2019 and ending on June 30, 2020.


Upon Release of this Request for Proposal, all vendor communications concerning this acquisition must be directed to the Administrative Services Department correspondent listed below:

Troy Grizzle

PO Box 2496, Gainesville, GA. 30503 Phone: 770-535-6882

FAX: 770-531-2674 [email protected]

Unauthorized contact regarding the proposal with other Gainesville City employees may result in disqualification. Any oral communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding on the City of Gainesville. Vendor should rely only on written statements issued by the proposal correspondent.


All questions must be submitted in writing to the proposal correspondent named above. Questions must be received by 10:00 a.m., July 17, 2019. A list of questions and answers will be provided to all know proposers and by request. Requests may be made to the proposal correspondent named above.


The Administrative Services department must receive the vendor’s proposal in a sealed envelope, in its entirety, not later than 2:00pm, Eastern Standard Time in Gainesville, Georgia on July 24, 2019. Proposals arriving after the deadline will be returned unopened to their senders. All proposals and accompanying

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documentation will become the property of the City of Gainesville and may not be returned. One (1) original and (1) copy of this proposal must be submitted to allow for evaluation. Proposals must be clearly marked on the outside of the package:

Janitorial Services

Vendors assume the risk of the method of dispatch chosen. The City of Gainesville assumes no responsibility for delays caused by any delivery service. Postmarking by the due date will not substitute for actual proposal receipt. Late proposals will not be accepted nor will additional time be granted to any vendor. Proposals may not be delivered by facsimile transmission or other telecommunication or solely by electronic means.

Proposal Schedule:

Proposal Release: July 10, 2019

Proposal Questions Deadline: July 17, 2019 @ 10:00am

Proposal Due Date: July 24, 2019 @ 2:00pm

Interviews TBD


All items must meet or exceed specifications as stated by the City of Gainesville. The City of Gainesville reserves the right to waive any technicalities and to reject or accept any Proposal in its entirety or to accept any portion thereof if it is determined that either method results in lower costs, better service, final satisfaction or is otherwise determined to be in the best interest of the City of Gainesville. Award may be made by item number or in total. Determination of best response to proposal will be the sole judgment of the City of Gainesville. Proposals shall remain valid for ninety days for the date of proposal opening.


The City of Gainesville reserves the right to reject any or all proposals at any time without penalty.

Any vendor, who acts as a supplier to another vendor submitting a proposal and also submits a proposal of their own, will be viewed as participating in Collusive behavior. This behavior displays a pattern or practice of unethical or immoral business practices. Any vendor associated with this practice may be banned from doing business with the City of Gainesville for up to three years.


Any clerical mistake that is patently obvious on the face of the proposal may, subject to the limitations described below, be corrected upon written request and verification submitted by the proposers. A nonmaterial omission in a proposal may be corrected if the Administrative Service Department determines that correction to be in the City’s best interest. Omissions affecting or relating to any of the following shall be deemed material and shall not be corrected after Proposal opening:

(1) Price Information; and (2) Any required Insurance

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Proposals may be withdrawn at any time prior to the proposal opening. After proposals have been publicly opened, withdrawal of a proposal shall be based upon the following:

The Proposer shall give notice in writing of his claim of right to withdraw his proposal due to an error within two business days after the conclusion of the proposal opening procedure. Proposals may be withdrawn from consideration if the price is substantially lower than the other proposals due solely to a mistake therein, provided the proposal was submitted in good faith, and the mistake was a clerical mistake as opposed to a judgment mistake, and was actually due to an unintentional arithmetic error or an unintentional omission of a quantity of work, labor or material made directly in the compilation of the proposal, which unintentional arithmetical error or unintentional omission can be clearly shown by objective evidence drawn from inspection of original work papers, documents and materials used in the preparation of the proposal sought to be withdrawn. The proposer’s original work papers shall be the sole acceptable evidence of error and mistake if he elects to withdraw his proposal. If a proposal is withdrawn under the authority of this provision, the lowest remaining responsive proposal shall be deemed to be the low proposal.


When determining whether a proposer is responsible, or when evaluating a proposal, the following factors may be considered, any one of which will suffice to determine whether a proposer is responsible or the proposal is the most advantageous to the City:

The ability, capacity and skill of the proposer to perform the contract or provide the equipment and/or service required.

The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the proposer.

Whether the proposer can perform the contract within the time specified.

The quality of performance of previous public and private contracts or services, including, but not limited to, the proposer’s failure to perform satisfactorily or complete any written contract. The City’s termination for default of a previous contract with a proposer, within the past three years, shall be deemed to be such a failure.

The previous and existing compliance by the Proposer with laws relating to the contract or service.

Evidence of collusion with any other Proposers, in which case colluding proposers will be restricted from submitting further proposals on the subject project or future proposals, for a period not less than three years.

The proposer has been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude or any felony, excepting convictions that have been pardoned, expunged or annulled, whether in this state, in any other state, by the United States, or in a foreign country, province or municipality. Proposer shall affirmatively disclose to the City all such convictions, especially of management personnel or the proposers as an entity, prior to notice of award or execution of a contract, whichever comes first. Failure to make such

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affirmative disclosure shall be grounds, in the City’s sole option and discretion, for termination for default subsequent to award or execution of the contract.

If the proposer will be unable, financially or otherwise, to perform the work.

At the time of the proposal opening, the proposer is not authorized to do business in the Georgia, or otherwise lacks a necessary license, registration or permit.

Any other reason deemed proper by the City.


As a result of the selection of a vendor to supply products and/or services to the City of Gainesville, the City of Gainesville is neither endorsing nor suggesting that the vendor’s product is the best or only solution. The vendor agrees to make no reference to the City of Gainesville in any literature, promotional material, brochures, sales presentation or the like without the express written consent of the City of Gainesville.


Any information contained in the proposal that is proprietary will be neither accepted nor honored. All information contained in this proposal is subject to public disclosure.


All material submitted in response to this request becomes the property of the City of Gainesville. Selection or rejection of a response does not affect this right.


The City of Gainesville reserves the right to refrain from contracting with or purchasing from any vendor. The release of this proposal does not compel the City of Gainesville to purchase.


The City of Gainesville is not liable for any cost incurred by vendors in the preparation and presentation of proposals and demonstrations submitted in response to this proposal.


Vendors are to submit one (1) original Proposal and one (1) copy.


Proposers are responsible to check the City of Gainesville’s website for the issuance of any addenda prior to submitting a proposal. The address is http://www.gainesville.org/purchasing


The City will select the proposal that, in its sole discretion, is the most responsive and responsible proposal to the City. The City reserves the right to make any award without further discussion of the proposal submitted; there may be no best and final offer procedure. Therefore, the proposal should be initially submitted on the most favorable terms the vendor can offer. The specification may be altered by the City

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of Gainesville based on the vendor’s proposal and an increase or reduction of services with the manufacturer may be negotiated before proposal award and execution.

Should the owner require additional time to award the Contract, the time may be extended by the mutual agreement between the Owner and the successful Bidder. If an award of Contract has not been made within ninety days from the Bid date or within the extension mutually agreed upon, the Bidder may withdraw the Bid without further liability on the part of either party.


Local Vendor means a bidder or offeror which operates and maintains a brick and mortar business, i.e. a

physical business address, within the city limits of the City of Gainesville, has a current business license, has

paid in full all real and personal taxes owed the City, is considered a vendor in good standing with the City

and can obtain an active vendor status.

A local vendor may receive an opportunity to match for purchases, bids, proposal or contracts over $20,000

and less than $150,000. The local vendor may be given an opportunity to match the lowest price proposal,

if the quotation or bid of the local vendor is within 3% of the lowest price proposal by a non-local vendor.

In the event a local vendor matches the lowest price proposal, including all other terms, quality, services

and conditions, then the local vendor shall be awarded the contract.

In the event the price proposal of more than one local vendor is within 3% of the lowest overall price

proposal of a non-local vendor, the local vendor with the lowest proposal will be given the first opportunity

to match the lowest overall price proposal. If this local vendor declines to match the price proposal, then

the local vendor with the next lowest bid within 3% will be given the opportunity to match the lowest

proposal. This process will continue with all local vendors having proposal within 3% of the lowest overall

bid by a non-local vendor.

Policy to be stated. This policy shall be so stated in all applicable solicitations.

Exemptions. This provision does not apply to public works construction projects or road projects pursuant to the laws of the State of Georgia (O.C.G.A §36-91 or §32-4).


The City will evaluate all written submittals. It is incumbent upon the proposers to demonstrate within their proposals how each requirement will be satisfied. All Proposals must meet the specification as outlined in this Proposal. The City reserves the right to investigate the qualifications and experience of the proposers, or to obtain new proposals. Proposals not sufficiently detailed or in an unacceptable form may be rejected by the City. Dates and documentation included in the proposal become public information upon opening the proposals. Interested firms must follow the process outlined in the following pages in submitting their proposal.

The following criteria, not listed in order of importance, will be used to evaluate proposals.

Response of References.

Completeness of Proposal.

Staffing and Management plan and the ability to perform the services required.

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The financial ability of the proposer.

If the City chooses this option, the cost of the proposer’s warranties and/or maintenance agreement and scope of coverage.

Depth of the proposer’s experience

Proposals will be evaluated and scored by a committee of City representatives. Proposals who receive the highest evaluation scores may be invited to participate in an oral interview. The individuals from the Proposers firm or entity that will be directly responsible for carrying out the contract, if awarded, should be present during the interview.

Proposer Requirements

Proposer must have five years of continuous experience.

Proposer must provide 5 commercial references.

Proposer must provide detailed staffing and management plan.

Proposer must provide evidence, satisfactory to the City, of the following insurance requirements:

o Owner requires the Contractor to have and maintain the following insurance coverage and indemnification provisions with the City of Gainesville named as an additional insured hereunder.

o The Contractor agrees to provide and maintain insurance coverage until the contract is

completed and to furnish certificates from its insurance carriers showing that it carries insurance in the following minimum limits:

(See insurance matrix or contact risk management to determine requirements)

o Proof of Insurance

The Contractor shall furnish the Owner with certificates showing the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective dates, and date of expiration of policies. Such certificates shall also contain substantially the following statement: The insurance covered by this certificate will not be cancelled or materially altered, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been received by the Owner.

Product Requirements

The attached specifications are provided as a minimal requirement only. The City will consider any product that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements. Proposers shall provide information regarding the proposed product for evaluation by the City. See Attached Specifications.

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Number of Products to be purchased:

It is the City’s intent to purchase Janitorial Services. Proposals should include pricing details for services listed below.

Responsibilities of the Proposer

The Proposer, at its sole expense shall:

Provide all listed services and equipment for the Janitorial Services as specified for multiple City of Gainesville buildings.

Comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, requirements and rules with respect to the provided Janitorial Services.

**The City of Gainesville is an equal opportunity owner/employer and will not discriminate against any

vendor because of race, creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, or ADA disability status.


Price 30%

Price breakdown for each facility

Interview 10 %

Experience 15 %

5 years minimum commercial experience

References 15%

Provide 5 commercial references

Response to Proposal 10%

Completeness of the proposal

Plan for providing scope of services 20%

Provide detailed staffing and management plan.

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City of Gainesville


RFP No. 20001

FY2020 Janitorial Services

RFP Certification

This form must be completed and signed for bid to be considered.

With my signature, I certify that I am authorized to commit my firm to the Bid and that the information herein is valid for 90 days from this date. I further certify that all information presented herein is accurate and complete and that the scope of work can be performed as presented in this Bid upon the City’s request.

Postal Return Address: Courier Delivery Address:

City of Gainesville City of Gainesville Purchasing Office Purchasing Office P.O. Box 2496 300 Henry Ward Way, Room 103 Gainesville, GA 30503 Gainesville, GA 30501

Bid Response: Proposal Response: Proposal Price Gainesville Administration Building 1st Floor $___________/year 2nd Floor $___________/year 3rd Floor $___________/year Henry Ward Building $___________/year City Hall Building $___________/year Public Safety Building $___________/year Alta Vista Complex $___________/year Cemetery Office $___________/year Community Service Center $___________/year Senior Center $___________/year Traffic Services Office $___________/year Gainesville Connection Building $___________/year City Wellness Center $___________/year Airport CC & DD restrooms $___________/year City Parking Deck $___________/year Total Annual Price $___________/year

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Having read and responded to all attached specifications, the undersigned offers the above quoted prices, terms and conditions. Signed, sealed, and delivered _______________________________________ In the presence of: (Name of Company) ________________________________ By: ________________________________________ Unofficial Witness (Person authorized to sign binding contract) Title: ______________________________________ ________________________________ Notary Public Attest: ______________________________________ Commission Expires: ______________ (Officer of Company if Corporation) Title: _______________________________________

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City of Gainesville



For City Hall, Gainesville Administration Building, Henry Ward Building,

Gainesville Connection Building, Senior Center Building, Community Service

Center, Alta Vista Complex & the City Wellness Center

The contractor is responsible for locking the doors at the City Administration

Building and City Hall at 5:00 daily. The contractor is responsible for disarming and

arming the security systems and ensuring the doors are locked when they leave at the

Henry Ward Building, Gainesville Connection, Alta Vista Complex, Wellness Center,

and the AltaVista Cemetery.

At all Buildings in this Contract: Paper from the recycle cans shall be separately collected

each day and taken to the recycle bins behind the Henry Ward Building. No cardboard or

other waste shall be mixed in with the recycle paper.

It cannot be emphasized enough that these specifications shall be complied with to the

letter. Repetitive failure to comply with these specifications are cause for termination of

the contract.

Entrance/Lobby Areas

Daily Cleaning Schedule

1. Clean both sets of entrance doors and window glass and metal mullions (inside

and out) with suitable glass cleaner.

2. Clean directory or message board signs.

3. Wipe benches in lobby area daily.

4. Damp wipe window sills and associated metal trims.

5. Wet mop and rinse all VCT, Tile. Ceramic, Hard Surface or brick paver floors.

6. Vacuum (using upright or commercial rotating brush equipment) floor mats.

7. Inspect ceiling for cobwebs, dust, dirt, etc. Clean as needed.

8. Empty trash and recycling receptacles; replace liners if dirty or odor present; damp

wipe container lid and lip and return to its proper position and lid placement.

Main or Central Hallways

A. Daily Cleaning Schedule

1. Wet mop and rinse all VCT, Tile, and Ceramic, Hard Surfaces or brick paver


2. Dust and/or damp wipe base boards as needed.

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3. Inspect ceiling for cobwebs; dust; dirt, etc. Clean as needed.

4. Dust and/or clean directory with suitable glass cleaner.

5. Vacuum all the carpet (utilizing upright or commercial rotating brush equipment);

clean carpet stains as needed with suitable carpet cleaner the same day of the


6. Empty all trash receptacles, replace liners if dirty or odor present; damp wipe

container lid, lip and sides.

7. Clean and sanitize all water fountains with a suitable sanitizer.

8. Spot clean office doors as needed.

B. Monthly Cleaning Schedule (To be done on the first week of each month)

An inspection report done after all monthly cleanings for all locations will be

submitted to PL&B.

1. Damp wipe all doors and door frames with a suitable cleaner.

2. Damp wipe walls and all permanent fixtures attached to walls with appropriate


3. Clean elevator façade and tracks using appropriate stainless steel cleaner.

4. Dust or damp wipe all venetian blinds.

5. Clean all interior window glass with a suitable glass cleaner.

6. Damp wipe all interior windowsills, ledges, etc.; and associated metal trim.

7. Damp wipe or sanitize interior surfaces of trash receptacles as needed or as


8. Inspect tile flooring for wear and buff or wax as needed.

9. Damp wipe base boards.

10. Damp wipe counter front and all associated surfaces using an appropriate cleaner

and/or polish restorer.

11. Vacuum and/or damp wipe ceiling; HVAC vents; and lighting fixtures including

switch covers for dirt, dust, and cobwebs, etc.

12. Damp wipe exposed surfaces of all vending machines including refrigerators, if


C. Semiannually – Done in April & October

Shampoo all carpet using appropriate extraction equipment, chemicals, and

techniques. (Using rotary buffer is not acceptable) Notify superintendent of PL&B

before scheduling any shampooing of carpet.

Strip and wax VCT flooring. This applies to all VCT in the buildings.

Clean the inside of all exterior windows.

D. Annually

Wax the CAB lobby brick paver tiles in early spring.

Office Areas & Conference Rooms

A. Daily Cleaning Schedule

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1. Vacuum (utilizing upright or commercial rotating brush equipment) all

carpeting; floor mats, etc. Clean carpet stains as necessary; or as directed by

authorized City personnel; using suitable carpet cleaner.

2. Empty all trash receptacles; replace can liners when dirty; damp wipe with

sanitizer those surfaces needing attention. Check for foul odors.

3. Empty all recycling containers and transport contents to recycling containers

behind the Henry Ward Building. This includes plastics and cans which will be

placed in large plastic bags either at the HWB or the CSC dumpsters.

4. Vacuum walk off mats and plastic desk mats.

5. Spot clean interior and exterior entrance glass.

6. Dust furniture surfaces needing attention; including desks, chairs and tables.

Glass conference table tops shall be cleared of hand smudges or other debris.

7. Clean chalkboards and/or bulletin boards if present.

B. Monthly Cleaning Schedule (to be done on the first week of each month)

1. Vacuum and/or damp wipe ceiling; HVAC registers; switch plates; and lighting

fixtures for dirt, dust, and cobwebs, etc.

2. Damp wipe all walls and permanent fixtures attached to walls, with appropriate


3. Dust or damp wipe Venetian blinds.

4. Clean all interior windows or door glass with appropriate glass cleaner.

5. Damp wipe all interior window sills; ledges; rails; and associated metal trim.

6. Damp wipe all break room cabinets; kitchen counters with appropriate sanitizer.

7. Damp wipe the top, front, and sides of all vending/coke machines and break room


8. Damp wipe all doors, doorframes and associated surfaces with a suitable cleaner.

9. Damp wipe baseboards.

10. Sanitize interior surfaces of all trash receptacles.

11. Inspect tile flooring for wear and buff or wax as needed.

Semiannually – Done in April & October

Shampoo all carpet using appropriate extraction equipment, chemicals, and

techniques. (Using rotary buffer is not acceptable) Notify superintendent of PL&B

before scheduling any shampooing of carpet.

Strip and wax VCT flooring. This applies to all VCT in the buildings.

Clean and seal all ceramic, painted concrete floor areas.

The Police Dept. will have flooring cleaning done during normal business hours.

Clean the inside of all exterior windows free from obvious handprints and


Midday Duties – Gainesville Admin Building Only

1. Re-stock all restrooms with toilet paper, paper towels, and soap products

2. Wipe off all restroom counters.

3. Empty all restroom baskets.

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4. Clean all mirrors in restrooms.

5. Mop up any spills or wet areas.

6. Pick up trash around building exterior.

7. Clean the inside and outside glass on both sets of the entry doors.

Restrooms, Breakrooms & Meals on Wheels

A. Daily Cleaning Schedule

1. Disinfect and scrub toilet bowls and urinals; scrub all porcelain surfaces with

sanitizer or cleansing powder.

2. Disinfect with sanitizer all counters, vanity tops and sinks; clean all sink chrome.

3. Damp wipe mirrors with an appropriate glass cleaner.

4. Damp wipe stainless steel hand towel boxes and soap dispensers.

5. Sweep and wet mop tile floors with disinfectant/odor control products.

6. Empty trash receptacles and replace can liners.

7. Refill all paper product dispensers.

8. Spot clean stall partitions.

B. Weekly Cleaning Schedule (either on Mondays or Fridays)

1. Damp wipe, with sanitizer, all stall partitions and doors.

2. Damp wipe, with sanitizer, trash receptacle top, sides, and all other interior

metal work including handicap bars.

3. Damp wipe wooden entrance doors and kick plates.

C. Monthly Cleaning Schedule (to be done on the first week of each month)

1. Damp wipe all lighting fixtures, including switch covers.

2. Vacuum and damp wipe ceiling HVAC vents.

3. Damp wipe with sanitizer all bathroom walls.

4. Clean all chrome under vanity/sink areas.

5. Inspect tile flooring for wear. Apply wax or buff to clean floor surface as

needed; or spray buff floors.

6. Clean all chrome flush-valve assemblies.

D. Meals on Wheels

1. This food preparation area is inspected by the Health Dept. and it must be

cleaned up to those specifications. The flooring must be properly cleaned each

evening. Moveable units in the kitchen must be pulled out from the wall and those

areas cleaned in addition to the cleaning schedule listed above.

Elevator Cars

A. Daily Cleaning Schedule

1. Vacuum car floor; inspecting carpet for stains, gum, etc. Clean stains as needed

the same day.

2. Damp wipe interior car walls with appropriate stainless steel cleaner.

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3. Damp wipe interior and exterior car doors with appropriate stainless steel


4. Vacuum and damp wipe threshold and crevice.

B. Monthly Cleaning Schedule (to be done on the first of each month)

Clean exterior elevator façade and tracks using appropriate stainless steel cleaner.


A. Daily Cleaning Schedule

1. Sweep or vacuum and wet mop concrete steps and landings.

2. Empty trash receptacles; damp wipe container lid, lip and sides.

3. Damp wipe, with sanitizer, top hand rails.

B. Monthly Cleaning Schedule (to be done on the first week of each month)

1. Sanitize the interior surfaces of all trash receptacles.

2. Clean all ledges.

3. Damp wipe all hand rails and associated metal piping.

4. Clean walls--checking for spots, smudges, handprints, etc.

5. Clean doors and door frames.

Exterior Areas

Parking lots and sidewalks shall be cleaned of litter and debris on Mondays,

Wednesdays, and Fridays. The specific parking lots are located behind City Hall and on

both sides of the Henry Ward Building and the Public Safety Building, (does not include

upper rear parking lot). Included in these cleanings are the Roosevelt Square patio area and

sidewalks around the fountain and Eternal Flame terminating at the City Hall parking lot

and at the Community Service Center.

All exterior trashcans and ashtrays shall be cleaned and emptied at all locations on a daily

basis. All sidewalks around all facilities shall be swept clean of litter and debris and water

drains (adjacent to buildings) cleaned on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or any other

time needed. The extent of the sidewalk cleaning is to the curb from the building except in

the case of City Hall which will have the sidewalk cleaned the length of the rear wall.

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Police Department Janitorial Standards

Police Department in the Gainesville Justice Center

The Police Department has restricted access and this area is to be cleaned daily

during normal business hours of 9AM to 5PM. This building requires a cleaning

representative be present 8 hours a day Monday through Friday. This cleaning

schedule requires Attachment A’s Daily, Monthly, Semiannually, and Annually

Cleaning Schedules, plus the daily schedule listed below-

9AM- Check with Police representative about spills and other issues. Clean

all restrooms, break rooms & locker room. Sweep and mop all floors

10AM-Refill all soap, paper towel and toilet paper dispenser, empty and

remove all trash and replace liners.

12:30 PM- Sweep and mop stairwells

1:00PM- Sweep and mop lobby floors. Refill paper towels and toilet

dispensers, empty and remove all trash, vacuum/sweep/mop all floors, dust

and wipe down desk and cubicles, check all restrooms both upstairs and

downstairs and wipe down sinks toilets and remove trash, and clean up spills

and take care of special requests.

4:30PM-Walk back through and check and clean all restrooms, break rooms

& locker rooms before leaving for day. Wipe down toilets, sinks and empty


Special items-

Courtroom days (Monday & Thursday) - Clean Courtroom before Court

starts on Monday and Thursday.

Jail cells- Check cells twice per week for cleanliness.

Monthly Dusting- Make sure to have all monthly dusting completed on the

last week of the month for inspection

Include twice yearly upholstery cleaning of the Courtroom Pews and chairs

in the court room offices and the solicitors offices up to 40 chairs.

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Include twice yearly (April & October) cleaning of floors- Shampooing of

all carpet using appropriate extraction equipment, chemicals and techniques.

Also strip and wax all VCT flooring and cleaning and sealing of Ceramic

tile flooring.

Cleaning of all interior windows as needed.

Police Department Evidence Room

All cleaning of the Evidence Room is to be coordinated with the Evidence Officer.

The Evidence Room is to be cleaned once a week or as needed by the Evidence


1. Vacuum carpeting.

2. Dust furniture surfaces needing attention.

3. Clean all doors and door frames.

4. Clean any window or glass surfaces.

5. Shampoo carpet as directed by Evidence Officer.

6. Clean all HVAC vents, lighting fixtures, including switch covers.

Police Department Criminal Investigation Division/Detective Office

All cleaning of the Criminal Investigation Division is to be coordinated with an

investigator on duty. Employees shall not unnecessarily talk to the detectives and

other Police staff.

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Janitorial Standards for Alta Vista Cemetery Office

& Traffic Services

A. Cemetery Office: Twice Weekly Cleaning Schedule – Tuesdays and Fridays

after 5:00 pm

Traffic Services: Once a Week Cleaning Schedule

1. Vacuum (utilizing upright or commercial rotating brush equipment) all

carpeting; floor mats, etc. Clean carpet stains as necessary same day;

or as directed by authorized City personnel; using suitable carpet


2. Empty all trash receptacles; replace can liners when dirty; damp wipe

with sanitizer those surfaces needing attention. Check for foul odors.

3. Spot clean interior and exterior entrance glass.

4. Dust furniture surfaces needing attention.

5. Disinfect and scrub toilet bowls and urinals; scrub all porcelain surfaces

with sanitizer or cleansing powder. Spot clean stall partitions.

6. Disinfect with sanitizer all counters, vanity tops and sinks and chrome.

7. Damp wipe mirrors with an appropriate glass cleaner.

8. Damp wipe stainless steel hand towel boxes and soap dispensers.

9. Sweep and wet mop tile floors with disinfectant/odor control products.

10. Refill all paper product dispensers

B. Monthly Cleaning Schedule (to be done on the first week of each month)

1. Vacuum and/or damp wipe ceiling; HVAC registers; switch plates; and

lighting fixtures for dirt, dust, and cobwebs, etc.

2. Damp wipe all walls and permanent fixtures attached to walls, with

appropriate cleaner.

3. Dust or damp wipe blinds.

4. Clean all interior windows or door glass with appropriate glass cleaner.

5. Damp wipe all interior window sills; ledges; rails and trim.

6. Damp wipe all break room cabinets; kitchen counters with appropriate


7. Damp wipe the top, front, and sides of all vending/coke machines and

break room refrigerators.

8. Damp wipe all doors, doorframes and associated surfaces with a suitable

cleaner. Damp wipe baseboards.

In addition the carpets will be shampooed and the VCT stripped and

waxed every six months during April and October.

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Janitorial Standards for Airport

Restrooms for T-Hangars “CC” & “DD”

A. Weekly Cleaning Schedule – To be cleaned on Fridays

1. Disinfect and scrub toilet bowls and urinals; scrub all porcelain surfaces

with sanitizer or cleansing powder.

2. Disinfect with sanitizer all counters, vanity tops and sinks; clean all sink


3. Damp wipe mirrors with an appropriate glass cleaner.

4. Damp wipe stainless steel hand towel boxes and soap dispensers.

5. Sweep and wet mop tile floors with disinfectant/odor control products.

6. Empty trash receptacles and replace can liners.

7. Refill all paper product dispensers

8. Damp wipe, with sanitizer, trash receptacle top, sides, and interior.

9. Damp wipe wooden entrance doors and kick plates.

C. Monthly Cleaning Schedule (to be done on the first week of each month)

1. Damp wipe all lighting fixtures, including switch covers.

2. Vacuum and damp wipe ceiling vents.

3. Damp wipe with sanitizer all bathroom walls.

4. Clean all chrome under vanity/sink areas.

5. Clean all chrome flush-valve assemblies.

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City of Gainesville



For the City Parking Deck


1) Clean the Elevator interior box walls and floors, front facings, edging tracks and


2) Police up all trash in the area in front of the stairwells and elevators.

3) Daily cleaning of each restroom Monday-Friday and in the evening on Saturdays.

4) Disinfect and scrub toilet bowls and urinals; scrub all porcelain surfaces with

sanitizer and cleaning powder.

5) Disinfect and with sanitizer all counter, vanity and sinks; clean all sinks chrome.

6) Damp wipe mirrors with the appropriate glass cleaner.

7) Empty trash receptacles and replace can liners

8) Damp wipe, with sanitizer, trash receptacle top, sides and interior.

9) Sweep and wet mop tile floors with disinfectant/odor control products.

10) Damp wipe entrance doors and kick plates with appropriate cleaners.

Monthly Cleaning Schedule (to be done on the first week of each month):

1) Sanitize the interior surfaces of all trash receptacles.

2) Clean all ledges in the stairwells.

3) Damp wipe all hand rails and associated metal piping.

4) Clean doors and door frames.

5) Clean elevator façade, interior walls and tracks using the appropriate cleaner.

Clean exhaust fan grill and light lens.

6) Wet mop the stairwells.

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1. Service

The contractor agrees to provide Janitorial Maintenance Service for the City Administration

Building, City Hall, Henry Ward Building, Gainesville Justice Center, Alta Vista Complex,

Alta Vista Cemetery Office, Traffic Services Office, Community Service Center, Senior

Center, Gainesville Connection Building, City Wellness Center, Parking Deck and Airport

Rest Rooms. Due to the high public visibility and traffic, certain special considerations are

needed to maintain a clean and sanitary environment at these buildings for the people who

visit and work there. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to use skilled, trained

personnel, supervised to use reasonable care to ensure the buildings are cleaned in a

thorough and timely manner.

Due to the nature of city governmental operations, the Contractor will coordinate all

cleaning activities prior to commencement of the contract. The Contractor will need to

obtain door keys and security access codes to the various locations and offices prior to

commencement of the contract. Loss of an exterior door key to the City Administration

Building by the Contractor will necessitate rekeying the locks and issuing 50+ keys at the

expense of the Contractor. Other lost keys may also necessitate rekeying at the Contractor’s


It is required that the contractor provide a supervisor for all daily cleaning to ensure

the work is being done to contractual specifications. The on-site supervisor shall be

responsible for securing and locking each building each and every night and to provide

telephone so he/she can be notified of janitorial complaints or emergencies.

2. Scope of Service

City Hall, Gainesville Administration Building, Henry Ward Building,

Gainesville Justice Center, Community Service Center, Senior Center, Alta

Vista Building, Gainesville Connection and the City Wellness Center:


Police Department Specifics: SEE ATTACHMENT B

Cemetery Office & Traffic Services: SEE ATTACHMENT C

Airport Restrooms: SEE ATTACHMENT D


*Some buildings may be under construction during the service year, and the City will

deduct the cost of buildings that are inaccessible for service.

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3. Hours of Service

All janitorial maintenance service for the City of Gainesville will be performed between

5:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M., Monday through Friday with the exception of daytime

personnel for Police Department offices, Traffic Services, Alta Vista Complex (which can

start @ 3:30 PM) and midday duties in the Gainesville Administration Building and weekend

work such as carpet shampooing. No vacuuming shall be done before 5:30 at the Joint

Admin and Henry Ward buildings.

4. Materials and Personnel

A. “Materials”: The contractor shall provide all items, cleaning supplies and

equipment used to facilitate the cleaning tasks required in the Minimum Standards

of Service. The Contractor shall be sensitive to allergic reaction or other medical

problems of city personnel caused by cleaning chemicals and/or deodorizers used

during cleaning activities. Substitute cleaning chemicals will be needed if the

current cleaning chemicals are determined to be causing medical problems to city

personnel. The equipment materials shall consist of, but not be limited to the


1. All electric powered major equipment such as, but not limited to, rotating

brush upright or commercial vacuums, wet/dry vacuums, floor machines,

extractors, auto-scrubbers, etc.

2. Minor equipment such as, but not limited to, mop heads, floor pads, brushes,

sponges, mop buckets, wringers, mop handles, squeegees, dusters, brooms,

maid carts, mobile trash barrels, cleaning cloths and other supplies and items

consumed in the cleaning process.

3. Cleaning supplies such as, but not limited to, cleaning chemicals of every

description, detergents, glass cleaners, floor strippers, floor finish,

disinfectants, deodorizers, etc.

4. The Owner shall supply expendable supplies such as toilet paper, hand towels,

antimicrobial hand soap, trashcan liners and feminine hygiene products. Under no

circumstances shall the Contractor’s employee utilize the Owner’s paper product

for cleaning.

B. “Personnel”: All personnel necessary to ensure the buildings are cleaned in a

thorough and timely manner; they will work after normal operating hours except for

those necessary for cleaning Police Department and City Administration Building

midday duties. All personnel must be able to speak fluent English.

5. Inspection & Failure to Perform Penalties

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The contractor shall be subject to inspection at all times by authorized city

personnel for conformance with these specifications.

In the event of a significant failure to perform the contractual services (such as the daily mopping

of the Joint Admin lobby floors) the Owner shall reserve the right to deduct the value of the

undone work from the monthly invoice. Repetitious failure to perform specified work or not

cleaning a building at all is cause for contract termination.

In the event of damage being caused by the Contractor’s staff to glass table tops or

other equipment or furniture the Contractor shall reimburse the City for said


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City Of Gainesville




The scope of the work shall be to provide janitorial maintenance service as specified

in the Minimum Standards of Service attached hereto as part of these contract


Article 2. WORK SITES:

The work site covered under this contract shall be the following locations (square

footages shown are estimates):

Gainesville Administration Building at 300 Green Street (54,000 SF)

Henry Ward Building at 311 Henry Ward Way (8,930 SF)

City Hall at 117 Jesse Jewell Parkway (6,600 SF)

Public Safety Building at 701 Queen City Parkway (52,340 Sf).

Alta Vista Complex at 263 Alta Vista Road (4,730 SF). The areas to be cleaned are

all offices, restrooms and break rooms (excluding only the vehicle shop bays)

located in the main building.

Cemetery Office at 521 Jones St. (900 SF) (Twice Weekly)

Community Service Center at 430 Prior Street (11,336 SF)

Senior Center 434 Prior Street (12,500 SF).

Traffic Services Office & Break Room at 1039 Hancock Ave (1,600 SF)

Gainesville Connection Building at 687 Main St. (4,800 SF)

City Wellness Clinic at 1214 West Ridge Road (3,100 SF)

T-Hangars “CC” & “DD” Restrooms (600 SF)

City Parking Deck

For pre-proposal site inspection of the five largest office buildings, call Troy

Grizzle @ 678-858-4023 for an appointment.

Article 3. PERMITS, LICENSES, AND INSURANCE: It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to secure all permits and licenses, as

may be required by Federal, State, or local government laws, ordinances, or rules

and regulations. Proof of such licenses and permits shall be submitted to the

Owner upon execution of the contract.

A. Insurance

(1) Owner requires the Contractor to have and maintain the following insurance

coverage and indemnification provisions with the City of Gainesville named

as an additional insured there under.

(2) The Contractor shall provide and maintain insurance coverage until the

contract is completed and to furnish certificates from its insurance carriers

showing that it carries insurance that meet the City’s requirements.


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(3) Proof of Insurance

The Contractor shall furnish the Owner with certificates showing the type,

amount, class of operations covered, effective dates, and date of expiration

of policies. Such certificates shall also contain substantially the following

statement: The insurance covered by this certificate will not be cancelled or

materially altered, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been

received by the Owner.


The Contractor shall not sublet to any Subcontractor any part of the work under

this contract without prior written approval of the Owner. In case any part of the

work is approved by the Owner for the Contractor to sublet, the Contractor shall

require his Subcontractor to secure and maintain all licenses, permits, and

insurance as specified in Article 3, above. Proof of such licenses, permits, and

insurance shall be submitted to the Owner prior to the execution of any work by

any Subcontractor. In addition the Subcontractor must complete the forms in the

Vendor Application Packet.


In the event that any of the provisions of this contract are violated by the

Contractor, or by any of his Subcontractors, the Owner may serve notice upon the

Contractor of the Owner’s intention to terminate the contract. Such notice to

contain the reasons for such intention to terminate the contract, and unless within

three (3) working days after the serving of such notice upon the Contractor such

violation or delay shall cease and satisfactory arrangement or correction be made,

the contract shall, upon the expiration of said three (3) working days, cease and

terminate. Upon the third written request for corrective work the Owner shall

have the right to terminate for unsatisfactory work without the three day warning.

Upon either of the two events the Owner shall give seven (7) calendar days

written notice of termination.


Contract for the service shall commence on or about July 1, 2019 and end on June

30, 2020. Owner shall have the option to extend said contract for two (2)

additional terms of twelve (12) months each which shall be exercised by the

owner, if both owner and contractor agree, at any time prior to the expiration of

each term by notifying contractor in writing.


Contract Price: The contract price for this contract shall be a total charge per

month for all listed Locations and shall include the cost for all labor, materials,

equipment, tools, incidental expenses, overhead and profit, for the performance of

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the contract. Owner will have option of removing some service areas if construction

limits contractor’s access.

Contract Payment: Upon satisfactory completion of the monthly services by the

Contractor and acceptance of the Work by the Owner, the Contractor shall submit

his invoice for the work to the Owner on a monthly basis for the work performed

in the previous month. Monthly payments shall be determined as per Article 5 of

the Contract. Invoices shall indicate the total charge for each building serviced.

The Owner shall pay the Contractor the amount due on a monthly basis within

twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the Contractor’s invoice. The contract price

will remain in place until June 30, 2020. In the event that the Owner exercises the

option of a Contract renewal of each of the maximum of two (2) additional terms

of twelve (12) months each.


Due to the nature of the operation at Gainesville Police Department, five-year

criminal background checks are required of all Contractors’ employees assigned

to work at the Police Department. The background check documentation shall

include criminal history records information, motor vehicle records information,

or any other pertinent information which may be on file at any federal, state, or

local criminal justice agency. The Gainesville Police Department shall run the

checks then review the documentation respectively. If acceptable, a written

authorization shall be issued by Gainesville Police Department to the Contractor,

for named employees to work in assigned areas. Contractor’s employees will not

be allowed to work in the Public Safety Building without such written



All Personnel shall be EMPLOYEES of Contractor and all services shall be performed by said employees.

Contractor and employees must be bonded. General liability and workmen’s comp insurance

is required.

1. Employee Behavior

a. Contractor shall require his employees to comply with instructions pertaining to conduct

and conditions of the contract.

b. Contractor’s employees shall not disturb papers on desks, open drawers or cabinets, use

telephones, computers or any other office equipment. Office equipment shall not be

unplugged from electrical outlets. The Contractor will be liable for the correction of problems

created by the disconnection of power.

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c. All employees of the Contractor shall wear ID tags, which identify the company who is

providing our janitorial service.

d. Contractor and his employees will observe all building policies, regulations, schedules

and rules as set out and required by the City of Gainesville.

e. No smoking will be allowed in the buildings.

Contractor will be required to maintain a log book at each facility which is used for sign

in and out procedures, reporting of any maintenance issues discovered by the cleaning

staff and for City personnel to make comments on a daily basis.

f. The contractor shall supply to Public Lands & Buildings a current list of staff who will

access all facilities and more specifically which facilities they would be accessing. It is

imperative that when any of the cleaning crew or any of the supervisors leaves the

employment of the Contractor’s company a written memo be submitted to Public Lands &

Buildings indicating all changes to staffing.

All employees must be at least 18 years old and under no circumstances will children

accompany employees while performing the requirements of the contract.

2. Supervision

Contractor shall provide adequate supervision for all contract work. The Contractor or the

designated supervisor shall be available at all times when contract work is in progress and

will be available upon request to receive instruction from Public Lands & Buildings.

3. Access

Contractor shall not permit access to the buildings by anyone other than his employees.


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Page 1 of 6 Contractor ______ City ______

CCiittyy ooff GGaaiinneessvviillllee,, GGeeoorrggiiaa

Public Lands & Buildings Janitorial Services CONTRACT

This Contract is made this _____ day of ____________________ in the year of _______.

BETWEEN: The City of Gainesville, Georgia (Hereinafter City)

300 Henry Ward Way

Gainesville, Georgia 30501

AND THE CONTRACTOR: (Insert the name of the Contractor) (Hereinafter Contractor)

(Insert the address of the Contractor)

PROJECT/SERVICE NAME: (Insert the name of the Project/Service)

The City and the Contractor agree as set forth below:

Article 1. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract consists of the following documents as

indicated below and attached to this contract and herby made a part hereof, together with any other

document, agreements, plans or specification which are incorporated herein by reference, all of which

together are the “Contract”.

(a) The City’s Request for Proposal/Bid (Exhibit ____);

(b) The Contractor’s Proposal/Bid (Exhibit ____);

(c) Scope of Work or Scope of Services (Exhibit ____);

(d) Conditions of the Contract (Exhibit ____);

(e) Minimum Standards of Service (Exhibit ____);

(f) Drawings (Exhibit ____);

(g) Specifications (Exhibit ____);

(h) Fee Schedule (Exhibit ____);

(i) Purchase Order (Exhibit ____);

(j) Insurance Certificates (Exhibit ____);

(k) Business Registration (Exhibit ____);

(l) Addenda issued prior to execution of this Contract and modifications issued subsequent

thereto as described below (Exhibit ____); _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________; and

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(m) Other documents as described below (Exhibit ____):




Article 2. CITY VENDOR STATUS: A City of Gainesville Vendor Application Packet shall be completed

and accepted by the City prior to the effective date of this contract. The Vendor Application Packet

information shall be revised and updated in a timely fashion by the Vendor if any information changes

during the term of this Contract. Any material changes to the eligibility of the Vendor to contract with the

City or which substantially impairs the ability of the Vendor to perform, may provide the City with grounds

to revoke acceptance of the vendor as an approved Vendor and to terminate this Contract.

Article 3. THE WORK: The Contractor shall perform all the work required by this Contract for (Insert the

name of the Project/Service) as described in the Contract Documents.

Article 4. CONTRACT'S LENGTH OF TIME: This Contract shall be for a ______ month period,

beginning on ______________________ and ending on _____________________. The City shall have

the option to renew the contract for ______________ one-year period(s) provided the service is

satisfactory, both parties are willing to renew, and the extension is approved by the City. The City may

terminate this Contract, with or without cause, on thirty (30) days written notice to Contract.

Article 5. CONTRACT PRICE: The contract price for this Contract is $____________________.

Article 6. PAYMENT: The City shall pay the Contractor for the faithful performance of the work as

specified herein. Payment for the work/services under this Contract shall be made in accordance with the

provisions of this Contract.

Article 7. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: It is understood and agreed that the Contractor is hired by

the City to perform the work under this Contract as an independent contractor.

Article 8. INDEMNIFICATION: The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including claims, consultants, and attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, death, or injury to or destruction of tangible property including the loss of use resulting therefrom; and is caused in whole or in part by any act or omission of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable.

Article 9. TERMINATION: In the event that any of the provisions of this contract are violated by the Contractor, or by any of his subcontractors, the City may serve written notice upon the Contractor of the City's intention to terminate the Contract. Such notice to contain the reasons for such intention to terminate the Contract, and unless within five (5) working days from receipt of such notice by the Contractor, such violation or delay shall cease and satisfactory arrangement or correction be made, the City shall, upon the expiration of said five (5) working days, have the right to suspend the contract and may temporarily use its own work force or use another Contractor, to provide the services under this contract until a new contractor can be selected.

Article 10. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Any contractor or subcontractor of the City of Gainesville is subject to the Sunshine and Open Records Laws as pertains to any contract with the City.

Article 11. INSURANCE: Before commencing the work under this Contract, and as a condition of any payment for the work, the Contractor shall deliver to City a certificate with signed declaration pages, or written proof that the attached declaration pages are a copy of the original declaration page, and attached riders and

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endorsements which show (i) that the City is listed as an Additional Insured on the policy and (ii) which shows to the satisfaction of the City, that the required insurance is in force. The Insurance Carrier(s) shall provide to the City at least thirty (30) days’ written notice before canceling, materially changing, or discontinuing coverage. Notice shall be sent via certified mail, return receipt requested to Bryan Lackey, City Manager, City of Gainesville, P. O. Box 2496, Gainesville, Georgia 30503. Contractor shall deliver written notice of any such cancellation, modification or termination within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving any notice thereof. Failure by the Contractor to deliver proof of insurance as provided in this Paragraph, or notice as required in this paragraph, shall constitute a material substantial breach of this Contract. All such documents shall be delivered directly to the City Manager. Each of these documents which show the required insurance coverage shall be attached to each set of original Contract Documents when the documents are transmitted to the City for final execution and approval. If desired, the insurance carrier may redact the premium amount from the declaration page

Insurance is to be placed with duly licensed or approved non-admitted insurer in the state of Georgia with an “A.M. Best” rating of no less than A-VI. The City in no way warrants that the above-required minimum insurer rating is sufficient to protect the Contractor from potential insurer insolvency. The Contractor shall not allow any subcontractor to commence any work on subcontractor’s contract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor has been so obtained and approved by the City and Contractor.

(a) Commercial General Liability: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of this Contract, General Liability Insurance to protect the Contractor, any subcontractor performing work covered by this Contract, and the City as an additional insured, from claims for damages for bodily injury, including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damages, which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations are by the Contractor or by any subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. The amount of insurance shall not be less than the following:

Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury $1,000,000 Medical Expense Any One Person $5,000 Damage to Rented Premises $50,000 General Aggregate $2,000,000 Products (Completed/Operations Aggregate) $2,000,000

(b) Automobile Liability: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of this

Contract, Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance for bodily injury and property damage. The insurance shall include coverage for owned, non-owned and hired vehicles. Amounts shall not be less than the following:

Combined Single Limit Per Accident $1,000,000

(c) Excess/Umbrella Liability: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of

this Contract Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance over General Liability, Auto Liability and Employers Liability. Umbrella or excess liability policies shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for underlying coverages and covering those insured in the underlying policies. Coverage shall be “pay on behalf”, with defense cost payable in addition to policy limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion of claims or suits by one insured against another. The amounts of coverage shall not be less than the following:

Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Aggregate $1,000,000

(d) Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability: The Contractor shall procure and shall

maintain during the life of this Contract, Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability

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Insurance for all of Contractor’s employees to be engaged in work on the Project/Service under this Contract, and in case any such work is sublet, the Contractor shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Worker’s Compensation Insurance for all of the subcontractor’s employees to be engaged in such work unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor’s Worker’s Compensation Insurance.

Workers’ Compensation – Each Employee Statutory Limits Employer’s Liability – Each Employee $1,000,000 Employer’s Liability – Each Accident $1,000,000

If self-insured, proof of filing with the State of Georgia and secured, set aside funds shall be required.

(e) Professional Liability: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of this

Contract, Professional Liability Insurance to protect the Contractor from failure to perform on the part of the Contractor or financial loss caused by an error or omission in the service provided by the Contractor.

Each Occurrence $1,000,000

(f) Materials and Equipment Floater (Only required for contracts involving storage and installation of materials): The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of this Contract Materials and Equipment Floater Insurance to protect the interests of the City, the Contractor, and subcontractors against loss by vandalism, malicious mischief, and all hazards included in a standard All Risk Endorsement.

(g) Other insurance requirements as described below:


Additional Insured: The insurance policies required by this Contract shall be endorsed to include “City of Gainesville, Georgia, its officers, elected or appointed officials, agents, employees, volunteers, and representatives” as Additional Insured with respect to work performed under the Contract. (This requirement does not apply to Worker’s Compensation, Employer’s Liability, or Professional Liability coverage). In addition to a statement on the Certificate of Insurance, a copy of the endorsement shall be provided. Renewal certificates shall be provided to the City prior to the expiration date of existing coverage, and shall be provided continuously for a period of one year after the completion of the work. All documents shall reference the contract name.


(a) Business corporations, nonprofit corporations, professional corporations, limited partnerships

(LP), and limited liability companies (LLC), are formed in Georgia by filing with the Corporations Division of the Georgia Office of Secretary of State. Attached hereto as Exhibit ____ is proof that the Contractor is a registered business with the Georgia Secretary of State and (1) demonstrates that the business is active and in compliance with State registration and reporting requirements, and (2) identifies corporate officers.

(b) For a sole proprietor to operate legally in the State of Georgia, registration is handled through

the city or county in which the primary place of business will be located. Attached hereto as Exhibit ____ is proof that the Contractor is a business registered with a city or county located in the state of Georgia.

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Page 5 of 6 Contractor ______ City ______

Article 13. GOVERNING LAW: Arbitration will not be allowed. This Contract will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Georgia, without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. The Contractor hereby submits to the jurisdiction of the Georgia Courts and will obtain and maintain an agent for service of process in the State of Georgia. Neither party will bring any action against the other party arising out of or relating to this Contract in any forum or venue except the Superior Court of Hall County, Georgia. The Contractor irrevocably waives any present or future objections to such venue for any such legal action and irrevocably waives the right to bring any legal action in any other jurisdiction.

Article 14. COUNTERPARTS: This Contract may be executed in several counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one single contract between the parties hereto.

Article 15. INVALIDITY: The parties to this Contract have negotiated and prepared the terms of this Contract in good faith and with the intent that every term, covenant and condition be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective party. Accordingly, if any one or more of the terms, provisions, promises, covenants or conditions of this Contract or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be adjudged to any extent invalid, unenforceable, void or voidable for any reason whatsoever by a court of competent jurisdiction, that provision shall be as narrowly construed as possible, and all the remaining terms, provisions, promises, covenants, and conditions of this Contract or their application to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby, and shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. To the extent this Contract is in violation of applicable law, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to amend this Contract to the extent possible to remain consistent with each of its purposes and to conform to applicable law.

Article 16. CONFORMANCE OF CONTRACT WITH THE LAW: It is the intent and understanding of the parties to this Contract that each and every provision of law required to be inserted in this Contract shall be and is inserted herein. Furthermore, it is hereby stipulated that every such provision is deemed to be inserted herein, and if through mistakes or otherwise, any such provision is not inserted in correct form, then this Contract shall upon application of either party, be amended by such insertion so as to comply strictly with the law and without prejudice to the rights of either party. If this Contract contains any unlawful provisions, not an essential part of the Contract and which appears not to have been a controlling or material inducement to the making hereof, the same shall be deemed of no effect, and shall upon the application of either party be stricken from the Contract without affecting the binding of the Contract as it shall remain after omitting such provision. The parties agree that this Contract shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision which comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision.

Article 17. CONSEQUENTIAL AND PUNITIVE DAMAGES: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, the City and the Contractor shall be entitled to only actual damages resulting from the other party’s breach of any provision of this Contract (excluding any consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages or damages that are multiples of the actual damages).

Article 18. ENTIRE CONTRACT: This Contract constitutes the entire contract between the City and the Contractor with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior contracts. This Contract shall not be amended or waived, in whole or in part, except in writing signed by both the City and the Contractor.

Article 19. NOTICES: All notices and other communications permitted or required pursuant to this Contract shall be in writing, addressed to the party at the address below or to such other address as the party may designate from time to time. All notices and other communications shall be mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage pre-paid, or personally delivered.

The City of Gainesville, Georgia Attention: Bryan Lackey, City Manager 300 Henry Ward Way, Suite 303 P. O. Box 2496

Page 33: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Gainesville, Georgia · REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No. 20001 Public Lands & Buildings FY2020 Janitorial Services Proposal Release: July 10, 2019 Proposal Questions

Page 6 of 6 Contractor ______ City ______

Gainesville, Georgia 30503

(Insert the name of the Contractor) Attention: (Insert the name and title of the owner/officer) (Insert the address of the Contractor)

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Contractor have executed under seal this Contract as of the date first above written.


__________________________________ Abbott S. Hayes, Jr. Hulsey, Oliver & Mahar, LLP City Attorney

THE CITY OF GAINESVILLE (INSERT CONTRACTOR NAME) By: __________________________________ By: __________________________________ Bryan Lackey, City Manager (Insert name and title) Attest: ____________________________ Attest: ____________________________ Denise O. Jordan, City Clerk (Insert name and title)

(CITY SEAL) (IMPRINT SEAL) Note: If the Contractor is registered with the Georgia Secretary of State as described in Article 12(a) of this contract, the contract shall be signed by an officer of the corporation, attested by the corporate secretary, and the corporate seal affixed. If the Contractor is a sole proprietor as described in Article 12(b) of this contract, the contract shall be signed by the individual and attested by a notary public.

Page 34: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Gainesville, Georgia · REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No. 20001 Public Lands & Buildings FY2020 Janitorial Services Proposal Release: July 10, 2019 Proposal Questions

Type of Insurance

Onsite Repair of

Equipment or


Small Projects


Maintenance, Repair

of Buildings), Tree

Pruning, and Property


Janitorial Sevices

Lease or Use of City

Facilities or

Properties by Others

Lease or Loan

Equipment to others

Licensed Professional

Services (legal,

accounting, A/E,


Consultant Services

Construction Projects

(Buildings, Roads,

Infrastructure, etc.),

Tree Cutting and other

high-risk jobs - SEE


Commercial General Liability Each Occurance $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 -

Personal & Advertising Injury $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 -

Medical Expense Any One Person $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 -

Damage to Rented Premises $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 -

General Aggregate $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 -

Products (Completed / Operations Aggregate) $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 -

Damage to others' property in your care, custody &control CCC Endorsement

Auto Liability (Incl bodily injury & property damage) -

Combined Single Limit per Accident -

Any Auto (owned, hired & non-hired) $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 -

Excess / Umbrella Liability Each Occurrence $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 -

Aggregate $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 -

Workers Compensation and Employers Liability WC - Each Employee Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory Statutory

Employer's Liability - Each Employee $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 -

Employer's Liability - Each Accident $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 -

Professional Liability (errors,ommissions,malpractice) -

Each Claim N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1,000,000 $1,000,000 -

E) Umbrella should follow form (shall provide coverages at least as broad as specified for the underlying coverages & covering those insured in the underlying policies)


F) For Licensed Professional Services and Consultant Services: Excess/Umbrella and Liability coverage may increase dependent upon scope of work. See Risk Manager with any Questions


A) The City of Gainesville to be named as Additional Insured on a Primary/Non-contributory basis on all coverage except workers compensation and professional liability.

B) A waiver of subrogation in favor of The City of Gainesville is to be added to all policies except professional liability.

C) The Per occurrence and Aggregate limits for specified should apply on a per location or per project basis - If you have questions or you are unsure please see Risk Manager

D) Automobile Liability Coverage is required IF an automobile is used in the execution of their contract.