Requirements for processing citizenship card for the first time : YURANI CARRILLO

Requirements for Processing Citizenship Card for the First

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Requirements for processing citizenship card for the first time :

Requirements for processing citizenship card for the first time :

YURANI CARRILLO- Be 18 years old

- Have any Registrar country

- Submit certified copy of birth certificate or original identity card .

- To know the HR and blood group.

- Take 3 photos 4x5 on white background, preferably with dark clothing.

- The issuance of the certificate of citizenship for the first time is free.Requirements for processing citizenship card for the first time :

1 COMPLETING THE PROCESS:During this process , either online or on paper, the fingerprints of all fingers of every citizen , numerical and biographical data and images are taken signature and photo.


2. Shipping Information : Once the citizen provides the information necessary material is sent to Bogota. If the procedure is in line it comes automatically and if it was on paper the material comes through departmental collection centers .

3. Validation and verification : Once the information is received in Bogot , we proceed to the stage of validation and verification of data , consisting of individualized citizens cons comparing the fingerprints provided which lie in the database of the registration offices . Those who are issued the document for the first time , fingerprints are entered into the system Automated Fingerprint Identification System ( AFIS in English ) .

4. Print the document : If the document request complies with the validation and verification of the information requested , the request is forwarded to the printing process . Cdulasestn new printed microporous high strength synthetic product called Teslin and are coated with a laminated safety .

5. Quality control: After the document is printed passes the final stage of production, which is the quality control : at this stage the consistency of information and images printed on the document and its physical quality is verified.

6. Sending the document : Finally, after the document was printed and exceeded the quality controls , these are sent under tight security at the country's various registration offices or consulates abroad.
