Research Data Center (RDC) Quick Start Guide Die Bibliothek Wirtschaft & Management | Quick Start Guide | English Version

Research Data Center (RDC) Quick Start Guide - TU Berlin€¦ · Research Data Center (RDC) ... Quick Start Guide | English Version. Table ... You can use Bloomberg ONLY after additional

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Research Data Center (RDC) – Quick Start Guide

Die Bibliothek Wirtschaft & Management | Quick Start Guide | English Version

Table of contents

Seite 2

1. Requirements

2. Access to RDC-Databases in DBWM

3. Databases on the Schubert-Server of the HU

4. Access to Bloomberg Database at the RDC

5. Saving your Data

6. Tips & Advice

Copyright: Photographee.eu

Compustat North America / Global, CRSP,

Datastream & Worldscope, Lipper Hedge

Fund, Macrobond, ThomsonOne, TRSL

(ThomsonReuters Spreadsheet Link)

Seite 3

1. Requirements

To use the RDC-databases, you need a valid tubIT-account and your tubIT-e-mail-address, which

you need to use for your RDC-application: https://sfb649.wiwi.hu-


After registration, you will receive a form which you need to fill out. Please get the signature from

one of the following professors: Prof. Dr. Heinemann, Prof. Dr. Werwatz, Prof. Dr. Ivanova-Stenzel,

Prof. Dr. von Hirschhausen, Prof. Dr. Lachmann, Prof. Dr. zu Knyphausen-Aufseß, Prof. Dr. Blind,

Prof. Dr. Dr. Ensthaler.

Hand in the form with the signature of your professor to Frau Beate Guba at the library (DBWM).

You can use Bloomberg ONLY after additional registration and with an extra appointment at the

RDC. Bloomberg is available ONLY at the RDC office located at Spandauer Str. 1.

If you have any questions, please contact the head of the library (DBWM) Frau Beate Guba

beate.guba[at]tu-berlin.de. If you have specific questions regarding the databases, please contact

Herr Awdesch Melzer at the RDC melzeraw[at]cms.hu-berlin.de.

Seite 4

2. Access to RDC-Databases in DBWM

Access to the RDC-databases is possible from two PCs which are located outside the reading

room law, facing the newspaper lounge. They are labelled accordingly.

Click on our DBWM homepage http://www.dbwm.tu-berlin.de/ in the side bar on „Literatur suchen“

and „Faktendatenbanken“. Use the link at „Allgemeines“ to get to the website of the RDC with the

databases https://sfb649.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/fedc/data.php. Here you find „web-interface based

databases“ and „commercial databases“ (with restricted access).

To use the databases, you need your RDC-account data.

For the commercial databases, you need to reserve a timeslot via the corresponding „Scheduler“,

you can do this from a PC outside the library.

As the access procedure may differ for each database, please follow our instructions.

Seite 5

2. Access to RDC-Databases in DBWM

1. Web-Interface based


To use web-interfaced

databases, you just

need to log in with your

RDC-account at the


No Scheduler

registration necessary.

For ExecuComp data

please contact the RDC-


After your login you get to the

„RDC Database Environment“,

where you can request data.

Seite 6

2. Access to RDC-Databases in DBWM

2. Commercial databases (restricted access):

Here you need to use the Scheduler and

follow our instructions to access the


Only Scheduler 1 is available for

Macrobond und Compustat respectively.

After registering for a timeslot in the

Scheduler, you need to open a remote

desktop connection to the servers with the

databases (see p. 8).

Seite 7

2. Access to RDC-Databases in DBWM

To use the Scheduler, you need to log in with your RDC-account; if a timeslot is available, type in

your RDC-username and press „Enter“.

When your RDC-username is in the system,

you can adjust the length of your timeslot by

hovering your cursor over your name and

using the appearing double arrow.

Please use the schedulers responsibly and

schedule your timeslot only for the actual

time of your database search, as the access

is limited to only one person at the same


The access information – either remote access or

a direct link to each database is available in the

corresponding scheduler.

Please type in your RDC-

username at the required

timeslot and press „Enter“.

Seite 8

3. Databases on the Schubert-Server of the HU

To start the Remote Desktop Connection go to the Windows Start button and go to:

Alle Programme Zubehör Remotedesktopverbindung

1. Enter „schubert.wiwi.hu-berlin.de“.

2. Type in your RDC-account: „RDC\RDC-username“ and your RDC-password (Tip: Copy

the passwort from the pdf-document with your account data).

3. Say „Ja“ when the window „Möchten Sie die Verbindung

trotz der Zertifikatfehler herstellen“ pops up.




Seite 9

3. Databases on the Schubert-Server of the HU

• Compustat North America / Global

• You need to be connected to the server „schubert.wiwi.hu-berlin.de“ (See p. 8).

• Scheduler registration necessary (ONLY Compustat 1 & Scheduler 1 is available for TU

users): https://sfb649.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/scheduler/login_all.php?database=compustat

• You have to start a second remote access connection from the Schubert-Server: (All programs

Windows Accessories Remote Desktop Connection).

The access data for the remote desktop (server name, user and password) is in the

Scheduler, in the upper right corner.

• Client software: Research Insight

• Click on the desktop icon “Compustat”.

• A window will prompt you to enter your credentials Enter your RDC-account data.

Seite 10

3. Databases on the Schubert-Server of the HU


• You need to be connected to the server „schubert.wiwi.hu-berlin.de“ (See p. 8).

• Scheduler registration necessary:


• Click on the icon “Launch CRSPSift” on the desktop of the Schubert-Server.

Seite 11

3. Databases on the Schubert-Server of the HU

• Datastream & Worldscope

• You need to be connected to the server „schubert.wiwi.hu-berlin.de“ (See p. 8).

• Scheduler registration necessary:


• Client software: Datastream Advance

• Best used to get an overview on available data items.

• Excel Add-In available

• Best used for multiple requests.

• Guide “Using Excel” available in the Help menu of the Excel Add-In “Datastream”.

• User Guide: Help Online Manuals Getting Started

Seite 12

3. Databases on the Schubert-Server of the HU

• Lipper Hedge Fund

• You need to be connected to the server „schubert.wiwi.hu-berlin.de“ (See p. 8).

• Excel Add-In available.

• Click the icon “Lipper for Investment Management” on the desktop of the Schubert-Server,

leave the preset account data and click “Logon”.

Seite 13

3. Databases on the Schubert-Server of the HU

• Macrobond

• You need to be connected to the server „schubert.wiwi.hu-berlin.de“ (See p. 8).

• Scheduler registration necessary (ONLY Macrobond 1 & Scheduler 1 is available for TU

users): https://sfb649.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/scheduler/login_all.php?database=macrobond1

• You have to start a second remote access connection from the Schubert-Server: (All programs

Windows Accessories Remote Desktop Connection).

The access data for the remote desktop (server name, user and password) is in the

Scheduler, in the upper right corner.

• Click on the desktop icon “Macrobond”.

• User Guide “Getting started with Macrobond” is available on the Macrobond-Server desktop.

Seite 14

3. Databases on the Schubert-Server of the HU

• ThomsonOne

• You need to be connected to the server

„schubert.wiwi.hu-berlin.de“ (See p. 8).

• Use ONLY “InternetExplorer” to go to the RDC-website

and the ThomsonOne Scheduler:


• Scheduler registration necessary: https://sfb649.wiwi.hu-


• After registering in the Scheduler, you can use the direct link in the upper right corner.

• Newer versions of Internet Explorer may need to be set to compatibility mode: Einstellungen

Einstellungen der Kompatibilitätsansicht Hinzufügen

• Or click on the broken page symbol next to the

reload button to activate compatibility mode.

Seite 15

3. Databases on the Schubert-Server of the HU

• TRSL (ThomsonReuters Spreadsheet Link)

• You need to be connected to the server „schubert.wiwi.hu-berlin.de“ (See p. 8).

• Scheduler registration necessary:


• You have to start a second remote access connection from the Schubert-Server: (All programs

Windows Accessories Remote Desktop Connection).

The access data for the remote desktop (server name, user and password) is in the

Scheduler, in the upper right corner.

• Client software: Excel

• TRSL is an advanced Excel Plug-In to download data accessible by ThomsonOne.

• User Guide: „TRSL Quick Reference Guide“ available on the TRSL-desktop.

Seite 16

4. Access to Bloomberg Database at the RDC

• Bloomberg

• You can use Bloomberg ONLY after additional registration and with an extra appointment at the

RDC. Bloomberg is available ONLY at the RDC office (room 318) located at Spandauer Str. 1.

• You are required to leave 20 € as a deposit for the key. They are refundable upon departure.

• Scheduler registration is necessary:


• Client software: Bloomberg

• Click on the desktop icon “Bloomberg”.

• A window will prompt you to enter your username and password.

• Excel Add-In available

• If not – click Start All Programs Bloomberg Install Office Add-Ins (Install – ok - close)

• Bloomberg offers workshops, you can register for them from the Bloomberg Terminal

Bloomberg University upcoming events Berlin

Seite 17

5. Saving your Data

Please use a USB-drive to save your data, as the data files can get very big.

Upon minimizing the remote desktop connection window, you can see your own desktop and your


Make sure not to save your data on the remote desktops, as you will not be able to access it after


Seite 18

6. Tips & Advice

Please make sure to log out after finishing your session.

You can use only one timeslot per day, max. 3-4 hours.

We recommend to use the Excel Add-Ins.

After your timeslot has started, it cannot be changed.

If your timeslot cannot be saved in the scheduler, make sure that you entered your RDC-

username and pressed „Enter“ to confirm.

Please draw only as much data, as you need for your research, as some of the databases have a

data limit.

Find additional information about the RDC-databases on our website: http://www.dbwm.tu-


Seite 19

6. Tips & Advice

If you cannot connect to the server „schubert.wiwi.hu-berlin.de“, make sure you typed „RDC\“ in

front of your username.

Sometimes it helps to copy the RDC-password directly from the pdf-document with the RDC-

account data.

If you cannot access the databases, check if you activated the remote desktop connection.

If your RDC-account is activated, but you still cannot access the server, please contact the RDC-


For most of the databases „User Guides“ and „Help“ are available – either as documents on the

remote desktop or via the corresponding database or via the Excel Add-In.