Research logy Answer

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  • 8/14/2019 Research logy Answer


    1. Explain the different types of research.


    Different Types of Research

    Research can be conducted in a number of different ways for many different purposes.

    Most research conducted today is in the corporate sector, and the reasons for this should

    be obvious.

    Survey Research

    Developed since the 1930's, survey research seeks to identify what large numbers of

    people (mass) think or feel about certain things. It is used extensively in politics and

    marketing (such as TV advertising). Examples of survey research are; Public opinion

    polls, Mail Surveys, Telephone Surveys, and Consumer Surveys (in the Mall).

    An amazing fact about survey research is that the amount of error (expressed as plus and

    minus a certain percentage) is determined by the sample size (the number of people

    surveyed). Most opinion polls use a sample size of around 1500, which has a margin of

    error of 3%. Using a larger sample size than 1500 gives a slight reduction in the error

    margin, and using a smaller sample size than 1500 significantly increases the error


    Increasingly we find the Internet being used to conduct survey research, with the use of

    opinion polls and questionnaires. This is due to the ease of creating on-line questionnaires

    and the power of analyzing the data in real-time by the use of powerful database servers.

    Focus Groups

    A focus group gathers in-depth information by interviewing six to twelve experts in an

    informal discussion that lasts one to two hours. An experienced interviewer gathers

    opinions of the group. Typical Uses of Focus Groups are; Gauging consumer reaction to

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    products (such as the pre-release of a movie or product), Understanding why consumers

    buy or don't buy certain products, Identifying the use of products and services

    Case Studies

    A case study looks at existing information that is readily available and attempts to draw

    conclusions from this information. Information has been collected and stored from a wide

    variety of sources about many issues. Much of this information is readily available in the

    public domain.

    The researcher begins with a number of research questions. For instance, a researcher

    might want to look at the impact of information technology in South Africa since the

    overthrow of white rule. The researcher will identify information in the public domain,

    such as tele-density, number of Internet hosts, and other data. From this information, the

    researcher will draw qualitative conclusions. Case studies allow existing information to

    be reused in new ways that the original collectors of the data did not envisage.

    Delphi MethodThe Delphi method surveys the opinions of "expert panels". The research is conducted in

    three rounds, where the information is gathered, refined and then feed back to the expert

    participants. The feedback stage allows issues to be sharpened and helps to highlight the

    major issues involved. Round one involves an in-house panel that seeks to identify the

    research questions for the experts. It also conducts a pre-test of the survey. The second

    round involves an examination of the issues by the expert panel. At this stage, additional

    items are often suggested that may have been overlooked. The panel responses and

    additional items are combined to the original questionnaire. In the third round, the panel

    makes judgments on the items. This sometimes takes the form of a multiple-choice


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    Content Analysis

    Content analysis is often used in quantitative research to study trends or occurrences of

    information. During World War II, the allies monitored the number and types of songs

    played on European radio stations. By comparing the music played on German radio to

    that of other radio stations in occupied territory, the allies were able to measure the

    changes in troop concentration on the continent. Other early uses of content analysis were

    attempts to verify authorship of documents. Knowing that certain authors chose certain

    words, many scholars attempted to show that some documents had undergone a process

    or redaction or rewriting by subsequent editors.

    Content analysis is heavily involved in the use of television. A common exercise is to use

    content analysis to measure the incidences of violence on television or in print.

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    2. Discuss the criteria of good research problem.


    The selection of one appropriate researchable problem out of the identified problems

    requires evaluation of those alternatives against certain criteria, which is grouped into

    both internal and external criteria. Internal criteria involve those values internal to the

    researcher that may make a research problem a success. The internal criteria consist of;

    Researchers interest. The problem should interest the researcher and be a challenge to

    him. Without interest and curiosity, one may not develop sustainable perseverance. Even

    a small difficulty may become an excuse for discontinuing the study. Interest in a problem depends upon the researchers educational background, experience, outlook and


    The researchers competence matters in selecting a research problem. A researcher must

    be competent to plan and carry out a study of the problem. One must have the ability to

    grasp and deal with it. One must possess adequate knowledge of the subject matter,

    relevant methodology and statistical procedures.

    A researchers own resource matters in selecting a good research problem. In cases

    where a researcher is to do a research on his own, consideration of a researchers

    financial competence must be given due consideration. If it is beyond his means, he will

    not be able to complete the work, unless he gets some external financial support. Time

    resource is more important than finance. Research is a time-consuming process; hence it

    should be efficiently utilized.

    Whilst the external criteria is concerned with the unique tenets of a problem it self that

    can make it a success to a researcher. This external criterion involves the following


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    The research-ability of the problem. The problem should be researchable, viz; amendable

    for finding answers to the questions involved in it through scientific method. To be

    researchable, a question must be one for which observation or other data collection in the

    real world can provide the answer.

    Importance and urgency of the problem matters a lot. When selecting a research problem,

    the relative importance and urgency must be given due consideration. An urgent and

    important problem should be selected first ahead of others.

    Novelty of the problem. The problem must be novel. One should not spend time

    researching a problem which has already been studied. How ever I certain cases,

    replication may be called for in order to ascertain the validity and reliability of thefindings.

    The usefulness and social relevance of a problem matters a lot. The findings should make

    significance contribution to the existing body of knowledge. Research should provide

    solutions to practical problems. It should be socially relevant and feasible.

    For each identified problem, evaluation must be done in terms of the above internal and

    external criteria, the most appropriate of which must be selected by the researcher.

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    3. Describe the procedure used to test the hypothesis


    Procedure for hypothesis testing refers to all those steps that are undertaken before

    making a choice between two actions viz; rejection and acceptance of a null hypothesis.

    The various steps involved in hypothesis testing include the following;

    Making a formal statement. Here the null hypothesis (Ho), and the alternative hypothesis

    (Ha) is clearly stated. H0 is a statement of no difference. This is the hypothesis that the

    researcher hopes to reject. H1 opposes H0. We retain the premise of the null hypothesis

    until proved otherwise. This has a basis in quasi-deduction and is analogous to the

    presumption of innocence in a criminal trial.

    Selecting a significant level; the hypothesis is tested on a pre-determined level of

    significance. If we wish to reach a yes-or-no decision, fixed level testing must be

    pursued. (This is not always necessary, and is sometimes unwise.) To pursue fixed-level

    testing, we set an error threshold for the decision. The error threshold, called alpha (a), is

    the probability the researcher is willing to take of incorrectly rejecting a true H0. For

    example, the researcher may be willing to take a 1% chance of incorrectly rejecting a true

    H0. In such instances, a = .01.

    Deciding the distribution to use; a test statistic is calculated. There are different test

    statistics depending on the data being tested and question being asked. We have tests of

    single means. For single means tests, the null hypothesis is H0:: = some value and the

    test statistic is either a z - stat or t - stat.

    Selecting a random sample and computing an appropriate value from the sample data

    concerning the test statistic utilizing the relevant distribution. In other words, draw a

    sample to furnish empirical data.

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    Calculating of the probability; one has to calculate the probability that the sample result

    would diverge as widely as it has from expectations, if the null hypothesis were in fact


    Comparing the probability; we convert the test statistic to a p value by placing the test

    statistic on its appropriate probability distribution and determine the area under the curve

    beyond the test statistic. With fixed-level testing, the p value is compared to the " level

    and this simple decision rule is applied: When p # a, H 0 is rejected. When p > a, H 0 is

    retained. With flexible significance testing, the p value answers the question: If the null

    hypothesis were true, what is the probability of observing the current test statistic or a test

    statistic that is more extreme than the current test statistic?

    Thus, the smaller p value, the better the evidence against H 0. As an initial rule-of-thumbwe might say that we ought to take note of any p value approaching .05 (or less). In the

    parlance of statistics, such findings denote statistical significance.

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    4. Write a note on experimental design


    An experiment deliberately imposes a treatment on a group of objects or subjects in the

    interest of observing the response. This differs from an observational study, which

    involves collecting and analyzing data without changing existing conditions. Because the

    validity of an experiment is directly affected by its construction and execution, attention

    to experimental design is extremely important.

    Experimentation include; treatment - something that researchers administer to

    experimental units, a factor - of an experiment is a controlled independent variable; a

    variable whose levels are set by the experimenter.

    In experimental Design, the concern is with the analysis of data generated from an

    experiment. The time and effort taken to organize the experiment properly to ensure that

    the right type of data, and enough of it, is available to answer the questions of interest as

    clearly and efficiently as possible, is what experimental design entails.

    The specific questions that the experiment is intended to answer must be clearly

    identified before carrying out the experiment. We should also attempt to identify known

    or expected sources of variability in the experimental units since one of the main aims of

    a designed experiment is to reduce the effect of these sources of variability on the

    answers to questions of interest. That is, we design the experiment in order to improve

    the precision of our answers.

    Experimental design is premised on certain principles as enumerated by professor


    The principle of local control. Under control, the extraneous factors, the known source

    of variability, is made to vary deliberately over as wide a range as necessary and this

    needs to be done in such a way that the variability it causes can be measured and hence

    eliminated from the experimental error.

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    Suppose a farmer wishes to evaluate a new fertilizer. She uses the new fertilizer on one

    field of crops (A), while using her current fertilizer on another field of crops (B). The

    irrigation system on field A has recently been repaired and provides adequate water to all

    of the crops, while the system on field B will not be repaired until next season. She

    concludes that the new fertilizer is far superior.

    The problem with this experiment is that the farmer has neglected to control for the effect

    of the differences in irrigation. This leads to experimental bias, the favoring of certain

    outcomes over others. To avoid this bias, the farmer should have tested the new fertilizer

    in identical conditions to the control group, which did not receive the treatment. Without

    controlling for outside variables, the farmer cannot conclude that it was the effect of the

    fertilizer, and not the irrigation system, that produced a better yield of crops.

    Another type of bias that is most apparent in medical experiments is the placebo effect.

    Since many patients are confident that a treatment will positively affect them, they react

    to a control treatment which actually has no physical affect at all, such as a sugar pill. For

    this reason, it is important to include control, or placebo, groups in medical experiments

    to evaluate the difference between the placebo effect and the actual effect of the


    The principle of randomization.

    Because it is generally extremely difficult for experimenters to eliminate bias using only

    their expert judgment, the use of randomization in experiments is called for. In a

    randomized experimental design, objects or individuals are randomly assigned to an

    experimental group. Using randomization is the most reliable method of creating

    homogeneous treatment groups, without involving any potential biases or judgments.

    There are several variations of randomized experimental designs, two of which are

    briefly discussed below.

    Completely Randomized Design

    In a completely randomized design, objects or subjects are assigned to groups completely

    at random.

    Randomized Block Design

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    If an experimenter is aware of specific differences among groups of subjects or objects

    within an experimental group, he or she may prefer a randomized block design to a

    completely randomized design.

    Replication is yet another principle in experimental design.

    To improve the significance of an experimental result, replication, the repetition of an

    experiment on a large group of subjects, is required. If a treatment is truly effective, the

    long-term averaging effect of replication will reflect its experimental worth. If it is not

    effective, then the few members of the experimental population who may have reacted to

    the treatment will be negated by the large numbers of subjects who were unaffected by it.

    Replication reduces variability in experimental results, increasing their significance and

    the confidence level with which a researcher can draw conclusions about an experimentalfactor.

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    5. Elaborate the ways of making a case study effective.

    A case study looks at existing information that is readily available and attempts to draw

    conclusions from this information. Information has been collected and stored from a wide

    variety of sources about many issues. Much of this information is readily available in the

    public domain.

    While case study writing may seem easy at first glance, developing an effective case

    study (also called a success story) is an art. Like other marketing communication skills,

    learning how to write a case study takes time. Whats more, writing case studies without

    careful planning usually results in suboptimal results. Savvy case study writers increase

    their chances of success by following these proven techniques for writing an effective

    case study:

    Involve the customer throughout the process. Involving the customer throughout the

    case study development process helps ensure customer cooperation and approval, and

    results in an improved case study. Obtain customer permission before writing the

    document, solicit input during the development, and secure approval after drafting the


    Write all customer quotes for their review. Rather than asking the customer to draft their

    quotes, writing them for their review usually results in more compelling material.

    Request high-level customer involvement. Early in the process, recommend that a high-

    level manager or executive sign their name to the document. Including such a name and

    title on the case study increases its credibility, and can benefit the manager as well, in the

    form of recognition for a job well done.

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    Establish a document template. A template serves as a roadmap for the case study process,

    and ensures that the document looks, feels, and reads consistently. Visually, the template

    helps build the brand; procedurally, it simplifies the actual writing. Before beginning work,

    define 3-5 specific elements to include in every case study, formalize those elements, and

    stick to them.

    Start with a bang. Use action verbs and emphasize benefits in the case study title and

    subtitle. Include a short (less than 20-word) customer quote in larger text. Then, summarize

    the key points of the case study in 2-3 succinct bullet points. The goal should be to tease the

    reader into wanting to read more.

    Organize according to problem, solution, and benefits. Regardless of length, the time-tested,

    most effective organization for a case study follows the problem-solution-benefits flow.

    First, describe the business and/or technical problem or issue; next, describe the solution to

    this problem or resolution of this issue; finally, describe how the customer benefited from the

    particular solution (more on this below). This natural story-telling sequence resonates with


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    Use the general-to-specific-to-general approach. In the problem section, begin with a general

    discussion of the issue that faces the relevant industry. Then, describe the specific problem

    or issue that the customer faced. In the solution section, use the opposite sequence. First,

    describe how the solution solved this specific problem; then indicate how it can also help

    resolve this issue more broadly within the industry. Beginning more generally draws the

    reader into the story; offering a specific example demonstrates, in a concrete way, how the

    solution resolves a commonly faced issue; and concluding more generally allows the reader

    to understand how the solution can also address their problem.

    Writing a case study is not easy. Even with the best plan, a case study is doomed to failure if

    the writer lacks the exceptional writing skills, technical savvy and marketing experience that

    these documents require. In many cases, a talented writer can mean the difference betweenan ineffective case study and one that provides the greatest benefit. If a qualified internal

    writer is unavailable, consider outsourcing the task to professionals who specialize in case

    study writing.

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    Quota sampling; Quota sampling is a non-probability sampling technique wherein the

    researcher ensures equal or proportionate representation of subjects depending on which trait

    is considered as basis of the quota. For example, if basis of the quota is college year level and

    the researcher needs equal representation, with a sample size of 100, he must select 25 1 st

    year students, another 25 2 nd year students, 25 3 rd year and 25 4 th year students. The bases of

    the quota are usually age, gender, education, race, religion and socioeconomic status.

    Judgmental sampling; Judgmental sampling is more commonly known as purposive

    sampling. In this type of sampling, subjects are chosen to be part of the sample with a

    specific purpose in mind. With judgmental sampling, the researcher believes that some

    subjects are fit for the research compared to other individuals. This is the reason why they are

    purposively chosen as subjects.

    Snowball sampling; Snowball sampling is usually done when there is a very small population

    size. In this type of sampling, the researcher asks the initial subject to identify another

    potential subject who also meets the criteria of the research. The downside of using a

    snowball sample is that it is hardly representative of the population.

    Self-Selection; this technique is self-explanatory respondents themselves decide whether to

    take part in the survey or not.