Research of Current Recipe Cards Katie Torpey

Research of current recipe cards

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Page 1: Research of current recipe cards

Research of Current Recipe Cards

Katie Torpey

Page 2: Research of current recipe cards

Recipe Card 1 Front

Large image on the front of the recipe card as an example of how the product will look when finished.

The colour of the plate matches with the text colour. Which represents that there is colour co-ordination and a theme running through.

Simple, basic font used for the text. The text also uses alliteration to make the title of the product more interesting and appealing to the audience. Spaghetti Bolognese is also shortened down to ‘spag bol’ which makes the dish sound more straight to the point and bold.

Logo for the company at the bottom left hand corner which will run throughout the recipe cards so the customers know which company the recipe cards are from.

A very light, pale background to not add attention to the background but so that the audience can focus on the image of the product.

Simple, yet effective layout with the image placed right in the very centre of the front of the card so it catches eye contact. The logo and the name of the dish in the bottom corners which people will look at after they have finished viewing the image.

Colour of theme which runs throughout the card which is red. For example the background pattern is red, the dish has pieces of red pepper on it, and the outline of the dish is red, the title of the dish is also in a red colour.This represents bold and standing out and I think this is what the intention was of this dish.

To improve the recipe card I think that the writing could be in a more interesting font also I think that the image of the food should’ve been taken in a studio.

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Recipe Card 1 Back

First thing for the audience to notice is how long it will take and how long it will take to cook the product. This is a very piece of useful information if the audience has a limited time that they could make the product.

Clear layout of what ingredients will be needed and how much will be needed. This is useful as the audience will need to know if they can get the ingredients.The text of the ingredients is also set out so that it is clear and straight forward into what is needed.

The process is split into 3 different steps which the audience will have to follow. Although that 3 steps may seem simple there is quite a lot going on in the 3 steps. To improve the recipe card I think that the steps could be split into 5 or 6 to make it simpler to follow.

I like the fact that the recipe card has a option to try different things. This gives the audience a chance to experiment with the recipe, instead of sticking to the same product.

On the recipe card there is a picture which is featured in the product. A red pepper has been chosen because it fits in with the red theme and also fits in with the product.

To improve on the recipe card I think that more images could be added and I also think that the font could be improved to make it look more luxurious because the font is quite basic and simple.

The audience to this specific recipe card would be someone who enjoys a tomato flavor with different textures and also something that isn't very complex to make

Page 4: Research of current recipe cards

Recipe Card 2 Font

This recipe card has the logo for the company on so that it is recognizable for all customers if they wanted to find out more recipes.

Similar theme from the vegetarian society of recipe cards which have the same patterned theme on them

I like the fact there there is 2 images with a variety of 10 different sandwiches and fillings. I like that fact that it is set out like this so that the audience have a different choice of sandwich's and sandwich fillings to chose from.

On this recipe card the main theme colour is orange. The background features a light orange pattern and the images of the food also feature a orange hint.

I like the way that they have added two images onto one recipe card this makes a change and gives a wider range of examples.

I like the way that the sandwiches have been presented in the images by showing what's inside the sandwiches instead of just showing them from the outside so the audience get a idea of what to expect if they decide to make them.

To improve the recipe cards I think that they could have a more colour theme running throughout and also create a more complex font I also think that they could have more images in the spaces shown.

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Recipe Card 2 Back

On the back of the recipe card I like the fact that it has been sectioned off into cold fillings, hot fillings and also baked potatoes fillings. This give the audience a wide range of choice to choose from.

It follows the theme of the orange however features some other colours for example cold is blue because the colour blue represents being cold and chilly. For the hot fillings it has been chosen to be in a red colour as the colour bright red represents hot substances and a warning.

The recipe card is split into 3 different sections with easy basic ideas for sandwich's. I think that the idea of adding a photograph of the baked potatoes is a good idea as it didn’t feature in the front cover of the design.

To improve on the back of the recipe card I think that instructions could be added on the cards on how to make the sandwiches instead of just stating the ingredient’s.

I think adding on small images on the ingredients would improve the look to this recipe card.

There is a lot of empty space on this recipe card to fill this I think that it could include the pattern from the front of the recipe card.

The audience to this recipe card I think is for young adults who are interested in having a healthy lifestyle

I think including a making time would be useful towards the customers as they are able to work out if they had enough time to create the sandwiches. Also adding a section for kids would be a good idea as this would mean that there is options available for all ages.

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Recipe Card 3 Front

In this image the background theme pattern is purple this is because there is only a small colour of purple in the image which is the plate. The background colour of purple very much contrasts with the orange which makes this recipe card bright with colour and very able to stand out as it is noticeable.

Much like other recipe cards the title is fitted in with the theme of orange, as most of the food is orange and also the background in which the plate is on is a bright orange colour.

The way that food on the plate is presented is clever. The korma sauce is placed at the front of the plate and the rice is placed behind it. This is so that the view of the recipe card can see what the korma looks like as that is what they will be making.

Similar to the any other recipe card it features the logo is featured on it. Which shows who it is suited for. The logo on this recipe card is from the Vegetarian Society so it proves that each recipe card is suitable for vegetarians

I think that the audience for this recipe card would be someone who is interested in trying different things, also who has a interest in Indian foods. I think this dish is suited for any one who is able to make it and would be suited well for a family or someone who is vegetarian, also someone who is wanting to make a quick meal as the title is ‘quick korma’ so this would grab attention to any who has a limited time scale to make a meal. I think to improve the front of this recipe card making the title of the text bigger would grab more attention, I think that the using other adjective words could also help persuade the audience to look at the recipe card for example using words like extravagance or luxury.

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Recipe Card 3 Back

Useful technique to inform the audience about how long it will take to create and how long it will take to bake the product using small icons to represent the making and cooking time.

Throughout this recipe card the theme has been purple and orange and its carried on the back of the recipe card. The ingredients and the process text has staying in a bold black colour which stands out and is also not hard to read.

I like the layout of this recipe card as every important bit has its own section. The ingredients and the process of making the product is placed in the centre of the page which is where the audience will look so I think this has been presented well.

I think that the recipe card could include more images instead of having one broccoli in the bottom corner of the page. Having images about showing how to make the product during the process stage will give the audience more of a guide on how to make the product.

There is a lot of white and space available on these recipe cards and I think that more information could be added on to it. This could include the nutritional value for the product or how many people it will serve.

I think the this recipe card is eye catching because of the colours however I think there could be other things added to it to make it more appealing such as diagrams or even more borders.

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Recipe Card 4 Front

I think that this front page of a recipe card is set out very set out to a very slick and classy style. Keeping it simple however making the recipe card look very aesthetically pleasing.

I like the way that the green theme is carried out making it look very professional, the deep green borders with the light green line make the recipe card look very tidy. I like the way that the image is placed in the centre of the recipe card to grab attention.

The title at the top right of the page is a suitable place to put it as its where the audience is going to look when they first make eye contact with the recipe card.

The way that the dessert is presented in the image is very luxurious and splendid. Making sure that each ingredient is shown and presenting it in a very plain but effective way to persuade the audience to read on how to make it.

On this recipe card I like the way that there is no white space everything has been covered with a picture or the border however to improve on the recipe card, I think the editor could change the colour of the borders into a more positive colour. Such as a light orange, or yellow. I think this is because that green is quite a deep colour that doesn’t catch as much attention.

I think the audience of this recipe card is people who are interested in very delicate, tasty homemade deserts. This is because the presentation of the image and the presentation of the recipe card are smart and well presented.

I like the face that on this recipe card the editor has decided to make the logo white on green which makes it stand out most. Instead of having the colour of it green on a white background.

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Recipe Card 4 Back I think that this front page of a recipe card is set out to a very slick and classy style. Keeping it simple however making the recipe card look very aesthetically pleasing.

Providing extra information for the audiences benefit is very useful for them. Giving them website names for more recipes or telephone numbers and other contact details will be help them and its also a good way to persuade them to purchase more recipe cards.

I like the way that the same layout and theme has carried out on the front and the back.

The image which is featured on the front is also placed on the back however are more zoomed in detailed version of what the finished product should look like.

Instead of sticking to plain original font text on the back of the recipe card there is a large, fancy piece of text which runs down the side of the left had side and and which also overlaps the image. The text says the name of the dish in a very fancy font. Which makes the recipe card look very interesting as the text is representing the dessert.

Provided on this recipe card is the name of the person who created the recipe I think that this is a very important factor as the person who created the dessert should get recognition.

This recipe card is split into 4 different sections which is shown in the red line. I think to improve this recipe card more images of the process could be shown on the card. Also different colours should be used that fit in with green, instead of having the main colours as green and white I think it could be improved by adding more eye catching colours for the audience to notice.

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Recipe Card 5 Front

This is a very simple basic design of a front of a recipe card which is aimed at children. I think it is simple with no writing so that children understand what it is there going to make.

This front cover is very bland, plain and boring and could be improved in a number of different ways. Including adding a border, text, the logo for the company and also the name of the dish.

I think that the photography of the cheese pasta looks very appealing this is placed on 4 stacked places to give the dish more height. The image is taken from the front of the dish so it is able to see what type of past is use and also the sauce dripping out of the paste shapes. This make the image very persuasive. The photographer has used a technique to only focus the subject and to keep the background out of focus.

The audience for this recipe card is aimed at young children who have a interest in helping out with the cooking. I think that it is a very useful way to grab children's attention because whenever they see the image they will want to make the dish. however I think extra information should be added. I can tell that this recipe card is aimed at children from the layout and the colours used for the photograph. Bright colours including orange, green, pink, purple, blue and red and yellow are being used for the image which will automatically attract children's attention if they are dull and boring then they are more likely not going to get noticed.

I think the front page of the recipe card was just an image because people are more than likely bound to know what type of dish it is. Just adding more extra information could help sell the recipe cards to people of a young age.

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Recipe Card 5 Back This section which is available for children gives options on what they can help the adult with when creating the product I think that this is a good way to encourage children to learn new skills whilst cooking.

This useful information is what the audience will look at before creating the product so it is important to provide it so that the customers know exactly how much time limit they have available.

The steps are split into 3 different stages and then from that there is more steps from the stages I think this is a good way how to present it as it means that it is easy to follow for adults aswelll as children.

Health Facts that will appeal to parents for there children are very useful as they giving positive facts. Also adding tips and hints to make the product better can be useful.

Like the front of the recipe card this design for the back of it is very simple and straight forward. It has been set in the theme of a notebook, this relates back to children as children use notebooks at school to write on.

The basic colours used on the back of this recipe card is yellow and blue. These two colours contrast each other and stand out. The font used is Comic Sans MS which is a popular basic font. Which is easy to read and understand. The layout is simple and easy to understand which will be great for children. To improve I think that the recipe card could involve pictures of the process happening. For example when grating the cheese, a picture should be added to make children understand on how to grate cheese properly. Doing this will help the children understand on the process.