Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction

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  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction








  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction



    I would like to thank madam Lee Siew Hoon for the guidance and supervision for me in

    writing this proposal.

    I also would like to take this opportunity to thank my husband and family for giving me

    their support and helping me with my coursework.

    TABL !" #!$T$T

    #!$T$TS %A&

    Acknowledgement i.

    Table of #ontent ii

    #HA%T' () I$T'!*+#TI!$

    (.( Background (

    (., Theoretical "ramework ,

    (.- %roblem Statement -(. %urpose

    (./ &eneral and Specific !b0ectives

    (./.( &eneral !b0ectives

    (./., Specific !b0ectives

    (.1 Significance of the Study

    (.2 'esearch 3uestions (.4 Limitation of the Study /

    (.5 !perational *efinition /

    #HA%T' ,) LIT'AT+' '6I7

    ,.( Introduction 2

    ,., Historical !verview and 'esearch Literature 4

    ,.- *efinition 4,. %revious Studies 5

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    ,./ %atient Satisfaction on Health &iving (8

    ,.1 The Antenatal %atient and Health Information &iving (8

    ,.2 Barriers to 'eceive Health Information at Antenatal #linic ((

    ,.4 Summary ((

    #HA%T' -) 'SA'#H 9TH!*!L!&:

    -.( Introduction (,

    -., Study Setting (,

    -.- Study *esign (,

    -. %opulation and Sampling

    -..( %opulation (-

    -.., Sample


    -./ thical #onsideration (-

    -.1 Instrumentation ; *ata #ollection (

    -.2 %ilot Study (

    -.4 *ata #ollection (/

    -.5 *ata Analysis (/

    -.(8 Summary (/

    '"'$#S (1


    (. &antt #hart

    ,. Letter to 9edical !fficer "amily #linic.

    -. Letter to 'espondents.. 3uestionnaire.

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction



    1.1 Backg!"#$

    This chapter will give an introductory background to the topic which is to be studied and


    Satisfaction is one of the core outcome measures for health care. It is intuitively more

    appealing than measures of health care effectiveness or efficiency that are more difficult to

    understand. Satisfaction is the e

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    the patient>s es satisfaction on information giving in health care

    has been a growing consensus that health care environment best characterised as one in

    which patient choice in a competitive marketplace where they play an active role in

    making decisions about their health care. "actors contributing growing consensus include

    patient=s movement? advances in science of patient outcome assessment and the

    development and dissemination of patient reports and other health care information such as

    patient education material.

    $urses are in an ideal position to provide patients with information that could aid them in

    their decision in treatment Schutta and Burnett ,888. Antenatal mothers e

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    understanding of the information given. Some patients may need further elaboraion on

    certain issues to make them fully understand the sub0ect being discussed.

    1., P!-)&* S'a'&*'

    The proposed study centre is a family clinic situated at the military housing area known as

    *esa Tun Hussein !nn *TH!. It is located about two kilometer from the 9inistry of

    *efence comple< and near the Setiawangsa area. It provides outpatient services? maternal

    and child health clinic and family planning clinic. The patients seen at this clinic are

    female military personnel? and kin of military personnel.

    The clinic staff consists of one medical doctor? one nursing sister? two staff nurses aka

    midwives and three community nurses. The small number of staff compare to the number

    of patients they have to handle is unimaginable at times since the number of patients they

    have to attend to? on the average? is (/8. The number of e

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    1. G&a) a#$ S/&c(3(c O-4&c'(5&

    1..1 G&a) O-4&c'(5&

    The general ob0ective of the study is to assess patient>s satisfaction on the health

    information that was given to them during their visits to the *TH! antenatal clinic.

    1..2 S/&c(3(c O-4&c'(5&

    The specific ob0ectives of the study include)

    (./.,.( To determine patient=s satisfaction on the information on health given

    during their visit at the antenatal clinic.

    (./.,., To identify other health information needs that is re@uired by the antenatal


    (./.,.- To es

    satisfaction on the information on health given at the antenatal clinic.

    1.6 S(g#(3(ca#c& !3 '%& '"$7

    This study will provide a feedback on the service provided by the clinic. It may provide an

    insight into the system and may be use to improve any shortcomings of the services

    provided. This study will allow the staff to focus on the re@uirement of the patients and

    improving the services and thus making the staff more competent. Besides that? themanagement can identify the education needs of the staff and their need for further training

    as well as upgrading the standard of practice.

    1.8 R&&ac% 9"&'(!#

    Based on the ob0ectives above and the significance of the study? the following @uestions

    are to be raised during the pro0ect)

    (.2.( 7ere the patient>s satisfied with the information on health given at theantenatal clinicE

    (.2., Are there any other information on health that the patient>s would like to


    (.2.- *o socio economic factors influence the satisfaction of patient>s on the

    information given.

    1.: L(*('a'(!# !3 '%& '"$7

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    Since the sample will be from the *TH! antenatal clinic who are members of the military

    and their kin? the result may not present the general population on health information given

    at other antenatal clinics.

    1.; O/&a'(!#a) D&3(#('(!#

    1.;.1 Pa'('

    A patient is a person who receives medical attention? care? or treatment The American

    HeritageF *ictionary. In this study? the patient is the pregnant mother who attends the

    *TH! antenatal clinic.

    1.;.2 Sa'(3ac'(!#

    Satisfaction means) The American Heritage *ictionary

    a. The fulfillment or gratification of a desire? need? or appetite.

    b. %leasure or contentment derived from such gratification.

    c. A source or means of gratification.

    1.;., Pa'(' Sa'(3ac'(!#

    %atient satisfaction is an attitude which mainly concerns the emotional state and is

    influenced by the information given to patients and the evaluation of the services theyreceive LinderD%eiG (54,. In this study? patient=s satisfaction will focus on the

    information on health given by nursing staff in the antenatal clinic.>

    1.;. I#3!*a'(!#

    In this study? information will refer to any communication or reception of knowledge

    through consultation sessions with the doctor or nursing staff. Information will also include

    booklets? leaflets? pamphlets or posters that are available at the clinic.

    1.;. A#'a'a) c)(#(c

    It is place where antenatal care is given to a patient who is tested positive for pregnancy

    until she delivers the baby. The patient will be managed and monitored by coming to the

    clinic in various visits and undergo various e

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    and are curious and ans and

    don>t during pregnancy. #onse@uently they need more information in the process of

    empowerment for their health care Lauer et al.? (54,K 9essner? (55-) Luker? (55/.

    2.2 H('!(ca) O5&5(&+ !3 '%& '%&!7 a#$ R&&ac% L('&a'"&

    9ay be the first attempt to evaluate patients satisfaction with health service began in (5/1

    in the +SA? in the field of nursing Abdellah Levine in (5/2aDe?(51 cited in 9erkouris

    et al (555. Since then several researchers have attempted to find a solution to the

    problems of patient satisfaction by e

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    %atient satisfaction is also an indication of @uality care provided by an organiGation?

    evidence of the efficiency of organiGation systems and a predictor of a patient overall

    compliance with recommended treatment Luther? (551.

    2.,.2 H&a)'% I#3!*a'(!#

    Health information is information that is obtained on health through many sources such as

    from medical personal? friends? books and magaGines? internet? touchDscreen? and patientD

    held recordJ Cones et al.?,88(.

    2. P&5(!" S'"$(&

    Studies conducted by 7H! and collaborating organiGation on women satisfaction with

    antenatal care in four developing countries Argentina? #uba? Saudi Arabia and Thailand

    showed that most women e satisfaction oninformation giving facts on the health care providers> success at meeting the patients>

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction



  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    barrier and poor communication that e

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction



    ,.1 I#'!$"c'(!#

    The content of this chapter will discuss on the methodology the research will be conducted.

    This includes study setting? research design? specific procedure? sampling? ethical

    consideration? instrumentation? pilot study? duration of study? data collection? treatment of

    data and analysis and summary.

    ,.2 S'"$7 S&''(#g

    The study will be conducted at a family clinic situated at the military housing area known

    as *esa Tun Hussein !nn *TH!. It is located about two kilometre from the 9inistry of

    *efence comple< and near the Setiawangsa area. It provides outpatient services? maternal

    and child health clinic and family planning clinic. The patients seen at this clinic are wives?

    mothers and children below (, years old of military personnel as well as female military

    personnel. The antenatal clinic only conduct antenatal e

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    *ata collection will be through @uestionnaires since @uestionnaires will allow the

    researcher to describe and test the relationship and e

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    others. The demographic statement was developed to determine the socioDeconomic

    background of the sample.

    S&c'(!# 2. Pa'('> a'(3ac'(!# !# %&a)'% (#3!*a'(!# g(5

    This Section will have (4 items to determine the patient>s satisfaction on the information

    given at the antenatal clinic. The patients will indicate their level of satisfaction on the

    information given based on a /Dpoint scale Likert scale as follows)

    (O6ery SatisfiedK ,OSatisfiedK -O$ot SureK O$ot SatisfiedK /O$ot 6ery Satisfied

    S&c'(!# ,. I$'(37 '%& %&a)'% (#3!*a'(!# '! -& g(5 a' '%& A#'a'a) C)(#(c

    This section is to get feedback from the participating patient>s on the health information

    that need further clarification. They will have to tick those information that they think are

    lacking and should be included. If the topic they wanted to be included is not on the list?

    they can suggest at the end of the section.

    ,.8 P()!' S'"$7

    %ilot study is a trial run that will allow the researcher to identify potential problems and

    detect any weaknesses. It will represent the proposed study and to test the @uestionnairesformulated. A pilot study will be conducted on / patients at the *TH! antenatal clinic.

    After the trial study? revision to the @uestionnaires will be made where necessary.

    ,.: Da'a C!))&c'(!#

    !n all specified days? the researcher will personally hand the @uestionnaires to the patients

    and make sure they understand? answer the @uestionnaires and collect them after they have

    answered them. This is to make sure all @uestionnaires given out are returned.

    "olders of the patients who have participated will tagged or marked so that there will be no


    ,.; A#a)7( !3 Da'a

    The data will be analysed using the software Statistical %ackage for the Social Science

    S%SS version (1 for efficient and accurate data analysis as well as saves time.

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    ,.10 S"**a7

    The study to be conducted is a non es satisfaction on health information given at the antenatal clinic

    using @uestionnaires.

    The @uestionnaires will be handed to the participating patients by the researcher personally

    and collected after the patient has answered them. The data collected will be analysed

    using the software S%SS version (1.

    This study will hopefully highlight to the management their strength and weaknesses so

    that steps to improve their services can be taken.

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction



    (. Avis 9? Bond 9? Arthur A (55/. Satisfying solutionE A review of some

    unresolved issues in the measurement of patient satisfaction. Cournal of Advance $ursing?

    ,,? -(1D-,,.

    ,. Burns %C? &rove S ,88(. The practice of nursing research) #onduct? criti@ue and

    utiliGation. thed. %hiladelphia 7B Saunders #ompany.

    -. &ammon C? 9ulholland #7 (551. ffect of preparatory information prior to

    elective total hip replacement on psychological coping outcomes. Cournal of Advance

    $ursing. (-? -8-D-84.

    . Hyrkas and %aunonen ,888. %atient satisfaction and research related problems

    %art ,. Is triangulation the answerE Cournal of $ursing 9anagement. 4? ,-2D,/.

    /. Hyrkas and %aunonen ,888.%atient satisfaction and research related problems

    %art (. Is triangulation the answerE Cournal of $ursing 9anagement. 4? ,,2D,-1.

    1. 9aier 9? irkham #9? Lim ? #heung 7? and &rGybowski S ,88,.

    %regnancy planning guide. videnceDbased information for prospective parents. #anadian

    "amily %hysician? 42? ((55D(,8/. 'etrieved on /th 9arch ,8(8 from


    2. Langer A? 6illar C? 'omero 9? Berendes H ,88,. Are women and providerssatisfied with antenatal careE 6iews on a standard and a simplified evidenceDbased care in

    four developing countries. 'etrieved on 8,th march ,8(8 from


    4. Lauer %? 9urphy S% %owers 9C (54,. Learning needs of cancer patients. A

    comparison of nurses and patients perceptions. $ursing Times. 51-2? 4.

    5. Longo *'? %atrick TB& ,88(. #onsumer reports and health care information. A

    call for research. Cournal of Health #are "inance. ,4 (? 5,D51.(8. Luker A? Beaver ? Leinster SC? !wens '&? *egner L"? Sloan CA (55/. The

    information needs of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Cournal of Advanced

    $ursing. ,,? (-D((.

    ((. Luther 9 (551. *ataDdriven interventions to improve patient satisfaction.

    Cournal of $ursing #are 3ualities. (8? --D-5.

    (,. 9erkousris A? Ifantopoulus C? Lanara 6? Lemondou # (555. *eveloping an

    instrument to measure patient satisfaction with nursing care in &reece. Cournal of $ursing9anagement. 2? 5(D(88.
  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    (-. 9erkousris A? Ifantopoulus C? Lanara 6? Lemondou # (555. %atient satisfaction a

    key concept for evaluation and improving nursing services. Cournal of $ursing

    9anagement. 2? (5D,4

    (. 9essner 'L (55-. 7hat patients really want from their nurses. American Cournal

    of $ursing. 5-4? -4D(?

    (/. 9yfanwy 9*? %eter AB ,88(. The maternity information concern of Somali

    women in the +nited ingdom. Cournal of Advance $ursing. -1 ,? ,-2D,/.

    (1. $ieswiadomy '9 (554. "oundations of $ursing 'esearch. -rd ed. #onnecticut)

    Appleton and Lange.

    (2. !berst 9T (54. %atients perceptions of care. 9easurement of @uality and

    satisfaction. #ancer. /-? ,-11D,-2-.

    (4. Schutta 9? Burnett #B ,888. "actors that influence a patient>s decision to

    participate in a %hase ( cancer clinical trial. !ncology $ursing "orem. 5,2? (-/D(-4.

    (5. The American HeritageF *ictionary of the nglish Language? "ourth dition

    copyright P,888 by Houghton 9ifflin #ompany

    ,8. 7alsh 9? 7alsh A (555. 9easuring patient satisfaction with nursing care


  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    A//$( 1


    ACTIVITIES / WEEK 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

    Prepare researc pr!p!sa"

    Le##er $! researc pr!p!sa"/E#%cs C!&&%##ee

    A'a%#s appr!(a" "e##er

    P%"!# S#)*+

    C!rrec#%!, !$ #!!"

    -a#a c!""ec#%!,

    -a#a a,a"+s%s

    Prepare researc rep!r#

    Ha,* %, researc rep!r#

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    Appendi< ,"auGiah bte Ibrahim%ela0ar %rogram Sar0ana 9uda Sains e0ururawatan!pen +niversity 9alaysiaCalan Tun Ismail

    /848 +ALA L+9%+'.

    Hp) 8(--884,4hb 9ac ,8(8

    9e0ar *r Tanya A;% Anirudhan%egawai %erubatanlinik eluarga Angkatan tentera*esa Tun Hussein !nn

    Calan Celatik/,88 +ALA L+9%+'9elalui%rofesor 9adya #he An Bte Ahmadetua %usat %enga0ian e0ururawatan *an Sains esihatan Bersekutu!pen +niversity 9alaysiaCalan Tun Ismail/848 +ALA L+9%+'.%uan?


  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    aedah a0ian) Soal Selidik.Tarikh %enyelidikan) 8( Cul ,8(8 hingga -( Cul ,8(8.

    . BersamaDsama ini disertakan satu set cadangan ka0ian dan satu lampiran borangsoal selidik yang akan di gunakan untuk makluman puan.

    /. Semua maklumat yang diperolehi adalah rahsia dan hanya akan di gunakan untuktu0uan akademik saha0a. Segala ker0asama dari pihak puan amat saya hargai dan semuga

    permohonan saya ini mendapat kelulusan dari puan.

    Sekian? terima kasih.

    :ang benar?


    s.k Lt. ol Adenan bin Abd 'ahman%egawai Staf ( %erumahan*esa Tun Hussein !nnCalan Celatik/,88 uala Lumpur

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    Appendi< -*ear %articipants?

    I? "auGiah bt Ibrahim? student of Bachelor in $ursing? !pen +niversity 9alaysia? is

    undergoing 'esearch and Statistic module. It re@uires me to conduct a nursingresearch pro0ect as to fulfil partially the re@uirement for the course.

    9y research is about patient>s satisfaction on health information given at theantenatal clinic. The health information given by the nurses at the antenatal clinic isimportant and this pro0ect is done to know how satisfied are you with theinformation given.

    :our participation will most certainly give an very good input and implication tothis pro0ect. :our contribution will also give feedback and help to improve any areaswhich were found lacking.

    All information given is confidential as no names are re@uired to be written on the@uestionnaires. Thus? all participants are anonymous. The completion of the@uestionnaire is an indication of your consent to participate. !nce you havecompleted answering the @uestionnaire? please put it in the envelope provided andseal them. The envelope is then put into the bo< provided at the registration counter.

    Thank you for your participation and if your have any @uestions please contact meat 8(,-884,4. :our cooperation is much appreciated.

    :ours truly

    RRRRRRRRRRRR. "auGiah bt Ibrahim

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    +ntuk Semua %eserta?

    Saya? "auGiah bt Ibrahim? penuntut Bachelor e0ururawatan? +niversity Terbuka9alaysia? sedang mengikuti modul %enyelidikan e0ururawatan dan Statistik.

    9odul ini memerlukan saya men0alankan satu ka0ian berkaitan ke0ururawatansebagai sebahagian dari keperluan untuk lulus kursus ini.

    a0ian saya ialah mengenai kepuasaan pelanggan iaitu anda keatas maklumatkesihatan yang diberikan oleh 0ururawat di klinik antenatal linik Ibu9engandung. 9aklumat kesihatan yang diberikan adalah penting dan pro0ek inidi0alankan bagi mengetahui tahap kepuasan pelanggan dengan maklumat yangdiberikan.

    %englibatan dan maklumat anda sudah tentu akan memberikan satu input sertaimplikasi yang baik. Sumbangan anda 0uga akan memberi maklumbalas serta dapatmembantu memperbaiki manaDmana keadaan yang perlu diperbaiki.

    Semua maklumat yang diberi adalah sulit kerana tiada nama perlu ditulis padaborang ka0iselidik yang diberi. Semua peserta adalah rahsia. *engan melengkapkanborang kla0iselidik menun0ukkan anda telah memberikan kebenaran untukmen0ayakan ka0ian ini. Setelah anda melengkapkan men0awab borang ka0iselidik?sila letakkan kedalam envelop yang disediakan dan lekatkannya. nvelop itukemudiannya letakkan kedalam peti yang disediakan di kaunter pendaftaran.

    Terima kasih kerana penyertaan anda. Sekiranya anda mempunyai apaDapakemusykilan? sila hubungi saya di 8(,-884,4. er0asama anda sangatDsangat sayahargai.

    :ang benar?

    RRRRRRRRRRRR. "auGiah bt Ibrahim

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction




    I#'"c'(!# = Aa%a#

    The @uestionnaire comprises of three sections. %lease answer all @uestions. %lease fill in

    the blanks and tick in the bos satisfaction on the health information

    given at the antenatal clinic.

    Section - consists of (/ items related to health information needs re@uired by the e

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    S&c'(!# 1. P&!#a) $&*!ga/%(c $a'a =Bahagian 1. Maklumat Peribadi.%lease answer ALL @uestions. Sila 0awab S9+A soalan.

    ( Age ; +mur) ,8D, yrs;thn -8D- yrs;thn,/D,5 yrs;thn -/D-5 yrs;thn

    ,. *istance home to clinic ; Carak rumah ke klinik km

    -. 'eligion ; +gama)

    Islam Hindu !thers;Lain,ristian Buddha

    . ducation Level ;Tahap %endidikan)


    Tertiary; I %Tinggi

    /. !ccupation ;%eker0aan 9ilitary;Tentera #ivilian;Awam

    Self mployed;Beker0a sendiri

    +nemployed;Tidak beker0a

    1. $o. of children; Bilangan Anak

    2. $o. of pregnancy including this one ; Bilangan kehamilan termasuk kali ini.

    4. 7eeks of pregnancy ; 9inggu kehamilan

    5. $umber of antenatal visit including this one ;Bilangan lawatan ke klinik antenatal termasuk ini)

    S&c'(!# 2. Pa'('> a'(3ac'(!# !# %&a)'% (#3!*a'(!# g(5Bahagian 2. Kepuasan pelanggan terhadap maklumat kesihatan yang diberikan

    %lease answer all @uestions by ticking ? in the bo< that best applies to you? according tothe scale given below. Sila jawab semua soalan dengan menandakan dalam kotak yang

    paling bersesuaian dengan anda menggunakan skala dibawah.

    1@V&7 Sa'(3(&$=Sa#ga' M&*"aka# 2@Sa'(3(&$=M&*"aka#,@N!' S"&= T($ak Pa'( @N!' Sa'(3(&$=T($ak M&*"aka#@N!' V&7 Sa'(3(&$=Sa#ga' T($ak M&*"aka#

    A. I#3!*a'(!# a-!"' 7!" 5(('=Mak)"*a' &*aa )a+a'a# a#$a

    (. Information about your blood pressure ( , - /9aklumat tentang tekanan darah anda

    ,. Information about your weight ( , - /

    9aklumat tentang berat badan anda

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    -. Information on your blood urine investigation. ( , - /9aklumat tentang selidikan darah air kencing.

    . Information on the progress of your pregnancy ( , - /9aklumat tentang perkembangan kehamilan

    anda./. Information received regarding minor sickness

    diGGiness? nausea? vomit? cramps? etc( , - /

    9aklumat tentang penyakit ringan pening?loya? muntah? ke0ang otot? dll

    1. Information on general ; physical e

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    (4. &enerally? are you satisfied with all theinformation given

    ( , - /

    S&caa a*#7a? adakah anda berpuas hatiterhadap maklumat yang diberikan

    S&c'(!# ,. I$'(37 '%& %&a)'% (#3!*a'(!# '! -& g(5 a' '%& A#'a'a) C)(#(cBahagian 3. Mengenalpasti maklumat kesihatan yang perlu diberi di Klinik IbuMengandung

    %lease answer all @uestions by ticking ? in the bo< that applies to you. Sila jawab semuasoalan dengan menandaan dalam kotak yang bersesuaian.

    A. I +!")$ )(k& '! k#!+ '%& 3!))!+(#g %&a)'% (#3!*a'(!#

    Saya ingin mengetahui tentang maklumat kesihatan yang dibawah:

    Ya T($ak

    (. *iabetes during pregnancy;encing manis semasa mengandung

    ,. Low lying %lacenta;+ri dibawah

    -. %remature contraction;ontraksi sebelum masa

    . %er vagina bleeding;%endarahan dari fara0

    /. 9iscarriage;eguguran

    1. Hepatitis and pregnancy; %enyakit hepatitis dan mengandung

    2. Taking of traditional medicine or herbs during pregnancy;%engambilan ubat tradisi atau herba semasa mengandung

    4. 9assage during and after pregnancy; 9engurut semasa danselepas mengandung

    5. Se

  • 8/11/2019 Research Proposal Patient Satisfaction


    B. O'%& %&a)'% (#3!*a'(!# '%a' 7!" )(k& '! k#!+ !'%& '%a# '%& a-!5& La(#)a(# *ak)"*a' k&(%a'a# 7a#g a#$a (#g(# k&'a%"( &)a(# 7a#g $(a'a.





    T%a#k 7!" 3! 7!" c!!/&a'(!#.erima kasih atas ker!asama anda.