O644005 Stephen Lowney Research Report 1 Researc h Report Stephen Lowney 064400 5 Design research for an interactive constructive product for the work environment

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O644005 Stephen LowneyResearch Report


Research Report

Stephen Lowney


Design research for an interactive constructive product for the work environment

Page 2: Research report

O644005 Stephen LowneyResearch Report



Today with modern technology, we spend a large percentage of our both our

working lives and our leisure time in front of screens or interacting with

technologies like Mp3 players, mobiles, games consoles, TV and


The biggest problem of all is in mobility of people today. In the US people on

average walk 1000-3000 steps per day. The recommended healthy amount is

10,000 steps.


This not only affects long-term health with obesity, but also affects everyday

health. Even if you exercise, long periods of sitting can still give you aches and


It is very easy to say people should get up and get active and get outside and

boost their health, but realistically people are not doing this, people are lazy and

especially in our climate people are less likely to get outside and get active.

-On average, Americans spend about 90 percent or more of their time



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Due to this realisation I looked at indoor activities and saw a gap in the market.

They’re a lot of indoor activities for children to do on a wet day. But there is a

serious lack of creative, innovative constructive toys designed with an adult user

in mind. They would give the users a well deserved break from staring at

screens and give their hands and brains a workout. The office workspace is one

area that is need of improvement

Learning from Kids : Lego

Lego is Danish company that is primarily known for their brick based

construction sets, they also have

"People" (minifigures) and a whole range of vehicles and tools that can be used

to create custom Lego worlds.

One of my favourite things about Lego is the interchange ability of every piece

and sheer number of possibilities; I think that is the key to Lego’s magic.

How much is Lego considering the Adult fans vs. the children

when designing sets?

When we design sets, we take both children and adults into

consideration. Children are our primary audience, especially as it

relates to the core play theme sets; however, much of what appeals

to children in today’s Lego sets have strong appeal among adult fans

as well. With Lego Star Wars, adults are equally considered. In

designing any set, it’s about the balance between the building

experience and the play experience.

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- http://gizmodo.com/5019797/everything-you-always-wanted-to-know-about-


This seems strange when there are 50 AFOL's (Adult fans of Lego) groups with

40,000 registered members.

  - Lego Company Profile 2009

 Overall Lego is a great and successful product and has a massive following,

but really doesn’t seem to ever have really catered to an older audience where

there is still allot of interest in construction sets and the creativity, innovation

and construction involved.

The Ultimate Puzzle : Rubik's Cube

The Rubik's Cube is a 3-D mechanical puzzle invented in 1974 by Hungarian

sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik. As of January 2009, 350

million cubes have sold worldwide making it the world's top-selling puzzle

game. It is widely considered to be the world's best-selling toy.

A pivot mechanism enables each face to turn independently, thus mixing up the

colours. For the puzzle to be solved, each face must be a solid colour. Similar

puzzles have now been produced with various numbers of stickers, not all of

them by Rubik. The original 3×3×3 version celebrated its twenty-fifth

anniversary in 2005.

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Studies have shown that engaging in mental activity through games and

puzzles can help keep the mind sharp in old age. Just as regular physical

exercise helps the body, regular mental exercise has benefits for the mind.

Completing puzzles, soduku, crosswords, and board games have been shown

to be beneficial to the maintenance of short-term memory, eye-hand co-

ordination and general concentration.

In a five-year study involving more than 400 participants over 75 years of age, it

was found that activities that involve thought, such as reading, writing and board

games, were more likely to ward off dementia. Of the physical activities trialed,

only dancing was of any use in keeping our minds fit.

- bbcworld.com

The NeoCube

The NeoCube is a very cool product, see the video below!


Composed of 216 individual high-energy rare-earth magnets, the NeoCube

allows you to create and recreate a near infinitive number of shapes and

patterns and has billions of solutions.

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A highly distinguishing feature of the NeoCube is your nearly absolute control

over it. Other puzzles and building sets force you to use preformed two or three-

dimensional shapes, restricting and limiting the outcome.

-Each individual sphere is essentially a point.

-Several spheres arranged in a string essentially form a line.

-Lines can be manipulated to form two-dimensional shapes or polygons.

-Points, lines, or polygons can form three-dimensional shapes or


The makers also claim that it is a stress relief tool and a creativity and

construction puzzle which gives you a mental workout.

Focus Groups preparation

Conducting a focus group will be a big benefit to the research project, the

results to steer the project in the correct direction. A “playtime session” will be

recorded and the subjects asked questions before during and after the focus


The reasons for doing a focus group is to find out how the physiology of play

develops as we age, for children it is an encouraged activity but for adults it is

almost frowned upon as society tells us that playtime is over.

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There are many social and psychological aspects to play which at a young age

species of all types play and it is through this play that we learn life skills and

meet our first friends. It is true to say that most friends have met through play

activities – they could be sports, socialising, hobbies or any leisure activity that

you form an instant common bond over.

Psychologists have divided play into 7 categories

Object play (kicking a ball)

Bonding play (common interest between two players e.g. cycling)

Social play (group play – cops and robbers)

Body play (Physical activities – swimming)

Imaginative play (Whatever you want it to be!)

Narrative play (Story telling)

Creative play (construction set, puzzle, painting etc)

The truth is most species leave this characteristic behind with adult hood but

humans do not this means that we still require play to ensure a balanced


“In our species the evolutionary development of neoteny, which involves the

retention of juvenile physical characteristics in mature individuals, has also

prolonged the play impulse well into adulthood.

-Desmond Morris, Surrealist painter

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This quote shows that there really is a kid in all of us we just have to bring it out

more often and hopefully it will bring out desirable qualities of children in adults

– Inquisitiveness, imagination and creativity.

Not only this but playing is about having fun and enjoying oneself, forgetting

about the troubles and stress of everyday life. The health benefits are clearly


A 2008 Swedish study of more than 300,000 male and female golfers

suggested that simply playing golf could add about five years to a person's life.

-Farahmand B et al. Golf: A game of life and death. Scandinavian

Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 2008.

Focus Group Results


I conducted a focus group with a group in two parts, indoor and outdoor.

The group consisted of ten 22-25 year olds, male and female.

The main point of this Focus group is to see how comfortable or uncomfortable

these young adults feel playing and acting as a younger child would. I also

included the indoor and outdoor for the hope that in the publics eye people are

less likely to want to be playful

The indoor activities were the xylophone, the Rubik’s cube and Lego.

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The xylophone proved to be too childish for most the subjects and the noise it

produced was more an irritant than a pleasure. One subject did play a current

song tune with the xylophone and proved to be quite enjoyable to the


The Rubik’s cube also failed to really get a

good review, with everyone having used

one before and found the fact that they

could not understand and complete the

puzzle a deterrent to playing with it. Making a game difficult excludes people,

keeping it simple will make it more approachable for everyone.

But if a person solves the Rubik’s cube then they get more pleasure from doing

as it is seen as a difficult puzzle.

The Lego was quite popular

among the participants, with

all them having played with

it in their youth, they picked

a theme, (space because its

cool) and worked towards a

common goal and built individual parts and put them together to form s “space


The participants all agreed that nostalgia played a large part in their enjoyment

of the Lego.

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The females of the group spent less time playing with the Lego and were less

excited as they played, the males were more willing to use their imagination and

develop a story about what they were making.

The outdoor activities were guns, yo yo, skipping rope, football.

The guns were surprisingly popular with one female participant, they were

initially popular with the males but they quite quickly went back to what they

know, the football and jus kicked the ball around for most part. The preferred

the skipping rope and the yo yo outside but again, did not play for as long as the


The girls think they are

more mature and they are

therefore more susceptible

to feeling immature or

childish for playing. They

males also generally were

more immature and were more used to playing especially when it came to


It was also noted that some male participants didn’t involve

themselves and stood to the side of the main action. They were

obviously not that interested in soccer and were left out when it

the football was introduced.

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This group of young adults proved to be quite playful but they also showed

some of the games are less enjoyed because of lack of freedom within the

game and/or skill/difficulty level.

Observation Research

To see how adults interact with children’s toys I set up an observation in the SU

common room.

I picked the common room, as it is a place where students go to relax in

between classes and also for lunch.

I scattered some Lego on 2 tables and waited for people to sit at the seats.

There was a wide mix of people who sat down and mixed results.

Group 1 consisted of 3 females 20-23 years old; they failed to even notice the

Lego really and sat chatting and laughing. They did however pick up a

magazine that was left on the table, even pushing the Lego off.

From their very “trendy” appearance, I think the Lego jus wasn’t their style and

would have clashed with their peroxide hair.

Group 2 consisted of 1 male joined after a few minutes by another male and


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While there on his own the first male starts to interact with the Lego, stacking

the bricks in a wall

The other two arrive and he seems to lose interest and starts chatting, but

continues with less involvement that before, the other two pick up a few bricks

and also start to fiddle with the pieces.

This was a more successful group with a four-walled structure being made (no


Group 3 consisted of 4 males, initially no interaction, talking after 2-3 minutes

interaction with all four interacting, and discussing what they are going to make

- car? Boat? Plane? Bridge?

Making and breaking and collaboration between the four

Possibly engineers

Group 4 consisted of two females and one male eating rolls chatting

No interaction with Lego

Group 5 consisted of five males and three females

2 m and one female interact initially, seating arrangement the cause. Stuff

already made, more destructive.

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Passed around to others as they got interested and had fun, laughed and were

generally silly.

Acting more youthful as they played


The interaction depends on


Males more interested in general, but this is not to say that females are

any less interested in playing, it’s just a male dominated activity in

childhood so females are less likely to interact with it.

Social awareness/standing

Some people see a children’s toy and know they are not a child so totally

block it out, where as some people see it and remember the fun and love

for such a toy and try to recapture that same fun.

Number of people – more casual with more people

When more than one play they tend to work together or at least parallel

with one another.

Adults play with one or more specific goals in mind: social bonding,

emotional expression, cognitive development, and constructive


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- Bateson, G. Steps Into an Ecology of Mind. New York, NY:

Ballantine, 1972.

Forecasting and trend analysis

With advancing technologies and new material being discovered every year,

there are more options that ever and finding the right solution is all about

picking out what is important to the user.

Trends come in many forms, one trend which has a particular interest to me is

the maker movement in North America, this is a trend among twenty

something’s as they relearn the skills and craftsmanship to make home made

products. This is in contrast with the Global trend of consumerism and convince.

That has swept west in the recent past. Why are people going back to the

knitting, sewing, carpentry and DIY in general. It can be traced back to the open

software where people built upon others work to produce a better product; it has

also been aided by how to websites and videos that are in abundance across

the web.

Another trend that has caught on in recent years is the green trend, where

ecological issues are an important image for a products success, a perfect

example of this is GM, by failing to produce smaller more efficient cars they lead

themselves into financial ruin, luckily for them both the U.S and Canadian

governments bought them out of bankruptcy, but if they do not stray from the

American ideology “Bigger is better” then they will not be able to compete with

the European or Asian automakers.

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Market Analysis

Casual games" like puzzles and card games are the big draws for adults, who

play for the social interaction and to relieve stress. But video games are

gaining more and more popularity among the old generations.

The average video game player is 30, and 19 percent are 50 or older, up from

9 percent in 1999. And online, women over 40 rule, spending more hours

playing games than even geeky teenage boys do, according to research firm

Digital Marketing Services

Companies are even designing equipment for older joints. KY Enterprises

offers joystick devices that can be used by a player's arm, foot, or mouth. This

allows players with reduced mobility to interact with games.

This is a sign of what pastimes people are choosing, preferring the virtual to the

real world. This shows that adults are willing to disregard their social standing

and play. But why does it have to be confined to video games?

Bringing fun to the office environment is not an easy task, it has to be subtle

and not childish, it should also have a positive effect on not only the worker

health but their performance also.

There are two theories oh how an employer sees their workers, theory Y are the

employers that will invest in this type of product

Theory X

The average worked dislikes work and avoids work whenever possible.

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To induce adequate effort, the supervisor must threaten punishment and

exercise careful supervision.

The average worker avoids increased responsibility and seeks to be directed.

Theory Y

The average worker wants to be active and finds the physical and mental effort

on the job satisfying.

Greatest results come from willing participation, which will tend to produce self-

direction towards goals without coercion and control.

The average worker seeks opportunity for personal improvement and self-


-Douglas McGregor“the assumption of the mediocrity of the masses.”

Style Analysis

Current trends are running inline with the environmental trends which have

resulted in a whole new industry with green orientated products, the recent

recession has also attributed to this new culture with swap shops and second

hand items now seen as an economical and environmental alternative to the

consumer trends which have caused both the recession and the high levels of

pollutants in our atmosphere.

A style has been evolved out of these trends in which consumers are looking for

something that shows the positive (or less negative) effect they are having on

the world around them, but some eco products may not be more friendly to the

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environment because say a product made from recyclable material ends up in a

land fill then it may as well up to the consumer on how they act at the end of life

stage. Also an energy efficient product may use less energy during its use but if

the energy used in manufacture of the product is a lot more, the energy saving

may be cancelled out. But of course there is an ever growing network of serious

green movements across the world in everything form energy production to

manufacturing to people’s lifestyle.

But saying this consumer’s will not just buy a product because it is “green” it still

has to be as good if not better than the competitors if it wants to compete. It sill

has to be desirable and aesthetically pleasing.

A lot has to be said about the emotional engagement that can be formed

between the user and the product. To engage the user the product needs to

play on one or more of there sense, and should give them an positive emotional

response on sight, touch or use of the product. Feedback is a good way to

make the user more involved and feel in control of the process.

A style that is attractive to adult consumers is also a mixture of forms, materials

and finishes.

Organic and geometric

Warm and cold materials (wood vs. metal)

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The Office Environment

The average office worker in the EU spends 37 hours at work every week. Over

32% of the time they are awake is spent at the workplace.



To find our more about how this environment is managed I contacted Sws in

Clonakilty to see how they dealt with breaks and their staff.

Stephen Hegarty is chief operations officer for the South Western Group; they

employ over 600 people in the south of Ireland and more recently in Poland.

They specialise in out sourcing with contracts with companies like 02 and The

Irish Times.


They are a typical large office based company with most employees spending

their 8 hours at their cubical in front of their computers.


We discussed many issues associated with the office environment and high

Computer/VDU usage, he agreed that a large percentage of the

employees spent their eight hours a day behind one or even several screens.


Breaks were a big area of concern and he pointed out that smokers got more

breaks than non-smokers and this caused problems for non-smokers in the

office who felt it was unfair.  This shows that even these small breaks make a

difference to the people in the office


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Stephen also raised the question of employee turnover, which is especially high

in the customer service sector; this causes a problem for employers as they are

constantly having to replace their staff.


Big brother

There is a software system to track and record every aspect of every

employees day from how long they were away from their comp to how many

customers they dealt with, and every employee has set goals and tasks and

also minimum requirements that they have to reach.


This could be useful with implementing the product as it could be monitored and

also could be used as an incentive to surpass the targets i.e. positive



This would hopefully encourage greater productivity, which according to Mr.

Hegarty should be a good selling point when approaching companies to invest

in this system.

Stress in the workplace

According to the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) carried out in

2000, 28% of workers in the EU15 suffered from stress at work. A similar survey

carried out a year later in candidate countries revealed similar trends: 28% of

workers from the 12 candidate countries suffered from stress

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A study carried out in 2003 aimed to identify occupational stress factors and

explore the link between stress and sick leave. 20 occupational practitioners

working in 14 different districts in France carried out 839 observations and

survey studies among workers. The results confirmed that the most powerful

factors which contribute to stress were not those related to personality

characteristics, but were factors associated with occupational environment this

also explained the association between stress and sickness absence

Surprisingly Ireland has one of the lowest rates of work related stress with 16%

of workers reporting stress, but stress, depression and anxiety had the second

highest cause of workers illness and resulting absence

Stress by age

Stress is most reported for the 25-39 and 40 -54 age groups. As you can see

below in figure 1

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Figure 1

This shows that my target market is also a target for workplace stress

With some EU countries with over 40% of workers between the ages 35-44

consulting a doctor with relation to workplace stress.

Stress by gender

37% of men and 31% of women believe that work affects their health

Men surpass women in all symptoms except for anxiety.

Stress by job

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Workers in education and health report high levels of stress, anxiety, and


Figure 2

One stat that surprised me was the stress levels in agriculture that rivals health

and education for the most stressful sector. Figure 2

The cost of stress

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Studies suggest that between 50% and 60% of all lost working days are linked

to work- related stress, but the health of the workers is not all that is at stake.

In the United Kingdom, 70 million days are lost every year through poor mental

health, and 10 million of these are the result of anxiety, depression, and stress

which, according to employees, is directly caused by their work or working


In 2005/6 work-related stresses, depression and anxiety cost Great Britain in

excess of £530 million


The below are the notes for figure 3 which is an ergonomic guideline to working

at a VDU.

1. Use a good chair with a dynamic chair back that is angled slightly to the


2. Top of monitor screen should be 2-3" above eye level

3. No glare on screen; use an optical glass anti-glare filter where needed

4. Sit at arms length from monitor; further if distance is comfortable and

screen's readable.

5. Rest feet on floor or on a stable foot rest (move feet frequently for


6. Use a document holder, preferably in-line with the computer screen

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Figure 3

7. Wrists flat and straight in relation to forearms to use

keyboard/mouse/input device

8. Keeps arms and elbows relaxed close to body

9. Centre monitor and keyboard in front of you

10. Use a negative tilt keyboard tray with an upper mouse platform or

downward tilt-able platform adjacent to keyboard

11. Use a stable work surface and stable (no bounce) keyboard tray

12. Take frequent short breaks (micro breaks) and stretch.

Along with these ergonomic recommendations there are many ways to prevent

health issues when in the working environment. Regular light stretching

improves the blood circulation and rests you

Offices of the future

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Some large corporations have been looking at the workplace environment and

have been trying to make it a more relaxed and enjoyable part of the day.

Google is particularly well known for its unconventional office spaces. Another

interesting method used by Google is giving 20% of work time to any project the

individual wants. Apparently it’s where the most innovative stuff is created.

Nobody can argue Google’s success and are on the top of the Internet market. I

believe their work structure has a great deal to do with their success. This is not

to say Google’s way is for everybody but it shows a morality and consideration

form the company to the employees.

A lot of the larger companies are now taking notice to these extreme tactics to

keep employees happy and productive. But by doing this they also reduce

burnouts, sick days and work related injuries. Of course for general use the

playfulness has to be toned down. Offices are about business; therefore there is

a clash. But this informal and variance in the office workplace has lead to

greater productivity and better job satisfaction for the employee.

Like most problems it is jus a

matter of compromise.

Giving the employees a

break or boost without

interfering with their or others

work. At the same time the

break has to detach them

from the work physically and

mentally even for a short


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Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders

Pain caused by repetitive movements has been investigated since the 18 th

century (Tomatis et al 2009). Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714), a professor in

medicine, was one of the first people to focus on workers’ health problems in a

systematic way. He visited workplaces, observed the activities of workers and

discussed their disorders with them.

In his writings (reprinted 2001) he talks about, “the bent posture in sitting” and

“the incessant movement of the hand and always in the same direction”, and

how this leads to “the outermost vertebral ligaments being constantly pulled

apart” and “fatigue of the hand and whole arm because of the continuous and

almost tonic strain on the muscles and tendons” (Ramazzini 2001)..

In the late 20th century, with more occupations involving the use of an office,

computer and desk, musculoskeletal disorders caused by repetitive movements

and postures have become an even more increasing problem in the working

environment (Padma and Balasubramanie 2009)

Examples of physical risk factors include:

1. Repetitive movements2. Prolonged poor postures3. Inadequate strength`4. Frequent or heavy lifting5. Awkward postures6. Sustained force

Current treatment options :

Exercise therapy (Physiotherapist) Manual therapy (Physiotherapist) Ergonomic intervention (Ergonomist) GP visit (Doctor) Surgery (Surgeon)

1. Carpal tunnel release2. Medial epicondylectomy

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Problem Areas

There are certain areas where I will focus the attention of this product. Certain

parts of the body become more stressed during normal everyday activities

which in the short term reduces productivity and increases sick days and over

time can become a great expense for both the employee and employer.


The neck is one area where pain and stiffness are found among office workers.

One example of where this has been combated is with head sets, which avoid

bending of the neck when holding the phone on the shoulder.


Hunching over a computer, bad seating or posture can cause pain in the

shoulders. It is neck and shoulder pain are also commonly associated with



The angles at which your wrists are at while typing can be strenuous, unless

strict ergonomic adherence by both the employee and employer. The same can

be said for mouse use. The elbows should be inline with the wrists in a neutral

position, prolonged tension of the tendons that bend the wrist causes

inflammation and pain. Tendons need to be relaxed more regularly to reduce

build up of stress in the tendons

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Fingers work similarly as the wrist with tendons pulling or straightening the

fingers, over extension or retraction results of build up of stress especially at the



It is undeniable that VDU workers need to take short frequent breaks from

displays and also the input devices to reduce the risks of RSI, eyestrain, stress

and burnouts.

Also the thought of playing at work seems to be obscure to some but more and

more businesses across the world are now making the office environment a

more playful place as the office culture and community prosper and as a result

the business reaps the rewards. A perfect example of this is the Google offices

across the world, which are ground breaking and push the boundaries to the

office of the future.

The product needs a focus of one defined area. I learned that in order to tackle

this project I would need to direct my attention in order to really tackle the

problem. After reviewing my research the biggest problem area with the most

benefit and room for improvement was a mobility issue.

This can be divided into two areas that are applicable to anybody


Walking is a simple thing but it is something that was our most reliable mode of

transport for millions of years. Since we started to travel grater distances more

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regularly, sitting has become a lot more prolonged. This lack of movement and

focused hand and eye movement (using a computer) causes stress build up.

Getting up and walking just for a short distance, wakes up all you muscles filling

them with oxygenated blood and if done regularly would reduce stress build up

in the body which cause the aches and pains associated with un-ergonomic

work environments.


Light stretching is a good way to prevent RSI and stiffness of the joints. It also

can be done in the confines of a cubicle. Allowing easy integration into office


Getting the user not to think about stretching or walking

By introducing a task or functional aspect, eg work for it. Work as in the term;

exerts physical effort for a return. This is what we have until recently done –

farmed, hunted, gathered.

You could also integrate different body gestures or movements that would be an

untraditional type of stretch (I have been looking at Tai Chi)

I also would like to incorporate gestures for answering the phone, or email or

any task that is repeated through the day at intervals.

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Stress at work — facts and figures; European Agency for Safety and health at work

Ankrum, D.R. (2001). Questioning Office Ergonomic Guidelines. In D. C. Alexander & R. A. Rabourn (Eds.)

Applied Ergonomics. London: Taylor & Francis

Reilly, P.A. (1995) ‘Repetitive strain injury: from Australia to the UK’, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 39(6), 783-788.

Margaritis, S. and Marmaras, N. (2007) ‘Supporting the design of office layout meeting ergonomics requirements’, Applied Ergonomics, 38, 781-790.


Bruno R da Costa, PT, MSc and Edgar Ramos Vieira, PT, PhD, 2008

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The Science ofLEGO SERIOUS PLAY – Introduction Pdf

Integral Play: Social Interaction in the Workplace Christian Thönia and Simon Gächterb

An Exploration of Adult Transformation

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Gwen Gordon & Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

Insights into the Social and Psychological EffectsOf SMS Text MessagingDonna Reid & Fraser ReidUniversity of Plymouth

The effects of exercise and rest breaks on musculoskeletal discomfort during computer tasks : an evidence based perspectiveRonald De Vera Barredo, Kelly Mahon

Psychology Today, July/August 1999



